See ../README for high-level documentation of the entire EIGENSOFT package. New features of EIGENSOFT version 6.0beta documented in this README file: -- New option fastmode which implements a very fast pca approximation. See POPGEN/README and Galinsky 2014 ASHG talk. -- EIGENSOFT version 6.0beta supports multi-threading. This file contains documentation of population structure programs: smartpca: run Principal Components Analysis on input genotype data. ploteig: construct plot of top 2 principal components twstats: compute number of statistically significant principal components. evec2pca.perl: convert eigenvector file to format needed for EIGENSTRAT smartrel: identify related samples, accounting for population structure ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOCUMENTATION OF smartpca program: smartpca runs Principal Components Analysis on input genotype data and outputs principal components (eigenvectors) and eigenvalues. We note that eigenvalue_k/(Sum of eigenvalues) is the proportion of variance explained by eigenvector_k. The method assumes that samples are unrelated. (However, a small number of cryptically related individuals is usually not a problem in practice as they will typically be discarded as outliers.) 5 different input formats are supported. See ../CONVERTF/README for documentation on using the convertf program to convert between formats. The syntax of smartpca is "../bin/smartpca -p parfile". We illustrate how parfile works via a toy example (see example.perl in this directory). This example takes input in EIGENSTRAT format. The syntax of how to take input in other formats is analogous to the convertf program, see ../CONVERTF/README. The smartpca program prints various statistics to standard output. To redirect this information to a file, change the above syntax to "../bin/smartpca -p parfile >logfile". For a description of these statistics, see the documentation file in this directory. Estimated running time of the smartpca program is (these times are on our system, with no multi-threading) 2.5e-12 * nSNP * NSAMPLES^2 hours if not removing outliers. 2.5e-12 * nSNP * NSAMPLES^2 hours * (1+m) if m outlier removal iterations. Thus, under the default of up to 5 outlier removal iterations, running time is up to 1.5e-11 * nSNP * NSAMPLES^2 hours. Estimated running time of smartpca with fastmode: YES is 1e-10 * nSNP * NSAMPLES hours if not removing outliers. Note: some users have reported problems running smartpca on data sets involving QTL data sets stored in a .ped file. The reason for this is that in .ped files the QTL value is stored in the population field, but our code does not allow more than 100 different population values. A solution is to convert to EIGENSTRAT format using the convertf program (see ../CONVERTF/) and then modify the last column of the individual file to contain the same population name (any string will do) for every row. This should be easy to do using a PERL script (this functionality is not currently implemented in our code). DESCRIPTION OF EACH PARAMETER in parfile for smartpca: genotypename: input genotype file (in any format: see ../CONVERTF/README) snpname: input snp file (in any format: see ../CONVERTF/README) indivname: input indiv file (in any format: see ../CONVERTF/README) evecoutname: output file of eigenvectors. See numoutevec parameter below. evaloutname: output file of all eigenvalues OPTIONAL PARAMETERS: numoutevec: number of eigenvectors to output. Default is 10. numoutlieriter: maximum number of outlier removal iterations. Default is 5. To turn off outlier removal, set this parameter to 0. numoutlierevec: number of principal components along which to remove outliers during each outlier removal iteration. Default is 10. outliersigmathresh: number of standard deviations which an individual must exceed, along one of the top (numoutlierevec) principal components, in order for that individual to be removed as an outlier. Default is 6.0. outlieroutname: output logfile of outlier individuals removed. If not specified, smartpca will print this information to stdout, which is the default. usenorm: Whether to normalize each SNP by a quantity related to allele freq. Default is YES. (When analyzing microsatellite data, should be set to NO. See Patterson et al. 2006.) altnormstyle: Affects very subtle details in normalization formula. Default is YES (normalization formulas of Patterson et al. 2006) To match EIGENSTRAT (normalization formulas of Price et al. 2006), set to NO. missingmode: If set to YES, then instead of doing PCA on # reference alleles, do PCA on whether each data point is missing or nonmissing. Default is NO. May be useful for detecting informative missingness (Clayton et al. 2005). ldregress: If set to a positive integer, then LD regression is turned on, and input to PCA will be the residual of a regression involving that many previous SNPs, according to physical location. See Patterson et al. 2006. Default is 0 (no LD regression). If desiring LD correction, we recommend 200. ldlimit: If doing LD regression, this is the maximum genetic distance (in Morgans) for previous SNPs used to construct the residual. Default is no maximum, for typical genotype SNP data, 0.001 is sufficient. ldposlimit: If doing LD regression, this is the maximum physical distance (in basepairs) for previous SNPs used to construct the residual. Default is no maximum, for typical genotype SNP data, 100000 is sufficient. ldr2lo: If doing LD regression, this is the minimum squared correlation to a previous SNP for that SNP to be used in constructing the residual. Default is 0.01. ldr2hi: If doing LD regression, this is the minimum squared correlation to a previous SNP for the *current* SNP to be excluded from the computation (so as to avoid a singular matrix in this or future regressions). Default is 0.95. grmoutname: Output file prefix containing the lower-triangular of the genetic relatedness matrix (written to [grmoutname]) and ordered sample identifiers (written to [grmoutname].id). Format is compatible with heritability estimation software GCTA (as of v1.13, see: For direct input to GCTA, ensure that the last four characters of [grmoutname] are ".grm" and gzip the resulting [grmoutname] file. grmbinary: If [grmoutname] is specified and this value is set to "YES" then the genetic relatedness matrix will be written in binary format: three files corresponding to the lower-triangular of the GRM ([grmoutname].bin), the number of SNPs used for the computation ([grmoutname].N.bin), and the ordered sample identifiers ([grmoutname].id). See documentation for GCTA (as of v1.13) for detailed format spec ( Default is NO. poplistname: If wishing to infer eigenvectors using only individuals from a subset of populations, and then project individuals from all populations onto those eigenvectors, this input file contains a list of population names, one population name per line, which will be used to infer eigenvectors. It is assumed that the population of each individual is specified in the indiv file. Default is to use individuals from all populations. phylipoutname: output file containing an fst matrix which can be used as input to programs in the PHYLIP package, such as the "fitch" program for constructing phylogenetic trees. noxdata: if set to YES, all SNPs on X chr are excluded from the data set. The smartpca default for this parameter is YES, since different variances for males vs. females on X chr may confound PCA analysis. nomalexhet: if set to YES, any het genotypes on X chr for males are changed to missing data. The smartpca default for this parameter is YES. badsnpname: specifies a list of SNPs which should be excluded from the data set. Same format as example.snp. Cannot be used if input is in PACKEDPED or PACKEDANCESTRYMAP format. popsizelimit: If set to a positive integer, the result is that a randomly selected subset of size popsizelimit individuals from each population will be included in the analysis. It is assumed that the population of each individual is specified in the indiv file. Default is to use all individuals in the analysis. snpweightoutname: output file containing SNP weightings of each principal component. Note that this output file does not contain entries for monomorphic SNPs from the input .snp file. chrom: Only use SNPs on this chromosome. lopos: Only use SNPs with physical position >= this value. hipos: Only use SNPs with physical position <= this value. blgsize: Size (in Morgans) of blocks used in FST stderr jackknife computation. The default value for this parameter is 0.05. qtmode: If set to YES, assume that there is a single population and that the population field contains information on real-valued phenotypes. The default value for this parameter is NO. fstonly: If set to YES, then skip PCA and just calculate FST values. The default value for this parameter is NO. fstdetailsname: mybig.out Outputs details for fst including estimates for each SNP *** fst options: inbreed: YES (default NO) Set if pseudo-diploids present (most aDNA data, or there is inbreeding such as first cousin marriages, in the data. Requires at leasr 2 samples/population. The mathematics are described in Reich et al: Reconstructing Indian population history (Nature, 2009). Section 1.1 of Appendix fsthiprecision: YES (default NO) Prints 6 decimal places of fst estimates fstz: YES (default NO) *** NEW *** Lower triangle of fst output are Z-scores (against NULL fst=0) killr2: If set to YES, then eliminate SNPs in LD with nearby SNPs. The default value for this parameter is NO. r2thresh: If killr2 is set to YES, then pairs of SNPs that have r-squared greater than this value will have one member removed. The default value for this parameter is -1.0. r2genlim: If killr2 is set to YES, then pairs of SNPs will only be considered for elimination based on r-squared if within a genetic distance equal to this number of Morgans. The default value for this parameter is 0.01. r2physlim: If killr2 is set to YES, then pairs of SNPs will only be considered for elimination based on r-squared if within a physical distance equal to this number of bases. The default value for this parameter is 5000000. hashcheck: If set to YES and the input genotype file is in PACKEDANCESTRYMAP format, check the hash stored inside the file to make sure that individual and SNP files have not changed since the file was made. If they have, then exit in error. The default value for this parameter is YES. (Use with smartpca is deprecated. Much better to run convertf and create clean files with correct hash.) xregionname: Name of file which describes regions of the genome to be excluded from the computation. Each line of the file should be in the format . The excluded region is the closed interval defined by the physical positions. (We recommend excluding the long-range LD regions listed in Table 1 of Price et al. 2008 Am J Hum Genet.) hwfilt: Filter parameter for Hardy-Weinberg filter. The (real-valued) number of standard deviations beyond which the filter is applied. (If not specified, then no Hardy-Weinberg filter is applied.) Caution: hwfilt should not be used for admixed populations. numchrom: The number of autosomes in the data set. The X-chromosome is assumed to be numchrom+1 and the Y-chromosome is numchrom+2. The default value for numchrom is 22. deletesnpoutname: optional output file in which all deleted SNPs are listed along with the reasons for their deletion. This file can be used as a badsnp file in subsequent runs. The next 5 optional parameters allow the user to output genotype, snp and indiv files which will be identical to the input files except that: Any individuals set to Ignore in the input indiv file will be removed from the data set (see ../CONVERTF/README) Any data excluded or set to missing based on noxdata, nomalexhet and badsnpname parameters (see above) will be removed from the data set. The user may decide to output these files in any format. outputformat: ANCESTRYMAP, EIGENSTRAT, PED, PACKEDPED or PACKEDANCESTRYMAP genotypeoutname: output genotype file snpoutname: output snp file indivoutname: output indiv file outputgroup: see documentation in ../CONVERTF/README outliermode: mode mode should be 0, 1 or 2 mode = 2 NO outlier removal mode = 1 when calculating mean and standard deviation of a PC to decide whether to remove a sample the sample itself is not used. This may be important for datasets with very small sample sizes (say less than 30). mode = 0 (default) use all samples to compute PC mean and variance. lsqproject: YES PCA projections is carried out by solving least squares equations rather than an orthogonal projection step. This is approriate if PCs are calculated using samples with little missing data but it is desired to project samples with much missing data onto the top PCs. See ./lsqproject.pdf for a more detailed description. fastmode: YES Fast pca approximation is used. See Galinsky 2014 ASHG talk. In fastmode, there is no outlier removal, no Tracy-Widom significance testing, no lsqproject mode, and no F_st. (Use fstonly: YES to produce F_st). Additional optional parameters that can be used in conjunction with fastmode: fastdim: (default 2 * numeigs) number of dimensions in fast pca approximation fastiter: (default numeigs) number of iterations in fast pca approximation In fastmode most options are not supported. No outlier removal No fst calculations. Consider rerunning with fstonly: YES if this is wanted. No lsqproject: YES Multithreading (Code added by Chris Chang) smartpca now supports multithreading but NOT with fastmode: YES By default a (hopefully) system dependent number of threads is chosen. This can be overwritten by (for example) numthreads: 10 (NEW) shrinkmode: YES (default NO) A problem with smartpca is that samples used to calculate the PC axes "stretch" the axes. So that 2 populations in fact genetically identical (2 independent samples from the same underlying population) will appear different if one is used to compute axes, and one not. shrinkmode: YES is an attempt to solve this problem. Details to appear later, but this has been used successfully in the Reich lab. *** warning *** shrinkmode is slow and will greatly increase the runtime. Alternate shrink option. We implemented a new method (Liu, Dobriban, Singer: ) of eigenvalue shrinkage autoshrink: YES (default NO) This costs little in CPU, but the results seem slightly worse than shrinkmode: YES. *** Caveat. This is my implementation of Liu et al. Errors are mine not theirs NJP *** Sample runs and output of shrinkage can be found on [] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOCUMENTATION OF ploteig program: ploteig, a PERL program, constructs a plot of the top two principal components (or any specified pair of principal components). ploteig uses the gnuplot utility, and will only work if gnuplot is installed. ploteig produces output in .xtxt (gnuplot control file) format, and in .ps and .pdf formats. Files for all output formats will be produced if -x flag is specified. The syntax of ploteig is ../bin/ploteig -i example.evec : input file of eigenvectors -c 1:2 : which eigenvectors to plot. Use 1:2 for top two eigenvectors. -p Case:Control : which populations from input file to plot. -x : make .ps and .pdf files if -x flag is specified. -o plot.xtxt : gnuplot output file name. MUST end in .xtxt. .ps and .pdf output files will have same prefix. Example: see ./example.perl For documentation of optional flags to ploteig, type "../bin/ploteig" to run ploteig with no input. Documentation on optional flags will then appear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTATION OF twstats program: The twstats program computes Tracy-Widom statistics to evaluate the statistical significance of each principal component identified by pca (Patterson et al. 2006). The twstats program assumes a random set of markers, and should not be used on data sets of ancestry-informative markers, as admixture-LD may violate its underlying assumptions. (However, all programs except twstats are still applicable in the case of ancestry-informative markers.) The syntax of twstats is ../bin/twstats -t twtable : input table needed to compute Tracy-Widom statistics -i twexample.eval : input file of all eigenvalues -o twexample.out : Tracy-Widom statistics. The column of interest is the "p-value" column which indicates the statistical significance of each principal component. OPTIONAL FLAGS: -n effsize : this flag is important if #samples > #markers, in which case it should be set to (#samples - 1). In other circumstances, effsize fixes the effective number of markers after account for LD, and most users will want to disregard this flag. -m minlen: optional flag which most users will want to disregard. Specifies the minimum number of input eigenvalues -- note that Tracy-Widom statistics are of questionable value when the number of eigenvalues is too small. If the number of eigenvalues is lower than minlen, NA values will be returned. The default is minlen = 10. Example: see ./twexample.perl ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTATION OF evec2pca.perl program: The evec2pca.perl program is for users who want to run the EIGENSTRAT stratification correction method on on output produced by the smartpca program. It converts the .evec file produced by smartpca to the .pca file needed by EIGENSTRAT. However, if using the smartpca.perl wrapper, evec2pca.perl is called automatically so there is no need to separately run evec2pca.perl. See ../EIGENSTRAT/README for details on the smartpca.perl wrapper. The syntax of evec2pca.perl is ../bin/evec2pca.perl k example.evec example.ind example.pca, where k is the number of principal components in example.evec file (e.g. 10) example.evec is file of principal components produced by smartpca example.ind is individual file example.pca is file of principal components in file needed by eigenstrat ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOCUMENTATION OF smartrel program: smartrel is a (currently experimental) program for finding relateds in data where there is population structure (such as African Americans). The method of evaluating relatedness is as follows. For a data set consisting of n samples and m SNPs, the n x n matrix X is first computed as described in Patterson et al. 2006. The the top eigenvectors (specified by numeigs parameter) are "killed," yielding a matrix X'. Before this, X has rank (n-1) and after this, it has rank (n-numeigs-1). For every pair of samples a correlation coefficient is now computed from an off-diagonal element of X' and the result published if greater than a certain threshhold (specified by relthresh parameter). After running smartrel, it may be desirable to remove related individuals and then rerun smartpca. The syntax of smartrel is "../bin/smartrel -p parfile". DESCRIPTION OF EACH PARAMETER in parfile for smartrel: genotypename: input genotype file (in any format: see ../CONVERTF/README) snpname: input snp file (in any format: see ../CONVERTF/README) indivname: input indiv file (in any format: see ../CONVERTF/README) outputname: name of output file of pairwise correlation coefficients. numeigs: number of eigenvectors to "kill" when computing covariance relthresh: threshhold for correlation coefficients. Only coefficients greater than relthresh will be printed. The default value this parameter is 0.05. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Questions? See or email Samuela Pollack, SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AGREEMENT This software and its documentation are copyright (2010) by Harvard University and The Broad Institute. All rights are reserved. This software is supplied without any warranty or guaranteed support whatsoever. Neither Harvard University nor The Broad Institute can be responsible for its use, misuse, or functionality. The software may be freely copied for non-commercial purposes, provided this copyright notice is retained.