# This output was generated with AUGUSTUS (version 3.1.0). # AUGUSTUS is a gene prediction tool written by Mario Stanke (mario.stanke@uni-greifswald.de), # Oliver Keller, Stefanie König and Lizzy Gerischer. # Please cite: Mario Stanke, Mark Diekhans, Robert Baertsch, David Haussler (2008), # Using native and syntenically mapped cDNA alignments to improve de novo gene finding # Bioinformatics 24: 637-644, doi 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn013 # Sources of extrinsic information: M RM E W # Setting acceptor splice site local malus: 0.1 # Setting donor splice site local malus: 0.1 # Setting exon local malus: 0.985 # Setting CDSpart local malus: 0.985 # Setting UTRpart local malus: 0.985 # reading in the file hints.gff ... # Have extrinsic information about 1 sequences (in the specified range). # Initializing the parameters using config directory /home/mario/augustus/trunks/config/ ... # nasonia version. Using default transition matrix. # start gene g1 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6774 9276 0.44 + . g1 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6774 9276 0.44 + . g1.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6774 6776 . + 0 transcript_id "g1.t1"; gene_id "g1"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6809 7573 0.83 + . transcript_id "g1.t1"; gene_id "g1"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8117 8192 1 + . transcript_id "g1.t1"; gene_id "g1"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8590 8667 0.99 + . transcript_id "g1.t1"; gene_id "g1"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6774 6808 0.47 + 0 transcript_id "g1.t1"; gene_id "g1"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7574 8116 0.99 + 1 transcript_id "g1.t1"; gene_id "g1"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8193 8589 0.99 + 1 transcript_id "g1.t1"; gene_id "g1"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8668 9276 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g1.t1"; gene_id "g1"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 9274 9276 . + 0 transcript_id "g1.t1"; gene_id "g1"; # protein sequence = [MLAIQNGGGMKSNREENPRLNKYRRVDNSYPRFITNEAAEDLIYKKSMGERDQPQSSERISIFNPPVYTQHQVRNEAP # YIPTTFDLLSDDEESSQRVANAGPSFRPLTYSDAVRLSQNGFANSRVSGHSSYTVRRPPALVDRSILSQEMERMDQEQYIYLIRTAAQSNSVGSHYAE # PVTDNSEVKKVSETNKSDAPQPLTPQPTRLTRTESLHRRFASCVNLNDDFAEQFKARAADCEEKSKHRLRLAEEQRLFSNFSAIKNIDELRAYERKVV # ENIFQSCIAHKPIFVLGPLDKPNVKKVTKLIPLTEEHHDRFNEITQDDKSTEIIFKFNLHITTEDICTFINGKWLNDEVINFYMSLLTERSEKRSGVL # PATYAINTFFVPRLLQAGHAGIKRWTRKVDLFSKDIIPVPVHCNGVHWCMAIIHLRNKTIRYYDSKGKPNRPVLDALEKYLREESIFKPKKQFDTSDF # VIESVQNIPRQLDGSDCGIFSCMFAEYITCDVPITFTQSEMLYFRKKMALEIVDGEL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 14.3 # CDS exons: 1/4 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 9 # W: 9 # end gene g1 # start gene g2 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 11215 17136 1 - . g2 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 11215 17136 1 - . g2.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 11215 11217 . - 0 transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 11345 11409 1 - . transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 11519 11778 1 - . transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 12222 12285 1 - . transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 12929 13519 1 - . transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 13626 13682 1 - . transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 14875 14932 1 - . transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 15712 17052 1 - . transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 11215 11344 1 - 1 transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 11410 11518 1 - 2 transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 11779 12221 1 - 1 transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 12286 12928 1 - 2 transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 13520 13625 1 - 0 transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 13683 14874 1 - 1 transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 14933 15711 1 - 0 transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 17053 17136 1 - 0 transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 17134 17136 . - 0 transcript_id "g2.t1"; gene_id "g2"; # protein sequence = [MLKFIRGKGQQPSADRHRLQKDLFAYRKTAQHGFPHKPSALAYDPVLKLMAIGTQTGALKVFGQPGVELYGQHTLLNN # SASELNVQLLEWVYGTGRILSLTAANQLILWEPVGATLLPIKTLPFDGKLKKVSSLCCSLSKDLLWIGTEGGNIYQLDLHTFTIKEPVIYHDVVLEQV # PPAYKLNPGAIESIRQLPNSPSKLLVAYNRGLCVLWDFESASVQRAYIAPGHGQSVGLTVNFEGSEFTWYHADGSYATWSIDNPEPPSNVNYVPYGPD # PCKSINRLYKGKRRSNDVIVFSGGMPRSAYGDHNCVSVHASDGHKVCLDFTSKVIDFFVTFENNRDVAEVLVVLLEEELCAYDLTDPNICAIKAPYLH # SVHASAVTCNYLASEVVQSVYESILRAGDEQDIDYSNISWPITGGTLPDNLEESVEEDATKLYEILLTGHEDGSVKFWDCTGVLLKPIYNFKTSSIFG # SESDFRDDAAADMSAEQVDEGEPPFRKSGLFDPYSDDPRLAVKKIAFCPKTGQLIVGGTAGQIVIADFIDLPEKVSLKYISMNLVSDRDGFVWKGHDQ # LNVRSNLLDGEAIPTTERGVNISGVLQVLPPASITCMALEASWGLVSGGTAHGLVLFDFKNFVPVFHRCTLNPNDLTGAGEQLSRRKSFKKSLRESFR # KLRKGRSTRTNQSNQVPTTLEARPVERQIEARCADDGLGSMVRCLLFAKTYVTNVNITSPTLWSATNASTVSVFLLHLPPAQTAATAVPSASGNAPPH # MPRRISAQLAKEIQLKHRAPVVGISIFDQAGSPVDQLNAGENGSPPHRVLIASEEQFKVFSLPQLKPINKYKLTANEGARIRRIHFGSFSCRISPETL # QSMHGCSPTKSTRSHGDGEADPNISGSLAVSRGDVYNETALICLTNMGDIMVLSVPELKRQLNAAAVRREDINGVSSLCFTNSGEALYMMSSSELQRI # ALATSRVVQPTGVVPVEPLENEESVLEENDAENNKETYACDEVVNTYEIKNPSGISICTRPAEENVGRNSVQQVNGVNISNSPNQANETISSSIGDIT # VDSVRDHLNMTTTTLCSINTEETIGRLSVLSTQTNKASTTVNMSEIPNINISNLEDLESKRNTTETSTSSVVIKSIITNISHEKTNGDNKIGTPKTAP # EESQF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 7 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 345 # W: 345 # end gene g2 # start gene g3 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 21919 22578 0.39 - . g3 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 21919 22578 0.39 - . g3.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 21919 21921 . - 0 transcript_id "g3.t1"; gene_id "g3"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 22447 22527 0.63 - . transcript_id "g3.t1"; gene_id "g3"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 21919 22446 0.62 - 0 transcript_id "g3.t1"; gene_id "g3"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 22528 22578 0.39 - 0 transcript_id "g3.t1"; gene_id "g3"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 22576 22578 . - 0 transcript_id "g3.t1"; gene_id "g3"; # protein sequence = [MILLAQQSGLIAKINNEEERQLTTADTEGMFLLMALGYFLGATALVSEIVGGITNKCRQIIKRSRKSAASSWSSASSG # SMLRTNAEQLSHDKRKANRREAAEVAQKMSFGMRELNLTRATLREIYGSYGAPETDHGQLDIVHTEFPNSSAKLNNIEDEESREALESLQRLDEFMDQ # MDNDGNPSSHTFRIDN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g3 # start gene g4 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 26521 40458 0.48 - . g4 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 26521 40458 0.48 - . g4.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 26521 26523 . - 0 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 26689 26765 1 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 26965 27052 1 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 27491 28014 1 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 28241 28732 1 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 28927 28981 1 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 29069 30393 1 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 33271 33844 0.98 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 34289 34557 1 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 34605 34719 1 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 35213 35745 0.76 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 38089 38534 0.9 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 38732 39300 1 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 39858 40427 0.69 - . transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 26521 26688 1 - 0 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 26766 26964 1 - 1 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 27053 27490 1 - 1 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 28015 28240 1 - 2 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 28733 28926 1 - 1 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 28982 29068 1 - 1 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 30394 33270 0.98 - 1 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 33845 34288 1 - 1 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 34558 34604 1 - 0 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 34720 35212 0.76 - 1 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 35746 38088 0.75 - 1 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 38535 38731 1 - 0 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 39301 39857 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 40428 40458 0.69 - 0 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 40456 40458 . - 0 transcript_id "g4.t1"; gene_id "g4"; # protein sequence = [MLLAGLALLHAPTEAQNKRTSRVTSSRSFGTNIKTDTSNGPSFDCPEEFGYYPHPSDCTQYYVCVFGGALLESCTGGL # MYSHDLQTCDWPRNVGCELADTSSERNLAQSQVQRQREPHAQHVPSRVRFGAAFSSQGGTQKTATVPPQYHRSPPQVIQAQVQNIPPPPPELRVSPNP # VITSRGQPKPLIDSQEDIAKLYADAQESLPPVEEEESDRQQRVYRGQPSTVSQVQRDRDGIIHQASINSIPQTGKIGSYAFGTAYSSQERLNDGAPAI # GRMCKYSSKIRQLKSENAMEFDYKEIPGEDSQLMEGYEDEDDVATGESKRRPRQLRPISHTSLKWPGQNYRAIDAPPLPQVSQQAGYSFGNYNPYLTP # PNTNPVHNQQPYGNPNYNHLPGYHSYVHQQQQLASAGPFSQKKHKLAYTGYNLSLPPPPLEDDFRPIAGSYYEAAGAAQTSPRSPNSKQHHSNAGDLL # PYLIQQLKELKEQRKHQSDNFAYFRLDNQPISPVPNQAVTPVPTISTTYYSPVDPSKLSQQVTSNGQYSTMGGFYNNQKPGQASFNPNYPGKLISQYS # IASNGHDSTTESNYFQYNIVANQKMKGVFSTAPPNQIDHSAVKVRPPVTPLHVTQSINVVSAPNLTYRIPNRLQQAPFALFPEGISYAINSTIPESYQ # TFTKSVSTSATLLADMLTTTPKSKLTNFQFNINEFMANLKESDLASVNPAVNPLIKYLKDLSTDDNGNKNLPNPLVNRRPVTGSTSTLNSTATTPQVD # ITPNTPAYKKRIRPEPTLPTQSTPTTMRILKGYEHFIKGIQNQLNSRNSSQSTVYNTSTTLIRMPTTTTIKSVDYYDEDYEEDDDILPPSQMPPYMPV # SETMAPPRRHLATVRPNTESPGKGPANFQTGFLEATTTRRPFPNFTQEKQAAAEADVPSFISFPSDIFQELKQRLPKLPESNAPQSSTKILTTPRSVR # PTSHPRPIASSTEQQSTRVRYTTIRPRIRGQQKWNTTSPVQEQKEINNHTESNTVVLNSSKQSNPGGIPLNSIHAGSSPERHRVESPSPSSLGTPQPA # NIFVQPTSAAPPQQSEPNRNYYNASTFNHGGSYQPQQQNQQQQPQPTPFQQAQPQEQHQQQAQAPTHSYDTSYYSVYDDDIDLYRDIEYHQQQSQEQQ # KTPTPQYQSAVRQQQAHPTYRPLELPATPKPPSYENQPAYNTDYDEDINSQIEQDNAYDHPTRTPQRAEHVAIQKLDTRASHSSTLTLTTPASQPEVL # TYYETLTTAYAPKGGSSDYGYGSIEDYDQRDRLLTEVKSRPHTGTEDFDLIANVVGHTDKTTGTPPTRSQKTKSTPPHNGSHARSSNTTTHAVTFTKS # STITTTSTFPPTTTTKLASSKAHANKPYKQHIPDKSKTTTKASSTSYMTTTSSTPFPNHLTYSSNPFLQSKLQQVAKSLARVVPSSQPRINFTGYPQA # QNLTNSPHQSTSLESVPDQVSGQIISLIPPPTTTQRPLVKDNSSNSSPDNVDSAFDKSHTINQTVDPPKSRSFETTTSSKFLDFINAAAYGTSPSGIR # LNEVPDNLVNKDIPFRDKDNSFESSSPNTEPEPKRFQKYVDSDVPPQSFKVPTKGGMRAPTEEMESTSTTRPSKPLQYSLQSGSKGFSLHVEPMIAKT # KSFSTSTTTTSSTTLADLFQKFVDIKPTTYAPPLLIWRSGRPIIQQALHRPTVATFITSTSVTTTTSPPTTSKDVAESSSTTRAITASKSAAQPSREQ # NFLPRAGYLPRSNYFKESPNRVTANPAMHFVSPFKSLENLLHEDRQHHHHQLRTTTRPRYTNSPAFPEFLQTTAKSRKNLFMMASVRNSSKDVLATME # TGNARNFSVSDAILSTFSPQRPAPSMLRTTTTTTTTTTMRPPPLGITSTEDSTTVSAIIASSAIQISQSPKPARGRSRYTAATLNSLGDSGDEPTTYA # PKLRLLRGYDPIPLPKTKPQRVQVIGNQRSLLGGPTAMPHEKYREIKGTLHARDLAFGSQNILSKSLKHKAIENEASVSDEPRAEALISKPLEDSYQN # GINEKETAIDYSSTEHVVAITERPTVKFLYSNKYRQQTAEHTLADSLQNSGYITSPNGSSQKFRSANVLDQLRQFLSGSDSNSKSDESANSQFVNEYS # LPELRSAIGEIKKLYLPNDRPATTTLKSSTTTLHPDTTPIATLFPIRIKGVSVLPSLNILTANSTLTERTTSSTPDFSTPRTLKTPPVSLTTVPTIPT # GTATPSSFAPHTARASRVNNDIKSSIAAAALGPSTSTYQPPVSAGKTQKFQIGFATNNKNHQLQKSSINHNGPAASASVKCSDSTLNAKCNEISSRNN # NRNRGSAMYSNQDRDVISTPNRGTHPPRTRPTLKPSGTIVSKAQEFVDIYRYPPSRPDPIYPQPMPDKTAAKCRKDVCLLPDCYCGGRDIPGELPVES # IPQIVLLTFDDSVNDLNKQLYTDLFEKGRVNPNGCPITATFYVSHEWTDYSQVQNLYADGHEMASHTVSHSFGEQFSQKKWTREIAGQREILAAYGGV # KMSDVRGMRAPFLSVGGNKMYKMLYDSNFTYDSSMPVYENRPPSWPYTLDYKIFHDCMIPPCPTRSYPGVWQVPMVMWQDLNGGRCSMGDACSNPSDA # DGVTKMIMKNFERHYTTNRAPFGLFYHAAWFTQPHHKEGFIKFLDAINAMQDVWIITNWQALQWVRDPTPISRINSFQPFQCDYSDRPKRCNNPKVCN # LWHKSGVRYMKTCQPCPDIYPWTGKSGIRSSRIDNEVEEPAA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 74.1 # CDS exons: 12/14 # W: 12 # CDS introns: 8/13 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 11 # E: 8 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 217 # E: 3 # W: 214 # end gene g4 # start gene g5 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 67625 70895 1 + . g5 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 67625 70895 1 + . g5.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 67625 67627 . + 0 transcript_id "g5.t1"; gene_id "g5"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 67763 67891 1 + . transcript_id "g5.t1"; gene_id "g5"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 68024 68084 1 + . transcript_id "g5.t1"; gene_id "g5"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 70550 70606 1 + . transcript_id "g5.t1"; gene_id "g5"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 67625 67762 1 + 0 transcript_id "g5.t1"; gene_id "g5"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 67892 68023 1 + 0 transcript_id "g5.t1"; gene_id "g5"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 68085 70549 1 + 0 transcript_id "g5.t1"; gene_id "g5"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 70607 70895 1 + 1 transcript_id "g5.t1"; gene_id "g5"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 70893 70895 . + 0 transcript_id "g5.t1"; gene_id "g5"; # protein sequence = [MDAQFEHLCRICAANTKSKTNSVVESVFIFKTQGLKDKISRHLYLNVAEEDPLPKVLCKSCYRQVEATASLSNIAKHT # QLVFRDFLLSTLPKNAREAAAAQLSVPATQIPHRHDEVQAEIDEFRPILLTHVPESGNTASKPQPANCLELAPKTGENYLAASSSSSSLSKPAGSVKS # YLNTGRRNSVFTDTRYGSAPLSIAQRTMQCLPSLVPLNTESLGSNAMRKSPDTKLSPKGVINFIQTHGRITGNIPEVQAEDNTGNINVTDSRNTVTAS # VLISSNVSNPGTKSQDSNLFLQKSRNLKNTLNNIKAMRTGQVSLLKGAQNRNPIEDVRPLVTTTLVPQYGGEPSVEEALPEHMIFAAPKKKREDEEQF # LQTALPQLKKTVPSQSKTKSTKLDLTISVDSHVSPPSTSISNVKSLTDAIFLGSVIRDPDLLMLILKALKWPVTAENCDEQMSRLKSSKFAVIMSDTN # LLQDTDLTQLLGPYLAPMLPVVQQQDQHPLSSAIGSASSNHSSQATKDVLKLADLSSAMPYKLPPETSVQLVPSSPTEQEPQPVRHKKAVSVPTVKRH # QRKMRALDLPAVDKTRRIISLSTSKAAYVSNELSNINSVLFSQFESNPADAINEALISLLKQQQQETKDQRKTRQSCIGSDSAVNLEDIVLIDPQPPL # AVDPHNVKYLEDDYVSPQSQPGSQYNFKRRKTDIRSSEPSEVVVLDNSGSPNEKNSKEVFPSTKQTLSRETKKSAVTVRKESLGQLKQAPTSTVPEDI # CDPKARAINAKENPEVCEPVPDNGGSDDIDDSKAGSVSVRKSEVKAALGQKLLEAIGLSQLGADAAPENSRDTLRSALKRSIKQAQEQQLQLKRGNHE # EPVKQLADSTTKLSAAESADEHKKAIAERELALLNRGFKAGEENTISLKDDKWERTDVSSSSSRNRRGRKSKIDSNVEDFGDEEKKDSRWDEDDDLPL # KADTEKPSERNSTNARPTRTSKTLSKYYKGPTSKSHHSMGTRSTRQR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 281 # W: 281 # end gene g5 # start gene g6 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 72603 73040 0.93 + . g6 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 72603 73040 0.93 + . g6.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 72603 72605 . + 0 transcript_id "g6.t1"; gene_id "g6"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 72603 73040 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g6.t1"; gene_id "g6"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 73038 73040 . + 0 transcript_id "g6.t1"; gene_id "g6"; # protein sequence = [MTAIILLACHSVRELVDLSDALWQNTFNIERSLNYYRIKRRLELFRFHCRELWLRQVSKTSDPMHRKAGIDFAAIEAG # ADCVLNMDAFDDTTTELHKRFLQAEGTRPFPSDCISGIEVVDGNEFKVRNRDTIAQILSGLVIVLKV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 38 # E: 1 # W: 37 # end gene g6 # start gene g7 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 73570 76098 0.66 + . g7 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 73570 76098 0.66 + . g7.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 73570 73572 . + 0 transcript_id "g7.t1"; gene_id "g7"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 73693 74479 0.7 + . transcript_id "g7.t1"; gene_id "g7"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 74573 74902 0.76 + . transcript_id "g7.t1"; gene_id "g7"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 75019 75077 1 + . transcript_id "g7.t1"; gene_id "g7"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 73570 73692 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g7.t1"; gene_id "g7"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 74480 74572 0.7 + 0 transcript_id "g7.t1"; gene_id "g7"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 74903 75018 1 + 0 transcript_id "g7.t1"; gene_id "g7"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 75078 76098 0.98 + 1 transcript_id "g7.t1"; gene_id "g7"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 76096 76098 . + 0 transcript_id "g7.t1"; gene_id "g7"; # protein sequence = [MDALDGTTMELHNSFLQVESTTHFPLDCISDIEVVDGNELKISKSERKMCLRVLYEKMMCCCPKLKKGGLNEASFYEY # ADAVPKYFNDQIGKLSEGISFTVTGNLSVNCERFSINLVYNNDSRDVALHINPRLPQNYIVRNTKVQDIWGNEEVSSALPFLLSRGEEFSIQVLVTEA # CYMISVNGQHFAAYTHRIPYRDVRILEVKGDVSNVEMKRTLVLKYPERLPQSEANNIELHIDDGINEIDASVEETVKIPHEWCIISAPNTQSDSSPKR # NNSSNDLGLTLPYYGALPPNSLVDGRCLKIEGRVRLLPHSFYINLQQGQDIWPHPVIAFHLNPRFSKASSGAIGKAVVCRNAWLNGAWAQEERSEFDT # NFRPGRSFCLAIVCTKTSFEVYVNRQFMTDFKYKVSPEVVDTVYIQGDVKLWNVTLEKNQMIKGKNMRVYQNPWFFSE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 195 # E: 2 # W: 193 # end gene g7 # start gene g8 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 76446 77709 0.3 + . g8 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 76446 77709 0.3 + . g8.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 76446 76448 . + 0 transcript_id "g8.t1"; gene_id "g8"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 77584 77641 1 + . transcript_id "g8.t1"; gene_id "g8"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 76446 77583 0.3 + 0 transcript_id "g8.t1"; gene_id "g8"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 77642 77709 1 + 2 transcript_id "g8.t1"; gene_id "g8"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 77707 77709 . + 0 transcript_id "g8.t1"; gene_id "g8"; # protein sequence = [MSVYPGACTVALRRVMDAMSLFYEKRSEAHRRKHFKVIQCPRPGLCFVFHGMILMACEHFVIDFLTKQGSEICEECDV # LLQIGSRLPQNYITRNSRLKGKWGPEENSSYLTFQLNRGKSFWMQILLTEECFFISVNGYHFAKYFHRMPYRWLEAVDVLGDVSDIVIDTYYVSEYPI # RLTHSLPRPIPHSNKLPRDGENVETEWMVLSSLAKMSSKKFLYQPSLPLPFYGKLLKENFLIEGSSLRIEGRVRLMPQRFSIAFQKGQEIWPQPTVSF # YFSPCFLRSRHDKIGTAIITRRAYLNGDWVNCTVSRLNTSLRPGGAFVIVIACRDSYYELFVNNRSLFHFKYQMRPECVDIVNIRGDIKLWEVAIQGN # TTYKKPKVRSAMERAISAWKRAEIPQLQI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 21 # W: 21 # end gene g8 # start gene g9 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 83268 84358 0.48 - . g9 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 83268 84358 0.48 - . g9.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 83268 83270 . - 0 transcript_id "g9.t1"; gene_id "g9"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 84278 84345 0.48 - . transcript_id "g9.t1"; gene_id "g9"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 83268 84277 1 - 2 transcript_id "g9.t1"; gene_id "g9"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 84346 84358 0.48 - 0 transcript_id "g9.t1"; gene_id "g9"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 84356 84358 . - 0 transcript_id "g9.t1"; gene_id "g9"; # protein sequence = [MPNINSPNSNDRDAGFCSASSESEGGDDLVVEHARSGSPDIRPKGTDSADSKPIALVRNKRKSSEPFKVVGLTTPNSK # SMPGPPSSASMNATGPLKKRIRYTSSADSAVVLTPPAIDSPPPNSCIPSTLRLQHEIMPNPAHIYVRHPGVTTLHRSLAAHPEQLEPLALVTTKKQCV # DQAGPKIEAFSALLIGKQPSAKKTLKERTQKESTSSSFLEASLSDEDLNKTGLAPISRPHQHQRNYKNMTRERRIEANARERTRVHTISAAYETLRQA # VPAYASTQKLSKLSVLRVACSYILTLSRMAGEDYSADQSVPSIATCLEAVTSTIQTEGKVKRKKDE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 43 # W: 43 # end gene g9 # start gene g10 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 94852 101918 1 + . g10 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 94852 101918 1 + . g10.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 94852 94854 . + 0 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 94893 94988 1 + . transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 95071 95131 1 + . transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 95302 95353 1 + . transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 97834 97883 1 + . transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 98471 98526 1 + . transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 99724 99784 1 + . transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 100517 100571 1 + . transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 100704 100761 1 + . transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 100943 101015 1 + . transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 101195 101248 1 + . transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 101620 101875 1 + . transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 94852 94892 1 + 0 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 94989 95070 1 + 1 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 95132 95301 1 + 0 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 95354 97833 1 + 1 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 97884 98470 1 + 2 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 98527 99723 1 + 0 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 99785 100516 1 + 0 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 100572 100703 1 + 0 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 100762 100942 1 + 0 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 101016 101194 1 + 2 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 101249 101619 1 + 0 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 101876 101918 1 + 1 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 101916 101918 . + 0 transcript_id "g10.t1"; gene_id "g10"; # protein sequence = [MSSAQRSFVQKVSKQSAADVRKNVSGCHLSKAMDPSLCGSSISPTEPLDYEEFLSQHMNIINRDPLKHILDFPQGDVT # VKIIPRKIRTVDHVVPNENLSDLPHHVQECVNCYTRPWKVVEYAQRHLSSSCYIRERIDRGTISPSAYQQEFEIDKDFSSFEEAFAYKSESCTPSSRQ # SIASLASVSSCTDTLTPRGSWASFDLRRSVNDPLIPNLLDNVPPEHIDQSNEARRQQDRQMALFSLYPESEAEENIERRLLAEIPVEHMGHRIQVNCL # QLRLELEVEPIFASMAIYDAKERQKISENFYFDMNADSLKRMLSSHVQCADISTQSHSAIFEISYPSNDLFLVIRLEKVLQGDINNSVEPYLKEDKDK # YREKVKSNAVDYCERLGKYRMPFAWTGIYLTNVFNGDNFESKDAGAAERDSFGNACGSSLGTAPSSNSLDRKSSTSSFDQLRRKANDMSGTLTRRGSL # ERKEKHRSWSPDDFANVVENFRPITITVPSFFKQEADKMKDEDLYKILPELKRPSSVMKKYKCIPGSIKLEISPCVEEAKNALTPELAPINPQSADNV # RPVKEILEFPQSAIYNPHYSYRNLLFVSPKELNFSSRAGSARNIAVRVQLMAGETPKDAVNAIYGKSSCPKFSTEAFTAVNYHNKCPSFYDEIKIALP # ASIKQHHHLLFTIYHVSCQKKPQDLQPSVETPIGYTWLPLLEDGKLKFGEFNLPVMVESPPENYSFIPPNVHLPGIKWLDNHRAVFSINVEAVTAIHT # LDSFLDRFFLICEYLDTRNIPSHIGENNIETELKKCLLDIEYANREPLVRHLPLVLDKLIELLVVTHKVGGQAMSLGSTVFEVLCLVSSLLSILNDDQ # YDQYGRQSLLSTYVHFQCKIPHPFQSKQRLTCSRSTTEDLQLSESYTIYDNVLASGRSLDRKELSIDVLHSMAARDVQVRLLHEELALHWVVASGKAA # DLAMSNSWFLFELIVKSMIEHLHCSNTLNGPRKHRFPHQFNDDLSTLVHLVTTKVVGYHSNEPKLAQSLNASLGFFIFDILSIMDRGFVFGLIKTYTK # VLISKNASIPDLMNYKIDFLRIVCSHEHFVALNLPFGTSYTMVTAPCSPTPSTTSSNSQTSCGSLERALHADLSQEFLQQHFLVGLVLSDLAAVMEVP # NPQLHGKAIRCIRNLMTSHDLDARYSETDARARVAALYIPLLSIVMDCIPQLHQHGLEQDRLQQIGQLEDYQGPHQTITASTINPEVAFAISGSRPYS # YLNEQVKNKLPLSSENTRHLLVCFLWVLKNLERNVLYRWLMDLSPHRVHQMLQGVNVCLKTFEYTGQKNVATLKRTNTQSFRKTGSTDVKEKLEECIR # GTNSARYDLINRRKDRNSTEKFRWRKDQMPYRSQYADAVGKSEHELELSHFIEGSLATEVALVLLDTLEIIVHAAANLYHNLLGTVLKVLLHSLSRNQ # SVLALQNLFASQRALIFKFPNLLFDDETDICADLCLILLKHCGSLLPGIRSQAAASLYLLMRQNFEIGNNFARVKMQVTMSLSSLVGTSSVFSEQSLR # RALKTVLVYAESDSDLQDTSFPEQVQDLLFNLHMILSDTVKMKEYQEDPEMLLDLMNRIAKGYQNNPDLRLTWLENMAKKHRERANHTEAAMCYVHAA # SLVSEYLSMLESQKHLPVGAVSFQRISPNTLMESAVSDDVLSPGEDGICLGNHFTETGLKALLEEASNSFQVAGMYEAMNEVYKILIPICEANRDFQK # LSKVHGKLQEAFNRISQLQGKRVFGTYFRVGFYGGKFGDLDQQEFIYKEPTLTKLPEIFSRLQNFYTERFGPDSVHIIKDSNTVDINSLDPDKAYIQI # TYVEPYFETYEMRHRETYFERNFNIKRFIYATPFTKNGKAHGELNEQCKRKTILTTANHFPYVKTRIMVISRQQIVLEPIEVAIEDIQKKTLELAAAT # NQEPADPKILQMVLQGCIGTTVNQGPMEMASVFLSNLSDGTTVPTKHQNKLRLCFREFSKRCADALKKNRNLILSDQKDYQRELERNNDRFIERLTPF # ITLTSVQNHGVVKANAYNNKSTPLKW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 12/12 # W: 12 # CDS introns: 11/11 # E: 11 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 11 # E: 11 # incompatible hint groups: 545 # W: 545 # end gene g10 # start gene g11 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 102459 103763 1 + . g11 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 102459 103763 1 + . g11.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 102459 102461 . + 0 transcript_id "g11.t1"; gene_id "g11"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 102907 103005 1 + . transcript_id "g11.t1"; gene_id "g11"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 103435 103515 1 + . transcript_id "g11.t1"; gene_id "g11"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 102459 102906 1 + 0 transcript_id "g11.t1"; gene_id "g11"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 103006 103434 1 + 2 transcript_id "g11.t1"; gene_id "g11"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 103516 103763 1 + 2 transcript_id "g11.t1"; gene_id "g11"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 103761 103763 . + 0 transcript_id "g11.t1"; gene_id "g11"; # protein sequence = [MRIKYCWLATLVFIAAASASYSPEKPVPPPCRACTQLVSSFRAGLERTKRGHAGGDTAWEEEKLRSYKNSEVRLVEIQ # EKLCSEGEVINKDHCHNLANEHEALLEDWFIHKQTESPDLQSWLCIDQLTVCCPLNTYGPDCLTCTECNGNGKCKGDGTRKGNGKCKCDPGYAGPNCN # ECGPEHYESFRDEKKLLCTQCHAACGEGGCTGGGPKSCRKCKKGWSMDSEAGCVDINECLEQQRPNPCRPQQFCVNNEGSFSCLECDRSCDGCDGDGP # DMCRKCADGYELKEGKCHDISAEQRSNYVSFTRMLTYFGMCVATCVIFQSSTHIAWGCIVGAAVAGYIAVSEYWINSEAGGGHQPEIDTKQLEELIMK # SL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 109 # W: 109 # end gene g11 # start gene g12 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 104473 106642 1 - . g12 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 104473 106642 1 - . g12.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 104473 104475 . - 0 transcript_id "g12.t1"; gene_id "g12"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 104948 105004 1 - . transcript_id "g12.t1"; gene_id "g12"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 105337 105390 1 - . transcript_id "g12.t1"; gene_id "g12"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 105456 105511 1 - . transcript_id "g12.t1"; gene_id "g12"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 105916 105968 1 - . transcript_id "g12.t1"; gene_id "g12"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 104473 104947 1 - 1 transcript_id "g12.t1"; gene_id "g12"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 105005 105336 1 - 0 transcript_id "g12.t1"; gene_id "g12"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 105391 105455 1 - 2 transcript_id "g12.t1"; gene_id "g12"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 105512 105915 1 - 1 transcript_id "g12.t1"; gene_id "g12"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 105969 106642 1 - 0 transcript_id "g12.t1"; gene_id "g12"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 106640 106642 . - 0 transcript_id "g12.t1"; gene_id "g12"; # protein sequence = [MRVWVAYSAAALLLLVHAGPESISGQEVPQSKTSSNTTTTDNSSSIHTVSDVFVNSPLGNVTPSISASGNASTTKRGN # ASTLVTDPPLIDSHAVEQEHNSSLSLFFVICVIMLGILLIHSMLQTGFQYLPESIVVVFLGAFIGLSLNVMSGQNGSWKREEVFSPMGFFLVLLPPII # FESGYNLHKGNFFQNIGSILVFAIFGTTISALVIGAGIYLLGLGEVAFRLSFSESFAFGSLISAVDPVATVAIFHALDVDPILNMLVFGESILNDAIS # IVLTASITQSANVNAEASTGEAMFSALKTFCAMFFASAGIGVIFALISALLLKHIDLRKHPSLEFAMMLMFTYAPYVLAEGIHLSGIMAILFCGIVMS # HYTHFNLSTVTQITMQQTMRTLAFIAETCVFAYLGLAIFSFKHQVELSFVIWAIVLCLIGRACNIFPLAFLVNKFREHKINNKMQFIMWFSGLRGAIS # YALSLHLNLDSQEKRHVIITTTLIIVLFTTLVLGGSTMPLLKYLKPGKKRRARGSGRNAAEEGGRRNGSGRKRSKSISLSKTREWGQAIDSEHLSELT # EEEDVTFTQARDRFGRMDRKYFIPFFTRRFNSQELHECKSQMADLTNKWYQAIRVSPLDSDESDEEIGLAASTSQIHLTRS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 181 # W: 181 # end gene g12 # start gene g13 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 107284 113373 0.15 + . g13 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 107284 113373 0.15 + . g13.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 107284 107286 . + 0 transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 107333 107764 0.51 + . transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 107839 107988 0.23 + . transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 108102 108147 0.23 + . transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 108227 108604 1 + . transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 108810 110405 1 + . transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 110484 110754 1 + . transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 110878 111004 1 + . transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 111171 111760 0.73 + . transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 112020 112689 1 + . transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 107284 107332 0.49 + 0 transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 107765 107838 0.34 + 2 transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 107989 108101 0.23 + 0 transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 108148 108226 0.77 + 1 transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 108605 108809 1 + 0 transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 110406 110483 1 + 2 transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 110755 110877 1 + 2 transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 111005 111170 0.73 + 2 transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 111761 112019 0.77 + 1 transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 112690 113373 1 + 0 transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 113371 113373 . + 0 transcript_id "g13.t1"; gene_id "g13"; # protein sequence = [MYMQKLITRLLDLGRPFERRLSRKLVETIIHILSDPLFKTTESFPKERPNKSQNNNRVSRREPPPPFATISKSPLSRW # RTVAKIGRVLAAPLIWLPSLNQYNSESPTGTRVIALLPHCPFKLRVTYYKLPINMPQKTNGHSANGCNGSNGNSYDMEDGATFLFTSESVGEGHPDKM # CDQISDAILDAHLKQDPNAKVACETVAKTGMILLCGEITSKAVVDYQKVVRETVQHIGYDDSSKGFDWKTLNLLVAIEQQSPNIANGVHINREEEDVG # AGDQVQQSFPFFYYRLALSDAEHFPVYVHHCCASLFYLSFRFILNQSRYNPIPNFKRYCALRNRASKFTKGFDFKTCNVLLALDQQSPEIAAGVHVNR # AEEEIGAGDQGIMFGYATDETEECMPLTVVLAHKLNEKIAELRRSDVFWWARPDSKTQVTCEYLFNQGSAVPKRVHTIVVSMQHSEKISLETLRSEVM # EKVVKVVIPAKYIDANTIVHINPCGLFVIGGPMGDAGLTGRKIIVDTYGGWGAHGGGAFSGKDFTKVDRSAAYAARWVAKSLVKAGLCKRCLVQVSYA # IGLAEPLSITVFDYGTSHKSQKELLDIIRRNFDLRPGKIVK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 68.4 # CDS exons: 9/10 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 4/9 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 4 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 207 # E: 5 # W: 202 # end gene g13 # start gene g14 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 113476 113694 0.9 - . g14 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 113476 113694 0.9 - . g14.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 113476 113478 . - 0 transcript_id "g14.t1"; gene_id "g14"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 113476 113694 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g14.t1"; gene_id "g14"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 113692 113694 . - 0 transcript_id "g14.t1"; gene_id "g14"; # protein sequence = [MPPSPLTLGFKNDTKNYVGAWVSVNFDADEYKDSFDLLAYGDCGCNASASSQLSISRGLASSHEKPARPKCP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 23 # W: 23 # end gene g14 # start gene g15 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 114006 114341 0.9 + . g15 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 114006 114341 0.9 + . g15.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 114006 114008 . + 0 transcript_id "g15.t1"; gene_id "g15"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 114006 114341 0.9 + 0 transcript_id "g15.t1"; gene_id "g15"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 114339 114341 . + 0 transcript_id "g15.t1"; gene_id "g15"; # protein sequence = [MQHSHVPIVNLFLSLLTFLFVVCVVYVKPKVLNNSIVCTLHSVFVFSVTNHKIMYFPLQKYIKDKYEKYNFTGMRRMK # TLIVQTTEFAMSLQPNKVIITLVFHKNIMRQRP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 34 # W: 34 # end gene g15 # start gene g16 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 115713 116150 0.73 - . g16 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 115713 116150 0.73 - . g16.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 115713 115715 . - 0 transcript_id "g16.t1"; gene_id "g16"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 115713 116150 0.73 - 0 transcript_id "g16.t1"; gene_id "g16"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 116148 116150 . - 0 transcript_id "g16.t1"; gene_id "g16"; # protein sequence = [MFYAFIALVLAMLHLSFAVQVQTEHTIVEEWSWQDHHSNRDLGSYNYYTALDYDQNFDGDENSNDNEYEEDDGRATAA # GLDRDEDPCERSCPRYYRPVCILRNGRNMTFATLCEFHNQVRCANDLRRQGHGYVVPIFQYQHDGGC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g16 # start gene g17 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 117331 120032 1 - . g17 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 117331 120032 1 - . g17.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 117331 117333 . - 0 transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 117760 117819 1 - . transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 118077 118135 1 - . transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 118305 118360 1 - . transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 118875 118930 1 - . transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 119077 119133 1 - . transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 119236 119287 1 - . transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 119376 119430 1 - . transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 119555 119827 1 - . transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 117331 117759 1 - 0 transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 117820 118076 1 - 2 transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 118136 118304 1 - 0 transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 118361 118874 1 - 1 transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 118931 119076 1 - 0 transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 119134 119235 1 - 0 transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 119288 119375 1 - 1 transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 119431 119554 1 - 2 transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 119828 120032 1 - 0 transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 120030 120032 . - 0 transcript_id "g17.t1"; gene_id "g17"; # protein sequence = [METASSVKGSTTSQISSLQYSSDINADSLEPDQSEDFQTVLGLKYLPSWPAVNLQFSELCYVVPDQTNASKTKTILRR # VNGMFHSHELTAIIGPSGAGKTTLLNLLAGFGAVCESGEILVNNSPRDMRVFRKMSRYIMQTDVLDSQFTVLEMMILAANLKLGKELNLKQKLEVIDE # ILGMLRLKDTLNTMAQKLSGGERKRLCIALELVNNPPVIFLDEPTTGLDDLSSSQCIALLKVLAAGGRTVICSIHTPSAKIFEMLDAVYVLAEGQCVY # QGKGSNIVPFLKNFGLCCPITYNPADFIIEVACLEYGGSYHEPMVEAVGNGKVARWSPPAVEGETTTTKTDTTSGASSFYERDQFDEEISPKLLEAKC # SWWLQYKLLLVRMLIQMWRDKSYIKLKFYMNIVLALLVGSLYFGMGTSASKALFNFGFMFTIVIAYLYLPMMPVLLYFPTEINLLKREYNNQWYRLSS # YYAAMVTSKLPSMFILAVIYLSIVYLMSSQPLEWFRFAMLFTIAFVTALTSDSFGLLISSRLSLVNAMFMGPVLAVPLILLSIYGIGYGGGTYISPLM # RFLMHLSYLRHSMEGLVASLYDYGRADTICEDTEIFCSFKKSKVLLAFLGFENMHYLWSLSCLMSFYLLFTVAAYFMIRLRLKHSEVSPIFAYVIQLL # TKYFNFTSYNY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 9/9 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 8/8 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 8 # incompatible hint groups: 204 # W: 204 # end gene g17 # start gene g18 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 122864 123082 1 - . g18 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 122864 123082 1 - . g18.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 122864 122866 . - 0 transcript_id "g18.t1"; gene_id "g18"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 122864 123082 1 - 0 transcript_id "g18.t1"; gene_id "g18"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 123080 123082 . - 0 transcript_id "g18.t1"; gene_id "g18"; # protein sequence = [MYVLYIVVFKKASWVLFLIINLLQISFCLVFSREILLLSDTNARRFLILNQLDSSRICSKTNSNHCWSTSLI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 23 # W: 23 # end gene g18 # start gene g19 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 123129 129925 1 - . g19 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 123129 129925 1 - . g19.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 123129 123131 . - 0 transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 123630 123693 1 - . transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 123795 123855 1 - . transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 124025 124086 1 - . transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 124921 125076 1 - . transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 125267 126109 1 - . transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 126228 128799 1 - . transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 128943 129028 1 - . transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 129240 129882 1 - . transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 123129 123629 1 - 0 transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 123694 123794 1 - 2 transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 123856 124024 1 - 0 transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 124087 124920 1 - 0 transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 125077 125266 1 - 1 transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 126110 126227 1 - 2 transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 128800 128942 1 - 1 transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 129029 129239 1 - 2 transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 129883 129925 1 - 0 transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 129923 129925 . - 0 transcript_id "g19.t1"; gene_id "g19"; # protein sequence = [MTSCHIKCREKQNVVAIAARASEVLIFEKRQYRFEQTGGKFLSPDQTVVESNRERERKTKRERRAAGAAVLLSVLKFT # KNTHTTQLGTAGAGQLKAQIVPAQPKTLQHLPKRPAVDLAFHNLTYRVKEGNRSNAKTILKGVSGRLRSGELTAIMGPSGAGKSTLLNILSGYKTSSI # EGSVTMNGAERNLSAFRKLSAYIMQDNQLHGNLTVQEAMTVATNLKLSKKFSKPEKHSMIDDILLTLSLSEHRYTMTRNLSGGQKKRLSIALELVSNP # PIMFFDEPTSGLDSSTCFQCIHLLKMLAAGGRTVICTIHQPSARLFEMFDQLYTLADGQCVYQGSTKQLVPFLSTLNLECPSYHNPASYVIEVSCGEH # GDHTRKLVDAIDNGKRDVRSSADYAGLKARNDLVKVQNLKAILDKNDASSVSGRKYEDNLTLNNGLLNGMVNDIVKEGNVSSALVTTNERGDAMIDVE # KSVNCTTALLTEEITSPERYPTSQFHQFWVVLKRTLLFSYRDWTLMYLRLFAHLLVGFLIGALYYDIGNDGAKVLSNLGFLFFNMLFLMYTSMTITIL # SFPLEMPVLLKENFNRWYSLKSYYLAISVADLPFQAIFCVIYVSIVYYFTSQPWELFRFSMFLSACLLISFVAQSVGLVVGAAMNVQNGVFLAPVMSV # PFLLFSGFFVSFDAIPVYLRWITYLSYIRYGFEGTALATYGYGREKLRCFQTYCHFKSPITTLEELDMVNANFTLDIVALIVIFVVLRISAYLFLRWK # LKTVR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 82.4 # CDS exons: 8/9 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 6/8 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 234 # W: 234 # end gene g19 # start gene g20 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 131575 132306 0.57 + . g20 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 131575 132306 0.57 + . g20.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 131575 131577 . + 0 transcript_id "g20.t1"; gene_id "g20"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 131584 132084 0.58 + . transcript_id "g20.t1"; gene_id "g20"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 131575 131583 0.58 + 0 transcript_id "g20.t1"; gene_id "g20"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 132085 132306 0.76 + 0 transcript_id "g20.t1"; gene_id "g20"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 132304 132306 . + 0 transcript_id "g20.t1"; gene_id "g20"; # protein sequence = [MVETSKHRIGRVSPTVAPQPLTETETKTESTAIQNYQKTCPTSDCLTNHITVKWKNEQSTVSCAEDCVFTGKVPLF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 16 # E: 1 # W: 15 # end gene g20 # start gene g21 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 132483 133682 1 + . g21 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 132483 133682 1 + . g21.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 132483 132485 . + 0 transcript_id "g21.t1"; gene_id "g21"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 132483 133682 1 + 0 transcript_id "g21.t1"; gene_id "g21"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 133680 133682 . + 0 transcript_id "g21.t1"; gene_id "g21"; # protein sequence = [MALRVAGLFLKKELVAPATQQLRLLRTGNTTRSQFLANSPNTALDKSILQRYRNLETPANRVQATYLWIDGTGENIRL # KDRVLDKVPSSVEDLPDWQYDGSSTYQAHGENSDTTLKPRAIYRDPFKPGKNDVIVLCDTYSADGKPTASNKRAAFQAAIDLISDQEPWFGIEQEYTL # LDVDGRPFGWPENGFPAPQGPYYCGVGADRVYARDLVEAHVVACLYAGIDFAGTNAEVMPAQWEFQIGPAGIKACDDLWVSRYILQRIAEEYGVVVTF # DPKPMEGQWNGAGAHTNFSTKEMRADGGIKAIEEAIEKLSKRHERHIKAYDPKEGKDNERRLVGRLETSSIDKFSWGVANRAVSVRVPRGVATAGKGY # LEDRRPSSNCDPYAVCNAIVRTCLLNE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 121 # W: 121 # end gene g21 # start gene g22 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 138695 139336 0.45 - . g22 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 138695 139336 0.45 - . g22.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 138695 138697 . - 0 transcript_id "g22.t1"; gene_id "g22"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 139199 139255 0.77 - . transcript_id "g22.t1"; gene_id "g22"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 138695 139198 0.5 - 0 transcript_id "g22.t1"; gene_id "g22"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 139256 139336 0.86 - 0 transcript_id "g22.t1"; gene_id "g22"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 139334 139336 . - 0 transcript_id "g22.t1"; gene_id "g22"; # protein sequence = [MSATWVTILSISTCVVLLKLSEIRSKESCYYVTFTYANWTDDRPRFVVNMTFSNQTGIGSVTTINEEIASPVSRILIL # QHSGRGKPRTIYNASTKLCDLQNVFNSVPLFKPAKDNMLKQSNYTLSCPLVKGTYVMINMRVSPKNPLLSLLYQPKQTFSVSGGLFEELSRGRRLRAL # STYFMTGKVVKKYCGSNE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g22 # start gene g23 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 139471 140933 0.88 - . g23 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 139471 140933 0.88 - . g23.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 139471 139473 . - 0 transcript_id "g23.t1"; gene_id "g23"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 139607 139740 0.91 - . transcript_id "g23.t1"; gene_id "g23"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 139955 140113 1 - . transcript_id "g23.t1"; gene_id "g23"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 139471 139606 0.88 - 1 transcript_id "g23.t1"; gene_id "g23"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 139741 139954 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g23.t1"; gene_id "g23"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 140114 140933 1 - 0 transcript_id "g23.t1"; gene_id "g23"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 140931 140933 . - 0 transcript_id "g23.t1"; gene_id "g23"; # protein sequence = [MGVDKLPEIRALSEVVEPHVSGSRLLNYHTSSLTKPGDNYGSVLLAIHARLQKSNGESFEEQLVAKVPPIDPKYWQFF # QPEQTCLTENAVYKILAPALATLQDEAGVPDESQFKGFPRFYGCRESLESNSSKVDQNAVLVLENLRSSGYVSGQRLKAFDLAHTLLALKYMAEFHAL # SLALRILRPEVFREQVRPFFKKFDWHAEAPEWKSVMKAETLEDIRRATNNDSRLVARMKELSDQFFEFLAAAPDRPDGPFTSIIHCDFWINNIMFRYG # PTGTPVELKIIDFQTAQYDSVVHDIISFLLSSVDTAILEVEFEHMLEAYYEAFERCLRRVGAKLEVHTFKDALIGDSEAEERPKLTDVLKNTGSERIS # RKLSQILNLAEKFDILY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 54 # W: 54 # end gene g23 # start gene g24 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 141130 142769 0.99 - . g24 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 141130 142769 0.99 - . g24.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 141130 141132 . - 0 transcript_id "g24.t1"; gene_id "g24"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 141341 141395 1 - . transcript_id "g24.t1"; gene_id "g24"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 141610 141670 1 - . transcript_id "g24.t1"; gene_id "g24"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 142577 142723 0.99 - . transcript_id "g24.t1"; gene_id "g24"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 141130 141340 1 - 1 transcript_id "g24.t1"; gene_id "g24"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 141396 141609 1 - 2 transcript_id "g24.t1"; gene_id "g24"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 141671 142576 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g24.t1"; gene_id "g24"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 142724 142769 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g24.t1"; gene_id "g24"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 142767 142769 . - 0 transcript_id "g24.t1"; gene_id "g24"; # protein sequence = [MIGTLFKEEKLSSSSTQGRKARLRGIVVEPIQSPFTRVAVQSAPEMGEVPKIKNLPQVIEPHLPEGCTLDSYSTSYLT # KPGDNYGSIMLSVQAKIRSADGGIRDLPLIAKLPPLTNDLYWQIFQPERTCITENAVYQYLSPELDKLQLESGILPAQIFDGFPRYYGSRVSLDNRAT # KVDRDAVLVQENVTTRGYRPGNRHRPYNLAETVLILHYLAQYHALPIALRLKKPQVYEEYVRPYFKKFDMNSNIDQAETEIMNKEILKDIKLVTSDER # DVNRVKELLDIFQAFQASNDVDDGPFTTLVHGDLWINNMMLKYGEEGTPLKVKIVDFQIAQYGSLVHDIIFVLFSSVDVNVLEDNFYNFLTIYYNAFI # QTLRSVNVDTSNYTYELFLEEVQQTAHVQLPHAIFMMKVILADNSTIPKDYKDVDFSVLTKNTGAKTIVTKFEAILRLGKKFNIFY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 127 # W: 127 # end gene g24 # start gene g25 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 143378 144094 0.97 + . g25 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 143378 144094 0.97 + . g25.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 143378 143380 . + 0 transcript_id "g25.t1"; gene_id "g25"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 143378 144094 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g25.t1"; gene_id "g25"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 144092 144094 . + 0 transcript_id "g25.t1"; gene_id "g25"; # protein sequence = [MDLQLLMQQMYSGASVMTISETNIDGYRYGIPSGQHQEQPIYPFLPNENGDQLVGQLEDDDDEEEDEEQRTLFCGNLD # ERVTEEILYEVFLQAGPIEGVRIPTDNNGRPRNFGFVTYQRLCAVPFALDLYQGLELFQKKVTIKQQGGKQLPAYNQSRLRNQFMMEALPQPSPLRHA # RHSLHNGKPYDRNPFGHNADQRRRSDSSVMERNRLKPQQHHQHMQGGSRRSDQRSNNKRRLL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 73 # W: 73 # end gene g25 # start gene g26 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 144374 145795 0.93 - . g26 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 144374 145795 0.93 - . g26.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 144374 144376 . - 0 transcript_id "g26.t1"; gene_id "g26"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 144374 145795 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g26.t1"; gene_id "g26"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 145793 145795 . - 0 transcript_id "g26.t1"; gene_id "g26"; # protein sequence = [MGKRPFSSTGLWNDCKVEVLNREHNPNEAFGELVVDAIKVQTESEPTAHEELLKLNGSLNSLHSKTESIKTQLEETTP # QLSRAQSVKSLLIEEDIESSNSFVVVEEVENELESSPAKGEEEVPLQEELATPVKATKLENHTFGPKLVPTHDEIVIHSRSVSLDSLYGTRPASKQGS # MDTSTSTAENTSQTGSQIGNTSVPAKAQHTPLKHKSKTSYFLRAQRRISPSKQPIKMSQAELFPQNMVRFDRPREALLKTFDQLDSSNWEVNVSGLKS # MVRLIRYHAETLDNQMHMTCIQLTRSVRNLRSQVARASCQAAAELFSLKSTSLQQECDDLVCALLHRTADTNRFLRADANRALESMVDHAQPQKILNI # LATKGAQHQNALVRTTSAKLLFRLVERLGSDRIYAMGRESRDKFFVVGANLLLEGSLETRSYAKSLFRALSENHNYQRLLLEVIPPRTYRNVEKTLRS # ITR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 7 # W: 7 # end gene g26 # start gene g27 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 147345 152800 0.21 - . g27 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 147345 152800 0.21 - . g27.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 147345 147347 . - 0 transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 147455 147510 0.45 - . transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 147711 147764 1 - . transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 147937 148452 0.91 - . transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 148697 148878 0.91 - . transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 149227 151114 0.76 - . transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 147345 147454 0.41 - 2 transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 147511 147710 0.79 - 1 transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 147765 147936 0.91 - 2 transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 148453 148696 0.83 - 0 transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 148879 149226 0.76 - 0 transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 151115 152800 0.55 - 0 transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 152798 152800 . - 0 transcript_id "g27.t1"; gene_id "g27"; # protein sequence = [MYAEFHERLQDPEWQVRQHALRVLVDVLVVMQDEADGHMEREQLIGLLVENLGHQAPTVRKGALDCLRVYLAETAIPE # TVMLGILDAGLTKQVPADSEHMGRLSCGVLLSVPALLQSIMHTAQRHRIVHSTVERVVAHMDQVVQQEITVKVLSKIRELLGVHEFEEIMGNVGRGDT # LSRYYQLSQVYGVSGKSKTGGEVKAGAWRALPREQGWRNGNAVQNLDTTLQIQSNCLDMGKIIMETEIKINDDTVTMRILEADTETEESDSPTRIFSN # EEDGTDLICHPLSSSGSTHQEPNIGAGIVKVISDSELDEPHIKAGSVSEPGTPSRGLKRVTFGGEIVKMRTPDSDAASSTNNSRSPTQTNQSITVSSS # EDAAISDLVSSDEKSTLSRPVNDKRTTALVLEIPFDNTKPLPQDRSLCSQPHRHQSNAQSEPSSNSPRNRQENKARLSPSPSSPGFRSRSTSPTGSNN # ISPKVPHKQIEVLHNLQRDPSPRSQRRSEDMDGNGDGKALHATGNPSSSPTQPLISRTRSASTMSPVSPATPKSWEDLDIVNLKTLLELRSGDWRNRL # MGIGQLELALSSSSNLALVQPYLDSLLRTLLSSERHFEVSDLKRELLVNLISRLPLDNLEERTPQILSGLCRQGNAGANRVCKALMQRLPAGTIVAKL # TSPEFLHAKSSKAALEVLAVLADISSIKEVLTIVSETTDGVELGPMVLEATSVRLSRLQLPIVTPDSGVLFVFNQTDPPGARRFGADVDWIHQGSQSF # IERRFLAKACSDTSMDGRSTDSTTTTCSSGSATDSFIQLTSRTGGRLAGPNSRFPTMNQHADFVNNFMRSMQRGSKSHSVERPNYPKVSYSIPKSQQM # IRKKFQHKDSFTKLGDEPPGQSIENNKFNESQRRKSGISTDHMESLDSKCADVIKSV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 18.2 # CDS exons: 1/6 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/5 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 21 # W: 21 # end gene g27 # start gene g28 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 153677 155247 1 - . g28 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 153677 155247 1 - . g28.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 153677 153679 . - 0 transcript_id "g28.t1"; gene_id "g28"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 155060 155127 1 - . transcript_id "g28.t1"; gene_id "g28"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 153677 155059 1 - 0 transcript_id "g28.t1"; gene_id "g28"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 155128 155247 1 - 0 transcript_id "g28.t1"; gene_id "g28"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 155245 155247 . - 0 transcript_id "g28.t1"; gene_id "g28"; # protein sequence = [MKNQDLVEYLRSCGVCEICQLRYLKARGAEYRNINETLQKLDVKLNENVENEELVISEGSQPSKRARLGVCSTCLGLF # SKDFQNELLSSILASDFAKYDCQKIVLAICLPMSLQLRQLAMWFALRRRFGPSIDENNPPDVPIKEAVKLILHPIICEKLAKVYDANGLMINIDLTHS # LEGEEVEKLVKLNKEAFPAKASHQKRIEISRGLLEKQYQPSKVKAETYEKYFQIPCSNVEESIKLTSIDLQGPLICVAGRYRKLSRELSHTPWILNGQ # RLMEDSIEEIIIRHVGPHFTEKLGKITFMSSGREDVDVRCLGKGRPFVLEIPNAKRSCLTKDEAFAMERAVDASGMVSIHHLQVVPREELTHIKTGEE # QKKKFYRALCALQEPVSVKILEQLQISASFNIQQKTPIRVLHRRPLHTRPRTIYSVTAKVHRGNPKALIIDIVTQAGTYIKELVHGEFGRTTPSLSSI # IGKPMDIQALDVVGIDLDWPHEVDNSKHKE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 129 # W: 129 # end gene g28 # start gene g29 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 155572 155950 1 + . g29 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 155572 155950 1 + . g29.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 155572 155574 . + 0 transcript_id "g29.t1"; gene_id "g29"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 155785 155857 1 + . transcript_id "g29.t1"; gene_id "g29"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 155572 155784 1 + 0 transcript_id "g29.t1"; gene_id "g29"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 155858 155950 1 + 0 transcript_id "g29.t1"; gene_id "g29"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 155948 155950 . + 0 transcript_id "g29.t1"; gene_id "g29"; # protein sequence = [MSLTPFLRLPLTDLTGCLINHQTYDKCGKFEMKMMECFEAYGLERGKRECADLISDFQECVGMQKQLMRFHAMRNERY # KQWLKGERKGQEFFADPPRVDAY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 30 # W: 30 # end gene g29 # start gene g30 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 156241 157541 0.84 + . g30 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 156241 157541 0.84 + . g30.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 156241 156243 . + 0 transcript_id "g30.t1"; gene_id "g30"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 156349 156422 1 + . transcript_id "g30.t1"; gene_id "g30"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 156553 156735 1 + . transcript_id "g30.t1"; gene_id "g30"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 156241 156348 0.84 + 0 transcript_id "g30.t1"; gene_id "g30"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 156423 156552 1 + 0 transcript_id "g30.t1"; gene_id "g30"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 156736 157541 1 + 2 transcript_id "g30.t1"; gene_id "g30"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 157539 157541 . + 0 transcript_id "g30.t1"; gene_id "g30"; # protein sequence = [MGTKRPNNSVILAQEAKRSKNDLMAYTNRDKALLESGVRRTSNLQAPIMQLEGHEGEIFTAEFHPEGELLLSSGFDRQ # IYIWQVYEDCENVMAMSGHSGAVMEAHFTPDGSHIFTCSTDKTLAFWDIATGQRQRRFKGHGNFVNSVQGSRRGQQLLCSGSDDRTIKIWDARKKHAA # HTLESPFQVTAVCFGDTGEQVISGGIDNEVKIWDIRKQAVLHHLRGHSDTITGMSLSPEGDFILTNAMDNTLRVWDVRPYAPGERCVKVFQGHQHNFE # KNLLRCAWSPGSDKITSGSADRHVYIWDVNTRRILYKLPGHNGSVNAVDFSPKEPLILSGSSDKTLYLGEIDE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 100 # W: 100 # end gene g30 # start gene g31 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 157944 158603 1 - . g31 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 157944 158603 1 - . g31.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 157944 157946 . - 0 transcript_id "g31.t1"; gene_id "g31"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 158376 158435 1 - . transcript_id "g31.t1"; gene_id "g31"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 157944 158375 1 - 0 transcript_id "g31.t1"; gene_id "g31"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 158436 158603 1 - 0 transcript_id "g31.t1"; gene_id "g31"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 158601 158603 . - 0 transcript_id "g31.t1"; gene_id "g31"; # protein sequence = [MSNLKSDLDEYLLLQSDQKKPSFNVKLPQLKVPFFSSSDPEANSFLKDSDSCFPKLSRLQRIVGFVACLGMGALCMTL # STFYIPFLILKARKFALLYTLGSLFFILSFCFLSGFGSFLKQMFSKPRLLTSLSYSSCLILTLYCALVAKSTAFTVLFAVAQIIALLFMVLGTVPGGA # TGLKFFGQLFKNTVSASTSVLPV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 59 # W: 59 # end gene g31 # start gene g32 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 162841 175507 0.54 + . g32 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 162841 175507 0.54 + . g32.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 162841 162843 . + 0 transcript_id "g32.t1"; gene_id "g32"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 163002 164158 1 + . transcript_id "g32.t1"; gene_id "g32"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 164235 175360 1 + . transcript_id "g32.t1"; gene_id "g32"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 162841 163001 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g32.t1"; gene_id "g32"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 164159 164234 1 + 1 transcript_id "g32.t1"; gene_id "g32"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 175361 175507 0.55 + 0 transcript_id "g32.t1"; gene_id "g32"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 175505 175507 . + 0 transcript_id "g32.t1"; gene_id "g32"; # protein sequence = [MVRDNSRNICFGKLAETTTTQQQQQQQQFVVDSSTIINNNNNNNNNNNNQKLKRAAADALSPHQGKTTTEGKAPFNSF # AVRILKATLPASSPGLLRQPLSDDSNVDSNVSLHVSEVFRLYIENLPFN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 14 # E: 2 # RM: 12 # incompatible hint groups: 25 # E: 2 # W: 23 # end gene g32 # start gene g33 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 183412 201414 0.86 + . g33 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 183412 201414 0.86 + . g33.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 183412 183414 . + 0 transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 183420 183760 0.9 + . transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 185083 185151 1 + . transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 186124 186192 1 + . transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 187017 187481 1 + . transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 199576 199636 1 + . transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 199744 200119 1 + . transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 200316 200375 1 + . transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 200676 200741 1 + . transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 201062 201126 1 + . transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 183412 183419 0.9 + 0 transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 183761 185082 1 + 1 transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 185152 186123 1 + 2 transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 186193 187016 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 187482 199575 1 + 0 transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 199637 199743 1 + 2 transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 200120 200315 1 + 0 transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 200376 200675 1 + 2 transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 200742 201061 1 + 2 transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 201127 201414 1 + 0 transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 201412 201414 . + 0 transcript_id "g33.t1"; gene_id "g33"; # protein sequence = [MRRSTEEPPTNSFERNYYDRTTSRLVTQYQANNSTSLANSNSSPSSVSASASVFATAAGGSSERSRNRDRPYRNGSAS # VQGGGINSSNTTTTTAACTAGGSGSGAIGTGTGGLVGSGPGGVPQALGDRSSTQNIHQNHQSARVAPPQSWYEAATAATTAQLKSSGGSGNAGASAAV # GFTMSSSPINHHPHQHPHLQNPQHPHYTSSPVVGAGSCPSAAQGQPQIQSQSQTTAVHRSVAYAGSAADDLLNTATSRNMLLHSSKLNKLLKGAGATG # SGGERSGSESPGRAGGATPLTTTSTITNNSFSSNSLNNTITTATPTMPTIASGAAGSVGLGSGAEAGVCSNSGTASGDILNVAAVLAAAVDNGVPTHP # IRTRHNLHGRSTTSSSRSHSRSPSSYSSSHSSSSSSHSSSHSHASSPVQSSGNCAMAEGRSSRTVNSVTVTSNSSNPSGTAVTVSSAGVGGGCGSSSS # SSSSSSSSGSSCLTANPVVHSEDNRPLAIRVRNLPARSSDTSLKDGLFHEYKKHGKVTWVKVVGQNSERYALVCFKKPDDVEKALEVSHDKHFFGCKI # EVEPYQGYDVEDNEFRPYEAELDEYHPKSTRTLFIGNLEKDITAGELRSHFEAFGEIIEIDIKKQGLNAYAFCQYSDIVSVVKAMRKMDGEHLGSNRI # KLGFGKSMPTNCVWIDGVDEKVSESFLQSQFTRFGAVTKVSIDRNRQLALVLYDQVQNAQAAVKDMRGTILRRKKLQVDFASRECQDAFYDKQEKQQQ # QSSGSNPRFSRYESSASSLQSRSRASSFSRHQNNSNDDCSPINTPGGASSGISSASNLINQSTSINISNIGTNACSAMPAPSLASAVVSCNVNASGTV # PASTSMPSGVSSSSSSLPMSPAALAQRHRMVRNARQTVDCDFNEVGRLRFRSSEEVSGGAGNSTQFEDVRCDSPVTARQGSAVNCFTGPTAAVGESID # GTLNNNQITGGAEGFTGSGGSILSRRRCGKTPKDLHPVHNQRIQLAEQVEECPSSGDEGVVSPRKRIKMDYHHHHHHSNASGVESTGEHSSINKPSPL # LLSNCDVIHDPLNRKSEIRRVSETPSGSPSIKFPGHLPSAPQSLMLSCRRPSIDVGALSALSSSSAFRHGIVGASSMDQQHMMNASAAAKRRRVTTTM # QQPSSSSTTNSSSGSGLGGISSLTPADEYHHHVSRGRGHQLHSHHSHEASGGESADGSRPGTPLCDERPEVLPTEPRRLPPPRERVRERTRDVMWLPL # PKFGVLFFQQQQSRSSGGGGAGNSYLQQQLGGGSTGGLGCIGAASSSACSLNNSSLNASQGMGSCSGSTFLPSPSSRYWRSSSHHQNQQNNHQQQSQQ # LHGSSSSNTCLMASPARPRSLSSNSSDSDVPGQNAGGSPSLDERLRNFEENYERWSGGSSREHISGHTPSSATPSWQLSMHMNLSTGLNSHQTSSASG # NSNSSSGTVSSSASNSRHKFLDIDELQPSDIVKSVLAKKSVFDDDFQRLNKNQWYDPSSSDFALGSSSNIVTGSSLVANVSRHPGGPCSGNTSPALPN # LAATKATPIIGNCSGGLGNSTGSKSAGLLQRLSSLSPMNSPQASMSPYNSPSPSPSVGGVTACLGQLTKPAAPGTASAGLSGGTAASSSSPAANSGPT # KGLQYPFPSHPPLPNTAAPPPAVQPAPPPLPEMGKQSRLTGQSSGNNLTKSLSVPDGPQSSPARVQLQKSASVPGSTNVGAPSSLSLDSTTASVETSA # SISSSTSNGNSSLTSAAIHVQKPQQSTFVEEEHTKKSGTSTSQSSSSSSKKISSTHDKLHSKHNNRSESDKKIKKSDKNASSSDKRKNSSTSQSSKSA # TPRIEDDSSEADDTADKAEKNQRHEKEKKERQEKREKDLRKQVEREEKDRKAQQEEREKEDRKAKEEEKEREREKKAQEDREKKEREERELREKEQRD # KEQKEKEIREKDLREKEQRERDNREKELRDKDLREKEMREKEQREKELHREKDQREREHREKEQSRRAMDVEQEGRGGRMRELSSYQKSKMDIAGEAS # SLTAIDCQHNKENAMDTIAQGTPGASPSTPSDNTPKERSRKLSRNSPVRLHKRRLSSQESNHSAGGGGSCGGSSHQIHHEDYVKRIRMENSQNISVHS # SNQRLNDRRDSKEHKSSSFKEDKNSSSHISRPHGCGGSSASSSKHHHRRDKHHQKGSASSIETNSSIEVVVDPISQTKHNLNTSEEELQSHQPKREKE # REHFSSHANSSSSRHKSKRDHHHHREKKRHSVAESTNTDEEHTPQQHNPHRRISAAGSGSAGELSSAATNTSSGKLHHQHHRRSVERKSSRGSDEGHH # SSSKSLRAKLMMLSSADSDDTDDASKKHSIFDIPDDCPNVSMYDKVKARSCKNMQRQAEEKKIKAKFSQLKQSRAKKKRSTSYDGDSDTEFEDRQHRN # SGSSSFHGRYPGLSSSDDDDDEETHQRRISSDSDAEHGGQDNQGASTLADANRVRQMQQNLRRLCDGDDSSEDEIRRNVMKHSHFGKRNSNSTRIASD # SESQSQPAPDLTIKQEHPIAPAQEIKREQLSDEEQKFKSRHDSNSSIEERKLKTEREIKTELGDFYNSSEYTYTGKLKEYSPETRKKHKKSKRRLKSS # STADTSAAQTPLVMTPLTPSIFDVHSSSECKTKFDNFDDLKTECSSIPLEISAGERRKHKERKEKKREKLRNMTEATVPNSPTTNDTSSEKLSKEERH # RLKKSKKSKSMDNSCNTKIYNSSGAHPSTSPSLPATPTSAPSTAQTSKRGEDKMEFIFGIISDEEESQFPEQAETNKDIIPSSVSTTGPIVSAALQTY # KQEPSTPNSKNEEAHIQLTVHEPEQQQQLERSRLSGGSSSSSHADRERHRREKREKKRREKSQREQQNQIHQKSSKVETKVDDDNSVDMDEAGRALEA # QLMSDFDTKPISEEATPSTAATYRSDMTDVFRFSDNEDNNSVDMTKQGVKSEQQEQHKSKDKKKKKKRSKEEKQEKLLQQQRRESLPNVASTSSAPPT # PGKLTVNVQAASKHADLQLDAKHISSPPVCKPSPSLPCLIGDDDDDALHTPKAKPTTPSSRGNDGLTPSREKPRLISPIPKTPTIANSSTLSTQSAET # PVSSGTVISSSALATTPTSSTAAGVSAAPGLDNSPTSASAQCKKKESFIPGFDGQLDDRISESAVQSISAEFNSTSLLDNIADEPKIPVASPPRATKP # LDKLEESKSRVTISQEETESAVSALLGESFGTSSTTDYSLDGMDEMSSVNELETPTLVIAEPDEEAALAAKAIETAGEPASILEEPEMEPEREAEPDP # DPEAEIESEPVVEVLDPEELNKAVQSLKHEDMMDIKADTPQSERDLQIDTDTEENPDEADSSGPSLKIDETVQSSSSPEKSISNNSPTPRETANIDIP # NVESQPKLSNESTPQPSVITKLPFLDTPKTVPAGLPPSPVKIEPPTISKLQQPLVQPVQTVLPAPHSTGSGISANSVINLDLSNVISSCSNTSAASAT # ASASASISFGSPTASQNAMPQASTPKQGPITPQQAIRTQSLIMQPPTISIPEQTPHFAVPQMVLSPQSHHPQQPGTYMVGIRAPSPHSPLHSPGRGVA # QSRLVGQLSPVGRPMVSQPSPQQQVQQTQQQHALITSPQSSNISPLASPTTRVLSSSNSPTTSKVNSYQPRNQQVPQQPSPKSVAEVQTTPQLMTIPL # QKMTPIQVPHHPTIISKVVTVQPQQATQSQVASSPPLGSLPPHKNVHLNAHQNQQQPQVIAKMTAHQHQQHMQQFMHQQMIQRQQHMQQQQLHGQSQQ # ITSAPQHQMHQQHQAQQQQQHHNQQHLNQQLHAQQHPTQKQHQAQQQFNQQIQQHQSQQQHQVQQQNQAQQQHLSQQQHQSQQQLNQQHQAQQQQLQQ # IQKLQQMHGPQQQQKSPQGVGHLGGSTSIFASQQHNSQLPARGVPQQQHPQQLSHSSPCKPNTLVSVNQGVQPPAILTRVGSHSQPNQQQQLPHQQSS # SGHPHQKQLSSPGANLPLQTPLNVIQNTPKIIVQQHIVAQNQVPPPQTQGNAIHYPQNQGKDSTPPGHVEPTPAMSAQKTSESVSVIRTPTPTTGLAV # ISANTVGSLLTEENLIKISQPKQDELIEQDSKEVDSDYWSAKEVNIDSVIKKLDTPLASKDAKRAVEMQAIAPAPIPNPQPGNQSMAQETALPTTSMS # VNNSNDHDTEDETETRQLPPAKPPIPTVGRPPGRGGSAKRGRQPRGAKKVGGFPLNSVTAAPPGVDSLVVQPGDNGVQTRLRKPVTAPVTRGRKGRPP # RNLLLQQQQLQQQQLDIQRKGMEMVTSATSSTPLPTPIPTSSVLTAAEKKARNQALTQAQEQNQVASQVGTGQDIYEFHEDGGEEPKPKTISSVAPSA # EDQRPRLILTINKTQPSIKNISEMEQTIQQQQQQQSEVISNTDPIGGDNSESCNTRKSRRLQEKEDRSTVDDIIEDVVRNTNTPTGTGPHLPKGAQTP # PRRSGRNAQAKKTDAVQIINAVGRPRRSKDRKTIGEQTANLIEEVTASNATVAASHLAPPEGAGVESHVPQLDAKEVEPVSVVTPISTPAPVSVAAPV # TVPVPAMVPVKPTMPQHPKKKAIAAAEIESYQAINSSIPSGGLPMHQTAAPATQKITGGVADAVSKALVDPVTGVITAGMPQGKEGNLPAATAAAPAN # SSNEDGQAAPPPQLQHQQQQQHPQQPPQQQANLQINTTLIPSGLPNPITALGKSVQLETSAAALLNKPVSVLVKGNASQVIQQQQPQIVAPAKQPIIL # QQNPLPTVLHHAQHTTVRPPQPLKAHVLNREKNIQQQLTPTKQAVAQPPQHAPHSGHMLLTDTAGNQQLVQPQIIARHLQQQQHLQVNVPPPTAHSPH # SPRIPSQQQQLGPGASISPQQQQPQTVVIKQAASAAQPQILHVVSSKASVVPQPQQQQLPPTSSTGPHLQLAKPNYSYAPTVLTPTLPAVQQQQQQHL # YKQNNQQKGAQIQMPPHGIIMPTHPGMLLQQKLPAHLQPQQHQLNPSPPPGKPNPVLHGLQSGQIMPGSVGSPPPVSAAVLKTAQQQVNSVVPVAGIR # TAIPNISPQSQPRVSPLVLPPGISGVPPFDASLNDSTYRGVTASRDFMLYQHHLMRGGDYDDKMGSSPPLELRRPGSGPPRTIAVPHSLQSPQDRTAA # DSPQMAQVYVHNTRIPPAHFSEIASRGLYDSGALQLEPPPAHRPTATISVVVPQQMPAVSSGSPFIGRDGSVQPGSHHHPGKAMDMQLDEMDRMSMIA # AVVQQQQEHLPPALPAGMELASQQAPPAMAPPPGDSLVTLLQRYPVMWQGLLALKTDQAAVQMHFVHGNPNVARASLPSLVETNTPLLRIAQRMRLEQ # TQLEGVAKKMQVDKEHCMLLALPCGRDHADVLQHSRNLQTGFITYLQQKMAAGIVNIPIPGSEQAAYVVHIFPSCDFANENLERAAPDLKNRVAELAH # LLIVIATV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 10/10 # W: 10 # CDS introns: 9/9 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 11 # E: 9 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 1636 # E: 3 # W:1633 # end gene g33 # start gene g34 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 203870 204717 1 + . g34 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 203870 204717 1 + . g34.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 203870 203872 . + 0 transcript_id "g34.t1"; gene_id "g34"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 203892 203992 1 + . transcript_id "g34.t1"; gene_id "g34"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 203870 203891 1 + 0 transcript_id "g34.t1"; gene_id "g34"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 203993 204717 1 + 2 transcript_id "g34.t1"; gene_id "g34"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 204715 204717 . + 0 transcript_id "g34.t1"; gene_id "g34"; # protein sequence = [MATLIQRSLSLAKSSTPALQFLRFRGKINIQRPKAPHYERARVVAVTQPKYPELPKAKSCFKTRAERTQQQQENPYNE # IIAREVRNWLDHSRLVAFFHLSSITADDIFRVRVQLHKQNLHLKSYGSKIIEQAVKNTRYEAIVPLFHSNHCIVFSPDPEKTAALLRIVRRVPQMVLL # GGIVEETMLSRNQLVAYAQMPGLHAVQAQLVQTLSQAPGHLIQQLQAHQNSFVQVLDVHAKNQMNEETPKST] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 73 # W: 73 # end gene g34 # start gene g35 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 205044 206186 0.92 - . g35 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 205044 206186 0.92 - . g35.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 205044 205046 . - 0 transcript_id "g35.t1"; gene_id "g35"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 205213 205271 1 - . transcript_id "g35.t1"; gene_id "g35"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 205944 206000 1 - . transcript_id "g35.t1"; gene_id "g35"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 206051 206120 0.92 - . transcript_id "g35.t1"; gene_id "g35"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 205044 205212 1 - 1 transcript_id "g35.t1"; gene_id "g35"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 205272 205943 1 - 1 transcript_id "g35.t1"; gene_id "g35"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 206001 206050 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g35.t1"; gene_id "g35"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 206121 206186 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g35.t1"; gene_id "g35"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 206184 206186 . - 0 transcript_id "g35.t1"; gene_id "g35"; # protein sequence = [MKIGAPEIAPPTESSKTKLTYTNLMDKSTRPKRNRRHSRRAWPPEEELHPASRATKRLFTPDIKRMLKDWLIRRRENP # YPSREEKKQLAAETGLTYTQICNWFANWRRKLKNSEREKAKKSWGHLIKNYNHNARGNVEQFSISSEDSIWEEEMHSCPAEDDEGDDNEEFSSHSTGS # DGNANNEPSSPYKPILFVGSAGLTERISAQTGGKTKYKHQMMEKYMRDSSTAKTTSQQGTQLNKWLESAAKFTPDRNNYHIEWNMTRQKASSNSSCGQ # AIFTTDVSGAGRGGRWMLHHKDELEAAEALANLAFNCRQRWHHI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 67 # E: 1 # W: 66 # end gene g35 # start gene g36 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 207512 209858 0.96 + . g36 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 207512 209858 0.96 + . g36.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 207512 207514 . + 0 transcript_id "g36.t1"; gene_id "g36"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 207632 207710 1 + . transcript_id "g36.t1"; gene_id "g36"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 208609 208728 1 + . transcript_id "g36.t1"; gene_id "g36"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 207512 207631 1 + 0 transcript_id "g36.t1"; gene_id "g36"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 207711 208608 1 + 0 transcript_id "g36.t1"; gene_id "g36"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 208729 209858 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g36.t1"; gene_id "g36"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 209856 209858 . + 0 transcript_id "g36.t1"; gene_id "g36"; # protein sequence = [MDESVRYDRCHQVQLGVFNESQLSSVEEDVQNLPQQGTGNILFTHDGVLLKKASAEHIADLNTSGSLSLVEYSRSIAE # MPRRRLLLEWQPNDSIMIADDSQDQGDWALVDRISGRTRTTSECRAFNTRPIEPSGGATTRSRVMRAQLEDLSSVEVRHRGQTIRFMRKGANGVHSEF # FFQHGNADLFVRSMRDQHLIENAETSRSGGEVYAILTTENQKLKKTFAELDIGQIKASQLPRESWLPNKLAGILGNIPDYVQPPFQRSPKSRPGVLIS # GDRQTSPDNYQIIGLSGSTNSACSSNGQSRGGSAEKSPADSELETLNAQDEKIVNNLPDRQRVERGHPLTETQWLEFQTPDGRISDSARIKELIFRGG # VVQSLRPEVWKFLLNYYLWSDTHVERIERRKQKSIEYYNMKAQWLAMTTTQEANFCGYRERKCQIEKDVKRTDRSLQFFAGEDNPNLTLLQGILMTYV # MYNFDLGYVQGMSDLLAPILEIQVNEVDTFWCFVGFMELVFTNFDIDQAGMKTQFAQIRRLIEFANAPLFNYMRSHDSDNMYFCFRWLLVWYKRELNS # EDVLKLWECLWTRLPCPNFHLLFSVAILDQETRVIIDSQYEFTEILKHVNELSGNIDVQKTLQVAEGIYLQLKGSETLPNDIRSIIGEPLLPAAAGEE # IDGGMVDEEPTYSDDGFDELVKELTPEEKVRQQALLEEACERSLFLQFH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 196 # W: 196 # end gene g36 # start gene g37 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 211124 211430 0.68 - . g37 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 211124 211430 0.68 - . g37.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 211124 211126 . - 0 transcript_id "g37.t1"; gene_id "g37"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 211255 211351 0.69 - . transcript_id "g37.t1"; gene_id "g37"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 211124 211254 0.78 - 2 transcript_id "g37.t1"; gene_id "g37"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 211352 211430 0.69 - 0 transcript_id "g37.t1"; gene_id "g37"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 211428 211430 . - 0 transcript_id "g37.t1"; gene_id "g37"; # protein sequence = [MYSPQTKPFSTLPSPICCILNSLFFMSYILNSCICNSYVLLYTCVSHEPPTPTCKSWRVTNRWEVFIEK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 32 # W: 32 # end gene g37 # start gene g38 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 211482 212158 0.82 + . g38 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 211482 212158 0.82 + . g38.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 211482 211484 . + 0 transcript_id "g38.t1"; gene_id "g38"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 211622 211815 0.82 + . transcript_id "g38.t1"; gene_id "g38"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 211482 211621 1 + 0 transcript_id "g38.t1"; gene_id "g38"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 211816 212158 0.82 + 1 transcript_id "g38.t1"; gene_id "g38"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 212156 212158 . + 0 transcript_id "g38.t1"; gene_id "g38"; # protein sequence = [MNYVQVLYMYRDCMCQDSARNPSICVSTFYAWIVFCLNIFLSLINYTRSALQFRRSCSSVELYGVETNPNPFSPNWLL # ISIYRLYMVLILYTTLSLRDLVVTVNLAFKFRLDLVCIRICSWFLIIFLLLIFCSGDLHVLAGLASPLRDFLRPLVWAVSFC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 68 # W: 68 # end gene g38 # start gene g39 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 212185 242287 0.94 - . g39 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 212185 242287 0.94 - . g39.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 212185 212187 . - 0 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 214943 215033 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 215677 215772 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 216008 216076 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 216276 216344 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 216574 216631 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 218886 226115 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 226509 227371 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 228282 229172 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 229383 230537 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 230628 230757 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 231035 231947 0.94 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 232102 232291 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 232380 233996 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 234175 234236 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 242144 242243 1 - . transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 212185 214942 1 - 1 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 215034 215676 1 - 2 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 215773 216007 1 - 0 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 216077 216275 1 - 1 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 216345 216573 1 - 2 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 216632 218885 1 - 0 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 226116 226508 1 - 0 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 227372 228281 1 - 1 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 229173 229382 1 - 1 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 230538 230627 1 - 1 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 230758 231034 1 - 2 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 231948 232101 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 232292 232379 1 - 1 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 233997 234174 1 - 2 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 234237 242143 1 - 1 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 242244 242287 1 - 0 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 242285 242287 . - 0 transcript_id "g39.t1"; gene_id "g39"; # protein sequence = [MDGNAQNMFHGNHQGDPYYRYDAAAAAAAAAAANPRAMGPPGGYPPRHRPPHPLQQQPQYPSYQPTAENLYGLGAADH # QAAMGLGVGVGVGAGMGDLSGWGAAPSVPGQAAAYPGAGLGAYGHPQAAPPSQQQRQSNASAYRQHMPAYGQQDQQKLASYGAQQSMMAGYGSLAPQQ # QQQQQPPTPQQQQQAQQVQQQAQQQQQQQQQQSQQQARLPQHYPQAPGQHPLYPGVGAPTVQAGQPPTPQAYAHSPYGSPMQHQPSRGAPQHVGYGHT # GLDQASAYGQHVPGGAPPGHHLSAQQQQAAQQLGAHQQQQLQSQQQQQAQQQQPHVSLMQQQQLPGAGLPPPHMGMPPSYGSHHQQQQQQQQTQQQQQ # QSAPPYMSSSKHQQAAAQLNSSPQYRAPFPQLSPQMSPRPPTMSPHPQMSPRPVGVSPAKPPPPQQQQQQTQAQQPQQVVSNQPSQHSIQGMVGLPSP # RPQPPTSGAGGAGAKGPAPVAAPVNTLQALEQMVMPSQALGLPPMDYPSAYRSAVGPRMPASPQQQQQQHQQWGAAHGAQHLAALQQQQAQQQQQQVQ # QQQQAPPQQQQQAAMLQAQQQHHQQQLSMYGQPMGQQPQTAQQQVVPPVTSQPPVVAASQQQQQQQHQQQSLNDQLQHSINDIVGGGNSSGATGGAQN # QHQQQPQLAAMSSPLHQQNLPNMHHLIQPTMETTQPTQQQQQTSQQQQQPQQPQATLTSPHHQQMQHQSPIHQQQQSPHHQQHLPSYNQSQQQFDPFA # NILGDNQPAASQQTMSPAHVSSPVPAQMQQQQHQTQQQPSQQVPQSQQQQVSQPQQQTQQQQPSTPSHHLSSILNETANSNDSSTLAVAANDSNNSSS # NSSTNSIVNNQPTSVHDSNSQSSINSSSNNQQQLLMDNTNSHGGNSESAQNAGVDVGLFDNNSMSSNSAAVAAVASNAASAAAALLDSNSQSSNAEFE # KNQSEGEGLGVVEGVIANETDLPQDENSVSKTQDITLSTELPTIQDDLQEKPTAEMEQTQLGQSLGDLSKSLLEEPKTVEESGEDKSQSAPGVAPPAD # PIIPVTQPPQQQMPPIGMPMHPIAPGYEAQAQGQGHMPPMMPPYGGAPGMYPPYPMLHQQEIAALQQQIQELYCMPPGHELQHQDKLMRMQERLNLLT # QHEVNDQCAGGPQCLLFQNVPPMYGPPGNPLLNQQMVESPQVSSTTGRGRGKSANKPRKPRAKKGEKAQVGQQQDLMDISGNVAMGAANAVSSIPTTQ # LPVSEDCVTQGAGDTSVVGMLEYSEGMGDLSQDVHSANELDTSTDGSGKKKKPRKPRTPKDPNKPPRDRTPKAKKPKDPNDPNSTETPAAVKKRAGAS # KRRKQYGEDGAEQTGEGSEVEDNKPLVPKAGSADGEAETTSGGTGVDGESPDYDDIPVSKIPRGSNEDEKEAEAGDETVDSVPDSAGDPASTPSRRDR # KRSTARSRRNANSEEGGSARKNRGSLSAKALKKRRNRGRIVPESDGEDDTLDRTPPPSPPPDSEMDSNKRRSSRNTQRKKYIDDVMLRFSDDENSLLV # ASPVKKDKKPSANASNSNAGSDVEKTEPQSGAEGDAAQEVGEEKSNLPLDESSQLEASSSTSAVAEKERQISTDAANAAMSSKPNYVYINTGDEDSMV # VQLVLAMRMGKRELILDKPKEKAPEPKQDEEKSELDEATTDKPEGDEKFKTEGESKKDLTDSEETKLESSAMEVDSKEESEPDDSKKSDEDNKDKDKM # EVDDEVGKSDKESKPEEQSETVKTEENSKAIEEDKSSTVLTADHAKEPETVLEKMEVDEKANDDQSAVSKAEGSDEKSTDDSNPEEATTEKNKESLEI # EGEKERVKEGEESVKKENDEKTEADMENKPEPVFIDVEEYFVKYRNFSYLHCEWRTEEELLKGDRRVAAKIRRFQQKQSQQLNIFENIEDEPFNQDFT # EVDRVLDMSVHTDETSGETTKHYLVKWKSLPYEDCTWELEEDVDNDKIEQYLRFNKIPQRSEWKSKKRPHPELWKKLEKTPVYKGGNSLRPYQLEGLN # WLKFSWYNTHNCILADEMGLGKTIQSLTFVHSVYEYGIRGPFLVIAPLSTIPNWQREFEGWTDMNVVVYHGSVTSKQMIQDYEYYYKTESGKVLKEPI # KFNVLITTFEMIVTDYMDLKAFNWRLCVIDEAHRLKNRNCKLLEGLRQLNLEHRVLLSGTPLQNNISELFSLLNFLEPSQFSSQEEFMSEFGSLRTEE # EVNKLQALLKPMMLRRLKDDVEKSLAPKEETIIEVELTNIQKKYYRGILEQNFSFLKKGTTSANIPNLMNTMMELRKCCIHPYLLNGAEEQIQYDFKS # QHGEDPESYYKNLILSAGKMVLIDKLLPKLKANGHRVLIFSQMVRCLDILEDYLVYRKYPFERIDGRIRGNLRQEAIDRYSKPGSDRFVFLLCTKAGG # LGINLTAADTVIIYDSDWNPQNDLQAQARCHRIGQRKMVKIYRLLCRNTYEREMFDKASMKLGLDKAVLQSMNTQGSKDGNNKQLSKKEIEDLLKKGA # YGAVMDDDNAGDKFCEEDIDSILKRRTQVITMESEKGSTFSKASFAASGNRSDITIDDPDFWTKWAKKVDIDPDACERDETEDLVLSEPRRRTQIKRY # GHEDVMELNSEESSNENSDEEGGIGLRSRRRKEKRDRAREKKGNDEYIPRERDALAALGLEEIQYGNWAKSECFKVEKGLLSFGWGRWSELLELGQFK # RGWRDVDVEDCARIILLYCLQVYKGDEKIKTFIWDLITPTEDGEVQKISRDHSGLHNLVPRGRNAKGRNGGKSNKESTGVSTPAPGSASGSNSGNTTP # AHKSSALDGSDKDSGGINASAVAAAVTSIHDPNHWSKKEKYDADAYLEGAYKKHLGRHANKVLLRVRMLYYIQHEVIGDFVQQIKDNTPISELPIRPP # PTPDQVPSSWWNPICCDKSLLVGTYKHGCEMYRQMRADPNLCFVTHVGAGAAGDDLAVTSLPINEDDANSKHDDGDEVDDDGTTTTKDSDSTKLTGGD # NKDSLLDPERPSSSGKSSSENASGGNDKTESENDATTVSESSYKSEVLPGKGSDLDVSVAQQDALSATPELANTSDPKMNKNDAQVSASVSCDPADSS # SPEAAGKAQGTGVQTGDAGELDIESEKKDNEKETKESTGDAPAVEAKKDSAAIARAEGDKTESCTNNATTNISTTTTTTTITNTTTTTNNPSSKAANS # NNTTDHANSNSHLGLDEEESVAGSYPPTVAAVEDATTMWPSMQDLNTRLRRVITAYQRNYKKEELKLQQKAKLQALVSSTPPLSVPTTPTLQSMQMQL # QSGSGSGGSGIGSSAQHDASGRSLQALMQSQGASTSAAAAAAASSAGGSCSGSGQVGMGGAGVMPAMPTAADISLMLSILNTTDVNQLANLDINKLAM # YLVSMNNKMERQGKMELAAKERESQRLQLIPKKWNRREEYEFLRVLTGYGVDLHVSTPMASSNGSSLSPDWTKFKQMAHLERKSDETLTDYYKVFVAM # CKRQAGLKLSESERGLEGIIEEIEKEHAKLILDRLEVLAKLREVARNPMLEERLKLCTKNADTPDWWEPGRHDKELITAVLKHGLYRSETFIFNDPNF # SFGESEKRFIRELEAQIQRTIKLEAFNAEKAEKLAAAEKDAATEKAAATEKAAAEKAASVKNEVIDLDDELMTNESVIKKESPVTPIKEEIKSEESPE # KHDTADNLEDKNSDAEESTKIKGKEDFNPETTEKEALDESTNLNKDKSSTETLVPEIEDSKPSEDKMEVEELPVAENGEKEGSPEKCSDAEDKKFSEE # KPSSPAVPDGKVSEMEADEAAPNTEENCSGDSESPEKECEDKVVEKVEEEKGENSYEKAEEQKEETEKLEKSSIESEPSEKSETVLEPEVAVPKKSTG # DQDILDLVAGPSDPDDDEVMKEKEKAVEEECKKQAAELKARFPDLEVIQPATVKQQKLEKPKLEMCMIRWFKDFALERRIAHIVACVESGNWPVDSKY # SAFATCKGATDLSIALHESIPHLSSLERRSTTPDVITITTDQGVTKHLQTSHMQQVASSASAASTSSGVPQVTQSKPSSSNSLPGLDAKSINAAVAAA # VAAAAAGGNATSLSSLLPGMSLSAATGSSAGGVSGLSVPSAGSGVGKKRKRHIAIDVETERAKLHALLNSSTMAPKDWESEIANMEALSGSSGRGRGG # NSSASSGMQPPPAHQHASLSRQSSGQFSKPAVPAMKTPPPSMGAPMDLSSSLPKMNMTEMLKSASSSGAIDLSEVQDFSMPSKKSSVHAALSSAFPSM # GNKSKLDDTLNKLMKKNNCTIEEPVIGKEKKRKKLDEIVLGLSAAKEQKTFPDPSLPSSKKPQIPPSVSVTPANLQSSSNQQSNQKPFTITVTTVPGK # SKSGSSNSGSGTGGSSSASGGGAGGSGLSALQNMAMGGLSSKDSLNALLAQTMATDPQTFLKQQQKMMQFLPPAQRKAYENMLAEMEQAMKISSKFST # NSPHDVKVNKWLSDMTSPLGDQLSIDYVGGGGASGSGSGNSRRSNRQQGNSQQSSSAAQLQKQQQQQQQQQQQQQQHSMPGPQNLTGEEPVPVINKQT # GKRLGGNKAPQLKRLMQWLTENPNYEVDPKWLEQMQNPMSTPSPRPASMESGYGSSAVKSHGGRPLSNLSSTSSSSHTQQQSSAAQSQAGGNSGSSKK # NSRQQTAASAALDQAALQFGSLAGLNPSLLANLPGLGAFDPKNPLAAFDPKNPLLSMSFGGMPGMGNIPGLGNLNNMNLFASLAGMGGLGNLAGMDTQ # SLAALMAAAGPTLGGLTGASGGAGSGKSQAQSQSSATSSSSSASKKKQQQQQQQAQNEAAQLAAAISASTGGSGASGGKNAAASASQLAAGFPFLFPN # PSLLYPPMGLGGLNPYSLGSSGLGSAYDQLAQQYNLLNGATSSASNTSSTQSKSHQSQSKSSQSRNTTASANSAASLMNAMASMGGGASTVTTPSTSA # SGSGRGRQSSSRNQSQTTPTAADMAQLSSLLMPGADPHLLESLSRMSNMDLAQATRLMSSLGMPPLSGTPSSSGGGNTSTSKRSSQAANEANVQAKEQ # QKWLESLARGALPTDLAALQAFSQGKMPSTSGSNTGTSTSSSKSSKAAATAAAAQLPQIPGMSSDFPQAFLAEMAAQAMAAAGGSLPLSGPGSLASLA # GLTGGSAGGGGSSASGSTSHSSSKRQREQDAFKQQMDYYTKTLGLGSGISLIPTSSAGGSSASSSAANAAAAAYAAALDAEQQHQQQQKALSKRARGD # LHPTKEELAALAAGLPLNLGASMSSIEKSLRGGSSSSSSSTPAPMTAEQDKVTLTPLNASGGGSGSSSSSAAAAGLAANLPSQTTITIAPPISSGAST # SSERSERSESRISLTITNAADAAKLPPPYEEADELIIQPILKKPTAANPGSSHGGSVDDLDTAENTSAANLSGSSSSSAAAAAAAAAEENRRSSNRLK # RPRSGNEQGSGSVEGQPPEKRRELRSTRHTRSSADASTLNLSTGSESGAEERNE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 16/16 # W: 16 # CDS introns: 15/15 # E: 15 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 26 # E: 15 # RM: 11 # incompatible hint groups: 1671 # E: 3 # W:1668 # end gene g39 # start gene g40 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 242636 252317 0.8 - . g40 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 242636 252317 0.8 - . g40.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 242636 242638 . - 0 transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 242745 250756 0.94 - . transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 250773 251279 0.8 - . transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 251465 251526 1 - . transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 251802 251855 1 - . transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 251925 251978 1 - . transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 252167 252226 1 - . transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 242636 242744 0.95 - 1 transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 250757 250772 0.91 - 2 transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 251280 251464 0.8 - 1 transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 251527 251801 1 - 0 transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 251856 251924 1 - 0 transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 251979 252166 1 - 2 transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 252227 252317 1 - 0 transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 252315 252317 . - 0 transcript_id "g40.t1"; gene_id "g40"; # protein sequence = [MEQTRPFYDFSIPYNKDDSVLRALLNELVETGYKTVAIDQSFDHSKKDPGKRGSEMFPEPHKIEHLRKEFQDKLRILQ # RITILYVDVNVAHAMSVSHNLRKFNLIAGQPKTDAALTHCCTAFNGDLITFDPVAGSRLLVNRKAYQVAVRRGMFFEIKYAPSICDSNNRKDMIKIAQ # NYCTKGKSKNVIFSSGAAHEFQLRGPYDVANLAFIFGLSEDQGKNAVDGHCRELFLKAEARRLGKTIMFLKGNGPIIYSDSSEDEKSTEDEMKEFCVK # RCERMCFTANMSKVGHEVRETRNTNDFYPIKATTRR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 84.6 # CDS exons: 6/7 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/6 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 11 # E: 5 # RM: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 113 # W: 113 # end gene g40 # start gene g41 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 252663 254379 0.96 - . g41 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 252663 254379 0.96 - . g41.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 252663 252665 . - 0 transcript_id "g41.t1"; gene_id "g41"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 253146 253219 1 - . transcript_id "g41.t1"; gene_id "g41"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 253386 253445 1 - . transcript_id "g41.t1"; gene_id "g41"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 253891 253955 1 - . transcript_id "g41.t1"; gene_id "g41"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 252663 253145 1 - 0 transcript_id "g41.t1"; gene_id "g41"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 253220 253385 1 - 1 transcript_id "g41.t1"; gene_id "g41"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 253446 253890 1 - 2 transcript_id "g41.t1"; gene_id "g41"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 253956 254379 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g41.t1"; gene_id "g41"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 254377 254379 . - 0 transcript_id "g41.t1"; gene_id "g41"; # protein sequence = [MVNDEDAAHQRPSKPTGYNFYRSSLGSPRYVVAPMVDQSELAWRMLCRRYGAELCYSPMYHANLFATDPKYRKDALQT # CPEDRPLIIQFCGNDAQQILDAALLAQDHCDAVDINLGCPQAIAKRGHYGSFLQDEWELLTEIVSTLHAKLAVPVTCKIRIFEDLEKTIRYAKMLEAA # GCQLLTVHGRTREQKGPLTGVANWNYIKNVRQHIKIPMLANGNILALDDVHRCLTETGVDGVMSAEGNLHNPAIFKGVSPPVWQMAHEYLELVQLHPC # PSSFIRGHLFKLFHHIMNIRQNSELRQYLATANQLVQFQAVVQQVRAKYEPFHKGEVPYEPEQMAAGSEEDLPLSPWLCQPYIRASPESHRQKIAEKV # REAEDPNRTKRQYFDKDGKEISRKRMKKLRRRQRRPNKTEAQIQHRHERRLEYCSECANPQGSKCEFQLCRVCCKDRCYNNDRDCPGHGIFIKSRRAR # AKLFEEHIAPQDHQKVTRTSDDDLTIAPTDAQEPL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 139 # W: 139 # end gene g41 # start gene g42 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 260630 260983 1 + . g42 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 260630 260983 1 + . g42.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 260630 260632 . + 0 transcript_id "g42.t1"; gene_id "g42"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 260630 260983 1 + 0 transcript_id "g42.t1"; gene_id "g42"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 260981 260983 . + 0 transcript_id "g42.t1"; gene_id "g42"; # protein sequence = [MSCTFHLADNSTKEPRARSSLNQPKGKSKATENVIAGHKAKQKEYVGPSGLGVGANLTTNANNSSEKGRNGWSRGNCL # HWCAFAPNSGPINHESFILQANRERRIRLFKEGVAFTLE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g42 # start gene g43 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 263782 266688 1 - . g43 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 263782 266688 1 - . g43.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 263782 263784 . - 0 transcript_id "g43.t1"; gene_id "g43"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 263782 266688 1 - 0 transcript_id "g43.t1"; gene_id "g43"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 266686 266688 . - 0 transcript_id "g43.t1"; gene_id "g43"; # protein sequence = [MSTTAAGLKSGPKGAYGVRSETDHIITISTAGLTESHSESPAKGVVTPVRKPHSLGSEDSPENIIPGEQAETNKKPLH # LCRLSQLVSYQSNIADVQHRKGRRLHGLQLPLHPLQIFGWLVLLLFGVASYWVLIPAFHARIQGPLYGLITGLYLVHIASHLTALLTDPADKELRRVH # RNDRIVPEFDRSKHSHVIENGRCHLCNIRTSSNRTKHCSVCNKCVGKFDHHCKWLNHCIGSRNYVAFLMCVVSAVVATLVIVAAVVAQIVFYYIQPDW # LSFYWCPTESSHTIESGDFINITLSLSNGTMMLIEQHTSEEDVHQEMWDEEQANMTISTLPTLLENFTAIIEASATRPGISPTNHTETQPVVTGIGLN # ETIFMFLLGVLGLLAAVSAGLLLHLCFFHIYISFLGLTTYEYIRNHRQAQDAKTKQLLEGAPGVRAPKNGNVHFSASLPEPHNPSKSLPGGQQLYCCS # SAPHPSQHSQESVGQTEQSLRLHCCASSREFHQSGQAIYVCSLLEEAVPQIQVEPDTLSSFHCCSSFAASSLQRRVSLAKGSLISAEPRHLRPATYLQ # YTEQCTLCTFRLRRGSGPGTGSSGAVSSAGGSSSTRTLTSQTGGSSASATAAGNISKHQRWRRKWNCCAAVPDSPDLPNDLLAALTFRESEEAAAAAK # LNAQELPIQFIRTLNGGLDQELPLKATTATPTPPRSSRLRYMLRLLGRYRRPRCRHGAHHGIAAKEHQNIGGSAIKQNQIRPLQLQAAGRGYANSTAT # PTPPASSPSRSSLESSDLSTSTSPSCGKKELMLLPTSVIRDDSVTTYTLTLPPALPPPTRRKMNQTTQELAELAETLGFASNLQHSQHNSQTNSRTLP # SFGNVYRRQRRKHFLRTRSPTLSPIHESGLSNPTSPQPLRHHHQNLANSNSNPAKAMSSPMLNRNSGSANSSALLVQNLCSLAGETLRNSASNSSLQS # LSSNSSST] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 13 # E: 1 # W: 12 # end gene g43 # start gene g44 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 269255 271314 0.74 + . g44 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 269255 271314 0.74 + . g44.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 269255 269257 . + 0 transcript_id "g44.t1"; gene_id "g44"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 269390 269457 1 + . transcript_id "g44.t1"; gene_id "g44"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 270607 270660 0.85 + . transcript_id "g44.t1"; gene_id "g44"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 269255 269389 0.84 + 0 transcript_id "g44.t1"; gene_id "g44"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 269458 270606 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g44.t1"; gene_id "g44"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 270661 271314 0.86 + 0 transcript_id "g44.t1"; gene_id "g44"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 271312 271314 . + 0 transcript_id "g44.t1"; gene_id "g44"; # protein sequence = [MISYKTGLPINSLPGWELIPLNCKLPMLKCPGNQVIFSKNKIGQDFKSGKQEFECSVTEHIPEYNPLHDSNLKTFYSN # ERNLKRLRENGEITQDNDVICNLKDFNQHRQELHKSQLYYILQAYKRRESEQYDRMLIANAESITKKDHQNLAARHQCTEEVLARKKLQEQERHERKV # HLLNITYEKFKRLENLATMQNMLLEHRKMLTNMRVAAHISMCQDLMRKLLIKQKKLFQFKKDRFNKNMRILRKQRLVKNTEHQIQSWRKRLDERIANQ # RRIEYLLQEVEKEREAFIDRHKAHYREKWQRIQDEIKERAQKAITARQPKRKRRKKKKSTLQERKPSFCDEYQATFEGLLDSDLCYALNAAIAMEGQT # ALSFAPDDPIYKAAQYILDYIISGLNDDLSEDECALQVLISRIKDFVCDAKKYVHYKAYQIIGFARDHKAMEVPPSMAKQPKNHSRASHVSFSGVAST # IGVGSYEIHPFVDVRPCSERRATPAGSLASLVVSQIGEQVIQDKVRLPHLNRNQIVFIEHYLVKFKRDLLVGLDKLVFAAIQCHFENRMMEVREELLL # LDRNYLFEQIARGILSYAVNPLNYQSVLKLAVSVQSCEIIWELQQTMLKPGIDPRGQNHPVSCGTEQERETLALCIP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g44 # start gene g45 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 271967 273846 0.58 - . g45 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 271967 273846 0.58 - . g45.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 271967 271969 . - 0 transcript_id "g45.t1"; gene_id "g45"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 272507 272554 1 - . transcript_id "g45.t1"; gene_id "g45"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 273758 273837 0.58 - . transcript_id "g45.t1"; gene_id "g45"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 271967 272506 1 - 0 transcript_id "g45.t1"; gene_id "g45"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 272555 273757 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g45.t1"; gene_id "g45"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 273838 273846 0.62 - 0 transcript_id "g45.t1"; gene_id "g45"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 273844 273846 . - 0 transcript_id "g45.t1"; gene_id "g45"; # protein sequence = [MYYQFWLERSHFGSPTNNRILSITPIGSTRAPQLGGFININNSIMHNSGGQSGWNLSGEERKPFSNYGRNNQQRRSSG # GGGRGSHSQNRAANGNWPDAGSEGGQNGNAFNKFRDPQQELDNHQPNKRGGRRNRGGGGGGGGWGGRRGNRGRDSNRRGGRNNSWQPKDQHVSPGQSN # MLYFDNVGDFTEDPPLPRSSPAPSSLRQESLPPVTFAADLTPPPPVSVAPPDVAVTPEEPTVPLINIKKEKEMEHKSKIKQFVKAEPKSPKKKKVNSS # RSSSTSGEESEPEPGEMVVNTKAVVVPSPKAKAIKTPVASTPKPKAVKPVSSSDSSTSDSDTDDEQSHPPAKSKKMEKNTEEDVVCMGSQERQFTITD # EEESTEPEDDKKARKQKNKGKTVDVCGICDKKGHTSFQCQMICRNCSGSYHGLKNCPNPPNLNIAIQSFVEFAMQQMTAFHCEQGFGFPAGTVTAPVS # AKPKKDKKASIKKIKKSSQKRMKVEPKDHDEEDDEEDDDEDEDDSSESDDSESSEEPHPAPVSKQKRKRGTKASVSAAASLPPQVFPFPLLGAPGAPF # NSMMYSYRAPFNFSK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 169 # W: 169 # end gene g45 # start gene g46 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 273941 274651 0.87 + . g46 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 273941 274651 0.87 + . g46.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 273941 273943 . + 0 transcript_id "g46.t1"; gene_id "g46"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 273941 274651 0.87 + 0 transcript_id "g46.t1"; gene_id "g46"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 274649 274651 . + 0 transcript_id "g46.t1"; gene_id "g46"; # protein sequence = [MVRWTIFSLTTNNNAMNSTNPKKTEDNDRHERQLQSRTKDWGKTKFKPKKYVQPKPALVPQATATPWQHVKNDIITDS # SDRGHQDVDSEDARQFMQQRQKNHRRNVIEANRSQDTTWEPFNDEKPSTERKQQLSTDVENFTFKERNFFRKQLTLGFNLTKKNATLKSALKDLKYRQ # LTKDKFELERSNHTRRNVKSSNAKEAKGSHPFQKMRDNAHPYRKKGPNRRNPFQKGPHNE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 70 # W: 70 # end gene g46 # start gene g47 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 274947 277142 0.55 - . g47 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 274947 277142 0.55 - . g47.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 274947 274949 . - 0 transcript_id "g47.t1"; gene_id "g47"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 275252 275318 1 - . transcript_id "g47.t1"; gene_id "g47"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 276498 276738 1 - . transcript_id "g47.t1"; gene_id "g47"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 276904 276958 0.55 - . transcript_id "g47.t1"; gene_id "g47"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 274947 275251 1 - 2 transcript_id "g47.t1"; gene_id "g47"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 275319 276497 1 - 2 transcript_id "g47.t1"; gene_id "g47"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 276739 276903 1 - 2 transcript_id "g47.t1"; gene_id "g47"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 276959 277142 0.55 - 0 transcript_id "g47.t1"; gene_id "g47"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 277140 277142 . - 0 transcript_id "g47.t1"; gene_id "g47"; # protein sequence = [MDVAPAPPASSGGDHSTQQAPISPNQNANQAPVALAKATTIENGVQTGGAKKPESCGEKAPAVEPTHSTDASQKDDDE # GKPKTELADKVLITICSADRKIKKTFMSLPTRKDVIDKAHKYGLCGNTIVLESNGCEICEDDVLLFAAKEKILLMLLAESEEYVVLPPPSPLNRSERA # GSSVDPSFYANNSIVSNPNDSTVSNDETMSLSSVTPSSAKSSALFKEFSIPWSKVPGDIMKLLKGKGSLGKRLNTLANVLVEALREISAHIPIRIFRQ # VAQQAAEKYPDSLLEKDREGQFIATTPQSLISKMINRNNALNKPQKRGSSGTFEIHIPNKKRKFGGGASNGDAKSLALNRDLEHKKELLISSYRGSSP # LEQSVIIEYMKECFPLQRSFFNNSEKIPDITAIKDNWPYIFDKAVLYQHFELLMSIDPRALEKRLATEKDRFFRFFKSSKNKKISSLDETNANFLRGI # AYYFNEDPDYIFKHLENSSLSKESLQSTNPTNAPWVALVNSPITTADGVESQMEAKVYIEGQIMATFAAKDEDLPDILAQLICYYYTFNMMYPKEANQ # TLEFIVVYFLQHSPEQVRSAKKSVTTNGKFNHLIAKLANVHG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 179 # E: 1 # W: 178 # end gene g47 # start gene g48 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 277850 281514 0.53 + . g48 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 277850 281514 0.53 + . g48.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 277850 277852 . + 0 transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 277864 277929 1 + . transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 278324 278642 1 + . transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 279125 279184 1 + . transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 279806 279869 1 + . transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 280041 280109 1 + . transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 277850 277863 0.53 + 0 transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 277930 278323 1 + 1 transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 278643 279124 1 + 0 transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 279185 279805 1 + 1 transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 279870 280040 1 + 1 transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 280110 281514 1 + 1 transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 281512 281514 . + 0 transcript_id "g48.t1"; gene_id "g48"; # protein sequence = [MPNIMMFLEVAILCLWVVADASASSAKFGSTTPASAQQSDVELEPINGTLNYRLYAKKGRDDKPWFDGLDSRHIQCVR # RARCYPTSNATNTCFGSKLPYELSSLDLTDFHTEKELNDKLNDYYALKHVPKCWAAIQPFLCAVFKPKCEKINGEDMVYLPSYEMCRITMEPCRILYN # TTFFPKFLRCNETLFPTKCTNGARGMKFNGTGQCLSPLVPTDTSASYYPGIEGCGVRCKDPLYTDDEHRQIHKLIGWAGSICLLSNLFVVSTFFIDWK # NANKYPAVIVFYINLCFLIACVGWLLQFTSGSREDIVCRKDGTLRHSEPTAGENLSCIVIFVLVYYFLTAGMVWFVFLTYAWHWRAMGHVQDRIDKKG # SYFHLVAWSLPLVLTITTMAFSEVDGNSIVGICFVGYINHSMRAGLLLGPLCGVILIGGYFITRGMVMLFGLKHFANDIKSTSASNKIHLIIMRMGVC # ALLTLVFILVAIACHVTEFRHADEWAQSFRQFIICKISSVFEEKSSCRIENRPSVGVLQLHLLCLFSSGIVMSTWCWTPSSIETWKRYIRKKCGKEVV # EEVKMPKHKVIAQTWAKRKDFEDKGRLSITLYNTHTDPVGLNFDVNDLNSSETNDISSTWAAYLPQCVKRRMALTGAATGNSSSHGPRKNSLDSEISV # SVRHVSVESRRNSVDSQVSVKIAEMKTKVASRSRGKHGGSSSNRRTQRRRDYIAAATGKSSRRRESSTSVESQVIALKKTTYPNASHKVGVFAHHSSK # KQHNYTSSMKRRTANAGLDPSILNEFLQKNGDFIFPFLQNQDMSSSSEEDNSRASQKIQDLNVVVKQQEISEDDHDGIKIEELPNSKQVALENFLKNI # KKSNESNSNRHSRNSARSQSKKSQKRHLKNPAADLDFRKDCVKYRSNDSLSCSSEELDVALDVGSLLNSSFSGISMGKPHSRNSKTSCDVGIQANPFE # LVPSYGEDELQQAMRLLNAASRQRTEAANEDFGGTELQGLLGHSHRHQREPTFMSESDKLKMLLLPSK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 253 # W: 253 # end gene g48 # start gene g49 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 282172 283147 1 - . g49 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 282172 283147 1 - . g49.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 282172 282174 . - 0 transcript_id "g49.t1"; gene_id "g49"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 282506 282653 1 - . transcript_id "g49.t1"; gene_id "g49"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 282172 282505 1 - 1 transcript_id "g49.t1"; gene_id "g49"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 282654 283147 1 - 0 transcript_id "g49.t1"; gene_id "g49"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 283145 283147 . - 0 transcript_id "g49.t1"; gene_id "g49"; # protein sequence = [MGKSKKQVREFNAAKEAVEATKAQLNTCNDAYTSGAFKYLRFLVHLLAAAQFSYGIYFHYFRVHWPTDLLDEDELKAR # WGGKFKYLTFLDVILQAIYHSLALLNDLFGDNNVSGDSKSMLRSVRDYVFAAFAFPVAHNVCLSFWVIYVWDRELIFPSALDAIFPSWLNHVVHTNVA # LLAIMDLFTCFRRYPSRLAGITGNVSFILLYIIWLHIVRYFSGEWVYPILEVLPAYLRYVFLALLVGFNLVCYLLGEFANNVVWGPEFKLLNQQKLKQ # G] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 81 # W: 81 # end gene g49 # start gene g50 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 283886 285633 0.87 - . g50 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 283886 285633 0.87 - . g50.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 283886 283888 . - 0 transcript_id "g50.t1"; gene_id "g50"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 284211 284747 1 - . transcript_id "g50.t1"; gene_id "g50"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 284969 285432 1 - . transcript_id "g50.t1"; gene_id "g50"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 283886 284210 1 - 1 transcript_id "g50.t1"; gene_id "g50"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 284748 284968 1 - 0 transcript_id "g50.t1"; gene_id "g50"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 285433 285633 0.87 - 0 transcript_id "g50.t1"; gene_id "g50"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 285631 285633 . - 0 transcript_id "g50.t1"; gene_id "g50"; # protein sequence = [MASVRGNSVYQGVYGALRTLLHLTAVVQFGYGIYYDYNYVQFPTSEPEMRIHHPWGGKFKYLTFLDAIIQALYYIVSL # VNDFVGTNELTPKKPPAVRRFKDWLMATLAFPVAINVGVTFWTLYAIDRELVFPKVLDPVFPSWLNHVLHTNIVVFIILELFISYRSYPKRSQGLAGL # AIFMGAYLVWIHVVKHYSGVWVYPVLEVLQLPQRILFFAAVVGFTLSLYLLGEFLNNTVWAKEVKLAKRKSN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 85 # E: 1 # W: 84 # end gene g50 # start gene g51 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 286172 286498 0.5 - . g51 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 286172 286498 0.5 - . g51.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 286172 286174 . - 0 transcript_id "g51.t1"; gene_id "g51"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 286214 286306 0.52 - . transcript_id "g51.t1"; gene_id "g51"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 286172 286213 0.52 - 0 transcript_id "g51.t1"; gene_id "g51"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 286307 286498 0.65 - 0 transcript_id "g51.t1"; gene_id "g51"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 286496 286498 . - 0 transcript_id "g51.t1"; gene_id "g51"; # protein sequence = [MAKPKSKSTSKGSTSPGFNKAVQLLLHFTAVLQFNYGVYIFHTLDMPNTVPFGGKFKFLTFICAFDPIHSNLIACSQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 19 # E: 1 # W: 18 # end gene g51 # start gene g52 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 287402 288919 1 - . g52 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 287402 288919 1 - . g52.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 287402 287404 . - 0 transcript_id "g52.t1"; gene_id "g52"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 287402 288919 1 - 0 transcript_id "g52.t1"; gene_id "g52"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 288917 288919 . - 0 transcript_id "g52.t1"; gene_id "g52"; # protein sequence = [MGLHWQWLIWALVGLHVALATKWYGGGMDFNDPTAWLDDHLPCAQDLVVFPEYYPALLPLPEDISIDGLVFPREGAIL # LAEESTITFGSDKQPSCESDENKAYLKPPKSSKWFDPGTWTDKSKEFSTFTPELERIPCDDEQVIIKGHGPLAFDLENVQYLRLGQLILAGSSISKTY # LEQLISRDLGQFLFYNAEYVQVEYYRGELCGCHKDFERLLEPVCHNVQEQCETPHCLSPVRPLGSCCLICGAILSTPTTHCTEGSRKELVAQISNLIS # QESLKDQIGLHVEFVGSQKFGNCLQAVVTDRHKYSERSLEFLQQNEHNWNKTGTTLKVSGRPYNPNVSFSSIVLILFCMALVGLVSVVILAHFMPENP # YLNRIPQWIHDPRLWRWRHLGLRLRRNLLFNRFDNGGAEGGSSEGGASGVDRLGIMAYDPESGEVRERAFDNPMFEQGGALEEAAKESQEQDEILSVP # KMETGDLDARSVVDEQELTEINLETCEADTDEETI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 24 # W: 24 # end gene g52 # start gene g53 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 292569 293002 0.41 + . g53 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 292569 293002 0.41 + . g53.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 292569 292571 . + 0 transcript_id "g53.t1"; gene_id "g53"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 292661 292716 1 + . transcript_id "g53.t1"; gene_id "g53"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 292569 292660 0.41 + 0 transcript_id "g53.t1"; gene_id "g53"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 292717 293002 1 + 1 transcript_id "g53.t1"; gene_id "g53"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 293000 293002 . + 0 transcript_id "g53.t1"; gene_id "g53"; # protein sequence = [MSTASRVTLGLAVSISTAIIGYVHYKQSADRLRLHDGVLRDVEQQQRRKHENTYTLQQQIDMTKQLKAREASSNSSDT # PVPPSTHRAQSNLQAEKPAVQNEGEAFRGVPQGGTTNHDGSPPTDIA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 36 # W: 36 # end gene g53 # start gene g54 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 293622 294484 0.32 - . g54 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 293622 294484 0.32 - . g54.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 293622 293624 . - 0 transcript_id "g54.t1"; gene_id "g54"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 294373 294440 1 - . transcript_id "g54.t1"; gene_id "g54"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 293622 294372 0.32 - 1 transcript_id "g54.t1"; gene_id "g54"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 294441 294484 1 - 0 transcript_id "g54.t1"; gene_id "g54"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 294482 294484 . - 0 transcript_id "g54.t1"; gene_id "g54"; # protein sequence = [MAEYLASIFGTEKDKVNCSFYFKIGACRHGDRCSRIHNKPTFSQTVLLQNLYVNPQNSAKSADGSHLVANVSDEEMQE # HYDNFFEDVFVECEDKYGEIEEMNVCDNLGDHLVGNVYIKFRNEADAEKAANDLNNRWFGGRPVYSELSPVTDFREACCRQYEMGECTRSGFCNFMHL # KPISRELRRYLYSRRRRARSRSRSPGRRRGSRSRSRSPGRRGGGRGDGVGGGNYLNNERDNMRGNDRGNDRDRRKGGGGGGGGGGGRY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 78 # W: 78 # end gene g54 # start gene g55 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 294571 297049 1 + . g55 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 294571 297049 1 + . g55.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 294571 294573 . + 0 transcript_id "g55.t1"; gene_id "g55"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 294656 295212 1 + . transcript_id "g55.t1"; gene_id "g55"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 295281 295345 1 + . transcript_id "g55.t1"; gene_id "g55"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 295629 295703 1 + . transcript_id "g55.t1"; gene_id "g55"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 296812 296976 1 + . transcript_id "g55.t1"; gene_id "g55"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 294571 294655 1 + 0 transcript_id "g55.t1"; gene_id "g55"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 295213 295280 1 + 2 transcript_id "g55.t1"; gene_id "g55"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 295346 295628 1 + 0 transcript_id "g55.t1"; gene_id "g55"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 295704 296811 1 + 2 transcript_id "g55.t1"; gene_id "g55"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 296977 297049 1 + 1 transcript_id "g55.t1"; gene_id "g55"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 297047 297049 . + 0 transcript_id "g55.t1"; gene_id "g55"; # protein sequence = [MLAACLFSDNFQLFSETEKSSVWSYFARLVQKYRKNCNSTALSSPLSEMDKVNELKEKGNQALSAEKFDEAVAAYTEA # IALDDQNHVLYSNRSAAFAKAGKFQEALEDAEKTIQLNPTWPKGYSRKGAAAAGLNDFMKAFEAYNEGLKYDPTNAILLQGRMETTASALSFMQSQGD # IPMDVDPQQARSRRAPSPPPAKPAEPPKPAEPRVEDMTEEQKNKYFARKEKELGNAAYKKKDFETALKHYHAAIEHDPTDITFYNNIAAVHFERKEYE # ECIKQCEKGIEVGRESRADFKLIAKSFARIGNTYRKLENYKQAKVYYEKAMSEHRTPEIKTSLSEVEAKIKEEERMAYINPEKAEEEKEQGNLFFKKG # DYSTAVKHYTEAIKRNPDDPKLYSNRAACYTKLAAFDLGLKDCDTCIKLDEKFIKGYIRKGKILQGMQQQSKAQAAYQKALELDPNNAEAIEGYRQCS # MNFQRNPQEVLKNAMSDPEIQQILKDPAMRMILEQMQSDPNAVKEHLQNPAIADKIMKLLESGIIQIH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 88.9 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 161 # W: 161 # end gene g55 # start gene g56 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 297718 302659 0.55 + . g56 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 297718 302659 0.55 + . g56.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 297718 297720 . + 0 transcript_id "g56.t1"; gene_id "g56"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 297751 298393 0.55 + . transcript_id "g56.t1"; gene_id "g56"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 298404 299032 1 + . transcript_id "g56.t1"; gene_id "g56"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 299919 302025 1 + . transcript_id "g56.t1"; gene_id "g56"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 297718 297750 0.55 + 0 transcript_id "g56.t1"; gene_id "g56"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 298394 298403 1 + 0 transcript_id "g56.t1"; gene_id "g56"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 299033 299918 1 + 2 transcript_id "g56.t1"; gene_id "g56"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 302026 302659 1 + 1 transcript_id "g56.t1"; gene_id "g56"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 302657 302659 . + 0 transcript_id "g56.t1"; gene_id "g56"; # protein sequence = [MIKSNNLANLFTHKMQPSPLHYSTMRPQAPGSLVDPNEDELRMAPWYWGRISREEAKSILHGKPDGSFLVRDALSMKG # EYTLTLMKDGCEKLIKICHMDRKYGFIETDLFNSVVEMINYYKENSLSMYNKTLDITLSNPIVRAREDEESQPHGDLCLLSNEFIRTCQLLQNLEQNL # ENKRNSFNAIREELQEKKLHQSVFGNTEKIFRNQIKLNESFMKAPADAPSTEAGGAGDGANAAASAAANANARRSLQEHKQTLLNLLDALQAKGQVLN # HYMENKKKEELLLERQINALKPELQILQLRKDKYIERLKGFNLKDDDLKMILQMGFDKWQQLYETVSNQPHSNEALWLLKDAKRRNAEEMLKGAPSGT # FLIRARDAGHYALSIACKNIVQHCLIYETSTGFGFAAPYNIYATLKSLVEHYANNSLEEHNDTLTTTLRWPVLYWKNNPLQVQMIQLQEEMDLEYEQA # ATLRPPPMMGSSAPIPTSRSREHDVVDGTGSLEAEAAPASISPSNFSTSQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 57.1 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 196 # W: 196 # end gene g56 # start gene g57 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 317224 317844 0.12 + . g57 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 317224 317844 0.12 + . g57.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 317224 317226 . + 0 transcript_id "g57.t1"; gene_id "g57"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 317464 317742 0.14 + . transcript_id "g57.t1"; gene_id "g57"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 317224 317463 0.12 + 0 transcript_id "g57.t1"; gene_id "g57"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 317743 317844 0.5 + 0 transcript_id "g57.t1"; gene_id "g57"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 317842 317844 . + 0 transcript_id "g57.t1"; gene_id "g57"; # protein sequence = [MKCSQIQKPETQQKAKVKETTREFRNTMAGDSSPKIGKQSQRDLNGMDPNEWRFVRRSLKAHSGGCDPKSGPLFLTFL # VHKTARTFNQSQNAVQRARMRCKVNTALTVPGPCR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 16 # E: 2 # W: 14 # end gene g57 # start gene g58 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 318418 319233 1 - . g58 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 318418 319233 1 - . g58.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 318418 318420 . - 0 transcript_id "g58.t1"; gene_id "g58"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 318418 319233 1 - 0 transcript_id "g58.t1"; gene_id "g58"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 319231 319233 . - 0 transcript_id "g58.t1"; gene_id "g58"; # protein sequence = [MKQFAVIFALALASVSAISVPQPGFPEGRIINGYEAAKGEAPYIVSLQTTSNSHFCAGSLLDEVTIVTAAHCLTYNQG # QAVAGAHSRTDQENVQIRKFTNAQYVIHENYGGGVGPNDIGLILLKEEDAFDLNAVARDGSNPVSAVSLPSKTFQGTSDGYLYGWGRDNSGLLPLNLQ # KLDAIIVDYNECKAALPSNNSLAETNVCTHTPGKADGSCNGDSGGPLVSQSSSRGAELIGIVSWGYTPCLSTTYPSVYTSVSSFLPWIDENRKAK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 82 # W: 82 # end gene g58 # start gene g59 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 320388 321221 1 - . g59 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 320388 321221 1 - . g59.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 320388 320390 . - 0 transcript_id "g59.t1"; gene_id "g59"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 320388 321221 1 - 0 transcript_id "g59.t1"; gene_id "g59"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 321219 321221 . - 0 transcript_id "g59.t1"; gene_id "g59"; # protein sequence = [MKLITVTLVIALVAAAQGAKLSDKLAKLVPSFATGFVINGTEAEPHSAPYIVSLATNYLKHSHICGGTLINKDWIVTA # AHCISEPVGMSIIAGLHTRAEVDELTQQRQVDFGRVHEKYTGGVGPYDIALLHVNESFIFNEWVQPATLPSREQVHEGETHLYGWGQPKSYIFSGAKT # LQTVTTQILNYEECKEELPESAPIAESNICSSSLQQSKSACNGDSGGPLVVEFTNAPSELIGIVSWGYIPCGLANMPSIYTKVSAYIDWITNIQSAYY # KLF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 84 # W: 84 # end gene g59 # start gene g60 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 322131 322985 1 + . g60 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 322131 322985 1 + . g60.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 322131 322133 . + 0 transcript_id "g60.t1"; gene_id "g60"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 322131 322985 1 + 0 transcript_id "g60.t1"; gene_id "g60"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 322983 322985 . + 0 transcript_id "g60.t1"; gene_id "g60"; # protein sequence = [MLSPLFLLPLLALAGAAKLPHIQHLTLRDTEQVHAEIQPLIIDGYDVQGVDNVPYLVSLSLTRATYTHLCGASIIGKR # WLLTAAHCVDELRTFNGDAVGTPVYAGIINRSNVTAAQVRYVDFASTHRSFNGNAGSDNIALLHVSESFEYNARVQQIALPDINDDYSNKTAAAYGWG # LTDPDGDEYSKELQYAFAPLLNSTGCKELLPADAPLTAQQVCSQVKTCYGDGGTPLIYWPITGPAELVGLGSWSYMPCGYANRPTVYTSVPPYIGWIH # QTIGAYYQLN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 86 # W: 86 # end gene g60 # start gene g61 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 325651 325974 0.89 - . g61 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 325651 325974 0.89 - . g61.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 325651 325653 . - 0 transcript_id "g61.t1"; gene_id "g61"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 325651 325974 0.89 - 0 transcript_id "g61.t1"; gene_id "g61"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 325972 325974 . - 0 transcript_id "g61.t1"; gene_id "g61"; # protein sequence = [MNAMVKSAKNALSHLALILLTNPKNQLPKERLKSRNQVYATDAFFKKYTHLWSLSVLSCANVAYGGYIKDIQLVVLVD # PVEEEALGIDAHCNRCSSARVLKSDEETA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 13 # E: 1 # W: 12 # end gene g61 # start gene g62 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 327574 329625 0.88 - . g62 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 327574 329625 0.88 - . g62.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 327574 327576 . - 0 transcript_id "g62.t1"; gene_id "g62"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 327574 329625 0.88 - 0 transcript_id "g62.t1"; gene_id "g62"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 329623 329625 . - 0 transcript_id "g62.t1"; gene_id "g62"; # protein sequence = [MMGTRAAEPRGSRRSLAGQSIQELSVCQEPDPLNTFLEKPLTLYQWMRWRNCKTHKPHLEETYPSILPPISKCDDAKT # LKYVENAMEANKCKEYVKEDVLTVWNYSPQKESLVWYGVKSQYPSPQAVLYDRALKKSLKAASLAPKPPKKSNIKPKWQLQKKPPQPGAFVLNRKCLK # AKLERMPNIKRQLKSNNVFSWLHCPQPADPSNPFDDSAVYPAISIEQAMDMAKPEKPPKHGLRRKHWYCPPKCGEAESKCTDYEWAKYKMDPRPDNEA # FQREMANQKAFKQPEPRNYDELYKSLVTCFVQDPNGKNDLCEALEKCCRDPKDPPAQGCSEFVPDGAGGDGESAVDKDKGRDKDVDIDIHVDIDKDVD # IDKDKRKDKGKTGDGDNENEGIGDGDGEKGGQNDKGKHEKGDGEGNKGSEKDGGEKKPAKQNEVKENDKEKGMEKGKEKGKEKGKEKKTKEPNFRSSE # DRPPVPQSKDTTHGTEESHHGDGDFGGPDGDREKGKNQPDGKSGIVDQNQGKDKDKGKGKEKGMNKKGKGKKKPKDKDEDKNTKDNRSEKDCPCEICC # PPKEEDTPLIKEMRRRDRERQVRDYLRQMRHRQYMECKDLKYPSPHHKCDPIQCNNQFCSNPRMQTHFARVQAVRSLQQILQRRNRQGDVKISKDLDS # LLARLCNSLTISDGHCR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 5 # E: 1 # RM: 4 # end gene g62 # start gene g63 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 329991 332132 0.95 - . g63 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 329991 332132 0.95 - . g63.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 329991 329993 . - 0 transcript_id "g63.t1"; gene_id "g63"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 329991 332132 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g63.t1"; gene_id "g63"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 332130 332132 . - 0 transcript_id "g63.t1"; gene_id "g63"; # protein sequence = [MSNKQSIDSRRGSHNKRTIRTSDIGTLDTDIIHTPYELMRQRNCKAEKIIKWERYPSIRPPVSKCSNDQTRNYLSESV # DQGGCLDPSTKGQDAVRIWKLSPHKSTLKFYGVADGLKLPEAVKFDRTLTTSLKHANGSRRPVPKPPVPLEPKRPPQPVSLCQPYILNRQTLKEELQR # MPIALQKLNPKEAFNTLFCEKREDPMDPLGVEAATNQIVSLREALDMAKPETPSKHGLRRKHWYCPSKCGEPENKCTVFEWAQYKLNPPPYDKAFFKW # FQEQKVQLEREPHDYDELYKRFQACFEEKGQPDPECVAMAKCCPDMIKETKDEYGVGEGGTGGGGGTHNTKEGDGQTGSGVSGPEGVSQSGKDKEKGR # VKKSDDLGDTEKDKETDKSKSTGKDNEKNKEDKEKEKDKGKDKVKDNEKEKDKGKDKVKDKDKDADTDKGKSTDEDKGKHNAKDKDKSKEKDKNNDTN # QNNKKKNIADPDHEQLKPKHPGKQPKPPIENTTDTSTHNISSFISRDSDKISIQEDIIKEKGDPSAKDGVEDKPTQPSSTKPHNKKPASKKPPKGKTG # EEKPQKVDEKEVKESCPPCPPVGCACTICDCLYGTKIPISPKMQSIMAEEKLREKREYLRRMRHRAYMDCTSEKPLVPQHKVDPISCDNCFCLDPKIS # EYCECLRALQHLQRLLGKERHRIVNNELIFNLDDLRQRIANRMCKCF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 3 # E: 1 # W: 2 # end gene g63 # start gene g64 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 333092 345448 0.76 + . g64 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 333092 345448 0.76 + . g64.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 333092 333094 . + 0 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 333215 334119 0.76 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 334258 335414 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 335549 336017 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 336204 336348 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 336547 337015 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 337199 337937 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 338119 339206 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 339442 340709 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 340856 342578 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 342793 342865 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 343730 344023 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 344490 344554 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 344948 345008 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 345154 345214 1 + . transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 333092 333214 0.78 + 0 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 334120 334257 0.8 + 0 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 335415 335548 1 + 0 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 336018 336203 1 + 1 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 336349 336546 1 + 1 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 337016 337198 1 + 1 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 337938 338118 1 + 1 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 339207 339441 1 + 0 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 340710 340855 1 + 2 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 342579 342792 1 + 0 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 342866 343729 1 + 2 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 344024 344489 1 + 2 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 344555 344947 1 + 1 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 345009 345153 1 + 1 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 345215 345448 1 + 0 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 345446 345448 . + 0 transcript_id "g64.t1"; gene_id "g64"; # protein sequence = [MGFHCKLPADKVTLATRAALTPEALQEESQINAAPRHGGHEDNKLRQIVTLGPQDTLEEKTVTVCHGSDFVNMTFVNF # CCTRRDIAQLWTDGLIKLAYSLAQLNGSAIMFLQKAHTKLCLQVDKSGRIPVKNIIKLFAQNKEDRKRVEKALDVTGLPSGKVDSISVSKFQFEDFYN # LYKYLTQRSEVERLFDSIVGNSKRKCMSIAQLVEFLNKTQRDPRLNEILYPYANPARAKELIQQYEPNKFNAQKGQLSLDGFLRYLMGDDNPIMAPSK # LDLCDDMDQPMSHYFINSSHNTYLTGHQLTGKSSVEIYRQCLLAGCRCVELDFWNGRTEEPVIVHGYTFVPEIFAKDVLEAIAESAFKTSEYPVILSF # ENHCNPRQQAKIANYCREIFGDMLLDKPLDSHPLEPNMDLPPPAMLRRKIIIKNKKKHHHHHHHHHHKKPAQVGTPAANNKLTTANSVDAKAAQQVGL # SASHEDGGVTRSTANGDVATGTGTGSAAGTAGHAPPLQQIRQSSKDSTGSSDSDSSSEDESLPNTTPNLPSGNEPPPEKAQKETEAGAEISALVNYVQ # PIHFSSFENAEKKNRCYEMSSFDEKQATTLLKERPIEFVNYNKHQLSRVYPAGTRFDSSNFMPQLFWNAGCQLVALNFQTLDLAMQLNLGIFEYNARS # GYLLKPEFMRRSDRRLDPFAESTVDGIIAGTVSITVLSGQFLTDKRANTFVEVDMYGLPADTVRKKFRTKTVRDNGMNPLYDEEPFVFKKVVLPELAS # IRIAAYEEGGKLIGHRVLPVIGLCPGYRHVNLRSEVGQPIALASLFLCVVVKDYVPDDLSNFAEALANPIKYQSELEKRDIQLSVLTDEAEALGSADE # DLSKSFVFVQVGGQKKELRPVESLATSPKHRPSISAAAAMSVDVTVDRTDGGRGEDSISIVAPSIQHQHSLDQSVSTSIRQVESSQFDVDLVLAEPLE # KILDHKSVKEKRLEMEKKLESLRKKHDKEKIKIAGQKSSPLEGKKPKFAITNKLVKRLSNKSLNCLSPHSEPGVEIPACPLDLGDSSEESAAADAGED # LAGGSSSLDGRTQESRLRSACREYTSQYRELQEKYHEAIYSAAEKVLKTSQTGQTKQLKASLDKVTGEVMHQLQEARRNEVKNLATVHRDRDELIRMK # REVASSVVERGVAERVRLKQTFDRRTDELQKQHDSVRNALAEHRSKARQILDKEAESRSCVSSNGFLVLFHGPHHHGCTGSGSSALSGNNLTLNLDAG # AAGSHSAISPAKSHNSIAAAAEMKT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 93.1 # CDS exons: 14/15 # W: 14 # CDS introns: 13/14 # E: 13 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 24 # E: 13 # RM: 11 # incompatible hint groups: 356 # E: 2 # W: 354 # end gene g64 # start gene g65 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 348635 351619 0.82 - . g65 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 348635 351619 0.82 - . g65.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 348635 348637 . - 0 transcript_id "g65.t1"; gene_id "g65"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 348635 351619 0.82 - 0 transcript_id "g65.t1"; gene_id "g65"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 351617 351619 . - 0 transcript_id "g65.t1"; gene_id "g65"; # protein sequence = [MKDYDIFTTPVEKENRTEEILKQLRFPKQFNNELTKLCTEFSDIFGLETEPISANNFYKQKLRLGEKTPVYIKNYRMA # DSQKPEIARQVKKLIDDGIVEPSMSEYNSPLLLVPKKPLPNSTEKRWRLAVDYRQINKKLLSDKFPLPRIEDILDQLGRAKYFSCLDLMSGFHQIELE # KRYRDITSFSTANGSYRFTRLPYGLKVAPNSFQRMMTLAFSGLEPSQAFLYMDDLVVIGCSEKHMLKNLTNVFELCRRHNLKLHPGKCSFFMKEVTYL # GHKCTDKGILPDDTKYEVIEKYPIPTDADSARRFVAFCNYYRRFIKNFSDHSRHLTRLCKKNVQFEWTAECNDGFEYLKTELMKPTLLQYPDFGKEFC # ITTDASKQACGAVLTQDHNGQQLPVAYASRMFTQGESNKSTTEQELTAIHWAINHFRPYIYGKHFMVKSDHRPLSYLFSMKNPSSKLTRMRLDLEEYD # FTVEYLKGKDNHIADALSRITIKDLKTINREILKVTTRSKAKQENSCKDEAIVKIQEEKEQTIEKPKVYEVVNNNDTKKYVLIKIDKHKCLLKRGKTI # VSRFDVDDLYSNETFDLNQFFQRLISKAGMHKITKMRISPSEQMFQFVSLNEFKIKGNRVLEKVELAILQKVIIIDKNDEAQIKEILTKFHDDPIEGG # HTGISRTQSKIKRFYYWPQMTKTISKYVKTCLKCQQAKITTHTKTPLTLMPTPATAFDTVLIDTIGPLPKSEDGNEYAVTIICDLTKFLVTIPTPNKS # AKTVAKAIFELFVLKYGPMKTFITDQGTEYKNSLMNELCKYMHIENLTSSAHHHQTLGTIERSHRTFNEYIRSYISVNKSDWDIWLPYFTYCFNTTPS # IVHDYCPYELVFGRLPRQFKDFSKINKIDPIYNLDDYSKELKCRLELSYNRARRMLEKAKADRKLRYDRNTNNFELKIGDKVLLRKETGHKLDKRYEG # PYDVVDIGINDNITIKTGSKKQQIVHKDRLKKHK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g65 # start gene g66 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 355918 357686 0.95 - . g66 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 355918 357686 0.95 - . g66.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 355918 355920 . - 0 transcript_id "g66.t1"; gene_id "g66"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 356313 356366 1 - . transcript_id "g66.t1"; gene_id "g66"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 356838 356890 1 - . transcript_id "g66.t1"; gene_id "g66"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 357192 357422 1 - . transcript_id "g66.t1"; gene_id "g66"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 355918 356312 1 - 2 transcript_id "g66.t1"; gene_id "g66"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 356367 356837 1 - 2 transcript_id "g66.t1"; gene_id "g66"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 356891 357191 1 - 0 transcript_id "g66.t1"; gene_id "g66"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 357423 357686 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g66.t1"; gene_id "g66"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 357684 357686 . - 0 transcript_id "g66.t1"; gene_id "g66"; # protein sequence = [MPGTSDTRRLVDALDEDDEILGTEGSFVPAFRPQDHHADEQCLMERQQDEVVLVSNEPESGRLFTYLVFYLLGIGTMT # PWNFFVTAEDYWKYKFRNASINNTDLEEELTPLQKSFTCDLALTATISGTTFLLLNAIFGHHVSLRTKMLGTLWMILILFGVTTGFVEINTDTWQEQF # FLITLIIVVLLNISAATMSGALYGVAGLFPSEFITAVVSGQALGGILTALAFILVLAFDTGPNTTAFIFFIVGGVLILLCIVCYVILARKPFFRYYLE # GGDKYKVIRAVPSHNRNGSAEGLPLEPILRQVMSKIYLHAISLALLYTTTLSVYPAVTVLMQSEYGHSVWTDVYFLPVVNYLIFNCGDYFGRLFAGWM # ERPLNQNTSLLFIVVRMAFVPLFLCSNSSEHSFLPVLVKHDYTFIAMMVMFALSNGYFTNILLIMAPKRVKQHEKELASSIMAAALSCGMAVGSLLSL # VFVQML] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 145 # W: 145 # end gene g66 # start gene g67 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 383584 383832 0.4 + . g67 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 383584 383832 0.4 + . g67.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 383584 383586 . + 0 transcript_id "g67.t1"; gene_id "g67"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 383584 383832 0.4 + 0 transcript_id "g67.t1"; gene_id "g67"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 383830 383832 . + 0 transcript_id "g67.t1"; gene_id "g67"; # protein sequence = [MKSAVAGKRNKPNSAPDERRVDGRDQLADSPMRWSSSICIEASSSAAATGQRKPQPEDESENEVEAMTTRHASKPQKT # PSTD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g67 # start gene g68 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 384551 387270 1 + . g68 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 384551 387270 1 + . g68.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 384551 384553 . + 0 transcript_id "g68.t1"; gene_id "g68"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 384895 385700 1 + . transcript_id "g68.t1"; gene_id "g68"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 385747 386307 1 + . transcript_id "g68.t1"; gene_id "g68"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 386577 386702 1 + . transcript_id "g68.t1"; gene_id "g68"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 384551 384894 1 + 0 transcript_id "g68.t1"; gene_id "g68"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 385701 385746 1 + 1 transcript_id "g68.t1"; gene_id "g68"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 386308 386576 1 + 0 transcript_id "g68.t1"; gene_id "g68"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 386703 387270 1 + 1 transcript_id "g68.t1"; gene_id "g68"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 387268 387270 . + 0 transcript_id "g68.t1"; gene_id "g68"; # protein sequence = [MGISEEIKLEELPQEAKLAHPDAVVLVDRAPGSSAASAGAALTVSMSVSGGAPSGASGASGGTNSPVSDGNSDCEADE # YAPKRKQRRYRTTFTSFQLEELEKAFSRTHYPDVFTREELAMKIGLTEARIQVWFQNRRAKWRKQEKVGPQSHPYNPYLPGGAATMQTVVGAALPPNP # FTHLGFQLRKPFDAQHAANLAAFRYPHLSAAPMIPSGYFNQFQRAPPHMLPHGMAGMYSPSSSFQSLLANMTAVPRGTPLGKPPALLVGSPDLHSPNH # MLASPPTSPASGHASQHQQHPTAHPPPPQAPPQMPVGVQPAQLSPQHLVGIALTQQASSLSPTQTSPVALTLSHSPQRQLPPPSHQAPPPPPRAATPP # EDRRTSSIAALRLKAREHELKLELLRQNGHGNDVVS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 57.1 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 15 # W: 15 # end gene g68 # start gene g69 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 396734 401663 0.56 - . g69 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 396734 401663 0.56 - . g69.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 396734 396736 . - 0 transcript_id "g69.t1"; gene_id "g69"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 398867 399847 0.99 - . transcript_id "g69.t1"; gene_id "g69"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 400457 400522 0.88 - . transcript_id "g69.t1"; gene_id "g69"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 400668 400724 1 - . transcript_id "g69.t1"; gene_id "g69"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 400943 401006 0.88 - . transcript_id "g69.t1"; gene_id "g69"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 396734 398866 1 - 0 transcript_id "g69.t1"; gene_id "g69"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 399848 400456 1 - 0 transcript_id "g69.t1"; gene_id "g69"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 400523 400667 0.88 - 1 transcript_id "g69.t1"; gene_id "g69"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 400725 400942 0.88 - 0 transcript_id "g69.t1"; gene_id "g69"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 401007 401663 0.7 - 0 transcript_id "g69.t1"; gene_id "g69"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 401661 401663 . - 0 transcript_id "g69.t1"; gene_id "g69"; # protein sequence = [MGNAESTQSADDTQMQMQQSTDDEPWWNNIEHEDLILEQAPRATTQKEAEEVLPENRVKYRENKVAIEMEDKGNETHQ # REQTLEEFREELRQKKEVRQNAVQGLRDEIASLKEQLAIEKSENQRLRKVTATDGQADNQHDHSNSPSKPDADPDDENPSSRSRHANIELANAQLALQ # QAQAENLSLRGEVEVVQRQVGTLKEVISCCKQMLSVKEEQCAQLKMKLTEIENSFSEREMKIMSNNLRQEYERQLVNIRQLRQLYEERQRVAAAEYEN # LQRLISIKRDELTAEQDKNKSLEDRNHSLLKEVEMANEELAKLREECGEHKFEKRLLSEQVGAVNMLFSQLIMGFNGKSSMNIDRVNRMLEENRHLLN # QMTQAEGNCSDGATLPKLLFDLVEQATGHGDSAEESDKSRSATPTPKATPTKEDTTDGCQPGGEVEKCRKGSSRSGSGVDATAASLKSHEPEIMGKVA # SAQEIIGNLPKVWKVLMELLSHHKIERVQLEELPSSSAAFPSSSASNASGKDEGESHRKPPELSVSKTYIKLKDLILEKKSLVKETTRLKTLNSHLDY # RLNQQEKRLSGVSLELTKTWHLVGKMQRQHRQLHTQEQILRYQLQQKRRLLSELKDELEYCRRKWALARAKNDESQEQCDEWRREFARRKLEDANHSA # ESGYSDSGPQSDEERDLGTVDPVEAPTSSSTCRRKLLRDQFEHTRKIKRMQSTSPGRQGFEGEEAEADNIVLRWNSAPPTCGWREEAEEGEDVDELEE # EGAHGLLPKSLHSSRSRQRSVEGSSETAGTASRIQKLEEQCKNLIQQVLETSGNRERLEIQLCQFQDDIAPAQHAVPLEEFINRKRMERMTRASSAPA # TGSLTPREEEYTRKRSERLGRLEEESRQLMSRIRRTADRGHYLKKSLDRIRRAPSREASFESNTEEEAIPASKSESCPATSPLTAEEEEYTSRRAARI # QRMERESRQLISQLTRNSERGENFATKLDTLHEQYGPNPQLDQDRSSTSMSQTLEQRLEDIERVSATRAERLRILELQGNELIARLSSTSERGTAMIN # RIAEREATRRQEAELVEQTVSSEEATSSEASTRIVRHPEEEAEGADCFVTVTTTASQVALKLQSTGAIPKTTTRHVMPQTKLCAATRQDDAAKKRSSG # REAIQKEAPETLEDMVQRLRALPFPEKTQENESEQSETETSNQNTYSFTEYTNQEDILDLEDNPHNKVEDENTEGQESGQPTTSNQLDEQKHMNTEH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 55.6 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 1/4 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 76 # RM: 1 # W: 75 # end gene g69 # start gene g70 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 404384 407894 0.97 + . g70 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 404384 407894 0.97 + . g70.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 404384 404386 . + 0 transcript_id "g70.t1"; gene_id "g70"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 404474 404535 1 + . transcript_id "g70.t1"; gene_id "g70"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 406036 406094 1 + . transcript_id "g70.t1"; gene_id "g70"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 404384 404473 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g70.t1"; gene_id "g70"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 404536 406035 1 + 0 transcript_id "g70.t1"; gene_id "g70"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 406095 407894 1 + 0 transcript_id "g70.t1"; gene_id "g70"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 407892 407894 . + 0 transcript_id "g70.t1"; gene_id "g70"; # protein sequence = [MLEEMQQMKTIPVLTNSRPEFKQIPKKLSRHLANLGGPHVDSFDEMLTVGLDNSAKHMIPNHWLSPAGEKISMKVESI # WIAKPKVPQDVIDVRTREIYPTDSRQLHVSYSGMCSVRLGWSVNGVQKTPINMDLGEVPIMLRSKACNLGQATPEEMVKHGEHDSEWGGIFVIRGNEK # IVRMLIMTRRNHPICVKRSSWKDRGQNFSDLGMLVQTVREDESSLSNVVHYLNNGTAKFMFSHVKRLSYVPVCLILKCLMDYTDEEIYNRLVQGYESD # QYYVSCVQAMLREVQNENVYTHAQCKSFIGNLFRARFPEVPEWQPDDDVTDFILRERVMIHLDTYEDKFQLIVFMIQKLFQCAQGKYKVENVDSAMMQ # EVLLPGHLYQKYLSERVESWVSQVRRCLQKKLTSPDALVTSAVMTQCMRQAGGVGRAIESFLATGNIASRTGLGLMQNSGLVIMAENINRMRYMSHFR # AIHRGSYFTTMRTTEARQLLPDAWGFICPVHTPDGTPCGLLNHLTLTCEISMRPDPKLVKAIPKHLIDMGMMPLSNRRYLGEKLYVVFLDGKHLGHIH # QSEAEKIVDELRYGKIFGTLPQMMEIGFIPFKKNGQFPGLYIATGPARMMRPVWNLKWKRVEYIGTLEQLYMEIAIDAKEMYPDFTTHLELAKTHFMS # NLANLIPMPDYNQSPRNMYQCQMGKQTMGTPCLNWPKQAANKLYRLQTPGTPLFRPVHYDNIQLDDFAMGTNAIVAVISYTGYDMEDAMIINKAAYER # GFAYGSIYKTKFLTLDKKSSYFARHPHMPELIKHLDTDGLPHPGSKLSYGSPLYCYFDGEVATYKVVKMDEKEDCIVESIRQLGSFDLSPKKMVAITL # RVPRPATIGDKFASRAGQKGICSQKYPAEDLPFTESGLIPDIVFNPHGFPSRMTIAMMIETMAGKGAAIHGNVYDATPFRFSEENTAIDYFGKMLEAG # GYNYYGTERLYSGVDGREMTADIFFGVVHYQRLRHMVFDKWQVRSTGAVEARTHQPIKGRKRGGGVRFGEMERDALISHGAAFLLQDRLFHNSDKTHT # LVCHKCGSILAPLQRIVKRNETGGLSSQPDTCRLCGDNSSVSMIEIPFSFKYLVTELSSVNINARFKLNEI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 317 # W: 317 # end gene g70 # start gene g71 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 409388 413459 0.85 - . g71 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 409388 413459 0.85 - . g71.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 409388 409390 . - 0 transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 409466 409531 1 - . transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 409737 409789 1 - . transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 410074 410126 1 - . transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 411061 411128 1 - . transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 411719 411781 1 - . transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 412238 412446 1 - . transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 412659 413395 1 - . transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 409388 409465 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 409532 409736 1 - 1 transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 409790 410073 1 - 0 transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 410127 411060 1 - 1 transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 411129 411718 1 - 0 transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 411782 412237 1 - 0 transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 412447 412658 1 - 2 transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 413396 413459 1 - 0 transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 413457 413459 . - 0 transcript_id "g71.t1"; gene_id "g71"; # protein sequence = [MAPVRGDGMRGLAVFISDIRNCKSKEAEVKRINKELANIRSKFKGDKTLDGYQKKKYVCKLLFIFLLGHDIDFGHMEA # VNLLSSNKYSEKQIGYLFISVLVNTNSDLIRLIIQSIKNDLQSRNPVHVNLALQCIANIGSRDMAESFSNEIPKLLVSGDTMDVVKQSAALCLLRLFR # SSPDIIPGGEWTSRIIHLLNDQHMGVVTAATSLIDALVKRNPDEYKGCVNLAVSRLSRIVTASYTDLQDYTYYFVPAPWLSVKLLRLLQNYNPVTEEA # GVRARLNETLETILNKAQEPPKSKKVQHSNAKNAVLFEAINLIIHSDSEPNLLVRACNQLGQFLSNRETNLRYLALESMCHLATSEFSHEEVKKHQEV # VILSMKMEKDVSVRQMAVDLLYAMCDRGNAEEIVQEMLNYLETADYSIREEMVLKVAILAEKYATDYTWYVDVILNLIRIAGDYVSEEVWYRVIQIVI # NREEVQGYAAKTVFEALQAPACHENMVKVGGYILGEFGNLIAGDSRSAPLVQFKLLHSKYHLCSPMTRALLLSTYIKFINLFPEIRTNIQDVFRQHSN # LRSADAELQQRASEYLQLSIVASTDVLATVLEEMPSFPERESSILAVLKKKKPGRVPENEIRESKSPAPLTSAAQNNALVNNSHSKLNNSNANTDLLG # LSTPPSNNIGSGSNSNSTLIDVLGDMYGSNSNNNSSAVYNTKKFLFKNNGVLFENEMLQIGVKSEFRQNLGRLGLFYGNKTQVPLTNFNPVLQWSAED # ALKLNVQMKVVEPTLEAGAQIQQLLTAECIEDYADAPTIEISFRYNGTQQKFSIKLPLSVNKFFEPTEMNAESFFARWKNLSGEQQRSQKVFKAAQPL # DLPGARNKLMGFGMQLLDQVDPNPDNMVCAGIIHTQSQQVGCLMRLEPNKQAQMFRLTVRASKETVTREICDLLTDQF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 274 # W: 274 # end gene g71 # start gene g72 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 413550 414746 0.96 - . g72 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 413550 414746 0.96 - . g72.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 413550 413552 . - 0 transcript_id "g72.t1"; gene_id "g72"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 413655 414442 1 - . transcript_id "g72.t1"; gene_id "g72"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 414589 414670 0.96 - . transcript_id "g72.t1"; gene_id "g72"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 413550 413654 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g72.t1"; gene_id "g72"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 414443 414588 0.96 - 2 transcript_id "g72.t1"; gene_id "g72"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 414671 414746 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g72.t1"; gene_id "g72"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 414744 414746 . - 0 transcript_id "g72.t1"; gene_id "g72"; # protein sequence = [MAPLLGSESEEKSIEIFILVNCPALGSNIPQPTPRIPIPSEANFRSQRLLSLLRHRNSATLTDFVRWRVKKIGKVPRN # GRDPIEVKRALQNQSGEQLYILGSDVEFER] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 49 # E: 1 # W: 48 # end gene g72 # start gene g73 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 414922 415318 0.98 + . g73 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 414922 415318 0.98 + . g73.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 414922 414924 . + 0 transcript_id "g73.t1"; gene_id "g73"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 414954 415095 0.98 + . transcript_id "g73.t1"; gene_id "g73"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 414922 414953 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g73.t1"; gene_id "g73"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 415096 415318 0.99 + 1 transcript_id "g73.t1"; gene_id "g73"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 415316 415318 . + 0 transcript_id "g73.t1"; gene_id "g73"; # protein sequence = [MANKFPFYPLRNAFSIPRFYLWKKYVKCSCGKQQTGRIENTGPTRSIQVPGVAPDTVACAEVISVPNADACVTQHSSD # FRTVKT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 23 # W: 23 # end gene g73 # start gene g74 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 415389 417634 1 + . g74 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 415389 417634 1 + . g74.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 415389 415391 . + 0 transcript_id "g74.t1"; gene_id "g74"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 415447 415511 1 + . transcript_id "g74.t1"; gene_id "g74"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 416711 416788 1 + . transcript_id "g74.t1"; gene_id "g74"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 415389 415446 1 + 0 transcript_id "g74.t1"; gene_id "g74"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 415512 416710 1 + 2 transcript_id "g74.t1"; gene_id "g74"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 416789 417634 1 + 0 transcript_id "g74.t1"; gene_id "g74"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 417632 417634 . + 0 transcript_id "g74.t1"; gene_id "g74"; # protein sequence = [MSFSSDEVNFLVYRYLQESGFLHSAYVFGIESHISQSNINGALVPPAALLTILQKGLLYTEVEWSVGEDGEVARPIEG # LSLIDAVMPEVKPLKPIVKTEPGKPGAVDSSAPAGGNQNNNAKPEIKIEPGTGVAGSAGGNKIAGSTTGTSTPTDQSASEVDSSGNAANNAGGTYAGN # NGAGGNQASTGGSNSTSTPAGGDLAAPGASQKKSQNSNEAGSSSSGNAGNANATSTDDAASSTSTNGNSSTSSSVEQPTSGLTPAGGTVSTSNPDAAA # SGGASTATGSKAPSGAVTIRVGAQGNNVQSGSSNAQSSAPSGTISSSTSGGAGTPAALVPMDIDENIEIPESKARVLRGHESEVFICAWNPSRDLLAS # GSGDSTARIWDMSDANTNSNQLVLRHCIQKGGAEVPSNKDVTSLDWNCDGSLLATGSYDGYARIWKTDGRLASTLGQHKGPIFALKWNKCGNYILSAG # VDKTTIIWDASTGQCTQQFAFHSAPALDVDWQTNQAFASCSTDQRIHVCRLGVNEPIKTFKGHTNEVNAIKWCPQGQLLASCSDDMTLKIWSMNRDRC # CHDLQAHSKEIYTIKWSPTGPGTNNPNTNLILASASFDSTVRLWDVERGSCIHTLTKHTEPVYSVAFSPDGKHLASGSFDKCVHIWSTQTGQLVHSYK # GTGGIFEVCWNSKGTKVGASASDGSVFVLDLRKF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 207 # W: 207 # end gene g74 # start gene g75 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 417963 418340 0.43 + . g75 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 417963 418340 0.43 + . g75.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 417963 417965 . + 0 transcript_id "g75.t1"; gene_id "g75"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 417963 418340 0.43 + 0 transcript_id "g75.t1"; gene_id "g75"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 418338 418340 . + 0 transcript_id "g75.t1"; gene_id "g75"; # protein sequence = [MRSSRFCPRLFRTLSFESQNIDMHLGFLGASTWLLFSSDQRDATRLILILIISSMFLRSSLFIRKSFSITLHFVIVSI # KDASQLPALPTKSPLPNSTVVLQKRDAKRSDQTDSRIHSEQCNCSPT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 38 # W: 38 # end gene g75 # start gene g76 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 418557 419600 1 - . g76 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 418557 419600 1 - . g76.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 418557 418559 . - 0 transcript_id "g76.t1"; gene_id "g76"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 418557 419600 1 - 0 transcript_id "g76.t1"; gene_id "g76"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 419598 419600 . - 0 transcript_id "g76.t1"; gene_id "g76"; # protein sequence = [MSDQEDVVVKKEKKCIENIDENDEEPDDVDFKDSGKISSLKALGPFIAGKENSRNTVYLSDVPDICKDKPCMLGVDEA # GRGPVLGPMVYGISYCPLESNKALEDLGCADSKQLTEGKRDIIFNDINTKEYATSCVGWAVEIISPNTISTSMYRRSKCSLNEVSMDSAMGLIQQAID # AGVNIAEVYVDTVGPPEKYQEKLLKRFPSFKITVAKKADSTYPIVSAASICAKVTRDHALKVWSFPEGLVIKDNEFGSGYPGDPVTRRFLTEYIDLVF # GFPRLVRFSWSTAENALADKAYDMEFDEPDSEKPKYAGTKLTKFFKGTTKSGEIIREECRFFKQRHLESVMEF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 104 # W: 104 # end gene g76 # start gene g77 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 420075 420558 1 + . g77 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 420075 420558 1 + . g77.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 420075 420077 . + 0 transcript_id "g77.t1"; gene_id "g77"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 420147 420291 1 + . transcript_id "g77.t1"; gene_id "g77"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 420075 420146 1 + 0 transcript_id "g77.t1"; gene_id "g77"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 420292 420558 1 + 0 transcript_id "g77.t1"; gene_id "g77"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 420556 420558 . + 0 transcript_id "g77.t1"; gene_id "g77"; # protein sequence = [MSTKAELACVYASLILVDDDVAVTGEKINTILKAANVEVEPYWPGLFAKALEGINVKDLITNIGSGVGAAPAGGAAPA # AAAAAPAAESKKEEKKKEEESDQSDDDMGFGLFD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 34 # W: 34 # end gene g77 # start gene g78 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 420941 421366 0.84 - . g78 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 420941 421366 0.84 - . g78.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 420941 420943 . - 0 transcript_id "g78.t1"; gene_id "g78"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 420941 421366 0.84 - 0 transcript_id "g78.t1"; gene_id "g78"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 421364 421366 . - 0 transcript_id "g78.t1"; gene_id "g78"; # protein sequence = [MNHTANKPRQIGFDRQFSADVNGVPTEIVFHCFAKKWFLVITQLGKIPGIYNVHFDVKKDERVVPYLHGPVDNPEFHV # SVPITMNCCLGLDTDETRSAIQFLVNRTGLHKCPTEFVVGLGLKKIDGPNLRALAKVLEETLF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 43 # W: 43 # end gene g78 # start gene g79 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 421800 422435 1 + . g79 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 421800 422435 1 + . g79.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 421800 421802 . + 0 transcript_id "g79.t1"; gene_id "g79"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 422189 422242 1 + . transcript_id "g79.t1"; gene_id "g79"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 421800 422188 1 + 0 transcript_id "g79.t1"; gene_id "g79"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 422243 422435 1 + 1 transcript_id "g79.t1"; gene_id "g79"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 422433 422435 . + 0 transcript_id "g79.t1"; gene_id "g79"; # protein sequence = [MSTCICLGPKRAGKTHLLKALQDPESIDETTFSMPTIGTGIYRIHFPTKSPNGDKNKPPPSEAPANIPHGGKNLPKSI # QILEIGGSMAPLWRQYFEDVKKLIYVVDTSNLCQISAAGVLFYSILTEPRLQHNTKILLVLAKMDYSYRQMRNEALLMLQMQKLQKQIRQQVTIVEAS # AVTKVGLDPIYDWLQRP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g79 # start gene g80 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 423464 425291 0.22 + . g80 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 423464 425291 0.22 + . g80.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 423464 423466 . + 0 transcript_id "g80.t1"; gene_id "g80"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 423846 423915 1 + . transcript_id "g80.t1"; gene_id "g80"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 424764 424823 0.56 + . transcript_id "g80.t1"; gene_id "g80"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 425013 425072 0.34 + . transcript_id "g80.t1"; gene_id "g80"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 423464 423845 0.8 + 0 transcript_id "g80.t1"; gene_id "g80"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 423916 424763 1 + 2 transcript_id "g80.t1"; gene_id "g80"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 424824 425012 0.34 + 0 transcript_id "g80.t1"; gene_id "g80"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 425073 425291 0.82 + 0 transcript_id "g80.t1"; gene_id "g80"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 425289 425291 . + 0 transcript_id "g80.t1"; gene_id "g80"; # protein sequence = [MLATLELDYFRAVSLYRRRSYERCAELCNALLQAGHDGHVQLFTTKEEEEEEQHQQQQAEHSRFGSNLQRIGPRPRGA # AGGGAGAVDSGPSIMMPTWLMEGVWQLKMRALTQRVYVDDLDEDDGGNEATEEVEFERIATAARPGSSIKTAFQPRPLTSQRAQQARSRGAGVAHSSD # GRLNSSRPGSAAVARPGTSLSRPGSSLGSRCGTASRIRATSAAAFNVGDATSKLYQASRLNPTIYAERETLVKALFQFLYYHEADVQKAHSLCQAVLE # VERQKPSGSTGCTLSWWWQQQMGRCLLALHYPRRAEPFLQQSLTSFPHPDTYLLLSRVYQRIKQPERALLVIGEVVDSRPFDVTYRLEQARIHQAMEQ # QEDALQLYRLAAKLHPINVESLASIAVGYFYDNNPEMALMYYRRILSLGAQSPELYCNIALCCLYGGQIDLVLPCFQRALATATQPGQKSDIWYNLSF # VAVTSGDFNLAKRCLQLCLTSDAQNGAALNNLAVLAAQSGDILGAKSYLNAAKDVMPDAAEVTTNLQFMDVHYKL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g80 # start gene g81 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 438425 447249 1 + . g81 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 438425 447249 1 + . g81.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 438425 438427 . + 0 transcript_id "g81.t1"; gene_id "g81"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 438517 438581 1 + . transcript_id "g81.t1"; gene_id "g81"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 438728 443081 1 + . transcript_id "g81.t1"; gene_id "g81"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 443162 443225 1 + . transcript_id "g81.t1"; gene_id "g81"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 446584 446641 1 + . transcript_id "g81.t1"; gene_id "g81"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 438425 438516 1 + 0 transcript_id "g81.t1"; gene_id "g81"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 438582 438727 1 + 1 transcript_id "g81.t1"; gene_id "g81"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 443082 443161 1 + 2 transcript_id "g81.t1"; gene_id "g81"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 443226 446583 1 + 0 transcript_id "g81.t1"; gene_id "g81"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 446642 447249 1 + 2 transcript_id "g81.t1"; gene_id "g81"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 447247 447249 . + 0 transcript_id "g81.t1"; gene_id "g81"; # protein sequence = [MRAFCTVSAPLEVCASSAEQLSPGSRFLALRLLGQQQPKTLYFLVDAKSRVREVYTQTCLHFATQGMLDTELFGLAVL # IDGEYMFADPESKLSKYGPKSWRSSHTHGLDANGRPLLELHFRVQFYIESPFMLKDETSRHNYYLQLRHNILQRDLPREQAEQALVFLAGLALQADLG # DAPPGTSNSKDDSGEETSASPSNGGRGLSATTTLPKISKRANERMLRLSTYVASTSKRETIPLPPSLPPNGADYYRIEDYLPSGLHTPWARSAMRACH # REHLGMATAEAELLYIQQACSLHETINAHTYRMRLAKSEQGSGSAWFVVYAKGIKILGGESTNSSSNPETTTFLWPNITKLSFERKKFEIRSGESRIT # LYAASDEKNKLLLTLCKDTHQWSMKLAARLKEVSKREEEEAAESQRLHASYACSRSLLLPYKSKNEQRISVISSTSSNTTSGIVSDRVHSEDELEIMI # NTPPAPLAAPSTESLALAHLLDRPSVSRQTSSVGQMSLKDLEEQLAALSVRPQDASSNGATIVTNSSVQRNSMGTTANDSSTATDSPSSQHNIGSQCS # STCSTVVVTSPVNGAGASSSGAPIPVHSTSSSLELGFSHTAQNSALSETSPDDFLSTSAREETESVSGASGVYTLAHGAPPTETSGVYTMHSSELTGQ # SSEIAESEKSSHYGMFQPQKLEETHVQHSDSVDGKKKEDFRPRSDSNVSTGSSFRGDGSDPTDNKHSLLSAEELTNLIVGRGTYPSRKTVSSSLHSDC # DYVTLPLGDQGEEEVDQPPAPPPPYSARHEKTGLCGPPIAKPIPKPIAVVAPKPDSPPCSPPVPPAPIPAPPPAIRRRDPPPYSISSKPRPTSLISVS # SSAHPAPSAAGSMSSLKSEEVTARFITTRPQISILKAHTSLIPDGAKPSYAAPHHCSSVASSNGSVCSHQLSQQSLHNSNYAGGSQASLHHHHVPSHH # RHSGSAAIGIVPYGLHKSTASLHHQQSCVLLPVIKPRQFLAPPPPSLPRQPPPPPPPNHPHLASHLYEREMARKQLELYQQQLYSDVDYVIYPIQDPA # VSQQEYLDAKQGSLLAAMAQAAPPPPHHPYLAMQVSPAIYRSTPYLPLTLSTHSRYASTQNLSDTYVQLPGPGYSPLYSPSMASLCSSYEPPPPPPLH # PAALAAAAAAGAGSSSSSMFARSRSDDNILNSLDLLPKGKRLPPPPPPPYVNRRLKKPPMPAPSEKPPPIPSKPIPSRMSPIPPRKPPTLNPHHANSP # LTKTSSGAQWAGERPRPDLGLGLGLNRGNNSILAQLQASMVAQSHAQAQAQALDIALLREKSKHLDLPLISALCNDRSLLKQTKVVINPKTGQEMPTS # SAQPSGATTNGVANSSAGAGTLSKARKGSTVSHRHPQDKLPPLPVQQLAEANNYVIDPAVMMKQQQQQQQHNKTS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 55.6 # CDS exons: 3/5 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 2 # RM: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 193 # W: 193 # end gene g81 # start gene g82 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 449021 450794 0.92 - . g82 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 449021 450794 0.92 - . g82.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 449021 449023 . - 0 transcript_id "g82.t1"; gene_id "g82"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 449171 449229 1 - . transcript_id "g82.t1"; gene_id "g82"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 449321 449434 1 - . transcript_id "g82.t1"; gene_id "g82"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 450541 450665 1 - . transcript_id "g82.t1"; gene_id "g82"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 449021 449170 1 - 0 transcript_id "g82.t1"; gene_id "g82"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 449230 449320 1 - 1 transcript_id "g82.t1"; gene_id "g82"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 449435 450540 1 - 0 transcript_id "g82.t1"; gene_id "g82"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 450666 450794 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g82.t1"; gene_id "g82"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 450792 450794 . - 0 transcript_id "g82.t1"; gene_id "g82"; # protein sequence = [MCCKCCGETQRKVWVFGLGSVFLLLGILIVVFWPGIADNLVEDGLTLKPGTDAYESWLEAPIPIYLSFYMFNWTNPED # IRNPDIKPNFVEMGPYTFLEKHKKENYTFYDNATVAYYERRTWFFDPERSNGTLDDMVTAAHAITATVADEMRDQRKIVKKIINFMLNHEGGKLYVTK # PVGEWIFEGYQDNITDFLNLFNTTKIDIPYKRFGWLADRNESLTYDGLFTIHTGTDDISNLGRLTHWNGKSETGFYEMPCGIVNGTTGDMFPPKMNVN # DEITIFATDACRFMNLRPRGTYENHGLTATKWVGTEETLDSGENYPNQACFCDEARFDECPKTGVVECKACRDKAPIYSSFPHFYLADQSYVDAVSGM # KPEKEKHEFFLAVEPITGVPVQVHGRIQINMMIEPDDDFDIYRGVQKVLMPMFWFDQYAELSSELASKAKLAINLSSYGIIFGYSMIAFASVFLITGI # TLTVTKKWVRRTPEDEDILTN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 143 # W: 143 # end gene g82 # start gene g83 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 452620 452949 0.86 + . g83 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 452620 452949 0.86 + . g83.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 452620 452622 . + 0 transcript_id "g83.t1"; gene_id "g83"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 452668 452718 0.86 + . transcript_id "g83.t1"; gene_id "g83"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 452620 452667 0.86 + 0 transcript_id "g83.t1"; gene_id "g83"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 452719 452949 0.95 + 0 transcript_id "g83.t1"; gene_id "g83"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 452947 452949 . + 0 transcript_id "g83.t1"; gene_id "g83"; # protein sequence = [MALLLFCFGLDIYYAISLYLWCLESQKYRTKGIQIVRLPFLLLLQLNSSVGSAFGIDLKAAIQLKKRHFRVAEEGKQR # KINCKLAVCWAKLD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 34 # W: 34 # end gene g83 # start gene g84 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 453262 455044 0.91 + . g84 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 453262 455044 0.91 + . g84.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 453262 453264 . + 0 transcript_id "g84.t1"; gene_id "g84"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 454271 454329 1 + . transcript_id "g84.t1"; gene_id "g84"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 454382 454753 0.91 + . transcript_id "g84.t1"; gene_id "g84"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 454930 454988 1 + . transcript_id "g84.t1"; gene_id "g84"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 453262 454270 1 + 0 transcript_id "g84.t1"; gene_id "g84"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 454330 454381 0.91 + 2 transcript_id "g84.t1"; gene_id "g84"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 454754 454929 0.91 + 1 transcript_id "g84.t1"; gene_id "g84"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 454989 455044 1 + 2 transcript_id "g84.t1"; gene_id "g84"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 455042 455044 . + 0 transcript_id "g84.t1"; gene_id "g84"; # protein sequence = [MQLIKCLVIIQLSLLLVEESFAGRDFYKILNVKKNANTNEVKKAYRRLAKELHPDKNKDDPDASTKFQDLGAAYEVLS # NPDKRKTYDRCGEECLKKEGMMDHGGDPFSSFFGDFGFHFGGDGQQQDAPRGADIVMDLYVSLEELYSGNFVEIVRNKPVTKPASGTRKCNCRQEMVT # RNLGPGRFQMIQQTVCDECPNVKLVNEERTLEIEVEQGMVDGQETRFVAEGEPHIDGEPGDLIVRVQQMPHPRFLRKNDDLYTNVTISLQDALVGFSM # EIKHLDGHLVPVTREKVTWPGARIRKKGEGMPNFENNNLTGNLYITFDVEFPKKDLTEEDKEALKKILDQSSINRIYNGLQSIGCIIATLAQLSITGA # GIRKKGEGMPNFENNNLTGNLYITFDVEFPKKDLTEEDKEALKKILDQSSINRIYNGL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 42.9 # CDS exons: 1/4 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 96 # E: 1 # W: 95 # end gene g84 # start gene g85 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 456196 458390 0.53 + . g85 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 456196 458390 0.53 + . g85.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 456196 456198 . + 0 transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 456469 456538 1 + . transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 456730 456796 1 + . transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 456898 456954 1 + . transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 457339 457399 1 + . transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 457563 457627 1 + . transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 456196 456468 0.53 + 0 transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 456539 456729 1 + 0 transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 456797 456897 1 + 1 transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 456955 457338 1 + 2 transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 457400 457562 1 + 2 transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 457628 458390 1 + 1 transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 458388 458390 . + 0 transcript_id "g85.t1"; gene_id "g85"; # protein sequence = [MDSHSGQASGKSTTSEFPRFKPALPRQINLKVKLPLECPLHPFRDVFAPRQDAKQRDRPTQWTCRKCGKSFYQEKHLD # LHFDTRHKSIINEAEDAVCLADFCDIMRCEVFETEDASSLKFGDQHIVTDIEVWGDSLGQNSALAKANAAYLSLIPRTSTLGASRAAKVQNRQLLQDK # PSQASKQNQSPAANPLRLDPSPEDGSAARPRSAGEKLLNKLKELGKAHLKPAADPEASRQNETGEEEDEKGSGQPEGSGQSADEVKTEEGSGANGNGN # KARANCKPEELSKLKNRCEILLRSCIGGLLLSMSDQAFKEMEDEMNKAVCWYLTCDRYWEDGPLEPRAFPWGLIVILIFVLSTGICFCYYIIWILFDS # EETTINANHYYGQGSIGAGGSIYMPGAAAGHHYHVDYATRHDLDLDAGGIAGQQQQQQHLLQEQQYYYQQQQQQQQQAASVRDLYPEQVQYHRHSPRH # YIADQRPVGPTVGTPTQGAVRSSSSNANTPLHHRVQHSGQHPHLQHRHSTSLAYPQDILDRRDYTSSSSRQIATNIVAGSGSGQGAGAPGDTQRHYNT # HPRPLETRHRHVGSSQQSLRASASTHEIVQQEAGLGQNEHYIYVTYPPDLKKRYFE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 27.3 # CDS exons: 1/6 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 2/5 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 9 # RM: 2 # W: 7 # end gene g85 # start gene g86 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 460515 464933 0.85 - . g86 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 460515 464933 0.85 - . g86.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 460515 460517 . - 0 transcript_id "g86.t1"; gene_id "g86"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 460515 464933 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g86.t1"; gene_id "g86"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 464931 464933 . - 0 transcript_id "g86.t1"; gene_id "g86"; # protein sequence = [MQAVMDTAAMAIAMGSSGSGSVSGLSSGSSSGPGSSSSGSSSSGYGSATTTPTSGGHYDNSPTSMPMATIATVAPFYS # EALTSLDAQQRQQQQQQQQQNPSHYYPQNYGYGNSLPLDPAYNYSGAPYNSYSSGAVGQQLSGNSYPVSGTRYEKLTPAAGAKYGGNPIGATGTGIKP # QATATPFYAQPLSGGAAGSGGYVSQSNAAYDPYKYKIPSAQAATHPMMPSNMAGSAVPGTSYGLPLNPGAVPQKQTQMSQQTQLTQLEPNYAAIKPSR # SYQGMSTAAVYGGTGGNSSGVMNNPTSAQYYDKYGMAMSMYSPNGGLPMYSQPDMGPDSAGLQSYRKPTNNCHWGVDYNSPNYRSLPPATGPNSTYHH # PHPAPGPGPGPGPGPGHGTINSELYYGSTKYDKYGSTGVSPYVSNPYGVPSITQSYASRNLWSGTENAPLSSRQNCCSQGYPLNQQNCYYPRGNGYGY # GTSGSAPQSQPQYPGTGPPAAAMKLKHPTDMYVGHGPYEATPSQLGYGYSPQALSGSTTSNNLNNQRYTAPMGLGMGGMGIGMGMGMGMDPGSGGYYN # DLSLNTLDSYVSPTMPQQSLRTQPYQDYRKRSGIVGPTSSGNCYLGQTGNSVGGSLTNLDAQVENYVGFNLHAAAPSNITYTVESTKGTQNYNIRDFL # STWKVDDEDETSAVLEMDPPAVAVVAPVPSTPNFMYESLPPTGPQATAVVDHQGINLPDIIIDIEKANGNGSGPVDDSFGSFDVEKELDELRLKTNAS # DQQPVNESDALAEILRQPDPDSLIEQSADPPMPSPILNCNESYENLPQPPVPMDFDQNNSSNSNESTFAKEYETFIHKIDGSESDPGEATGRVEGEYR # ENPKRFKFYKRKRRTTDPQDRLDQKDEEQQVGICQNQNEISLSAKTLARASKKLLAKKRRNRINLLKILEFESPKIKYRHYFRILKVLRKKTAYSKNR # ELRSILMKKQLNILKEKRLPLIKRLMKKYDATPDLRNPPSLKGLSVSALNSSEFRSSILSGTDRETVIKSAYSYKDKTEEVHEEPNLEEQGMDTSSLE # LQSNFKGFDDIENTNMSPKIKLRVELDDEGSEKSPIKRAVEHEVQNKEEQIQAWLKNSVVPTPEPEIEAEIPKQEAGVAESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSD # EDSSSSSSQEDEGVSSSSSSSSSTSSLSSLAGEESDFNELAALEKELSQSQTGEHMGELSPREMIVKKETPEKLHQEVEVSNHDIAKLKQILESDGEA # KPSDLSKIALNSSLKSNELVVREEMETDLLEASESPDRCGSAPTPRELSVEEALAEMYQLSDLEGKEEDEEPNTNGQDVLLINLAEIFDSSSDLYVVQ # CDMNENILGVVANEDQEAEVQPNQASLGQVSPAAEEQADTLQLIQLLAEPQPEFDATPLIHHEEVIHDEKPDPQKDRRELLKYLHGKYVQSRISRFYH # AHRVLRKYKRQRAGKKRLGKVK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 127 # RM: 3 # W: 124 # end gene g86 # start gene g87 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 473113 475802 1 + . g87 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 473113 475802 1 + . g87.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 473113 473115 . + 0 transcript_id "g87.t1"; gene_id "g87"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 473166 473222 1 + . transcript_id "g87.t1"; gene_id "g87"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 473995 474053 1 + . transcript_id "g87.t1"; gene_id "g87"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 474766 475035 1 + . transcript_id "g87.t1"; gene_id "g87"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 475179 475232 1 + . transcript_id "g87.t1"; gene_id "g87"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 473113 473165 1 + 0 transcript_id "g87.t1"; gene_id "g87"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 473223 473994 1 + 1 transcript_id "g87.t1"; gene_id "g87"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 474054 474765 1 + 0 transcript_id "g87.t1"; gene_id "g87"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 475036 475178 1 + 2 transcript_id "g87.t1"; gene_id "g87"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 475233 475802 1 + 0 transcript_id "g87.t1"; gene_id "g87"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 475800 475802 . + 0 transcript_id "g87.t1"; gene_id "g87"; # protein sequence = [MTEDWQSQKFRQNVISKIHDLLPPNAQDQTKNAGVMENHIFRKSRTKDEYLGLVAKLFMHYKDMSRKSQQQQQQQQQQ # GGPPPNAEMGGGQNMMQDPLNALQNLASQGNRNPQMMPMGAGGGAPVPGGPGTASNLLQSLNQQRPGQQQMQPMSNIRGQMPMGAGGAGAQQMMQVQQ # MQQGGNAPGVMNVMGAGGGQNQGQIVGNPGQQMGVGVGMPNQMVGPGPNSGPAVGGAGGPNAAPGAGGPGPNQMQGGPMNVNAMQQMPPMQQIQQNQL # GMGMNPMMRMGQGNGMGGPQGMPGQGMQGMPQGPHNVVGGPAGQQQVGGAGLPPNAVQQGGMNPMGGMGVNMPPNLQQKPNMPMGQAGQMFPGNRGGV # GVGGQQPGQPFMRSSPSPADAQQLQQQAQLQQMQQQQQQLVVGNQTPTQQPPTPQMPTPNMIPSPALVPQSSPQMMQMQNSQRNIRQQSPSASINTPG # QVTGNSPFNPQEEALYREKYKQLTKYIEPLKRMLAKISNDGTNVEKMTKMSKLLEILCNPTQRVPLETLLKCEKALEKMDLISYSGQQFGKSSNPLLE # VINTTLQSPVANHTLYRTFRPTLELLFGTDITAPVPAKRPRVEEKSTSFEQEVPHVLQGEIARLDTKFKVKLDTTSQINNKAIRLICCLDDKRLPSVP # PVSVSVPEEYPWQAPDCSLAEQEYSATPFLQTVQQALIARISKLPKNYSLSHLLDTWEMAVRQACSPQSKPRAVCELSTLLGV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 218 # W: 218 # end gene g87 # start gene g88 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 476987 479475 0.94 - . g88 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 476987 479475 0.94 - . g88.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 476987 476989 . - 0 transcript_id "g88.t1"; gene_id "g88"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 478205 479406 1 - . transcript_id "g88.t1"; gene_id "g88"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 476987 478204 1 - 0 transcript_id "g88.t1"; gene_id "g88"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 479407 479475 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g88.t1"; gene_id "g88"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 479473 479475 . - 0 transcript_id "g88.t1"; gene_id "g88"; # protein sequence = [MDMDTLLPSPPATPPLRENKLEIVAKDEQQVNENLLKAKLKLVAQKSQKNGGIITPNPSDTEDEAPEIAVPNKKPRLE # QPAMSMTPPPDQKLDDDQKAERVSVIMRVNSSGAVSSSSQDENSSSSTSCCSSSSNTNTSTSSVPPTVEDDYPEANVWRNLKFKMNRKRAAEVALPPV # QTPETPVAKLVTPPAPAECIKEEEIKPILTPIYVSPVASSASQLILLSTVAAQQSPTPVPKTPTMSEEKLTTRITAAQAAATRSRIYECSFPDCGKNY # FKSSHLKAHQRVHTGERPFICKWENCDKRFSRSDELSRHKRTHTGEKKFQCSVCQKKFMRSDHLSKHVKRHNKDKANGVNRHVSLANNNTSASVAASL # CDASLHLRAIAPAGSSASSSPISSASLQVYSAQDLLRLQQQASSFTFGGTLLQVQR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 140 # W: 140 # end gene g88 # start gene g89 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 525418 539956 0.96 + . g89 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 525418 539956 0.96 + . g89.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 525418 525420 . + 0 transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 525437 536022 1 + . transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 536967 537036 1 + . transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 537432 537548 1 + . transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 537750 537862 1 + . transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 539453 539517 1 + . transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 525418 525436 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 536023 536966 1 + 2 transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 537037 537431 1 + 0 transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 537549 537749 1 + 1 transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 537863 539452 1 + 1 transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 539518 539956 1 + 1 transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 539954 539956 . + 0 transcript_id "g89.t1"; gene_id "g89"; # protein sequence = [MTVDSRDSKDLSAQDIGEQKQQQMEDQLEDQLNDSRDPQNNNNNIDDDADEDAEFEEPEKANPQQDQDLGETEMEQEH # DLQQEDLQQELPANSPSTPPRSPSSPQLIPKLEQPATPPSEPEASPCPSPSPCPTPKYPKVRLNALLASDPALKPDAKELTLPDSRLLAPPPLVKPDT # QAQPEVAEPLLKPARFMCLPCGIAFSSPSTLEAHQAYYCSHRIKDTDEAGSDKSGAGGSGATAGDAAGLTGGSTEPPAKMARTGKQYGCTQCSYSADK # KVSLNRHMRMHQTSPAAPTLAGLPSLLQNGIAPPGVTPNPMEDSSSQQTDRYCSHCDIRFNNIKTYRAHKQHYCSSRRPEGQLTPKPDASPGAGSGPG # SAGGSIGVSAQAATPGKLSPQARNKTPTPAMVAVAAAAAAAAASLQATPHSHPPFLALPTHPIIIVPCSLIRAASFIPGPLPTPNSGIVNPETTCFTV # DNGTIKPLATALVGATLEPERPSAPSSAAEATEAKSSPPEPKRKEAGLTRESAPLDLSLRRSPITLNSLSLRQRQLRNALLDVEEVLLAGVGTGKENV # ETPRGGGSVTPEQIVCAPSLPSSPSMSPSPKRRAISPRSSGAGSASSMSPPGLNVAVPHLLDMRSMLPADFGLSESLLAKTNPELALKLAAAAAAAAV # AGSSGAAAFPPASLPAQTSSGNPGSGGSAGGAQQPQIYVKKGVSKCMECNIVFCKYENYLAHKQHYCSARSQEGASEVDVKSAVSPSIAGAGGLGAGA # AEAASSVETTPVAYQQLICAACGIKYTSLDNLRAHQNYYCPKGGAVAAPAATPTDPGQLGMPKEKCGKCKTLHEIGLPCPPPVANPLAAPTVNPQPAT # NSLNKCPVCGVVSPTAALAKKHMEMHGTVKAYRCSICQYKGNTLRGMRTHIRTHFDKKTSDVNEELYMTCIFEEDASALSQELVTPTGASTTTGHDSM # DHPSQMFNCDYCNYVSTYKGNVVRTPFYCCQTKELTIAFSLQLRHMKLMHPHVAINSPSISPDTRDQDVTSNPTTNQHSNSDVSNGEAPSFHIKSEPL # DPPPTVNLVHENNNSPIATPHIKAEPIEVGADAAPGGLVPPMTSPLGNSSSVAAAAAAAAEVMKKYCSTCDISFNYVKTYLAHKQFYCKNKPIRPEAS # DSPSPNHLGGGVAVGLGIGGLVGGHGQQKNKENLQEAAI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 18 # E: 5 # RM: 13 # incompatible hint groups: 243 # RM: 2 # W: 241 # end gene g89 # start gene g90 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 540810 541715 0.24 + . g90 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 540810 541715 0.24 + . g90.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 540810 540812 . + 0 transcript_id "g90.t1"; gene_id "g90"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 540885 541502 0.24 + . transcript_id "g90.t1"; gene_id "g90"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 540810 540884 0.33 + 0 transcript_id "g90.t1"; gene_id "g90"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 541503 541715 0.24 + 0 transcript_id "g90.t1"; gene_id "g90"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 541713 541715 . + 0 transcript_id "g90.t1"; gene_id "g90"; # protein sequence = [MPTKTKTLGILAVVLKTPFHAYASLRRILGATWPLWASSKNYRTYLYLFRWYMLVIKQVQNIKKLDASGRGGYPKLVD # SLKVSRRGEHSKQTLTG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 31 # W: 31 # end gene g90 # start gene g91 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 541768 542247 1 - . g91 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 541768 542247 1 - . g91.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 541768 541770 . - 0 transcript_id "g91.t1"; gene_id "g91"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 541768 542247 1 - 0 transcript_id "g91.t1"; gene_id "g91"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 542245 542247 . - 0 transcript_id "g91.t1"; gene_id "g91"; # protein sequence = [MSGIAITRLGEERKAWRKDHPFGFVARPAKNPDGTLNLMIWECAIPGKKSTPWEGGLYKLRMIFKDDYPTSPPKCKFE # PPLFHPNVYPSGTVCLSLLDEEKDWRPAITIKQILLGIQDLLNEPNIKDPAQAEAYTIYCQNRLEYEKRVRAQARAMAATE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 49 # W: 49 # end gene g91 # start gene g92 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 542312 543190 0.53 - . g92 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 542312 543190 0.53 - . g92.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 542312 542314 . - 0 transcript_id "g92.t1"; gene_id "g92"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 542351 542429 1 - . transcript_id "g92.t1"; gene_id "g92"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 542551 543074 0.53 - . transcript_id "g92.t1"; gene_id "g92"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 542312 542350 1 - 0 transcript_id "g92.t1"; gene_id "g92"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 542430 542550 0.53 - 1 transcript_id "g92.t1"; gene_id "g92"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 543075 543190 0.83 - 0 transcript_id "g92.t1"; gene_id "g92"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 543188 543190 . - 0 transcript_id "g92.t1"; gene_id "g92"; # protein sequence = [MSSAASQAPFRFDMASPSTAVHSSYGLTPLQKTIHLLSYEHKRSFLKNCGKNCEKREFPPRLQIINLLGTTGDARTNR # ETDARAKKAKWDC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 42 # W: 42 # end gene g92 # start gene g93 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 543241 544542 1 - . g93 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 543241 544542 1 - . g93.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 543241 543243 . - 0 transcript_id "g93.t1"; gene_id "g93"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 543350 543415 1 - . transcript_id "g93.t1"; gene_id "g93"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 544267 544332 1 - . transcript_id "g93.t1"; gene_id "g93"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 543241 543349 1 - 1 transcript_id "g93.t1"; gene_id "g93"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 543416 544266 1 - 0 transcript_id "g93.t1"; gene_id "g93"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 544333 544542 1 - 0 transcript_id "g93.t1"; gene_id "g93"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 544540 544542 . - 0 transcript_id "g93.t1"; gene_id "g93"; # protein sequence = [MAEEVIGTVKEVLKGIIENVNAPKNESAPGEKKPSTPEGMAVAYSSLVVMAMLPIIFGSIRSVKLHKLKKSTGEKADT # MTKKDAMYFPLIASAALFGLYLFFKIFQKVHINYLLTGYFFVLGVIALAHLLSPVINSLMPAAVPKVPFHILFTKGEGKHKEDIVNYKFSTHDIVCLV # ISSAIGVWYLLKKHWIANNLFGLAFAINGVEMLHLNNFVTGVILLSGLFFYDIFWVFGTNVMVTVAKSFEAPIKLVFPQDLIENGLNASNFAMLGLGD # IVIPGIFIALLLRFDDSKKRKTRIYFYSTLIAYFLGLLATIFVMHVFKHAQPALLYLVPACMGTPLLVALIRGELKVLFAYEDHPEEKPEKKEKKEKD # EGVSSSGSKKKESKKGK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 113 # W: 113 # end gene g93 # start gene g94 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 545192 546953 1 + . g94 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 545192 546953 1 + . g94.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 545192 545194 . + 0 transcript_id "g94.t1"; gene_id "g94"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 545307 545370 1 + . transcript_id "g94.t1"; gene_id "g94"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 545565 545815 1 + . transcript_id "g94.t1"; gene_id "g94"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 546444 546564 1 + . transcript_id "g94.t1"; gene_id "g94"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 545192 545306 1 + 0 transcript_id "g94.t1"; gene_id "g94"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 545371 545564 1 + 2 transcript_id "g94.t1"; gene_id "g94"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 545816 546443 1 + 0 transcript_id "g94.t1"; gene_id "g94"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 546565 546953 1 + 2 transcript_id "g94.t1"; gene_id "g94"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 546951 546953 . + 0 transcript_id "g94.t1"; gene_id "g94"; # protein sequence = [MTTTPKIKAPVSGPGLPLLLQMLMGMLLMGLTSVPGATATADPKNANVKALDRLHAGLFTNYDSDVQPVFQGTPTNVS # LEMVVTYIDIDELNGKLTTHCWLNLRWRDEERVWQPSQYDNITQITLKSSEVWTPQITLFNGDEGGLMAETQVTLSHDGHFRWMPPAVYTAYCELNML # NWPHDKQSCKLKIGSWGLKVVLPENGTARGESLDHDDLVQSPEWEIVDSRAHFVSQDYYGYMEYTLTAQRRSSMYTAVIYTPASCIVILALSAFWLPP # HMGGEKIMINGLLIIVIAAFLMYFAQLLPVLSNNTPLVVIFYSTSLLYLSVSTIVEVLVLYLATGKHKRRLPEALRKLLHGHLGTWLLLSVFSTTGES # QAEKTKEMDEHPYEEADEQESSPLGINHTEVPGAKANQFDWALLATAVDRISFVSFSLAFLILAIRCSV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 3 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 104 # W: 104 # end gene g94 # start gene g95 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 547414 549215 0.78 - . g95 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 547414 549215 0.78 - . g95.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 547414 547416 . - 0 transcript_id "g95.t1"; gene_id "g95"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 547901 547977 1 - . transcript_id "g95.t1"; gene_id "g95"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 548219 549025 0.8 - . transcript_id "g95.t1"; gene_id "g95"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 547414 547900 1 - 1 transcript_id "g95.t1"; gene_id "g95"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 547978 548218 0.81 - 2 transcript_id "g95.t1"; gene_id "g95"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 549026 549215 0.79 - 0 transcript_id "g95.t1"; gene_id "g95"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 549213 549215 . - 0 transcript_id "g95.t1"; gene_id "g95"; # protein sequence = [MSVSVDVGVMWRLSEDFNRRFGLRMQPAPPVGQHPHPHHGAVHHHYHHHHQHHQHPHTSMIFNDPYQLLNAASHRLVA # QGSGGQIQLWQFLLELLADSSNANAISWEGQSGEFRLIDPDEVARRWGERKAKPNMNYDKLSRALRYYYDKNIMTKVHGKRYAYKFDFHGLMAACQAQ # AQGGDPASSMLGSYNHHAGGAMQLGRHPPPLHHHPQHSHPHHQLGQPHFLHPHHSSPASNSSSLGFPSSSTASSQASPGQAPASSSASTSNFTAPFQG # GTAGVDPARTSTSSAGNYDQGPVTPTTNAFN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 40 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 11 # RM: 1 # W: 10 # end gene g95 # start gene g96 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 551141 551857 0.97 - . g96 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 551141 551857 0.97 - . g96.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 551141 551143 . - 0 transcript_id "g96.t1"; gene_id "g96"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 551141 551857 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g96.t1"; gene_id "g96"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 551855 551857 . - 0 transcript_id "g96.t1"; gene_id "g96"; # protein sequence = [MAILQNSRQSHKQLPIISQTIRSAWCQQRPINAMHQDVRQKSIGSGNETKLEAKETEVPTNRRRRRRRCSSSSTSDSS # ASSYSSTDSDSGSSTSSSSIRSQLPALNLPVPLPLATPTPPAVSSPHQAPSPRRNSSDSNRSVSPVEVPVDPHAWTPEDIASWVRWATRKFKLDPEPD # IDRFPKDAQELCDLSRADFWVCAGSRRGGMLLAQHFAISLYHATGRETSPMLNDDEPSECLR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g96 # start gene g97 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 553937 558762 0.49 - . g97 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 553937 558762 0.49 - . g97.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 553937 553939 . - 0 transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 554275 554335 1 - . transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 555447 555509 0.96 - . transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 557666 557721 0.96 - . transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 557883 557942 0.53 - . transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 558542 558615 0.97 - . transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 553937 554274 1 - 2 transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 554336 555446 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 555510 557665 0.96 - 2 transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 557722 557882 0.96 - 1 transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 557943 558541 0.52 - 0 transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 558616 558762 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 558760 558762 . - 0 transcript_id "g97.t1"; gene_id "g97"; # protein sequence = [MTLYFDTKIEFLDSDAVSTISSWHPSEPLFAVASFSPERGGSVTIFADTGEPQRDVTYPVHATSQATALCWHPEKALL # ASGWEHGDIHVWFAGHREFASVNAPHKAAIVLLQFSEQGGRMVTADAMGLVTGWRCDGQYQFLTMFSHDLREVLLLICFRLTVESEVREEMANLAKAA # VAGDENALDTLTNWRPRTAARSMTHSGVRDNHCFYACTQGGVVYYINQGGACVEVMKCGSLPPIVQMLWHPRKDAVICLMEDLTVTLFLVESTGILTE # LDRVKMSGRGGGRQGGIAWSGNSLAIITGDFFVRIWDIERSDNYLLKMDLPSGNQPGSSMTTLSNGTMSSSNQFFSHDSSESSGVLRKTPKYGQLNGE # MFTCLAYSSTGQTLCAGTSQGNVYTWKRSGSRLVGAPEDAWQLTNISSVRGAIRSCEWGYNELAKPCMLVNCLSNVFMLKEQPLLAVHTRELWAVQRS # AKSVQLTHCSGREAIVQSEFAVTAMALSELSLVMSNGRSISSYSLQKVEKSLDEFEEILQTVEGTTPTTESTTTPLSLKLLQTFAAECLALNLCNQNI # FCLGSSDVFVYSVGGVVLHRIQASDIEGKIIGMDLSGCYLSVFTMNGYVKAYDVSRHDPKLLFPSKSGHDIFDDFGEFILVKCNSSGSHLAMVIASSN # FTPISTLFCWDFERSNLLEYGLLEPETNAKKESSTSLPVRIFWDAEEPRLLATEVKSMIQKTLPQKNSLQPSHFVQSKVVLLFYSEKGCLNVLETQSM # SPGCQLLNLCVPNVIRLKINTMEEQPLQDFVDLQQCNPVTRKQVLNFSLYVAEGNMDMAYRSIRSIQSKVIWTNLAKMCVHTNRLDVAKVCMGHLEQA # RSVRALRQAIEDDDLETEAKVAVLAIELGMIEEAKDLYRRCKRFDLLNKLLQSIGHLDEAVELAEAEDRIHLKHTYYQKAQELRERGDIKGALEYFEK # TQNPAQNITQLLLENPGAMKRYIQTTSDPKLLKWWGQYIESSGDMDAALAVYHKAEDWFSQVKILCYLGKISKADAIARQSGDRAACYHLARHYENVG # KFQEAIMFFTRAQTFSNAIRICKENDFQEELWTVASSSRQRDKAIAAAYFEECGNFKHAVELYHRAGMLHKALEMAFESQQPEILEIIASDLAPDSDA # ELINRCADFFCSIEQFQKAVHLLAKTRHLERALGICSEKGVPVTEELSEMLTPEKGEFEEATRVHILVQLGEFLQQQGDYHSATKKFTQAGDKIRAMK # SLLKSGNTDKIIFFANMSRQREVYIMAANYLQALDWQSDPQVLKHIVTFYTKGQAFDSLANFYAICAQIEIEEFQDYGKALTAMQEASKCLEKLSHAQ # HVYNNLQRTVADVKAILEIQQALREGDHQLVIGSCRSMLIKPELPPIRHAHILAMLIRALVYVKDYSEAGRALKELTVKDSTWSASGLLDRSIVHKIA # QECHLEFDLIWNAGRQVTASTSGTAATGMSSTSGMTTTDDDDADDEEITEELH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 18.2 # CDS exons: 1/6 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/5 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 5 # W: 5 # end gene g97 # start gene g98 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 559699 560315 1 + . g98 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 559699 560315 1 + . g98.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 559699 559701 . + 0 transcript_id "g98.t1"; gene_id "g98"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 560038 560096 1 + . transcript_id "g98.t1"; gene_id "g98"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 559699 560037 1 + 0 transcript_id "g98.t1"; gene_id "g98"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 560097 560315 1 + 0 transcript_id "g98.t1"; gene_id "g98"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 560313 560315 . + 0 transcript_id "g98.t1"; gene_id "g98"; # protein sequence = [MADRPCAGNILRIAGAVILPNLGGIYNGRLTRQHLQSWYANLKFPSFKPPNSVFAPMWISLYAGMGYGSYLVWRDGGG # FAGEAAKLPLIAYGTQLALNWAWTPIFFGQHNIKGGLIDIVALTAAASACGVLFYRVNKTAGLLFVPYVAWLGFATALNYAIWKLNPEKEQAPKDEEK # PSSSHAKSS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 54 # W: 54 # end gene g98 # start gene g99 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 560794 563181 1 - . g99 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 560794 563181 1 - . g99.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 560794 560796 . - 0 transcript_id "g99.t1"; gene_id "g99"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 560794 563181 1 - 0 transcript_id "g99.t1"; gene_id "g99"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 563179 563181 . - 0 transcript_id "g99.t1"; gene_id "g99"; # protein sequence = [MNVEKLKRLQAQVRIGGKGTPRRKKKVMHQTAATDDKKLQSSLKKLSVSTIPGIEEVNIIKDDLTVIHFNNPKAQASL # SANTFAVTGHGETRKVVEMLPDILPQLGQETVVQLRMYANAMNSQKGAPGSGDGPLPAEEDDDVPLLVGDFDEVAKVEATKQPVHEPKESAEIKAKDK # QQQQPKKEQKQSAKVPETTNPSENPKEKQENKKGQAKNNKKGDPQTNKDKTNKSKDQAKGQPAPQANKETTQAAQALKQNPSKPAVQQKKDQVLAVDQ # KIEANGAIQKAQQPKPAETKSTDQKVEPKSAEKQVDKAKPIEQTKTKESKVEHPKPAQKQLDQNTQAKPTAERSEAKPVVPTPEPQKSAPPAVQTLAQ # IVALPAEKPANEAVAAPKAEEQKKDSSGPAKVEPAITPSAPQPVTTAEPPKSALKQDSPPKSAPKQGSPPKNVPKQESPPQSAPKQDSPPKGAPKQDS # PPKGAPKQDSPPKGAPKQDSAPQQKTPPPVKQEVAPAKQDEPPAKQDAPPAKQDAPVPVPEVIKTLAPEVPNVSQAPAQPQGQAALASEKPADAPKAI # EEPKAAPKKESPPPTKPVTATVPVAPATPAEAPSPLAPSTPPSTPTSVPPSAATVTPPSPATVTPPSPAVVTPPQKQSAAPQAGIKKQEAGTKTKQQQ # PANKPQQPQKQPPGGAGGSAGPGGNKGVQKQPNPNAKPAVAPKPAQATPKPAAASPKASPNQTNPQQQQGKAANKASPPKQTGPTGGQQKSAANASKA # TASPKSAASPKATSPKAGTPTNPASASGGPN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # RM: 2 # end gene g99 # start gene g100 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 564227 566329 0.82 + . g100 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 564227 566329 0.82 + . g100.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 564227 564229 . + 0 transcript_id "g100.t1"; gene_id "g100"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 564227 566329 0.82 + 0 transcript_id "g100.t1"; gene_id "g100"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 566327 566329 . + 0 transcript_id "g100.t1"; gene_id "g100"; # protein sequence = [MLLRRCFLFPFPAVRLVRRSLHRKHDHIVLHPEIRQALQLQKPVVALESTIITHGMPMPENVVTALAVEEQVRQNGAI # PATIGILDGRIKVGLTREELTSLAEKPRDQVIKCSRRDLPFVVSRRQSGGTTVAATMIIAHRVGIHVFATGGIGGVHRDGHESMDVSADLTELGRTPV # AVVCSGVKSILDIPRTLEFLETQGVCVASFDSPGGVFPDFYTRDSGCTVPYNLKSAQEAAELLRSWRELKMESGLVIGVPIPEEFAADKFKIEEAIKE # ATAQARAQGISGKEVTPFLLAAIAKITEGRSLKSNIALIKNNAKVAAQIAASLCDVSTKLESPVQKAIDKKPLVVGASILDLSFKVDDQKRDMKLDGA # TYSAVAKQAAGGVGRNIAEGIYKLYGDVNLISAVGNDQMGQTLLQMMPKALKRGLIVADNHNTSLCSLIFDKFGDCKLILGNMEIHQSITAETLQAHH # QLFREAPLIIMDSNISEQAMASILQQAQINKIPVFFEPTDMFIAGKPFKLLPELTKNIRLIKPNMQELKTITEAITGETVKWNPETKQPQTELVQQAK # SLIKKIDSHFNCIIATLSDHGVLLSYRGDAENDARLLLDVSKPTPPHSTRFYPAPMVHNIVNVSGAGDSFCAGFITALLRGRSLDECIAGGFVAAERA # LQSESAVPATYFSNQESFESRYKHTARIIQQQSI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 153 # W: 153 # end gene g100 # start gene g101 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 566426 568064 0.88 - . g101 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 566426 568064 0.88 - . g101.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 566426 566428 . - 0 transcript_id "g101.t1"; gene_id "g101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 566439 566497 1 - . transcript_id "g101.t1"; gene_id "g101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 566625 566679 1 - . transcript_id "g101.t1"; gene_id "g101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 567031 567088 1 - . transcript_id "g101.t1"; gene_id "g101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 566426 566438 1 - 1 transcript_id "g101.t1"; gene_id "g101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 566498 566624 1 - 2 transcript_id "g101.t1"; gene_id "g101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 566680 567030 1 - 2 transcript_id "g101.t1"; gene_id "g101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 567089 568064 0.88 - 0 transcript_id "g101.t1"; gene_id "g101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 568062 568064 . - 0 transcript_id "g101.t1"; gene_id "g101"; # protein sequence = [MLAKKQKMQETDTEQEATPHTIQARLVSDTGEEAGPPIDLPAGITTQQLGLICNALLKNEEATPYLFFVGEDEIKKSL # EDTLDLASVDTENVIDIVYQPQAVFKVRPVTRCTSSMPGHAEAVVSLNFSPDGAHLASGSGDTTVRLWDLNTETPHFTCTGHKQWVLCVSWAPDGKRL # ASGCKAGSIIIWDPETGQQKGRPLSGHKKHINCLAWEPYHRDPECRKLASASGDGDCRIWDVKLGQCLMNIAGHTNAVTAVRWGGAGLIYTSSKDRTV # KMWRAADGILCRTFSGHAHWVNNIALSTDYVLRTGPFHPVKDRSKSHLSLSTEELQESALKRYQAVCPDEVESLVSCSDDNTLYLWRNNQNKCVERMT # GHQNVVNDVKYSPDVKLIASASFDKSVRLWRASDGQYMATFRGHVQAVYTVAWSADSRLIVSGSKDSTLKVWSVQTKKLAQELPGHADEVFGVDWAPD # GSRVASGGKDKVIKLWAY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 138 # W: 138 # end gene g101 # start gene g102 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 568406 572650 1 + . g102 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 568406 572650 1 + . g102.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 568406 568408 . + 0 transcript_id "g102.t1"; gene_id "g102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 568434 568598 1 + . transcript_id "g102.t1"; gene_id "g102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 569291 569347 1 + . transcript_id "g102.t1"; gene_id "g102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 568406 568433 1 + 0 transcript_id "g102.t1"; gene_id "g102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 568599 569290 1 + 2 transcript_id "g102.t1"; gene_id "g102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 569348 572650 1 + 0 transcript_id "g102.t1"; gene_id "g102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 572648 572650 . + 0 transcript_id "g102.t1"; gene_id "g102"; # protein sequence = [MENIPRTHEDIEAQISVIQEKKTELAKTTAAAAGVGLLDSGGFFDSDLYDDDAAKGKGRYEGYNTSIAANDAEEVDED # EDDGFPVPQKRTTYTAPASVLKDVTQGKEDVDPMADRRRPTIADREDEYRQKRRHIIISPERADPFADGGKTPDVGSRTYTDIMREQMLKGEESELRR # RILEKTKEGTLVKTVTSSSTSNGDLPAPKDGGRKRGRWDQTVSDSFIPAKMATPSSAATPTWEDKTPGDHRWDETPGHKGSETPGATPGLGTRIWDAT # PAHAVTPGHETPGHEKSARRNRWDETPKTERETPGHSGWAETPKPDRTGSGGGAESISIESTPGASKRRSRWDETPSNATPAITPTNASAMTPNMTPS # MTPHVTPGHATPMLTPGGSTPIGVKAMAMATPSAGALAAMTPEQLQAYRWEKEIDERNRPYTDEELDQIFPPGYKILPPPAGYVPLRTPGRKLMATPT # PIAGTPAGFFIQVEDKNAKFMDNQPKGQNLPFMKPEDAQYFDKLLVDVNEDSLSPEELKERKIMKLLLTIKNGSPPMRKSALRQITDKAREFGAGPLF # NQILPLLMSPTLEDQERHLLVKVIDRVLYKLDDLVRPYVHKILVVIEPLLIDEDHYARIEGREIISNLAKAAGLATMISTMRPDIDNIDEYVRNTTAR # AFAVVASALGIPSLLPFLKAVCKSKKSWQARHTGIKIVQQIAILMGCAILPHLKALVEIIEHGLVDEQQKVRTITALAIAALAEAATPYGIESFDSVL # KPLWKGIRTHRGKGLAAFLKAIGYLIPLMDAEYANYYTREVMLILIREFQSPDEEMKKIVLKVVKQCCATDGVEPQYIKEEILPHFFKFFWNHRMALD # RRNYRQLVDTTVEIANKVGASEIINRVVDDLKDENEQYRKMVMETVEKIMGNLGAADIDSRLEEQLIDGILYAFQEQTTEDVVMLNGFGTIVNQLGKR # VKPYLPQICGTILWRLNNKSAKVRQQAADLISRIAVVMKTCQEEKLMGHLGVVLYEYLGEEYPEVLGSILGALKAIVNVIGMTKMTPPIKDLLPRLTP # ILKNRHEKVQENCIDLVGRIADRGPEYVSAREWMRICFELLELLKAHKKAIRRATVNTFGYIAKAIGPHDVLATLLNNLKVQERQNRVCTTVAIAIVA # ESCRPFTVLPALMNEYRVPELNVQNGVLKSLSFLFEYIGEMGKDYIYAVCPLLEDALMDRDLVHRQTACSAIKHMSLGVYGFGCEDALTHLLNYVWPN # IFETSPHLVQAFMDSVDGLRVSLGPIKILQYTLQGLFHPARKVRDVYWKIYNSLYIGGQDALIAGYPRITNDPKNQYERYELDYTL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 392 # W: 392 # end gene g102 # start gene g103 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 573206 574135 0.84 - . g103 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 573206 574135 0.84 - . g103.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 573206 573208 . - 0 transcript_id "g103.t1"; gene_id "g103"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 573206 574135 0.84 - 0 transcript_id "g103.t1"; gene_id "g103"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 574133 574135 . - 0 transcript_id "g103.t1"; gene_id "g103"; # protein sequence = [MAKSDQELPEGFRQLKTQVAGHTFEESNAEAVGLLQDSKAGCVLKPLGKPECGERELRFYESLAEAGASGDNDLLALL # RGHVPRFYGPLKLVVNRRERTFLRLEDLTRSYAKPCVMDVKMGKRTWDPESSPNKRKVEEAKYVMCKQKLGLCLPGFQVYLPKEEHTQETTILRHGKD # YGKSLNVEGFKQTMALFFNASTSDSKSRRAGCELLLKEVLRQLQEILAWFQRQRLLHFYASSLLICYDYSRLADPPKPLINGYHQNDDDPATWVRVKM # IDFAHVYPAEQGLPDENYMFGLQSLIEVVQSILHR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 93 # W: 93 # end gene g103 # start gene g104 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 574641 575236 0.99 + . g104 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 574641 575236 0.99 + . g104.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 574641 574643 . + 0 transcript_id "g104.t1"; gene_id "g104"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 574699 574779 1 + . transcript_id "g104.t1"; gene_id "g104"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 575091 575143 1 + . transcript_id "g104.t1"; gene_id "g104"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 574641 574698 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g104.t1"; gene_id "g104"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 574780 575090 1 + 2 transcript_id "g104.t1"; gene_id "g104"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 575144 575236 1 + 0 transcript_id "g104.t1"; gene_id "g104"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 575234 575236 . + 0 transcript_id "g104.t1"; gene_id "g104"; # protein sequence = [MKSWEIAVVLVAAVYLCSQVNFVAGLECYVCSNQTGNTEKCLNTIKTCEPFENVCGTEIRWGSQPYFSEGALKQYYVS # KRCMTKEQCQSKRKRYMQLYCTHIWYEDWACNECCKGDRCNYFVISGAPSRQGYGVCLTLLTALLGLGSWLIPRS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 42 # W: 42 # end gene g104 # start gene g105 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 575280 576525 0.67 - . g105 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 575280 576525 0.67 - . g105.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 575280 575282 . - 0 transcript_id "g105.t1"; gene_id "g105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 575452 575780 1 - . transcript_id "g105.t1"; gene_id "g105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 576023 576080 1 - . transcript_id "g105.t1"; gene_id "g105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 576405 576513 1 - . transcript_id "g105.t1"; gene_id "g105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 575280 575451 1 - 1 transcript_id "g105.t1"; gene_id "g105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 575781 576022 1 - 0 transcript_id "g105.t1"; gene_id "g105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 576081 576404 1 - 0 transcript_id "g105.t1"; gene_id "g105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 576514 576525 0.67 - 0 transcript_id "g105.t1"; gene_id "g105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 576523 576525 . - 0 transcript_id "g105.t1"; gene_id "g105"; # protein sequence = [MMPWLPISIMAMALLSLTNKGIASQYASDEGLDEMVGLRSLEHRAEEQQPDRSTSKMLSALFGFSPSTPHPTEMAMVM # PHQLPPMYYNDFYEDLVTTKRNDVHSAGCDCKVTNELVDLGGLHFPRFLMNAVCESGAGRDLAKCSHGSNCRPLEYKVKVLAQTSQSDHPYSWMNKDQ # PWQFKTVTVTAGCFCTKETILLQIKCKVLEKKLRFARHQDSKWHYFPTESRHFDGVVLNGVWNLLSLWTASFK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 55 # W: 55 # end gene g105 # start gene g106 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 577993 579250 0.35 + . g106 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 577993 579250 0.35 + . g106.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 577993 577995 . + 0 transcript_id "g106.t1"; gene_id "g106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 578034 578154 0.66 + . transcript_id "g106.t1"; gene_id "g106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 578421 578483 1 + . transcript_id "g106.t1"; gene_id "g106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 577993 578033 0.35 + 0 transcript_id "g106.t1"; gene_id "g106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 578155 578420 0.66 + 1 transcript_id "g106.t1"; gene_id "g106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 578484 579250 1 + 2 transcript_id "g106.t1"; gene_id "g106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 579248 579250 . + 0 transcript_id "g106.t1"; gene_id "g106"; # protein sequence = [MDKGTMKRKQRRYRTTFNTLQLQELERAFQRTHYPDVFFREELAVRIDLTEARVQVWFQNRRAKWRKQEKIGGLGGDY # KEGALDLDVSYDDSAVLGQLDSALGGGGTLLPDTPPQSSNSLDNELKASYGTGAMSPSRLSPNIFLNLNIDHLGLERGGSGLSMEWSTYPPQTQAQTH # PQMDSDNQLQQHPPQQHASDPIHAGSSSHHQQQQQQHQQEQHNPQLHPGLEFAASLSLDMTDGSSAYDEMKFLSVDVDQFTIDSFKADCILSMEQSQM # QAYGGHSQLVGSSNELCLDGIGMSSFGMEEGEPKSPPSLLVLDKSLPSLSIGVEGIADLVEQLHHHQHEGGPVGGGVITGDVM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 3 # RM: 1 # W: 2 # end gene g106 # start gene g107 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 583100 583450 0.5 - . g107 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 583100 583450 0.5 - . g107.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 583100 583102 . - 0 transcript_id "g107.t1"; gene_id "g107"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 583100 583450 0.5 - 0 transcript_id "g107.t1"; gene_id "g107"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 583448 583450 . - 0 transcript_id "g107.t1"; gene_id "g107"; # protein sequence = [MGDGNGDPSLTANGPGKWQVGGGGQPVSSFDGHFDGFASNQLEHGHGPHKGSGEAKHGAGQSMCNRIFSAPRQMYLHV # LCRHLLAIFILALRIGRGSCHNKMEKPLKSSPAQSESL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g107 # start gene g108 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 591989 595112 0.2 - . g108 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 591989 595112 0.2 - . g108.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 591989 591991 . - 0 transcript_id "g108.t1"; gene_id "g108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 592124 592271 0.81 - . transcript_id "g108.t1"; gene_id "g108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 592634 593587 1 - . transcript_id "g108.t1"; gene_id "g108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 594465 595100 0.25 - . transcript_id "g108.t1"; gene_id "g108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 591989 592123 0.81 - 0 transcript_id "g108.t1"; gene_id "g108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 592272 592633 1 - 2 transcript_id "g108.t1"; gene_id "g108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 593588 594464 0.59 - 0 transcript_id "g108.t1"; gene_id "g108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 595101 595112 0.29 - 0 transcript_id "g108.t1"; gene_id "g108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 595110 595112 . - 0 transcript_id "g108.t1"; gene_id "g108"; # protein sequence = [MEALCFKSAASLKKNQWGRDFFLLESFIDFFKILSSLWTPGGGGGGTTTTTPSTTPDIPPSKAKFKITVVSTPSPSPP # PTPPPAGSMLAQMVETNSPPAGYTLKRSPSDLGEQQQPPRQISRSPGNTAAYHLTTAMLLNSQQCGYLGQRLQSVLQQQHAQHQQSQSQTPSSDDGSQ # SGVTILEEERRGGAAAASLFTIDSILGSRQQGGGTAPSQGSHISSNGNQNGLTSNGISLGLKRSGAESPASPNSNSSSSAAASPIRPQRVPAMLQHPG # LHLGHLAAAAASGFAASPSDFLVAYPNFYPNYMHAAAVAHVAAAQMQAHVSGAAAGLSGHGHHPHHPHGHPHHPHLGAHHHGQHHLSHLGHGPPPKRK # RRHRTIFTEEQLEQLEATFDKTHYPDVVLREQLALKVDLKEERVELLITVFFLAAAHTLCLTFGSNFTLVLIPRVKPIECYTPAPLHST] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g108 # start gene g109 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 602871 603339 0.98 + . g109 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 602871 603339 0.98 + . g109.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 602871 602873 . + 0 transcript_id "g109.t1"; gene_id "g109"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 603007 603073 1 + . transcript_id "g109.t1"; gene_id "g109"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 602871 603006 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g109.t1"; gene_id "g109"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 603074 603339 1 + 2 transcript_id "g109.t1"; gene_id "g109"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 603337 603339 . + 0 transcript_id "g109.t1"; gene_id "g109"; # protein sequence = [MEDWKSEEMARKRNRNRSKQRRRRQKSEGKPKPHTSRDQWSNVAQIYQSLFEWHHNHVMSLCPEVNPNLDQDLEDIPK # ETGTFHCLDYVYESSSEDEEIEPIDEGYLKFLEVTIKHQQELRDRRTAQTTDSLD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 35 # W: 35 # end gene g109 # start gene g110 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 620433 621182 0.97 - . g110 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 620433 621182 0.97 - . g110.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 620433 620435 . - 0 transcript_id "g110.t1"; gene_id "g110"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 620433 621182 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g110.t1"; gene_id "g110"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 621180 621182 . - 0 transcript_id "g110.t1"; gene_id "g110"; # protein sequence = [MFKYDTYFLYLIVLLDPQGAQENNCPKVSLSERLEKRGEFSLVEFDPLLKFIVKNPHKELLGEIEGLVGHTENKLQPM # KSVIPNQSKALLNYLDLHSKLEYLDAALQKAINSLQCSLKNTKVMSTGKPHPEFQKLGSRYFYIERHVRQNWFDAADKCRRMGGHLATPQDEDELYLI # RKQLEARWFWLDISNLVDKDQYISLATGKEVSYLKWRHGEPKKSSTANCAYLYAGDYYTYQCSDRNFFICQAV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g110 # start gene g111 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 624644 625453 0.64 + . g111 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 624644 625453 0.64 + . g111.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 624644 624646 . + 0 transcript_id "g111.t1"; gene_id "g111"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 624644 625453 0.64 + 0 transcript_id "g111.t1"; gene_id "g111"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 625451 625453 . + 0 transcript_id "g111.t1"; gene_id "g111"; # protein sequence = [MFQHANFFLHVFMACGLYGIRAKDVCPRMSTDKEVCLVELAPVLKYISNNHKSHWNSANEVQVNETRKQLAKIEGQEK # ETNDKIKVIHDNVDNEFNALSAKIKNVKNIQRHLASLELQLQETKKALNLSVEAKKVMPKTEIPSQFQKIGWRHFFIEKKHKVDWFKATSMCHKMGAH # LLTIQSEDELDAIRTELKDINDGSHDFWLDINDIAKWGEFISLATGMNPPFLKWHKHRPQVQIHQRCVHLRGGEMMDGKCSEQFLFICQLAVN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g111 # start gene g112 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 631950 632198 0.7 - . g112 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 631950 632198 0.7 - . g112.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 631950 631952 . - 0 transcript_id "g112.t1"; gene_id "g112"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 631950 632198 0.7 - 0 transcript_id "g112.t1"; gene_id "g112"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 632196 632198 . - 0 transcript_id "g112.t1"; gene_id "g112"; # protein sequence = [MMSIVRANRRRRSKRNYPWLPWEIIGTVFANQLEADSWRKPKKRPLANGRLSQWDFKSDNRFDYPKAQMDVFAPLRNH # PGKL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g112 # start gene g113 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 640959 660635 0.53 - . g113 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 640959 660635 0.53 - . g113.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 640959 640961 . - 0 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 644315 644436 1 - . transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 645717 647988 1 - . transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 648362 648478 0.99 - . transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 648887 648990 1 - . transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 649766 649933 1 - . transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 650294 652785 1 - . transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 653289 654246 0.98 - . transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 654701 655273 0.97 - . transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 655867 656711 1 - . transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 657385 660527 0.57 - . transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 640959 644314 0.93 - 2 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 644437 645716 1 - 1 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 647989 648361 1 - 2 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 648479 648886 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 648991 649765 1 - 0 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 649934 650293 1 - 0 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 652786 653288 1 - 2 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 654247 654700 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 655274 655866 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 656712 657384 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 660528 660635 0.57 - 0 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 660633 660635 . - 0 transcript_id "g113.t1"; gene_id "g113"; # protein sequence = [MLETPQKGCEVRGGAQAVTNQGKGVKSSHAADERIQVSASDPDCGVNAMVNYTIGEGFKHLTEFEVRSASGEICIAGE # LDFERRSSYEFPVLATDRGGLSTTAMIKMQLTDVNDNRPVFYPREYKVSLRESPKASSQASSTPIVAVVATDPDYGNFGQVSYRIVAGNEAGIFRIDR # STGEIFVVRPDMLSVRTQPMHMLNISATDGGNLRSNADAVVFLSIIDAMQRPPIFEKARYNYYVKEDIPRGTVVGSVIAASGDVAHRSPVRYSIYSGD # PDGYFSIETNSGNIRIAKPLDHEAKSQVLLNIQATLGEPPVYGHTQVNIEVEDVNDNAPEFEASMVRISVPESAELGAPLYAAHAHDKDSGSSGQVTY # SLVKESGKGLFAIDARSGHLILSQHLDYESSQRHTLIVTATDGGVPSLSTNLTILVDVQDVNDNPPVFEKDEYSVNVSESRSINAQIIQVNASDLDTG # NNARITYRIVDAGVDNVTNSISSSDVSQHFGIFPNSGWIYLRAPLDRETRDRYQLTVLATDNGTPAAHAKTRVIVRVLDANDNDPKFQKSKYEFRIEE # NLRRGSVVGVVTASDLDLGENAAIRYSLLPINSSFQVHPVTGEISTREPLDRELRELYDLVVEARDQGTPVRSARVPVRIHVSDVNDNAPEIADPQED # VVSVREEQPPGTEVVRVRAVDRDHGQNASITYSIVKGRDSDGHGLFSIDPTSGVIRTRVVLDHEERSIYRLGVAASDGGNPPRETVRMLRVEVLDLND # NRPTFTSSSLVFRVREDAALGHVVGSISPIERPADVVRNSVEESFEDLRVTYTLNPLTKDLIEAAFDIDRHSGNLVVARLLDREVQSEFRLEIRALDT # TASNNPQSSAITVKIEVADVNDNAPEWPQDPIDLQVSEATPVGTIIHNFTATDADTGTNGDLQYRLIRYFPQLNESQEQAMSLFRMDSLTGALSLQAP # LDFEAVQEYLLIVQALDQSSNVTERLQTSVTVRLRILDANDHAPHFVSPNSSGGKTASLFISDATRIGEVVAHIVAVDEDSGDNGQLTYEITGGNGEG # RFRINSQTGIIELVKSLPPATEDVEKGGRFNLIIGAKDHGQPEPKKSSLNLHLIVQGSHNNPPRFLQAVYRATILENVPSGSFVLQVTAKSLHGAENA # NLSYEIPAGVANDLFHVDWQRGIITTRGQFDRESQASYVLPVYVRDANRQSTLSSSAVRKQRSSDSIGDTSNGQHFDVATIYITVGDVNDNSPEFRPG # SCYGLSVPENSEPGVIHTVVASDLDEGPNADLIYSITGGNLGNKFSIDSSSGELSARPLDREQHSRYTLQIQASDRGQPKSRQGHCNITIFVEDQNDN # APRFKLSKYTGSVQEDAPLGTSVVQISAVDADLGVNARLVYSLANETQWQFAIDGQSGLITTVGKLDRELQASYNFMVLATDGGRYEVRSATVPVQIN # VLDINDNRPIFERYPYIGQVPALIQPGQTLLKVQALDADLGANAEIVYSLNAENSAVSAKFRINPSTGALSASQSLASESGKLLHLEVVARDKGNPPQ # SSLGLIELLIGEAPQGTPVLRFQNETYRVMLKENSPSGTRLLQVVALRSDGRRQKVQFSFGAGNEDGILSLDSLSGEIRVNKPHLLDYDRFSTPSMSA # LSRGRALHYEEEIDESSEEDPNNSTRSQRALTSSSFALTNSQPNEIRVVLVARTADAPFLASYAELVIELEDENDNSPKFSQKQFVATVSEGNNKGTF # VAQVHAFDSDAGSNARLRYHIVDGNHDNAFVIEPAFSGIVRTNIVLDREIRDIYKLKIIATDEGVPQMTGTATIRVQIVDVNDNQPTFPPNNLVTVSE # ATELGAVITSISANDVDTYPALTYRLGAESTVDIENMSIFALDRYSGKLVLKRRLDYELQQEYELDVIASDAAHEARTVLTVRVNDENDNAPVFLAQQ # PPAYFAILPAISEISESLSVDFDLLTVNATDADSEGNNSKVIYIIEPAQEGFSVHPSNGVVSVNMSRLQPAVSSSGDYFVRIIAKDAGKPALKSSTLL # RVQANDNGSGRSQFLQNQYRAQISEAAPLGSVVLQLGQDALDQSLAIIAGNEESAFELLQSKAIVLVKPLDRERNDLYKLRLVLSHPHGPPLISSLNS # SSGISVIITILDANDNFPIFDRSAKYEAEISELAPLRYSIAQLQAIDADQENTPNSEVVYDITSGNDEHMFTIDLVTGVLFVNNRLDYDSGAKSYELI # IRACDSHHQRPLCSLQPFRLELHDENDNEPKFPLTEYVHFLAENEPVGSSVFRAHASDLDKGPFGQLNYSIGPAPSDESSWKMFRVDSESGLVTSAFV # FDYEQRQRYDMELLASDMGGKKASVAVRVEIESRDEFTPQFTERTYRFVLPAAVALPQGYVVGQVTATDSDSGPDGRVVYQLSAPHSHFKVNRSSGAV # LIKRKLKLDGDGDGNLYMDGRDISLVISASSGRHNSLSSMAVVEIALDPLAHPGTNLASAGGSSSGSIGDWAIGLLVAFLLVLCAAAGIFLFIHMRSR # KPRNAVKPHLATDNAGVGNTNSYVDPSAFDTIPIRGSISGGAAGAASGQFAPPKYDEIPPFGAHAGSSGAATTSELSGSEQSGSSGRGSAEDDGEDEE # IRMINEGPLHHRNGGAGAGSDDGRISDISVQNTQEYLARLGIVDHDPSGAGGGASSMAGSSHPMHLYHDDDATARSDITNLIYAKLNDVTGAGSEIGS # SADDAGTTAGSIGTIGTAITHGHGVMSSYGEVPVPVPVVVGGSNVGGSLSSIVHSEEELTGSYNWDYLLDWGPQYQPLAHVFSEIARLKDDTLSEHSG # SGASSSAKSKHSSSHSSAGAGSVVLKPPPSAPPTHIPPPLLTNVAPRAINLPMRLPPHLSLAPAHLPRSPIGHEASGSFSTSSAMSPSFSPSLSPLAT # RSPSISPLGAGPPTHLPHVSLPRHGHAPQPSQRGNVGTRM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 42.9 # CDS exons: 5/11 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/10 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 11 # E: 4 # RM: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 87 # W: 87 # end gene g113 # start gene g114 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 667073 667444 0.52 + . g114 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 667073 667444 0.52 + . g114.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 667073 667075 . + 0 transcript_id "g114.t1"; gene_id "g114"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 667073 667444 0.52 + 0 transcript_id "g114.t1"; gene_id "g114"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 667442 667444 . + 0 transcript_id "g114.t1"; gene_id "g114"; # protein sequence = [MQMAVLLNFPAKKKRANKANPSCNPNAFAIPKAAFGFELEANFGQRCVTWTMSCCFCCCFCLGGRKGIPWAAPPVRRC # QNAKRATESINKFGQAKMEAFFEVIYANYEQLQPKSDSSGTGKGV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g114 # start gene g115 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 675259 675726 0.97 + . g115 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 675259 675726 0.97 + . g115.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 675259 675261 . + 0 transcript_id "g115.t1"; gene_id "g115"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 675259 675726 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g115.t1"; gene_id "g115"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 675724 675726 . + 0 transcript_id "g115.t1"; gene_id "g115"; # protein sequence = [MMTMASMAVTNEQPTANGLSGRGAVQKATTMASPSQVSQLNHHRRFNQQPTGTTKESNSVFGIVFPARECKTAAQKEL # GIAAKNDERSRRRRWQEEGAPENGFQFHKTWTLFLGRLLRSSSSLAVSSHLINTELGRLWRKGRGLVFKKENRFRTK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g115 # start gene g116 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 705859 707727 0.62 - . g116 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 705859 707727 0.62 - . g116.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 705859 705861 . - 0 transcript_id "g116.t1"; gene_id "g116"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 705859 707727 0.62 - 0 transcript_id "g116.t1"; gene_id "g116"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 707725 707727 . - 0 transcript_id "g116.t1"; gene_id "g116"; # protein sequence = [MTRVTFTGNHESKDFAIFHRCRRRSNIKSLYSPPALHPSHMLRSSLLILLAIVLLGSSQAASHDQERERKLEVFEGVA # VDYQIGYIGDFGGIDSGPPYIIVAEAGVETDLAIDRATGEIRTKVKLDRETRASYSLVAIPLSGRNIRVLVTVKDENDNAPTFPQTSMHIEFPENTPR # EVKRTLLPARDLDLEPYNTQRYNIVSGNVNDAFRLSSHRERDGVLYLDLQISGFLDRETTPGYSLLIEALDGGTPPLRGFMTVNITIQDVNDNQPIFN # QSRYFATVPENATVGTSVLQVYASDTDADENGLVEYAINRRQSDKEQMFRIDPRTGAIYINKALDFETKELHELVVVAKDHGEQPLETTAFVSIRVTD # VNDNQPTINVIFLSDDASPKISESAQPGEFVARISVHDPDSKTEYANVNVTLNGGDGHFALTTRDNSIYLVIVHLPLDREIVSNYTLSVVATDKGTPP # LHASKSIFLRITDVNDNPPEFEQDLYHANVMEVADPGTSVLQVLAHDRDEGLNSALTYSLAETPETHAQWFQIDPQTGLITTRSHIDCETEPVPQLTV # VARDGGVPPLSSTATVLVTIHDVNDNEPIFDQSFYNVSVAENEPVGRCILKVSH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 15 # W: 15 # end gene g116 # start gene g117 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 728508 730454 0.65 + . g117 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 728508 730454 0.65 + . g117.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 728508 728510 . + 0 transcript_id "g117.t1"; gene_id "g117"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 728508 730454 0.65 + 0 transcript_id "g117.t1"; gene_id "g117"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 730452 730454 . + 0 transcript_id "g117.t1"; gene_id "g117"; # protein sequence = [MFRSCVPKAITSSRCFARMYSKDVRFGSGVRAMMIRGVDILADAVAVTMGPKGRSVIVERPWTSPKITKDGFTVARSI # ALKDQHMNLGAKLVQDVADNTNESAGDGTTTATVLARAIAKEGFNQITMGANPVEIRRGVMLAVDVVKDKLKEMSKAVETREEIQQVATLSANGDTEI # GRLIGEATDKVGPRGTITVKDGKRLKDELNIIQGLRFDNGYVSPFFVNSSKGSKVEFANALVMISLKKITGLSQIVKGLEQSLRQRRPLIIIAEDISG # EALNALVLNKLRLGLQVCAVKSPSYGHHRKELIGDISAATGATIFGDDINYSKMEEAKLEDLGQVGEAVISKDSTMLLQGKPKTGLLEMRIQQIQDEL # AEKQIKPEQRDRLRQRLSALTKGVAVLHIGGGSEVEVNEKKDRVVDALNATRAAIEEGIVPGGGTAFLRCIPYLQELKTESADLQKGVDIVCNALRMP # CQTIAQNAGVDGPMVVAKVLNGSEDYGYDAMGDEYCRLVEKGIIDPTKVLRTAITDAAGVASLLSTTEVVITDSRNDDLLSKLSGAGGGMDDGLDMNM # GGLEELAALSGLGGMGGMGGMGGMGGMGGMGGGFGGMGAGGGMSASASNDGPTAEEMNEMVKAIPGMEQVEVRDIDSGMM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g117 # start gene g118 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 738074 740995 0.59 - . g118 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 738074 740995 0.59 - . g118.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 738074 738076 . - 0 transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 738269 738320 1 - . transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 738436 738507 1 - . transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 738838 739444 1 - . transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 740015 740356 1 - . transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 740691 740799 1 - . transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 738074 738268 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 738321 738435 1 - 1 transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 738508 738837 1 - 1 transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 739445 740014 1 - 1 transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 740357 740690 1 - 2 transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 740800 740995 0.6 - 0 transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 740993 740995 . - 0 transcript_id "g118.t1"; gene_id "g118"; # protein sequence = [MEMEKSGKFSDYLFAKMGPPTSTELPPKTTECSDAPVELTGYRRWLSENLMLLVTLSGVLLGVILGLSLRPLNLHGDS # IMLISYPGELFMRVLKLMILPLVISSLIAGSASLNAKMNGKIALRTLVYFASTSFFNAALGIALVLLIHPGNPDLHNADDRSTDRRAVNLLDSLLDLG # RNVFPDNLFQASIQQAHTVYLPKPSILHVFNETMNDTLASGSEAQRLSEDLTEDVVLVRDIQYRSGTNTLGIVFFCLVFGTFLGTIGQKGQVVVDFFA # AIFEVIMKMVTCVMWLTPVGISSVIAGKILSVGDLGLVMSQLMWFIVTVAIGVFIYQFVVMQAIYFVVVRRNPFKFYAGLIQAMLTAFATASTAAALP # ITFRCMNEKLKVDPRITRFVLPIGCNINMDGTALYIAVASIFIAQMSGMVLGFGELLTVLLTSTAASMSSASVPSAALVLLLVVLTAIDAPVQDVTLL # FAVDWFVDRIRTTNNMLGDCYTAAVVEELSRKELMALDAASVNYQDMPAGTPNGHGHGHGHHDGGLLEGQTELETSSKCVMTMTDSVVVDISAVMNNV # NLQQEHCNRRV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 171 # E: 1 # W: 170 # end gene g118 # start gene g119 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 753119 760913 0.63 + . g119 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 753119 760913 0.63 + . g119.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 753119 753121 . + 0 transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 753731 754486 1 + . transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 754631 755020 1 + . transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 755297 755828 1 + . transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 756081 756667 0.97 + . transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 757031 757127 1 + . transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 757430 757799 0.98 + . transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 757939 758846 1 + . transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 759123 759230 1 + . transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 759550 759678 0.86 + . transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 753119 753730 0.77 + 0 transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 754487 754630 1 + 0 transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 755021 755296 1 + 0 transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 755829 756080 1 + 0 transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 756668 757030 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 757128 757429 1 + 0 transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 757800 757938 0.98 + 1 transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 758847 759122 1 + 0 transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 759231 759549 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 759679 760913 0.86 + 2 transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 760911 760913 . + 0 transcript_id "g119.t1"; gene_id "g119"; # protein sequence = [MRIIQPVQGTRYGPWPAVGLRLVLALAWATSAAAAMESSAELQALGYEAIRPGAASISTSSPSSSPPGESASTVTAGG # TPIPPRSDWKYKRTKVKRRQQRLNSHSNLPGSTNASHAHHLLNLPPRQRYLKVNQVFESERRMSPAEMQRNHGKIVLLGLFELSTSRGPRPDGLSELG # AATMAVEHINRKRLLPGYTLELVTNDTQCDPGVGVDRFFHAIYTQPSTRMVMLLGSACSEVTESLAKVVPYWNIVQVSFGSTSPALSDRREFPYFYRT # VAPDSSHNPARIAFIRKFGWGTVTTFSQNEEVHSLAVNNLVTELEAANISCAATITFAATDFKEQLLLLRETDTRIIIGSFSQELAPQILCEAYRLRM # FGADYAWILHESMGAPWWPDQRTACSNHELQLAVENLIVVSTHNSIVGNNVSYSGLNNHMFNSQLRKQSAQFHGQDGFGSGYGSRISIAATQSDSRRR # RRRGVGGTSGGHLFPEAISQYAPQTYDAVWAIALALRAAEEHWRRNEEQSKLDGFDYTRSDMAWEFLQQMGKLHFLGVSGPVSFSGPDRVGTTAFYQI # QRGLLEPVALYYPATDALDFRCPRCRPVKWHSGQVPIAKRVFKLRVATIAPLAFYTIATLSSVGIALAIAFLAFNLHFRKLKAIKLSSPKLSNITAVG # CIFVYATVILLGLDHSTLPSAEDSFATVCTARVYLLSAGFSLAFGSMFAKTYRVHRIFTRTGSVFKDKMLQDIQLILLVGGLLLVDALLVTLWVVTDP # MERHLHNLTLEISATDRSVVYQPQVEVCRSQHTQTWLSVLYAYKGLLLVVGVYMAWETRHVKIPALNDSQYIGVSVYSVVITSAIVVVLANLISERVT # LAFITITALILTSTTATLCLLFIPKLHDIWARNDIIDPVIHSMGLKMECNTRRFVVDDRRELQYRVEVQNRVYKKEIQALDAEIRKLERLLESGLTTT # STTTSSSTSLLTGGGHLKPELTVTSGISQTPAASKNRTPSISGILPNLLLSVLPPVIPRASWPSAEYMQIPMRRSVTFASQPQLEEACLPAQDLINLR # LAHQQATEAKTGLINRLRGIFSRTTSSNKGSTASLADQKGLKAAFKSHMGLFTRLIPSSQTASCNAIYNNPNQDSIPSEASSHPNGNHLKPIHRGSLT # KSGTHLDHLTKDPNFLPIPTISGGEQGDQTLGGKYVKLLETKVNFQLPSNRRPSVVQQPPSLRERVRGSPRFPHRILPPTCSLSALAESEDRPGDSTS # ILGSCKSIPRISLQQATSGGTWKSMETAGKSRLSLGDSQEEEQQAPANGTE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 15.8 # CDS exons: 2/10 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/9 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 1 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 10 # W: 10 # end gene g119 # start gene g120 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 773595 773918 1 + . g120 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 773595 773918 1 + . g120.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 773595 773597 . + 0 transcript_id "g120.t1"; gene_id "g120"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 773595 773918 1 + 0 transcript_id "g120.t1"; gene_id "g120"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 773916 773918 . + 0 transcript_id "g120.t1"; gene_id "g120"; # protein sequence = [MRSFILIALFALIALAAAQGGPQGGQQGGQGGSQNGQQGGQQGGSQEGSQEGSQEGQQGGQQGGQQQGGPGGPWGLPP # NGTELSNSTTTSTTEATSTESSSTEVSSS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # RM: 2 # end gene g120 # start gene g121 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 776542 776841 1 + . g121 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 776542 776841 1 + . g121.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 776542 776544 . + 0 transcript_id "g121.t1"; gene_id "g121"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 776542 776841 1 + 0 transcript_id "g121.t1"; gene_id "g121"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 776839 776841 . + 0 transcript_id "g121.t1"; gene_id "g121"; # protein sequence = [MRSYILIVLFALIALAAAQGGPQGGQQGGQGGPQNGQQGGQQGGSQEGSQGGQQGGQQQGGPGGPWGLPPNGTELSNS # TTTSTTEASTTESSTTDVSSS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g121 # start gene g122 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 779204 779563 1 + . g122 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 779204 779563 1 + . g122.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 779204 779206 . + 0 transcript_id "g122.t1"; gene_id "g122"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 779204 779563 1 + 0 transcript_id "g122.t1"; gene_id "g122"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 779561 779563 . + 0 transcript_id "g122.t1"; gene_id "g122"; # protein sequence = [MRSFIIIALFALIAVAAAQGGPQGGPQGGPQGGPQGGPQGGPQGGPQGGPQGGPQGGPQGGPQGGPQGGPGGPGGPGG # PWGLPPNATLPSNSTTTTTTSTTTESSTSTTTEASTESSPA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 37 # W: 37 # end gene g122 # start gene g123 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 781171 782824 0.26 + . g123 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 781171 782824 0.26 + . g123.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 781171 781173 . + 0 transcript_id "g123.t1"; gene_id "g123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 782049 782123 1 + . transcript_id "g123.t1"; gene_id "g123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 782182 782237 1 + . transcript_id "g123.t1"; gene_id "g123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 782442 782494 1 + . transcript_id "g123.t1"; gene_id "g123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 781171 782048 0.26 + 0 transcript_id "g123.t1"; gene_id "g123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 782124 782181 1 + 1 transcript_id "g123.t1"; gene_id "g123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 782238 782441 1 + 0 transcript_id "g123.t1"; gene_id "g123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 782495 782824 1 + 0 transcript_id "g123.t1"; gene_id "g123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 782822 782824 . + 0 transcript_id "g123.t1"; gene_id "g123"; # protein sequence = [MGAAPGVSLSLFVFQSKVNSKAAWRSIKGPSLGSRMTFLDRTMSFWAVSRGLTPPSKVVPMLNPNQRQFLEDEVRYRE # KLKLMARGDAMEEVYVRKQETVDDPLELDKHDSFYQTTKSLLVLFQIMGVMPIHRNPPEKNLPRTGYSWGSKQVMWAIFIYSCQTTIVVLVLRERVKK # FVTSPDKRFDEAIYNVIFISLLFTNFLLPVASWRHGPQVAIFKNMWTNYQYKFFKTTGSPIVFPNLYPLTWSLCVFSWLLSIAINLSQYFLQPDFRLW # YTFAYYPIIAMLNCFCSLWYINCNAFGTASRALSDALQTTIRGEKPAQKLTEYRHLWVDLSHMMQQLGRAYSNMYGMYCLVIFFTTIIATYGSISEII # DHGATYKEVGLFVIVFYCMGLLYIICNEAHYASRKVGLDFQTKLLNINLTAVDAATQKEVEMLLVAINKNPPIMNLDGYANINRELITTNISFMATYL # VVLLQFKITEQRRIGQQQA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g123 # start gene g124 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 784421 786139 1 + . g124 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 784421 786139 1 + . g124.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 784421 784423 . + 0 transcript_id "g124.t1"; gene_id "g124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 784421 786139 1 + 0 transcript_id "g124.t1"; gene_id "g124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 786137 786139 . + 0 transcript_id "g124.t1"; gene_id "g124"; # protein sequence = [MCHRIKQDYSGNSYLGLHLGTQLFRALILDSKLNVTYVAQIRYDVDLPEFKTTNGILSDGGPGEFLANPVMWVKALDM # LMDCLVKQGADMHTVVSIAGAAQQHGCVFWSELGLRRLCNLNVNLRLHEQITESAFELTRTPTWRDSSTDVQVREMEHTVGGPAELSKITGSRAYTRF # TGPQIRKVYTQCPEQYERTSRISLISSFLASLLIGGIASIDYSDGSGMNLLDIRKKKWSAACLDACAPDLARRLMKPIPSSRLQGRIGDYYVKRWNFR # PDCMVVASTGSKASELAGLLVENDFLMLSLDTSDVVVMPLKKAPRLEDGHVMCHPTRRDEYMGLLCFQNGGLTRKAICEDVAGGSWRHFYEMLDATPS # GNNGNVAVHFRDREIIPTAKGTLRWDAHISPMSAECIRGLHRFSTPEIEVRALIEGQIMHHWSIAHEMGFHHTPNTKIIVVGEDSRCQSVLQIVADIF # NAPVYQRTGVEVSLLGCAFRARYAFYEHRESACNCHSCMMPTGRRTRLSFDEFFRDVPSGLKLAAEPTPGCDKIYKPLIERCSQICQLLASKSSVYFF # HPNV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g124 # start gene g125 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 786260 790629 0.86 - . g125 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 786260 790629 0.86 - . g125.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 786260 786262 . - 0 transcript_id "g125.t1"; gene_id "g125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 786423 786478 1 - . transcript_id "g125.t1"; gene_id "g125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 786665 786732 1 - . transcript_id "g125.t1"; gene_id "g125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 788179 788241 1 - . transcript_id "g125.t1"; gene_id "g125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 788601 790488 0.91 - . transcript_id "g125.t1"; gene_id "g125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 786260 786422 1 - 1 transcript_id "g125.t1"; gene_id "g125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 786479 786664 1 - 1 transcript_id "g125.t1"; gene_id "g125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 786733 788178 0.98 - 1 transcript_id "g125.t1"; gene_id "g125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 788242 788600 0.91 - 0 transcript_id "g125.t1"; gene_id "g125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 790489 790629 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g125.t1"; gene_id "g125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 790627 790629 . - 0 transcript_id "g125.t1"; gene_id "g125"; # protein sequence = [MAAGMLTDREREAIVSNLTKDVQALREMVRSRESELVKLHREIHKLKQTTNNLNVTRNEKAKKKLYSLPEQCGEQESR # NQNPHLCSSCGMVLPTSPEFALEALSLGPLSPLASTSSASPSGRTSADEVRPKAMPAAIKKQGVSAESCVQSMQQSYSIPIPKYEKDFSDKQQIKDAI # MDNDFLKNIDASQVRELVDSMYSKSIAAGEFVIREGEVGAHLYVSAAGEFAVMQQGKVLDKMGAGKAFGELAILYNCTRTASIRVLSEAARVWVLDRR # VFQQIMMCTGLQRIENSVNFLRSVPLLMNLSEELLAKIADVLELEFYAAGTYIIRQGTAGDSFFLISQGNVRVTQKLTPTSPEETELRTLSRGDYFGE # QALINEDKRTANIIALSPGVECLTLDRDSFKRLIGDLCELKEKDYGDESRKLAMKQAQESCRDEPKEQLQQEFPDLKLTDLEVVSTLGIGGFGRVELV # KAHHQDRVDIFALKCLKKRHIVDTKQEEHIFSERHIMLSSRSPFICRLYRTFRDEKYVYMLLEACMGGEIWTMLRDRGSFEDNAAQFIIGCVLQAFEY # LHARGIIYRDLKPENLMLDERGYVKIVDFGFAKQIGTSSKTWTFCGTPEYVAPEIILNKGHDRAVDYWALGILIHELLNGTPPFSAPDPMQTYNLILK # GIDMIAFPKHISRWAVQLIKRLCRDVPSERLGYQTGGIQDIKKHKWFLGFDWDGLASQLLIPPFVRPIAHPTDVRYFDRFPCDLNEPPDELSGWDADF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 2 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 82 # W: 82 # end gene g125 # start gene g126 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 800423 801540 0.75 - . g126 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 800423 801540 0.75 - . g126.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 800423 800425 . - 0 transcript_id "g126.t1"; gene_id "g126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 800623 801299 0.76 - . transcript_id "g126.t1"; gene_id "g126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 800423 800622 0.76 - 2 transcript_id "g126.t1"; gene_id "g126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 801300 801540 0.75 - 0 transcript_id "g126.t1"; gene_id "g126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 801538 801540 . - 0 transcript_id "g126.t1"; gene_id "g126"; # protein sequence = [MYRYTFRGIEYIETEEGQLKWVTEDRNCRFTCHVDHIDDVVAVPLSDIVVVPVPVLVLDPTPPISFYLITRGSSSVVE # WLICPQLTLGNAEFGLFRGGGGGGRQGCGKDSMLPAATTCKHIGAMNARPTATGIRREMRDGIVTLGP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g126 # start gene g127 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 810646 811432 0.59 + . g127 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 810646 811432 0.59 + . g127.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 810646 810648 . + 0 transcript_id "g127.t1"; gene_id "g127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 810759 810808 1 + . transcript_id "g127.t1"; gene_id "g127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 811022 811088 1 + . transcript_id "g127.t1"; gene_id "g127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 811204 811258 1 + . transcript_id "g127.t1"; gene_id "g127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 810646 810758 1 + 0 transcript_id "g127.t1"; gene_id "g127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 810809 811021 1 + 1 transcript_id "g127.t1"; gene_id "g127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 811089 811203 1 + 1 transcript_id "g127.t1"; gene_id "g127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 811259 811432 0.59 + 0 transcript_id "g127.t1"; gene_id "g127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 811430 811432 . + 0 transcript_id "g127.t1"; gene_id "g127"; # protein sequence = [MNNIEEDTEAAFKRLQAVIPQVKQAYEEAIGQIFSDLNSSDLESCASILEEHESTSLDTEQIIHSTRRLMTKIVLDVN # QCFFSGNDVETKLTTLEMLKEQFAAHEGKNWNFNCLSPEELTRPLRMHNLNLSITFMEQQLKKQEKELEIAMAKSIKNRQLIHDVHAERVKVGCMMKQ # QLAEYQAIKPQLMEMERLINDSYVQEEM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 48 # E: 1 # W: 47 # end gene g127 # start gene g128 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 811636 813311 0.63 + . g128 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 811636 813311 0.63 + . g128.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 811636 811638 . + 0 transcript_id "g128.t1"; gene_id "g128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 812497 812561 1 + . transcript_id "g128.t1"; gene_id "g128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 811636 812496 0.63 + 0 transcript_id "g128.t1"; gene_id "g128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 812562 813311 1 + 0 transcript_id "g128.t1"; gene_id "g128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 813309 813311 . + 0 transcript_id "g128.t1"; gene_id "g128"; # protein sequence = [MLNLSVVLRVQSSRHVASYATAAAAAVKTKPPKAKSKGKKQKGEPLISCRRSQFDLTQYEQTDAKFGSLSLASKGWLH # NKSKGDFFILNASVRGEELQQEMQTVDEFLESTGMQIHPQLLENLRVELGIKLLTGIQKQGMPVVHGNEHCLIAAETGCGKTITYLLPIVDKLLQKEV # VTERKLNTPRVLILTPGRELATQIAGVTEKLTQGTNLKVQSLLGGNTKQLMMNPQFEEVDILVATLGALSKLVTTGIYRMEQVRHLVLDEADTLLDDT # FTDKLSYFLRRFPFHLVQKEDAGTQMILASATMPTNTREILHKVIDVDTIREVVSPHLHRLMSHVTQKFLRLSKADRPATLLSLVKHDLAKRRPLIVF # SNKSTTSDFVSIFLNNSGVNCLNLNGDMLMKIRLGRFEQFQNGHCDVLSTTDVGSRGLDTTRARHVVNFDFPLHVSDYIHRCGRIGRVGNMDKALVTN # LISSRREIDVVQRIEHAARTGGLLPDVNANIRNIINKRIVAEMKAAGMPVPALGSLNGHTPQEEAF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 135 # W: 135 # end gene g128 # start gene g129 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 813457 815831 0.67 - . g129 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 813457 815831 0.67 - . g129.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 813457 813459 . - 0 transcript_id "g129.t1"; gene_id "g129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 813894 813950 1 - . transcript_id "g129.t1"; gene_id "g129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 814185 814242 0.92 - . transcript_id "g129.t1"; gene_id "g129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 815222 815274 1 - . transcript_id "g129.t1"; gene_id "g129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 815422 815474 0.96 - . transcript_id "g129.t1"; gene_id "g129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 813457 813893 1 - 2 transcript_id "g129.t1"; gene_id "g129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 813951 814184 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g129.t1"; gene_id "g129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 814243 815221 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g129.t1"; gene_id "g129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 815275 815421 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g129.t1"; gene_id "g129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 815475 815831 0.78 - 0 transcript_id "g129.t1"; gene_id "g129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 815829 815831 . - 0 transcript_id "g129.t1"; gene_id "g129"; # protein sequence = [MKTSGASNTDELNKSSHSKVSKKSTKSRSKSAKLELTGKNSLSASASSSIASAVSGGVAVGSLPATPTHLNMVTTPTT # PTSSLGNYNLFDASFAVAGSGGHGLAGGIAGAEASGNSSRMGHQKSYAGFDPRSIKIFWEQHDQTDVELSQDVCARLAEDASYKVWELINNVKIYSRH # SGGVVTYDLVNEVLKDADVPPMLGAMDSDWDRIDYDGSFYFHSDKIFELSAEFQKEVNLCTPDDADFQSICPVEDKHMDQLRQCVQSLVTAALFADSK # SQTAAVCHAFQTPLMGSIYRVIVSKMVQLLAFKQQDHLSQRCWRLLRACNYNATANHNACRPEYFNLAEVLVSQLMAPYETIKAPHVDPDPGQTTSIK # MEFEEELKVEPDQCHNPETQENPEVMGVEKQEQEPQMFPGESTMEHTIYKLQSEEEELNPQPEAEHLSSYFACPVGNGLVDELCETIGQLASQSGYLH # AECLFLIKRRLARFFEGRHVSSERDFRYISRAVRGLIALGEYAFREFIPYIYKLRVEEIPDSLWPDLAPAAIFLGGHDDVYLYEWLEYGCGAALQPFL # VHYARAYEKMVTRRYVKAKQPAYRIESVPGVRRLEWSTLAAAMCHGDDPSKALKPKPTLCEAFPDLQSPNLQLNCAGNIRFKFAGCRPVLLKPKVATV # PHSEDSPSSAANGGGGGGASSDILIAKRKLFKPLTNVRKWSPISGYHYLRI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 77.8 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 112 # E: 2 # W: 110 # end gene g129 # start gene g130 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 816083 816976 1 + . g130 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 816083 816976 1 + . g130.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 816083 816085 . + 0 transcript_id "g130.t1"; gene_id "g130"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 816083 816976 1 + 0 transcript_id "g130.t1"; gene_id "g130"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 816974 816976 . + 0 transcript_id "g130.t1"; gene_id "g130"; # protein sequence = [MAEAANVRQNLQNVPSIFEISASETLDNLIYPALSKIFDYFGLRLDFKLWGSLRIQEELSPLLTWLLQYLYLRKRASS # FGESFYGLQRTVTTTGDLLNRRQQFASATLLTFMPYVERKLRTRITRHEDTSPWEQRLLSAFHAFHAAKAAHTFFYLVKYASNHSPIFRLLGLTLRYP # SEPPKEDQWTYVVLKMLEVLAFFLQFVQWWYSNDQRRKVGGTLINPEAMPRKQLPKEVQQSLPQRGECPVCLLSIQTPTACSVSGYVFCWKCIVSHMK # EHGTCPVTHYPISLDDLVRIYET] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 69 # W: 69 # end gene g130 # start gene g131 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 817046 817898 0.96 - . g131 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 817046 817898 0.96 - . g131.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 817046 817048 . - 0 transcript_id "g131.t1"; gene_id "g131"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 817183 817243 0.98 - . transcript_id "g131.t1"; gene_id "g131"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 817046 817182 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g131.t1"; gene_id "g131"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 817244 817898 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g131.t1"; gene_id "g131"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 817896 817898 . - 0 transcript_id "g131.t1"; gene_id "g131"; # protein sequence = [MLHFVEDQAKLLPSSIKDLQARRHFRIPVGPILALGLLQLPVCMVYNLVMAITTDFQSTTYTTCNAFNIFPSTSAAAK # SQHKVWALACYLEFPFLIASAWLQFRFYRRNLRRPVRGFGCLMAIIMAVSSSSVLLWGTFPQEDGDSLLHITIALSLFVSCAIYMAGSFVCAKYYMSD # RIGQLHEEFSLRLKSGLVLTYYVWVVVMWIFYFIHQKFCFPLAYSVFGMGEFISCECFFIYLCTVYFDFYHVYICYDQRLGFFLSEM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g131 # start gene g132 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 818507 819334 1 - . g132 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 818507 819334 1 - . g132.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 818507 818509 . - 0 transcript_id "g132.t1"; gene_id "g132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 818644 818703 1 - . transcript_id "g132.t1"; gene_id "g132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 818507 818643 1 - 2 transcript_id "g132.t1"; gene_id "g132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 818704 819334 1 - 0 transcript_id "g132.t1"; gene_id "g132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 819332 819334 . - 0 transcript_id "g132.t1"; gene_id "g132"; # protein sequence = [MLPTYERFSDPKSVLFRLPFARLALVALSLPLGGFFFCVIWSLTFDFVRSTYTHCDVTNYLPSVSAAIGNYEPQKTVW # RLAIFLHLPLRLAVAKIYLEHYREHIRRSRRLLGILACFLNVVEDLALFCLSFWTSADHYETHRNAFVVFIACSECYMLVSYLLNRNIQKTVLLPHEE # KSLRYKRNLFLVNVIAFGLAGYCFVRHNSHCEAGVYTFFALFEYIVVLTNMGFHMTSYWDFYALNVVCDAKHGLYLSQS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 59 # W: 59 # end gene g132 # start gene g133 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 820079 820969 0.87 + . g133 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 820079 820969 0.87 + . g133.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 820079 820081 . + 0 transcript_id "g133.t1"; gene_id "g133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 820079 820969 0.87 + 0 transcript_id "g133.t1"; gene_id "g133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 820967 820969 . + 0 transcript_id "g133.t1"; gene_id "g133"; # protein sequence = [MDILLANVSGLQFKAERDLIEQVGAIPLPFYGMDKSIAAVCNFITRNGQECDKGSACPFRHIRGDRTIVCKHWLRGLC # KKGDQCEFLHEYDMTKMPECYFYSRFNACHNKECPFLHIDPQSKVKDCPWYKRGFCRHGPHCRHQHLRRVLCMDYLAGFCPEGPSCKHMHPHFELPPL # AELGKDQLHKKLPTCHYCGELGHKANSCKQYVGSLEHRNNINAMDHSGGHSGGYSGHSGHIEGADDMQSNHHSQPHGPGFVKVPTPLEEITCYKCGNK # GHYANKCPKGHLAFLSNQHSHK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 89 # W: 89 # end gene g133 # start gene g134 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 821270 823776 0.5 + . g134 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 821270 823776 0.5 + . g134.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 821270 821272 . + 0 transcript_id "g134.t1"; gene_id "g134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 821291 821428 0.5 + . transcript_id "g134.t1"; gene_id "g134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 821660 822857 1 + . transcript_id "g134.t1"; gene_id "g134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 823570 823636 1 + . transcript_id "g134.t1"; gene_id "g134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 821270 821290 0.5 + 0 transcript_id "g134.t1"; gene_id "g134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 821429 821659 0.74 + 0 transcript_id "g134.t1"; gene_id "g134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 822858 823569 1 + 0 transcript_id "g134.t1"; gene_id "g134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 823637 823776 1 + 2 transcript_id "g134.t1"; gene_id "g134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 823774 823776 . + 0 transcript_id "g134.t1"; gene_id "g134"; # protein sequence = [MYHVFSFNWSHWLVWIEISARQQLRTKFSVKTNKLVVRRHQEHSIRAAMTILGKLRGQPTDQEKVPLPMNLNDEALMH # HGSLIAPKVAYSDNEADAESMVFNRPQHHCIKSFLLFLIAVVVMLLGVLGGWTLYRVYAPSHSSMRYHALCEIPYPEDSMEMARVYPRTVEPFALNWR # SLLPELAQPMPNSGSLDESHFREDIELDGDSDDEGYARVDVPDFKDGRRGRFMHDFKENQSAIIDTTTGRCFIMPLDRDTTLPPTSFVDLIKKMSTGY # YNIDTERVRRQMRVVMPRITDVSLISERIANECFDMKVYMMEKFVSGVSKRSADPLPESAKYAEFMGKGVIEYDLANIAEVEAYEANEARQQA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 100 # W: 100 # end gene g134 # start gene g135 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 823801 824143 1 - . g135 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 823801 824143 1 - . g135.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 823801 823803 . - 0 transcript_id "g135.t1"; gene_id "g135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 823905 824007 1 - . transcript_id "g135.t1"; gene_id "g135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 823801 823904 1 - 2 transcript_id "g135.t1"; gene_id "g135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 824008 824143 1 - 0 transcript_id "g135.t1"; gene_id "g135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 824141 824143 . - 0 transcript_id "g135.t1"; gene_id "g135"; # protein sequence = [MYLECRSVSVRVYRSNLSVSFQSALEANTFHVFVTISSIAFDCVLVVTRSRLVGMALCMYKSILSNNLFRLCYHMGVV # A] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 35 # W: 35 # end gene g135 # start gene g136 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 824433 825821 0.63 - . g136 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 824433 825821 0.63 - . g136.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 824433 824435 . - 0 transcript_id "g136.t1"; gene_id "g136"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 824433 825821 0.63 - 0 transcript_id "g136.t1"; gene_id "g136"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 825819 825821 . - 0 transcript_id "g136.t1"; gene_id "g136"; # protein sequence = [MVGLTRNTMLKTRGIVLGISRSYTAKAKRGVLAQDKSKIKEYSPKTTDSHEHRVYVWGFQETGALGLQTNVKKAKERY # TEMVHHPTRLQFSNNNEITDVAAGYGFTVYAVNRDDGETLFGSGLNTDSQLGFQVKGNPNDPANLDVIIYPTAIKLPRVQGETDEDMRVKSMSAGRAH # LVVLTQNGTIFTLGNNSYGQCGRSIIEEERYSKSALIHRISQEDICGKEDEVVQVECGQDHSMFLTKKGRIYTCGWGADGQTGQGNYHTAGQITLIGG # DVEKEKIVRLSCSSDCVLALNEAGDAFGWGNSEYGQLDDSELAETQINIPRALKLTKSIGKIKDVAAGGSFCMALNDQGLVYTWGFGILGFGPFVEQT # SKPQHLLPPLFGRNDFSNETTVVSIGCGVFHMGAVNSDGDLFMWGKNRFGHLGLGHKKDQFFPFKAAINGKVTKVAYGVDHTIALCKPFF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 132 # E: 1 # W: 131 # end gene g136 # start gene g137 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 828747 831923 0.58 + . g137 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 828747 831923 0.58 + . g137.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 828747 828749 . + 0 transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 828784 829335 0.59 + . transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 829972 830144 1 + . transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 830350 830737 1 + . transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 831084 831176 1 + . transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 831627 831713 1 + . transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 828747 828783 0.59 + 0 transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 829336 829971 0.6 + 2 transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 830145 830349 1 + 2 transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 830738 831083 1 + 1 transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 831177 831626 1 + 0 transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 831714 831923 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 831921 831923 . + 0 transcript_id "g137.t1"; gene_id "g137"; # protein sequence = [MARILSLWFSSLASLECQRATATHNQTIKDLLFINSNPNSKSTNTEPPPLASRSITRSIRAVPAGGAGIPPRRRSSQS # GMLEHPQRFVRNIPDSSASSQQYPQQQQHPPQLPQHQNLNLNQNQNLNQNQIYQYRPQVPVPVPGSPAHHQRHSSLSQQQQLHHHRTLSTASSCSAQH # KSVTFGQPALDCGGNGSGSANGSGSGNSSSGSAAGNAGTQSMAGNMKHGKSQDDVCYVVAKYDYAAQGAQELDLRKNERYLLLDDSKHWWRVQNSRNQ # SGYVPSNYVKKEKPSLFDSIKKKVKKGSGSKTLPNCSPSRQVESPTMSRRLPPDPAEAIGTAVVKYNYQAQQPDELSLTKGTRILILEKSNDGWWRGQ # SGNSVGWFPSNYTTEDCDNDGEIHTYAMAENVLDIVVALYSFTSNNDQELSFEKGDRLEIVDRPASDPDWYKARNNQGQVGLVPRNYLQELNDYLATP # YRNASASAGNGNGGGSNGGAGGGGGNDSMERRNEGNKPAAQSSGQPIERPNLAGKSWYYGAITRSQCDTVLNGHGHDGDFLIRDSETNMGDYSVSLKA # PGRNKHFRVHVEQNMYCIGQRKFHSLDQLVDHYQRAPIYTNKQGEKLYLVRSLPKANGT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 81.8 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 4 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 179 # E: 1 # W: 178 # end gene g137 # start gene g138 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 833647 833904 0.96 + . g138 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 833647 833904 0.96 + . g138.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 833647 833649 . + 0 transcript_id "g138.t1"; gene_id "g138"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 833647 833904 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g138.t1"; gene_id "g138"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 833902 833904 . + 0 transcript_id "g138.t1"; gene_id "g138"; # protein sequence = [MFDTLRHGHGHVSSELSHGFGVRWMGGGGVVLMEVLHEAYNQTVYVQMSAVGATKRGLTRELSNLSARPISHVLVYKI # STRKADD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 27 # W: 27 # end gene g138 # start gene g139 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 834285 851383 0.46 - . g139 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 834285 851383 0.46 - . g139.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 834285 834287 . - 0 transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 834651 834973 1 - . transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 835291 835352 1 - . transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 835548 836545 1 - . transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 837379 849898 1 - . transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 850513 850878 0.96 - . transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 851051 851375 0.79 - . transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 834285 834650 0.59 - 0 transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 834974 835290 1 - 2 transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 835353 835547 1 - 2 transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 836546 837378 1 - 1 transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 849899 850512 1 - 0 transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 850879 851050 0.94 - 1 transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 851376 851383 0.79 - 0 transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 851381 851383 . - 0 transcript_id "g139.t1"; gene_id "g139"; # protein sequence = [MFRRAVGICVGIVLSRVALFCFECAVLFGFVPFRFAVRFPLVFESALQTNKEKGKQQKWRAKNDNSGNLRQFGAESKR # YQFPKEFKKSGKIQFVYAYNSSAPHAASSYRTAVAPFAPYAAERSTHHHPLPPPEERLPSDTEQLAGSDEDRAQSHEAEAEESEEERAGSGPSVRPLI # AAAGATTTTTSTSVVPEAVQRAAAKGATETATMAVVRKKQDDKYLLALRELVASGTGSNRQCFDCGQKGPTYVNMTIGSFVCTRCSGVLRGLTPPHRV # KSISMATFTQDEIDFLRSHGNELCAKTWLGLWDPKRAVHQQEQRELMMDKYERKRYYLEPASPLKSLANAVNLKSSAPATNHTQNGHQNGYASIHLTP # PAAQRTSANGLQKVANSSSNSSGKTSSSISRPHYNHQNNSQNNNHDAFGLGGGLSSLNSAGSTSTGALSDTSSCASNGFGADCDFVADFGSANIFDAT # SARSTGSPAVSSVSSVGSSNGYAKVQPIRAAHLQQQQQLQQQLHQQQLLNGNGHQGTENFADFDHAPIYNAVGAPLQNGHTTSPPKGGNAAMAPSEDR # YAALKDLDEQLRELKASESATETPTPTSGNVQATDAFGGALNNNPNPFKGQQQQQLSSHVVNPFQQQQQQQHQQNLYGQLTLIPNAYGSSSQQQMGHH # LLQQQQQQQQSFFNFNNNGFAISQGLPNGCGFGSMQPAPVMANNPFATGLAASRSSIFAKDTIPPLYPTGQRRHEHQQSILMRLNPGESASRHLAEAL # SQRTKSRRGGTEPKLVHFTNNSVNLCIHNARRRALFVYIAQICTPERLHADASPRGWRRRTGALIYSFTW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 69.2 # CDS exons: 6/7 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 3/6 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 17 # E: 3 # RM: 14 # incompatible hint groups: 300 # E: 1 # W: 299 # end gene g139 # start gene g140 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 851443 852769 0.51 - . g140 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 851443 852769 0.51 - . g140.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 851443 851445 . - 0 transcript_id "g140.t1"; gene_id "g140"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 851660 851717 1 - . transcript_id "g140.t1"; gene_id "g140"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 852443 852498 0.99 - . transcript_id "g140.t1"; gene_id "g140"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 852572 852758 0.59 - . transcript_id "g140.t1"; gene_id "g140"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 851443 851659 0.88 - 1 transcript_id "g140.t1"; gene_id "g140"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 851718 852442 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g140.t1"; gene_id "g140"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 852499 852571 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g140.t1"; gene_id "g140"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 852759 852769 0.59 - 0 transcript_id "g140.t1"; gene_id "g140"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 852767 852769 . - 0 transcript_id "g140.t1"; gene_id "g140"; # protein sequence = [MARKTEYWKSNERKFCDFCKCWLSDNKASVAFHESGKRHKMNVAKRITDISRNSEKSERERQKMDAEIRKMEEAAMKS # YAQDVHSRGDMTARSINTVMRATATAAASGGAHSFAGRSRQVDPMRLEGLSDEEEDQRRVAPGKVTSDAAVPEASLWVEGKSDEGHTYYWNVKTNESV # WKPPKEGYLSYEEYERINQLAIDQQQISQAEESLKFRANVDEEVARVNREKMKAFRRTDNPKEKKQKEERRQTFKTEEEAATKEIGQWQTVEVKAPEQ # PIDWQLPKTDYYSAAPVVSASSEPEPPVKKFKEKTIGGLDEEIAATAPATFKRKFIRKGNSRQRAED] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 97 # E: 1 # W: 96 # end gene g140 # start gene g141 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 852936 854383 0.99 + . g141 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 852936 854383 0.99 + . g141.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 852936 852938 . + 0 transcript_id "g141.t1"; gene_id "g141"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 853006 853191 1 + . transcript_id "g141.t1"; gene_id "g141"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 853279 853544 1 + . transcript_id "g141.t1"; gene_id "g141"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 852936 853005 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g141.t1"; gene_id "g141"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 853192 853278 1 + 2 transcript_id "g141.t1"; gene_id "g141"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 853545 854383 1 + 2 transcript_id "g141.t1"; gene_id "g141"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 854381 854383 . + 0 transcript_id "g141.t1"; gene_id "g141"; # protein sequence = [MGQTRVAATTAAQSPAAELSPETNGQTEEPLQLLGEDSWEEFSIAVPWGTVEAKWWGSKERQPIIALHGWQDNCGSFD # RLCPLLPADTSILAIDLPGHGKSSHYPMGMQYFIFWDGICLIRRIVRKYNWKNVTLLGHSLGGALTFMYAASFPTEVEKLINIDIAGPTVRGTQRMAE # GTGRALDKFLDYETLPESKQPCYSYDEMIKLVLDAYDGSVDEPSVRVLMNRGMRHNPSKNGYLFARDLRLKVSLLGMFTAEQTLAYARQIRCRVLNIR # GIPGMKFETPQVYADVIATLRENAAKVVYVEVPGTHHLHLVTPDRVAPHIIRFLKEA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 99 # W: 99 # end gene g141 # start gene g142 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 855550 856107 0.72 + . g142 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 855550 856107 0.72 + . g142.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 855550 855552 . + 0 transcript_id "g142.t1"; gene_id "g142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 855624 855686 1 + . transcript_id "g142.t1"; gene_id "g142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 855550 855623 1 + 0 transcript_id "g142.t1"; gene_id "g142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 855687 856107 0.72 + 1 transcript_id "g142.t1"; gene_id "g142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 856105 856107 . + 0 transcript_id "g142.t1"; gene_id "g142"; # protein sequence = [MDLIKEINDKYMALEAEIDQKLEKVQAEELKLERQNEQLAESSICAPAPKVLSYEEALLRNTNTLKVSHLLGYQRFIR # LFPFPLQALEIAKARLRSRSTYSPVEKLLQQALQNYRRELESLQDAEDRGKDPKNPDNQEEEGEEENLYDLVMQNVMEAKRQQTDL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g142 # start gene g143 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 859086 861696 0.48 + . g143 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 859086 861696 0.48 + . g143.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 859086 859088 . + 0 transcript_id "g143.t1"; gene_id "g143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 859181 860763 0.48 + . transcript_id "g143.t1"; gene_id "g143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 861358 861428 1 + . transcript_id "g143.t1"; gene_id "g143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 859086 859180 0.48 + 0 transcript_id "g143.t1"; gene_id "g143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 860764 861357 0.99 + 1 transcript_id "g143.t1"; gene_id "g143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 861429 861696 1 + 1 transcript_id "g143.t1"; gene_id "g143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 861694 861696 . + 0 transcript_id "g143.t1"; gene_id "g143"; # protein sequence = [MDWSPLRTFHCSRARVEPWEDVIGLDVDESERISLDLTDNVNAQNESETVFLKIEANFREGQIIRSMFQPGGGWQQEE # ISKNWKCDGPKNPLQPGQSFTFRVAVLQRCFEIYVNDQLYGSFEFVKFPKQINYVRTYGDFEKITQFHHRMLFPLVFPRTLMCPDKVAFQSDVPRRYE # TGTVVAMECIAKGPPTTEFSICFQCNDTGRTVLRFHVNFDRTTVSRSYQREDNSFALSDEETEGEFPFVRGKLFKIAFGLGDRAFLIAVNGQYFTYYN # FPGRPFSISTLKCFTNEVGDFAVRSLEYHSDSPLLARVEKLSII] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 40 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 8 # W: 8 # end gene g143 # start gene g144 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 862166 868364 0.71 - . g144 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 862166 868364 0.71 - . g144.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 862166 862168 . - 0 transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 862259 862318 1 - . transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 862499 862562 1 - . transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 864135 864194 1 - . transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 864339 864397 1 - . transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 864795 868031 0.98 - . transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 868100 868355 0.71 - . transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 862166 862258 1 - 0 transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 862319 862498 1 - 0 transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 862563 864134 1 - 0 transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 864195 864338 1 - 0 transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 864398 864794 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 868032 868099 0.71 - 0 transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 868356 868364 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 868362 868364 . - 0 transcript_id "g144.t1"; gene_id "g144"; # protein sequence = [MSQRSEKALDQRRRLPEKDGENGEDRRSFRRRSKPVPGLGDTMVNHHSNGGGSAGNSSGSLRGGGAHGGGGGGGDYSG # DDRSGGGEERERLESDLHDKPTYLLEHLATFTVNKESGIVYPADGMRRLLQLEKTTGIWSQKMQLCLDYQWVLIMDYETGNIIERFPASLVQEPTAFT # SNDAMELYNNILVFIVSGGGGSRSEMHIFQSQSVSAVHLVEDLKQLRSGKMITQQRGATPTQSGGGGASSMAMMMSKTSSSSSHSRVELHQHREQRAE # RERERDRDRERESHHHMHQRSSMEQYGIRAGVGVSGDDVAHISGETDSEHGGIGGGGATERDETSSTSSEKYERDVAVLNHCFDDIEKFIARLQHAAA # ASRELERRRRNRKSKKRDPGEGLLTLRTRPPHEKEFVDIFAKFKLSFNLLAKLKAHIHDPNAPELVHFLFTPLALIVEASSDTYYESQLPARVVNPLL # TREAINLLINCVTSKETELWRSLGDAWVIPRDQWKDDVGSYHPVFLDGWSPDYLINDELEPPPNSPPAHVSKRRLEVQAGSGLNGRGGGGYDDYDSGN # GMNMAMGIEKYTIHHGNDGLRERERERDRERAGAISASDFNARSELSFDSIEGRGGGAAGHGHGHGHGPGAGPTLSAITAGLQNLHTRESRSGNGYGA # GAGPGPSSELGGGGRGLPNVSDDQMLESWLEDLQATGAKIVLVTYPRTANNDKELSVMRGEYLEILDDTRKWWKARNMRGQVAHVPHTIVTPFNFGDG # DGAQFYGQQQQPPTGPTGPGNKSRSGDNPGMEQRSPDPTDMMRSKHLGKKGEFRYF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 84.6 # CDS exons: 6/7 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/6 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 235 # W: 235 # end gene g144 # start gene g145 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 868739 869776 1 - . g145 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 868739 869776 1 - . g145.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 868739 868741 . - 0 transcript_id "g145.t1"; gene_id "g145"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 868739 869776 1 - 0 transcript_id "g145.t1"; gene_id "g145"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 869774 869776 . - 0 transcript_id "g145.t1"; gene_id "g145"; # protein sequence = [MSESEAEETKISTEPVDNAWSMKIPAFRQEDNPHGMVEESSFATLFPKYRERYLKEVWPLVEQCLAEHHLKAELDLME # GSMVVKTSRKTWDPYIIIKARDMIKLMARSVPFEQAKRVLQDDIGCDIIKIGNLVHKKEKFVKRRQRLIGPNGATLKSIELLTDCYVLVQGNTVSALG # PYKGLQQVRDIVLETMNNVHPIYNIKALMIKRELMKDPRLANEDWSRFLPKFKNKNISKRKQPKVKKQKKEYTPFPPSQPESKVDKQLASGEYFLNQE # QKQAKRNQERTEKQKEAAKRQDERRNKDFVPPTEESAASSRKKEDGSSSSKVDVKALKAKLIKANKKARSS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 105 # W: 105 # end gene g145 # start gene g146 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 869859 873718 0.54 + . g146 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 869859 873718 0.54 + . g146.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 869859 869861 . + 0 transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 869891 870454 0.61 + . transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 870553 871340 0.97 + . transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 871352 871402 0.9 + . transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 871577 871640 1 + . transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 871739 871805 1 + . transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 872081 872207 1 + . transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 869859 869890 0.61 + 0 transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 870455 870552 0.66 + 1 transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 871341 871351 0.97 + 2 transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 871403 871576 0.9 + 0 transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 871641 871738 1 + 0 transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 871806 872080 1 + 1 transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 872208 873718 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 873716 873718 . + 0 transcript_id "g146.t1"; gene_id "g146"; # protein sequence = [MRVTISGKTGCKERSHDFVSLSKAHAGVFGEIEKSSPIKYLTNYTIAYLLRHPYQQKRVSVHTRTIQHTRTRCVWSHL # QVWKRDGYRELALPDKFSSFARLTKKMPRIVPLQLLRCLRVLLDNNGGILSAVEVKRISGLMAKYSKKLVSKCVYVQILKSTKTELLGDFMAVGGWSL # VYTWLNDAIRAMNWPLVQEILELLLLSPVDVNRLKINSAPILVKGLCKDGGNEGVRILAKRLVEQWLKIVTENTSMTIQGAAPHIAATTASQVPASVS # GAGSASVPDSASSSDSTDSAGAPVTYTITSAANSSNSNSITIKWKPLLDNPDGGDETDSGTQSKDNEVEHLEKGSSATHLLADASLGKKSGLDDSSSA # AEVKSGEDVDNKKHKSSKSDKSKRSEKEREKDRKKESSSHRSSSSSHKSSSSSSSSSSKSSSSKSSSSSSSSHRSSSDKYRDKDKARSSSGSSSSSKD # RERSSGSSSSSSNKHKSSKSSSSSSSSSSSSSGSSSSKDRKSSSSTSSSSSSSRQDKDKDNKLMPPPAVAASNAAGTSPTASAKESDAQKPRSIPIMS # RKASISIEIRRDTEKTATVKTYQSKFRSHGLTEEAPPPPSRKGLKKPTSSAVAASPALMAVPSSLKRPSPPPRDLSTDKKAKIDINNVAGHVERPGAA # KLIAPKKSKQQMLESLLMLFSILFHSPRTLVAFAFVFDRSRMSNSAVLFVDLHSILKVFNFAWGGS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 69.2 # CDS exons: 5/7 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/6 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 250 # E: 2 # W: 248 # end gene g146 # start gene g147 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 873743 874353 0.79 - . g147 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 873743 874353 0.79 - . g147.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 873743 873745 . - 0 transcript_id "g147.t1"; gene_id "g147"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 873982 874328 0.79 - . transcript_id "g147.t1"; gene_id "g147"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 873743 873981 0.88 - 2 transcript_id "g147.t1"; gene_id "g147"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 874329 874353 0.84 - 0 transcript_id "g147.t1"; gene_id "g147"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 874351 874353 . - 0 transcript_id "g147.t1"; gene_id "g147"; # protein sequence = [MTHYDEDVGSDNDDDDGGGGIVCASDFVFVRSQRMRSAQISGFNSIQLHPPSSGIEVIDSHSGSLQFKLDPGITPPRL # IHYNAKYPH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 38 # E: 1 # W: 37 # end gene g147 # start gene g148 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 874827 876737 0.99 + . g148 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 874827 876737 0.99 + . g148.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 874827 874829 . + 0 transcript_id "g148.t1"; gene_id "g148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 874833 874916 0.99 + . transcript_id "g148.t1"; gene_id "g148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 874827 874832 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g148.t1"; gene_id "g148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 874917 876737 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g148.t1"; gene_id "g148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 876735 876737 . + 0 transcript_id "g148.t1"; gene_id "g148"; # protein sequence = [MWQFPAKAKSTKANGPFNEGHLNIFLTKPITGAITYFTLIFPVQTLVETNLFSDALAASIEPKKVVKRKRTSATSPTD # KDAPLAPLKFYQDTLDESKSEEKSDDSSKENDDARSSSPGKDTDADDDDIPLKRVKEDIEQKVQKAKAAAGGEGGEAGNTSDNAEDLPEEPKKPGPGC # GPDGPPGVLTLHRRKGPKKKLTWQSEEKLTQIRYFEVDRSERVNVMKQTFLEMKNMERFSERDALTIARRGFDDTMEPQMEWRPLLEVDNVPDHPNGN # LSKQRQVQMDREATTLRALYFSPDMIPDSPAEAELEPHFAHDIPVIPMDDLTGNPDAVNDYSALAWPEPKKYAPSSGVGANISGSDMGFNDNMLTGLG # AGPNLMQNPFDPFMGGMPAPTGMPPGPNMMPNQVPNGTPQIWQNQMGPVGGPPGVPPMMNGPGGPGMDMSNMNMNNMPPQNFMGNQFGSPVSPFGSGP # PPGFNQYPPMMMNGPGPGPVMGPNGPVMGPNGPMMNGPPNGPMMNGPPNGMGPGLMMGGPRNNNNNNNRNKNNGGGIWRSGGNNFQENSGGNWRSAGS # GPNRGGGGGNGNTGVCKQFMRGHCNMGKNCKYVHPQKKRL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 170 # E: 1 # W: 169 # end gene g148 # start gene g149 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 877362 878173 0.99 + . g149 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 877362 878173 0.99 + . g149.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 877362 877364 . + 0 transcript_id "g149.t1"; gene_id "g149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 877872 877969 1 + . transcript_id "g149.t1"; gene_id "g149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 877362 877871 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g149.t1"; gene_id "g149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 877970 878173 1 + 0 transcript_id "g149.t1"; gene_id "g149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 878171 878173 . + 0 transcript_id "g149.t1"; gene_id "g149"; # protein sequence = [MKSLLNRIILCSAFLAVASGLSFTVTSRIYMDVKHNKKPVGRITFGLFGKLAPKTVANFRHICLRGINGTSYVGSRFH # RVVDRFLVQGGDIVNGDGTGSISIYGDYFPDEDKALAVEHNRPGYLGMANRGPDTNGCQFYVTTVGAKWLDGKHTVFGKVLEGMDTIYAIEDVKTDTD # DFPVEPVVISNCGEIPTEQFEFYPDDFNILGWIKAAGLPVTSSFCVLLIFHYFFRQLNMYC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 70 # W: 70 # end gene g149 # start gene g150 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 878281 885052 0.21 - . g150 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 878281 885052 0.21 - . g150.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 878281 878283 . - 0 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 878335 878391 0.99 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 878774 878837 1 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 879800 879864 1 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 880897 880973 0.62 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 881586 881647 0.95 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 881948 882047 1 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 882605 882659 1 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 883040 883095 0.99 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 883298 883364 0.95 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 884186 884255 0.94 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 884389 884441 0.97 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 884653 884721 1 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 884847 884907 0.98 - . transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 878281 878334 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 878392 878773 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 878838 879799 1 - 0 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 879865 880896 0.62 - 0 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 880974 881585 1 - 0 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 881648 881947 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 882048 882604 1 - 2 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 882660 883039 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 883096 883297 0.94 - 2 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 883365 884185 0.46 - 1 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 884256 884388 0.97 - 2 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 884442 884652 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 884722 884846 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 884908 885052 0.76 - 0 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 885050 885052 . - 0 transcript_id "g150.t1"; gene_id "g150"; # protein sequence = [MSDSDTNPTQEPDRPAPNVGKPAKERQAKPPVRYSKAKRQFQCCVAKEYYSEYSNMVDTLHITPRMMIHNKCFRVNST # YGLTLNIKNTGLFPRLINVTTDSPEDTSISIPELDLHRYLNTDESLEVKIWIRASSKRDINRRRHILVECFHPNIIFQVPIVVLDKLENPSISDTITF # PSCVPGNKTHYEMIIYNPTKDLVRVRYRNTNRGLQISNNKDILPPKDYGKLLLVIQPKKLNVYRGFFNIKFGVCEYSQILPSPGCVLTSQLIAVPPKP # VMFFFTPKSMGVHLSIGSVLFGMTKFSREDVRTVTVCNETPHEVFVAGKFYSEPLMGSDSQDMDGTLSNKLIDDAVSMHSVLLYDFEENTSVQNVQID # ADAAKHFDYEVPARIGSASSAEIRLIFRPNYNPENPFSDDVEPPYFQRTRATFCFTDSQECIESHNVILSGSIGGVDMEFHPKVIDFRKIYLGEEHCA # QIKVLNVDDVPAKVVYTDCSDPDGSGIRITPAEGFFLEPCTRGIFNLSFYTLLPSRFTNTLRFKVQNGAHYKISLKGAGQPVQLRTFPQLVEFGSIPI # AVPQKRYMLLMNPLAVPITLQVKATEDGEETPLVLNIRSATEMLPVTVRDPIRHLQQVHEDLQCQQLEESKEVHLTITEPELLSVHSVKSTDSVYSSE # FEEEVMEPIPQMAAHLLTSLKKQKIFEKSETDRRVIQEALMGLLNSKYFSVFTKHNNYIFMDWNAVPSDPREVFCDNEIIYLRPNTGRSITILLVPNK # VGYFHRSLSVRICPVVASPSLESSDDHPIMKAMIKSEFLCSKLWFEYNCVVPDIVWSNMVDLSSRIIYAGEDYDFEMNFTNRSTIGAFLHFDVVPNDM # TFRDGIWKFFIDGESEVTAKCAVTFRSLGSTRLSGLVSVVGAKRPYAFHLFANVLPSEIRITPMYVHQRLQVYEKSVVHFYIDNYTPTLTKLSMRLKD # IEFQYLTSRGGALASTGQSMYTTLVSVFTDPDLYQNTLYIDLQFDNVMMLPITFLVEGVPLYFEPDIRKGFDAGLLYTDTKEQFQESIYHHRFPVRVI # NKGRRAYRVLIIRLNSYGPEANVTSGCATNALTSRFDMEPKNIYLSPSCESQLDILASSYVEGHATGDFLLQVIDQKYPQRKHIIRIRTSADFVDCQL # HWIPKQRCEPLKERSYVETPVLFNPCSLPIAEVTLQVTGPFRIKEFYEDTYEKEIRISMNDLERKEIFVILNRGGLKNQYCRQIEGRIMVMALGKQLK # SLPLRLAIMVPDVVILQPDLVLFDRGEAYDSIINLVNQGCMPAEFKWKRLETTEVYIGDEDDPNGIAGEILSEILRMLEYDFSCEDQPNMTKRYQECR # CQFRRFEEEGDFILDLLDDVINDMDLRHKPLLFPPKDPTDDLEDSDQSSTSVVRETISDILNRLHIDSSDQWSEPSSEYCFSSRFIYFYEKRGVVDHM # DLECKLHLPHIRRNHEMRAVFELVILGGRTQRFTVTLVNLPQKIKFHKESIYMGIKPWYETFDTTLRVNNLSRYPLQLVVVEVKAPGSKEQAREKRLV # DGYCKLVTSDIMQLEPLGANQIRVKGILGFSESFRHSFGAMINNSDSSYFHLRGQGVMPMLEMASPLPSAPMDPLEVEEEYRMLQKIYHYEIFRSITE # VDEEPKRADGEEENQVEEKPSITEDFSLLSASESEMSSERKEAHDFQLFRMVHTYVMVNNNQELPHATVLRQLILAERYLKRLRSNQELYKLHQQVHQ # TYQKMHNSPGLKQSAMVKHFTVQPIPCEQHGYVLDLGSMARNSVRRFQLKLHFFGPGKLIAAARTAVRIPGLYVDFNVTDAKHSDKKFSFWAEKCTAL # EYFKKKYRNMMERLMDAEQDPKVKHAHSFDLDTMVQHQRDLAPKDRRLIEEYYNSLNRSVYPDHKHHFTLAKIFSGCLSNYSGVDVTMVGLFKPESRF # YKKDQHVEDYLFIDLHMGPTLPILLKAVLVS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/14 # CDS introns: 0/13 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g150 # start gene g151 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 897445 901169 0.64 + . g151 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 897445 901169 0.64 + . g151.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 897445 897447 . + 0 transcript_id "g151.t1"; gene_id "g151"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 897563 898699 0.64 + . transcript_id "g151.t1"; gene_id "g151"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 898942 899009 1 + . transcript_id "g151.t1"; gene_id "g151"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 897445 897562 0.64 + 0 transcript_id "g151.t1"; gene_id "g151"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 898700 898941 1 + 2 transcript_id "g151.t1"; gene_id "g151"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 899010 901169 1 + 0 transcript_id "g151.t1"; gene_id "g151"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 901167 901169 . + 0 transcript_id "g151.t1"; gene_id "g151"; # protein sequence = [MAVLLIGLVTLFAPLFRAPFCLSLGRTRLAGAGDSTHLVMSSVELQESVNMKIAIALLACLGLAAAASFHQTHEVKIA # DKAFLMKQKFLFEIVYRVEDPLMFEDHIKQGEKFYFEESYYTHYDMYMKKFFEAYKAHALLPKGEFFGALVMSHAKQARGLFNFFYYAKDWETFAANV # AWARMHVNEGMFVYALTMAVIHRNDFHGLMLPSIYEIFPQFFFNSKFVFEAEKFDYEMWMKMTMYEKEYMDVYYKTNGYDYSTMYRSSDYTYMKDFKT # WQWWKLMGLGEHWYTEDKFILRENIYEFNQETKWLSMMKDVKKFYMPVDYTRDLNLYNKESKLSYFTEDLGWNAYWYYLNMDYSFFLDGNTFDLKNDR # RGEWWLYNVHQLLSRYYMERLSHGFGEIPEFSWYQQIEMGYDPQLIYYNGIGYSFRKNYYEMETYANYDMLDKITGFLKRIHNIVEMGYYKTADGHTI # DLRKPEAIEFIGNMLQGNVDAMDKMFYQFWYMLAHMYFADADYYQMDVYPNVMLNFETMMRDPMYYMFYKSIAQVYFQFMHYLPKYTKEQLLMPGVTM # KNVEVSDLTTYFDLVDFDVTNMLNDKMIFQDGKFVWDMSLFARQMRLNHKPFTYTYTIESEKVEKVVIRAFLGPKFDEFGKVISLAENRMNFMEIDEF # YYELKAGTNKITRKSSEFYWTVKDRTTYTELYYYTMMAFDGKYDFPLDISEPHCGFPDRLVLPMGWQKGMPMQMFFMVVPYVAPAHEQFSTFDYTYSC # GIGSGARYVDSLPFGYPFDRAIDEYEFFVPNMYFKDVSIYHADTMEPYYKYKSYSNYGHFDYTFFNDYYTKYFKF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 1 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 244 # W: 244 # end gene g151 # start gene g152 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 911671 913181 0.14 - . g152 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 911671 913181 0.14 - . g152.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 911671 911673 . - 0 transcript_id "g152.t1"; gene_id "g152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 911781 911870 0.79 - . transcript_id "g152.t1"; gene_id "g152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 911927 912996 0.17 - . transcript_id "g152.t1"; gene_id "g152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 911671 911780 0.8 - 2 transcript_id "g152.t1"; gene_id "g152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 911871 911926 0.33 - 1 transcript_id "g152.t1"; gene_id "g152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 912997 913181 0.14 - 0 transcript_id "g152.t1"; gene_id "g152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 913179 913181 . - 0 transcript_id "g152.t1"; gene_id "g152"; # protein sequence = [MPCSWPKELAKPKPTPNAHSGPQQSSPNREHRTQNTQYGTTNPNPGHNSRRICKTFAMLARXLTLMSNGSRSGCFASC # RPAFLYEPIPIPICIPDRGSSQVPPADKWLKLWLFRCR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g152 # start gene g153 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 914168 917736 0.3 + . g153 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 914168 917736 0.3 + . g153.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 914168 914170 . + 0 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 914280 914337 1 + . transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 914494 914552 0.89 + . transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 914616 914799 0.51 + . transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 915004 915057 0.94 + . transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 915270 915324 0.77 + . transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 915448 915507 0.75 + . transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 915751 915814 1 + . transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 916232 916281 1 + . transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 916654 916706 0.92 + . transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 917388 917466 1 + . transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 914168 914279 0.82 + 0 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 914338 914493 1 + 2 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 914553 914615 0.89 + 2 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 914800 915003 0.56 + 2 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 915058 915269 0.94 + 2 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 915325 915447 0.75 + 0 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 915508 915750 1 + 0 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 915815 916231 1 + 0 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 916282 916653 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 916707 917387 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 917467 917736 1 + 0 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 917734 917736 . + 0 transcript_id "g153.t1"; gene_id "g153"; # protein sequence = [MFGGNSREAGMWQRILLLGCMWSAFFMCRSRGQQINIGAFFYDDELELEKEFMTVVNAINGPESEQTMRFYPLIKRLK # PEDGSVTMQEHACDLIDNGVAAIFGPSSKAASDIVALVCNSTGIPHIEFDISDEGIQAEKPNHQMTLNLYPAQAILSKAYADIVQNFGWRKFTIVYDA # DDARAAARLQDLLQLREVHNDVVRVRKFHKDDDFRVMWKSIRGERRVVLDCEPNMLVELLNSSTEFGLTGQYNHIFLTNLETYTDHLEELAADNETFA # VNITAARLLVNPDPPPYSLPYGYVTQRDNIVYESSDPPRTLIHDLIHDALQLFAQSWRNASFFYPDRMVVPRITCDFAASGGRTWAMGRYLARLMKGT # SGVNNTNFRTSILQFDEDGQRITFNIEVYDPLDGIGIAIWDPRGQITQLNVDVKAQKKMIYRVATRIGPPYFSYNETARELNLTGNALYQGYAVDLID # AIARHVGFEYVFVPVADQQYGKLDKETKQWNGIIGEIINNDAHMGICDLTITQARKTAVDFTVPFMQLGVSILAYKSPHVEKTLDAYLAPFGGEVWIW # ILISVFVMTFLKTIVARISKMDWENPHPCNRDPEVLENQWRIHNTGWLTVASIMTAGCDILPRSPQVRMFEATWWIFAIIIANSYTANLAAFLTSSKM # EGSIANLKDLSAQKKVKFGTIYGGSTYNLLADSNETVYRLAFNLMNNDDPSAYTKDNLEGVDRVRKNRGDYMFLMETTTLEYHREQNCDLRSVGEKFG # EKHYAIAVPFGAEYRSNLSVAILKLSERGELYDLKQKWWKNPNASCFEEPDPDATPDMTFEELRGIFYTLYAGILIAFLIGITEFLVYVQQVALEERL # TFKDAFKKEIRFVLCVWNNRKPIVAGTPISSVRTTPRRSLDKSLDRTPKSSRRVVIGRSSEEMREMAQGSGSSSGSNNAGRGEKEARV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 19 # CDS exons: 3/11 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/10 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 18 # W: 18 # end gene g153 # start gene g154 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 917889 918128 0.86 - . g154 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 917889 918128 0.86 - . g154.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 917889 917891 . - 0 transcript_id "g154.t1"; gene_id "g154"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 917889 918128 0.86 - 0 transcript_id "g154.t1"; gene_id "g154"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 918126 918128 . - 0 transcript_id "g154.t1"; gene_id "g154"; # protein sequence = [MSIRSNNAIDKLRQPLSPRQELNCGNNKLRTAAKDEEQQGLMQLATEPNTNFLHRHLVLPAVSERNPPPSNFKLKGAP # N] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g154 # start gene g155 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 926554 926946 0.82 + . g155 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 926554 926946 0.82 + . g155.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 926554 926556 . + 0 transcript_id "g155.t1"; gene_id "g155"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 926554 926946 0.82 + 0 transcript_id "g155.t1"; gene_id "g155"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 926944 926946 . + 0 transcript_id "g155.t1"; gene_id "g155"; # protein sequence = [MHWANKFPTRMHTPPTTTAIYEMHFNSEPETNPGNGTGNGSVDDIDKCCFAKLFLLGANKQNWSNSNPQHRNAIEGEG # RTQKLAENWVIIKNLFLRHKWLSFKVKLAILGTKANQLHFLGITESALVYRN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g155 # start gene g156 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 930335 957452 0.77 + . g156 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 930335 957452 0.77 + . g156.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 930335 930337 . + 0 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 930424 950491 1 + . transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 950579 951586 1 + . transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 952143 952255 0.99 + . transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 952849 953052 0.79 + . transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 953334 953395 1 + . transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 953511 956248 1 + . transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 956335 956403 1 + . transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 956793 956859 1 + . transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 956945 957051 1 + . transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 957210 957278 0.99 + . transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 930335 930423 1 + 0 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 950492 950578 1 + 1 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 951587 952142 1 + 1 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 952256 952848 0.8 + 0 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 953053 953333 0.79 + 1 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 953396 953510 1 + 2 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 956249 956334 1 + 1 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 956404 956792 1 + 2 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 956860 956944 1 + 0 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 957052 957209 1 + 2 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 957279 957452 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 957450 957452 . + 0 transcript_id "g156.t1"; gene_id "g156"; # protein sequence = [MPSLEPWLWGDSCSWLGMLAMLRLRLHKSNMDFTCLFCCSLAFVLYLNTLGAGFVYDDRRAILANADVSGGTPWQRSF # SNDFWGTPLTDSGSHGSWRPLCVLSFRLNYLIGGGFAPWGFHLVNNLLHCVATALVVRVARTLLASVWAVLAAGALFAAHPIHTEAVAGVVGRADLAA # CVCYLLTYLSYLRHMRWRESGDPRQWLALGATLILAAAGLLCKETAITALLVCALFDVMRGLSGQVDKQRLRSVCIVLGALFCMAYCRLVIVPGPQTA # FSSADNPIARTPSAWTRLLTFLYLPVFNLRLLLQPNVLSFDWGMDALPRVTSLWDRRNAQSACFYSVLVGVAWGSCRQLLSGSKEVTHCGVSSTFPQY # HIQKVASRKSRSKRKRLANNTKYQAFEAAYHQQQQEALPCRDCNNNNSSGYVYEGSSPVAQAPAQAPHLVFLALPFLPASNLLFYVGFVVAERLLYLP # SVGFCLLVGYGVSKLMSCNQRTRNILLLSFSLLLAAMSLRTLRRNADWRDEESLYRSAIAINPPKALGNLGSVLSSQGRYEEAKQVLQEAIRFRPNMA # DVHFNLGILHQNQQVYPAAVECFQRAIKFRPNLAVAYLNLGISFIALGKRQQAIEILQAGSNLDGAAVRDRTAHDQARSSAYLQLGALYVEQGKLQRA # LAIYREALSSLPGLPQQREILYQRIGDVLGRLQQWDEAERHHRAALELQPNQVAAHLSYGITLARNSSRASEAEMWFKRALKLAPEQASVYHHYAEFL # SLQSRHHESAIYHRRAAELAPNDYTLVVAAATAMRLLDRKVDAEMWYRKAVALRPGDAHAHTNLGAILHLLGRTNHAAASYKAALRLQPGDAITLGNL # AKLGVTNV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 47.6 # CDS exons: 5/11 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 5/10 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 26 # E: 5 # RM: 21 # incompatible hint groups: 59 # E: 1 # W: 58 # end gene g156 # start gene g157 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 979951 982104 0.11 + . g157 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 979951 982104 0.11 + . g157.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 979951 979953 . + 0 transcript_id "g157.t1"; gene_id "g157"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 980068 980146 0.76 + . transcript_id "g157.t1"; gene_id "g157"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 981970 982067 0.36 + . transcript_id "g157.t1"; gene_id "g157"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 979951 980067 0.66 + 0 transcript_id "g157.t1"; gene_id "g157"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 980147 981969 0.36 + 0 transcript_id "g157.t1"; gene_id "g157"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 982068 982104 0.36 + 1 transcript_id "g157.t1"; gene_id "g157"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 982102 982104 . + 0 transcript_id "g157.t1"; gene_id "g157"; # protein sequence = [MKALPVNTINVDQKKWKNFKLADPDFNKPGRIDLIIGADFLDVKKSKGKETIVATTIEIKELDRYWEVEEEEKDDIES # EICENKFIKTTKKDSDGRYIVSIPFKEDVTLGDSKKQAIARYMNLEKKLKRNEKLKVDYTKFMNEYVDLGHMIEVSDEGKYFLPHQAVIRDSSLTTKL # RVVFDASAKTTNNKSLNDIMWVGPRVQKDIFDIIIKWRKWEFVVSADIEKMYRQIKIDNNDQKYQYILWRNSPKEKIKTYKLTTVTYGTASAPYLATR # VLVDIADKCKNQVISAIIRNDFYMDDLMTGADSVEEANKLITLIPHELQKVGFNLRKWISNNSKILTTVEDTGDNKVLNIIENECVKTLGLKWEPQKD # LFKFSVNCNDESKNINKRVVLSTLAKIFDPLGWLAPVTVSGKLFIQKLWINKSEWDQELSIEDKNYWEKYKENLLLLENIRIPRWINSNSSSVIQIHG # FADASEKAYAAVVYAKVGPHVNIIASKSRVNPIKNRKTIPKLELCAAHLLSELIQRLKGSIDNIMEIYAWSDSTITLAWINSGQSKIKFIKRRTDDIR # KLKNTEWNHVKSEDNPADLASRGVDSNQLINCDFWWKGPKWLADPKELWPRQQSVEEPVLINTVLNDKIDDPIYELIESKGDKNSGNSCY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g157 # start gene g158 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 982605 983777 0.29 + . g158 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 982605 983777 0.29 + . g158.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 982605 982607 . + 0 transcript_id "g158.t1"; gene_id "g158"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 982605 983777 0.29 + 0 transcript_id "g158.t1"; gene_id "g158"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 983775 983777 . + 0 transcript_id "g158.t1"; gene_id "g158"; # protein sequence = [MATKAIHLEMVSDLTSDAFLAALRRFIARRGKCSNIYSDNGTNFVGAARKLDQELFNAIQENITIAAQLEKDRIDWHF # IPPAGPHFGGIWEAGVKSMKYHLKRIIGDTILTYEEMSTLLCQVEACLNSRPLYTIVSEKDQQEVLTPGHFLIGRPPLEIVEPMEDEKIGNLDRWRLI # QKMKKDFWVKWKSEYLHTLQQRNKWKKEIPNIEEGQIVLLKDENCHPARWPLGKVEKVHKGNDDKVRVAKVKMQEGYITRPITKICPLEGIKSVDKNE # ADQEPKRRHNIQSESEELLSTPYIGEVSGVPKIIWDPLKLSILNHTEEFERLNNEIKFMKENHQKLKDLHFHHISGHAGLIIALILMIVLIIYFIRKC # AVQQRMQAITFAGPLPVL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g158 # start gene g159 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 989281 989667 0.92 + . g159 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 989281 989667 0.92 + . g159.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 989281 989283 . + 0 transcript_id "g159.t1"; gene_id "g159"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 989281 989667 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g159.t1"; gene_id "g159"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 989665 989667 . + 0 transcript_id "g159.t1"; gene_id "g159"; # protein sequence = [MMQKTAEWDFLGYEFLVRSKADANSICPESLQTRTAIDTLLKIERQLVKCVLRKQMKPVQIHKVFVIVFEMFGTINFG # TICCNAYSNPQASRGHGVAHCNLAEITTVATALNFFTFLRWEIHVQEGSC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g159 # start gene g160 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1010525 1010830 1 - . g160 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1010525 1010830 1 - . g160.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1010525 1010527 . - 0 transcript_id "g160.t1"; gene_id "g160"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1010525 1010830 1 - 0 transcript_id "g160.t1"; gene_id "g160"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1010828 1010830 . - 0 transcript_id "g160.t1"; gene_id "g160"; # protein sequence = [MGGGAEEESTTCDMGQTRTKLSERRPNLNPLFSHCFLSEGLSLVAADDNIQIQINTKTQIRRQKRGKYLRHSINYRVS # KSINKTSRQAFIHFWKNQNKYEI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 31 # W: 31 # end gene g160 # start gene g161 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1011589 1012041 0.46 - . g161 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1011589 1012041 0.46 - . g161.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1011589 1011591 . - 0 transcript_id "g161.t1"; gene_id "g161"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1011743 1011967 0.47 - . transcript_id "g161.t1"; gene_id "g161"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1011589 1011742 0.46 - 1 transcript_id "g161.t1"; gene_id "g161"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1011968 1012041 0.62 - 0 transcript_id "g161.t1"; gene_id "g161"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1012039 1012041 . - 0 transcript_id "g161.t1"; gene_id "g161"; # protein sequence = [MRNQYYNNCGKSEQQLGACEKLLTCQSHIKAIIDVYVFRHNHNHNVLMIIEKETTTMRRKLKELTYKTTYYITKA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 45 # W: 45 # end gene g161 # start gene g162 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1012495 1012710 0.86 - . g162 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1012495 1012710 0.86 - . g162.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1012495 1012497 . - 0 transcript_id "g162.t1"; gene_id "g162"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1012495 1012710 0.86 - 0 transcript_id "g162.t1"; gene_id "g162"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1012708 1012710 . - 0 transcript_id "g162.t1"; gene_id "g162"; # protein sequence = [MCHKQTAEYHRKTKIRKSKKKKKLLRPGNTTELQPWEAGKNISSSISISLHPVTTQNEQGQTGNELWNISR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 23 # W: 23 # end gene g162 # start gene g163 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1013537 1013755 0.84 + . g163 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1013537 1013755 0.84 + . g163.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1013537 1013539 . + 0 transcript_id "g163.t1"; gene_id "g163"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1013537 1013755 0.84 + 0 transcript_id "g163.t1"; gene_id "g163"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1013753 1013755 . + 0 transcript_id "g163.t1"; gene_id "g163"; # protein sequence = [MAVNILVYPLTLKYAIFIYIVRFYSCLRRTAPPLENPPTWTHPGSHGLVQTGAAWHVRGMPIPAVVVLIGAV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 22 # W: 22 # end gene g163 # start gene g164 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1013953 1034423 0.58 - . g164 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1013953 1034423 0.58 - . g164.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1013953 1013955 . - 0 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1014485 1014549 1 - . transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1014717 1014776 1 - . transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1014975 1015034 1 - . transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1015257 1015314 1 - . transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1015928 1015992 1 - . transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1016077 1016138 1 - . transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1017642 1017710 1 - . transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1017769 1019267 1 - . transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1019322 1033686 0.8 - . transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1034191 1034401 0.69 - . transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1013953 1014484 1 - 1 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1014550 1014716 1 - 0 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1014777 1014974 1 - 0 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1015035 1015256 1 - 0 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1015315 1015927 1 - 1 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1015993 1016076 1 - 1 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1016139 1017641 1 - 1 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1017711 1017768 1 - 2 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1019268 1019321 0.9 - 2 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1033687 1034190 0.79 - 2 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1034402 1034423 0.69 - 0 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1034421 1034423 . - 0 transcript_id "g164.t1"; gene_id "g164"; # protein sequence = [MSRWEWVGVPIIMARNVQQRQQHPCTTTEEPKHQRARGTAGHQESATGECQQFWSKQRPPFDQQQQQEDQDPEQDPQQ # HPSTPQESVHHHRSPRQHELLHHQRKVPPTLPARGRHLISEGARRREVRGCGAGGGGLLCCSLDALSRPAKLLQFGVLLLILLLATHGDLAQAEGNVG # CQFVRTLCIPHSEVCYDDNIFGKCIPTTGVDVEDIEKTPLTEDQSRVLATMLEELQGAGLGWDHPYVQCRIQGSLFSLQRQQQLPPNLCANLAPTPPE # FGDPASALAYVRFTPPEPEAELDYYEQPAGPAQFYPALRKKQVRESDADDMYLNRMLQDRRRLRHDPSELEHFGKMDGHGQSTQLDAPSIMDAFLDTE # RQRIEREQQLAAAEQDADRRAEQNRLELYQILAASEPDPQPYQRKPAAQPNAMDQLEAIVEQQQQRELKEQQEQAKAPVYVPPEEVNESSELYFPDNF # APFKRARGRSRGGLAEEVEDEQPKRSFFRELAGEQGLVQEPPLRFRHVETEVDATPELVKRRPASFKQLDPYDVSLQQQEMAFESGLLRNSLTPLEEE # AMLASNSFPRQAKSQRVYTEGGLLLMPQDEQDTDGMQADEPENVKQSLLANMLGFARHERLDVKKPGPLLGPPSLGSAELSNQLETEKAHKQKGHGNK # EVLPAHIKGNDEDDAHKKKKVMKQQHSAEDHAPHTVDTEYVHVFVKNPIDSWNDGQRIMKELEQILHMQGYFSYLTVQQHEVSFRVNSNNPERKTAGD # VARTINENRGVKNNIQRRVGFYVLHAGVGDVIKDLQDPSVSSSRIELAEQGPDVTHIMAYMFAGAGAAAVIVIFVTLILIKRHDRKRDKLGGLQSGIA # GAETCSKDYQELCRARMAGKAGGGGNSTGGAAGGGSNEPAPSGRITSLSKENEGRPPSSRSSTSSWSEEPALTNMDISTGHMVLSYMEDHLRNKGRLQ # REWEALCRYEAEPSAREAASQPQCAGLNRPGAPLPYDHSRVVLNHLANAEGLDYVNASTITDHDPRAPAYVAAQGPLPSTLAHFWQMIWEQGAVVIVA # LCRLQENGEVACARYWPEEGAEVYHIYEVHLVSEHIWCDDYLVRSFYLKNLRTSETRTVTQFHFLSWPHMGVPAQAKALLDFRRKVNKSYRGRRSCPI # VVHGSAGAGRTGVYILLDLVLERMNKGAREIDIAATLEHLRDQRAGVVATRQQFEFVLMAVAEEVHAILKALPANTSGEKRELDKDPVVGGGSSSTTT # KEPLKEDKAQEAAEEEAPTSSSKAAAAAKKEKEKDKDKEEKQAKDQAKVAEPRTPAKSAKQAKK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 90.5 # CDS exons: 10/11 # W: 10 # CDS introns: 9/10 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 18 # E: 9 # RM: 9 # incompatible hint groups: 378 # E: 3 # W: 375 # end gene g164 # start gene g165 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1037379 1038422 1 + . g165 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1037379 1038422 1 + . g165.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1037379 1037381 . + 0 transcript_id "g165.t1"; gene_id "g165"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1037379 1038422 1 + 0 transcript_id "g165.t1"; gene_id "g165"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1038420 1038422 . + 0 transcript_id "g165.t1"; gene_id "g165"; # protein sequence = [MGKKQKMKKAAQMATAAEKLKTAAEKSKTAADNVVAKEKPAEEASPSPSGSGKKGKPKATQKPNVAKALQKEISSSED # ALDVKNKPPAGFSGAKGKPHIMGQMDPAYRNKIKKLMSLAKQLPPNVFSLPNSQKEEGASAAKSCVVEDDQSTDSDDAPDLVEADPKETQPDEQGQLG # TVAVRTREVSKQSRGERKARRILMKLDLKPMENVARVTMKKGKNILLYIDQPDVYRVAHSSTYIFFGEICVEDTSTTSVASQAAVKAAERFRGTSPAG # RQGNEDGKAPGEESPHDDDDDENDGEDADAMGLHAKDIELVQMQAACSRKKAIQALLKNDNDVVNAIMALTVG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 4 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # end gene g165 # start gene g166 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1042923 1043177 0.79 + . g166 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1042923 1043177 0.79 + . g166.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1042923 1042925 . + 0 transcript_id "g166.t1"; gene_id "g166"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1042923 1043177 0.79 + 0 transcript_id "g166.t1"; gene_id "g166"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1043175 1043177 . + 0 transcript_id "g166.t1"; gene_id "g166"; # protein sequence = [MPMPRPIPAPEKLTARSADGWHRCWVPYVRLTRLSHHEQNLGHWPRHWELGTWHWHSSSGAEVAGAEHWLGLRRLRVV # GGRLLI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 24 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # W: 20 # end gene g166 # start gene g167 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1052038 1062146 1 - . g167 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1052038 1062146 1 - . g167.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1052038 1052040 . - 0 transcript_id "g167.t1"; gene_id "g167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1052266 1052330 1 - . transcript_id "g167.t1"; gene_id "g167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1052496 1052565 1 - . transcript_id "g167.t1"; gene_id "g167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1053054 1061233 1 - . transcript_id "g167.t1"; gene_id "g167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1052038 1052265 1 - 0 transcript_id "g167.t1"; gene_id "g167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1052331 1052495 1 - 0 transcript_id "g167.t1"; gene_id "g167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1052566 1053053 1 - 2 transcript_id "g167.t1"; gene_id "g167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1061234 1062146 1 - 0 transcript_id "g167.t1"; gene_id "g167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1062144 1062146 . - 0 transcript_id "g167.t1"; gene_id "g167"; # protein sequence = [MSQQVFSAHPALAVDQLQQAEQEEHNTSSNHHQQRSATQSRRHTKAAPKKFTLSRSCAGGGSGTLSGVHQQVKPSPSN # PAISPECRKTLPVRTNYAAVDDDDDIECEDVDEVNFGQQEKERERETRQPTKDCGTDETDHVQQRHKNTMTTSATAASRHHHQDGGGGDQSDLSSVIS # SPSVSTVSSPLSTPTRLPQALQQQLHCCQKSTGMESRARTSPQQIQHPHRQHHQQQHHHHHHHHHLTAAGCTGGGGGGGGSGGSGSCKAKKLDPRLNP # SPYRQLLPIALCLLSFAAVFATLIVYMDTTEIRHQQFRLNMSRDYELNGVAQDDPALIDFLRQIHMGKYLGKASPKVAAAASVGVGPPPNSPRLAAAG # STFGSGNSSGSGADQLAHYVADLVGGKMNGAVIQSLSGPLAHLITAPWLSEQLNWMGVLVEPEPRWYFTLRKQNAQRARMQVVHACVSPNTYPKEITI # HNEDVRINSLHDEETSWFNSRVKCFPLYTIMLACERTEYDLLSLGVQGHELEILQTLPFDKVKIDVISIHLLEDHEDVADYVLDITRFLAGKSYKLQR # KIGRNYFYQRLNASASRTRKKDILLLKTP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 9 # E: 3 # RM: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 198 # W: 198 # end gene g167 # start gene g168 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1077037 1077841 0.76 - . g168 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1077037 1077841 0.76 - . g168.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1077037 1077039 . - 0 transcript_id "g168.t1"; gene_id "g168"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1077151 1077499 0.76 - . transcript_id "g168.t1"; gene_id "g168"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1077037 1077150 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g168.t1"; gene_id "g168"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1077500 1077841 0.76 - 0 transcript_id "g168.t1"; gene_id "g168"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1077839 1077841 . - 0 transcript_id "g168.t1"; gene_id "g168"; # protein sequence = [MVYSGDGAAVTLCPDNSNPTLVCSPPAHQTSKNRNVASATRWPGEKFASNSNTCTENLKETGKCTSTNTASAVETEIA # IESKSACIYTGSVGSVPFLVAFLAHTLPLYLCVSRFCVRGVLYAHTHVRKQHNHTRPIIDHQSPVCVCAAFNK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 76 # W: 76 # end gene g168 # start gene g169 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1078035 1080710 1 + . g169 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1078035 1080710 1 + . g169.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1078035 1078037 . + 0 transcript_id "g169.t1"; gene_id "g169"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1078569 1078624 1 + . transcript_id "g169.t1"; gene_id "g169"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1079066 1079120 1 + . transcript_id "g169.t1"; gene_id "g169"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1078035 1078568 1 + 0 transcript_id "g169.t1"; gene_id "g169"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1078625 1079065 1 + 0 transcript_id "g169.t1"; gene_id "g169"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1079121 1080710 1 + 0 transcript_id "g169.t1"; gene_id "g169"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1080708 1080710 . + 0 transcript_id "g169.t1"; gene_id "g169"; # protein sequence = [MGVRGLTSYIAQRAEIYLKPHELHSTALVIDGDNLSCNLYKDVTGSYSAFGGDYDDFYRAVVQFFQVLAECNIRPYVL # MDGGYEERKLRTVSTRLRNKISVIKKINPNASITLFPLHLKEVFVDAVRDCGVPVMRCVFEADDELAALARKLNCPVLSYDSDFYIHNVKYIPLITLT # VKVLTKQVKDKNSSNQKDSRDLRHCEAKNVKKRTRANKIVTGIQTTGLTASTKGSSKTYKYLDCCIYRVSHLCGRGTLSPEKLPLFAALLGNDYIARS # AFKNFFAAGMGKAGRSRKLKLQQKRIQVILTWLKEETAESALAKVLSRLKKNQRDSLVSQVNAAISGYSNELCHAYDYFDEHYENAFPYIEPVSEEEC # SDDEHSSSSDEKFSDVEEGEDQEEADNQDEEQQEENQDVDSGDEEEEEADEGLELEVEDKTLLFPQWFLDKLYPAHLPRSFVDLMHLRKYINNPQIEH # FPFHDSNEVALPILNYVFALLHHVECEKIELPLEVDMDIEGSTVPYLTYLTRALRVTNVRYFKMPIEKKPAYPFDPLSPDARHLRAVFEDNAPNADTE # KLFSKLDQLPEDLRLYFLAIIYWLHRSEHCDLLHLHSLILSLVVLRTIDVTIPAEREVKTFLKRFGKTLKAERAVRDKEAAEGIKRGIKPALLELSVP # DRMAHVPKSDCYLTQERLLPHFHMQEIFKKKFDLYSTTVIHAFAEFQAVVYQLNGLNSLLDFPLLSPRMNQLYCGAFLYNMYDVLRNRADVRYHVENF # LLPDSKLMFDFYCYLYDWCAEFIPTWKRLEVDPTAAKALQKKRLKKQRQAARKVELREAIADPNAEMVEDADPENDFFDLNNKFCALKVA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 184 # W: 184 # end gene g169 # start gene g170 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1081244 1082871 0.99 + . g170 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1081244 1082871 0.99 + . g170.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1081244 1081246 . + 0 transcript_id "g170.t1"; gene_id "g170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1081428 1081577 1 + . transcript_id "g170.t1"; gene_id "g170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1081921 1081976 1 + . transcript_id "g170.t1"; gene_id "g170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1082057 1082119 1 + . transcript_id "g170.t1"; gene_id "g170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1082666 1082788 1 + . transcript_id "g170.t1"; gene_id "g170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1081244 1081427 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g170.t1"; gene_id "g170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1081578 1081920 1 + 2 transcript_id "g170.t1"; gene_id "g170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1081977 1082056 1 + 1 transcript_id "g170.t1"; gene_id "g170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1082120 1082665 1 + 2 transcript_id "g170.t1"; gene_id "g170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1082789 1082871 1 + 2 transcript_id "g170.t1"; gene_id "g170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1082869 1082871 . + 0 transcript_id "g170.t1"; gene_id "g170"; # protein sequence = [MLVGLSDQLARIMESVFEAYLGPDSVLASAVGQAVGSGEPEDIPRRNTDVWVLGKKYNAIQELELIRRDIQSRLWCTY # RHGFSPLGEVQLTTDKGWGCMLRCGQMVLAQALIDLHLGRDWFWTPDCRDATYLKIVNRFEDVRNSFYSIHQIAQMGESQNKAVGEWLGPNTVAQILK # KLVRFDDWSSLAIHVAMDSTVVLDDVYASCREGGSWKPLLLIIPLRLGITDINPLYVPALKRCLELDSSCGMIGGRPNQALYFLGYVDDEVLYLDPHT # TQRTGAVAQKTAAAEQDYDETYHQKHAARLNFSAMDPSLAVCFLCKTSDSFESLLTKLKEEVLSLCSPALFEISQTRAVDWDTTEDIDWPTMPDIDWP # AGTSDSDSFAIVEESGRDSDAGCSGAIGSGKKPSERAVI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 118 # W: 118 # end gene g170 # start gene g171 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1084019 1088569 0.75 - . g171 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1084019 1088569 0.75 - . g171.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1084019 1084021 . - 0 transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1084837 1084893 1 - . transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1085137 1085200 1 - . transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1085310 1085523 1 - . transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1085681 1085743 1 - . transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1085862 1085926 1 - . transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1086027 1087694 1 - . transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1088045 1088487 0.75 - . transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1084019 1084836 1 - 2 transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1084894 1085136 1 - 2 transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1085201 1085309 1 - 0 transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1085524 1085680 1 - 1 transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1085744 1085861 1 - 2 transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1085927 1086026 1 - 0 transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1087695 1088044 0.9 - 2 transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1088488 1088569 0.82 - 0 transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1088567 1088569 . - 0 transcript_id "g171.t1"; gene_id "g171"; # protein sequence = [MVHGISIIEVGCNWAAESVFMDNLSGDDLPFCNYTRVAEQPRQPRHSTAPGRQERRRSRGPTSCQPSQEPPDSQGSES # SKTAAVDTKALRSSATVKVTSAATPPHPPPLTTTTTPLTICQPPPPTPPYQRLTKALQCDPRCGHEVTIGRRIGLYRFCGDIGRGNFSKVKLAVHQLT # RDKVAIKVVDLDRAGLDAKALRMLSSEIATLECVHHPNILRLFEVVETLGRVYLVTEWIRGGELYNHITQGGPLREIHAAPLLKQLLLAVKHMHSLGY # VHRDIKAENVLLLSEDRLKLADFGFSTQLINGANQKLDTFCGSPPYAAPELFSDDHYIGAPVDVWALGILLYFMVVGNMPFRAPTIPGLKAAILKGDY # LLPGQLSLPCIRLIQRILIHIPAQRPTIDDMLNSQFVTCPKLSADLMQWEINQHTKPVKRSIFWVRSKSHRLRKSASLRDRYAEVVKKPAISMNTRQQ # DEMFVQNFLQPIEMGHELLVPVSSQLKEPQSTEQAKRPTRRYMFCGSLKKKVTPMETEPEKQLANGGQSIGSAKINPWNVEVAEDCPLFKNYDAETGS # CVMLPTNTEDLSQLGALEFEARQILAELGLTSEMLINARQSGPRSDIIGAYRIVVNRLQKQSWLARKHVEMALHSEPKVEKRIERSCCIL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 4/8 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 5/7 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 111 # E: 1 # W: 110 # end gene g171 # start gene g172 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1103691 1108040 0.79 - . g172 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1103691 1108040 0.79 - . g172.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1103691 1103693 . - 0 transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1103821 1103878 1 - . transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1105102 1105158 1 - . transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1106299 1106355 1 - . transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1107107 1107160 1 - . transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1107317 1107372 1 - . transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1107758 1107811 1 - . transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1107950 1108015 1 - . transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1103691 1103820 1 - 1 transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1103879 1105101 1 - 0 transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1105159 1106298 1 - 0 transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1106356 1107106 1 - 1 transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1107161 1107316 1 - 1 transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1107373 1107757 1 - 2 transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1107812 1107949 1 - 2 transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1108016 1108040 0.79 - 0 transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1108038 1108040 . - 0 transcript_id "g172.t1"; gene_id "g172"; # protein sequence = [MLYRQMPAGAITAKTTTTTTRTQTTTPTQTDAVAQAKKKRLRKPRYAKYVELLEVTEQAISERRSRVKRLKSKKLADF # IHKAQQQILERRAREDRKDKKTKCVLDLAQRQPVEYQKIDMEALDGSILESGVYDDRPMLFFGKDEYTKQVIANPEEVQNILKSFQNFRDIIESMEND # QHEADFGLSTTKVHPEEHEMLDPFEAIEPYISPLDKSKRSVTTVAVPNASAVTTKSKKRFKSKVHVNEEQERLAKQRALHINLNTYLNVCVSANMLNR # ALSTIIAYRGKVRKSSLPHMSEGLITIDLYNILLHGYAGKGSFDRAQEVFKLIEEDGLSFNEQTYAAIFECLGRLEPDEENHQYISEYVSKAEKEGFS # LNQIMDRSKFVADQRDIALDAIRRLRPDFKPVYVPPQLGYDNELLDHLNEHVIPVGAKKEPGKADYAIMNSKRGYTAAQLEQLAREQLKIELDGSITI # KSIEKSKEFANSEKCRELLKELEDTWRKQISAAIVRDLNTLRAQVRFKPHGFMNYYTYLKTLDASHFADILIKELYKLAEGSETFSPTVGQLYKELGQ # KVQQRYQIEQKKHNGTLEKIGEIYSSYCELWGSGMSQDNTRQAWQRLVYEQRESGPSMDLLEVPWPSNVLTGVGRFLYNILMRDIKIDAHIMRQKSKS # KAAAQPQNLLPAFYTLFRNQGRFVKEEVKPHPVLSRLFRASRQQTLTFDSNLVPMLCPPQPWSTPHNGGYLLNKTELIRLPHQAIQQWDRIMASNPQH # LYPALDSLNQLASVPWRVNTQLLDVIIKVFQNGGDVKLDVPQPPSSLPPLPTLPAKDAEGNATSSEDRAKQFRDKLGHRRKQAEMYSLWCDALYRLSL # AQHYRDKVFWLPHNMDFRGRVYPVPPHLNHLGSDLARSMLIFDQAQPLGVDGLSWLKLHCINLTGLKKRDSVRERLLYAEEIMPDILDSADNPLTGRM # WWSKSDEPWQTLACCMEIANVHRCPDPAAYLSRFPIHQDGSCNGLQHYAALGRDEAGARSVNLAPSAIPQDVYSAVAALVEKSRKADAQNGLHVAEAL # AGFVRRKVIKQTVMTTVYGVTRYGARLQIARQLKDIDDFPKDWVWPASTYLTTKTFESLREMFTSTREIQDWFTECARLISGVCSQNVEWVTPLGLPV # VQPYNRQEMKHSPRSGFKVSANMPMDLYERPNILKQKNAFPPNFIHSLDSSHMMLTSLHCERQGITFVSVHDCFWTHANTVPELNRMCREQFVALHSQ # PILEQLSEFMRHTYSFKDSDFINDGSVEDLSKRQLNRILKQMPQKGDFDLRNVLDSVYFFS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 295 # W: 295 # end gene g172 # start gene g173 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1108701 1112643 0.35 + . g173 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1108701 1112643 0.35 + . g173.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1108701 1108703 . + 0 transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1109896 1109962 0.95 + . transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1110424 1110479 0.6 + . transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1110675 1111263 1 + . transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1111398 1111453 0.88 + . transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1111968 1112027 1 + . transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1112445 1112505 0.94 + . transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1108701 1109895 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1109963 1110423 0.59 + 2 transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1110480 1110674 1 + 0 transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1111264 1111397 0.88 + 0 transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1111454 1111967 1 + 1 transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1112028 1112444 1 + 0 transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1112506 1112643 0.71 + 0 transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1112641 1112643 . + 0 transcript_id "g173.t1"; gene_id "g173"; # protein sequence = [MPPKKAKKGAGPKKDDDLDNRPQPPNVFLYIQLANIVNMPESQHPLEIHISQGDSLLVKCDEHYNTDGIIVQEEFHSK # PTFTLIFQQDNVDRINHAADNPLLVQLYMRVLPPRRIVQVEYEMLEEEQEGDLEADSDSDLTMSTTIATTLLDDDAFEARETVKLELLCVGYLDVIKL # FGHRRSMICEELFLYPMPDVPNEMRSTIHTEWHLYTLLPIAKKLTFTNMAFVTFESIYCLKDEYVLDLETLWVRVSFRSRMPGDRNESLIPLCEFGNL # ERKIICMQDNHHVFESFRRSVKPWNVTGLKSAMEVQRHRLFSELFHSENLTPDFEEIDPAMDEALVCNSFHRFILTQSMADILSFAITCQQYVLAVEV # FQTFGAAKPQKVFQGVLDPSIMAYPGVQNMRFAVQLDYLGKLKPKKIMSTFNLKSMERAKTLPTFAIIKLCLLAPIGEIYKELKVFRESFIRQNRLLF # CDRPYSSINAMSLAEIQMECYARFDKFIRDCISFIIDKKVMKLEDKKQHFCCAVQNLTNILMKVVGSVYNTRTPTNTSVDFANLCAFAYNELEPRVHT # VVEQIENEGFDSYTISKQIQNERIIDYLNTIKLLLMVNDENHAHLLMEKAITEYPSNERFWFYMVIAYMERGELEKAKVYFKKNHLADTHDYFAGWIK # LYINYVDTRNNPETAPDCTECLLRSITNYAERYPRQQDAWILLYCYYKRFNYEPGCAFALWRFGDQHGHCRLSSSSNAPHSLWGLYVNLNITIPTSRG # TMFLEVFRTFARLGLYEFAQVVIAAVLPLASDADRYMLQTQLDMMLNQLDENFVPLSFEFEEGEEGDYSAAMNAQINGNVEFQRGNLEEAALYYESAL # TLPPPEVNERDFFEVSRLRLGYISYELGNYNKCIEALSFPFAGQLLSIVANYMIGKSYYKLDLLDLALESFANATHMDTHVPNVWGFLALINLRLGEN # YKAIECWKYAKIEPNYPIDDMMIYEELDAIDYDSVDLYIDAPNQMVDDIFRDSQSDS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/7 # CDS introns: 0/6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g173 # start gene g174 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1112752 1113950 0.19 + . g174 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1112752 1113950 0.19 + . g174.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1112752 1112754 . + 0 transcript_id "g174.t1"; gene_id "g174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1112758 1113203 0.35 + . transcript_id "g174.t1"; gene_id "g174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1113502 1113558 0.84 + . transcript_id "g174.t1"; gene_id "g174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1113766 1113825 0.71 + . transcript_id "g174.t1"; gene_id "g174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1112752 1112757 0.35 + 0 transcript_id "g174.t1"; gene_id "g174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1113204 1113501 0.63 + 0 transcript_id "g174.t1"; gene_id "g174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1113559 1113765 0.71 + 2 transcript_id "g174.t1"; gene_id "g174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1113826 1113950 0.57 + 2 transcript_id "g174.t1"; gene_id "g174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1113948 1113950 . + 0 transcript_id "g174.t1"; gene_id "g174"; # protein sequence = [MGLITEINCYVAQFRELLIFIGQARDSPELREKIRKLRRSCVDACKHTAHLITPQPRHCLGSPSERMHLTLLYHLTLQ # FQHELIKSHRLIQLVPLDMTEYYAPSRTAPSNLGNVISQFLLCKQINPDFQQEELCSIVKDSQELSELLEELQAHMPLTEASPEFDLDPTQKSESSLV # SLNTPDWYARQRRRSCKSRSRSLCCCLARKSHKTF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g174 # start gene g175 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1114818 1115120 1 + . g175 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1114818 1115120 1 + . g175.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1114818 1114820 . + 0 transcript_id "g175.t1"; gene_id "g175"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1114818 1115120 1 + 0 transcript_id "g175.t1"; gene_id "g175"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1115118 1115120 . + 0 transcript_id "g175.t1"; gene_id "g175"; # protein sequence = [MDFHRKSSTLSNAFQLFPCACFHILNCSFLCAFTFPLEKLFNPVVTLLSTMHIRQSGRFFFLRSLNPPPAPSQLALIC # ARGAPRFEQALTQGRKQQLTNC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 31 # W: 31 # end gene g175 # start gene g176 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1115541 1117499 0.69 - . g176 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1115541 1117499 0.69 - . g176.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1115541 1115543 . - 0 transcript_id "g176.t1"; gene_id "g176"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1115734 1115791 0.7 - . transcript_id "g176.t1"; gene_id "g176"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1115944 1116440 0.82 - . transcript_id "g176.t1"; gene_id "g176"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1116691 1117443 1 - . transcript_id "g176.t1"; gene_id "g176"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1115541 1115733 0.7 - 1 transcript_id "g176.t1"; gene_id "g176"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1115792 1115943 0.78 - 0 transcript_id "g176.t1"; gene_id "g176"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1116441 1116690 0.88 - 1 transcript_id "g176.t1"; gene_id "g176"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1117444 1117499 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g176.t1"; gene_id "g176"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1117497 1117499 . - 0 transcript_id "g176.t1"; gene_id "g176"; # protein sequence = [MSIASVHGPQIADICSPLSHHNLGLSASLPDLVGSPLEISMDNVLTIEELRQHMGSCFTCGVSWTDDHVSLDCSECGG # YSLERPCPLCDGQCGVQWKRDFAMSHACSQARWVGVCISYPEVVAGVQLPVGAGAGAATSCAAAAANQLRLAQELARNPRPVPSTARLQTRLHISHTP # AHSHSSGKQKLKQKQKAGAELAPPAHPNTQSLTRNLGPNY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 2 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 111 # W: 111 # end gene g176 # start gene g177 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1118875 1128351 0.63 - . g177 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1118875 1128351 0.63 - . g177.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1118875 1118877 . - 0 transcript_id "g177.t1"; gene_id "g177"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1119018 1128128 0.95 - . transcript_id "g177.t1"; gene_id "g177"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1118875 1119017 0.97 - 2 transcript_id "g177.t1"; gene_id "g177"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1128129 1128351 0.63 - 0 transcript_id "g177.t1"; gene_id "g177"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1128349 1128351 . - 0 transcript_id "g177.t1"; gene_id "g177"; # protein sequence = [MEMKTGSNNNHISASSSSSNNNNNSSLVQQQQQRSTTSVSVSSSHIVTEWEDGIIFDVDDPDFCNLATDKLNFIVSRF # EVLCLPTWSFGSGENYSHRIELNLGKISPSPSYTVQFRFPVQL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # RM: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 53 # E: 1 # W: 52 # end gene g177 # start gene g178 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1129489 1131953 0.96 + . g178 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1129489 1131953 0.96 + . g178.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1129489 1129491 . + 0 transcript_id "g178.t1"; gene_id "g178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1129506 1129818 1 + . transcript_id "g178.t1"; gene_id "g178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1131182 1131263 1 + . transcript_id "g178.t1"; gene_id "g178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1129489 1129505 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g178.t1"; gene_id "g178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1129819 1131181 1 + 1 transcript_id "g178.t1"; gene_id "g178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1131264 1131953 1 + 0 transcript_id "g178.t1"; gene_id "g178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1131951 1131953 . + 0 transcript_id "g178.t1"; gene_id "g178"; # protein sequence = [MEENMWIIELESALLDDCTVNDIYGICQGKALPEALRPDVWQVCLDVRHKSDQMSLFNEIYDLPFQSQLREDCQRHVD # RMGNDEEDKVSVVSDLESIITFYCKNRNLQYEPDNGWIELLLPLFALKLNRSDTFNLFESIRDTYIPKGCRPKGNVFHVFRLLLLYHDPELCTLLDTK # KITPDLYSLTWFQSLFASCSSLSVIIAMWDLYFQNADPFMVFFLALIILINGREQILQMRSSSKEEIIKFLSLMPCALEFDDVPDFCSLAQYYALKTP # TSFKTDYLKALYGKQNDTPRSQEEANKVSQALCLPVSVYELVENSATEFPVPDAVRFFLVDCRPAEQYNAGHLSTAFHLDCNLMLQEPVAFATAVQGL # LTAQRQAIEANSNAGGEHLCFMGSGRVEEDQYTHMVVASFLQKNTHYVSLLTGGYASIHDYFGDQMADCLEDHNARKCLVCQQHNAQQTKSAPLKTST # PSSTDLFSKFSAAMKSKSAEVKGKLLDIIVNPSANGGATASGTNGVPSAPVQERHVSAKERNGKRYRNVAPVFSIDDENEDALDGAGERDDAPLTSDG # KEIVNLNQYFKTADIINAFKCQEVHMSGYMYDSHLIITPGQLVVLRELGRGQAQIMVRRPLASIVKITAKKRHRDLITFKYGFPDGDGLLITDMDRFL # IPNAAEVTALISRLIVQVLDDAK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 195 # W: 195 # end gene g178 # start gene g179 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1132478 1134073 1 - . g179 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1132478 1134073 1 - . g179.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1132478 1132480 . - 0 transcript_id "g179.t1"; gene_id "g179"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1132478 1134073 1 - 0 transcript_id "g179.t1"; gene_id "g179"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1134071 1134073 . - 0 transcript_id "g179.t1"; gene_id "g179"; # protein sequence = [MKAISLVFILAPSLIALSHGSPVDREAIGGPMAMRGFNNSLGTFVEYSGQASLASRDWKLCASFNLESLYTAIRAFNG # VYKALVDVCDIQRNLCPEILDITKFADSILHDGLIDLEKALDFRAGRLSLGDDDVSIELGMGTSCIDSSINVINVILQEPFHEAYEPENLIMMKPYLY # LMGSRLKSAQNAITEAIISAHHGKLSPLVLSMKQLQAKMPPILGDLDGRYTIRNIYLLASVVPRQRGNHVEFQITVPLLDAEKFNIYRLTPIPRLNNG # VIQLVDTETPYLGINDHMDRYFPLQSLDDCIKLGEERFICRRNRIIYGTGDDSFACSLAAIRNQSSEVCTLRQVKEKSLWTEMVAPNSWMVALTNELT # LIGVCSGERQELQLNGSGILSIQSDCAVRSPAVALRGEVRERVPSKAGYATLQKEPKSSQESVTLESFNQLLAIVGKLELNQKKLEAVRDYPMVVVVV # VAVCAAILLVALLVSATWLYRTHRSKQLAQAQNLVNEVNGLQDPQNRTTTCNLPLLEKHEI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 156 # W: 156 # end gene g179 # start gene g180 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1134427 1139956 0.28 + . g180 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1134427 1139956 0.28 + . g180.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1134427 1134429 . + 0 transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1134507 1134572 0.5 + . transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1135082 1138572 0.55 + . transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1139068 1139123 1 + . transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1139386 1139482 1 + . transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1139764 1139831 1 + . transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1134427 1134506 0.52 + 0 transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1134573 1135081 0.5 + 1 transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1138573 1139067 0.57 + 2 transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1139124 1139385 1 + 2 transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1139483 1139763 1 + 1 transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1139832 1139956 1 + 2 transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1139954 1139956 . + 0 transcript_id "g180.t1"; gene_id "g180"; # protein sequence = [MRPGSNAALCRSGAGAVEDWLAASPGKPDGIRSASGGVGWHFNVVCKPTANGTESGQYVKNCCTASLGRQFIQNSRSA # QTTGIQTPAETRPGVEVDLPPPARSESYLGHHQLEPSQVPFAVNMPRISLPGSSLLVVLALILCLSLPIRAVPTSVLAQDTELSTSANHKLQQQQQQQ # QQHHQQQQLQQQQQQQQPATARTAAAGVTHSPSRSPAKRSEEASAVPTADKKSSPEIVPASFSNAPSARNSPVPVSSQQQEQQQVPSGVYALPSNEEI # LAAVAAAAQNSQQQLQEEPSALEEAVASSTMRKRGINYEYNPYSVASSDYGSDVPSGVWSDDYEAAVPVSYGERDLQEIDDYVPERRVSSSSARNKAY # DNLQNLLNAEAYLESIPLSVPLTYANRNYNVDERNKRGIYYNVGTPGGNGASSLGSGSGYNDEGINLNKYRRFNDMRLKRDTQLNPADMLALVALVEA # GERARKESDAESSGPVPMIPSDDLDYAPAGSWFDVPVQADYYGAGVPLDNQNQAMPKYEYVPRQHKYSGVNSRFGSSKQRYMVAKKKRSVNQSQFMNE # PVAERGSGYNGEKYF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 72.7 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 3/5 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 3 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 187 # E: 1 # W: 186 # end gene g180 # start gene g181 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1143371 1147075 0.94 + . g181 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1143371 1147075 0.94 + . g181.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1143371 1143373 . + 0 transcript_id "g181.t1"; gene_id "g181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1143411 1145443 0.94 + . transcript_id "g181.t1"; gene_id "g181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1146473 1146538 1 + . transcript_id "g181.t1"; gene_id "g181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1146826 1146892 1 + . transcript_id "g181.t1"; gene_id "g181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1143371 1143410 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g181.t1"; gene_id "g181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1145444 1146472 0.94 + 2 transcript_id "g181.t1"; gene_id "g181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1146539 1146825 1 + 2 transcript_id "g181.t1"; gene_id "g181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1146893 1147075 1 + 0 transcript_id "g181.t1"; gene_id "g181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1147073 1147075 . + 0 transcript_id "g181.t1"; gene_id "g181"; # protein sequence = [MTDEVPAKGSILGKLVPARYVLALLGSIGMAIVYGLKVNLSVAMVAMVNHTAIKAHGDGGGHGGHGSVILSNASQVSL # VEECNPPGGASNVTAKVEDGPFDWSEPLQGTLLSCYFWGYLVSQIPLAHVAENFSAKWVMLFSVAINVVCTLLTPVFTELHYGGLILMRVLEGVGGGA # SFPAMHVMIASWAPPTERMVMSTIIYVGTSAGTALSILLAGVCSAQWGWESVFYVMGALSCIWMLLWVILVQDNPNKQRFISLEERQMITSSLGTEQK # TEHHPAVPWGKVFTSVPFWAILIAHTCSNFGWYMFLIEIPFYMKQVLKFNVASNAALSALPYFPMIIFSICLGKLLDSLQAKGKITTTVARKTATSIC # TLIPGVCLLVLCYIGCRHYEAVSVMSVGIVAMGSMFSGFLSNHIDIAPNFAGTLVALTNTAATLPGIVVPLFVGFVTKGNQNIGAWRIIFGVTIVLFA # LEFLVFVFLGSGSEQPWNKAGTPKDPEAKDEKTPLKELPTKP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 42.9 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/3 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 1 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 12 # W: 12 # end gene g181 # start gene g182 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1147814 1149376 0.85 + . g182 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1147814 1149376 0.85 + . g182.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1147814 1147816 . + 0 transcript_id "g182.t1"; gene_id "g182"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1147814 1149376 0.85 + 0 transcript_id "g182.t1"; gene_id "g182"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1149374 1149376 . + 0 transcript_id "g182.t1"; gene_id "g182"; # protein sequence = [MISCNQFAFAGFNGLRKMLKARNVCLLSRRWKSGAKKRWNVLQNKKNNCDRALENFDDFYGSVYGTRWKNMRAALLTR # HKYVALVNNFGDTEQTCAMLESDGAINMKSLINLAQDRVKDSTETVPEQGKSRHEIESKLDALLRKQQEREVASIYPSSPEDGSSAPLPLELKFDNVE # EDQPEQVNNPFKQSLTKALEEDVKLDEHRLVDPQFGTGGLYEYMPAHSIKGMEDWVAESEHYKYYQTSADFPLAIEPEPSFHYPEHLSLYTYEMGNCS # DFKGPKKCMTGVLSHFMMDGASTLPPLFLQVKPGERVLDACASPGGKSLLMLQTLHLDHLVCNDIQESRLNKLRKVMQEYLFDYKERWAGKRLILSQS # DARNLDQYEQFDKILVDVPCTTDRHVLNEQDNNIFKPTRIKERLRIPELQAGILANCLRLLRPGGSLVYSTCSLSPIQNDGVVHMALQKVFTEYGITT # TIKDLSRHTALFSDVFKFEHPKGLKYGQMVVPYLPANFGPMYFSKITRNV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 122 # W: 122 # end gene g182 # start gene g183 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1149514 1150647 1 - . g183 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1149514 1150647 1 - . g183.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1149514 1149516 . - 0 transcript_id "g183.t1"; gene_id "g183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1149587 1149650 1 - . transcript_id "g183.t1"; gene_id "g183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1150070 1150130 1 - . transcript_id "g183.t1"; gene_id "g183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1150327 1150378 1 - . transcript_id "g183.t1"; gene_id "g183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1150560 1150616 1 - . transcript_id "g183.t1"; gene_id "g183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1149514 1149586 1 - 1 transcript_id "g183.t1"; gene_id "g183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1149651 1150069 1 - 0 transcript_id "g183.t1"; gene_id "g183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1150131 1150326 1 - 1 transcript_id "g183.t1"; gene_id "g183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1150379 1150559 1 - 2 transcript_id "g183.t1"; gene_id "g183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1150617 1150647 1 - 0 transcript_id "g183.t1"; gene_id "g183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1150645 1150647 . - 0 transcript_id "g183.t1"; gene_id "g183"; # protein sequence = [MEADQAASKEAESCIDLLVIVLDTNPSQHFVRQNPQNLTQILEAVIAFGNAHLMQKAQNKLAVVSCSHHATNFLYPLP # RRQVELRQVDGQYEAFNLVEKTVKQQLGSILMNAPRLSAPCESLLAGSMSMALCYISRLQRNLAPGVKMHSRILVVTGSNECASQYMTFMNVFFTAQK # LGITIDTCALDKTLSLLQQGCDITSGQFLKVTQLDGLLQYLLWVFLPAPQIRHKLVLPPPPKVDYRASCFCHRELIDIGYVCSVCLSVFCKYSPICTT # CHTIFKNPGPLPIKGKKKKKTDKQM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 4 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 71 # W: 71 # end gene g183 # start gene g184 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1150863 1151411 0.95 + . g184 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1150863 1151411 0.95 + . g184.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1150863 1150865 . + 0 transcript_id "g184.t1"; gene_id "g184"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1150863 1151411 0.95 + 0 transcript_id "g184.t1"; gene_id "g184"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1151409 1151411 . + 0 transcript_id "g184.t1"; gene_id "g184"; # protein sequence = [MLVLVLGDLHIPHRCSSLPAKFKKLLVPGRIHHILATGNICTKESYDYLKSLANDVHIVRGDFDENLTYPEQKVVTVG # QFRIGLCHGHQVVPRGDPEALALIQRQLDVDILITGHTYKFEAYEHGNKFYINPGSATGAFNPLDTNVVPSFVLMDIQSTTVVTYVYQLIGDEVKVER # IEYKKI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 56 # W: 56 # end gene g184 # start gene g185 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1152032 1154414 0.57 - . g185 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1152032 1154414 0.57 - . g185.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1152032 1152034 . - 0 transcript_id "g185.t1"; gene_id "g185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1152116 1152176 1 - . transcript_id "g185.t1"; gene_id "g185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1152701 1152770 1 - . transcript_id "g185.t1"; gene_id "g185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1153319 1153385 1 - . transcript_id "g185.t1"; gene_id "g185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1153732 1154281 0.71 - . transcript_id "g185.t1"; gene_id "g185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1152032 1152115 1 - 0 transcript_id "g185.t1"; gene_id "g185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1152177 1152700 1 - 2 transcript_id "g185.t1"; gene_id "g185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1152771 1153318 1 - 1 transcript_id "g185.t1"; gene_id "g185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1153386 1153731 1 - 2 transcript_id "g185.t1"; gene_id "g185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1154282 1154414 0.57 - 0 transcript_id "g185.t1"; gene_id "g185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1154412 1154414 . - 0 transcript_id "g185.t1"; gene_id "g185"; # protein sequence = [MSSGCIEPPVTPVGRDELELKRQRLYTELLRAAHAAVEHSVAVRDNEPEAKPSAAVDHLESICERLETLVDRLERTLT # APQPIELPTPTLPPPPAEEEEALPVFEKAETPPPPPSPPSSNMSVAGFEDIVAGPLSQYLTLSAKIGGDVAQHAELVKSAFGSQLQYVTLATQIAQPA # QPKQAELLKPTSTQISAIQDFREKHRSSPFFNHLSAISESIPALGWVCVEKTPGPYVKEMNDAGQFYTNRVLKEWKEKDVTHVEWARAWVQTLTELQA # YIRQYHTTGLVWSGKGAAPAGGAPPPPPPGGLPPPPPMLDLSALKLDSAGDDRSALFAQINQGADITKGLKKVTGDMQTHKNPSLRTGPAPFKSPAQS # GGSKAVAAPSAAQAKAPVFERDGKKWIIEYQKNNTGLLVENAEMNNVVYVFKCEGSTLTVKGKVNNIVFDSCKKCSLLFDSVVASVEFVNCQSVQMQV # LGSVPTVSIDKTDGCQMYLSKDSLGVEIVNSKSSEMNILLPDDSGDYTELALPEQYKTTIAGKTLKTVCVDSLG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 77.8 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 143 # E: 1 # W: 142 # end gene g185 # start gene g186 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1154500 1158215 0.85 - . g186 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1154500 1158215 0.85 - . g186.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1154500 1154502 . - 0 transcript_id "g186.t1"; gene_id "g186"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1155054 1155727 1 - . transcript_id "g186.t1"; gene_id "g186"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1156009 1158078 1 - . transcript_id "g186.t1"; gene_id "g186"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1154500 1155053 0.85 - 2 transcript_id "g186.t1"; gene_id "g186"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1155728 1156008 1 - 1 transcript_id "g186.t1"; gene_id "g186"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1158079 1158215 1 - 0 transcript_id "g186.t1"; gene_id "g186"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1158213 1158215 . - 0 transcript_id "g186.t1"; gene_id "g186"; # protein sequence = [MYAWSHQRPRQVIIFAISPVFATQLLVSSNWNTTADPCKFISSKRRVLSTGKAQPHACKMFSCCRSNPKAGKKEKEKR # NAEEENGGQVTEKEEPQLNGKPGTPKEEPEPVKPEKELLEAHNPEDVPTSTQPNTGTDATLTQPTQAEAASKSSPANPALAPKEPEPLARSTHSSTST # APPASMTSGDAEEADEVVVVATVTPTTPPPQPPPTKSCLSRHNSTHQSIKKKVNISNRAEIIEPDPLPLLLLASQNQGSLLDDDEVFSDSLPPPKRES # MCAPYIEGDVVSETLFFAHGLPSWFDDERLNDMYAYPRSCFGFTPKISI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 40 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 33 # E: 1 # W: 32 # end gene g186 # start gene g187 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1158678 1158977 0.74 - . g187 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1158678 1158977 0.74 - . g187.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1158678 1158680 . - 0 transcript_id "g187.t1"; gene_id "g187"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1158678 1158977 0.74 - 0 transcript_id "g187.t1"; gene_id "g187"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1158975 1158977 . - 0 transcript_id "g187.t1"; gene_id "g187"; # protein sequence = [MLRRSGAVSRTAVVSSARNPLLLLLRFPVTVYTSGHNLQTAGGPGIRAFQRCRLPTHAHPGSLRYLFSHLRRGCILLS # ERNQVLSDALRKNNENTCSSV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 30 # E: 1 # W: 29 # end gene g187 # start gene g188 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1159042 1160100 0.74 + . g188 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1159042 1160100 0.74 + . g188.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1159042 1159044 . + 0 transcript_id "g188.t1"; gene_id "g188"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1159468 1159755 1 + . transcript_id "g188.t1"; gene_id "g188"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1159042 1159467 0.74 + 0 transcript_id "g188.t1"; gene_id "g188"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1159756 1160100 1 + 0 transcript_id "g188.t1"; gene_id "g188"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1160098 1160100 . + 0 transcript_id "g188.t1"; gene_id "g188"; # protein sequence = [MWRLRERLNALAVRSYDLWRSKAAREAHERRVLADCRSQLTKTPQHLVLVISPVDAGVDAVLLSRIFDFALDVGIKHV # SLYDRRTKGRGYVDMADLCRSTNADTGSCLKWPPVASPSKLENQPKNGQKTNGYVNGSHSPQLQLHQISASDGHALIADVCRELYEDSKTELVQSLLK # QKREALTEQISDMLSKRLGFEAPEPELGIVFARQTCTYGLLPWHARFTEFHTHPSGRHFDVETFASILCKYSRCEQRWGT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 76 # W: 76 # end gene g188 # start gene g189 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1160444 1164316 0.7 - . g189 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1160444 1164316 0.7 - . g189.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1160444 1160446 . - 0 transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1161220 1161289 1 - . transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1161870 1161926 1 - . transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1162147 1162999 1 - . transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1163150 1163759 1 - . transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1163855 1164313 0.7 - . transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1160444 1161219 1 - 2 transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1161290 1161869 1 - 0 transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1161927 1162146 1 - 1 transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1163000 1163149 1 - 1 transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1163760 1163854 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1164314 1164316 0.7 - 0 transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1164314 1164316 . - 0 transcript_id "g189.t1"; gene_id "g189"; # protein sequence = [MDVQLQVFEPSDPSVCAKQRLLFELEPFNFPQGSPHAVDSLTNLRSHRRTKPTMAGGSRPLQLVLLVLVALAQWQPIA # AGLVSNEELRGTIQSLIYSYNQLDNKLERHEHRERALGELLKKALQSLQKGQKSLEPINGIFGRLDERVSQIETMLITQEEKYNSQSDRFNQATEHMF # KWMRENDECFKRPPVSANMIAPPAAAAPPAIPKEFLEDQKRLNAKLLEEIQKLSASVAALKESSQKASDQTQKRLEGLPKAPELLSQIEAKLQEHAAS # VTTAAPPKNAEFEAQLLERLTSLGGQVSSLSETVQRPAAPVGLSETDRAYIQELNNDTLNALAQLKSESSVEQKSAATEATERLQQAEANIQADVRQL # SADVGILNKHFASTNESNAKLNEGLEALGKFNNIMMTNSEVVLDTQRKVDFGTLNVVQRVGKLLAEEMATLSGLLKERFSSLDGAVVSIQQEANKNIS # GLLETELNQVWHRIEIMAGEISQSRLMLGDIQSASDGYNNSTLITMMGLGSRVEETKKHMIDMDENLNYLLGKLSLMSTEFASIKKGLADSLEDLRNS # FHGLHERMPTGPGPHNIDKNTYLTDVNLLSKRHAEPGRE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 81.8 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 4 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 188 # W: 188 # end gene g189 # start gene g190 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1164540 1166361 0.94 + . g190 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1164540 1166361 0.94 + . g190.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1164540 1164542 . + 0 transcript_id "g190.t1"; gene_id "g190"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1165081 1165138 1 + . transcript_id "g190.t1"; gene_id "g190"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1164540 1165080 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g190.t1"; gene_id "g190"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1165139 1166361 1 + 2 transcript_id "g190.t1"; gene_id "g190"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1166359 1166361 . + 0 transcript_id "g190.t1"; gene_id "g190"; # protein sequence = [MPTLIALDASLSMLRPVPGRNEHTYQSLATKGIQHLLDNLTAAGKLEHVALLSYSTTAELKVDFTRDYDQVRQAVKKV # EPVDKACLMSMLKAVVSIMSPWGNQNILQVVVFTDCGLGFGNTSITGFLEAYAEKESEPEFGFLKTLANYNLNFICLGLHGDYYFTRGLAVYQQLLDK # VSLKGQLFMTKPAKSSDAVEGNPNPNPNPSHKSELGRTTVFELIERLCEASYKSSEVTLKCGSYFRMEASVLLWPPTAPYEQKSHIFGREPTIRHTDQ # KIEVCGFLSLSDIGSPATLSRHWVLPKVEREKSGSSRRSGNLSAAAKPPKLNLDTSNPNYELEKLEADIKEFYAKDSKDTEESGDDDVTIVLKPGPQT # EQQKENLCVLLHGALKMENMAALVRVGDKWYGFIYAFTDSKKKSNLMLNILPPGTNVIPWLGDLESLGFPEDLAPGETASFPVRADRRSYSQSSVVWI # RQASLQSDVQKVLRHAKKMPDKTQHFYKELNRIRRAALALGFVELLEALAMLLEKECAHLSLNGASNDCTLQLQHAATELRKTSNRDMKSMIVPLQKV # GASDAGSTAATAPAPAYMY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 129 # W: 129 # end gene g190 # start gene g191 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1166560 1167162 1 + . g191 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1166560 1167162 1 + . g191.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1166560 1166562 . + 0 transcript_id "g191.t1"; gene_id "g191"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1166923 1166982 1 + . transcript_id "g191.t1"; gene_id "g191"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1166560 1166922 1 + 0 transcript_id "g191.t1"; gene_id "g191"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1166983 1167162 1 + 0 transcript_id "g191.t1"; gene_id "g191"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1167160 1167162 . + 0 transcript_id "g191.t1"; gene_id "g191"; # protein sequence = [MGSPELPSDPGQEGLPTPPVDHPRGGVESEDDDDSDAYDGYQPLALDEENDAADPEEMSREQETPSADNDEDVDLMTA # PVTHGDPNMPAIEPADVEIERQVWSEPRPRELQMDLDKTRTEQILKAMSTITLPNITVPDWARGVPEEHWKHELLDRINNRHHPPEPSTSSSRESHQH # SKKE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 50 # W: 50 # end gene g191 # start gene g192 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1167243 1169785 1 - . g192 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1167243 1169785 1 - . g192.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1167243 1167245 . - 0 transcript_id "g192.t1"; gene_id "g192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1167955 1168011 1 - . transcript_id "g192.t1"; gene_id "g192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1168639 1168694 1 - . transcript_id "g192.t1"; gene_id "g192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1169562 1169627 1 - . transcript_id "g192.t1"; gene_id "g192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1167243 1167954 1 - 1 transcript_id "g192.t1"; gene_id "g192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1168012 1168638 1 - 1 transcript_id "g192.t1"; gene_id "g192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1168695 1169561 1 - 1 transcript_id "g192.t1"; gene_id "g192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1169628 1169785 1 - 0 transcript_id "g192.t1"; gene_id "g192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1169783 1169785 . - 0 transcript_id "g192.t1"; gene_id "g192"; # protein sequence = [MEPSLDNYKLSCELLGHSMDVRAVAVGPPTPEGRQTILSGSRDKSTKVWKPHGNEYLESLTLQDHKNFISYICFLESE # RWICTASNDATICIYKQDGFVPLLTLKGHESTVCALSAGLEPRSLISGSWDKTARVWTISEAGDVSFVALEGHEAAVWAVATLKEQRKYVTGGADRNI # YYWNAKGEKLRLLKGHTDCVRGVMGLDANTLLSCGNDAVLRFWNEDGECVREMNGHSNYIYSMARNEALGDQVVVSCGEDSTLRMWNVITGDELGAPI # IHPGISVWSVTCLQNGDIVTGCSDGVVRVFSHVPARQASEAVLKAFDLVVATRKSQINEEIGGVKKTDLPGPEALLSNGTREGQTKMVRHADGSVKCY # TWTLGNWNLVGDVTGATGGTQSNSGKKLHEGKEYDFVFSVDISDTEPPIKLPYNRSDDPWQAAQTFIHRHSLPQAYLDQVANFIIKNSEGPVLMEQAP # TGYQDPFTGGSRYVPGSSNTNMGSGGNVDPFTGASSYSTASSNAQSQVDVNFVRSGDKHFPVSNYRIFDTCDAKKVLEKMIEFNGKLSLPDGRVGEEV # LLAVIKLADQSPELDLTSLEALAILLKWPASMQFPVLDILRLAVRNEAIFSVLNNSHNFLATVIPQLSGSAPNQLMVVRCLANIMSHAAGRQNVMSRL # AEIIDLVGAIKTGSANLQIAVATFYLNLTISQTLDVAKSEVCHVVTSGIVELLKWAKDLEACYRSMQAIGNLTTTSCGQETIAQVVSVDYVMDKLREL # TITPQDKNFSKVNSVGQALLAVF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 229 # W: 229 # end gene g192 # start gene g193 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1170234 1170765 1 + . g193 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1170234 1170765 1 + . g193.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1170234 1170236 . + 0 transcript_id "g193.t1"; gene_id "g193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1170364 1170418 1 + . transcript_id "g193.t1"; gene_id "g193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1170554 1170610 1 + . transcript_id "g193.t1"; gene_id "g193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1170234 1170363 1 + 0 transcript_id "g193.t1"; gene_id "g193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1170419 1170553 1 + 2 transcript_id "g193.t1"; gene_id "g193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1170611 1170765 1 + 2 transcript_id "g193.t1"; gene_id "g193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1170763 1170765 . + 0 transcript_id "g193.t1"; gene_id "g193"; # protein sequence = [MGGKSYYCDYCCCFLKNDLNVRKLHNGGIAHAIAKSNYLKRYEDPKKILTEERQKTPCKRYFGSYCKFETYCKFTHYS # GDNLRELEKLVLARKKRKSRKKTNKCKRWPWKTHLRKGLPPSLQPINPEKLKQTDFELSWG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 16 # W: 16 # end gene g193 # start gene g194 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1170793 1172619 1 - . g194 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1170793 1172619 1 - . g194.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1170793 1170795 . - 0 transcript_id "g194.t1"; gene_id "g194"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1170957 1171029 1 - . transcript_id "g194.t1"; gene_id "g194"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1171644 1171713 1 - . transcript_id "g194.t1"; gene_id "g194"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1171914 1172022 1 - . transcript_id "g194.t1"; gene_id "g194"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1170793 1170956 1 - 2 transcript_id "g194.t1"; gene_id "g194"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1171030 1171643 1 - 1 transcript_id "g194.t1"; gene_id "g194"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1171714 1171913 1 - 0 transcript_id "g194.t1"; gene_id "g194"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1172023 1172619 1 - 0 transcript_id "g194.t1"; gene_id "g194"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1172617 1172619 . - 0 transcript_id "g194.t1"; gene_id "g194"; # protein sequence = [MKKVLLTKAQHIQPVVASSSDVLVIKPVGSLRVISISAPHSASTYIQRKSFQPVYEDIFKLLMKIPDKALTQRVIDAI # NESNNNDKVAISNHGKQCSCGVQKVDSSTQTDWDTEETHMPGITNNSCEAKGNRHSHMTSSSSEPIKPPVDPTKVPKKRGRKRNTCVPQVVKRSAAEM # ALKEREEKQLTPVITKRKKRDVTQAQNFESYQITNKTPVRRNSTLSDISFNSDELTRVENFISGNTEDRIIRIMANEFRKSHIMSEEGLLPIHEEILH # GDVYGVKRQIFVCCHAKMDINELLTRDGEDCLELALTNDTDTEIVSLILDARMMTDHLYENSNTALHLAVINHINIESIRLLLRRIDLNSLLLTNDDG # YTVLHLAVRNNQFLVVEAILDSIDERELGETVYRRTLEAANPNEWDEKGFAKYYDRACERLELNKTLLKNRAHKRDVINASEARGGNPPLFYAVEGEQ # EHLCYFLLAHLADPDEENLSGHSPKSYHYEYARTLRINLKVARVMEKVISILNT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 114 # W: 114 # end gene g194 # start gene g195 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1172765 1177372 0.59 + . g195 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1172765 1177372 0.59 + . g195.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1172765 1172767 . + 0 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1172814 1173087 0.59 + . transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1173320 1173379 1 + . transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1173830 1173883 1 + . transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1174131 1174196 1 + . transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1174267 1174496 1 + . transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1174571 1174909 1 + . transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1174988 1175046 1 + . transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1175174 1175286 1 + . transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1175524 1175578 1 + . transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1176044 1176100 1 + . transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1176882 1176941 1 + . transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1177192 1177255 1 + . transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1172765 1172813 0.65 + 0 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1173088 1173319 0.65 + 2 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1173380 1173829 1 + 1 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1173884 1174130 1 + 1 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1174197 1174266 1 + 0 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1174497 1174570 1 + 2 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1174910 1174987 1 + 0 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1175047 1175173 1 + 0 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1175287 1175523 1 + 2 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1175579 1176043 1 + 2 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1176101 1176881 1 + 2 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1176942 1177191 1 + 1 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1177256 1177372 1 + 0 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1177370 1177372 . + 0 transcript_id "g195.t1"; gene_id "g195"; # protein sequence = [MASSGTRTLLNTAPKDGTGIKILRLSYQTDREGFRIEALLPLVPAQRLCQSKSAMDSSSRRSFSGGSENEGGRGSDYY # RSRPGSRYSRSRSRSRERNRSHGGIRHRNSRSRSRDRDRSPVFRNDQHRGGRGGAGNGDPDLYHSLINDDYRDQDERNYNSRSNFENRQFRRHDSFDR # RHRDRDGESDRELNDYEYEQRSRDLDSRDRSSTDRDWYHNRSRSREHSRPWNRNNNHDDRSRSNERNTRHRDHRMYNGGGSNHNRDRDRDRDREQDRE # RDRDRDRDRERRGSSDYDSDEGHMRRNKYRSTTEALNIIIIFGLTKEMTRADIMSELIKVNMEPACIRIIRKQGTDSSRGIAFVEFNTVEEAKQWMDI # TQGVLKLNDERVSMRYSHKRIQDWNCNKCGVCNFKFRFYCFVCKTSREDSETTFSSGSEGVDEVSTILTKKIMLRNLDALTNEEAVLTALQLHLKDLS # KTVSKVLISRDSLTQASRGICYLHFDTLVDSMNVHNALTALDPPLTLDDRVVAITYCIDLEEQQALPKNPKELAVKDSTVNSGNISAVSPSGLGGNYT # LADVPRLAEYSASLYASNPAEHAYYVQYYTEYYTADINKNNRDSHLTEANSGAAVALSAIQRKQKKMSSIETTITAAATAAAQAAAQVKATLAAQVAS # APKGNDGKIYPTPDVTQYQYDETSGYYYDSTTGLYYNAHSQYYYNNETGAYLYWDQRRSTYVLATPASTQAALQEVLADAEQKGEEESKKAKEKEGGN # KHDKVKVAKKIVKDMEKWAKQLNQKKDYTAVATPQPILANEVATTSRGNQGGYADVGFSILEKKERGKLNDYAPNPTVGPMNKLVNAYGGTSDSEEDN # AASSQNTQSSAVVSGGGGAEESDYVDFHKLTCLLCKRAFQSLEILQKHLKMSTLHKENLAKLNQNTSSSIEEALAYRDRAKERRLKYGESDPPPPNRS # RERFEQEIKTLQSRQKQSTSATPAMPISSSNVGSRLLQKMGWSEGQGLGRKNQGRTQIIEADGRSNYVGLGNKSGQMIPGNDYKSYIKKMMKQRYENA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 92 # CDS exons: 12/13 # W: 12 # CDS introns: 11/12 # E: 11 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 11 # E: 11 # incompatible hint groups: 337 # W: 337 # end gene g195 # start gene g196 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1177950 1182286 0.96 + . g196 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1177950 1182286 0.96 + . g196.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1177950 1177952 . + 0 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1178045 1178107 1 + . transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1178468 1178840 1 + . transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1179070 1179126 1 + . transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1179197 1179451 1 + . transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1179526 1179859 1 + . transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1179938 1179996 1 + . transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1180124 1180212 1 + . transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1180450 1180512 1 + . transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1180927 1180994 1 + . transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1181794 1181854 1 + . transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1182105 1182169 1 + . transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1177950 1178044 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1178108 1178467 1 + 1 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1178841 1179069 1 + 1 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1179127 1179196 1 + 0 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1179452 1179525 1 + 2 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1179860 1179937 1 + 0 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1179997 1180123 1 + 0 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1180213 1180449 1 + 2 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1180513 1180926 1 + 2 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1180995 1181793 1 + 2 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1181855 1182104 1 + 1 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1182170 1182286 1 + 0 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1182284 1182286 . + 0 transcript_id "g196.t1"; gene_id "g196"; # protein sequence = [MDSRYGHSFSGGNGNGSESGYRRYSRSRSRSRERSRDRNEYRRRNSRSRSRERSSHYRNDRSPDRDLYRDLINEDYED # QGNYNSRQNLDQRHGEDKYDRRHADSQGRRDHDSNYDKSGQDMDKDRDHRWKNYDRVSRERNHDDFDRGSERSSRSNDQRQFNNNGNSNSSSSYRDRE # KERDRDRRCSSDEDSDMASEFRQRGAYNSGSSVEPLNNIILFGLKKHVTEADIMGELIKVDLEPTSIRVMRKQQTGASRCFAFVEFKTVEEATRWMEL # TQGVLQLGDHRVTMQYSHTRISDWTCIKCGASNFKRRFQCYMCNASRAESENALYGAGEGVDEISQILTKKIMLRGLDALTNEEGVLTALQQRLPELA # KTVSKVLVSRDALTNASRGICYLNFDTLIDSMNVFNGLTALDPPLTLDDKTVIVTYCIDSENRQMMPAEGNFFRAGETAMSPSAITAAYTLADVPRLA # EYSASVYASNPLEHANYVQYYTDYYTTEISKNCRDRQVTEANSGAAVALSAIQRKQRKVSQMETTVSVTEAKVAFLARGESAPKGNDGKKYDTPDVSK # YQYDETSGYYYDHVTGLYYDAHSQYYYNNETGAYLYWDQKRSTYVLATPASTQAALKEVLADAEKKEEEAKKAKEKEKEKEEAGGKPDKVKVAKKIVK # DMEKWAKQLNQKKDYTAVATPQPILSDTEAATTSRASQGAYADVGFSILEKKELGKLNDYVPEAGPPAISKLVGAYGGPSDSEDDNSANQKALEASVG # TKRAISDESDYVDFQKLTCLLCMRAFQSLDILQKHLKMSNLHKENLDKLKRNPAVEAGTDEGLSYRDRAKERRLKYGESDPPPPNRSRERFEQEIKTL # QSRQKDSFGATAAMPISSTNVGSRLMQKMGWSEGQGLGKKNQGRTEIIEADGRSNNVGLGNNTGHMAPGNDYKSYIKKMMKQRYENA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 12/12 # W: 12 # CDS introns: 11/11 # E: 11 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 12 # E: 11 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 258 # W: 258 # end gene g196 # start gene g197 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1182495 1183919 1 - . g197 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1182495 1183919 1 - . g197.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1182495 1182497 . - 0 transcript_id "g197.t1"; gene_id "g197"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1183472 1183528 1 - . transcript_id "g197.t1"; gene_id "g197"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1182495 1183471 1 - 2 transcript_id "g197.t1"; gene_id "g197"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1183529 1183919 1 - 0 transcript_id "g197.t1"; gene_id "g197"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1183917 1183919 . - 0 transcript_id "g197.t1"; gene_id "g197"; # protein sequence = [MSTQQQQLDYIERHLVYDIFKNFGPSASLESHSVECSNGLDGFMSALYTVTLDVVIAERKRTEVVLVKFMKGTEEFRE # SSNSYIQFSNEIFAYAEILPAYENVLRTSHLESEVVKNWVPCCYFARFGHVEGLGNGRESVLALKHLKGDGYQLGPRLTLRRDQLEAMVGLVGPFHAL # GYATKILQPNVHARLRAGVVDMPFVSSSGKGIFDVLYRVAFDRFYEFYDRQKEQLLQGADPGFGAAIERLREKYFKQPTLLLERIRTSSFAEDQPDSH # FATFLHGDYNRNNVLFHYGAEDKVDAIKAIDFQELRFSTTAIDLSFFMYMNTPSEGRKEIYADLLRKYHRSMIEMLELVLRRNRNELTDDRVDQLLQE # YSFERFNAHFKRYAFYGPMVCMHFLPWLLGTEKDCAELSRLFETDMHGPAFHQLSLDIAGDEANQEIFKTVRHAYEHGYMDEI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 130 # W: 130 # end gene g197 # start gene g198 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1184166 1185517 1 + . g198 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1184166 1185517 1 + . g198.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1184166 1184168 . + 0 transcript_id "g198.t1"; gene_id "g198"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1184255 1184322 1 + . transcript_id "g198.t1"; gene_id "g198"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1184166 1184254 1 + 0 transcript_id "g198.t1"; gene_id "g198"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1184323 1185517 1 + 1 transcript_id "g198.t1"; gene_id "g198"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1185515 1185517 . + 0 transcript_id "g198.t1"; gene_id "g198"; # protein sequence = [MGPSHIPPLTYKVVAECSVSKARAGLMTLRHSEVNTPVFMPVGTQGTLKGIVPDQLIELNCQILLGNTYHLGLRPGIE # TLKKAGGLHKFMGWPRAILTDSGGFQMVSLLQLAEIDEHGVNFRSPFDNSQCMLTPEHSIEIQNAIGGDIMMQLDDVVKTTTTGPRVEEAMERTIRWV # DRCIEAHARDDDQSLFPIVQGGLDVPLRQRCVSALMERQVRGFAVGGLSGGESKHDFWRMVDVCTGYLPKDKPRYLMGVGFAADLVVCVALGIDMFDC # VFPTRTARFGCALVDSGQLNLKQPKYKLDMEPIDKDCDCSTCRRYTRSYLHHIATNESVSSSLLSIHNVAYQLRLMRSMREAIQRDEFPQFVADFMAR # HFKAEPVPAWIREALSAVNIQLPADPERIDEQDQKPKTEKRRETEDVAEEQVASS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 110 # W: 110 # end gene g198 # start gene g199 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1191684 1196443 1 + . g199 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1191684 1196443 1 + . g199.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1191684 1191686 . + 0 transcript_id "g199.t1"; gene_id "g199"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1191910 1191969 1 + . transcript_id "g199.t1"; gene_id "g199"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1192199 1192255 1 + . transcript_id "g199.t1"; gene_id "g199"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1192626 1196215 1 + . transcript_id "g199.t1"; gene_id "g199"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1191684 1191909 1 + 0 transcript_id "g199.t1"; gene_id "g199"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1191970 1192198 1 + 2 transcript_id "g199.t1"; gene_id "g199"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1192256 1192625 1 + 1 transcript_id "g199.t1"; gene_id "g199"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1196216 1196443 1 + 0 transcript_id "g199.t1"; gene_id "g199"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1196441 1196443 . + 0 transcript_id "g199.t1"; gene_id "g199"; # protein sequence = [MGKDYYKILGLPKTATDDEIKKAYRKLALRYHPDKNKAANAEDKFKEVAEAYEVLSDKSKREVYDKYGEDGLKSGGTR # NGGPSSNSFTYQFHGDPRATFAQFFGNSNPFASFFDMGDNLFDKKVFDLDTEPDFFSSPFGGIGSRHGLGSGFRPSFRSHSFNVHTPFKKEQKQDPPV # EHDLYVTLEEIYHGCVKKMKISRRIVQADGSSRKEEKFLAISIKPGWKSGTKVTFQKEGDQAPGKIPADIVFIIRDKPHAMFKREGSDLRYTARLTLK # QALCGVVFQVPTMSGDKLRISTMQEIIKPNTVKRIQGYGLPFPKDTTRKGDLLVAFDIQFPEKLTAAQKEVLKDML] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 82 # W: 82 # end gene g199 # start gene g200 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1196463 1199138 0.6 - . g200 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1196463 1199138 0.6 - . g200.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1196463 1196465 . - 0 transcript_id "g200.t1"; gene_id "g200"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1196536 1198659 0.68 - . transcript_id "g200.t1"; gene_id "g200"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1196463 1196535 0.73 - 1 transcript_id "g200.t1"; gene_id "g200"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1198660 1199138 0.6 - 0 transcript_id "g200.t1"; gene_id "g200"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1199136 1199138 . - 0 transcript_id "g200.t1"; gene_id "g200"; # protein sequence = [MEKNLWNTLQEVEQVEVAFKQTLRNITDIQNRYKTVSALKSKASRRQESFEAEIQGAITAPNPAKKRRVVKKSKINIL # KQRSLLPMPVPNLRSETILQVEEPFVCLETNCVYEIHKTTTHLMARKPYGALIRRLYRSARRKRMYDQEQEQDQEQVEEQDLAFEWMTKSLDSPKDCG # CIGVVGQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 25 # RM: 1 # W: 24 # end gene g200 # start gene g201 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1200235 1200626 0.35 - . g201 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1200235 1200626 0.35 - . g201.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1200235 1200237 . - 0 transcript_id "g201.t1"; gene_id "g201"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1200506 1200621 0.35 - . transcript_id "g201.t1"; gene_id "g201"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1200235 1200505 0.81 - 1 transcript_id "g201.t1"; gene_id "g201"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1200622 1200626 0.35 - 0 transcript_id "g201.t1"; gene_id "g201"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1200624 1200626 . - 0 transcript_id "g201.t1"; gene_id "g201"; # protein sequence = [MVFSISVYNVKFGLYCIIVLIEDALEDRGVVVHDDGGRGAEVHGAAVRGVVARDAVARGVEDHGAVAHGGEVHGVVAH # DDGGGRGAVEVAS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 31 # W: 31 # end gene g201 # start gene g202 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1200860 1201102 0.54 + . g202 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1200860 1201102 0.54 + . g202.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1200860 1200862 . + 0 transcript_id "g202.t1"; gene_id "g202"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1200860 1201102 0.54 + 0 transcript_id "g202.t1"; gene_id "g202"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1201100 1201102 . + 0 transcript_id "g202.t1"; gene_id "g202"; # protein sequence = [MPPPPPHHHHNPPPHGPPPHGPPHHGPPHHEPQPPFHTPVHPIYHEPPHGNSSGYNPPPPHGPYPYGPGYVAPGPPMH # PR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 25 # W: 25 # end gene g202 # start gene g203 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1209130 1209981 0.7 + . g203 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1209130 1209981 0.7 + . g203.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1209130 1209132 . + 0 transcript_id "g203.t1"; gene_id "g203"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1209368 1209970 0.7 + . transcript_id "g203.t1"; gene_id "g203"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1209130 1209367 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g203.t1"; gene_id "g203"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1209971 1209981 0.7 + 2 transcript_id "g203.t1"; gene_id "g203"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1209979 1209981 . + 0 transcript_id "g203.t1"; gene_id "g203"; # protein sequence = [MVAPVCARHPLQFLPRSTEDGDAVGLDAGVGYVVEVKQQRRQPTWKPQKQKQTPTQTPRKTRPQPDGKDPGILGAEWR # GVEA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g203 # start gene g204 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1219363 1229471 0.99 + . g204 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1219363 1229471 0.99 + . g204.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1219363 1219365 . + 0 transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1219592 1219656 1 + . transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1220036 1227701 1 + . transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1227764 1227827 1 + . transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1228138 1228191 1 + . transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1228409 1228464 1 + . transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1228653 1228713 1 + . transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1229186 1229252 1 + . transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1219363 1219591 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1219657 1220035 1 + 2 transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1227702 1227763 1 + 1 transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1227828 1228137 1 + 2 transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1228192 1228408 1 + 1 transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1228465 1228652 1 + 0 transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1228714 1229185 1 + 1 transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1229253 1229471 1 + 0 transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1229469 1229471 . + 0 transcript_id "g204.t1"; gene_id "g204"; # protein sequence = [MIVALIGIMGVGVLTTAQTYSSKDLLTWMQSSNFGYQVLQQALNDNQSSSAAEASCLAEVRLLLTGAEAKSLPALRVF # DAWGKFPQGLLYGHFMDMGNYESCLSLDLSKSLGNVMTINAGAKYCLSRMQFESLLMEAAGADALTLSIGTCIPSSCSAAQLSRWMSGHLKDMFGQNS # TEATLVQEKDCSLAHRDPMNGLDWLAVSILILLCIVVLLATILDYSCVSNKLLSSFSLRKNVPQLLKTSNTPSPRVIPCLNGIRCLTIIWIILGHGYM # YLLLAPTINAYDIVAWAQMPFSMILQSGTTSVDTFFLLSGLLLVLSALREMDRSKGRLHVPLMYLHRLVRLTPVLALAVLIFMTLFPRLDSGPLWNQF # TSSSELCSDTWWATLLYVQNYAAPGRMCLGHSWYLAVDMQLYIISPLLLIALYKWGKKAIAGIVLLILLLSGCVFGIVMLRDLKVFDRYGNLGGDSTE # MRLIYYTTHARATPWLIGLLFGYFLHHQNVRKTRLPKWLALVLWILSLSMLATVIFAVYPYTQSGAGDISAMAGAFYLCCSRIAWPLALCWIIWACQN # GLAPIVNEFLSWSFWQPLSKLSYCLYIWHLLVETVHIARIKTSLHFSDYDAILRFWSDFGITLFVSMFMHLCVEVPLGRLEMELLKRCQKKEDSPESP # RVDPSTEPTEVIPATSISRQNLVDP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 93.3 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 6/7 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 6 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 87 # W: 87 # end gene g204 # start gene g205 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1240068 1242145 0.93 + . g205 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1240068 1242145 0.93 + . g205.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1240068 1240070 . + 0 transcript_id "g205.t1"; gene_id "g205"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1240971 1241050 1 + . transcript_id "g205.t1"; gene_id "g205"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1240068 1240970 0.95 + 0 transcript_id "g205.t1"; gene_id "g205"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1241051 1242145 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g205.t1"; gene_id "g205"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1242143 1242145 . + 0 transcript_id "g205.t1"; gene_id "g205"; # protein sequence = [MQSQLKRNTLLLLLLSVVILASCKSGGDAHVRVKRIVGGKQSKAPPVDDPVIFARLFDRDARVEGFRNPSTGIYSFLG # MHYAEPPVGPLRYSRPVYKRLAGDFNATKHGPPCIQPHPQFPQRIIGDEDCLLLNVYTPQMPDETTGLPVFVWIHPGGYRYGSAAQYDATPMAQRGAI # VVAPQYRLGSLGIMGDGTKQFDGNLAMFDLAAALRWVTDYISYFGGNPKQVQAIGHGSGAASAMYLSMSPTSRSAGDVHGVVAMSGTALSQYAMDKEP # VQSVQEVAKINGCPTGNELEIVNCLRSKSAEDIIKNDDKVQTERLAGRALVKGLTGNVGFQPHIESEDDGRALPSLIVGEPEQQLKSSNFSGIPLLTG # VTKHETANSVTVETIEKVFGSAEQFLGSLSDSLNKLTSFLKIDKLTGQIAKPELPGLTSVLTPTLQDVWKVPQALNVDQVLSKVVESTTDVLFNLPAV # LTTQVWSRLAPAFMYSFEYNGTKSKGINFLKGLPIVSETAHDKPETVGHGDEIGYMFDANDIFGNPMEETRLTSAEDLKVRNNLIDLLVKFANKDKEE # GGKSSIFQSVTGKATPFIKIDTKLQTSNDFRFCELSVLGASLSPLSSTSCAGLGNLLGQLGSLGGGLGGTLGGVGSTLGLGGNGGGGKRGGLGLGIL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 152 # W: 152 # end gene g205 # start gene g206 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1256248 1256523 0.41 + . g206 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1256248 1256523 0.41 + . g206.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1256248 1256250 . + 0 transcript_id "g206.t1"; gene_id "g206"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1256248 1256523 0.41 + 0 transcript_id "g206.t1"; gene_id "g206"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1256521 1256523 . + 0 transcript_id "g206.t1"; gene_id "g206"; # protein sequence = [MLLFRLPQFPEFRTGRAAPKAGTHHPANIAVDCSRSPDLKEPHIELAVGRRSVEFWLLPPTVIELKVSACRAFLVPSC # LGQLRGRLDWQQT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g206 # start gene g207 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1280563 1289320 0.15 + . g207 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1280563 1289320 0.15 + . g207.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1280563 1280565 . + 0 transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1280702 1284605 1 + . transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1284891 1285303 0.99 + . transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1285445 1285505 1 + . transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1285638 1285744 1 + . transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1287050 1287160 1 + . transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1287260 1287500 1 + . transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1287742 1288132 0.99 + . transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1288294 1289138 0.56 + . transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1280563 1280701 0.29 + 0 transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1284606 1284890 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1285304 1285444 1 + 2 transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1285506 1285637 1 + 2 transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1285745 1287049 1 + 2 transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1287161 1287259 1 + 2 transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1287501 1287741 1 + 2 transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1288133 1288293 0.85 + 1 transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1289139 1289320 0.52 + 2 transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1289318 1289320 . + 0 transcript_id "g207.t1"; gene_id "g207"; # protein sequence = [MPPSFLIHIFLQVVNSRRETDAGIYWCEAKNELGVARSRNATLQVAVLRDEFRLEPQNTRIAQGDTALLECAAPRGIP # EPTVTWKKGGQKLDLEGSKRVRIVDGGNLAIQDARQTDEGQYQCIAKNPVGVRESSLATLKVHVKPYIIRGPHDQTVLEGASVTFPCRVGGDPMPDVL # WLRTASGGNMPLDRVSVLEDRSLRLERVTIADEGEYSCEADNVVGAITAMGTLTVYAPPKFIQRPASKSVELGADTSFECRAIGNPKPTIFWTIKNNS # TLIFPGAPPLDRFHSLNTEEGHSILTLTRFQRTDKDLVILCNAMNEVASITSRVQLSLDSQEDRPPPIIISGPVNQTLPIKSLATLQCKAIGLPSPTI # SWYRDGIPVQPSSKLNITTSGDLIISDLDRQQDQGLYTCVASSRAGKSTWSGFLRIELPTNPNIKFYRAPEQTKCPSAPGQPKILNATASALTIVWPT # SDKAGASSFLGYSVEMYCTNQSRTWIPIASRLSEPIFTVESLTQGAAYMFIVRAENSLGFSPPSPISEPITAGKLVGVRDGSESTGTSQLLLSDVETL # LQANDVVELLEANASDSTTARLSWDIDSGQYIEGFYLYARELHSSEYKMVTLLNKGQGLSSCTVPGLAKASTYEFFLVPFYKSIVGKPSNSRRMRTLE # DVPEAPPYGMEAIQFNRTSVFLKWLPPQPNRTRNGILTSYNVVVKGLDVHNTTRIFKNMTIDAAAPTLLLANLTTGVTYYIAVAAATRVGVGPFSKPA # VLRIDARTQSLDTGYTRYPISRDIADDFLTQTWFIVLLGSIIAIIVFLLGALVLFKRYQFIKQTSLGSLHDRFTAWIESTQIPRLSRPKVVSEIKCEL # IRSTHLLKLNYRAFAMRLENGVQELLPIEYKK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 41.2 # CDS exons: 2/9 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 5/8 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 5 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 11 # W: 11 # end gene g207 # start gene g208 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1289503 1289769 0.65 + . g208 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1289503 1289769 0.65 + . g208.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1289503 1289505 . + 0 transcript_id "g208.t1"; gene_id "g208"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1289503 1289769 0.65 + 0 transcript_id "g208.t1"; gene_id "g208"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1289767 1289769 . + 0 transcript_id "g208.t1"; gene_id "g208"; # protein sequence = [MEAEPSVPVAQIRQPQLGRVAMACGSIPPAAFGDRQRVAAILAEWARVRQRSNFRDTHRPPPNKDNSPRCYPITRGES # PTVYLLRKLP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g208 # start gene g209 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1292664 1293686 0.73 + . g209 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1292664 1293686 0.73 + . g209.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1292664 1292666 . + 0 transcript_id "g209.t1"; gene_id "g209"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1292664 1293686 0.73 + 0 transcript_id "g209.t1"; gene_id "g209"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1293684 1293686 . + 0 transcript_id "g209.t1"; gene_id "g209"; # protein sequence = [MPDYAEVACSTFKSPTHGAPPMGGGGGGQSASLYDSCGAYATTNVVANVKLYQNRYATKPNQSSGSNNNNHQGNDYQS # TGMYSAPPSAHYGCLEPKQQQQQQQPNLMTTSTASTAILTNSPAKVKKINITENKMDQLEGKSERTNPFNQQQQLLLASNALKQGLGAYANTTLAAQM # ASGGGAGTLRRQRQPKTLYKSENNILGKSGLRQNTMNASVGAPSNGQMDFLTGGPPSEGGDFSGLGLCNSTNQLLNDWASSASIAAPGDYHFGSKQPS # KQHLYVKAKDGTWSAVSSDAYQSFKHQQQHHPFLAGSGDNTKSLASVNSLAGDSKFLSSFGSSANV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # RM: 2 # end gene g209 # start gene g210 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1329178 1329867 0.36 + . g210 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1329178 1329867 0.36 + . g210.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1329178 1329180 . + 0 transcript_id "g210.t1"; gene_id "g210"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1329325 1329381 1 + . transcript_id "g210.t1"; gene_id "g210"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1329178 1329324 0.55 + 0 transcript_id "g210.t1"; gene_id "g210"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1329382 1329867 0.65 + 0 transcript_id "g210.t1"; gene_id "g210"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1329865 1329867 . + 0 transcript_id "g210.t1"; gene_id "g210"; # protein sequence = [MKLPALHLLFLGFICLARSQDNDENVRRIMKEMEVIPEILDEPPRELLRIKYDNTIDIEEGKTYTPTELKFQPRLDWN # ADPESFYTVLMICPDAPNRENPMYRSWLHWLVVNVPGLDIMKGQPISEYFGPLPPKDSGIQRYLILVYQQSDKLDFDEKKMELSNADGHSNFDVMKFT # QKYEMGSPVAGNIFQSRWDEYVPELMKTLYGVSE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 50 # W: 50 # end gene g210 # start gene g211 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1334269 1334763 1 + . g211 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1334269 1334763 1 + . g211.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1334269 1334271 . + 0 transcript_id "g211.t1"; gene_id "g211"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1334269 1334763 1 + 0 transcript_id "g211.t1"; gene_id "g211"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1334761 1334763 . + 0 transcript_id "g211.t1"; gene_id "g211"; # protein sequence = [MEGLFSAEDGTPSCSWTCSNSAVKRIQKELDEITRDPPQYCSAGPKEDNLYEWTSTIIGPADSVYENGIFKLDIFFPV # EYPFAPPVVIFRTPIYHCNIHRLGFICLDILKEKWSPALTISKILLSICSLLTDCNPKDPLMAKIGTEYLKNRAEHDKKARLWTKR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g211 # start gene g212 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1344616 1344885 1 + . g212 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1344616 1344885 1 + . g212.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1344616 1344618 . + 0 transcript_id "g212.t1"; gene_id "g212"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1344616 1344885 1 + 0 transcript_id "g212.t1"; gene_id "g212"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1344883 1344885 . + 0 transcript_id "g212.t1"; gene_id "g212"; # protein sequence = [MSDRKAVIKNADMSEEMQQDAVDCATQALEKYNIEKDIAAFIKKEFDKKYNPTWHCIVGRNFGSYVTHETRHFIYFYL # GQVAILLFKSG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g212 # start gene g213 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1351860 1352549 0.86 - . g213 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1351860 1352549 0.86 - . g213.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1351860 1351862 . - 0 transcript_id "g213.t1"; gene_id "g213"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1351860 1352549 0.86 - 0 transcript_id "g213.t1"; gene_id "g213"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1352547 1352549 . - 0 transcript_id "g213.t1"; gene_id "g213"; # protein sequence = [METAEMAELICRKCDLPVSWESFRFQLNERTSDLIANPTLMPGVERLVTHLGRCCMGLGLITSCSESMYCTKIRDRED # FFQNFSSVICADDADLKAPKPEPDVYLIAMRRLGDAGPDCTLVFDGTPKGVQAATDARLPVVMLAEKDLPCCWSELATLRLETLEEFDPAEFNMPPYS # CTEPPPKKPKASSHRSSQKSAGSQRGSAALKKAAADSEADEGEEEEGEGQEVA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g213 # start gene g214 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1353039 1353626 0.84 - . g214 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1353039 1353626 0.84 - . g214.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1353039 1353041 . - 0 transcript_id "g214.t1"; gene_id "g214"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1353039 1353626 0.84 - 0 transcript_id "g214.t1"; gene_id "g214"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1353624 1353626 . - 0 transcript_id "g214.t1"; gene_id "g214"; # protein sequence = [MDGIERLVPHLRNSCMELGLITSSNEANYCSKIRGREDFFENFSTVVCADDPELRAPKPEPDVYLIAMSRLGDAGPDC # TLVFDGTPKGVQAASDARLPVIMLAEKDLPCCWSELAALRFEYLDDFEPEMYNLPPFTDPAPKRRSSRRRTRYSQRLTVIRARAAEAAAAEEAEAEEE # EPAEPPPPAALPSILNLRE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g214 # start gene g215 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1354181 1354891 0.81 - . g215 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1354181 1354891 0.81 - . g215.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1354181 1354183 . - 0 transcript_id "g215.t1"; gene_id "g215"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1354181 1354891 0.81 - 0 transcript_id "g215.t1"; gene_id "g215"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1354889 1354891 . - 0 transcript_id "g215.t1"; gene_id "g215"; # protein sequence = [MSAEEAGSRQCSFQPVTHCIFELDGLLIDSERLRTETVQRILDPYGHTYSFDLKMRCMGKPDSEQAALIVNTFNLPFS # MTEFENQQELQCRGKMGFIRLMPGVERLLHHLKAFNIPMAIASGCCRDSFRIKTRRHSRPFDVFHHVVLSGSDEEVKRGKPAPDVFLTTASRFEESPE # PSKCLVFESSLVGMEAALSAGMQVVLVPDPLVSFRASAHATLRLRSLEGFKPQYFGLPPL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g215 # start gene g216 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1354974 1355768 1 - . g216 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1354974 1355768 1 - . g216.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1354974 1354976 . - 0 transcript_id "g216.t1"; gene_id "g216"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1355630 1355701 1 - . transcript_id "g216.t1"; gene_id "g216"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1354974 1355629 1 - 2 transcript_id "g216.t1"; gene_id "g216"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1355702 1355768 1 - 0 transcript_id "g216.t1"; gene_id "g216"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1355766 1355768 . - 0 transcript_id "g216.t1"; gene_id "g216"; # protein sequence = [MPTKKCYCPVTHVIFDCDGTLIDSEGIYLKTVQDLLAKYGKTYTKVDQTQHMGMPVGTFSQHIVKDLKLPLSPAEFQK # EFEAAVDKSMGSVALLPGVRDLILHLHEYRIPFCIATSSFRKLFKVKAESFKDIFLAFHHVVCGDDPALGPGRGKPYPDIYLLAASRFNPPADPKKCL # IFEDAPVGLIGGKAAGSQVIFIPTDNVSKQQKKGATMVLKSMADFKPELFGLPPFDTCSKFEFG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g216 # start gene g217 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1358971 1359630 0.66 - . g217 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1358971 1359630 0.66 - . g217.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1358971 1358973 . - 0 transcript_id "g217.t1"; gene_id "g217"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1359111 1359171 1 - . transcript_id "g217.t1"; gene_id "g217"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1359271 1359331 0.98 - . transcript_id "g217.t1"; gene_id "g217"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1359418 1359466 1 - . transcript_id "g217.t1"; gene_id "g217"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1358971 1359110 1 - 2 transcript_id "g217.t1"; gene_id "g217"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1359172 1359270 1 - 2 transcript_id "g217.t1"; gene_id "g217"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1359332 1359417 0.98 - 1 transcript_id "g217.t1"; gene_id "g217"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1359467 1359630 0.67 - 0 transcript_id "g217.t1"; gene_id "g217"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1359628 1359630 . - 0 transcript_id "g217.t1"; gene_id "g217"; # protein sequence = [MTAVGDLDMDRFKGKWYTHSIYPHLSLRVEKCQSTDFIEKEENKFSVVARELNTQTGTVKMRKADILNVEPEFGRYVL # GTTSTAFPEGVLMYVLDTDYVNFAIRFMCFDASKIFSFHWAVIQTRKRLPSTQVIHMAQYFGKSAGLVIGDMSKVPQESCPYDT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 28.6 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g217 # start gene g218 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1360147 1361657 1 - . g218 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1360147 1361657 1 - . g218.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1360147 1360149 . - 0 transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1360374 1360491 1 - . transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1360591 1360656 1 - . transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1360737 1360795 1 - . transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1360927 1361457 1 - . transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1361579 1361640 1 - . transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1360147 1360373 1 - 2 transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1360492 1360590 1 - 2 transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1360657 1360736 1 - 1 transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1360796 1360926 1 - 0 transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1361458 1361578 1 - 1 transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1361641 1361657 1 - 0 transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1361655 1361657 . - 0 transcript_id "g218.t1"; gene_id "g218"; # protein sequence = [MNHHSSSHLLLLISVVFGAVWVAHAQVPFPGKCPDVKLLDTFDAEAYMGVWYEYAAYPFAFEIGKKCIYANYSLIDNS # TVSVVNAAINRFTGQPSNVTGQAKVLGPGQLAVAFYPTQPLTKANYLVLGTDYESYAVVYSCTSVTPLANFKIVWILTRQREPSAEAVDAARKILEDN # DVSQAFLIDTVQKNCPRLDGNGTGLAGEDGLDVDDFVSTTVPNAIEKA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 63 # W: 63 # end gene g218 # start gene g219 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1368242 1368964 0.6 + . g219 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1368242 1368964 0.6 + . g219.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1368242 1368244 . + 0 transcript_id "g219.t1"; gene_id "g219"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1368275 1368365 0.61 + . transcript_id "g219.t1"; gene_id "g219"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1368480 1368529 0.86 + . transcript_id "g219.t1"; gene_id "g219"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1368242 1368274 0.6 + 0 transcript_id "g219.t1"; gene_id "g219"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1368366 1368479 0.86 + 0 transcript_id "g219.t1"; gene_id "g219"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1368530 1368964 1 + 0 transcript_id "g219.t1"; gene_id "g219"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1368962 1368964 . + 0 transcript_id "g219.t1"; gene_id "g219"; # protein sequence = [MFLDDFGNPKEHGTKLLTSADTEIYLPPMWHGTIYSTEKLLDTYKRRFNPDPTLLTFHAMQPYEPEFICVQRTVIELT # LLPAGQSLYSDKDIVVFLIKQPAEMKNSLVTKELSTLLDFFPHNHHYHSIIMNEGIDVVYVDDKIYNNISPTSHQFHRLYNLLRNIQPDDVQSLSGSP # LPDVLRSACRKAAHKTK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g219 # start gene g220 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1381612 1397223 0.9 - . g220 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1381612 1397223 0.9 - . g220.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1381612 1381614 . - 0 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1382633 1384926 0.97 - . transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1385213 1386847 1 - . transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1387012 1387106 1 - . transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1387354 1387430 1 - . transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1387527 1390892 0.99 - . transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1391299 1391388 1 - . transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1391509 1391586 1 - . transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1392525 1392689 1 - . transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1392822 1394191 1 - . transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1394333 1394473 1 - . transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1394759 1395902 1 - . transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1396006 1397061 0.99 - . transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1381612 1382632 1 - 1 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1384927 1385212 1 - 2 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1386848 1387011 1 - 1 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1387107 1387353 1 - 2 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1387431 1387526 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1390893 1391298 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1391389 1391508 1 - 0 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1391587 1392524 1 - 2 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1392690 1392821 1 - 2 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1394192 1394332 1 - 2 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1394474 1394758 1 - 2 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1395903 1396005 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1397062 1397223 1 - 0 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1397221 1397223 . - 0 transcript_id "g220.t1"; gene_id "g220"; # protein sequence = [MDTTVPKNDPFTFNCQAEGNPTPTIQWFKDGRELKTDTGSHRIMLPAGGLFFLKVIHSRRESDAGTYWCEAKNEFGVA # RSRNATLQVAFLRDEFRLEPANTRVAQGEVALMECGAPRGSPEPQISWRKNGQTLNLVGNKRIRIVDGGNLAIQEARQSDDGRYQCVVKNVVGTRESA # TAFLKVHVRPFLIRGPQNQTAVVGSSVVFQCRIGGDPLPDVLWRRTASGGNMPLRRVHVLEDRSLKLDDVTLEDMGEYTCEADNAVGGITATGILTVH # APPKFVIRPKNQLVEIGDEVLFECQANGHPRPTLYWSVEGNSSLLLPGYRDGRMEVTLTPEGRSVLSIARFAREDSGKVVTCNALNAVGSVSSRTVVS # VDTQFELPPPIIEQGPVNQTLPVKSIVVLPCRTLGTPVPQVSWYLDGIPIDVQEHERRNLSDAGALTISDLQRHEDEGLYTCVASNRNGKSSWSGYLR # LDTPTNPNIKFFRAPELSTYPGPPGKPQMVEKGENSVTLSWTRSNKVGGSSLVGYVIEMFGKNETDGWVAVGTRVQNTTFTQTGLLPGVNYFFLIRAE # NSHGLSLPSPMSEPITVGTRYFNSGLDLSEARASLLSGDVVELSNASVVDSTSMKLTWQIINGKYVEGFYVYARQLPNPIVNNPAPVTSNTNPLLGST # STSASASASASALISTKPNIAAAGKRDGETNQSGGGAPTPLNTKYRMLTILNGGGASSCTITGLVQYTLYEFFIVPFYKSVEGKPSNSRIARTLEDVP # SEAPYGMEALLLNSSAVFLKWKAPELKDRHGVLLNYHVIVRGIDTAHNFSRILTNVTIDAASPTLVLANLTEGVMYTVGVAAGNNAGVGPYCVPATLR # LDPITKRLDPFINQRYPINQDHVNDVLTQPWFIILLGAILAVLMLSFGAMVFVKRKHMMMKQSALNTMRGNHTSDVLKMPSLSARNGNGYWLDSSTGG # MVWRPSPGGDSLEMQKDHIADYAPVCGAPGSPAGGGTSSGGSGGAGSGASGGDDIHGGHGSERNQQRYVGEYSNIPTDYAEVSSFGKAPSEYGRHGNA # SPAPYATSSILSPHQQQQQQQPRYQQRPVPGYGLQRPMHPHYQQQQHQQQQAQQTHQQHQALQQHQQLPPSNIYQQMSTTSEIYPTNTGPSRSVYSEQ # YYYPKDKQRHIHITENKLSNCHTYEAAPGAKQSSPISSQFASVRRQQLPPNCSIGRESARFKVLNTDQGKNQQNLLDLDGSSMCYNGLADSGCGGSPS # PMAMLMSHEDEHALYHTADGDLDDMERLYVKVDEQQPPQQQQQLIPLVPQHPAEGHLQSWRNQSTRSSRKNGQECIKEPSELIYAPGSVASERSLLSN # SGSGTSSQPAGHNV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 7/13 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 8/12 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 12 # E: 8 # RM: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 78 # RM: 1 # W: 77 # end gene g220 # start gene g221 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1403014 1403349 0.99 - . g221 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1403014 1403349 0.99 - . g221.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1403014 1403016 . - 0 transcript_id "g221.t1"; gene_id "g221"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1403014 1403349 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g221.t1"; gene_id "g221"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1403347 1403349 . - 0 transcript_id "g221.t1"; gene_id "g221"; # protein sequence = [MEQAENPRKTPSDNGKVAPLNAGRGVGGLGIRTLWRQINNMRTMCEKNLQRQDQTKTKVKMEHLRDRRLSGLEHFPWH # LRAIWLISDSARLDFACSGINLTLKMGDENAAD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g221 # start gene g222 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1442787 1443281 0.99 + . g222 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1442787 1443281 0.99 + . g222.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1442787 1442789 . + 0 transcript_id "g222.t1"; gene_id "g222"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1442787 1443281 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g222.t1"; gene_id "g222"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1443279 1443281 . + 0 transcript_id "g222.t1"; gene_id "g222"; # protein sequence = [MRKYIELFAFLLILKTSLCSNERLESIIDGYGQLIESKEQELLLLESQINDLLKKLDEIKINSVNILELDELRKSLTE # NKEQLKACESKYQNQPSSPGFWNTMKEVIKPKLEEKLKSLSTKNVEANAKSMSAKSEETNETSTWDNIMNNWKDIPRQIIVYFSDN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 49 # W: 49 # end gene g222 # start gene g223 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1492314 1493570 1 + . g223 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1492314 1493570 1 + . g223.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1492314 1492316 . + 0 transcript_id "g223.t1"; gene_id "g223"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1492314 1493570 1 + 0 transcript_id "g223.t1"; gene_id "g223"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1493568 1493570 . + 0 transcript_id "g223.t1"; gene_id "g223"; # protein sequence = [MQSSPKLALALTLVLIWCLAQSHVESRRWRKSVQLKLHRETNHTKILSSFHNQKLRLKEKLSPTSDLAISSVSVYQTT # VSKENLINSHNTEYYVTAGFGTPKSQPVTLLVDTASANLLVYSSEFVKQSCLHHDGYNSSESQTYQANGSPFQIQFASQEILTGILSTDTFTLGDLVI # KNQTFAEINSAPTDMCKRSNFDGIIGLGFSEIALNGVETPLDNILEQGLIDEPIFSLYVNRNASDASNGGVLLLGGSDPTLYSGCLTYVPVSKVGFWQ # ITVGQVEIGSKKLCSNCQAIFDMGTSLIIVPCPALKIINKKLGIKETDRKDGVYIIDCKKVSHLPKIVFNIGWKDFTLNPSDYILNYSGTCVSGFSSL # SDCNGTQTNDDSEDLNNIWVFGDVFFGAIFTLFDFGLKLVGMAPKV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 126 # W: 126 # end gene g223 # start gene g224 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1494146 1495363 1 + . g224 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1494146 1495363 1 + . g224.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1494146 1494148 . + 0 transcript_id "g224.t1"; gene_id "g224"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1494146 1495363 1 + 0 transcript_id "g224.t1"; gene_id "g224"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1495361 1495363 . + 0 transcript_id "g224.t1"; gene_id "g224"; # protein sequence = [MLKWLVLLTILALVSAEIHRIKIHKNQDHKNTRQHRKQAIQALKLKYHQQDVVIIYDDGVPIYMQPDYGYDYPSQTSV # DYTSEELGNSMNMYYYGLIGIGTPEQYFKVVFDTGSANLWVPSAQCLATDVACQQHNQYNSSASSTFVSSGQNFSIQYGTGSVSGYLAIDTVTINGLA # IANQTFGEAVSQPGASFTDVAFDGILGMGYQQIAEDNVVPPFYNLYEEGLIDEPVFGFYLARNGSAVDGGQLTLGGTDQNLIAGEMTYTPVTQQGYWQ # FAVNNITWNGTVISSGCQAIADTGTSLIAAPSAAYIQLNNLIGGVPIQGDYYVPCSTVSSLPVLTINIGGTNFYLPPSVYIQTYTEGNYTTCMSTFTD # IGTGFWILGDVFLGQYYSEFDFGQNRVGFATLA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g224 # start gene g225 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1495747 1496979 1 + . g225 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1495747 1496979 1 + . g225.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1495747 1495749 . + 0 transcript_id "g225.t1"; gene_id "g225"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1495747 1496979 1 + 0 transcript_id "g225.t1"; gene_id "g225"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1496977 1496979 . + 0 transcript_id "g225.t1"; gene_id "g225"; # protein sequence = [MRVRWNHFKLLLFWLTVLAVLAFEAEARKRVRIGLHKNPEPIEENIKNELKTLSIKHNLNVDDTKAKTKTDTKVPGSK # VATLENLYNTEYYTTLGFGNPPQDLKVLIDTGSANLWVLSSKCPDSVAPCANRIKYNSSASTTYRAINTAFNIAYGSNSEEGPIALSGFQSQDTVNFA # GYSIKNQIFAEITNAPETAFLKSQLDGILGLGFASIAINSITPPFYNLMAQGLVNRSVFSIYLNRNGTNAINGGELILGGSDSGLYSGCLTYVPVSSA # GYWQFTMTSANLNGFQFCENCEAILDVGTSLIVVPEQVLDTINQILGVLNPTASNGVFLVDCSSIGDLPDIVFTVARRKFPLKSSDYVLRYGNTCVSG # FTSMNGNSLLILGEIFLGAYYTTYDIVYKLIGLAPAIH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 91 # W: 91 # end gene g225 # start gene g226 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1497254 1498435 1 + . g226 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1497254 1498435 1 + . g226.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1497254 1497256 . + 0 transcript_id "g226.t1"; gene_id "g226"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1497254 1498435 1 + 0 transcript_id "g226.t1"; gene_id "g226"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1498433 1498435 . + 0 transcript_id "g226.t1"; gene_id "g226"; # protein sequence = [MNIRVIILLFCLIVFVGGKKVHRFRLERRSHRHHKIPHAHLHLQFRNALRRKYGFTPLRTVNAVNVTSESGKGVVITE # PLINSYDTNFFGVVSVGDQSFTMQFDTGSSDFWVPSSHCRFCIKTCGNKFFRKSNSKSFRSSGTPFSITYGSGSVKGIVASDNVGFGDLKIQNQGIGL # VNISDSCSVFDGIAGFAFQQLSMTKSVPSFQQMIDQQLVEQPIFSFHLKSGSSDGGSMILGGSNSSLYYGPLTYTNVTEAKYWSFKLDFIAVHGKGSR # SSRTGNKAIMDTGTSLIVGPVLEVLYINKDIGAEHNKTYNLYTVACESIPQLPIIVFGIAGKEFFVKPHTYVIRYDNFCFSAFMDMLGLQYWILGDAF # MRENYVEFDWARRRMGIAPAV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 119 # W: 119 # end gene g226 # start gene g227 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1498666 1500192 0.78 - . g227 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1498666 1500192 0.78 - . g227.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1498666 1498668 . - 0 transcript_id "g227.t1"; gene_id "g227"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1499194 1499557 0.78 - . transcript_id "g227.t1"; gene_id "g227"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1500046 1500113 1 - . transcript_id "g227.t1"; gene_id "g227"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1498666 1499193 0.79 - 0 transcript_id "g227.t1"; gene_id "g227"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1499558 1500045 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g227.t1"; gene_id "g227"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1500114 1500192 1 - 0 transcript_id "g227.t1"; gene_id "g227"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1500190 1500192 . - 0 transcript_id "g227.t1"; gene_id "g227"; # protein sequence = [MSENASNKSQLISNDLDEDETAAATQVNISSQLAKKIWGVTSNDISLGLVEASEEAVPNFPSGCESGTGCEMGSASKP # AASESVSKPAAVDSASIYVTEVERVLYGDTIGYPENGTHNYFKAAENYSLFGESFLDFPKDMASCLAGLKPMVSQAWSSHPGYERSVKSVPLYERRQA # TPEHEGAASNLPGFYHQMRHQAPPQPQLNAPRSHHHIHMPQKQQQVAPQPPPQQQQQQQQQQQYQQQLHRPSVGDLAALSNANPKDFALLYQQLIARN # LRQASQHNQQHSQQAAPQQPQAPNNAAAAAAMIYKNLEFQQQVQLRQLQQLHQQQQQQQQQPRMPRGIYGGNGGQQTAQNGKEHQVGTHK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # RM: 2 # end gene g227 # start gene g228 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1500946 1502628 1 - . g228 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1500946 1502628 1 - . g228.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1500946 1500948 . - 0 transcript_id "g228.t1"; gene_id "g228"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1501037 1501096 1 - . transcript_id "g228.t1"; gene_id "g228"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1501873 1501932 1 - . transcript_id "g228.t1"; gene_id "g228"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1502185 1502610 1 - . transcript_id "g228.t1"; gene_id "g228"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1500946 1501036 1 - 1 transcript_id "g228.t1"; gene_id "g228"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1501097 1501872 1 - 0 transcript_id "g228.t1"; gene_id "g228"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1501933 1502184 1 - 0 transcript_id "g228.t1"; gene_id "g228"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1502611 1502628 1 - 0 transcript_id "g228.t1"; gene_id "g228"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1502626 1502628 . - 0 transcript_id "g228.t1"; gene_id "g228"; # protein sequence = [MEVYAWGANSHGQLGLGFESELCMTPQRVAKCSFAPAQVRLIRGGGGHVLILDTSGRIHACGWNNRGQLGLDSTEECH # SEFKMIPTEYFGDVPVETISCGWDISGAITLTKRLFVWGSNAFQQLGICQRGFTAVRRPMPVKLPREEPAQRISFGLRHCAVLTQDNKIYVFGRLRIM # DPPPIELDITATCLHRCNTVKIQVHNPNELRIVSISSGQNHMVLKCADLSETGGGSTKRILTLGDNKFGQSNAFQFEEDVRQLAVGWTHNAAVLKNNE # ILVWGRNCYGQLGMGSFSEQQAIPTPLRLKLPEDQGPARIHMGAEHGLLRTTAGEVYTWGWNEHGNCGNNSTENVCTPTLLQLPPVKLCGAGAGFCYA # ITEPVI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 100 # W: 100 # end gene g228 # start gene g229 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1510134 1510430 0.82 - . g229 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1510134 1510430 0.82 - . g229.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1510134 1510136 . - 0 transcript_id "g229.t1"; gene_id "g229"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1510134 1510430 0.82 - 0 transcript_id "g229.t1"; gene_id "g229"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1510428 1510430 . - 0 transcript_id "g229.t1"; gene_id "g229"; # protein sequence = [MHSTYTNVPAGKQSRVLSGGFWTPRGQGDNKSKETGTAAMIVALRCLSLLTIVSETLTKCPDGGQGAVGRQWSEKGQE # TAGGSRRSERGSGIQIGRTA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g229 # start gene g230 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1511667 1512041 0.62 + . g230 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1511667 1512041 0.62 + . g230.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1511667 1511669 . + 0 transcript_id "g230.t1"; gene_id "g230"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1511667 1512041 0.62 + 0 transcript_id "g230.t1"; gene_id "g230"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1512039 1512041 . + 0 transcript_id "g230.t1"; gene_id "g230"; # protein sequence = [MCSESRELATTKARTLECPPARPGPSCSESRKESEIYTDQGAKALICFKWQRDFCVFPTHQPPIRIHTANIKCIIMVV # IVIKELKDRTAWSGRAKDEAKTALTWPVLRNRAASKLDKYTKKHHG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g230 # start gene g231 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1513212 1513469 0.87 - . g231 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1513212 1513469 0.87 - . g231.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1513212 1513214 . - 0 transcript_id "g231.t1"; gene_id "g231"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1513212 1513469 0.87 - 0 transcript_id "g231.t1"; gene_id "g231"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1513467 1513469 . - 0 transcript_id "g231.t1"; gene_id "g231"; # protein sequence = [MCNVQGETKKVQGAWEMGSNHDVYVQQVASTFHYKSQCSSRSLFTLLCHEKCEGAREMGMEIEMLGQGGAAGAEGASP # ERNRTPG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g231 # start gene g232 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1516860 1517204 0.73 - . g232 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1516860 1517204 0.73 - . g232.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1516860 1516862 . - 0 transcript_id "g232.t1"; gene_id "g232"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1516860 1517204 0.73 - 0 transcript_id "g232.t1"; gene_id "g232"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1517202 1517204 . - 0 transcript_id "g232.t1"; gene_id "g232"; # protein sequence = [MGCHDFETTWTDMAKSFKSKENICFAELNCKFAKTICNDYELRYEPNLIWLENGEEVQQYDGDLTSPGIKIFVWEMIR # RNETNKSAAKRPYFHTKPIILFGWFLYAGDVISYFA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g232 # start gene g233 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1517732 1518184 0.97 - . g233 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1517732 1518184 0.97 - . g233.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1517732 1517734 . - 0 transcript_id "g233.t1"; gene_id "g233"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1517732 1518184 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g233.t1"; gene_id "g233"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1518182 1518184 . - 0 transcript_id "g233.t1"; gene_id "g233"; # protein sequence = [MGGLKYQDNPTSGSTALWTLKANRSLRSTHIPSKSVGIYSIMAELLFPQLERPLPSLPSLHYTLFAYREELRRRDAPF # MKMSTIKLHLTDNLILQTIKNIRQYDTIEIMNLNQEINFKRRLTKQMRKVRKLEKLGLHIDPRKLNEDGKWH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 14 # W: 14 # end gene g233 # start gene g234 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1520847 1521443 0.97 + . g234 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1520847 1521443 0.97 + . g234.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1520847 1520849 . + 0 transcript_id "g234.t1"; gene_id "g234"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1520847 1521443 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g234.t1"; gene_id "g234"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1521441 1521443 . + 0 transcript_id "g234.t1"; gene_id "g234"; # protein sequence = [MLILLPISISIEYLHRFKTFSAGEFLSSLEIGVNMYGSSFKCAFTLIGFKKRQEAKVLLDQLDKRCLSDKERSTVHRY # VAMGNFFDILYHIFYSTFVVMNFPYFLLERRHAWRMYFPYIDSDEQFYISSIAECFLMTEAIYMDLCTDVCPLISMLMARCHISLLKQRLRNLRSKPG # RTEDEYLEELTECIRDHRLLLE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g234 # start gene g235 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1523039 1523533 0.56 + . g235 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1523039 1523533 0.56 + . g235.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1523039 1523041 . + 0 transcript_id "g235.t1"; gene_id "g235"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1523039 1523533 0.56 + 0 transcript_id "g235.t1"; gene_id "g235"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1523531 1523533 . + 0 transcript_id "g235.t1"; gene_id "g235"; # protein sequence = [MYGSSFKSYLTMMGYKKRQEAKMSLDELDKRCVCDEERTIVHRHVALGNFCYIFYHIAYTSFLISNFLSFIMKRIHAW # RMYFPYVDPEKQFYISSIAEVILRGWAVFMDLCTDVCPLISMVIARCHITLLKQRLRNLRSEPGRTEDEYLKELADCVRDHRLILE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g235 # start gene g236 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1530181 1530399 0.59 + . g236 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1530181 1530399 0.59 + . g236.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1530181 1530183 . + 0 transcript_id "g236.t1"; gene_id "g236"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1530181 1530399 0.59 + 0 transcript_id "g236.t1"; gene_id "g236"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1530397 1530399 . + 0 transcript_id "g236.t1"; gene_id "g236"; # protein sequence = [MALKVIRKHNDLVSKEISQMDCYKFRFEDIYRVSISGKNSPCHIDSKKQAVRSERDNCPSEKGMENEEKLIS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g236 # start gene g237 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1544029 1544271 0.49 + . g237 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1544029 1544271 0.49 + . g237.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1544029 1544031 . + 0 transcript_id "g237.t1"; gene_id "g237"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1544029 1544271 0.49 + 0 transcript_id "g237.t1"; gene_id "g237"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1544269 1544271 . + 0 transcript_id "g237.t1"; gene_id "g237"; # protein sequence = [MAQYVMFFSNTMHPIYLEICIPQSCITKPTNFYFWNVFPLVSDIPSLASTAGCQLAVSRQIAVWAKTFAGWLLTVMMT # PG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g237 # start gene g238 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1584990 1587032 1 - . g238 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1584990 1587032 1 - . g238.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1584990 1584992 . - 0 transcript_id "g238.t1"; gene_id "g238"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1586789 1586851 1 - . transcript_id "g238.t1"; gene_id "g238"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1584990 1586788 1 - 2 transcript_id "g238.t1"; gene_id "g238"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1586852 1587032 1 - 0 transcript_id "g238.t1"; gene_id "g238"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1587030 1587032 . - 0 transcript_id "g238.t1"; gene_id "g238"; # protein sequence = [MTFTYKELIDVAIGSPESGHVNFYALHVLLTCFAQRLEVLDEVVEQEDYMVANVRLQSSLLTLGNTSKFRLFAGADAE # EGAAAEPAAEPPAEEAEAPPAPVEEPPAADPAPEPAPEPAPEPAAEEPAPAEPVPEEAAPAEAAAPSPEPVGSNHEPTPSATPAPEEHPPSEPEADTS # KAPMDVPAEAKGEELAPQASRVSSRSSGRDKSHSQTDGSLTNNLLRLERRLSKIELQKEQATMEVQQFVSNLTSQLKITMEQVNNMTHLLIDRKPNPQ # RFRLLRHIAKQLRVLMVTTGDEVSVSWSSGDIVDGVEEEGLSEEEVPVESSAPTEVEKPEEEEELELEQPLCYSPEKMLTELLDLKSQFCALTNKVNE # LAAALLKQDSQRLMDQMKDLSETVRDIKLYMASNKEATNGMMTRLNDCVYQIQVLKKSASHLDEVKIDKTEVELLLAEKVDFQQLATKVSLEQLEEYK # ARLEQMFCEVRHIVSLNEKNVLQIIDNLRMTLGIDALELSLKDFREMIERRVQIIAEALQKYMEMTNDDCAAAAGRVKVMQDLACLACDTTCVMRTVE # RSKVPSLPNAKGSTGLGPIVTYELGQIRKSGIMGYYRKDEFPHSTSAWTKGASGVPMVKCTPRHAGGSHTTHTADEHMQKVILSKKTSGWT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g238 # start gene g239 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1591458 1591754 0.48 + . g239 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1591458 1591754 0.48 + . g239.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1591458 1591460 . + 0 transcript_id "g239.t1"; gene_id "g239"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1591458 1591754 0.48 + 0 transcript_id "g239.t1"; gene_id "g239"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1591752 1591754 . + 0 transcript_id "g239.t1"; gene_id "g239"; # protein sequence = [MSAPQPPDFWFWPHHPAPIFIPFSCHGNLLTDGLICVALTSPSVCLPRKWRNWRRYYKVFKALSRANGAHPNCKYLLR # AGEEEEEEQLNKQGLQDSYQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g239 # start gene g240 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1595043 1596300 0.97 - . g240 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1595043 1596300 0.97 - . g240.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1595043 1595045 . - 0 transcript_id "g240.t1"; gene_id "g240"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1595544 1595597 0.99 - . transcript_id "g240.t1"; gene_id "g240"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1595828 1595891 1 - . transcript_id "g240.t1"; gene_id "g240"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1595043 1595543 1 - 0 transcript_id "g240.t1"; gene_id "g240"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1595598 1595827 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g240.t1"; gene_id "g240"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1595892 1596300 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g240.t1"; gene_id "g240"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1596298 1596300 . - 0 transcript_id "g240.t1"; gene_id "g240"; # protein sequence = [MVGKASSEEEEDEDDDEGEFFDCDDLTAGAGSPTKAVLSLKPEGRLRRLNNERLLEEPDEYLYIPDTQEPVPKTEDQL # QDDAEVMLKLGPGSGLTTQMMCTSLLSDMEAFKAANPRGIMEDFIRWYSPKDWEEVTDELGQVKHQLSIRMTTEGNTWQKVWEQAQAVPVSRQKRLFD # DTNEALKVLHYLETRKMHEIYNLTVIPLLHSAILKLADILSNAELEDLFSSQIEKLLSDLCRLSRSHSDELPSIKPLLDDLAELERRFYQFKCFERLS # GYPKRSSLQQVKLQFEEILRNDNCCTIVNRRLTAAGDGTLYDILIPKLEEDMADRLISKDYIIRLDGDTKTTEKGLYLGPQFMRAIVTGEKLRLCGAF # TESTAFV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 57 # W: 57 # end gene g240 # start gene g241 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1600634 1605489 0.35 + . g241 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1600634 1605489 0.35 + . g241.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1600634 1600636 . + 0 transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1600826 1600961 1 + . transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1601913 1602321 1 + . transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1602658 1602943 0.72 + . transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1603630 1604197 1 + . transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1604337 1604760 0.99 + . transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1604886 1605095 0.97 + . transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1600634 1600825 1 + 0 transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1600962 1601912 1 + 0 transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1602322 1602657 0.72 + 0 transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1602944 1603629 0.81 + 0 transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1604198 1604336 1 + 1 transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1604761 1604885 1 + 0 transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1605096 1605489 0.57 + 1 transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1605487 1605489 . + 0 transcript_id "g241.t1"; gene_id "g241"; # protein sequence = [MRPGRTTTALPAATTPLLLLLPLILGRLHVAHAQCPWQRDVPDLQTSCICAYNLGRELSVQCDQVDFSQLLAAMNTHA # RLKPVDLLYVNNSTISELPDAVFSNLSLHNLQLSSCGIQRIATGAFKGQESVLRNLNLQDNLLADVPVEALKVLGKLNLLDLSKNQLSHIPDDAFVGL # TKLSTLKLNDNNVTLASNAFRGLEQSLKNLNLKGTKQRKVPESIRGLKSLAFLDLSQNGIKELPGAGGIRVFDGLDALTALNLERNLIQSIGETAFAG # VRKTLSSLSLLNNLLAEFPIGAVHSLKELRVLDIGFNLLTSLPEAAFRGNPGITLLALDGNPLSSVPEGAFAHLNATLRGLSLGGRFLHCDCKLRWVA # EWIRNGDLQVTSRERNPQFCGTPPRFRDRGFYSIQPEELSCPDIADAALRGPVGLADNLKPTLPSSPDSVEYETGTGTGTVGTGTAASAPVTSSVSSS # TSTTTPTTTTTTTTAEPTTRRSTTRPPTKSTTTISATTASPASNPPVNGTGTVQATSITTSSSSSSSSSTSTGHGNGKQAPGWRQGVTNGNGNSGVGG # AGGLHKPQRPPLVLGYPPQRGTRIDDANEVQVKHAFRQDSSVIIQWDSDTANILGFRVVYRLFGEKAFKQGPPLESSEREFKIKNVPAQECIIVCVIS # LEELHVTPETVPYQQCREVRTVASQASNMDKITIAASAAICGTIIVAVIVFIAASRRSRKLQSSQQKSPLPIGGLPVNCCGPTGSPGPLGSIATLSAF # NNHKEWDQVSAYSGRSIPRPRIYPVEQPDDMRSHFSGMPGKVGKSSRSLADGQSQHSFSNNSHRGYLGSAFPSNLVNSRPELRQSRQSLAAASERMSR # ASYAGSIHGGNGGGGGLGGNGGGGGNGLPVSSLMAMSGMVGGGGPASIASSARRSRPRSRSREQLNTTHIHNHRPGSR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 23.1 # CDS exons: 1/7 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 2/6 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 9 # E: 1 # RM: 3 # W: 5 # end gene g241 # start gene g242 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1609482 1611071 0.77 - . g242 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1609482 1611071 0.77 - . g242.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1609482 1609484 . - 0 transcript_id "g242.t1"; gene_id "g242"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1609659 1609754 1 - . transcript_id "g242.t1"; gene_id "g242"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1609482 1609658 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g242.t1"; gene_id "g242"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1609755 1611071 1 - 0 transcript_id "g242.t1"; gene_id "g242"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1611069 1611071 . - 0 transcript_id "g242.t1"; gene_id "g242"; # protein sequence = [MAEEIDDNEFYRENFSADSDWEVFNAQLGEILQKWDVSSDSETRNLKSEEIFSCNWKVEREKLDMLRNGIEVEYHQAI # LEDEELVRAEAKEITCLQRTSCHHDLMSTGNSFGPPIRSSQELHILARIYGLRRFIVLHPVNPTLNYMRSTSEFNFFLSAVAVVSAEVQSLVPIFVQI # YDPKWNYYTGVALAPALRTNFRLIGLEKAPPECRFLMGLLTLFREKVPTSYTQAAMISVCTTYALDTMRIRMPMYVPFDHGLSSEDIVVDGEVSHLEV # QQFCALPHGYKPESRTEIYLVYTWPELSEHVAFDSEQRSDFVPAKAPLGKIYLSVEASSYLSCCLRDYQSVAEVTRSLESFVGRNFSGTSSGAEAASN # PLDRITEHKLTKRRERSFELPSQAGLTKRLPGPMTESELSELLAYLFPDMHPEMALFPYAKKNFTDKFDPMRIKSAVPDSLVCRLSCLLATCHAHLGS # VEGMAQVWAAFTRQLRLLWDNSLMVPG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 77 # E: 1 # W: 76 # end gene g242 # start gene g243 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1611508 1612400 1 + . g243 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1611508 1612400 1 + . g243.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1611508 1611510 . + 0 transcript_id "g243.t1"; gene_id "g243"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1611869 1612005 1 + . transcript_id "g243.t1"; gene_id "g243"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1611508 1611868 1 + 0 transcript_id "g243.t1"; gene_id "g243"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1612006 1612400 1 + 2 transcript_id "g243.t1"; gene_id "g243"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1612398 1612400 . + 0 transcript_id "g243.t1"; gene_id "g243"; # protein sequence = [MFAAKRVRARAKNFTIEEEEILENLILAHRDVIRNKQKDPAIWRKKSEAWKQIEADFAIQTGIERSWQALREKYTNNL # RMMRKNGTLSDEEAKTDNASDSVQNLSISGVSSLAAAADNEESSTYFESELNRKSLRSASTEVKLVPNNSSYSVDRPNYSALNVNEESVDVSSEEDAT # NTLKDEKVVLIRLQQEYYRCENARAAEKHKLEMEKQKYELEQRKVELRNMRLKNELLEAEILEKRRKVAQSKASS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 70 # E: 1 # W: 69 # end gene g243 # start gene g244 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1612770 1614076 0.96 - . g244 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1612770 1614076 0.96 - . g244.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1612770 1612772 . - 0 transcript_id "g244.t1"; gene_id "g244"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1612989 1613043 1 - . transcript_id "g244.t1"; gene_id "g244"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1613424 1613982 0.96 - . transcript_id "g244.t1"; gene_id "g244"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1612770 1612988 1 - 0 transcript_id "g244.t1"; gene_id "g244"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1613044 1613423 0.96 - 2 transcript_id "g244.t1"; gene_id "g244"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1613983 1614076 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g244.t1"; gene_id "g244"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1614074 1614076 . - 0 transcript_id "g244.t1"; gene_id "g244"; # protein sequence = [MMNAVSRAYVRGGAQVLSTGLKASGVAVNSMANRQAHTDLQVPDFSAYRRESVKDSRRRNDTAEERKAFSYLMVGAGA # VGGAYAAKGLVNTFIGSMSASAEVLAMAKIEIKLSDIPEGKSVTFKWRGKPLFIRHRTAAEIETERNVPTSTLRDPEADDQRVIKPEWLVVIGVCTHL # GCVPIANAGDWGGYYCPCHGSHYDASGRIRKGPAPLNLEVPTHEFPNEGLLVVG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 67 # W: 67 # end gene g244 # start gene g245 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1690638 1696857 0.3 + . g245 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1690638 1696857 0.3 + . g245.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1690638 1690640 . + 0 transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1690756 1694223 1 + . transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1694442 1694546 1 + . transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1695377 1695438 1 + . transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1695587 1695648 1 + . transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1696064 1696165 0.3 + . transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1690638 1690755 1 + 0 transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1694224 1694441 1 + 2 transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1694547 1695376 1 + 0 transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1695439 1695586 1 + 1 transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1695649 1696063 0.31 + 0 transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1696166 1696857 0.44 + 2 transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1696855 1696857 . + 0 transcript_id "g245.t1"; gene_id "g245"; # protein sequence = [MDPQQQFCLKWNSFSSNLAITFSNLFKSDLLADVILSCDGVVFKAHKLILAACSKKFADLFENTPTNGQCVIILEATT # PDNMAALLEFMYKGEVHVSQEALNSFLKSAESLQVKGLSTETGRLAAQQAQQHMGDLSPLDSPTGRRSVRNSLSGGSSSIVPGGVGIGLGGGATGANS # MSGMGIGNGLSLAGMAAGGGMAAAANAAASSLSTLAASANIVDRCGSAGANIISGSAAGIGGSHSGGAGNGSGTVGIGGNGVGSGGGNNGPISLGSGA # GAAHHLGGSTGILKQECDSLMHPGGSSSSSGMGYTHVPPIYRPINYEPPRKRAIVRSPYSEQEQRGSVLRDGSKSSECPSPINKPPYHRPSSSASSTA # PTEADTMHSERASPQSSRYENHSPSTTAGNGNATSSLERIVKSERNNGSANEANDDDRELMDESTDNGAEDLRVKLENLKYSPPPPPNSNTSSTTPNT # LLENLKADGTLSSNLAASIAPADMLNVWNATKMNNKNSVNTADGKKLKCLYCDRLYGYETNLRAHIRQRHQGIRVPCPFCERTFTRNNTVRRHIAREH # KQEIGLAAAAASVVMNANKEAAKQRKRKTLKMALEKCMQRRDAMVAETTTGAGGDGAEAGGESGEAVDGAGSEEGAGSEGTEPLTYEQQQQRMHQELT # QQIRAAMAAEQAAEAMDSTMNTTVNTTTTTTTTTNTTGATSDGCSDAEASDGSDRPMEVDEDQPPEPQPGSELVVVEPKIEVLSESEDEEDRLHMSEA # EPDIQAEAIYDHMPNTPTSPPHIIPPNDTPTLTSTPKVNVEQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 27.3 # CDS exons: 2/6 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/5 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 1 # RM: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 35 # RM: 1 # W: 34 # end gene g245 # start gene g246 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1704615 1706477 0.8 + . g246 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1704615 1706477 0.8 + . g246.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1704615 1704617 . + 0 transcript_id "g246.t1"; gene_id "g246"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1704646 1705022 0.82 + . transcript_id "g246.t1"; gene_id "g246"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1705115 1705399 1 + . transcript_id "g246.t1"; gene_id "g246"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1706207 1706276 0.96 + . transcript_id "g246.t1"; gene_id "g246"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1704615 1704645 0.82 + 0 transcript_id "g246.t1"; gene_id "g246"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1705023 1705114 0.89 + 2 transcript_id "g246.t1"; gene_id "g246"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1705400 1706206 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g246.t1"; gene_id "g246"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1706277 1706477 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g246.t1"; gene_id "g246"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1706475 1706477 . + 0 transcript_id "g246.t1"; gene_id "g246"; # protein sequence = [MGNQNGIKHKKFKIGPAQRTQAPNINSVKLSKQGKAESTKMSEMQMDCALDLMRRLPPQQIEKNLIDLIDLAPDLCED # LLSSVDQPLKIAKDKEHGKDYLLCDYNRDGDSYRSPWSNSYYPPLEDGQMPSERLRKLEIEANYAFDQYREMYYEGGVSSVYLWDLDHGFAAVILIKK # AGDGSKMIRGCWDSIHVVEVQEKTTGRTAHYKLTSTAMLWLQTNKQGSGTMNLGGSLTRQQEQDANVSESSPHIANIGKMVEEMENKIRNTLNEIYFG # KTKDIVNGLRSTQSLADQRQQAAMKQDLAAAILRRNGRPTSWLLPRRAQQYSNCKALLSPLNIVININNFHNISAAPTQFAVTRPIVLSSSVEDSAWT # GLKS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 57.1 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/3 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 125 # W: 125 # end gene g246 # start gene g247 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1706522 1707691 0.4 + . g247 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1706522 1707691 0.4 + . g247.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1706522 1706524 . + 0 transcript_id "g247.t1"; gene_id "g247"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1706665 1707348 0.93 + . transcript_id "g247.t1"; gene_id "g247"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1707440 1707583 0.42 + . transcript_id "g247.t1"; gene_id "g247"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1706522 1706664 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g247.t1"; gene_id "g247"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1707349 1707439 0.58 + 1 transcript_id "g247.t1"; gene_id "g247"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1707584 1707691 0.66 + 0 transcript_id "g247.t1"; gene_id "g247"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1707689 1707691 . + 0 transcript_id "g247.t1"; gene_id "g247"; # protein sequence = [MRKLLHHEKHINVNFARPFQLSSHIVAVWSRASSRVQPKMPTSPPSRHYIHTMRRPPTAHSYTFASVVRGSSTRIQVE # KAWPDRRFSKLEDQCQRSAAIRGFPPQWRIELKNT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 94 # W: 94 # end gene g247 # start gene g248 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1707772 1710315 0.94 - . g248 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1707772 1710315 0.94 - . g248.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1707772 1707774 . - 0 transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1707999 1708060 1 - . transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1708215 1708281 1 - . transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1708403 1708461 1 - . transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1708678 1708820 1 - . transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1709105 1709173 1 - . transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1709333 1709616 1 - . transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1709812 1709877 1 - . transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1709964 1710042 1 - . transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1710104 1710207 1 - . transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1707772 1707998 0.94 - 2 transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1708061 1708214 1 - 0 transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1708282 1708402 1 - 1 transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1708462 1708677 1 - 1 transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1708821 1709104 1 - 0 transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1709174 1709332 1 - 0 transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1709617 1709811 1 - 0 transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1709878 1709963 1 - 2 transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1710043 1710103 1 - 0 transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1710208 1710315 1 - 0 transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1710313 1710315 . - 0 transcript_id "g248.t1"; gene_id "g248"; # protein sequence = [MQGSATLLVVALALLLGPASTAGKSDPGMVDVLVTTDLPSIREQRPLLANTKIYAQIKGCTSNVESNLTITFRLTEHP # CIFDDRTLQAIAQNATLQKNATINNVITEITRTYPCNGLIVLAINKDKVVEGSAIPTPEPKHPMLEHKHPLSPTTNPIASVKEDGIYEIEVNIAAGPS # AQFSAVVHIEFLGPHGFISAIDWPFLPFYLIMCIVYVIFGIIWLFVSFAQWRDLLRIQFWIGGVILLGMLEKAFFYAEYQTLTNKGVAVQHAELVAEF # VSCAKRTLARMLVIIMSLGFGIVKPRLGPMLHRVVGVGTLYFVLACVESYLRITNVKTDRSELLVASIPLAVLDTGICWWIFTSLVQTTRTLRLRRNM # VKLSLYRHFTNTLIFAVIASVIFMLFALRLRRVENCTPGWRDIWVDTGFWHILFSVLLLVIMILWRPTNNNQRYAFTPLLDNPEDEDDEDEEDQFVAD # AYGVKMRGQNGTPKTSTTSRNATTTEEDDLRWVEENIPSSMADSALPILDSDEEIINTKFEVSKMQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 10/10 # W: 10 # CDS introns: 9/9 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 9 # E: 9 # incompatible hint groups: 143 # W: 143 # end gene g248 # start gene g249 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1710526 1711285 1 + . g249 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1710526 1711285 1 + . g249.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1710526 1710528 . + 0 transcript_id "g249.t1"; gene_id "g249"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1710538 1710598 1 + . transcript_id "g249.t1"; gene_id "g249"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1710698 1710850 1 + . transcript_id "g249.t1"; gene_id "g249"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1710526 1710537 1 + 0 transcript_id "g249.t1"; gene_id "g249"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1710599 1710697 1 + 0 transcript_id "g249.t1"; gene_id "g249"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1710851 1711285 1 + 0 transcript_id "g249.t1"; gene_id "g249"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1711283 1711285 . + 0 transcript_id "g249.t1"; gene_id "g249"; # protein sequence = [MLRRILPSVRLALQVPKATTTAVRSTSGSVYEPDYLESLKPKFPQYESLNVQIKGYDYPQLESYQRFLHGLAEYLDLD # VSDCYALPPQKTTVQRLRPNSTVIESEYKLTTYERNLQLNNVDAPVYPQFLRLAQAALPEGVSLQVQEYTDDCEERRYVPDKELLDLKDELERMGGPT # TTRKK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 49 # W: 49 # end gene g249 # start gene g250 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1711752 1715556 1 - . g250 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1711752 1715556 1 - . g250.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1711752 1711754 . - 0 transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1711868 1711927 1 - . transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1712088 1712144 1 - . transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1712543 1712596 1 - . transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1713109 1713166 1 - . transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1714118 1714172 1 - . transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1714474 1715138 1 - . transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1711752 1711867 1 - 2 transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1711928 1712087 1 - 0 transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1712145 1712542 1 - 2 transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1712597 1713108 1 - 1 transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1713167 1714117 1 - 1 transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1714173 1714473 1 - 2 transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1715139 1715556 1 - 0 transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1715554 1715556 . - 0 transcript_id "g250.t1"; gene_id "g250"; # protein sequence = [MLLSETHFWTTLREDVVRIKSQDLGAFRYLRQRDKEQEQQDLACLAKRDYTERRNGLAVLKNSGRKSTGRLKDNLKKL # EDLLRQHRIIHSEWQDAAQVLLLFSHGLIAHICVDIYTGDILRMVFEKYLVGKLASEVITDAFFTRSHIVLAYNTNQLTVVHLQRPNARSQGPEKIAN # MDPRIFHVIIPGATERKLSRHLTVNASFDLFVVWTQSSQNEVYPWRPTIRDQDRANIHVFKIKGLQLESIAYCWSENDPLCVDFLRSSESQIITLEQK # VSRKGDISAEICSYELAAGKMQRTAITSIPMGAQICSFAFSPDQEKLFLGSVDRNICLHDLVQQSTKYANQIEIVPNQCAWHCDSAMLCVANERSVLQ # CFDLALATIGHQLVSENVTPSSLLDLSHYFVAQPTLLSVAFSRKPDLSTFKHTYAQTDCLLLLVYEQGPLACMRIFGGTGMRGDIHNSGLTADVIADK # YLRLQQPDRAVNVLAALNWETYGAMCLITLHKIANYVFFGGDQRRPRIELMARALKTFAHTLSEETKDEFSDQVYDLKRRFCFYLLRKNLFAEAFEIA # QDVADYDIFMDLYNLTKCISSLSEFAQVAFSQAAAIIHEEDRANGNLSLTCDLRSESACSLSTCSDMLRGQGAGTAPETGLGASQPQSQQVLKNYVPP # LPSFKSKVFNAEMIKINIPKPELRPPLPKVSIAPPTSSLASLTLKSNSSLQQAPAKSLHPNGNLWSQDVPDQTVGLPMASSPLPRLPPSNIPDQSAQL # GQFSTMPASPPPTGSYQPKFYQHPLVSGNIPAMLPSLTSEDYQKRLLQKKPTASILSNPANPAPTNGEAPATPAKSQTAEKNKVKFSDTIQVAVVPEI # PRKEKPMPPKRNGYSRPAARHLTNPKKELADSLPLCHPNDEYLKDFNPITTNVTKPPIRRREEEPKSSSKGGNSSSSSSSIKVVHFGVV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 217 # W: 217 # end gene g250 # start gene g251 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1716226 1716927 0.54 + . g251 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1716226 1716927 0.54 + . g251.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1716226 1716228 . + 0 transcript_id "g251.t1"; gene_id "g251"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1716241 1716741 0.55 + . transcript_id "g251.t1"; gene_id "g251"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1716226 1716240 0.56 + 0 transcript_id "g251.t1"; gene_id "g251"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1716742 1716927 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g251.t1"; gene_id "g251"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1716925 1716927 . + 0 transcript_id "g251.t1"; gene_id "g251"; # protein sequence = [MGNEWQPFQILITFRPAVAYHILLWHAASGFRVWMVHFDPGACFPLLVFSLFASFFFSIGWPTFNV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 48 # W: 48 # end gene g251 # start gene g252 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1717103 1723928 0.8 - . g252 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1717103 1723928 0.8 - . g252.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1717103 1717105 . - 0 transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1717230 1717597 1 - . transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1717816 1717877 1 - . transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1718152 1718226 1 - . transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1718359 1718420 1 - . transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1718492 1718674 0.8 - . transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1718904 1723881 1 - . transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1717103 1717229 1 - 1 transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1717598 1717815 1 - 0 transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1717878 1718151 1 - 1 transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1718227 1718358 1 - 1 transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1718421 1718491 1 - 0 transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1718675 1718903 0.8 - 1 transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1723882 1723928 1 - 0 transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1723926 1723928 . - 0 transcript_id "g252.t1"; gene_id "g252"; # protein sequence = [MAQNTADTLIHLIAGGSAGTVGAVVTCPLEVVKTRLQSSTAFMTPSRLAENAGGGPANGGQSELLRPEQRRKLSTTIL # RNRSQPQVIGGVRRIMAISHCGISSTTPKSMSIVQCLRHIVQNEGPRALFKGLGPNLVGVAPSRAIYFCTYSQTKNTLNSLGFVERDSPLVHIMSAAS # AGFVSSTATNPIWFVKTRMQLDYNSKVQMTVRQCIERVYAQGGVAAFYKGITASYFGICETMVHFVIYEFIKSKLLEQRNQRHTDTKGSRDFLEFMMA # GAVSKTIASCIAYPHEVARTRLREEGNKYNSFWQTLHTVWKEEGRAGLYRGLATQLVRQIPNTAIMMATYEAVVYVLTRRFNNKSNEFYDF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 9 # E: 6 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 99 # E: 1 # W: 98 # end gene g252 # start gene g253 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1724025 1724487 0.26 - . g253 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1724025 1724487 0.26 - . g253.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1724025 1724027 . - 0 transcript_id "g253.t1"; gene_id "g253"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1724197 1724428 0.26 - . transcript_id "g253.t1"; gene_id "g253"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1724025 1724196 0.42 - 1 transcript_id "g253.t1"; gene_id "g253"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1724429 1724487 0.35 - 0 transcript_id "g253.t1"; gene_id "g253"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1724485 1724487 . - 0 transcript_id "g253.t1"; gene_id "g253"; # protein sequence = [MALKVSHRTVEFPSLLVFFSCITVAENQVEKSENRGQAKAPKVQRTIESGKRKRGERAKSPSPWGPAPHTSAHKVP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 34 # W: 34 # end gene g253 # start gene g254 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1725126 1727833 0.82 - . g254 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1725126 1727833 0.82 - . g254.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1725126 1725128 . - 0 transcript_id "g254.t1"; gene_id "g254"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1725392 1725432 1 - . transcript_id "g254.t1"; gene_id "g254"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1726656 1727645 1 - . transcript_id "g254.t1"; gene_id "g254"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1725126 1725391 1 - 2 transcript_id "g254.t1"; gene_id "g254"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1725433 1726655 1 - 1 transcript_id "g254.t1"; gene_id "g254"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1727646 1727833 0.82 - 0 transcript_id "g254.t1"; gene_id "g254"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1727831 1727833 . - 0 transcript_id "g254.t1"; gene_id "g254"; # protein sequence = [MSWTASVFLRTSTTSMKFLRLRWPLPRIPQNKSANVAPRFRSKSAVSQLSSGFKFVQIRKSTCDSNEMTIKAIKARQI # YDSRGNPTVEVDLTTELGLFRAAVPSGASTGVHEALELRDNDKANYHGKSVLKAVGHVNDTLGPELIKANLDVVDQASIDNFMIKLDGTENKSKFGAN # AILGVSLAVAKAGAAKKGVPLYKHIADLAGNKEIILPVPAFNVINGGSHAGNKLAMQEFMILPTGATSFTEAMKMGSEVYHHLKNVIKAKFGLDATAV # GDEGGFAPNIQSNKEALNLISDAIAKAGYTGKIEIGMDVAASEFYKDGQYDLDFKNEKSDKSQWLPADKLANLYQEFIKDFPIVSIEDPFDQDHWEAW # SNLTGCTDIQIVGDDLTVTNPKRIATAVEKKACNCLLLKVNQIGTVTESIAAHLLAKKNGWGTMVSHRSGETEDSFIGDLVVGLSTGQIKTGAPCRSE # HRRWRQVRRQVVQEAAVSAGHFEIPTTPAPSNEIWILERELDAVDPWKGGGARVRQPFTFGTCVWRTNTSELNYQTHLLSLCFVLRHY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 158 # W: 158 # end gene g254 # start gene g255 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1728829 1729527 1 + . g255 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1728829 1729527 1 + . g255.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1728829 1728831 . + 0 transcript_id "g255.t1"; gene_id "g255"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1728829 1729527 1 + 0 transcript_id "g255.t1"; gene_id "g255"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1729525 1729527 . + 0 transcript_id "g255.t1"; gene_id "g255"; # protein sequence = [MSATSTIVMPGERIAAIEELAKSKRVILGPGLRRLDDTVVASKAGPLRHKEPGTFWVDNYQRRYIPARGDLILGIVRA # KAGDLYRVDIGATDTASISYLAFEAASKKNRPDLIPGDLIYARVLNASADIEPELVCVNSVGKSGKLGVLTDGFFFKCSLNLGRMLLRENCPVLAALT # RELPYEIAVGVNGRIWLKAHSLKETVALANAISALEQSGCAEIDKICGNLGDFLQA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 69 # W: 69 # end gene g255 # start gene g256 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1729804 1730949 0.41 + . g256 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1729804 1730949 0.41 + . g256.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1729804 1729806 . + 0 transcript_id "g256.t1"; gene_id "g256"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1729816 1729911 0.41 + . transcript_id "g256.t1"; gene_id "g256"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1729804 1729815 0.41 + 0 transcript_id "g256.t1"; gene_id "g256"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1729912 1730949 0.43 + 0 transcript_id "g256.t1"; gene_id "g256"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1730947 1730949 . + 0 transcript_id "g256.t1"; gene_id "g256"; # protein sequence = [MSDKVSVPSVAAEDKGFSDPAVPYRANEMSFLEFLLLLLVLYYVVYVLLWILLDCNVALWYKSRFGVSLSSMRGQVVW # ITGASSGIGRALALSLARHGVKLVLSARRLEQLEQVQEECLAAARGLLATKDVLVIQMDMLDLDEHKTHLNTVLNHFHRLDVLVNNAGRSQRASWTEV # EIEVDRELFELDVFAVVHLSRLVVRYFVEQNGGRGHIAATSSIAGFSPVPFSPTYCAAKHALNAYLLSLKVEMRKLDVSLFAPGPIATDFLQEAFTGS # QGGKVGLSTANQKRMTAQRCGDLFAVALANKMDLTWCGLFPVNLLAYCARNPTLSKILAQLMTEKTLNKIREGKL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 103 # W: 103 # end gene g256 # start gene g257 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1731403 1732263 1 - . g257 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1731403 1732263 1 - . g257.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1731403 1731405 . - 0 transcript_id "g257.t1"; gene_id "g257"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1731817 1731879 1 - . transcript_id "g257.t1"; gene_id "g257"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1732081 1732143 1 - . transcript_id "g257.t1"; gene_id "g257"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1731403 1731816 1 - 0 transcript_id "g257.t1"; gene_id "g257"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1731880 1732080 1 - 0 transcript_id "g257.t1"; gene_id "g257"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1732144 1732263 1 - 0 transcript_id "g257.t1"; gene_id "g257"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1732261 1732263 . - 0 transcript_id "g257.t1"; gene_id "g257"; # protein sequence = [MKISRFKKSHKTLVFFASNFDYREPYQVLIDATFCQAALQQKIGIDEQIKKYFQCGVKLLTTQCVILESESLGAPLTG # ATSIVKRFHVHKCGHEGKPVPASECIKSMTKDNRYVVASQDRLLQESLRKIPGRCLLYLHKATPVLEAPSKASKKWVQRRAKNLMLGKQVEKIDYMKE # KQGLKPAETAVKPKKHKGPKNPNPLSCKKSKKDKAKQQLKGVEQTAITKAKRKRVKIPAHVKAALGKD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 70 # W: 70 # end gene g257 # start gene g258 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1737310 1740156 0.34 + . g258 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1737310 1740156 0.34 + . g258.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1737310 1737312 . + 0 transcript_id "g258.t1"; gene_id "g258"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1737352 1737470 0.81 + . transcript_id "g258.t1"; gene_id "g258"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1737734 1737861 0.97 + . transcript_id "g258.t1"; gene_id "g258"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1738020 1740040 0.55 + . transcript_id "g258.t1"; gene_id "g258"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1737310 1737351 0.67 + 0 transcript_id "g258.t1"; gene_id "g258"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1737471 1737733 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g258.t1"; gene_id "g258"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1737862 1738019 0.54 + 1 transcript_id "g258.t1"; gene_id "g258"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1740041 1740156 0.59 + 2 transcript_id "g258.t1"; gene_id "g258"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1740154 1740156 . + 0 transcript_id "g258.t1"; gene_id "g258"; # protein sequence = [MEFTGYRSFKQSRNLIGSERGERTCSGTYIFLFSGIGIGENRDIYRNRSTLCITHAIEINLRVAAHLHTFNGSRGKSL # SKSTDRVPRGKVEKCEESATKSNYWQLVEYKKHFFVFMCFHSEIFVTRLLLRLPEKNPNNLCTTAKKETLKSLQSRVAQSMEVVSSMKLHSKCTQEPE # PVELLAGTKIMSHLSI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 28.6 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 58 # E: 1 # W: 57 # end gene g258 # start gene g259 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1741701 1750086 0.99 + . g259 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1741701 1750086 0.99 + . g259.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1741701 1741703 . + 0 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1742077 1742142 1 + . transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1742261 1743344 1 + . transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1743541 1743633 1 + . transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1743780 1744922 1 + . transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1745162 1745220 1 + . transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1745362 1745718 1 + . transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1746030 1747691 1 + . transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1747861 1748773 1 + . transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1748875 1749517 1 + . transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1749677 1749741 1 + . transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1741701 1742076 1 + 0 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1742143 1742260 1 + 2 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1743345 1743540 1 + 1 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1743634 1743779 1 + 0 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1744923 1745161 1 + 1 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1745221 1745361 1 + 2 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1745719 1746029 1 + 2 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1747692 1747860 1 + 0 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1748774 1748874 1 + 2 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1749518 1749676 1 + 0 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1749742 1750086 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1750084 1750086 . + 0 transcript_id "g259.t1"; gene_id "g259"; # protein sequence = [MTLLPDIKASDAACCVGGANSDASSSSGVCSLKGHHGDPDSGCLGINCCTTAASSELSIDETSSTSSRGSCELTSKVT # NDLNGFQSPNYHQAVAHANFDHCDPVDIQFADVRYTVKKFSFPERKFVTKEILHGLNGSFRSGELTAIMGPSGAGKSTLLNVMSGFCSTGVSGDIRVN # RKPMAPSSERFRQMLCYIHQDDLLRPQLLVGEIMLLAAHLKLGFKVTKAYKMDLIKHILSLLGLDHRYNVPTGKLSGGQKKRLAIALELISNPPVLYL # DEPTTGLDSSSCSSCVALLKKLASQGHTIVCTIHQPSALIFEMFDKLYTVVDGHCMYQGPVRELVPFLADQQLVCPSYHNPADYLLEVAVGEHQRDLN # ELIHAANKKYYEDVDRHRYMSSDDMARLVESIKENMGGKAVVKTSEALAAFAAAQFSSFDYVKPSPQELALEEIKALSGGPESADPDLLEKNLRPQPQ # PLAKAGELARPPNAIRSASFLMQYVLLMQRILICAKRNYFLLLARIFSHIFIGVVFGYLYMNVGNNAQSVLGNYVYLYGSTLLLVYTGKMAVVLTFPL # EIDMLTREHFNRWYKLGPYFLSLISFEIPFQSLCTAMYIIISVHLTGNDATDSFRIYYFMLLGIMASLSAQAWGFFVGATLPTKLAVFLGPILAVMFS # VFGFCTRYIDITPLFRWMWHLSYFRAGFHGALNAIYGMDRPFLECPETAMYCHFRSPKVFLKYMMISDVHMSDCLILMGIVIGVMHVLTLITLWHKLN # KR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 11/11 # W: 11 # CDS introns: 10/10 # E: 10 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 12 # E: 10 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 214 # W: 214 # end gene g259 # start gene g260 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1750384 1750647 0.66 - . g260 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1750384 1750647 0.66 - . g260.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1750384 1750386 . - 0 transcript_id "g260.t1"; gene_id "g260"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1750384 1750647 0.66 - 0 transcript_id "g260.t1"; gene_id "g260"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1750645 1750647 . - 0 transcript_id "g260.t1"; gene_id "g260"; # protein sequence = [MIVNSKEREEVIKCTKRFILKTKLSTQTKRNMSYTSNSNLGLKLKLITKETKQIIDHKSIFVADLIEVDEYSRLGIAG # VFAEIQLSG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 21 # W: 21 # end gene g260 # start gene g261 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1750871 1752025 0.86 - . g261 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1750871 1752025 0.86 - . g261.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1750871 1750873 . - 0 transcript_id "g261.t1"; gene_id "g261"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1750871 1752025 0.86 - 0 transcript_id "g261.t1"; gene_id "g261"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1752023 1752025 . - 0 transcript_id "g261.t1"; gene_id "g261"; # protein sequence = [MLPGVGVFGTGEIANVLVPLLREKGFEVRAIWGRTLKEAKETATTQNVQFHTNVIDDVLLRKDVDLVFIVCQPFLHAE # ISVKALGIGKHVVCDKPAGLHQQDALKMVRASQYYPTLISLVNHPLRFLPAFTHMRRCLQEELIGSIGDVVLMDVRVQMGTLFPEKYNWMCDAQMGGG # ALNLVGSVVDLVTFLLQQQAIRVHGVLRSYTKTTPAINGIRQITAPDFCNFQMELASGTLVTVALHSHTVPAKAFSQEVLIYGSKGHLVVRGGDLFVL # KEGQPKEEAVYVDVQDLHFATNNSLLPRPYIKGLCKMVGALKEAFGSKESSWVKAPVSTAATFEDGLYVQAVVEAIRKSNETRQWQRVQLSTDSPLNH # DQIIRYARMSTM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 116 # W: 116 # end gene g261 # start gene g262 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1752383 1752769 1 + . g262 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1752383 1752769 1 + . g262.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1752383 1752385 . + 0 transcript_id "g262.t1"; gene_id "g262"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1752383 1752769 1 + 0 transcript_id "g262.t1"; gene_id "g262"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1752767 1752769 . + 0 transcript_id "g262.t1"; gene_id "g262"; # protein sequence = [MISIAQLLTSFTAGALASAQAIRFLKTANEEESPAKISSQLETAVIDGLATEQPKILGSEQISNVMQHILSSERNASG # VYLDAMHNRSANKQEYALGSESLNQMLEDIMTPAGSVSSRSLSMEPAVEA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g262 # start gene g263 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1763934 1764284 0.6 - . g263 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1763934 1764284 0.6 - . g263.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1763934 1763936 . - 0 transcript_id "g263.t1"; gene_id "g263"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1763934 1764284 0.6 - 0 transcript_id "g263.t1"; gene_id "g263"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1764282 1764284 . - 0 transcript_id "g263.t1"; gene_id "g263"; # protein sequence = [MVEIILGNIWRKSEGKRESNAPFTIEDKVKHSAVKWQLIVWNCPENKGKVENAWGFLWENHLGVGKLLSSGNIENVRP # ITWVILYVTWTISCSIDICGLVEGLKCLPHFLPCKSIH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g263 # start gene g264 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1784062 1785286 1 + . g264 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1784062 1785286 1 + . g264.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1784062 1784064 . + 0 transcript_id "g264.t1"; gene_id "g264"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1785079 1785133 1 + . transcript_id "g264.t1"; gene_id "g264"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1784062 1785078 1 + 0 transcript_id "g264.t1"; gene_id "g264"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1785134 1785286 1 + 0 transcript_id "g264.t1"; gene_id "g264"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1785284 1785286 . + 0 transcript_id "g264.t1"; gene_id "g264"; # protein sequence = [MFRPSGSGYRQKWTGLTLKGALYGSWILGVFPFAYDSWTRTLRRSKWLIAYGFVLNAAFILLVVTNDTESETPLRMEV # FHRNALAEQINGIHDIQSLSMVSIMLLRSFWKSGDIERTLNELEDLQHRYFRNYSLEECISFDRFVLYKGFSVVLELVSMLVLELGMSPNYSAQFFIG # LGSLCLMLLAVLLGASHFHLAVVFVYRYVWIVNRELLKLVNKMAIGETVESERMDLLLYLYHRLLDLGQRLASIYDYQMVMVMVSFLIANVLGIYFFI # IYSISLNKSLDFKILVFVQALVINMLDFWLNVEICELAERTGRQTSTILKLFNDIENIDEKLERSITDFALFCSHRRLRFHHCGLFYVNYEMGFRMAI # TSFLYLLFLIQFDYWNL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g264 # start gene g265 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1789343 1794917 0.29 - . g265 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1789343 1794917 0.29 - . g265.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1789343 1789345 . - 0 transcript_id "g265.t1"; gene_id "g265"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1790248 1790329 0.93 - . transcript_id "g265.t1"; gene_id "g265"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1790406 1790824 0.91 - . transcript_id "g265.t1"; gene_id "g265"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1791830 1792260 0.53 - . transcript_id "g265.t1"; gene_id "g265"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1792971 1793896 0.66 - . transcript_id "g265.t1"; gene_id "g265"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1789343 1790247 0.76 - 2 transcript_id "g265.t1"; gene_id "g265"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1790330 1790405 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g265.t1"; gene_id "g265"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1790825 1791829 0.73 - 0 transcript_id "g265.t1"; gene_id "g265"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1792261 1792970 0.66 - 2 transcript_id "g265.t1"; gene_id "g265"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1793897 1794917 0.56 - 0 transcript_id "g265.t1"; gene_id "g265"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1794915 1794917 . - 0 transcript_id "g265.t1"; gene_id "g265"; # protein sequence = [MSQPKRIHRICKGLARFTIRATLYGSWVLGLFPFTFDSRKRRLNRSKWLLAYGLVLNLTLLVLSMLPSTDDHNSVKVE # VFQRNPLVKQVEELVEVISLITTLVTHLRTFSRSSELVEILNELLVLDKNHFSKLMLSECHTFNRYVIEKGLVIILEIGSSLVLYFGIPNSKIVVYEA # VCIYIVQLEVLMVVMHFHLAVIYIYRYLWIINGQLLDMASRLRRGDSVDPDRIQLLLWLYSRLLDLNHRLTAIYDIQVTLFMATLFSVNIIVGHVLVI # CWINITRFSLLVIFLLFPQALIINFWDLWQGIAFCDLAESTGKKTSMILKLFNDMENMDQETERRVTLIVHFMNFWGSRKVGEICNELLILEYQDFEG # LNGRNCPNFNCFVIQKCLTILGQLLSFFTLNFALPGLEFHICLVLLSCLMEFSLNLNIMHYHVGVLLIYRYVWLINEQLKDLVSQLKLNPETDFSRIH # QFLSLYKRLLELNRKLVIAYEYQMTLFIIAQLSGNIVVIYFLIVYGLSMRTYSIFLVAFPNSLLINIWDFWLCIAACDLTEKAGDETAIILKIFSDLE # HRDDKLEMSSNMFASRSDLQSRLCWIILKATLYSSWFLGVFPYRFDSRNGQLKRSRFLLFYGLILNFFLLLKMVCSGGQKLGIPEAFARNSVLENTHY # TTGMLAVFSCVVIHFLNFWGSTRVQDLANELLVLEYQQFASLNETKCPKFNSFVIQKWLSVIGLLLSYLSIAYGLPGNNFSVEMVLINSLVQFSFNCN # IMHYYIGVLLIYRYLWLINGQLLEMVTNLKLDCSVDSSRIRKYLSLYRRLLELKGYMVATYEYHMTLVLTTGLASNFLAIYSWIVLDISMNINFIYLL # IFPLFLLVNVWNLWLSIAASDLAENAGKSTQTVLKLFADLEVKDIELERSDYWDFEMADSSVVLQCSDLDVVFDRKEIASFYVANPFGVVISSSLLIL # MVKQSAEDREHGIMLDVFQRNALLYQISSLMGVVGVVSICTVHLRTLWRSKHLEEIYNGLMLLEAKYFCSNAVECPAFDGYVIQKGVVIVVGLLAPWM # VHFGMPDSKLPVLNVLVVSMVKLGTLLLALHYHLGVVIIYRFVWLINRELLSLVCSLRGNHKGSSSRVRFLLKLYNKLVNLYSKLADCYDCQTVLMMA # IFLAANIIVCFYMIVYRISLSKMSFFVMLIMFPLAIANNFMDFWLSMKVCDLLQKTGRQTSMILKLFNDIENMDKDLEISVS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/5 # CDS introns: 0/4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g265 # start gene g266 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1801590 1806497 0.76 - . g266 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1801590 1806497 0.76 - . g266.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1801590 1801592 . - 0 transcript_id "g266.t1"; gene_id "g266"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1801590 1806497 0.76 - 0 transcript_id "g266.t1"; gene_id "g266"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1806495 1806497 . - 0 transcript_id "g266.t1"; gene_id "g266"; # protein sequence = [MDDKIILNDFSLTTLKDWLRILGQNTEGTKTELIARLQDIPTAVRGDCPPEHPQKNAPPGNDIFSSLDFQNCEINTDH # VSVNAMNRKESTETGSERETNMFELQQLRAELAEAKAMLNGTRSSLQFQEQQQPEQSKATVSSVIQTAQFTQAGATKENTTFHSPQRSNERAESQRFP # VDALALAKETITDYDGKTCARAWITVVKNIARTFNIDDNHLRILLITKLKGNAQVWLHAHPARLIEPIDNLLDQLSLTFGEQSSKAEIRRKFESRKWK # TEENFCSYYDEKMALSNGINIDDDELLDQMIEGIPLQNFRTQARIQCFSTPSEMLRAFSNIRLPARREPPVQPTDYKDAIRCANCNSRGHKADICKKP # KREPGSCYACGQLGHLVAQCPTRKSVSSNNYVRWFKINFFENAYKPIISECLIDSGSPISIIKKSLINETMKLALVNTCYFGLNNCILKTHGQTTCYV # LKGSIKIYFRLIIVCDQSMRYNVILGRDFLTACNLNLDPYTLGMIALRKPMEINKISMFTENDSPEKSLENEIVSPKSLENEIVSSQSLENEIVSPKS # LENEIVSPKSFKNTTISPKSLENKIVNQQHKETGPISLRDEIVNQQKNVSKSKLSEDEIVNTSKEIVSFKLPKDKNVYEQLNHNFDKEVLRICHVTES # ELEYKIGENVSNRLQLEFDRLFRNFYINAKRPNEPTVRSEIQLCLKNPKPFSCSPRRLSYTEKDRLQKLLDEYLENGFIRPSDSEYASPIVLVKKKTG # DLRMCVDFRKLNKMTMKDNYPLPLIDDLLDRMNEKTVFTKLDLKNGFFHVHVKKESIKYTSFVTPLGQYEWLRMPFGLKNAPSVFQRFVNKIFADMIR # ENKVVVYMDDILLATENINEHLETLKEIFKRLVENKLELRIDKCEFMQSSIKYLGFIINKDGIMPNDKGIEAIKNFPIPNNVHTVQSFLGLCSYFRRF # IKDFSRLAKPLHDILKKDKPFKFGSEEMICFNMLKDKLIQSPVLAIYNHKHETELHCDASSSGFGAVLMQKKEDQKWHPVSFFSKRTTDIESKYHSFE # LETLAIVYSLRRFRVYLHWRTFKIVTDCNSLILTLSKKELNPRIARWALEFQGYDFEIVHRAGSRMQHVDALSRCTNIMVIQTNSFEDNLVICQGKDT # KLKEIRQLLENTENKLYEMRNGIVYKKTNENRLLFYVPIEMEEQVLYKYHNELGHVGRDKMIEAIMKNYWFPNLKQKCSTHISNCLKCISFSPKTGKT # EGFLHNIPKGNKPFEIIHIDHYGPVDLARPKKHILVIVDAFTKFVRLYATKTTNTKEVIQSLNDYFRAYSRPKCIISDRGACFTSGDFDSFLKECNVK # HIKIATGSPQANGQVERINRSLGPMISKLIEPDQGLHWDLVLEKVEYTLNNTLHRSIKQYPSIMLFGLQQKGQIMDELKEKIEEIGETIEERDLESIR # NKGEASQKIAQAYNKEYVDKKRKRSGVFTKGDYVMVKNFDSTTGIAKKLIPKHKGPYVISKVLKNDRFLLEDVDGFQISRNPYRGVWSIQNIKHWQRK # IKCLQNRKYNLRNSVQNRKYNLRNSVQNRKYNLRNSVRNRKYNLRSNCKTKKTNKKKRKPKKCLRPFKSISTKKNKIRNRTLSFKKR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 8 # W: 8 # end gene g266 # start gene g267 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1821270 1823291 1 - . g267 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1821270 1823291 1 - . g267.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1821270 1821272 . - 0 transcript_id "g267.t1"; gene_id "g267"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1821270 1823291 1 - 0 transcript_id "g267.t1"; gene_id "g267"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1823289 1823291 . - 0 transcript_id "g267.t1"; gene_id "g267"; # protein sequence = [MGERSFRKLVLGVILTTIILYALLFLDTQCYETGGKIHNAFFVNTDGCRIIAMDVMNPTIAKYTDWEWKDKRFYLKCP # HQTWFRTEVANGDWYLKLTRDIDRILQESDLTHDWQIKCYWFRIKIKGRWRAKIYGPTMFPLEYPYALKVPKGLRHMRVKCLNTFTNKTLHDDAHFFI # QPPPEKLLKKPPATLKYWDGEKHSSGATSPISVMILGLDSVSHLNLLRQMPRTVRYMRQNMSQVEFWGFNKIGTNTYPNLIALLTGLSAAESEAYWVR # QKCMDNLPLIWKEFKRAGYNTSFAEDMAIYSMFYFGKPGFKRPTTDNNLHDFMVDLYINRQASSVSDTHCMGERAFMDILLEMNDRLLPHTQRYPFFS # FYWWANGFHEFFNSPRLADGRFERLLRSLDDAGITNNTIIFFMSDHGLRWGLFRSSFQGMIEDSQPFLSVLYPKWMRLKYPMAIKSLVGNAHSLVTTY # DLHETLKHILEPSSLEDTSITQKTEELWKLKGSQTPRAVSLFLPIPPWRNCNTSHIPSKFCLCHKQIPIPESNRVVTKSASIIIDYVNQLMVEYPVCI # PLQLDSIESAYFAAPQRDDDFYIEKGHKNVYPEKGPFWKKQKYEDRDIVVRLKTKPGNAYFEGMTRRQGSKLSLVGEVVRVGGEGNRNNDCIDNPLLE # PFCHCAL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g267 # start gene g268 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1824404 1826151 0.41 - . g268 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1824404 1826151 0.41 - . g268.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1824404 1824406 . - 0 transcript_id "g268.t1"; gene_id "g268"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1824696 1824761 1 - . transcript_id "g268.t1"; gene_id "g268"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1825134 1825185 0.71 - . transcript_id "g268.t1"; gene_id "g268"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1825905 1825986 0.71 - . transcript_id "g268.t1"; gene_id "g268"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1824404 1824695 1 - 1 transcript_id "g268.t1"; gene_id "g268"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1824762 1825133 1 - 1 transcript_id "g268.t1"; gene_id "g268"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1825186 1825904 0.51 - 0 transcript_id "g268.t1"; gene_id "g268"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1825987 1826151 0.83 - 0 transcript_id "g268.t1"; gene_id "g268"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1826149 1826151 . - 0 transcript_id "g268.t1"; gene_id "g268"; # protein sequence = [MRKFESAEWENVTQLNLAEAQVFTGDEGNLQSMEKIYLKFFEKDDLISRMALFNQQFHLYTCKTPQSPQQFLYHFYVK # YIIQELKAHALVEWSWLLLRKFGRGGSIEEEQASRAAYKRRTEGTLPKIKVLMSQADRSVWRCDPQEHQSGVTHEEVTRLLQGYVENEVDLNSDGACN # QECGYYKLAKNEGCFDNKFCSEQPKCTGGVHDCRFVESNMKICQAEKNSSRRYEFIKYESGLVHGNEKPCATWLNSAKSWNRWLFMECSYCLCLCDDQ # SPQSDRYFNLRPVIADVKNNRVVVGLRFVKRNRIFHLQVQEGELLPLGDINGTTLRWKPVDSYSISDKDVSENVDYHTLTYEKRSIDLGDLNAKINSV # VTGLRFRVFGAHLQLEAQFTAVEFESGKLIDPKKTSHWISMGTDQPRERLPLMDAQVSTKSSVLSIPYPSDNQFIEFTNTGFVQDAAQRTVPFIDIQD # VVSDPPVPLSGIGIYYKGQDGYGGFLAPRIITYDFTSYVQIPTWE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g268 # start gene g269 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1831792 1832349 0.61 - . g269 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1831792 1832349 0.61 - . g269.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1831792 1831794 . - 0 transcript_id "g269.t1"; gene_id "g269"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1831792 1832349 0.61 - 0 transcript_id "g269.t1"; gene_id "g269"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1832347 1832349 . - 0 transcript_id "g269.t1"; gene_id "g269"; # protein sequence = [MTASKVLKSPLGQALVSFLVGYFVTTKLSQFYGKFKRDSEKSDESTQYLDMYPRKESQPKDTKGHDIVLLTLEELTAF # DGSSPSLPIYTALNGLIYDLSPGREKFSSHGPYSLLAGCNANKVLNIACSSMGVCAANVISRWEQSLRAEFKVVGYLVDADIDIISGSPVKHTNSAIG # EQMEKSDIV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g269 # start gene g270 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1842999 1856810 0.99 + . g270 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1842999 1856810 0.99 + . g270.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1842999 1843001 . + 0 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1844721 1848064 0.99 + . transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1848214 1851109 1 + . transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1851274 1851691 1 + . transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1851965 1852053 1 + . transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1852151 1852657 1 + . transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1852786 1853453 1 + . transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1853597 1854185 1 + . transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1854309 1855363 1 + . transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1855476 1855615 1 + . transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1855798 1856429 1 + . transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1842999 1844720 1 + 0 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1848065 1848213 1 + 0 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1851110 1851273 1 + 1 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1851692 1851964 1 + 2 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1852054 1852150 1 + 2 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1852658 1852785 1 + 1 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1853454 1853596 1 + 2 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1854186 1854308 1 + 0 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1855364 1855475 1 + 0 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1855616 1855797 1 + 2 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1856430 1856810 1 + 0 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1856808 1856810 . + 0 transcript_id "g270.t1"; gene_id "g270"; # protein sequence = [MWKIYVLTLVIAVVAATTSETITNDLTAKSNRTLLKTSTEESREISALGGSTSTATPTTTATTSTTTTRATTVAEDEM # EETSTPTPTTVRLMTTTQKMVQANLGEIGSIKDALHRIKLSEKPVDGATTTTEQPEAMDQDEQDEQDVTPTISPLQIQMQAAASYQVAETLADLNEEE # RARYDAMLAQQPTASKLNIVDLYPLKIEDIQPIIRNDNDELIKQRTVFTQHENAEEYKQNLMPNEVEMMVDKEVIEMKDKIQINQEKFGSSTTVKPTT # SRPHQGTTADFTGKLLADQDDLITEIESKFQLHETTTLRPRVTTVQHPGNTFIDRRVKKSFEFPMQHRASDVMAMPHIDFANTKFQTDADAPNPPASH # PEFSTTKFYNSKELYNEMLLHNKRKLMKAAKAEGSPIKSAEDTTRATSSNVTPEGKTFGPTTTTAAGSTATTTAESTTTAATTTRLPATTTGKYQKEL # KRAKLLLKALTPPKSVDKSTASPSSTTSTSTSTTTTMATLLATARTRPSAANPTKTASKPIARPRILSRLQEKINSLECEIPNVPQDSHLWRGNETHE # LLLPIVTTEHCKPDEHCVPNVLTWRGEAEIQSGDILIVEINDAMLNPSHEPNNTSSAVHATQVYQVTRSGHEHCDVTEGVLLDITPLVVDGRKLVTLY # DKDLTEGVNLLIVVSELWGAQCVRLKVTTKTDNCGENADCSGKGVCYSNSGMEEYECQCCSGFAGPHCEEIDACNPSPCTNNGICVDLSQGHEGNSYQ # CLCPYGYAGKNCQYESDPCNPAECMNGGSCVGNSTHFRCDCAPGFTGPLCQHSLNECESSPCVHGICVDQEDGFRCFCQPGFAGELCNFEYNECESNP # CQNGGECIDHIGSYECRCTKGFSGNRCQIKVDFCANKPCPEGHRCIDHGNDFSCECPGGRNGPDCNQMPRTYFQQCNVNPCTHGGTCWSSGDSFYCAC # RPGYTGTMCEDEFVVETVVSSSEFIVDDANARNFNDKTFGSSVVLKSPIELHNAYFAAGVLAAAIFIVAVVVTICHCKVNQTYRKFSTRSTSFIPILG # FSRRPKVQGKLNKHWLSGKGATATSSTNIVAPPGGPRAGGAAGPQQVTRHLPGQPQTQTTLGGQLQERPFLRHLAMNLENDMYYTVDFSENSQHSPLI # Q] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 8/11 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/10 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 13 # E: 7 # RM: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 71 # RM: 2 # W: 69 # end gene g270 # start gene g271 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1858828 1869191 0.59 - . g271 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1858828 1869191 0.59 - . g271.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1858828 1858830 . - 0 transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1859002 1864931 1 - . transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1865217 1865458 1 - . transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1865776 1865986 1 - . transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1866139 1866220 1 - . transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1866366 1866466 1 - . transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1866898 1866965 1 - . transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1867366 1869073 1 - . transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1858828 1859001 1 - 0 transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1864932 1865216 1 - 0 transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1865459 1865775 1 - 2 transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1865987 1866138 1 - 1 transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1866221 1866365 1 - 2 transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1866467 1866897 1 - 1 transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1866966 1867365 1 - 2 transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1869074 1869191 0.59 - 0 transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1869189 1869191 . - 0 transcript_id "g271.t1"; gene_id "g271"; # protein sequence = [MSSTMFPPMSQLKDALEEGVEPGQSSSAELSAMSMQGLNLTNSSQKKLLWSSWVHSDNDDATYFMLQMHPDLADPTEQ # LGMEIEQDANETVTDILQRFGHDYLVRGNINLTDMDDLDLRCGGLVRRTNMTNIASGAVECMMQRCTFTLNAPEICPPDYKETDEIIFWVYFLLRFLA # TTMLSAGVTIMDPIALTMIEKYGGDFGRERLFSSIGMAIFSPITGIMIDYSSRGLGYTDYSAAFYTYDVLLVISTMSVLMMPLGEKLPADNVFRDLWN # LLKMPHVIAFICFLFVLGNFWGFIESFLFLYLKELGAPNYLLGITITVGTVSSIPFLYGAEKITRIFGHVNLIIIAFFSHAGRLVGYSFIETAWWCFP # FEAMESLSCHLMWVAAATYCSILAPKSLLATLIGVLGMAHFSLGRGSGSFTGGLLIGQFGTRDAFRYMGLLAVVGGIAYGLLHLIWLRKFDHTTEESE # EEVEAVEAGETEKLTEPATKEQGTSMSLERLSLMIKYNQIGSLSSLPRGSRADIHDHLSVRRSSYNVESLRGVPRHGNIGSASKVDILRSALEINHKS # SNNSMLSKADNKTSNQSLGRNRADSAPKLNHSNLKNISQPALEGVVLEDQEGRKVIPEETELHASKTTVDLGEDKAESTAQQQPQANGNGKSPPLQQD # DEKSDAT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 12 # E: 7 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 167 # E: 1 # W: 166 # end gene g271 # start gene g272 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1869912 1870829 1 + . g272 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1869912 1870829 1 + . g272.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1869912 1869914 . + 0 transcript_id "g272.t1"; gene_id "g272"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1869912 1870829 1 + 0 transcript_id "g272.t1"; gene_id "g272"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1870827 1870829 . + 0 transcript_id "g272.t1"; gene_id "g272"; # protein sequence = [MSSVPVKSWGIQFREVVNSPYVIIALTCVLGYVAYMNTRRQRGTYDDEDYENEGHRKLPNPLTGLRLNRKQLAKYNSA # HPDKIYLVALHEVIFDVSSAEHIFGPGGEHDKLTGTEISDFIKKQAIFLMRDTNSNFEEWKMILEDFFYPAGTLIDFEKKNLTTDVVDKMDSIVEESS # EGDDKSGHEEQKMEPEREPANELDSKLEVLIPEIPELHLGTADDPINSDCDSLRTAYDFPPGHDDRANEEEDEDDDENKGDVDDEETWDEVGQGDRSA # SASPRKNESITDGTLNDTIWNDTDVTMIASV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g272 # start gene g273 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1874908 1880105 0.41 - . g273 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1874908 1880105 0.41 - . g273.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1874908 1874910 . - 0 transcript_id "g273.t1"; gene_id "g273"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1874941 1875011 0.53 - . transcript_id "g273.t1"; gene_id "g273"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1875176 1876468 1 - . transcript_id "g273.t1"; gene_id "g273"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1876592 1879966 1 - . transcript_id "g273.t1"; gene_id "g273"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1874908 1874940 0.53 - 0 transcript_id "g273.t1"; gene_id "g273"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1875012 1875175 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g273.t1"; gene_id "g273"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1876469 1876591 1 - 2 transcript_id "g273.t1"; gene_id "g273"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1879967 1880105 0.73 - 0 transcript_id "g273.t1"; gene_id "g273"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1880103 1880105 . - 0 transcript_id "g273.t1"; gene_id "g273"; # protein sequence = [MVSEEMATDPVVSEKVELSRFGEFCQRRGINPNLIMLKITLFVMYGATSSLLPYLTIHMQSIGLTVEEIAIIYLALPF # TTFLSPPITGFLVDKFGKYKPVVVMSLLLNAIFHHSLLFIPQQEIPGVVPSAFVLRHPDSGDIEQHETSQLSHI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 36 # E: 1 # W: 35 # end gene g273 # start gene g274 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1882415 1883173 0.57 - . g274 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1882415 1883173 0.57 - . g274.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1882415 1882417 . - 0 transcript_id "g274.t1"; gene_id "g274"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1882415 1883173 0.57 - 0 transcript_id "g274.t1"; gene_id "g274"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1883171 1883173 . - 0 transcript_id "g274.t1"; gene_id "g274"; # protein sequence = [MQKLSIWLLLALFAWNAHAPSAAMPSVCLLQDAPQQCGEFCLTALSPMLDHIARHEGEWTSSVLQANATEARLARIET # LQTAMNIRQKVLQEGFPKDIVARLDRLESQQAALLRILSKFDRKIVAPKFELIGSRFFYIEDETRRNWTSAGSACRQMGTQLATIRSAEELAALRAKL # NKERHYWLDITDLEKEGDFRISASGKRPNFLKWRAGQPNNFSGNQHCVDLLDGLMYDNKCESLSYFICQSDDDSLD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 21 # W: 21 # end gene g274 # start gene g275 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1883625 1884056 1 - . g275 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1883625 1884056 1 - . g275.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1883625 1883627 . - 0 transcript_id "g275.t1"; gene_id "g275"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1883625 1884056 1 - 0 transcript_id "g275.t1"; gene_id "g275"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1884054 1884056 . - 0 transcript_id "g275.t1"; gene_id "g275"; # protein sequence = [MFGLRNSLLCPAVAFCILLGVSNSISESVCVLSDAPNQCGAFCMAALHPLYDQCAKSWEQERSLLQMMADSWAEQKEH # LNHYQDAWKLLNVLAANLNATASRLESILVSKAEEDPFNSLLSSPGLRSIKCSSYSLESYASIQT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g275 # start gene g276 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1913493 1942965 0.59 + . g276 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1913493 1942965 0.59 + . g276.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1913493 1913495 . + 0 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1913664 1932055 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1932148 1933805 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1934050 1934118 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1934329 1934478 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1934899 1934960 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1935684 1935738 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1936992 1937053 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1937374 1937440 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1937584 1938507 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1938620 1938864 0.98 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1941394 1941581 0.99 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1941678 1941754 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1941904 1941970 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1942047 1942107 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1942183 1942250 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1942452 1942509 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1942664 1942784 1 + . transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1913493 1913663 0.61 + 0 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1932056 1932147 1 + 0 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1933806 1934049 1 + 1 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1934119 1934328 1 + 0 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1934479 1934898 1 + 0 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1934961 1935683 1 + 0 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1935739 1936991 1 + 0 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1937054 1937373 1 + 1 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1937441 1937583 1 + 2 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1938508 1938619 1 + 0 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1938865 1941393 0.97 + 2 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1941582 1941677 1 + 2 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1941755 1941903 1 + 2 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1941971 1942046 1 + 0 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1942108 1942182 1 + 2 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1942251 1942451 1 + 2 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1942510 1942663 1 + 2 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1942785 1942965 1 + 1 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1942963 1942965 . + 0 transcript_id "g276.t1"; gene_id "g276"; # protein sequence = [MTPASLSASTPTLSTLHHQRMALQSQSQSPLASPLTPSPSSVFGSPKFPANYERSEKIKLKKVLGLTVCSNAALDVSP # VSGLLAYPAGCTVVLFNAKRQTQAYLVNTSRKAFTSVAFSRCGRYVATGECGINPAIKVWELETPNGSLEHCSGGSVVAEFVDHKYAVTCVAFSPTGK # YLVSVGSQHDMIVNVFDWRANLKMASNKISSKVAAVCFSEDGSYFVTVGNRHVKYWYLEGGRKYKDPIPLMGRSAILGDLRDNDFCAVACGKGICAES # TYAITRQGHLVEFSSRRLLDKWVQCRTTNANCICVNERFILVGCAESIIRIFNSATLEYVTTLPRTHYLGVDVAQGIQINHIMSVPQQAKFPDCIAMV # FDEQRSKVSCVYNDHSLYIWDLRDISRVGKSHSFLYHSTCIWGVETVPYNVEREPSQTLPEECFVTCSSDDTIRVWGLDGCTNNDIYRRNIYSKELLK # IVYSDDELQFIKDQGSSLFDKAGNSSYDGRNGVRCIKISPELQHLASGDRCGNIRVYSLVNLRLLTTIEAHESEVLCLEYSNEKIERKLLASASRDRL # IHVFDVAQNYLLLQTLDDHSSSITSIKFVGAGLNFQMISCGADKSIMFRSFQGNIFMRGTNTSGKTTLYDMEVDSNAKHILTACQDRNVRVYGTQNAK # QTKTFKGSHSDEGSLIKLSLDPSGIYVATSCTDKTLAVYDYYSNECMARMYGHSELVTGLKFTNDCRHLISASGDGCIFIWQVPHDMIVTMQARMSQQ # RLRSGHAPLPRPLAPISPPDGIVLESPTSEIEQPQLQPKFGVAERFSDVGQLPQWAMRKAAADSDSGALSIPTPSGGSATVPGMHAASSMGNLSSSPS # QQMTGLAPRARGRWAQRSTQLETADDLRSNSESPLGTVSSVGGHSGVNVQTSDYNSASSKDITYNQTYLSEDSSIDSGMETRRGELKFIGSSNNGTVV # TVSSVSSIAVSASNGAMSTGSGAAQQRLQLPDKRLKPGLRFDTHTHDHDGDVEDISDGERTSSDHGMFYNNLAPSTPTDFKVTAMNEDELRKSVRRQK # FEKSGLQLTPSALSGNGSSHTASTGTGTSDTEDEGSTPSAENAERSLASTLGGSSENLPQSSTNSFLHAALPEGPGLTTPMERGGSSRRSISAKHNTE # NGKSVAAPPTITKSYTSTKKEELLQVINKVKQQLENVGHRPLRGSHSISDLSLAANLDGSRNAGGGPGRYQKPVDSHDTSQYTSPQNTTATAAPTNTQ # QQIQPPVQQQYQIPKEPHQQAQQQHQQYAPPASQQFFNCAAPKSKLQQNFQTMRQVQQHYPPYPHHVGVHQIHPPPGVPFGGSAAGSTSAMRSHSQPQ # NRQQQQQQQQQRAKRNPAGNNRRTPSILKHYKSCPVSPVHEEVEWSAEGNERGALLGEPKRHSVYADDARTILDMIHADTEKMIDEITRKYGDLDEPG # IPASYSMPANLRNLGGLGSTGDSTPTGRTTQYYVYREFYQCERKVSLSDILQPEQFAASQRRLDEARFLETQRHSSASFFLTGQQSQESLSLLSDGDG # PGSYCNSLESVLSDESDCQSAPLEYPQTQVAVLQQRHAGIRNFIIHGPVSKSYGNSPNAYGSFDYYMRQQHSTTTDSFDVTGYNLEPLKPLPSSKTYP # RIAQVQASENIPTLRSKNKQYTSGVNKSLSTDFAQQRQQRNSNPMQSGDNLFVRKPLKPKPPVPAKPHNLVSTLSHMEKQQKQKSQSRTASVVQQFEH # NLQKFEKEKQREREQQRRPAMRSSVSSGALAGGSTTQSCLKKVSRFDTSESSRRATSVRQKNRPKISVRFNTVSQIKYTPSAKRERQAREEEPPEMEV # GSLPSDYGERSFEMYFAENGNAPENLENMQTLKLYTKPQLQAVVDEIQQEREKYRKNLDNAGKISGKGGSGKGKGAGSSTSHQCQNIAKKIDIIEKLI # AMEENKMEQIRLATESRLRPFNCNAKEKGYVKSLTMNFDMLARGEDPTEDEDLASKDASDLCAYARNIRRNCSLPDVLESTDFTGIYNSQGVELAKEV # IADDESGDPVNPGITADSADHDGIGQTVVLRMEPGNPKTLNPMPIEESSIRRACSLSDLHMGNFGKPGKSQNGTPQKPQVQHRNGNVSRSASKRNSLQ # GKTGLGASSNSMNVLNQGSDSEPEDSNRLRSASNGQGRSNGPIAANRQYSNKINNVNNNRRKTPNFSSATPMQDDSSSEETPNSTVNNKPIVPPRPRN # LAFDHKSKLMINNSGSPGGNAKQRSGVTSTEDFEGTDPEAQVHNVINKLYTTTQAAMQLHANLKNTLLLKELENALIMSRNMLSSITNRQADKTNNGG # GGLGVGGSGGLNHDQLNADNGDYLMMVNNCADLLSNLRTKHKPDDCENNS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 94.3 # CDS exons: 18/18 # W: 18 # CDS introns: 15/17 # E: 15 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 27 # E: 15 # RM: 12 # incompatible hint groups: 570 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # W: 566 # end gene g276 # start gene g277 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1945305 1945589 0.54 - . g277 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1945305 1945589 0.54 - . g277.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1945305 1945307 . - 0 transcript_id "g277.t1"; gene_id "g277"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1945305 1945589 0.54 - 0 transcript_id "g277.t1"; gene_id "g277"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1945587 1945589 . - 0 transcript_id "g277.t1"; gene_id "g277"; # protein sequence = [MRKCQMLEILDKVRSCDCCHKRRLNNCRMVKSGGRKPASQGWTLYLIAACFALLLLMIIYMIHVARRYNHVRAYGSSA # CGSTLFYSYSDCDVFY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g277 # start gene g278 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1951056 1952834 0.66 - . g278 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1951056 1952834 0.66 - . g278.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1951056 1951058 . - 0 transcript_id "g278.t1"; gene_id "g278"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1951056 1952834 0.66 - 0 transcript_id "g278.t1"; gene_id "g278"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1952832 1952834 . - 0 transcript_id "g278.t1"; gene_id "g278"; # protein sequence = [MMPPSKSPVMESAASEQNPAQQSQQQDEQSAKRACPLKFSIAKIMEPDHRPSQVPPPQPAPVSFATNDDDEDEDPEID # ADSERSCSPIEVISLDQSPSTVNYDSAFKKYVPGPCSGATSSVASPPSTAAVQQFVSSRHQELLSQYPLLYYAPNQLMCAAAAAQYAALTAQQQSLAS # AAHLSSFTASLNASLHHSQSLRRNLGHPLAAAAAVAAVAQSQAVPNLQHTLEKSPVAQRTAQSSGLQANLKRKRSPQDQGEVTPPPASTATSATGARS # RSPSPQGSIEDSSPGSASGGKPKTFSCLECGKVFNAHYNLTRHMPVHTGARPFVCKVCGKGFRQASTLCRHKIIHTSEKPHKCQTCGKAFNRSSTLNT # HSRIHAGYKPFVCEYCGKGFHQKGNYKNHKLTHSGEKAYKCNICNKAFHQVYNLTFHMHTHNDKKPYTCRVCAKGFCRNFDLKKHMRKLHEIGGDLDD # LDMPPTYDRRREYTRREPLASGYGQASGQLTPDSSSGSMSPPINVTTPPLSSGETSNPAWPRSAVSQYPPGGFHHQLGVAPPHDYPSGSAFLQLQPQQ # PHPQSQQHHQQQQRLSETFIAKVF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # RM: 2 # end gene g278 # start gene g279 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1955596 1955880 0.94 - . g279 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1955596 1955880 0.94 - . g279.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1955596 1955598 . - 0 transcript_id "g279.t1"; gene_id "g279"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1955596 1955880 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g279.t1"; gene_id "g279"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1955878 1955880 . - 0 transcript_id "g279.t1"; gene_id "g279"; # protein sequence = [MAAIVLEGSTKTPTLPVGLAEELCFCVALQLQLLNCSTPAKAAMCPALPKKRSWTVVLQTDGVGGAGRQALPEQTKSR # KPRWRCHQNEYGIIFN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g279 # start gene g280 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1963891 1964175 0.74 - . g280 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1963891 1964175 0.74 - . g280.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1963891 1963893 . - 0 transcript_id "g280.t1"; gene_id "g280"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1963891 1964175 0.74 - 0 transcript_id "g280.t1"; gene_id "g280"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1964173 1964175 . - 0 transcript_id "g280.t1"; gene_id "g280"; # protein sequence = [MIASFKLHINYGKNIFVLPFGNQHKKRQNFLLGKFLRINILSPTRITSKLARANLECQIRQRLGKKSAHNRQLMSSCS # SGEALEGQCQDLGDDD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g280 # start gene g281 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1966276 1975187 0.26 + . g281 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1966276 1975187 0.26 + . g281.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1966276 1966278 . + 0 transcript_id "g281.t1"; gene_id "g281"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1966356 1974159 0.26 + . transcript_id "g281.t1"; gene_id "g281"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1974481 1974563 1 + . transcript_id "g281.t1"; gene_id "g281"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1974819 1974880 1 + . transcript_id "g281.t1"; gene_id "g281"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1974992 1975060 1 + . transcript_id "g281.t1"; gene_id "g281"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1966276 1966355 0.38 + 0 transcript_id "g281.t1"; gene_id "g281"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1974160 1974480 0.8 + 1 transcript_id "g281.t1"; gene_id "g281"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1974564 1974818 1 + 1 transcript_id "g281.t1"; gene_id "g281"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1974881 1974991 1 + 1 transcript_id "g281.t1"; gene_id "g281"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1975061 1975187 1 + 1 transcript_id "g281.t1"; gene_id "g281"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1975185 1975187 . + 0 transcript_id "g281.t1"; gene_id "g281"; # protein sequence = [MCNHRGSSGPNLDPKWGFKNKFPICDXENHSAQKQRINELNRTPKHTREVHTMDAGVWYRSLPRFTRYWLTATVVLSM # LCRFDVIPLHWLHLDRSAVFSKLQLWRCMTSLFVFPISSNTAFHFLINCFFIVQYSSKLEKDQYSRSPADYLYLLIVSAVLANIGGMIFNVYFLMDTL # VLAITYIWCQLNKDVTVSFWFGTRFKAMYLPWVLAAFEFIFHFSLASLVGIFVGHVYYFFKFQYSQDLGGTPLLETPQFLKRLVPDVSGGFGGFGLPP # ESRAPPRQATESPWGRGMTLGRN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 77.8 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 3 # RM: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 79 # W: 79 # end gene g281 # start gene g282 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1976542 1980612 0.85 - . g282 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1976542 1980612 0.85 - . g282.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1976542 1976544 . - 0 transcript_id "g282.t1"; gene_id "g282"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1976814 1976909 1 - . transcript_id "g282.t1"; gene_id "g282"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1979203 1979909 1 - . transcript_id "g282.t1"; gene_id "g282"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1980181 1980252 1 - . transcript_id "g282.t1"; gene_id "g282"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1980428 1980551 1 - . transcript_id "g282.t1"; gene_id "g282"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1976542 1976813 1 - 2 transcript_id "g282.t1"; gene_id "g282"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1976910 1979202 1 - 0 transcript_id "g282.t1"; gene_id "g282"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1979910 1980180 1 - 1 transcript_id "g282.t1"; gene_id "g282"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1980253 1980427 1 - 2 transcript_id "g282.t1"; gene_id "g282"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1980552 1980612 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g282.t1"; gene_id "g282"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1980610 1980612 . - 0 transcript_id "g282.t1"; gene_id "g282"; # protein sequence = [MWPQTLEMSRDECRGMLRRLELESYSHVVSVFRAQGALSETKAKLLEELRQQFHINQERHRAEVRRAANDEQLCTIAE # NVCGPNTWQEWSREGRRLYPLLPRISPQTALSIVANDLAAKACEENAKLAAPAETAVHFGEALVEQASLMSLKYPRGARIQDTAMVIMAEPFKVPDLP # NEVKKMTQKRKENDSGIDGKPNKKRHMQQPHPQQPHLQASQQQQQSQQLNPNSSNPGMEEADPVPPEKRMTARTLQQRYFYQQQMKHKQRLASKRNLA # NRLGSPSAQSGNPLGGRNMPSSGGDTSTAKRSAAPAKSGRRAQKQLQQQQKLQQHQQQKVLMQSQETVPNHMVVQPHVEYVLDEALKTLAASNPPTPT # STVAPPYTILNEPRPLVTLKPLKTIKPMIYGPQSGMPSAEIGSPTTPGSRGFANSPIVFKEKLQASPVQVATQGQGSPTKKFVAEERHADAMPSAATT # PTPISTANLPLAPQIISVQKIPAPSMGGKLRAAVASPTSSTNSTLLPPGAKTTPKKFNILEGDAKPKTLPSSAVRLLPYTEPIGGPLSPLKDSRVTPL # SSASTVNIIKNIPASSLNNTLITPLPSAGTTMPANLFRAKVTPSIKGASGAAGGATVIGAAGATGIGGAGAGPQILGNIKLTSSSGGAATIKQVPSSA # LRNIKICSPNGKLFLQPGKLPAGSIIHKFNNASSTAVSAAGGVVTTTTTTVSPTKQPAREQRISIQKILQPATGSASSGSSSPTTTTTTISGLTSSAK # QPGLGNKPTTLTFATAGGGKNNLVFLPASAASGMRALTLATKPKSNVLVIGASTSPASAASSPNPSGGTKPKANQLITEDTPIDIINMPIIVADNGTA # AELNQASVKNSPLVVFNATDWEMELDQAATKSASTTSKQALDDVIIEEDEDAEEEARESSEQPSTMDLNNSIIELHPEDDSAIEYVDMDLEQPVEIES # TSNISPETATTTLKAAIVSTSPQQQQQQPQKKHPPLEHPLSAGAAAGTGSSTGAAVQSAIKLP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 4 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 264 # W: 264 # end gene g282 # start gene g283 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1981247 1981927 0.99 + . g283 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1981247 1981927 0.99 + . g283.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1981247 1981249 . + 0 transcript_id "g283.t1"; gene_id "g283"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1981584 1981641 1 + . transcript_id "g283.t1"; gene_id "g283"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1981833 1981885 1 + . transcript_id "g283.t1"; gene_id "g283"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1981247 1981583 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g283.t1"; gene_id "g283"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1981642 1981832 1 + 2 transcript_id "g283.t1"; gene_id "g283"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1981886 1981927 1 + 0 transcript_id "g283.t1"; gene_id "g283"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1981925 1981927 . + 0 transcript_id "g283.t1"; gene_id "g283"; # protein sequence = [MKRKAKTVPIQSNSRMKNKAKMYIAGLAGLGLIVLVSIYKCASGEVRQAESEKCFFCDFAHRRQGPPPILEVETDEYV # IFKDKYPAARLHYLAIPKEHFDSLKALNKSHVGLVRRMEQGMMEFLRSQNVDPKEAIVGFHLPPFISVRHLHLHGIFPPADMSFGNKISFMPSFWFKK # SSDAIRELEDREL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 54 # W: 54 # end gene g283 # start gene g284 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1982312 1984393 1 + . g284 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1982312 1984393 1 + . g284.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1982312 1982314 . + 0 transcript_id "g284.t1"; gene_id "g284"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1982499 1982546 1 + . transcript_id "g284.t1"; gene_id "g284"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1983961 1984018 1 + . transcript_id "g284.t1"; gene_id "g284"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1984144 1984205 1 + . transcript_id "g284.t1"; gene_id "g284"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1982312 1982498 1 + 0 transcript_id "g284.t1"; gene_id "g284"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1982547 1983960 1 + 2 transcript_id "g284.t1"; gene_id "g284"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1984019 1984143 1 + 1 transcript_id "g284.t1"; gene_id "g284"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1984206 1984393 1 + 2 transcript_id "g284.t1"; gene_id "g284"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1984391 1984393 . + 0 transcript_id "g284.t1"; gene_id "g284"; # protein sequence = [MLFRSAKSKFDAGDVMRRMKRLAEGTISSYRRLFLLLLCVCVVFYMIPPIFRYIFLSAPEQKDPHSMCMDDRLTPFIL # QNFEFDANIRHVSPAKMPGERDFTPYVGNGYLGLEIAHDAFLNIKNGRAMQLPIPFQPVVSVSGGSASGGEKEATVVEYLTGMVHRFQCFAGYFVSYT # YYAHRTQPNIFMQELQITNTRNLLEDIELIMPRVNLQKLTRRTVPLSEPVSVGVFTYTELEVLSGTVQLQAENPSKSIVISIVKPQMDSKLQLRKRGT # VRIVYPTAVHYSKPVAEEKIGGISETIEQQATQAMAKLLQKLGSKPSNPGSLNSVNIYRQEHIDVWTDLWATGFTISTSKAENSLNGDRINATMYAVL # SQVRSFEFEEAGGSKKEDIAKALTYAEGCYDSYHTLQAENLWREMSNLQQLNSLVTSWMLTLEKQGCHNLIRAGASGVIQAMVLSFGSFRFSNQHLEC # NIHPKFLHRDFHFRRLNYGNKTHVNVTIIVDDDNKAVINIALDRSDRSYYACDGGCLDEPVLLTQNRRQFPVKLTEPLTAILYITEDKQHMEELHHAI # HVKEVVEAPAHEQHLIALHRHGHQLGGLPTLFWVSVCAIIIVFHIFLCKLIIKEYCEPSDKLRYRYNKP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 184 # W: 184 # end gene g284 # start gene g285 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1984553 1987806 0.85 - . g285 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1984553 1987806 0.85 - . g285.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1984553 1984555 . - 0 transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1984664 1984717 1 - . transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1985402 1985470 1 - . transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1985720 1985781 1 - . transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1985884 1985945 1 - . transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1986106 1987584 1 - . transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1987677 1987755 0.85 - . transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1984553 1984663 1 - 0 transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1984718 1985401 1 - 0 transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1985471 1985719 1 - 0 transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1985782 1985883 1 - 0 transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1985946 1986105 1 - 1 transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1987585 1987676 1 - 0 transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1987756 1987806 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1987804 1987806 . - 0 transcript_id "g285.t1"; gene_id "g285"; # protein sequence = [MQTGKSFSSRPFALAAFYNHRVHLAMSQICKRGLLISNRLAPAALRCKSTWFSEVQMGPPDAILGVTEAFKKDTNPKK # INLGAGAYRDDNTQPFVLPSVREAEKRVVSRSLDKEYATIIGIPEFYNKAIELALGKGSKRLAAKHNVTAQSISGTGALRIGAAFLAKFWQGNREIYI # PSPSWGNHVAIFEHAGLPVNRYRYYDKDTCALDFGGLIEDLKKIPEKSIVLLHACAHNPTGVDPTLEQWREISALVKKRNLYPFIDMAYQGFATGDID # RDAQAVRTFEADGHDFCLAQSFAKNMGLYGERAGAFTVLCSDEEEAARVMSQVKILIRGLYSNPPVHGARIAAEILNNEDLRAQWLKDVKLMADRIID # VRTKLKDNLIKLGSSQNWDHIVNQIGMFCFTGLKPEQVQKLIKDHSVYLTNDGRVSMAGVTSKNVEYLAESIHKYLLIGTCTNFLAPTKLRSLDKPMH # FAHSLSISLYIS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 76.9 # CDS exons: 6/7 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 4/6 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 146 # W: 146 # end gene g285 # start gene g286 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1988022 1988835 0.75 + . g286 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1988022 1988835 0.75 + . g286.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1988022 1988024 . + 0 transcript_id "g286.t1"; gene_id "g286"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1988032 1988314 0.75 + . transcript_id "g286.t1"; gene_id "g286"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1988022 1988031 1 + 0 transcript_id "g286.t1"; gene_id "g286"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1988315 1988835 0.75 + 2 transcript_id "g286.t1"; gene_id "g286"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1988833 1988835 . + 0 transcript_id "g286.t1"; gene_id "g286"; # protein sequence = [MPIKAERGESQRKSHPIRLPCNSIKWKKMLRYAVIACAALVVFAGALEFSDCGSKTGKFTRVAIEGCDTTKAECILKR # NTTVSFSIDFALAEEATAVKTVVHGKVLGIEMPFPLANPDACVDSGLKCPLEKDESYRYTATLPVLRSYPKVSVLVKWELQDQDGADIICVEIPAKIQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 53 # W: 53 # end gene g286 # start gene g287 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1988847 1992152 0.84 - . g287 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1988847 1992152 0.84 - . g287.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1988847 1988849 . - 0 transcript_id "g287.t1"; gene_id "g287"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1988913 1991769 0.93 - . transcript_id "g287.t1"; gene_id "g287"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1992040 1992092 0.91 - . transcript_id "g287.t1"; gene_id "g287"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1988847 1988912 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g287.t1"; gene_id "g287"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1991770 1992039 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g287.t1"; gene_id "g287"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1992093 1992152 0.91 - 0 transcript_id "g287.t1"; gene_id "g287"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 1992150 1992152 . - 0 transcript_id "g287.t1"; gene_id "g287"; # protein sequence = [MRVLLAFVLLLGLSVLATKEPEEVKIVSECAKENNVHRKKALDLLMSYRLKKKTHNVMCFINCIFERTNILQKVKEKV # VKENHNCDSIKDADKCAESFQKFQCLVKIEMKITMERKIRSAQCALPSISRLI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # RM: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 18 # W: 18 # end gene g287 # start gene g288 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 1997774 2002960 0.65 - . g288 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 1997774 2002960 0.65 - . g288.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 1997774 1997776 . - 0 transcript_id "g288.t1"; gene_id "g288"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1997959 1998231 0.94 - . transcript_id "g288.t1"; gene_id "g288"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 1998721 2002668 0.86 - . transcript_id "g288.t1"; gene_id "g288"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1997774 1997958 0.94 - 2 transcript_id "g288.t1"; gene_id "g288"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 1998232 1998720 1 - 2 transcript_id "g288.t1"; gene_id "g288"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2002669 2002960 0.75 - 0 transcript_id "g288.t1"; gene_id "g288"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2002958 2002960 . - 0 transcript_id "g288.t1"; gene_id "g288"; # protein sequence = [MQKAHHLTILPLAAAILGQLDSTSSGGSGTGGAPPDRPPTPPLSLQPSTPSITHFVNESFIIFCQTVQKDIDTKWRDP # RGQTRENTKGRVHIEKKTTDKPHWFFNETLPVQYAYVGGAVNLSCDAMGEPPPSFTWLHNNKGIVGFNHRIFVADYGATLQLQMKNASQFGDYKCKVA # NPLGMLERVIKLRPGPKPLGPRRFQLKKLYTNGFELDIQTPRMSNVSDEMQIYGYRVAYMSDTEFKFSAGNWSYAKQRDFSFHGGKHFIIPHLETNTT # YLMRAASRNLAGLSDWSPVKVFTTAAGCSWSPWLYPSYGLILALIWT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 5 # E: 1 # W: 4 # end gene g288 # start gene g289 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2010166 2029938 0.66 + . g289 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2010166 2029938 0.66 + . g289.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2010166 2010168 . + 0 transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2010314 2026767 1 + . transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2027211 2027278 1 + . transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2027792 2027851 1 + . transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2028051 2028112 1 + . transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2028250 2028302 1 + . transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2029029 2029091 1 + . transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2029419 2029493 1 + . transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2029757 2029835 1 + . transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2010166 2010313 0.66 + 0 transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2026768 2027210 1 + 2 transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2027279 2027791 1 + 0 transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2027852 2028050 1 + 0 transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2028113 2028249 1 + 2 transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2028303 2029028 1 + 0 transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2029092 2029418 1 + 0 transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2029494 2029756 1 + 0 transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2029836 2029938 1 + 1 transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2029936 2029938 . + 0 transcript_id "g289.t1"; gene_id "g289"; # protein sequence = [MFTVSLVKIVLLIWSSHPAAPHSAPPLPTVDEWLESENLASYKHLFRDKGISSLSSCGDPERLPELPPLDEQRLQRAA # LHLQQKLILREWLKDHRLQHHYQRLLAVEVASLEDVYWLEDSRASKILGKDWQLWSGARQNLPTSKAQLDALKAQLWSTVVKSSQHQDAWTWGGMLVV # SVSVAGLVTLAAMTQPSLAPEARHSLLQYVTGKYLLPANCKVQWDWKDPASVGGTMCFVVRFFQRNGQPYPICDTDHFFVEVTEGTRKVVTISELGSS # TDPNNANIAKVKFTVRTAGQYKISVLIGASHIAGSPFLRSFLPGAIDARRSRFIRPASTVICCAGAPTLMHIEPRDEFGNSCLFDQNQSDEALQGYQV # AIYDLHGVPVEKLQHAIVFAYDKVNSRVSVTALFPEPTCLRAVISYRDQQLPNGDFDIIVLSSSDTTLVHKNIASRKHNICYEAKLLSIFGVSKNKPR # KVLCYVGPKQNSLIFQVTIKEMILKFIPKRIATFRLCPSTKFHFLPQLVSQLHGPVFIIDDGAQPKIELASKDRNIIAATFTHFLLKNIGGSETFKDK # QDFFYHEVRKFHASYYHEKMALKVQREKILESSMKAVKGFSVSDWCGNFEVTFQGEQGIDWGGLRREWFELVCSALFDARGGLFCTFHDKHQALVHPN # PTRPAHLKLKHFEFAGKMVGKCLFESALGGTYRQLVRARFSRSFLAQLIGLRVHYKYFEQDDPDLYLSKIKYILDTDLDATDTLELYFVEEMYDSSSG # QLSKTIELIPNGAKTRVTNATKNQYLDALAQQRLCNNVKDEVDSFLKGLNSIIPDNLLSIFDENELELLMCGTGEYSISDFKAHHIANGNSAEFRRVL # AWFWAGVSNFSQTEMARLLQFTTGCSQLPPGGFQELNPQFQITAAPTFGNLPTAHTCFNQLCLPDYESYEQFEKSLLLAISEGSEGFGMV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 9/9 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 8/8 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 19 # E: 8 # RM: 11 # incompatible hint groups: 251 # E: 2 # W: 249 # end gene g289 # start gene g290 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2032635 2035376 0.69 - . g290 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2032635 2035376 0.69 - . g290.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2032635 2032637 . - 0 transcript_id "g290.t1"; gene_id "g290"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2032635 2035376 0.69 - 0 transcript_id "g290.t1"; gene_id "g290"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2035374 2035376 . - 0 transcript_id "g290.t1"; gene_id "g290"; # protein sequence = [MSSTQSPPGRPDADILIVNDMDEAGLLLSDSSHKDDGTVEIILDSTLSSEENEVNEEAAKSKPQPEEDFSSNHNFDSS # GDGELVELDSPAGLKPENREEVTSSSMEHRTEVEKLRTELKQVAGISEIAKPGSPIDPSLTAHLQRLSQLIDGLQQTYQKTDKPQTEMRPDQLNAFLA # HFDIKNRYEMMNPMEQTSSTITTTTSTTEAPKIKPRLPEPTSNKTRLQEHLSHHRLEPETKLMLSNAVPYSSHGTTGQGYANSQIVVNRPEGSVMFAL # PPNYGMSQEQGSYVSHQSHEYSDHEPKISEDTLKTVLELSKQMIAAQNLPKVLPNPGFNGAYYQPILQPVFMSPQGNPFQQYYGMPPPLNPHYMQHKK # HSAGGGSSSNGYNKPSTTIIHNNVIPVHLSSTSSGEKEVLDTYGNSLGVYPSMDKHVTASQASGMEYMTTARPVTIATTASTYSAQYGSQSPFASDYT # LTTPRPFEQQPSAATVATYYTPSPHLGEHNANRVYQPTESYPTMNIPRPMDMFPGQIDADRVSIRPNSQKIESMEMDEDMIKANYQSGSGIGNGNGNT # LPHVLTYSSDMSQQLAPSNGYLEQSYSLQQPQHHHHPYMPRPRPTMSSSIYSDSDGNMEMSMFTSSPNLNPFKGGNVKYPGSTSPNGQLVNFNGNFIS # LDVFQKSILPLMTKSPSALNELGNVEVITCQAGVRQPNQTDCTRYFVCSKKDGKVLSYSCPPYTAFNKQTRICDAPTYAQCSNVIPAFNGYTIDSNRR # LQMEAIKMLSEAKRRQEAALKAQSIASLIQQYGSAQKAQPGISSNVENDPLDSYVVSLPEVSLSTTTSRPTIIQSSSGVSSGGSSTPAKKRKYYCKEG # DKIPDQTSISSYFVCYKNAQGQMKGHKMSCSKSLLFCPKTLMCTLASKCTD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g290 # start gene g291 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2036456 2037247 1 - . g291 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2036456 2037247 1 - . g291.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2036456 2036458 . - 0 transcript_id "g291.t1"; gene_id "g291"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2036456 2037247 1 - 0 transcript_id "g291.t1"; gene_id "g291"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2037245 2037247 . - 0 transcript_id "g291.t1"; gene_id "g291"; # protein sequence = [MLKSASALLCGLLALNLYGAWAESDVICPLKDPPSQCGGFCLGVLTPVLNHLTISQNLANSNNSSKANEVLVRQYTME # GQLTALQNKQLSIEVALDAQGRKLNVNEQNFTERLNCMEGILSALEKTVLEVKTKIKYLGFEQIGSKYYYIEKVSEKNWSTASKTCRNMGGHLADIKD # EADLAAIKANLKEDTHYWLGINDLDHEGKFLSMPTGKQTTFLKWASGRPSQLDTLNCVFLYNGEMYDYPCHYTFRFICQTEEEDLNV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g291 # start gene g292 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2037852 2038283 0.65 - . g292 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2037852 2038283 0.65 - . g292.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2037852 2037854 . - 0 transcript_id "g292.t1"; gene_id "g292"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2038065 2038232 0.66 - . transcript_id "g292.t1"; gene_id "g292"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2037852 2038064 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g292.t1"; gene_id "g292"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2038233 2038283 0.65 - 0 transcript_id "g292.t1"; gene_id "g292"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2038281 2038283 . - 0 transcript_id "g292.t1"; gene_id "g292"; # protein sequence = [MCRYIFIRGHVTHARKKQFLGVSPPPFSFPFYLCLTFCCFFFCLWCSYNLRLCVWLLSPVCGCMCECVCGILNWVSRA # PKLMAGLLH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 15 # W: 15 # end gene g292 # start gene g293 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2039992 2043183 1 + . g293 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2039992 2043183 1 + . g293.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2039992 2039994 . + 0 transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2040155 2040216 1 + . transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2040360 2040421 1 + . transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2041574 2041646 1 + . transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2042570 2042652 1 + . transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2042852 2042913 1 + . transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2039992 2040154 1 + 0 transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2040217 2040359 1 + 2 transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2040422 2041573 1 + 0 transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2041647 2042569 1 + 0 transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2042653 2042851 1 + 1 transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2042914 2043183 1 + 0 transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2043181 2043183 . + 0 transcript_id "g293.t1"; gene_id "g293"; # protein sequence = [MADGNGLPAGAASGGMEAGQTVNGAGSASPTPTSSSGAGASGSANQGYHQLSVTIEEASLRNNGFLKPNPYVELLIDS # KSKRKTDLVKNSYLPKWNEEFTVLITPNSTLHFKVLDHSSFRKDAMLGERIINLAHILQHYNGRCEFLELTIDLFVTSKSDNRQTKSGELVAILNGLK # LDMSKLQIQPVAGQQNGNPPVQAVNPSVVSDAAAGRSCMIYGGVRARMRLRSSSGNSNGGETRSPLPNGGGDHRRSTQAPPVWEQQQQQSQNQQQPLR # MVNGSGAAVPQTAPYPQQPPAPALARPLTQVYGALPENTQPAAVYLPAGGGAAVGPPGVAGPPIEQPGVGLPVSQSTDPQLQTQPADDEPLPAGWEIR # LDQYGRRYYVDHNTRSTYWEKPTPLPPGWEIRKDGRGRVYYVDHNTRKTTWQRPNSERLMHFQHWQGQRAHVVSQGNQRYLYSQQQQQPTAVTAQVTQ # DDEDALGPLPDGWEKKIQSDNRVYFVNHKNRTTQWEDPRTQGQEVSLINEGPLPPGWEIRYTAAGERFFVDHNTRRTTFEDPRPGAPKGAKGVYGVPR # AYERSFRWKLSQFRYLCQSNALPSHIKITVTRQTLFEDSYHQIMRLPAYELRRRLYIIFRGEEGLDYGGVSREWFFLLSHEVLNPMYCLFEYANKNNY # SLQINPASYVNPDHLQYFKFIGRFIAMALYHGRFIYSGFTMPFYKRMLNKKLTIKDIETIDPEFYNSLIWVKDNNIDECGLELWFSVDFEVLGQIIHH # ELKENGEKERVTEENKEEYITLMTEWRMTRGIEQQTKTFLEGFNEVVPLEWLKYFDERELELILCGMQDVDVEDWQRNTIYRHYNRNSKQVVWFWQFV # RETDNEKRARLLQFVTGTCRVPVGGFAELMGSNGPQRFCIEKVGKETWLPRSHTCFNRLDLPPYKSYDQLVEKLTFAIEETEGFCQE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 275 # W: 275 # end gene g293 # start gene g294 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2043761 2044747 0.51 - . g294 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2043761 2044747 0.51 - . g294.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2043761 2043763 . - 0 transcript_id "g294.t1"; gene_id "g294"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2043964 2044689 0.52 - . transcript_id "g294.t1"; gene_id "g294"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2043761 2043963 0.97 - 2 transcript_id "g294.t1"; gene_id "g294"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2044690 2044747 0.52 - 0 transcript_id "g294.t1"; gene_id "g294"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2044745 2044747 . - 0 transcript_id "g294.t1"; gene_id "g294"; # protein sequence = [MEQLVKFERPPTRRRCKNVAKTVCQYTKLSSSTIRIRSSKLFTVERININSPIVVKNMQAGARCTIELEAIRVQSYGE # NVTFSCDC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 49 # W: 49 # end gene g294 # start gene g295 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2045610 2047577 0.48 + . g295 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2045610 2047577 0.48 + . g295.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2045610 2045612 . + 0 transcript_id "g295.t1"; gene_id "g295"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2045642 2045699 1 + . transcript_id "g295.t1"; gene_id "g295"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2046012 2046068 1 + . transcript_id "g295.t1"; gene_id "g295"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2046219 2046427 1 + . transcript_id "g295.t1"; gene_id "g295"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2046767 2046847 0.57 + . transcript_id "g295.t1"; gene_id "g295"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2045610 2045641 0.83 + 0 transcript_id "g295.t1"; gene_id "g295"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2045700 2046011 1 + 1 transcript_id "g295.t1"; gene_id "g295"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2046069 2046218 1 + 1 transcript_id "g295.t1"; gene_id "g295"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2046428 2046766 0.58 + 1 transcript_id "g295.t1"; gene_id "g295"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2046848 2047577 0.55 + 1 transcript_id "g295.t1"; gene_id "g295"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2047575 2047577 . + 0 transcript_id "g295.t1"; gene_id "g295"; # protein sequence = [MSSMAKSPDMRTPGCCSPLRTKELLERQRSSRCTPAKGYLTPRNCQSPKHPEMRIPSIFVTDADYGLERPKQLLQRLE # RSLYRSSSASKVPPKHSLLASQNRQRTWEGPKTPEFRRTNKTIPASEPRPRRAKELLEDLRSKHQGTPATKIPSQRNPKENQELSKSHTCIPSSEPQP # IRPKLILERERQESITNRLASTSIDRLKTKPPRSSFTSSRLLVPQMGFSYPKDPKRLHESDKGIKLTTSKRKLDFKTELGTDWLRRELEKIGKEWRKK # TDYHRDCYVQQMVEALQQLQYTKKVNKSWLQTPNSTQAIAHVLELLNFLLDVLEHRKGEGMCALPVVSEKQRIEQLASASGTSYDVMSLQQKFENIKI # EKERLNNYQESLMPESPVSKDMDKVTERDGNQDFVRLLDFQKETLHELQLQRLRLQEFSELVSLAKIKLKRCCKANKQCIEAFNDQIQDLADCVVLRN # RNIGLLTQLHLNDNPKEEELHERMKQLQRLYEDNYSNLLQLNIKPPQGSP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 88.9 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 83 # W: 83 # end gene g295 # start gene g296 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2054589 2055837 1 + . g296 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2054589 2055837 1 + . g296.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2054589 2054591 . + 0 transcript_id "g296.t1"; gene_id "g296"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2055113 2055326 1 + . transcript_id "g296.t1"; gene_id "g296"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2055518 2055598 1 + . transcript_id "g296.t1"; gene_id "g296"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2054589 2055112 1 + 0 transcript_id "g296.t1"; gene_id "g296"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2055327 2055517 1 + 1 transcript_id "g296.t1"; gene_id "g296"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2055599 2055837 1 + 2 transcript_id "g296.t1"; gene_id "g296"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2055835 2055837 . + 0 transcript_id "g296.t1"; gene_id "g296"; # protein sequence = [MTDSGQPAIADHFYRIPRISGLIVGLWPQRIRGGGGRPWHAHLLFVFAFAMVVVGAVGEVSYGCVHLDNLVVALEAFC # PGTTKAVCVLKLWVFFRSNRRWAELVQRLRAILWESRRQEAQRMLVGLATTANRLSLLLLSSGTATNAAFTLQPLIMGLYRWIVQLPGQTELPFNIIL # PSFAVQPGVFPLTYVLLTASGACTVFAFSFVDGFFICSCLYICGAFRLVQQDIRRIFADLHGDSVDVFTEEMNAEVRHRLAQVVERHNAIIDFCTDLT # RQFTVIVLMHFLSAAFVLCSTILDIMLVSPFSEAFLWGGYPWG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g296 # start gene g297 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2061793 2066822 0.64 - . g297 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2061793 2066822 0.64 - . g297.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2061793 2061795 . - 0 transcript_id "g297.t1"; gene_id "g297"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2061908 2061974 0.81 - . transcript_id "g297.t1"; gene_id "g297"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2062300 2065610 1 - . transcript_id "g297.t1"; gene_id "g297"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2065744 2066741 0.98 - . transcript_id "g297.t1"; gene_id "g297"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2061793 2061907 0.78 - 1 transcript_id "g297.t1"; gene_id "g297"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2061975 2062299 0.81 - 2 transcript_id "g297.t1"; gene_id "g297"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2065611 2065743 1 - 0 transcript_id "g297.t1"; gene_id "g297"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2066742 2066822 0.87 - 0 transcript_id "g297.t1"; gene_id "g297"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2066820 2066822 . - 0 transcript_id "g297.t1"; gene_id "g297"; # protein sequence = [MPRNITGRTGHTEAIIKCRVDSLHDKSVTESKDSREWTLHVKAPLAKDSGIYECQVNTEPKMSMAFQLNIIEISPDAK # AVISGPPDLHFKAGSAIILNCLVQQPSVKDIGPIYWYRGEHMITPFDADDGQPEIPAGRGEHPQGIPEDTSPNDIMSEVDLQMEFATRIAMESQLGDT # LKSRLRISNAQTTDTGNYTCQPTTASSASVLVHVINGESWE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 28.6 # CDS exons: 1/4 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/3 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 9 # E: 1 # RM: 8 # incompatible hint groups: 8 # W: 8 # end gene g297 # start gene g298 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2080114 2083900 0.24 + . g298 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2080114 2083900 0.24 + . g298.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2080114 2080116 . + 0 transcript_id "g298.t1"; gene_id "g298"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2080128 2080207 0.5 + . transcript_id "g298.t1"; gene_id "g298"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2081067 2083669 0.41 + . transcript_id "g298.t1"; gene_id "g298"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2080114 2080127 0.5 + 0 transcript_id "g298.t1"; gene_id "g298"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2080208 2081066 0.91 + 1 transcript_id "g298.t1"; gene_id "g298"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2083670 2083900 0.42 + 0 transcript_id "g298.t1"; gene_id "g298"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2083898 2083900 . + 0 transcript_id "g298.t1"; gene_id "g298"; # protein sequence = [MKRSNNQFICPIVYTNELPTYPKDCKFLPCGQNIQEYCKEPVSIPKLDTCFSLNFKGLHELFSVNLMDQSAYDKLSEN # VQPMNPREADLLKDIRALDWDFARLEPSRAQECAKMFAKERVHPPLPGLQRSVAVPKAPKDLQPVSLEQQKAMIDASFKDIGKPLYRHPTNPGSNAYP # VQVLPVFPDTDLQKYSFVQMSFDNPPQNSNQGLIRDCGSCLINFSFVQDIADSTEKVYVSDHRYREEKADDSLERGEGYILREENDAIFYVGVDKYIK # LRRERPRPHVSANKFLLLGKARGMEGTALARICAATWPFVGAARDVRTNIHITQRGHGEMSEGCAVGEGCGVATLKWQQWPKRCQLKNGEKRN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g298 # start gene g299 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2128333 2129207 1 - . g299 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2128333 2129207 1 - . g299.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2128333 2128335 . - 0 transcript_id "g299.t1"; gene_id "g299"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2129071 2129132 1 - . transcript_id "g299.t1"; gene_id "g299"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2128333 2129070 1 - 0 transcript_id "g299.t1"; gene_id "g299"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2129133 2129207 1 - 0 transcript_id "g299.t1"; gene_id "g299"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2129205 2129207 . - 0 transcript_id "g299.t1"; gene_id "g299"; # protein sequence = [MSLYFAFLTTLIISLVNSQYFNYNQIRRETYGSNPRATFPWVVSVLDQRDWLFRYIGVGSLINPNVVLTAAHILNGTT # KYDLVVRAGEWDTSTTADQQHVDLEVLNIVSHEQFNRFNAENNMALLILVSAFEMTANINLIPLYLQEAGIQKGSCFFNGWGKVYLNSTDYPTVLKTV # QVDLLSMGMCSSRKLPIQQICGKGLEGIDCSGDGGAPLVCRILTYPYKYAQVGIVNWLSQKPVENTFIVFTNVAGLLPWIDYHLRLEANFRPRS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 76 # W: 76 # end gene g299 # start gene g300 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2131012 2136886 1 + . g300 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2131012 2136886 1 + . g300.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2131012 2131014 . + 0 transcript_id "g300.t1"; gene_id "g300"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2131255 2134438 1 + . transcript_id "g300.t1"; gene_id "g300"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2134968 2135037 1 + . transcript_id "g300.t1"; gene_id "g300"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2136645 2136730 1 + . transcript_id "g300.t1"; gene_id "g300"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2131012 2131254 1 + 0 transcript_id "g300.t1"; gene_id "g300"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2134439 2134967 1 + 0 transcript_id "g300.t1"; gene_id "g300"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2135038 2136644 1 + 2 transcript_id "g300.t1"; gene_id "g300"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2136731 2136886 1 + 0 transcript_id "g300.t1"; gene_id "g300"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2136884 2136886 . + 0 transcript_id "g300.t1"; gene_id "g300"; # protein sequence = [MSKPQSDADRRKQISVRGIAEVGNVTEVKKNFNRHLHYTLVKDRNVSTLRDYYFALANTVKDNMVGRWIRTQQHYYEK # DPKRVYYLSLEYYMGRSLTNTMINLGIQSECEEAMYQLGLDIENLEEMEEDAGLGNGGLGRLAACFLDSMATLGLAAYGYGIRYEYGIFAQKIKNGEQ # VEEPDDWLRYGNPWEKARPEFMLPVNFYGRVIDTPEGKKWVDTQRVFAMPYDNPIPGYNNNHVNTLRLWSAKSPIDFNLKFFNDGDYIQAVLDRNLAE # NISRVLYPNDNFFEGKELRLKQEYFMCAATLQDIIRRYKASKFGSREAVRNTFDHFPDKVAIQLNDTHPSLAIPELMRILVDEEHLTWEKAWDITVRS # CAYTNHTVLPEALERWPVSLLESILPRHLQIIYHINFLHMENVKKKFPDDLDRMRRMSMVEEDGEKRINMAHLSIVGSHAVNGVAAIHSQILKDSLFH # DFYEMEPQKFQNKTNGITPRRWLLLCNPGLSDLIAEKIGDEWPVHLDQLVALKKWAKDPNFQRNVARVKQENKLKLAAILEKDYGVKINPSSMFDIQV # KRIHEYKRQLLNCLHIITLYNRIKKDPTANFTPRTIMIGGKAAPGYYVAKQIIKLICAVGNVVNNDPIVGDKLKVIFLENYRVTLAEKIMPAADLSEQ # ISTAGTEASGTGNMKFQLNGALTIGTLDGANVEMAEEMGLDNIFIFGMTVDEVEALKKKGYNAYDYYNANPEVKQVIDQIQGGFFSPGNPNEFKNIAD # ILLKYDHYYLLADYDAYIKAQDLVSKTYQNQAKWLEMSINNIASSGKFSSDRTIAEYAREIWGVEPTWEKLPAPEDQPQN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 3 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 250 # W: 250 # end gene g300 # start gene g301 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2137669 2145031 0.77 - . g301 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2137669 2145031 0.77 - . g301.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2137669 2137671 . - 0 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2137795 2137882 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2137927 2137983 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2138159 2139629 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2139677 2139727 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2140313 2140379 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2141071 2141128 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2141723 2141784 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2142133 2142190 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2142581 2142641 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2143392 2143448 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2143850 2143919 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2144054 2144118 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2144367 2144456 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2144626 2144804 1 - . transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2137669 2137794 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2137883 2137926 1 - 2 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2137984 2138158 1 - 0 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2139630 2139676 1 - 2 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2139728 2140312 1 - 2 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2140380 2141070 1 - 0 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2141129 2141722 1 - 0 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2141785 2142132 1 - 0 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2142191 2142580 1 - 0 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2142642 2143391 1 - 0 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2143449 2143849 1 - 2 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2143920 2144053 1 - 1 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2144119 2144366 1 - 0 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2144457 2144625 1 - 1 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2144805 2145031 1 - 0 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2145029 2145031 . - 0 transcript_id "g301.t1"; gene_id "g301"; # protein sequence = [MQRSTDRLRRLKKLKSVTGAQDGVGGGDAAATADNRTSASSDTNGAAASSGAGGNQPGTLNPEVFKHLDKSGRSEFLK # YLKHQLQDAADTPVYDKNGVFKQGISNAIYQLLWQTLRFTHKKDIVLHLLLEVVALHADFPSLIVDVVNILDSETSLITDGLQEERHAFVQLVKDLDR # VIPESLLKERLEIDTLQEAGIVKNKSFYSKFIKVKTKLYYKQRRFNLFREESEGFAKLITELNQEFDENTTPESIMDIIKSLIGCFNLDPNRVLDIII # ESFETRPDRWNLFIPLLRSYMPTGAIICEVLGYKFCHFKDSRTPRSLYHVCALLLKHGVIALNDVYVWLTPNDGSIKADWEEDLADAREMVRKLNLIQ # TNKKEDEKDPPPPPSVKKFNEEKYNANQKFGLCEALLKVGDWENAYKIIQKLPEQAVVLQEPIARAIADLIHLSVENIYYKKCFKAPAGRRPSRNRLY # EDSKLVAKMQAKEFGDLRKYTWPMANVLGPAMHYDTVLMYKLIRIMRKLVVDMGVDSLNGPPPNSEAEQHYYDIMSSLDACILPSLLYLDNNCSMSEE # IWAVLKYFPYHFRYSLYARWKNDSYQLHPNLIRRCGLAQRDIKALMKRVSKENVKQLGRLVGKYSHCAPGLLFDYILLQIQIYDNLIGPVCDLLKYLT # ALSFDCLGYCIIESLTLTGRLRFKDDGTSLSLWLQSLASFCGTIYKKYSIELSGLLQYVANQLKSQKSLDLLILREIVHKMAGVESCEEMTNDQLQAM # CGGEQLRGEAGYFSQVRNTKKSSNRLKEALANNDLAVAICLLMAQQKHCVIYRETAAHSHLKLVGNLYDQCQDTLVQFGTFLGSTYSVDEYVERLPSI # ITMLREYHINTDVAFFLARPMFTHQINQKYDQLRKDDPNAKKLTTTQKLQKYLEATQLIMNPIVESVRPLHSSKVWEDISPQFLVTFWSLSMYDLHVP # NESYQREVAKLKQLAQQAAEGKDSNQSKNKKEQERYIALMEKLNDERKKQHEHVDKISQRLQEQKDSWFLLRSGKSAKNDTITQFLQLCLFPRCTFTA # LDALYCAKFVHTIHNLKTSNFSTLLCYDRIFCDITYSVTSCTEGEATRYGRFLCAMLETVMRWHADQAVFNKECANYPGFVTKFRVSNQFSEANDHVG # YENYRHVCHKWHYKITKAIVFCLDSKDFMQIRNALIILMRILPHYPVLSKLAQIIERKVDKVREEEKTKRPDLYAIASSYIGQLKLKTPHMLKESVFH # QIAERPNKESPTSVGAPAAATRSDKLSPTSPSGNTQGTRAPGGAAPFYNSEQKSVIKEPDAKAASTTRESKSQRGEGNNVTLVSTATSTASNNERESK # QRDLPAPRESQSRSKDDQQEQANNGSNGSRQSESRNRDVERDRHDQQDQRSISSHRSSRDIVRVKERTEAELHQRSRERSQRLEELEAQQRKREKTSR # RGGEERIRHGDGVETVDLVGSTDNRHYEEFEGRMRDLSSVSNESNGSLHHRQRSHETIEFEKVDSKRRKLESSTSSSKKVEELVDSVKKARALKTKER # NKDKLSDEERDARKDRKLGRKRDRVDESNSNEHKRRREGQNGEEELRDRERHREKSPRERSHEKFDRERGGASGSRAEERQYISKSARSSRVNY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 15/15 # W: 15 # CDS introns: 14/14 # E: 14 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 15 # E: 14 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 472 # E: 2 # W: 470 # end gene g301 # start gene g302 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2145681 2145881 0.99 + . g302 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2145681 2145881 0.99 + . g302.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2145681 2145683 . + 0 transcript_id "g302.t1"; gene_id "g302"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2145681 2145881 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g302.t1"; gene_id "g302"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2145879 2145881 . + 0 transcript_id "g302.t1"; gene_id "g302"; # protein sequence = [MAYPESKWLNYWTIQINILQAIQRVDNGLMIGILPNNYSCMSRVSSKTCNNMKGILLRELLVNVKS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 21 # W: 21 # end gene g302 # start gene g303 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2145900 2147024 0.99 - . g303 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2145900 2147024 0.99 - . g303.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2145900 2145902 . - 0 transcript_id "g303.t1"; gene_id "g303"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2146814 2146885 1 - . transcript_id "g303.t1"; gene_id "g303"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2145900 2146813 1 - 2 transcript_id "g303.t1"; gene_id "g303"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2146886 2147024 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g303.t1"; gene_id "g303"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2147022 2147024 . - 0 transcript_id "g303.t1"; gene_id "g303"; # protein sequence = [MKSDNYRLIQEVSKRRCLWDTNMSISYRNQDAALQWASVAQIMQQDVSICKKRFKGMRDSYRAEVRKIQQKRIEMSHW # PYFRSLEFMRQIFDPEGLVPFPPEPFVMNTEQPEVFEPTRLVDFAIDLDLDNDDSVDFEIIEDIFKREPSVPQDSGSDKGSLIKPLDSSSSGAHRSDQ # DLSPTLPIHLPRHQQFLPRPPPPSKRGRRRKTSPSNDVPLLNGYASQASKSTTEPDLKNDSDLSFLMSMMPHVKSLSAISNLKFRMEMARVLVELREE # DQHMLAAAGPEDVLERSMPKLTPAPNSSFATQLEKSQYHLSNSSYQISSRKTPTSFDYVDSSMVECDVKIENEPLL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 93 # W: 93 # end gene g303 # start gene g304 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2147647 2154897 0.93 + . g304 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2147647 2154897 0.93 + . g304.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2147647 2147649 . + 0 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2148590 2148646 1 + . transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2149781 2149841 1 + . transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2150262 2150328 1 + . transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2150796 2150847 1 + . transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2151400 2151896 0.93 + . transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2152147 2152232 1 + . transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2152271 2152662 1 + . transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2152945 2153002 1 + . transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2153106 2153281 1 + . transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2153532 2153595 1 + . transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2154411 2154472 1 + . transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2147647 2148589 1 + 0 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2148647 2149780 1 + 2 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2149842 2150261 1 + 2 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2150329 2150795 1 + 2 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2150848 2151399 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2151897 2152146 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2152233 2152270 1 + 2 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2152663 2152944 1 + 0 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2153003 2153105 1 + 0 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2153282 2153531 1 + 2 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2153596 2154410 1 + 1 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2154473 2154897 1 + 2 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2154895 2154897 . + 0 transcript_id "g304.t1"; gene_id "g304"; # protein sequence = [MSNSVEECKDEDLPANTLEHFTELQQVLEMIDNIKSIAANTFEREFEQYAQVLSRYQEQPHLLDPHLEELLGKLLHKI # RKPDLDTGELHAAFKYLYIICKVRTYKVLVKFMPHELSDLEFVLDLLGQQNPKEFEQWETRYILLLWMSILVLNPFHMSRLDAYDTSTSAPTTNCSPV # NHVQSKNTKMDRIFELIQLYVSSNDTCSSMAAFLAAKYFIRSDIKDLYLERFLDWIMEQHQADTLNVKFGQLAAVAAILKHGKREDLLPYADKLLQWI # TSCQYKDDNDFLKYKNYVKIIQRIGLVHLKPRIASWRYKRGTRSLATNLNQTTAAGGEPVVLEQSLEEGEEIVVPDAIEEVIEELLQALRSGGNDIRW # SAAKGLGRVTNRLPKELADEVIGSVIDILNPLEPHEAWHGACLALAELAKRGLLLPHRLEELVPLLMQALFYDEMKGYMSVGQHIRDSACYMCWAFAR # AYNPDDVKPFVHKISSGLLTVAVFDREVNCRRAASAAFQESVGRLGNFPFGIEISTTTDFYSVGIRQNSYLNISDYIAQFEVYREPLINHLVQHKVSH # WDSAIRELTAKALHKLSLWEPEYMAAVVLPQLLAKTDTIDINCRHGCVLAMGEITLTLRKLEEKSDPQVVYLSNQRVAELNELIITFLDKNFYRGMSG # DLMKSCTSSYIKNCSLAKLQATPECLVSWQKVIDSCLITKSNAIRDGAVEAFGELCTTYYCSDSRHGENEAIINTYLTGADNDLEEHIRMGYIAALGV # LPSFMIRCHLQAILDSLVKHSLTPLQAVLVGEMGDRENIQAYRWSEARTQSVLALTKLVKTVGYGGGIDSFAEPKNFNKVIECLLRALQEYTLDNRGD # IGAWVREAAMSSLYEIVTTCPPDLLAPEQVHEIVVGFMQQAVEKIDRTRGLGGRLCCQLIHHQPRIPYIREHSKLLEIFPADADSVLWLFADHTFPLF # CELLSLPDYSKRVLLGLSASIGQLTESLIKYASSALFHFLRSNPETVPRLCSEVVQIFEEHLLNERVTYPLLSFLDILIGSGTVESVLHDEANPFAED # IFRLLNLEVKGYKKLYKTATSISAFCQLLQVPRLSKRILSKLSVFLGLQHVHVRKTAATKLYEALALHGDVTEVPEENMDEILTLLSETDWTQPLVEV # RPLRNQLCQLMDIKPPKFVIEIGFFVNKTRTRKTHVSFAAQRCYVTQLWIVVSPTPQPVQITMSIWGVRCLTQRFIRQAYILANRRLLGPVPQRSPPA # YAPLRPAHSSLYQMGFADVKSVCSAKDVLKSDSAKLSTSQPVLDSCKATSPCEEFKRKRKETTCQPCDEDGTAPGGGDGGDEECECRMKDLRLKCLLG # ALAALLAGGFLAWFMTRDTDDSEAKKAEAEEEERKRRLVAGLATSPPSSEDLPKHVPYLIIGGGTAAFSAFRAIKSNDATAKVLMISNEFRKPYMRPP # LSKELWYTPNPNEDPIKDYRFKQWTGSERSLFFEPDEFFIDPEDLDDNANGGIAVAQGFSVKKVDAQKRIVTLNDGYEISYDECLIATGCAPKNLPML # RDAPPSVLEKVMVYRTPDDFDRLRKLAAEKRSITIVGNGFIGSELACSLAHYSRENNGGKVYQVFQENANMSKVLPNYLSRWTTAKMEAQGVCVIPNA # SIRSAVRDETNLKLELNNGMTLMSDVVVVCVGCTPNTDLAGPSRLEVDRSLGGFVVNAELEARRNLYVAGDASCFFDPLLGRRRVEHHDHSVVSGRLA # GENMTGAKKPYQHQSMFWSDLGPEIGYEGIGLVDSSLPTVGVFALPSESATRVDQLSESSDSDVPETSTSSSQSSKSDAGASQDGVTCDPDEAGNYGK # GVIFYLKNDKIVGILLWNLFNRIGLARTIINQNKKYDDLNEVAKLFEIHA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 95.7 # CDS exons: 12/12 # W: 12 # CDS introns: 10/11 # E: 10 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 10 # E: 10 # incompatible hint groups: 512 # W: 512 # end gene g304 # start gene g305 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2155783 2156256 0.46 + . g305 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2155783 2156256 0.46 + . g305.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2155783 2155785 . + 0 transcript_id "g305.t1"; gene_id "g305"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2155783 2156256 0.46 + 0 transcript_id "g305.t1"; gene_id "g305"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2156254 2156256 . + 0 transcript_id "g305.t1"; gene_id "g305"; # protein sequence = [MKYRMLNKRKQATPSPVRDSDAADVAMANHSALELEAAAALLLLRYQYDRQVCNNIITYTESCSPTPPPAVADNTTPK # DQTVRPPVASQPLKKRSIPSHILRRSLTPAKSETSVSNKSIVKAKTRTPIPSKERNCNRTLLKSCRNMIREFLDNQEFI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 8 # W: 8 # end gene g305 # start gene g306 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2158165 2160491 0.85 - . g306 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2158165 2160491 0.85 - . g306.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2158165 2158167 . - 0 transcript_id "g306.t1"; gene_id "g306"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2158406 2158467 1 - . transcript_id "g306.t1"; gene_id "g306"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2159246 2159311 1 - . transcript_id "g306.t1"; gene_id "g306"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2158165 2158405 1 - 1 transcript_id "g306.t1"; gene_id "g306"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2158468 2159245 1 - 2 transcript_id "g306.t1"; gene_id "g306"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2159312 2160491 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g306.t1"; gene_id "g306"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2160489 2160491 . - 0 transcript_id "g306.t1"; gene_id "g306"; # protein sequence = [MSKMKMLPVQLSLNSLNPGIWSDVLWRCPPAPSSQLAELKTQLPPSLPSDPRLWSREDVLVFLRFCVREFDLPKLDFD # LFQMNGKALCLLTRADFGHRCPGAGDVLHNVLQMLIIESHMMQWHLPNSPVTPTSRYPLSPHSHPPTPTWPPLNAPPENSPFHSSAHSLAGHHFMAPN # SVTLSPPPSVDSQASSPPQAPYQNGGATGAAPGSAGGSAPAAGGATNTSNPTSSSASSTGSNGSQPNIMPMKGISSASSNHSDSEEEYSETSGGVSKM # PPAPLSYSTASPPGTPILKDIKPNWTQQLTNSFVNSWSQQQQQQQQQQAAAVAAVAAQAQQHQLQQQQQQQQLPQKLTLDNTAGPVVTPAGGSISAPT # TPSYMYKAKREFFPENSEPNTNGRLLWDFLQQLLNDRNQKYSDLIAWKCRDTGVFKIVDPAGLAKLWGIQKNHLSMNYDKMSRALRYYYRVNILRKVQ # GERHCYQFLRNPTELKNIKNISLLRQSTPANGNGGSPSMPQGSSQAPGSPAGQNWNPQQQSQQQQQSPQRPASRNGPMSLPAVAAVAAAAAAAYGPPP # TSPLFMHAINGAFHYLSAAAAGPPPNSPALNTPSAVGGPDKFQFHPLKLENGSGSGSESAGEDLKPTDLSVSSKSTATSNEDCYPLIRNADGLTTIKL # IRYNEHQVAASPAGQSPKHDDQQAGASNASSSPRPMDQASEQAQPVPMESDCNGGESEDSFRHMQQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 208 # W: 208 # end gene g306 # start gene g307 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2160544 2182374 0.61 - . g307 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2160544 2182374 0.61 - . g307.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2160544 2160546 . - 0 transcript_id "g307.t1"; gene_id "g307"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2160583 2177846 1 - . transcript_id "g307.t1"; gene_id "g307"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2178177 2182329 0.61 - . transcript_id "g307.t1"; gene_id "g307"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2160544 2160582 1 - 0 transcript_id "g307.t1"; gene_id "g307"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2177847 2178176 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g307.t1"; gene_id "g307"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2182330 2182374 0.61 - 0 transcript_id "g307.t1"; gene_id "g307"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2182372 2182374 . - 0 transcript_id "g307.t1"; gene_id "g307"; # protein sequence = [MKPETFHRHLHCVLVPQKHTTTAHAAPLTKRKQQHKQQWQLGATPSSSSADNNKNNIELTETKPKTKIKQESEAKAKA # FWDLDISASALLLSLKSSRIESEAQRKQTNSLTHLTVRNHSAQWSKQITPLKSNSSGFH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 21 # E: 1 # RM: 20 # incompatible hint groups: 135 # W: 135 # end gene g307 # start gene g308 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2190423 2192263 1 - . g308 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2190423 2192263 1 - . g308.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2190423 2190425 . - 0 transcript_id "g308.t1"; gene_id "g308"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2190644 2190706 1 - . transcript_id "g308.t1"; gene_id "g308"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2191079 2191849 1 - . transcript_id "g308.t1"; gene_id "g308"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2192091 2192146 1 - . transcript_id "g308.t1"; gene_id "g308"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2190423 2190643 1 - 2 transcript_id "g308.t1"; gene_id "g308"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2190707 2191078 1 - 2 transcript_id "g308.t1"; gene_id "g308"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2191850 2192090 1 - 0 transcript_id "g308.t1"; gene_id "g308"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2192147 2192263 1 - 0 transcript_id "g308.t1"; gene_id "g308"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2192261 2192263 . - 0 transcript_id "g308.t1"; gene_id "g308"; # protein sequence = [MEPNDEVVERQKLVNDVETEEEAQSAPKSATPASPAVPNIKIKGISSGETTRSRNSASCSIERTISEKEKDKSQGQGQ # AATKVTYVNERRPRPQAHGGSGGGAGDERFEFKTRPRKLLKDRDELEPTTNSANSLNAITLVSSEWLAPDPTATDNHNTPKNNNNDSTKPNNNNQHSN # SNQNTPRLQRRKNPTASMPNASAHSDKFDDRPIKHHSFVSEVPDVKHMERALLGLLDDFHSGKLRAFGSGCTMDQMTKIREQQESLAKLHFELAAAEE # DSLEHGNEFNTNKAQENMLQLMQRLEQLSISIEQLQTSHTGL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 97 # W: 97 # end gene g308 # start gene g309 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2203773 2206028 0.6 - . g309 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2203773 2206028 0.6 - . g309.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2203773 2203775 . - 0 transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2203849 2203907 0.7 - . transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2204600 2204656 1 - . transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2205071 2205486 0.93 - . transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2205647 2205717 1 - . transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2205868 2205933 1 - . transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2203773 2203848 0.7 - 1 transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2203908 2204599 0.7 - 0 transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2204657 2205070 1 - 0 transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2205487 2205646 1 - 1 transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2205718 2205867 1 - 1 transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2205934 2206028 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2206026 2206028 . - 0 transcript_id "g309.t1"; gene_id "g309"; # protein sequence = [MDTYRFGTVDYAVFLGVTILSIAIGLYFGFIRKSRNGPKTTTPTNEAPERRHQNFGSKKMNDYMMGSRNLRVFPVGMS # LIASCISAVAIIGTPSEIYNYGTQYCFIVIALVLQGLAVSYIYLPVFSALQVTSSYEGGLKAVVHTDIWQVVIMFASVLTIVVLATCYIDDQADFLEG # LVRGGRLIFSETNPSPFARHTVWSVVIGNTFYWTSLNAVHQTVVHRYMSLPTLKMARASIAFLVVGAAFFISLLCYLGLLIFHAYRDCDPLSAGLIMN # DDQLVPLFVVNSLGHVYGMPGLFIAGIFGASLSSLSVYLNSTSLVILQDLVRGCFKMELGEWASTIVVKGSIVVLGLLAFAMVFVLEKVSGVLSISVS # LAAIAASSTFGIFTVGMLVPWANTVGTAVGGIASVLLTGWISFGSQFAAASGQLGSQRLPVSVEGCLANASVAENAWVAEEEVFPLYRLSYHWISPIG # VLTVVVVGSLVSLVTKPTDIKSLDSDLITPVIHRFLPKECFEQGNAEENSVKDNPLLF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/6 # CDS introns: 0/5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g309 # start gene g310 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2206656 2208906 0.6 - . g310 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2206656 2208906 0.6 - . g310.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2206656 2206658 . - 0 transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2206732 2206799 0.94 - . transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2207492 2207561 0.87 - . transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2207976 2208387 0.77 - . transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2208548 2208607 0.99 - . transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2208752 2208811 0.96 - . transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2206656 2206731 0.94 - 1 transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2206800 2207491 0.83 - 0 transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2207562 2207975 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2208388 2208547 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2208608 2208751 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2208812 2208906 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2208904 2208906 . - 0 transcript_id "g310.t1"; gene_id "g310"; # protein sequence = [MDTYRFGTVDYTVFLGVTILSIAIGLYFGWIKKTKKEMESSPADTPEISIPNFGSKKMNEYLMGSGHLKVFPVAMSLI # ASFISGVAILGNPSEIYYYGTQYSLIVLAIVIQGLAVSYIYLPVFSALQVRSSYEGGLKAVVHTDIWQVVIMFASVVVVAILATCYITDLDDFFESLV # DGGRLIFGNINPSPYVRNTVWSVVIGGAFYWTSITAVHQTMVHRYMSLPNLKMARTSIAFFVLGSIIFYSVLSFLGLLIFNMYKDCDPLSAGQIMNND # QLVPLFVVQSVGHIYGIPGLFIAGIFGAGLSSLSVFLNSTSLVILQDIVRGCFKMQPGETASAIIVKATIVIMGALVFGEVLLLEKVSGILSICMSLV # AIATSSTFGIFTLAVLVPWANTVGTAVGGIAGFLLTGWITFGSQIAAASGQLHHHRLPVSVASCPGNVTARENVWVDEEQVFPLFRLSFHWINPIGAL # TVVVVGSLVSLVTKPTDIKSLDSDLISPVIHRFLPKECFKQRNLDKSEATDIYTIT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/6 # CDS introns: 0/5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g310 # start gene g311 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2210249 2212375 1 - . g311 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2210249 2212375 1 - . g311.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2210249 2210251 . - 0 transcript_id "g311.t1"; gene_id "g311"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2210870 2210924 1 - . transcript_id "g311.t1"; gene_id "g311"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2211511 2211576 1 - . transcript_id "g311.t1"; gene_id "g311"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2211718 2211772 1 - . transcript_id "g311.t1"; gene_id "g311"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2212092 2212278 1 - . transcript_id "g311.t1"; gene_id "g311"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2210249 2210869 1 - 0 transcript_id "g311.t1"; gene_id "g311"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2210925 2211510 1 - 1 transcript_id "g311.t1"; gene_id "g311"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2211577 2211717 1 - 1 transcript_id "g311.t1"; gene_id "g311"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2211773 2212091 1 - 2 transcript_id "g311.t1"; gene_id "g311"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2212279 2212375 1 - 0 transcript_id "g311.t1"; gene_id "g311"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2212373 2212375 . - 0 transcript_id "g311.t1"; gene_id "g311"; # protein sequence = [MRLLKELMRVATQHRAFYCYVLLSVWIFLLIAGMYRYMGNVESTPSGGSVFGPSSSGTVSSLGGDSSPSSTAQRFAKY # RERCAPLAQLQRLDDGGILEGWKLQGVLLVIRHGDRGPISHVRSAGINCGVSGGSDNLVNRYRSFLYNSSSSASGSNHMYWNKVGPFHGFPLLPATER # GCPLGQLTYKGISQLLHVGDIMHQVYAHPLGLLLKPNPNRASVETTPHTLLNSDEVVVFTTRYRRTFQSALAMLFTLLPADKWLALNVRESHSMAFCF # GECSCPQSALLRKRLEAMGDKQLLKRGDVLDVMQWIGGTILQHTPNGISNPFEVVDALLTVLCHDATLPCRRKKALSTPKPLRKNSNQELVDVINIDQ # DETAANLMQEAQTQVEPDSPEVENGNPSVQADEAQEGCVEPSHVDTLMSFADELSQRSAGHSYYKLSGLLRSYGMIRHIVSYMLKMISGDRTKFVLYS # GHDCTMQYLTAALGIITNQGQTIAYASRLAFEVYRSDAHTDYYFRVVYNGKDVTQQIDFCEGGKSLRVTRDSRGNKADLCPIENIIRFLHEDYFSPLN # ATNFKEACGSVNPPKTGEF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 88.9 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 68 # W: 68 # end gene g311 # start gene g312 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2212970 2214054 1 - . g312 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2212970 2214054 1 - . g312.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2212970 2212972 . - 0 transcript_id "g312.t1"; gene_id "g312"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2213334 2213414 1 - . transcript_id "g312.t1"; gene_id "g312"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2213558 2213615 1 - . transcript_id "g312.t1"; gene_id "g312"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2213757 2213895 1 - . transcript_id "g312.t1"; gene_id "g312"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2213959 2214027 1 - . transcript_id "g312.t1"; gene_id "g312"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2212970 2213333 1 - 1 transcript_id "g312.t1"; gene_id "g312"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2213415 2213557 1 - 0 transcript_id "g312.t1"; gene_id "g312"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2213616 2213756 1 - 0 transcript_id "g312.t1"; gene_id "g312"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2213896 2213958 1 - 0 transcript_id "g312.t1"; gene_id "g312"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2214028 2214054 1 - 0 transcript_id "g312.t1"; gene_id "g312"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2214052 2214054 . - 0 transcript_id "g312.t1"; gene_id "g312"; # protein sequence = [MFTHHIQKKITAKAKFKNMLTWTPLESNPEVLTKYIHKLGVSPAWSVTDVIGLEDDTLEWIPRPVKAFILLFPCSETY # EKHRAEEHDRIKEVEEQHPEDLFYMRQFTHNACGTVALIHSVANNKEVDIDRGVLKDFLEKTASLSPEERGRALEKDEKFTADHEALAQEGQTNAANH # EKVIHHFIALVNKEGTLYELDGRKSFPIKHGPTSEETFVKDAAKVCKEFMARDPNEVRFTVLALTAAQQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 77.8 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 71 # W: 71 # end gene g312 # start gene g313 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2214312 2215147 1 + . g313 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2214312 2215147 1 + . g313.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2214312 2214314 . + 0 transcript_id "g313.t1"; gene_id "g313"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2214385 2214437 1 + . transcript_id "g313.t1"; gene_id "g313"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2214885 2215013 1 + . transcript_id "g313.t1"; gene_id "g313"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2214312 2214384 1 + 0 transcript_id "g313.t1"; gene_id "g313"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2214438 2214884 1 + 2 transcript_id "g313.t1"; gene_id "g313"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2215014 2215147 1 + 2 transcript_id "g313.t1"; gene_id "g313"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2215145 2215147 . + 0 transcript_id "g313.t1"; gene_id "g313"; # protein sequence = [MTKANKTPQKASEPNINGSFTPVRYLDSQRLQSPTSHDANLATCKTRLETIVKQLQDNYAKWQLAHQRGTSICYTIEA # KKTKCLEKSQDEGSSLYPDDLLLPCNKLAIIASIFGDIANNTKEILRQLRGILKLPGSAADTIFYRSWKLQQFVVFAKELSERYEKEALVKMEVAGNI # AHSTERSQLIAHTTLWEFPEHVDSYVHLGFLLLAEEVSLRQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 49 # W: 49 # end gene g313 # start gene g314 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2215331 2216225 0.99 - . g314 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2215331 2216225 0.99 - . g314.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2215331 2215333 . - 0 transcript_id "g314.t1"; gene_id "g314"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2215460 2215514 1 - . transcript_id "g314.t1"; gene_id "g314"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2215331 2215459 1 - 0 transcript_id "g314.t1"; gene_id "g314"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2215515 2216225 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g314.t1"; gene_id "g314"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2216223 2216225 . - 0 transcript_id "g314.t1"; gene_id "g314"; # protein sequence = [MATKTHTMSAGDVPLVAMAKVPPTIQFEATKNFHSHTEQKELDSAFLGYNRRPWVRQKAHRDTRREREILNGLLCSTS # VETDYASTCVDKLIAENINYLDLASLTDEDLELFGFKCRKQRQQLLEMFEKIPNQNPSYEYICNHPEAENYNNQILGNAGNHFMSLRASLAATNYKLQ # VSTPEDVVVGDKRYASCFAQETLKSVNQITEEIAKDLAKIEANAQNARSQKKVQGNESHKKKKWSLATILYYTTLAVGFSCAWFWWWTKFRSAPRLER # ISVQT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 82 # W: 82 # end gene g314 # start gene g315 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2216575 2217142 0.79 - . g315 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2216575 2217142 0.79 - . g315.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2216575 2216577 . - 0 transcript_id "g315.t1"; gene_id "g315"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2216826 2216899 0.79 - . transcript_id "g315.t1"; gene_id "g315"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2216960 2217012 1 - . transcript_id "g315.t1"; gene_id "g315"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2216575 2216825 0.79 - 2 transcript_id "g315.t1"; gene_id "g315"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2216900 2216959 0.81 - 2 transcript_id "g315.t1"; gene_id "g315"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2217013 2217142 1 - 0 transcript_id "g315.t1"; gene_id "g315"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2217140 2217142 . - 0 transcript_id "g315.t1"; gene_id "g315"; # protein sequence = [MLRKTPKPAIWKFIKGSAKTLFVLEAVCFAASYGVYYRMNTNREFRQHIHENYPFVLDYYYKIEETASKMLSNPYFKS # VLWLIGFGGMGYGLMVLTEPNVDKLERIKASVSSTKLSADEQRKALFMKKLQEASTTSAPIYRSSSEK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 50 # W: 50 # end gene g315 # start gene g316 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2217427 2220410 1 + . g316 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2217427 2220410 1 + . g316.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2217427 2217429 . + 0 transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2217545 2217597 1 + . transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2217772 2217829 1 + . transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2218082 2218173 1 + . transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2219105 2219160 1 + . transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2219717 2219776 1 + . transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2220259 2220319 1 + . transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2217427 2217544 1 + 0 transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2217598 2217771 1 + 2 transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2217830 2218081 1 + 2 transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2218174 2219104 1 + 2 transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2219161 2219716 1 + 1 transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2219777 2220258 1 + 0 transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2220320 2220410 1 + 1 transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2220408 2220410 . + 0 transcript_id "g316.t1"; gene_id "g316"; # protein sequence = [MSGNTHGLSWFPHFPDKFVSWGQEIHLYEVRRKDDHSQKSRLPYISVNYLANESRYQYARCVAASYHSDQPIIAVGLA # DGKVGICNFRDTYDSSWEYTPRQQRMCTCLAWNELDANILAIGHDRHRNDTCITIWDIERGVPKETANFFGVGESANSICWDRNHRTVIAGMSQKMIK # LFDLRQSNATCQSIQTKTVQGLSVSPNGNYLCSYVDSVITLWDPRNIKSPLRQIQSSKNHLQIAWCPTRTSLLSSLQRDSSYITLYDIRSVDTDNSGE # IYHVKRQISPFPARYQHSGKFSFVNCLSWHSRDFERALLLADALNILDFRLPATLHTAHSNRRKLPLLMQRPLYTPASPTSTAATPTQQQPTSSCSTN # SGSSLDFSTPGGSPFNVDLLKPELFELDLVDETRQRALEDYGIKPDNKRFGELHLTPYLRNVWSTLNNVYSEDRLTGLKATLGINLGHTSEALMASSR # IESQVLQWPEGINNSNKLICYRSEQRDLALQLCGWAFEQELDRFIDQLYANKEYSRAAMICVFHLKIFHACNILSSAADNMRDPSMYRITVIALSSFN # ADRCSSTWRNQRSSANMQIHDPHLRAVFSFLTMEKDNFDAVLKEEGVSLSDRMAFACKYLSETKLADYVAQQIQAAIDGGDLNGLLLTGESQDGIDIL # QSYMDTSFDVQTVALVAINYFRQELFEDKRIQYWIASYLDHLNSWGLWEKRAELDIKIESIRPSSRSSRTVFLSCNFCGKSVSNALLDEPRPRSTTTS # TNRLSSCPSCRKPLPRCSLCLMHMGTMVNMSNGETPTTTPDVPGWQTKPFSKWFSWCQTCRHGGHTEHIMQWFKQNSECPVSSCNCRCFDMDGTKPNT # LRDIS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 171 # W: 171 # end gene g316 # start gene g317 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2223329 2225240 1 + . g317 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2223329 2225240 1 + . g317.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2223329 2223331 . + 0 transcript_id "g317.t1"; gene_id "g317"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2223634 2223704 1 + . transcript_id "g317.t1"; gene_id "g317"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2224527 2224578 1 + . transcript_id "g317.t1"; gene_id "g317"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2224686 2224743 1 + . transcript_id "g317.t1"; gene_id "g317"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2223329 2223633 1 + 0 transcript_id "g317.t1"; gene_id "g317"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2223705 2224526 1 + 1 transcript_id "g317.t1"; gene_id "g317"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2224579 2224685 1 + 1 transcript_id "g317.t1"; gene_id "g317"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2224744 2225240 1 + 2 transcript_id "g317.t1"; gene_id "g317"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2225238 2225240 . + 0 transcript_id "g317.t1"; gene_id "g317"; # protein sequence = [MLRNTPFGATPTYKLLLGFGLCSLGGAMLYAYFKTRNDEEEADSGGQRPASGIRGQTEEQKPQKEVCLKIVVDNEHVP # LIMGRGGSNIKLIEEKTLAKIRLRDKDSGHKFCDISGVPDAVKAARALLIKEIERAPVVKVELQVPQRLASKINGRGGELLQEIRSSSLAKLNIDLNG # RNGKAKITIIGNQKQVNIARKMLDDQIEEDEELVRSMEEVEQRREPRRSPTNSIASSMYSSQTSLSSHTQPRDKLMASKGEGKPMEVYVSAVASPTKF # WVQLIGPQSKKLDSMVQEMTSYYSSAENRAKHVLTAPYVGQIVAAVFKFDEKWYRAEIVDIMPNQYNPKEQVIDLYFVDYGDSEYISPADICELRTDF # LTLRFQAVECFLANVKSTIQTEPITWPKSSIAKFEELTEVAHWRKLIARVVTYKERPRATTAVSAAAKEGTPLPGVELFDPADNSELNIADLMITQGF # ALPLDDSYPVRSRSSTPSSNSDSTIEELCVSNPVTPLTPHSPMSMSIDVDSITQAENEHLAQQLQHLQHKLNGNDIKNINPAKLTATDLENGNNNNAS # TTNGASAH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 167 # W: 167 # end gene g317 # start gene g318 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2225798 2226205 1 - . g318 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2225798 2226205 1 - . g318.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2225798 2225800 . - 0 transcript_id "g318.t1"; gene_id "g318"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2226002 2226058 1 - . transcript_id "g318.t1"; gene_id "g318"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2225798 2226001 1 - 0 transcript_id "g318.t1"; gene_id "g318"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2226059 2226205 1 - 0 transcript_id "g318.t1"; gene_id "g318"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2226203 2226205 . - 0 transcript_id "g318.t1"; gene_id "g318"; # protein sequence = [MSYLTNFNSDTAKQILMDIIRCVNQPENSKKLSEAKASAGKEMILMMQHVFPLVMQLQLEVIKGHGFPGNREGLVQFS # QLIREMERDDMEIVRLRSQIRAIYLPPIAINTTNDILI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 33 # W: 33 # end gene g318 # start gene g319 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2226548 2227015 1 - . g319 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2226548 2227015 1 - . g319.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2226548 2226550 . - 0 transcript_id "g319.t1"; gene_id "g319"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2226548 2227015 1 - 0 transcript_id "g319.t1"; gene_id "g319"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2227013 2227015 . - 0 transcript_id "g319.t1"; gene_id "g319"; # protein sequence = [MWDASGAPMFFCCCSSSSFLVLCVWHNLLTRRWEFHSVCVCLFARVRVFAFFSVYLCLVFLCVVVFTDSFAPPLFCIL # LHTRTFHTIAKMQALNCVSLLLLCSAFLRWELDGLIYNLVARTNGAFALALHLLGICECLREISFFLLFVSFVDVPT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 48 # W: 48 # end gene g319 # start gene g320 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2227069 2230126 1 + . g320 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2227069 2230126 1 + . g320.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2227069 2227071 . + 0 transcript_id "g320.t1"; gene_id "g320"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2227282 2229265 1 + . transcript_id "g320.t1"; gene_id "g320"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2229394 2229456 1 + . transcript_id "g320.t1"; gene_id "g320"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2229576 2229637 1 + . transcript_id "g320.t1"; gene_id "g320"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2229814 2229877 1 + . transcript_id "g320.t1"; gene_id "g320"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2227069 2227281 1 + 0 transcript_id "g320.t1"; gene_id "g320"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2229266 2229393 1 + 0 transcript_id "g320.t1"; gene_id "g320"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2229457 2229575 1 + 1 transcript_id "g320.t1"; gene_id "g320"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2229638 2229813 1 + 2 transcript_id "g320.t1"; gene_id "g320"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2229878 2230126 1 + 0 transcript_id "g320.t1"; gene_id "g320"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2230124 2230126 . + 0 transcript_id "g320.t1"; gene_id "g320"; # protein sequence = [MNRSDGLVRRSVKPRENGGAEGGLNANTPDDNQDALDNLKDQEDNIDDGDSKETRLTLMEEVLLLGLKDKEGYTSFWN # DCISSGLRGCILIELGLRGRVMIEKSGMRRRGLCTRKLILKSDQQTGDVLLDEALKHIKETDPPETVQSWIEYLSGETWNPLKLRYQLKNVRERLAKN # LVEKGVLTTEKQNFLLFDMTTHPLSDNVVKCRLVKKIQDSVLSKWVNDPQRMDKRMLALIFLAHASDVIENAFAPLNDDDYEVAMKRVRELLDLDFEA # ESAKPNANEILWAVFMAFTK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 4 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 84 # W: 84 # end gene g320 # start gene g321 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2230143 2232009 0.74 - . g321 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2230143 2232009 0.74 - . g321.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2230143 2230145 . - 0 transcript_id "g321.t1"; gene_id "g321"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2230283 2231885 0.74 - . transcript_id "g321.t1"; gene_id "g321"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2230143 2230282 0.85 - 2 transcript_id "g321.t1"; gene_id "g321"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2231886 2232009 0.74 - 0 transcript_id "g321.t1"; gene_id "g321"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2232007 2232009 . - 0 transcript_id "g321.t1"; gene_id "g321"; # protein sequence = [MGGQLFPKQGSDASSVVHAQSPRKIRNAKGLGSEAETGAESXNPIARFGSTHSKVSKTKAAKCIPDVGLYFCVGVCVV # CVCVLLRGA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 118 # W: 118 # end gene g321 # start gene g322 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2232048 2236541 0.9 - . g322 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2232048 2236541 0.9 - . g322.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2232048 2232050 . - 0 transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2232189 2232256 1 - . transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2233048 2233109 1 - . transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2233978 2234234 1 - . transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2234351 2234408 1 - . transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2234869 2234927 1 - . transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2235900 2236307 1 - . transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2232048 2232188 1 - 0 transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2232257 2233047 1 - 2 transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2233110 2233977 1 - 0 transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2234235 2234350 1 - 2 transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2234409 2234868 1 - 0 transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2234928 2235899 1 - 0 transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2236308 2236541 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2236539 2236541 . - 0 transcript_id "g322.t1"; gene_id "g322"; # protein sequence = [MNPNMYGPPPTQFQQQPQFGAPPPNSGGWPPQQQQLPQQQPPQQQLPPQQQQQQPQYGAPPPTSAASQPYLNGNYQQQ # LATSMGGLSVGGGVGGANPLKPPLPQGAPAAAAPPPTGFNQFNSNAAPPPTNNNNAAFGAPPPTQAGSYVNGALPPSSTPQSVASGINQMSLNSATLA # GLPHMPPPKAATPGAAPGQPPIPAAGSTSQPPLPGQPPLPGQPPFSGQIPTSQPAPSPYGVPSSRPGQPQLPPGATPPTYTQPGLPPQQQQGIPPLQQ # PGIPQQQPGFPPQQPGLPPLSQPGLPPQPGAPYGAPQQGGYSGGFPGQAPGGFPGAPPPLPGQQAAAPPQFGAPQPGYPGQQPGYPPQPGQQPMPGYP # PQPGQQLGGPGYPPQPGAGFPGQPGRPGFNQPPMPGAGNMYQQAPQARRLDPDQMPNPIQVMIENQRLSGGPFVTNQPGLLPPLVTTKFVVHDQGNSS # PRFLRSSLYCIPNTGDLLKTTALPLTLNISPLAKVGEGEMEPPIVNFGEMGPIRCNRCKAYMSPNMQFVDAGRRFQCLMCKVTSEVHQNYYQHLDHTG # QRVDKHERPELLLGTYEFLATKDYCRNNTPPEVPAFIFIIDVSYNTVKSGLVHLLCSQIKNILKHLPVDQGQDKSKVRVGFITYNSTVHFYNIKSSLA # QPQMMVVGDVQEMFMPLLDGFLCHPEESAAVIDALMEEIPRMFADTKETETILYPAIQAGLEALKASNAAGKLLVFNSTLPIAEAPGKLKNRDDRKLL # GTDKEKTVLTPQTTAYNTLGQECVQQGCSVDLFVFNNAYIDLATIGQVSRLTGGEVFKYTYFQADVDGKRLIQDIIKNVSRPIAFDAVMRVRTSAGIR # PTEFYGHFFMSNTTDVELASIDATKSISIEIKHDDKLAPEENVYLQVALLYTSCSGQRRLRILNLALRVTTTIADVFKCCDLDAMMLFFAKQACFKLM # EHSPKQVKDNLIHRSAQILACYRKHCTSPTSAGQLILPECLKLLPLYASCLLKNDAISGGSDMTLDDRSYVIQFILSMDLNQSVSYLYPRFIPIHNVV # PEETDLPTPVRCTHEKTQEDGAYILENGVHLFVWLGQALSPDFVQSVFGVQGLQQIALERFNIVPETPLAKRIHGILEQIMKERSRYMRITWLRQNDK # LESVFRHFLVEDRGTDGSASYVDFLCHMHKEIKDLLS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 6 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 343 # W: 343 # end gene g322 # start gene g323 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2236569 2239365 0.4 - . g323 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2236569 2239365 0.4 - . g323.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2236569 2236571 . - 0 transcript_id "g323.t1"; gene_id "g323"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2236794 2237170 0.91 - . transcript_id "g323.t1"; gene_id "g323"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2237975 2238036 0.91 - . transcript_id "g323.t1"; gene_id "g323"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2238216 2238350 0.57 - . transcript_id "g323.t1"; gene_id "g323"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2239129 2239191 1 - . transcript_id "g323.t1"; gene_id "g323"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2236569 2236793 1 - 0 transcript_id "g323.t1"; gene_id "g323"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2237171 2237974 0.82 - 0 transcript_id "g323.t1"; gene_id "g323"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2238037 2238215 0.9 - 2 transcript_id "g323.t1"; gene_id "g323"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2238351 2239128 0.61 - 0 transcript_id "g323.t1"; gene_id "g323"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2239192 2239365 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g323.t1"; gene_id "g323"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2239363 2239365 . - 0 transcript_id "g323.t1"; gene_id "g323"; # protein sequence = [MDRKWQLLGLGFVLGVTALCASFVGGMYFQHTDARKRLRELIQTDPYAYYLSPKIYEVFTFFESNNEDDHRMRQIMKF # GFPGLDDLRLYSDFVLSYDRRNRVAHWVCEHLQADSIHPNRGRRGRNPYQPDLSVPSNFRSELSDYRRSGFDRGHLAAAGNHHLQQNHCEDTFFLTNI # APQVGQGFNRSAWNNLEQYVRNLVHRFGSVFVCTGPLYKPNQRPGGKWAVEYEMIGLNMVAVPTHFFKVIMVESKLHLGKPYMEGYVLPNAPIPDGLP # LRSFLCDIREIEHYAGLKFFDGLRRSALFGSNYPSESRVFREFSPLMSFSESNVHQWALCALAGVTGFVCGAFVQQEASIRQLLQQIRRDPYVYHHRH # KLYPMLSTFGTDHEARLWNRPTSWADKFRELVLSPILDLVSATVTLKWDSATTTDLLDLVKYGLPSTENLYVHKDYVVSQDLRTNGVRWICEHFRGDY # QRVSSDGGGYSTMNLRYNDVYVLSCGSMSICKAFKRKIWNDLENYVSSMAKEFGSVYAYTGPIYTPTCYEIGKWTMKYEVFDWIPIPVPSHFFKVLIV # ESGVPGSQPFMEAFIIENSRRVGGKLNDHRVKVGEIERYTGLRFNKIMQPVVQFGKDSFTVDTRAWAGRLEEISEPLLEIILVFQPAIVRRGRRELRP # TPSGQNRGVSGQESGRAAPEIAKSPWRTLSQSVCVFSSFSVKVVCWLSVDPLR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 11.1 # CDS exons: 1/5 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 29 # W: 29 # end gene g323 # start gene g324 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2239471 2240502 0.77 - . g324 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2239471 2240502 0.77 - . g324.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2239471 2239473 . - 0 transcript_id "g324.t1"; gene_id "g324"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2240269 2240340 1 - . transcript_id "g324.t1"; gene_id "g324"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2239471 2240268 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g324.t1"; gene_id "g324"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2240341 2240502 1 - 0 transcript_id "g324.t1"; gene_id "g324"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2240500 2240502 . - 0 transcript_id "g324.t1"; gene_id "g324"; # protein sequence = [MEAPVKGIIGILATAGSFFALGAYYQHIDVMRKIRRLEQRNPHAYFIRRKLYALLGIFAVRPDNSEFDVDTDDCHKLG # GIMKYGFPSTNDITINETFDFVTSFDRRNSAILWMCERVDLSNRVVYGDSTSVAPAGAFGQSEAARVFFLSNIRPFLNRGFNLTVWDRLLQYVHEMSQ # RHGTVYAYTGSIYLPRELKSNSWFLEFQSEERTMVAVPTHFFKILVIDKKFAGDTIPYAEAYVMPNSPLNNNVELKTLLSDVREIENATGLRFFEGLD # RNFVNTQASNSFVPSVNGPLTNPLTLPMTNALDSHSALTSSISPK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g324 # start gene g325 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2242522 2244361 0.83 + . g325 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2242522 2244361 0.83 + . g325.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2242522 2242524 . + 0 transcript_id "g325.t1"; gene_id "g325"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2242592 2242692 1 + . transcript_id "g325.t1"; gene_id "g325"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2242946 2243559 1 + . transcript_id "g325.t1"; gene_id "g325"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2242522 2242591 0.83 + 0 transcript_id "g325.t1"; gene_id "g325"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2242693 2242945 1 + 2 transcript_id "g325.t1"; gene_id "g325"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2243560 2244361 1 + 1 transcript_id "g325.t1"; gene_id "g325"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2244359 2244361 . + 0 transcript_id "g325.t1"; gene_id "g325"; # protein sequence = [MISQLGRISIMSAVLLAFAAIVFASSSEKTELDPNATCNYTLVKKKTLGVDPSFWKKFFKHLIPFTSSRGKMQFILFK # RDFADCGRELFVGDVENLRNSGFDARHQTRIVIHGWMSQSKGSHIRKVKNAYLSLTDPGPNGEPAPYEDFNVIVCDWSKTSTNVNYYEVAKTVEDMGA # LLAELVRYLNQEANMHYDDVYVIGHSLGAQIAGSAGKQIMPYRFNTIYALDPAGPQFREKSDEYRIDASDASYVESIQTSVSFGFEQPVGHATFYPNY # GKNQKKCYVYGCSHKRSHDYFIESLTSPAGFWGPRCERHDDGTWLLLMSDGEFRMGGEPSIPKNGTFYVKTYSKPPYAMGHRWQTEPPPREDDIENST # EE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 108 # W: 108 # end gene g325 # start gene g326 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2244673 2245257 0.96 + . g326 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2244673 2245257 0.96 + . g326.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2244673 2244675 . + 0 transcript_id "g326.t1"; gene_id "g326"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2244673 2245257 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g326.t1"; gene_id "g326"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2245255 2245257 . + 0 transcript_id "g326.t1"; gene_id "g326"; # protein sequence = [MFRAQRVCFYFIAFLAFAAARPKINSQISQNQVGFRLSNVLTKESVASKSSMSTEATSEPSTVTSDVPTLTSPSSSSS # EETSEAPESSSQQLSPLTESSSEKVFEVTTVPSSSSAETSEASETSKAFTETTTTTESDVTSEDSTEDESSEDSTEDESSEDSSEDESSESSEESEEG # SYYYDDSEYDYYDSYLYY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 23 # W: 23 # end gene g326 # start gene g327 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2250533 2251270 1 - . g327 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2250533 2251270 1 - . g327.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2250533 2250535 . - 0 transcript_id "g327.t1"; gene_id "g327"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2250533 2251270 1 - 0 transcript_id "g327.t1"; gene_id "g327"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2251268 2251270 . - 0 transcript_id "g327.t1"; gene_id "g327"; # protein sequence = [MLLHWLVLVASVTLISAGSSPERIVGGHPVLISEVPWQAALMYSEKYICGAVIYSDKIIITAAHCVERPFDTLYSVRV # GSVWKNLGGQHARVAVIRKHEDYVSSTILFNDIAVIRLVDTLIFNAEVRPIQLADSAPAAGTEASVSGWGEIGILWLQPTSLLKTSVKILDPNVCKRS # YQYITKTMICAAALLKDSCHGDSGGPLVSGGQLVGIVSYGIGCANPFFPGVYANVAELKPWILNAIEQL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g327 # start gene g328 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2251584 2252330 1 - . g328 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2251584 2252330 1 - . g328.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2251584 2251586 . - 0 transcript_id "g328.t1"; gene_id "g328"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2251584 2252330 1 - 0 transcript_id "g328.t1"; gene_id "g328"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2252328 2252330 . - 0 transcript_id "g328.t1"; gene_id "g328"; # protein sequence = [MFVQWIFLAFSVTVVSSNWIPERIVGGDLITILSVPWQASILRLGRFHCGAAIYSEDIVITAAHCLTDRETEFLSVRV # GSSFTFFGGQVVRVSSVLLHEEYDQSWSNDIAVMRLQSKLRLGSAVSVIPLADTPPASGSPATVSGWGAIGFKKNYPMSILSASVDIVDQDQCRRSYG # RKITKDMICAAAPGKDACSGDSGGPLVSGNKLVGIVSFGKECAHPEYPGVYANVAELKPWILGAIERITKSE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 53 # W: 53 # end gene g328 # start gene g329 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2253079 2253834 0.97 + . g329 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2253079 2253834 0.97 + . g329.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2253079 2253081 . + 0 transcript_id "g329.t1"; gene_id "g329"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2253079 2253834 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g329.t1"; gene_id "g329"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2253832 2253834 . + 0 transcript_id "g329.t1"; gene_id "g329"; # protein sequence = [MFIESFLLLLALDFLSAGQVNRWEQRIIGGEPIGIEQVPWQVSLQYFGDHVCGGSIYSENIIVTAAHCFFDEEGNRLD # DQGYQVRAGSALTDSNGTLVDVAALIIHEEYAFDLNINDIAIVRLSTPLEFTSKVQPIPLAKTNPYPRSIALVSGWGVSYILNDSTNLYPTHLQGLAL # HIKSIFSCRLFDPSLLCAGTYGRTACHGDSGGPLVVNKQLVGVVSWGRKGCVSSAFFVSVPYFREWILNAIASIQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g329 # start gene g330 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2254273 2255040 1 - . g330 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2254273 2255040 1 - . g330.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2254273 2254275 . - 0 transcript_id "g330.t1"; gene_id "g330"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2254273 2255040 1 - 0 transcript_id "g330.t1"; gene_id "g330"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2255038 2255040 . - 0 transcript_id "g330.t1"; gene_id "g330"; # protein sequence = [MFSKCFHLLLAVHLLISPVVPVLLEPSERIIGGSSMDITDVPWQVSLQYYGEHFCGGSIYSKTIIITAAHCIKEGERS # IRAGSSLHDSGGVVVGVEAYIIHPQFDKHNMENDVAVLKLSSPLSFSDSIQTIPLAETDPPTSSSALATGWGRGNFLIRPRQLQGVEILIRPLIVCKL # KYGNGVFNEDICAGRMGKGGCYGDSGGPLVFNGQLVGITSRTGNIVCLGSSLYASVARYRNWILSAIDVLHFQAPATNV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 77 # W: 77 # end gene g330 # start gene g331 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2263558 2264184 0.77 + . g331 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2263558 2264184 0.77 + . g331.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2263558 2263560 . + 0 transcript_id "g331.t1"; gene_id "g331"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2263756 2263815 0.86 + . transcript_id "g331.t1"; gene_id "g331"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2264043 2264096 0.89 + . transcript_id "g331.t1"; gene_id "g331"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2263558 2263755 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g331.t1"; gene_id "g331"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2263816 2264042 0.79 + 0 transcript_id "g331.t1"; gene_id "g331"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2264097 2264184 0.89 + 1 transcript_id "g331.t1"; gene_id "g331"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2264182 2264184 . + 0 transcript_id "g331.t1"; gene_id "g331"; # protein sequence = [MAKRNVAPIPKTHERPPGPRGQDTKGNNELFLKEVFNTTNKYRAMHGCPAVTINAALNKLAQEWANHLRDQNTMAHRP # NPKYGENIFLSGGMDVTGDLPVEMWYREINSYDFNKAQFVPTAGHFTQLIWKSSVEMGSGVARKADRTWVVCNYNPPGNVVGLFKDNVPPKQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g331 # start gene g332 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2268356 2269093 1 - . g332 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2268356 2269093 1 - . g332.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2268356 2268358 . - 0 transcript_id "g332.t1"; gene_id "g332"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2268356 2269093 1 - 0 transcript_id "g332.t1"; gene_id "g332"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2269091 2269093 . - 0 transcript_id "g332.t1"; gene_id "g332"; # protein sequence = [MLLKGILLLVSIAQIAADFKSIGIEQAPWQASVQINDKHHCGGVIYSEDIILTIAECVRKARLEFISVRVGSAQENAG # GTVLKVEKMRLQVLGLRPSDVAILQLRSPLYLDGGIRAIPLATIPLVPGTNASVSGWGQLSAMNPSSEVLLRVDVKIQDQLMCATNLALKGRLMSVGE # ICAAPAGEIPYACQGFVGGPLVANNRLYGILSWQSACDVLNKSSVYANIAMFKVWIESTVKLMNFFRIG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g332 # start gene g333 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2285174 2285902 1 + . g333 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2285174 2285902 1 + . g333.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2285174 2285176 . + 0 transcript_id "g333.t1"; gene_id "g333"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2285174 2285902 1 + 0 transcript_id "g333.t1"; gene_id "g333"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2285900 2285902 . + 0 transcript_id "g333.t1"; gene_id "g333"; # protein sequence = [MLIGSCWVLILFARSSNGIYNGVEAKFDFWTFLASVWVSGYHECGGAVIDSRIVLTAAQCVKNKPVKRITVRVGTPDI # YRGGRIIRVTALVVHENYKNWDNDIALLWLEKPVLSVRVTKIPLATKEPSENEYPSNAGWGEKLLESYVVTRKLQNGVTKIRPRSMCAEELVEPVGEE # LLCAFYTENDICPGDYGGPLVLANKVVGIAVQGHGCGFAVLPSLYTNVFHYLEWIEENAEKLIKNK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g333 # start gene g334 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2286050 2286844 0.96 - . g334 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2286050 2286844 0.96 - . g334.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2286050 2286052 . - 0 transcript_id "g334.t1"; gene_id "g334"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2286050 2286844 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g334.t1"; gene_id "g334"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2286842 2286844 . - 0 transcript_id "g334.t1"; gene_id "g334"; # protein sequence = [MCLRLLLSILVSIAGLACAARIPGPEERIVGGSYIPIEYVPWQVSVQNNSLHCCGGVIYSDRAILTAAHCLSNVTVTD # LSVRAGSSYWSKGGQVLKVLKTIAHPKYVPKLYNPYDIAVLILEAPLRLGGTVKKIPLAEQTPVAGTIVLTSGWGYTRENSSFLWPILQGVHVAILNR # TDCLKAYKHVNITIDMICADGQRWDTCQGDSGGPLIETTKGGHRQLIGMVSWGDGCGTNPGVYEDIAFFHNWIKYTVKKNIYKSIVKI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 74 # W: 74 # end gene g334 # start gene g335 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2288629 2289072 0.55 - . g335 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2288629 2289072 0.55 - . g335.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2288629 2288631 . - 0 transcript_id "g335.t1"; gene_id "g335"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2288629 2289072 0.55 - 0 transcript_id "g335.t1"; gene_id "g335"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2289070 2289072 . - 0 transcript_id "g335.t1"; gene_id "g335"; # protein sequence = [MEMHAIFLGHDTRGDNKISIRHLGHCLRAMGATPTEAMVSKHVRQYEASTMQRICFDEVMGIYSSLGKHGGMLSPKKK # QIEADQFVSSLRVFDTDKSGWIPAIRLRRILTKTGECMGSMEVDELLQGRINKDGLVDYKKLVQDIIYG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g335 # start gene g336 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2290329 2290622 1 - . g336 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2290329 2290622 1 - . g336.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2290329 2290331 . - 0 transcript_id "g336.t1"; gene_id "g336"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2290329 2290622 1 - 0 transcript_id "g336.t1"; gene_id "g336"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2290620 2290622 . - 0 transcript_id "g336.t1"; gene_id "g336"; # protein sequence = [MSAEVEELLKRFQSMKNVTGIVVVDNDGIPIKTTLDYTLTLHYAALMQTVREKARQVVLDLDATNEFTFLRLRTEQNE # VMLCPQEDYFIMVIQSPCD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g336 # start gene g337 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2292460 2293162 0.25 + . g337 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2292460 2293162 0.25 + . g337.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2292460 2292462 . + 0 transcript_id "g337.t1"; gene_id "g337"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2292505 2292922 0.25 + . transcript_id "g337.t1"; gene_id "g337"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2292460 2292504 0.27 + 0 transcript_id "g337.t1"; gene_id "g337"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2292923 2293162 0.26 + 0 transcript_id "g337.t1"; gene_id "g337"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2293160 2293162 . + 0 transcript_id "g337.t1"; gene_id "g337"; # protein sequence = [MPTDPEAFDFKWQIRPTLKHHLTNFVTNFDGMIVRQTPCMSRYPNIASIAPKVPEGKELGTNPPKSLPAPDCNAISIW # GNLRSLNKALRYRGSG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g337 # start gene g338 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2295474 2298812 0.31 - . g338 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2295474 2298812 0.31 - . g338.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2295474 2295476 . - 0 transcript_id "g338.t1"; gene_id "g338"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2295705 2295806 0.41 - . transcript_id "g338.t1"; gene_id "g338"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2295474 2295704 0.64 - 0 transcript_id "g338.t1"; gene_id "g338"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2295807 2298812 0.31 - 0 transcript_id "g338.t1"; gene_id "g338"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2298810 2298812 . - 0 transcript_id "g338.t1"; gene_id "g338"; # protein sequence = [MDKAKRNIKPFDGEKYAIWKFRIRALLAEQDVLKVVDGLMPNEVDDSWKKAERCAKSTIIEYLSDSFLNFATSDITAR # QILEYLDAVYERKSLASQLALRKRLLSLKLSSEMSLLSHFHIFDELISELLAAGAKIEEMDKISHLLITLPSCYDGIITAIETLSEENLTLAFVKNRL # LDQEIKIKNDHNDTSKKVMNAIVHNNNNTYKNNLFKNRVTKPKKIFKGNSKYKVKCHHCGREGHIKKDCFHYKRILNNKNKENEKQVQTATSHGIAFM # VKEVNNTSVMDNCGFVLDSGASDHLINDESLYTDSVEVMPPLKIAVAKQGEFIYATKRGIVRLRNDHEITLEDVLFCKEAAGNLMSVKRLQEAGMSIE # FDKCGVTISKNGLMVVKNSGMLNNVPVINFQAYSINAKHKNNFRLWHERFGHISDGKLLEIKRKNMFSDQSLLNNLELSCEICEPCLNGKQARLPFKQ # LKDKTHIKRPLFVVHSDVCGPITPVTLDDKNYFVIFVDQFTHYCVTYLIKYKSDVFSMFQDFVAKSEAHFNLKVVYLYIDNGREYLSNEMRQFCVKKG # ISYHLTVPHTPQLNGVSERMIRTITEKARTMVSGAKLDKSFWGEAVLTATYLINRIPSRALVDSSKTPYEMWHNKKPYLKHLRVFGATVYVHIKNKQG # KFDDKSFKSIFVGYEPNGFKLWDAVNEKFIVARDVVVDETNMVNSRAVKFETVFLKDSKESENKNFPNDSRKIIQTEFPNESKECDNIQFLKDSKESE # NKNFPNDSRKIIQTEFPNESKECDNIQFLKDSKESNKYFLNESKKRKRDDHLNESKGSGNPNESRESETAEHLKEIGIDNPTKNDGIEIINRRSERLK # TKPQISYNEEDNSLNKVVLNAHTIFNDVPNSFDEIQYRDDKSSWEEAINTELNAHKINNTWTITKRPENKNIVDSRWVFSVKYNELGNPIRYKARLVA # RGFTQKYQIDYEETFAPVARISSFRFILSLVIQYNLKVHQMDAIYGLKQAARCWFEVFEQALKECEFVNSSVDRCIYILDKGNINENIYVLLYVDDVV # IATGDMTRMNNFKKVFNGKV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 29 # E: 1 # W: 28 # end gene g338 # start gene g339 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2300181 2300717 0.92 + . g339 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2300181 2300717 0.92 + . g339.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2300181 2300183 . + 0 transcript_id "g339.t1"; gene_id "g339"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2300181 2300717 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g339.t1"; gene_id "g339"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2300715 2300717 . + 0 transcript_id "g339.t1"; gene_id "g339"; # protein sequence = [MEASFMVALFLSLFFHCTGLVPSPVEARPDSLLFLLIAIIFLHKLKMKYGPILPETITGAILEVPVLCLALQVALLVL # WGPMFYILQWLVDSASRNLRYCLNEQLSLMVKDITPLILTMVLMAVESAVFLNCFQISDMQKFFGCKEDCVTPSVLSFIAEEETKMLKRDIRKWKKTH # KK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g339 # start gene g340 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2308326 2308671 0.47 + . g340 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2308326 2308671 0.47 + . g340.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2308326 2308328 . + 0 transcript_id "g340.t1"; gene_id "g340"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2308532 2308580 1 + . transcript_id "g340.t1"; gene_id "g340"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2308326 2308531 0.47 + 0 transcript_id "g340.t1"; gene_id "g340"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2308581 2308671 1 + 1 transcript_id "g340.t1"; gene_id "g340"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2308669 2308671 . + 0 transcript_id "g340.t1"; gene_id "g340"; # protein sequence = [MEHRQNSGYGENIYMASGGNLKGADAVRSWYEEIRQYNWNSPSFQGNTGHFTQVVWKSSTELGVGFAKSGSTIYVVCN # YNPPGNYNNLFRENVAPPMQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 14 # RM: 1 # W: 13 # end gene g340 # start gene g341 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2308883 2310427 0.95 - . g341 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2308883 2310427 0.95 - . g341.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2308883 2308885 . - 0 transcript_id "g341.t1"; gene_id "g341"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2309291 2309515 1 - . transcript_id "g341.t1"; gene_id "g341"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2309703 2310125 1 - . transcript_id "g341.t1"; gene_id "g341"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2308883 2309290 1 - 0 transcript_id "g341.t1"; gene_id "g341"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2309516 2309702 1 - 1 transcript_id "g341.t1"; gene_id "g341"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2310126 2310427 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g341.t1"; gene_id "g341"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2310425 2310427 . - 0 transcript_id "g341.t1"; gene_id "g341"; # protein sequence = [MLATTSTTTITSDPGILCFHHCNVKVFCFTLPHTCPHCNAPLDADVDAHGDVDGDADPSAQLDRAGPRLLLLPFRLPY # PFVRATQHPCAIVLRPSAGDFLNDYSNATDLHIAVTTSGGDIVEFDRFGLRRHRRDDNPPEWRQSLMVGDVPEPWHDFWDEVLQQICAQSVRWSIASY # AEESHNCYAFVLAFLQALGHAHLSEAARSKTAFCEQCIVPRTTTAGKYISLYRKIRRSGIYVHRQQPKNRSKPASATPPSSYPSDSCDGLGSSKKVSK # KGYSSSSITGLANRPRPTLCTIEE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 16 # RM: 1 # W: 15 # end gene g341 # start gene g342 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2310685 2311071 0.33 - . g342 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2310685 2311071 0.33 - . g342.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2310685 2310687 . - 0 transcript_id "g342.t1"; gene_id "g342"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2310685 2311071 0.33 - 0 transcript_id "g342.t1"; gene_id "g342"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2311069 2311071 . - 0 transcript_id "g342.t1"; gene_id "g342"; # protein sequence = [MTSHNNDDKYGKGSNSLFVLTMTPSFTFALLTTETVRRLNVPGKPLLVATSSGFGLFTTIFRYVSFQAWPKATSTKGS # WPRGRGEWHNRQSVSIIIRAQGEGSPAGGQRKGIRGPVTRSRKAGYQSCS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 19 # E: 1 # W: 18 # end gene g342 # start gene g343 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2323829 2357877 0.2 + . g343 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2323829 2357877 0.2 + . g343.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2323829 2323831 . + 0 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2324257 2327403 0.33 + . transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2327553 2338379 0.4 + . transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2338533 2338764 1 + . transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2341095 2346826 1 + . transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2347180 2350758 1 + . transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2351032 2352443 0.96 + . transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2352737 2352801 0.99 + . transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2353463 2353537 1 + . transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2353702 2353768 1 + . transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2354501 2354579 1 + . transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2354823 2356430 1 + . transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2356932 2357689 1 + . transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2323829 2324256 0.31 + 0 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2327404 2327552 0.33 + 1 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2338380 2338532 0.92 + 2 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2338765 2341094 1 + 2 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2346827 2347179 1 + 0 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2350759 2351031 1 + 1 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2352444 2352736 1 + 1 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2352802 2353462 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2353538 2353701 1 + 1 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2353769 2354500 1 + 2 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2354580 2354822 1 + 2 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2356431 2356931 1 + 2 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2357690 2357877 1 + 2 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2357875 2357877 . + 0 transcript_id "g343.t1"; gene_id "g343"; # protein sequence = [MGRLCATWPSKDSEDGAGTALRAATPLTANGATTTGLSVTLAPKDMQRNHLLKMPTATIEKPTITATIASSSSTSTST # TRKSVTATRSLKLNPNILLPTLRILARGLLLPALILAILVGSSQAGFACLSNPCVFGVCIDGLNSSYSCYCIDGYTGIQCQTNWDECWSSPCQNGGTC # VDGVAYYNCTCPEGFSGSNCEENVDECMSNPCQNGGLCRDRTNGYICTCQPGYLGSHCELDVAVCETGTGARCQHGGECIEGPGLEFTCDCPAGWHGR # ICQEEINECASSPCQNGGVCVDKLAAYACACPMGYTGINCEEEILICADNPCQNNALCLMEEGVPTCYCVPDYHGEKCEFQYDECQLGPRCMNGGVCI # DGVDTFSCSCPPLLTGMLCECLMVGEESLDCNYTAPATQSPPRRTTTTSTMAPPTVRPVTPPETTVSPSRASEEVEIIVVTTSAPAEVVTSVLSPSSS # SSSSEEGVSVEIKTPTVAPPESGSHSISVEQTTAVPAQPEPESEQEPESKPHPESESASESETETEEEIIPGTTARPPTSRSSSSSEESPSIFTTLPP # LPGKPQTSASSESSGEVVTSEEYTTVPHFEVSGSKSESGSEEVTTVRPTAAPSITISVDITSSGSSSSSSESVEVFTTPAPVFVQRVTTIETSISIDY # VTPTPLPETTTPRVVPVPRPTFAPEPPLDVVETTASTHHLWTEVPTTAAPFFTEYPAEVLITTHRTSAGRFTTVQPPAGVTTTSPTEDSSVELPTPHT # PQIVVTILDSNEVIPSLITTTGSPTTHHHHHHHPHHEAEGTTLQPLEEDEHHHHHHHDEFTTPQPVEITTGHPLQTEDLIGVQEPAVVTTESPFAPAE # TTVVPVVVPATIAPLGTAAPPATPAPVPPATTTPPPSPPSLATETPTLPPTLPPVTLPPVTQPPPTIPPTPPSTQSAQTLPPPTSAINVYTTPDGPPT # ASQTKPSVTESSEEVEGTNTVSTGGRGSGGVPEEKAGDVDCIKLGCYNGGTCVTTSEGSRCVCRFDRQGPLCELPIIIRNAAFSGDSYVSHRIYKDIG # GHESLDAVLPMHIQLKVRTRATNGLIMLAAAQGTKGGHYMALFLQKGLMQFQFSCGLQTMLLSELETPVNTGHEITIRAELDFSRNYTHCNASLLVND # TLAMSGDQPTWLKLLPPRLHTPEAILNTWLHLGGAPQAPIGLIIELPPAQSGSGFTGCLHTLRINGQAREIFGDALDGFGITECGSLACLSSPCRNGA # ACIKIETNDLDENGEKAEKWKCKCPTGYMGPTCEISVCEDNPCQYGGTCVQFPGSGYLCLCPLGKHGHYCEHNLEVALPSFSGSVNGLSSFVAYTVPI # PLEYSLELSFKILPQTMSQISLLAFFGQSGYHDEKSDHLAVSFIQGYIMLTWNLGAGPRRIFTQKPIDFRLDAPRVPYEIKVGRIGRQAWLSVDGKFN # ITGRSPGSGSRMDVLPILYLGGHEIANFNTLPHDLPLHSGFQGCIYDVQLKAGQVTVPLQETRGVRGRGVGQCGTRECHRHACQHDGACLQHGATFTC # ICQEGWYGPLCAQPTNPCDSFNNKCYEDATCVPLVNGYECDCPVGRTGKNCEEVIRSLSDVSLTGRRSYLAVRWPYLYDGGDKLGAKRSQMVSYRNFT # KKLMPPKPITTPSSHFVMKLLNEVEKQRSFSPVPLMGSKSFEEHHRVQFFFIEFQLRPLSERGLLLYFGTLNNNQDKKIGFVSLSLQGGVVEFRISGP # SNHVTVVRSVRMLAIGEWHKIKMAQRGRWLTLWVEGSASSALAPSAEVLVEPDSLLYIGGLKDVSKLPHNAISGFPIPFRGCVRGLVVSGTRIVLNET # NIVESRNIRDCDGTACGGDSCESGGHCWLDEKLQPHCICPEYAKGDRCEYSETCKLIPCKNNGRCLRSGRCSCPNGWGGFYCEIAMSKPTTPSFRGNS # YLILPPPRIPMKDKRRGPSLYVRPREAIQVSLNFSTIEPDGLLLWSEHERSKFLGLGLEAGHLKLASNLLGSTNDTVRAPASGFIADGAWHWTSVLLD # RSRLELQLDGEVIFTERLPEGGRSLGSTTPRSTLAGRRKNSSKEPTISYEDVFYLGGFPNSDSVSRRTKGRFFDPFKGCLQDIQFGAEPTAIISDFST # YQGENIGSCDLHGDEPLTV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 84 # CDS exons: 12/13 # W: 12 # CDS introns: 9/12 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 22 # E: 9 # RM: 13 # incompatible hint groups: 321 # RM: 3 # W: 318 # end gene g343 # start gene g344 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2359284 2359969 0.48 + . g344 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2359284 2359969 0.48 + . g344.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2359284 2359286 . + 0 transcript_id "g344.t1"; gene_id "g344"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2359437 2359651 0.48 + . transcript_id "g344.t1"; gene_id "g344"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2359284 2359436 0.48 + 0 transcript_id "g344.t1"; gene_id "g344"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2359652 2359969 0.86 + 0 transcript_id "g344.t1"; gene_id "g344"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2359967 2359969 . + 0 transcript_id "g344.t1"; gene_id "g344"; # protein sequence = [MFVERFKQVVYGIVLFDLFYLFILIHFTSSPLNCILDVSLIFMDYDSISVLSNHPRPYPDLESELRSRRDTHIATNRG # ERGSSAAGLNICSLWCLFVLFVLFGTLLRTTATGICPLLNAQNLTRHVIFTNILCSLSWFRGFSLFFIQYDFKLSTTR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 70 # W: 70 # end gene g344 # start gene g345 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2360087 2364797 0.25 - . g345 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2360087 2364797 0.25 - . g345.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2360087 2360089 . - 0 transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2360280 2360472 0.87 - . transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2360570 2360632 1 - . transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2360802 2360971 1 - . transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2361093 2361159 1 - . transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2361476 2361516 0.28 - . transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2361586 2364640 0.49 - . transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2360087 2360279 0.87 - 1 transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2360473 2360569 0.87 - 2 transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2360633 2360801 1 - 0 transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2360972 2361092 1 - 1 transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2361160 2361475 0.28 - 2 transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2361517 2361585 0.28 - 2 transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2364641 2364797 0.44 - 0 transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2364795 2364797 . - 0 transcript_id "g345.t1"; gene_id "g345"; # protein sequence = [MVTSPRKLIDKNTTCDATIILREASQSLSISLCARFVSFLGAVLGHTIERKKHSASTLSSNLSRKTYSAEEGVSCRGR # AHPHSHPIQPEPIMATTPRSGGASGTGTAQRPNGTSQNKSCQFKLVLLGESAVGKSSLVLRFVKGQFHEYQESTIGAAFLTQTICIEDTVVKFEIWDT # AGQERYHSLAPMYYRGAQAAIVVYDIQNQDSFQRAKTWVKELHKQASPNIVIALAGNKADLSNIRVVEFDEAKQYAEENGLLFMETSAKTGMNVNDIF # LAIAKKLPKNDGANNQGTSIRPTGTETNRPTNNCCKGRISFESHETNNDKDHIRIISIKQRSSHSQHKRKLQLKKVSYKFPHPISPITLDICPKNIQA # N] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 84.6 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 4/6 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 4 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 123 # E: 2 # W: 121 # end gene g345 # start gene g346 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2366381 2368981 0.94 + . g346 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2366381 2368981 0.94 + . g346.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2366381 2366383 . + 0 transcript_id "g346.t1"; gene_id "g346"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2368214 2368315 1 + . transcript_id "g346.t1"; gene_id "g346"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2366381 2368213 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g346.t1"; gene_id "g346"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2368316 2368981 1 + 0 transcript_id "g346.t1"; gene_id "g346"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2368979 2368981 . + 0 transcript_id "g346.t1"; gene_id "g346"; # protein sequence = [MFSPSGNKAAGQREGTTSLTAHDEGERKDQRHLDHKDNQSEPEERQHQLQIFPHLDDDDDDIERQIKTSIIDASKVHA # AKAKALASLPMPLEQLDDELADFAHGPADTELEEQFLELENYPNNEIIVLGDADLNSSIASDAVSEDPLAIDNILDSASVTTNEEVDTSGELLWLKLN # NETEMATRSAEVVSNNQASLEPAQPAKPKEDELRDGGSDSGLGSETSALLKDQAEKEAEPEIQKKVETKPIRSNLKRRLEDSESDAIDLVPDMSAPPV # APQKRTKRSINFDEVKVFYFPRQQGFSCVPTAGGCTLGMGARHVGFKTMTLAEHAAELRRAHRSQNQELQPRGSSSDDSEESEEDYLSEGSGSDAEDG # SNGFLQPVTPKQRRALLKAAGVRKIDASEKSECRDIRNSREVCGCSCREFCDPETCACSQAGIKCQVDRAMFPCGCTREACGNTVGRVEFNPTRVRTH # YIHTVMRLDLEQRQGSVQGVQGGHLQPQQQQPSQQTIGYSPVGTAGSTSAYFLQTQSNYSSGYASPAYTPESSVSYYQQQVQQPGVPTAGQLIPQQQQ # AQSQSYAGYAQLDSLDSGLFASGSNATPSYGELYQSLSYGSTQITSYTAAYQQHSASPAVAVAPGAPSSCAYSSCAVPSVPPYGNATTTASSNVPYQT # TAVSMTAASTSASPSRLVGNPVGSATASPATVSSSPATASGNEFISLSTPIASSSRLSQINDLLQHNRNTTAALVAVSEGLSGGRTSSSASTIDSIDT # PPIVDDGQQRGCMSFEALPPPLVNPAPIVAVVENKLPPMALPAPHAPPSAPQPRQPLEQHHPATSESS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 188 # W: 188 # end gene g346 # start gene g347 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2370269 2371426 0.92 - . g347 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2370269 2371426 0.92 - . g347.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2370269 2370271 . - 0 transcript_id "g347.t1"; gene_id "g347"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2370521 2370611 1 - . transcript_id "g347.t1"; gene_id "g347"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2370989 2371047 1 - . transcript_id "g347.t1"; gene_id "g347"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2370269 2370520 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g347.t1"; gene_id "g347"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2370612 2370988 1 - 2 transcript_id "g347.t1"; gene_id "g347"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2371048 2371426 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g347.t1"; gene_id "g347"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2371424 2371426 . - 0 transcript_id "g347.t1"; gene_id "g347"; # protein sequence = [MQSQANLNWGIAAAGRITQDFVTALGTVEKSRHVVVAVADVDGQRAQQFAQRNQIPRHYDGFDALALDREVEVVYVGT # LNPFHYAVVHLMLARGKNVLCETPMCLSVEQAKELYTLAEQRGVFLMEGMWSRFFPSYDRLRELLKNDVIGEVTQVKVQHGFRLAHMERVCNRSLGGS # ILMDIGIYALQLGQFVFGVSPVKILPSGTQLNKERVDVQIDFMLDYGDGRRLVALVTGLENLENDAVITGTKGEIKLSNYWCCTQISRSNAPPESWPL # PRAKFDFHYTNTCGLRYEAEEVRRCIEKRLLESPKFTHAESLELAAIADEIRRQIGVVYDV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 110 # E: 1 # W: 109 # end gene g347 # start gene g348 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2372510 2374691 0.55 - . g348 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2372510 2374691 0.55 - . g348.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2372510 2372512 . - 0 transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2372771 2372829 1 - . transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2373077 2373133 1 - . transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2373426 2373493 1 - . transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2373723 2374488 1 - . transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2374507 2374658 0.55 - . transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2372510 2372770 1 - 0 transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2372830 2373076 1 - 1 transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2373134 2373425 1 - 2 transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2373494 2373722 1 - 0 transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2374489 2374506 1 - 0 transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2374659 2374691 0.55 - 0 transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2374689 2374691 . - 0 transcript_id "g348.t1"; gene_id "g348"; # protein sequence = [MTVTEKREQRHFCYKLSPAPQSSNMSKLIRWGIASAGKISEDFVIALSTLPSSDHKVQAVAARALDRAQEFATKHGIP # KALGSYEELAKSTDVDVVYIGTLNPQHYEVALLMLNNGKHVLCEKPLAMNKKQVEGILAAAKANKRFFMEAVWSRFFPSYQRVKELISSGQLGQVKDV # EVNFGFPMPHVDRLQKRELGGGVVYDLGIYTIQVSQWAFQEKPEKIESKGTLNAEGIDDDVSATLTYSGGRTARMRFSSKEKLGNTAVIKGTKGQVTL # IDFWSPNKLIDIDGQEKEWLPPKGKYATNYANSEAMRYEAEAVRQSIIAGEVENKNVTYADSLIFAEIEDTIRKQIGVLNKYDEQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 72.7 # CDS exons: 4/6 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 102 # W: 102 # end gene g348 # start gene g349 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2374756 2375639 0.83 + . g349 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2374756 2375639 0.83 + . g349.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2374756 2374758 . + 0 transcript_id "g349.t1"; gene_id "g349"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2374810 2374865 1 + . transcript_id "g349.t1"; gene_id "g349"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2374756 2374809 1 + 0 transcript_id "g349.t1"; gene_id "g349"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2374866 2375639 0.83 + 0 transcript_id "g349.t1"; gene_id "g349"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2375637 2375639 . + 0 transcript_id "g349.t1"; gene_id "g349"; # protein sequence = [MLRKLLFNTQAVLKQQSNLHHIRHLATPKILQLEQIHIDEAIKIEPTLAVFSPEIWRRAHQTFQNHGLETVNFLRIVT # GNPAILKRTPDKIISCLEIWRACQFGENLLHLLLTKYPELLDVSDSHQLLSHIGFLQSRVSTSKNVWKCLMNSPDLIAQSEVSIEEKLNFITDVMRIE # VPELVKSAALTLSFEELRCRHQFLLRLGLFKPRPPKADPNEPTTNPKLYQITDTSEKSFATKICHVTLPEYEAFKDLYAKELEQKSRRKEEDELSDED # D] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 35 # W: 35 # end gene g349 # start gene g350 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2377202 2380177 0.95 + . g350 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2377202 2380177 0.95 + . g350.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2377202 2377204 . + 0 transcript_id "g350.t1"; gene_id "g350"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2378276 2378335 1 + . transcript_id "g350.t1"; gene_id "g350"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2377202 2378275 0.95 + 0 transcript_id "g350.t1"; gene_id "g350"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2378336 2380177 1 + 0 transcript_id "g350.t1"; gene_id "g350"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2380175 2380177 . + 0 transcript_id "g350.t1"; gene_id "g350"; # protein sequence = [MPLNDVAPAGGGAYPENGTKHKVSGMWKPDSSAGSNSGSGSAGLSLFSLQGQKWQQVFDMEKVIKQLRTAEKTYLRGG # KNSSAGADQQAKVQVQRLQSADMAYYDLAPKLASRDIVLCSSCSGCYTKAGFQHHIALQHPSVWEATSSKVNPNPNGTAISSDSRLTATEISQEGGAI # VPSSPTDTLSASTLSSCSNGSSSSASLQHPAAAGSSSTTSSSSSSRHKSSSSKSSSSSSSKGSSSTSAGSRSRSKSSKNRHHSSPAPALLESNHKESK # GSKKSSAIAAPPVVAAVVKEEPPSVGAAPAAITMFSSSSNSSCSLPPTPTLGAASSEVAMGVNYSPAQLQTDAEKLPELQPKKKLKGSSDHRIKAEKE # KNKDKSLVNSYEQQQVLSELDQAVSSITGAVSAEQVAPDEEELPLPNTSDENSISQTLDEMLDSKLINEILNNFDESALDTSQQQSQQQAQNGSLSHP # AQATKRLRFEDGTIGEDYAVYQQQAVQQVYGEEEHQQELTTIDAMQLQQLIYQQQQMLEQQQLQEQQQQQQQDQKLQDHEQQRQFSVYNVPSLTDEAM # VNPQQQQLEEHMILPSIIYEITESNPVSMLEQKVLAEFLTNAGYENVDVNVVQSGGIQTNLSSGTEANQLADELADFEFSKLETVSDTVKTVKLEAKA # ASQPPTTNPQINHHPSLANAKYHEDSYFNVMLYSGAPRPLAMNTFGMVKLPQGLGVTFRKNLLTTRKANNNLLSLSGGNHLGVVGQLARTPPPPSPAL # SNGLPGKNPASGRTIYAQRSNVIAQDRLRCNKRALVGGKAGGGSSGSPGVMTAKRLNELLMGKAKKEEKPPPDSEDGGEQPTKDKERDKEEDNKLTFS # FYEKRRRLLAGKLEQLQPLGRPSFTLPLQSNHNASQSQSHSPQQLLKKQLLRTLSDSSSNMNISNMNNISNLNSSNTPSANSNPPWKGNSSNPGGNST # PTSSDLMRVFV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 266 # W: 266 # end gene g350 # start gene g351 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2381334 2383004 1 + . g351 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2381334 2383004 1 + . g351.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2381334 2381336 . + 0 transcript_id "g351.t1"; gene_id "g351"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2382297 2382348 1 + . transcript_id "g351.t1"; gene_id "g351"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2382561 2382616 1 + . transcript_id "g351.t1"; gene_id "g351"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2381334 2382296 1 + 0 transcript_id "g351.t1"; gene_id "g351"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2382349 2382560 1 + 0 transcript_id "g351.t1"; gene_id "g351"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2382617 2383004 1 + 1 transcript_id "g351.t1"; gene_id "g351"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2383002 2383004 . + 0 transcript_id "g351.t1"; gene_id "g351"; # protein sequence = [MPILPILIGILHLSLAEDAKHLDGFSLPSLPSEHLIRYLNTFPKLKQQLPTNLTGKGTISSACWGHERDCTPAGRFQT # PQCPGEHTGWARSKEAQVRTFYNQADFGYIQEQLSQLTPQCVPTYLGDSSLECTHYLRFCRGRNLLFDFRGLEQREERIRYHMDVLGPGQLLGHCKLN # RTRLSGEMEHIGSALQSWGPELRNFDVLPHPVLESGLCDVVVNTPTFIMKIDATYNMYHHFCDFFNLYASLFVNQSHPAAFNTDVQILIWETYPYDSP # FRDTFKAFSQRPVWTLSDVEGKRVCFKNVVLPLLPRMIFGLFYNTPIIQGCSNSGLFRAFSEFILHRLQIPYKPPQQKIRITYLSRRTKYRQVLNEDE # LLAPLEANDKYDVQRVSYERLPFTNQLAITRNTDILIGMHGAGLTHLLFLPNWACIFELYNCEDPNCYKDLARLRGVRYRTWEQRDLVYPQDEGHHPE # GGAHAKFTNYSFDVKEFVHLVDGAAEEILSHKEFPRRASENPSKTQRNEL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 134 # W: 134 # end gene g351 # start gene g352 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2383299 2384731 0.33 + . g352 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2383299 2384731 0.33 + . g352.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2383299 2383301 . + 0 transcript_id "g352.t1"; gene_id "g352"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2384044 2384096 0.45 + . transcript_id "g352.t1"; gene_id "g352"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2383299 2384043 0.74 + 0 transcript_id "g352.t1"; gene_id "g352"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2384097 2384731 0.33 + 2 transcript_id "g352.t1"; gene_id "g352"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2384729 2384731 . + 0 transcript_id "g352.t1"; gene_id "g352"; # protein sequence = [MEAEVASFVEHELNDVDLKSWRSIKESLDSFLTILPTILGFVLSRLLCGHLPMLSTRRFLLELFLIGLPTVILITVGS # AYSYTYSLVVSLAVLVYIYGNVAPNPPNFVYKVGKRPIVFTLLRATAYSGTCAAILAVDFPSYPTDYRKSRTFGAAVMDMGIGLFVVTMGLVSHRARS # ITDLKKLRRSVIPLLVLGLARTIVITLIDYHQDETEYGRHLNAFFILGFTKLLGSCYSLLVNSDEQLLALAIGLLFLHEVVLQLGLSEFVMSSAPHEG # FFSANREGLSSLHGCVALYLLSIYFAKWYTSRDSLTYQGLIRKLKSILFVAILCWKLVFISSFLTGIARVTFSFGYVIWIFAVSLSLIVIYAFFFELK # LVRPDICSKKSIRDDGQKNISLPTFVESLNMNGLTHFMISNFLTGMVNMSLNPGHRSDLESVVILSIYMFVCAGVVFLMLKKGIRVA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 39 # W: 39 # end gene g352 # start gene g353 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2384832 2385702 0.35 - . g353 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2384832 2385702 0.35 - . g353.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2384832 2384834 . - 0 transcript_id "g353.t1"; gene_id "g353"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2385446 2385506 0.37 - . transcript_id "g353.t1"; gene_id "g353"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2384832 2385445 0.37 - 2 transcript_id "g353.t1"; gene_id "g353"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2385507 2385702 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g353.t1"; gene_id "g353"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2385700 2385702 . - 0 transcript_id "g353.t1"; gene_id "g353"; # protein sequence = [MKSCCATQTTRCECPTGLRLGKKPQAPLFDMLGPHPDEVIMTILDRILYLSGATKIIPLLELSNEAFKKESCPPPAPC # APSPCSSGSSSAYPSSSAWSTCCSKPSTICCYPKPTRCCASPKAPLVPCSPMDTPKSSCFKTASRLSSAACCPRQRTPRVDFDHPAEDIPLRNKAGSA # TIREQISRSISTCSVACQQLKDKLTSQIAQGHKDQKWLWTRLIRGNDGCMVYEVYKDSDVDNSPSKIGSEAPIILFLVMPNGCIMPFESICGP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g353 # start gene g354 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2389856 2390635 0.99 - . g354 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2389856 2390635 0.99 - . g354.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2389856 2389858 . - 0 transcript_id "g354.t1"; gene_id "g354"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2389856 2390635 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g354.t1"; gene_id "g354"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2390633 2390635 . - 0 transcript_id "g354.t1"; gene_id "g354"; # protein sequence = [MEEVSNTDVKKVEASTPVKKTRSKEESPTEAGAGPVPQSSQEVLLSSHTYNTPDDEHSICETNEDGSPEFASESPSIC # DKNKPSGVQLDSSGISGGICRGSLMGADSMESELNSESSGELLDNNELIARKKKRDLLKSDETEDPEEEFRKHFLKTFQNLPRISQISLDDNPKQSPT # ESKHNAEIDAELPNNEVAESLTNEGDSTGKAILPTNLSNSDAENIEQPDNNIAENTEITLLQNSYIQEKENADEIPSSSNKNM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g354 # start gene g355 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2402245 2407698 0.88 + . g355 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2402245 2407698 0.88 + . g355.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2402245 2402247 . + 0 transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2402295 2404726 0.92 + . transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2405058 2405501 1 + . transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2405739 2406206 0.96 + . transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2406858 2406910 1 + . transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2407097 2407159 1 + . transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2407376 2407470 1 + . transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2402245 2402294 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2404727 2405057 0.99 + 1 transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2405502 2405738 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2406207 2406857 1 + 0 transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2406911 2407096 1 + 0 transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2407160 2407375 1 + 0 transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2407471 2407698 1 + 0 transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2407696 2407698 . + 0 transcript_id "g355.t1"; gene_id "g355"; # protein sequence = [MKGLTAFKEKATGVFGGLKPNMEKFEISQSYHGGHGGYEEMEGGDREGRGPGGGHAYDDDDDRPDSPASFEEIERPPL # RKIDKYCKAECPCMPARYTIATMACVGFMIAFGMRCNMSAAKLKGEHNGTVFMNWTVAVESHVDSSFFWGYLVTQIPGGFIASKFPANKIFGLSIVSS # ATLHLFVPFAMTLMHGHVVICVRVLQGLFEGVTYPACHGIWRFWAPPMERSRLATLAFSGSYAGVVVGLPLSGLLADAVGYQAPFYAYGVFGIIWYMF # WIWLCFENPRKHPAISIPELKYIEKSLGESAHPTMPSLKTTPWREMMRSMPVYAIIVANFCRSWNFYLLVLFQSSFLKHKFGFKVEEAGFVGSLPHLI # MTTIVPFGGMLADHLRKNGILSTTNVRKLFNCGGFGMEGLFFLFVAHSSTATGAMFALTCGVAFSGFAISGYNVNHLDIAPRYASILMGLSNGIGTLA # GIIVPYALDGLIQANPTGCWTTVFTLAACVHLVGCTFYGIFASGELQPWAEPPAEEQKVWAPPPGAITNTDPSQAGMLGDYMKETSFGAPEYTEQSQM # QQSTAISYGATGHVANNPFAMASGAPPIAEEDAPPTYGDVTNPGQYGYTQGQMPSYDPQGYQQQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 53.8 # CDS exons: 4/7 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/6 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 3 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 34 # W: 34 # end gene g355 # start gene g356 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2411048 2412129 0.45 - . g356 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2411048 2412129 0.45 - . g356.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2411048 2411050 . - 0 transcript_id "g356.t1"; gene_id "g356"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2411221 2411285 1 - . transcript_id "g356.t1"; gene_id "g356"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2411048 2411220 0.52 - 2 transcript_id "g356.t1"; gene_id "g356"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2411286 2412129 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g356.t1"; gene_id "g356"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2412127 2412129 . - 0 transcript_id "g356.t1"; gene_id "g356"; # protein sequence = [MSLPAAYVIKCNISQSETSLSTKILYLESHILHTAAQNAGVVAAAVAAGQNQTQVYVTDSCLQKPYRCPHPKIQFYLY # TRRTQEQPEFIDVLDPNALYYTHFNPRHPTKIIIHGFGGGRTLSPSPDLREAYFSVGEYNIIIVDYADAVKEPCLSQMDWAPRFGSLCISQLVKYLAR # HPRGVQPDDLHFIGYSVGAHIAGLVANYLKPEEGKLGRITALDPTIFFYAGANNSRDLDSTDAHFVDVLHTGAGILGQWHSSGHADFYVNGGTRQPAC # VGSATLFQTLACDHTKVTPYFIESITTTRGFYAGPCPNLFSYLIGWCEPKDSEYVLMGEHCSHK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g356 # start gene g357 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2415503 2416621 0.83 - . g357 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2415503 2416621 0.83 - . g357.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2415503 2415505 . - 0 transcript_id "g357.t1"; gene_id "g357"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2415503 2416621 0.83 - 0 transcript_id "g357.t1"; gene_id "g357"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2416619 2416621 . - 0 transcript_id "g357.t1"; gene_id "g357"; # protein sequence = [MFVQVFIKNKNEYRRAALIRVKEDYKIFDLKVVLEKHTKIPVEHQNIRFFDAVLKDEYLLCKVAKKCKADLFAFNNEE # VFSRIQFLDNVEHRCQSMLKLNDHKMNMELPNEVRPQIVGMAGGYSRESGSSVTSSSGLSSKRSCFISTCYPKAERKACVSADTCHVKCCDGEDNRPP # YARIMPEDRRFGVVITNEECPCDCDFNCILEFMAEAFHTAQDVASLSFSQCTPVAEFDCSLLLVAEDSDSSDWLLRVARPMCPPYRCTSFIKHFDLVR # SIFVIPMIVERRLCNVFQIFENQNCGIDTGKWCVMEMAPLDPCSDSYASKVIFPDSTNYEIVAYIDNESKEYIENHCSKIKYITWHLPVDFPQGLSCT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g357 # start gene g358 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2416971 2419771 0.33 - . g358 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2416971 2419771 0.33 - . g358.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2416971 2416973 . - 0 transcript_id "g358.t1"; gene_id "g358"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2417752 2418532 0.33 - . transcript_id "g358.t1"; gene_id "g358"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2419499 2419733 0.97 - . transcript_id "g358.t1"; gene_id "g358"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2416971 2417751 0.91 - 1 transcript_id "g358.t1"; gene_id "g358"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2418533 2419498 0.33 - 1 transcript_id "g358.t1"; gene_id "g358"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2419734 2419771 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g358.t1"; gene_id "g358"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2419769 2419771 . - 0 transcript_id "g358.t1"; gene_id "g358"; # protein sequence = [MGYEVDCLATFVDSTRENPILLDPLDLNPWNFQPPRPLKILIHGYTGDRDFAPNSYIRPVLLDHEDVYVISIDYGPLV # RYPCYIQAVQNLPLVSRCLAQLINNLVDRAIVANDQIHLIGFSLGGQVAGQTANYVKRKMKRITGLDPAKPLFILGPDSRRLDKGDADFVDVIHTDVF # GRGYLRAAGHVDFYPNFGAKQPGCMEENMQDPSSCNHERAPRFYAESINTTVGFWARQCSGWLLQLLTLCPTTGAQALLGYHVSDELRGSYFLQTASK # SPYALGKMQDVDNRQTLAKFHLNFDHNEIDDDYEPQLLEAFLELEAVKVVVKMDESELDKRQTRDDPIQLDPLNPQKDVFQPRLPLKILIHGFIGNRN # LTPNLEVRDVLLQTQPINVISVDYGTLVRWPCYYPWAVNNAPIVSECLAQMINNLISAGISRREDIHLIGFSLGAQVAGMVANYVSQPLARITGLDPA # GPGFMMQPSLQQKLDASDADFVDIIHTDPFFFSMLPPMGHADFYPNLDQLNQRGCSYISNWRFYNCNHYRAAVYYGESIISERGFWAQQCGGWFDFFS # QRCSHYSNMPNTQMGYFVSEEYAITK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g358 # start gene g359 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2420896 2422415 0.86 + . g359 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2420896 2422415 0.86 + . g359.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2420896 2420898 . + 0 transcript_id "g359.t1"; gene_id "g359"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2422030 2422085 0.87 + . transcript_id "g359.t1"; gene_id "g359"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2420896 2422029 0.86 + 0 transcript_id "g359.t1"; gene_id "g359"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2422086 2422415 0.88 + 0 transcript_id "g359.t1"; gene_id "g359"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2422413 2422415 . + 0 transcript_id "g359.t1"; gene_id "g359"; # protein sequence = [MAKRQTWEQMRQIFVQAVNAVHPEKVFADFQKFDLRPQIGENATDISIKLNGERQDISGKTCHIVGFGKAVLGMANKV # QQDLGATSAGGVLSVPVNTLKQFQQPVAPGLVVHEGAANNLPDENALKAAREIKQLAEKMTAQDILFVFISGGGSALLPLPRSPLTLEDKRSIADKLM # KRGASIQEINAVRIACSDIKGGRLARLAGQAGLLVTFVLSDIIGDPLELIACGPTIQPEAAASPSDILKKHHVWEELSPEIRRVFEQPEEQKNTSLPE # HKVFVVGSNVIATSTAAHEAERLGYIPCVLSCAVQGDVAQVAGDYQRLLHGIQEAKQHGILDPQLREKYAFGERSYPTFRRALEDHMSSKKPLFLICG # GEPVIKVSGHGLGGRSQHLALLMSQALHRDEAMRDCTFLSAGTDGIDGPTDAAGAFGDSSVVESYLGDHTLDELAETLRNCDSYNFYKNLAQGEHHVL # TGHTGTNVMDLHFLVVP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 71 # W: 71 # end gene g359 # start gene g360 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2427142 2427422 0.81 - . g360 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2427142 2427422 0.81 - . g360.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2427142 2427144 . - 0 transcript_id "g360.t1"; gene_id "g360"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2427233 2427291 0.9 - . transcript_id "g360.t1"; gene_id "g360"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2427142 2427232 0.9 - 1 transcript_id "g360.t1"; gene_id "g360"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2427292 2427422 0.81 - 0 transcript_id "g360.t1"; gene_id "g360"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2427420 2427422 . - 0 transcript_id "g360.t1"; gene_id "g360"; # protein sequence = [MIPQALLTISIIRLVCPSGNASCPKSMQQTQLMPLIWLLFLPLILSSRILCLPQEHKCNKTSSQGAEKAQQAR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # W: 1 # end gene g360 # start gene g361 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2444156 2444446 0.53 - . g361 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2444156 2444446 0.53 - . g361.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2444156 2444158 . - 0 transcript_id "g361.t1"; gene_id "g361"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2444156 2444446 0.53 - 0 transcript_id "g361.t1"; gene_id "g361"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2444444 2444446 . - 0 transcript_id "g361.t1"; gene_id "g361"; # protein sequence = [MVKAIHVRIGKKEPHPSVCNMGQQHVEQPQCCRNNSSQLLRNVATASWHLVNAPHDNEANLRLAPSEYPIPISIPVPI # PVEPSRFGQDKLFSSEPF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g361 # start gene g362 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2455470 2458560 0.96 + . g362 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2455470 2458560 0.96 + . g362.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2455470 2455472 . + 0 transcript_id "g362.t1"; gene_id "g362"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2455939 2457661 0.99 + . transcript_id "g362.t1"; gene_id "g362"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2455470 2455938 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g362.t1"; gene_id "g362"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2457662 2458560 0.98 + 2 transcript_id "g362.t1"; gene_id "g362"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2458558 2458560 . + 0 transcript_id "g362.t1"; gene_id "g362"; # protein sequence = [MAVKEQRSHHKKSHHHRSHQPKQASASTESHQSSSIESIFVEEPTLVLDREVASINVPANAKAIIAEQGPSTYSKEAL # IKDKLKPDPSTLVEIEKSLLSLFNMKRPPKIDRSKIIIPEPMKKLYAEIMGHELDSVNIPKPGLLTKSANTVRSFTHKDSKIDDRFPHHHRFRLHFDV # KSIPADEKLKAAELQLTRDALSQQVVASRSSANRTRYQVLVYDITRVGVRGQREPSYLLLDTKTVRLNSTDTVSLDVQPAVDRWLASPQRNYGLLVEV # RTVRSLKPAPHHHVRLRRSADEAHERWQHKQPLLFTYTDDGRHKARSIRDVSGGEGGGKGGRNKRQPRRPTRRKNHDDTCRRHSLYVDFSDVGWDDWI # VAPLGYDAYYCHGKCPFPLADHFNSTNHAVVQTLVNNMNPGKVPKACCVPTQLDSVAMLYLNDQSTVVLKNYQEMTVVGCGCR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 37 # W: 37 # end gene g362 # start gene g363 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2489754 2490119 1 - . g363 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2489754 2490119 1 - . g363.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2489754 2489756 . - 0 transcript_id "g363.t1"; gene_id "g363"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2489754 2490119 1 - 0 transcript_id "g363.t1"; gene_id "g363"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2490117 2490119 . - 0 transcript_id "g363.t1"; gene_id "g363"; # protein sequence = [MRSLVYNKPRELVPELLEWELGGGQGYSHSRHPLTPTWQRFDGQLTDNQSTAEAMMAQPSRCPLPSAAVPQLWGDNYA # RHLGTGAEAGRDSTQQLALSLANYEWIEARQVAVDGIASALEH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g363 # start gene g364 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2490346 2492520 1 - . g364 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2490346 2492520 1 - . g364.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2490346 2490348 . - 0 transcript_id "g364.t1"; gene_id "g364"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2490679 2490732 1 - . transcript_id "g364.t1"; gene_id "g364"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2491443 2491512 1 - . transcript_id "g364.t1"; gene_id "g364"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2492202 2492258 1 - . transcript_id "g364.t1"; gene_id "g364"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2492419 2492492 1 - . transcript_id "g364.t1"; gene_id "g364"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2490346 2490678 1 - 0 transcript_id "g364.t1"; gene_id "g364"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2490733 2491442 1 - 2 transcript_id "g364.t1"; gene_id "g364"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2491513 2492201 1 - 1 transcript_id "g364.t1"; gene_id "g364"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2492259 2492418 1 - 2 transcript_id "g364.t1"; gene_id "g364"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2492493 2492520 1 - 0 transcript_id "g364.t1"; gene_id "g364"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2492518 2492520 . - 0 transcript_id "g364.t1"; gene_id "g364"; # protein sequence = [MLTLRERQINAIKQMLNLNSQQPKALAAEPVWKILIYDRVGQDIISPIISIKELRELGVTLHVQLHSDRDSIPDVPAI # YFCLPTDENLDRIQQDFSSGLYDVYHLNFLAPITRSKIENLAAAALHAGCVANIHRVYDQYVNFISLEDDFFILKHQQSDQLSYYAINRANTRDEEME # ALMDSIVDSLFALFVTLGNVPIIRCPRNSAAEMVARKLEKKLRENLWDARANLFHMDATQAGGGVFSFQRPVLLLLDRNMDLATPLHHTWSYQALVHD # VLDLGLNLVYVEDETASAGARKKPKACDLDRNDRFWMTHKGSPFPTVAEAIQEELESYRNSEEEIKRLKTSMGIEGESDIAFSLVNDTTARLTNAVNS # LPQLMEKKRLIDMHTKIATAILNFIKARRLDSFFEIEEKVMSKQTLDRPLLDLLRDGEFGQAEDKLRLYIIYFICAQQLPESEQERLKEALQAAGCDL # TALAYVQRWKGIMNRSPSISQATQYEGGGTKTVSMFTKLVSQGSSFVMEGVKNLVVKRHNLPVTKITEQVMECRSNAETDDYLYLDPKLLKGGEVLPK # NRAPFQDAVVFMVGGGNYIEYQNLVDFIKQKQTSNVQRRIIYGASTLTNARQFLKELSALGGEIQSPTATS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 177 # W: 177 # end gene g364 # start gene g365 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2493030 2496697 0.98 + . g365 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2493030 2496697 0.98 + . g365.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2493030 2493032 . + 0 transcript_id "g365.t1"; gene_id "g365"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2493297 2495373 1 + . transcript_id "g365.t1"; gene_id "g365"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2495488 2495569 1 + . transcript_id "g365.t1"; gene_id "g365"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2495889 2496398 1 + . transcript_id "g365.t1"; gene_id "g365"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2493030 2493296 1 + 0 transcript_id "g365.t1"; gene_id "g365"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2495374 2495487 1 + 0 transcript_id "g365.t1"; gene_id "g365"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2495570 2495888 1 + 0 transcript_id "g365.t1"; gene_id "g365"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2496399 2496697 0.98 + 2 transcript_id "g365.t1"; gene_id "g365"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2496695 2496697 . + 0 transcript_id "g365.t1"; gene_id "g365"; # protein sequence = [MILKEEHPHQSIETAANAARQAQVRWRMAHLKALSRTRTPAHGNCCGRVVSKNHFFKHSRAFLWFLLCNLVMNADAFA # HSQLLINVQNQGGEVIQESITSNIGEDLITLEFQKTDGTLITQVIDFRNEVQILKALVLGEEERGQSQYQVMCFATKFNKGDFISSAAMAKLRQKNPH # TIRTPEEDKGRETFTMSSWVQLNRSLPITRHLQGLCAEAMDATYVRDVDLKAWAELPGSSISSLEAATEKFPDTLSTRCNEVSSLWAPCLCNLETCIG # WYPCGLKYCKGKGVAGADSSGAQQQAQPTNYRCGIKTCRKCTQFTYYVRQKQQCLWDE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 93 # W: 93 # end gene g365 # start gene g366 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2496725 2497162 0.98 + . g366 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2496725 2497162 0.98 + . g366.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2496725 2496727 . + 0 transcript_id "g366.t1"; gene_id "g366"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2496725 2497162 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g366.t1"; gene_id "g366"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2497160 2497162 . + 0 transcript_id "g366.t1"; gene_id "g366"; # protein sequence = [MRCARRRNGSEFGDDASATCPGGETRAATTTATITGGGAGGSGKDTTAATTTTTNKLRQLLLLVQQQMPFALWSFPVH # HISQSHHQSQSQHKPSRQQKQHQHHSQVAPTSHHQSSSSTPPTPSTSSSPPSSSSSSSSSAMAAIVA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 45 # W: 45 # end gene g366 # start gene g367 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2497227 2498188 0.77 + . g367 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2497227 2498188 0.77 + . g367.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2497227 2497229 . + 0 transcript_id "g367.t1"; gene_id "g367"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2497302 2497906 0.77 + . transcript_id "g367.t1"; gene_id "g367"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2497227 2497301 0.77 + 0 transcript_id "g367.t1"; gene_id "g367"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2497907 2498188 0.77 + 0 transcript_id "g367.t1"; gene_id "g367"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2498186 2498188 . + 0 transcript_id "g367.t1"; gene_id "g367"; # protein sequence = [MLTLFPLTIQDDSGRGHSNASHWVKIVGHNIAFHALSTRVALSSRRLNRNRSINKLNVALAYFTSGRKSTFIELRNMY # VCQALAKLGINCAHNSCNRKTTRIRYMAIWGMVNVDEEFY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 80 # W: 80 # end gene g367 # start gene g368 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2517196 2517956 0.54 - . g368 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2517196 2517956 0.54 - . g368.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2517196 2517198 . - 0 transcript_id "g368.t1"; gene_id "g368"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2517598 2517704 0.57 - . transcript_id "g368.t1"; gene_id "g368"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2517196 2517597 1 - 0 transcript_id "g368.t1"; gene_id "g368"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2517705 2517956 0.54 - 0 transcript_id "g368.t1"; gene_id "g368"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2517954 2517956 . - 0 transcript_id "g368.t1"; gene_id "g368"; # protein sequence = [MNLINFNHYQDYVDSFITIQDTRYLGNKEIQRNLIQNACGKNCLGNLLTREQFYQRKEKELVLLKPRGLRGLQLFGDY # LNNKDETVVYLVMRSKKGLEISSFLDLEQSLRESRFENSTSCVDWRAIFEGRTKLRPSNLHLSYFDWHQNRVSFNNSDNFRVLNKRPHSLLLKHVGDH # KIFCVNASCDCEHSKNVSRKTYFSPIYGYVIFFDHIIRRIN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g368 # start gene g369 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2529825 2530143 0.66 + . g369 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2529825 2530143 0.66 + . g369.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2529825 2529827 . + 0 transcript_id "g369.t1"; gene_id "g369"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2529939 2530020 0.66 + . transcript_id "g369.t1"; gene_id "g369"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2529825 2529938 0.66 + 0 transcript_id "g369.t1"; gene_id "g369"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2530021 2530143 0.66 + 0 transcript_id "g369.t1"; gene_id "g369"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2530141 2530143 . + 0 transcript_id "g369.t1"; gene_id "g369"; # protein sequence = [MLRGIFAGELLKINSSPSSFSSIGFCAKEESNGVEWKSGNSQWGLPSPDIYMKGEASKAAARILPAPAPLILEFMDAN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g369 # start gene g370 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2551397 2552754 0.98 - . g370 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2551397 2552754 0.98 - . g370.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2551397 2551399 . - 0 transcript_id "g370.t1"; gene_id "g370"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2552330 2552499 1 - . transcript_id "g370.t1"; gene_id "g370"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2551397 2552329 1 - 0 transcript_id "g370.t1"; gene_id "g370"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2552500 2552754 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g370.t1"; gene_id "g370"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2552752 2552754 . - 0 transcript_id "g370.t1"; gene_id "g370"; # protein sequence = [MSIRLNDDAMRQFRVAKVFPETKHHTLAMEFSSDGLRLLVCDHSALSIFSSTRQVQVCKVPMHHYLPDVACFVQQDTR # VLHSTSKHDYTIRCLDLNTRHCVRVFGGHAKTINRLASQPGGENVFISAGRDDQVYMWDIRVKTHTHRIKNLRRPLCAFDPEGLFLATSSGTEGIQIR # DVRMMGGEPSRKFVYQVNAKANWTQLQFAPNGKSLLLSTDHSWCFSVSAIDGTYQQSFTGYSNKLRLPLDATYTPDSQFILSGADKGRIHIWRAADGF # PVAVLKGNNMGPVRCMRFNPRATMFVSSDSRIVFWMPMANGVYDWVKRLKPGETISFTDETVQEEAVKAPRTIPMPKPKIETVWKIKRLNRKRACTGD # EIVDLTNALHNNDSMEDGEIAED] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g370 # start gene g371 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2562905 2572916 0.68 - . g371 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2562905 2572916 0.68 - . g371.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2562905 2562907 . - 0 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2563066 2563132 1 - . transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2563397 2563503 1 - . transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2563628 2563699 1 - . transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2564120 2564170 1 - . transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2564523 2564576 1 - . transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2564819 2565183 0.84 - . transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2565249 2565303 1 - . transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2565568 2571649 1 - . transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2571774 2571830 1 - . transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2572254 2572314 1 - . transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2572667 2572719 1 - . transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2562905 2563065 1 - 2 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2563133 2563396 1 - 2 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2563504 2563627 1 - 0 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2563700 2564119 1 - 0 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2564171 2564522 1 - 1 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2564577 2564818 0.91 - 0 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2565184 2565248 0.87 - 2 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2565304 2565567 1 - 2 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2571650 2571773 1 - 0 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2571831 2572253 1 - 0 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2572315 2572666 1 - 1 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2572720 2572916 0.81 - 0 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2572914 2572916 . - 0 transcript_id "g371.t1"; gene_id "g371"; # protein sequence = [MYILASLALILLHLLVLPIYLYLTWHHKYWRKRGLVTARPLTLLGTYPGLLTRKSNLVFDVQKIYDKYKGKHRAVGVF # VTRQPQILVLDPELAHEVLVSNFRCYKDSLQSSYLRHAKWDKYARLNPFWASGQSWRRLRTDAQAGISGSRLRQAYNIWEQGGQMLTEYMTQQVAEKN # NILETRDLCFRYTAHVMADFIWGIDAGTLTRPMEQPNKVQEMASKWTSYAFYMLTLFMATIVAPCSRLLLRFRFYPKETDEFFSNLTKESIELRLKAG # DSTRTDYLSHLLQLRDQKQATHDDLVGHALTVMLDGYDTSGTALLHALYYLAENPAVQQKLRVEILSCMASEKSLDFEKLSSLQYLEQVIYESLRLSS # LIPQYTKVCTLPTVIRLSESKSLDVEVGMTIMIPNYQFHHDKQYFPEPEAFKPERFDNGAYQELMRKGIFLPFSDGPRICMGVPLAMLTLKSALVHIL # SNFQVGNLVAIRSPSSVAVMFTLVGLCLTIVHVAFAVVYFYLTWYHKYWDKRGVVTAEPLTILGSYPGILINKSRSLILDVQDVYNKYKDKYRTVGTF # ITRQPQLLVLDPALAHEILVDKFSHFRDTITSSFVGHNPDDKYVAGSPFFSAGDKWKRLRSENVGGLTPSRLKMAYSIWEQSGRKLVEYIERARREQG # DIIETRDLAYRFTANAMADFIWGIDAGSLSGKVGEIGDFQKTSTDWSAHAFSSMIRFNKTLVAIFVRKLFSMRFFTKATDEFFLRLTQDAVNLRQGGS # GEGRTDYLSHLIQLQQRGNSIHDSVGHALTVHLDGFETSGAVLYHMLYSLSEHHEEQEKLRSEILEALASEGQISYDQINNLPYLDQCFNESLRLTTP # IGFFMRICTKPTQINLGDDKTLDLEPGVTVMVPAYQYHHDNDIYPEASEFRPDRFENGAASVLTKRGCFLPFGDGPRICLGMRVGQLSVKTAIVHILS # NYQVEQMKKVPLGADSGMGIFLNGDVELKYTKLQK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 82.6 # CDS exons: 10/12 # W: 10 # CDS introns: 9/11 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 11 # E: 9 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 191 # W: 191 # end gene g371 # start gene g372 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2573483 2574380 0.94 - . g372 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2573483 2574380 0.94 - . g372.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2573483 2573485 . - 0 transcript_id "g372.t1"; gene_id "g372"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2574203 2574275 1 - . transcript_id "g372.t1"; gene_id "g372"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2573483 2574202 1 - 0 transcript_id "g372.t1"; gene_id "g372"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2574276 2574380 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g372.t1"; gene_id "g372"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2574378 2574380 . - 0 transcript_id "g372.t1"; gene_id "g372"; # protein sequence = [MTDVEPSPYGDCKFVARVEHIKTFIQAIKSICFNDYGMVQVSEDGLRITVEQGKSIQATLFMPPGAFMEFRVQDFQCF # GVKMNVLSECLSLFGSADCSLRMMYRDKGDPLKIILYPHDDDDVSTECAIKTMDCDEPIDYDQNLKDPDLNVIFVRGPNLSKVFNELEKSAEEFEFVT # SPNRPHFKITTVGIMQAVFSVEVAKTSPMMMMFNCKQTVVARYKSQQIRMTNKAMQSATKVAIKTNSVGLLELHLVMQGDSQEEIFIQFFIIPLLNTD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 64 # W: 64 # end gene g372 # start gene g373 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2574428 2574981 0.93 - . g373 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2574428 2574981 0.93 - . g373.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2574428 2574430 . - 0 transcript_id "g373.t1"; gene_id "g373"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2574560 2574639 0.93 - . transcript_id "g373.t1"; gene_id "g373"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2574816 2574875 1 - . transcript_id "g373.t1"; gene_id "g373"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2574428 2574559 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g373.t1"; gene_id "g373"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2574640 2574815 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g373.t1"; gene_id "g373"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2574876 2574981 1 - 0 transcript_id "g373.t1"; gene_id "g373"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2574979 2574981 . - 0 transcript_id "g373.t1"; gene_id "g373"; # protein sequence = [MASESENTTSYFVPHLVDQVFELYRSKAESNSLTKEERGQFFYDLSILLGQELVLRSLHLLDDHNFSFFHAKNNRSVC # VVEISKGTEYFRLIPGWRTGHFRGLERGEPGVLHLPAHPGIAAPSISEAHGRENHREDP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 33 # W: 33 # end gene g373 # start gene g374 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2575451 2576645 1 - . g374 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2575451 2576645 1 - . g374.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2575451 2575453 . - 0 transcript_id "g374.t1"; gene_id "g374"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2576573 2576636 1 - . transcript_id "g374.t1"; gene_id "g374"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2575451 2576572 1 - 0 transcript_id "g374.t1"; gene_id "g374"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2576637 2576645 1 - 0 transcript_id "g374.t1"; gene_id "g374"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2576643 2576645 . - 0 transcript_id "g374.t1"; gene_id "g374"; # protein sequence = [MENQYQRIVSATAREDSQARRSKPLFLNAWSQTSSVDFEVLRSISAPDPQVEVENRALRDKVRYLEAKLQQHKDLLSQ # IHATSARMQQASSLLAESRPPTPPAVQSHHILTPPSSEICAPAQNPQILDYKIISAPDDADAIEIRLAAESLNSLSTSADSDRLEICLGDENHQQSNH # HNSQQQYRISNGIKRDGSSESADTPLQFIKRRKLQEIQLQEEIPRQNIKLPAKPQVKARNGSFTDLNKGQQQNMDNVMVSIGPNNTCVPASVFENINW # SVCSLATRKLLVTIFDRETLATHSMTGKPSPAFKDQDKPLKRMLDPGKIQDIIFAVTHKCNASEKEVRNAITTKCADENKMMKIQNVKRRSSGIKHEK # ENII] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 112 # W: 112 # end gene g374 # start gene g375 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2577863 2579008 1 + . g375 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2577863 2579008 1 + . g375.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2577863 2577865 . + 0 transcript_id "g375.t1"; gene_id "g375"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2577863 2579008 1 + 0 transcript_id "g375.t1"; gene_id "g375"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2579006 2579008 . + 0 transcript_id "g375.t1"; gene_id "g375"; # protein sequence = [MAGGFRPYDQDSCPNLTNSEAPEFSMSVVCKTEPHYFHPQTAILPSVQYSHPYHHYLSQFAPNFVPYYYRLLSRPIMK # QEEMDIENYINYEVAAQQTMMRQRTLKPLGQLQIQMPPPIIVNQPVKPVPVKAVPVRRSSPPKRRVINAQLVAVATASGGIKNIEPRVEPLPRLEESF # KQQVAKIQKSQHHYEQLFGRLTSMLKTLNQRYDNDAEDVPAPPSKRPRHMSTSSSESHIPDTASEKDEKDTLVQYPHRVQKEDGSAVYVLGPNGTQIT # AHQYGEVFWTNAPVATRCLLCVVFSSDELATHTLTGKPSPAFYGRERPPKLQLDQRKVDDIVVCVRNRTGGKERVIRATITTKCADTAKKYKRRAKKA # QKVAIKEEY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 116 # W: 116 # end gene g375 # start gene g376 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2579356 2579954 1 - . g376 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2579356 2579954 1 - . g376.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2579356 2579358 . - 0 transcript_id "g376.t1"; gene_id "g376"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2579427 2579482 1 - . transcript_id "g376.t1"; gene_id "g376"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2579568 2579618 1 - . transcript_id "g376.t1"; gene_id "g376"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2579797 2579859 1 - . transcript_id "g376.t1"; gene_id "g376"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2579356 2579426 1 - 2 transcript_id "g376.t1"; gene_id "g376"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2579483 2579567 1 - 0 transcript_id "g376.t1"; gene_id "g376"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2579619 2579796 1 - 1 transcript_id "g376.t1"; gene_id "g376"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2579860 2579954 1 - 0 transcript_id "g376.t1"; gene_id "g376"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2579952 2579954 . - 0 transcript_id "g376.t1"; gene_id "g376"; # protein sequence = [MAKFLGINRLTKLFQMVREAGGLKQAYLKLYRNDDLKIGTLVGIDKYGNKYFENPYYFYGRNRWIEFAPHVNMDYDGS # MIPAEWYGWMHYKTDLPPIRDGCRPKYKWIADHSENLSGTKEAYYPYSTTPNKVEAWEPKAKKQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 38 # W: 38 # end gene g376 # start gene g377 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2580202 2580886 0.47 + . g377 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2580202 2580886 0.47 + . g377.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2580202 2580204 . + 0 transcript_id "g377.t1"; gene_id "g377"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2580222 2580340 0.47 + . transcript_id "g377.t1"; gene_id "g377"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2580582 2580643 1 + . transcript_id "g377.t1"; gene_id "g377"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2580202 2580221 0.51 + 0 transcript_id "g377.t1"; gene_id "g377"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2580341 2580581 0.47 + 1 transcript_id "g377.t1"; gene_id "g377"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2580644 2580886 1 + 0 transcript_id "g377.t1"; gene_id "g377"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2580884 2580886 . + 0 transcript_id "g377.t1"; gene_id "g377"; # protein sequence = [MFFVAWIEKWWEFSENMAKNTSSNAFRKIDVDQYNEDNFREDDGVESAAAGPDESEITTLLTQGKSVEALLSALQNAP # LRCKNQNVKDHALNITLRVLLSIKSTQMDQAIDTLDQNDLIDVLMKYIYRGFEIPSEGSSGHLLQWHEKAFAKGGVGCIVRVLSDTNRA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 52 # W: 52 # end gene g377 # start gene g378 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2580976 2585271 0.84 - . g378 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2580976 2585271 0.84 - . g378.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2580976 2580978 . - 0 transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2581102 2581174 0.9 - . transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2581197 2581785 0.9 - . transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2581839 2581897 1 - . transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2582110 2582173 1 - . transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2582403 2582465 1 - . transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2582812 2582866 1 - . transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2583319 2583533 1 - . transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2584199 2584256 1 - . transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2584402 2585169 1 - . transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2580976 2581101 1 - 0 transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2581175 2581196 0.9 - 1 transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2581786 2581838 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2581898 2582109 1 - 2 transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2582174 2582402 1 - 0 transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2582466 2582811 1 - 1 transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2582867 2583318 1 - 0 transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2583534 2584198 1 - 2 transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2584257 2584401 1 - 0 transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2585170 2585271 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2585269 2585271 . - 0 transcript_id "g378.t1"; gene_id "g378"; # protein sequence = [MEALIPVINKLQDVFNTVGSDSIQLPQIVVLGSQSSGKSSVIESVVGRSFLPRGTGIVTRRPLVLQLIYSPLDDRENR # SAENGTSNAEEWGRFLHTKKCFTDFDEIRKEIENETERAAGSNKGICPEPINLKIFSTHVVNLTLVDLPGITKVPVGDQPEDIEAQIKELVLKYIENP # NSIILAVTAANTDMATSEALKLAKDVDPDGRRTLAVVTKLDLMDAGTDAIDILCGRVIPVKLGIIGVMNRSQKDIMDQKHIDDQMKDEAAFLQRKYPT # LATRNGTPYLAKTLNRLLMHHIRDCLPDLKTRVNIMATQFQSLLNSYGEDVSDKSQTLLQIITKFSSAYCCTIEGTARNIETTELCGGARMGYIFHET # FGRTLDSIHPLAGLSKMDILTAIRNATGPRPALFVPEVSFELLVKRQIRRLEEPSLRCVELIHEEMQRIVQHCGNEVQQEMLRFPKLHEKIVDVVTQL # LRRRLPHTNVMVENIVAIELAYINTKHPDFHKDAALVPSLLKTDSDPYSQINLGQRRANTPRNHMSPQISSHSAGSQQPQQQQPPQPNSSQQQYSQVH # EQNHVAENSTPSMASTWLSNILPPAPTRPDSIENSTNNTPVHNNIVSPVKPVNLLPDVPANHNPRRLTDKEQKDCDVIEHLIKSYFYIVRKSIQDSVP # KAIMHFLVNYVKDNLQSELVTHLYKSDKAETLLNESDHIAVRRKEAADMLKALTRANHIISEIRETHMWCGLSELELKSNLENVICIAAKKQKWVPAG # AWQIPKIRMWCPVLQSCVD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 89.5 # CDS exons: 10/10 # W: 10 # CDS introns: 7/9 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 265 # W: 265 # end gene g378 # start gene g379 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2592169 2592698 0.75 + . g379 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2592169 2592698 0.75 + . g379.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2592169 2592171 . + 0 transcript_id "g379.t1"; gene_id "g379"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2592230 2592288 1 + . transcript_id "g379.t1"; gene_id "g379"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2592169 2592229 0.79 + 0 transcript_id "g379.t1"; gene_id "g379"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2592289 2592698 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g379.t1"; gene_id "g379"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2592696 2592698 . + 0 transcript_id "g379.t1"; gene_id "g379"; # protein sequence = [MQILGFLFMWALICLGSCFAYPRAKTSYVNDFVFPTEDEQVIRPWQQYSNEHSSQSRDLKLAKCTDFQLDNASGNARL # IFISYKKVDDPLQSLKKALLEELNLPELVVSLKVVRSGKNRLVFELPSALDALFTLNSFCNRYRDRHDLTYEIISVQK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 25 # W: 25 # end gene g379 # start gene g380 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2610158 2611050 0.44 + . g380 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2610158 2611050 0.44 + . g380.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2610158 2610160 . + 0 transcript_id "g380.t1"; gene_id "g380"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2610422 2610477 0.97 + . transcript_id "g380.t1"; gene_id "g380"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2610158 2610421 0.45 + 0 transcript_id "g380.t1"; gene_id "g380"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2610478 2611050 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g380.t1"; gene_id "g380"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2611048 2611050 . + 0 transcript_id "g380.t1"; gene_id "g380"; # protein sequence = [MIIMSDSKAEYNWGDLGVESMESFASAISEEFPRLQQHREQVEQLQRRGRQIVSQAQQHSQVLVSNLFKNMKISCEKP # TFPPQVSAPKAYRFKDIYSSRKDQLIRECREQERKQREFHSRPMPDFRQAHSRQSSRVVVHRITCPTTPNVLKNSREMEEKRRLRVEQLQRERELESQ # LHKMQAPRAKPIPQSSRQPLKSSNRPSSAVPAARVKVEPFNLSAESRVQQRRIFNIQTSKAQEARRRELEDQRQRAEREAYQKLRQRTTFRARPNPFS # QTAR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g380 # start gene g381 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2646686 2647645 0.89 - . g381 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2646686 2647645 0.89 - . g381.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2646686 2646688 . - 0 transcript_id "g381.t1"; gene_id "g381"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2646686 2647645 0.89 - 0 transcript_id "g381.t1"; gene_id "g381"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2647643 2647645 . - 0 transcript_id "g381.t1"; gene_id "g381"; # protein sequence = [MNDYELETMLRINSIMVIRKLGSGSFGDIYEAKHMGSGLHVALKVERKNAGQSHLSIESTVYNLLRHGMGIPMTYQFF # SNRRHDVLVMELLGPSLETLFTMCNRRFSMKTVLMLADQMVDRLEYLHLHHYVHRDIKPENFLMGVGLTRHRLHLIDFGLSKRYWDMKENRHVPQRRG # TKWAGTARYASVNALCCKVQSRRDDLESVGYVLIYLLRGSLPWQGLLPNSKLQKAEMILEMKLSTLPNSLCAGYPNEFYNYIIYTRQLGFEEEPDYRM # IRCTFLSLLFNLKFTNDLIYDWDHAEKNSGKSGSEEDRVVVKKVV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g381 # start gene g382 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2647924 2648361 0.62 + . g382 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2647924 2648361 0.62 + . g382.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2647924 2647926 . + 0 transcript_id "g382.t1"; gene_id "g382"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2647924 2648361 0.62 + 0 transcript_id "g382.t1"; gene_id "g382"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2648359 2648361 . + 0 transcript_id "g382.t1"; gene_id "g382"; # protein sequence = [MSGQKYKCPVFDSQDFRIMQSECEKRVKQLEKDVYDCCRMMNNAEEVEDISTTWIKAMRTKGEKENRVSWEFDMRDFP # IENICIQLKDSHIYVRAHYKNVNIKQKILIPQNVDTSKLEAVLTASGILAISVPIVSPISDNQKMRF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g382 # start gene g383 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2648440 2652291 0.08 - . g383 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2648440 2652291 0.08 - . g383.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2648440 2648442 . - 0 transcript_id "g383.t1"; gene_id "g383"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2649145 2650032 0.61 - . transcript_id "g383.t1"; gene_id "g383"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2650192 2651106 0.37 - . transcript_id "g383.t1"; gene_id "g383"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2651736 2652122 0.19 - . transcript_id "g383.t1"; gene_id "g383"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2648440 2649144 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g383.t1"; gene_id "g383"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2650033 2650191 0.58 - 0 transcript_id "g383.t1"; gene_id "g383"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2651107 2651735 0.19 - 2 transcript_id "g383.t1"; gene_id "g383"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2652123 2652291 0.53 - 0 transcript_id "g383.t1"; gene_id "g383"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2652289 2652291 . - 0 transcript_id "g383.t1"; gene_id "g383"; # protein sequence = [MSFTLTNQSLIRLESSKDDDEWNRTLMFFNVDISSGVCRDHQNKISQPRSSVCNGKHDEPYELEEDEPRRVLSTSDYT # KQQEDPRANKEYADGRYDYYPHGSRSTNRHHRESKRYNRYPFPEHPAQDDYHRDFRRAVPRQLRSSSYRMKHNCRQASGSLPPNYASNCYPHDSTEYG # SDNDYDGYPENYKKYRDYYEEPTAEAYQNPYEEFHDYEYPDYKQSSKAPPVPFPKPQPKYYKSYSKAPSPNYPTNPIFRPEMESKVNEVKESEHQKYG # LKRGKECHYPTVYRGTNKQLPENNNEIFHQYSMFNVLSSTNQRSKDKKNDDRSECYRSQSHHFQFGEDRKIEVFPRKTSSWPRQSPRSFPGPPIRNID # PEPFGKSTLSPKTSTQSLESSISRCSSDGLSGNNEGSTSHKPKDMQLVCYPDDDSNLRNSRQSQVEYGSGFTTMRGLDITESSNRGDLCCPKLVSDLE # RESFCPKSIVEELKRELLQTFRAEQQIRSQSPFLRPTPHIMIFPCVPSVMCQTRANINPSPNLFPRPESEICWIPNSKPQNLA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g383 # start gene g384 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2653279 2653845 0.88 + . g384 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2653279 2653845 0.88 + . g384.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2653279 2653281 . + 0 transcript_id "g384.t1"; gene_id "g384"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2653279 2653845 0.88 + 0 transcript_id "g384.t1"; gene_id "g384"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2653843 2653845 . + 0 transcript_id "g384.t1"; gene_id "g384"; # protein sequence = [MSVEVRKTHRISDYCMMSTAGDGGDCLKFSDFILRNMDLYKITNGYDLTVRGAVHFIRRHLSAYLKSDCTFQVSLLVG # GYDLTSGPELHYIDYLGNSVPVRYGGHGAAMNFCTPILEEFYKPDMDTQAAYDVIKKCVIELYKRFVINLRNIDLFLISKNGITKMNSINLESLRGDI # LAGPKRRILNTK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g384 # start gene g385 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2654085 2655333 0.48 + . g385 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2654085 2655333 0.48 + . g385.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2654085 2654087 . + 0 transcript_id "g385.t1"; gene_id "g385"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2654106 2654187 0.49 + . transcript_id "g385.t1"; gene_id "g385"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2654859 2654909 0.73 + . transcript_id "g385.t1"; gene_id "g385"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2654085 2654105 0.49 + 0 transcript_id "g385.t1"; gene_id "g385"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2654188 2654858 0.49 + 0 transcript_id "g385.t1"; gene_id "g385"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2654910 2655333 0.73 + 1 transcript_id "g385.t1"; gene_id "g385"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2655331 2655333 . + 0 transcript_id "g385.t1"; gene_id "g385"; # protein sequence = [MVEVLLKLNAWRICGALDLSEGRYWSWSMLLCILVYLPTPMLLRGVYSFEDPVENNFSLSLTVTSLSNLMKFCMYVAQ # LTKMVEVQSLIGQLDARVSGESQSERHRNMTEHLLRMSKLFQITYAVVFIIAAVPFVFETELSLPMPMWFPFDWKNSMVAYIGALVFQEIGYVFQIMQ # CFAADSFPPLVLYLISEQCQLLILRISEIGYGYKTLEENEQDLVNCIRDQNALYRLLDVTKSLVSYPMMVQFMVIGINIAITLFVLIFYVETLYDRIY # YLCFLLGITVQTYPLCYYGTMVQESFAELHYAVFCSNWVDQSASYRGHMLILAERTKRMQLLLAGNLVPIHLSTYVACWKGAYSFFTLMADRDGLGS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g385 # start gene g386 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2655460 2656154 0.46 + . g386 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2655460 2656154 0.46 + . g386.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2655460 2655462 . + 0 transcript_id "g386.t1"; gene_id "g386"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2655557 2655618 0.64 + . transcript_id "g386.t1"; gene_id "g386"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2655460 2655556 0.89 + 0 transcript_id "g386.t1"; gene_id "g386"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2655619 2656154 0.48 + 2 transcript_id "g386.t1"; gene_id "g386"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2656152 2656154 . + 0 transcript_id "g386.t1"; gene_id "g386"; # protein sequence = [MAMETILGIKGPDFVMLASDTMQAKSLVFMKDDQSKIHRLSDFNMMATVGDGGDTIQFTDFISKNLHLYKISHGYHLS # AKSAAHFTRKTLADYIRTNTRYQVAMLLAGYDAVEGPDLHYIDSYGAAQSINHAGHGWGSMFCGSILQRYWNSKLSQEDAYSLMKKCVLEIQRRLIIN # QRNFEVYVVDSKGMRKMEAINPGSLNKESISLSW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g386 # start gene g387 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2661728 2662849 0.86 + . g387 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2661728 2662849 0.86 + . g387.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2661728 2661730 . + 0 transcript_id "g387.t1"; gene_id "g387"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2661728 2662849 0.86 + 0 transcript_id "g387.t1"; gene_id "g387"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2662847 2662849 . + 0 transcript_id "g387.t1"; gene_id "g387"; # protein sequence = [MKRDLQIAKLSQNLILSKNTPIHKFLKPKKANKKKTSTIDRTIKLSLELNLPYKPIKLHKNKPPWTLPNLIDTSLRIH # KKEQTSPDQYRKLYEHTKNNLKTHNFIFTDGSKINYTISFAITTETDVLKYGILPPYSSVLTSETIAILEAIELTKNRRGKFIICSDSLSAVDSIQNT # NNNSFYPSRIRSLITQHAPKIKIMWIPGHSGIKGNELADQAAKSASSMPLILTPNINTTDIKKHLKADLATKQKEHIINCSPWYQSINTNTSHPCDYL # KQSHPNWTRLDQIKIIRLRLGHTNITHQHYLNPNSIPTCPFCQGDISLNHIFNSCPSLLQTKQDIFNNTNPLDLLSKPNPDNIQKLILFLKKTKLYHK # I] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 109 # W: 109 # end gene g387 # start gene g388 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2665143 2666195 0.95 + . g388 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2665143 2666195 0.95 + . g388.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2665143 2665145 . + 0 transcript_id "g388.t1"; gene_id "g388"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2665199 2665255 0.95 + . transcript_id "g388.t1"; gene_id "g388"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2665143 2665198 0.95 + 0 transcript_id "g388.t1"; gene_id "g388"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2665256 2666195 0.96 + 1 transcript_id "g388.t1"; gene_id "g388"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2666193 2666195 . + 0 transcript_id "g388.t1"; gene_id "g388"; # protein sequence = [MDSVIKRFKALNHGDDYEENDARFDGVKLKEGTSAKLSSLDKLFEELKISKESSAKEDLVTEPMKTESYLYKDYFNKS # PIDFPWEKAYEKGSSLGPDFYIDYENIFDNVANLAEIEEKLELHFRPFTCVMDFNCRFSMYELCLLLAESRFDPSSHPSVVVKITHPSAQVKIHAGGK # ISSTALNADSARSGLFKVIRILQDLDYKVDIMNFSKNIVNASFSMPFKIDLDLMSRRHVVEVAQNRSRRPFITYTTENLGVRFAVFPTGFVLVLHSTS # HCETREAIANFLPILAKLKNGYPTAEEKLGQLVGDISYKLFWEKQLEDDKEGMLLYS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g388 # start gene g389 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2669823 2671861 0.44 + . g389 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2669823 2671861 0.44 + . g389.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2669823 2669825 . + 0 transcript_id "g389.t1"; gene_id "g389"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2670693 2671156 0.96 + . transcript_id "g389.t1"; gene_id "g389"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2669823 2670692 0.53 + 0 transcript_id "g389.t1"; gene_id "g389"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2671157 2671861 0.78 + 0 transcript_id "g389.t1"; gene_id "g389"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2671859 2671861 . + 0 transcript_id "g389.t1"; gene_id "g389"; # protein sequence = [MKTLECLTRRFLEVIFSVLALVPLPPISQLGWLFLSLAIRCCWIVYFIYLLDVAISFSWVAIENVGNAVGTMLFVGNS # VLGFALLLESVLKQKTHSQLEDLRVQTELQLQRLGMFGRSRHAAYLLPLIGVQFTCDLVRLATNFGETVSPVFCISLPLMWLLRYRYVQLVQHVMDLN # QRSIHLRRSLLSMASGNDLWQPYGVQECLQLQTLRTTYERIFECYETFSDCYGWGMLGLHLLTSFQFVTNAYWMIMGIYDGGNVRSLIFNGATGIDFG # TPIATLFWHGDSGAENTVSHAFIVVTSFLDGFRIKQDQLDEPIAFEDSDPWLAFTVLAMLVPTLGVEYLVCSNAPEYAFRIRIYHLKTLPSFLALQVQ # IISFILEVMKVNIRVRQTKLQLLILARELSCRWPQRKQKPQFSDQQAHRVKDLKRRYNDLHYLFVRINGYFGGSLLTIIIVHFAIFVSNSYWLFVDIR # TRPWRIYAILLNLGFIFNVALQMAAACWHCQQSYNLVRTLWIAVCPLNISYLSF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g389 # start gene g390 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2695376 2696318 0.58 - . g390 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2695376 2696318 0.58 - . g390.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2695376 2695378 . - 0 transcript_id "g390.t1"; gene_id "g390"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2695995 2696052 1 - . transcript_id "g390.t1"; gene_id "g390"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2695376 2695994 0.69 - 1 transcript_id "g390.t1"; gene_id "g390"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2696053 2696318 0.87 - 0 transcript_id "g390.t1"; gene_id "g390"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2696316 2696318 . - 0 transcript_id "g390.t1"; gene_id "g390"; # protein sequence = [MPMEALIKTKVMKTASMSRKTLLEDAKLSTSDQDPSDRQVLANKASEGAEEMSLPIVNPREPTLKDVLSIYENVSKLG # DIQRYLNVIYKPFYCLAMTTSKFHLLELDMGLKNTAFEPEKHMALFVYRYSPTRSIRIYPHGNIYCQAFCKNSARYGLANILKELRYLGYAPRLRRLK # TNAVNATFSVPFNLNLRQFHLENPVVTRYDTSKYPFLVYKMMGTTVEIAIFPTGYVIVLFATTMEITKLAIAHILPTLYRLKDPYQEQCKLSHSSGDI # DYKLLWENHFQKNGDKTTDW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g390 # start gene g391 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2709744 2719342 0.76 + . g391 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2709744 2719342 0.76 + . g391.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2709744 2709746 . + 0 transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2709769 2710185 0.81 + . transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2710223 2710498 0.92 + . transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2711917 2712021 1 + . transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2712137 2718293 0.95 + . transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2718775 2718839 1 + . transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2718925 2719001 1 + . transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2709744 2709768 0.81 + 0 transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2710186 2710222 0.92 + 2 transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2710499 2711916 1 + 1 transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2712022 2712136 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2718294 2718774 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2718840 2718924 1 + 0 transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2719002 2719342 1 + 2 transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2719340 2719342 . + 0 transcript_id "g391.t1"; gene_id "g391"; # protein sequence = [MGRHEIATSVPQVVHVHSEQRRAILANGDVTGARPLANLLRNDFWGTPLVDSGSHGSWRPLCVLSFRLNYLAGGMTPL # GYHLVNVMLHCVATWLVFLVARTLLPSRMGVLAAGALFAVHPAHTEAVAGLVGRADLASCVCYLLAYLSYRRHMLNREWGSLILTIMLALAALLCKET # AITALLLCGLCDVLSPVGRENSDKVCDGSISGLASFNFQRRFRSLSILGFTLLCGLYCRLSLLPRPSTAFSAADNPTAHESCFWTRTLTFLYLPVANF # GILLWPQELSFDWGMEAVSRIRTLWDARNILTAGFYGSLVAILWKGSGLRSAASPMDFAEVANISLPLLRRLGGNSCHTWLGLTCDCHHQLSAPSYRS # ASAIYSTSSKSKSASWTAAPILGTAFLVLPFLPASNLLFYVGFVMAERVLYLPSVGYCLLFGLGFGHLWQRVNSSWRSRLMLLCGLALLLGVHGVRTF # RRNLDWRDEEQLFRSAISINPPKALGNLGSVLSAQGRYEEAELTLRMTLGHRPTMADAHFNLGVVHQKQLNFSSAIPCFRRAIELRPQLAVAYLNLGT # SLISLGDHRQEAISVLRTGARLEGSGVRDRGAHVEARYTCYLQLSVLYRSDGRLQDAAAALRESLKALPLLPQKQRAVLHLRLGEILAELQDWNEAEH # QQRLAMQLQPEQGAAYVTYGQTLARNGSRLAEAESWFKRALQLAPLEPSSHHHYADFLEQQERHHEALGLRLRAAALAPQDYTLQSCVADALRLLNRL # AEAELWYRKAVTLQPMAAHAHANLGAILQMRGLRKEAVACYHKALELQPGHAISRANLARMNVHKHENE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/7 # CDS introns: 0/6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g391 # start gene g392 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2726254 2736262 0.26 + . g392 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2726254 2736262 0.26 + . g392.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2726254 2726256 . + 0 transcript_id "g392.t1"; gene_id "g392"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2726336 2731072 0.95 + . transcript_id "g392.t1"; gene_id "g392"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2731274 2735362 0.26 + . transcript_id "g392.t1"; gene_id "g392"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2735400 2735890 0.29 + . transcript_id "g392.t1"; gene_id "g392"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2736044 2736129 0.9 + . transcript_id "g392.t1"; gene_id "g392"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2726254 2726335 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g392.t1"; gene_id "g392"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2731073 2731273 0.47 + 2 transcript_id "g392.t1"; gene_id "g392"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2735363 2735399 0.29 + 2 transcript_id "g392.t1"; gene_id "g392"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2735891 2736043 0.9 + 1 transcript_id "g392.t1"; gene_id "g392"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2736130 2736262 0.9 + 1 transcript_id "g392.t1"; gene_id "g392"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2736260 2736262 . + 0 transcript_id "g392.t1"; gene_id "g392"; # protein sequence = [MPDFATSSPFNIIFEDLYYRVEVGKDRVSDYALPNCDDDITRHPSPERTDMARTEWNQCQDGPTLADTTMPLSPPHRR # MWARRQAPLGGWGGSYYVLVSDKAVRSLAFSPRKIHSPHTKFRGVGNLRKHKKRFTSFRYENPRALRSLVFKTRSNWRVEWLVIHYNTVVFLRTATSR # TIPECFSPNLICVNNVRAEPINIFR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 22.2 # CDS exons: 2/5 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # RM: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 152 # E: 1 # W: 151 # end gene g392 # start gene g393 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2736340 2739500 0.93 + . g393 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2736340 2739500 0.93 + . g393.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2736340 2736342 . + 0 transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2736431 2737031 1 + . transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2737322 2737421 1 + . transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2737568 2737661 1 + . transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2737901 2738074 1 + . transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2738383 2738446 1 + . transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2738616 2738682 1 + . transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2738784 2738868 1 + . transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2739025 2739088 1 + . transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2739298 2739361 1 + . transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2736340 2736430 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2737032 2737321 1 + 2 transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2737422 2737567 1 + 0 transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2737662 2737900 1 + 1 transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2738075 2738382 1 + 2 transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2738447 2738615 1 + 0 transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2738683 2738783 1 + 2 transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2738869 2739024 1 + 0 transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2739089 2739297 1 + 0 transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2739362 2739500 1 + 1 transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2739498 2739500 . + 0 transcript_id "g393.t1"; gene_id "g393"; # protein sequence = [MDSSKLLKNVYGIDIHFEDLVYQVNVPKKPEKKSVLKGIKGTFKSGELTAIMGPSGAGKSSLMNILTGLTKSGVSGKI # EIGKARKLCGYIMQDDHFFPYFTVEETMLMAATLKISNQCVSLKEKRTLIDYLLNSLKLTKTRQTKCSNLSGGQKKRLSIALELIDNPAVLFLDEPTT # GLDSSSSFDTIQLLRGLANEGRTIVCTIHQPSTNIYNLFNLVYVLSAGRCTYQGTPQNTVMFLSSVGLECPPYHNPADFLLECANGDYGDQTEALAEA # AKDIRWRYDQQLMQGEDADAPSETQVAKFNESQSPGQVQVQVQKIEIQNMESSKDLTKHTYPPTEYMRLWLLIGRCHLQFFRDWTLTYLKLGIHVLCS # ILIGLFFGDSGSNATKQISNVGMIMIHCVYLWYTTIMPGILRYPAEIEIIRKETFNNWYKLRTYYLATIITSTPVHIIFSTVYITIGYLMTDQPVEMD # RFVKYLLSAVVVTICADGLGVFLGTVLNPVNGTFVGAVSTSCMLMFSGFLILLNHIPAAMRFMAYISPLRYALENMVISLYGNQRGQLICPPTEFYCH # FKNAVTVLRQFGMEDGDFGHNILMILIQIAIFKVLSYFTLKHKIKTN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 10/10 # W: 10 # CDS introns: 9/9 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 10 # E: 9 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 185 # W: 185 # end gene g393 # start gene g394 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2740181 2743085 1 + . g394 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2740181 2743085 1 + . g394.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2740181 2740183 . + 0 transcript_id "g394.t1"; gene_id "g394"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2740212 2740388 1 + . transcript_id "g394.t1"; gene_id "g394"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2740474 2740519 1 + . transcript_id "g394.t1"; gene_id "g394"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2740785 2741107 1 + . transcript_id "g394.t1"; gene_id "g394"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2741483 2741558 1 + . transcript_id "g394.t1"; gene_id "g394"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2740181 2740211 1 + 0 transcript_id "g394.t1"; gene_id "g394"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2740389 2740473 1 + 2 transcript_id "g394.t1"; gene_id "g394"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2740520 2740784 1 + 1 transcript_id "g394.t1"; gene_id "g394"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2741108 2741482 1 + 0 transcript_id "g394.t1"; gene_id "g394"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2741559 2743085 1 + 0 transcript_id "g394.t1"; gene_id "g394"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2743083 2743085 . + 0 transcript_id "g394.t1"; gene_id "g394"; # protein sequence = [MFRSSFDKNLENATSHLRLEPDWPSILLICDEINQKDVTPKNAFAAIKKKMNSPNPHSSCYSLLVLESIVKNCGAPVH # EEVFTKENCEMFSSFLESTPHENVRQKMLELVQTWAYAFRSSDKYQAIKDTMTILKAKGHTFPELREADAMFTADTAPNWADGRVCHRCRVEFTFTNR # KHHCRNCGQVFCGQCTAKQCPLPKYGIEKEVRVCDGCFAALQRPTSGSGGAKSGPRPADSELPAEYLNSTLAQQVQTPARKTEQELKEEEELQLALAL # SQSEAEQQKPKLQSLPPAAYRMQQRSPSPEAPPEPKEYHQQPEEATNPELAKYLNRSYWEQRKISESSSMASPSAPSPMPPTPQPQQIMPLQVKSADE # VQIDEFAANMRTQVEIFVNRMKSNSSRGRSISNDSSVQTLFMTLTSLHSQQLSYIKEMDDKRMWYEQLQDKLTQIKDSRAALDQLRQEHVEKLRRIAE # EQERQRQMQMAQKLDIMRKKKQEYLQYQRQLALQRIQEQEREMQLRQEQQKAQYLMGQSAPPFPYMPPSAVPQHGSPSHQLNNVYNPYAAGVPGYLPQ # GPAPAPNGHGQFQAIPPGMYNPAIQQPMPPNLQPGGLMQQPAPPGNPQMMPPMPENQFANNPAAILQLPQQHSIAQPPQIPFQPQPQQIPGQQPQQIP # GQQPQQIPGQQPQQIPGQQPQQIPVQQPQPQPQMGHVMLQQHQAPPAAQAPPVTEIANNQVQAVAAAPAPPQNEPGPAPVKAEEPATAELISFD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 216 # W: 216 # end gene g394 # start gene g395 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2743458 2744632 0.57 - . g395 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2743458 2744632 0.57 - . g395.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2743458 2743460 . - 0 transcript_id "g395.t1"; gene_id "g395"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2744538 2744614 0.74 - . transcript_id "g395.t1"; gene_id "g395"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2743458 2744537 0.75 - 0 transcript_id "g395.t1"; gene_id "g395"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2744615 2744632 0.74 - 0 transcript_id "g395.t1"; gene_id "g395"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2744630 2744632 . - 0 transcript_id "g395.t1"; gene_id "g395"; # protein sequence = [MPWTRNVLASHLGRPDGKKNKKFSLEPVAKELESVLGQPVQFLDDCVGDSTLRALKDPSDGTVFLLENLRFYAEETGS # SKDDNKKKVKADPAKVKEFRAKLAQLGEIYVNDAFGTAHRPHSSMMGDGYKVRAAGFLLDKELEYFAKVLHDPAKPFLAILGGAKIADKIPLITNLLN # NVTAMIISGGMAFTFLKVLNGMEIGKSLFDEKGSELVNDIVCKAKEKDVNILFPIDFVIANKIDKEPDKVEHVDATQGIPEDMMGLDHGQASSQMFAG # AICASKTIVWNGPPGLFENELFSKGTESMLEAVIGATNRGATTIVGGGDTATACLKFGGADKVSHVSTGGGASLELLEGKVLPGVAALSDA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g395 # start gene g396 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2745199 2746972 0.63 + . g396 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2745199 2746972 0.63 + . g396.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2745199 2745201 . + 0 transcript_id "g396.t1"; gene_id "g396"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2745217 2745271 1 + . transcript_id "g396.t1"; gene_id "g396"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2745495 2745556 1 + . transcript_id "g396.t1"; gene_id "g396"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2746771 2746930 0.63 + . transcript_id "g396.t1"; gene_id "g396"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2745199 2745216 1 + 0 transcript_id "g396.t1"; gene_id "g396"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2745272 2745494 1 + 0 transcript_id "g396.t1"; gene_id "g396"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2745557 2746770 0.63 + 2 transcript_id "g396.t1"; gene_id "g396"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2746931 2746972 0.63 + 0 transcript_id "g396.t1"; gene_id "g396"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2746970 2746972 . + 0 transcript_id "g396.t1"; gene_id "g396"; # protein sequence = [MGGGDLNLKKSWHPHTMKNQERVWKAEEQAKMEERKLQDLRKEINEERDREELRRLGESSGVLSNNGGAAGEAKLEWM # YKNSTELINREEYLLGRKIDKSFETLQAEESRQEQNTVGLKQTINHVEHDCVPFSIRTYRNVQSNEQVDIQRKTLEDPLMLIKQREMESRRKLLENPV # KLKEIHRILKTEQEQKAAEGKKKNKKNKKSKKSKKKKKNRRSSNEESSDSESNDSDDDLDRKLARQVSKLKGDQGDLKLDKLLDAKYRTISNQLDMAT # KKKKSKKSKKKKSSDSSDESSDEEEEPRRKHKRSHSSEDRNQRERRRSRSPRDRKKRQSRSPEQRQRQRSPEERRERRRSRSRSPLARRQRRTRSPED # RKARRQSKDTSKQREKRRSRTPEERSRSKRSRSRSSKGDDKRRIAERPPPSRPTGKPKLSEADREARLREMMDNATWREADRSQVVRKHREAYAREEA # QNRERDFDKEFINKEIQHFLTSWFVLTR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 162 # W: 162 # end gene g396 # start gene g397 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2747012 2750445 0.4 - . g397 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2747012 2750445 0.4 - . g397.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2747012 2747014 . - 0 transcript_id "g397.t1"; gene_id "g397"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2747253 2747310 1 - . transcript_id "g397.t1"; gene_id "g397"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2748256 2748319 1 - . transcript_id "g397.t1"; gene_id "g397"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2748481 2750442 0.4 - . transcript_id "g397.t1"; gene_id "g397"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2747012 2747252 1 - 1 transcript_id "g397.t1"; gene_id "g397"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2747311 2748255 1 - 1 transcript_id "g397.t1"; gene_id "g397"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2748320 2748480 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g397.t1"; gene_id "g397"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2750443 2750445 0.4 - 0 transcript_id "g397.t1"; gene_id "g397"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2750443 2750445 . - 0 transcript_id "g397.t1"; gene_id "g397"; # protein sequence = [MQLRTKKIRGISGIAIRSLLARTGSIQKIQKNPKMAFNKLSIENLDLAGKRVLMRVDFNVPIKEGKITSNQRIVAALD # SIKLALSKKAKSVVLMSHLGRPDGNKNIKYTLAPVAAELKTLLGQDVIFLSDCVGSEVEAACKDPAPGSVILLENVRFYVEEEGKGLDASGGKVKADP # AKVKEFRASLAKLGDVYVNDAFGTAHRAHSSMMGDGFEQRAAGLLLNKELKYFSQALDKPPNPFLAILGGAKVADKIQLIENLLDKVNEMIIGGGMAF # TFLKVLNNMKIGGSLFDEEGSKIVEKLVEKAKKNNVQLHLPVDFVCGDKFAENAAVSEATVEAGIPDGHMGLDVGPKTRELFAAPIARAKLIVWNGPP # GVFEFPNFANGTKSIMDGVVAATKNGTVSIIGGGDTASCCAKWNTEALVSHVSTGGGASLELLEGKTLPGVAALTSA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 202 # W: 202 # end gene g397 # start gene g398 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2753415 2756294 1 + . g398 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2753415 2756294 1 + . g398.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2753415 2753417 . + 0 transcript_id "g398.t1"; gene_id "g398"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2753661 2756007 1 + . transcript_id "g398.t1"; gene_id "g398"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2756171 2756244 1 + . transcript_id "g398.t1"; gene_id "g398"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2753415 2753660 1 + 0 transcript_id "g398.t1"; gene_id "g398"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2756008 2756170 1 + 0 transcript_id "g398.t1"; gene_id "g398"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2756245 2756294 1 + 2 transcript_id "g398.t1"; gene_id "g398"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2756292 2756294 . + 0 transcript_id "g398.t1"; gene_id "g398"; # protein sequence = [MSAATEQQNNGDVAVEKVAADDVSAVKDDLKAKAAAEDKAAAADAAGDAADNGTSKDGEDAADAAAAAPAKESVKGTK # RPAEAKSAESKKAKKAAAADGDSDEEEALEEIIEGDSEIESDEYDIPYDGEEDDIECDDDDDDNDDGSGSDDQA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 42 # W: 42 # end gene g398 # start gene g399 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2756550 2756894 1 - . g399 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2756550 2756894 1 - . g399.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2756550 2756552 . - 0 transcript_id "g399.t1"; gene_id "g399"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2756645 2756710 1 - . transcript_id "g399.t1"; gene_id "g399"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2756550 2756644 1 - 2 transcript_id "g399.t1"; gene_id "g399"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2756711 2756894 1 - 0 transcript_id "g399.t1"; gene_id "g399"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2756892 2756894 . - 0 transcript_id "g399.t1"; gene_id "g399"; # protein sequence = [MFTFVFLLLSIDHSFTNVTSNLIMNLNIVCVCECSVSVFNSRASFTLHLKSLYILVYASTGLGMFTFCWIPYRLRLYE # NAFNYNFCLFCSFL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 35 # W: 35 # end gene g399 # start gene g400 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2758550 2759647 0.89 - . g400 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2758550 2759647 0.89 - . g400.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2758550 2758552 . - 0 transcript_id "g400.t1"; gene_id "g400"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2759219 2759371 0.89 - . transcript_id "g400.t1"; gene_id "g400"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2758550 2759218 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g400.t1"; gene_id "g400"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2759372 2759647 0.89 - 0 transcript_id "g400.t1"; gene_id "g400"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2759645 2759647 . - 0 transcript_id "g400.t1"; gene_id "g400"; # protein sequence = [MDSDSTVTSLEENTENFCTNPTRDILAEGITNLFKPTIERLDERVASTIQLQAELRGQLDALAAQLRDIEKAQSQIPE # FADKVKELLNVKHKTPYTDHLSPEDFEHVYEPAEDSFLLLDALEKDLEYLDRLQPSLCVELGSGSGVIITALAKKLAGFSLCLATDINPKACNATRRT # ATRNGARLDSIRCSLADALRPRSVDVLLFNPPYVVTSDEELQTQQFDSHSESSTDRNLVFSWAGGQDGRRVTDILLKQLDDILSPRGVLYLLLLRENK # PEEIIKYLEGLQFRAVKFMERRIPGEHLCILKVTRYLASS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 110 # W: 110 # end gene g400 # start gene g401 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2760033 2763211 0.92 + . g401 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2760033 2763211 0.92 + . g401.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2760033 2760035 . + 0 transcript_id "g401.t1"; gene_id "g401"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2760147 2760216 1 + . transcript_id "g401.t1"; gene_id "g401"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2761309 2761503 1 + . transcript_id "g401.t1"; gene_id "g401"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2761671 2761723 1 + . transcript_id "g401.t1"; gene_id "g401"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2763089 2763150 1 + . transcript_id "g401.t1"; gene_id "g401"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2760033 2760146 1 + 0 transcript_id "g401.t1"; gene_id "g401"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2760217 2761308 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g401.t1"; gene_id "g401"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2761504 2761670 1 + 0 transcript_id "g401.t1"; gene_id "g401"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2761724 2763088 1 + 1 transcript_id "g401.t1"; gene_id "g401"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2763151 2763211 1 + 1 transcript_id "g401.t1"; gene_id "g401"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2763209 2763211 . + 0 transcript_id "g401.t1"; gene_id "g401"; # protein sequence = [MDTYSVDVVYQAISALFQGNNPKEQEKANKWLQDFQKSIYSWTIADELLHQKRDLHANYFAAQTMRNKIQNSFSELPP # HTHESLRDSLITHIGQIDEQTDNVIVTQLSLAVADLALLMASWREPINDLLVTLAPHQCAIWPLLEVLKVLPEEIDSRYLRLGANRREEVHKQLDASA # ECVLKFLCMCLQREDLDQQRVWNAALRTYSAWLVIHAFPVSHVYNNALTQLAFRLLSLPETSGKLHDNATECVCALLSCINTRQDGASDPESSFEAQL # FGAVCMLETPYHLSVAHEDTDKTINYCRIFTSLCDAFFYDLLADAQKPHYSLKGLDLVLLCVGHFDYEVAEITFHLWYKLSEDLFQRNEDKLTVLFRP # HIERLISALFRHSQMESDHDGLIEENNNFFDFRRKVSDLIKDVAFIVGSGACFKQMFHILQAPETTWESTEAALFIMQNVAKNILPDENEVIPKVVEA # ILNMSEQTHIAVRYTAILLIGELCDWIENHPESLEAVLNFLLYALQQKNGLAPAAAIALTSICSACRQKMVCHISGLVEIARSLDSFQINNDVAIGLL # KGISLILTRLPREQLQPALREIVGFQLQPLAQLVDSTGSTPQKGERTDPVYWIDRACAIIRHTNPDVPDNVEHPTVAILNDAWQLISRVMDKYQSDLR # IMERTCRLIRYGIRMVRKQAMMLVEPLIKQMVVLYSVQHHSCFLYVGSILVDEFAKSSECIGGLLEMLQAFIEPTFGLLQMENGLKNNPDTVDDFFRL # ASRYLDCCPHQLLQSSLITPIFQCALIACSLDHREANSSVMKFFINLLVWGRSNNHSRNTECRPLVVELASQHGGALVMNLIQASVFQLHSYMLVDVA # EVLHELKQVVGNERMQPFLAQALEALPKKNSGGYVTATQQQLDEFSSTVLRADTTKAISQALKTFTRLFR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 4 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 159 # W: 159 # end gene g401 # start gene g402 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2764306 2765502 1 - . g402 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2764306 2765502 1 - . g402.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2764306 2764308 . - 0 transcript_id "g402.t1"; gene_id "g402"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2764442 2764504 1 - . transcript_id "g402.t1"; gene_id "g402"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2765199 2765283 1 - . transcript_id "g402.t1"; gene_id "g402"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2765428 2765495 1 - . transcript_id "g402.t1"; gene_id "g402"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2764306 2764441 1 - 1 transcript_id "g402.t1"; gene_id "g402"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2764505 2765198 1 - 2 transcript_id "g402.t1"; gene_id "g402"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2765284 2765427 1 - 2 transcript_id "g402.t1"; gene_id "g402"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2765496 2765502 1 - 0 transcript_id "g402.t1"; gene_id "g402"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2765500 2765502 . - 0 transcript_id "g402.t1"; gene_id "g402"; # protein sequence = [MPIHAVMAKRLHHQPTFDGDPPGPDELDSPAIEAAALDIPPPESDKALQKGVWERATSAEYKPTTDGSTVLRFDILLA # HIMPPDGEDVKIKRFVVYELTVKQDGATEDTQPAKIERRYTDFRELYLGLKRQHPAEMANKYFPAKVLMGNFKSELIGERSAAFEAFLTYVASQAMLR # DSEYFLRFLQHDELTRACQFLDERRNEMAIPILENCFRLLNKIYMNRSRPVLLILCRLVAACTSSPVPHHAAERWALLALSRFETLCDIDLLPLYIPL # LHTCAHLWWQRGQDQKPITDRLTDMSKQGINTANTESLMQAIHKIDPRTETI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 97 # W: 97 # end gene g402 # start gene g403 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2766315 2767090 1 + . g403 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2766315 2767090 1 + . g403.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2766315 2766317 . + 0 transcript_id "g403.t1"; gene_id "g403"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2766708 2766766 1 + . transcript_id "g403.t1"; gene_id "g403"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2766315 2766707 1 + 0 transcript_id "g403.t1"; gene_id "g403"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2766767 2767090 1 + 0 transcript_id "g403.t1"; gene_id "g403"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2767088 2767090 . + 0 transcript_id "g403.t1"; gene_id "g403"; # protein sequence = [MTLPEFFGCTFIAFGPPFALFVFTIANDPVRIIILIAAAFFWLLSLLISSLWYALIPLKEFLAFGVVFSVCFQEAFRY # IIYRILRSTEQGLHAVAEDTRVTDNKHILAYVSGLGFGIISGMFALVNVLADMSGPGTMGLKGGTELFFVTSAAQALSIILLHTFWSVIFFNAFDTNN # YIHIGYVVFSHLFVSLITLLNANELYTTTLLINYLVTILTGVLAFRVAGGTSRSFRKFITCQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 71 # W: 71 # end gene g403 # start gene g404 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2767337 2767777 1 - . g404 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2767337 2767777 1 - . g404.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2767337 2767339 . - 0 transcript_id "g404.t1"; gene_id "g404"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2767337 2767777 1 - 0 transcript_id "g404.t1"; gene_id "g404"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2767775 2767777 . - 0 transcript_id "g404.t1"; gene_id "g404"; # protein sequence = [MVGSNFGIIYHNSAGGASSHGQSSGGGGGGDRDRTTPSSHLSDFMSQLEDYTPLIPDAVTSHYLNMGGFQSDDKRIVR # LISLAAQKYMSDIIDDALQHSKARTHMQTTNTPGGSKAKDRKFTLTMEDLQPALADYGINVRKVDYSQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 45 # W: 45 # end gene g404 # start gene g405 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2767981 2768543 1 + . g405 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2767981 2768543 1 + . g405.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2767981 2767983 . + 0 transcript_id "g405.t1"; gene_id "g405"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2768227 2768285 1 + . transcript_id "g405.t1"; gene_id "g405"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2767981 2768226 1 + 0 transcript_id "g405.t1"; gene_id "g405"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2768286 2768543 1 + 0 transcript_id "g405.t1"; gene_id "g405"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2768541 2768543 . + 0 transcript_id "g405.t1"; gene_id "g405"; # protein sequence = [MASDGEDISVTPAESVTSATDTEEEDIDSPLMQSELHSDEEQPDVEEVPLTTEESEMDELIKQLEDYSPTIPDALTMH # ILKTAGFCTVDPKIVRLVSVSAQKFISDIANDALQHCKTRTTNIQHSSGHSSSKDKKNPKDRKYTLAMEDLVPALADHGITMRKPQYFV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 49 # W: 49 # end gene g405 # start gene g406 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2768645 2769565 1 - . g406 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2768645 2769565 1 - . g406.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2768645 2768647 . - 0 transcript_id "g406.t1"; gene_id "g406"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2768645 2769565 1 - 0 transcript_id "g406.t1"; gene_id "g406"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2769563 2769565 . - 0 transcript_id "g406.t1"; gene_id "g406"; # protein sequence = [MTTTENVSTERKANPVKSFLTGGFGGICNVLSGHPLDTIKVRLQTMPRPAPGEQPLYRGTFDCAAKTIKNEGVRGLYK # GMSAPLTGVAPIFAMCFAGYALGKRLQQRGEDAKLTYPQIFVAGSFSGLFSTLIMAPGERIKVLLQTQQGQGGERKYNGMIDCAGKLYKEGGLRSVFK # GSCATMLRDLPANGLYFLVYEALQDVAKSKSETGQISTASTIFAGGVAGMAYWILGMPADVLKSRLQSAPEGTYKHGIRSVFKDLIVKDGPLALYRGV # TPIMLRAFPANAACFFGIELANKFFNIVAPNF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 93 # W: 93 # end gene g406 # start gene g407 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2770151 2770729 1 + . g407 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2770151 2770729 1 + . g407.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2770151 2770153 . + 0 transcript_id "g407.t1"; gene_id "g407"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2770192 2770258 1 + . transcript_id "g407.t1"; gene_id "g407"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2770401 2770459 1 + . transcript_id "g407.t1"; gene_id "g407"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2770151 2770191 1 + 0 transcript_id "g407.t1"; gene_id "g407"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2770259 2770400 1 + 1 transcript_id "g407.t1"; gene_id "g407"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2770460 2770729 1 + 0 transcript_id "g407.t1"; gene_id "g407"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2770727 2770729 . + 0 transcript_id "g407.t1"; gene_id "g407"; # protein sequence = [MFLSTGRNFFRVFSSRQIASCSARMASEVEKSQTAAASEDTIFGKILRKEIPCKFIHEDDKCVAFHDVAPQAPTHFLV # IPRKPIAQLSLAEDGDADLLGHLMLVGRKVAKELGLADGYRVVINNGKHGAQSVYHLHLHFLGGRQMQWPPG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 48 # W: 48 # end gene g407 # start gene g408 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2770938 2771735 0.99 - . g408 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2770938 2771735 0.99 - . g408.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2770938 2770940 . - 0 transcript_id "g408.t1"; gene_id "g408"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2771606 2771674 1 - . transcript_id "g408.t1"; gene_id "g408"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2770938 2771605 1 - 2 transcript_id "g408.t1"; gene_id "g408"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2771675 2771735 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g408.t1"; gene_id "g408"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2771733 2771735 . - 0 transcript_id "g408.t1"; gene_id "g408"; # protein sequence = [MKQIELKDVPTVRILMLGDRGVGKTSLTNLMATTEITPTPDSRTVGEESWHVQVRLHEYSKPVILPPTPTWTTPSSSE # DSENYPYMRSTPTTTNILYFVEFYDLNSDWRMCRQQRESFYKNIDGIVLVYNMLELSSQDSLHDWLYDPLRQICKHRHLRIRSILKNHNAPILVVGTN # LDKLMRRPLRRRGSIAHQLNVEEMLVNCLDPQSFVDKSRNQGKLYGFLNRVIEFKEQFPLLSFRHL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g408 # start gene g409 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2785356 2793888 0.94 - . g409 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2785356 2793888 0.94 - . g409.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2785356 2785358 . - 0 transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2785673 2787053 1 - . transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2787169 2792194 1 - . transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2792372 2792481 1 - . transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2792677 2793174 1 - . transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2793265 2793327 1 - . transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2793588 2793647 1 - . transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2785356 2785672 1 - 2 transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2787054 2787168 1 - 0 transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2792195 2792371 1 - 0 transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2792482 2792676 1 - 0 transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2793175 2793264 1 - 0 transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2793328 2793587 1 - 2 transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2793648 2793888 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2793886 2793888 . - 0 transcript_id "g409.t1"; gene_id "g409"; # protein sequence = [MPPNAKSETDAKPEAEPAPASEPAADLESVDQKLEETHHSKFREVDRQEQEVLAEKAAEAASQRIAQVESTTRSATTE # AQESTTTAVPVIKKIEHVGEVVTEVIAERTGLPTWGVVAIIILVFLVVFGIIFFCVRRFLKKRRTKDGKGKKGVDMKSVQLLGSAYKEKPDMEELTEN # AEEGDEEDKQSEQKLGRLNFKLEYDFNSNSLAVTVIQAEELPALDMGGTSDPYVKVYLLPDKKKKFETKVHRKTLSPVFNETFTFKSLPYADAMNKTL # VFAIFDFDRFSKHDQIGEVKVPLCTIDLAQTIEEWRDLVSVEGEGGQEKLGDICFSLRYVPTAGKLTVVILEAKNLKKMDVGGLSDPYVKIAIMQNGK # RLKKKKTSIKKCTLNPYYNESFSFEVPFEQIQVCENVLYYPINTTTTTTLLLYYYCLLPIQTTYYYYYYYCYYCYYCPLLNYLPKKPNQTEF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 12 # E: 6 # RM: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 170 # E: 2 # W: 168 # end gene g409 # start gene g410 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2808329 2808990 1 + . g410 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2808329 2808990 1 + . g410.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2808329 2808331 . + 0 transcript_id "g410.t1"; gene_id "g410"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2808537 2808979 1 + . transcript_id "g410.t1"; gene_id "g410"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2808329 2808536 1 + 0 transcript_id "g410.t1"; gene_id "g410"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2808980 2808990 1 + 2 transcript_id "g410.t1"; gene_id "g410"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2808988 2808990 . + 0 transcript_id "g410.t1"; gene_id "g410"; # protein sequence = [MSEEKEAPYYIIDHTTSGILYRRAIPAIAKGPCHSCFVSGFKVNAATPAGFIRLSRFRSHWSKSECAHHDET] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 26 # E: 1 # W: 25 # end gene g410 # start gene g411 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2809311 2811759 1 + . g411 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2809311 2811759 1 + . g411.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2809311 2809313 . + 0 transcript_id "g411.t1"; gene_id "g411"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2810254 2810367 1 + . transcript_id "g411.t1"; gene_id "g411"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2810644 2811148 1 + . transcript_id "g411.t1"; gene_id "g411"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2811529 2811597 1 + . transcript_id "g411.t1"; gene_id "g411"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2809311 2810253 1 + 0 transcript_id "g411.t1"; gene_id "g411"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2810368 2810643 1 + 2 transcript_id "g411.t1"; gene_id "g411"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2811149 2811528 1 + 2 transcript_id "g411.t1"; gene_id "g411"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2811598 2811759 1 + 0 transcript_id "g411.t1"; gene_id "g411"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2811757 2811759 . + 0 transcript_id "g411.t1"; gene_id "g411"; # protein sequence = [MAKYFIALVLLVCLALENRNVYNRLHARSHPSSRGDILRPHPKHQPHPHVQHTSQQLQQQHHIRQQRSRQLKHLEPDP # TSEEDDVPITKREYYARLRRHVIHKRQHLLQQELSYNHPGSHSEQLKVPRLWQHLMEQEEKAHRHVSPPVELPIMYGDAPEESSLSSDDHFDDLSPLD # FVRNELMAEDQQNQEKDLDLDLDLDQQPETPIEPELPLGERNITISVKSSAGGCPKCESNRQVEHITEEQLTHLRIEFVKQQILEKLRLKESPKVSAV # ELPKPIFDGMTLSHPDDSTKNKELDDYYARTSKKFILLNREEVECNRARDGKSNPSMCFTFKIDDADAEGFDVSTAVLWLFKNKQNRTDTASVNSTSA # QQTIVVSEVEVDQQKDSKYLSAAKTIAIQSVNVQDEWMKIDIEWPIKHWISGHELSHLIQITCGGCDVSDMEEIISVDKDYRPFIVIDMQNRRRKSRQ # KRSINCSSGMTECCREHLYISFRDIGWSNWILKPEGYNAYFCRGSCSSVASVTQAASHHSSIMKILSTSGANKSLELVPCCTAKQYSSLQLVVMDSSN # TATVKTLPNMVVESCGCR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 178 # W: 178 # end gene g411 # start gene g412 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2812538 2814208 1 + . g412 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2812538 2814208 1 + . g412.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2812538 2812540 . + 0 transcript_id "g412.t1"; gene_id "g412"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2812538 2814208 1 + 0 transcript_id "g412.t1"; gene_id "g412"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2814206 2814208 . + 0 transcript_id "g412.t1"; gene_id "g412"; # protein sequence = [MSLSAKSVLKEGSTQLSHICELDLAQQASHQRLVSLIATISVSSRNADTIYTMIMRGVNIFRLNFSHESHEMHSKTIE # LINEALERIHKETGQIRTVAIAADTRGPQIRTGLLDGDVFLRSGDNLRLSINRDLYDKGNKEAVYVDYPNIINLTKTGDRLFIDDGRLLLHILEVGVD # GLLCEVIHGGQLNNNCNVILPEIEIDLPAVSEKDMFDIQFSIKANVDFLFASAVRSAKNVKELRTVLGEKGKHIKIIAKMDSKIALSRFSEILRAADG # LLLSRADLGTQIPIEKLFITQKSILGQCNKVGKPVIVASHILESMRTLPHPTRAECFDLANAIIDGADCIMLSSEVAIGSFPKETVATCDTLCREAEK # VLWFRDLFSDLVSEVRGELDAAHSLAIAAVETAKRTNATLIIVLTTSGRSATLVSKFRPRCPIMAITRCERTARWVYLHRGVLPILYTLEPSTDYATD # VDARVQFAMTSAKKWGIIDDGDPIVIVSAWKDGGGFTNNVRVVYAFFEADRVDCLFRSDRRHSRKNTNLQMANREPAGKDSDVGLN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g412 # start gene g413 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2814634 2815486 0.9 - . g413 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2814634 2815486 0.9 - . g413.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2814634 2814636 . - 0 transcript_id "g413.t1"; gene_id "g413"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2814757 2814806 1 - . transcript_id "g413.t1"; gene_id "g413"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2815306 2815379 0.98 - . transcript_id "g413.t1"; gene_id "g413"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2814634 2814756 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g413.t1"; gene_id "g413"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2814807 2815305 0.98 - 1 transcript_id "g413.t1"; gene_id "g413"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2815380 2815486 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g413.t1"; gene_id "g413"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2815484 2815486 . - 0 transcript_id "g413.t1"; gene_id "g413"; # protein sequence = [MFNIIIPLCGIFSQEILVHLFTAFTLISTLNSFEKWIYPETRPLWFLREQFANNVVVKKPAVALESHQLSCEMTGGLP # CAHSMTFTVFVLILASFFFVHCWDRFAALRSSFCRCIMYLLIIGMVVCMWLSRLYLATEFLHQCILGSYLGIRSLCTFEGNVKYLFSRPRRYAVSAVF # FLGGLALSVYYVKLELNIDPHWSVREAFKWCPEPTYLRHEVGPIFALVRDLGNLMGLALASPLYKL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g413 # start gene g414 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2816342 2821305 0.99 - . g414 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2816342 2821305 0.99 - . g414.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2816342 2816344 . - 0 transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2816471 2816532 1 - . transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2816662 2816717 1 - . transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2819575 2819630 1 - . transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2819909 2819963 1 - . transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2820368 2820424 1 - . transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2820630 2820687 1 - . transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2821038 2821229 1 - . transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2816342 2816470 1 - 0 transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2816533 2816661 1 - 0 transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2816718 2819574 1 - 1 transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2819631 2819908 1 - 0 transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2819964 2820367 1 - 2 transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2820425 2820629 1 - 0 transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2820688 2821037 1 - 2 transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2821230 2821305 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2821303 2821305 . - 0 transcript_id "g414.t1"; gene_id "g414"; # protein sequence = [MYSQTEKQRYDGWYNNLAHPDWGSVDSHLVRKAPPSYSDGVYAMAGANRPSTRRLSRLFMRGKDGLGSKFNRTALLAF # FGQLVANEIVMASESGCPIEMHRIEIEKCDEMYDRECRGDKYIPFHRAAYDRDTGQSPNAPREQINQMTAWIDGSFIYSTSEAWLNAMRSFHNGTLLT # EKDGKLPVRNTMRVPLFNNPVPSVMKMLSPERLFLLGDPRTNQNPAILSFAILFLRWHNTLAQRIKRVHPDWSDEDIYQRARHTVIASLQNVIVYEYL # PAFLGTSLPPYEGYKQDIHPGIGHIFQAAAFRFGHTMIPPGIYRRDGQCNFKETPMGYPAVRLCSTWWDSSGFFADTSVEEVLMGLASQISEREDPVL # CSDVRDKLFGPMEFTRRDLGALNIMRGRDNGLPDYNTARESYGLKRHKTWTDINPPLFETQPELLDMLKEAYDNKLDDVDVYVGGMLESYGQPGEFFT # AVIKEQFQRLRDADRFWFENERNGIFTPEEIAELRKITLWDIIVNSTDVKEEEIQKDVFMWRTGDPCPQPMQLNATELEPCTYLEGYDYFSGSELMFI # YVCVFLGFVPILCAGAGYCVVKLQNSKRRRLKIRQEALRAPQHKGSVDKMLAREWLHANHKRLVTVKFGPEAAIYTVDRKGEKLRTFSLKHIDVVSVE # ESATNHIKKKPYILLRVPSDHDLVLELESYGARRKFVKKLEDFLLLHKKEMTLMEVNRDIMLARAETRERRQKRLEYFFREAYALTFGLRPGERRRRS # DASSDGEVMTVMRTSLSKAEFAAALGMKPNDMFVRKMFNIVDKDQDGRISFQEFLETVVLFSRGKTDDKLRIIFDMCDNDRNGVIDKGELSEMMRSLV # EIARTTSLGDDQVTELIDGMFQDVGLEHKNHLTYQDFKLMMKEYKGDFVAIGLDCKGAKQNFLDTSTNVARMTSFNIEPMQDKPRHWLLAKWDAYITF # LEENRQNIFYLFLFYVVTIVLFVERFIHYSFMAEHTDLRHIMGVGIAITRGSAASLSFCYSLLLLTMSRNLITKLKEFPIQQYIPLDSHIQFHKIAAC # TALFFSVLHTVGHIVNFYHVSTQSHENLRCLTREVHFASDYKPDITFWLFQTVTGTTGVMLFIIMCIIFVFAHPTIRKKAYNFFWNMHTLYIGLYLLS # LIHGLARLTGPPRFWMFFLGPGIVYTLDKIVSLRTKYMALDVIDTDLLPSDVIKIKFYRPPNLKYLSGQWVRLSCTAFRPHEMHSFTLTSAPHENFLS # CHIKAQGPWTWKLRNYFDPCNYNPEDQPKIRIEGPFGGGNQDWYKFEVAVMVGGGIGVTPYASILNDLVFGTSTNRYSGVACKKVYFLWICPSHKHFE # WFIDVLRDVEKKDVTNVLEIHIFITQFFHKFDLRTTMLYICENHFQRLSKTSIFTGLKAVNHFGRPDMSSFLKFVQKKHSYVSKIGVFSCGPRPLTKS # VMSACDEVNKTRKLPYFIHHFENFG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 427 # E: 1 # W: 426 # end gene g414 # start gene g415 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2823600 2825288 0.99 - . g415 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2823600 2825288 0.99 - . g415.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2823600 2823602 . - 0 transcript_id "g415.t1"; gene_id "g415"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2823600 2825288 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g415.t1"; gene_id "g415"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2825286 2825288 . - 0 transcript_id "g415.t1"; gene_id "g415"; # protein sequence = [MEPIEPVLCRMEQLMVAETIGDRNYLVRNISRHGILSWRQVSCIYREFVRVDDAHNKYISLKFFKLTDRTRYLEVGTG # LQHIRTWCWVDFGRIIFHDVMYFLPPLPQATNRSTEHQKRKLSVMILGVDSISHMHYMRYFHRVADFIEHLPHTEFWGYNRVALNTYPNLIPLVSGLS # VSEMEASCYHDELNFDKCNFLWNEFKRAGYSTIFAEDTDTAGLFIYRKRGFQKQPTDIYMRPLMTEIESHSLYRTTFDLKCTGHRLYGEFYYDFVSKL # IPHMERQLFFSFLWNMHGIHDVFPYAKFVDKDYLSILTRLHEKGVMENTLILFMGDHGLRFDKFARTAPGQHEMSQPLLIAIYPEWLKRRFPLAMSNF # ERNARSLITTFDLHETLKDVIHLDRLTDANVRNRTLYLTNERGISLFLPIPQNRNCKTAEIKQHYCLCNELKSVSTHESAIQEAASFAVDRINELIKP # YPQCRVLSLQSVRTAYRAKSSTYRGNYRVSQVMVRLKTTPGDGNFDATVLITMLNGEKTDMKLGGPVTRTDRYAHQAYCVQNYRIEMYCYCL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g415 # start gene g416 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2827945 2835545 0.4 - . g416 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2827945 2835545 0.4 - . g416.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2827945 2827947 . - 0 transcript_id "g416.t1"; gene_id "g416"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2827996 2830125 0.99 - . transcript_id "g416.t1"; gene_id "g416"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2830315 2835254 0.88 - . transcript_id "g416.t1"; gene_id "g416"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2827945 2827995 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g416.t1"; gene_id "g416"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2830126 2830314 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g416.t1"; gene_id "g416"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2835255 2835545 0.44 - 0 transcript_id "g416.t1"; gene_id "g416"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2835543 2835545 . - 0 transcript_id "g416.t1"; gene_id "g416"; # protein sequence = [MSGGASYILSREALHRFATQAYESEVICPQPKKMGIEDFYMGICMQNVGVHFVDSTHALDGDTKPKFMPLDLENYMSD # ANYTIPEWLRLMSLSRVETCITGSIADRFELQHGWSPHSWAQFRTNSWPLRTCVLEPSIARRIRIVCAVQCVWCGVEWCSLLCIIGKPWNLSCVEFKV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 1 # RM: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 24 # W: 24 # end gene g416 # start gene g417 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2837103 2837788 0.38 - . g417 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2837103 2837788 0.38 - . g417.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2837103 2837105 . - 0 transcript_id "g417.t1"; gene_id "g417"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2837118 2837192 0.39 - . transcript_id "g417.t1"; gene_id "g417"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2837287 2837345 0.87 - . transcript_id "g417.t1"; gene_id "g417"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2837103 2837117 0.39 - 0 transcript_id "g417.t1"; gene_id "g417"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2837193 2837286 0.75 - 1 transcript_id "g417.t1"; gene_id "g417"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2837346 2837788 0.79 - 0 transcript_id "g417.t1"; gene_id "g417"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2837786 2837788 . - 0 transcript_id "g417.t1"; gene_id "g417"; # protein sequence = [MTAKMKLRSQLHLLTGFMAGFVLAFVLLLYVYDVSRVTPCWSSTSTMTTATTARIEDGPPPRILCMVLTCPENVQSLA # RSVYETWGQRCSRLIFASSEDYEPLGVVGVVEPTGGGYEDLWNKTREGFRHVWEHYAGDYDWFLKADDDTYVVMENLQHLLRGFDPNTPVFFGYKMSR # YNVGKIA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g417 # start gene g418 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2838474 2839453 0.88 + . g418 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2838474 2839453 0.88 + . g418.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2838474 2838476 . + 0 transcript_id "g418.t1"; gene_id "g418"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2838486 2838556 0.88 + . transcript_id "g418.t1"; gene_id "g418"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2838474 2838485 0.88 + 0 transcript_id "g418.t1"; gene_id "g418"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2838557 2839453 0.88 + 0 transcript_id "g418.t1"; gene_id "g418"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2839451 2839453 . + 0 transcript_id "g418.t1"; gene_id "g418"; # protein sequence = [MAAKFFALLSLALLATSQAEYNYNEKEAKAANSASSSGEDFLSDYHTPSNNALNSEATPDGYDYVAPARNQFTAGSRT # ASVQASNLLQNAASAANAESVLLPSPLPVLRHEQNSEVVSSTQQQQEQQTVQHQQSEPLVVSSVLRQHQEPEVFPPASYSFNYAVNDASTGDIKEHSE # TRDGYVVRGFYSLIDPDGYKRTVTYTADDVHGFNAVVNRVPYALKAVVVPVAQVAQPTPFVARDERSKSVDVIRSSGAAAGASENVLSGSGSSSGSVS # GSGVSDTFAEDSYANAPRGLDSSGGPYA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # RM: 2 # end gene g418 # start gene g419 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2840994 2842438 0.74 + . g419 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2840994 2842438 0.74 + . g419.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2840994 2840996 . + 0 transcript_id "g419.t1"; gene_id "g419"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2841503 2841562 0.99 + . transcript_id "g419.t1"; gene_id "g419"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2841660 2841821 0.95 + . transcript_id "g419.t1"; gene_id "g419"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2842095 2842156 0.96 + . transcript_id "g419.t1"; gene_id "g419"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2840994 2841502 0.81 + 0 transcript_id "g419.t1"; gene_id "g419"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2841563 2841659 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g419.t1"; gene_id "g419"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2841822 2842094 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g419.t1"; gene_id "g419"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2842157 2842438 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g419.t1"; gene_id "g419"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2842436 2842438 . + 0 transcript_id "g419.t1"; gene_id "g419"; # protein sequence = [MMGVRPNRKRLELMLMLLIGLAWGILLSELMKRTRWQNHADRLKEESSPFPSSQRSRNLRTPPTIAPSTTNPPPDILA # ARLFNETRVLCMVLTSPKTHHTRAIHIKRTWGRRCNKLIFMSTKADKELGSVALNVREGYSNLWPKTRAALQYVYKHHFQKYDWFLKADDDTYFIMEN # LRAFLHAHNFREPVYFGNKFRQHVKEGYMSGGAGYVLSKMALHRLIKLGFSNSSICTNRNYGYEDVELGRCLAGVGVVGGDSRDEQGLSRFIPFSPLH # WYPQPPDWYQPLLYYTSPDNSSDCCSNTAISFHYNNAQEFYVLEYIIYKLRIFGINRELGPLPKKKASSRPMSINLQTTKEENGHIALIKMMPRKNVT # TPNYRTKTTSKFKK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g419 # start gene g420 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2842642 2844513 0.25 - . g420 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2842642 2844513 0.25 - . g420.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2842642 2842644 . - 0 transcript_id "g420.t1"; gene_id "g420"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2842720 2842870 0.48 - . transcript_id "g420.t1"; gene_id "g420"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2843708 2843775 0.53 - . transcript_id "g420.t1"; gene_id "g420"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2842642 2842719 0.48 - 0 transcript_id "g420.t1"; gene_id "g420"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2842871 2843707 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g420.t1"; gene_id "g420"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2843776 2844513 0.51 - 0 transcript_id "g420.t1"; gene_id "g420"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2844511 2844513 . - 0 transcript_id "g420.t1"; gene_id "g420"; # protein sequence = [MKLRDWFRLLIVSIFFWLLVLEVIIFYNSTRFTDLIELVQTPYKETINSFDVGLRSEHWDDVRITRILQENVRVHCLV # YMHRLDYKYGAEKARHIEKTWGRRCNRLTIIDQRDIPLLQAYRQIYVEFHNELDWLLVVYLDSYVIVENLRYLLAQYSPSEEIYFRAEHAVHVYAHVG # QVSTTDYIFSREALEQLVTRNCLQNEIFLRECLTRMRKGPSEWLLPFDVPDALIPYSLRTNFWHWPCSFRSWESCFGGAVLYPYCRAMQMYVLEFLLY # HLRPYGHLTPLPELRSPNPLTKIASRPLNDQLAKMMYRSVRIICLVLTWPKKYMSGARAISETWGRHCNRVIYYGSFPGTTISGLEIVGLNASDTRSK # LWGKTKAAFRHAYRNYGHEVDWFYKADDDTYAVMENMRKLLKPYSPSNPIYFGSPFKLGSTLYMSGGAGYVLSKSAVELLNLGAAENCQPGDQGTEDY # VMGKCLSLLQVQAGDSRDLLGRQRFFSLSLEHFLIPNRDDEGFWLQEYLYQTTGTATIWTSSWTCSSKKIKQKSSKETAV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g420 # start gene g421 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2844619 2845636 0.57 - . g421 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2844619 2845636 0.57 - . g421.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2844619 2844621 . - 0 transcript_id "g421.t1"; gene_id "g421"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2845465 2845525 0.94 - . transcript_id "g421.t1"; gene_id "g421"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2844619 2845464 0.91 - 0 transcript_id "g421.t1"; gene_id "g421"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2845526 2845636 0.62 - 0 transcript_id "g421.t1"; gene_id "g421"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2845634 2845636 . - 0 transcript_id "g421.t1"; gene_id "g421"; # protein sequence = [MECVPQGLCKTSAWNQNAISWPSPCQRSESCCHSSQKLVIGAPLNCGKSNPNGLGGTVEEVVDQAKPNEFPWTVALMQ # NLINFFGAGTLVTENIVITAAHLMLDKTINDFGIIGGAWDLKQLAGKTIQWRTATRIVSHPDFNKMTGANNIALIVLETSFVMKPPIGPICWPTSGVS # FDRERCLVAGWGRPDFLAKNYSYKQKKIDLPIVSRSDCESLLRRTAFVQSFQLDPTILCAGGERGRDACIGDGGSPLMCPIPGHPAIYELVGIVNSGF # SCGLENVPALYTNISHMRPWIEKQLNDELNKPYKTFPIYNISYD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g421 # start gene g422 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2846084 2847197 0.68 - . g422 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2846084 2847197 0.68 - . g422.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2846084 2846086 . - 0 transcript_id "g422.t1"; gene_id "g422"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2846939 2847008 0.84 - . transcript_id "g422.t1"; gene_id "g422"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2846084 2846938 0.83 - 0 transcript_id "g422.t1"; gene_id "g422"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2847009 2847197 0.69 - 0 transcript_id "g422.t1"; gene_id "g422"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2847195 2847197 . - 0 transcript_id "g422.t1"; gene_id "g422"; # protein sequence = [MSRLCTSLVIILGLILSSGGTHICLSSNLCVPRENCREEMPFFDFSSTIECSDEEVCCEKSNVIGMSKSPPQHSVDTL # LRTSYPNALDGSPQVFGDQTKPNQFPWVTALFAKGSYLGGGSLITPGLVLTAAHILAGLSPNDIMVRAGEWDLSSSEKLNPPMDRQVIKIMEHEAFNY # SSGANDLALLFLDSPFELRANIQTIRLPIPDKTFDRRICTVAGWGMRSSTDVDIQTIQQKVDLPVVESSKCQRQLRLTKMGSNYQLPASLMCAGGEEG # RDVCSLFGGFALFCSLDDDPNRYEQAGIVSFGVGCGQANVPTTFTHVSKFMEWINPHLEQVLSVPGNMLPAMS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g422 # start gene g423 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2847641 2848734 0.59 + . g423 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2847641 2848734 0.59 + . g423.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2847641 2847643 . + 0 transcript_id "g423.t1"; gene_id "g423"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2848460 2848518 0.94 + . transcript_id "g423.t1"; gene_id "g423"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2847641 2848459 0.61 + 0 transcript_id "g423.t1"; gene_id "g423"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2848519 2848734 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g423.t1"; gene_id "g423"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2848732 2848734 . + 0 transcript_id "g423.t1"; gene_id "g423"; # protein sequence = [MERKECVFLDRSNHSQPNTTSPSTARPVLFLLLGIGIGYLITKVLVWPIMDLKSHTNRTGASTSLDIDLTDEVRVLCY # VYTKPINHKTQAQAVLETWGRRCNKLIFFSSRSDLNLTGSVELPVSPYFRESWLKTKMALKYLHDHHLNDADWFLEADDETYVVMENLRYMVYPYSPQ # LAIYFGSPGTVMSRAALRRLVELSLPNPSKCEQKNAGPTAEKLRECLENVNVLAGNTYDSEGRRRMYLIEPQARSNLFLHYDSNIWFWKFLAYRTQDG # IFAWSNYAVSFHYVQHRYIHCFEYMIYRLRTFGRKQIVESLPPKYNPAAEKDQGAPRIGSDQDVPADYEY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g423 # start gene g424 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2849732 2852227 0.6 - . g424 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2849732 2852227 0.6 - . g424.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2849732 2849734 . - 0 transcript_id "g424.t1"; gene_id "g424"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2850278 2850334 1 - . transcript_id "g424.t1"; gene_id "g424"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2850632 2852146 1 - . transcript_id "g424.t1"; gene_id "g424"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2849732 2850277 1 - 0 transcript_id "g424.t1"; gene_id "g424"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2850335 2850631 1 - 0 transcript_id "g424.t1"; gene_id "g424"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2852147 2852227 0.6 - 0 transcript_id "g424.t1"; gene_id "g424"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2852225 2852227 . - 0 transcript_id "g424.t1"; gene_id "g424"; # protein sequence = [MAAMRGDEVALLRVLDSGKVHVDCKDEDGTTPLILAAAGGHTYCVMELLDQGADPNSRRLTGTTPLFFAAQGGHLDVV # KILIKAGASVDTPSADGGTPLFVACQGGHVKIVRELLDCGANVNAHMKDRATPVFISAQNGHRTVLSLLIQAGAEIDIKRIDGATPLWIAAQMGQDHI # CKVLLQNGANVDTVRCDGATPLFKAAHKGHAAVITVLLKYRPNLGQLPNGESALHAAAMFGHMTVCKQLVAAGSDVLLKNHDGLTALQLAHQQKYTSI # CDYLQERIRTMVARSAKAMATSGVSSTVKTMSA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 45 # W: 45 # end gene g424 # start gene g425 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2855618 2856572 0.94 + . g425 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2855618 2856572 0.94 + . g425.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2855618 2855620 . + 0 transcript_id "g425.t1"; gene_id "g425"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2855629 2856024 0.94 + . transcript_id "g425.t1"; gene_id "g425"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2856176 2856246 1 + . transcript_id "g425.t1"; gene_id "g425"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2856306 2856376 1 + . transcript_id "g425.t1"; gene_id "g425"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2855618 2855628 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g425.t1"; gene_id "g425"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2856025 2856175 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g425.t1"; gene_id "g425"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2856247 2856305 1 + 0 transcript_id "g425.t1"; gene_id "g425"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2856377 2856572 1 + 1 transcript_id "g425.t1"; gene_id "g425"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2856570 2856572 . + 0 transcript_id "g425.t1"; gene_id "g425"; # protein sequence = [MLNNWSPQNQLVRKTSDRGRHAQRSQLHVQLSFLSLFRLHRRVAVARFVNFYKKPNKMENDAGENVDLYVPRKCSASN # RIIHAKDHASVQLSIVDVDPETGRQTDGSKTYAICGEIRRMGESDDCIVRLAKKDGIITK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 32 # E: 1 # W: 31 # end gene g425 # start gene g426 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2864984 2867667 0.62 + . g426 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2864984 2867667 0.62 + . g426.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2864984 2864986 . + 0 transcript_id "g426.t1"; gene_id "g426"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2865419 2865481 1 + . transcript_id "g426.t1"; gene_id "g426"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2865578 2866331 1 + . transcript_id "g426.t1"; gene_id "g426"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2866742 2866813 1 + . transcript_id "g426.t1"; gene_id "g426"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2867231 2867336 1 + . transcript_id "g426.t1"; gene_id "g426"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2864984 2865418 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g426.t1"; gene_id "g426"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2865482 2865577 1 + 0 transcript_id "g426.t1"; gene_id "g426"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2866332 2866741 1 + 0 transcript_id "g426.t1"; gene_id "g426"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2866814 2867230 1 + 1 transcript_id "g426.t1"; gene_id "g426"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2867337 2867667 0.64 + 1 transcript_id "g426.t1"; gene_id "g426"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2867665 2867667 . + 0 transcript_id "g426.t1"; gene_id "g426"; # protein sequence = [MLPSLDTLMRCSKRVLQSPLEAAASQMRNGHSKSAAGGIYGPFTPDNDLSCSGRGDCVNNTCVCDIRYAGNECDIFNL # PYYAGISTVFYVVALVSVIQLLICIVAEYQRLKQPSVLRACRITTQKLLYFMVFVAASLRGAYFTTPLDLQPQWAVTLMSAYYPLLMTCASLIVCMWA # EIFHLRDIRWEKSQFLSKSFLGFVAFNFFLYSLFGIEVFNSLINAERRDYAHIFNGCYAVLLLIVVVFFLIYGVEVFFKLRGGFVYDQTGKILGPSEA # IVNASQLHQSRFGLLFQAVMLIVIVGFLTSETLGDFWKTKVPVNSRNWHDIIFRIAEIGVALWFPCCLWNSMAPEQLWILNPRKLLSRQIDPSIPTLN # AETNKLSPEEGQSFLTKKDCWICYDSDKPEPLIQPCRCTGDVSSVHHECLKRWLVESCSNSEAQLSCKVCGHPYEIEKSKKLEWDKGFTIQHWSKTVI # LITLMCVTGATAWVVIQMYVDPLVRVMTVGIAVLIGYVCVKCLGENTVVAYQRAKVSSINIVTSSEMEKLHTICEEVSASTSAEAVRAGAAS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 160 # W: 160 # end gene g426 # start gene g427 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2867736 2868045 0.28 + . g427 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2867736 2868045 0.28 + . g427.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2867736 2867738 . + 0 transcript_id "g427.t1"; gene_id "g427"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2867839 2867932 0.34 + . transcript_id "g427.t1"; gene_id "g427"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2867736 2867838 0.28 + 0 transcript_id "g427.t1"; gene_id "g427"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2867933 2868045 0.34 + 2 transcript_id "g427.t1"; gene_id "g427"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2868043 2868045 . + 0 transcript_id "g427.t1"; gene_id "g427"; # protein sequence = [MRFAQVLLNAQLLVYTSHARWVLAPAFLSSTVYIEAKCITRSQILRRISVGQYQLRKRNGNGNRNENILRL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 32 # W: 32 # end gene g427 # start gene g428 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2869171 2869613 1 - . g428 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2869171 2869613 1 - . g428.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2869171 2869173 . - 0 transcript_id "g428.t1"; gene_id "g428"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2869255 2869322 1 - . transcript_id "g428.t1"; gene_id "g428"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2869551 2869592 1 - . transcript_id "g428.t1"; gene_id "g428"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2869171 2869254 1 - 0 transcript_id "g428.t1"; gene_id "g428"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2869323 2869550 1 - 0 transcript_id "g428.t1"; gene_id "g428"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2869593 2869613 1 - 0 transcript_id "g428.t1"; gene_id "g428"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2869611 2869613 . - 0 transcript_id "g428.t1"; gene_id "g428"; # protein sequence = [MRLEYLLEDISPEISIRFGTESLTLDSWSIHHQYSAMCTVMGPGMTSQLQENEFIRDIFQLGPRPTNTGINGNAKVKP # TKLERHLVNAAAFKARSITRGKNRDKRSAVVT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 30 # E: 1 # W: 29 # end gene g428 # start gene g429 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2869746 2870600 0.9 + . g429 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2869746 2870600 0.9 + . g429.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2869746 2869748 . + 0 transcript_id "g429.t1"; gene_id "g429"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2869746 2870600 0.9 + 0 transcript_id "g429.t1"; gene_id "g429"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2870598 2870600 . + 0 transcript_id "g429.t1"; gene_id "g429"; # protein sequence = [MMLSTYQHDYVPPSAKRYEFLTRPRGAEAHSGPQVKECECVDESKIMMPPNASKDCGGVEWTGIAPMGKLVDPRIIPT # QLTQDQVDKMAFSAETDCFKLQPNRFLKILRTVYPDLYERLKVMPKEELSRRLETNRMNTTYQIDYCNMNEYPEGIYESLKTEDESKNANKLMSERGP # CNEFRSNVMNELEREASAGYEMSSDECQKNYKPFKTSFSDSSQTIESGSSSHWNSAPTTYRKVPTFSEYMDSISRNGCVIMRNKLHDHSKCLAKYCKH # ELKFTCTDMK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 4 # E: 1 # W: 3 # end gene g429 # start gene g430 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2870680 2873672 1 - . g430 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2870680 2873672 1 - . g430.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2870680 2870682 . - 0 transcript_id "g430.t1"; gene_id "g430"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2870933 2871003 1 - . transcript_id "g430.t1"; gene_id "g430"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2871689 2873635 1 - . transcript_id "g430.t1"; gene_id "g430"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2870680 2870932 1 - 1 transcript_id "g430.t1"; gene_id "g430"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2871004 2871688 1 - 2 transcript_id "g430.t1"; gene_id "g430"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2873636 2873672 1 - 0 transcript_id "g430.t1"; gene_id "g430"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2873670 2873672 . - 0 transcript_id "g430.t1"; gene_id "g430"; # protein sequence = [MPRRNKKSAAGRGRTNDSNSEDESFDNVSVYSHMSEVASSEATDELANERFEEKFEKALEQATEKSAQTRVQALQAIC # ELLMHRYMPDFVEDRKMTLMDFVEKSIRRGKGQEQVWGARLAPLLVLQMGGDEGISKAMNQFLLNTVQDKSVGFDARAKCCTAVGLLSFLGCEDVGEL # VHLMQSFEAIFAGSYLRGDDKTPVSVTAEAGTFHAEALNAWGLLLTLIPSGDFVSLMTTGQNMFPSIKKFLGLLQSTHLDVRMAAGETIALILESGRA # HEEDFLEDDIAELSEAVKQLATDSHKYRAKRDRKAQRATFRDVLRYLEVS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 92 # E: 1 # W: 91 # end gene g430 # start gene g431 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2873745 2874560 0.53 - . g431 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2873745 2874560 0.53 - . g431.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2873745 2873747 . - 0 transcript_id "g431.t1"; gene_id "g431"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2873858 2874041 0.9 - . transcript_id "g431.t1"; gene_id "g431"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2874358 2874515 0.54 - . transcript_id "g431.t1"; gene_id "g431"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2873745 2873857 0.9 - 2 transcript_id "g431.t1"; gene_id "g431"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2874042 2874357 0.56 - 0 transcript_id "g431.t1"; gene_id "g431"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2874516 2874560 0.66 - 0 transcript_id "g431.t1"; gene_id "g431"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2874558 2874560 . - 0 transcript_id "g431.t1"; gene_id "g431"; # protein sequence = [MSADFHLPLNIPLFMQNRSTRDRKTAHSIRFHNNCEPRAEWECLPARRKVNALQLNMKFAATSTGVRHFCIINAKQQS # HQNQQTIYKIRPQKSRSELNNCKRQRQSCRIAKNWKHQSFCIDFDACSPPFEDPEQEKDTRLQSICFFCVSYLVFETVG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 40 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 72 # W: 72 # end gene g431 # start gene g432 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2874903 2875145 0.69 - . g432 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2874903 2875145 0.69 - . g432.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2874903 2874905 . - 0 transcript_id "g432.t1"; gene_id "g432"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2874903 2875145 0.69 - 0 transcript_id "g432.t1"; gene_id "g432"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2875143 2875145 . - 0 transcript_id "g432.t1"; gene_id "g432"; # protein sequence = [MNFWVRRSWMRCCGAKVRVLKSNLLSFESNRVGWSFFLVWPPFLSTSLRNCCVLRQPLSFQSSCNQIKLNKNPKTLSA # NR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 25 # W: 25 # end gene g432 # start gene g433 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2875388 2877069 0.58 + . g433 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2875388 2877069 0.58 + . g433.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2875388 2875390 . + 0 transcript_id "g433.t1"; gene_id "g433"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2876281 2876338 0.58 + . transcript_id "g433.t1"; gene_id "g433"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2876411 2876783 1 + . transcript_id "g433.t1"; gene_id "g433"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2875388 2876280 0.61 + 0 transcript_id "g433.t1"; gene_id "g433"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2876339 2876410 0.77 + 1 transcript_id "g433.t1"; gene_id "g433"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2876784 2877069 0.97 + 1 transcript_id "g433.t1"; gene_id "g433"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2877067 2877069 . + 0 transcript_id "g433.t1"; gene_id "g433"; # protein sequence = [MAAIEERFQAAVNVIKGLPKNGPYQPSTSMMLKFYGLFKQATEGRPDVDKKPGFWDIVGKAKWQAWNDNRHLTKEEAM # QRYVESLQEIIETMSFTENVQNFVGSLDSLGNISLDELELVSPGMKELAESHPNSPFHSRTNSPQHGSSCNGEPEPEPQATSTAPLATSETIKENGHS # SPPLTNGYGPKPTASYTQHDTHNFTSNSSVAIVDPSDDEYDDPYDLSHELTQAIGQNTDLLRQIQAAITRMNSDVGAVQQRVRSLEQSLNELRSGQKA # AKGTVAQPRSLPAWWPFRNISPLCPIRSAGTDAGKLYLRRAEHVVVKFYLRLRARAWSLAFFYPRKRFSYCTELALFIPYLPPWLSSCNISTPFCTRL # YMYIECIFISYTQIATFLSHSPSDLVRKSNVLAILSSRRRVLAT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 131 # W: 131 # end gene g433 # start gene g434 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2877188 2878137 1 - . g434 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2877188 2878137 1 - . g434.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2877188 2877190 . - 0 transcript_id "g434.t1"; gene_id "g434"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2877390 2877610 1 - . transcript_id "g434.t1"; gene_id "g434"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2877804 2877863 1 - . transcript_id "g434.t1"; gene_id "g434"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2877188 2877389 1 - 1 transcript_id "g434.t1"; gene_id "g434"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2877611 2877803 1 - 2 transcript_id "g434.t1"; gene_id "g434"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2877864 2878137 1 - 0 transcript_id "g434.t1"; gene_id "g434"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2878135 2878137 . - 0 transcript_id "g434.t1"; gene_id "g434"; # protein sequence = [MSGKALNIGDQFPNFTAETSEGRIDFYDWMQDSWAILFSHPADFTPVCTTELSRVAALIPEFQKRGVKPIALSCDTVE # SHKGWIEDIKSFGKLSSFDYPIIADDKRELALKFNMLDKDEINAEGIPLTCRAVFVVDDKKKLRLSILYPATTGRNFDEILRVIDSLQLTQTKSVATP # ADWKQGGKCMVLPTVKAEDVPKLFPDGIETIELPSGKSYLRITPQP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 63 # W: 63 # end gene g434 # start gene g435 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2878593 2878958 1 + . g435 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2878593 2878958 1 + . g435.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2878593 2878595 . + 0 transcript_id "g435.t1"; gene_id "g435"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2878593 2878958 1 + 0 transcript_id "g435.t1"; gene_id "g435"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2878956 2878958 . + 0 transcript_id "g435.t1"; gene_id "g435"; # protein sequence = [MTELSITGQQVMPPPACTPPEPFRITTNAPHQMNDASLTPGRRKLQKWLGRVLRIVITDGRVLVGFFNCTDRDANIVL # SMCAEYLVEGQEPRLLGNVMVPGQHIVSLSIDEPDPQSSLLVQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 37 # W: 37 # end gene g435 # start gene g436 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2879264 2880471 1 + . g436 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2879264 2880471 1 + . g436.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2879264 2879266 . + 0 transcript_id "g436.t1"; gene_id "g436"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2879880 2880043 1 + . transcript_id "g436.t1"; gene_id "g436"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2879264 2879879 1 + 0 transcript_id "g436.t1"; gene_id "g436"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2880044 2880471 1 + 2 transcript_id "g436.t1"; gene_id "g436"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2880469 2880471 . + 0 transcript_id "g436.t1"; gene_id "g436"; # protein sequence = [MDFTTFVKPSNGGGDSGGGGDADGGGQKLQFWKHVEYIENHGKQEDDYEYCMTEFLRMSGIYWGTTALDIMGQLERLE # RKSIIEFVKRCQCPNTGGFAPCEGHDPHLLYTLSAIQILCTYDALEEIDREAVVRFVVGLQQPDGSFFGDKWGEVDTRFSFCAVASLTLLGRMEQTID # VEKAVKFVLSCCNQTDGGFGSKPGAESHAGLIYCCVGFFSLTHRLHLLDVDKLGWWLCERQLPSGGLNGRPEKLPDVCYSWWVLASLTIMGRLHWISS # EKLQQFILSCQDTETGGFSDRTGNMPDIFHTLFGIGGLSLLGHSGLKAINPTLCMPQYIIDRLGIKPQLLPRP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 100 # W: 100 # end gene g436 # start gene g437 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2880786 2881179 0.51 + . g437 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2880786 2881179 0.51 + . g437.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2880786 2880788 . + 0 transcript_id "g437.t1"; gene_id "g437"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2880808 2880970 0.79 + . transcript_id "g437.t1"; gene_id "g437"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2880786 2880807 0.51 + 0 transcript_id "g437.t1"; gene_id "g437"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2880971 2881179 0.89 + 2 transcript_id "g437.t1"; gene_id "g437"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2881177 2881179 . + 0 transcript_id "g437.t1"; gene_id "g437"; # protein sequence = [MFAASSLVTVYGLAQLEAIETNLAEHKQILIDHIIHMLWTMSECVFCVCVVCAVCAVCCDCSILDARLRHSINNFS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 40 # W: 40 # end gene g437 # start gene g438 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2881228 2885022 1 - . g438 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2881228 2885022 1 - . g438.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2881228 2881230 . - 0 transcript_id "g438.t1"; gene_id "g438"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2881321 2881381 1 - . transcript_id "g438.t1"; gene_id "g438"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2882512 2882691 1 - . transcript_id "g438.t1"; gene_id "g438"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2882834 2884992 1 - . transcript_id "g438.t1"; gene_id "g438"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2881228 2881320 1 - 0 transcript_id "g438.t1"; gene_id "g438"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2881382 2882511 1 - 2 transcript_id "g438.t1"; gene_id "g438"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2882692 2882833 1 - 0 transcript_id "g438.t1"; gene_id "g438"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2884993 2885022 1 - 0 transcript_id "g438.t1"; gene_id "g438"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2885020 2885022 . - 0 transcript_id "g438.t1"; gene_id "g438"; # protein sequence = [MTNTDVRKRKLATDEKPPRRKSSGSPNASSGGNRGPSGLKISFLCLIISVILLLFVFGFVSENASPYLARLASKFGYS # KVQYAAIIDAGSTGSRVLAYKFNRSFIDNKLVLYEELFKERKPGLSSFADNPAEGAHSIKLLLDEARAFIPKEHWSSTPLVLKATAGLRLLPASKAEN # ILNAVRDLFAKSEFSVDMDAVEIMDGTDEGIFSWFTVNFLLGRLSKTNQAAALDLGGGSTQVTFSPTDPDQVPVYDKYMHEVVTSSKKINVFTHSYLG # LGLMAARHAVFTHGYKKEDTVLESVCVNPIIANRTWTYGNVQYKVSGKENGKSSAEQPIVDFDACLELVKSKVMPLVKPKPFTLKQHAVAAFSYYFER # AIESGLVDPLAGGETTVEAYRKKAQEICAIPNDEQPFMCFDLTFISTLLREGFGLNDGKKIKLYKKIDGHEISWALGCAYNVLTSDEKFSNS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 161 # W: 161 # end gene g438 # start gene g439 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2890634 2890897 1 + . g439 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2890634 2890897 1 + . g439.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2890634 2890636 . + 0 transcript_id "g439.t1"; gene_id "g439"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2890634 2890897 1 + 0 transcript_id "g439.t1"; gene_id "g439"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2890895 2890897 . + 0 transcript_id "g439.t1"; gene_id "g439"; # protein sequence = [MRCPGSIAHLSIPPQEKCTENPQGVGYHPQVGQTKGYAVLAAAKSSGLGLTKRPLRAEGSPSMRQPTLAAAAAPATIW # IRIPIWIYI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 28 # W: 28 # end gene g439 # start gene g440 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2933581 2935135 0.99 - . g440 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2933581 2935135 0.99 - . g440.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2933581 2933583 . - 0 transcript_id "g440.t1"; gene_id "g440"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2933983 2934037 0.99 - . transcript_id "g440.t1"; gene_id "g440"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2933581 2933982 1 - 0 transcript_id "g440.t1"; gene_id "g440"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2934038 2935135 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g440.t1"; gene_id "g440"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2935133 2935135 . - 0 transcript_id "g440.t1"; gene_id "g440"; # protein sequence = [MGKTKRVVGLTLKEKLQIIELVTNKVDKKEICAKFKCDRSTVNRILQKTNEIHEAVAASGLKRKRQRKGAHDLVEEAL # YIWFGQQESKNVILDRHVILAKAKEFCQKFNDAFEPDASWLWRWRKRHNIKYGKIHGETATNDSVSANEYKNDILPGLLKGYNPEDIFNADETALFYK # AMPNATFFTCGKQLNGQKSQRVRLTLLFICNATGTYKKTFVIGRSKSPRCFKNANVPIPYYANKKAWMTKDLWRKIMTGFDEEMKKQNRKILLFIDNA # TSHTTVKDFENIKLCFMPPNATALLQPLDQGIIHSFKLEYRRILVKQQLIAVNCGKSTVEFLKSLSLLDALYFVNQGWKNVKMLTIQNCFKKAGFKFS # FENEDTIAEKDKQCVEVDIVSNINWNEYANVDADEACHGQLDDDEIVRSLVQDAKTSDNEESHSDEDVDDTERPTFKDGFAAIKALKSIFMRNNNDEF # LQNLNSMEDKLFNLHINSAVLQKKITDYF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 5 # E: 1 # W: 4 # end gene g440 # start gene g441 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2945641 2952316 0.45 + . g441 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2945641 2952316 0.45 + . g441.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2945641 2945643 . + 0 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2945793 2946708 1 + . transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2947436 2947608 1 + . transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2948031 2948088 1 + . transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2948146 2948204 1 + . transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2951112 2951190 1 + . transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2951383 2951469 1 + . transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2951557 2951639 1 + . transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2951806 2951876 1 + . transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2952028 2952088 1 + . transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2952159 2952216 0.95 + . transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2945641 2945792 0.48 + 0 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2946709 2947435 1 + 1 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2947609 2948030 1 + 0 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2948089 2948145 1 + 1 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2948205 2951111 1 + 1 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2951191 2951382 1 + 1 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2951470 2951556 1 + 1 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2951640 2951805 1 + 1 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2951877 2952027 1 + 0 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2952089 2952158 0.95 + 2 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2952217 2952316 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2952314 2952316 . + 0 transcript_id "g441.t1"; gene_id "g441"; # protein sequence = [MQQQQQHHTSSINNNNSSSIVLLQQQQPQQQQQQLDQLQQYNNNLYSQNYNMEEYERRKRREREKIERQQGIQIDDRE # TSLFGEPRRLTEGDAEITAALGEFFEAREYINNQTVGISRSAPGAGNPRLQPNLAPQAKSLGHSPSSASSAAGPTAASATTSLPGQQQHYQQQQRPPT # YVKQADNKPPYNGRGGYPGQPMKNDIPSSSGMAPPRGPPRTSSSNSNSSSVTNNASSGGVPASTPLGPPLSTQMPNGREKSFLGPPAPALHNGTGGRF # VPPAASKRPGVGQQPPPPEKDVNKIISDIANIFTVQPLTLIAATPHAPTRENYNLLAPNRQKYAMDIPSSPPSAEPSSLMTPLFAPITSPIAPLVTTP # PQASQMPLGGATSGTILAGEALAPLHQLPPTMPKAASGVTSPGPVKPLKTEKNHSLEKQDSCLENDLELSESEDEQRKKEGRSGGNSSNSSESDSSES # GSESSSKNDLQHHPNHQQHHHQLQQQQQQQQATMQQQQVLQQQHRSQPLTSNGAQNKKFRHEIIARGSNTITGLLSSSGFGSGGNVGPAGVNSNAVVG # TGSGSGGTLSSGGSSSNKTPSPTESNKWNLSRFFHKPANQTNSESVSPGNVSMKVPGILPGGAQIIPESIDVTTAIVKNEKNDMAMEEGEEEDDDEEQ # QLRYGGGLSVTPVAVKKEAIDAVSEMALGAIPKTQIKRESAETLLSARLSDSGTSASGSSSSSSSSSDSAMGGEVVPMPGPGETLQLPGVPAAITTVM # RVQPTQSQKAPPSNSVTLTPILPLPTSPKQRQKKPRKKKAITSAPILDSSDDDEPPPKHPGLDHTAVSVQTQPATDTVKKGRGRPRKQQQSGGSGNLS # SASAGSSSQTKGPTLTAAKKPLAKTPLAMSRARKREHSSQSSSNGNTPTKKVATPQLVAAPLKPTSNTAGSSSSDEDSSSSAESSSKSSSSSSSSDDT # ETQNTNCRIVKLNKTGAVQKKALLGSGSSSPSSSGSEAEDQTTRSQVGSGQALAQQLPPYKQLPISQHSQHLSSSDCSSSSGGCTAVCSSSSGEEDEG # RREKERERKPKSDKNKINTLTRIFNPKEGGAKKQGQVVIVDLQEEQQQGKLDAAAQPSAPQAPPAAPAAIMAKPRMTPTQQQQLGAGLASPARTTTPH # LTSLICKIDLSKLSRERIMRLKKLTPAQQNGHLTPKDQATNAVHVPNGYAGDTNPAAKVKHEHPVKPEPELDAGYEAKFKPGNVKQEFQLKQERDRDR # ERERERERERERDREREQPPGRRRKRSSSSSSSPYKEKKRKKEKADQLQMGKELLPVPVLLPSNNHERMPNHDRLSYDKLQLLHEDAAAVIGDVSAPN # GSPTKKLLAMSPLPPPPTVTVAPATCNEAVQTTPPSATATSAIAPPVPATRLIYRSYFDRDVEHPSDDPRKNNQFLQEAINRKHAADLERDSFNQVTL # YLEAVVYFLLTADAMERCSSEQATNTMYKDTLSLIKFISTKFRPYQQQSTTNIQHETHNKVAILSLRCQSLISLKLYKLRRKDCRAIINSLTDFFRVG # RGDIANGNTPSSISPSNSVGSQGSGSNTPPGRIVPPDIHNMLCKQNEFLSYLNSAHELWDQADRLVRTGNHIDFIRELDHENGPLTLHSTMHEVFRRS # SDSGNINRKRNGSVGGGGGEGGDGSTTKRV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 95.2 # CDS exons: 11/11 # W: 11 # CDS introns: 9/10 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 9 # E: 9 # incompatible hint groups: 487 # W: 487 # end gene g441 # start gene g442 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2954846 2960932 0.67 + . g442 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2954846 2960932 0.67 + . g442.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2954846 2954848 . + 0 transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2955314 2955379 1 + . transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2955508 2959511 0.98 + . transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2959521 2960689 1 + . transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2960733 2960816 0.7 + . transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2960836 2960894 1 + . transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2954846 2955313 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2955380 2955507 1 + 0 transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2959512 2959520 1 + 1 transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2960690 2960732 0.7 + 1 transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2960817 2960835 1 + 0 transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2960895 2960932 1 + 2 transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2960930 2960932 . + 0 transcript_id "g442.t1"; gene_id "g442"; # protein sequence = [MQNQSDFVGEIPRYTRNKRRQYQRQRRKAHPQIPGVLTGGPEPEKVNNCQRKRPIKGHVYDSTSEEDMTIKRKHTDAS # WYKVQVKCENVSPNIEEKHGNKIKQPSLAWNNNRKPNKGDLPQPPLSWLYPNQSRGFYDNQSWNSGGSRQNQSQWEAPRQEHSSSAQGRSARNPYLNP # IQESCNGRYIIEHQWNTTIIHHKNQSNPSDIPHYSFVVDIECASERDFTAVLYLQPLI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 36.4 # CDS exons: 2/6 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/5 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 2 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 48 # W: 48 # end gene g442 # start gene g443 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2961231 2964121 0.78 + . g443 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2961231 2964121 0.78 + . g443.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2961231 2961233 . + 0 transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2961673 2961738 1 + . transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2961997 2962271 1 + . transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2962287 2962585 1 + . transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2962866 2962954 1 + . transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2963133 2963224 1 + . transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2963351 2963398 0.78 + . transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2961231 2961672 1 + 0 transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2961739 2961996 1 + 2 transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2962272 2962286 1 + 2 transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2962586 2962865 1 + 2 transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2962955 2963132 1 + 1 transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2963225 2963350 0.78 + 0 transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2963399 2964121 0.78 + 0 transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2964119 2964121 . + 0 transcript_id "g443.t1"; gene_id "g443"; # protein sequence = [MVEGQTAVQQQQQQPSGAGGASGVGSTTGSAGGPATANNVTNSQAQTNGGTTATTTAAAGAGSTTNAAVGQATANNAA # SNNNNNNNNTNNNNNNNATANNNNNNEPDPKTNLIVNYLPQTMSQDEIRSLFVSFGEVESCKLIRDKVTGQSLGYGFVNYVKQEDAEKAINALNGLRL # QNKTIKVSIARPSSESIKGANLYVSGLPKNMTQSDLESLFSPYGKIITSRILCDNITDEHAAGLSKGVGFIRFDQRFEADRAIKELNGTTPKNSTEPI # TVKFANNPSSNKNSMQPLAAYIAPQNTRGGRAFPANAAAGAAAAAAAAAIHPNAGRYSSVISRYSPLTSDLITNGMIQGNTIASSGWCIFVYNLAPDT # EENVLWQLFGPFGAVQSVKVIRDLQSNKCKGFGFVTMTNYEEAVLAIQSLNGYTLGNRVLQLAAVVNANAAAAALAANGLVLHNHHHHSNIGSINNNS # NNSNGCSAAAFPLGKYVNHSSNNRQHNINNSTSNTSKQKPASTSNKQQSMAPPKRLASSTAATTGDLAATAATNSSSSSHSASSGDAGATGTAASSSS # SSSSTNNNILKTSTKFIYNKPQNQYELLQQQLQLQQEFAQFLTNVANSAATPSSNGSANSTNQRNGGGTIGMGLGMSANSAGGGSGNKNSNGNNGYMP # TWSNWFF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 92.3 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 5/6 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 200 # E: 1 # W: 199 # end gene g443 # start gene g444 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2968605 2969570 1 - . g444 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2968605 2969570 1 - . g444.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2968605 2968607 . - 0 transcript_id "g444.t1"; gene_id "g444"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2968605 2969570 1 - 0 transcript_id "g444.t1"; gene_id "g444"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2969568 2969570 . - 0 transcript_id "g444.t1"; gene_id "g444"; # protein sequence = [MVLTPTKDGPDQESMPLPADNGESPSKQQAPVNRDEMHYLDLLRHIIANGEQRMDRTEVGTLSVFGSQMRFDMRNSFP # LLTTKRVFFRAVAEELLWFVAGKTDAKLLQAKNVHIWDGNSSREFLDKMGFTGRAVGDLGPVYGFQWRHFGAQYGTCDDDYSGKGIDQLRQVIDTIRN # NPSDRRIIMSAWNPLDIPKMALPPCHCLAQFYVSEKRGELSCQLYQRSADMGLGVPFNIASYALLTHMIAHVTGLKPGDFVHTMGDTHVYLNHVEPLK # EQLERTPRPFPKLIIKRQVQDIEDFRFEDFQIVDYNPHPKIQMDMAV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 98 # W: 98 # end gene g444 # start gene g445 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2969992 2972297 1 - . g445 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2969992 2972297 1 - . g445.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2969992 2969994 . - 0 transcript_id "g445.t1"; gene_id "g445"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2970652 2970713 1 - . transcript_id "g445.t1"; gene_id "g445"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2970905 2970985 1 - . transcript_id "g445.t1"; gene_id "g445"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2971055 2971116 1 - . transcript_id "g445.t1"; gene_id "g445"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2971195 2971255 1 - . transcript_id "g445.t1"; gene_id "g445"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2969992 2970651 1 - 0 transcript_id "g445.t1"; gene_id "g445"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2970714 2970904 1 - 2 transcript_id "g445.t1"; gene_id "g445"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2970986 2971054 1 - 2 transcript_id "g445.t1"; gene_id "g445"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2971117 2971194 1 - 2 transcript_id "g445.t1"; gene_id "g445"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2971256 2972297 1 - 0 transcript_id "g445.t1"; gene_id "g445"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2972295 2972297 . - 0 transcript_id "g445.t1"; gene_id "g445"; # protein sequence = [MPRVKAVKKQAEALASEPTDPTPNANGNGVDENADSAAEELKVPAKGKPRARKATKTAVSAENSEEVEPQKAPTAAAR # GKKKQPKDTDENGQMEVVAKPKGRAKKATAEAEPEPKVDLPAGKATKPRAKKEPTPAPDEVTSSPPKGRAKAEKPTNAQAKGRKRKELPAEANGGAEE # AAEPPKQRARKEAVPTLKEQAEPGTISKEKVQKAETAAKRARGTKRLADSEIAAALDEPEVDEVPPKAASKRAKKGKMVEPSPETVGDFQSVQEEVES # PPKTAAAPKKRAKKTTNGETAVELEPKTKAKPTKQRAKKEGKEPAPGKKQKKSADKENGVVEEEAKPSTETKPAKGRKKAPVKAEDVEDIEEAAEESK # PARGRKKAAAKAEEPDVDEESGSKTTKKAKKAETKTTVTLDKDAFALPADKEFNLKICSWNVAGLRAWLKKDGLQLIDLEEPDIFCLQETKCANDQLP # EEVTRLPGYHPYWLCMPGGYAGVAIYSKIMPIHVEYGIGNEEFDDVGRMITAEYEKFYLINVYVPNSGRKLVNLEPRMRWEKLFQAYVKKLDALKPVV # ICGDMNVSHMPIDLENPKNNTKNAGFTQEERDKMTELLGLGFVDTFRHLYPDRKGAYTFWTYMANARARNVGWRLDYCLVSERFVPKVVEHEIRSQCL # GSDHCPITIFFNI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 196 # W: 196 # end gene g445 # start gene g446 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2973059 2974604 1 + . g446 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2973059 2974604 1 + . g446.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2973059 2973061 . + 0 transcript_id "g446.t1"; gene_id "g446"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2973108 2973165 1 + . transcript_id "g446.t1"; gene_id "g446"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2973369 2973428 1 + . transcript_id "g446.t1"; gene_id "g446"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2973059 2973107 1 + 0 transcript_id "g446.t1"; gene_id "g446"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2973166 2973368 1 + 2 transcript_id "g446.t1"; gene_id "g446"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2973429 2974604 1 + 0 transcript_id "g446.t1"; gene_id "g446"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2974602 2974604 . + 0 transcript_id "g446.t1"; gene_id "g446"; # protein sequence = [MPSEIITLQLGQCGNQIGFEFWKRLCLEHGISPSGVLEDFANDGLDRKDVFFYQADDDHYIPRAVLLDLEPRVINTIM # GSVYSKLYNPENVYLSKHGGGAGNNWASGYSQGEKLQEEVFDIIDREADGSDSLEGFILCHSIAGGTGSGMGSFIMERLADRYPKKLIQTFSVFPNQD # EISDVVVQPYNSMLTLKRLTTAADSVVVLDNTALNRIACDRLHIQNPSFSQINNLVSTIMSVSTTTLRYPSYMNNNLIGLTAPLIPTPQLHFLMTGYT # PLTSDSDIHTQQLVNVRKTTVLDVMRRLLQPKNMMVSTGPDKSNHHCYISILNIIQGEVDPTQVHKSLQRIRDRKMAQFIPWGPTSIQVALSRSSPYV # QSNHRVSGLMLANHTSICSLFERALNQYDKLRKRGAFLDQFRREDIFKDDLNELDESRETVDCLVQEYEAATREDYMQFSVKRGNGPVDSKSEDSRSV # TSAGS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 132 # W: 132 # end gene g446 # start gene g447 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2975178 2976785 1 - . g447 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2975178 2976785 1 - . g447.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2975178 2975180 . - 0 transcript_id "g447.t1"; gene_id "g447"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2975178 2976785 1 - 0 transcript_id "g447.t1"; gene_id "g447"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2976783 2976785 . - 0 transcript_id "g447.t1"; gene_id "g447"; # protein sequence = [MEATYRQEREWLNARAPMNGNSSANYGPYRGYDGFFGQLGQSQIPNQTQMGQTLNGSASWSFPSMSSDYHQSPAAPQA # NSNWSRERVNWNNEMRRDPSYQAEPGNTINRSWPGNGGPSDGSHWPTPNSSMQVTSGERGLPEHIRKELSLLGPAKRKWFFRYLDTGISNEKALMKAS # ERRTSPVRSEWYDKSVSADRGRRRPEQPISDDRVRKRANDDNSSGGRAHEDVKKQRVPEPSWTSKQNSITMAIMAETYPDCELTNQQLHEIEAGLVEE # LKKGWKSSINFGGIQFLTGMIQVVCMDKNSRQWLEHAISKITALPETKLICCPEDDIPATKGITVRVPRSADEPDKVTFQLLKDQNSDLLSKTWEFGR # ISQTKDGKVVVISCGSKSYNLVQKKGFCLSYRFNQLNCREISGKEALKAVRSSEARSTAELSEIDLTEEDGEEFISHLDLTVVDEVKGDDDDENENEM # TEDHDEVEEAAEEQHDDVEFIEEEPGEKSNDVEVTPEAEGEECEEPHQEEENCNAEVVNEDTCSL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 162 # W: 162 # end gene g447 # start gene g448 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2977242 2978353 1 + . g448 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2977242 2978353 1 + . g448.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2977242 2977244 . + 0 transcript_id "g448.t1"; gene_id "g448"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2977531 2977586 1 + . transcript_id "g448.t1"; gene_id "g448"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2977242 2977530 1 + 0 transcript_id "g448.t1"; gene_id "g448"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2977587 2978353 1 + 2 transcript_id "g448.t1"; gene_id "g448"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2978351 2978353 . + 0 transcript_id "g448.t1"; gene_id "g448"; # protein sequence = [MAPNDAVAEHAEEQPKISTFAVLDLETTNLPAYRNNRVSITELCIYAFEAALLKKKKKEQDQDEQQELPAAPRVLHKL # NVLFQPSMVVDPEAERITGLSNYLLERESQLDTDAAQLIVSFLKHLPSPVCLVAHNGWGFDFPILRQAFEKLNIELPQSLTCVDSLRAFMEIDDTQQK # ETSQLKVPNDVQEIIPELKPKQNTETCLKEPEAVVNIDWRTRNETTPNRPILKPTEAFAKRKLLRDGDEDDLEEQTPPKRKPDEFRSRRQLFSGCKCA # ENKRYPPRGVYNLESLYTRIFKIPALSAHQAEADVVMTTKLIQHYGIDFLAFAEEQAIPFQQVVPLGSPVCRKKSAI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 99 # W: 99 # end gene g448 # start gene g449 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2978546 2979205 1 - . g449 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2978546 2979205 1 - . g449.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2978546 2978548 . - 0 transcript_id "g449.t1"; gene_id "g449"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2978546 2979205 1 - 0 transcript_id "g449.t1"; gene_id "g449"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2979203 2979205 . - 0 transcript_id "g449.t1"; gene_id "g449"; # protein sequence = [MDSELNGSELGTKEFWESSYNREIRNYKSHGDVGEIWFDESAQWRTIDWLLNEEKIDKEASRVLDLGCGNGMFLVGLA # NEGFTGDLTGVDYSPKAVELAQNIAEDNKLSITYKVADLTQPQNELGQFDVVHDKGTYDAVSLCPDNAKEKRALYLDTVEKLLRTADSLFVITSCNWT # EDELVDSFAEKFVKYYTIPTPTFKFGGKVGNVVTSIVFKRKKE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 67 # W: 67 # end gene g449 # start gene g450 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2980176 2987520 0.65 - . g450 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2980176 2987520 0.65 - . g450.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2980176 2980178 . - 0 transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2980378 2980469 1 - . transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2980575 2980635 1 - . transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2985178 2985239 1 - . transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2985414 2985475 1 - . transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2985586 2985640 1 - . transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2986151 2987511 1 - . transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2980176 2980377 0.65 - 1 transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2980470 2980574 1 - 1 transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2980636 2985177 1 - 1 transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2985240 2985413 1 - 1 transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2985476 2985585 1 - 0 transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2985641 2986150 1 - 0 transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2987512 2987520 1 - 0 transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2987518 2987520 . - 0 transcript_id "g450.t1"; gene_id "g450"; # protein sequence = [MSQALNESANSIGSDEQDDTREEANGTDHSGSGSGSGSSGSDSDSDSSSGNSSDGRSSPEPEDKSLSVAGFPPTAAAA # QADSKTNGFTDDQEDSSSDGSSGSDSDSDAEGPSDQRNQSINNANTSSSLPKPEQNEEEDNETEAGQQQPASDASADESSDSSANVSPTSSSSSSEEE # EEDYRPKRTRQARKPPTAAEKSKKAPAPKNKKKTWDSDESDESEDSDDEVSTAQKRKPAATTSRSKLAQQQQRRRVKPFSSEDSDDDDASKRCATRRK # GAAVSYKEASEDEATDSEDLLEFEYDESQAATTAATAEEEEKCETIERILAQRAGKRGCTGNQTTIYAIEENGFDPHAGFDEKQTPDAETEAQFLIKW # KGWSYIHNTWESEATLRDMKAKGMKKLDNFIKKEKEQAYWRRYAGPEDIDYFECQLELQHELLKSYNNVDRIIAKGSKPDDGTEEYLCKWQSLPYAES # TWEDAALVLRKWQRCAEQFNDRESSKCTPSRHCRVIKYRPKFSRIKNQPEFLSSGLTLRDYQMDGLNWLLHSWCKENSVILADEMGLGKTIQTICFLY # SLFKIHHLYGPFLCVVPLSTMTAWQREFDLWAPDMNVVTYLGDIKSRELIQQYEWQFESSKRLKFNCILTTYEIVLKDKQFLGTLQWAALLVDEAHRL # KNDDSLLYKSLKEFDTNHRLLITGTPLQNSLKELWALLHFIMPDKFDTWENFEVQHGNAEDKGYTRLHQQLEPYILRRVKKDVEKSLPAKVEQILRVE # MTSLQKQYYKWILTKNFDALRKGKRGSTSTFLNIVIELKKCCNHAALIRPSEFELMGLQQDEALQTLLKGSGKLVLLDKLLCRLKETGHRVLIFSQMV # RMLDVLADYLQKRHFPFQRLDGSIKGEMRRQALDHFNAEGSQDFCFLLSTRAGGLGINLATADTVIIFDSDWNPQNDLQAQARAHRIGQKNQVNIYRL # VTARSVEEQIVERAKQKMVLDHLVIQRMDTTGRTVLDKSGNGHSSNSNPFNKDDLSAILKFGAEELFKDEQEHDDDLVCDIDEILRRAETRNEDPEMP # ADDLLSAFKVASIAAFEEEPSDSVSKQDQNAAGEEDDSKDWDDIIPEGFRKAIDDQERAKEMEDLYLPPRRKTAANQNEGKRGAGKGGKGKQQADDSG # GDSDYELGSDGSGDDGRPRKRGRPTMKEKITGFTDAELRRFIRSYKKFPAPLHRMEAIACDAELQEKPLAELKRLGEMLHDRCVQFLHEHKEEESKTA # ATDETPGAKQRRARATFSVKLGGVSFNAKKLLACEQELQPLNEIMPSMPEERQQWSFNIKTRAPVFDVDWGIEEDTKLLCGIYQYGIGSWEQMKLDPT # LKLTDKILLNDTRKPQAKQLQTRAEYLLKIIKKNVELTKGGQRRQRRPRASRANDAKAASQSASSTIDAKPHDGEDAAGDARTVAESSNSQVDPSTAS # PHNAPATEQHGDPAKKAKKSKARSKKTSASDNNGNKPMHFTANNEPRALEVLGDLDPSIFNECKEKMRPVKKALKALDQPDVSLSDQDQLQHTRDCLL # QIGKQIDVCLNPYAETEKKEWRSNLWYFVSKFTELDAKRLFKIYKHALKQKAGGDGEAKGKDKGSSGSPAKSKPNGVTTEEKEKERDRSGGKKKKKDK # DKERSGQARYPETGIPTSGRYADPPLKRKRDENDADASSGLAGAPGGGIGDNLKSMSFKRLNMDRHEDRKKHHRGPDYYGGSGPPMGSGSYEGGSNSR # RQGPTSPSTPRTGRGGYDPPPAPSGYTPEMERWQSRDRYSQDYKRDRYDGYGRSGGGQGSYHRERDRRPEKRRYPSGLPPHPYSSHYLPPNYYGLPNG # AVPGLPPPSSVYRSDPRGYPVMPRDYPADYRRSDYERRTQT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 92.3 # CDS exons: 6/7 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 553 # W: 553 # end gene g450 # start gene g451 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2988245 2989511 1 + . g451 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2988245 2989511 1 + . g451.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2988245 2988247 . + 0 transcript_id "g451.t1"; gene_id "g451"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2988384 2988436 1 + . transcript_id "g451.t1"; gene_id "g451"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2988679 2988739 1 + . transcript_id "g451.t1"; gene_id "g451"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2989082 2989158 1 + . transcript_id "g451.t1"; gene_id "g451"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2989338 2989396 1 + . transcript_id "g451.t1"; gene_id "g451"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2988245 2988383 1 + 0 transcript_id "g451.t1"; gene_id "g451"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2988437 2988678 1 + 2 transcript_id "g451.t1"; gene_id "g451"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2988740 2989081 1 + 0 transcript_id "g451.t1"; gene_id "g451"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2989159 2989337 1 + 0 transcript_id "g451.t1"; gene_id "g451"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2989397 2989511 1 + 1 transcript_id "g451.t1"; gene_id "g451"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2989509 2989511 . + 0 transcript_id "g451.t1"; gene_id "g451"; # protein sequence = [MKEVGIALPKSRGVGVGVLAAFLLCFIFYYFYGGYMTLALFAGIILLIFYYAQDLLLYHPDLPANSRIYIPIPTMHNL # PHITVSIKTPDDVTLHAFWVTQPEERSKSSPTLLYFHGNAGNMGHRMQNVWGIYHHLHCNVLMVEYRGYGLSTGVPTERGLVTDARAAIDYLHTRHDL # DHSQLILFGRSLGGAVVVDVAADTVYGQKLMCAIVENTFSSIPEMAVELVHPAVKYIPNLLFKNKYHSMSKIGKCSVPFLFISGLADNLVPPRMMRAL # YTKCGSEIKRLLEFPGGSHNDTWIVDGYYQAIGGFLAELQQQPLLKAPEKSNVWVELEHKIIDV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 94 # W: 94 # end gene g451 # start gene g452 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2990067 2992709 0.99 - . g452 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2990067 2992709 0.99 - . g452.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2990067 2990069 . - 0 transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2990380 2990435 1 - . transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2990600 2990660 1 - . transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2991067 2991124 1 - . transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2991279 2991334 1 - . transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2992650 2992706 1 - . transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2990067 2990379 1 - 1 transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2990436 2990599 1 - 0 transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2990661 2991066 1 - 1 transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2991125 2991278 1 - 2 transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2991335 2992649 1 - 0 transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2992707 2992709 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2992707 2992709 . - 0 transcript_id "g452.t1"; gene_id "g452"; # protein sequence = [MRRSLAPSQRGPLRPESRHSFTPPLLKKNKRSCQQELEREQELDRRRLGALRDASNTSELPLPIRFTANSEYELAIAK # VLARKFKVPMDNYVPDYGGKRVLGVRRCISRRPLHDPMACNALVLFHPPAYTEHERMGMDPTKVLVHVVVDPLLSNILRPHQREGVRFMYECVEGKRG # NFNGCIMADEMGLGKTLQCVTLVWTLLRQGPECKPTINKAIVVSPSSLVKNWEKEFTKWLHGRLLCLPMEGGTKENTIRALEQFSMTSARLGTPVLLI # SYETFRIYAEILCKYEVGMVICDEGHRLKNSDNLTYQALMGLKTKRRVLLSGTPIQNDLTEYYSLVNFVNPEMLGTAAVFKRNFESAILRGQNTDSTE # QERQRAIEKTQELIGLVDQCIIRRTNQILTKYLPVKFEMVICAKLTAIQLELYTNFLKSDQVRRSLADCNEKASLTALADITTLKKICSHPDLIYEKL # TAREKGFENSQNVLPSNYKPKDLNPELSGKFMLLDFMLAAIRAEGNDKVVLISNYTQTLDLFEQLARKRKYGFVRLDGTMSIKKRSKVVDRFNDPESD # SFLFMLSSKAGGCGLNLIGANRLFMFDPDWNPANDEQAMARVWRDGQKKPCYIYRLVASGSIEEKILQRQTHKKSLSSTIIDNNESAEKHFTRDDLKD # LFTFDANILSDTHDKLKCKRCVQNIQMKPPPEDTDCTSHLSQWYHCSNNRGLPDNILAQAWMDCKCVSFVFHHRSQAQEIVPSAEEEATDQPEEKPES # RKRSSTPASDDSADEDFRGF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 90.9 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 177 # W: 177 # end gene g452 # start gene g453 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 2993735 2998248 0.98 + . g453 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 2993735 2998248 0.98 + . g453.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 2993735 2993737 . + 0 transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2994409 2994673 1 + . transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2995071 2995411 0.98 + . transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2996436 2996501 1 + . transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2997060 2997491 1 + . transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 2997531 2997790 1 + . transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2993735 2994408 1 + 0 transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2994674 2995070 1 + 1 transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2995412 2996435 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2996502 2997059 1 + 2 transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2997492 2997530 1 + 2 transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 2997791 2998248 1 + 2 transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 2998246 2998248 . + 0 transcript_id "g453.t1"; gene_id "g453"; # protein sequence = [MWLRQSSGGGVASVGHVGPLRQRPIDAATDCDPRACYDSFCKHWQQAFEIIQHSAPPSHDDVLGVVSHLDYMVTLLLV # ELHHCNKVSLPAAEASGPPAAPCLEFLLSENLLDKLYEWACTTGRYANAVRLEQLKLYELLVSHSRHQLLCHEPFLRPLLKILASSQGEIFPPDLEKR # LVILLNQLCVVLMQNVHLLDLFFFSAQTQVQEQILNGNVAPPKSGTTTNFIIFSLLIPYVHREGSLGHQARDALLLCMALSQKNSNIGTYIAQYSSIC # PLLVTGLGGLYSRLPNSIEISSIDWHRITPDDVTEIPELTLFMNALEFCNAVVQVAHEMIKQQLLDFMYQGFIVPVLGPAILQTLKGKHFQTNIDSQI # SAMSYLDLILRSITEPGLLRAFVRFLLDTEKFDGERILDALVERLNSPDANLCMVTMALFDTLLGLHCEDLMLELLLKFMLPGKHVPISHRHKINKID # PYLNSSEFFLELSPDVMKRARDLARPKSVHEPVVSELTPLPSLPSPVMSKTIGANWNYYGVHTGDSLYANIQAYLFEAHWRIAQCQKDCLKWANSYRY # QKWPRHGQGRVHAHALELARQFFSEFGGGPIAANETGEKQLDSLQSIGESSGYESFKWRPADEESEATDTTVATTASEADMDHNSSSLSSVLGASGKR # ESWRTSNSNRNELILTDLDFSEDLFAQGTVSLGPFLNAIWGKLQTFTSNSLYVNLHLTGLITRLAWYPLPLIHSLLLRSDIAITSDTPSFHQVLRILK # QQIDAELPVTEDSLEIIDVARSSLIDREFRLANARKGNEGSPMHHSQQQQMVTNSGQQQGQLRSAYATLSAATPVQATPTSAYDPFKRSDNKRRSISK # SITSMFSRKSASTSTAPPNGSSASSGLSQIYAFFTGAASNLVGNNASNDGRGISQAQTSAGTCETSLSTQPPAGASRTGANATSTAASGSNSSIAGST # LTLSAQSNTTTHSASTLHGLDGGPSTGGFNSEPASLDSVASMGIIASTSGTERSRDLALCAVLMDEWLKELAAIAQEQSVVLVTEQGSL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 5 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 300 # E: 1 # W: 299 # end gene g453 # start gene g454 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3013502 3015462 0.97 + . g454 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3013502 3015462 0.97 + . g454.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3013502 3013504 . + 0 transcript_id "g454.t1"; gene_id "g454"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3014573 3014638 0.97 + . transcript_id "g454.t1"; gene_id "g454"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3014885 3014955 1 + . transcript_id "g454.t1"; gene_id "g454"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3013502 3014572 1 + 0 transcript_id "g454.t1"; gene_id "g454"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3014639 3014884 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g454.t1"; gene_id "g454"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3014956 3015462 1 + 0 transcript_id "g454.t1"; gene_id "g454"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3015460 3015462 . + 0 transcript_id "g454.t1"; gene_id "g454"; # protein sequence = [MSGNQQQQQQQQKSLTNNAAAAATNEATTLGHNLIKINSVDKIVGKSQAATQAINKLQQQQQQQHQQQQIHQRRSLLP # ATGGATNPHQPHSSQQQSGTPTPTAQSAAQKQQQQQQQSHQLQTVATIHQPHSTQQQALTSRLPIQQQSTKELPNLAGQQRRSFHYQLQNQQQSLRSP # QLKAPAPAHSIPPRYQPPPQPATGILKPHLPLKYPPDIPQLSSIYIPDSIKQQQQQQQQQQSRYLPAHQPGAKDMLKFVRKPDQEHPSPNASVTSSGT # GIPTANGGGRLTAEQNRQLQSLVNELRALKEQNQRLLDDNQELRDLCCFLDDDRQKGRKLAREWQRFGRYTASVMRQEVAAYQNKLRQLDDKQQELIT # DNLELKELCLYLDEERAHVAANALCAGCGAATRNALRDDGDGSSSSTNADETITALRNYAEQRQLPQDLRHAHTLNDQTLQYVRSLERRIQQLEEERT # TPTAHLQQPTTPTPQATPTPTVTSAATPAKSAASPHQQQQQQQQHQQQQQDIVAAAAAAAAAIQLPEPIAGRPEAVVRALQVLEVREQLERDRLGNLA # GSALDQMDDGEKALVREMCNVVWRKLEGSPHGPAALEPL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 13 # RM: 1 # W: 12 # end gene g454 # start gene g455 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3016776 3017969 1 - . g455 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3016776 3017969 1 - . g455.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3016776 3016778 . - 0 transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3016866 3016925 1 - . transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3017120 3017178 1 - . transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3017321 3017383 1 - . transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3017726 3017779 1 - . transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3017904 3017958 1 - . transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3016776 3016865 1 - 0 transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3016926 3017119 1 - 2 transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3017179 3017320 1 - 0 transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3017384 3017725 1 - 0 transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3017780 3017903 1 - 1 transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3017959 3017969 1 - 0 transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3017967 3017969 . - 0 transcript_id "g455.t1"; gene_id "g455"; # protein sequence = [MSDKTVELMNPHLETARSDYLYHLDINVANTRDTSELQNRFGDVRVICMGGTGSRMRQLALYLRDILVVSESGDPVDL # CERGNRYAMYKVGPVLCVSHGVGSSSFSVVLHELIKLLKYARCQDPVLLRIGTCGGLGVPPGTVVASKNAFNGLLRNEHEIAILGQRVVRPAQFSEDV # IRDLLAFGVDANDGFQTISANTMGTDCFYEGQGRTDGAICEYSEKDKMEFLQKCHDLGIRNIEMEASMFASVTQKVGVKAGDVCVTLIDRLKGDQITI # TIDQKHEFEQRPFFVVGRYIKRLLQQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 90.9 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 80 # W: 80 # end gene g455 # start gene g456 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3018950 3021227 0.73 + . g456 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3018950 3021227 0.73 + . g456.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3018950 3018952 . + 0 transcript_id "g456.t1"; gene_id "g456"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3019404 3019509 1 + . transcript_id "g456.t1"; gene_id "g456"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3019930 3019986 1 + . transcript_id "g456.t1"; gene_id "g456"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3018950 3019403 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g456.t1"; gene_id "g456"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3019510 3019929 1 + 2 transcript_id "g456.t1"; gene_id "g456"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3019987 3021227 0.79 + 2 transcript_id "g456.t1"; gene_id "g456"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3021225 3021227 . + 0 transcript_id "g456.t1"; gene_id "g456"; # protein sequence = [MAVDMDMEAIKSLTSSQDVANQYDSNWKPDGTAKVLFSQKCSASEKKVTGAGCGHLLPSLSAAICVLIFQVGLAPAVS # ARSPANETAWPPMRHYDIWDDHLGEPGALEEDSFADEVNFRLQTGTPGELDIEMSLQEISDRNSSQANNRQGKVIHLFPVPVDGYCMSSDNRRIGNCL # NAYECRQKDGQARGECAMGFGVCCVFLASCNTTITNNVTYIVSPEFPSFMPSNFTGCSLRVKMMSDEISQVRIDFHHFTLGQPNRRTGVCEGDIFSIG # GGPGGNFSLCGQNSGQHLYYDVGTRASPRQSTLYGSLRPVDASTGPSNSTPTGDRFIDISLSLSSRLLPLRIWEMSVVQIPFSQRAPAGCLQYHTGTE # GIMQTFNFAENGRHLANQNYRICVRQELDMCSIMYQPCDEQSFRIGGGGRMASRGGGTSEAAATTATSSPAPAQSDAAGATATTLGNAAVTTTAPTSS # TLMQMLANMANSTTTTLMTMMSGNSTLAASSVSSGSTSSSSSSSTAAMSTTTTSTTPTPLRSSTEASTTSAAPASSPASDDVEGSGGEVGDDEDDDGG # FLFFRSRPTTEGPTVSRRPRPSGGFDIMGIIRNAIDLPLKWRRRQARQFFSTCSDRITMPCIIEDFIGTGLGPLPGCEPVHCGAQFCSSGVWPCRIES # TVTPFYIGVHFGNGQGAGKANAEDNVGACLRYSQVQCM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 15 # RM: 1 # W: 14 # end gene g456 # start gene g457 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3021786 3022949 0.95 - . g457 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3021786 3022949 0.95 - . g457.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3021786 3021788 . - 0 transcript_id "g457.t1"; gene_id "g457"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3022369 3022422 1 - . transcript_id "g457.t1"; gene_id "g457"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3021786 3022368 1 - 1 transcript_id "g457.t1"; gene_id "g457"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3022423 3022949 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g457.t1"; gene_id "g457"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3022947 3022949 . - 0 transcript_id "g457.t1"; gene_id "g457"; # protein sequence = [MLLWLPIAVARRMFIILVLMVIGGLFYIYTSENKYHSCFMEGQVLATQQALTADGETNLLGDVLQADPKPSPGNSIFF # HETSCRLSENRQLETLKVTARQACAIESAAMHNPNFQVFVLFAGPTYRISNNKSHPQPLLEAILSYSNVHLRRLNLESYASGTPMEEWLKDGRLSRSK # YLFSHISDFLRYLTLYRYGGLYLDMDVVVLRNMEKVPPNYTGAESNTHLAAGVMNLAATGFGHEIAASCLRDFQHNFNGGDWGNNGPGVITRVAQKIC # GTKDIALMREDPKRCMGFKVFGRGAFYAVPWKQWRDFFEPENLEETIARCKDSYVVHVWNKHSSKLPIKIGSKNAYALYAEQNCPRSYKAAGEYF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 110 # W: 110 # end gene g457 # start gene g458 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3023388 3026116 1 + . g458 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3023388 3026116 1 + . g458.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3023388 3023390 . + 0 transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3023795 3023853 1 + . transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3024087 3024142 1 + . transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3025192 3025256 1 + . transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3025623 3025688 1 + . transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3025770 3025831 1 + . transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3023388 3023794 1 + 0 transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3023854 3024086 1 + 1 transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3024143 3025191 1 + 2 transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3025257 3025622 1 + 0 transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3025689 3025769 1 + 0 transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3025832 3026116 1 + 0 transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3026114 3026116 . + 0 transcript_id "g458.t1"; gene_id "g458"; # protein sequence = [MNVPPSVGNGGAPPGRGIGYTPPGAIVPQFPPPGFGAPPPPELAAAFGVMATSTEWTEHKAPDGRPYYYNQNTKQSSW # EKPEALMTPAELLHNQCPWKEYRSDTGKVYYHNVATKETCWEPPPEYVDMKAKAKAEEAAAAAKAVAAMTSSSLAGMVPPAALASILPAALPVAPRLP # TPEIHSPLTPSSNENSSSAMDQAMAATLAAIEVPQQNAKKDDKSESAVVFKDKREAIESFKELLRDRNVPSNANWDQCVKIISKDPRYAAFKNLNERK # QTFNAYKTQKIKDEREESRLKAKKAKEDLEQFLMSSDKMNSQMKYFRCEEVFAGTRTWTAVPEPDRRDIYEDCIFNLAKREKEEARLLKKRNMKVLGE # LLESMTSINHATTWSEAQVMLLDNVAFKNDVTLLGMDKEDALIVFEEHIRTLEKEEDEEREREKKRMKRQQRKNRDSFLALLDSLHEEGKLTSMSLWV # ELYPIISADLRFSAMLGQSGSTPLDLFKFYVENLKARFHDEKKIIREILKEKAFVVQAKTSFEDFATVVCEDKRSASLDAGNVKLTYNSLLEKAEAIE # KERMKEEVRRLRKLENEIKNEWLEANVSVAEPYESAKKLVEHLEAFALYEKEIGVEKIWEDFVKESEDACSHHHSRSRKSKKNKKHKKRVRSVSRSDI # ENEHIEVEKSKRRRSKTRSHSLTSIGSIESEKLLKKKKKRKNKLRGSSCESDVPGIQSPGTQALLQNDSNSHSPAKKKKKEKRAKKDKRHNRHNRSGT # PLSPAQSVESSGSRNEELTLSDGELESKRAALLAQLSEQLDE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 227 # W: 227 # end gene g458 # start gene g459 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3026605 3029087 1 - . g459 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3026605 3029087 1 - . g459.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3026605 3026607 . - 0 transcript_id "g459.t1"; gene_id "g459"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3026975 3027037 1 - . transcript_id "g459.t1"; gene_id "g459"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3027283 3027338 1 - . transcript_id "g459.t1"; gene_id "g459"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3028309 3028365 1 - . transcript_id "g459.t1"; gene_id "g459"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3029007 3029063 1 - . transcript_id "g459.t1"; gene_id "g459"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3026605 3026974 1 - 1 transcript_id "g459.t1"; gene_id "g459"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3027038 3027282 1 - 0 transcript_id "g459.t1"; gene_id "g459"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3027339 3028308 1 - 1 transcript_id "g459.t1"; gene_id "g459"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3028366 3029006 1 - 0 transcript_id "g459.t1"; gene_id "g459"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3029064 3029087 1 - 0 transcript_id "g459.t1"; gene_id "g459"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3029085 3029087 . - 0 transcript_id "g459.t1"; gene_id "g459"; # protein sequence = [MADQLNNEPGQPTPLMSIRFDQQQHESAAANGNENGNGNANGDGDASEDAVDAEKTPGELVLPKALEDVLALKDQRAA # EFTVDADSQGGSGGATQDGDEADVGEDSEEDADNQVNGSASQKTGKQSKAERNKKKKKRKKQNRKIRHQIEFARQQQLAQAEENEPEAKDSETKAHGS # EDEQVAEKEKKDKRKESRSKRRKDRSDEKDTDKKAGEANDENVTIEYVPEKITIADLAPMYRQFYRVFEIFKLENKPKPVEKDKSSHDSESHPRDKKA # TDKQLEDEDDDGDDDEERKEDKEKLSKRKLKKLTRLSVAELKQLVSRPDVVEMHDVTARDPKLLVQLKAYRNTVQVPRHWCFKRKYLQGKRGIEKPPF # DLPAFIKKTGIMEMRESLQEREDAKTLKAKMRERVRPKMGKIDIDYQKLHDAFFKWQTKPRMTIHGDLYYEGKEFETRLKEKKPGDLSEELRIALGMP # VGPNSHKIPPPWLIAQQRYGPPPSYPNLKIPGLNAPIPDGTSFGYHAGGWGKPPVDENGKPLYGDVFGTNILDLDNGVDEADIERNQWGELESESEES # SEEEEEDGEDLGDQQDETGLVTPVEGLVTPSGLTSVPAGMETPENIELRKKKIEAEMEDNETPVLYQVLPEKRTDRIGASMMGSTHVYDVSGSGANKQ # PPVRSTTDREGIVELALDPSELDLDNDAMAQRYEQQMREQQNHLQKEDLSDMLAEHVARQKSKRKRQQTDPAKTTKKYKEFKF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 216 # W: 216 # end gene g459 # start gene g460 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3029420 3032134 0.98 + . g460 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3029420 3032134 0.98 + . g460.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3029420 3029422 . + 0 transcript_id "g460.t1"; gene_id "g460"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3029933 3029984 1 + . transcript_id "g460.t1"; gene_id "g460"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3030331 3030775 0.98 + . transcript_id "g460.t1"; gene_id "g460"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3030948 3030999 1 + . transcript_id "g460.t1"; gene_id "g460"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3031894 3031953 1 + . transcript_id "g460.t1"; gene_id "g460"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3029420 3029932 1 + 0 transcript_id "g460.t1"; gene_id "g460"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3029985 3030330 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g460.t1"; gene_id "g460"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3030776 3030947 0.98 + 2 transcript_id "g460.t1"; gene_id "g460"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3031000 3031893 1 + 1 transcript_id "g460.t1"; gene_id "g460"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3031954 3032134 1 + 1 transcript_id "g460.t1"; gene_id "g460"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3032132 3032134 . + 0 transcript_id "g460.t1"; gene_id "g460"; # protein sequence = [MFKFNFDVKAESSEDPEAVKNDIFSKQENSEERESGITKDIDWYNSEKVQPLDNLISAMDFYELNAKEMEVGKMTIKH # LVAGFLLEDLKEQSHLVNLDLRKSEENHSDLISGVYEGGAKIWECTEDLLLYLSEKYEDSFWKEKRVLDLGCGCGLLGIYAMKHGARVDFQDYNKDVL # EYITYPNILLNLDDSLSEDEKLKFLDNSTTLYSGDWSHFAELSRDVAKYDLILTSETIYNIANQQKLLDTFAGRLKSDGVILVAAKSHYFGVGGGLEQ # FSENIRLGNVFQTGTSNFLSAAWRSEAEESKSKENGSLCCCEYVAEDSRERSHILGCCCNCVDFDLVCTRLVTCRAIDRRNIDGMLIAFQDRLRLPWR # GGAKRISPAAVAPAFIVPLMLGLATLNSKTAIVLMLTLVGFTIWGMELAKRTATRTNFFLSWLVFSVFYMIIIFEFQVPLLELAPEENYALMFFSCAA # LYCLYSAKALSPLNLVSAQYGTTPKDELPGIAEASSGEEQAEAQTTLQMESVLSLDDDEVGDMDTAERSGLMHGQPNICEICRKVTPRRAYHCPVCGT # CVKRRDHHSYWLNCCIGERNYVWYIVGLALSEIALLLGANLTLTSICHPFMVVRPLGYPVLLPDDCSEVFEGFDLGISFVVACYALLISSYIAFILAR # QAYLWWKGSTLHEYKRTSNAAGRNRIWSNWRAILK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 88.9 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 216 # W: 216 # end gene g460 # start gene g461 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3032336 3035242 0.31 - . g461 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3032336 3035242 0.31 - . g461.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3032336 3032338 . - 0 transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3032487 3032550 0.88 - . transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3032835 3032894 0.89 - . transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3033126 3033182 0.62 - . transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3033574 3033631 0.99 - . transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3034978 3035020 0.6 - . transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3032336 3032486 0.89 - 1 transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3032551 3032834 0.87 - 0 transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3032895 3033125 0.62 - 0 transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3033183 3033573 0.98 - 1 transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3033632 3034977 0.6 - 0 transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3035021 3035242 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3035240 3035242 . - 0 transcript_id "g461.t1"; gene_id "g461"; # protein sequence = [MSHPKRREKPSKETRWDRIRKRHLQANPLGLKTDAVRRLIETDYVGRRQERLLIEGEDSKQLNPGLIMDMRHKMFQKI # PHKLPLATIAHDPSNSLEATKAHNLEVEKRFIDNQLQKFRQQLSRQFQRTKSHRVPPTKPDFKLNNGPLVKSLAQAAQHIDNFYNTPVQALSQMAQMC # SETKSEATKSLIQQLRAEPEKEAEADMDCEWTEQEAQVVEIPAFIEEQVISFDALEYRNFTKQVQADESKAKLLRCRTPSPLTSTEEFFRPMRAAAER # QMLHVRTVRHEEDLLQENKQAQQPEGEPSSLKRESSTCSNTSDGIDSVISDLAEEALYELQLEAAEKENEELDKELPVPPKLVQFQLPPKKSPTLTTH # PVGDSEAEPEQEPLLIRRIELPKVVVKPKEPELKQPSSSSEDESDVEPTHEKQKIIEQLFQARANTQLVVMRKYFLKWIHFTTMEKIEREQGQSCQAR # DTRVQKINAFLDKVRQEKRRQRTETVAETSKTTQKSLEKREEAVKMAKQFKNKLKVQQDIIDLQRIKLERQERLIMQLKLSKLSDEAKEAREDLKQEL # KTVIRCGDPKAKAKAKCLQLIGNLRDADDEEMDRLQGKALLQPRFLQHMQERATERSMRHEQARQRRAQAEAEREAAKLALEEAKEDEEAKRLRMEVL # KEKRRQEKMAKVLKERERQRFIENQRKAVEFSRKLLKRTGMEGFKRLLERKRENLVKSEEFRCRLITKNSFSSWHSYSTYRQREKIIKAEICWHNILK # RRALYAWILYVQNEKSKMLVAIDWHALRSMEHWFARWHKYSTHCRMIEDSKTRQAISHHEWHLKWKVLDCWRRLPQILKIEKETEERRQRWRMKIWEL # LPDYKPREDSLW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 9.09 # CDS exons: 1/6 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 14 # W: 14 # end gene g461 # start gene g462 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3035645 3037150 1 - . g462 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3035645 3037150 1 - . g462.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3035645 3035647 . - 0 transcript_id "g462.t1"; gene_id "g462"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3035645 3037150 1 - 0 transcript_id "g462.t1"; gene_id "g462"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3037148 3037150 . - 0 transcript_id "g462.t1"; gene_id "g462"; # protein sequence = [MVLDLDLFRSDKGGNPDLVRENQKKRFKDVALVETVIAKDTEWRQCRHRADNLNKVKNVCSKVIGEKMKKKEPVGAMS # EDLPADVTKDLTEIVAETLQPLTVNQIKQLRVLIDDAMTENQKSLELAEQTRNTSLREVGNHLHESVPVSNDEDENRVERTFGDCEKRGKYSHVDLIV # MIDGMNAEKGAVVSGGRGYFLTGAAVFLEQALIQHALHLLYARDYVPLYTPFFMRKEVMQEVAQLSQFDEELYKVVGKGSEKAEEVGIDEKYLIATSE # QPIAAYHRDEWLPESSLPIKYAGLSTCFRQEVGSHGRDTRGIFRVHQFEKVEQFVLTSPHDNKSWEMMDEMIGNAEQFCQSLGIPYRVVNIVSGALNH # AASKKLDLEAWFGGSGAYRELVSCSNCLDYQARRLLVRFGQTKKMNAAVDYVHMLNATMCAATRVICAILETHQTETGIKVPEPLKKYMPAKFQDEIP # FVKPAPIDLELAAAEKQKGKKEKTKKDPAAG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 151 # W: 151 # end gene g462 # start gene g463 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3037594 3038688 1 + . g463 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3037594 3038688 1 + . g463.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3037594 3037596 . + 0 transcript_id "g463.t1"; gene_id "g463"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3037594 3038688 1 + 0 transcript_id "g463.t1"; gene_id "g463"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3038686 3038688 . + 0 transcript_id "g463.t1"; gene_id "g463"; # protein sequence = [MSFIDQEVTEFRAKCEKQVPHTKIIICSNSLIRVDIYPERPNRSMTMCLRFPENYPQSTQILVELKSRVYSEMLLTEL # TRLIDDYARDFIGKPQALQVLAFAQQYLTDNPLCVCLEEIKQLRADIKTGGTESQLKLKQKNKSVELVAKGGRYTYRVIAVVPDSYPMQSVELRGQDS # NLPAVLVRYLNGQSKEIARQCVEPPIRMSKEALANFRPVRSLQRSLKFCLEATRDFHTERCPICDSTVLPEYPEDIETDDNADFFIERVYCGHLFHQG # CLKKYLSEPPFPKGGKLCPAARRHPRSDAQTYMGRSQGGGATVSKTPEDTVCGIKLAHDRWVVSVKTAEARWAQKQARQRELEEVVDFLQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 93 # W: 93 # end gene g463 # start gene g464 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3039131 3039720 1 - . g464 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3039131 3039720 1 - . g464.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3039131 3039133 . - 0 transcript_id "g464.t1"; gene_id "g464"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3039204 3039267 1 - . transcript_id "g464.t1"; gene_id "g464"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3039591 3039642 1 - . transcript_id "g464.t1"; gene_id "g464"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3039131 3039203 1 - 1 transcript_id "g464.t1"; gene_id "g464"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3039268 3039590 1 - 0 transcript_id "g464.t1"; gene_id "g464"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3039643 3039720 1 - 0 transcript_id "g464.t1"; gene_id "g464"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3039718 3039720 . - 0 transcript_id "g464.t1"; gene_id "g464"; # protein sequence = [MFLPETATFCITLLVYGAILLLLIYYVLTLADLECDYLNAQECCRRLNFWVIPKFGSHALLCVLLLLGGHWVMFLLNL # PMVIWLFYELHRQRRDSLGVYDPVDIHSRGLLKVHLRNCMIYLGYYFVMFFVGLYCLISSLIKGDPIKRYEDDEIVTDF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 43 # W: 43 # end gene g464 # start gene g465 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3040228 3041575 1 + . g465 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3040228 3041575 1 + . g465.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3040228 3040230 . + 0 transcript_id "g465.t1"; gene_id "g465"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3040741 3040791 1 + . transcript_id "g465.t1"; gene_id "g465"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3041398 3041452 1 + . transcript_id "g465.t1"; gene_id "g465"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3040228 3040740 1 + 0 transcript_id "g465.t1"; gene_id "g465"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3040792 3041397 1 + 0 transcript_id "g465.t1"; gene_id "g465"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3041453 3041575 1 + 0 transcript_id "g465.t1"; gene_id "g465"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3041573 3041575 . + 0 transcript_id "g465.t1"; gene_id "g465"; # protein sequence = [MTAAGFNSILCLRQLVRLNRRQYSAPAKSVLSGSQTNDQATPPPTSKSADKMRGWQLHNYGDIDELQLSEMLKIPQIR # CSNECLVRIRATAVNPIDLAMLRGYGATVLNKMRCQPGDGIEFPLILGREFCGELVQTGMGVSLPLGSRVWGVVPLQATIGSHAEYVAVPSYCLAPAP # KELDDYEAASVLYAGLTAWSGLYITGGLGGPCGATTASGGGAHKRVLVLGGSGGVGTLAIQILKSQKVQVLATCSENAIEMVRNLGADLVVDYNNPQA # MEELCKYAPYDIVLDCAGQGGQKAAESKYDFRQYITFSSPLLANIDKQGLGVGALKNVFDLFQTNVRSVTQRGGLVKWGFFSPAPQGIQFLQKLVEQR # KLMPLIDSSYGFSELPKAFEKMKSGHLRGKIVVKLREETGD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 109 # W: 109 # end gene g465 # start gene g466 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3043100 3043530 0.51 + . g466 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3043100 3043530 0.51 + . g466.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3043100 3043102 . + 0 transcript_id "g466.t1"; gene_id "g466"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3043104 3043180 1 + . transcript_id "g466.t1"; gene_id "g466"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3043100 3043103 0.51 + 0 transcript_id "g466.t1"; gene_id "g466"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3043181 3043530 1 + 2 transcript_id "g466.t1"; gene_id "g466"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3043528 3043530 . + 0 transcript_id "g466.t1"; gene_id "g466"; # protein sequence = [MCSSVDDVVKHIKDVMLEEHVRAFGSLKRAVEFALELGVNMGILSMTKTVRMPIRYRRSKSKTKVPVRNRIPLRLGRQ # LTKQRMATTTATKLAAKKRSGGRLKKPKKTPGAAPKKQN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g466 # start gene g467 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3043871 3044110 1 + . g467 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3043871 3044110 1 + . g467.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3043871 3043873 . + 0 transcript_id "g467.t1"; gene_id "g467"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3043871 3044110 1 + 0 transcript_id "g467.t1"; gene_id "g467"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3044108 3044110 . + 0 transcript_id "g467.t1"; gene_id "g467"; # protein sequence = [MRHRVATAVPGPRKPDIYKESVECSPCSVCLRNKSDLYVPTKRIYNHTQLEGPTSPADILVVPQNARHIRKGYAISEP # K] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 14 # W: 14 # end gene g467 # start gene g468 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3045616 3056725 0.5 + . g468 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3045616 3056725 0.5 + . g468.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3045616 3045618 . + 0 transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3045884 3046949 1 + . transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3048428 3049391 0.96 + . transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3054621 3054687 1 + . transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3054784 3055169 1 + . transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3055314 3055376 1 + . transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3055467 3056617 0.74 + . transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3045616 3045883 0.73 + 0 transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3046950 3048427 1 + 2 transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3049392 3054620 1 + 0 transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3054688 3054783 1 + 0 transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3055170 3055313 1 + 0 transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3055377 3055466 0.74 + 0 transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3056618 3056725 1 + 0 transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3056723 3056725 . + 0 transcript_id "g468.t1"; gene_id "g468"; # protein sequence = [MSNYPGFFCDISRSLYIWALIQTEPEQRKNAEMPSRKKAQGESAAGEDADIVISGLSGKLPESSNIEEFKYNLLNGID # MVTDEPRRWEAGIYGLPERMAKMKDSDLEKFDDKFFSVHQKQAELMDPCMRMLLELTHEAIIDAGINPVQLRGSRTGVYIGLSFVETEHEIPNMEPSS # INGYCLTGCARAMFANRISYTFDFKGPSFIVDTACSSSLVALNHAFADMRAGRCDYALVAGVNLILKPIFALQFLRLGIVSHDGSCKTFDAAANGYAR # ADTCAVVLLQRRKEAKRVYASILNVRTNTDGFKEQGVTFPDGRMQQALLEETYSEIGLNPDEVVYVEAHGSGTPVGDDQEANMLSNFFCRPSRSTPLL # IGSVKSNMGHAEPASGVSALAKMIIAMEEGIIPKNLHYRTPNPSVPALVEGKLKVVDRNLPWQGGIVGLNSFGFGGANAHVVLKSHTKAKEPKACPKA # GEAEQSLSLVTCSGRTEDAVNQLLKVATEQRHDQELLTLINDIHSHPIPLHPFRGYAVLGTSGCVKEEVLPYEEEERPIWFVYAGMGSQWARMAKDLM # QLEVFRNSIQHCAEVLAQVDFDLIDVLTRSTERTFDNMLYSFVSVSAVQVALTDLLRVLDIRPDGIIGHSAGELGAAYMDGCLTAEQTVLAAYWRGRS # VLDTPDLPRGKMAAVGLSWEQIGSQIPKDCYPVCHNSDDNCTVSGPPSSMDAMIEDLTAKGIFVREVGSGGYAFHSPYIEGAAPMLRRSLERLITEPK # KKSIRWLSTSVKEAEWDSEKNHLASAGYFINNLISPVLFHQAVKRIPQNALIVEIAPHGLFRAILRSLSPQISYVSLMQRGHANNFEFLLSQLGRLYA # AGGQPQILKISPSIPYPVSRGTPMLGSLVGWDHTQKWNYPKFKGGRQAGQLSVELDLGKEENVYLAGHTIDGRVLFPATGYMTLAWMSLAQQQGLDYL # RTPVLFEDVVFHRATILSVGTVVKLTLNFFPGSSSFEICEGTSLVTSGKIRLVSNVQQEQLQLSSLPGIAGSNKLSTKDIYKELRLRGYDYTGVFQGI # LESDISAVTGQLQWADNWISFMDTMLQFRILSNDIRELYVPTGIERALIDPLKHLELAKKHQQKLTVNWHRNISVVKCGGVEIHKMKTAQTQRRSGGQ # SPPSLERYRFWPHSQHLGQREEQEKSRSTALAVAIQLIIENSGGAVKLKGVELAGSRSTLDALSAVQLLELIEREPILVGDMAVVTSSSNESELGEQL # KEHGIRVIVKDIKAGAVEQQCHFVYSVNMLAQNSVKDLQHCLDSLKSDSGFLLLEEAASRYNIIGKEKLNKLKLVSVLEQFFGTDRVLVLVRKLSKVQ # SSQALTLHLTNKQFKWVNELKNSIAKAQAEEKNLYLVAQGEPNSGALGLMNCLKREAGGHFLRLYLILDEGVPQFSLDDPFYAAQLAKDLVVNVYRNG # SWGSYRHLKMESRPPMLPVEQAYVNTLVKGDLSSLRWIESPRSSPIQSQLEPCTVYYAPLNFRDVMLASGKLGVDALPGDLAYQDCVLGLEFAGRDSC # GRRVMAMVTAKSLATNCLANRNLLWEVPSKWTMEQASTVPCVYATVYYALVVRGQMKEGERILIHAGSGGVGQAAISVALAHGLTVFTTVGSKEKREF # LLKRFPKLKAKNIGNSRDTSFEQLIMSETHGNGVELVLNSLSEEKLQASIRCLALNGRFLEIGKFDLSNNTPLGMSVFLKNTSFHGILLDSVMEGEEE # MQLMVAKLVAEGIKSGAVQPLPTTVFAEQEIEKAFRFMASGKHIGKVVIKVRLEEEQQAALPRLRQIQAIPRSYMHPEKSYILVGGLGGFGLELANWL # VSRGARFLVLSSRSGVKSGYQALMIRRWHDRGVQVQIDTNDVTTAVGCQRLLEVSNKLALVGGIFNLAAVLRDGLIEDQSPKNFEKVSAPKLLATIHL # DKISREICPALEYFVCFSSLSCGRGNMGQTNYGLANSTMERICEQRQEYGYPGTAIQWGAIGDTGLIIEHMGNNETVVGGTLPQRMISCLETLDLFLQ # QPHPVMASMVVAEKRKTEQANRLSLIATIANIMGLRDVKSVSDKTTLFDLGMDSLMSTEIKQTLERHFDLVLSAQEIRQLTFSALRQIDAQEPPSASV # SSPSASSTLSRIKEEACVEVQPQSDETRKVFAKEVLPQEVMVRLRSKAPVASEDPAVFFLAPIEGFTIAVEALAASLTCPAYGLQCTEQVPLDSIEAC # AAYYLRQIQKLQPLGPYHIVGYSYGCLLAHAIAVALEQRRFGVKVIMLDGAPTMASGYVQEAKKQTDDLNRQQSMTLAYFGALLADVDYNQLLQLLDG # VQTWPSKLDKLADTLAGYTQQTREVIKKAACMFKQKLLLSESYKGAKQLHSDVVLIKSAEHNAIMAQDYGLKEICSAQIDMHVVEGTHRTFLKEPHTL # QIIERHSVVVVVLQAGTLRLNPKEHNCVWQSNFQKLIATN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 92.3 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 5/6 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 782 # E: 2 # W: 780 # end gene g468 # start gene g469 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3056727 3057354 0.52 - . g469 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3056727 3057354 0.52 - . g469.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3056727 3056729 . - 0 transcript_id "g469.t1"; gene_id "g469"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3056914 3057283 0.52 - . transcript_id "g469.t1"; gene_id "g469"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3056727 3056913 0.53 - 1 transcript_id "g469.t1"; gene_id "g469"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3057284 3057354 0.65 - 0 transcript_id "g469.t1"; gene_id "g469"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3057352 3057354 . - 0 transcript_id "g469.t1"; gene_id "g469"; # protein sequence = [MEQTRGDWDLDFPPPPPAHLAISVRFLDSCFSSSWSGAGGGLRGGFEFSFVGGVPLQLVLTEWGNRYNPETETAFDSK # FSVDCRY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 20 # E: 1 # W: 19 # end gene g469 # start gene g470 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3057851 3067502 0.37 + . g470 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3057851 3067502 0.37 + . g470.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3057851 3057853 . + 0 transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3057869 3059604 0.57 + . transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3060143 3060229 1 + . transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3066958 3067019 1 + . transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3067116 3067183 1 + . transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3067328 3067388 0.55 + . transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3057851 3057868 0.57 + 0 transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3059605 3060142 1 + 0 transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3060230 3066957 1 + 2 transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3067020 3067115 1 + 0 transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3067184 3067327 0.55 + 0 transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3067389 3067502 0.55 + 0 transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3067500 3067502 . + 0 transcript_id "g470.t1"; gene_id "g470"; # protein sequence = [MLKKLKPLQLNLLQAVDQPHPVAFKPNNCSTHQPQHSPSTQNNGKSARANRRRRRRRNKQQQNSQQPDAFRDTDAQLT # PSTSSSTPHSAPNDRQDHLNSQFNPESINMPARFAEEVITAEPAQRAAPQLDLGGGHYVPRQQHLNDEIAITGFSGRLPESSTIEEFKQNLFDGVDMV # NDDPRRWERGLYGLPDRIGKLKDSDLENFDQQFFGVHQKQAECMDPLLRMLLELTHEAIIDAGLNPSDLRGSRTGVYIGVSNSETEQHWCSDADRVNG # YGLTGCARAMFANRISFTFDFKGPSYSIDTACSSSLYALEQAFSDMREGKVDNALVAGAGLILKPTMSLQFKRLNMLSPDGSCKAFDESGNGYVRSDG # CVVLLLQRTSAARRVYASILNVRTNTDGFKEQGITYPIGKMQNRLIRETYEEIGLNPADVVYVEAHGTGTKVGDPQEVNSITDFFCKDRTTPLLIGSV # KSNMGHSEPASGVCSVAKILIAMEEGVIPGNLHYNKPNPDLYGLVDGRLKVVDRNLPWNGGIIGLNSFGFGGANAHVILKSNPKPKALTPKDGALKVV # LASGRTFEAVEQLLESASTNADDDEYLQLINEIHSKAIPNHFFRGYGVVSSKGTHQREVIESNDDKRPIWYIYSGMGSQWASMAKDLMKIEAFAKTIQ # RCADVLKPEGVDLIDVLTRSTDKSFENILNSFISIAAMQVALTDLLSSLGIHPDGIVGHSVGELGCAYADGCFTPEQTVLAAYWRGKSILDTQLAKGK # MAAVGLSWEDAHSRVPSDCFPVCHNSEDNCTISGPEASIEALVAKLNAEGVFAKAVNSSGYAFHSKYIAEAGPKLRKSLEKIIPNAKNRTARWISTSI # PESAWNTPVAKQSSAAYHVNNLLSPVLFHEALQHVPKNAISVEIAPHGLLQAILKRALGPDATNLSLVKRGHENNVEFFLTNVGKLFAAGAQPQVLTL # VRPISYPVGRGTPMLNSKVGWDHTQKWLVAKFGKETSSGETIVEVDLSKEDDAFLAGHTIDGRILFPATGYMTLAWQTFAKMQGSEFHKTPVVMENLV # FHRATILNKNAVVKFGINFFDGTGAFEICESGSLAVSGKITIPESIDNEELPLEEQTPSAVAKELGTNDVYKELRLRGYDYGGIFRGIVRSDTVASTG # KLQWVDNWISFMDTMLQFSILSKNLRELYLPTRIERAVINPAKHFELLSALTKEEQVETGLPVQWYSDINVIKSAGVELRGLKANLAQRRPGTQAPPT # LERYQFVPNINTTDLNENSEKARLHALDVAIQVIIENSSGAVKLKGVELANGRNPDVLVANRLLQIIEGEPVLTGDVAVVTSNNNEETITAALGDSGV # RVVSKDVLKEPVEQNCHFVFGIDVLSRPDTKTLENSIASIRENGFLILEETLPTYTKTGRALLTKFGFVAVQEQSLGATRVLVLARKAVDLKTRKSVV # VVATEQNFNWVDDLKAALATAATEEQYVYVVCQGEELFGAVGLMTCIKNENGGKLARLVFVQDAKAEKFSLTSTLYRQQLEKDLISNVLKNGAWGTFR # HLKLETQQATLQVEHAYVNALVKGDLASLKWIEAAQADTAATVDKNLETCTVYYAPINFRDVMLTSGKLAADALPGDLAEQDCVLGLEFAGRDTQGRR # VMAMVPAKSLATTCVASKRMMWQIPEKWTMEEASTVPCVYSTVYYALVVRGQMKKGEKILIHAGSGGVGQAAISVALAHGLTVFTTVGSKEKREFLLK # RFPKLQERNIGNSRDTSFEQLVLRETKGRGVDLVLNSLSEEKLQASIRCLGLNGRFLEIGKFDLSNNSPLGMSVFLKNTSFHGILLDSVMEGEEEMQN # QVVSLVAEGIKTGAVVPLPTSVFNDQQVEQAFRFMASGKHIGKVVIKVRDEEAGKKALQPKPRLINAIPRTYMHPEKSYILVGGLGGFGLELTNWLVT # RGARYIVLTSRSGVKTGYQGLMIRRWQERGVKVVIDTSDVTTAAGAKKLLENSNKLALVGGIFNLAAVLRDALIEDQTAKDFKTVADPKVTATKYLDQ # FSRDICTELDYFICFSSVSCGRGNIGQTNYGLANSAMERICEQRQVSGFPGTAIQWGAIGDTGLVLENLGDNDTVIGGTLPQRMPSCLQTIDLFLQQP # HPVVASMVVAEKRKSDQSAGVSLIATIANILGLRDTKNIQDGASLADLGMDSLMSAEIKQTLERNFDIVLSAQEIRQLTFGALKAMDGGADVKPAAAA # PAAAAGVPEANITSGGSSRTASPMGDGTQVVFTTSLIPTEAIVQLDTKAPANSKQSPIFFISPIEGFASALEPLAKRLEVPAYGLQYTEAVPSDSLES # AAKFFIKQLRTVQPKGPYKLAGYSFGCLLTYVMAGILEETNEVANVIMLDGAPSYVNWYTSSFKQRYTDGTNADNDNQSYGLAYFGIVLANIDYKALV # RLLIVIPTWEEKLERFAELMSNEITQPVETIKKSATLFYKKLELADGYQPTLKLKTNVTLVKPTDNSAKLDEDYRLKEVCTKPVEVHTVEGNHRTFLI # EDQSLKTIQSILKRLFN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 81.8 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 764 # E: 1 # W: 763 # end gene g470 # start gene g471 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3067766 3068990 0.15 - . g471 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3067766 3068990 0.15 - . g471.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3067766 3067768 . - 0 transcript_id "g471.t1"; gene_id "g471"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3067960 3068023 0.55 - . transcript_id "g471.t1"; gene_id "g471"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3068169 3068882 0.98 - . transcript_id "g471.t1"; gene_id "g471"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3067766 3067959 0.55 - 2 transcript_id "g471.t1"; gene_id "g471"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3068024 3068168 0.55 - 0 transcript_id "g471.t1"; gene_id "g471"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3068883 3068990 0.31 - 0 transcript_id "g471.t1"; gene_id "g471"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3068988 3068990 . - 0 transcript_id "g471.t1"; gene_id "g471"; # protein sequence = [MLLDPIQMLTSLELKYSTHLMSLIENLMPAICGPGEYGVILISTIFMSDNFWAIILYIKRDNECCSLFLGLVRGMKFI # TCATTNYIFGKLGRLVPSSSQGMSGTKLYGAQSVKCYGLSLSSCIISTARNRRDCRLNFGPKPTALQDSS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 74 # W: 74 # end gene g471 # start gene g472 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3069570 3086118 0.94 - . g472 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3069570 3086118 0.94 - . g472.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3069570 3069572 . - 0 transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3069684 3069758 0.99 - . transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3070732 3070822 1 - . transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3071505 3071568 1 - . transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3071765 3080650 0.96 - . transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3080888 3080993 1 - . transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3081269 3086003 1 - . transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3069570 3069683 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3069759 3070731 1 - 1 transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3070823 3071504 1 - 2 transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3071569 3071764 1 - 0 transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3080651 3080887 1 - 0 transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3080994 3081268 1 - 2 transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3086004 3086118 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3086116 3086118 . - 0 transcript_id "g472.t1"; gene_id "g472"; # protein sequence = [MMALCDVGGAGSNASTGSDGAVNADLFANCDYEDEGIGESLRSGVDQTELQELNNGQSATGCPTPPMARDSKRTSIGN # ELPCETEAKLKRCEDQQDPQASTTASPLPMINPQEQEASGQVKEATITTANEPNALSLPDEISNSVSSTTMLATPRVDIAAQYPVLKPFTENGELDCA # RLAKFFQDTQFERKEEQRQILGLSVMVQFMSKELDAVACKENKHQCARTKGTLEKTILLLQHTQKDCERLREDLEDKGLEWIQRQQEKEYLHRTELKQ # AEEKLMEVQLRAKLKFCELESQLRAKDEESKQAQEAYRMEVSHKLALKQEHLRTAEQKIQELQTRLQQVETEEQGHREELIRKENIHTARLAEANQRE # QDLIDRVKSLTKELNTLKANKEHNERDLRDRLALSQDEISVLRTSSQRRSPCTSLPDNASAELNRLTSEADSLRCVLELKQAEISALSKAKADLIHES # EERLKLSNRVALLEAQNEMLRTELEAKTEKEKEIQQKMEELQKAYKYESIKRTRLTYDKEELQYHLKQRSLQLQSAESKLQDLSTGSHDNSLSSHSRC # SLGRSGLEIAVTTSSPTSPVMKGMIERNDSVSWTLEIEDESFKGNTSKIVRRAGSLRSNNERCPIQRRQTLTSNGHSNGSATNGGSSPAHPNPLSQSM # SATALLRSSSNSGESEGRPLSRARSKSMCIKASATSSAVCESSGQRKKPQDELSLADWPEDIPLCSSSPQAPGIEMRPRSSTMKLMSSEAKKFQEIQE # SAGEAMVSGANSEDESCSASSEDIMRSSSASSTASGGSLSKRPKQPPSRMSIEEALPCTPMEIAEAAEEAYESEDIEEDHDELIVGEEQPEHSDSDDS # F] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 92.3 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 5/6 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 15 # E: 5 # RM: 10 # incompatible hint groups: 253 # E: 3 # W: 250 # end gene g472 # start gene g473 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3089827 3090408 0.99 - . g473 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3089827 3090408 0.99 - . g473.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3089827 3089829 . - 0 transcript_id "g473.t1"; gene_id "g473"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3089827 3090408 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g473.t1"; gene_id "g473"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3090406 3090408 . - 0 transcript_id "g473.t1"; gene_id "g473"; # protein sequence = [MGLNEFVSLLYGSSQSLNAHKDASTSTYPLPSVADWKEFQQMLKNHKNVQVKRYGFQDYHHSQDFKYGKIYSGIGSAA # EAAGNGGGGGVGGGVTKRNASNGAGQNKLLNNNSSTHNNNMAKTSRIPTTTSKSMTSSASSSGSSELDILRSYTKNTIKSSLTSSTPSSSFLWNSFRM # PRKQKSSLAEKKQSGGE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 7 # E: 1 # W: 6 # end gene g473 # start gene g474 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3093401 3108884 0.32 - . g474 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3093401 3108884 0.32 - . g474.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3093401 3093403 . - 0 transcript_id "g474.t1"; gene_id "g474"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3093463 3094216 0.39 - . transcript_id "g474.t1"; gene_id "g474"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3094376 3097921 1 - . transcript_id "g474.t1"; gene_id "g474"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3098066 3108724 1 - . transcript_id "g474.t1"; gene_id "g474"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3093401 3093462 0.4 - 2 transcript_id "g474.t1"; gene_id "g474"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3094217 3094375 0.64 - 2 transcript_id "g474.t1"; gene_id "g474"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3097922 3098065 1 - 2 transcript_id "g474.t1"; gene_id "g474"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3108725 3108884 0.86 - 0 transcript_id "g474.t1"; gene_id "g474"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3108882 3108884 . - 0 transcript_id "g474.t1"; gene_id "g474"; # protein sequence = [MFTVFPYSGRSYSKDSHKSSHTDLSLMCNASSSRPSNSASGSGSPKLLANTQLRAAKKRDVRNLSISPTDLGPPPKTQ # QTTKGQSTRSKSSATPTPTPTSIHKRLNGTLASTAAIATPIKGVATKSGATNKLQQSAKTKSTASIKSPAIVGVSEVAELLGFLAISWVLYLQPVQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 2 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 60 # E: 2 # W: 58 # end gene g474 # start gene g475 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3109720 3110730 0.81 + . g475 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3109720 3110730 0.81 + . g475.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3109720 3109722 . + 0 transcript_id "g475.t1"; gene_id "g475"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3109720 3110730 0.81 + 0 transcript_id "g475.t1"; gene_id "g475"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3110728 3110730 . + 0 transcript_id "g475.t1"; gene_id "g475"; # protein sequence = [MAVDTLHSLHFAGQLSNSEANADYRLPGALNLNDLLNKLMSFRRSKMQRLPLLESEVNLLCTLARELFLDEPMLLNVP # APIRVVGDIHGQFYDLLKILDQCGYPPQTRYLFLGDYVDRGKNSVETITLLLALRVKFPKHIYLLRGNHESQSVNRVYGFFDECKRRYTVKLWKTFVD # CYNCMPVAAIISHRIFCCHGGLSPQLKELSNIESIARPTEVPETGLLCDLLWSDPDRYGFGWTSSDRGVSYLYGRDVLEKFLQKNDFDLVCRAHQVVE # DGYEFFAKRQLVTVFSAPNYCGLYDNAGASMGVDKDLVISFDIQRGDIRRIVVRNESVSPIS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g475 # start gene g476 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3124011 3144347 0.8 - . g476 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3124011 3144347 0.8 - . g476.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3124011 3124013 . - 0 transcript_id "g476.t1"; gene_id "g476"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3124958 3125101 1 - . transcript_id "g476.t1"; gene_id "g476"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3127791 3144338 1 - . transcript_id "g476.t1"; gene_id "g476"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3124011 3124957 0.8 - 2 transcript_id "g476.t1"; gene_id "g476"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3125102 3127790 1 - 0 transcript_id "g476.t1"; gene_id "g476"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3144339 3144347 1 - 0 transcript_id "g476.t1"; gene_id "g476"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3144345 3144347 . - 0 transcript_id "g476.t1"; gene_id "g476"; # protein sequence = [MAKDPATTRIPRLDGVSRLPKPSTFGLASSSGSTTNRTTTTTTSTTQHIRPPTSAPKATQIFRAPGDPAKPRPASSYA # PSSAALRDLGSSLKKSASGERINNAVSLLSKRTTTVLKKYFSPKSSASANAVMSSPCDMTSSLPVTPLPVGKRGMVANDQLTSSTPMPLLRSETFVCE # DEKQSNRMKLESTRLSTFGRTMDIESPVPNETKVLIRDGTRIMKGSPSTDITQIVRPTQKTPLMTFCSLDTTHEMTVCSRNNATHSVNSSGIMGRTMP # VIPAKDATRTISANSSGLGNLTKVVRGVGNINQTLEAAGNITKTFRGAGDLTRTVEKEANIGKTFEVAANCTQTFTRGVNLTRTMNDKNEEVSRTIDK # GRSTTKTIEVGQNLTITMDAASNLTKSIDRGATLTNRGANLTKSVIEPGDFTKVIHQGANLTLSMDQLPLLEHISMPSGLDILSSKCSGNVERPSQET # DDTLDVTLTSLAPDKTNMKLPLNSTLNTERLLDISALQSPRHIQLLNLTQELERGTPSRVHLQSGRRSMPQHSLLCLSPQSATTTPHGMRMMGQATPQ # PVHLLSPLLKQAQSALVLPTRTPDGDITMDGNGALDSTLTSTSVRGRTRYSFGLDLPDTTLDCSIELVDNSFSSSTQLQQLQQQLLKKQSSFDLDESL # GILTPDQMKDFLDSPHNNLMHNLEMIRMHHPNLLQLRMEQTPSPEELPLDPIEIKSEIVKQVEASQNQVNTSQHSKLSNSFITSVTSVTSLDTGYQGD # GEMSRPASRGACDHSPSNGPHLGRVSRQPSFPPPNPAPLRRQDPMTDSDFFTESDADDVLHRGDRRAQVIDGQLYGPDMMQPSASVPQMEDSCMESSG # IFTDVENRCDEEMRQPELEFDVDMDMSPDDSSQTMRKGQGQPISTQQQQNQLAPQQRPPSSCLSSSSAATTLSQSLSNRTSYCSVDGGSARSFCGDEA # FAAGRSTTTTAAAAAAAALSVQKTTSPRPHASLSSLCTVENFRGSVSSNSSIASPKSCKSSVTKTSAGKSRVLKSPKSPKSPKSPLNRKAHTPNKWDA # VMNKIASNKSLIKTNYNDVKSKVSTTRIMTPASGSSPVSGSGSGSVSRTASSPRASPSVSASARRSPSATPKVPPKMLLAKRPSSSSGKVNATPSPPP # HATPPTRQPLDKGSVGAGSVGGGGARAVKTPKSPTSPTTPTTPTSPPAKRLQTSLVSR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 2 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 360 # E: 1 # W: 359 # end gene g476 # start gene g477 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3145200 3145684 1 - . g477 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3145200 3145684 1 - . g477.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3145200 3145202 . - 0 transcript_id "g477.t1"; gene_id "g477"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3145250 3145304 1 - . transcript_id "g477.t1"; gene_id "g477"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3145449 3145527 1 - . transcript_id "g477.t1"; gene_id "g477"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3145200 3145249 1 - 2 transcript_id "g477.t1"; gene_id "g477"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3145305 3145448 1 - 2 transcript_id "g477.t1"; gene_id "g477"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3145528 3145684 1 - 0 transcript_id "g477.t1"; gene_id "g477"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3145682 3145684 . - 0 transcript_id "g477.t1"; gene_id "g477"; # protein sequence = [MSAVNDPLELLTNKGTHEPSFLSPIWNPIACGVAGVGAAIFINWGFRKPVFSGIQKHIAFGAIGVGAGAYFDQKRNEY # LAKRDAVLRHYIELHPDDFPVKERKTYGQVLESWVPVR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 32 # W: 32 # end gene g477 # start gene g478 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3146825 3147237 0.93 + . g478 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3146825 3147237 0.93 + . g478.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3146825 3146827 . + 0 transcript_id "g478.t1"; gene_id "g478"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3146907 3147109 0.93 + . transcript_id "g478.t1"; gene_id "g478"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3146825 3146906 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g478.t1"; gene_id "g478"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3147110 3147237 0.98 + 2 transcript_id "g478.t1"; gene_id "g478"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3147235 3147237 . + 0 transcript_id "g478.t1"; gene_id "g478"; # protein sequence = [MRKIKHKLGLLQNHFKKCIAISVFISLPRCPFSLLCFSVRNDIRIENHTINYKIWAKGGYWSSCRTSSI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 43 # W: 43 # end gene g478 # start gene g479 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3147419 3159637 0.77 - . g479 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3147419 3159637 0.77 - . g479.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3147419 3147421 . - 0 transcript_id "g479.t1"; gene_id "g479"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3147826 3148046 1 - . transcript_id "g479.t1"; gene_id "g479"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3148738 3148803 1 - . transcript_id "g479.t1"; gene_id "g479"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3149280 3159493 1 - . transcript_id "g479.t1"; gene_id "g479"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3159513 3159607 1 - . transcript_id "g479.t1"; gene_id "g479"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3147419 3147825 1 - 2 transcript_id "g479.t1"; gene_id "g479"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3148047 3148737 1 - 0 transcript_id "g479.t1"; gene_id "g479"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3148804 3149279 1 - 2 transcript_id "g479.t1"; gene_id "g479"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3159494 3159512 1 - 0 transcript_id "g479.t1"; gene_id "g479"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3159608 3159637 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g479.t1"; gene_id "g479"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3159635 3159637 . - 0 transcript_id "g479.t1"; gene_id "g479"; # protein sequence = [MVTLFSMVNVLVPKSTHYPPADSYTGYRVTPPQINGGTTTTTTISSGSSNNNNIHHINNNNNHICSSGSSNNLNLTTA # ISGSSNRMDTDDVESNTSSAMSTLGSLFSFTSPAVKKLLGWKQGDEEEKWAEKAVDSLVKKLKKRKGAIEELERALSCPGQPSKCVTIPRSLDGRLQV # SHRKGLPHVIYCRVWRWPDLQSHHELKPLELCQYPFSAKQKEVCINPYHYKRVESPVLPPVLVPRHSEFAPGHSMLQFNHVAEPSMPHNVSYSNSGFN # SHSLSTSNTSVGSPSSVNSNPNSPYDSLAGTPPPAYSPSEDGNSNNPNDGGQLLDAQMGDVAQVSYSEPAFWASIAYYELNCRVGEVFHCNNNSVIVD # GFTNPSNNSDRCCLGQLSNVNRNSTIENTRRHIGKGVHLYYVTGEVYAECLSDSAIFVQSRNCNYHHGFHPSTVCKIPPGCSLKIFNNQEFAQLLSQS # VNNGFEAVYELTKMCTIRMSFVKGWGAEYHRQDVTSTPCWIEIHLHGPLQWLDKVLTQMGSPHNAISSVS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 77.8 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 12 # E: 3 # RM: 9 # incompatible hint groups: 172 # W: 172 # end gene g479 # start gene g480 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3160073 3162044 0.86 + . g480 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3160073 3162044 0.86 + . g480.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3160073 3160075 . + 0 transcript_id "g480.t1"; gene_id "g480"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3160149 3160202 1 + . transcript_id "g480.t1"; gene_id "g480"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3160750 3160809 1 + . transcript_id "g480.t1"; gene_id "g480"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3161200 3161254 1 + . transcript_id "g480.t1"; gene_id "g480"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3161853 3161912 1 + . transcript_id "g480.t1"; gene_id "g480"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3160073 3160148 0.86 + 0 transcript_id "g480.t1"; gene_id "g480"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3160203 3160749 1 + 2 transcript_id "g480.t1"; gene_id "g480"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3160810 3161199 1 + 1 transcript_id "g480.t1"; gene_id "g480"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3161255 3161852 1 + 1 transcript_id "g480.t1"; gene_id "g480"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3161913 3162044 1 + 0 transcript_id "g480.t1"; gene_id "g480"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3162042 3162044 . + 0 transcript_id "g480.t1"; gene_id "g480"; # protein sequence = [MKECPYGEKCYRKNPIHFGEFSHAHLDAIYAKGNESGDYEIPANYSSEMIHTQLKLLEKLFPKQATNKEQEAHSSSSK # PAVTAPVASGSSSSGSLDTNPSGSSASGPAASQDTSNLAKKQKLNAKNIRDYIPVVIEKGGMAKKLERAAPYNMFLTAITDSKPTHSEPLSITLQEIL # DESLGEIESTVQINFMVDIGWLLGHYYFAGILDKPLLLLYGDESPELLSIGKFKQQVTAIRVKMPTPFATSHTKMMFLGYSDGSMRVVISTANLYEDD # WHNRTQGLWISPKLPALPVDADTGAGESLTGFKQDLMLYLVEYKISQLQPWIARIRNSDFSAINVFFLGSVPGGHREGSVRGHPWGHARLASLLAKHA # APIDDRIPVVCQSSSIGSLGANVQAWIQQDFVNSLKKDSTPVGKLRQMPPFKMIYPSYGNVAGSHDGMLGGGCLPYGKNTNDKQPWLKDYLQQWKSSD # RFRSRAMPHIKSYTRFNLEDQSVYWFVLTSANLSKAAWGCFNKNSNIQPCLRIANYEAGVLFLPRFVTGEDTFPLGNNRDGVPAFPLPYDVPLTPYAP # DDKPFLMDYLQG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 88.9 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 121 # E: 1 # W: 120 # end gene g480 # start gene g481 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3162515 3163767 0.87 + . g481 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3162515 3163767 0.87 + . g481.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3162515 3162517 . + 0 transcript_id "g481.t1"; gene_id "g481"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3162956 3163015 1 + . transcript_id "g481.t1"; gene_id "g481"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3163143 3163582 0.87 + . transcript_id "g481.t1"; gene_id "g481"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3162515 3162955 1 + 0 transcript_id "g481.t1"; gene_id "g481"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3163016 3163142 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g481.t1"; gene_id "g481"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3163583 3163767 0.89 + 2 transcript_id "g481.t1"; gene_id "g481"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3163765 3163767 . + 0 transcript_id "g481.t1"; gene_id "g481"; # protein sequence = [MASPAVTPHLADFVNSLKKDSTPVGKLRQMPPFKMIYPSYGNVAGSHDGMLGGGCLPYGKNTNDKQPWLKDYLQQWKS # SDRFRSRAMPHIKSYTRFNLEDQSVYWFVLTSANLSKAAWGCFNKNSNIQPCLRIANYEAGVLFLPRFVTGEDTFPLGNNRDGVPAFPLPYDVPLTPY # APDDKPFLMDYLQVAQLRPRSWYFRMASPAVTPHLAVEKNRSRRIFGNFEQHLNPVLVESVNLFTPAKKRSKRT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 40 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 12 # E: 1 # W: 11 # end gene g481 # start gene g482 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3163920 3168201 0.97 + . g482 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3163920 3168201 0.97 + . g482.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3163920 3163922 . + 0 transcript_id "g482.t1"; gene_id "g482"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3164075 3166969 1 + . transcript_id "g482.t1"; gene_id "g482"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3167140 3167203 1 + . transcript_id "g482.t1"; gene_id "g482"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3167559 3167623 1 + . transcript_id "g482.t1"; gene_id "g482"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3167974 3168034 1 + . transcript_id "g482.t1"; gene_id "g482"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3163920 3164074 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g482.t1"; gene_id "g482"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3166970 3167139 1 + 1 transcript_id "g482.t1"; gene_id "g482"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3167204 3167558 1 + 2 transcript_id "g482.t1"; gene_id "g482"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3167624 3167973 1 + 1 transcript_id "g482.t1"; gene_id "g482"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3168035 3168201 1 + 2 transcript_id "g482.t1"; gene_id "g482"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3168199 3168201 . + 0 transcript_id "g482.t1"; gene_id "g482"; # protein sequence = [MSTAFLTLIAVIVCILFRILNVHSQPLKPSVWCLDAHFLDCLYKIAPVLREPYIPPRLWGFSGHVQTVLHSIVGRVRC # PWPLGERVYMSLKDGSTLTYDLYQPLNEQEDDITVAICPGIANSSESVYIRTFVHLAQCNGYRCAVLNHIGALRSVQVTSTRIFTYGHTEDFAAMVEH # LHQKYRQSRIVAVGFSLGGNLVTKYMGEDQKTKPDKVIGGISICQGYNAVEGTKWLLNWQNFRRFYLYIMTENVKSIILRHRHILLSDEVKARHNLNE # REIIAAATLPELDEAYTRRVYNFPSTQELYKWSSSLFYFDTIKKPMIFINAKDDPLIPEDLLHPIKEYATTRQNTAYVEVAHGGHLGFYEGGFLYPNP # VTWLDRTLVAMVGSLVMMHEVGKVAP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 4 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 125 # W: 125 # end gene g482 # start gene g483 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3169914 3170951 0.49 - . g483 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3169914 3170951 0.49 - . g483.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3169914 3169916 . - 0 transcript_id "g483.t1"; gene_id "g483"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3169914 3170951 0.49 - 0 transcript_id "g483.t1"; gene_id "g483"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3170949 3170951 . - 0 transcript_id "g483.t1"; gene_id "g483"; # protein sequence = [MENKCRVCLASSKNMVNIFEERQDLPVSIAHMIIECTGFKVEKGDSLPHSICPPCVKDAHNAFTIIKTYERSYQVFYE # VQDTVLEEELSEDVIIELSDSDEVILIDEQEEKVHLSENKAPTNEVSTQEESKTAQSDNVSEDKGHICTQCHMSFRRPGLLELHILRHHTTDGPRPMS # STSEHAVKEELRTKARQLSRNSTHTCRLCNKTFCSKASCVRHQKTHTGEKPFACEICQKPFADLASVKRHLRTHTGERPFKCLTCQSAFSDGSALRQH # IRIHTGERPYKCDMCDKFFRERSDARKHMMSHTAEKRFKCSQCERRFRQPKGLRRHVKLCHTDKVENAAIS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 80 # W: 80 # end gene g483 # start gene g484 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3171585 3171917 0.67 - . g484 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3171585 3171917 0.67 - . g484.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3171585 3171587 . - 0 transcript_id "g484.t1"; gene_id "g484"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3171585 3171917 0.67 - 0 transcript_id "g484.t1"; gene_id "g484"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3171915 3171917 . - 0 transcript_id "g484.t1"; gene_id "g484"; # protein sequence = [MTFRLKSFLKRHSALHLEERPYPCDICAKTFADKSNLRQRKKTHSDIRPFDCPSCLSSFRLKSHLDRHTMSHTGERPF # KCDHCGKDFTLRCNLVKHLRTHTRERPFKCSI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 14 # E: 1 # W: 13 # end gene g484 # start gene g485 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3172051 3173825 0.33 - . g485 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3172051 3173825 0.33 - . g485.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3172051 3172053 . - 0 transcript_id "g485.t1"; gene_id "g485"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3172646 3172701 1 - . transcript_id "g485.t1"; gene_id "g485"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3172715 3173337 0.44 - . transcript_id "g485.t1"; gene_id "g485"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3173413 3173479 0.94 - . transcript_id "g485.t1"; gene_id "g485"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3172051 3172645 0.75 - 1 transcript_id "g485.t1"; gene_id "g485"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3172702 3172714 0.5 - 2 transcript_id "g485.t1"; gene_id "g485"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3173338 3173412 0.63 - 2 transcript_id "g485.t1"; gene_id "g485"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3173480 3173825 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g485.t1"; gene_id "g485"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3173823 3173825 . - 0 transcript_id "g485.t1"; gene_id "g485"; # protein sequence = [MRAIRVLLIFQLLACLMAVISGCNQGSCHPFIGLNKCNGNGYKEPKLPPRDNACCGAHCVYNGPSCQNPGPCDSKPVN # RCILDSHCGKGVAFYFVCKSDCELIKENEARQAAGYARLLSFSWGKQKCEGMNYKCGINCCCREMRAALKDRCRVCLGVSENVVNIFEAKQDLLVSIA # QVISECTDCDIKEGDDLSELICASCLEDAQSAFDIIRKYERSYITFCEAYEAVLEEDSLEGEVYTISDSDSGTSSHDTNGNQKYINADEIYEISEDEC # DQTVDAKGEDFNNSVDDSVHSKNQQHDEKEPKESGTLDKDVQDAPRNESVAPDHQQGETDTEIGFGRQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 28.6 # CDS exons: 1/4 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/3 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 20 # E: 1 # W: 19 # end gene g485 # start gene g486 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3173992 3174425 1 + . g486 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3173992 3174425 1 + . g486.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3173992 3173994 . + 0 transcript_id "g486.t1"; gene_id "g486"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3174239 3174303 1 + . transcript_id "g486.t1"; gene_id "g486"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3173992 3174238 1 + 0 transcript_id "g486.t1"; gene_id "g486"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3174304 3174425 1 + 2 transcript_id "g486.t1"; gene_id "g486"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3174423 3174425 . + 0 transcript_id "g486.t1"; gene_id "g486"; # protein sequence = [MVAKILLSLLLLAVVTDLVSAQCSQNLCPVVTNSNPRCKGKLQYQCVCDYTCSEWDKPCNWVLTCPEEIDDINEVRDK # RNKLNLFRLPNRNRLECLDINVYTITRPNCCDLFCKSKLKDVCF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g486 # start gene g487 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3183308 3192886 0.37 - . g487 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3183308 3192886 0.37 - . g487.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3183308 3183310 . - 0 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3183483 3184876 0.73 - . transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3185079 3185271 1 - . transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3185537 3188581 1 - . transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3188726 3189363 1 - . transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3189496 3189978 1 - . transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3190120 3190411 1 - . transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3190530 3190601 0.99 - . transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3190799 3191793 0.83 - . transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3191908 3192116 1 - . transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3192219 3192463 1 - . transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3183308 3183482 0.58 - 1 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3184877 3185078 0.85 - 2 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3185272 3185536 1 - 0 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3188582 3188725 1 - 0 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3189364 3189495 1 - 0 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3189979 3190119 1 - 0 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3190412 3190529 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3190602 3190798 0.83 - 0 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3191794 3191907 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3192117 3192218 1 - 0 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3192464 3192886 0.73 - 0 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3192884 3192886 . - 0 transcript_id "g487.t1"; gene_id "g487"; # protein sequence = [MAMYFYASKISAIACGTRCKQTVLQKSRGQRDRDKCHHGHHQHHRRHHRRRCRISSNSSSTDSESADECGLELGESGA # DSREAGAGGGAGLQVAQGGIFSLDPGHLTAETALLGGNIRYRRRHSAEQLSAYDLEMGFQQLELGTTISVGPKNEDLVQYDVPKNPHKRSQCDINFES # SVLGSGGIMYINGRIVSGPLDSLIETLLPKDVVDLDKEFVFSFLLSCRLFLRPHELLGRLLDSVPESECLESLVSLLAEWTMKFPYDYRDERMMSHVK # HIVARCSNSHLEAAVSQTLSALLKRLTDLERHEADLRACQTNDKSGPETPLNCPTATQYAQIVCRVEKKLAKHIGGEEFLQCSSMILLDKQKKWDQPS # TSGAPPGAQDPKKTCNLETYLDWSARLRLFVCNEILQSVGIEGRSRTVELWSGVAQYCLLVGNYNSATAILESLESPAIARLKITWSKLQVTCQQLDC # MQRHAEGHGHLWQKQAISLNEQQEGLKTDKQAPKEPAAQGAAPTQGAVAIAITTSSDSDEKPSTSGRVAGIAGISAATMESAPVPVASGSNVDAATAA # AARTSTTAATTPLASSGKPNDWVVIPVFADIVKLALGERENCLQRLANGHINMAAFDRMAAIVGAFTKHMQAMKAAQAPSSGEYEHFCRHMQQTTKLG # EAGK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 23.8 # CDS exons: 0/11 # CDS introns: 5/10 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 11 # E: 5 # RM: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g487 # start gene g488 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3203513 3208437 0.05 - . g488 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3203513 3208437 0.05 - . g488.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3203513 3203515 . - 0 transcript_id "g488.t1"; gene_id "g488"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3207040 3207233 0.36 - . transcript_id "g488.t1"; gene_id "g488"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3203513 3207039 0.13 - 2 transcript_id "g488.t1"; gene_id "g488"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3207234 3208437 0.4 - 0 transcript_id "g488.t1"; gene_id "g488"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3208435 3208437 . - 0 transcript_id "g488.t1"; gene_id "g488"; # protein sequence = [MDWQGIQNELKEIKTTFDKSYKCMTPNREVQQDTLNKHAQILVRCFNGARQLIYRERKRLTKNHLSQAVKFLNRFREN # LLNVKYRHNLNITIPTILSTPIVAEIGEDIESVGESEIEIKEEDLHDLAIPAVITLPELLEEELSDSNTGIRIQETDKMTDSAATAREYVRQISSTIP # EFDGKKLNLNRFLTALRLIDLTKGDQEMLAVEVIKTKILGPLSHKVENEKTIIGIINLLKASVKGESPDVIKAKMLSTQQRGKTAAQYTTEIENLRGL # LEAAYIDDGLDSNNADKFATKEAISAMTKNCGHDKLKTILEAGNFNTMNSVIEKYIHCSTEMTGNSNSVLFYNNRGHYRGNNYRGNYQNRGNGRGNYN # SYNNNYRGRGGYHGGNRGRGGNQNYNRGGDTGAEISLLKCRNNNLNDLNPKNTTNISGIGQGTIQSLGTLHLEMCIANAAIPYEFHIVPDNFPIPGDG # IIGLDFIKKYNCILEFHDQEDWFTLRPKNFRNINIPIIHSLDNEIILPARSEVIRKIQLTSTDTHVLIPNQELQPGIIIASALVNTQNVLIRIINTTE # KDAIVSSANIKSESLDDYDVYNANIENSAQRTSEVLKLLKFPSLFKSDLTKLCTEYSDIFGLETETISANNFYKQKLRLNDKTPVYIKNYRMPESQKP # EIQRQVDKLIKDGIVEPSISEYNSPLLLVPKKSLPNSEEKRWRLVVDYRQINKKLLADKFPLPRIEDILDQLGRAKYFSCLDLMSGFHQIELDERSRN # ITSFSTSTGAYRYTRLPFGLKIAPNSFQRMMTLAFSGLTPSQAFLYMDDLVVIGCSEKHMLKNLTDVFKLCRQHNLKLHPEKCTFFMKEVTYLGHKCT # DKGILPDDSKYEVIKNYPKPVNADEARRFVAFCNYYRRFIKNFSEKSRHLTRLCKKNVPFEWTSECNDAFEYLKRELMKPTLLQYPDFSKQFCITTDA # SKQACGAVLSQDHNGQQLPVAYASRSFTKGESNKSTTEQELAAIHWAINHFRPYVYGRHFLVQSDHRPLSYLFSMRNPSSKLTRMRLDLEEFEFTVEY # LKGKDNHVADALSRITIGELKAINRQILKVTTRSTTRQKNTCAGEKLHEPNEKENIKMPNIYQVINNIDAKKYVILKIDKHKCLLKRGKQIITRFDMT # NFYSNEIIDLDQFFQRLNEEARINSIIQTQLSPSEQIFEFVTIKNFKEKGNKILKNLKIALLNKVTKIDKNDKVQIKAILSKYHDDPSEGGHSGISRT # LRKIKNYYYWPQMTKAISKYVKTCLKCQQAKTTKHTKTPLTITETPATAFDKVLIDTIGPLPRSENGNEYAVTIICDLTKYLVTVPIPNKSAKSVAKA # IFENFILKYGPMKTIITDMGTEYKNQIIDDLCKYMKIKNITSTAHHHQTLGTIERSHRTFNEYVRSYISVDKTDWDIWIQYFTYCFNTTPSVVHEYCP # YELVFGRLPRQFIDFNRIDRIDPIYNMDDYSKEVKLRLEIAYRRAKNMLDKAKADRKIKYDRNISNFELKIGDKILLKNETGHKLDNNYLGPYLVSEI # GDNDNITIIGNKNKKQIVHKDRLKIFNS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 17 # W: 17 # end gene g488 # start gene g489 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3251305 3252038 0.35 + . g489 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3251305 3252038 0.35 + . g489.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3251305 3251307 . + 0 transcript_id "g489.t1"; gene_id "g489"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3251336 3251784 0.35 + . transcript_id "g489.t1"; gene_id "g489"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3251305 3251335 0.35 + 0 transcript_id "g489.t1"; gene_id "g489"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3251785 3252038 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g489.t1"; gene_id "g489"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3252036 3252038 . + 0 transcript_id "g489.t1"; gene_id "g489"; # protein sequence = [MGQLKNLDQAALRAVNNGETFSHHISQSRRRGLRQPPCLPVTEEPPVTCNLRRRPRRGTCTIHLINWHPTPGTHTTTL # NHVSGILNLNTTPNCV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 33 # E: 1 # W: 32 # end gene g489 # start gene g490 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3252606 3253970 0.99 + . g490 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3252606 3253970 0.99 + . g490.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3252606 3252608 . + 0 transcript_id "g490.t1"; gene_id "g490"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3252606 3253970 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g490.t1"; gene_id "g490"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3253968 3253970 . + 0 transcript_id "g490.t1"; gene_id "g490"; # protein sequence = [MSESFRQYRNSKKCASDSESESDDSTENSVRKNTPTNAFTAYKMSLETEQIKALIRALQEQALESQRREADLRKTIQD # LAGQVAAIQIAPARAEAPPIKVYRPVEITGLVPCGETLDAVKCLPDFMGTQETYVSWRQAANAAYHMFRKYEDSSRHYQAVVIIRSKVKGPADAVLSS # FGTILNFDAIISRLDFTYSDKRPIHVIEQELGTLRQGSLTLLQYYDEVEKKLTLLTNKATMSYEASAATVLCEKFRDDALRVFVSGLRRNLTDVLFAA # KPKDMPSALALAQEVESNHERYTFATSFARSQEDRDHKQYPKVQERQRAPPQAGSQGSAGKNPHFTKQHRAQVHSAPRSDRMARENMPEPMDVDPSLS # RMQPSHAPAYPKSKPAASGRSVPPKRQRVNHVAQASDDLDKVYNTAASSAAVKVDDDSILEYDSDTINFLGESPCYPSSDEE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 138 # E: 1 # W: 137 # end gene g490 # start gene g491 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3254357 3258662 0.92 + . g491 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3254357 3258662 0.92 + . g491.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3254357 3254359 . + 0 transcript_id "g491.t1"; gene_id "g491"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3257020 3257203 0.93 + . transcript_id "g491.t1"; gene_id "g491"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3254357 3257019 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g491.t1"; gene_id "g491"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3257204 3258662 0.93 + 1 transcript_id "g491.t1"; gene_id "g491"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3258660 3258662 . + 0 transcript_id "g491.t1"; gene_id "g491"; # protein sequence = [MLGNRKKAFADPNEALPYNTSVVATIRTVDEEPIYAKLYPYPMGAADFVNGEIQELLKNGIIQKSKSPYNNPIWVVDK # KGTDDAGNKKMRLVLDFRKLNERTVPDRYPMPNISMILGNLGKAKYFTTLDLKSGYHQITLAERDREKTAFAVNGGKYEFRRLPFGLRNAASIFQRTI # DDILREQIGKFCYVYVDDVIIFSEDENDHVKHVDWVLKSLYDANMRISAEKSRFFKKSVSFLGFIVTNNGAATDPEKVKAIKEFPEPKNVFEVRSFLG # LASYYRCFIKDFASIARPISDILKGENGSVSRHRSRSIQVEFSEAQQRAFEKLRNILASEDVILRYPDYKKAFDLTTDASAYGIGAVLSQEGRPITMI # SRTLSDREVNYATNERELLAIVWALAKLRHYLYAVKEINIFTDHQPLTFAVSESNPNAKIKRWKARIDESGARIFYKPGKNNLVADALSRQQLNVVEE # QEPESCAATIHSELSLTHTIESTDKPVNCFQNQIILEEARSHWKRTFILFGNKRRHSINFSCKQALLEELANIIIPNGVNAFHCDLHTLALIQDDVVR # QFPATKFWHCKNRVTDIFAMQERKEILTVEHNRAHRSAQENVKQVLSEYYFPKMTKLASEIAANCKTCAKAKYDRHPKKQELGETPVPTHVGEILHID # IFSTDKKYFLTCVDKFSKFAMVQPILSRTIEDLKAPLLQLMNVFPKAKTIYCDNEPSLKSQTIVAMLENHFGVSISNAPPLHSVSNGQVERFHSTLIE # LARCLKIDKGISDTVELVLLATARYNMSIHSVINKKPAEVMRADPDDPHTDVQEKIKNAQILTRKRENASRQNRVFQVGDKVLVKSNRRLGNKLTPLC # EEKIIEADLGTTVLIKGRVVHKDNLKSLPTLLLCFLATTSAHITDYSRANYIPVIDGKVLVWEEFAYVRHSANLSEYRRVIDETDSMLDMFPQSHMKK # LLSVDIAHLRDMLDSLSIHHRVARSLDFLGTALKVVAGTPDAEDFEKVKFTEARLVDAHNSQIEINTKTQVRINELTDTINKLLKISKSAQIDTGHLY # ETLSTRNRIIVMELQNLMLTITLAKINVVSPNFLDHADLESIWGEEPTNTPIREILSVASVKVLQSLNILHFIIKFPKIIMACNKVTILPVVHHDTVL # RLKDNVVAECNREIRTVKNCSITPGATFCQLSSVSSCAQELHAGVVAHCDAQQSDLHPITYVDEGIIVINDRPALVRVDNGTAIHIRGTHLITFIESA # MVNETVFFNHDMVQNRAPGVANSPVLNISMKHEVLSLPYLHRLSEKNLEQIRNFEKDVDGYRLSQIALVAGAIFCALICIGLTWQRTTRAKKSTAQLK # EVLAQIGSAEGGLNLEEGIVN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 421 # E: 1 # W: 420 # end gene g491 # start gene g492 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3269817 3271611 0.66 + . g492 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3269817 3271611 0.66 + . g492.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3269817 3269819 . + 0 transcript_id "g492.t1"; gene_id "g492"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3269850 3269912 1 + . transcript_id "g492.t1"; gene_id "g492"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3269987 3270043 0.74 + . transcript_id "g492.t1"; gene_id "g492"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3270795 3270852 0.99 + . transcript_id "g492.t1"; gene_id "g492"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3269817 3269849 1 + 0 transcript_id "g492.t1"; gene_id "g492"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3269913 3269986 1 + 0 transcript_id "g492.t1"; gene_id "g492"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3270044 3270794 0.74 + 1 transcript_id "g492.t1"; gene_id "g492"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3270853 3271611 0.91 + 0 transcript_id "g492.t1"; gene_id "g492"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3271609 3271611 . + 0 transcript_id "g492.t1"; gene_id "g492"; # protein sequence = [MAPVQKINVFGEADTAVSSKDVYCICRQSHINGFMICCDNCNEWFHGDCIGLPANIGEQHDTYYCTECFRKNPLLKCT # YKKSPSTTGVPKTPKTPKTPKTPKNPKTPKTPKNSKTPKTARIINSIGVRQNPRRRSTFVQERPSEVPNPSRQSTKLQKAVNYENATEEPTEDAEKVD # QKPKKTAKKKNPKPEDKVTDDAQKPAVEKLFESKGTQCNMFRDWSKYVPPENSKKRGTCFTVFCQQLARSCSRYCCDECGNFTAITNVFALGLLPNMP # AMKVAMGHVGLLLGNDLTNNQKSNKNSEASESKTETKPKVKKPKSEGRKSRYRSPSSSLERSPDVSRTAAKRPKLQEELPSSSSRSSRKLVEESRSET # ERHKAKHKTSKKEKTSSQRAYSLSPIPSPKSYRAARNTSETAPNSPVNLKKTFKQKHVISSPTGKKRVCRSQTISADDPLPSQPKSTEVSPMASAGTS # SSNKKPVPETSCQKYRKLSFTDENCEKIKIIRCIVSNMSPTEKALLARKRMMMKLASEQHIRQAPGEI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g492 # start gene g493 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3275955 3279363 0.94 - . g493 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3275955 3279363 0.94 - . g493.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3275955 3275957 . - 0 transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3276473 3276532 1 - . transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3277478 3277542 1 - . transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3277761 3277828 1 - . transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3277982 3278156 1 - . transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3278607 3279253 1 - . transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3275955 3276472 1 - 2 transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3276533 3277477 1 - 2 transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3277543 3277760 1 - 1 transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3277829 3277981 1 - 1 transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3278157 3278606 1 - 1 transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3279254 3279363 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3279361 3279363 . - 0 transcript_id "g493.t1"; gene_id "g493"; # protein sequence = [MSLINLKSKDMYDEPINLWRTKQRVHYHHDVISKGNDSHRSSDACEYITISAPKKSGSFSRSPPSSLPTSVPGTPRHS # VAATSNQVIRYARTSCDHCGHHSIPVMSPHPISPLAKSQTNLDLVEHGSQRQALLPLPTVGMHHEDSACTLQVSRRPSLLLQEILTQRPPLFGRRDGN # GFLSPRTAKNGNLQGTASGSTATINFQSGATSARNGSTAFFDNGAKSFQAKQQKDKNRRTGNDAISSALSATYCKLLVLLGVCLPITEVISDQIPTYV # YQGFYVYLYVGSILFVIFLYISAFRNRSLFNALKDYHEKNSNVHLKHKVTHFGSFYLRVGAIAFAIGTMVYSGLEFGQFFELNGHPGCRDVFVAITPI # CRMVLCIAQVQFIFLNTTYMDMARHKVTSRFGLMHMVATNLCEWLYVLVEETKHEIFHISQHEVDPAHDLVIHNSSMSRTDWAAVNESLHQHHHHHAL # NNTLVANVSSVIVNMTITPSPTPAAFSGCSRTTIMGALVQQLSPFLFPCTIEYSLICAVILFEMWKTVKSIPDIDKTRKNSVKPAAAKPAHHFSVDCS # QSHKGLFFGILIIVMTIISMIMYFVLYTQPGYELVATQEVTLWETFMYFMCAAAVITGMILMRDLRYIKNTSDEHHSMDLDNLLLIVAQTGVYLYGMF # SILGSYFAKWDTVPDRVEGIIAEVFGVVQTSLQTMFILHSSHRRCRGTNQVRRKPGREIITFLLVANIAIWFVNTLIKGRAVFRESHLEFFGVWGWTI # ITHISMPLAIFYRFHSTICLFEVWKITYKAKAH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 229 # W: 229 # end gene g493 # start gene g494 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3291333 3293552 0.83 - . g494 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3291333 3293552 0.83 - . g494.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3291333 3291335 . - 0 transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3292113 3292173 0.96 - . transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3292302 3292459 1 - . transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3292577 3292632 1 - . transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3293018 3293075 1 - . transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3293266 3293322 1 - . transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3291333 3292112 1 - 0 transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3292174 3292301 0.96 - 2 transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3292460 3292576 1 - 2 transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3292633 3293017 0.86 - 0 transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3293076 3293265 1 - 1 transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3293323 3293552 1 - 0 transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3293550 3293552 . - 0 transcript_id "g494.t1"; gene_id "g494"; # protein sequence = [MADNAVQAQPNGLGPQKQKALELHFSQVSYSLKGATKGSTPIINEACGVFKSGRLTAILGPSGAGKSTLLNALAGFKL # QGVTGQFLLNGRPRDIMSFRKMSAYIAQNFVMLNLLTVEETLRVSTDLKMPSSTAAQEKQKIIDDIIDILQLQSCRRTLVKNLSGGEHKRLSIGIELV # TNPPIMFFDEPTSGLDCVGSYQVICHLQRLAHDGRIVVCVVHQPGSRLFQLFDDVLVLAHGEVLYAGEQREMLPTFAQSGHICPQYYNPADFALEVCS # QSSTTERCESLITQNKMMHSTASNVVKLQVDEETALIDVHKDALDLSHLRGKEQVGFWTQLSVLLRRHLRSMSRDMFAVQMRLVMHVVVALLLGVVYW # QIGGDAQKIVSNVSCLFFVILFVFAGNAMPSILLCMQDSAVFIREYYNGWYSLGAYYLSKVLADLPLQLTCPTMFISIGYFMTGQPPEFQRFAMCWAL # CVMTAFIGHFIGVIAGSLFTMQLAIFLVPSATIPFLLFSGFFIRLNELSWFLRPICDVSFFRYIFEGLMRAIYGYDRGELECYATSNFCYYRTAEQFL # KDFQMEGNEFDWDMAVLGIFLILLLLAFFVTLNAVIRRALR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 54.5 # CDS exons: 3/6 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 3/5 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 74 # W: 74 # end gene g494 # start gene g495 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3295338 3301615 0.78 - . g495 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3295338 3301615 0.78 - . g495.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3295338 3295340 . - 0 transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3295940 3295993 1 - . transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3296486 3296543 1 - . transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3296691 3296755 1 - . transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3296995 3297052 1 - . transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3297389 3297446 1 - . transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3297565 3301122 0.99 - . transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3295338 3295939 1 - 2 transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3295994 3296485 1 - 2 transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3296544 3296690 1 - 2 transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3296756 3296994 1 - 1 transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3297053 3297388 1 - 1 transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3297447 3297564 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3301123 3301615 0.78 - 0 transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3301613 3301615 . - 0 transcript_id "g495.t1"; gene_id "g495"; # protein sequence = [MSSWSLASAVSPNVTGGDVIRLNHLKSSSETHLPSRGSGTGSGALPRPTTPVPSKKLSSKRPPHLTLNIKAKSHDAPL # AETENTVLSTSESVYGTPLGATPVSSPANQSQRSQASQHSDESRNTSSTATSGGSIFPHEQYKTIKKINIGFENIRYTTKFGVFQRETKDVLMGLTGY # FKSGELSAVIGPSGAGKSTLLNILSGYTTYGFTGDFRVNGNRRDLKAFKSNVAFIRQDTSLQAFLSVKEAMHFAANLKIGTHMTHSEKRERVKCILEA # IGMYENRHTRTGQLSGGQKKRLAIALELVNNPPVLILDEPTTGLDSFTSNQLINLLKKLAIEGRTVICTIHQPSALTFAMFDHLYAIGEGKCIYAGGA # QNLLPFLGALNLHCPESYNPADYLMEIATHDYDTAEDNQLEKLVALMDNGRNEDYRQSKTARVAQLAAMKKVDQLMAAGLITPVTAPVMSTSVPAHFM # QGNTFKPLTPINELSSRVWDSQTAGIGNAGSCCKPKKKNKSRPAIELDPSHLCKRQNIYATPFYRQLSILLVRTFLLIWRDSSLTTMRFAIHLITGIL # IGTLYFGIGNDAAQTLNIFRYLFYTIMFIMYCAFSGILVKFPLEFPIVSREHFNRWYSLRAYYVAITLADLPIQIICSALFIVPTYLMTQQPLELWRF # GMFFLIVFVTALVSQSIGLAVGAALSLKLGSILGPFFICPFLQFSGFFLMEKDAPVFLRWMFDISFLKYSLEGATMAIFGYDREPLACNELYCHLRHP # QFILKSLDMANGNYTLALIFLFGVLVFLRILAFYIMSFRLRLFR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 84.6 # CDS exons: 6/7 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/6 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 127 # W: 127 # end gene g495 # start gene g496 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3309427 3311651 1 + . g496 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3309427 3311651 1 + . g496.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3309427 3309429 . + 0 transcript_id "g496.t1"; gene_id "g496"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3309500 3309770 1 + . transcript_id "g496.t1"; gene_id "g496"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3310004 3310073 1 + . transcript_id "g496.t1"; gene_id "g496"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3310205 3310623 1 + . transcript_id "g496.t1"; gene_id "g496"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3310977 3311031 1 + . transcript_id "g496.t1"; gene_id "g496"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3309427 3309499 1 + 0 transcript_id "g496.t1"; gene_id "g496"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3309771 3310003 1 + 2 transcript_id "g496.t1"; gene_id "g496"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3310074 3310204 1 + 0 transcript_id "g496.t1"; gene_id "g496"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3310624 3310976 1 + 1 transcript_id "g496.t1"; gene_id "g496"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3311032 3311651 1 + 2 transcript_id "g496.t1"; gene_id "g496"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3311649 3311651 . + 0 transcript_id "g496.t1"; gene_id "g496"; # protein sequence = [MLISIFKSGIFQWQYRRQLLVSLSATLITFCHGIALGWLSPMLPKLLSPQETPLSFYIDVNEASWLGAVISIGGISGN # FSFSYLMNRFGRKVSIYALAVPHTCIWFLFYFAQSIEWLYVARVFAGLTGGGMFVVLPIFIGEIADNSIRGRLCSFFTLTMNTGIMVGFVVSSHIAYH # VIPCAVVGLPVLYVLLATRYPEPPQQLIRWKREEEAEKSLRYYRRCDGPNVSKEEERAYQKHFDEMRLAIQQQNNDTDDNGLSMSDFLTKRSLKALAT # GLVLMVANIFTGTFAFNNYMSNIFDAVHTQLDPNTNTIIIGAVQILGTLASIYLVDRYGRKILLIVSCAGSGIGTSAFGLYAFYAEEQKVDLSAFSAW # LPVTLMAFIIFIANVGVISVTMVVLVEILPQKIRAVATSFCLGCLSFFAFASLKTFPLMMFHLGLAATMWFCAAVSVICLFYVVVCLEETKGRSMYD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 133 # W: 133 # end gene g496 # start gene g497 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3313347 3317086 0.92 + . g497 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3313347 3317086 0.92 + . g497.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3313347 3313349 . + 0 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3313572 3313717 1 + . transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3313821 3313966 1 + . transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3314210 3314274 1 + . transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3314459 3314875 1 + . transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3315109 3315173 1 + . transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3315215 3315273 1 + . transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3315429 3315486 1 + . transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3315527 3315587 1 + . transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3315754 3315811 1 + . transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3315967 3316036 0.98 + . transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3316459 3316526 1 + . transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3316633 3316726 1 + . transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3313347 3313571 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3313718 3313820 1 + 0 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3313967 3314209 1 + 2 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3314275 3314458 1 + 2 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3314876 3315108 1 + 1 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3315174 3315214 1 + 2 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3315274 3315428 1 + 0 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3315487 3315526 1 + 1 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3315588 3315753 1 + 0 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3315812 3315966 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3316037 3316458 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3316527 3316632 1 + 1 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3316727 3317086 1 + 0 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3317084 3317086 . + 0 transcript_id "g497.t1"; gene_id "g497"; # protein sequence = [MHHSTKVPSRIVLILLLVLVRNAVGQAPRENATNPTLISLVRSSEKEPEQMESHRYVTGLSEPIAMEPLTRMRLNPNP # DGEITELTTNVTLYMEKIPRLQVRWQDNLPQGTSYNVLVSAVNNSRCPDAPCSEYGIKEKNASAETHSVNLPVNPNLNVESVDCNYMFGCQYQVIVET # SNAMVRRSARVYIPQCLEGKCSCQLAPTPPKVLAVAKMLSNETISINLSILASELLRKEQDSHLHETLRTYKMQLKINEETNPSLPWGGVLKHLMTRV # YKLSELNFRATPKGFEGVMKLGLGTQLKEKASLSLQAVIIDPTGCEGPRSVTKVPVPANPVLLTEGDSVSNSIIVMSAMLIAIILAGLIMLLLRRRRA # RTTAKLRKQEQIYIQTFATSAIEMEDNVNYVDKYVEKSQVLGLADIFEVPHSAIQIGRMLGEGAFGQVHEATAINLRRMRGTTIVAVKQLKPNPKADE # VAEYLAEIEMLKGVGTHHNVVSFLGCCTIKPPYLMIMEYVNKGNLLSYLRTVRKEASKLRNRNANYTSCRPIMTRTNSTSSPKSQSVNYIELKASSQT # IEMPQEDSTAHMNGIRQPHPSFAESKLVALGLTSWAKSVNENLISATYTIVEDEDAFEYILDNKELHNFALQIANGMRFLEEQEITHRDLAARNVLID # SNKTLKISDFGLSRHGIYTNTRTRKLPLRWLSIEAIRENVYSSKSDIWAYGVVLWEIGTLGASPYPTISNDELIPFLMAGNRLERPEICTPQVYTIML # QCWLEEPEERPTFDALYKVLSPKTTYVDINSLSDDYVFPPISENRE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 48 # CDS exons: 7/13 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 5/12 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 53 # W: 53 # end gene g497 # start gene g498 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3317565 3319806 0.63 - . g498 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3317565 3319806 0.63 - . g498.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3317565 3317567 . - 0 transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3317685 3317912 1 - . transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3318333 3318456 1 - . transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3318747 3318814 1 - . transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3318910 3318969 1 - . transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3319113 3319238 0.63 - . transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3319684 3319747 1 - . transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3317565 3317684 1 - 0 transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3317913 3318332 1 - 0 transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3318457 3318746 1 - 2 transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3318815 3318909 1 - 1 transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3318970 3319112 0.63 - 0 transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3319239 3319683 1 - 1 transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3319748 3319806 1 - 0 transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3319804 3319806 . - 0 transcript_id "g498.t1"; gene_id "g498"; # protein sequence = [MSDEQSSWRSKLLLICQQTRSSSESIHFAALKDHHARLQACESMEKAMKERCQKKITMSRRTKRGITHAGYLFEMPHN # SVFEPECRGFYESCQQTEMASSDLQAPALEVSSTYPVQQAVKSRPEGQFPESRNNSTKKIDAQQYSSESSSQSGFGFRTAREQLIMDELKKKNRQATS # EVDAVPTGMMNFRKKTLGGKRTVSSNFVSPVAQNDNSTSSRSSSIPPALAHLDSKMVDHILGESMHDFKPVAWEDIAGLESAKSTFLEAIIMPLRRPD # LFTGVRCPPRGVLLFGPPGTGKTLIAKSIASQAKAKFFSINPSSLTSKWVGDAEKLVKTLFAVAAAHQPAIIFIDEVDSLLSKRSANENESTLRLKNE # FLIHLDGAASNEEIRVLVIGATNRPQELDEAVRRRFVRRLYVPLPTREARQKIIEKLIHQVKHNLDVRQVIELAELTDGYSGADVDTLCRYASMAPLR # SLTPDQMEVIETHQLPAVTMDDFKQALRVISKSVSSEDCKQFEAWNEIYGVRH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 84.6 # CDS exons: 6/7 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/6 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 72 # W: 72 # end gene g498 # start gene g499 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3320590 3323037 1 + . g499 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3320590 3323037 1 + . g499.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3320590 3320592 . + 0 transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3320648 3320804 1 + . transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3321038 3321516 1 + . transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3322192 3322307 1 + . transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3322512 3322690 1 + . transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3322757 3322815 1 + . transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3320590 3320647 1 + 0 transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3320805 3321037 1 + 2 transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3321517 3322191 1 + 0 transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3322308 3322511 1 + 0 transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3322691 3322756 1 + 0 transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3322816 3323037 1 + 0 transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3323035 3323037 . + 0 transcript_id "g499.t1"; gene_id "g499"; # protein sequence = [MCLPKRVGGPAIQSVATALGNILCFNFGLMFGITPAHMTLYESEERTPLNQATDPAGTAWLTGYLFLSAALGALVSGF # LALKIGPKSVLLCSGLLQISGWACIHFGYDIVHIYASRLFAGVASGAAFVVLPIFINEIAESREKAARLTFTIELWRTLGILIGFVLGFYVPYAFVNI # VGCAVSFVFTMTFPFVQESPHYYLRKNNMASLEKSLRWYRGIRDIDDREKPEYLSELNEFHAELRSRDKNVGSTPMSHGYIIRLTFVSFLLTVCAKLS # GVFVELNYAADFLGRTGYSTETNYVVLASAQCAGALLARLVGPRLPRKLLLCLSSLFAAAAVIALALFKAYGHLWLLGNWADRYLPIILLAIQLALVS # FGLYPLAAVVSSEVLPTKLHDLLYSLASAVSWLLLFGMIEAFNAVKATIAPGLLLYLWVFAGASIFVGLISLPLLPETRNRRPSAVQRELGYVDDGGV # AKGSAVTNGHIATHI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 109 # W: 109 # end gene g499 # start gene g500 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3324367 3326577 0.82 + . g500 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3324367 3326577 0.82 + . g500.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3324367 3324369 . + 0 transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3324416 3324720 0.82 + . transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3324882 3324936 1 + . transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3325068 3325120 1 + . transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3325483 3325881 1 + . transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3326364 3326430 1 + . transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3324367 3324415 1 + 0 transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3324721 3324881 0.82 + 2 transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3324937 3325067 1 + 0 transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3325121 3325482 1 + 1 transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3325882 3326363 1 + 2 transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3326431 3326577 1 + 0 transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3326575 3326577 . + 0 transcript_id "g500.t1"; gene_id "g500"; # protein sequence = [MSSTGGDKYQYLAAISENSPLDTGPLTPTDQGWVASNICLGGLVGTFLFTWLADRIGRKLCLMWMALPNLLGWVIIPF # ARTPMHLIIARFIGGAAGGGCFTVIPIYIAELASDNIRGILGVFLVLTCNFGLVLAFVLGYYFNYAQVSWIVSSLSFVFVGCFWFMPETPQHLAKINK # IEEAEHSLRYYRNIKSNPAKELSEELQLELQKLKTTEKTTADGVDDDDAATGVTWSDFAEGKTRKAFLIGLGLISFNQLCGCFAMLNYTAVIFEQAGS # SLPPTVAAIIVGVIQLMGTYASTVLVERLGRKILLLVSAVGIGLGQSAMGTYSYFQMLGCPVASFSWVPIAGFSFMLFLAAVGLLSLPFLVVSEIMPQ # KIRSTAIMILMSTLWLISTCAVKLMPVFTESLGMHGTVFMFASLSFLAAIFIAIFVPETKGKSVDAILASL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 72.7 # CDS exons: 4/6 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 33 # W: 33 # end gene g500 # start gene g501 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3327936 3329625 0.94 + . g501 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3327936 3329625 0.94 + . g501.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3327936 3327938 . + 0 transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3328006 3328072 1 + . transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3328303 3328359 1 + . transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3328404 3328472 0.94 + . transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3328491 3328544 1 + . transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3328883 3328938 1 + . transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3329352 3329424 1 + . transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3327936 3328005 1 + 0 transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3328073 3328302 1 + 2 transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3328360 3328403 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3328473 3328490 1 + 1 transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3328545 3328882 1 + 1 transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3328939 3329351 1 + 2 transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3329425 3329625 1 + 0 transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3329623 3329625 . + 0 transcript_id "g501.t1"; gene_id "g501"; # protein sequence = [MATFLKNSLLQQKTRYQLLATVIVNIITFGHGVGVGWLSPTLTKIQTADSPLDFEVNLAQISWLGSMLGLDSLCGNLT # IAMLIERAGRKFCLYLMAGPYACIWILIYCASNVYYLEVADSNIRGALTSMVMLSVDLGILAGYILSTYLAYHVVPFLAIILPVAYFIANIMLPETAP # YLLKKSQLAAAENSFRYYRNQRSAICEQTSKVNFEELRTAVLSQQTRNATPLSYKDLTTKPALKGFAASIVLSLGYQFSGVFSFINYMSDIFKASGSV # VDVNTATIIIGLVQIVGVYTSTILVDIVGRRVLMLISTMGVGIGCIAFGCFTYLAKIYDLSDFNWLPLVLMIIICYVANIGLIGIFFLVLVELFPVKI # RSLATSLSVIFLSLLVFGTLKLFPLMLHYWGISFTMWFSAASALLTFFYFWLFLQETKGKSMIED] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 84.6 # CDS exons: 6/7 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/6 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 82 # W: 82 # end gene g501 # start gene g502 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3330927 3332681 0.83 + . g502 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3330927 3332681 0.83 + . g502.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3330927 3330929 . + 0 transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3331057 3331117 1 + . transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3331348 3331413 1 + . transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3331545 3331611 1 + . transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3331944 3332002 1 + . transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3332416 3332480 1 + . transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3330927 3331056 0.83 + 0 transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3331118 3331347 1 + 2 transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3331414 3331544 1 + 0 transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3331612 3331943 1 + 1 transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3332003 3332415 1 + 2 transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3332481 3332681 1 + 0 transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3332679 3332681 . + 0 transcript_id "g502.t1"; gene_id "g502"; # protein sequence = [MNLVQSGESISTMTFKLRLASVFANPNCLLGRRIRHQFLVTLLLNIATFSHGLGVGWMSPVMRDLQTDESPLDFPVLV # SQVSWIGSLVGIGSVMGNLIAGLLMDRIGRKMVLFFIAIPYTTFWCLIYFVQSVEFLYIGRLMAGITGGACYVVLPTFISEIADTNVRGRLGSIILLS # VNTGVLAGYIVSTRVDYFTSPPFIIGLPVCYFICNFLIPETPHHLVRKGKFEAAKRSFMFYKNIRKNDIKAEDEFEEMKYLLIKEQTEKAKSFDYRDF # ITRPAFKAYASAAVLLISNQFSASFCVTTYLADVFAASHTTLNLGMCTIIIGVLQIVGNYVTTLLCDKYGRRILMLTSTLGASVCLTAFGTFTFFAEA # ADLSSVDWLPLVILSCFVFLCNIGLVGCLFVVLVELFPAKIRSVSVSTFVVILSSTVFLTLKIFPICMAVWGTSVTMWSCSGITFFSFLYFCFFLEET # NGKSLLAA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 88 # W: 88 # end gene g502 # start gene g503 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3332911 3334723 0.61 + . g503 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3332911 3334723 0.61 + . g503.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3332911 3332913 . + 0 transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3332990 3333054 1 + . transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3333285 3333343 1 + . transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3333475 3333639 0.74 + . transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3333987 3334041 1 + . transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3334455 3334522 1 + . transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3332911 3332989 0.83 + 0 transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3333055 3333284 1 + 2 transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3333344 3333474 1 + 0 transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3333640 3333986 0.74 + 1 transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3334042 3334454 1 + 2 transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3334523 3334723 1 + 0 transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3334721 3334723 . + 0 transcript_id "g503.t1"; gene_id "g503"; # protein sequence = [MLMRLFQRPNCLLNRRNRYQLLTTLLINVISISHGIGIGWLSPTLRKLQSDSPAGFEVKSEFEISWVGSMLGMGSVTG # NILIGCLLGRLGSKRCLLLIAIPHSCFWILVYFAQSVEYLYVGRLLAGICGGGMYIVHPILLSEIADANIRGTFSAMVMLSVNVGILVGYIIGTHLPY # YSIPLMVLILPLWYLISVLLFIKESPMHLIRIGKYSAAERSFRYYKNIKDSDNIHDQNRAMEEFEIMKIALTKGDALQDAVTFKDFYSRPALKAYGPA # LVLLIANQFSGLFTMVNYMSDIFANSGSTMDPDTCTIIIGAVQILGTYVTTLLCDICGRKLLMLVSTGGVAISLTAFGFFTKYAESHNIGEYSWIPLL # LMSMDIFLGNIGLVGCFFVSLVEMFPVKIRAKAASMAIVVCSIFVFLMLNIFPICMKQWGISATMWSCAGVTALSSLYFTYFMKETKGKSMLDD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 81.8 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 83 # W: 83 # end gene g503 # start gene g504 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3335657 3353392 1 - . g504 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3335657 3353392 1 - . g504.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3335657 3335659 . - 0 transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3335853 3335913 1 - . transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3336181 3336241 1 - . transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3336399 3336460 1 - . transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3337100 3337162 1 - . transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3337419 3337482 1 - . transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3337895 3338226 1 - . transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3338437 3352475 1 - . transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3335657 3335852 1 - 1 transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3335914 3336180 1 - 1 transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3336242 3336398 1 - 2 transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3336461 3337099 1 - 2 transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3337163 3337418 1 - 0 transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3337483 3337894 1 - 1 transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3338227 3338436 1 - 1 transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3352476 3353392 1 - 0 transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3353390 3353392 . - 0 transcript_id "g504.t1"; gene_id "g504"; # protein sequence = [MIISKDLFIFGEQIFATIIPEGGAAALATQQQHQQQHQQQHQQSHQQPHQQSQQQQQQQQPAIINSTTTTATSLVINS # TAGAAEQVVEESLKVAAAAAAATTTTTAAAATTLPAKQETVAVAAACVAPRKLAKIQKIPKEPEELKAKKKAKCEAAAAATHYEKMPMNLMIVESVEA # VDMGSSDNDNETTEQVPLVSASRRNLAKIVADCRLQIEVEPATSAVAAAAAAAASVASPPATSDATAATSVASSDSSASSSASSTSSSSSSSTSSEFT # HTSQTTIPSTDNLTSSNGLANIGKSILVDAKSNSPASLSYHFEKSAAANQQKQHHNINICNSHHPHHHSQNQPQHSLQLTFQNLNVLHNERQILSDVS # GFVSPCEVLAIMGPSGSGKTTLLDCLSGQRHIDSGSVFLNREPLTKKWRRRIGYVLQEEIFFPQLTLRETVVYTALLRLPESMPRAEKMRQVDHILEA # LELGCCQQTKFGDYLNRGLSGGEKKRANIACELLTNPLLMLLDEPTSGLDSHSAISLMKVLKRYAQLEQKTIVISVHQPSSQMFHMFDKLLLLHQGRT # AYFGDVQNIYRHFEDIGVTIKPHYNPADFVLEQLKSHPDIREKLFIAAKESHGNYLNRNCITSSHHNQVSVSGAKGKKQADSILIDDIINNYYNQRSN # RHHHQYENLHHTSNGCRVEEDEEAAQHLVWCAADSQSNFSSCASSDCHSYSAGSGPGHSADDDWLSYPTSFHTQFCVLSSRNFREAKPRMLSKLNWFQ # TIGLALMAGAIWFQLPRTEEFLHDLQGWMFFSQTYWMLFALFGALNSFPSEREVVSKERRSGAYRLSAYYLAKMCAELPLVITLPTVYLMISYPMLGC # TSLKLFFLMLIFLLINTIVAQSVGFFIGACCMDMNVSITLSALYTLATQLFGGYLSSRIPEGLSWIRYTSMIHYAYQNMQILEFREGAAIGCGSPSSY # EICKQQSTEFIPYEEILKAQNSTSPLWLNTLILMMFFLVFRCLGYAVLRFLRCPKKT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 19 # E: 7 # RM: 12 # incompatible hint groups: 300 # E: 1 # W: 299 # end gene g504 # start gene g505 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3357750 3358421 0.93 + . g505 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3357750 3358421 0.93 + . g505.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3357750 3357752 . + 0 transcript_id "g505.t1"; gene_id "g505"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3357750 3358421 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g505.t1"; gene_id "g505"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3358419 3358421 . + 0 transcript_id "g505.t1"; gene_id "g505"; # protein sequence = [MTSMLNTPIVSIFDLMVERHIRLRRELNGNLPPVRRPKAARGAADGKKPFKYKPSPMEFPLPETLELMSPPAANAITA # AHLTQKHTFLKIQPPSEKNAIKKLVEKMSHGRGKTKTVSPRHSLSSKKTSANSSKTVVIQPRKRKVAGQGSFRAQPKLGKTSSTQLKRQPLSPRRAES # TAKDASTLSKTKTKKSSPEKSGAQMRNTRSADRLGNAEIPVSKRWRL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g505 # start gene g506 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3360718 3370982 0.99 - . g506 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3360718 3370982 0.99 - . g506.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3360718 3360720 . - 0 transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3360929 3360995 1 - . transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3361444 3362998 1 - . transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3363196 3363306 1 - . transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3363438 3363509 1 - . transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3363763 3363826 1 - . transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3364941 3365426 1 - . transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3365677 3367244 1 - . transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3367720 3367903 1 - . transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3368195 3370905 1 - . transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3360718 3360928 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3360996 3361443 1 - 2 transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3362999 3363195 1 - 1 transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3363307 3363437 1 - 0 transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3363510 3363762 1 - 1 transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3363827 3364940 1 - 2 transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3365427 3365676 1 - 0 transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3367245 3367719 1 - 1 transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3367904 3368194 1 - 1 transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3370906 3370982 1 - 0 transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3370980 3370982 . - 0 transcript_id "g506.t1"; gene_id "g506"; # protein sequence = [MPKEDIKKPPRKTLNVDAKKAKRKKMIKDSDKINPTTSSVNITVTTAESSSSCKNPANANMIPETTQPDQLQSQTQTQ # AQLQPQSQSPSQCQQAQENPEHLQQQSQPEEELQAEAPGSNAGDRRDSITEEITITSTTNSSQSTKLLTIQEAAGSFEQSSVSAVSTSSKQIASTTAG # GSPPAAAAPGANEFNGSVLRLTQAATSTSPGSISSAGNTATLGAAPSINIVSSESTRDQTQQPQSVDPNGVAAPGDSPSSRKSSTSSKGKASQAKLST # SSSGRDEQDISQHRLSDLTQHELSLLRVDREQQVTSSSSTSNEKPAKTSRLSERAKKKSWYNVIYPNYKSRAEDFKKLFKDVPNDERLIVDYSCALQR # DILVQGRLYVSQNYVCFHANIFSWETHVSIKWKDVTAITKEKTALVIPNAISISSGKDKYFFATFTSRDKSFLMLFRVWQNTLMNKQFSPQEIWQHVH # TCYGDELGLTTDDEDYIDPTLNKTNEPDFDFQTAIDDDSYSQRQSQQSNQSNQSNPLLPQSGNSSASSGGGVRASAPRKSKTKYFFNSSKSSANASAS # GSDNNKTRESSRKLNKKMKQNAKELTLSSVKPTELSVSVTMSAPNVSSSSTAGSTTASSSTIANHTGSGSGSGSLSGSNTAAASGSGSDKMSAEKKVS # TASNSAAVAAAEAAQSLASASSGSGSLESKMEMKRKLGKMHRQREEGKNAAESVPTDVSDSSDSEENNLPFVPTTECTSTHEGRQIVHTILPINVDTL # FNLLFSKSKFITDFHAMRKSTDLVLGEWTKNEEGLQVRTVNVTVQLAASVGPKTSKVTEYQTQRECSKPGELYSIDVNSVNAGIPYAESFSVLIHFCL # ARTVDDHTMLSIHTQIKYKKSIWGVVKGFIEKNTWAGLEDFFGAQLHALQSETCIPPAKGKGRRPRRGTATQIRPLEEAVGPAPAVDPLETQMLAAGG # IPGAAVGAAAGHPLLLEGGKQQQLHHQQQMHHHHLQPHKQHLQQQQLHLGGGDGQPLASGQGSQGHRLRHKGLWLLVILLLCLMLALNVILLLKLWRL # EERIDVDLNRRARMPSLAALSELPSTNQEWLELLRDQEMAHENELHKWQQVLQTAIELLKKVSIVCEKITNDSHLRQSIESMSMAGRTEF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 94.7 # CDS exons: 9/10 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 9/9 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 11 # E: 9 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 362 # E: 2 # W: 360 # end gene g506 # start gene g507 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3372779 3373291 1 + . g507 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3372779 3373291 1 + . g507.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3372779 3372781 . + 0 transcript_id "g507.t1"; gene_id "g507"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3372779 3373291 1 + 0 transcript_id "g507.t1"; gene_id "g507"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3373289 3373291 . + 0 transcript_id "g507.t1"; gene_id "g507"; # protein sequence = [MSVAFRLAVRLCLPCVDEGRWKRLWAVAKDLGRAPWLADLRRAANRDEDPSPSPDPDPEHEELEASEELDEEAEDLWC # CCCARCCVTKCMTTRRGMPLLLPALPLRPLDTPTPRFCLSSLHRLFVYFTYFFYVALFNVCGSRCSFGFLAAKMVHYHCYVGFFTHFQFLHD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 51 # W: 51 # end gene g507 # start gene g508 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3373781 3375408 1 - . g508 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3373781 3375408 1 - . g508.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3373781 3373783 . - 0 transcript_id "g508.t1"; gene_id "g508"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3373928 3373983 1 - . transcript_id "g508.t1"; gene_id "g508"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3374066 3374120 1 - . transcript_id "g508.t1"; gene_id "g508"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3375029 3375084 1 - . transcript_id "g508.t1"; gene_id "g508"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3373781 3373927 1 - 0 transcript_id "g508.t1"; gene_id "g508"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3373984 3374065 1 - 1 transcript_id "g508.t1"; gene_id "g508"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3374121 3375028 1 - 0 transcript_id "g508.t1"; gene_id "g508"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3375085 3375408 1 - 0 transcript_id "g508.t1"; gene_id "g508"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3375406 3375408 . - 0 transcript_id "g508.t1"; gene_id "g508"; # protein sequence = [MSKKCSVRSLSDSALAELANLLVSTISYAQYAPDVQLDINIVMVELNEYLAQLGATPNIYQDLLRVILSSDYLDANMR # FTCLQMLLNCGVTFLMTEVFPFSYYEKILQVIAAQGAGLRVLNIKGIWVKEEHMHYMYDIVRKCKQLVKLYVPYIANDRLLEEIGNCCTRLQILDISG # ETDITEIGIDLLAKGVCSQSLTVVDVGMPGEENICYSDIALILEHCPQVETLSTYSFVGASLKFIHDNVDDRFKCRLKYIHDTGTDEATLQVIMQTCP # RLETLYLDSPKTGSLRALSTRNLRKLKIYKFVVAELLPLLERPIGRNLRHLTMIKGLGNLELGKLARLCPSLIDLDCYMIDSLSYGAGHAKFQQLEGL # EILSSAILTSSLKAFLCNSTDLKRLAVDTVEFTDDDIMSMFMQHDFKVLEDVWFTLAPELTVQSVELLMDSCPELQSVGQLNGWSLTPDDLALIRGLL # KSGNSSIVLTPNGFLA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 100 # W: 100 # end gene g508 # start gene g509 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3376110 3376619 0.99 - . g509 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3376110 3376619 0.99 - . g509.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3376110 3376112 . - 0 transcript_id "g509.t1"; gene_id "g509"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3376421 3376480 1 - . transcript_id "g509.t1"; gene_id "g509"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3376110 3376420 1 - 2 transcript_id "g509.t1"; gene_id "g509"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3376481 3376619 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g509.t1"; gene_id "g509"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3376617 3376619 . - 0 transcript_id "g509.t1"; gene_id "g509"; # protein sequence = [MIETLYNLPFHILVPPNIKVRRFSIPMPSPMAVFSVILFSYFLVTGGIIYDVIVEPPSLGATVDEHGHSRPVAFMPYR # VNGQYIMEGLASSFLFTVGGLGFIIMDQTHTPGKTNLNRLLLTAMGFIFILVSFFTTWLFMRMKLPSYLQP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 43 # W: 43 # end gene g509 # start gene g510 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3377099 3378491 0.99 + . g510 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3377099 3378491 0.99 + . g510.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3377099 3377101 . + 0 transcript_id "g510.t1"; gene_id "g510"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3377127 3377181 1 + . transcript_id "g510.t1"; gene_id "g510"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3377806 3377861 1 + . transcript_id "g510.t1"; gene_id "g510"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3378071 3378155 1 + . transcript_id "g510.t1"; gene_id "g510"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3377099 3377126 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g510.t1"; gene_id "g510"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3377182 3377805 1 + 2 transcript_id "g510.t1"; gene_id "g510"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3377862 3378070 1 + 2 transcript_id "g510.t1"; gene_id "g510"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3378156 3378491 1 + 0 transcript_id "g510.t1"; gene_id "g510"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3378489 3378491 . + 0 transcript_id "g510.t1"; gene_id "g510"; # protein sequence = [MASGINQAAGKLPAIAKKVQNLGDMGVWQKSRAFHDLIGYINGTSSAIQGIKTTDEIFESEMLKKLLRLFDALEKLVE # QNPPLEQPQRFGNKAYRDWAQAMRELLPELLEQLLPDDKKRYQVELGQYLTESFGNATRIDYGTGHELSFLFFLCSLFKAEILQERDIVSAALRLFNR # YLELARQLQRTYNMEPAGSQGVWSLDDFQFVPFIWGSAQLAVKSPFDPSKFVDEAIITEYKDHFMFISCIDYICKVKTGHFGEHSNQLWSITDVPTWA # KINAGLVKMYQKEILSKFPVIQHVYFGELMTFEPVSSGTTLSNARLGHVAPPPSKRICIGTPNLVPPVPVATAPPPPAESLSIEQNVGDSSSESSDNS # VVLRPSTSSSSLVAAAEGSGDKPSKE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 113 # W: 113 # end gene g510 # start gene g511 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3380279 3380539 1 - . g511 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3380279 3380539 1 - . g511.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3380279 3380281 . - 0 transcript_id "g511.t1"; gene_id "g511"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3380279 3380539 1 - 0 transcript_id "g511.t1"; gene_id "g511"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3380537 3380539 . - 0 transcript_id "g511.t1"; gene_id "g511"; # protein sequence = [MDSQNRRKTLCNPKNQKQRALKATRIFSPKLIWEWVNLGSAGRDGKPGKLDSGLWTLVNVAHKVAKLNCAPAGRLLAK # KTRKLIKN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g511 # start gene g512 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3398135 3398395 1 + . g512 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3398135 3398395 1 + . g512.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3398135 3398137 . + 0 transcript_id "g512.t1"; gene_id "g512"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3398135 3398395 1 + 0 transcript_id "g512.t1"; gene_id "g512"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3398393 3398395 . + 0 transcript_id "g512.t1"; gene_id "g512"; # protein sequence = [MVCRFNPFYIGPTPPSCCTDLKSDCDCPPCSPDTGYQEPRPVHEECNPGVPKKETKESKCNPPCKEAPKKEKKEKKSE # NKEAKKTK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g512 # start gene g513 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3405577 3407988 0.26 - . g513 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3405577 3407988 0.26 - . g513.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3405577 3405579 . - 0 transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3405879 3406066 1 - . transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3406240 3406459 1 - . transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3407148 3407245 1 - . transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3407413 3407471 1 - . transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3407684 3407757 1 - . transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3405577 3405878 0.26 - 2 transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3406067 3406239 1 - 1 transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3406460 3407147 1 - 2 transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3407246 3407412 1 - 1 transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3407472 3407683 1 - 0 transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3407758 3407988 1 - 0 transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3407986 3407988 . - 0 transcript_id "g513.t1"; gene_id "g513"; # protein sequence = [MQQYQDDSSSAAAASTARQWAPAGGGAGPGAAAGAAGSGADDPGGNVILIGSVKDFERNAVHGLKLNGIVALEETSQG # LSGGTGGPGGRLPVAPSGRGTEVEYFNEAGYIRAGALRNGEDPYIRNRFNQEASDALPSNRDIPDTRNPMCRTKKYREDLPETSVIITFHNEARSTLL # RTIVSVLNRSPEHLIREIVLVDDYSDHPEDGLELAKIDKVRVIRNDKREGLVRSRVKGADAAVSSVLTFLDSHVECNEMWLEPLLERVREDPTRVVCP # VIDVISMDNFQYIGASADLRGGFDWNLIFKWEYLSPSERAMRHNDPTTAIRTPMIAGGLFVIDKAYFNKLGKYDMKMDVWGGENLEISFRVWQCGGSL # EIIPCSRVGHVFRKRHPYTFPGGSGNVFARNTRRAAEVWMDDYKQHYYNAVPLAKNIPFGNIDDRLALKEKLHCKPFKWYLENVYPDLQAPDPQEVGQ # FRQDSTECLDTMGHLIDGTVGIFPCHNTGGNQEWAFTKRGEIKHDDLCLTLVTFARGSQVVLKACDDSENQRWIMREGGLVRHYKINVCLDSRDQSQQ # GVSAQHCNSALGTQRWSFGKYA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 72.7 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 3/5 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 36 # W: 36 # end gene g513 # start gene g514 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3410690 3411106 0.98 + . g514 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3410690 3411106 0.98 + . g514.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3410690 3410692 . + 0 transcript_id "g514.t1"; gene_id "g514"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3410690 3411106 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g514.t1"; gene_id "g514"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3411104 3411106 . + 0 transcript_id "g514.t1"; gene_id "g514"; # protein sequence = [MASMELTLKSDYSADSVIDDIISKSLASQAVPRTHKRSTRVSFRSLAKVIMTLIGNLKKASSFHEVKDIDYWRNLAES # RLEVNNRYGRFIEAQQRRIYTLETRLHNLVNLARETQKMLAEIGAEKRACEELGHGEHAD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g514 # start gene g515 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3416865 3417410 1 + . g515 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3416865 3417410 1 + . g515.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3416865 3416867 . + 0 transcript_id "g515.t1"; gene_id "g515"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3416865 3417410 1 + 0 transcript_id "g515.t1"; gene_id "g515"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3417408 3417410 . + 0 transcript_id "g515.t1"; gene_id "g515"; # protein sequence = [MDEGKKKAAEAAAAAKEAAASAAQAAKTKAAGAAGSAKEAAGAAASAAKDKAGAAAASAKEKAAGAAVAVQQSASSAA # IAAREKAANAAEFTKEKATAAAAAATEAATSAASTVREKAAAAAVAVRAKASATAIAVRDSVTAVAVAAQGAAAAAKDKVATAAASAAAAAKSKVTRQ # SQDEV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g515 # start gene g516 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3446038 3447548 0.99 + . g516 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3446038 3447548 0.99 + . g516.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3446038 3446040 . + 0 transcript_id "g516.t1"; gene_id "g516"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3446143 3446348 1 + . transcript_id "g516.t1"; gene_id "g516"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3447090 3447143 1 + . transcript_id "g516.t1"; gene_id "g516"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3446038 3446142 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g516.t1"; gene_id "g516"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3446349 3447089 1 + 0 transcript_id "g516.t1"; gene_id "g516"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3447144 3447548 1 + 0 transcript_id "g516.t1"; gene_id "g516"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3447546 3447548 . + 0 transcript_id "g516.t1"; gene_id "g516"; # protein sequence = [MLAKVLTILAIVASAGAADDFDPFIDIPFKRLKTSAERIAEHGYPAESHFVETPDGYVLNVFRIPHSPKLNSNGNEGE # SEASRPVVLIMHGLFSCSDCFLLNGPEDALPYNYADAGYDVWLGNARGNIYSRNNTRLNVKHPYFWKFSWHEIGSIDLPATIDYILAETGQQSLHYVG # HSQGCTSFFVMGSYRPEYNAKIKTAHMLAPPVYMGNSTEGLIVSTAPLFGHHGIGSTLLENQVLLPQNAFIQRVLDTTCSNQPIMLSYCKTLAILWGG # PEIGNLNQTLLPQIAETHPAGVSSNQAIHYIQSYASNDFRLYDWGSKRNLEYYGVSEPPAYDLTKITSELYLYYGLADGSANKQDISRLPDLLPNLAL # LHEVPDSTWGHLDFIFATEVKRVINDLVLDYSKAYDARETNNEI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 109 # W: 109 # end gene g516 # start gene g517 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3449795 3451567 1 + . g517 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3449795 3451567 1 + . g517.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3449795 3449797 . + 0 transcript_id "g517.t1"; gene_id "g517"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3449978 3450184 1 + . transcript_id "g517.t1"; gene_id "g517"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3450289 3450357 1 + . transcript_id "g517.t1"; gene_id "g517"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3451244 3451300 1 + . transcript_id "g517.t1"; gene_id "g517"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3451454 3451516 1 + . transcript_id "g517.t1"; gene_id "g517"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3449795 3449977 1 + 0 transcript_id "g517.t1"; gene_id "g517"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3450185 3450288 1 + 0 transcript_id "g517.t1"; gene_id "g517"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3450358 3451243 1 + 1 transcript_id "g517.t1"; gene_id "g517"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3451301 3451453 1 + 0 transcript_id "g517.t1"; gene_id "g517"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3451517 3451567 1 + 0 transcript_id "g517.t1"; gene_id "g517"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3451565 3451567 . + 0 transcript_id "g517.t1"; gene_id "g517"; # protein sequence = [MEVESPEHTRDFAEVDINNGAATGSEDEEEEVPAPGSVTLDRNESDLFVSALSPSSIGDIHPLQEVLTDDGDYFISIV # VSDPQKIGDGMGSYLAYKVTTKTNIPKFKRSEFSTLRRFSDFLGIHDLLVGKYMRLGRIIPPAPSKNIIGSTKVKISPQQSEPGTPMTQEWVEIRRAA # LERFVHRTAQHPVLRVDLDFMNFLESDQELPRSVNTSALSGAGVIRLFNKVGETVNKITYKMDENDPWFDDKITEVESLDANLQKLHNAMKSLVTSRR # ELSLLTGLVAKSAAMLSTCEEHTGLSRALSNLADVEEKIELLRSEQANSDFFILAEFIKDYLGLFGAIKCIFHERVKAFQNWQYAQMQLSKRRENRGR # FELANRADKLDQAQQEVDEWQGKVQRCQQQFDDISAEIKREMERFELTRVKDFKVNIIKYIEDQMAHQQQIVSYWEAFAPFAREIV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 129 # W: 129 # end gene g517 # start gene g518 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3452096 3453596 0.64 + . g518 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3452096 3453596 0.64 + . g518.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3452096 3452098 . + 0 transcript_id "g518.t1"; gene_id "g518"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3452106 3452557 0.64 + . transcript_id "g518.t1"; gene_id "g518"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3452672 3452739 1 + . transcript_id "g518.t1"; gene_id "g518"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3453279 3453428 1 + . transcript_id "g518.t1"; gene_id "g518"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3452096 3452105 0.64 + 0 transcript_id "g518.t1"; gene_id "g518"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3452558 3452671 0.68 + 2 transcript_id "g518.t1"; gene_id "g518"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3452740 3453278 1 + 2 transcript_id "g518.t1"; gene_id "g518"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3453429 3453596 1 + 0 transcript_id "g518.t1"; gene_id "g518"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3453594 3453596 . + 0 transcript_id "g518.t1"; gene_id "g518"; # protein sequence = [MYRSSEATCLLSVEENSNRRSTIMEFPHLGQHCSEATCNRLDFLPVKCDSCDKVFCASHYSYDRHSCPGAYKKNVQVP # VCPLCREPVPTPPGVEPDVTVGQHIDQQCKSESKKIYTNRCNAKGCKRKELIPVTCSQCRLNFCLRHRHTSDHDCKPVPASSTTSSRGGFQSIFKTSS # DSRSMAAQAAERRQNRRPASNSISNTNSRPRPVQATQVQNIQGNMSEDEALARALALSIMEQDDAAESNRQAPAPSNAQQVAVGGGGNQQGNGKDKCL # LS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 85 # W: 85 # end gene g518 # start gene g519 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3453923 3457035 1 - . g519 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3453923 3457035 1 - . g519.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3453923 3453925 . - 0 transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3454301 3454358 1 - . transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3455102 3455155 1 - . transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3455286 3455343 1 - . transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3455505 3455563 1 - . transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3455704 3455756 1 - . transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3456245 3456301 1 - . transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3456815 3456870 1 - . transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3453923 3454300 1 - 0 transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3454359 3455101 1 - 2 transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3455156 3455285 1 - 0 transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3455344 3455504 1 - 2 transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3455564 3455703 1 - 1 transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3455757 3456244 1 - 0 transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3456302 3456814 1 - 0 transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3456871 3457035 1 - 0 transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3457033 3457035 . - 0 transcript_id "g519.t1"; gene_id "g519"; # protein sequence = [MDDVERIQSENENLRKIRNRLMQWESKTDPLAALSIQQEEHLDVLTNLWRDSGPSAPAPTTPTQVGPTDSSAAATSQS # GDDIRLPAEGLQNTNEFLLWFADVSAEIEQRGDADYHKYLQQLEQRKAECSHMLDQIAGAMERLGALCDEYDFVSQKTSALNTASEQLIEEQERLQEL # SHEIQRRLHYFSQVELLNQRLQSPTLSVASEAFRECLNKIDECLNYIEENPKFKDAAAYNVKYRQCLAKASGLVRNYVTSVINQATEATLHPKNNMPD # ASAALKAPDAAFALYYGKYQTAAAKVKRVAQLIESRSEHSLDYAQLMADLQQHYLAQRASVMSPAVNLSIQNVKVAHKGDHCSLTRSACAFLVHVCQD # EQRLFYQFFSTGAPHLTVYLEGLCTILYDTMRPFIIHINHLETLAEICSILRIEMLEEHVQQNPVALEAFATIAHQLLQDVQERLVFRAHLYLQSDIQ # NFNPSSGDLAYPEKLEMMESIALSLQEPAPLRRSDSRNSMVSSVSSAVETESVATAYTVKQMNSPADLHGMWYPTVRRTLVCLSRLYRCVDRPIFQGL # SQEALKLCIQSVSHAAGKISANKTPIDGELFEIKHLLILREQIAPFRVDFTVKETSLDFSKVKTAAFGLLQKRKQLFSMGSNNALLEFLLEGTPQIKE # HLLDSRKEVDRQLKSVCEKYIKDAVQMLVGPLITFLEKAQSLLAQSTPATPQSPESTKASYVLRQSPWASPQQISSIIQETQRLIKAKLAVLQRSMQL # YLSNRDTEFIIFRPIRNNIIQSFVKLEQLLTTNGYSTDDMIITSCPSAEQVSILLSSASILAAEGVASFAAAARKISTSSSVEGSTVGRKLSAMSNKS # ELVEEPKVEEVAGQIEVVPAEVQPPAKIEEEEVTETQTQANSE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 241 # W: 241 # end gene g519 # start gene g520 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3457406 3460271 1 + . g520 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3457406 3460271 1 + . g520.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3457406 3457408 . + 0 transcript_id "g520.t1"; gene_id "g520"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3457515 3457584 1 + . transcript_id "g520.t1"; gene_id "g520"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3458200 3458253 1 + . transcript_id "g520.t1"; gene_id "g520"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3460076 3460132 1 + . transcript_id "g520.t1"; gene_id "g520"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3457406 3457514 1 + 0 transcript_id "g520.t1"; gene_id "g520"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3457585 3458199 1 + 2 transcript_id "g520.t1"; gene_id "g520"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3458254 3460075 1 + 2 transcript_id "g520.t1"; gene_id "g520"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3460133 3460271 1 + 1 transcript_id "g520.t1"; gene_id "g520"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3460269 3460271 . + 0 transcript_id "g520.t1"; gene_id "g520"; # protein sequence = [MAPQPVVTGLSPKEGPPGTRVIIRGEFLGTRVQDLIGLKICGSDCLLSAEWKSPNKIIARTGPAKGKGDIIVTTLSGG # VGTSTVQFRAYHETIGPLKESAVWIEESPSQNFAWGRRTLAQSGLTQEDPLGLSIEGNEQKIPEDLRDLFPEACGDLSQEHFSPAWFLLENHLATSFE # DLKAGLSYLKRKVESQKEGQLSFLKSNAGSVIDQLDTLMNIRDKLQEDVKLHGNETLNILETSIENSISESQKIFTDVLVRKEKADSTRSVLFALSRH # KFLFCLPNSVDRRAKAGEYDIVVNDYSRAKNLFGKTEIPIFRKVLEEVDHRILSIRKQLHEKVVKMPQSVEQQKKLIKALISLELQQSGTPIGDKLRN # IDPAWDAIEARAKYLEWTFRQTFDQHTSKDSGAQEKAKNRDSSQAPNRVNFCEELCDIAASQLPDLWRLGQLYFTGELRGPHDPKPGDFKRMVLNAIE # KFCVYLRLAILIATDQRALRQSSGLAWPIGSASATHQFLPWIPQCLRFTRIAYATLISLDLPSEALDIIQKLIDEVRLFCFSIIFKRATDRCKKLGSQ # ETWELGVEEYPGATLLPAALETLLIETLDEVQSVCMQRETREGNLLEPQSDGQREVTQRLQEFLSAFSAVIEELAFHSHDEETPTHNVSQLLGFPNAQ # QPDSVAGSGGAAAVTWEQRMLCCLANYAYCNKIFFPRLGDIFVRYGYPLPTLAIETARYTVNQLFTNLLEEYVEHKGDPLVGTIEPSMYLGRFQWDHE # MEIGQLRPYAHECCDNLVGVYSEIYSISPALLRPILESIVQTISEELARLMSCVQRFSFTGAIQAHVDIRLLRDSLEGYVNETAKNYFMEALEAINPP # LSGEQKRKADEILERVKRNMRLQLLCFSVKDP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 169 # W: 169 # end gene g520 # start gene g521 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3460394 3461851 1 - . g521 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3460394 3461851 1 - . g521.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3460394 3460396 . - 0 transcript_id "g521.t1"; gene_id "g521"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3461381 3461437 1 - . transcript_id "g521.t1"; gene_id "g521"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3461707 3461769 1 - . transcript_id "g521.t1"; gene_id "g521"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3460394 3461380 1 - 0 transcript_id "g521.t1"; gene_id "g521"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3461438 3461706 1 - 2 transcript_id "g521.t1"; gene_id "g521"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3461770 3461851 1 - 0 transcript_id "g521.t1"; gene_id "g521"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3461849 3461851 . - 0 transcript_id "g521.t1"; gene_id "g521"; # protein sequence = [MKPLIVVVLVGLMASGCHIVHSQEPGDAVEQEASESDDALKIKESQASIAAQVEAMLVHFQQEDPQGLPGVPVPDPLE # VPNVKKSMGMANLDMKQVKAYGLSKFRIDKMNLDLKEMRFNGGLQLDQMLVKGQYTLSSFFSKANGPFTVVLKNVYAEATAFLAVERDGQLATDRIKI # DITFSDMTMDFQNLGLVGSVFQSVVNGAPNLVFDAMKPFMLQEADKKLRSEINVMIQKTLGERRLPNSITPLDSAIAMARKMVRQKGFDPYHLPDVNR # TMGVFSVQLAHTWINGISSFYRVGNITAGMANKTVSVVLQIGTQQVTGAGQWEVGVGMMTRVGHVQFTVQHIRATVGLSQSLDTRKRAQITDLQFDMG # NIQVRCDGAGTLDYVMEFAVNVIPNLLRYQIMDAIENPIKQRVQEKFNTIDVEQVIKTMAQNNFNFDPKLLGL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 129 # W: 129 # end gene g521 # start gene g522 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3463266 3465639 0.76 - . g522 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3463266 3465639 0.76 - . g522.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3463266 3463268 . - 0 transcript_id "g522.t1"; gene_id "g522"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3463655 3463706 1 - . transcript_id "g522.t1"; gene_id "g522"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3463266 3463654 1 - 2 transcript_id "g522.t1"; gene_id "g522"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3463707 3465639 0.76 - 0 transcript_id "g522.t1"; gene_id "g522"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3465637 3465639 . - 0 transcript_id "g522.t1"; gene_id "g522"; # protein sequence = [MAQTAYLKVTRIAMRSASNLSKRRVEELNSGLGELRQLLSCVVCCQLLVDPYSPKGKRCQHNVCRLCLRGKKHLFPSC # TQCEGCSDFKTYEENRMMAAQLLCYKTLCVHLLHSALFGELAGMRPQVARELVPRIKLPPKTTQEFIREGSNISDTFDIFLPQPDLPFLKDMPTSLPA # ETPPTSAVTTPELPYDHHLNISDIEAEAAATAEQGHFSPLPLLPTGSRMGMLSHAGQIVIATESSESGFMDQAWTDQVDLSGTVSVSKYTNSGNNFAV # SYVMPTSATTKFDPQELQIGQVVQMADSTQLAVLAAVEETVETSTQLTVLSTTVEETVETSTQLEVLTSAEEPNEISDQLANLQVEESDEALVEETVE # EAEGTSIPSEVVAEHMEEDQHLDVHTSQSPTQTEMEEAVEEHVATKTQLGHVQTELQDAESLQKDFEDAKAAAEEAKEKEKDLHAISAELQKEDSDEP # TLKRKRTRTLKASQAAKIEPVPSEVKTKVQSGKGALRRIRGKDKEEKVKPPKPKCRCGISGSSNTLTTCRNSRCPCYKSYNSCAGCHCVCCKNPHKED # YVESDEDDDLEDFEMPKDVPEPMTQSEEPVVAEPRQEENSMAPPDSSAPISLVPLNNLQQSQHPLVLVQNEKGEYQGFNIFQGSKPLDPVTVGFTIRV # QLQHTDGFGSLPQYAYIMPTIDPPNPPAPSLSPPPPPAPDREVIEPPAKKFRTSRTRRGRANFSALDTVDELVSGGSRSNSAAGDRSSATDNAHSLFE # EIMSGSDDL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 69 # W: 69 # end gene g522 # start gene g523 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3466335 3467254 1 + . g523 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3466335 3467254 1 + . g523.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3466335 3466337 . + 0 transcript_id "g523.t1"; gene_id "g523"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3466417 3466786 1 + . transcript_id "g523.t1"; gene_id "g523"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3467063 3467132 1 + . transcript_id "g523.t1"; gene_id "g523"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3466335 3466416 1 + 0 transcript_id "g523.t1"; gene_id "g523"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3466787 3467062 1 + 2 transcript_id "g523.t1"; gene_id "g523"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3467133 3467254 1 + 2 transcript_id "g523.t1"; gene_id "g523"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3467252 3467254 . + 0 transcript_id "g523.t1"; gene_id "g523"; # protein sequence = [MPEPRSPMASFAESVLNVIDGPITWFRESIVEPNQQKQNWYHQRFRRVPTIDQCYTDDAVCRFEADQQFRRDRMVDNE # IVNILRQRFEDCTLYEAPDHMVKCRPLMDQYEKATENWFIKYGDLGGYANAKTAYMKQKHRLIWERRHGPVGSGMKEEAAH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 45 # W: 45 # end gene g523 # start gene g524 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3467851 3469894 1 - . g524 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3467851 3469894 1 - . g524.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3467851 3467853 . - 0 transcript_id "g524.t1"; gene_id "g524"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3468898 3468949 1 - . transcript_id "g524.t1"; gene_id "g524"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3467851 3468897 1 - 0 transcript_id "g524.t1"; gene_id "g524"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3468950 3469894 1 - 0 transcript_id "g524.t1"; gene_id "g524"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3469892 3469894 . - 0 transcript_id "g524.t1"; gene_id "g524"; # protein sequence = [MDLNDAVLTCAVNMEWTNAVGITGRKLAYKTATLRLVRNDLRELFVEVTPEKLKPLKFKLKDLMVHKKFMSEGKATFN # FKAEKCTLYLSNAPPGTLMFFLRTIFVKMNGNEGGSQPDDATLQKKLREHLMSGKPSSFNDVSPVTTAEMILARKKAGLLSKGSVTTPSPQGAKKRRF # EELKEEKERGTMPAAKKLYASTTDESLRLSEEQMEVLRACTSGKSVFFTGSAGTGKSFLLRRIISALPPDGTVATASTGVAACLIGGTTLHAFAGIGG # GDATMQRCLELASRPANAQTWRKCKRLIIDEISMVDGQFFEKIEAVARHIRRNDRPFGGIQLILCGDFLQLPPVIKGDFGAAPTATPQQRFCFQSSAW # ETCIQCVYELKQVHRQSDPEFVKILNHLRIGHVNDSITSRLAATSKQKIEGNGILATQLCSHTNDANSINESKLENLDGDKILFKADDSDASMTRTLD # QQIQAPSQLYLKVNAQVMLLKNINISNGLVNGARGVVVRMEKDLPVVRFKNNQEYVCKHERWIIKTASGNHITRRQVPLKLAWAFSIHKSQGLTLDCV # EMSLSKVFEAGQAYVALSRAKSLQSIRILDFDAKQVWANPHVLQFYKGFRRKLMDTTMIPLGPKNKDKKPGDKAANSALAKLKKSLINKPLVSIS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 198 # W: 198 # end gene g524 # start gene g525 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3470214 3472325 0.23 + . g525 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3470214 3472325 0.23 + . g525.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3470214 3470216 . + 0 transcript_id "g525.t1"; gene_id "g525"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3470681 3470808 0.52 + . transcript_id "g525.t1"; gene_id "g525"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3471077 3471136 0.99 + . transcript_id "g525.t1"; gene_id "g525"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3471560 3471665 1 + . transcript_id "g525.t1"; gene_id "g525"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3470214 3470680 0.91 + 0 transcript_id "g525.t1"; gene_id "g525"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3470809 3471076 0.52 + 1 transcript_id "g525.t1"; gene_id "g525"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3471137 3471559 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g525.t1"; gene_id "g525"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3471666 3472325 0.54 + 0 transcript_id "g525.t1"; gene_id "g525"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3472323 3472325 . + 0 transcript_id "g525.t1"; gene_id "g525"; # protein sequence = [MNVDLRLIVRLLLAILLTSLVTTILMGKQIHRRLVKSMVKTTGEKDSLPARQLPKREISPKVADFPPPLTLNQTELDI # LKIQRNNSFRLPQQEAIKEWQDAIFFKEDSNRRGLGEQGRAVQLPNAKLNPDDFQDFYAELSDRIPLNRSLPDTRPISVLLRSITSIINRSPVELLKQ # IVLVDDDSNLPELGQQLEEIVAQNFPKIIHILRLPERRGSIKARMEAIRVSSCQVLVFLDSHIEVNTNWLPPLLEPIVINPHIVTRPILDAISRKTFA # YAKQNTMTRSGFNWWLESESLPIFPEDKSPDSTPYRTPVLSGAMAIDRNYFLNLGGFDEQLDTWEAEKFEISFKVWMCGGMMLYVPCARVGHIGKRPM # KSISSPGYHNFLARNYKRVAEVWMDNYKKYVYDKNPKLYKMANAGLLFQRKTKRNALECKTFDWYMTKVAPDFLKRYLALDSPLVFSGVIESVAFPGF # CVDSLNCRHTKPVVLARCTGHNSMPGEHQNWSLTQDHEIQLTNSKDDCLEAQGLRSKSVWLFRCHKNGGNQYWYYNHRHRWIQQGQIWVWCLEAQLAS # GHKVGKVLANKICDKNQLEQQWKVGRNAPYDPQREPH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g525 # start gene g526 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3472713 3474930 0.52 + . g526 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3472713 3474930 0.52 + . g526.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3472713 3472715 . + 0 transcript_id "g526.t1"; gene_id "g526"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3473303 3473361 1 + . transcript_id "g526.t1"; gene_id "g526"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3473705 3473769 1 + . transcript_id "g526.t1"; gene_id "g526"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3474199 3474267 1 + . transcript_id "g526.t1"; gene_id "g526"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3472713 3473302 0.52 + 0 transcript_id "g526.t1"; gene_id "g526"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3473362 3473704 1 + 1 transcript_id "g526.t1"; gene_id "g526"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3473770 3474198 1 + 0 transcript_id "g526.t1"; gene_id "g526"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3474268 3474930 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g526.t1"; gene_id "g526"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3474928 3474930 . + 0 transcript_id "g526.t1"; gene_id "g526"; # protein sequence = [MAVLFARWLLLCCIGMPAVSILDFRRQDVHMAIKKRYVKRLLRKVVLLLVVIVTVSLVTTLVVERRMKNAAELTEQLD # PNGDPITPVFRAANIHPTRKAPRPPFQDRNSVVDIPRSDKLQGFRLPEPKGERKDWHDYAAMEADRKRSGFGEHGVAVKIENPDEKQLEKEHYEMNGF # NGLISDRISVNRSVPDLRLEACKTRKYLAKLPNISVIFIFFNEHFNTLLRSIYSVINRTPPELLKQIVLVDDGSEWDVLKQPLDDYVQQHFPHLVTIV # RNPERQGLIGARIAGAKVAVGQVMVFFDSHIEVNYNWLPPLIEPIAINPKISTCPMVDTISHEDFSYFSGNKDGARGGFDWKMLYKQLPVLPEDALDK # SMPYRSPVMMGGLFAINTDFFWDLGGYDDQLDIWGGEQYELSFKIWMCGGMLLDVPCSRVAHIFRGPMKPRGNPRGHNFVAKNHKRVAEVWMDEYKQY # VYKRDPKTYDNLDAGDLTRQRGVRERLKCKSFHWFMTEVAPDFLVKFPPVEPPSYAAGIIQNVANPVYCLDNMGKSTEEAVGMFSCADNRTHPQPNQF # WELSIFRDLRMKGFDSVCLDVHEGPPNATVWMWSCHSQGGNQFWYYDRQTQRLVHGENNKRCLEGFVENGIAKVVANSCENGNDRQRWEFGFVNHTML # DTFYDGLK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 145 # W: 145 # end gene g526 # start gene g527 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3476979 3479393 0.4 + . g527 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3476979 3479393 0.4 + . g527.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3476979 3476981 . + 0 transcript_id "g527.t1"; gene_id "g527"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3477012 3478501 0.64 + . transcript_id "g527.t1"; gene_id "g527"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3478761 3479184 1 + . transcript_id "g527.t1"; gene_id "g527"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3476979 3477011 0.42 + 0 transcript_id "g527.t1"; gene_id "g527"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3478502 3478760 1 + 0 transcript_id "g527.t1"; gene_id "g527"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3479185 3479393 0.95 + 2 transcript_id "g527.t1"; gene_id "g527"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3479391 3479393 . + 0 transcript_id "g527.t1"; gene_id "g527"; # protein sequence = [MLLVTWKSTFKQRNTNNAVCVNNQIVAAISSVLTRPAESFRNQSNQSAKMSASPTARQAITQALPMITRKVVISDPIQ # MPEVYSSTPGGTLYSTTPGGTKLIYERAFMKNLRGSPLSQTPPSNVPSCLLRGTPRTPFRKCVPVPTELIKQTKSLKIEDQEQFQLDL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 66 # W: 66 # end gene g527 # start gene g528 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3480954 3481916 0.8 - . g528 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3480954 3481916 0.8 - . g528.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3480954 3480956 . - 0 transcript_id "g528.t1"; gene_id "g528"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3480954 3481916 0.8 - 0 transcript_id "g528.t1"; gene_id "g528"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3481914 3481916 . - 0 transcript_id "g528.t1"; gene_id "g528"; # protein sequence = [MPYHRLNILGLLILSLVLAKADVGYHYSRPTRPTAPSAPSGAGSVYTGHQFSALPTIHPLPPIPALPPLPTARVPIPR # SRPSAPAASIVSHYLPPKPVVSTYIPPPAAAPISSISFHGTPTFKPIYGPPPPARTSLATPIVVPPTGPAPLTAGGNLRIPFGKQALISPGESYVANG # RQLKQYAVIEIIDNDIDETPAPFLSGTSFFDRYGAHVGAPSANGIQLDSRANSLLLEQQQLAIQPRSQGGASGGDAIALGSGGLGFVRLPNGNVYLGS # GSLGYISGQQRVASVLEARTRSESTSDALHFGHGPLGGVDNLLRFK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 7 # W: 7 # end gene g528 # start gene g529 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3494519 3504526 1 - . g529 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3494519 3504526 1 - . g529.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3494519 3494521 . - 0 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3494622 3495479 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3495879 3499320 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3499423 3499510 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3499764 3500000 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3500362 3500422 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3500576 3500637 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3500792 3501171 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3501300 3501362 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3501562 3501617 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3502127 3502415 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3502558 3502645 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3503194 3503250 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3504300 3504360 1 - . transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3494519 3494621 1 - 1 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3495480 3495878 1 - 1 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3499321 3499422 1 - 1 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3499511 3499763 1 - 2 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3500001 3500361 1 - 0 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3500423 3500575 1 - 0 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3500638 3500791 1 - 1 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3501172 3501299 1 - 0 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3501363 3501561 1 - 1 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3501618 3502126 1 - 0 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3502416 3502557 1 - 1 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3502646 3503193 1 - 0 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3503251 3504299 1 - 2 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3504361 3504526 1 - 0 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3504524 3504526 . - 0 transcript_id "g529.t1"; gene_id "g529"; # protein sequence = [MSRVRQLHNHIWNNQNFDKVKSVMDWLLATPQLYSAFSSLGCLEGDTYVVNPNALAILEEINYKLTYEDQTLRTFRRA # IGFGQNVRSDLIPLLENAKDDAVLESVIRILVNLTVPVECLFSVDVMYRTDVGRHTIFELNKLLYTSKEAFTEARSTKSVVEYMKHILESDPKLSPHK # CDQINNCLLLLRNILHIPETHAHCVMPMMQSMPHGISMQNTILWNLFIQSIDKLLLYLMTCPQRAFWGVTMVQLIALIYKDQHVSTLQKLLSLWFEAS # LSESSEDNESNTSPPKQGSGDSSPMLTSDPTSDSSDNGSNGRGMGGGMREGTAATLQEVSRKGQEYQNAMARVPADKPDGSEEASDMTGNDSEQPGSP # EQSQPAGESMDDGDYEDQRHRQLNEHGEEDEDEDEVEEEEYLQLGPASEPLNLTQQPADKVNNTTNPTSSAPQGCLGNEPFKPPPPLPVRASTSAHAQ # MQKFNESSYASHVSAVKLGQKSPHAGQLQLTKGKCCPQKRECPSSQSELSDCGYGTQVENQESISTSSNDDDGPQGKPQHQKPPCNTKPRNKPRTIMS # PMDKKELRRKKLVKRSKSSLINMKGLVQHTPTDDDISNLLKEFTVDFLLKGYSYLVEELHMQLLSNAKVPIDTSHFFWLVTYFLKFAAQLELDMEHID # TILTYDVLSYLTYEGVSLCEQLELNARQEGSDLKPYLRRMHLVVTAIREFLQAIDTYNKVTHLNEDDKAHLRQLQLQISEMSDLRCLFVLLLRRFNPS # IHSKQYLQDLVVTNHILLLILDSSAKLGGCQTIRLSEHITQFATLEVMHYYGILLEDFNNNGEFVNDCIFTMMHHIGGDLGQIGVLFQPIILKTYSRI # WEADYELCDDWSDLIEYVIHKFMNTPPKSPLTIPTTSLTEMTKEHNQEHTVCSWSQEEMDTLYWYYVQSKKNNDIVGKIVKLFSNNGNKLKTRISIIQ # QLLQQDIITLLEYDDLMKFEDAEYQRTLLTTPTSATTESGIEIKECAYGKPSDDVQILLDLIIKENKAQHLLWLQRILIECCFVKLTLRSGLKVPEGD # HIMEPVAYHCICKQKSIPVVQWNNEQSTTMLYQPFVLLLHKLGIQLPADAGSIFARIPDYWTPETMYGLAKKLGPLDKLNLKFDASELEDATASSPSR # YHHTGPRNSLSSVSSLDVDLGDTEELALIPEVDAAVEKAHAMASTPSPSEIFAVPKTKHCNSIIRYTPDPTPPVPNWLQLVMRSKCNHRTGPSGDPSD # CIGSSSTTVDDEGFGKSISAATSQAASTSMSTVNPTTTLSLNMLNTFMGSHNENSSSSGCGGTVSSLSMVALMSTGAAGGGGNTSGLEMDVDASMKSS # FERLEVNGSHFSRANNLDQEYSAMVASVYEKEKELNSDNVSLASDLTRMYVSDEDDRLERTEIRVPHYH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 14/14 # W: 14 # CDS introns: 13/13 # E: 13 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 19 # E: 13 # RM: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 480 # E: 1 # W: 479 # end gene g529 # start gene g530 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3507929 3510072 0.93 - . g530 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3507929 3510072 0.93 - . g530.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3507929 3507931 . - 0 transcript_id "g530.t1"; gene_id "g530"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3508118 3509216 0.93 - . transcript_id "g530.t1"; gene_id "g530"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3509728 3509794 1 - . transcript_id "g530.t1"; gene_id "g530"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3507929 3508117 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g530.t1"; gene_id "g530"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3509217 3509727 0.93 - 1 transcript_id "g530.t1"; gene_id "g530"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3509795 3510072 1 - 0 transcript_id "g530.t1"; gene_id "g530"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3510070 3510072 . - 0 transcript_id "g530.t1"; gene_id "g530"; # protein sequence = [MLALRLFVLLQCSLLVLAGVCLIPQPVKRQRSLEDVIKNPWKLSPRLDGRIVGGHRINITDAPHQVSLQTSSHICGGS # IISEEWILTAAHCTYGKTADRLKVRLGTSEFARSGQLLRVQKIVQHAQFNYTNVDYDFSLLQLAHPIKFDETKKAVKLPESQMKYMDGEACFVSGWGN # TQNLLESREWLRQVEVPLVNQELCSEKYKQYGGVTERMICAGFLEGGKDACQGDSGGPMVSESGELVGVVSWGYGCAKPDYPGVYSRSIYHRDSVPTC # CSSRHRGNTQSKYIRSPQYTHSMSPVRIRRVCPRLQPTVDSVPKRIIQRII] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 17 # W: 17 # end gene g530 # start gene g531 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3510589 3514532 1 - . g531 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3510589 3514532 1 - . g531.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3510589 3510591 . - 0 transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3511027 3511087 1 - . transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3512329 3512384 1 - . transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3512844 3512902 1 - . transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3513475 3513541 1 - . transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3514378 3514529 1 - . transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3510589 3511026 1 - 0 transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3511088 3512328 1 - 2 transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3512385 3512843 1 - 2 transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3512903 3513474 1 - 1 transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3513542 3514377 1 - 0 transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3514530 3514532 1 - 0 transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3514530 3514532 . - 0 transcript_id "g531.t1"; gene_id "g531"; # protein sequence = [MATTERKGTFKVEYLQKIEREVQQRWEAERVHESDAPTAPKKRQAEKFFVTFPFPYMNGRLHLGHTFSLSKAEYSMRY # HRLKGRRVLWPFGFHCTGMPIKACADKLTRELEQFGFPPQFPETEEVVPVAAEAASEVPKDKSKGKKSKAVAKTGAAKYQWQIMQSLGLKDEEIKDFA # NAEHWLNYFPPLAVQDLKRIGVHVDWRRTFITTDANPYFDSFVRWQFNHLKERGKIMYGKRYTIYSPKDGQPCMDHDRSSGEGVGPQEYTLIKMKVLE # VPKALSSIKQPIFMVAATLRPETMYGQTNCWLHPDIKYIAWQANKNNEVWVSTRRAARNMTYQGFTAVEGEIKVLAEVTGQDLLGVPLSAPLTKHKVV # YSLPMLSIKEDKGTGVVTSVPSDSPDDYAALVDLQKKEAFRQKYGLKDEMVLPYEPIPIIEVPTLGKLSAVHAYETLKIQSQNDKDKLAEAKEMCYLK # SFYDGVMLVGAFAGRKIQDVKKDLQKRLVDANEADVYYEPEKTIMSRSADECVVALCNQWYLNYGEPEWQAQATKILHGMETFHEEARNNFEACLNWL # HEYACSRTYGLGTKLPWDDKWLIESLSDSTIYMAFYTVVHLLQGGTFRGEKPGPFGIKPSDMTGEIWDYIFFKETPLPKKTAIKQEHLAVLRREFEYW # YPMDLRVSGKDLIQNHLTFCLYNHAAIWPNDENKWPKGMRVNGHLLLNSAKMSKSDGNFLTLTEAVDKFSADGMRLCLADAGDSVEDANFVESTADAG # ILRLYTFIEWVKEMLENRSSLRKGTDKTFNDQVFLSELNLKTQQTDENYRKMLFKEALRSGFYELQLARDKYRELCGANGMHEDLVLEFIRRQALLVS # PICPHMAEHVWGLLGNKESIVHARWPEVGAINEVDILCSEYLMEAAHSFRLNLKNLLQIKGKAGKDKSVNVQAAKPNRGLVWVAKTYPPWQCCVLDTM # KELFNKSQALPDNKVIAATLQQKAELKKFMKRVMPFAQMIREKVESGKGVAALAVTLEFDERQVLISNLEYLKNTLDLDVLEIKYTDDPSAPEKTREE # VRPGSPFISFSVAPNVSVELTNPIERSSLFQVNTVISEGDTVQSLREKLSKIIGLKTDAATLKIWRYEDPVLGPRKIPNFEDYKAGKSVLGEGNFVLD # VENKKVSLEQAGKLTEVGRNLIYVVD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 90.9 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 344 # W: 344 # end gene g531 # start gene g532 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3514984 3516975 1 + . g532 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3514984 3516975 1 + . g532.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3514984 3514986 . + 0 transcript_id "g532.t1"; gene_id "g532"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3515278 3515719 1 + . transcript_id "g532.t1"; gene_id "g532"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3516269 3516329 1 + . transcript_id "g532.t1"; gene_id "g532"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3516678 3516735 1 + . transcript_id "g532.t1"; gene_id "g532"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3514984 3515277 1 + 0 transcript_id "g532.t1"; gene_id "g532"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3515720 3516268 1 + 0 transcript_id "g532.t1"; gene_id "g532"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3516330 3516677 1 + 0 transcript_id "g532.t1"; gene_id "g532"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3516736 3516975 1 + 0 transcript_id "g532.t1"; gene_id "g532"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3516973 3516975 . + 0 transcript_id "g532.t1"; gene_id "g532"; # protein sequence = [MRPVFAFLLLALICFASTKSESDFEEDDSDDFAEFDDGNFYAEPAAKNADSFSGGAGSSHGESRDDPPAKEPRKQAQN # QESDEEDGLVEDDDEFEHFQDEEEFEGYDGGDSKDPPIDQKVEPKLNIPNIPLHFRTHWDSYWMEMLMVAGLLAYFANFFAGKAKNARLAQLWFSTHR # ALLDENFALVGDDGKAENENPGLIKESESLYTLWCSGRTCCEGMLVELKMIKRQDLVSLVAGLMRPQLDQAHIKIELTRGVMDAFVFAVGTKKTITKL # FKEYTDLSKFCSLVGKPEDRYNVPTGFGVLSEIPEATSAILESRIITALNKYQSYIDYLHISDQFSGPIQQEEGGTLKQPETKAVLLAGFNLPKHAEM # ETIKPLLLLIFYLMERLKTYRMSKEGKAKSDKNRQRVEEEFLKSTHAARAEAAAQRREDKRKQEKERILADEDPEKQRRWEAKEQKRQAKRNAPKMKR # LAVKSL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 137 # W: 137 # end gene g532 # start gene g533 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3517433 3519463 1 - . g533 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3517433 3519463 1 - . g533.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3517433 3517435 . - 0 transcript_id "g533.t1"; gene_id "g533"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3517433 3519463 1 - 0 transcript_id "g533.t1"; gene_id "g533"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3519461 3519463 . - 0 transcript_id "g533.t1"; gene_id "g533"; # protein sequence = [MAENTEYTDEGGEYEDDENQYLGEQHMMEEGPDEDLFSKLGESSDDPEQKRMYMEYLALIKEIDCQNKIIQDIKSNIM # DMCAKPCKTRNELREIKRLRICMEQENIKLHTMMNRAVQLQNFGSHRHYKELAMTTTVDEDNLSPYMCGIGPCAPAGSATDPCSEEPSSCASVCGGGG # GGGGQRDMAGQDDKLICALQKAMQKMKGACPEDKKMIEEIACAIMSCKKQPVCVPGPCPPPPCPGPCQGPCPESSSSSIAPCPPPCPAKRKAQKAPCP # QPQPQPPGKCESLEKLKRRIQCMQTSVKKLLQEVSNRDASEPCDVDDDDDEGEEDPCSRPCPPRPPCPEDPDPLVICGGKRNTKADKYEKMKENYTRL # LTEFQRKDCQMKEMQKRMKGICGPCPSKGGDGDADAAELNLLRARVNELKEEQLEFKCIMKEQSQQLEDYRNKYLLAQQKVEEQCVSLEKLNMNNKRI # EQQINTEVKEIRAKFQEKLNELLHFPKLLENEQLKLAQVCKEKDEMQTKLVVVCKELKACKTQMEQQPNVDVRPQLAQCQMELTQARNELEELLRQRD # LFCEQLKSTQDDLDTLRTESAKIIAGTKERAELIKSQQQEQINRLEKELAQCRATASLSVNDREAVIREMQGQLNTLSYSFDAAQKQIKTLRNHIAYV # SNENCFPVKC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g533 # start gene g534 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3520475 3522372 0.7 + . g534 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3520475 3522372 0.7 + . g534.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3520475 3520477 . + 0 transcript_id "g534.t1"; gene_id "g534"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3521309 3521367 0.98 + . transcript_id "g534.t1"; gene_id "g534"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3520475 3521308 0.71 + 0 transcript_id "g534.t1"; gene_id "g534"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3521368 3522372 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g534.t1"; gene_id "g534"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3522370 3522372 . + 0 transcript_id "g534.t1"; gene_id "g534"; # protein sequence = [MGLDFELDEKNEDQADENEKSSYVSLSRPSSKVLDTRSASSLDFGDHCSPSITKLPKNSREGKEVSLIMSDEEPEDYR # KGLGSKRRLPDSEALGSKLKEELCKYKQELKDYNESTKDLEEKYMKINYELCEMQQKHDQFVSSRKQAQQMDLGSEPDPDGFYSSASSVTSQTTIRRK # SPQILRSNTSFMTVLSGQSSCDEIDRKKYASERSTHQQNHHRHKDDLPSQVNSVFDSRIVETLANRHVKRRKRSLEQDDREREPASFKDVYNVLKDVI # NTSQDQKYKHERDRGRDRDRDRDSGDISQLLTTIKGLKSEQVQFRTLIRQQQERISDYHTRCVKAQDIMSTQKQEIEKLHVNNKQLESSIYHDIDSLR # SKIDNKLKSVSHLPKMMRDEHSKYETVMRENCLLADKLHALQQEAMQLKVKIDELGRRKLVTINRLKAAERDLKIFKNYNSALKTEKRKLTQELSTMK # DQLEQLQASSKRQLSRHREQSEKQRRDLQKKIYDLELKLSRSQNSTSSLIQERDSLIAELQTQLHTLVHNFEVSQKHIRVLRRHIYSMTNQGGTGIVG # SGSAGIAHLTSGGSHRPSLIRINQLPQGTSNGRFAAPRTLKATI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g534 # start gene g535 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3522594 3523960 0.34 - . g535 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3522594 3523960 0.34 - . g535.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3522594 3522596 . - 0 transcript_id "g535.t1"; gene_id "g535"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3523078 3523143 1 - . transcript_id "g535.t1"; gene_id "g535"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3523673 3523752 0.34 - . transcript_id "g535.t1"; gene_id "g535"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3522594 3523077 1 - 1 transcript_id "g535.t1"; gene_id "g535"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3523144 3523672 0.81 - 2 transcript_id "g535.t1"; gene_id "g535"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3523753 3523960 0.34 - 0 transcript_id "g535.t1"; gene_id "g535"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3523958 3523960 . - 0 transcript_id "g535.t1"; gene_id "g535"; # protein sequence = [MILLWAIVLISSVDRTNARCLESVHLEHGSTEIVNGSIIFHCDQGYFLQGSKVFTCDRGIPRGKKPFCAKSGCQEYEQ # IQNGFVLNAPMKAKIICSDGHGLVGNRIAYCDGEKWSTQLGSCALRRQTIDVSCDFESEDMCGWTAELSFLGTWKRVSTVADFHSEKTGPQKDHTFQN # QSIGHYVRMETESDAFGTYHFLSPLYPKELSLSGACFQFHYFMFGSGVGSLLVSIKPVSVTIGDIFKTNHPYKFDQFVMTGSQGARWLEHTIDINKMD # EDFQVIFTATDARSQYGDIAIDDVKLMAAKECARRSTFIEEPKKPIEESDITDSLGYQMTDCSGRCGQDFVRGRYINEGCRCQESCLVNGNCCLNYVK # ECHKDLVIAPYNELKFWRLWNLWSGDSNVTVVPK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 8 # W: 8 # end gene g535 # start gene g536 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3525443 3527200 0.93 + . g536 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3525443 3527200 0.93 + . g536.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3525443 3525445 . + 0 transcript_id "g536.t1"; gene_id "g536"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3525443 3527200 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g536.t1"; gene_id "g536"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3527198 3527200 . + 0 transcript_id "g536.t1"; gene_id "g536"; # protein sequence = [MGMNYFDLGAQRVAGKRHVSLDGFQTPPLGISSYGLEYLDNCVDLESVEIQRFVGDATLKLSCGGALIPNLTAVSFRY # NELGTLSGETIQDLPHLKILHLQQNSLRYLEYFKEHSDLEELLIQDERDLVLRFNEILNQLPELRRLSLRNVEKIEDQFLRILPENLTDLIIENTPIQ # PGVLYLTEGVAKLVNVTITNCQLKGFALQPAHNLDIMYLNLSGNAISSLNISFESGPSTLLTLDLSRNRLEHLNFTWFYRTTSLRSLHLQENHFHSLS # LFQLGFISSASIHHIDLRSNELMSFRDTENADLPSWNPQLRISIDDNPWSCQWMLNFSHMQPQLFRLFQYSKYISHININGLSCTPQEPPSEEPPKVR # RIMHVRINGTDSSIPVPHPHGNVSSFTVLYGNPVELHRSQRSLALIIVFMLPLGIAFLFLLLYLYLHCERLFHLSYYASGLPCFGGEKSSSGPRFVDH # VDIVRYPIANGGSSCPVDVETELPDGYETPVSGGTSICNCTGHRESTCSRTHHVTYESLPAELPYQLYAEIKEQADENGDADEVLAVTTGPTAPIYDH # LSFVEEMPKLDELRDIS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 36 # RM: 1 # W: 35 # end gene g536 # start gene g537 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3527553 3530286 1 - . g537 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3527553 3530286 1 - . g537.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3527553 3527555 . - 0 transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3528757 3528816 1 - . transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3528916 3529055 1 - . transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3529198 3529255 1 - . transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3529472 3529537 1 - . transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3529704 3529767 1 - . transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3527553 3528756 1 - 1 transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3528817 3528915 1 - 1 transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3529056 3529197 1 - 2 transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3529256 3529471 1 - 2 transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3529538 3529703 1 - 0 transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3529768 3530286 1 - 0 transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3530284 3530286 . - 0 transcript_id "g537.t1"; gene_id "g537"; # protein sequence = [MYKNLDLDTLSVDDIVEEYKLLHDRHQQLKDQSEKDAQRIYELKRNLDTALAAESYLTQELEHLSSQPVAIASGGNGQ # ELEELRRKFKTLKEEQDVLQQDYDAKVEETRSLKDKLTAAEKNLAEKSASRSNQLHDDFFARLNALELENCELLQKLAEYEDLRIANTLAVAEKEKTI # ECLQDRVSCMEQNLNCKRDELEEKLQLLESCQEQLVDANAKIALLTSAPENNDRKGNSLFAEVDDQRQAMKQILAAQKKSYLDMKKIFTDSQFEIRRL # KRENVAMHTELQACSTIFCSADKTYQNKLNERIRQLMTANDSLERQLNLSQERLRQLASEKSVTWLDSMLDFCKRETDELKAQLHSMRIQKAGLEERM # RCVQQEMARWRFESLKSRCVLIDRENLLAEHKIVFKPMQAMEFNIKEAELKTALPRIVSVAAQSPSSSAQLHTHPETSLKSAAETTSKSFPTATEIIV # LDAPLKPAIKEEVVEPLSQELKPALKDTSVKVEQELEVSESKACIKRTPIKTIMGMKIKREIDLNLEQQDAVDIKKELEAPELIPKPQLKGTPVKAKN # DGVTPQMNIQEDENEETGLNSVETPAKPLMKGTPVKQRLGGIKVKSNEELLGARLPGTVTPAKPQRKGTPVKLIKLETETEDSSDEAAKESPIKQDGT # LSVEILDSPTPQKPQRKGTPVRIPVIKDSTNENIRSILSKKRQVFAEDSQKAVKFSANDPIVHNLSPLERCPNGETTKENDKPKESEDNQDVKPTIKK # PNIIRRIVVSSRKPIMK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 5 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 162 # W: 162 # end gene g537 # start gene g538 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3530903 3532526 0.41 + . g538 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3530903 3532526 0.41 + . g538.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3530903 3530905 . + 0 transcript_id "g538.t1"; gene_id "g538"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3531200 3531253 0.98 + . transcript_id "g538.t1"; gene_id "g538"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3532017 3532368 1 + . transcript_id "g538.t1"; gene_id "g538"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3530903 3531199 0.41 + 0 transcript_id "g538.t1"; gene_id "g538"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3531254 3532016 1 + 0 transcript_id "g538.t1"; gene_id "g538"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3532369 3532526 1 + 2 transcript_id "g538.t1"; gene_id "g538"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3532524 3532526 . + 0 transcript_id "g538.t1"; gene_id "g538"; # protein sequence = [MQQDDEQEKSQQLQNFQSDDLLEKLKLLNYEKHLLKEFKLKPLSRFYFVKATNPGEQFYMFTLICWWLCKKLGKDMER # PQEYDDPNTVAANIIKLLGEIDVPVDFQPNKLIRGAGPICLSVLEVLSTQACKVAQVGYQKLHIAQEEEFLGDYLEDNAEIILEKLEDEQNAAALSDD # SDMELEAHNFRQLNWLNRPQKKSNGDVNLDERNPELDARMSDHQEWHLELERVLPQLKVFVKADARDWRTHISQMETLKTNILENSDTAEAQLKKLHS # EFTFDLEKIESREKHLNNELKPLIQQFKELSIELSTIQYAQNQLQEDMEKQTAELNEVMMEQELKKEEMERRGQAMSDGSSVQQIRKAIAKLKDDTAQ # LNLEVALLVHAHDQDIVVRQLQQNQTTDLANNP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g538 # start gene g539 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3545587 3546755 0.95 + . g539 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3545587 3546755 0.95 + . g539.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3545587 3545589 . + 0 transcript_id "g539.t1"; gene_id "g539"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3545808 3546730 1 + . transcript_id "g539.t1"; gene_id "g539"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3545587 3545807 0.95 + 0 transcript_id "g539.t1"; gene_id "g539"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3546731 3546755 1 + 1 transcript_id "g539.t1"; gene_id "g539"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3546753 3546755 . + 0 transcript_id "g539.t1"; gene_id "g539"; # protein sequence = [MFAVMRIDNDDCRSDFRRKMRPKCEFICKYCQRRFTKPYNLMIHERTHKSPEITYSCEVCGKYFKQRDNLRQHRCSQC # VWR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 12 # W: 12 # end gene g539 # start gene g540 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3547053 3547307 0.41 + . g540 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3547053 3547307 0.41 + . g540.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3547053 3547055 . + 0 transcript_id "g540.t1"; gene_id "g540"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3547053 3547307 0.41 + 0 transcript_id "g540.t1"; gene_id "g540"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3547305 3547307 . + 0 transcript_id "g540.t1"; gene_id "g540"; # protein sequence = [MLRSGVGFQSIRLSGLYNALATPPSTADKHTYADVAQAQHNSSSCSNGNGCNSCNAHCNSSLHIFNNISRNLHMDTCG # RGCFGK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 26 # W: 26 # end gene g540 # start gene g541 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3552457 3552666 0.54 - . g541 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3552457 3552666 0.54 - . g541.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3552457 3552459 . - 0 transcript_id "g541.t1"; gene_id "g541"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3552457 3552666 0.54 - 0 transcript_id "g541.t1"; gene_id "g541"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3552664 3552666 . - 0 transcript_id "g541.t1"; gene_id "g541"; # protein sequence = [MVSGTPAARILQLEEWRSEECQGLIEFKCQIRVNIDAQLPAIQFSSRAVLHGSWHLGIFASLRLSTELK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g541 # start gene g542 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3578297 3580179 0.98 - . g542 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3578297 3580179 0.98 - . g542.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3578297 3578299 . - 0 transcript_id "g542.t1"; gene_id "g542"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3578709 3578854 1 - . transcript_id "g542.t1"; gene_id "g542"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3578297 3578708 1 - 1 transcript_id "g542.t1"; gene_id "g542"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3578855 3580179 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g542.t1"; gene_id "g542"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3580177 3580179 . - 0 transcript_id "g542.t1"; gene_id "g542"; # protein sequence = [MEAVKHLSAAAAAAAAAATCSDSPAKAAASPAASSDIAEALGELKASATAAASSASKAATSKHHSNNNHKPSAAATAT # AAHKKSESCNSNGNKCTAATSPIGSKTSNAAMAAATATAAAATNDLAAAAAVVLSLQGTMVSSLQQAALLPANSAAAAALNLQALESYLALQRLTGKS # DVFRFSNSNTGSSNSNNATTCNSSSSEADNNALPSLIDIANIELKSSCSSSSSGEPPLTAATASAAATSSPSSNNSNSTSTPTTSKCVPLPSIGTVSA # AVAAAAAAAAAAASQQAALDCATAAELAAECDLPLLDGEDALSFEAGDLDSSYGSFMFNPSAFSQAETDSALHSLQATMYQDKMSVISGAAGGVGAGA # VGGLEEAGSSAAAAAAQRSKKQFICKFCNRQFTKSYNLLIHERTHTDERPYSCDICGKAFRRQDHLRDHRYIHSKEKPFKCAECGKGFCQSRTLAVHK # ILHMEESPHKCPVCNRSFNQRSNLKTHLLTHTDIKPYNCASCGKVFRRNCDLRRHSLTHNLSAGVGGVVGGNLSDPFGSGSSSSSELGLPTGSASTAA # SSRDLVAVSD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 22 # RM: 2 # W: 20 # end gene g542 # start gene g543 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3582306 3582533 0.99 + . g543 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3582306 3582533 0.99 + . g543.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3582306 3582308 . + 0 transcript_id "g543.t1"; gene_id "g543"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3582306 3582533 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g543.t1"; gene_id "g543"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3582531 3582533 . + 0 transcript_id "g543.t1"; gene_id "g543"; # protein sequence = [MIRESGVWRPEILSPTVAIMSLSGRLTDDDDRREDDLLLEIAGSLDHPEWRRHQKICNRDCAFQGKLSGIDTSFL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g543 # start gene g544 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3604994 3606358 1 - . g544 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3604994 3606358 1 - . g544.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3604994 3604996 . - 0 transcript_id "g544.t1"; gene_id "g544"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3606100 3606285 1 - . transcript_id "g544.t1"; gene_id "g544"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3604994 3606099 1 - 2 transcript_id "g544.t1"; gene_id "g544"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3606286 3606358 1 - 0 transcript_id "g544.t1"; gene_id "g544"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3606356 3606358 . - 0 transcript_id "g544.t1"; gene_id "g544"; # protein sequence = [MSSTSASPISNITVDDELNLSREQDFAEEDFIVIKEERETSLSPMLTPPHTPTEEPLRRVHPAISEEAVATQLHMRHM # AHYQQQQQQQQQQQQHRLWLQMQQQQQQHQAPQQYPVYPTASADPVAVHQQLMNHWIRNAAIYQQQQQQQQHPHHHHHHGHPHHPHPHPHHVRPYPAG # LHSLHAAVMGRHFGAMPTLKLGGAGGASGVPSGATGSSRPKKQFICKYCNRQFTKSYNLLIHERTHTDERPYSCDICGKAFRRQDHLRDHRYIHSKDK # PFKCSDCGKGFCQSRTLAVHKVTHLEEGPHKCPICQRSFNQRANLKSHLQSHSEQSTKEVVVTTSPATSHSVPNQALSSPQPENLAQHLPVLDLSSSS # SSSEKPKRMLGFTIDEIMSR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 23 # RM: 1 # W: 22 # end gene g544 # start gene g545 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3619286 3621073 0.59 + . g545 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3619286 3621073 0.59 + . g545.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3619286 3619288 . + 0 transcript_id "g545.t1"; gene_id "g545"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3620391 3620508 0.59 + . transcript_id "g545.t1"; gene_id "g545"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3620726 3620781 1 + . transcript_id "g545.t1"; gene_id "g545"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3619286 3620390 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g545.t1"; gene_id "g545"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3620509 3620725 0.59 + 2 transcript_id "g545.t1"; gene_id "g545"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3620782 3621073 1 + 1 transcript_id "g545.t1"; gene_id "g545"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3621071 3621073 . + 0 transcript_id "g545.t1"; gene_id "g545"; # protein sequence = [MTTCLRSGVLIIVLLGILGIPEPISAGNILAVYPHFGFSHFKVVMPILNELAHRGHDITVISYVKNPQAGAYPNYEEL # LISAPGEDQSSTTINLVPLTEHTPTRSLGVLIREYVDLHEEGQKTCEHLFASGHIERAIERHRNKPYDLLLTEYFNSDCQLALAKLLNLPIIGLSTCA # LMPYYYDRIDLPDTPAFIQSEFVGFAGQLNWHERLLNFVQAKLLKFLYKYHSNRADNELVRKYLGVEVDVEEVARTQTAFIFGNQHYSLMGSRPQSLQ # FVEIGGVHITKKAEQELPQNIANFLNQSAEGVIFISWGSMVRASSIDEDKLSAILEVLKSQPLKIIWKWEADETPDTDASKFLFVKWAPQLALLCHPK # VKLFWSHGGLLGTTESVHCGKPLLVTPIYGDQFLNAFSVQNRGMGLKLDYQDITVPNLKKALAELSKNSYAQRSLEVSKVFNERQQTPLESAIWSVEH # VISNGLIAARLLQSPGIELNGFVYHSLDSVALILLPLILLILVLCYLCKRNPSKLAHKKVGKKPKRS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 98 # W: 98 # end gene g545 # start gene g546 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3621149 3621506 1 - . g546 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3621149 3621506 1 - . g546.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3621149 3621151 . - 0 transcript_id "g546.t1"; gene_id "g546"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3621325 3621388 1 - . transcript_id "g546.t1"; gene_id "g546"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3621149 3621324 1 - 2 transcript_id "g546.t1"; gene_id "g546"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3621389 3621506 1 - 0 transcript_id "g546.t1"; gene_id "g546"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3621504 3621506 . - 0 transcript_id "g546.t1"; gene_id "g546"; # protein sequence = [MVWISSWGQLWLVLLLVVGLSLGLPSLENQTHEQIEQIIACRQPKAPGLCRGHQLRYAYNKKTGNCESFIYTGCASTE # NNFLTFEECRRDCMQRLRY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 19 # W: 19 # end gene g546 # start gene g547 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3622214 3622508 0.93 + . g547 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3622214 3622508 0.93 + . g547.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3622214 3622216 . + 0 transcript_id "g547.t1"; gene_id "g547"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3622306 3622387 0.93 + . transcript_id "g547.t1"; gene_id "g547"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3622214 3622305 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g547.t1"; gene_id "g547"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3622388 3622508 0.93 + 1 transcript_id "g547.t1"; gene_id "g547"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3622506 3622508 . + 0 transcript_id "g547.t1"; gene_id "g547"; # protein sequence = [MCDGRSWSNVAFKCSLTDYKATRFVCFNNDVVTDLLTIYINSKRTRHIYPHYKIIVINSLINSLRCTSWL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 31 # W: 31 # end gene g547 # start gene g548 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3622538 3622771 0.93 + . g548 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3622538 3622771 0.93 + . g548.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3622538 3622540 . + 0 transcript_id "g548.t1"; gene_id "g548"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3622538 3622771 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g548.t1"; gene_id "g548"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3622769 3622771 . + 0 transcript_id "g548.t1"; gene_id "g548"; # protein sequence = [MELRRWMIVLLCRPLTLRLLRFFVFFCGSFSMRAADCCCWLWRTYGALKINFSSLAFISSWFSAAEAFREHRLGNGF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 24 # W: 24 # end gene g548 # start gene g549 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3622778 3627438 0.8 - . g549 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3622778 3627438 0.8 - . g549.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3622778 3622780 . - 0 transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3622944 3623005 1 - . transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3623196 3623261 1 - . transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3623882 3624223 1 - . transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3624374 3624439 1 - . transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3624677 3625996 1 - . transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3626217 3626336 1 - . transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3622778 3622943 1 - 1 transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3623006 3623195 1 - 2 transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3623262 3623881 1 - 1 transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3624224 3624373 1 - 1 transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3624440 3624676 1 - 1 transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3625997 3626216 1 - 2 transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3626337 3627438 0.8 - 0 transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3627436 3627438 . - 0 transcript_id "g549.t1"; gene_id "g549"; # protein sequence = [MKIKHYPGKAVDASLSLEGSSAMGALYEANWLRAANQPAAPATTGTKLSRQSSSAGSSFLIEGISALSKYQMTLENIR # QLELQSRDKRIASTIKELSGYRPSALQHHQQQQMHNVWVAEDQDQEHEELEDASEGKEKLASIQEPPAVNHYVLDPTERPRVPRPRQQFSVKPPSLRR # SQTMSQPPSYATLRSPPKIKENLSKSSSAYSTFSSAAEDSQDQVVICQQPQRLMAPPPREPPPEPPKRVSKPLSRSQTSVQRYATVRMPNQTTSFSRS # VVRSRDSTASQRRLSLEQAIEGLKLEGEKAVRQKSPQISPAASSNGSSKDLNGEGFCIPRPRLIVPVHTYARRRRTGNLKEQSSGGQEEEAEKDGRVE # VSREGKYLSTLSGAKVLGELAILYNCQRTATITAITECNLWAIERQCFQTIMMRTGLIRQAEYSDFLKSVPIFKDLAEDTLIKISDVLEETHYQRGDY # IVRQGARGDTFFIISKGKVRVTIKQQDTQEEKFIRMLGKGDFFGEKALQGDDLRTANIICESADGVSCLVIDRETFNQLISNLDEIKHRYDDEGAMER # RKINEEFRDINLTDLRVIATLGVGGFGRVELVQTNGDSSRSFALKQMKKSQIVETRQQQHIMSEKEIMGEANCQFIVKLFKTFKDKKYLYMLMESCLG # GELWTILRDKGNFDDSTTRFYTACVVEAFDYLHSRNIIYRDLKPENLLLNERGYVKLVDFGFAKKLQTGRKTWTFCGTPEYVAPEVILNRGHDISADY # WSLGVLMFELLTGTPPFTGSDPMRTYNIILKGIDAIEFPRNITRNASNLIKKLCRDNPAERLGYQRGGISEIQKHKWFDGFYWWGLQNCTLEPPIKPA # VKSVVDTTNFDDYPPDPEGPPPDDVTGWDKDF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 263 # E: 1 # W: 262 # end gene g549 # start gene g550 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3631778 3632044 0.99 + . g550 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3631778 3632044 0.99 + . g550.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3631778 3631780 . + 0 transcript_id "g550.t1"; gene_id "g550"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3631778 3632044 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g550.t1"; gene_id "g550"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3632042 3632044 . + 0 transcript_id "g550.t1"; gene_id "g550"; # protein sequence = [MGKLCGFVYLLFRTSTRAAIYVSIIVGNSSKAYAQGMVIVWFVAFIINSLAAVAICKMLYNTVKHTRGRIENHDTTAE # EMAKHEVGEF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 29 # E: 1 # W: 28 # end gene g550 # start gene g551 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3632051 3640455 0.81 - . g551 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3632051 3640455 0.81 - . g551.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3632051 3632053 . - 0 transcript_id "g551.t1"; gene_id "g551"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3632185 3634238 0.81 - . transcript_id "g551.t1"; gene_id "g551"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3634406 3638938 1 - . transcript_id "g551.t1"; gene_id "g551"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3632051 3632184 0.81 - 2 transcript_id "g551.t1"; gene_id "g551"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3634239 3634405 0.95 - 1 transcript_id "g551.t1"; gene_id "g551"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3638939 3640455 1 - 0 transcript_id "g551.t1"; gene_id "g551"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3640453 3640455 . - 0 transcript_id "g551.t1"; gene_id "g551"; # protein sequence = [MRFCFDRLCFATKRPAQNSNSNAPHSSTTVDAPPRPADVDVATVPVATPAPPPQQPVSNLFYADYQKLQPAIIDRDWE # RDRDTDTDTRSEAKPPDIVEHIEPVEEQRQIHTQIQSPAEIQIQIPPTPPAPSIQIQIQQRYRRHSSAEDRNLNTRRNDSNITEALRKAASMQQEPNA # NYQFPTDLGLVSIVNNNNNTNTHPSGSNSGSNNNSNINNNLVGGIVTLPAAGGLIGLEHTASGLRLIPAPPTHSDVLTHTLIYGTPPSGAQQLNQDPR # SLLHQQELQLQQRYQQLQQLQAQTQGLYTSQGSPVLYHQPSPGSSQPVAIPGATCHSPTQLQPPNTLNLQQQMQSLRISGCTPSGTGGSATPSPVGLV # DPNFIVSNYVAASPQEERFIQIIQAKELKIQEMQRALQFKDNEIAELKSHLDKFQSVFPFSRGSAAGCAGTGGASGSGAGGSGGSGPGTATGATRKSG # QNFQRQRALGISAEPQSESSLLLEHVSFPKYDKDERSRELIKAAILDNDFMKNLDLTQIREIVDCMYPVKYPAKNLIIKEGDVGSIVYVMEVFRIPIF # GQFVIRPAGGVARKRVWRMRMRSVAKSAPGFEIKPQE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 1 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 189 # E: 1 # W: 188 # end gene g551 # start gene g552 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3683792 3690997 0.39 + . g552 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3683792 3690997 0.39 + . g552.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3683792 3683794 . + 0 transcript_id "g552.t1"; gene_id "g552"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3683969 3684061 1 + . transcript_id "g552.t1"; gene_id "g552"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3684634 3690837 0.84 + . transcript_id "g552.t1"; gene_id "g552"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3683792 3683968 0.5 + 0 transcript_id "g552.t1"; gene_id "g552"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3684062 3684633 1 + 0 transcript_id "g552.t1"; gene_id "g552"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3690838 3690997 0.85 + 1 transcript_id "g552.t1"; gene_id "g552"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3690995 3690997 . + 0 transcript_id "g552.t1"; gene_id "g552"; # protein sequence = [MWPYHGNLLRNFLNFIRVFNFANPQVWFQNRRAKWRKAERLKDEQRKRENGESSSSLDKLHDSRESSPDITGEIDDDM # DDLPPRQRSHSPLANGQMEQQHSHSHSHSHSRSPGGGMHLDSSDNERPLSSNQLTATPHSASQSLGSISAGSPSPSGMHREREHTPLVGGGGQGPSSP # SNSRNTDSPIEVGGPMSLTTGSRMAASSNNSASSTPTPTTPHAPQMPHSSAAAAAAFGSHIFGNFGGGSNASDRRLSIPEPVLMLLPEAPAATGLIGG # GSTEHSGQQQLGGQFAGIAKVLRPGIRS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g552 # start gene g553 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3691185 3691478 0.81 + . g553 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3691185 3691478 0.81 + . g553.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3691185 3691187 . + 0 transcript_id "g553.t1"; gene_id "g553"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3691185 3691478 0.81 + 0 transcript_id "g553.t1"; gene_id "g553"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3691476 3691478 . + 0 transcript_id "g553.t1"; gene_id "g553"; # protein sequence = [MRMKHEAQDMTMNGLGPGSGSGSGSGSAGGGTSSAALLDLAESAVAYQQQQHATLSPPTTPTQQSSGGVAATEGSPGS # GAIAGSGSLNGNVVLTKME] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 8 # W: 8 # end gene g553 # start gene g554 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3692186 3692540 1 - . g554 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3692186 3692540 1 - . g554.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3692186 3692188 . - 0 transcript_id "g554.t1"; gene_id "g554"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3692356 3692470 1 - . transcript_id "g554.t1"; gene_id "g554"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3692186 3692355 1 - 2 transcript_id "g554.t1"; gene_id "g554"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3692471 3692540 1 - 0 transcript_id "g554.t1"; gene_id "g554"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3692538 3692540 . - 0 transcript_id "g554.t1"; gene_id "g554"; # protein sequence = [MKYLVVFALICCLVASAFATLKNPICGEEFGVKGTCRSLQPMWTYRPDTNECFTFNYSGCHGNNNLFHKKLECEEKCK # I] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 23 # W: 23 # end gene g554 # start gene g555 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3692841 3693168 1 - . g555 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3692841 3693168 1 - . g555.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3692841 3692843 . - 0 transcript_id "g555.t1"; gene_id "g555"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3693029 3693089 1 - . transcript_id "g555.t1"; gene_id "g555"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3692841 3693028 1 - 2 transcript_id "g555.t1"; gene_id "g555"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3693090 3693168 1 - 0 transcript_id "g555.t1"; gene_id "g555"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3693166 3693168 . - 0 transcript_id "g555.t1"; gene_id "g555"; # protein sequence = [MKYIGFVAIAFLLSLSGSRLWVHAKPEMCQQPSSMVGMAQDGAACMAFMPAWTYDASKNACTEFIFGGCGGNSNQFST # KSECEKACKD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 24 # W: 24 # end gene g555 # start gene g556 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3694122 3694808 0.85 - . g556 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3694122 3694808 0.85 - . g556.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3694122 3694124 . - 0 transcript_id "g556.t1"; gene_id "g556"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3694275 3694336 1 - . transcript_id "g556.t1"; gene_id "g556"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3694372 3694545 0.85 - . transcript_id "g556.t1"; gene_id "g556"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3694684 3694741 1 - . transcript_id "g556.t1"; gene_id "g556"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3694122 3694274 1 - 0 transcript_id "g556.t1"; gene_id "g556"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3694337 3694371 0.94 - 2 transcript_id "g556.t1"; gene_id "g556"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3694546 3694683 0.85 - 2 transcript_id "g556.t1"; gene_id "g556"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3694742 3694808 1 - 0 transcript_id "g556.t1"; gene_id "g556"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3694806 3694808 . - 0 transcript_id "g556.t1"; gene_id "g556"; # protein sequence = [MRLVVLGCLLLALETVGLCLKDPICGQPPAVNGNDFIKCAGSFEKFSYYPHINVCQKFEYGGCFGNDNSPCKQFLGSK # KVKFVDYQKSIVASAWHISSSGPMIPKRTNALSLSTEDVKAMKIHLNPKKSV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 57.1 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 9 # W: 9 # end gene g556 # start gene g557 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3695053 3695356 1 - . g557 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3695053 3695356 1 - . g557.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3695053 3695055 . - 0 transcript_id "g557.t1"; gene_id "g557"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3695235 3695289 1 - . transcript_id "g557.t1"; gene_id "g557"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3695053 3695234 1 - 2 transcript_id "g557.t1"; gene_id "g557"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3695290 3695356 1 - 0 transcript_id "g557.t1"; gene_id "g557"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3695354 3695356 . - 0 transcript_id "g557.t1"; gene_id "g557"; # protein sequence = [MKLLILVFVFVAFVANALALKNAICGLPHSLNGDGRISCEAYIPSWSYDADRNECVKFIYGGCGGNNNRFNSREICED # KCLQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 23 # W: 23 # end gene g557 # start gene g558 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3696290 3697771 0.91 - . g558 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3696290 3697771 0.91 - . g558.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3696290 3696292 . - 0 transcript_id "g558.t1"; gene_id "g558"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3696472 3696531 1 - . transcript_id "g558.t1"; gene_id "g558"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3696650 3697453 0.91 - . transcript_id "g558.t1"; gene_id "g558"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3696290 3696471 1 - 2 transcript_id "g558.t1"; gene_id "g558"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3696532 3696649 1 - 0 transcript_id "g558.t1"; gene_id "g558"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3697454 3697771 0.91 - 0 transcript_id "g558.t1"; gene_id "g558"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3697769 3697771 . - 0 transcript_id "g558.t1"; gene_id "g558"; # protein sequence = [MCFRYSFSFIVFAAVLLLAAGIRAAPSDVVVEKAEEPAVAKPLPDASELTVPEDCHQPKETGRCFALFYRYAYNVDTQ # SCEEFVYGGCAGNKNNFESKEQCEQACLSFHGSWEIYIVFKIAISMKFIAAVCLMFALVAVALGLKDPICGLPAGIDGNGLIKCAAFIPSFSYHPETN # SCEKFIYGGCGGNENRFGTQELCEQKCKE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 82 # W: 82 # end gene g558 # start gene g559 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3698586 3699040 0.96 - . g559 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3698586 3699040 0.96 - . g559.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3698586 3698588 . - 0 transcript_id "g559.t1"; gene_id "g559"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3698762 3698826 1 - . transcript_id "g559.t1"; gene_id "g559"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3698586 3698761 1 - 2 transcript_id "g559.t1"; gene_id "g559"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3698827 3699040 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g559.t1"; gene_id "g559"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3699038 3699040 . - 0 transcript_id "g559.t1"; gene_id "g559"; # protein sequence = [MLLRMTQFLCLAALVLLSLMQLTQAVATPNNNNNNNNNIKPKAVVQVQPGNPSGNKPAVATTTIKPQRLVPDPKCLQP # LDVGPCRMSLERFYYNKDSKACETFKYGGCRGNDNRWGFRQTCEEACIPKK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 37 # W: 37 # end gene g559 # start gene g560 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3703731 3704038 0.94 + . g560 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3703731 3704038 0.94 + . g560.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3703731 3703733 . + 0 transcript_id "g560.t1"; gene_id "g560"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3703813 3703865 1 + . transcript_id "g560.t1"; gene_id "g560"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3703731 3703812 0.95 + 0 transcript_id "g560.t1"; gene_id "g560"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3703866 3704038 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g560.t1"; gene_id "g560"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3704036 3704038 . + 0 transcript_id "g560.t1"; gene_id "g560"; # protein sequence = [MMPAYWQWLLVGLLLLIPHHSGAASKRVKLCLQPMISGRCFGYVESYAYNPIKRHCEPFIYGGCGGNDNRFSTKAECE # FNCRDI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 14 # W: 14 # end gene g560 # start gene g561 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3704419 3704973 1 - . g561 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3704419 3704973 1 - . g561.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3704419 3704421 . - 0 transcript_id "g561.t1"; gene_id "g561"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3704634 3704879 1 - . transcript_id "g561.t1"; gene_id "g561"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3704419 3704633 1 - 2 transcript_id "g561.t1"; gene_id "g561"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3704880 3704973 1 - 0 transcript_id "g561.t1"; gene_id "g561"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3704971 3704973 . - 0 transcript_id "g561.t1"; gene_id "g561"; # protein sequence = [MANFSQLRITIGFCVILAVILEQPFTAEAVVRDACQTAPNKSVWLCSPSTLGIFFDPETQRCRYMGCSNRKLFLTLED # CEKICNNPRHIKRRNQAKANETSH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 29 # W: 29 # end gene g561 # start gene g562 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3705181 3705480 0.9 + . g562 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3705181 3705480 0.9 + . g562.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3705181 3705183 . + 0 transcript_id "g562.t1"; gene_id "g562"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3705181 3705480 0.9 + 0 transcript_id "g562.t1"; gene_id "g562"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3705478 3705480 . + 0 transcript_id "g562.t1"; gene_id "g562"; # protein sequence = [MDDDRPIRLLFLFIYFLFAILLDFMSFLYSSARQSSSRVQKPSQKNALSLCCSCCQFGMQIGNTLGFYCNFSWTLSSF # EISENSSMDEEADLVHHTLGH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 31 # W: 31 # end gene g562 # start gene g563 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3706580 3707039 1 - . g563 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3706580 3707039 1 - . g563.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3706580 3706582 . - 0 transcript_id "g563.t1"; gene_id "g563"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3706792 3706921 1 - . transcript_id "g563.t1"; gene_id "g563"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3706580 3706791 1 - 2 transcript_id "g563.t1"; gene_id "g563"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3706922 3707039 1 - 0 transcript_id "g563.t1"; gene_id "g563"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3707037 3707039 . - 0 transcript_id "g563.t1"; gene_id "g563"; # protein sequence = [MSRHKPASVVLTLLLVVLLALIHHRRIDARFVPGPPSIPSICKKPPPRSEGVCAIDIEGYYYDPITFDCKMYKIGACH # LIRGQSFGSQQDCISTCIHGIRRNHDFYVNE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 32 # W: 32 # end gene g563 # start gene g564 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3707354 3711618 0.98 - . g564 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3707354 3711618 0.98 - . g564.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3707354 3707356 . - 0 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3707455 3707515 1 - . transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3707580 3708014 1 - . transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3708236 3708297 1 - . transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3708432 3708490 1 - . transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3708667 3708977 1 - . transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3709213 3709275 1 - . transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3709416 3709474 1 - . transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3709578 3709633 1 - . transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3709751 3709816 1 - . transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3710046 3710101 1 - . transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3710682 3710736 1 - . transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3707354 3707454 1 - 2 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3707516 3707579 1 - 0 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3708015 3708235 1 - 2 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3708298 3708431 1 - 1 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3708491 3708666 1 - 0 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3708978 3709212 1 - 1 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3709276 3709415 1 - 0 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3709475 3709577 1 - 1 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3709634 3709750 1 - 1 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3709817 3710045 1 - 2 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3710102 3710681 1 - 0 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3710737 3711618 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3711616 3711618 . - 0 transcript_id "g564.t1"; gene_id "g564"; # protein sequence = [MDQYPDENEEFELQYQDELELLEDLPDEFNAYDGPSTSKQAAEKQKENRAPVAALRDSTRLGNSTLGSPQLSQITFGA # SQLGGEEEAEGTSSGGQVNRRLFGTPKGPPVGRGCSTPFQRMPAIQELENTQLTSRSYGLEKENAAANQLQEVGLKNVNKRRLERDLFGDIDDLFHES # YEDPMVKKARTEEQRDHEAIERILELRRKMRESSKTLRKDDVSRLKALHDFKMRNLSYEIPNWPFLAIQRSDLERIYVRFHSEDYEQRQLDLISARGE # VVGSLLGEAKDKIWQEAGEIVLSRATAAEDADVTLVNSNANSEPGRLWVDKYKPRKYIDLLSDEMTNRSLLYWLKMWDKVVFGKAFHSKREQEAVTGE # GGTAGGAANQLNSFNKRTGKFESNGGWRQRKSRQALNTNVDALGRPMQKVALLCGPPGLGKTTLAHTIARHAGYNVREINASDDRSPEAFKLALENGT # QMSSVLNEDKRPNCIVLDEIDGAPRQSIDYLVKFISDAVYTKVKAKGAKAEHNVLKRPIICICNDVYDPALRPLRQVAFVVTFPPIDAARLAERLVKI # AFKEQLKTDFGSLIALAEKSGNDVRSCISSMQFFNAQKHSLTLQDVLNNNLGQKDRHQGLFAVWDAIFRIQRPRKTLHTDANKVDEPAQVTMTNTSVT # TRVRNVLEVVHSSGDYERLTQGVYENYLQQKMPDPNFTGVCEALKWFCFTDTVQHQISRQQNYSVYPYLQYGFVAWHLLFATLAWPKIAFPTRGFEFQ # QKSTNQRNIFQALCKGVTTSALGVGQGGTLLLDTVPLLKRILSPQLRSVAVQLLSPKEQQDLRHTIEVMVDLGLTFVQVKSQEGHYVFQTEPDLDALS # AFPGYTGLSLPYFSRQLIAREVDLERIRRAAPKGGAPSAPAAKKKTSGAAAQLPNHLQTLKPKPISASNMHSAPKQQLTKDFFGRITHKSTSTNSAEE # SKTDAIVKSPIWYRYKEGFNNAVRKDVHIHELL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 91.3 # CDS exons: 11/12 # W: 11 # CDS introns: 10/11 # E: 10 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 12 # E: 10 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 191 # E: 1 # W: 190 # end gene g564 # start gene g565 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3712269 3712782 0.98 - . g565 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3712269 3712782 0.98 - . g565.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3712269 3712271 . - 0 transcript_id "g565.t1"; gene_id "g565"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3712446 3712497 1 - . transcript_id "g565.t1"; gene_id "g565"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3712269 3712445 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g565.t1"; gene_id "g565"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3712498 3712782 1 - 0 transcript_id "g565.t1"; gene_id "g565"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3712780 3712782 . - 0 transcript_id "g565.t1"; gene_id "g565"; # protein sequence = [MEGDKVVFHSSDLPYEYLYDDEKHVSHMPDSKLSVRNILDSAYASAEGKIITRKLSRSIPPYPHAVRVKNGIRVYEYS # EPRKQSYKSSLWKEAYNILHQRLDIAEPIAAKEHVRTQIHPCLHKIKGLLDPETCIKCPRCHKSISSTKVVKSFA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 44 # W: 44 # end gene g565 # start gene g566 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3713171 3716508 0.61 + . g566 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3713171 3716508 0.61 + . g566.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3713171 3713173 . + 0 transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3713218 3713619 0.61 + . transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3713737 3714091 1 + . transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3714492 3714646 1 + . transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3716105 3716156 1 + . transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3716304 3716388 1 + . transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3713171 3713217 0.8 + 0 transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3713620 3713736 0.61 + 1 transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3714092 3714491 1 + 1 transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3714647 3716104 1 + 0 transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3716157 3716303 1 + 0 transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3716389 3716508 1 + 0 transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3716506 3716508 . + 0 transcript_id "g566.t1"; gene_id "g566"; # protein sequence = [MRSNIKYKTCILSACKKITENLGKSKREKVEESEKSNPNKAISAYSSISAHNNAKMHNWLASHNGDEDAMAAPSSCPA # SSENGSRLESRRIFGDITTNRLWTFRVLMNQDLAPNEQLAIVGNCEALGNWQHSGAAILSKNEEDNEYSNLWTGEIYIPRHCDTEYRYMVCAVDPGTE # QLIVRRWETQLQPRIVKELDEQPAKNQSDIFGSFNGQEKVDRGWLTKETLVQLKFFYAPFTFKQRMKRRHIQVKVTPMNLSIPSAGCDTMLPSSPMED # SLSNDTHDTKENGGESSTAFAFSEVVTLSADECEIRSQEQFGTGCGPTDLVIFHLTVGDFENTAYLIDLYSYSSRVAKEDGPPNHLGYHYVLPNLFKR # SEGNLELPITCAKGHRPLGMMRLGYLIVKPSSLCALMDMSVSYARYWNSKWTGLDVGHRGSGTSFKAKDAVIRENTITSLKNAAEHGADMVEFDVQLS # KDLVPVVYHDFMIYVSLKSKCSLQEHDFLALPMRELSLEQLKKLKVYHIAEGLSRETRSFHNDDCLEHQPFPQLCDVLDALDVHVGFNIEIKWSQRLE # DGKMEEEFEHVVDRNLYIDCILDVILRKAGNRRIVLSCFDPDICTILRFKQNRYPVMFLTLGRTTKYQKYMDPRGNSMELAVWHAVAMEFLGVVAHTE # DLLRDPSQVNLAKERGLVLFCWGDDNNSKDTIKLLKELGLHAIIYDKMDVLTTKEVKQSVFHLQAKDSQKELLKLQALEMGHVWHTSADGNEEQQA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 81.8 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 241 # W: 241 # end gene g566 # start gene g567 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3716880 3717728 0.99 - . g567 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3716880 3717728 0.99 - . g567.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3716880 3716882 . - 0 transcript_id "g567.t1"; gene_id "g567"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3716880 3717728 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g567.t1"; gene_id "g567"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3717726 3717728 . - 0 transcript_id "g567.t1"; gene_id "g567"; # protein sequence = [MFRLSVLVLNLLLVSHEFSAGTAKIEIQPLPALCNGYCFPTLKPVMEYVAIHQDKWNTCTEILANEARKDQIQLNIQL # DALKADVSNIKASQLSKDEKLDRMEREQFAMHESLETINRYLTVKLDRTKLQLEAIKNTMDYMKAQMDGYFSAINGVQCLQPGFEKIGDRYFYIEEDV # ELNWLDAQAKCRRMGGHLASIKTKQEFDAIVEKLDDSKSYFLGVNENTKTGDFVSAASGKSCLYHEWGPGEPHHNNDQERCVSILRKLMHVGNCTYEK # RFICQYGI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 40 # W: 40 # end gene g567 # start gene g568 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3720866 3721087 0.85 - . g568 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3720866 3721087 0.85 - . g568.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3720866 3720868 . - 0 transcript_id "g568.t1"; gene_id "g568"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3720866 3721087 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g568.t1"; gene_id "g568"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3721085 3721087 . - 0 transcript_id "g568.t1"; gene_id "g568"; # protein sequence = [MLFVVLAHDLCSYAYHSVKAPLRSTLRHPMGIRPQDLVPPLENICPDVRNTSIDPCNLATHYVGAELDNMPLQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # E: 1 # W: 1 # end gene g568 # start gene g569 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3721357 3727019 0.47 + . g569 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3721357 3727019 0.47 + . g569.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3721357 3721359 . + 0 transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3721590 3721644 1 + . transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3721763 3721822 1 + . transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3722018 3722352 1 + . transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3722572 3722652 1 + . transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3723257 3723635 1 + . transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3723765 3726696 0.88 + . transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3721357 3721589 0.54 + 0 transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3721645 3721762 1 + 1 transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3721823 3722017 1 + 0 transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3722353 3722571 1 + 0 transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3722653 3723256 1 + 0 transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3723636 3723764 0.93 + 2 transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3726697 3727019 0.88 + 2 transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3727017 3727019 . + 0 transcript_id "g569.t1"; gene_id "g569"; # protein sequence = [MQHYAHAAMNLINMDSENRVVLNVGGIRHETYKATLKKIPATRLSRLTEALANYDPILNEYFFDRHPGVFAQVLNYYR # TGKLHYPTDVCGPLFEEELEFWGLDSNQVEPCCWMTYTQHRDTQETLAVLDRLDLDTEKPSEEELARKFGFEEDYYKGTISWWQEMKPRIWSLFDEPY # SSNAAKTIGVVSVFFICISILSFCLKTHPDMRVPIVRNITVKTANGSNGWFLDKTQTNAHIAFFYIECVCNAWFTFEILVRFISSPNKWEFIKSSVNI # IDYIATLSFYIDLVLQRFASHLENADILEFFSIIRIMRLFKLTRHSSGLKILIQTFRASAKELTLLVFFLVLGIVIFASLVYYAERIQPNPHNDFNSI # PLGLWWALVTMTTVGYGDMAPKTYIGMFVGALCALAGVLTIALPVPVIVSNFAMYYSHTQARAKLPKKRRRVLPVEQPRQPRLPGAPGGVSGCGTPGS # GPHSGPMGSGGTGPRRMNNKTKDLVSPKSGPLGASIVAMSPRTMLDLNPALAMGKPTFQPRIPTPLAATPPPPVSSAGGMTASGIGTTSATGATSAPQ # PATPLPSIAVSTTASVGKDLGISTTTTTAQETSKKAFL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 61.5 # CDS exons: 5/7 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 3/6 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 9 # E: 3 # RM: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 34 # E: 1 # W: 33 # end gene g569 # start gene g570 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3729661 3729870 0.65 + . g570 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3729661 3729870 0.65 + . g570.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3729661 3729663 . + 0 transcript_id "g570.t1"; gene_id "g570"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3729661 3729870 0.65 + 0 transcript_id "g570.t1"; gene_id "g570"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3729868 3729870 . + 0 transcript_id "g570.t1"; gene_id "g570"; # protein sequence = [MGLGLGWVFTWSCAGLGWSTPTKRAQIPMPKRGREKFPHPKTVAISDWPQSTVGSKRGGFGVVPKHLDG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g570 # start gene g571 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3746265 3752190 0.92 + . g571 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3746265 3752190 0.92 + . g571.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3746265 3746267 . + 0 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3746824 3747116 0.97 + . transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3747290 3747589 1 + . transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3747732 3748605 0.98 + . transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3748780 3749021 0.96 + . transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3749324 3749415 1 + . transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3749572 3749724 1 + . transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3749887 3749997 1 + . transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3750170 3750233 1 + . transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3750716 3750797 1 + . transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3750962 3751769 1 + . transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3746265 3746823 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3747117 3747289 0.97 + 2 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3747590 3747731 1 + 0 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3748606 3748779 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3749022 3749323 1 + 2 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3749416 3749571 1 + 0 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3749725 3749886 1 + 0 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3749998 3750169 1 + 0 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3750234 3750715 1 + 2 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3750798 3750961 1 + 0 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3751770 3752190 1 + 1 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3752188 3752190 . + 0 transcript_id "g571.t1"; gene_id "g571"; # protein sequence = [MQSTTTPTRHCHGGVGTQTTLPQTTSTPPTLPRFPSKRHCDNFGSYATLPTIEHQMTMPMMPHCSRHGGGGGGGVVGV # GGLGGAVGSGMPSVMPAPPPPRYANPNINGCCYMYNPMPPAHQSHHQHDHHHAQQHHPVAQHQHHPHQYGPQYCLCDNWYHQPPPTQQQQHHHQQRAK # NLMANGGCYFGYEANHHPSLHATTPHPSHITDEEDSAFPGLADREFHLLHRNIPALRRTGVDTTRIRQYFYPDGGWGWIICGVSFLVHILTTGLQLSY # GLLWFYAVQYLHNTSGIELLGALSWSVSMVATSFVVSLCRKRSIRLLSIVGGLVMPLGILFTSFATEFGQVVFSYGIVFGVGVAMVREASTVMLGNYF # KRRRQFVEMVAMSGEGVGIALFSVILKEGVGKAGWRLGLQIVAALTALSFFMGLMYRPASLYHPQRRAIQHLKNQRKKMREKKPILSQDVESTPKYFF # LDISSLKSVTVKILLMTSSVASFGIYTPMFLMALNAAEQGSDVQELVLLQTFLGISMALGVVIAGALLRRCFVIRHFVINTKIVTQLFLSIVALAILF # LSFVMGYTGLCILSWLYGIGLGGFQYSLKILALERIKLKHFSKAWGFIRGVESVPVLISVPLTSFLNDYSLKYGRAGYYICSAAAAISGIIIFFISEP # QQQHQQQQQQLHHHYQQRNGHLATPTLMRHASARQHRPHLPMDYGYGEYPAPDLLSRSCISLNQMEPYLQANFCQRHMLQQQQQQQQQQQHSHLQQLA # CHNLDLQPHQGREAYQLGQGSIGAKMGKRLQRSLSFIQQHSNCCDGQMYCSWHSTYELGCHKSNKNPGSADRQPLICTCSSPNRNPVTYGTHGPTGPP # GPTGPPGPPSSTRSRSVPEGLSTMSQQCNCRQGPATFAAPTREFIYVPHAYASLQRTPHRHSQGAGSGPGPGNSALRNNPQCRLKRSQSLCRPNAVQF # VEQITTSV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 19 # CDS exons: 1/11 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 3/10 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 16 # RM: 5 # W: 11 # end gene g571 # start gene g572 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3757898 3768191 0.07 + . g572 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3757898 3768191 0.07 + . g572.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3757898 3757900 . + 0 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3757956 3758042 0.89 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3758090 3758538 0.95 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3758677 3758737 0.97 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3758920 3758980 1 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3759155 3760206 0.48 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3760554 3760692 0.69 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3761015 3761093 1 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3762565 3762617 0.86 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3762857 3763026 1 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3763206 3763648 0.44 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3765055 3765169 1 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3765360 3765908 0.94 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3766044 3766936 0.84 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3767350 3767414 1 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3767621 3767688 0.99 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3767853 3767935 1 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3768078 3768139 1 + . transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3757898 3757955 0.89 + 0 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3758043 3758089 0.89 + 2 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3758539 3758676 0.95 + 0 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3758738 3758919 1 + 0 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3758981 3759154 0.72 + 1 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3760207 3760553 0.46 + 1 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3760693 3761014 1 + 2 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3761094 3762564 0.81 + 1 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3762618 3762856 1 + 0 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3763027 3763205 0.48 + 1 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3763649 3765054 0.93 + 2 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3765170 3765359 1 + 0 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3765909 3766043 0.97 + 2 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3766937 3767349 1 + 2 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3767415 3767620 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3767689 3767852 0.99 + 1 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3767936 3768077 1 + 2 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3768140 3768191 0.85 + 1 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3768189 3768191 . + 0 transcript_id "g572.t1"; gene_id "g572"; # protein sequence = [MDIALRGTNRASSTSTTGTGLHHAVSLGNIEVSTKTTYSSHMDRSYDSEDEHTGRRRLRHTLSTELHPHTSVYSRGDI # REQYCLTDRQLHSIEQRPRRERFFGCLSRRGQTQSGSFLGGCVGRRVPSDENLAAYAPFEKYPRYQNSYTDTHELESSYFRRQPASILSTGKSGEADL # GGRYTWIGQQQVTNNNPDYQSDHRTKHVSFARSHTLTSFDNVNAGFRSSGRLKTARSQERLIGGKKPIIATGSMYETLQPPLQVQQQPQQMQPQQSST # LPKTWLPPPVQLQPCQHHHAPIHLHQPISGEDLATQLPASQDNMVGLIIPQPLPLALPLPSPEVLIVEKKFRNAMKTQATQTDAAARRQGQLGYNTQV # LALSPRPPHRIKVVSQGAQTNGLQNGKKLTKSLSEIPNGKDGTSSHHYQQGSIYPHEMIYRTQSQDVTPLQTLSDAQNNIMYYKPPPPLLDAHSYGLG # MEHLSRTRPSPSEQNVEYVNVNAAAVALNESFDYESNSLPRRACTSHTDFYSNSLPRRHITESSELMTDSVPLDFSQSHLLPPPSEYCKNDDEDVEEY # YDEDEDHPHETESYSSEVCMEQAAQHRRMSMLPQMIDSPFRRDDLRRQSMPVYGQTEKLIDGFGPRSSFRRRDKVSCFPDEPPAVQEVRDEQEIFIDF # KPHISPKPSPKLQLKHRKQHKAEIAMRKMQQQRMAQAAALTLPKPKSQPVEVEVRKVELEPSDEEEDEDEVSEPEEEDDGEEIDDDEQKLETDLQEDE # EPLYENITPCGCRVVPTSDAEDIQDKRSQFRKRSVSLDDDYEAKASETPTPTGLRLPSTPASPCRDELLANVSTYPSSDSLANDNTRDHSDGIWNESQ # VTVLTAEQRDISDGSYSSNLLLTPSSKRKNLLLQHQQRSSVDTDALDFEEQSPTYGLQTLPKIIKTPTPTTSRPTSTQPMMPPPAIAVTPSTNQILDS # CISSPLPKRSMVARGSVPDARQLMFTSGATKQRHSDASFLPMGAADYARSADISECSTNTDEYATCTDTSKRTPGIKTPPTTTSSSSTTQVPVSTQSS # QLEKTHAGSSFESASSLYSMREDLLQHDEKERDKQTTLTKAQLKSPIGSVAELTRKSPSHSISSTTSSGSCPVLGAAIKSPAKESLPQTVASSVTSQM # KVSSVECIPPGVKPKPDSISEDERSEVRYSSSGYYESPHEEDDEEQGTRSKARRLRQEDERKRRKTSMKLDIEKENMRALTSPIKKPTGSSKITSPEQ # SISGTMDNGSSPSKMKRFRPKIRRQLRKSSREDVLAAAAVRRSRATPTIFGLSSGSGDTELLLDASMSTGAVAGTTTSAVTSVSAPSSASKLPTSESS # VTTQPEAVVAPLPAKKPHSCATPTSLLSPKLPTTSGTQSKSTSDTFQLKAKSIESLRSVSPGSDSVFYSEADGNAASGEQSHCHHCGKEMEGKQQSNT # ISELAGDSVESIPYIEQDIVKPPSDFADSPVTTKTTQRLYKKMDKRFRSEERYHGERGRHYKTRQENIRAKSEERGRIPSLPNTPVLRPAGSSPCVLP # DTEQSQHIIYKGHYDAGRYTRLTDDDLWTQLDHQCFDRSRERRASTESEKGFHAKYQVILHRLVQRRCTLEMYHRQKHNSFRVDKTVVVKSDSGEFGF # RIHGSKPVVVAAIEPETPAESSGLEVGDIIISVNGVQVLDKHHTEVVKIAHDGCEKLELQVARTIGVLMHEQLEPPSQPIFSGYLWRQSGQAKGAPNS # KKWVRRWFSLRPDNCLYYYKTEDDSQPVGAMIMAKHTVDLCPVDVGKPFAFKVDAGEGIPMYVAADSDEMANRWLQLLRQAASQDNQWLDKSARCLYQ # SPSNIQRPDCFGYLLKLGSRWCGWSKRYCVLKDACLYFYQDANSKSAFGMACLHGYKVASMSANASGKKNSFEIVPPETKLRHYFFCTESEMDKKRWI # SALEYSIDRWIKSG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 25.7 # CDS exons: 5/18 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/17 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 4 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 44 # W: 44 # end gene g572 # start gene g573 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3779726 3783284 0.79 + . g573 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3779726 3783284 0.79 + . g573.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3779726 3779728 . + 0 transcript_id "g573.t1"; gene_id "g573"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3780580 3781903 1 + . transcript_id "g573.t1"; gene_id "g573"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3779726 3780579 0.79 + 0 transcript_id "g573.t1"; gene_id "g573"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3781904 3783284 1 + 1 transcript_id "g573.t1"; gene_id "g573"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3783282 3783284 . + 0 transcript_id "g573.t1"; gene_id "g573"; # protein sequence = [MPTESSSSEISGGGGGAIPMLRPSRMDQFMNSMAAAAAAVGGGGLPGAADRNGGSGGSDGGSQNGNGDSRNSSASRIS # AYETQLAYQQHLAGLHGPPPPPPPSHHREISAFVPVLPTGKVRPGSNSNYEIIAMMADKRKELALREAAAAAAMLGRGPGGPGGPGVPPPGVLYGPAG # VPPPPYLTGPGPSPTGAGSFPFPPGAAAAALFPPGLGPGMHAGLDRRLLRAPGRASRPKKQFICKFCNRQFTKSYNLLIHERTHTDERPYSCDICGKA # FRRQDHLRDHRYIHSKEKPFKCTECGKGFCQSRTLAVHKILHMEESPHKCPVCSRSFNQRSNLKTHLLTHTDHKPYECSSCGKVFRRNCDLRRHALTH # AVGEVNSGDYVDVGEEDEARNLSGDEEDSLLEVDSPRQSPVHNLGESGGSGEKSESERMRLKRKAAIDHEESEEEFDDFDEEEELQDLPRVHDLPREE # DDDFDPEDEEQAEVALVARFQASKAAATSQSSSSVGTKPERQGVTHCHHEGGETYTMRPHGEKHQEEPGNSGIASLPVPPSFVRYSVPPGAAGPPPAP # PGAPPPTHQHPGHPHLLPPNGDPYLPILHVRRDLHHKSLNLSKAGVPPPPHTPPTIITQPESGKPPNQPLHSPHEAMPSFLGSIPMRKRILPAPTLDL # MDPHHHPGLGQRTFVDSPSIYALNMSRHPPRQLLGKPPSTETSGATTEKGPPVAAPPIAPPPAPPRRTGFSIEDIMRR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 163 # W: 163 # end gene g573 # start gene g574 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3785030 3785476 1 + . g574 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3785030 3785476 1 + . g574.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3785030 3785032 . + 0 transcript_id "g574.t1"; gene_id "g574"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3785030 3785476 1 + 0 transcript_id "g574.t1"; gene_id "g574"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3785474 3785476 . + 0 transcript_id "g574.t1"; gene_id "g574"; # protein sequence = [MDELSVEEQDLLKNIYSLLDKDNEGAITSKELGMVIRALGRQPNESEVQSMINEVDSDGNGSIAKEEFCNVILRKMHD # TNKEEELRDAFRVFDKENNGYISTTELRAVFMALGEKLEDDELEEMIREYDLDQDNHINFEEFTNMMTTR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g574 # start gene g575 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3785819 3786292 1 + . g575 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3785819 3786292 1 + . g575.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3785819 3785821 . + 0 transcript_id "g575.t1"; gene_id "g575"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3785819 3786292 1 + 0 transcript_id "g575.t1"; gene_id "g575"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3786290 3786292 . + 0 transcript_id "g575.t1"; gene_id "g575"; # protein sequence = [MDELSVEEQDLLKNIYSLLDKDNEGAITSKELGMVIRALGRQPNESIAKEEFCNVILRKMHDTNKEEELRDAFRVFDK # ENNGYISTTELRAVFMALGEKLEDDELEEMIREYDLDQDNHINFEESNNMMTTPILNYNHTAVKGIFYGLLLDYFILGI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g575 # start gene g576 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3790663 3802245 0.52 + . g576 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3790663 3802245 0.52 + . g576.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3790663 3790665 . + 0 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3791146 3792595 1 + . transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3792775 3792832 1 + . transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3796887 3796948 1 + . transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3799155 3799216 1 + . transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3799429 3799497 1 + . transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3799854 3799911 1 + . transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3800038 3800207 1 + . transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3800232 3800289 1 + . transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3800388 3800450 1 + . transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3800822 3800879 1 + . transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3801105 3801207 0.54 + . transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3790663 3791145 1 + 0 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3792596 3792774 1 + 0 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3792833 3796886 0.98 + 1 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3796949 3799154 1 + 0 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3799217 3799428 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3799498 3799853 1 + 0 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3799912 3800037 1 + 1 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3800208 3800231 1 + 1 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3800290 3800387 1 + 1 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3800451 3800821 1 + 2 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3800880 3801104 0.54 + 0 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3801208 3802245 0.54 + 0 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3802243 3802245 . + 0 transcript_id "g576.t1"; gene_id "g576"; # protein sequence = [MKLQHHKTNRQRISKPHRDPKWASICLWLLVTLAFSTHLARSQESRQTEDSKEVELLQDNDIEFASLDGASQLLPATR # HSGADVTVAPQGSTPSMTSSSSYTELQGGEILSDRILRRSESPYLARDDIEVLRGARLTIEPGVTIEFAPTKGLKINGVLQAVGTPTSRIVLKSQSNT # ANYKLELPDDQEKGIRLVDGPTPVEGRLQLFHKGAWRSVCSNSRNWTLADYGVACKQLGYRGGRFWNWVERTPGYYPRLLYEQPKCKGGEGSLQDCAW # TSRQMGAGACDYHNDLGIQCLPVHSETLGHWRGIYFDNAPSTKALGRDNIVYAAQSESRLKYVDIIRAGSGAGFNAKSAVEVQGLPPQMEHVVISHSA # YTGFNSTRPWAGFQLQNVTVRKCNGIGVFVNSSQGAVQLDGCSIVDNAGDGIKYVGHDLRGTERKDRASIYDFCTLPTTSGQTYPISLSFTQKYYAGS # GKECGKYFFTRPGYLLTLHFENFVLMQNETATVEIYDGASTNDRLLFEWKARNFTRPQSVTSTREKMFVRIRADARQELNGFFRMTSGDSVAYDLKVS # QSTVEDNGGRGVAIDNIRSKLHVHSSSVSGNGHVAGVHVTSGAGDVNITSSNISFNNGAGVNITYYGGNRNISRSALTANKGYGVATWLNQTSDVNRM # EYIPFNQTSVVEYSQIGGNLETGVFHGNFCRPIWVNITGNSFNGSQQNDIFIESCYQATANGRPNMQLQLGHNQFKYSQANSIYLSPALNLQGRIEYN # MFRFGSYGCLFINNDYIYPEFNYFPVKLIIQSNYFMRNSGVHVVSLGLSPYSRAEVQYILFTRNFVRGNNITEAFGPLIAGSEGSDGAGRLNPRSRVA # APVVVGSSNVDIFRNILHNLDSMYEIGSQLTDQSKIINATCNWLGHTDENKIYARLFHRNDRYNLAKINYLPYLLHSSNPGSTAMITVSTVVPRFFHE # GSDVIGGEVDGQDMVPAGTYTVTKDINIRPGGKLILQPGTTLKFEPSVGMMVAGKLEARGRRPDDILFTLKRETIMGESNDTETIDLDSETEAIDMET # EVIPADGVPRVPVRLVGGAGANEGRLQVYLKGRWGTVCDYGWNVLNAALVCHQLGYSLNPQDWRLLRSQLPNAGTSEDILMANVRCTLQDRDVTKCRA # EYEFENTCSHENDVGLRCYEGAWAGVRFSMLAERADLQYVTVEKAGLFDYTTNAFKPAVQMDHARHNLENVRIVNNLQDGLGIIYADIYAGKSVNNIK # NSEFSGNKGSGISLKQLDFRVSGSIIKDNKGSGVSHDAVISALDQKEIGGWFNMATDFNSFDTDYDPYLLPREISNIDLGTFEHKYIRTEELLGQNIN # RKIVVQCPAGYVIGIQLLNPIHNLSTESINILNARTENIRSDLWQVKRDLNVFPVTSSSYGIIIYYESGLQALGGAVLMLSTVTAPVQNIRNRIVSGA # VPTLTIRSTKIQKNLRGITGIYYNRYIGDNGEYYLRKANESIKLINSELSYNEREAILIRSPFWDVISSNLSEVTLHVNGSLITQNGLGIRQMSKDLR # SSNNLFHYVIQDTTFEQNTHGGFQVSLPYVWQYNENFTHSIYFGNSTWQRNRDFRISVSGHYTVFNITSNVFRENNCPGALISLDGMEKRLRFDNNRF # ESNNAKFVLLFKADSLSEIIGQVPASIEFNSFKGNNIVTMTANYRNHYMKVARRIRKQHKIPTAVIRLDGVQNVRLYRNLIAENEMDYNLVAGVRSAR # LNNYFEARENWWGTKDTAFIEAKIFDFDNWNDHADVIYQPFLIEDSYDASVSVVVPFNQDQEIDLTNYKGGRVYKDLLLTKQSTPYYISSDITVMPGK # TLTINHGVTMEFEPNVGILVLGTLVAIGYRESPIVMRPFRNATRESLIDVQPKKRALEDMSAPLTEFDSIRLCTSANNCTGDADGLFGLNEGFLEYFN # HTTLQWVPICDSRFTERNAQVVCRELGYDPLNVYYGHDRRIEFHTNSLTRIWSWVQPLECRGDEERMEDCAERLNGQLYGHRHECRWDDVFVFVSCNG # IADDEVYWGGIRFANSKFEEIQYEHRLHNTRSHARLPLRESQLEFVRIEQAGILHNHKAAAIQAIHKNPSITSVSIENSANHGINMIAPSGKLNLNHL # NINNTLGTGISIVSLSGEGRDSDESSFTPLKKLDLPYKLFSLVDICDPQKVLTIEERMLIYYKYDNNPVNCVKIFTSAFRAKPIGFRLLQSNLFNHSK # LYGRTDFIKLYDGDIYNVTATYLGKIESDTDNQRSFFKTKGPTMSLQLVASGAPETHGFIAEVVTVPISTLGQYRDALHNITDTHISGAIKGAVTYSS # AGEVTPTLTLIGNRIEKNCRQLYGNFSTCTSALNLDVQNMNSLYFMNNLITENQGGLRIRADSRGSATSLRGFVHHNLFMRNRNRPALYVEGRQSSPY # QEVELYRNYFAQNMAGYEDVIRLCQVVSNFSYNYVHSNVGGRIMEVSGFEKVRLQIYQTTAHNGFYRNFATNWMTRATIVAGTAGQQYVDNIFENHEN # DYELLTVNNSILSFDYENRTFETWSSKIDARHNYWSYNNTISVQSRIRDKSDDPMLLEVLAVPFQMNNETILDGKCPPGWALVHDTCFIYVGAPMTFH # EARDFCRSENSTMPFIRTDKTTLWKYLQSQMRHLKYPDKVWIQDYNHIDRCTSFVFGEIEIEDCNKERGFICESDPRVIIDPLSWRADIFAISIISAF # VLAIILLILVAFCWFAKSKHRHTQRLQRRNSIRQSLRSLNSIDPQGSLRRRPNYNMSSNGTLSKGQDYKQMVANGSIDSMDKSVLSSEAGSFEGYEQK # PHYNEYVNQNALRPAHPAQDHQSHKVATISKASGHRARAAAAAAAALEPDAFELSYRNEGFRDNSTYGDNTRANSISTSVAEDTPIIHHTDQEIDEGG # SDYYGNASTLPLRTEGGTPAGRRGQPGLAFLSELKQNLPEYQRSSHSSFMPHRSSGDSLPFDQKLDQFNYSTESSLYRPAPAVPSSQQATPADMRRPD # SYYTAVRSSKAPVSHYRTPRPLAQPPAAPNVAPAGGPAQRRPKTVYQTASEESSPTTPSPLTNQYHRSKSEALLETDFDGDGGSVGLQPLQTNGRSHS # QPLETAM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 95.7 # CDS exons: 12/12 # W: 12 # CDS introns: 10/11 # E: 10 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 11 # E: 10 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 530 # W: 530 # end gene g576 # start gene g577 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3806750 3808402 0.82 + . g577 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3806750 3808402 0.82 + . g577.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3806750 3806752 . + 0 transcript_id "g577.t1"; gene_id "g577"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3806822 3806968 1 + . transcript_id "g577.t1"; gene_id "g577"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3807057 3807132 1 + . transcript_id "g577.t1"; gene_id "g577"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3807462 3807524 1 + . transcript_id "g577.t1"; gene_id "g577"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3808230 3808270 0.91 + . transcript_id "g577.t1"; gene_id "g577"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3806750 3806821 0.9 + 0 transcript_id "g577.t1"; gene_id "g577"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3806969 3807056 1 + 0 transcript_id "g577.t1"; gene_id "g577"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3807133 3807461 1 + 2 transcript_id "g577.t1"; gene_id "g577"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3807525 3808229 0.91 + 0 transcript_id "g577.t1"; gene_id "g577"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3808271 3808402 0.91 + 0 transcript_id "g577.t1"; gene_id "g577"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3808400 3808402 . + 0 transcript_id "g577.t1"; gene_id "g577"; # protein sequence = [MIKFVRQKNRENTLRESKNFMRKKRESNDSGTESDGELLDVENQRHLDVDMETSVAGQKPIASAMMCHQQTSSSCAHL # MYDQHSSEEELEVINGPSSQAGQHPGTAATGSSCASRISNRGCTSSLDTEAPYEERATTSNSKRSSSTLMVENRKRSLAHSSDDELRNSLEPILTPVN # FRTSPPLEAFKPNRSHMMFRSTTPLILSEARCGIENIKLCDNSVNEENGDNGGGGGAANSSKCAKIGALAGNASGTVAATGNGNGGNENEPSVIKACS # SSLKMSNSSHHIYQPQPKYSFHYNSSRSSPASTTGLDMEVRSVSPPAKLFHCAISPRRRPSNNASGAAGGATTISPSSASSSSGTTTTHNAANSAGNA # ANVTAVATQRLQRPHRPCLDFDKMQQPEKDRRRIGTGSRMVNGTGGKSKTFYTNQQPQQDAETETAFGG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 88.9 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 132 # E: 1 # W: 131 # end gene g577 # start gene g578 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3809074 3809391 0.8 - . g578 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3809074 3809391 0.8 - . g578.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3809074 3809076 . - 0 transcript_id "g578.t1"; gene_id "g578"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3809074 3809391 0.8 - 0 transcript_id "g578.t1"; gene_id "g578"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3809389 3809391 . - 0 transcript_id "g578.t1"; gene_id "g578"; # protein sequence = [MAAFWFKSFLLDVDKLNIVYKIACYFMLYIKHIILLLFNCRCDSFVFRLPPTLIIQKVLFVCLYHIISVAIVASHCCC # CYFIVHTFQISRFPASRFRFSQLSFVL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 33 # W: 33 # end gene g578 # start gene g579 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3810994 3813330 1 - . g579 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3810994 3813330 1 - . g579.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3810994 3810996 . - 0 transcript_id "g579.t1"; gene_id "g579"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3811506 3811570 1 - . transcript_id "g579.t1"; gene_id "g579"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3812535 3812594 1 - . transcript_id "g579.t1"; gene_id "g579"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3813222 3813288 1 - . transcript_id "g579.t1"; gene_id "g579"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3810994 3811505 1 - 2 transcript_id "g579.t1"; gene_id "g579"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3811571 3812534 1 - 0 transcript_id "g579.t1"; gene_id "g579"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3812595 3813221 1 - 0 transcript_id "g579.t1"; gene_id "g579"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3813289 3813330 1 - 0 transcript_id "g579.t1"; gene_id "g579"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3813328 3813330 . - 0 transcript_id "g579.t1"; gene_id "g579"; # protein sequence = [MERKEVDTQQFIDHTLLANHFIMDLIDQTYKSEGPTNLSTNPSSGNSESGVGYVEKESLTPELNFHNTIFQFVNKSSP # ENDVVPHQVDAQPTFPALAIEPTVPIDVSTGLHEDEDLLYAHNNASCTNARKVLPHKKRISRKLKGNIDPELDHQHKHVQDVAPSSLYSCEICGYAVH # TQLDFFAHLKQHYEPTVLEQRLVVQDPQQQHQQKEPLDMCGLSAQDKLQQEQAKLDQVFQDVQLNFENFHNISHHVNDVANVGVNMVLHGQATDKLNA # VVVNTSSTPNSVPVVDDVEFSDTEDMLEGIRNVVDKVSIEDTCDELVDLELTSSGMTAPWFNNNFRDITFPALLLPGEPPPASSEPATPLLKENPHVG # DHMALDFLSPEKADPQEEAKLEKTLSKACEPNEQTLLVAPPACQTPPIPTVPPANSSIEQLRRSPLELSEAFKLEEDDMTDSRPASSFEEGDPDAEEP # NECFQMEVLDTSLTEEAENKTRRKHFCDKCNRDFNSYNALKYHQYTHNQERSHKCDSCERSFYTQSALKAHERTHSGVKPFKCDKCEFQFRQWGDLKY # HIISRHSDVKAHMCEFCGKSFSRRYSLVVHRRIHTREKNYACQYCDKTFRASSYLLSHIKVHTGERPYECSICEKKFRVSGDLKRHSRIHDPSRTSQP # PAEKAKKKRAAASNKQLPIEEDDELATNIQNNKSDAMRDQTGQKILGL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 147 # W: 147 # end gene g579 # start gene g580 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3815624 3815929 1 + . g580 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3815624 3815929 1 + . g580.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3815624 3815626 . + 0 transcript_id "g580.t1"; gene_id "g580"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3815624 3815929 1 + 0 transcript_id "g580.t1"; gene_id "g580"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3815927 3815929 . + 0 transcript_id "g580.t1"; gene_id "g580"; # protein sequence = [MQVPKCLLLFFVTYCGAMDPPRRSPIGNNRNPIHGNNQTSVAVAQPPCNNHTEPARRTADQEEDQTYRRLEFVLLCCK # KEAERSLIKSGSITEESFRHPGT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g580 # start gene g581 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3825784 3826752 1 + . g581 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3825784 3826752 1 + . g581.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3825784 3825786 . + 0 transcript_id "g581.t1"; gene_id "g581"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3825784 3826752 1 + 0 transcript_id "g581.t1"; gene_id "g581"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3826750 3826752 . + 0 transcript_id "g581.t1"; gene_id "g581"; # protein sequence = [MVKSEMEFKSNFSIDAILAKKPINTATQPIKTEPVHHHHQYVHPYSNSDGELSASEDFDSPSRTSTPMSSAAESLSSQ # NNDKLDVEFDDELEDQLDEDQESEDGNPSKKQKMTAGSDTKKPPYSYNALIMMAIQDSPEQRLTLNGIYQYLINRFPYFKANKRGWQNSIRHNLSLNK # CFTKIPRSYDDPGKGNYWILDPSAEEVFIGETTGKLRRKNPGASRTRLAAYRQAIFSPMMAASPYGAPASSYGYPAVPFAAAAAAALYQRMNPAAYQA # AYQQMQYQQAPQAHHHQAPHPAQMQGYPQQLNAELFQRMQFFGKFPSS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 6 # RM: 1 # W: 5 # end gene g581 # start gene g582 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3837351 3838553 0.65 + . g582 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3837351 3838553 0.65 + . g582.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3837351 3837353 . + 0 transcript_id "g582.t1"; gene_id "g582"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3837351 3838553 0.65 + 0 transcript_id "g582.t1"; gene_id "g582"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3838551 3838553 . + 0 transcript_id "g582.t1"; gene_id "g582"; # protein sequence = [MARTPHLKSSFSINSILPETVEHHDEDEEEDVEKKSPAKFPPNHNNNNLNTTNWGSPEDHEAESDPESDLDVTSMSPA # PVANPNESDPDEVDEEFVEEDIECDGETTDGDAENKSNDGKPVKDKKGNEKPPYSYNALIMMAIRQSSEKRLTLNGIYEYIMTNHPYYRDNKQGWQNS # IRHNLSLNKCFVKVPRHYDDPGKGNYWMLDPSAEDVFIGGSTGKLRRRTTAASRSRLAAFKRSLIGPMFPGLAAYPQFGQFLTYPPTAPSLLASMYQR # YNPFAPKGGPGHPGLPPGLPGLPGPPGPQGPPGPPPPPFVAPPTSSELYQRLQYQQLLHQHAAAAALAAHQRQLSVAAASAASQPPPTHHHPHLAVGQ # APLSPGGDSPGPSPQPLHKPVTVVSRNS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g582 # start gene g583 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3863581 3867224 0.66 + . g583 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3863581 3867224 0.66 + . g583.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3863581 3863583 . + 0 transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3864196 3864541 0.8 + . transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3865002 3865060 1 + . transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3865433 3865497 1 + . transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3865685 3865746 1 + . transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3866987 3867068 1 + . transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3863581 3864195 0.72 + 0 transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3864542 3865001 0.8 + 0 transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3865061 3865432 1 + 2 transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3865498 3865684 1 + 2 transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3865747 3866986 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3867069 3867224 1 + 0 transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3867222 3867224 . + 0 transcript_id "g583.t1"; gene_id "g583"; # protein sequence = [MAQMTEKRTTSARSGTAAKENHSLTGRQNQQNHHNQGHQRSGKGIEILDFHESWLEEVELYKDKMVMCKKLAHHNHVP # ASSHHLQPHLAAPNRNHGRIVQSSTPQHRSSAGGGSAAGATASDSVSARYSPPGQKQRSPPSPRKRLTPEKVANLGGGGGGSKVGAQRIIIRGTPPNS # STPKVAATPSNVPVVANSVLQSEPYKKVQMLLKRAREEAFAKHTAGNSAANGNGPKRSAHSPPIQAKVPPSNMSCPSTQTLKPSPPSKIVVNSFHGSS # MLSTQQQEEKSRLLTQNGLTKSAATALETSLYASLYANAPQNSQPQFHSPRISGGDHVASYVGVSLNKGAGHDNDRKHEDDPCAAIDDINYYDDSDSE # EEYVGTPFFLEEDNTETRQSKHTRLLPQKTPSKESVRTTDSEASVYFRPEAILSPSLFPHVPPYLNFTSHADKGPPMPAALHRVLKWKLSPVMPKIVK # RVVLNSGFRIIKNTTDWMAVWEKHMKSPGFRTIRSHQKYNHIPGSFRIGRKDTMWRSIYNNMKKFGKKEFGFMQKSYIMPDDLESLRQVWPKNASKLT # KWIVKPPASARGTGIRIVNKWSQFPKDRPLVVQKWVPITSSSLKIFPNPKPHFRYIERPLLINDNKFDMRLYVVLTSINPLRIYMYKDGLARFASVKY # SSELSNLDERCMHLTNYSINKFSQNYAKNEDFNACQGHKWTLQSLWSCLENRGVNTKRLWATLRNLVIKGIVSGESGLNRMYRQNVNFRYNCFELFGF # DVLLDENLVPWLLEINISPSLHSELPLDLHVKGPLIQAVLNTALYQVPPKLNERQQADILEELNLTGPLCHDKRIFTTCLTAEEVRKHNQYTNRSIEF # REEYVDTILDNLLPDDVRCLIVAEDELARCQPLERIFPTAGTHVYLRYVENARYYNRLLDAWETKYAKNREMGIALLSRYCRDKYHLQVSDAAMEKEP # NVALTEIDMLHVRKDEVLDGATTLAILKPVVQEGCEVAPIPDACIEIKS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 36.4 # CDS exons: 1/6 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 3/5 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 6 # RM: 1 # W: 5 # end gene g583 # start gene g584 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3867982 3871189 1 + . g584 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3867982 3871189 1 + . g584.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3867982 3867984 . + 0 transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3867989 3868379 1 + . transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3868541 3868603 1 + . transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3869062 3869117 1 + . transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3869477 3869542 1 + . transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3869804 3869872 1 + . transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3870050 3870124 1 + . transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3870555 3870621 1 + . transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3867982 3867988 1 + 0 transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3868380 3868540 1 + 2 transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3868604 3869061 1 + 0 transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3869118 3869476 1 + 1 transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3869543 3869803 1 + 2 transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3869873 3870049 1 + 2 transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3870125 3870554 1 + 2 transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3870622 3871189 1 + 1 transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3871187 3871189 . + 0 transcript_id "g584.t1"; gene_id "g584"; # protein sequence = [MSGDESGEEKHVLNLSKQKLKKVPKQDDAHSIRQLILDENELQKIDNIDSYLKIETLSLARNQLLRMYGVCRLHCLRE # LNLSFNGILSIEGLKECIHLRVLNLEGNNIKTIEHLNTNVNLECLNLADNSIGSISDMSYLRNLKELYLHGNRLTHLRQCDKCLPTSLETLTLAKNSI # NDLNEICTLSHLSNLLSISIADNPCVTMINSLDGFDYRPFVLNWCMSLKYIDGFVVDPIESLKAEWLYSQGRGRQFRVGEQQGLAKYLSSVCPLVGKA # LENENDRKLRLILSKAQHHQRQLQEEIMDNANSSASTSPSSHRKKPTSRIQSPRFSRLSGRQGSPESMVNSYHGNSSNNSIVSDNGSTNHSLQMSISL # IENIKNDGEGFSLAGSGMSSSVTTKTYNSTESTPRNITPNPYNDQTFISQTPSGGPLAAASKMVPVPETLMSPDVCPAAVAQRVTVTALNPQLHKTKI # NKNKDNKLNLPRVRSPQLKRNQSPTSSPRRMANKCSADNMQAPEKLQQSAVLADSGGFSTDDDGEQINIEKLRAIRKMAAQKQQQMHQEQLKQQVDNN # LNCQDRLIEHVTESSAVTIQKMWRGYHTRKKTNKDIAERLQRRRTQEYIEQLGKDMLLTKAQLENERKIQQLQMQAINALWKKVSTMEVDPKGIPAAA # EQGEDSNGGGSGHLSLDQNSAAVVNDLAKRCTMLTDQVQMLQSSIGTIVNCLTMVCNLPQDAIKKQAEIIDCSSTQTDLIAVHTPQIEDLTNFPFTKT # RPSTLALESKHEAALACPKIDELNDVDLKETQEDSENLDKDP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 93.3 # CDS exons: 7/8 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 217 # W: 217 # end gene g584 # start gene g585 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3871553 3872335 1 - . g585 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3871553 3872335 1 - . g585.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3871553 3871555 . - 0 transcript_id "g585.t1"; gene_id "g585"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3871870 3872172 1 - . transcript_id "g585.t1"; gene_id "g585"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3871553 3871869 1 - 2 transcript_id "g585.t1"; gene_id "g585"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3872173 3872335 1 - 0 transcript_id "g585.t1"; gene_id "g585"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3872333 3872335 . - 0 transcript_id "g585.t1"; gene_id "g585"; # protein sequence = [MHRSHPSISRRKHLMKEMMEDDYALPTETQQIARVISSRGNNLHEVETVDETFLVSMPNKFRKSMWVKRGDFLLVEPI # EEGDKVKAEICKILTPEHIKEYTKAAIWPDKFTKKPVQEEATSQNKDDSDFEDDLLPNTNRPVNRDSSDEEEDEETSSEED] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 46 # W: 46 # end gene g585 # start gene g586 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3872830 3902774 0.68 - . g586 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3872830 3902774 0.68 - . g586.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3872830 3872832 . - 0 transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3872948 3873018 1 - . transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3873323 3873384 1 - . transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3874396 3874449 1 - . transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3875303 3878894 1 - . transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3879068 3884035 1 - . transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3884519 3886983 1 - . transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3887557 3893261 1 - . transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3893605 3902594 0.73 - . transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3872830 3872947 1 - 1 transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3873019 3873322 1 - 2 transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3873385 3874395 1 - 2 transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3874450 3875302 1 - 0 transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3878895 3879067 1 - 2 transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3884036 3884518 1 - 2 transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3886984 3887556 1 - 2 transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3893262 3893604 0.91 - 0 transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3902595 3902774 0.88 - 0 transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3902772 3902774 . - 0 transcript_id "g586.t1"; gene_id "g586"; # protein sequence = [MIVYPMEELYPAMMVIAITLLALLQWGIRATIKPKILGPQKNAIKNGVNNKRRKVLSAMQHDHINMGNSQNRAANVDE # KSPPGGASLVRMGITGGGGAGEVGVALSERRGSRVRVLSRLMGQKRIREAFLHSPKLGSSSEVNLQGAGNGSSDWIAAETEVEHGQLDCSAEPADFHP # VDELIISKHYLNTAAKEHNNPKAKRDRPLSEISVTSVDTLSPNTAKAVLELQKRCRADKLACLSLTRVTYLSIANDLQEVEEPDRASILHDTDLLVAP # NSPAESSPDEELMALQLGKKLAQVLGSGAGSPLTPGTMEPCAAGSGSPLANGELFNVSKAKKVELQNLSSRFTAAVTQTPPGVTSSTPNESGVTGPAG # PLGATTSSPSLETQSTVIISFKSSQTPVQSQTNSAASENVEDDTAPLPLPPPPPGFGTPTTPLLSSNVLKKVASFTVEKSSAGNNSSNPPNLCPTSDE # TTLLATPCSSSLTVATLPPEIAVGAAAGGVAGGAGSRRGSSYVPEKLSFAAYEKFEGQMLIKWLISTMQSNPKSSSGDANQELFNTLALQFCNNLKYV # GVLKQISNEHLDCGFSPYEMYQWTHTEQPTTSLPLTPGKLDKVAAWPFSSTPSGIRALESASLASLGAGGVAGSLATIATASTASSDNQKTLQQILKK # RLLNCTTLAEVHAVVNELLSSVDEPPRRPSKRCVNLTELLNASEATVYEYNKTGAEGCVKSFTDAETQTESEDCEGTCKCGQSSTKVSDNESAKEDGE # KPHAVAPPPPPPPPPLHAFVAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPLANYGAPPPPPPPPPGSGSAPPPPPPAPIEGGGGIPPPPPPMSASPSKTTISPAPLPDPAEGN # WFHRTNTMRKSAVNPPKPMRPLYWTRIVTSAPPAPRPPSVANSTDSTENSGSSPDEPPAANGADAPPTAPPATKEIWTEIEETPLDNIDEFTELFSRQ # AIAPVSKPKELKVKRAKSIKVLDPERSRNVGIIWRSLHVPSSEIEHAIYHIDTSVVSLEALQHMSNIQATEDELQRIKEAAGGDIPLDHPEQFLLDIS # LISMASERISCIVFQAEFEESVTLLFRKLETVSQLSQQLIESEDLKLVFSIILTLGNYMNGGNRQRGQADGFNLDILGKLKDVKSKESHTTLLHFIVR # TYIAQRRKEGVHPLEIRLPIPEPADVERAAQMDFEEVQQQIFDLNKKFLGCKRTTAKVLAASRPEIMEPFKSKMEEFVEGADKSMAKLHQSLDECRDL # FLETMRFYHFSPKACTLTLAQCTPDQFFEYWTNFTNDFKDIWKKEITSLLNELMKKSKQAQIESRRNVSTKVEKSGRISLKERMLMRRSKN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 88.2 # CDS exons: 8/9 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/8 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 26 # E: 7 # RM: 19 # incompatible hint groups: 359 # E: 3 # W: 356 # end gene g586 # start gene g587 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3905559 3911259 0.72 - . g587 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3905559 3911259 0.72 - . g587.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3905559 3905561 . - 0 transcript_id "g587.t1"; gene_id "g587"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3905588 3910988 1 - . transcript_id "g587.t1"; gene_id "g587"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3905559 3905587 1 - 2 transcript_id "g587.t1"; gene_id "g587"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3910989 3911259 0.72 - 0 transcript_id "g587.t1"; gene_id "g587"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3911257 3911259 . - 0 transcript_id "g587.t1"; gene_id "g587"; # protein sequence = [MATAQSQQIYVERPPSAFSGLVDYSGYSPHIPTVTSSLSQQSFSPTQQLAPHEMLQAAQRYGTLRKSGKQPPLPPQRK # DMQQQAKPPQQMADIIQDLAN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 1 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 3 # W: 3 # end gene g587 # start gene g588 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3911904 3930604 0.2 - . g588 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3911904 3930604 0.2 - . g588.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3911904 3911906 . - 0 transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3914171 3916780 0.64 - . transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3917456 3917562 1 - . transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3919795 3929306 1 - . transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3929504 3929774 1 - . transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 3930036 3930581 0.99 - . transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3911904 3914170 0.39 - 2 transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3916781 3917455 0.83 - 2 transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3917563 3919794 1 - 2 transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3929307 3929503 1 - 1 transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3929775 3930035 1 - 1 transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3930582 3930604 0.59 - 0 transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3930602 3930604 . - 0 transcript_id "g588.t1"; gene_id "g588"; # protein sequence = [MKMNNKLNLDFRPSRGIYDLQIKNTSYNRDNGRFECRIKAKGTGADVHQEFYNLTVLTAPHPPMVTPGNLAVATEEKP # LELTCSSIGGSPDPMITWYREGSTVPLQSYALKGGSKNHYTNATLQIVPRRADDGAKYKCVVWNRAMPEGHMLETSVTLNVNYYPRVEVGPQNPLKVE # RDHVAKLDCRVDAKPMVSNVRWSRNGQYVSATPTHTIYRVNRHHAGKYTCSADNGLGKTGEKDIVLDVLYPPIVFIESKTHEAEEGETVLIRCNVTAN # PSPINVEWLKEGAPDFRYTGELLTLGSVRAEHAGNYICRSVNIMQPFSSKRVEGVGNSTVALLVRHRPGQAYITPNKPVVHVGNGVTLTCSANPPGWP # VPQYRWFRDMDGDIGNTQKILAQGPQYSIPKAHLGSEGKYHCHAVNELGIGKIATIILEVHQPPQFLAKLQQHMTRRVGDVDYAVTCSAKGKPTPQIR # WIKDGTEILPTRKMFDIRTTPTDAGGGVVAVQSILRFRGKARPNGNQLLPNDRGLYTCLYENDVNSANSSMHLRIEHEPIVIHQYNKVAYDLRESAEV # VCRVQAYPKPEFQWQYGNNPSPLTMSSDGHYEISTRMENNDVYTSILRIAHLQHSDYGEYICRAVNPLDSIRAPIRLQPKGSPEKPTNLKILEVGHNY # AVLNWTPGFNGGFMSTKYLVSYRRVATPREQTLSDCSGNGYIPSYQISSSSSNSNHEWIEFNCFKENPCKLAPLDQHQSYMFKVYALNSKGTSGYSNE # ILATTKVSKIPPPLHVSYDPNSHVLGINVAATCLSLIAVVESLVTRDATVPMWEIVETLTLLPSGSETTFKEAIINHVSRPAHYTTATTSGRSLGVGG # GSHLGEDRTMALAETAGPGPVVRVKLCLRSNHEHCGAYANAEIGKSYMPHKSSMTTSALVAIIIASLSFVVFLGLLYAFCHCRRKHAAKKESSSVGGG # VGGGNANATANPGSTGAKEYDLDLDASRRPSLSQDPQQSQQQPPPPPPYYPTGTLDSKDIGNGNGGMELTLTALHDPDEQLNMQQQQHHSNHGQYQQP # KAILGIYGGVAGSGGNNSGGQHPHSNGYGYHVTSAIGVDSDSYQVLPSVANSAAGSHGHGSGHGHGLGAGELLPLMYRRRSSHLKALQWTIQSSQNFF # KMSFKAPSIKVPKAAAIKELANKPTQPQSQPSQSQSSATQPTQPPQQAEIKKNPLTMGAISPAPPTPISPKPSVQPKIPDQRAKWMAKVSPESQRKAK # LAAAGGSPPSGPPKNQFSQANNPSFAMPGQSSPANFSAAPKTQASWQQKVEKSAENEDSGAFKGASSESQRKNWMNRMQGSQQRKQNQWLKEMQAKQQ # AGKDIQAQKMQKMESQKATTTPAAPPKEAAPSTPQPAEKPEEKSPEHLAYLDAIKQLNSYQVLEPTSGRATTKSSRKEQDPVIEQTLECLEKSGLTKK # DLKAIPVIQVAGSKGRGSTCAIVESILRCHGVKTGVLSSPHLFLTSERIRIDGEPLSDVQFTELFWKINTDLANMQPTPSYNKIMTVMAFHAFHQAGV # EVAILEVGNAGASDATNIASHAQTIGITTLGWEQSSNLGNSLRDIAWAKASIMKPEANIYTNVTQTECCEVLAQKAKQIGAQLRRVPTFNDYVEGDMN # NKLLMNKANYSMRLNGSLAVQLAYDFLKRHKPEYVVGLEHNSTLLTPGASRGIEIFEQPGHFDFMRHDMFNVYLDSADTFESMMACRDWFYTRTRANR # QPKILLFNKVNEFNAKDLLTIIRSNLRFEEACFVPNPNYFEGEILAEEDGKAMVWHGMEELQRAKRNAGNWRALCEENGKRDNSQLSISINAFFEYLT # NKYGKQKYGMKNELDVLVTGSRQLVAATISCLRKMKSSNPWQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 18.2 # CDS exons: 1/6 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/5 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 16 # E: 1 # RM: 15 # incompatible hint groups: 20 # RM: 2 # W: 18 # end gene g588 # start gene g589 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 3935232 3935540 0.36 + . g589 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 3935232 3935540 0.36 + . g589.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 3935232 3935234 . + 0 transcript_id "g589.t1"; gene_id "g589"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 3935232 3935540 0.36 + 0 transcript_id "g589.t1"; gene_id "g589"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 3935538 3935540 . + 0 transcript_id "g589.t1"; gene_id "g589"; # protein sequence = [MQIEEFYFTMQTLIVCFIYSALRTVSVVAVIWQQQGFQSHILSLAKVLVSLSPGVDKGYVKKATTEGQIYGLYICQFS # DNFLKLKLGVVRLDRDLKEPFVNA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g589 # start gene g590 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4004131 4004382 1 + . g590 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4004131 4004382 1 + . g590.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4004131 4004133 . + 0 transcript_id "g590.t1"; gene_id "g590"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4004131 4004382 1 + 0 transcript_id "g590.t1"; gene_id "g590"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4004380 4004382 . + 0 transcript_id "g590.t1"; gene_id "g590"; # protein sequence = [MPPPPHDHCGGPPHRRGPVIKVQIAPPWPRRHHRPPPQVVVVQQQAPPPPPVMVVQQAPPPPYYQNPPPPPPPGSSHY # HNPQY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 26 # W: 26 # end gene g590 # start gene g591 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4005056 4005370 1 + . g591 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4005056 4005370 1 + . g591.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4005056 4005058 . + 0 transcript_id "g591.t1"; gene_id "g591"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4005056 4005370 1 + 0 transcript_id "g591.t1"; gene_id "g591"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4005368 4005370 . + 0 transcript_id "g591.t1"; gene_id "g591"; # protein sequence = [MRYYEDPCGYPPRHHHGRPNIEIDVVPGWGGGYYPPPPPPRPAEVVYMTPAATYVPGTQVIMPQPYGGVTVATTNGYY # PQQQQQAYEYQYQYQQPYNNPPYPQW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 32 # W: 32 # end gene g591 # start gene g592 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4006113 4006436 1 + . g592 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4006113 4006436 1 + . g592.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4006113 4006115 . + 0 transcript_id "g592.t1"; gene_id "g592"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4006113 4006436 1 + 0 transcript_id "g592.t1"; gene_id "g592"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4006434 4006436 . + 0 transcript_id "g592.t1"; gene_id "g592"; # protein sequence = [MPYYEEERRHHHHHHHGGRPIVEVDIVPPRIPRPVIEIGVGGRYPPPPPRVEVITPAAVYQPPPPRPIIEVDVVPPRA # PFIEFNIGGRRPPPREEVIIVQQPPPPRW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 34 # W: 34 # end gene g592 # start gene g593 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4007703 4007930 1 + . g593 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4007703 4007930 1 + . g593.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4007703 4007705 . + 0 transcript_id "g593.t1"; gene_id "g593"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4007703 4007930 1 + 0 transcript_id "g593.t1"; gene_id "g593"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4007928 4007930 . + 0 transcript_id "g593.t1"; gene_id "g593"; # protein sequence = [MSDININLKCAECNHPRGVLYYANPLAWGRPCRQCRRMMSRNVVVVPTQVAVPVATNNNITTTTTFVPVAAVSTQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 15 # W: 15 # end gene g593 # start gene g594 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4008712 4008999 1 + . g594 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4008712 4008999 1 + . g594.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4008712 4008714 . + 0 transcript_id "g594.t1"; gene_id "g594"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4008712 4008999 1 + 0 transcript_id "g594.t1"; gene_id "g594"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4008997 4008999 . + 0 transcript_id "g594.t1"; gene_id "g594"; # protein sequence = [MNNVNNVNINVQCECYHRRGLLYYANPLAWGRPCRKCRRMMSRNNIVVSVPANQMAVPVQTTTTTVMPAQCATHWQEP # QTMSALPPKYDQAVAAH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 30 # W: 30 # end gene g594 # start gene g595 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4020501 4032560 0.55 + . g595 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4020501 4032560 0.55 + . g595.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4020501 4020503 . + 0 transcript_id "g595.t1"; gene_id "g595"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4020557 4031422 0.55 + . transcript_id "g595.t1"; gene_id "g595"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4031556 4032422 1 + . transcript_id "g595.t1"; gene_id "g595"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4020501 4020556 0.79 + 0 transcript_id "g595.t1"; gene_id "g595"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4031423 4031555 0.76 + 1 transcript_id "g595.t1"; gene_id "g595"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4032423 4032560 1 + 0 transcript_id "g595.t1"; gene_id "g595"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4032558 4032560 . + 0 transcript_id "g595.t1"; gene_id "g595"; # protein sequence = [MPAGKWENGHRGTCEKIKGERALSEFPAAFFVDFRVCANNNSAAATTTVPIYWVKRRKYTKFELFFFVFGYPFKVSCA # INKKYYIVESIKTLTNAMERCNNTTNCELE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 10 # E: 1 # RM: 9 # incompatible hint groups: 28 # W: 28 # end gene g595 # start gene g596 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4032676 4113802 1 + . g596 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4032676 4113802 1 + . g596.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4032676 4032678 . + 0 transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4032770 4074513 1 + . transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4074713 4079503 1 + . transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4079765 4079825 1 + . transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4080023 4097849 1 + . transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4100040 4100621 1 + . transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4101129 4107435 1 + . transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4107805 4113620 1 + . transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4032676 4032769 1 + 0 transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4074514 4074712 1 + 2 transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4079504 4079764 1 + 1 transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4079826 4080022 1 + 1 transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4097850 4100039 1 + 2 transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4100622 4101128 1 + 2 transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4107436 4107804 1 + 2 transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4113621 4113802 1 + 2 transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4113800 4113802 . + 0 transcript_id "g596.t1"; gene_id "g596"; # protein sequence = [MRRKTTTKGTAIVNSRSARRAATTICNFFLIALVALSSTTLADESIDTRENADLTLKCRFNDKYEANDFSFFWTRWTA # NPAQFDNVAIGEVQLSSGYRLDFQPERGIYDLQIKNVSYNRDNGRFECRIKAKGTGADVHQEFHNLTVLTPPHPPVISPGNIAVATEDKPMELTCSSI # GGSPDPTITWYREGSNTPLPATVLKGGTKDQPTNATLSIIPRREDDGAKYKCVVRNRAMNEGKRLEATATLNVNYYPRVEVGPENPLRVERDRTAKLE # CNVDAKPKVPNVRWNRNGRFISSSLVHTIHRVSVQDAGKYTCIADNGLGKTGEQELILDILYPPMVVIESKTREAEEGDTVTIRCNVTANPAPVTIEW # LKENSPDFRYNGDVLTLTSVRADHAGNYICRAVNIMQSQGMERSERVGNSTVALLVRHRPGQAYITPNKPVVHVGNGVTLTCSANPPGWPVPQYRWFR # DMDGEFSSTQKILAQGPQYSIPKAHLGNEGKYHCHAVNELGIGMMATIVLEIHQPPQFLAKLQQHMTRRVADTDYTVTCSAKGKPAPSVKWLKDAVEI # LPEENLYEVQTNPDQGLNGMVTVQSQLKFRGKARPNGNALVPGDRGLYTCLYQNEVNSANSSMQLRIEHEPIVLHQYNKVAFDIRETAEVVCKVQAYP # KPEFQWQFGNNPSPLTMSSDGHYEISTTTDNNDIYTSVLKINSLTHSDYGEYTCRVANTLDTIRAPIRLQQKGPPEKPTNLRATEVGHNYVSLSWDPG # FDGGLSKTKFFVSYRRVAMPREEQLIPDCATLANSNSAWVEVDCQRDIPCKVTALEQHQSYAFKVKALNPKSDSPYSSEIMVTTKVSRIPPPLQVTYE # PNTRTLGIDVGATCLNLVAVVESMVNADSPMAAWEVVTTMDNLQLSGNGPTHKEKIIDRIIGARRVGGGRALGHTISEDEDDNGLNSLALEDENSPTV # RVKLCLRTNPEHCGDYTDAEIGRPYIAEANALATPTLIAIIVSCVVFALFAGLILMFCRCKRNQSKKSAAAKDYEMDSVRPSIVAAQQNQAPPPYYPA # SGLDNKALEHSMDLALSMEDQKTALYATQNGYSYHPGSGVVGVGMGGGVVGVGVGGSVVSGMGGGVGGIGGSGVGVNGIPGLSAHTMPGNEWVNMGYM # ENNYSNSNNGGSVNSQDSLWQVKMSAAAVGNQQGMVQAPMNQYVEQQPAYGYDPLTHGGYGAVDDYAPYPHLTATPSQVGDEYHNLRNSQNPSRQDYC # SDPYASVQKPKKRVDQHLDSPYHDVSGLPNPYNMEHLEQDEVLPPQQHMSLSYDDSFEGEYSTTPNARNRRVIREIIV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 69 # E: 7 # RM: 62 # incompatible hint groups: 484 # W: 484 # end gene g596 # start gene g597 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4113862 4114089 1 - . g597 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4113862 4114089 1 - . g597.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4113862 4113864 . - 0 transcript_id "g597.t1"; gene_id "g597"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4113862 4114089 1 - 0 transcript_id "g597.t1"; gene_id "g597"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4114087 4114089 . - 0 transcript_id "g597.t1"; gene_id "g597"; # protein sequence = [MIDRNSNPMVYGIRFVANKTQHTFVVFLKLSLHRSNILKSIQNGHFSKDLLLAVEREVKMIIRMGLQSMIMEFSV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 24 # W: 24 # end gene g597 # start gene g598 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4120363 4121442 0.19 + . g598 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4120363 4121442 0.19 + . g598.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4120363 4120365 . + 0 transcript_id "g598.t1"; gene_id "g598"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4120598 4120654 1 + . transcript_id "g598.t1"; gene_id "g598"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4121196 4121255 1 + . transcript_id "g598.t1"; gene_id "g598"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4120363 4120597 0.31 + 0 transcript_id "g598.t1"; gene_id "g598"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4120655 4121195 1 + 2 transcript_id "g598.t1"; gene_id "g598"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4121256 4121442 0.64 + 1 transcript_id "g598.t1"; gene_id "g598"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4121440 4121442 . + 0 transcript_id "g598.t1"; gene_id "g598"; # protein sequence = [MAMVSVEILWALRLFMIYMVIQSIASCEPDILLRNGKVTELSSWLLGDSIKFECNPGFSLQGKTWHLGNGNMMKRYCA # KAGCNDIEKQANGTILTATDGLKAEIECDDEFVLSGNSFTYCNGTKWIIKLGTCQLANSVGDHSCDFEREDMCGWRASKAIPQPWKRISAAADFLKEK # CLQQDHTFQSDVEGHFIRLQSQVHASRTYHFISPIYPRNLTVGHSLWFQFELFMFGSEVRNLTISVKPSSMAVEDMWNSFRNICTKLTVSGDQGPNWK # SQSISIDEMESDFQVVFTVVDPSSLHGDIGIDDVKFIKSETNEPHS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g598 # start gene g599 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4121925 4123899 0.56 + . g599 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4121925 4123899 0.56 + . g599.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4121925 4121927 . + 0 transcript_id "g599.t1"; gene_id "g599"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4121980 4122045 1 + . transcript_id "g599.t1"; gene_id "g599"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4122584 4122708 1 + . transcript_id "g599.t1"; gene_id "g599"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4123479 4123537 1 + . transcript_id "g599.t1"; gene_id "g599"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4121925 4121979 0.56 + 0 transcript_id "g599.t1"; gene_id "g599"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4122046 4122583 1 + 2 transcript_id "g599.t1"; gene_id "g599"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4122709 4123478 1 + 1 transcript_id "g599.t1"; gene_id "g599"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4123538 4123899 1 + 2 transcript_id "g599.t1"; gene_id "g599"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4123897 4123899 . + 0 transcript_id "g599.t1"; gene_id "g599"; # protein sequence = [MQTCDRDGRLRGEKPFCASRGCARPEDPENGHVENLSLRADVVCHDGYVLVGGRTAYCDGERWSTQLGSCRRSNHTRD # HSCDFESEDQCGWEAETTFRRPWKRVSTVSDIHSLRTGPRHDHTFKNESGGHYMRMETQMGAYGSYHLLSPIYPRSLTLKTACCFRFHYFMFGAGVDN # LVVSVKPVSMPMATMWNRFRANCSKFEISGQQGTQWLEHTISIDEMQEDFQVIFTATDARSQFGDIAIDDVKLMTGSECGTNGFSTTTEPTAPTGSNE # QPLVYDMMSCSGRCGTSISASNITNNGIVMGCGCNDECLSDETCCLNYLEECTKELLTTTEDDISSLPPTVTSTSTSTTRKSTTTTTTSTTTTSTTTT # KRPTTTTTTTKATTTKRTTTTKKPTTTSTTPKPTTTTSTTPKSTTSTTSTTSTTPTTTTTINVFTTKKTTIMIPTSSTEKTTGINTTMKTRKRITWNV # DPQDIEGHMDTSGSTPNPALVVLYLLLAIVLVVVLANVVNRWIIPITGSKTSSEKAVRFKKAFDSLKKQRKRNSMDDQPLCDSDNDDVEYFEEMGVDI # RHRTDL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 70 # W: 70 # end gene g599 # start gene g600 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4149481 4151046 0.61 + . g600 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4149481 4151046 0.61 + . g600.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4149481 4149483 . + 0 transcript_id "g600.t1"; gene_id "g600"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4149481 4151046 0.61 + 0 transcript_id "g600.t1"; gene_id "g600"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4151044 4151046 . + 0 transcript_id "g600.t1"; gene_id "g600"; # protein sequence = [MLHKLQPSAIRLKRVFKEPKSHYECVQNMKLLQKSLLKQGVEKQIPIQRLVSRGNSESLEFAQWFKAFYDHNHQLLWP # EKTEDAPKPLEKFDEKPDSFVDTGKCRYGARCSHRLDSTVSSRHSNQSGKNFENYQKKKTTTTGSNSVGKSENHRKDDSTKHPLWGSLEDFDGYTPEV # FNKTYRAAKKYKIVKSRFIRKHTKRSNKPRNSKTVRIAKSENQKSESAPFIDDPDIVLATEVLASGLDEPRTTQTYMINVPGVKLGFKPNLFQYPEII # EDYHTILAKKCLLFLDDVHVSFHLDLGELSTLTHDIHRTETDLKKSDEERVSLIAELDSSPDEWSSTWQSTYENALPIDVIDFKEQHLQQNQSNNCNC # ADITVAGELPQSIEIDLKKIDPEETSRCKNSNGPLLGKRLDRPLPRTRPFKLRRTFGFHEEKSVKIKSFKYSIKKLVDESPPNSSDEECFSDDFPDVS # HFNKEMDAKIVSIWKDIYNVIKILQRIEQNWYRSKINESRTTFKHWKMNTD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g600 # start gene g601 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4163546 4164249 0.53 + . g601 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4163546 4164249 0.53 + . g601.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4163546 4163548 . + 0 transcript_id "g601.t1"; gene_id "g601"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4163656 4164047 0.53 + . transcript_id "g601.t1"; gene_id "g601"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4163546 4163655 0.79 + 0 transcript_id "g601.t1"; gene_id "g601"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4164048 4164249 0.64 + 1 transcript_id "g601.t1"; gene_id "g601"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4164247 4164249 . + 0 transcript_id "g601.t1"; gene_id "g601"; # protein sequence = [MVKETETNRQTDRPAHVRVKDFKDYNIKWGGGRWGGNARGMEMNCSWKSVQLKMAKWNGQEESAKQDDGVREAGWLRG # GRDEQRQRKQFAGAAEKQKDIQGSV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g601 # start gene g602 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4165142 4166101 0.28 - . g602 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4165142 4166101 0.28 - . g602.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4165142 4165144 . - 0 transcript_id "g602.t1"; gene_id "g602"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4165533 4165613 0.98 - . transcript_id "g602.t1"; gene_id "g602"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4165142 4165532 0.62 - 1 transcript_id "g602.t1"; gene_id "g602"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4165614 4166101 0.42 - 0 transcript_id "g602.t1"; gene_id "g602"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4166099 4166101 . - 0 transcript_id "g602.t1"; gene_id "g602"; # protein sequence = [MERHYFMVPKFALSLIGFYPEQKRTVLVKLWSFFNFFILTYGCYAEAYYGIHYIPINIATALDALCPVASSILSLVKM # VAIWWYQDELRSLIERVRFLTEQQKSKRKLGYKKRFYTLATQLTFLLLCCGFCTSTSYSVRHLIDNILRRTHGKDWIYETPFKMMFPDLLLRLPLYPI # TYILVHWHGYITVVCFVGADGFFLGFCLYFTVLLLCLQDDVCDLLEVENIEKSPSEAEEARIVREMEKLVDRHNEVAELTERLSGVMVEITLAHFVTS # SLIIGTSVVDILLVGIYI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 3 # W: 3 # end gene g602 # start gene g603 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4186416 4187483 1 - . g603 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4186416 4187483 1 - . g603.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4186416 4186418 . - 0 transcript_id "g603.t1"; gene_id "g603"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4186416 4187483 1 - 0 transcript_id "g603.t1"; gene_id "g603"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4187481 4187483 . - 0 transcript_id "g603.t1"; gene_id "g603"; # protein sequence = [MEGDAENRKDQILERLNKRNKDRQNYLDVKSELRSKETVQNEGVDYFYQTFSQKTMDIEQRLKDVQCGDGQPTDLARN # FADITVEIQDLQRYLTASTMFLPDFKIKSCQNILNTLTAVSDETRQRLLPKKKFGFSGKKTVTKPKVPPNKDIVDAKLSKVPEKLGSNFTWTIANRTN # EHIVLDSAKVNGQDITISKLNHCLVELQGHPGSVQVSRASKCTLLCGPIARSFFAENLEDCTLSIACQQLRLHSSRSIRIYMHVTCRAIIEDCKSIEI # GEYNYDYSKLEADYLASGLNKAQNNYTDVADFNWLSPDVPSPNWSLLKDYPDPNWNALRRDFIANNHNSELKQDVKDISII] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 102 # W: 102 # end gene g603 # start gene g604 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4188148 4189227 1 + . g604 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4188148 4189227 1 + . g604.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4188148 4188150 . + 0 transcript_id "g604.t1"; gene_id "g604"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4188148 4189227 1 + 0 transcript_id "g604.t1"; gene_id "g604"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4189225 4189227 . + 0 transcript_id "g604.t1"; gene_id "g604"; # protein sequence = [MFRLEKCIVYLLVACNLVESRAESTENSRSVCLLKDPPNQCGEFCLSVLQPLLDHIVKHQEQWNTSEALWLNETQGKL # DRIQTQLAAQALSLEESAQKVPGDIKDRLDRMEHLQTTLQESLKKMPAELDARLMKMENQQKTLGDQLENQINLTKESQQDQLEALKNAMPINFEMRL # AQIEEQQKLLQETLKKIPEDFERKLQKLEQNQKDELTKLGAQQSANQVTLKEIYTKVFWPKFERIGSRLFYINHKDAYDWQSAVDFCRDMGGYIAAIK # DQEELDAISARLDDKSYWLGINDLQSSNTYVSVASGREVEFLNWNAGEPNHGNEDENCVELIRSKMNDDPCHRKKHVICQTDKEV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 69 # W: 69 # end gene g604 # start gene g605 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4189942 4196565 0.97 - . g605 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4189942 4196565 0.97 - . g605.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4189942 4189944 . - 0 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4190020 4190082 1 - . transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4190493 4190558 1 - . transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4190825 4192632 1 - . transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4192969 4193309 1 - . transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4193482 4193538 1 - . transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4193680 4194817 1 - . transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4194946 4195016 1 - . transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4195101 4195538 1 - . transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4195666 4195733 1 - . transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4195905 4196474 1 - . transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4189942 4190019 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4190083 4190492 1 - 2 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4190559 4190824 1 - 1 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4192633 4192968 1 - 1 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4193310 4193481 1 - 2 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4193539 4193679 1 - 2 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4194818 4194945 1 - 1 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4195017 4195100 1 - 1 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4195539 4195665 1 - 2 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4195734 4195904 1 - 2 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4196475 4196565 1 - 0 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4196563 4196565 . - 0 transcript_id "g605.t1"; gene_id "g605"; # protein sequence = [MNDRELGCAGGQFMDRGRMNQNGVVQPLLTDLYQITMAYAYWKSDKTDDTAVFDLFFRNNPFHGEFTIFAGLEECLKF # LDSFHYSQSDIEYLKQTLPEGIEHEFFEYLGNLTARDVTLYAIDEGTVAFPRVPIIKIEGPLIIVQLLETTLLTLVNYASLMATNAARYRMVAGKHVK # LLEFGLRRAQGPDGGLSASKYSYTGGFDGTSNVLAGKLFNIPVKGTHAHAYITSFSSIGELKTRLIKHKQTGILEDLLEHAVRHRALLSHLLDVSTEE # SSEGELAAMVSYAIAFPDGFMALVDTYDVKSRETEQANTEPKHINDIKSENSPPKPKASPSTNGHQNGQGVGHVNGHKTTNGHQNGSAQNNGSRTPKD # TDIQDTSTSTTTTKTTATATGTLKTTTTVSNGTAYLPKYVEKSFRSGLLNFSAVALALNDLGYHALGIRIDSGDLAYLSCLARETFEKVAERFKVPWF # NKLTIVASNDINEDTILSLNEQGHKIDCFGIGTHLVTCQRQPALGCVYKLVEINGQPRIKLSQDVEKVTMPGNKNAYRLYSADGHALIDLLQKVSEPP # PAVGQKVLCRHPFQESKRAYVIPSHVESLYKVYWKSGKICQQLPTLEQVREKVQISLKTLRNDHKRTLNPTPYKVAVSDNLYNFIHDLWLQNAPIGEL # S] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 11/11 # W: 11 # CDS introns: 10/10 # E: 10 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 13 # E: 10 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 212 # E: 2 # W: 210 # end gene g605 # start gene g606 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4199132 4217840 0.14 - . g606 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4199132 4217840 0.14 - . g606.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4199132 4199134 . - 0 transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4201800 4201864 1 - . transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4205422 4205477 0.94 - . transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4208241 4208538 1 - . transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4208826 4208887 1 - . transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4209090 4209149 0.7 - . transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4209384 4209456 1 - . transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4209766 4212416 0.55 - . transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4199132 4201799 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4201865 4205421 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4205478 4208240 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4208539 4208825 1 - 2 transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4208888 4209089 0.7 - 0 transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4209150 4209383 1 - 0 transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4209457 4209765 1 - 0 transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4212417 4217840 0.2 - 0 transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4217838 4217840 . - 0 transcript_id "g606.t1"; gene_id "g606"; # protein sequence = [MERLLLLFFLLLAGRESLCQTGDTKLELLAPRGRSYATTYEQYAAFPRRRSSSSSPSGEMQSRAVDTSADFEVLEGQP # RGTTVGFIPTKPKFSYRFNEPPREFTLDPVTGEVKTNVVLDREGMRDHYDLVVLSSQPTYPIEVRIKVLDVNDNSPEFPEPSIAISFSESATSGTRLL # LDAATDADVGENGVTDQYEIVAGNVDNKFRLVTTANPSGDTSYLHLETTGNLDRESRGSYQLNISARDGGSPPRFGYLQVNVTILDVNDNPPIFDHSD # YNVSLNETALPGTPVVTVMASDNDLGDNSKITYYLAETEHQFTVNPETGVISTTERVNCPQQTNVKSSASQKSCVFTVFARDHGSPRQDGRTYVTVNL # LDTNDHDPIISFRFFPDGGKVATVDENAVNGTVVAAVAVKDSDSGLNGRTSVRIVSGNELGHFRLEEAADLHIVRVNGVLDREEIGKYNLTVVAMDQG # TPARTTTAHLIIDVNDVNDHEPVFEKSEYSAVLSELAPTGSFVASITATDEDTGVNAQVHYDILSGNELKWFSMDPLTGLIVTTGPLDREIRDTVELS # ISARDGGPNPKFAYTQLKVIILDENDEAPQFSQREQNVTLGEDAPPQTIVALMTATDHDQGTNGSVTFALAPSVERLYPLQFALDALTGQLTTRRPLD # REKMSQYEISVIARDQGAPTPQSATATVWLNVADVNDNDPQFYPRHYIYSLADDDDDIKLKKEVEKERILLHVTASDKDDGDNALIEYRLESGGEGLF # QLDARSGAISLRGDAPASMHWKPHYKLLVSARDAGQRRSQQDAIVEIVLKSKLEMLECGQAQAGGYEFQMVEDHEQQRNSQPNREVGIVQVKSTNGKA # NSHIEYDIIQGDRAQNFRIDTRSGRITTARPLDREEQANYRLTILASSSSSSSAAASSVSYGQCIVNIAIIDLNDNAPVFALDRESEPTISLPENAAV # GQEIYLSRVRDRDAGVNSRISYSLTNNPNQQFRIGPVTGVLYLQRPIRAEPGSLIHVELMATDAGSPPLSSKLSLSVLIADVNDHTPVFDHTSYETSL # PETTKVNTRFFALAATDIDLGDNGRISYEIIEGNTERMFGVFPDGYLFVRAPLDREERDYYALTVSCRDAGQPSRSSVVPVVIHVIDENDNAPQFTNS # TFTFSIPENAPADTFVGKLTAVDRDIGRNAELSFTLSSQTQDFTIDTRNGFIKTLRPFDREALVKVSRNAEASGEDGSLRGSMAGNYMLLEATVSDNG # IPRLQDKVKVKVIVTDVNDNAPEFLRAPYHVTISEGASEGTHITHVFTQDADEGLNGDVYYSLAKGNEAGQFNLDSATGQLSLGRRLDRESQEIHHLI # VVAKDAALKHPLSSNASITIVVLDENDNAPEFTQSSSEVSVLETSPTGTELMRFRASDADQGVNSQVVFSISAGNRRDTFHIDSITGSLYLHKPLDYE # DITSYTLNITASDCGTPSLSTTVLYNVLVVDDNDNPPIFPSTAIVRQIKEGIPLKTPIVTVTADDPDSGLNGKVSYAISKQEPQLPQGRHFGINTETG # VIHTLREIDRESIDTFRLTVVATDRAQPSERQLSTEKLVTVIVEDINDNAPVFVSMNAAILPPKFSTSKGSSTAVMQVHAKDADSSSNGLVTYEIVSG # PQELFKLQRNTGIITFTPGPQFKQEVRYQLTLKSTDEAVQSERRSSEVYITIITPGSGGSESSVPQFEQRSKLSGSVYENEPIGTSILTVTAHLASAE # IEYFVTNVTATGSRGQVDRLFDIDAKLGILSTAAELDREAGPEEYEVEVYAIALGGQPRTSRTKVRVTVLDKNDSPPQFLDTPFVYNVSEDLQIGHTI # STLRAHDPDTLGSVTFLLMDGHDGKFLLEPSTGKLILNDTLDRETKSKYELRIRVSDGVQYTEAYATIQVSDTNDNPPLFEDTVYSFDIPENAQRGYQ # VGQIVARDADLGQNAQLSYGVVSDWANDVFSLNPQTGMLTLTARLDYEEVQHYILIVQAQDNGQPSLSTTITVYCNVLDLNDNAPIFDPMSYSSEVFE # NVPIATEVVTVSAKDIDSGNNGLIEYSITAGDVDSEFGIDSNGTIRTRRNLDREHRSTYTLTVTARDCADEFASFSELEETQLKLKYRSPRKYQQTRQ # EFLAHQKQQRLSSTVKVTILIKDVNDEVPVFISANETAIMENVAINTVVIAVKAVDNDEGRNGYIDYLMKEARDEDMGQSDPLPFSLNPTDGQLRVVD # ALDRELRSSYLLNITARDRGEPPQSTESQLLIRILDENDNSPVFDPKQYSASVAENASIGAMVLQVSATDVDEGANGRIRYSIVLGDQNHDFSISEDT # GVVRVAKNLNYERLSRYSLTVRAEDCALENPAGDTAELTINILDINDNRPTFLDSPYLARVMENTVPPNGGYVLTVNAYDADTPPLNSQVRYFLKEGD # SDLFRINASSGDIALLKPLDREQQSEYTLTLVAMDTGSPPLTGTGIVRVEVQDINDNDPVFELQSYHATVRENLPSGTHVLTPRATDKDEGLNAKLRF # NLLGEHMHRFHIDSETGEISTATTLDREETSVYHLTLMAQDSSITEPRASSVNLTISVSDVNDNIPKFDSTTYNVAVPERISKGEFVFGARALDLDDG # ENAVVHYTISGRDQHYFDINTKTGVVSTKLELKTKTKSHDDLTYTIVISAMDQGEQSLSSKAELTVILRPPELFPTFAYMANSHFAMSEDVRPGKMIT # KVSATSPKKGLVGKIRYAIAGGIMGDSLRVDPNSGLLSVGQDGLDYELTHLYEIWIEAADGDTPSLRSVTLITLNVTDANDNAPVMEQLIYNAEVLEE # ESPPQLIAVVKASDRDSGDNGNVIYRLQNDFDGTFEITESGEIYTRMRLDREEIGDYAFVVEAVDQGVPHMTGTASVLLHLLDKNDNPPKFTRLFSLN # VTENAEIGSFVIRVTSSDLDLGANANASYSFSENPGEKFRIEPQSGNITVAGHLDREQQDEYILKVVASDGAWRAETPITITIQDQNDNAPEFEHSFY # SFSFPELQQSIALVGQIIATDRDKQGPNSVISYSLQQPSPMFSIDPATGEVFSKKAVRFKHSQYVRSPENMYALTVLATDNGKPPLYSECLVNINIVD # AHNNPPKFEQAEYLAPLPQDAVRGQRIVRVHANDKQDLGTNEMDYSLMTFNLSSIFSVGRHDGWITLVKPIQVPPNTRYELVVRATDRGVPPQSDETR # VVIVVTGENMDTPRFSVNSYQVIVPENEPVGSTILTVGATDDDTGPNGMLRYSISGGNERQDFSVDERTGGIVIQQQLDYDLIQEYHLNITVQDLGYH # PLSSVAMLTIILTDVNDNPPVFNHKEYHCYIPENKPVGTFVFQAHAADKDSPKNAIIHYAFLPSGPDRHFFIMNQSNGTISSAVSFDYEERRIYTLQI # KAKNPDSSMESYANLYVHVLGVNEFYPQFLQPVFHFDVSETSAVGTRVGAVQATDKDSGEDGRVYYLLVGSSNDKGFRIDTNTGLIYVARHLDRETQN # RVVLTVMAKNYGSIRGNDTDEAQVIISIQDGNDPPEFIKHYYTSTISEAAPVGTKVTTVKAIDKDVRTQNNQFSYSIINGNLKQSFKIDVQTGEISTA # SRLDREETSTYNLVIGAIDTGLPPQTGSATVHIELEDVNDNGPTFTPEGLNGYISENEPAGTSIMTLIASDPDLPRNGGPFTYQLIGGKHKSWLSVDR # NSGVVRSTTSFDREMTPILEAIIEVEDSGKPKQKSQHLLTITVLDQNDNPSTTRSLHIAVSLFNGDLPSNVKLADVRPNDIDIVGDYRCRLQKNPAQS # QLQLAIPRACDLITTSHTTPIASVFSYTGNDGKHGDVSSKVSVAFQSFNNETLANSVSIMVRNMTAYHFLANHYRPILEMIKSRMSNEDEVILYSLLE # GGSGNSTNLQLLMAVRLAKTSYQQPKYLIERLREKRSAFSELLQKEVIVGYEPCSEPDVCENGGVCSATMRLLDAHSFVIQDSPALVLSGPRVVHDYS # CQCTSGFSGEQCSRRQDPCLPNPCHSQVQCRRLGSDFQCMCPANRDGKHCEKERSDVCYSKPCRNGGSCQRSPDGSSYFCLCRPGFRGNQCESVSDSC # RPNPCLHGGLCVSLKPGYKCNCTPGRYGRHCERFSYGFQPLSYMTFPALDVTTNDISIVFATTKPNSLLLYNYGMQSGGRSDFLAIELVHGRAYFSSG # GARTAISTVIAGRNLADGGWHKVTATRNGRVMSLSVAKCADSGDVCTECLPGDSSCYADEVGPVGTLNFNKQPLMIGGLSSADPILERPGQVHSDDLV # GCLHSVHIGGRALNLSLPLQQKGILAGCNRQACQPALAAERCGGFAGQCIDRWSSSLCQCGGHLQSPDCSDSLEPITLGEGAFVEFRISEIYRRMQLL # DNLYNSKSAWLDNQQMRERRAVSNFSTASQIYEAPKMLSMLFRTYKDQGQILYAATNQMFTSLSLREGRLVYYSKQHLTINMTVQETSTLNDGKWHNV # SLFSESRSLRLIVDGRQVGDELDIAGVHDFLDPYLTILNVGGEAFVGCLANVTVNNELQPLNGSGSIFPEVRYHGKIESGCRGDIGQDAAQVADPLSI # GFTLVIVFFVILVVAILGSYVIYRFRGKQEKIGSLSCGVPGFKIKHPGGPVTQSQVDHVLVRNLHPSEAPSPPVGAGDHMRPPVGSHHLVGPELLTKK # FKEPTAEMPQPQQQQQRPQRPDIIERESPLIREDHHLPIPPLHPLPLEHASSVDMGSEYPEHYDLENASSIAPSDIDIVYHYKGYREAAGLRKYKASV # PPVSAYTHHKHQNSGSQQQQQQHRHTAPFVTRNQGGQPPPPPTSASRTHQSTPLARLSPSSELSSQQPRILTLHDISGKPLQSALLATTSSSGGVGKD # VHSNSERSLNSPVMSQLSGQSSSASRQKPGVPQQQAQQTSMGLTAEEIERLNGRPRTCSLISTLDAVSSSSEAPRVSSSALHMSLGGDVDAHSSTSTD # ESGNDSFTCSEIEYDNNSLSGDGKYSTSKSLLDGRSPVSRALSGGETSRNPPTTVVKTPPIPPHAYDGFESSFRGSLSTLVASDDDIANHLSGIYRKA # NGAASPSATTLGWEYLLNWGPSYENLMGVFKDIAELPDTNGPSQQQQQQTQVVSTLRMPSSNGPAAPEEYV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 40 # CDS exons: 4/8 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/7 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 41 # RM: 2 # W: 39 # end gene g606 # start gene g607 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4224884 4226888 1 - . g607 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4224884 4226888 1 - . g607.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4224884 4224886 . - 0 transcript_id "g607.t1"; gene_id "g607"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4226768 4226846 1 - . transcript_id "g607.t1"; gene_id "g607"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4224884 4226767 1 - 0 transcript_id "g607.t1"; gene_id "g607"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4226847 4226888 1 - 0 transcript_id "g607.t1"; gene_id "g607"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4226886 4226888 . - 0 transcript_id "g607.t1"; gene_id "g607"; # protein sequence = [MSKAGEDQPAAEGAVIAGNGNAELAQNEGQNEQQQPPPNQPTRMESFFAMTKSLILRALIIYFVSSFFRRPAPDAASQ # GKSVANAGPKITAWNYFENGTDFDLHVWLSENPDVVNFQQKANLLWLQKDLTYGDWTSGVNGDGIYTHSLKLKTSQHLMNNGSVYLHAFVTRTGMSPD # PKAPNYATKMGHQQHQLNKFKKLRVNRNYNLLASEKEKLEHELKHANLKDTIVSHWHPNLTVNLVVDQTNWAEGSVPPPLDDYVKFVDGGKTYLPILF # VNDYWNLQREYQPINETTPELELHLTFQPLGMFKWQLYAAKQMKNKWAGNMLGELMAASQPEESDEDQDSLKETLLDTNIYLLGITVAVSILHSVFEL # LAFKNDIQFWNNRKSLEGLSVRSVFFGVFQSLIILLYVLDNETNFMIRISCFVGLGIEVWKIHKVVDINYDHDQKILGVLPRISFQDKGSYSESSTKD # YDKLAFKYLGWACFPLLVAYFVYSLIYNEHKGWYSFVLNMLYGYLLTFGFILMTPQLFINYKLKSVAHMPWRMMTYKFLNTFIDDIFAFVIKMPTMYR # LGCFRDDIIFFVFLYQRWQYRVDLKRVNEFGFSGEMEQQHAAQKLEGKTANGAIEGPQAAPAIKKTAAQKKQD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 191 # W: 191 # end gene g607 # start gene g608 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4227575 4228411 1 + . g608 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4227575 4228411 1 + . g608.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4227575 4227577 . + 0 transcript_id "g608.t1"; gene_id "g608"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4227578 4227726 1 + . transcript_id "g608.t1"; gene_id "g608"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4227750 4228011 1 + . transcript_id "g608.t1"; gene_id "g608"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4227575 4227577 1 + 0 transcript_id "g608.t1"; gene_id "g608"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4227727 4227749 1 + 0 transcript_id "g608.t1"; gene_id "g608"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4228012 4228411 1 + 1 transcript_id "g608.t1"; gene_id "g608"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4228409 4228411 . + 0 transcript_id "g608.t1"; gene_id "g608"; # protein sequence = [MHLVARFLCDAAIMQIFVKTLTGKTITLEVEPSDTIENVKAKIQDKEGIPPDQQRLIFAGKQLEDGRTLSDYNIQKES # TLHLVLRLRGGIIEPSLRILAQKYNCDKMICRKCYARLHPRATNCRKKKCGHTNNLRPKKKLK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 42 # W: 42 # end gene g608 # start gene g609 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4257878 4258177 0.32 + . g609 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4257878 4258177 0.32 + . g609.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4257878 4257880 . + 0 transcript_id "g609.t1"; gene_id "g609"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4257878 4258177 0.32 + 0 transcript_id "g609.t1"; gene_id "g609"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4258175 4258177 . + 0 transcript_id "g609.t1"; gene_id "g609"; # protein sequence = [MDRNTGLPVDYERTVNQVMQYVNPNLRNPPSAEKVLEELLTKMLTEVVRQGGRCCREHSQLRSLLKNRCHCHRSSQFL # SKAEKARFEANESLSQFHSAW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g609 # start gene g610 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4278039 4279290 0.59 - . g610 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4278039 4279290 0.59 - . g610.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4278039 4278041 . - 0 transcript_id "g610.t1"; gene_id "g610"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4278670 4278795 0.99 - . transcript_id "g610.t1"; gene_id "g610"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4279044 4279083 0.63 - . transcript_id "g610.t1"; gene_id "g610"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4278039 4278669 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g610.t1"; gene_id "g610"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4278796 4279043 0.63 - 0 transcript_id "g610.t1"; gene_id "g610"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4279084 4279290 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g610.t1"; gene_id "g610"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4279288 4279290 . - 0 transcript_id "g610.t1"; gene_id "g610"; # protein sequence = [MLEELAKDDEKMDGNHTDANQIIKDRRRQEEHYFKLYGRIEIHEWLLKDSVRIKAYREAIQHNEFFRHKRSFRSKTVL # DVGCGMGVLSMFAAKAGSKRVLAVEAATISEFAQQVVQDNEFGRVIQVIQGKVEDIELPDGIKKVDIIVCDWMGSCLFSGNMLESLLFARDKWLSATG # HIYPDTAQLYLAAIKGRDQDLGFWHDVHGFDLSAIRRRCESKAVVEHVTGDQMMSRVCLVKSLDLYTEPRQSAKSRSLFELKVSRNGWVHGLVAYFDV # GFSKSTQRISFSTSPSAPWTHWNQTVFYLETPLPVRAGECIKGVLTMKPSEDSIFDTEFDIFVNFDGREKSVTIHQSFVLSDPLTLC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 4 # W: 4 # end gene g610 # start gene g611 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4295225 4321064 0.35 + . g611 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4295225 4321064 0.35 + . g611.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4295225 4295227 . + 0 transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4295622 4299067 1 + . transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4299178 4303335 1 + . transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4303619 4304599 1 + . transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4304842 4307190 1 + . transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4307462 4307562 1 + . transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4308427 4308775 0.92 + . transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4308860 4314201 1 + . transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4314616 4318593 1 + . transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4318709 4319329 1 + . transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4295225 4295621 0.4 + 0 transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4299068 4299177 1 + 2 transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4303336 4303618 1 + 0 transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4304600 4304841 1 + 2 transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4307191 4307461 1 + 0 transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4307563 4308426 1 + 2 transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4308776 4308859 0.92 + 2 transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4314202 4314615 1 + 2 transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4318594 4318708 1 + 2 transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4319330 4321064 1 + 1 transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4321062 4321064 . + 0 transcript_id "g611.t1"; gene_id "g611"; # protein sequence = [MGVCADLGSHRWCRALSTQHNTEKSKEQQQQSQPLEIPEQRASKCRGDIDRTTTTTIPASKTLTASPAKTAAFTVKTT # RRRRSRRRAEGSSICVPIRRGQGSTPTPTIQVLQFVLVSLLALLAKNAQAHNIPEDAVHITAILGEGVIFNCHVEFPNDHPVPYVLQWDKKGSDLPIY # IWYESYPEHIEEGYKGRVSRVSQDSPFGSASLNLTNIRESDQGWYECKVVFLNRDPKQHKNGTWFHLDVHAPPRFSVTPEDIIYVNLGDSIILNCQAD # GTPTPEILWYKDANPVDPSPTVGIFNDGTELRISTIRHEDIGEYTCIARNGEGQVSHTARVIIAGGAVIMVPPTNQTKLEGEKVIFSCEAKAMPGNVT # VRWYREGSPVREVAALETRVTIRKDGSLIINPIKPDDSGQYLCEVTNGIGDPQSASAYLSVEYPAKVTFTPTVQYLPFRLAGVVQCYIKSSPQLQYVT # WTKDKRLLEPYQMKDIVVMANGSLLFTRVNEEHQGQYACTPYNAQGTAGASGVMDVLVRKPPAFTVEPETLYQRKVGDSVEMHCDALEAEGTERPTIK # WQRQEGEQLTESQRNRIKISGGNITIENLRREDFGYYQCVVSNEVATLMAVTQLVIEGTQPHAPYNITGKATESSITLQWLPGYSGGSEYKQDYTIWF # REAGVNDWQTISVTPSGSTQVTINGLASGTTYEFQVVGRNVLGDGMMSKVMTVRTLEDAPAAPRNVKAATQPPDSFFQLMPDEAGPKPGPPRNVSVTE # VSNGFLITWQSPLERAHIVKFYTIKYRTDAQWKTLNRGQIRPEETQYLVKNLVGGRTYYFRVLANSEKSYESSDEVKFPVPARVKHKAITAGVVGGIL # FFIVAIILSVCAVKICNKRKRRKQEKEFNMVACRITDARNIAANNHHLHNRSTGSISSGQVPLKKYKQTRISSLTAILIAILHWIWPPDRCTNCHSIY # SSPNLEDGDEDDGGGGRRRSVSRIQRSLDGRFVLDVEGVSKLGYSQQTLESGNVDVVDGGLFERRNSNVSQKSSSDDGGFLSRRNFITARASWRRPLV # ASSSQLSLQSAADSARGFLQGLLKIGAKQSAVPPNSQSYFDEAVSGARYQNVLRPYTSSNNLYGNADRSRPLHINTISGSLSQQQQLYTPSRISRIFS # SSPQQLQPHHQQLLLSSGGSGAYPTHFSDLSTVYPPNSAERSSHNLSSRYRYYSQELPSLRTIQEETRRQQQQKQHPLEDHFVPLQLPSPPSWRSYYQ # SQASYRPRTRWYPRHHSRLFSNRQQQHEMLSPLPQLNLNLRNSMNPGGLEASPESRSSSSGFGSKNTSNHPGSTSEWRLLPPYRAPPSPPKHSGYFGG # QQAQGQTPHGSYSYPRATTPPYTMAHWLEMISRLNAATDSNLPKAPCPVDVGSVDGHYEFDPATPTPSASSMLREDLNLHIDTHPYHHHTLGPLSGSL # LHSHAPYGGGARKQRSLPAHLPRYDNVEVRLQAMREEFYAYRKRQAMQQMESVC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 89.5 # CDS exons: 9/10 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 8/9 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 33 # E: 8 # RM: 25 # incompatible hint groups: 278 # E: 1 # W: 277 # end gene g611 # start gene g612 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4324908 4331614 0.6 + . g612 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4324908 4331614 0.6 + . g612.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4324908 4324910 . + 0 transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4325130 4328937 1 + . transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4329446 4329510 1 + . transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4329921 4330312 1 + . transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4330542 4330755 1 + . transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4330963 4331030 1 + . transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4324908 4325129 0.6 + 0 transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4328938 4329445 1 + 0 transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4329511 4329920 1 + 2 transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4330313 4330541 1 + 0 transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4330756 4330962 1 + 2 transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4331031 4331614 1 + 2 transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4331612 4331614 . + 0 transcript_id "g612.t1"; gene_id "g612"; # protein sequence = [MPAKRSRTFRQSGSALLALLAIILLMNISCTSAARDHRRQTNLEAKVGSHVVFNCYIDFPFDAPIPYLVHWTKDNKKI # FTWYEQETSTSELFNGRLHLVENHPEFGRASVNLTAIRESDQGWYHCQVSFPNRSPSVRNNGTAYHLAVQGGSLIRIPPVNQTIREGQTAFFHCVMKH # PENSQASWYKDGVLLQEVQDLVRRFYMGPDGSLSIDPTMMSDLGEYECKVRNSDGELQTAKAFLNIQYKAKVIYAPPEVFLPYGQPAVLDCHFRANPP # LKNLRWEKDGLLFDSYNVPGVFYKMNGSLFFAKVDENHAGSYTCTPYNDLGTDGPSPVISVIVLRPPIFSVTPKAIYIQKLGEAAELPCEAIDRDGNN # RPSIIWGRKDGQPLPADRFSLSGGNLTITGLVEGDRGIYECSATNEAATITAEAELMIENIAPRAPYNLTANSTETCITIRWQPGYLRPNLEYTVWYR # LMEAPEWRTLRVLDKKVMEATVQHLQPGKEYEFMVLSQDKYGDGMFSKQFRFQTLPSPIRADDFDAQQLQHDLGQVTAPAGGLGAPWNLTAISNQQGW # LLHWEHPVQGLEGLRLYAVRWWKEPEHFLIGHAETFDNYYQLRHLKEDTLFKVQVLAVGTETQQSVPSHELLIDVPSQRKVRALIIGSSVGVIFLLCA # LCAFLYVKRSCLRHLFAKDSSASEDEDTAESGDCDSDEQDQRDRDSIKIRQST] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 10 # E: 5 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 151 # W: 151 # end gene g612 # start gene g613 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4336674 4344480 0.9 + . g613 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4336674 4344480 0.9 + . g613.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4336674 4336676 . + 0 transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4336958 4341591 0.9 + . transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4341805 4341883 1 + . transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4342199 4342397 1 + . transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4343696 4343756 1 + . transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4343858 4343919 1 + . transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4344209 4344268 1 + . transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4336674 4336957 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4341592 4341804 0.9 + 1 transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4341884 4342198 1 + 1 transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4342398 4343695 1 + 1 transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4343757 4343857 1 + 2 transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4343920 4344208 1 + 0 transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4344269 4344480 1 + 2 transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4344478 4344480 . + 0 transcript_id "g613.t1"; gene_id "g613"; # protein sequence = [MNELQASSVPLVDKCSSHAVILPAAKSPNRVSDSAATTAPNAVLYTSGNMSLSTLSTGSGNPNPNPNASTNSRQEPVP # LLSQLKLTNDLKQNSHGAESGGIQNSSFETAASQSQSQEDVSRRRSAAYAAAYAEMLRDAGHQRSMSLVQTKLTKNGSCVSALKKRPKSQNNLCNGGL # GSNNHALAPKVANNSGGSPNGQKKGTIALSHLPQRPPVDIEFCDISYSVTDSHRRGFKTILKSVSGKFRNGEITAIMGPSGAGKSTLMNILAGYKTAQ # LSGSVLINSKERNLRRFRKLSCYIMQDDVLIANLTVREAMMVAANLKLGKNMISYAKVVVVEEILETIGLKESVNTLTCNLSGGQRKRLSIALELVNN # PPVMFFDEPTSGLDSSTCFQLISLLRSLARGGRTIVCTIHQPSARLFEKFDHLYLLAQGQCVYEGRVKGLVPYLSSLGYECPSYHNPADYVLEVASGE # YGDAVPKLVDAVKSGACKKYAHKDYVLTLAQKGCNNDIIKGSGSGAENAMAILTLEDEKPPLEDRQLEPSIPVDDPAELKPPKLETQQSQNSDCSVVN # MPTNAVDDSCSFSSSKGTQNAVGGSGSGGPSAVVGCMTSLLDSHESVVTLPNKTGFPTSGWTQFWILLKRSFRTILRDKMLTHMRLFSHVIVGAIIGM # IYYDVGNEASKIMSNAGCIFFVSLFTTFTAMMPTILTFPTEMSVFVREHLNYWYSLKAFYFAKTIADMPFQIVFSSVYVLVVYYLTSQPMELERVSMF # VLICVLNSLVAQSLGLLIGAGMNIETGVFLGPVTTIPTILFSGFFVNFDTIPGYLQWVTYVSYVRYGFEGAMVAIYGMDRAKMQCNQMYCHYRVPKKF # LEEMSMDNALFWVDAVALIGIFFALRIIAYFVLRWKLHMIR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 84.6 # CDS exons: 6/7 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/6 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 5 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 217 # E: 1 # W: 216 # end gene g613 # start gene g614 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4353070 4353813 0.5 + . g614 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4353070 4353813 0.5 + . g614.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4353070 4353072 . + 0 transcript_id "g614.t1"; gene_id "g614"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4353208 4353249 0.78 + . transcript_id "g614.t1"; gene_id "g614"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4353616 4353678 1 + . transcript_id "g614.t1"; gene_id "g614"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4353070 4353207 0.51 + 0 transcript_id "g614.t1"; gene_id "g614"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4353250 4353615 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g614.t1"; gene_id "g614"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4353679 4353813 1 + 0 transcript_id "g614.t1"; gene_id "g614"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4353811 4353813 . + 0 transcript_id "g614.t1"; gene_id "g614"; # protein sequence = [MRYYLKDEVVSHNKKDDCWVIIHRNIYDLTPMLKDRFDNWNRVGYRTLDYLVAHAGKDLTHFFHENGEPRTEISPSTG # RPRVLFPPILEVAISEFCKTPGEMWSQDPFYHIGTVTKRARLIRIVNTLTAQTQYMTVCNEDSIYDIQQKYKQRYNHHAGSYEWRKFSNGGKSCSILN # LNGTLDENGLTDDEDSNVELPPPSIWLYYTDDITIA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g614 # start gene g615 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4362549 4362752 0.94 + . g615 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4362549 4362752 0.94 + . g615.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4362549 4362551 . + 0 transcript_id "g615.t1"; gene_id "g615"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4362549 4362752 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g615.t1"; gene_id "g615"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4362750 4362752 . + 0 transcript_id "g615.t1"; gene_id "g615"; # protein sequence = [MPAPPATVKPATGHTTKLNNGKSSNSNSNHTLSNSIAHLSDSRTNLTVNTPTTCQRLRYDTLAALGF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g615 # start gene g616 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4370044 4370424 0.54 + . g616 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4370044 4370424 0.54 + . g616.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4370044 4370046 . + 0 transcript_id "g616.t1"; gene_id "g616"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4370044 4370424 0.54 + 0 transcript_id "g616.t1"; gene_id "g616"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4370422 4370424 . + 0 transcript_id "g616.t1"; gene_id "g616"; # protein sequence = [MDILSNIGHEGSFCYEPDPLLCDTFGKLSISEGIVRPQPNAAAFSHRTANHFLGLRTKPGNRTRQQGHVAARGQLIGQ # AEKTQIDPEHLHLSWPTCAHKMRMIFGGKMELTQNFWYGNIGKGDRYY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g616 # start gene g617 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4378861 4380099 0.53 + . g617 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4378861 4380099 0.53 + . g617.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4378861 4378863 . + 0 transcript_id "g617.t1"; gene_id "g617"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4378861 4380099 0.53 + 0 transcript_id "g617.t1"; gene_id "g617"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4380097 4380099 . + 0 transcript_id "g617.t1"; gene_id "g617"; # protein sequence = [MIVTYLQISYFPYLQIYPGPDPKHIMGSLVFCIHHKQGCKWSDELRKLKGHLNACKHDATQCPNKCGAQIPRIMMTDH # LQYTCTMRRTRCEFCQSEFSGAGLEEHNGSCGQEPVYCEAKCGQRILRGRMTLHKSKDCAKRLRRCAHCQREFSADTLPLHAAQCPRAPLACPQRCDA # GPIPRGELEAHLRDECQSLAVSCSFKEAGCRFKGPRQMLEAHLESNAAAHLSLMVALSSRQGQQIQMLKSAVSKLSINYTGTLLWKITDWSAKMAEAR # GKDGLELVSPPFYTSQYGYKLQASMFLNGNGPGENTHVSVYIKVLPGEYDALLKWPFSHSITFTLFEQGAQSGQGGVAESFVPDPTWENFQRPSNEPD # QLGFGFPRFISHELLHSRPFIKGDTVFLRVKVDPSKIVAV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 24 # W: 24 # end gene g617 # start gene g618 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4380783 4383031 0.86 - . g618 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4380783 4383031 0.86 - . g618.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4380783 4380785 . - 0 transcript_id "g618.t1"; gene_id "g618"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4382644 4382696 0.98 - . transcript_id "g618.t1"; gene_id "g618"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4382743 4383024 0.89 - . transcript_id "g618.t1"; gene_id "g618"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4380783 4382643 0.95 - 1 transcript_id "g618.t1"; gene_id "g618"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4382697 4382742 0.89 - 2 transcript_id "g618.t1"; gene_id "g618"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4383025 4383031 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g618.t1"; gene_id "g618"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4383029 4383031 . - 0 transcript_id "g618.t1"; gene_id "g618"; # protein sequence = [MVGLPVVDSPENCKQTTRAMENVCQCCKVRPGLSVKRGGSLPKTLCLQCLHMDTFGTKHKGPRPETQINDKVHLEMSI # NGEDGLPEHPLYPEVQLVVKEEDALIKKKVIEENHIHNEEIIGASNIVDVEVHENHRANNDVILIQDSFAEEVILEDHPANNDVIIIQDSVAEEELPV # IKEEAIEGEDLQGEYFIITECLEEPAIGSCRVCLEQSDNLTNIFDDAHQYGIPIATILSQYTGMPVEKGDSFSEYICVTCLDVVKNAFDDLESKENTI # QMYRQPKEEIIDIDSIPVKNKPVDYEVTGKPPHRCPQCPKIFLLAAKLQAHIRTHNETRTTEPPRLKCPMCPSIYMKRGCLEAHMWIHRASDERESEL # EPPYRCPHCPKLFLYSSFLEIHIQTHEDVSQRLSRKSSHKCAQCADVFSDVSSLKDHVKIHAGERTFKCPLCLMSFQEESNLKSHDCAHTRFKCHKCS # KFFESQNYLDFHFKKSHTTKGPFKCIKCQQTFQKRNGLKEHISSQVCVQFLRSKSPGQIFPCPKCPKKFSIEDNYQMHHATHKKVKTVIERHNCTQCK # KSYQNKKLLTKHILSHNRCVHCSMSFTSKYLLEQHTCSQSYQLNGSRGRKNPNLNYNECEESNESDLEP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 40 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 135 # W: 135 # end gene g618 # start gene g619 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4383137 4385978 0.7 - . g619 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4383137 4385978 0.7 - . g619.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4383137 4383139 . - 0 transcript_id "g619.t1"; gene_id "g619"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4384023 4384084 1 - . transcript_id "g619.t1"; gene_id "g619"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4385260 4385315 1 - . transcript_id "g619.t1"; gene_id "g619"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4385823 4385882 1 - . transcript_id "g619.t1"; gene_id "g619"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4383137 4384022 1 - 1 transcript_id "g619.t1"; gene_id "g619"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4384085 4385259 1 - 0 transcript_id "g619.t1"; gene_id "g619"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4385316 4385822 1 - 0 transcript_id "g619.t1"; gene_id "g619"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4385883 4385978 0.7 - 0 transcript_id "g619.t1"; gene_id "g619"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4385976 4385978 . - 0 transcript_id "g619.t1"; gene_id "g619"; # protein sequence = [MSESAVAVEPEERMVANNKIHFSKEVKQVIDKVLKTDDPMDAPDFNTVDYINQLFPNEQSLAGIDETIQKMQCEVSLI # DDNIRSVVRGQTNTGQDGQLALCEAQKVISSLFSHIIDVKTRAERTEEMVKEITRDIKQLDCAKRNLTAAITTLNHLHMLVGGIESLNKLIERRSYGE # ILNPLQAITEVNQHFQQFSDIEEIKNLSQSVDKIQVTLAQQITEDFKEAFSAKPSSQNQHRLGLNQLADACKVMSVLDPKVKKELLKWFIAQQLEEYT # HLFHENQDIAWLDKIDKRYAWLKRHLLDFEDKYGPVFPLDWEVSERITVEFCRQTREQLAQIMAKRTNEIDVRLLLFAINKTQAFEQLLSKRFTGVTL # GAQPTDKARVLAEPTTTDGAVGLTVFHDQIGQCFKPHLDIYIRSIDRNLSELMDKFVEMSREPYKFAEAKTTVYPSSGDLFVFYKKCMVQCNQLSNEQ # PMYDLALVFKKYLREYASKVLEGSTPKLVPATTSSSIGKSVSLLTRDMQNLSTAAGQVFHNFLKEGDTQRFARDDLVRICCVLTTGEYCLETVQQLED # KLKEKVTSAYVSKIDMSEEKDVFHRIISNCIQLLVQDLEAGCEASLQAMAKVQWQHINNVGDQSAFISSLCGNFKQTVPTIRDTLASSRKYFTQFCHR # FVAAFIPKFINVLYRCKLTLSDGSNNVLGCEQLLLDTHSLKTALLELPSVGSSVNRKAPTSYTKVVVKDMTRAEMIIKVVMTPVQPPAHFTQQVLKLL # PDITIAEYQKILDMKAVKRVDQLQLIDLFKHTASAAAVSGLIEPTTGEEETQGAETVVATSGTTDDAETSAVPTETTTATSSTPKRAFIFSVGSFTGS # ADKNADGSSQTGIRKLENLLKKRFP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 233 # W: 233 # end gene g619 # start gene g620 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4386339 4387008 0.97 - . g620 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4386339 4387008 0.97 - . g620.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4386339 4386341 . - 0 transcript_id "g620.t1"; gene_id "g620"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4386706 4386763 1 - . transcript_id "g620.t1"; gene_id "g620"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4386339 4386705 1 - 1 transcript_id "g620.t1"; gene_id "g620"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4386764 4387008 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g620.t1"; gene_id "g620"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4387006 4387008 . - 0 transcript_id "g620.t1"; gene_id "g620"; # protein sequence = [MDPSIIEFIGEKCMISIIPNFSNEPLHLIYGPVGPFRAGFPVFVPLWMATHLRKQQKCRIVPPEWMDMDILEEIKEEE # KRSKFFTKMPCEHYMVVAQLVMSTAPDDVPRCEELRTVIKDIFDIRESKLRTSIDAFIKGEGTYAKLDNLTLLEIHSVRPILPYSLDHIARYQRTATA # SQRDTSMLSASMAGSSSGPNSNSLFSQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 60 # W: 60 # end gene g620 # start gene g621 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4388250 4388693 0.92 + . g621 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4388250 4388693 0.92 + . g621.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4388250 4388252 . + 0 transcript_id "g621.t1"; gene_id "g621"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4388250 4388693 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g621.t1"; gene_id "g621"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4388691 4388693 . + 0 transcript_id "g621.t1"; gene_id "g621"; # protein sequence = [MMEWVEGVGWLALIFSRKVRLDRLVGLVLVYFRQGTELLALATIETNVIDSPPISQENCLPFPRRIASESSFDKKAVI # DLASSSLQSSISASRTKFGNGRSRFGRTDSFIDKPGFELDGCLTSTSANFPIRCCQKLCARLDRRRRFV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 35 # W: 35 # end gene g621 # start gene g622 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4388725 4392686 1 + . g622 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4388725 4392686 1 + . g622.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4388725 4388727 . + 0 transcript_id "g622.t1"; gene_id "g622"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4388859 4390164 1 + . transcript_id "g622.t1"; gene_id "g622"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4390706 4390797 1 + . transcript_id "g622.t1"; gene_id "g622"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4391691 4391755 1 + . transcript_id "g622.t1"; gene_id "g622"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4392378 4392446 1 + . transcript_id "g622.t1"; gene_id "g622"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4388725 4388858 1 + 0 transcript_id "g622.t1"; gene_id "g622"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4390165 4390705 1 + 1 transcript_id "g622.t1"; gene_id "g622"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4390798 4391690 1 + 0 transcript_id "g622.t1"; gene_id "g622"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4391756 4392377 1 + 1 transcript_id "g622.t1"; gene_id "g622"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4392447 4392686 1 + 0 transcript_id "g622.t1"; gene_id "g622"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4392684 4392686 . + 0 transcript_id "g622.t1"; gene_id "g622"; # protein sequence = [MPDTEIIVTNAGEPSTKASLIVVSNRLPFVLIRDPKTDELERRASAGGLVTAVCPVVIKGSGLWVGWSGIHLKDPNEA # IPESNPNDQTPTAGLKSEQVVSVNIDSKIFDSYYNGCCNKIFWPLFHSMPGRANFGGEHWHDYVTVNKHFAVRTIEALEKCLAKNQGSEKSPPIVWIH # DYHLMLAANWVREHAEEKNLPCRLAFFLHIPFPPWDIFRLLPWSDEILQGMLGCDLVGFHIQDYCLNFVDCCQRNLGCRVDRNNLLVEHGGRTVRVRP # LPIGIPYERFVNLATTAPKVLKTSKMQIILGVDRLDYTKGLVHRLMAFEALLLKYPQHKEKVSLLQISVPSRTDVKEYRELKEEVDQLVGRINGRFTT # ANWAPIRYIYDYVSQDELAALYRDAAVCLVTPLRDGMNLVAKEFVACQINEVPGVLVISPFAGAGEMMHEALLCNPYEVNEAAEVIHRALTMPEDERV # LRMARLRRREAECDVSHWMRCFLKAVGALEMDDVGTTIMQPVSVDDFDDYLLKYIGYNHKLALLLDYDGTLAPIAPHPDLATLSPEIKNVLYKLSNHS # DVYVAVISGRNVDNVKKMVGIEGITYAGNHGLEILHPDGSKFVHPMPMEYEKKVSDLLKALQDSVCRDGAWVENKGALLTFHYRETPNHLRGAMVDKA # RSLIEKYGFKATEAHCALEARPPVQWNKGRASIYILRTSFGVDWNERIKIIYVGDDLTDEDAMVALKGMARTFRVTSSDIVKTAADHRLPSTDSVYTL # LKWVERHFMGRKARANSLTYRPTKGDGVQMQMSLEVAASANNLEV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 240 # W: 240 # end gene g622 # start gene g623 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4392726 4393790 0.99 - . g623 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4392726 4393790 0.99 - . g623.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4392726 4392728 . - 0 transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4392772 4392897 0.99 - . transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4392989 4393041 1 - . transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4393200 4393261 1 - . transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4393434 4393501 1 - . transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4393716 4393772 1 - . transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4392726 4392771 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4392898 4392988 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4393042 4393199 1 - 1 transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4393262 4393433 1 - 2 transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4393502 4393715 1 - 0 transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4393773 4393790 1 - 0 transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4393788 4393790 . - 0 transcript_id "g623.t1"; gene_id "g623"; # protein sequence = [MDSKLDMFEDVNTSPSLEGDMSIPGKRTTTATSASGVPEYNTLDEPIRETVLRDIRAVGIKFYHVLYPKEKSSLLRDW # DLWGPLVLCTFMATILQGSSTADSMSDNGPEFAQVFVIVWIGAAVVTLNSKLLGGNISFFQSVCVLGYCLTPVAISLIVCRVILLATQTRLLFFLRFV # TTTIGFAWATYASFVFLGQSQPPHRKPLAVYPIFLFFFIISCYKSVFFILKILKVI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 90.9 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 74 # W: 74 # end gene g623 # start gene g624 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4394338 4399733 0.85 + . g624 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4394338 4399733 0.85 + . g624.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4394338 4394340 . + 0 transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4394490 4394544 1 + . transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4395179 4395235 1 + . transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4395951 4396009 1 + . transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4396128 4396809 1 + . transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4396907 4396968 1 + . transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4399075 4399136 1 + . transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4399300 4399353 1 + . transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4399601 4399660 1 + . transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4394338 4394489 0.85 + 0 transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4394545 4395178 1 + 1 transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4395236 4395950 1 + 0 transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4396010 4396127 1 + 2 transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4396810 4396906 1 + 1 transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4396969 4399074 1 + 0 transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4399137 4399299 1 + 0 transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4399354 4399600 1 + 2 transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4399661 4399733 1 + 1 transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4399731 4399733 . + 0 transcript_id "g624.t1"; gene_id "g624"; # protein sequence = [MAAKRAESPEKRASPEPTLRGLTTKVALRRLHEEIEKRVQLEHERQYGAESPYRKLRAAFVKRYDSPLGWLSIGSSLL # ASGALLATGMLWPALCLLAILSLDLFVVVRENNLRRTEIFRKARHAISEIKLAEQHFSDDWQQSNYPHLSNPMSPCVSLQWTYRDGKIVNLPWALLVR # GDYIVLRPGHISPGPCHELETNKFFAANEIYGAAPHGDPPVKPVARPPLPNLVCCLESTPYLDNLTVCLKNSLKRPPTIYNQQRYLLVTKYIQQWGFI # SALVITLISGLLRLHGYGLPTDEKHNWRFVLVESSAAAIVPLLPLIFPLMWISMNLWGIARLQCFLKTPQAALEKSTSKSFEEDLDTPSYDYQNMSML # RSSVLRIWMQLWRGDSELLPRSANLVQVLGSISALCCVDKKGILSWPNPTAEKVFFLHNTDEEAREDGAGSQSSSQSESDDVPVVDEDHKERGIVAEV # LDLTHDQHCPFRLEFDDHEWKAHIKSLKPLGLAILLNTCSPLTHEHYAQFCGHVTAVAMLDKDLVPVTNRRCLCELAKQIGFTDHATDRFALEGQLAS # YRHLQPDVVRRDIRFARQLQLSSKVKVPFPHSLSVVMRENPGGYLSLFTQGTADIILDCCDDFWDGIDLRPLSAQDRKRALDFYQRSALTSYCTAFAY # RPLRHGIHGALSGPQRSGGDCLYLELPPESKLRMQHVDKTHCDFQGGHHVKLSHSISTDSLLFSENKDEECNDVEGCFEMQCHQVFIGMVTMQYQAQN # DIVRLVEHLEQACIRFVHFSKENELRSRVFSEKMGLESGWNCHISLLSEPEPDSEKERISAKPKEFPENIGKPQATTSTTATTTTTDHENNHHPSAKV # MYISPPAPAPATASVSESISAAKTTEIVGDGPEISYLLGPPNNLESSKTLSSSAPGAISNPDENPLNALNSGDSHSPDSEGSKESSQDSCTKNNPPGD # SELEAETEANKHKQRHSLDSAMDENCRSLSTLTESTDQSAPINFDMSNRAKLPRGIENIRPHLEQVDNVPLQVSLFTDCSAEATRQMLDIMQSYGEIV # VCLGSSASNANADIFLQADCSIAVEPLYPQVCQDVDAYTEANIQNNKLLWQRHSGKSKGNDDEELLEGGLHGCAMQSPAHTISPLYLSRLLNSLPCSI # AVCRDDPLSLVAIIELSRRFSLGLWNCIQYWACCAGSISILNVLCACLSQPPLVTPLLGIYLMCVPVPLIAISLAHIDVDPKIMNRATSKKQTDYDSR # AFAFVMWCYGCKFIVLVVSLLVSYWMLLPNTQLNPAEPATEEPVLEIDDDDDPEFYQFLYIARSSALLGIILHFVFISVTFVHRDHALWQRNPFTNRI # WAFTCLFLVLIHGIICFVQLLLEDFWVQLPNQWLALLILFGGSLLSMLVSELAKFQENKVNARYQRRARLDFGTKLGMNSPF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 9/9 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 8/8 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 8 # incompatible hint groups: 415 # E: 1 # W: 414 # end gene g624 # start gene g625 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4401120 4403091 0.59 + . g625 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4401120 4403091 0.59 + . g625.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4401120 4401122 . + 0 transcript_id "g625.t1"; gene_id "g625"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4401290 4401349 0.73 + . transcript_id "g625.t1"; gene_id "g625"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4401694 4401865 0.78 + . transcript_id "g625.t1"; gene_id "g625"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4401120 4401289 1 + 0 transcript_id "g625.t1"; gene_id "g625"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4401350 4401693 0.59 + 1 transcript_id "g625.t1"; gene_id "g625"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4401866 4403091 1 + 2 transcript_id "g625.t1"; gene_id "g625"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4403089 4403091 . + 0 transcript_id "g625.t1"; gene_id "g625"; # protein sequence = [MRLEGANWALVVGLSLILGFGRVQAYSQVLVSGTGAANDQGPRIFKALNTDLIFPRTFNSSDNVVSTTGAPVITSTST # TSPPPIPYNHQPEGTTSSPLFVTPLVVTEAEKVDDPAPVSEEQTEPVVQGASTGRAVDYRTAYPFGQLITPLLRGGKPQQYNSRPTKTRIYPQGIADR # FAPGEGTAAGLFKGHNHDHSHDHSHDHSHGQDGKVAAGSNSVNSYVSPGDTYSFPPLNTKYPSPSQDPKAALPSDTVTSYLPPASGGLSNAGYIYPGP # SSNGYKYPGPVPNSNADKDTAASMASASPPADDDPGNDDSIGTLPASAQDNIPSKDQDSMSGPAPADGMDMGSPADGGDGGGGGGGDGDIGGLPSLHN # DGSGPDDDHKYDPNMEYATPPPGWLQSHPESAAPKPDDHDHDHAPDHDHVHDHHHDHYPTHFDYQPSYPDDSYPDVIYDDHPHHHHHVHHPPPPPPPP # PPPPPPPPPTEPPPPPPPPPEPRVKKYSYFYIGRKLWYIPLYFTVWFSFYILWLIIKSIGRHKVNLPNHYVSRRSAPDPFTEQGRDEYINEMTVRVLE # HIDSFKQKYLN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 4 # RM: 4 # end gene g625 # start gene g626 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4403337 4403864 0.94 + . g626 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4403337 4403864 0.94 + . g626.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4403337 4403339 . + 0 transcript_id "g626.t1"; gene_id "g626"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4403415 4403513 1 + . transcript_id "g626.t1"; gene_id "g626"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4403337 4403414 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g626.t1"; gene_id "g626"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4403514 4403864 1 + 0 transcript_id "g626.t1"; gene_id "g626"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4403862 4403864 . + 0 transcript_id "g626.t1"; gene_id "g626"; # protein sequence = [MSYMLPHLHNGWQVDQAILSEEDRVVVIRFGHDWDPACMKMDEVMYSIAEKVKNFAVIYLVDITEVPDFNKMYELYDP # CTVMFFFRNKHIMIDLGTGNNNKINWPLEDKQEMIDIVETVYRGARKGRGLVVSPKDYSTKYRY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 41 # W: 41 # end gene g626 # start gene g627 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4406129 4408888 0.92 - . g627 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4406129 4408888 0.92 - . g627.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4406129 4406131 . - 0 transcript_id "g627.t1"; gene_id "g627"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4408121 4408195 1 - . transcript_id "g627.t1"; gene_id "g627"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4408507 4408575 1 - . transcript_id "g627.t1"; gene_id "g627"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4406129 4408120 1 - 0 transcript_id "g627.t1"; gene_id "g627"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4408196 4408506 1 - 2 transcript_id "g627.t1"; gene_id "g627"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4408576 4408888 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g627.t1"; gene_id "g627"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4408886 4408888 . - 0 transcript_id "g627.t1"; gene_id "g627"; # protein sequence = [MTGVRIAATLGGFFGLMVFLIVWKSRSSSNETMKVLKDPKMAAVAAVCMQEEEEREIHDAIVATGMSIYPDEYDAMVY # RRQRMLSLGNVSAPPLLNRGYRCGSMGGVGVGVPVGYSYLLEPPRRFSYSSMSGAGGHVGRRKSGSESSRIFSNYPMGGSFGTDDYFVETEDELDAEE # YMQPGATDEPDHQHQRTDSTRSKPGFLSVPMAGQDSRRSSAMTCCSTDSSYLERRTSAYMGGCMGNLPPTLQRKLSTASRTSSIENWDYYYPDIQVIQ # PTPKASPCPSERSVHEGSGSGSVSGSRTSNLSASNVKRKHSIVSYDPHSAQAGRKQQIHSISADTVDVYPYNQESTVDLALALPLPKPVQSAPPTSAH # QAFHFCDSPSEELRLGVRRKLTLVELQRNESNNNSFPYTANAAVPAGAAVTAASSSSISVDSTPVSLERLNGAGSCGSASLATISVSNKLPALGNNNP # EKRAPLASLSSFKISSLECPDSELRSLDEDSVFGLESPADTDDDMQQLSSDSEEQEAAAQAAQAQAASIQTGGETKPNPMLHAVPVKRMSLSAVPSAG # LTSAALTSGGGGARPRRPLLQRHRTISVTSSDRVALINQPLQQFHMGLPIQSEAPPLETHFGAVVSQSPPRRGPLLQQYSDPQTTTTTTTTTTTEEDT # CSTLNTELGLVEASGVTLGGAESATHTQYSSLNTVISMGRSTPSPVPVSVPGLAARMDNNATTQVTQQPAQLPTNAIRLVHDPCPSSVSDSVIATRQQ # SICVPASLKDLILRKGSGPGPANVPTSGISRSAANLSCEAGVTASTTTTATPAVMLELPLIRLPNEDNEEQQEHRAHLIRDGGGLDGEKRDPSLPGTS # RKWSKETLF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 59 # RM: 2 # W: 57 # end gene g627 # start gene g628 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4411157 4411766 0.98 + . g628 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4411157 4411766 0.98 + . g628.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4411157 4411159 . + 0 transcript_id "g628.t1"; gene_id "g628"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4411245 4411311 1 + . transcript_id "g628.t1"; gene_id "g628"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4411157 4411244 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g628.t1"; gene_id "g628"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4411312 4411766 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g628.t1"; gene_id "g628"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4411764 4411766 . + 0 transcript_id "g628.t1"; gene_id "g628"; # protein sequence = [MFTKLTAFSAFLAIISLCRAYQISTSVIEGVASYLNTPTAPFVKIGDSYYFIENKLDRNWYDAFEACRQMNADLVAFE # DRKEQKLIYHYLVDNEMDTTYWTAGTDLAEQDSFVWFSNGQPVASDLWCNNEPNNAKNEEHCVEYKPLHPEAKMGLNDRVCTFKTGYICRAPQPKTVS # FIVW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 53 # W: 53 # end gene g628 # start gene g629 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4429080 4429361 0.65 - . g629 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4429080 4429361 0.65 - . g629.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4429080 4429082 . - 0 transcript_id "g629.t1"; gene_id "g629"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4429080 4429361 0.65 - 0 transcript_id "g629.t1"; gene_id "g629"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4429359 4429361 . - 0 transcript_id "g629.t1"; gene_id "g629"; # protein sequence = [MIGKGQNAPRWPELCLPLTFACGLANQRPEPEKPGKVDTERIPVLESRTWSPYETPEQPEEPQWSSPDFDSHSILMAR # LARLCCLWSISLLCV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g629 # start gene g630 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4433960 4434400 0.84 + . g630 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4433960 4434400 0.84 + . g630.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4433960 4433962 . + 0 transcript_id "g630.t1"; gene_id "g630"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4434057 4434114 0.91 + . transcript_id "g630.t1"; gene_id "g630"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4434239 4434297 0.85 + . transcript_id "g630.t1"; gene_id "g630"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4433960 4434056 0.9 + 0 transcript_id "g630.t1"; gene_id "g630"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4434115 4434238 0.88 + 2 transcript_id "g630.t1"; gene_id "g630"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4434298 4434400 0.9 + 1 transcript_id "g630.t1"; gene_id "g630"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4434398 4434400 . + 0 transcript_id "g630.t1"; gene_id "g630"; # protein sequence = [MAARTSVLLAMLLWILFAAVQSAEWEDIHYDPNHPGKCTINPGLVLNPGVSIKDPTHECRKILCGLNGRVVYHSCGVS # ILSPPCRYGDYINPDLPYPDCCSRTLLCN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g630 # start gene g631 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4442498 4442854 1 + . g631 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4442498 4442854 1 + . g631.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4442498 4442500 . + 0 transcript_id "g631.t1"; gene_id "g631"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4442498 4442854 1 + 0 transcript_id "g631.t1"; gene_id "g631"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4442852 4442854 . + 0 transcript_id "g631.t1"; gene_id "g631"; # protein sequence = [MSDEYACVAKGKLKLKNDSDLKKKKKKHKGKDKEKELQKAFVEQQIAESGATSSSATSGYERKLTKAELASKKQQEKM # RNKRIMDKAQTTHKERVEKFNEHLDTLTEHFDIPKVSWTK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 36 # W: 36 # end gene g631 # start gene g632 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4443070 4444607 1 - . g632 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4443070 4444607 1 - . g632.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4443070 4443072 . - 0 transcript_id "g632.t1"; gene_id "g632"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4444402 4444463 1 - . transcript_id "g632.t1"; gene_id "g632"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4443070 4444401 1 - 0 transcript_id "g632.t1"; gene_id "g632"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4444464 4444607 1 - 0 transcript_id "g632.t1"; gene_id "g632"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4444605 4444607 . - 0 transcript_id "g632.t1"; gene_id "g632"; # protein sequence = [MTSCVPAHQQKDQEQLLKELASSGDEMDDPDDPDQEHHQLVEPTFSFSNSNTCWVCNGYYGPNFGEPLCGACHAFLYN # AQRAEELLTELSDDEDSGNDEPPFKDKQEDEETENDVDIMGFEDLEDPQPAAVPQHPNPQPPMEPQDQQPAQPVIDLPQPVPEAAAPRRESPERDFEH # ERAINPFLLPIKRPRATAPLALPHYMHELADGRARVHEYNAASGSGASGSSRNIVNIIPVEVMLKIFAYLDDMSLWMASEVCKQWHDIVGKNTAQSMW # KAYIKQRWPLFDSLADNPNWYRLYGALMSSCFCRTCLIEMGGRGQDAQEADPQLGDREPGNVMRNNFLRGEANLLNSYESEGISAIPLDRQNNYWQAT # ILGPPGSPYEGGKFFLFIYFPERYPMTPPTVRFLTKILHPNVSRHGDVGIDIFQQHNWSLALNVAKVLLSVQSLLTDPYTEVCMEPELGYIYEHERER # FEQLVRAWTWKYAMYELIAPR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 140 # W: 140 # end gene g632 # start gene g633 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4444811 4446640 1 + . g633 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4444811 4446640 1 + . g633.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4444811 4444813 . + 0 transcript_id "g633.t1"; gene_id "g633"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4444833 4444894 1 + . transcript_id "g633.t1"; gene_id "g633"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4445137 4445192 1 + . transcript_id "g633.t1"; gene_id "g633"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4446059 4446111 1 + . transcript_id "g633.t1"; gene_id "g633"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4444811 4444832 1 + 0 transcript_id "g633.t1"; gene_id "g633"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4444895 4445136 1 + 2 transcript_id "g633.t1"; gene_id "g633"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4445193 4446058 1 + 0 transcript_id "g633.t1"; gene_id "g633"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4446112 4446640 1 + 1 transcript_id "g633.t1"; gene_id "g633"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4446638 4446640 . + 0 transcript_id "g633.t1"; gene_id "g633"; # protein sequence = [MKAKKKLGVGLSRQERQVLVIGEIIQELLKAHEAKKDVNLNRMKSLVASKYGLDSSPRLVDIIAAVPQDAKKILLPKL # RAKPIRTASGIAVVAVMCKPHRCPHINMTGNICVYCPGGPDSDFEYSTQSYTGYEPTSMRAIRSRYDPFLQTRHRVEQLKQLGHSVDKVEFIVMGGTF # MCLPEEYRDYFIRNLHDALSGHSSANVAEAVRYSEKSRTKCIGITIETRPDYCLKRHISDMLSYGCTRLEIGVQSVYEDVARDTNRGHTVRAVCESFQ # LGKDAGYKIVTHMMPDLPNVDFERDIEQFIEYFENPAFRSDGLKIYPTLVIRGTGLYELWKTGRYKSYPPSMLVDLVAKILALVPPWTRVYRVQRDIP # MPLVSSGVEHGNLRELALARMKDLGTTCRDVRTREVGIQEIHNKVRPYEIELIRRDYVANGGWETFLSYEDPEQDILVGLLRLRKCSPDTFRPELKGE # CSIVRELHVYGSVVPVNARDPTKFQHQGFGMLLMEEAERIAREEHGSTKLAVISGVGTRNYYRKMGYQLDGPYMSKSIEENN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 160 # W: 160 # end gene g633 # start gene g634 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4446988 4448427 1 - . g634 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4446988 4448427 1 - . g634.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4446988 4446990 . - 0 transcript_id "g634.t1"; gene_id "g634"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4447852 4447905 1 - . transcript_id "g634.t1"; gene_id "g634"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4448294 4448359 1 - . transcript_id "g634.t1"; gene_id "g634"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4446988 4447851 1 - 0 transcript_id "g634.t1"; gene_id "g634"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4447906 4448293 1 - 1 transcript_id "g634.t1"; gene_id "g634"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4448360 4448427 1 - 0 transcript_id "g634.t1"; gene_id "g634"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4448425 4448427 . - 0 transcript_id "g634.t1"; gene_id "g634"; # protein sequence = [MDEKLKYSLLRGELVDTQSIWTRHEKRVWFITLITGTCMLYSTRTTMPLLVPAVASAQKWSKTDSGTVLSSFFWGYTL # TQVVGGYFSDRFGGQRVILFAAIGWSLITFLMPTIIWTAGSIKSYAIPFIVAIRILNGALQGVHFPSMISLTSQNLCPNERSSFFGLLTAGSALGTLL # TGIMGSFLLDYFGWSYVFRVIGLMGIAWALVLRYYAMAGERNRIINIATPSRLCANKSPAETSAVPWLRYFRRLSFWACVLTHACEMNCFFVLLSWLP # TYFHDGFPHAKGWVVNMIPWLALPPCTLFAKYLTTRLLAREWHTTTVRKVIQSCCFAAQNLALFVMSRTSDFHTALICMTIIIGGTGFHNNAVTVNPQ # DLAPLHSGSVFGLMNTVGAIPGFLGVYLAGHILELTQSWPMVFSAAAGINLVGWIIFIVFGSAEAIV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 123 # W: 123 # end gene g634 # start gene g635 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4449516 4452951 1 - . g635 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4449516 4452951 1 - . g635.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4449516 4449518 . - 0 transcript_id "g635.t1"; gene_id "g635"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4450364 4450772 1 - . transcript_id "g635.t1"; gene_id "g635"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4449516 4450363 1 - 2 transcript_id "g635.t1"; gene_id "g635"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4450773 4452951 1 - 0 transcript_id "g635.t1"; gene_id "g635"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4452949 4452951 . - 0 transcript_id "g635.t1"; gene_id "g635"; # protein sequence = [MKRARQPKITTQALLDFDLGESSSDSDFLPDIDNCSDGSKDESDGDGSSSDASGGSDSESDSDAESEDSTLQLRQLLA # ETEPSPLENGINGVDHCAASSPAAPVVPRAPLQLSSAPAKRMCCVCLGERSDDVNEIVECDSCGVSVHEGCYGVSDNVSISSTNSTCSTEPWFCEACR # AGVSEPDCELCPNKGGIYKETDVGKWVHLICALYVPGVAFGEVEQLSSVTLFEMQYSKWGAKVCSLCENALFARTGVCIGCDAGMCKTYFHVTCAQVA # GFLIEAHHEDDAADPFYAHCKVHSEKEMIKKRRRNYHTLRLNMMQRAREKEALAAEHETPAPHPNPAQARIQRKLLKIQHKYTRHKELKPTPWVPTQK # MSRLLTTSASACRRLLAKAEIMSVDVQHLEQREAHINALTDIRKKWHIAPAFSVEFTAYYMDRIVRMDDFRQQQRELISHNAILSKDQDVLRAQYDTA # LEERKAVKATKDSLLTSIKSLHTALGQIAPNMTLPSVDLIAHPLPEAPPKTSTPTPPQRPISVPTAAALKMGVGFPLGHLGPPGSKMDSSRMLSTHAK # QGKHSTSSASVEAAPSVSCGICKRSKDQHLLVKCDTCNLHYHLGCLNPPLTRPPKKSKQYGWQCSECCDKSEGSDAVTEISSGPRKSRTRFNKDGHLV # YVDRYSLDDIPVAAVNVPKESHTKRALNKSLPAPAPEYIEDLTKSPKRPKLQSPCKTPINVPAENVTPTTDAAPVAASAATPAAAPTLPTPNTIVINL # SGCEDSIDDSSGKLSRKGKRKDKHKNKHNLSSDTEKSIGKEHKRKRKKRAHLDESSTHLDNAGNTSGSTIKIIFKALRLPGEDAPESQYFYVPANAVR # SVDEASRPTSVETVEDSVQGAEQALAPIVLPAASPQKVREPKETAASASVNPTPSPKRKVSPRKASPRKPRVGRPRVSNAKPNVEISCCVCSQTGKSN # QVVTCDECHRHYHFACLDPPLKKSPKIRGYSWHCADCDPTDEDALPKK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 272 # W: 272 # end gene g635 # start gene g636 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4453291 4454362 0.99 - . g636 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4453291 4454362 0.99 - . g636.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4453291 4453293 . - 0 transcript_id "g636.t1"; gene_id "g636"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4454266 4454326 1 - . transcript_id "g636.t1"; gene_id "g636"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4453291 4454265 1 - 0 transcript_id "g636.t1"; gene_id "g636"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4454327 4454362 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g636.t1"; gene_id "g636"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4454360 4454362 . - 0 transcript_id "g636.t1"; gene_id "g636"; # protein sequence = [MASVHCQLWMGSLESYMTENFIIAAFRKMGEDPTTVRLMRNKYTGEPAGYCFVNFISDDHALDAMHKLNGKPIPGTNP # IVRFRLNSASNSYKLPGNEREFSVWVGDLSSDVDDYQLYKVFSSKFTSIKTAKVILDSLGFSKGYGFVRFGIEDEQKSALYDMNGYIGLGTKPIKICN # AVPKPKSELGGAVGEGNTNYGYGSGMTAAGGTDYSQYYDPTSTYWQGYQAWQGYYEQAGASITDAAAYYQQAMSQSHSNPQTLAQHAEAWSAQRSAQY # EQQQQQQTASAANGAEDENGLVEHKFVLDVDKLNREAIDADRRLYDALESSKWLPIEQLEVF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 100 # W: 100 # end gene g636 # start gene g637 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4454729 4455138 1 + . g637 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4454729 4455138 1 + . g637.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4454729 4454731 . + 0 transcript_id "g637.t1"; gene_id "g637"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4454827 4454887 1 + . transcript_id "g637.t1"; gene_id "g637"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4454995 4455055 1 + . transcript_id "g637.t1"; gene_id "g637"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4454729 4454826 1 + 0 transcript_id "g637.t1"; gene_id "g637"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4454888 4454994 1 + 1 transcript_id "g637.t1"; gene_id "g637"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4455056 4455138 1 + 2 transcript_id "g637.t1"; gene_id "g637"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4455136 4455138 . + 0 transcript_id "g637.t1"; gene_id "g637"; # protein sequence = [MGITLFRLASFTPKLKELRIILDPKGDTSKGVREYVERFYPNLKKSNPDLPILVRECSGVQPRLYARYGNGKEVSLSL # ANHAAPDIHKNLEAVGK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 25 # W: 25 # end gene g637 # start gene g638 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4455326 4456449 0.84 - . g638 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4455326 4456449 0.84 - . g638.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4455326 4455328 . - 0 transcript_id "g638.t1"; gene_id "g638"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4455739 4455856 1 - . transcript_id "g638.t1"; gene_id "g638"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4456037 4456113 0.84 - . transcript_id "g638.t1"; gene_id "g638"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4456333 4456385 1 - . transcript_id "g638.t1"; gene_id "g638"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4455326 4455738 1 - 2 transcript_id "g638.t1"; gene_id "g638"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4455857 4456036 0.84 - 2 transcript_id "g638.t1"; gene_id "g638"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4456114 4456332 0.84 - 2 transcript_id "g638.t1"; gene_id "g638"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4456386 4456449 1 - 0 transcript_id "g638.t1"; gene_id "g638"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4456447 4456449 . - 0 transcript_id "g638.t1"; gene_id "g638"; # protein sequence = [MANKVLRKVTHCVFDMDGLLLDTERLYTVATEMILEPYGKTYPFEIKEQVMGLQTEPLARFMVEHYELPMSWEEYARQ # QRANTEILMRNAQLMPAASFGRPYPEEVRFRVMGTTDQRSAEIAITECQLPITTGDYLKRYSQMCHERFHNVPLLEGAERLLRHLHANKVPFCLATSS # GADMVELKTAQHRELFSLFNHKVCGSSDKEVVNGKPAPDIFLVAAGRFGVPPKPSDCLVFEDSPNGVTAANSAGMQVVMVPDPRLSQEKTSHATQVLA # SLADFKPEQFGLPAFTD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 93 # E: 2 # W: 91 # end gene g638 # start gene g639 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4456501 4457329 1 - . g639 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4456501 4457329 1 - . g639.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4456501 4456503 . - 0 transcript_id "g639.t1"; gene_id "g639"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4456521 4456723 1 - . transcript_id "g639.t1"; gene_id "g639"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4456860 4457200 1 - . transcript_id "g639.t1"; gene_id "g639"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4456501 4456520 1 - 2 transcript_id "g639.t1"; gene_id "g639"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4456724 4456859 1 - 0 transcript_id "g639.t1"; gene_id "g639"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4457201 4457329 1 - 0 transcript_id "g639.t1"; gene_id "g639"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4457327 4457329 . - 0 transcript_id "g639.t1"; gene_id "g639"; # protein sequence = [MKCSILIAIVSLADSSSTEEKSKWTTFDHQKCICFLINLKEKQHYSRLGFLRLRSYGHTAAGRKLAEKFGRGGKVRDA # RYCKKRKQITFRKRTC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 16 # E: 1 # W: 15 # end gene g639 # start gene g640 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4457381 4458291 0.99 - . g640 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4457381 4458291 0.99 - . g640.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4457381 4457383 . - 0 transcript_id "g640.t1"; gene_id "g640"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4457510 4457739 1 - . transcript_id "g640.t1"; gene_id "g640"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4458058 4458288 1 - . transcript_id "g640.t1"; gene_id "g640"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4457381 4457509 1 - 0 transcript_id "g640.t1"; gene_id "g640"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4457740 4458057 1 - 0 transcript_id "g640.t1"; gene_id "g640"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4458289 4458291 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g640.t1"; gene_id "g640"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4458289 4458291 . - 0 transcript_id "g640.t1"; gene_id "g640"; # protein sequence = [MSNIKRKKTRKLRGHVSHGHGRIGKHRKHPGGRGNAGGMHHHRINFDKYHPGYFGKVGMRNFHLRRQHKFRPEINLDK # LWSLVGAEKFAELEKEKSTKAPVIDLVKFGYYKLLGRGHLPARPVIVKAKYFSKKAEDKIKKAGGVCLLSA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 55 # W: 55 # end gene g640 # start gene g641 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4459004 4459547 0.97 - . g641 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4459004 4459547 0.97 - . g641.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4459004 4459006 . - 0 transcript_id "g641.t1"; gene_id "g641"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4459208 4459265 1 - . transcript_id "g641.t1"; gene_id "g641"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4459430 4459483 1 - . transcript_id "g641.t1"; gene_id "g641"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4459004 4459207 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g641.t1"; gene_id "g641"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4459266 4459429 1 - 2 transcript_id "g641.t1"; gene_id "g641"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4459484 4459547 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g641.t1"; gene_id "g641"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4459545 4459547 . - 0 transcript_id "g641.t1"; gene_id "g641"; # protein sequence = [MSFNIMQKLTMQCLKADQPLMTTVRNASKKTGGSTRNKKGHARPKHRGWRVQDGHHVSEGTILATQLTTRFHPGLNVG # FGRNGTLFAMEHGKVYVTCEAIDPNWDHTWIQRNYAGRQGQNIYKKFFNVVPENQHQRFRLVEEI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 37 # W: 37 # end gene g641 # start gene g642 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4459978 4461559 1 + . g642 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4459978 4461559 1 + . g642.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4459978 4459980 . + 0 transcript_id "g642.t1"; gene_id "g642"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4460134 4460203 1 + . transcript_id "g642.t1"; gene_id "g642"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4459978 4460133 1 + 0 transcript_id "g642.t1"; gene_id "g642"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4460204 4461559 1 + 0 transcript_id "g642.t1"; gene_id "g642"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4461557 4461559 . + 0 transcript_id "g642.t1"; gene_id "g642"; # protein sequence = [MTSWGNICRICSSPADYEIFAKIPTYLHGSTNEFLNWQKPINVLLEETTGLKNSTDDGLPRNICAPCISYLKHAVTFR # EQCIKNALSLKLAELYQQKRVNVSDANKMDKESALFTAEDLNYVEQRPVHNLLLNNSANKLESSKDKVHKRLLNQTTTQLDGNAEQKIQYLNVLFNKQ # QPHNSMPRQPRDGELPSSSGQNDDEDDDYAVASSSDDNEEAALLRKHKNCYNYTETNFEEDDPMEQDQLQLRDIKVNIPEPMWKERKCPACSKRFMFE # DSHQSHLDNCVEYQFVTFVTEVTKLLEIRRQKMVSPHEFIRRMIFALHKTCAWLQEHSIDSLLAEKLNQVKVSNGEKIAEPPIPIDIPDPRPVQEPSL # FDCASGTTTPITEENNVLYAIERSESCHSQGTPTVKKPIPIRGKAALGIGLDKHRERATFLEKLQRAAVSPGTVSQGPAPVFSARCGQCNLEFDSVSE # LEVHNHNAHRGNELNADDEAKRRQIIALFEDDI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 88 # W: 88 # end gene g642 # start gene g643 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4461824 4462960 0.8 - . g643 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4461824 4462960 0.8 - . g643.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4461824 4461826 . - 0 transcript_id "g643.t1"; gene_id "g643"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4462564 4462623 1 - . transcript_id "g643.t1"; gene_id "g643"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4461824 4462563 1 - 2 transcript_id "g643.t1"; gene_id "g643"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4462624 4462960 0.8 - 0 transcript_id "g643.t1"; gene_id "g643"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4462958 4462960 . - 0 transcript_id "g643.t1"; gene_id "g643"; # protein sequence = [MKFKQMDFVTTTGEGSFLRNKIRAYAKDHRVECRIKAKDSLRIGLGQVKQEVAALEMGTKDVIGMASRIKRRKHATSE # DLCRLSLGFLQSNDNINAFAAIPGAIQVLVKELTGPHIQRQTDAVECLCNLSLGEAHVSEKIVTLAGSYMVTYLDGKAERLKRSCLWTLANVLGTCDK # AGSVLLQMQIVPKLWRLYIEPNGCQEDAAICLSLVATRCPQHVSDEDRRYIGQNLPEKLHGQPASEYFMYIVHQLEIVTQEHKLDAQQAECLVRFFEA # TLASPADRLCLIYAVRVMTNLVALGDTSLIFALADPQNLVQTLNQLFALRDPDLNLDAMRLLKNCLHLKVADSNLVLNSLQIYA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 103 # W: 103 # end gene g643 # start gene g644 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4463846 4464886 0.8 + . g644 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4463846 4464886 0.8 + . g644.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4463846 4463848 . + 0 transcript_id "g644.t1"; gene_id "g644"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4463846 4464886 0.8 + 0 transcript_id "g644.t1"; gene_id "g644"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4464884 4464886 . + 0 transcript_id "g644.t1"; gene_id "g644"; # protein sequence = [MAEICRVCMDISGKLVNIFDARRRTRVSIAEMIAQCTGFEVKRGDLFSEMICPQCYEDVKSAYGIRQTCEESHQFYCR # VRDEGIEDALCALLEEEDWEISEDEDARIDSASAADDDGKSDSKKVAFECRECHKKYQRKGTFLRHMRTHMDGQSFPCPYCKRNFRLRVTLKAHMKTH # NAAKPYECSHCAKTFAQQSTLQSHERTHTGERPFKCSQCSKTFIKSSDLRRHIRTHGSERPFKCSKCTKTFTRKFHLDNHFRSHTGERPFKCSHCPKA # FAMKQHLKQHSRLHLPDRPFRCSHCPKTFRLSSTLKEHKLVHNAERTFKCPHCASFYKQRKTLARHILEIHK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 102 # W: 102 # end gene g644 # start gene g645 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4465238 4467934 1 + . g645 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4465238 4467934 1 + . g645.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4465238 4465240 . + 0 transcript_id "g645.t1"; gene_id "g645"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4465319 4465379 1 + . transcript_id "g645.t1"; gene_id "g645"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4467004 4467062 1 + . transcript_id "g645.t1"; gene_id "g645"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4465238 4465318 1 + 0 transcript_id "g645.t1"; gene_id "g645"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4465380 4467003 1 + 0 transcript_id "g645.t1"; gene_id "g645"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4467063 4467934 1 + 2 transcript_id "g645.t1"; gene_id "g645"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4467932 4467934 . + 0 transcript_id "g645.t1"; gene_id "g645"; # protein sequence = [MNNDNPNIVFNPLISSIQKVVLYETRARLYLVGSNNRETRFRLLTIDRLAHNRLSIEENANEFNSLEIRRFVASLSGS # PKVTSAYGVLGFVRFLEGYYLLLVTKRKCCAHIGRHLVYTIKDTVMVRVNEVTSQRPPHPHEDRYKRMFQNIDLRSNFYFSYSYDLTRTLQYNESAPR # YVGAKVDLDRDEPLPDWNTLTSNVDKAHERVDYAFRSDSRKRFVWNAYLLQPMEGIMLKDWLLEVTHGFVSQSCISIFGRHVNVCLVARRSSRFAGTR # FLKRGANFQGDVANEVETEQIVSDGQRICAFTQMRGSIPSHWSQDISKMVPKPQIQLDICDPYAQTPSLHFERLLFHYGAPLIMLNLVKKRERRKHES # IISKELEYSIRYLNQFLPPPHRMKHIHFDMARQSRLSGGNVMEQLAIHAESIVQMTGMFFKAAGSEPGLQTGIVRTNCVDCLDRTNSAQFAIGKCALG # HQLERLGFVKSAKLEFDSDCVTMLENLYEEHGDTLALQYGGSQLVHRIKTYRKTAPWGSQGSDVMQTLSRYYSNTFSDTEKQHSINLFLGIYKPSLTK # QGPPIWELQTDYDMHNAFVPRADSKAITDWVRHKVRACLPYSCADSNKLVKELFRVHSSGLEMIDAYSNYHQSFKWTDFSEHIAFEISQLALRYMPTF # RTNFSPFQRQIQTSRKARQNPSMTGQSSTGSMNSNSSSSSEGDDSSSDEELSASFAEKEANQTESTEPAAATLATGLPSMEEIYGCTINPPSKQSMAV # YKKYVQMGKLSSGGARPAQTAVAQRDQELAKIMRGITLRPLSDYGTDSYLSVRPPVVPRKSLTIYAEYCRTRSTFNAVPKLEEFDVLYQYVQKL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 150 # W: 150 # end gene g645 # start gene g646 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4468134 4473031 1 - . g646 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4468134 4473031 1 - . g646.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4468134 4468136 . - 0 transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4468362 4468424 1 - . transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4468602 4468666 1 - . transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4469619 4469674 1 - . transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4469768 4469835 1 - . transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4469966 4470993 1 - . transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4471129 4471979 1 - . transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4472159 4472948 1 - . transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4468134 4468361 1 - 0 transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4468425 4468601 1 - 0 transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4468667 4469618 1 - 1 transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4469675 4469767 1 - 1 transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4469836 4469965 1 - 2 transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4470994 4471128 1 - 2 transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4471980 4472158 1 - 1 transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4472949 4473031 1 - 0 transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4473029 4473031 . - 0 transcript_id "g646.t1"; gene_id "g646"; # protein sequence = [MPNRQDYDAQSSKHSEQSFFRFNRVAKVPLGVDDDDSYLDMSDETAQLKPRQQHWANKMQFVLACIGYSVGLGNVWRF # PYMCYKSGGGVFLVPYCIILFICSIPLLFMELSVGQYTGRGPIGALGQLCPLFKGAGLASVVVSFLMSTYYSVIIGYSIYYFFTSFKTEMPWIDCNNR # WNTPDCWVPQRKGINASAPDTSRTPSEEFFENKVLQISGGLEYPGMMRWELFACLICAWLMVYFATWKSIKSSAKVRYFTATFPFVLIIILMVRAVTL # DGAAEGLRFFFRPKWSELKNANVWINAASQNFNSLGITFGSMISFASYNKYNNNILRDTVAVSAVNMITSLLVGIFAFSTLGNLALEQNTNVRDVIGD # GPGMIFVVYPQAMAKMPYAQLWAVMFFFMLLCLGLNSQFAIVEVVVTSIQDGFPRWIKRHLGYHEIVVLFVCVISCLFGMPNIIQGGIYYFQLMDHYA # ASVTIMFLAFCQMIAIAWFYGTGRLSKNVKQMTGKAPSFYLRSCWLVLGPCLLFAIWVLSLINYHEPTYHNGRYTYPDWAYGIGWMFASFSLICIPGY # AVINFLRSSGDTFWERIRNTLRPNIYECKICGEHHCEHDYPEQEQFMLAQEMATVYKPTNPHLLNLGQKCGYNAMQASPSHAEAGGPCGQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 93.3 # CDS exons: 7/8 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 7 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 158 # W: 158 # end gene g646 # start gene g647 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4473681 4474977 0.85 - . g647 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4473681 4474977 0.85 - . g647.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4473681 4473683 . - 0 transcript_id "g647.t1"; gene_id "g647"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4473977 4474331 1 - . transcript_id "g647.t1"; gene_id "g647"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4473681 4473976 0.94 - 2 transcript_id "g647.t1"; gene_id "g647"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4474332 4474977 0.91 - 0 transcript_id "g647.t1"; gene_id "g647"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4474975 4474977 . - 0 transcript_id "g647.t1"; gene_id "g647"; # protein sequence = [MAENKDVSQVLNTTPDQVVINRAPPTGLAPLRHSQLSDSGAESCYEGDEQARLIRSSSSRAHKFIIIPATPGTPPGSG # AVAGPLPFRQTSSTTSLAAMAAALHKQSPLRHTSVRTRPSSEVLQPGQVLANQPTAAVSTSTVTFTIDDCNEEGDAIPAAASVPAPVTMPAISPTPAT # LTCTTTTTMAGDSVAVSPLSMELKSRLGSHHSSMRSVVSGYLPGLSDSSGNLVGGVSMATSGLQAPNPLYMQPQASLSGSSYHFHELAGNQIYSDVTS # VRSLASIGIGSTDGRKLVIRRVPTTANELFDMVNPQTPP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 47 # W: 47 # end gene g647 # start gene g648 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4479538 4525402 0.01 - . g648 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4479538 4525402 0.01 - . g648.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4479538 4479540 . - 0 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4479780 4479843 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4480270 4480333 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4483562 4483634 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4484631 4484691 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4484887 4484947 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4485149 4485507 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4487194 4487448 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4488388 4488453 0.92 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4489114 4489667 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4497924 4497983 0.92 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4499961 4500024 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4500340 4500403 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4501667 4501725 0.99 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4502065 4502139 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4502452 4502516 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4503084 4503220 0.63 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4503527 4503584 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4503900 4503957 0.96 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4504291 4504353 0.43 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4504672 4504776 0.54 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4505257 4505337 0.64 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4505728 4505793 0.75 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4506094 4506153 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4506871 4506933 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4508248 4508310 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4508650 4508712 0.66 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4509025 4509081 0.88 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4509727 4509781 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4510802 4510858 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4511879 4511932 0.85 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4512236 4512289 0.85 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4512587 4512649 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4512995 4513055 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4513377 4513434 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4513762 4515396 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4518589 4518709 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4520300 4520376 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4520704 4521042 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4521352 4521416 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4521756 4521812 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4522443 4522640 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4522965 4523030 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4523358 4523751 0.61 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4524070 4524297 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4524625 4524690 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4525024 4525086 1 - . transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4479538 4479779 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4479844 4480269 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4480334 4483561 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4483635 4484630 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4484692 4484886 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4484948 4485148 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4485508 4487193 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4487449 4488387 0.92 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4488454 4489113 0.92 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4489668 4497923 0.89 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4497984 4499960 0.91 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4500025 4500339 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4500404 4501666 0.66 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4501726 4502064 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4502140 4502451 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4502517 4503083 0.63 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4503221 4503526 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4503585 4503899 0.96 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4503958 4504290 0.88 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4504354 4504671 0.43 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4504777 4505256 0.65 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4505338 4505727 0.46 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4505794 4506093 0.75 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4506154 4506870 0.28 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4506934 4508247 0.86 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4508311 4508649 0.86 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4508713 4509024 0.66 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4509082 4509726 0.88 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4509782 4510801 0.92 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4510859 4511878 0.84 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4511933 4512235 0.7 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4512290 4512586 0.85 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4512650 4512994 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4513056 4513376 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4513435 4513761 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4515397 4518588 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4518710 4520299 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4520377 4520703 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4521043 4521351 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4521417 4521755 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4521813 4522442 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4522641 4522964 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4523031 4523357 0.61 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4523752 4524069 0.85 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4524298 4524624 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4524691 4525023 1 - 2 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4525087 4525402 0.5 - 0 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4525400 4525402 . - 0 transcript_id "g648.t1"; gene_id "g648"; # protein sequence = [MYLPLPKDPCRPSPCGLFSTCHVVGERPVCACLPDYMGAPPNCKPECMTSAECPSDRACINQRCKDPCPGTCGYNARC # RCTNHSPICSCYDGYTGDPFHQCVPERKPPPIADPIVPPNPCVPSPCGPNSQCQVSSSGAVCSCVTNYIGRPPGCRPECSINSECPARMACINARCAD # PCIGSCGNNALCHVSLHAPVCMCEPGYSGDPFSGCYKIIETPIEVIQPCRPSPCGLNALCEERNQAAACKCLPEYFGDPYVECRPECVINSDCPRSRA # CVNQKCVDPCPGMCGHNALCAVFNHAPNCECLPGYTGNPIVGCHIVPESPRYPDPIVPENPCQPSPCGLYSNCRPVNGHAVCSCVPSYIGSPPNCRPE # CMSSSECAQDKSCLNERCKDPCPGTCGNNALCRVVNHNPICSCSPGFSGDPFVRCFPQEKRPPITHDRIDPCVPSPCGPNSECRVSAANEQAVCSCLQ # HYVGRAPNCRPECTSDSECPGNLACINLRCRDPCVGTCGIQTTCLVNNHRPICRCIDGYAGDPFSECSPKINVPVQVAQPCNPSPCGANAVCKERNGV # GSCSCLPEYNGDPYTECRPECVLNSDCSKNRACLNNKCRDPCPGVCGVSAECHVINHAPSCSCPSGFTGNPSQFCREIPRLPAPVEPCRPSPCGPYSQ # CREVNGHAVCSCVTNYIGTPPACRPECSVSSECAQDRACVNQRCADPCPGTCGNEAICKVTNHNPICSCPAGYSGDPFVRCAPWQEEPEQPKSNENPC # VPSPCGRNSQCRVVGETGVCSCLPNFVGRAPNCRPECTINTECPANLACINERCQDPCPGSCGFNAFCSVVNHSPICTCDSGYTGDPFAGCNPQPPAI # PDERLTPCQPSPCGPNAECRERNGAGSCTCLPEYFGDPYSGCRPECVVNSDCSRDKSCVNQKCVDPCPGVCGLNAQCRVSNHLPSCSCLAGYTGNPSS # ACREIPQLPPPPERDENPCRPSPCGPYSQCREVDGHAVCSCLQGFIGSAPNCRPECIISSDCAQNLNCQNQKCVDPCPGTCGIEARCQVINHYPACSC # APGFTGDPFNRCTKILLEPPPTEKSGNPCIPSPCGPNSKCLDVRGSPACSCLPDYLGRPPNCRPECLSSADCPANLACVNQRCSNPCIGACGLHSVCT # VIKHRPACECVPGYTGDPFSGCAIVQQIAPPDETRNPCNPSPCGANAICRERNGAGSCACLPEYFGDPYSGCRPECVQNDDCDRSRACINNKCQDPCP # GACGINAECRVLNHGPNCNCFDGYTGDPHRSCSLIEVVTIRPEPCKPSPCGPYSQCLDTNSHAVCSCLEGYIGAPPSCKPECVVSSECPQNRACINQK # CEDPCRGSCGNNAKCQVVNHNPICTCQPGMTGDPISGCEPMPEVKNVENPCVPSPCGPNSVCRQIGNQAACSCNAGYIGRPPTCRPECTNNDECQNHL # SCQQERCVDPCPGSCGSNAICQVVQHNAVCSCADGYEGEPLFGCQLIPAVTPTESPSSPCEPSPCGPHAECRERNGAGACYCHDGFEGNPYDAQRGCR # RECENNDDCTAVQACSRFKCVDPCNNICGDYAICTVDKHVPTCDCPPGYTGDPFFSCKPVPVTPRPPLNPCNPSPCGPNSNCRAMNNQAVCSCQAGFI # NQPPNCKPECVVSAECAPEKACVHKKCVDPCQHTCGIRAICTTKNHSPICTCPRTMTGDPFVECTRVAITNDNTTPSPAPASCVPSPCGPNAKCQIVG # NSPACSCLPNFIGAPPRCRPECVLNSECGPTEACINQKCADPCSGSCGFEAKCHVLNHLPICNCIEGYEGDPFVRCTKKEEDRSPPPPNDPCNPNPCG # 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CIPRYTGNAFVQCNPIPVPRVPEPVRDPCQPSPCGPNSQCTNVNGQAECRCLQEFQGTPPNCRPECVSHDECANTLACMNQKCRDPCPGSCGQSAQCT # VSLHIPNCQCPVGMTGDPFRICLPKPRDEPKPPPTPKNPCYPSPCGTNAVCRVQGENYVCECSQLEYIGNPYEGCRPECVGNSECPANQACIRSKCQD # PCPGVCGLEAICTMNNHIPICSCPPGYTGNAFAQCTRQVTPPPPSDPCYPSPCGPNSICRIQNEKAVCECLPGFFGNPLAQGCRPECTLSSDCAKDRA # CINSKCVDACVGECGFGAVCQTINHSPVCSCPANMVGNPFVQCEEPRQAEPIDPCQPSPCRSNGICRVYNGAATCSYPECVINEDCSRDRACVSQKCR # DPCLNACGINAICRAINHKAVCSCPPEFYGSPYAQCLRQLPEPEPKPECISDGDCTNDKACINQVCRNPCEQSNICAPQARCHVQLHRPLCVCNEGYT # GNALQNCYLLGCRSDGECAANEACVNQQCVDPCGFTQCGTGAICRADFNHRARCHCLDGYRGNPLVRCERPECRSDDECAFHLACRNERCEDPCNCGI # GAQCRVENHRAQCRCPAGFSGNPAVRCDLVPTQPEGCTMDAECPSKLACFGGECKNPCDVTHPCGANAICEVVDTLPLRTMMCSCLPGYVGEADIGCH # KEPPRDQGCTSHDQCQDTEACRGGNCVNPCLDASPCARSAQCLAQQHRAICSCPERTQGDPFTNCYEPPEIKTGCTHDSECQPTTACINKRCQDPCAE # ANPCAGNAECRVQNSRPICFCPAGWGGDPQVQCYKPECKINADCPYDKTCLNENCVDPCTHGQVRCGNGAQCLAQNHQAVCICPTGTQGNPFISCITG # HCQYNEDCADHEACDRLNRVCRPVCDQETCALNAICVGRRHQPQCECRPGYQGNPHVQCDIPVKTPKPQCIQDADCPSKLACINERCADPCATPHVCT # PQQTCTVLDTLPKRAMACKCPGDTVTDISRNCVPITVPKVISGCQHNSECANTEVCSNGNCLDACRLERCGVNAQCTARDHYAQCNCPKGFQGNPRIE # CYTTEVDVPRIPNPGCSRNDDCPRDQICRNEICISPCAADDCGIGAYCHVQQRKAICRCPPGYTGNPQERCLPPSDVILVGCKSSTDCPSNEACINTQ # CASPCNCGPNAECTVKNHHPICYCKPGFSGNAQFGCAPIGCRSDDECSGDKQCVNRECINPCLASDPCALNAECYGRNHRANCRCPVGLEGDPFVRCL # RLECHSDYDCASNLACVSNECVSPCGQRNPCAQNAICQALQHRAVCRCPDQLPLGNPYAYCEPRPVEPVCRDDGDCPSKLACIDDKCQDPCSVLSPCH # PTAQCSVLNSVPVRTMVCECAEYEVPDASGACRKMMPPRLPGCESDQDCPDQEACIHAQCRNPCNCGTNAVCQVTQHRAVCSCQDGFEGNPYASCRSI # GCRVDGECDSGKACINGDCINPCLINDPCGPNAECYVQSNRAQCRCLSGYRGNPYERCRVIGCSSNNDCPTDKTCQNEQCVNPCVYHNPCAPRAECRA # QNHLAVCRCPVDFLGNPYVDCRPPPQPICQLDTDCPGRQACINEQCVDPCVVLEPCQRPAICEVTPTSPVRTMLCICPDGYVSRGKGGCKPTPGIKEV # GGCISDSDCPTDKSCLNSVCRDPCNCGLNAECRIKDHKPVCTCRQGFEGNPEFECSKIECSINSDCPGTHVCRNQLCIPACQGEQCGSNAQCLAIEHR # AVCECIPGHGGNARIACTPLGCRSDDECPTDKACVNGKCNDPCTTTALCAQDELCKVYHHRPQCACPPGTVPGKNGCESERHIPICISDADCPSQKAC # LRGECVNPCNATQPCGVNAFCSVRDTLPVRTMICECLEGYTGNPAVQCDKRSLCVIEKGFVRDVDGQCVCPPGTALDIYEYCTPCREEQGFRIDESGH # CVCALERGMVIDERGRCTCPIDLGYRLTPRGECQPEEPPECTSNDQCADNRFCNLDTKTCEDPCLTKVCGVNAFCNAVNHRAQCQCITGYTGNPDLHC # NHTNFRTDFPRPDMVVSCLADGVQVEIHITEPGFNGVLYVKGHSKDEECRRVVNLAGETVPRTEIFRVHFGSCGMQAVKDVASFVLVIQKHPKLVTYK # AQAYNIKCVYQTGEKNVTLGFNVSMLTTAGTIANTGPPPICQMRIITNEGEEINSAEIGDNLKLQVDVEPATIYGGFARSCIAKTMEDNVQNEYLVTD # ENGCATDTSIFGNWEYNPDTNSLLASFNAFKFPSSDNIRFQCNIRVCFGRCQPVNCGGYNAFGRRRRSIADNSTDATAIATNSGVEGQLREEITISSN # AILTFEKRSGQGLNDANIKPAAQRVEDICVSMVGLIIALVITALLALVAVAVAVSCWLMAYRRRPKTIAPLPHPPEFPNPLFSNPDAVPEPTPDYIS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 84.9 # CDS exons: 45/47 # W: 45 # CDS introns: 34/46 # E: 34 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 34 # E: 34 # incompatible hint groups: 1552 # W:1552 # end gene g648 # start gene g649 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4526121 4546436 0.03 - . g649 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4526121 4546436 0.03 - . g649.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4526121 4526123 . - 0 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4526132 4526223 0.52 - . transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4526542 4526605 1 - . transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4527230 4527295 1 - . transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4529729 4529791 1 - . transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4530278 4530530 1 - . transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4530714 4530831 1 - . transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4531054 4532102 0.66 - . transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4532181 4532242 1 - . transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4532387 4533570 0.99 - . transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4535154 4535230 0.5 - . transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4538828 4538912 0.66 - . transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4540357 4540441 0.6 - . transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4526121 4526131 0.52 - 2 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4526224 4526541 1 - 2 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4526606 4527229 1 - 2 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4527296 4529728 1 - 2 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4529792 4530277 1 - 2 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4530531 4530713 1 - 2 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4530832 4531053 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4532103 4532180 0.94 - 2 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4532243 4532386 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4533571 4535153 0.48 - 1 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4535231 4538827 0.37 - 1 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4538913 4540356 0.41 - 2 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4540442 4546436 0.5 - 0 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4546434 4546436 . - 0 transcript_id "g649.t1"; gene_id "g649"; # protein sequence = [MEGSTPTPSHLETTVASITSESTTREVYTIKPFDRSTPTPVSPDTTVPSITFETTTNIPIGTTRGQVTEQTTSSPSEK # RTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTILPSDSTTRTYSDQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTLETTTNDPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSS # PSEVRTTIGLEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFITRPHSDQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSSASLETTVPSVTLETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQ # TTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSADRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFTTRPHSEQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTLETTTNVPIGSTGGQ # VTGQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSADRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFITRPHSEKTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSSASLETTVPSVTLETTTNVPIGS # TGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSADRTTLSESPETPTTLPSDFTIRPHSEQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTSETTTNV # PIGSTGGQVTGQTTAPPSEFRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTILPSDSTTRTYSDQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTLET # TTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSADRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFITRPHSEKTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSSASLETTVPSV # TLETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSADRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFITRPHSEKTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSSASLETT # VPSVTLETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFTTRPHSEQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPAS # LETTVPSVTLETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSADRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFITRTYSDQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTP # SPASLETTVPSVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTGQTTAPPSEFRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFTTRPHSDQTTESTRDVPTTRPFE # ASTPSPASLETTVPSVTLETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSADRTTPSESPETPTLPSDFTTRPHSEQTTESTRDVPATR # PFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTSEATTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTSPSESPETPTTLPSDFTTRPHSDQTTECTRDV # PTTRPFEASTPSSASLETTVPSVTLETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSADRTTPSESPETPTLPSDFTTRPHSEQTTEST # RDVPTTRPFEASTPSSASLETTVPSVTLETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEFRTTIRVEESTLPSRSADRTTPSESPETPTLPSDFTTRPHSEQTT # ESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTGQTTAPPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTILPSDSTTRTYS # DQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTLETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTGQTTATPSEVRTTIGVEESTLPSRSTDRTSPSESPETPTTLPSDFTT # RPHSDQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIGLEESTLPSRSTDRTSPSESPETPTTLPS # DFITRPHSDQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTGQTTAPPSEVRTTIGVEESTLPSRSTDRTSPSESPETPT # TLPSDFITRPHSEQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLKTTVPSVTSEATTNVPIGSTGQRIGTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFTTRPHSEKTTESTRDVPT # TRPFETSTPSPASLETTVPSVTLETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSADRTTPSESPETPTLPSDFTTRPHSEQTTESTRD # VPTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTGQTTAPPSEVRTTIGVEESTLPSRSTDRTSPSESPETPTTLPSDFITRPHSEQTTE # STRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLKTTVPSVTSEATTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFTTRPHSE # KTTESTRDVPTTRPFETSTPSPASLETTVPSVTLETTTSVPMGSTGGQVTGQTTAPPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTSPSESPETPTTLPSDFITR # PHSEKTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSSASSGNNCSISYFRNHYKCSNRFNRSADRTTPSESPETPTLPSDFTTRPHSEQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPS # PASLETTVPSVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTGQTTAPPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTILPSDFTTRPHSDQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEA # STPRPVTLETAVPSVTLETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTGQTTATPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFTTRPHSDQTTESTRDVPTTR # PFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIGLEESTLPSRSTDRTSPSESPETPTTLPSDFITRPHSDQTTESTRDV # PTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIGLEESTLPSRSTDRTSPSESPETPTTLPSDFITRPHSDQTTES # TRDVPTTRPFEASTPSSASLETTVPSVTLETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFTTRPHSDQ # TTESSRDVPTTQPFEASTPRPVTLQTAVLPVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDFTTRP # HSDQTTESSRDVPTTQPFESSTPRPVTLETAVPPVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTPSPSEVRTTIRIEESTFPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDF # TTRPHSDQTTESTRDVPTTRPFESSTPRPVTLEIAVPPVTSETTTNVAIGSTGGQVTEQTTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSESPETPTTL # PSDFTTRPHSDQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTLETTTSVPMGSTGGQVTGQTTAPPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTPPSESPET # PTTLPSDFTTRPHSDQTTESSRDVPTTQPFESSTPRPVTLEIAVPPVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTGQTTATPSEVRTTIGVEESTLPSRSTDRTTPSE # SPETPTTLPSDFTTRPHSDQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTLETTTNVPIGSTGGQVTGQTTATPSEVRTTIGVEESTLPSRSTDRT # TPSESPETPTTLPSDFTTRPHSDQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPRPVTLETAVPSVTSETTTNVPIGSTGVVGKSADRTSPSESPETPTTLPSDFTTRP # HSDQTTESTRDVPTTQPFEASTPRPVTLDTAVPPVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQVAGQTTAPPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSADRTTPSESPETPTTLPSDF # TTRPHSEQTTESTRDVPTTRPFEASTPSPASLETTVPSVTSETTTNVPIGSTGGQLTEQSTSSPSEVRTTIRVEESTLPSRSTDRTFPSESPEKPTTL # PSDFTTRPHLEQTTESTRDVLTTRPFETSTPSPVSLETTVPSVTSETSTNVPIGSTGGQVTEQTTAPPSVRTTETIVKSTHPAVSPDTTIPSEIPATR # VPLESTTRLYTDQTIPPGSTDRTTSSERPDESTRLTSEESTETTRPVPTVSPRDALETTVTSLITETTKTTSGGTPRGQVTERTTKSVSELTTGRSSD # VVTERTMPSNISSTTTVFNNSEPVSDNLPTTISITVTDSPTTVPVPTCKTDYDCLDEQTCIGGQCISPCEYFTNLCTVQNLTICRTLNHTTKCYCDTD # DDVNRPDCSMKAEIGCASSDECPSQQACINALCVDPCTFNNPCSRNEDCRVFNHQPLCSAEHGRTPGCEHCPPGANCDPTTGACIKEPPGSPKTPEPC # QSNNDCIESEACYMGLCQDPCEFAKICAATAKCTAKSHRPVCTCPQGHEGNPMVKCVTTQTSIECTDDSDCGVTEACINQLCQHPCDVHDPCATNAVC # INSNHAADCSCADGFQGNGFVGCQPARSHVCQYNEDCPPTKLCDRLNRRCINPCQEDSCGENAECIPVNHGTECRCLPGFLGNAYVQCLPSQGCRSDS # ECDSSQACINGKCSSPCQCGAYALCDVVNHRGVCKCPPGYNGNPKVGCSPPQDPCDPNPCGLNALCELDNGNPICYCPKGLTGNPFKNCIPEGDECTP # NPCGPNSGCRRVGGNPVCFCLPEYEGQPPSIPCELPSNPCDPSPCGPNTQCSVLSNGFSKCTCLPNYVESPNTIRGCVEPINPCDPNPCGTGAICDSS # RHPVCYCPDNKIGNPFRLCDKPAVTIELCQPGPCGRNAECYVAGNREECYCRSGYVGDAYQGCREPSRTVCDPNPCGPNANCVVAGDGQTACVCPDGL # SGDPTSVIGCHGYECQVDADCPNSKACMGYRCYDPCPGACGQGAHCQVEEHHPVCSCNSGLTGNPGIRCYALDHPKKNPCVPSPCGRNSECKLLNNRA # VCSCIPGYLGDPQSGCQPECDINSDCGDTLSCINHKCVDPCAGAICGINAICNVRQHTPVCLCLDGFVGDAFLQCVPIGILKNVSRDPCAPSPCGPHD # VCSVYGDGVALCDPCFGPNAQQNPRCRPECVGNSDCPFDRACLGQRCLDPCPGSCGRNAICNVYEHNPVCACPTGLFGNPYEQCTTKSVVETPPQPSC # AKLHCGANAECKRQHSGLACVCRKGYFGDPHIGCRPECVLNSDCPAEKACLNSKCVEACTGVCGVNAVCRVVNHAPVCICAEGYSGDASIACNPFYLP # PPERPHPCEPSPCGPNSRCKATPDGYAACSCLPNFKGAPPVCQPECVVSSECAPNQACLNQRCTDPCPGICGGGARCEVLNHNPICSCEANFEGDPFV # ACSPIQDPGRDIPVPKNPCVPSPCGPNSICQIKQNRPVCSCVANYIGSPPYCRPECTLSSECPSDKACINEKCQNPCANVCGHNARCTVIAHSAHCSC # DEDYEGDAFIGCSKKITERPGDHIDPCYPNPCAENAVCTPYNNAARCTCIEPYNGDPYSTGCRPECIYSSECPSSLACIKQHCRDPCTAACGANAECT # VVNHLPSCSCTRGFEGNPFDGCKRVVVVRPETVCEPNPCGPNSICRSVEGHPTCSCQVGYFGAPPQCRPECVVSSECAQHLSCINQKCMDPCVGTCGF # NAKCQVNNHNPICSCPANYEGNPFEQCMPKPAEPTRNVDPCLPSPCGSNSICRNVNNRAECSCAPGMFGAPPNCRPECVINQDCPSNRACIRQRCEDP # CIGICGFNAVCSTQNHQPKCSCIESFEGDPYTACKMREMVL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 52 # CDS exons: 7/13 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/12 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 6 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 279 # E: 6 # W: 273 # end gene g649 # start gene g650 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4547958 4574337 0.52 - . g650 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4547958 4574337 0.52 - . g650.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4547958 4547960 . - 0 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4548782 4552242 0.54 - . transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4552336 4552396 1 - . transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4554206 4554350 1 - . transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4554660 4555205 1 - . transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4562484 4563110 1 - . transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4563468 4563679 1 - . transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4564190 4570478 0.95 - . transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4570596 4570679 1 - . transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4570782 4570856 1 - . transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4571086 4574283 1 - . transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4547958 4548781 0.59 - 2 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4552243 4552335 0.96 - 2 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4552397 4554205 1 - 2 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4554351 4554659 1 - 2 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4555206 4562483 1 - 2 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4563111 4563467 1 - 2 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4563680 4564189 0.95 - 2 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4570479 4570595 1 - 2 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4570680 4570781 1 - 2 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4570857 4571085 1 - 0 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4574284 4574337 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4574335 4574337 . - 0 transcript_id "g650.t1"; gene_id "g650"; # protein sequence = [MKIFLPLVTWIVLLLSSAVHSQYSQQPQPFKTNLRANSRFRGEVFYLNLENGYFGCQVNESTEYLQLFNLSKLCDGTQ # DCFLGADELSKELKCTNDCDKDGTKCTHGACLNGVCHCNDGYGGCNCVDKDENECKQRPCDVFAHCTNTLGSFTCTCFPGYRGNGFHCEDIDECQDPA # IAARCVENAECCNLPAHFLCKCKDGYEGDGEVLCTDVDECRNPENCGPNALCTNTPGNYTCSCPDGYVGNNPYREGCQDVDECSYPNVCGPGAICTNL # EGSYRCDCPPGYDGDGRSESGCVDQDECARTPCGRNADCLNTDGSFRCLCPDGYSGDPMNGCEDVDECATNNPCGLGAECVNLGGSFQCRCPSGFVLE # HDPHADQLPQPLNTQQLGYGPGATDIAPYQRTSGAGLACLDIDECNQPDGVAKCGTNAKCINFPGSYRCLCPSGFQGQGYLHCENINECQDNPCGENA # ICTDTVGSFVCTCKPDYTGDPFRGCVDIDECTALDKPCGQHAVCENTVPGYNCKCPQGYDGKPDPKVACEQVDVNILCSSNFDCTNNAECIENQCFCL # DGFEPIGSSCVDIDECRTHAEVCGPHAQCLNTPGSYGCECEAGYVGSPPRMACKQPCEDVRCGAHAYCKPDQNEAYCVCEDGWTYNPSDVAAGCVDID # ECDVMHGPFGSCGQNATCTNSAGGFTCACPPGFSGDPHSKCVDVDECRTGASKCGAGAECVNVPGGGYTCRCPGNTIADPDPSVRCVPIVSCSANEDC # PGNSICDATKRCLCPEPNIGNDCRHPCEALNCGAHAQCMLANGQAQCLCAPGYTGNSALAGGCNDIDECRANPCAEKAICSNTAGGYLCQCPGGSSGD # PYREGCITSKTVGCSDANPCATGETCVQDSYTGNSVCICRQGYERNSENGQCQDVDECSVQRGKPACGLNALCKNLPGSYECRCPQGHNGNPFIMCEI # CNTPECQCQSPYKLVGNSCVLSGCSSGQACPSGAECISIAGGVSYCACPKGYQTQPDGSCVDVDECEERGAQLCAFGAQCVNKPGSYSCHCPEGYQGD # AYNGLCALAQRKCAADRECAANEKCIQPGECVCPPPYFLDPQDNNKCKSPCERFPCGINAKCTPSDPPQCMCEAGFKGDPLLGCTDEDECSHLPCAYG # AYCVNKKGGYQCVCPKDYTGDPYKSGCIFESGTPKSKCLSNDDCASNLACLEGSCVSPCSSLLCGSNAYCETEQHAGWCRCRVGYVKNGDGDCVSQCQ # DVICGDGALCIPTSEGPTCKCPQGQLGNPFPGGSCSTDQCSAARPCGERQICINGRCKERCEGVVCGIGATCDRNNGKCICEPNFVGNPDLICMPPIE # QAKCSPGCGENAHCEYGLGQSRCACNPGTFGNPYEGCGAQSKNVCQPNSCGPNAECRAVGNHISCLCPQGFSGNPYIGCQDVDECANKPCGLNAACLN # RAGGFECLCLSGHAGNPYSSCQPIESKFCQDANKCQCNERVECPEGYSCQKGQCKNLCSQASCGPRAICDAGNCICPMGYIGDPHDQVHGCSIRGQCG # NDADCLHSEICFQLGKGLRKCVDACSKIQCGPNALCVSEDHRSSCICSDGFFGNPSNLQVGCQPERTVPEEEDKCKSDQDCSRGYGCQASVNGIKECI # NLCSNVVCGPNELCKINPAGHAICNCAESYVWNPVVSSCEKPSLPDCTSDANCPDASACRPDVLGVLKCVAICDAFTCPANSVCVARQHQGRCDCLNG # FVGNPNDRNGCQPAQKHHCRNHAECQESEACIKDESTQTLGCRPACDTVKCGPRAVCVTNNHQAQCQCPPGPFAGDPYDPFNGCQSVPCVYNHDCPPS # QMCNRMTHTCFDVCDEESCGDNAICLAEDHRAVCQCPPGFKGDPLPEVACTKQGGCAAGTCHPSAICEVTPEGPVCKCPPLFVGDAKSGGCRPDGQCP # NGDADCPANTICAGGVCQNPCDNACGSNAECKVINRKPVCSCPLRFQPISDTAKDGCARTISKCLTDVDCGGALCYNGQCRIACRNSQDCSDGESCLK # NVCVVACLDHSQCASGLACVEGHCTIGCRSNKECKQDQSCIENKCLNPCQSANSCGPNALCSIDQHHSQCSCPEGFEGNPTPEQGCVRVPAPCLASNQ # CPSGHMCIGNQCNLPCTKTASCAVGERCYQQVCRKVCYTSNNCLAGEICNSDRTCQPGCDSDADCPPTELCLTGKCKCATGFIGTPFGCSDIDECTEQ # PCHASARCENLPGTYRCVCPEGTVGDGYSQPGCSQPRQCHKPDDCANNLACIHGKCTDPCLHTVCGINANCQSEGHEALCSCPAGFLGDPNDTGVGCF # KVECIDHVDCAGDRACDAETNRCIKPCDLTSCGKGNCQVRDHKATCACYEGYQLVNDVCEDINECLSQPCHSTAFCNNLPGSYSCQCPEGLIGDPLQA # GCRDPNECLSDADCPASASCQNSRCRSPCERQNACGLNANCQAQAHQAICTCPLNSRGDPTIECVHIECADNDDCSGEKACLDSKCIDPCSLPNACGA # LARCSVQNHIGVCSCEAGSTGDAKLGCVQLQYCQQDGQCAQGSICSHGICSPLCSTNRDCISEQLCLQGVCQGTCKSNSSCPQFQFCSNNICTKELEC # RSDSECGEDETCLSDAYGRAKCESVCLGRAACGRNAECVARSHAPDCLCKEGFFGDAKSGCRKIECTSDDDCSNDKSCDNHMCKIACLIGQPCGENAL # CTTEHHQQVCHCQPGFSGDPRVRCDVIDFCRDAPCGPGARCRNARGSYKCTCPPGLVGDPYNEGCRSSVECETNEDCPPHAACTKTNGVAKCRDVCAQ # LQCGPNAECVPKGHVAQCACRSGYDGQPADRVAGCKPLPSPCQVTGDCPTNTYCSDSVCKPACVLDTECGAFEVCQGGQCFNPCLQPQACGQNAECVM # QNHLKQCHCPEGFTGDSAKECVRVPVACDGECGPGYTCRDSMCLPVCHNDLECASNEKCLKGSCMLTCRVDNDCFLGHVCLHNKCVYGCHVDDDCSAS # ESCRNDKCVNPCLENPCGPNAACSVSNHRASCSCLESMVPNPTPQVGCVRSPPLECRENRDCGNGLACFESVCRPLCADDAGCLTNERCQQGVCKPLC # RHDNECGHGELCLGLNCVPGCRSDQGCPPELSCVGQQCVDPCADPTACGTNAHCQTIDHRKQCLCPEGLDGNANVACKVPRIACGRNEDCQSNQLCYA # GSCQGKCRNDQNCLADERCMRGTCRTVCNTDEACAQGQICENRMCQTGCRTDLSCATDEACVNKKCQNPCRTPGQCGQCADCLVVNHGVQCQCPAAFM # GDGLTGCQLPPERCHPDCECDENGAYCAPKCSRTEDCACGQQCARGKCRNKCGPKRQCTVGQLCERGACIAGCKSNGDCAADQSCVNGKCSDPCANEK # ACGRNALCTVSEHRMLCYCPDGYEGEPSKECVQFECRVDTDCDSNKRCDQGKCRNPCLEYGACGTNAQCRVVGRKAQCSCPPDFFGNPTSECRPLEGG # CSSKPCGENSKCTEVPGGYECACMDGCIGDAHQGCLCGGPLVNACRDQPCGLNAACHVLENNQAECYCPEDFPNGDAYVQCYLTTPKQDCRTLGCEVG # GCVRQGYEYVCQQDTDCPSEKSCLQGHCSDPCTMRGVCGLNALCKTVLHRPRCSCPSCHIGRPEIECKSDPKCVAEDTDPKTKEQIPCSTDSECPETL # QCGQYGQCTDPCNNPLFICESNKKCETRRHQPVCICKSGFIVNEYGELTCAPDKRECYRDDDCASNMACSDGKCRNPCIVPLGRAAICAENKSCEVQN # HKPVCICMRDCQPSISICLRDAGCPASQACRKLKCVDPCEFATCAPNSPCIVEDHKPICKFCPAGFIADAKNGCQKGKAPKVLSVTQLSVE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 81 # CDS exons: 9/11 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 8/10 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 13 # E: 8 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 530 # E: 1 # W: 529 # end gene g650 # start gene g651 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4577783 4578103 0.97 - . g651 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4577783 4578103 0.97 - . g651.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4577783 4577785 . - 0 transcript_id "g651.t1"; gene_id "g651"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4577783 4578103 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g651.t1"; gene_id "g651"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4578101 4578103 . - 0 transcript_id "g651.t1"; gene_id "g651"; # protein sequence = [MPSSTLTSSTALPVKQRNGFDLGLEPLRILGACNWSGKLTFLMQWKGCDEAGLVPAEVLNVRCPQMVISFYEERIVFT # DEGDEEDLESDNGYETTPSPRKKRSRNA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g651 # start gene g652 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4581136 4581513 0.68 - . g652 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4581136 4581513 0.68 - . g652.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4581136 4581138 . - 0 transcript_id "g652.t1"; gene_id "g652"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4581136 4581513 0.68 - 0 transcript_id "g652.t1"; gene_id "g652"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4581511 4581513 . - 0 transcript_id "g652.t1"; gene_id "g652"; # protein sequence = [MRRPESTFFLTSCPQRPEKGLELQLEPVKVKLNTPAVRREVVGNGGLVILACPLGSLGSLGTASPGQGQEISEDQRHF # NSQRPTQTINTAQRARRQPEDLKGQHGDEDEEQEDEDEGQRSGNVPA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g652 # start gene g653 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4601891 4607402 0.02 - . g653 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4601891 4607402 0.02 - . g653.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4601891 4601893 . - 0 transcript_id "g653.t1"; gene_id "g653"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4602021 4602715 0.5 - . transcript_id "g653.t1"; gene_id "g653"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4603317 4603394 0.64 - . transcript_id "g653.t1"; gene_id "g653"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4603710 4603904 0.17 - . transcript_id "g653.t1"; gene_id "g653"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4606005 4606198 0.3 - . transcript_id "g653.t1"; gene_id "g653"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4601891 4602020 0.53 - 1 transcript_id "g653.t1"; gene_id "g653"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4602716 4603316 0.45 - 2 transcript_id "g653.t1"; gene_id "g653"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4603395 4603709 0.15 - 2 transcript_id "g653.t1"; gene_id "g653"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4603905 4606004 0.27 - 2 transcript_id "g653.t1"; gene_id "g653"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4606199 4607402 0.3 - 0 transcript_id "g653.t1"; gene_id "g653"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4607400 4607402 . - 0 transcript_id "g653.t1"; gene_id "g653"; # protein sequence = [MDWQEIQNELKEIKTTFDKSYKCMTPNREVQQDTLNKHAQILVRCFNGARQLIYRERKRLTKNHLSQAVKFLNRFREN # LLNVKYRHNLNITIPTILSTPIVAEIGEDIESVGESEIEIKEEDLHDLAIPAVITLPELLEEELSDSNTGIRIQETDKMTDSAATAREYVRQISSTIP # EFDGKKLNLNRFLTALRLIDLTKGDQEMLAVEVIKTKILGPLSHKVENEKTIIGIINLLKASVKGESPDVIKAKMLSTQQRGKTAAQYTTEIENLRGL # LEAAYIDDGLDSNNADKFATKEAISAMTKNCGHDKLKTILEAGNFNTMNSVIEKYIHCSTEMTGNSNSVLFYNNRGHYRGNNYRGNYQNRGNGRGNYN # SYNNNYRGRGGYHGGNRGRGGNQNYNRGGDTGAEISLLKCRNNNLNDLNPKNTTNISGIGQGTIQSLGTLHLEMCIANAAIPYEFHIVPDNFPIPGDG # IIGLDFIKKYNCILEFHDQEDWFTLRPKNFRNINIPIIHSLDNEIILPARSEVIRKIQLTSTDTHVLIPNQELQPGIIIASALVNTQNVLIRIINTTE # KDAIVSSANIKSESLDDYDVYNANIENSAQRTSEVLKLLKFPSLFKSDLTKLCTEYSDIFGLETETISANNFYKQKLRLNDKTPVYIKNYRMPESQKP # EIQRQVDKLIKDGIVEPSISEYNSPLLLVPKKSLPNSEEKRWRLVVDYRQINKKLLADKFPLPRIEDILDQLGRAKYFSCLDLMSGFHQIELDERSRN # ITSFSTSTGAYRYTRLPFGLKIAPNSFQRMMTLAFSGLTPSQAFLYMDDLVVIGCSEKHMLKNLTDVFKLCRQHNLKLHPEKCTFFMKEVTYLGHKCT # DKGILPDDSKYEVIKNYPKPVNADEARRFVAFCNYYRRFIKNFSEKSRHLTRLCKKNVPFEWTSECNDAFEYLKRELMKPTLLQYPDFSKQFCITTDA # SKQACGAVLSQDHNGQQLPVAYASRSFTKGESNKSTTEQELAAIHWAINHFRPYVYGRHFLVQSDHRPLSYLFSMRNPSSKLTRMRLDLEEFEFTVEY # LKGKDNHVADALSRITIGELKAINRQILKVTTRSTTRQKNTCADQFFQRLNEEARINSIIQTQLSPSEQIFEFVTIKNFKEKGNKILKNLKIALLNKV # TKIDKNDKVQIKAILSKYHDDPSEGGHSGISRTLRKIKNYYYWPQMTKAIKTPATAFDKVLIDTIGPLPRSENGNEYAVTIICDLTKYLVTVPIPNKS # AKSVAKAIFENFILKYGPMKTIITDMGTEYKNQIIDDLCKYMKIKNITSTAHHHQTLGTIERSHRTFNEYVRSYISVDKTDWDIWIQYFTYCFNTTPS # VVHEYCPYELVFGRLPRQFIDFNRIDRIDPIYNMDDYSKEVKLRLEIAYRRAKNIMYAFRGRTRLPLVIEYELHTYILQNLLVSALGCHKRSACRPH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 22.2 # CDS exons: 2/5 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 40 # E: 3 # W: 37 # end gene g653 # start gene g654 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4641972 4642424 0.98 + . g654 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4641972 4642424 0.98 + . g654.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4641972 4641974 . + 0 transcript_id "g654.t1"; gene_id "g654"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4641972 4642424 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g654.t1"; gene_id "g654"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4642422 4642424 . + 0 transcript_id "g654.t1"; gene_id "g654"; # protein sequence = [MLLSNLQVPPRQVGAHQDHLFLPLHYQDYREHQIRIHGDLLIVPPILRHRPYNQVGVHQDHLFLPLPNQDHRDHQIGI # NWSLPIVLSILRKCPYLQFGIRVDLRILPPNFHHYKRHPWDLLDPPNYLQGYQRHLAGVHWNLQILLSNVQN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g654 # start gene g655 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4643482 4646472 0.76 + . g655 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4643482 4646472 0.76 + . g655.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4643482 4643484 . + 0 transcript_id "g655.t1"; gene_id "g655"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4643482 4646472 0.76 + 0 transcript_id "g655.t1"; gene_id "g655"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4646470 4646472 . + 0 transcript_id "g655.t1"; gene_id "g655"; # protein sequence = [MPPNSGFVLPPAICSPPYGPPNQDGNPPGSQTPPNSELVPPPAIWNPAYEPPNQIGHPPESQAPTNSGFVPPPAIWNP # PYGPPNPDGNPPESQTPPNSGFVPPPAIWSPSVGPTSEDGHPPESQAPSNSGFVPPLAICYPPFGQQNQIGHQPGSHKPPNSGIYPPSTGWIPPSGSL # SQGGHPPGSQLPPNSGLPPGSIPPLRPPNQIGDPPGSQMPSNLGIYPPSMGWIPPSGSLIQGGHPPGSLYPPNSVLAPGSIPPLRPSNQGGHPPGSLL # PPNVGIYPPSTGWIPPSGPLTQGGHPPGSQVPPNFVLPAGSIPPLGSPNQIGQPPGSLLPPNVGIYPPSTGWIPPSGPLTQGGHPTGSLLPPNTGLPP # GSIPPLRPPNQGGHPPGSQKPPNVGIYPPSTGWIPPFGPLTQGGHPPGSLLPPNTGLPPGSIPPLGSPNQIGHPPGSQKPPNVGIYPPSTGWTPPSGP # LTQGGHPPGSLLPPNTGLPPGSIPPLGSPNQIGHPPGSQKPPNVGIYPPSTGWIPPSGPLTQSGHPPGSLLPPNTGLPPGSIPPLRPPNQGGHPPGSQ # KPPNVGIYPPSTGWIPPSGPLTQGGHPPGSLLPPNTGLPSGSIPPLGSPNQIGHPPGSQKPPNSGIYPPSTGSIPPSGPLTQGGHPPGSLLPPNTGLP # SGSIPPLGSPNQIGHPPGSQKPPNSGIYPPSTGWIPPSGPLTQGGHPPGSLLPPNTGLPPGSISPLGSPNQIGHPPGSQKPPNVGIYPPSTGSIPPLR # PPNQGGHPPGSQKPPNVGIYPPSTGWIPPSGPLTQGGHPPGSQVPSNSVLPPGSIPPLRPPNQGRHPPGSQVPPNTGLPPGSIPPLGSPNQIGHPPGS # QKPPNSGIYPPSTGSIPPSGPLTQGGHPPGSLLPPNTGLPPGSIPPLRPPNQGRHPPGSQVPPNSVLPPGSIPPLGSPIQIGRPVGSQKPASSKIRPP # PPSEPQNPDNVPKQPVKNPPAGGNLNVNDIRIDRPN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g655 # start gene g656 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4651490 4652776 1 + . g656 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4651490 4652776 1 + . g656.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4651490 4651492 . + 0 transcript_id "g656.t1"; gene_id "g656"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4651689 4651764 1 + . transcript_id "g656.t1"; gene_id "g656"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4652157 4652422 1 + . transcript_id "g656.t1"; gene_id "g656"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4651490 4651688 1 + 0 transcript_id "g656.t1"; gene_id "g656"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4651765 4652156 1 + 2 transcript_id "g656.t1"; gene_id "g656"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4652423 4652776 1 + 0 transcript_id "g656.t1"; gene_id "g656"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4652774 4652776 . + 0 transcript_id "g656.t1"; gene_id "g656"; # protein sequence = [MRVYLALPLLLLGIGLSLAQYQYQAPHQTLAQQFADVVDVVDPAEQSIKAVRPPKSRNQCTAKQNCFCGTPNVNRIVG # GQQVRSNKYPWTAQLVKGRHYPRLFCGGSLINDRYVLTAAHCVHGNRDQITIRLLQIDRSSRDPGIVRKVVQTTVHPNYDPNRIVNDVALLKLESPVP # LTGNMRPVCLPEANHNFDGKTAVVAGWGLIKEGGVTSNYLQEVNVPVITNAQCRQTRYKDKIAEVMLCAGLVQQGGKDACQGDSGGPLIVNEGRYKLA # GVVSFGYGCAQKNAPGVYARVSKFLDWIRKNTADGCYCQS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g656 # start gene g657 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4662428 4662853 1 - . g657 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4662428 4662853 1 - . g657.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4662428 4662430 . - 0 transcript_id "g657.t1"; gene_id "g657"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4662428 4662853 1 - 0 transcript_id "g657.t1"; gene_id "g657"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4662851 4662853 . - 0 transcript_id "g657.t1"; gene_id "g657"; # protein sequence = [MLLLTNFNGTLRTAAENYDLIGSFIIQFDNETIMVNGQNYSSYSVSHLMAMPAVLSHITASNFQLSLEYVHDVSMKNL # EKMSNMASELLASLLTEAALAICIFLGFYFLWKKLMSTKGMPDVREIAANLEALGQTELNKAH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g657 # start gene g658 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4663420 4666431 0.58 - . g658 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4663420 4666431 0.58 - . g658.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4663420 4663422 . - 0 transcript_id "g658.t1"; gene_id "g658"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4663420 4666431 0.58 - 0 transcript_id "g658.t1"; gene_id "g658"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4666429 4666431 . - 0 transcript_id "g658.t1"; gene_id "g658"; # protein sequence = [MITHRLVGKFFKPLGNDSDITFFVLPNLHSFDGIIGDDTLKDLKAIVDRKNNCLIITPGIKIPLLARASINVNPLLAA # EHPDGTQEILNSLLGEFPRIFEPPLSGMSVETAVKAEIRTNTQDPIYAKSYPYPVNMRGEVERQIDELLQDGIIRPSNSPYNSPIWIVPKKPKPNGEK # QYRMVVDFKRLNTVTIPDTYPIPDINATLASLGNAKYFTTLDLTSGFHQIHMKESDIPKTAFSTLNGKYEFLRLPFGLKNAPAIFQRMIDDILREHIG # KVCYVYIDDIIVFSEDYDTHWKNLRLVLASLSKANLQVNLEKSHFLDTQVEFLGYIVTADGIKADPKKVRAISEMPPPTSVKELKRFLGMTSYYRKFI # QDYAKVAKPLTNLTRGLYANIKSSQSSKVPITLDETALQSFNDLKSILCSSEILAFPCFTKPFHLTTDASNWAIGAVLSQDDQGRDRPIAYISRSLNK # TEENYATIEKEMLAIIWSLDNLRAYLYGAGTIKVYTDHQPLTFALGNRNFNAKLKRWKARIEEYNCELIYKPGKSNVVADALSRIPPQLNQLSTDLDA # NPEDDMQSLATAHSALHDSSRLIPHVESPINVFKNQLIFDTTRSKYLCEHPFPGYTRHLIPLKDGSLADLTNSLQSCLRPVIINGVKIPEAHLQRFQS # ICLANFLLYKIRITQRLVADVSGAEEICEIIEKEHRRAHRGPTEIRLQLLEKYYFPRMSSTIRLQTSSCQCCKLYKYERHPNKPNLQPTPIPNYPCEI # LHIDIFALEKRLYLSCIDKFSKFAKLFHLQSKASVHLRETLVEALHYFTAPKVLVSDNERGLLCPTVLNYLRSLDIDLYYAPTQKSEVNGQVERFHST # FLEIYRCLKDELPTFKPVELVHIAVDRYNTSVHSVTNRKPADVFFDRSSRVNYQGLTDFRRQTLEDIKGLIEYKQIRGNMARNKNRDEPKSYGPGDEV # FVANKQIKTKEKARFRCEKVQEDNKITVKTRSGKIFHKSDLRN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 9 # E: 2 # W: 7 # end gene g658 # start gene g659 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4666572 4667825 1 - . g659 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4666572 4667825 1 - . g659.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4666572 4666574 . - 0 transcript_id "g659.t1"; gene_id "g659"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4666572 4667825 1 - 0 transcript_id "g659.t1"; gene_id "g659"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4667823 4667825 . - 0 transcript_id "g659.t1"; gene_id "g659"; # protein sequence = [MEETLRALSESLNALTNVVTGIKEDIKKNNDRLAILEQERGNADPTVDQPQPLVRARTEYELREISVLPDCVKELQAF # EGRQEAYLSWINRAQSILTEYDLIKTRPLYRAIVLHIRQKIRGHADMALAAYGVQDDDWDDIKRVLALHYADKRDLRTLEHELGAMCQGSRPLDRFYM # DVNGHLSLILNNLKARNHPREVVNALIETYRDKALDVFIRGVGRDCSKHLLVRSPKNLPEAYSFCMGLQNVMSRNFTAQNYQPSGAPRFAGPYQHQAR # PPFRTPFSPGSGRFSQNSYRTQGPRQAIKMESNRSGQSYQSGYSGRQEEGSGIKRMSEGNNPFQKAQRLYHMELAPPPLAPAASGDNQGRSHEGYYDD # ESQAVERSNNYPPQKNVEGVTDAPHNLETEGGANFMTNASPVYRT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # E: 2 # end gene g659 # start gene g660 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4683224 4684373 0.71 - . g660 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4683224 4684373 0.71 - . g660.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4683224 4683226 . - 0 transcript_id "g660.t1"; gene_id "g660"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4684313 4684370 0.71 - . transcript_id "g660.t1"; gene_id "g660"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4683224 4684312 0.74 - 0 transcript_id "g660.t1"; gene_id "g660"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4684371 4684373 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g660.t1"; gene_id "g660"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4684371 4684373 . - 0 transcript_id "g660.t1"; gene_id "g660"; # protein sequence = [MINRRQRLEFALTLLPYDPETVQLSETQKKVEAIIARLRTDDSFTEEESDDCKVRRIQDANEFADSAMRHIEMSDSGK # LSTLETLTLAAEKLLRTQRSPDQDFDDMVQDVEYSQLMRNTIQAVNEARLKLLQQWERSKRKALDLLTIEIEKVQEMDQEPEHKQSHEQDQDQEQSSE # PFNAFRDGADEHNTSTPKTNDEDLGLDDDDEDYVPGGEETMGNKRKRIKKPVTSTPNAKRRCPGFEFDLDGESPMVTIGPNGTEVSRISLSAINWDMT # GPSITRKLLCEIFDRDTLAHHTLSGKPSPAFRDCARPSKQQLDPLKVADLVYLMTNSLDMTPREVRTAITTKCADENKMLRSRMQRKSK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 15 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # W: 13 # end gene g660 # start gene g661 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4684520 4687105 0.88 + . g661 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4684520 4687105 0.88 + . g661.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4684520 4684522 . + 0 transcript_id "g661.t1"; gene_id "g661"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4684520 4687105 0.88 + 0 transcript_id "g661.t1"; gene_id "g661"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4687103 4687105 . + 0 transcript_id "g661.t1"; gene_id "g661"; # protein sequence = [MADSLPTGATATRLPAGATCSCRSISGRPKPAAIASESTQTIASTEDMGTQTVFQTDPNEDFDCGQDASTQSMLNMHD # VETQSIPVSSKNLNSIQTQTDYEEPKTVRFPLKKYSKTEHEEKRPRKSNTSLRKCFFKRPLIVVKGGALISSDFTANIHQSRMENVSVTTRKEDKETQ # YENHFGTQSNSSDDQPSDPSTCSKILDRVQKLEAIMKRQELFLRDLQGSVKSWKVQECKPSDCRIIFQGKPEACELPKKLETSDQASQINDIHEERKL # PIKPEGFNQSSQKKYTARSEEQKLPIQPEPFNQSSQKKYTARSEEQKLPIKPEPFNQSSQKIYTARSEERKLPRKPENVDQATQKKDTANCECKTLSK # EFIQIFLKPETAQEKQKSNNSQRTTDTPINSENSTGLQCSRECNGSSSKDNRRCCKANGYEMHLKGDQFPTAKQCLKDTENFLEQFNRVFAKTKSEET # LSDKSRNTSAFSANPTKQNDTEHGVENLLGEIVKKPKSKVSSTSCLEAKSSEQSNKSVEKELYKSFIEQLISHFTKSKSCENNQAQNAQSESYSFDRL # LPEFVKMFTRSNSLEEDRPKKVSISEKKTILGANPMTSFNCSKTPHNIKSTALKSELKTSDMELDANGRRGSCQLEGESKPSAIFRNTQRMNNPPRGC # QYCGDGSLPILDSLMDEIFRLIGQRPFDDVVLTILRQEDNVYHIKVREMATGKDLGCILGSGRAINQAIGIGLFEDIPTFCELDKNRQYDPRDCPLDE # LCRRQCGGEIAPDGSADKERVVEFCTRVLGLPAGQASRFFSVTNALKMGNRELTGRGAVTSSLVDNFSSKDLSDVAKTSSLFLRIISGQCNDVQDDE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g661 # start gene g662 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4687649 4688788 1 + . g662 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4687649 4688788 1 + . g662.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4687649 4687651 . + 0 transcript_id "g662.t1"; gene_id "g662"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4687649 4688788 1 + 0 transcript_id "g662.t1"; gene_id "g662"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4688786 4688788 . + 0 transcript_id "g662.t1"; gene_id "g662"; # protein sequence = [MSNISNDSGLDDSANSGAVVSANGPLAATRLSWFLAEVDDGLMKDGKPNGRRRLCVLHSMELLESDVSDKYMTRFVEF # RVNGMVLEAKLILAADERRLVDAALLSMSKEEREDAGGQQLLVQYTENEKAGERLIQKLVSPNNVMLLSTKPELKGNPLVRLAPGCIAHILYAYESRD # YMEKILLHLKARSFDLAFDDNLEAEPEAMNDDTWMLVQYSPEPEMVVYQVVQYRQTVWRKENLFKDVIAYMQLPGSDIVLQAVVISYGQDKEVQDAKY # EELQRFSFDIDFPLPEELEKHPDHMTSTALFSRTSLYQKAEQRDTTGEHRELRKSLEQMSEKAQGEAQMIIDAFDMVDNINKNLQSRLSGEVRSVVEV # TSGDELH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g662 # start gene g663 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4689060 4690448 0.9 - . g663 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4689060 4690448 0.9 - . g663.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4689060 4689062 . - 0 transcript_id "g663.t1"; gene_id "g663"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4689060 4690448 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g663.t1"; gene_id "g663"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4690446 4690448 . - 0 transcript_id "g663.t1"; gene_id "g663"; # protein sequence = [MLGDASSLFRVVAEQVYDTQMLHYEVRMECVRYMFTKWKTFRRFVSGDFDEYLWHLGKTKTAGTILELGAMCHLYRRN # VIIYEPFDMGRMVTYNKDYKEILRIFMNSMGHFETVLTMQDVDMAAVCQSVSFKMLYKHLFRLPDVDLAVEWMLYPDTFKMGTEYEFDSRGRAIRLLC # RNGRSFKLDRPESTICLLENSQMCPFHNRRLAMGGQFADFSCMRILLEENNIPFSYLVAKSMDPCRYRNVELTSAIEARREAYEFGIYIGDYNFKVGA # KCQVQLDTNRRDLLSACYIQSIDKKKSVCKVFIEEQGKLVDVPSDNLHPLPPDEFKAWDFARKRPQRLHNSQMGRQSVQGDQQGFVPDPMPGTAPSMP # PPPVADPRPVNVTAQQPPVFGPSRWMEPTRPLMPNPLMIHQTGSFVFVQQPRVGPPSVMMHVLIIVHNAPYMLAFDHAPHPPAPQCTAPF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g663 # start gene g664 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4700992 4701468 0.79 - . g664 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4700992 4701468 0.79 - . g664.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4700992 4700994 . - 0 transcript_id "g664.t1"; gene_id "g664"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4701217 4701276 0.83 - . transcript_id "g664.t1"; gene_id "g664"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4700992 4701216 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g664.t1"; gene_id "g664"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4701277 4701468 0.8 - 0 transcript_id "g664.t1"; gene_id "g664"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4701466 4701468 . - 0 transcript_id "g664.t1"; gene_id "g664"; # protein sequence = [MDSNMEPWSFALNFDDSDKSSDNESHSSTRSSSRSSDTSIDTSSVEKEPASVIESQSVPGGSYDIISKTNMLQFVQKI # DANSSLDDQGCDMMARIADAFVNDISMRIVKLAKYRKSDVSVLDLKFILKREFNMEFPIE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 4 # E: 2 # W: 2 # end gene g664 # start gene g665 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4705737 4720453 0.71 + . g665 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4705737 4720453 0.71 + . g665.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4705737 4705739 . + 0 transcript_id "g665.t1"; gene_id "g665"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4705824 4712288 0.71 + . transcript_id "g665.t1"; gene_id "g665"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4712456 4717724 1 + . transcript_id "g665.t1"; gene_id "g665"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4717862 4719804 1 + . transcript_id "g665.t1"; gene_id "g665"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4719982 4720340 1 + . transcript_id "g665.t1"; gene_id "g665"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4705737 4705823 0.71 + 0 transcript_id "g665.t1"; gene_id "g665"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4712289 4712455 0.78 + 0 transcript_id "g665.t1"; gene_id "g665"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4717725 4717861 1 + 1 transcript_id "g665.t1"; gene_id "g665"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4719805 4719981 1 + 2 transcript_id "g665.t1"; gene_id "g665"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4720341 4720453 1 + 2 transcript_id "g665.t1"; gene_id "g665"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4720451 4720453 . + 0 transcript_id "g665.t1"; gene_id "g665"; # protein sequence = [MLTTHHLHHLHHHRGSTAVELDKITNLNTLIVEINSHVALFRDMLIHVGQAKDCPELREKIRKLRRTCVEALKHTAQI # LMPQVKSAMADGILTDNPHLVLLFYMAQLFLRELVKSYRLIQVVPMDMSGYYENRAGPSNLGNVISQILLCKQFTPDFNEEELCSITKDSQDIAVLLA # EMQEYMPQHEAYLERNAALDTTGPWQAKRRQNYICKNMSLLCCVSRPNYL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 11.1 # CDS exons: 0/5 # CDS introns: 1/4 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 1 # RM: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g665 # start gene g666 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4724237 4724584 0.82 - . g666 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4724237 4724584 0.82 - . g666.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4724237 4724239 . - 0 transcript_id "g666.t1"; gene_id "g666"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4724237 4724584 0.82 - 0 transcript_id "g666.t1"; gene_id "g666"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4724582 4724584 . - 0 transcript_id "g666.t1"; gene_id "g666"; # protein sequence = [MLLQMLKHPTKKGQKILRVEQWAKLIRFYSNPHRTPMFMIQFYPKFAKQKQANLMESLKLLGPCKMIWPGPAPLCLPE # SVGHPTSISWLVSAQDIGQDDDREATRSGHLVRGSGT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g666 # start gene g667 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4732507 4734228 0.89 - . g667 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4732507 4734228 0.89 - . g667.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4732507 4732509 . - 0 transcript_id "g667.t1"; gene_id "g667"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4732507 4734228 0.89 - 0 transcript_id "g667.t1"; gene_id "g667"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4734226 4734228 . - 0 transcript_id "g667.t1"; gene_id "g667"; # protein sequence = [MATLIRVQNSMHRRFQSRTTLKLQGSHSRLSAGGFCTKFNKSGKEKKNKHNQSHDQQNDTCKPSCSKPTDCATNDEPS # CRGNKSASDKSLKITRCSIPEPNKSPRSDGHENQRQSCVSFEEPAAKDIPTFDLHFRDTSCTVSHDSSLSSINVCYSQEQQRDITKSCPAQTPKEPAP # QRMKESSRNQTASRFCMRPLIVVPTGGGIKQLKKDQSENSKIVSTDHSKSKSAHHTNSSRKSTKKQAKSHRLIKSHSSKDSLANRGQPTVEIEETFPN # SICTSDTHESCDCKSEDQFCCYYIPEEPHCSQNPPPCSNCPAICDLSNQLEEMNRRLEGLHSQELCDIRTQVNSLNANVQHLAKECIQKMDGAKRLDK # KTSSTCQFCHGQCLKILDSFYRQLLDSLWDRSLTDIVISIFLRADNVYHVNVRDLSSDCSLGCYLVTDAAIEEAIELGVFQNILTFSVIDVRNTIKSK # NCDLGIVFEYHHSKRQTGGCDSPLRGSCMVGKEYIGRVLGLPLEQLKYLYSVPRSYTKITEHDTRSVTGSQLHSVSTQTTLMDMQTEMKIRYKKSART # KLPSV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g667 # start gene g668 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4735547 4737468 0.95 - . g668 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4735547 4737468 0.95 - . g668.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4735547 4735549 . - 0 transcript_id "g668.t1"; gene_id "g668"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4735768 4735848 1 - . transcript_id "g668.t1"; gene_id "g668"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4736341 4737058 0.95 - . transcript_id "g668.t1"; gene_id "g668"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4737212 4737362 1 - . transcript_id "g668.t1"; gene_id "g668"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4735547 4735767 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g668.t1"; gene_id "g668"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4735849 4736340 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g668.t1"; gene_id "g668"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4737059 4737211 1 - 2 transcript_id "g668.t1"; gene_id "g668"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4737363 4737468 1 - 0 transcript_id "g668.t1"; gene_id "g668"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4737466 4737468 . - 0 transcript_id "g668.t1"; gene_id "g668"; # protein sequence = [MTVKEGEKATILCEVKGEPQPNVTWHFNGQPISAGAADDSKFRILADGLLINKVTQNDTGEYACRAYQVNSIASDMQE # RTVLMKIEHKPIWSKTPFVSLKYAYINGTATLMCEALAEPPANFTWYRKHNKLHSNNRLYTIQSDSYWSSLTIHVLNTSAFDNYRCRARNDLGTIERT # TRLEQGEKPPSPANFQLRGFNSNTFDVVLSAPRGPPDSPMGVNGFRIEYMTEMEFKTDAGKWTNARRKDYAFEEGATFLLTNLEPDTVYLVRAASRNL # AGFSDFTKVEKYKTLSLEPRVSSGVKETRNMCVELGVMTLMVLMRPFLG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 13 # W: 13 # end gene g668 # start gene g669 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4762981 4763535 0.8 + . g669 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4762981 4763535 0.8 + . g669.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4762981 4762983 . + 0 transcript_id "g669.t1"; gene_id "g669"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4762981 4763535 0.8 + 0 transcript_id "g669.t1"; gene_id "g669"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4763533 4763535 . + 0 transcript_id "g669.t1"; gene_id "g669"; # protein sequence = [MNFKARYSKSVSPPKRVGISLEDPVSSCDEFPRPLGPMLKYIALSPNYQMPRRKAPLNRANVPKTNRARKSGKKHKMH # LSKASTYGRKRPARKVTKRRDVINKKPRKSKGTKIIGGEEKPIESNSRPWWKLLFSRKQNDEKTQQDNISCNVLMTDRSTQTIVSPQCNNIDDDKLAP # FDKPNKYI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g669 # start gene g670 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4794672 4796563 0.74 + . g670 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4794672 4796563 0.74 + . g670.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4794672 4794674 . + 0 transcript_id "g670.t1"; gene_id "g670"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4794686 4794752 1 + . transcript_id "g670.t1"; gene_id "g670"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4795572 4795842 1 + . transcript_id "g670.t1"; gene_id "g670"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4795947 4796062 0.78 + . transcript_id "g670.t1"; gene_id "g670"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4796220 4796286 1 + . transcript_id "g670.t1"; gene_id "g670"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4794672 4794685 1 + 0 transcript_id "g670.t1"; gene_id "g670"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4794753 4795571 1 + 1 transcript_id "g670.t1"; gene_id "g670"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4795843 4795946 1 + 1 transcript_id "g670.t1"; gene_id "g670"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4796063 4796219 0.78 + 2 transcript_id "g670.t1"; gene_id "g670"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4796287 4796563 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g670.t1"; gene_id "g670"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4796561 4796563 . + 0 transcript_id "g670.t1"; gene_id "g670"; # protein sequence = [MPGRKARRKLIKKQQRKRRRQKHAKERDKLEEEAENQRLMQPEYQKWSQEQEEMQEFQRLADERERQLAEESWLRREA # TAQRQFQMDEAKKRQEQEEVERLQREQAKERAEREERQRKQREEETRKAAKAAAEFDAMMESMDEYLNNPRIEKPPSHLLRVMETHPEERACEFFSRT # NCCRYGHACTFNHRRPMLGRILLIRHFFNHSMLQKRCTHKEYASAEEHLELTEQDLRHDYDEFFNDVVEELRKFGTIVNFRTVRNTLEHLRGHVFVEY # TNERSALRAFTNLQGRYYASKRLNVEFSNLRTWRGAVCGLSLTRKCPKGNDCGYLHLFGNPNNLFNTELEYTSGPRSERRSSQTPTAKTPSWDEHSEH # GRNWRWSASPEVELENSKDLGNRGRDLKNNQQRNHHSRSRSDRSSVRSKREHSSSGSSHDDRRSKRHHHHHNSTTPDHQHNHCQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 77.8 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 3 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 55 # E: 1 # W: 54 # end gene g670 # start gene g671 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4797076 4804210 0.55 - . g671 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4797076 4804210 0.55 - . g671.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4797076 4797078 . - 0 transcript_id "g671.t1"; gene_id "g671"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4797639 4799745 1 - . transcript_id "g671.t1"; gene_id "g671"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4799879 4801816 1 - . transcript_id "g671.t1"; gene_id "g671"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4801826 4803961 0.55 - . transcript_id "g671.t1"; gene_id "g671"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4797076 4797638 1 - 2 transcript_id "g671.t1"; gene_id "g671"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4799746 4799878 1 - 0 transcript_id "g671.t1"; gene_id "g671"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4801817 4801825 1 - 0 transcript_id "g671.t1"; gene_id "g671"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4803962 4804210 0.55 - 0 transcript_id "g671.t1"; gene_id "g671"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4804208 4804210 . - 0 transcript_id "g671.t1"; gene_id "g671"; # protein sequence = [MDADAVFEPHEVSRRKCSQLGQKPEIKTRFKGENVQQVERKQDHRHSGCGRWEKITKSTTADVASTKKRRDHQRIAFE # ISRKKQAKMKVTLAIATFCVVMACSHAARTTTTTATKPGRFLSLPVPAKCASRPKEFSYRGKNMFLTTHVPALANKKVDWLDGRNLCREYCMDLVALE # TQEKNNLIFRVIQQNDVPYIWTAGRICDFAGCENRPDLEPKTVYGWFWSATREKIQATNRIPQGWGYNPWSQTGHKKRPQPDNAEYDINQTKEQCLSV # LNNVYNDGIAWHDVACYHEKPVICEDNEELLRYVAATNPGIRL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 57.1 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 14 # E: 2 # RM: 12 # incompatible hint groups: 73 # W: 73 # end gene g671 # start gene g672 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4813354 4815782 0.91 + . g672 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4813354 4815782 0.91 + . g672.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4813354 4813356 . + 0 transcript_id "g672.t1"; gene_id "g672"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4813510 4814769 1 + . transcript_id "g672.t1"; gene_id "g672"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4814888 4815022 1 + . transcript_id "g672.t1"; gene_id "g672"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4815624 4815679 0.95 + . transcript_id "g672.t1"; gene_id "g672"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4813354 4813509 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g672.t1"; gene_id "g672"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4814770 4814887 1 + 0 transcript_id "g672.t1"; gene_id "g672"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4815023 4815623 0.95 + 2 transcript_id "g672.t1"; gene_id "g672"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4815680 4815782 0.98 + 1 transcript_id "g672.t1"; gene_id "g672"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4815780 4815782 . + 0 transcript_id "g672.t1"; gene_id "g672"; # protein sequence = [MTASPGLLHMDQPLRAIYQFLLDLLVFTIKSVYYVLESIYYSLLPQRFRKLKDISGQVVLITGGGGGVGRLIALNFAR # LQARIVIWDINQEAIKTTVDLLAKHGYDNCKGYVVDISDREQIYQRASQVTEEVGPVDILINNAGIVCCKPFWELHDRVIQNTYNINIISHYWTVKAF # LPHMMRNNRGHIVTVGSVTGMLGTYGCSDYAATKYACIGFHESLLTDLKAHGYDQIQMSLICPYYINTGMFSGVRPRMMPMLEPQYVADRIENAVRCN # EVWCVLPNSIRLLTPLKCLLPAKMCWELMSRVIRGPESMMMFQGRGRVAAG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 60 # W: 60 # end gene g672 # start gene g673 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4815942 4818166 0.96 - . g673 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4815942 4818166 0.96 - . g673.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4815942 4815944 . - 0 transcript_id "g673.t1"; gene_id "g673"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4817664 4817721 1 - . transcript_id "g673.t1"; gene_id "g673"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4817816 4817881 0.96 - . transcript_id "g673.t1"; gene_id "g673"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4817974 4818037 1 - . transcript_id "g673.t1"; gene_id "g673"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4815942 4817663 1 - 0 transcript_id "g673.t1"; gene_id "g673"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4817722 4817815 0.96 - 1 transcript_id "g673.t1"; gene_id "g673"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4817882 4817973 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g673.t1"; gene_id "g673"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4818038 4818166 1 - 0 transcript_id "g673.t1"; gene_id "g673"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4818164 4818166 . - 0 transcript_id "g673.t1"; gene_id "g673"; # protein sequence = [MSTFKPKFLKPETDDAITDSAGGEQQSSAFVFNVNHNMGLMEQRERLPIRQYRDQILYCLEKHQVVILVGETGSGKST # QVPQYLYEWGWHTKGLIGITEPRRVSTVTLANRVAQERGELVGDTVGYVVRFLESMSSCTKIKFMTEGILLREVLADPLLTQYGVIIVDEAHERNMLT # DMILGLLKKILRKRSSLKLIISSATIDASFFSEFFSWPGSGEVSVKLSIEGRMHPVSNFYLNEPCADYVKETVETVWKLHQKEPPGDILAFLTGQEEV # LEALDLLREYIASSEQENLKVLPMYGSMSSTDQLSVFFTPPKGTRKVVLATNIAETSITIPGIVYVIDCGYVKVKWYNPKTCSDSLVIVPVSKASAIQ # RAGRAGRMRPGKVYRLYTKSDYEALAPRQPPEMRRSELSGAILQLKALGIGNILRFDFPSPPPAQNLLSALESLFALDAIDEQGNLTKPVGYLLAELP # FSAMLSKMLYVSGQMGCSEEIITIIALLQVQSIFSRPASAVAQQSGRIAHRKFEVAEGDFITMLNAYTGFVEEGMTKEFCGQYFLIYRNLKRAHSLRE # QLITVARKKYGIPIFSCKGDVEKLCKCITAGFFTQVAYLHHSGVYRQISSGTELAIHPNSTLYTLPQAQYVVYGELLQTTKLFMNYVTVIKREWLTEL # APHYYQQTTVRD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 42.9 # CDS exons: 1/4 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 57 # W: 57 # end gene g673 # start gene g674 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4825610 4827572 0.84 + . g674 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4825610 4827572 0.84 + . g674.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4825610 4825612 . + 0 transcript_id "g674.t1"; gene_id "g674"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4825712 4826446 1 + . transcript_id "g674.t1"; gene_id "g674"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4826564 4826624 1 + . transcript_id "g674.t1"; gene_id "g674"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4827101 4827172 1 + . transcript_id "g674.t1"; gene_id "g674"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4825610 4825711 0.84 + 0 transcript_id "g674.t1"; gene_id "g674"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4826447 4826563 1 + 0 transcript_id "g674.t1"; gene_id "g674"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4826625 4827100 1 + 0 transcript_id "g674.t1"; gene_id "g674"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4827173 4827572 1 + 1 transcript_id "g674.t1"; gene_id "g674"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4827570 4827572 . + 0 transcript_id "g674.t1"; gene_id "g674"; # protein sequence = [MEIIPEGKHFRLVHESELPEILVTLERYLPESLKFHQTIKTYLNDRIWDFKFYVAKDWPDKPIILHFPGCTLAPHNNI # YQTLGIFCPSAHIEHVDMLRTEDVLIDWQKPMYLNFTHIAIMNRLDDFYSKFGVMERLSGDIYVCNKLNADLELEPLPEDAEMRLLNLDNVQGIHDLY # PANEIECVQLFDILVRKLPGLGIFRKETGELAAWMVHSYYGAMFSMQTRPDFRRMGYGIRLAKSLTQLVIERGYTPFVVIRPGNDASRSLYTKLGYEK # AFETCRVRMTPDCYEDSTVGTISNTSYGKFPPLPQGDCVVVTKLRRKHVPGESQTVDEGIEDMLAEKCDISGDEARERKTTTDEGIGEDK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 95 # W: 95 # end gene g674 # start gene g675 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4829484 4830607 1 - . g675 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4829484 4830607 1 - . g675.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4829484 4829486 . - 0 transcript_id "g675.t1"; gene_id "g675"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4829980 4830039 1 - . transcript_id "g675.t1"; gene_id "g675"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4830401 4830468 1 - . transcript_id "g675.t1"; gene_id "g675"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4829484 4829979 1 - 1 transcript_id "g675.t1"; gene_id "g675"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4830040 4830400 1 - 2 transcript_id "g675.t1"; gene_id "g675"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4830469 4830607 1 - 0 transcript_id "g675.t1"; gene_id "g675"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4830605 4830607 . - 0 transcript_id "g675.t1"; gene_id "g675"; # protein sequence = [MGDSSDEEYLGTDWLAYSERSDWEDVQPLAQDDGPNPVVSIAYSQKFREVFDYMRAIIARGEKSQRALDLTTDALRLN # PANYTVWQYRRDVLRELKADLYAELDYLTEVIGQNSKNYQVWHHRRVIVEMLNDPSNELELTENALVNDGDAKNYHAWQHRQWAIRSFNLYDDELSFV # DRLISEDQRNNSAWNQRFFVIKHFGFTPELIQRELSYTMNRIRIIKNNESAWNYLVGVMRQGDSGNALLSSYPDVVDFVEELYQAGNRSPYLLAFLID # LYQEQALQLKASDSDQLARKVYGLCEDMATKHDVIRRKYWQYVANHLKNQLSTVEQK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 96 # W: 96 # end gene g675 # start gene g676 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4830968 4834949 0.55 - . g676 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4830968 4834949 0.55 - . g676.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4830968 4830970 . - 0 transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4831362 4831416 0.99 - . transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4831933 4832003 1 - . transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4832597 4832794 1 - . transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4833041 4833101 0.99 - . transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4833217 4833265 1 - . transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4833705 4833768 1 - . transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4834045 4834106 1 - . transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4834257 4834873 0.55 - . transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4830968 4831361 1 - 1 transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4831417 4831932 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4832004 4832596 1 - 0 transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4832795 4833040 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4833102 4833216 1 - 1 transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4833266 4833704 1 - 2 transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4833769 4834044 1 - 2 transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4834107 4834256 0.55 - 2 transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4834874 4834949 0.55 - 0 transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4834947 4834949 . - 0 transcript_id "g676.t1"; gene_id "g676"; # protein sequence = [MGSRLDWGVADVALWAIADQIDYHQVFINEVDNEPAAKAVEVVLTYLKKNIRYGLSVQLDSIEANKSDAKVLLEAICN # KYATSIEKKQTPHLILDTTKSGIASETVKSFTQALGLPTISASYGQQGDLRQWRDLDEAKQKYLLQVMPPADIIPEAIRSIVIHMNITNAAILYDDSF # VMDHKYKSLLQNIQTRHVITAIAKDGKREREEQIEKLRNLDINNFFILGTLQSIRMVLESVKPAYFERNFAWHAITQNEGEISSQRDNATIMFMKPMA # YTQYRDRLGLLRTTYNLNEEPQLSSAFYFDLALRSFLTIKEMLQSGAWPKDMEYLNCDDFQGGNTPQRNLDLRDYFTKITEPTSYGTFDLVTQSTQPF # NGHSFMKFEMDINVLQIRGGSSVNSKSIGKWISGLNSELIVKDEEQMKNLTADTVYRIFTVVQAPFIMRDETAPKGYKGYCIDLINEIAAIVHFDYTI # QEVEDGKFGNMDENGQWNGIVKKLMDKQADIGLGSMSVMAEREIVIDFTVPYYDLVGITIMMQRPSSPSSLFKFLTVLETNVWLCILAAYFFTSFLMW # IFDRWSPYSYQNNREKYKDDEEKREFNLKECLWFCMTSLTPQGGGEAPKNLSGRLVAATWWLFGFIIIASYTANLAAFLTVSRLDTPVESLDDLAKQY # KILYAPLNGSSAMTYFERMSNIEQMFYEIWKDLSLNDSLTAVERSKLAVWDYPVSDKYTKMWQAMQEAKLPATLDEAVARVRNSTAATGFAFLGDATD # IRYLQLTNCDLQVVGEEFSRKPYAIAVQQGSHLKDQFNNAILTLLNKRQLEKLKEKWWKNDEALAKCDKPEDQSDGISIQNIGGVFIVIFVGIGMACI # TLVFEYWWYRYRKNPRIIDVAEANAERSNAADHPGKLVDGVILGHSGEKFEKSKAALRPRFNQYPATFKPRF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 11.8 # CDS exons: 1/9 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/8 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # W: 2 # end gene g676 # start gene g677 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4835740 4837616 0.99 - . g677 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4835740 4837616 0.99 - . g677.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4835740 4835742 . - 0 transcript_id "g677.t1"; gene_id "g677"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4836245 4836482 1 - . transcript_id "g677.t1"; gene_id "g677"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4837158 4837234 1 - . transcript_id "g677.t1"; gene_id "g677"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4837534 4837601 1 - . transcript_id "g677.t1"; gene_id "g677"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4835740 4836244 1 - 1 transcript_id "g677.t1"; gene_id "g677"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4836483 4837157 1 - 1 transcript_id "g677.t1"; gene_id "g677"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4837235 4837533 1 - 0 transcript_id "g677.t1"; gene_id "g677"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4837602 4837616 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g677.t1"; gene_id "g677"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4837614 4837616 . - 0 transcript_id "g677.t1"; gene_id "g677"; # protein sequence = [MAAIKNITLGILYGLWDSIRGMTLVLHIDDEVNRQNAEQEHRQQLRRTDKDRYERARRSPSPVPSSAAAMIREEYAKQ # AEENADERTLEKILGKKPAAQDQHPQGEKKIAKKLFKCCMLNGGFTWLSIVLFENALLPTLKFCLTIFYGAHSETLPVVWGWLHPILSLLFGMMWVLP # IFMLSKIVSSLWFADIANAAYRVRKGRPQLIPGISKLVADFLFSMVVQMLFLVQSMLVNLVPVKYVGSSLCFVHLCLLYSLYSFEYKWFNMGWELHRR # LTYIEKNWPYFFGFGIPLTVLTNLSSSVIVSSCIFSIFFPLFILSGNEAKPIVDTTEVSLRLFSPVVFISNLCFGGNPWSKANRLSAMQRQQYELQQR # QRLLQRDEQLLKQRKQQYVQQQRLQQEQLMRRDRSHSRSQTPQLGHPHRYAQAPVFDAGRVRDSSASSTHSSNAPSINSHRPPPYYGSSLRGAAPLVP # TPVPGAPRAPLTPPVIRQESGPDDWNL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 144 # W: 144 # end gene g677 # start gene g678 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4839303 4841008 0.74 + . g678 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4839303 4841008 0.74 + . g678.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4839303 4839305 . + 0 transcript_id "g678.t1"; gene_id "g678"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4839511 4839576 1 + . transcript_id "g678.t1"; gene_id "g678"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4840105 4840163 1 + . transcript_id "g678.t1"; gene_id "g678"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4840642 4840694 1 + . transcript_id "g678.t1"; gene_id "g678"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4840814 4840883 1 + . transcript_id "g678.t1"; gene_id "g678"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4839303 4839510 1 + 0 transcript_id "g678.t1"; gene_id "g678"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4839577 4840104 1 + 2 transcript_id "g678.t1"; gene_id "g678"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4840164 4840641 1 + 2 transcript_id "g678.t1"; gene_id "g678"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4840695 4840813 1 + 1 transcript_id "g678.t1"; gene_id "g678"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4840884 4841008 0.74 + 2 transcript_id "g678.t1"; gene_id "g678"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4841006 4841008 . + 0 transcript_id "g678.t1"; gene_id "g678"; # protein sequence = [MSREERKPIVSSSSSSTCSSSDDEVHPVVRRRSTRDTELAGHQKDAGCCDPTSTPHRFLALLFMCLLGFGSYFCYDNP # GALQDVFQKELQLSSTEFTLIYSIYSWPNIVLCFVGGFLIDRVFGIRLGTIIYMLIVLVGQLIFATGGVLGHFWLMIVGRFVFGIGAESLAVAQNSYA # VLWFKGKEINMVFGLQLSVARFGSTVNFWIMQPLYGYVSKSYSGYKGLGVALFLASSTCVMSLVCTLILGWMDKRAERILKRNNNPGGELAKLSDIVT # FKLDFWMVSVVCVAYYVAIFPFVALGQAFFVSNFHMTPDEANTVNSIVYLISAIASPLFGFVIDKVGRNVTWVFCATISTLLAHFLLTFTHLDPYIGM # SIMGLSYSMLAASLWPLVSLIVPEYQLGTAYGFCQSVQNLGLAVVTIAAGIIVDSSGGSHFWLQVFFMSFLLVSLLATCAIWAYNRKHQGNLNMSPAQ # RATYHTSMYVNIESS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 125 # W: 125 # end gene g678 # start gene g679 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4842126 4842374 0.52 + . g679 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4842126 4842374 0.52 + . g679.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4842126 4842128 . + 0 transcript_id "g679.t1"; gene_id "g679"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4842126 4842374 0.52 + 0 transcript_id "g679.t1"; gene_id "g679"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4842372 4842374 . + 0 transcript_id "g679.t1"; gene_id "g679"; # protein sequence = [MWPWPKALKHTAAPSGSRHFTPGHSILSVRAARLMALFVQSLDLIGSHNVSLGGRLNAGQILITIEALALILQILLSN # KEMV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 23 # E: 1 # W: 22 # end gene g679 # start gene g680 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4843060 4846043 0.55 - . g680 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4843060 4846043 0.55 - . g680.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4843060 4843062 . - 0 transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4843659 4843717 1 - . transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4844112 4844168 1 - . transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4844647 4844711 1 - . transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4844773 4845086 1 - . transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4845159 4845253 1 - . transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4845576 4845641 1 - . transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4843060 4843658 0.55 - 2 transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4843718 4844111 1 - 0 transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4844169 4844646 1 - 1 transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4844712 4844772 1 - 2 transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4845087 4845158 1 - 2 transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4845254 4845575 1 - 0 transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4845642 4846043 1 - 0 transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4846041 4846043 . - 0 transcript_id "g680.t1"; gene_id "g680"; # protein sequence = [MAHTHLGRAVKNIEAPRPLKTQSRSSLKNSYLVIEELIQLIDNVTVGLQSCNTTPESITLLLHNLRVHGPQLEAVSKD # TLDRAFVVFRNASQDERLNITTRLKLLELIELRAKSWDNDDTIAYYKSKQQISNVELPSEYQYDAGVQPGAFSTSPTFGVSGGVGGVNDGAAAAAAAV # FNAASAAAAAQAAAIAAVGTSNQQHMLLPPGEVIRNSGKFPKPTKIPGKTYCKDEVVIRNADSGKVMGIKGRRVHMIEELSETIISFQRVNPGAKERL # VQITGPAEDKINYAKQLMEDTIRRNASPVRLEPAPAVGGSCSSLNSSNSDDAIVQPRTPTGSSLANRLSFNSAQNFMTATAAAQQISQQMHHQTHHLQ # HQQQQQVAAVAAAAAAAAHAQATAAAGKVLRPNQQLLMHSYSTNDASVGEYKFTVNVGQHLIKITGDCCELVRVAKLVLDDYFSSSEFLASIEAGAAF # DGTSLVTTPSTPLPGAGPPQFWLPGTDSGIGLNCVVSSSANNNGEGDDEVFAEPSNGGSSTSNQNGLARSRRSHFSRKESTPETKGAREKGDLDDLAG # TNSLKSNASRVSYDIEHLLYYSMSPHSWTLPTDWQKMQETAPSILRNKVISPFDGSLGRTAYSSNIPDAIIASAPNSSVITHPWALNAITSSPNTNII # STAVGLAAVDASADNNPLTVTNKQSKGIFAERENRRLPKTSAVSDRNLYNKQLQIITNTVGQSVATQGKHRQSSYQTSQVKAIFQRYCEDDEFSLALC # ETESNNNRVYV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 249 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # W: 247 # end gene g680 # start gene g681 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4847855 4849324 1 + . g681 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4847855 4849324 1 + . g681.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4847855 4847857 . + 0 transcript_id "g681.t1"; gene_id "g681"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4847855 4849324 1 + 0 transcript_id "g681.t1"; gene_id "g681"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4849322 4849324 . + 0 transcript_id "g681.t1"; gene_id "g681"; # protein sequence = [MSENGDVEAAPEDSKEVVPESGKDEPETKPLKMSFADWKKCKDALKPDTKSGLQRSNNNNSNNNNNNNNGNGRKHWSS # NSNNAFHGGGGPQSYQDRNYPPMNRPPPLPMQLMNMGFGGNFGPGPGQCGPPMGPMGPGGPRGPISNMGPCGPMSSMGPGGPVGFGGPRGSGPRRNHN # HRPLQPPPFWEDMMSPQHRPPPIQPPMPKCPSLWNLVPKEQGAQNNRSNPNQNNKKFKVNHRGNSDKDTRLMPPPPPPSNGNNSPSNGEAQPSKKPKR # CGTFVQVNGQWIQKPEAPPPLEDAPPGTKEERQRQWKEYRMAMKPFKNREFHNWKRTVQRLGKLPRDQLDEQQLERLQKAEEYIVAHKAMLTVKHAER # WVEQDKNEKGQVFVRKSSSIGSWDMSKERPPNGFASMHDFKKQQMDTFFGPGRAIKGGTDLSIIGTSAPPPPPPDTPPQITNYWPSGSSNNTGSNSNP # SYFSHYSNNFVKGATLLPP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 115 # W: 115 # end gene g681 # start gene g682 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4849512 4850363 1 - . g682 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4849512 4850363 1 - . g682.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4849512 4849514 . - 0 transcript_id "g682.t1"; gene_id "g682"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4850282 4850338 1 - . transcript_id "g682.t1"; gene_id "g682"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4849512 4850281 1 - 2 transcript_id "g682.t1"; gene_id "g682"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4850339 4850363 1 - 0 transcript_id "g682.t1"; gene_id "g682"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4850361 4850363 . - 0 transcript_id "g682.t1"; gene_id "g682"; # protein sequence = [MLRKSFANLPRFGQMCGLPRRLQSTQPEQSVETEPEDIALVEQRILKHPDYFQVHNLFTVRDLFNARVHYGHKEGSLD # DRMRPYLFGSRLGHLIFDLDKTASHLRDALNFAAHIAFRDGIILFFNRNAMNSHLVERKAQEAGEFSHTRFWRGGIFTNANVQFDAVTRLPDLCIFLN # TQNNVMAQHTAVRDAAKMAIPTIGIVDSNCNPNLITYPVPGNDDSPAAVELYCNLFKEAILRGKRERRQLLGLPPLDESQPRRSRKTK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 78 # W: 78 # end gene g682 # start gene g683 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4850751 4852455 1 + . g683 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4850751 4852455 1 + . g683.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4850751 4850753 . + 0 transcript_id "g683.t1"; gene_id "g683"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4851344 4851407 1 + . transcript_id "g683.t1"; gene_id "g683"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4851560 4851613 1 + . transcript_id "g683.t1"; gene_id "g683"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4850751 4851343 1 + 0 transcript_id "g683.t1"; gene_id "g683"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4851408 4851559 1 + 1 transcript_id "g683.t1"; gene_id "g683"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4851614 4852455 1 + 2 transcript_id "g683.t1"; gene_id "g683"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4852453 4852455 . + 0 transcript_id "g683.t1"; gene_id "g683"; # protein sequence = [MEVEQTSVRSDTNSTCEYLDAEGDPESPNLYQEADPDQEAEQQNHSIISELRDGLGTMRDNSALSPEPGQENKGLAAS # VESLALSTSTSAKTEDSIGGGLEEEYDYQHDSLWQGQKKHIFILSEAGKPIFSLHGNEDKLATLFGVIQALVSFVQMGQDAITSIHAGGIKFAFMQRS # SLILVAASRSNMSVQQLQLQLGDVYNQILSILTYSHMTKIFERRKNFDLRRLLSGSERLFYNLLANDSSSAKVSNNIFTFLTNSIRVFPLPTTIRSQI # TSAIQSNCSKIKNLVFAVLIANNKLIALVRMKKYSIHPADLRLIFNLVECSESFKSSENWSPICLPKFDMNGYLHAHVSYLADDCQACLLLLSVDRDA # FFTLAEAKAKITEKLRKSHCLEAINEELQQPFNAKLYQQVVGIPELRHFLYKPKSTAQLLCPMLRHPYKSLTELERLEAIYCDLLHRIHNSSRPLKLI # YEMKEREVVLAWATGTYELYAIFEPVVDKATVIKYVDKLIKWIEKEYDVYFIRNHATF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 155 # W: 155 # end gene g683 # start gene g684 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4869964 4878996 0.06 + . g684 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4869964 4878996 0.06 + . g684.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4869964 4869966 . + 0 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4869979 4870477 0.22 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4870718 4870777 0.99 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4870837 4871075 1 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4871196 4871257 1 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4871339 4871415 1 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4871765 4871824 0.95 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4871894 4871954 1 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4872357 4872498 0.99 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4872707 4873830 0.44 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4874000 4874057 1 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4874170 4874541 1 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4874563 4874886 1 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4875081 4878710 0.51 + . transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4869964 4869978 0.23 + 0 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4870478 4870717 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4870778 4870836 1 + 0 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4871076 4871195 1 + 1 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4871258 4871338 1 + 1 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4871416 4871764 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4871825 4871893 1 + 0 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4871955 4872356 1 + 0 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4872499 4872706 0.45 + 0 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4873831 4873999 0.48 + 2 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4874058 4874169 1 + 1 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4874542 4874562 1 + 0 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4874887 4875080 0.91 + 0 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4878711 4878996 0.57 + 1 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4878994 4878996 . + 0 transcript_id "g684.t1"; gene_id "g684"; # protein sequence = [MYKHLFYDYTDIAEDAARQFIEFLSGKFPNANTPIAIDEPTRAEVSRRANGIASYALNEDDNLLAFAIAAPSIHTVVV # KFRDNVTIPPDQVHNKAYLGSYWRELGAAWNSTDGTQEWGAPFRDCNLLTRRWLWPFRISFSEHRIKVVAAAFIAADEDVCNDGLEEVFGRRHGCDRN # TTFCLLTENKPAATRDVYTCLCRESYYLPNSTLQGFRGDRVELSEGYDNYSCIPCPGGCTNCDSNGVCLTFQEEEVLNVDACLRLLVAIVLGACILCC # IVLGVIVFRQRKCKAIASGMWTVLETILLGIVLLYASVAVHFFPASTERCLLEPWLRELGFITCYGAIILKLYRHLVDFRTRKAHRWVLRDVDLLKYL # GTMVFAVICYMAAFTASSLDLLESAQLESLREADTNTCHPLKWELVTQTSEMLILCFGLHLSIASRNANTQFRERQFLVTALTLEFLVSSSFYFLRFV # YLPEMSPSAILLALFIRSQLTNSFALGLIFVPKLWYQHKQVTDLTYDLSIRLPVDAFKGTSHDAGQRLGGGYAGLCLGDPDIGELTISEMSPEDIRAE # LKRLYTQLEIMKNKTLRQDNPHISKRRGGRKAGHRRFSLQKKGSKDKALSAKHRSNKHHQDIEITEAEPSRTPEDSVCSAEGPTDTYAEISGVSHSML # SHSMVSHSVVSHSNSTAKRFASRWLQLLHPLQLHNSRLRECVSSLKWSFIYGLLIPFPLQFVLSRCRSRRRWLLGICIRVGGQRRRRTRTRRIWRMSR # RRRSGWGRNG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 22.2 # CDS exons: 2/14 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 4/13 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 15 # E: 4 # RM: 11 # incompatible hint groups: 110 # W: 110 # end gene g684 # start gene g685 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4879021 4882392 1 - . g685 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4879021 4882392 1 - . g685.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4879021 4879023 . - 0 transcript_id "g685.t1"; gene_id "g685"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4879197 4880377 1 - . transcript_id "g685.t1"; gene_id "g685"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4880473 4881214 1 - . transcript_id "g685.t1"; gene_id "g685"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4879021 4879196 1 - 2 transcript_id "g685.t1"; gene_id "g685"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4880378 4880472 1 - 1 transcript_id "g685.t1"; gene_id "g685"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4881215 4882392 1 - 0 transcript_id "g685.t1"; gene_id "g685"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4882390 4882392 . - 0 transcript_id "g685.t1"; gene_id "g685"; # protein sequence = [MIKSTTNPQEQRLPRPEDQSPAPPPPPPSSATTSTAAPATPTHQVATVIANMDTLKTAFLPNLSMDPNVHVSPHYCPM # CHQQFERPQHVADHMQLCHGITLNAQGAIATLDGGHPQAQQHPKLSHPCFNCDEKFGNAVDLDEHHRLAHQTPAFLSRCLMCSIYGIHSATQQPNEYK # CTQCGSICTTAMLAAGQQGFMEQQEAAVTPDDQLPAMAPRDMRLTPEEQHHQQQLQAEHHHQQQHQQQQQQQQQQQELLEQQQREMQEQAQQQQVHHH # QQDQDLAGDQVALKVPPLTVKLNKNANGGAIVSHPQVIIKEEPLSLSDSGDVVNSVPVYAIQANPGVPAPASSGVLVGTQTVPADLAHKIRHKCPDCP # KTFKTPGTLAMHRKIHTGEADATPKERPYTCSYCGKSFTQSNTLKQHTRIHTGEKPFHCGYCEKSFSVKDYLTKHIRTHTGEKPYTCPYCDKRFTQRS # ALTVHTTKLHPL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 2 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 203 # W: 203 # end gene g685 # start gene g686 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4883174 4885509 0.6 + . g686 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4883174 4885509 0.6 + . g686.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4883174 4883176 . + 0 transcript_id "g686.t1"; gene_id "g686"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4883197 4883400 0.83 + . transcript_id "g686.t1"; gene_id "g686"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4883524 4883578 0.76 + . transcript_id "g686.t1"; gene_id "g686"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4883588 4883645 0.99 + . transcript_id "g686.t1"; gene_id "g686"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4884340 4884390 1 + . transcript_id "g686.t1"; gene_id "g686"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4883174 4883196 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g686.t1"; gene_id "g686"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4883401 4883523 0.61 + 1 transcript_id "g686.t1"; gene_id "g686"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4883579 4883587 0.76 + 1 transcript_id "g686.t1"; gene_id "g686"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4883646 4884339 1 + 1 transcript_id "g686.t1"; gene_id "g686"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4884391 4885509 1 + 0 transcript_id "g686.t1"; gene_id "g686"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4885507 4885509 . + 0 transcript_id "g686.t1"; gene_id "g686"; # protein sequence = [MTNKTFSKVAIGFPLYWSSIVPKLSLVLHRGHIRVHLQPAVGQDLDRGFSNRMSSPWVKTSEPVQQVNLADIMSEQYA # HKLHDKELQRHTEKLKRPDEQIAPVWGSQASSPPAPNAQSIQSDAEDWEDYSALLNDEGNVAEDIQLPEDSDAVIAQLLQSQFDHEYNEELRRIERQQ # NKQSKVTVTLNKFLRDGDAEFLHDTAEDDYEEDELEQQKHDWDRFEDNERQLDSIPRCGFKVNKEGEMITKHDPQLCAVRNAQRVMSFPPEFPTGDAA # GFDMKLSNKVFNQLRAHSRRGRSDKHEKVATAEMGLDAGTRLLLYKLINNQILEQINGIISTGKEAVILHANSDANYTGSNEHGHQSGVLVPPQLLPR # ECAIKIFKTTLNEFKQRDRYIKDDYRFKDRFSKQNHRVIINMWAEKEMHNLMRMQAIGLNVPDVVVLKKHVLVMRFIGDNHNAAPKLKDARLSDAELS # CAYEEIVAAMHKLYNEAKLVHADMSEYNILWFEGKCWFIDVAQSVEPKHPSALEFLMRDCGNIVNFFERRGLPNIYTKEQLFEFITGLNSEVHTAAQL # EQIHTRGASISQATAPNQEECPDELKPLEYPFELAWEKSQQDRAAQKALQQAQDNNDNKTDTDKDQETDDNENDSDDKEKINKTANH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 55.6 # CDS exons: 3/5 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 200 # W: 200 # end gene g686 # start gene g687 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4890077 4903153 0.23 + . g687 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4890077 4903153 0.23 + . g687.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4890077 4890079 . + 0 transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4890368 4890428 0.75 + . transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4891130 4892151 0.45 + . transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4892536 4892587 0.56 + . transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4892605 4893934 1 + . transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4893995 4901401 1 + . transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4901918 4902024 1 + . transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4902396 4902460 1 + . transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4902594 4902663 1 + . transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4902906 4902973 1 + . transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4890077 4890367 0.75 + 0 transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4890429 4891129 0.58 + 0 transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4892152 4892535 0.32 + 1 transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4892588 4892604 1 + 1 transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4893935 4893994 1 + 2 transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4901402 4901917 1 + 2 transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4902025 4902395 1 + 2 transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4902461 4902593 1 + 0 transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4902664 4902905 1 + 2 transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4902974 4903153 1 + 0 transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4903151 4903153 . + 0 transcript_id "g687.t1"; gene_id "g687"; # protein sequence = [MPYLYGIADTKFLHQKVKKKTKIRSDMAPTKFQRNEFLKGCPKYDGDDIPIQFRTTPDSLVELSIIVVDKLPLPSIFE # WDDMDIRRWINGYGYPQYMNTFRVNMITGRKLLLLDASALCAMNIKNFDHIRHISYGIRMLFHFELTKFSSSISLPDEKPNELYLLFHTQTGVNYDEV # RRSDLYRRMQMLRERARNLDHWDLLYLWLRHEQERKYKELIGMVPRFTMYKCEEAAKPPEEPEDMEPEELMCMTCIPPCDCDWTARDLRLPWRLECLP # PMLETTMSKWNALQAQCSTCIPPCECRWPPRFYLTGTVIRCLQQRFPEKFCPIFDERNSRATTAATVHGSNSVLSFDFETVLELPALALENSSLDVFK # NNQQLSHPALLKPFLVRECECVSPPNLPIFQYLNTSISEILHRTRRTDKNKHKTRAVSWRFSFVRSLCFVLWKSELKLIIRKPFANRYCRVQEPALRG # VMSNTEKGGLQRVRNFLSCRQVLNLLTMLGFMLNYALRVNLTIAIVDMVRPNVTSAVNATLVGNSTAANSTASPDGVDVYEERFPWDSYQTNFVLGCF # FWGYILTELPGGRLAELIGGRRVFGHSMLWASLLTLITPLAAHINYVVLIVVRVVLGFMLGASWPAIHPVAAVWIPPMERSKFMSNMMASSLGAAITM # PICGYLISVAGWASVFYLTGAVGLLWSLAWFTFVYETPATHPRISAEERREIEEAIGTTTSKKRPSHVPWGQLLCSPAVWAIIICHGLAVFGFFTVVN # QLPTFMSKILHFDIKQNGLFSSLPYLGKYVMAVASSYLADYLRKKGTLSTTATRKLFTTFALVIPGLLMIVQVFLGYDATWSVTIFSLALFAHGAVTA # GYLGNGLDIAPNFGGTIFGLANTLSSFGGFLSTSMVGALTYKDQSFHSWQIVFWILAATYISAAVVFAILGSGELQPWNNPPERVRISDVTQEEGVPL # KNEK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 68.4 # CDS exons: 7/10 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/9 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 10 # E: 6 # RM: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 203 # E: 1 # W: 202 # end gene g687 # start gene g688 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4903213 4903733 0.8 + . g688 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4903213 4903733 0.8 + . g688.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4903213 4903215 . + 0 transcript_id "g688.t1"; gene_id "g688"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4903270 4903402 0.84 + . transcript_id "g688.t1"; gene_id "g688"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4903530 4903617 0.95 + . transcript_id "g688.t1"; gene_id "g688"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4903213 4903269 0.84 + 0 transcript_id "g688.t1"; gene_id "g688"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4903403 4903529 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g688.t1"; gene_id "g688"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4903618 4903733 0.97 + 2 transcript_id "g688.t1"; gene_id "g688"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4903731 4903733 . + 0 transcript_id "g688.t1"; gene_id "g688"; # protein sequence = [MRAKRKISTHRVSSSAQVKTLHGFFSHKHNTHKHLIPIKKKPKNHCTPMHSSAKWKLTIFIKRTVGLVEGPHPIFDPR # SAAVSHMFRLIYNIAHNYCLA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 53 # W: 53 # end gene g688 # start gene g689 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4904223 4909055 1 - . g689 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4904223 4909055 1 - . g689.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4904223 4904225 . - 0 transcript_id "g689.t1"; gene_id "g689"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4904834 4904892 1 - . transcript_id "g689.t1"; gene_id "g689"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4904980 4908922 1 - . transcript_id "g689.t1"; gene_id "g689"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4904223 4904833 1 - 2 transcript_id "g689.t1"; gene_id "g689"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4904893 4904979 1 - 2 transcript_id "g689.t1"; gene_id "g689"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4908923 4909055 1 - 0 transcript_id "g689.t1"; gene_id "g689"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4909053 4909055 . - 0 transcript_id "g689.t1"; gene_id "g689"; # protein sequence = [MPEAAPSWMGINSLCDCHKCWFRVSRGKRKRRILHENTFIFTRRSQNASAFIVPRELPSILSIVYSNIPPIKKGTDSR # LGFGFRLGEHADFQVMVELGPQKETRPIGEPNQDDQSFNKRQVSQSDQKALARQLYRQQVMEEAERLMTSTERNGASWLQAWSNGMKPQKPKSKDQAK # KPVKESSSSNYQNAQATDPTSAMKQLQLLYKMATSSSTTTTTTVPPVFTGGSLNLGGPSGFKLPPPALSQDTNTLSNPDPLKSKSEITKELMDVSLET # DT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 1 # RM: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 20 # W: 20 # end gene g689 # start gene g690 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4909170 4915096 1 - . g690 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4909170 4915096 1 - . g690.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4909170 4909172 . - 0 transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4909255 4909314 1 - . transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4909409 4909475 1 - . transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4909624 4909677 1 - . transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4910026 4910082 1 - . transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4910413 4910468 1 - . transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4911513 4911580 1 - . transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4911642 4911722 1 - . transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4911868 4912671 1 - . transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4912779 4915046 1 - . transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4909170 4909254 1 - 1 transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4909315 4909408 1 - 2 transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4909476 4909623 1 - 0 transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4909678 4910025 1 - 0 transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4910083 4910412 1 - 0 transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4910469 4911512 1 - 0 transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4911581 4911641 1 - 1 transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4911723 4911867 1 - 2 transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4912672 4912778 1 - 1 transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4915047 4915096 1 - 0 transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4915094 4915096 . - 0 transcript_id "g690.t1"; gene_id "g690"; # protein sequence = [MAYNPNSSAEDNAYEDDEVTEGALQVWRTLPERIRQDPSLASFRQEHERLHGDVDQLHAEESELRVQNGHHEETALAN # QPFTQIGINVTNEAGQVRVLDGRDLENNNDDQHDEAEPHAKSLIRKYLIWFKIAILLVVWCVFTAFLMSNNEHVDQLSLISVPRNSSPRVFPIATASL # QRIGLGLRGPFRLQENELAINASVPLPLLQVQVMRSYFDGEGMEIYIENASQVWQLDVVYPDLIDATRDTKKQRTFELSPTDPLWLAQANRTELSFEF # TSSIEGELPLQLNVDESPIYKRDGVIYAAAVLCGLYVMIIWEIVNRTFAAIIASTLSVGILAALNSRPSMATIMGWIDVETLLLLFGMMILVAILSET # GVFDYLAVYAYKITNGHVWPLINCLCLFTAVLSSFLDNVTTVLLMTPVTIRLCEVMCLNPVPILMCMVIYSNIGGALTPVGDPPNVIIASNSYISKNG # VNFAVFTLHMLPGVLLVMVQTYIQLRFKFRNISDLQFKDSPEVEELRHEIHVWKRAAASLSAYSKDEELVRQTLMKKVNRLKRSLKKRMTAVIEPAPN # YQQTLANLQAKYPIRNKPLLIKCSAALVFVISLFFLHSVPELQRLSLGWTALLGAIFLIILADIEDMEAILARVEWSTLLFFAALFILMEALTELGLI # EWIGNMTEGIILGVGEDRRLMVAILIILWVSAVASAFVDNIPLTTMMVKITISLAQNSTLNLPLQPLVWALALGACLGGNGTLIGASANVVCAGVAEQ # HGYKFTFLQFFKVGFPIMIGSIIVTTGYLLVSHSLFAWH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 10/10 # W: 10 # CDS introns: 9/9 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 12 # E: 9 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 222 # W: 222 # end gene g690 # start gene g691 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4915248 4917507 0.63 - . g691 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4915248 4917507 0.63 - . g691.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4915248 4915250 . - 0 transcript_id "g691.t1"; gene_id "g691"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4915454 4917500 0.63 - . transcript_id "g691.t1"; gene_id "g691"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4915248 4915453 0.95 - 2 transcript_id "g691.t1"; gene_id "g691"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4917501 4917507 0.63 - 0 transcript_id "g691.t1"; gene_id "g691"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4917505 4917507 . - 0 transcript_id "g691.t1"; gene_id "g691"; # protein sequence = [MYYARSETRSAAKSKAKQSTAKGTRQSRAQSAAAATSGGRSRQRDPAIQLNKIGAAPRYRPLSIIHTICD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 35 # W: 35 # end gene g691 # start gene g692 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4918443 4921091 0.77 - . g692 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4918443 4921091 0.77 - . g692.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4918443 4918445 . - 0 transcript_id "g692.t1"; gene_id "g692"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4918443 4921091 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g692.t1"; gene_id "g692"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4921089 4921091 . - 0 transcript_id "g692.t1"; gene_id "g692"; # protein sequence = [MLTTETHMRVGQRIYLPGYLMYHAHHPSGNSRGGSAVIIKSRLCHSPLTPISTNDRQIARVHLQTSVGTVTVAAVYLP # PAERWIVDDFKSMFAALGNKFIAGGDYNAKHAWWGNPRSCPRGKMLQEVIAHGQYQVLATGEPTFYSYNPLLTPSALDFFITCGYGMGRLDVQTLQEL # SSDHLPILAVLHATPLKKPQRVRLLAHNADINIFKTHLEQLSEVNMQILEAVDIDNATSLFMSKLSEAAQLAAPRNRHEVEASRPLQLPPSILALLRL # KRRVRKEYARTGDPRMQQIHSRLANCLHKALARRKQAQIDTFLDNLGADASTNYSLWRITKRFKAQPTPKSAIKNPSGGWCRTSLEKTEVFANNLEQR # FTPYNYAPESLCRQVEEYLESPFQMSLPPSAVTLEEVKNLIAKLPLKKAPGEDLLDNRTIRLLPDQALQFLALIFNSVLDVGYFPKAWKSASIIMIHK # TGKTPTDVDSYRPISLLPSLGKIMERLILNRLLTCKDVTKAIPKFQFGFRLQHGTPEQLHRVVNFALEAMENKEYAVGAFLDIQQAFDRVWHPGLLYK # AKRLFPPQLYLVVKSFLEERTFHVSVDGYKSSIKPIAAGVPQGSVLGPTLYSVFASDMPTHTPVTEVDEEDVLIATYADDTAVLTKSKSILAATSGLQ # EYLDAFQQWAENWNVRINAEKCANVTFANRTGSCPGVSLNGRLIRHHQAYKYLGITLDRKLTFSRHITNIQQAFRTKVARMSWLIAPRNKLSLGCKVN # IYKSILAPCLFYGLQVYGIAAKSHLNKIRILQAKTLRRISGAPWYMRTRDIERDLKVPKLGDKLQNIAQKYMERLNVHPNSLARKLGTAAVVNADPRT # RVKRRLKRHHPHDLPNLVLT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g692 # start gene g693 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4921190 4922839 0.46 - . g693 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4921190 4922839 0.46 - . g693.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4921190 4921192 . - 0 transcript_id "g693.t1"; gene_id "g693"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4921190 4922839 0.46 - 0 transcript_id "g693.t1"; gene_id "g693"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4922837 4922839 . - 0 transcript_id "g693.t1"; gene_id "g693"; # protein sequence = [MRKVAGVEPGELRSQLRASCAVVSPNLEGMPTQSTVSSLMVTISSNTNASVTCTISNVQANMICTPTYTDCTTVTTSI # CPTTPYDNGLPTPLSSLPNKPSKAKCPFQAHDRTVNRKRKGVSQPPLPILTPSPSRKTKRQATMPLNEEASTSTAAALNNNRFALLSAEAENMEQDVS # DADSDIEDSAARDGGGQSAKYSKPPAICVPSVSDPVTLERALNLSIGSSNYYIRTSRFGVSRIYTANPDAFRTAVKELNKLNCQFWHHQLKEEKPYRV # VLKGIHANVPSSQIEQAFSDHGYEVLNIYCPRKSDWKNIQVNEDDNEATKNFKTRQNLFYINLKQGPNVKESLKITRLGRYRVTVERATRRKELLQCQ # RCQIFGHSKNYCAQDPICGKCSGPHMTGSALCISDVCLCINCGGDHVSTDKSCPVRAEKAKKLKPRSRLPMTNNIATLKPPQRSSSGYIPAEALRTNI # SYADIARRNMTQSRARATVQAEVIPTSDNSLNNKFMTLDNSIRAINTRMDELFKLIHETVEANKAFRELVQVLITRIPK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g693 # start gene g694 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4925296 4926163 0.27 + . g694 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4925296 4926163 0.27 + . g694.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4925296 4925298 . + 0 transcript_id "g694.t1"; gene_id "g694"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4925390 4925652 0.46 + . transcript_id "g694.t1"; gene_id "g694"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4925661 4925743 0.46 + . transcript_id "g694.t1"; gene_id "g694"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4925296 4925389 0.65 + 0 transcript_id "g694.t1"; gene_id "g694"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4925653 4925660 0.46 + 2 transcript_id "g694.t1"; gene_id "g694"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4925744 4926163 0.42 + 0 transcript_id "g694.t1"; gene_id "g694"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4926161 4926163 . + 0 transcript_id "g694.t1"; gene_id "g694"; # protein sequence = [MYEYENSALADVRQNRSRPMNFGISQSYNGKALNSLLKVNKFTFVKLLICIEFINLISYTDLLWLWKAVALGGRLSVE # PQALGHLHPHPEWPDVLALLVDATATSTLPPLSCGRCGSVTHCAGVRRLAALMVVVAVEWMLGGGSGGGRWAGRSVNTNGRNFDRIRWVLSELSG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 32 # W: 32 # end gene g694 # start gene g695 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4933285 4936341 0.27 - . g695 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4933285 4936341 0.27 - . g695.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4933285 4933287 . - 0 transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4933960 4934011 0.89 - . transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4934785 4934839 1 - . transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4935186 4935262 1 - . transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4935436 4935508 1 - . transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4935911 4936112 1 - . transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4933285 4933959 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4934012 4934784 0.86 - 2 transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4934840 4935185 1 - 0 transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4935263 4935435 1 - 2 transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4935509 4935910 1 - 2 transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4936113 4936341 0.32 - 0 transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4936339 4936341 . - 0 transcript_id "g695.t1"; gene_id "g695"; # protein sequence = [MGLRDTIRNLRPASPGREKSSGIELQQRSPRGACHHNQVAAVQVTEQSLQVWRALPAEIRHDPSMASFQMENERIHGS # SGGATDDEDEDGYEEVDMKNVSRIQDEPGSSFAGSDFLDIKNRPGDENATDDEVTTHSDHEAANGGPGNAKSQARRIHHKSKRSKEQRQRDKLWKRGG # LLVFWILSAVVLISVGEKHLLEKTIDVPMGEEGKFFKLLQKPTGDFRLKIHGAFRELSTLDAPENETLSFGFLTVQPQVSTYIGENHSQVFQDILPAW # RLPLLSEEELMLRAPAVTTNRTYQMTQELDEMLAGKNSEFRLHIYSDVEVDLAIVLNYNPLIVNARTGSILAGVILLIFYALLVWELFERTFVAMICS # ILSVTTLACFNDRPNMDEIIQWMDMELLTLLFCMMLLILILTETGVFDYLAVFCFEISGGKIWPMIYSLCLVTCLVSSVLDNMTTVLLLTPVAIRLCE # VMQLDPLPVVMGIIVHANIGGALTPIGDPISIIVSTNHFIVDNVGITYRLCKLLYRFPLPFQDVTFPTFVAHTFPGVILAVIQSCVYLRLFYHNIDAL # RLNEPKEMSELRREMKVWQRALNAVASCSKDAQLVRGTLQAKIKQLKRTLRRLQKGVGSTEVYTNTLDELKQKYPIKNKTLLLQSAGALLFVIVCFFI # QSVPHWRTLPLGWVALLGVILLLIILNRDDMEHLMHRIEWTTLLFFAAMFVMMECVERLGIFACISELTEHVILSVGKSHRLAMAIFMILWMSALASS # ILDSIPVAAIMVKLVTSLVAKPSLGLPLQPLVWALTLGASMGGNGTLYGASANVIAAGIAEQHGYKLSFTRYLRTVFPMMLGQITLMTVYLLVAHVVF # EWH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 27.3 # CDS exons: 2/6 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/5 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 16 # RM: 1 # W: 15 # end gene g695 # start gene g696 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4938090 4941082 0.52 - . g696 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4938090 4941082 0.52 - . g696.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4938090 4938092 . - 0 transcript_id "g696.t1"; gene_id "g696"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4940999 4941063 0.52 - . transcript_id "g696.t1"; gene_id "g696"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4938090 4940998 0.52 - 2 transcript_id "g696.t1"; gene_id "g696"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4941064 4941082 0.71 - 0 transcript_id "g696.t1"; gene_id "g696"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4941080 4941082 . - 0 transcript_id "g696.t1"; gene_id "g696"; # protein sequence = [MTKEESDGVVVGQGVVVDLGVVVVGRLVVVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVQGVVVDLGVVVVGRLVVVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVVV # VVVDLGVVVVGAQVEVFVVDLGVVVVGRLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVEGVVVDLGVVVVGRLVVVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGAQVEVFV # VDLGVVVVGPLVQVVVVDLGVVVVGQLVQVVVVDLGVVVVGQLVQVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVQVVVVDLGVVVVGQLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVD # LGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLG # VVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVV # VVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVV # GPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVVVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGEQVQVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVEGVVVDLGVVVVGEQVQVVVVDLGVVVVGP # LVVVVVVDLGVVVVGPLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGEQVHVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVVVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGRRV # VVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVEVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVEGVVVGLGVVVVGAQVEVFVVDLGVVVVGRLVEGVVVHLGVVVVGRLVEVVVVDLGVVLVGEQVEV # VVVHLGVVVVGRLVVVVVVDLGVVVVGAQVEVVVVHLGVVVVGRRVVVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVVVVVVDLGVVVVGRLVEVVVVDLGVVVVWAHVQGVV # WVPWVEHVGVGVVVS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g696 # start gene g697 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4942852 4944234 0.54 + . g697 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4942852 4944234 0.54 + . g697.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4942852 4942854 . + 0 transcript_id "g697.t1"; gene_id "g697"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4942945 4943010 0.81 + . transcript_id "g697.t1"; gene_id "g697"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4943281 4943347 1 + . transcript_id "g697.t1"; gene_id "g697"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4943530 4943802 0.93 + . transcript_id "g697.t1"; gene_id "g697"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4943989 4944047 0.81 + . transcript_id "g697.t1"; gene_id "g697"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4942852 4942944 0.73 + 0 transcript_id "g697.t1"; gene_id "g697"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4943011 4943280 1 + 0 transcript_id "g697.t1"; gene_id "g697"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4943348 4943529 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g697.t1"; gene_id "g697"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4943803 4943988 1 + 1 transcript_id "g697.t1"; gene_id "g697"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4944048 4944234 0.81 + 1 transcript_id "g697.t1"; gene_id "g697"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4944232 4944234 . + 0 transcript_id "g697.t1"; gene_id "g697"; # protein sequence = [MGCGSSMDTQTNPVVTEVSSEMQPRQNGASGNVVEQYVRLDEQISKLEGTCPGPRMATAEAWVEHIQSKHEAMLGLDG # MGVSPLREREWETEEALPIPAYTMGGRQGDPIVANTPTKDLAQLAYNLGVIGDARKASMHEDFFANLSESAMYLLSIRYYGEMLEHTKVRLKTLAESY # AELNELDPKQKLQWALDCRSLLHASTISLEAAQLALPHVELKYMSHRQVLAVKHCNTYLITDIANKARYEHTSRVFTSYESNMSKTCTWLYETFNSTL # RPDYDRAEETVCGLAKTLRDHREEVFNTVRK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/5 # CDS introns: 0/4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g697 # start gene g698 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4944301 4945275 1 - . g698 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4944301 4945275 1 - . g698.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4944301 4944303 . - 0 transcript_id "g698.t1"; gene_id "g698"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4944417 4944474 1 - . transcript_id "g698.t1"; gene_id "g698"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4944865 4944926 1 - . transcript_id "g698.t1"; gene_id "g698"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4945081 4945191 1 - . transcript_id "g698.t1"; gene_id "g698"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4944301 4944416 1 - 2 transcript_id "g698.t1"; gene_id "g698"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4944475 4944864 1 - 2 transcript_id "g698.t1"; gene_id "g698"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4944927 4945080 1 - 0 transcript_id "g698.t1"; gene_id "g698"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4945192 4945275 1 - 0 transcript_id "g698.t1"; gene_id "g698"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4945273 4945275 . - 0 transcript_id "g698.t1"; gene_id "g698"; # protein sequence = [MRLTQYLASKLKNFSNLPKEYIERSKKQVYWQTPKEINYLPRTVERKRFRYTTNRSWTGQFRQQNMPGTVRRKVLVEP # IEDWSFFRGDRIEVLVGKDKGKQGIVTQVIPERNWVIVEGLNWHYRKVGGEKEFPGIIIKSEAPLHVTKDIRLVDPSDLQGTDFEWRFTEEGEKVRVS # LRSGRIIPIPETNNQTHDYKTPNAYIEREKDTPGAVVGEITFQPKLSTFEMDIMEEMGIKEERTPVKSYWY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 69 # W: 69 # end gene g698 # start gene g699 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4945886 4948064 0.59 + . g699 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4945886 4948064 0.59 + . g699.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4945886 4945888 . + 0 transcript_id "g699.t1"; gene_id "g699"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4946014 4946070 1 + . transcript_id "g699.t1"; gene_id "g699"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4946222 4946906 1 + . transcript_id "g699.t1"; gene_id "g699"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4947735 4947950 0.62 + . transcript_id "g699.t1"; gene_id "g699"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4945886 4946013 0.95 + 0 transcript_id "g699.t1"; gene_id "g699"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4946071 4946221 1 + 1 transcript_id "g699.t1"; gene_id "g699"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4946907 4947734 0.73 + 0 transcript_id "g699.t1"; gene_id "g699"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4947951 4948064 0.62 + 0 transcript_id "g699.t1"; gene_id "g699"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4948062 4948064 . + 0 transcript_id "g699.t1"; gene_id "g699"; # protein sequence = [MSHHIDMEDRTDTEPVLLSKHAKNLLRFLNLLPARMASHDNTRSTIVFFAVCGLDVLNSLHLVPPQLRQDIIDWIYGG # LVVPRDNEKNCGGFMGCRAMVPKTEDAEILECMRNYQWGHLAMTYTSLAVLVTLGDDLSRLDRKSIVDGVAAVQKPEGSFSACIDGSEDDMRFVYCAA # TICYMLDYWGDVNKETMFQFITRSLRYDYGFSQELEGEAHGGTTFCALAALHLSGQLHRLDATTVERMKRWLIFRQMDGFQGRPNKPVDTCYSFWIGA # SLCILDGFELTDYARNREFILSTQDKLIGGFAKWPQATPDPFHTYLGLCGLAFTGEPGLSPVNPSLNMSMAAYAHLQHLHEQWRSADGRGDEDISFVA # QWMRHLRPYKLYISITSGVDTAMSVCQFLCQIVS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 141 # E: 1 # W: 140 # end gene g699 # start gene g700 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4948394 4949673 0.86 - . g700 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4948394 4949673 0.86 - . g700.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4948394 4948396 . - 0 transcript_id "g700.t1"; gene_id "g700"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4948560 4948897 1 - . transcript_id "g700.t1"; gene_id "g700"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4948394 4948559 0.86 - 1 transcript_id "g700.t1"; gene_id "g700"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4948898 4949673 1 - 0 transcript_id "g700.t1"; gene_id "g700"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4949671 4949673 . - 0 transcript_id "g700.t1"; gene_id "g700"; # protein sequence = [MCTLHPEEEAHLMAMASGGQPTRTASPRPLVTASIAAPRSLFDVCWDDVLIPQVAVYLSLKDLFNLRCCSRTAQRFVE # AALEKRQELHLSGNNTKNIDVAFRVLARCCQRLEVLHLACCRWLTDELLLPLLANNKKRLWAVNLNECVNITALSLQPIIVECKELRVLKLSKCQWLT # TGAVDALTLHQSKLVEFDISYCGAIGERCLIIFFRKLNKLTVLSLANTPSVTDQVLIQIGNYCRELEHINVIGCAAISDYGVHALTSSCPLLQSLMVQ # RCPLVTERVLAPLRGRVHIDRPGMGYMPTVQHHRLFLQV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 73 # W: 73 # end gene g700 # start gene g701 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4949972 4950748 0.99 - . g701 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4949972 4950748 0.99 - . g701.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4949972 4949974 . - 0 transcript_id "g701.t1"; gene_id "g701"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4949972 4950748 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g701.t1"; gene_id "g701"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4950746 4950748 . - 0 transcript_id "g701.t1"; gene_id "g701"; # protein sequence = [MKVFLAILALAVASASAFDEKVFVKDLPKATKIEGRITNGYAAPEGKAPYTVGLGFSGGWWCGGSIIAHDWVLTAEHC # IGDAASVIVYFGATWRTNAQFTHTVGNGNFIKHSNADIALIRIPHVDFWHMVNKVELPSYNDRYNNYNEWWAVACGWGGTYDGSPLPDWLQCVDLQIV # HNEECGWTYGSVGDNVICTRTVDGKSICGGDSGGPLVTHDGSKLVGVSNFVSSNGCQSGAPAGFQRVTYHLDWIRDHTGISY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 77 # W: 77 # end gene g701 # start gene g702 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4952284 4953114 1 - . g702 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4952284 4953114 1 - . g702.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4952284 4952286 . - 0 transcript_id "g702.t1"; gene_id "g702"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4952284 4953114 1 - 0 transcript_id "g702.t1"; gene_id "g702"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4953112 4953114 . - 0 transcript_id "g702.t1"; gene_id "g702"; # protein sequence = [MKLFLTVLAVAIACAAAQPEKVKPVPLKDAVLGSGSGSIEGRITNGYPAYEGKVPYIVGLGFSSDSGGWWCGGSIIGH # TWVITAAHCTHGAHSVTIYYGALWRLQAQYTHTVGSGHFRQHSDYNTNNLNNDISLINTPHVDFWHLINKVELPDGNERHDSFAGWWALASGWGRPCD # SCGVSDYLNCVDSQIITRDECSSVYGTDVITDNVICTSTPGGKSTCAGDSGGPLVLHDRSKLVGVTSFVAASGCTSGLPDGFTRVTSYLDWIRDHTGI # SY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 84 # W: 84 # end gene g702 # start gene g703 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4954323 4955123 1 - . g703 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4954323 4955123 1 - . g703.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4954323 4954325 . - 0 transcript_id "g703.t1"; gene_id "g703"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4954323 4955123 1 - 0 transcript_id "g703.t1"; gene_id "g703"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4955121 4955123 . - 0 transcript_id "g703.t1"; gene_id "g703"; # protein sequence = [MKVFVVLALALAAVSAETVQQVHPKDLPKDTKINGRIVNGYPAYEGKAPYTVGLGFSGNGGWWCGGSIIAHDWVLTAA # HCTNGASQVTIYYGATWRTNAQFTHTVGSGDFIQNHNWPNQNGNDIALIRTPHVDFWHMVNKVELPSFNDRYNMYDNYWAVACGWGLTTAGSQPDWME # CVDLQIISNSECSRTYGTQPDGILCVSTSGGKSTCSGDSGGPLVLHDGGRLVGVTSWVSGNGCTAGLPSGFTRVTNQLDWIRDNSGVAYY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 80 # W: 80 # end gene g703 # start gene g704 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4955583 4958223 1 + . g704 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4955583 4958223 1 + . g704.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4955583 4955585 . + 0 transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4956350 4956407 1 + . transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4956899 4956957 1 + . transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4957109 4957177 1 + . transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4957343 4957407 1 + . transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4957691 4957751 1 + . transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4957947 4958007 1 + . transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4955583 4956349 1 + 0 transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4956408 4956898 1 + 1 transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4956958 4957108 1 + 2 transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4957178 4957342 1 + 1 transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4957408 4957690 1 + 1 transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4957752 4957946 1 + 0 transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4958008 4958223 1 + 0 transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4958221 4958223 . + 0 transcript_id "g704.t1"; gene_id "g704"; # protein sequence = [MSTCSSSEIAEKKRIALAKLQAKKSQLLASAPATNGKSTTSATGATQHANNGKSNPNQPQAKSPLNFYRSPTGEQKKI # NRSGPTPGDNKSSSFLNALKAIKQTSNRELSRGAAHPYQRPNGGNERNKPTLSLSSDKEKPVAVLLGNSITCNLYLISTHRFAAQTSGYHEQLVTVFK # NMPTKCYDGQTRIWSFDLSDYQSLKTHAADLKPYVHMNGIPKKVLDLCGQPPVVPERSVLASIEPKLADQLMPFQQDGVCFAIAQKGRIMICDEMGLG # KTYQALAVADYFKDDWPLLVCTTASTRDSWAKHIMDLLPKVPIHYVQVLNNNQLYVGEAKVLITSYNMMERHEDKLMQRKFGFIIFDESHTLKNSKAK # CTTTAKRLTDQAKRVVLLSGTPALSRPLELFTQLQMIDGKFMNFMEFTTRYCDGKQSTFGWDANGQSNLEELKVILHLKYMLRRTKVEVLPQLAEKNR # ETVVLDPALVWTNAETKETLDAFNKELKTAKGRATEEILLRFYARTAEVKTRAVCAYLKTLVKEQKKFIIFAHHRVMMDAISDFLSGLKVHYIRIDGQ # TRSDHRSDSVDTFQKKSSCKVALLSLKACNSGITLTAAEIIVFAELDWNPSTLAQAESRAHRIGQTKPVICRYLIAHNTADDIIWNMLKNKQEVLSKV # GIFAENLQKATHTAAPTSSHKIEEYFSPSTSTSLEPERNSIKQYFSTIPAKEPPEQNNNTEMTKVNKAESDIAAFFNDDDDEAFLELDI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 197 # W: 197 # end gene g704 # start gene g705 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4958478 4965275 0.54 + . g705 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4958478 4965275 0.54 + . g705.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4958478 4958480 . + 0 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4958573 4958629 0.98 + . transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4958793 4958850 0.98 + . transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4960668 4960729 1 + . transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4961375 4961425 1 + . transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4961534 4961806 0.98 + . transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4962435 4962498 0.84 + . transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4963492 4963544 0.66 + . transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4963968 4964024 1 + . transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4964250 4964304 1 + . transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4964632 4964687 0.96 + . transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4958478 4958572 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4958630 4958792 0.98 + 1 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4958851 4960667 1 + 0 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4960730 4961374 1 + 1 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4961426 4961533 1 + 1 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4961807 4962434 0.96 + 1 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4962499 4963491 0.83 + 0 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4963545 4963967 0.66 + 0 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4964025 4964249 1 + 0 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4964305 4964631 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4964688 4965275 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4965273 4965275 . + 0 transcript_id "g705.t1"; gene_id "g705"; # protein sequence = [MDTTQESDLLGEEEELENENDVSFPRDIVSVEHSFGYDCKKLFNLVLVDSDTLVFASGNFLNYFSISRQEISFQETVY # GCGVGFITKNEHPDYTNLFTVGENGARPTVFIYEYPSLNVRVKLLNAAQNCFTAGSYNKTGELFASQAGYPDFIITIWRWENAEVVLRAKSFQSDILF # VHFSEHNPILLCSSGLSHIKFWKMANTFTGLKLKGDLGRFGKTDFSDIYAMYMLQDENVISGSDWGNMLLWQAGLIKFEICRKGRKPCHTKPITRITM # KNGEVTTVGMDGYVRVWYWETVDLADPPEDDLFVEIDPIYEFKIADVELRCMQKIHPFDESDFTHYAQDGNGGIWFCDINTYDVPQKPRKLYSCIGGK # VLAAQMSPVSPHFLCMSESGKLFVYQYDEQRLILEKEFPAEGVDVIWLDTNISVKGTELVAAFKDGILRQMYLDLSNGERPKMTRVRAFKAHTSPITA # LTVSRNSSLLLTGSADKSIFIYQLSRDEHQMVDMRPLGFVQFAAIPNCFYWHETEPTVVLVGCKSGDLYEYNIRTEVTDHETYLSYNITENSRMRHTK # FASIKSRIRRDIHRENVKKRKERKRERKMNEVEKLKKANPGLQIDIESALADSEPDEEEEPLHIPTVPNAIIWLRYTLRDTIWVSMAGYDAGYIYELE # FNAAEPTRATIIAEADDIEIHSYCIIDEFIIFGLHNGRIRINRINPDNFTDLSEFRIYPMHDGLKGTIPKIDISYSGEHLLTIGYDGNVFLHKWNGPK # IVRNKVRDKLPPLPEGVTQIPDIEPEACSLEQEKINAELRRQQEAADAHDRDVLSKIGALQNVYFDIIRINEELPPGLRAKDTDLLLDDRITRQIRNE # LQAELDDVREDLAYDLEFAQVGHTKLYNHFLKELVQVPFTVAPLRANVPGVSTFRLQALGEEHAQIKQDIEDRLKREHDMGLHDYVAPERSDESIGEP # PPESFFFGRDPKSIEPRFSKKMMRLLTRYRKRQIFEVRRIFDWDKLERQKPDPNRNHPDDDAQIEDAKRNLGDFKLKIGSDYEPKSSETLTQKYIEVV # ECREQYFAMVDAFNQMVLDLRERKGELDQFITAKRNRLAVIHNYLPEPDRQPLDPIQEIDMDLEYPELNLIEHYTPGCGVEIDDILTLEHSVDQVIAR # MAPMRSTANVSLFSLHGLDVPELHEHTAFTMLQISKLNRSLPNAELDEELLKLPPKSDPAYFELNDDGQVPYMMETRHRWLRQLLVEQNAIRTEVDEE # VRQFDKALEKLQVRRFHVKMDAEFMTAFMNSLNQELYILRDSEEIETQLLLNAKTAMSTRNDLQMVINSTNRQLDELRRNIDKLGEQIVALQVLFATT # VKGHKFFDFLRRIFKKKWRPPKVSRGDDESSSSSSSSSSSSEDEQADNKSLDSLDMTTIRLDEATCPTGLDRSLYDLAFSMRSDRHDLERNVRELTRE # VENKRKEIAEMQIKMKFHEEVYQREKNALLQFRRNRQQEVNKVHISAILRMDQLQHFYDGDDYRDLSKAILFDADMLVDLRRRADQLSEETLATKRWH # RINFIHLRRMNTDIKFMRFEITRLEEEIRQAMMKKFGIIVNLDELEEEVLRRYIFDLETNAEDELMALEKELLEKQKELARCEEELVLETQNNTEKVN # IMTVLREENNILRTLLDIQNKNYAKWANPNALNLSYDIEKLRGIEKSLLDQIECLEREICALRLKSKPLQINYEFEVDPNAQPQVVTSEIMPNDDAMV # CPAILNVDAYMLPPMPDEFIMDRVQTIVQKSFNRFFGKSTTPENVRKFAQRSSLYLCQAAYSFQGRYTDRIAECITEHLQTFVPKKYFIHISNEELRK # LFNEVVAVFDYERSDVNTEELISGIFDHAKDSLCAHVHMGDSEVVNRTHFIVAHMFKELIEVLPLEEFQADETLRMIVDVLEREPMVDPRAIAVEQLI # DSTLQHARENLIDGITAVPIRSLGSSIQRDLIKRRQYKQPSCESPMSVRIATKKPGTSSGLPF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/11 # CDS introns: 0/10 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g705 # start gene g706 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4965736 4966274 1 + . g706 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4965736 4966274 1 + . g706.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4965736 4965738 . + 0 transcript_id "g706.t1"; gene_id "g706"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4965823 4965881 1 + . transcript_id "g706.t1"; gene_id "g706"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4965736 4965822 1 + 0 transcript_id "g706.t1"; gene_id "g706"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4965882 4966274 1 + 0 transcript_id "g706.t1"; gene_id "g706"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4966272 4966274 . + 0 transcript_id "g706.t1"; gene_id "g706"; # protein sequence = [MSKPSKAGPPSEGSAPAYDYRHSGDDMAMRAPPPTYEESQRNGGTGAGAYGYPQGGGAPPSQNQYYGMISHQQQQMPF # SGQPNYGMTHGSGFGLAGPSTSAGAAAAQVLHLDSRAEVRTNSNGNVVIPPPPPGCLPTPAQWAAMQGQPVVLKQKKRSFF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 47 # W: 47 # end gene g706 # start gene g707 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4966481 4967693 1 - . g707 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4966481 4967693 1 - . g707.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4966481 4966483 . - 0 transcript_id "g707.t1"; gene_id "g707"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4966969 4967023 1 - . transcript_id "g707.t1"; gene_id "g707"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4967514 4967690 1 - . transcript_id "g707.t1"; gene_id "g707"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4966481 4966968 1 - 2 transcript_id "g707.t1"; gene_id "g707"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4967024 4967513 1 - 0 transcript_id "g707.t1"; gene_id "g707"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4967691 4967693 1 - 0 transcript_id "g707.t1"; gene_id "g707"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4967691 4967693 . - 0 transcript_id "g707.t1"; gene_id "g707"; # protein sequence = [MRPLMLQGHERSITQIKYNREGDLLFSCSKDQKPNVWYSLNGERLGTYDGHQGAVWCLDVDWESRKLITGAGDMTAKI # WDVEYGTVIASIPTKSSVRTSNFSFSGNQAAYSTDKAMGQSCELFLIDVRNADSSLSEQEPTLRIPMTESKITSMLWGPLDETIITGHDNGNIAIWDI # RKGQKVVDSGTDHSAGINDMQLSKDGTMFVTASKDTTAKLFDSESLMCLKTYKTERPVNSAAISPIMDHVVLGGGQDAMEVTTTSTKAGKFDSRFFHL # IYEEEFARLKGHFGPINSLAFHPDGKSYASGGEDGFVRVQTFDSTYFENIFE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 96 # W: 96 # end gene g707 # start gene g708 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4968007 4968825 1 - . g708 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4968007 4968825 1 - . g708.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4968007 4968009 . - 0 transcript_id "g708.t1"; gene_id "g708"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4968369 4968431 1 - . transcript_id "g708.t1"; gene_id "g708"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4968007 4968368 1 - 2 transcript_id "g708.t1"; gene_id "g708"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4968432 4968825 1 - 0 transcript_id "g708.t1"; gene_id "g708"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4968823 4968825 . - 0 transcript_id "g708.t1"; gene_id "g708"; # protein sequence = [MSRSLQRLVGSCRRWAQQPAIRHYAAPADSTKGKGPISWRSLAVIGALGAGGVGFMLYVKSEKDEARMKERQRQLGKA # AIGGSWELVDSQGAVRKSEDFLGKWLLIYFGFTHCPDICPDELEKMAAVVDEVEKSPQTPAVQPIFITVDPERDSKEVVAKYVKEFSPKLLGLTGTVE # QIRKVCKAFRVYFSAGPRDEDNDYIVDHTIIMYLVNPDGEFVDYYGQNRDKDQCVASILVNIAKWNSMNKKGWFS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 74 # W: 74 # end gene g708 # start gene g709 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4969085 4970146 0.99 + . g709 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4969085 4970146 0.99 + . g709.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4969085 4969087 . + 0 transcript_id "g709.t1"; gene_id "g709"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4969225 4969284 1 + . transcript_id "g709.t1"; gene_id "g709"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4969085 4969224 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g709.t1"; gene_id "g709"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4969285 4970146 1 + 1 transcript_id "g709.t1"; gene_id "g709"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4970144 4970146 . + 0 transcript_id "g709.t1"; gene_id "g709"; # protein sequence = [MASKNRKEPLLYMEEYRVKQDPQDYGLADDVFSVQAFKEKLHIKIVRNDEDGLEFDLIGVYPAIANAFRRLMLSDVPS # MAIEKVYIYNNTSIIQDEVLAHRMGLLPLRADPRLFAYRTEESTEAGTEQDTLEFELKVKCSRRRDAGKDQSNFDDIYKNHKVYSGHLKWLPKGKQAQ # IYSESAVNCIHDDILIAQLRPGHELDLRLVAVKGLGRDHAKFSPVATATYRLLPMIKLNREVTGKDAYLLQNCFSPGVIGIDENETAYVKDARYDTCS # RNVYRYPQLNDAVTLARIRDHYIFSVESVGALKPDVIFLEAVKVLKRKCRALIDEIEAE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 94 # W: 94 # end gene g709 # start gene g710 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4970212 4971296 1 - . g710 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4970212 4971296 1 - . g710.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4970212 4970214 . - 0 transcript_id "g710.t1"; gene_id "g710"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4970785 4971053 1 - . transcript_id "g710.t1"; gene_id "g710"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4970212 4970784 1 - 0 transcript_id "g710.t1"; gene_id "g710"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4971054 4971296 1 - 0 transcript_id "g710.t1"; gene_id "g710"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4971294 4971296 . - 0 transcript_id "g710.t1"; gene_id "g710"; # protein sequence = [MLKGYKTDEDKKVKRLYHQRYRTEWEKYPELSSWLASSNDGYSAHCKICDINVLARLASIKQHLATRKHQESFKYHNI # LAKNMIKGELVKDEHDPDLEASIISPKAKPKAKSKTYPRQKPRSKMQPKIKNDTKVESMEEETEEDEIASNDSILDDLLRTDQPYQEQEFEVENEFLE # VQQNETDLQDQEVVYEEEMIQLKPEDTEINNEYQVDAMTEDTIISEFDLFGKSLALQLNNMDLEDALMCQERLQVVLTEFRLKVLKRKREQARSS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 77 # W: 77 # end gene g710 # start gene g711 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4971812 4973614 1 + . g711 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4971812 4973614 1 + . g711.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4971812 4971814 . + 0 transcript_id "g711.t1"; gene_id "g711"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4971812 4973614 1 + 0 transcript_id "g711.t1"; gene_id "g711"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4973612 4973614 . + 0 transcript_id "g711.t1"; gene_id "g711"; # protein sequence = [MVIPKEILSDFKELYEKANRLVEEESRNDPPTDPFRSHYKARDVLIVLKKQLDDQLVSVQASEEDGGQDDRCYHSLLA # FVCRDLGRIYIYTEEQAEGEKMLNRCLELVTPFKECPEGIIPFIGAINELSIVLASKEEYNKGLEILLEAEKIYEDFKASGLKPLAIQDVFNPPEEGQ # QSHEAGPKELESLYTLVSFYMAQMYGHLGEPEKSAKCCHRTLHRQLESKTYDPIDFALNTATLSQFYIGEKRFEEARHHLAAATLIMAEYEVHMLEPE # MSEKQRQDVSETFKHRYADVARCWAKYGLYLMNTSKLRLMRDEDDEDAKNLEIVLRNMRLVEAEQSRFPGLDLTACENRISCEYCLTFDDAKLVFHFV # NEWLDIAKDYYKAENEATEYSKIMQDYAEAYEHIAFFEENPENQAKMQKRRAKYLEDLLDLLDPIFYMKICRECWYGAGTAHAAVMDVRLDIIRATST # PAPEDIKKVNQSCMKAIKHFESYVKSYLVKPPSEEWRPNMDVEEQRHMLYAHFHIGRIYYKLISGHPLQQLEHLTSCHTYYQRFDAGCQLHKEAAETL # QGEIGVVREMLQLLPLKINTIKARLNKAGLTA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 164 # W: 164 # end gene g711 # start gene g712 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4974137 4975216 1 + . g712 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4974137 4975216 1 + . g712.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4974137 4974139 . + 0 transcript_id "g712.t1"; gene_id "g712"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4974158 4974276 1 + . transcript_id "g712.t1"; gene_id "g712"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4975101 4975152 1 + . transcript_id "g712.t1"; gene_id "g712"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4974137 4974157 1 + 0 transcript_id "g712.t1"; gene_id "g712"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4974277 4975100 1 + 0 transcript_id "g712.t1"; gene_id "g712"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4975153 4975216 1 + 1 transcript_id "g712.t1"; gene_id "g712"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4975214 4975216 . + 0 transcript_id "g712.t1"; gene_id "g712"; # protein sequence = [MAHATPQGVKLLNGWKRPGRFDKGLGAQLPEAYRKFWREWKLTTPAAVHYIPKEQQWERDEVTHAIKPVQNIPLPLID # TPESHRGIWGGEAVIKGFQKREQTKRRVPHFWVPNLRRSVVHSHVLDCYMSVVVTERTLEQIHECHGFDHYLLKNRACDLRSALALKLKREVLQALQN # GVPALADEPERQQEVLKEYRRYLEPYTPEEIDWYGHTYLEAIRKLQKQLREAEKVVPHKLEFRGKLIEQLRQAGISEAGKLEKPDALAAESSVEHKDS # DIEALTKLESSPSSSWLSKINPFGKKET] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 86 # W: 86 # end gene g712 # start gene g713 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4975579 4976929 0.95 - . g713 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4975579 4976929 0.95 - . g713.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4975579 4975581 . - 0 transcript_id "g713.t1"; gene_id "g713"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4976160 4976219 1 - . transcript_id "g713.t1"; gene_id "g713"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4976656 4976758 1 - . transcript_id "g713.t1"; gene_id "g713"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4975579 4976159 1 - 2 transcript_id "g713.t1"; gene_id "g713"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4976220 4976655 1 - 0 transcript_id "g713.t1"; gene_id "g713"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4976759 4976929 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g713.t1"; gene_id "g713"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4976927 4976929 . - 0 transcript_id "g713.t1"; gene_id "g713"; # protein sequence = [MLNTRLIAMSTSDGAPETKKQRPESSSNGSKDQNGTEAGAEGDSRDKVALITGITGQDGSYLAEFLLKKDYEVHGIIR # RASTFNTTRIEHLYADPKAHKGGRMKLHYGDMTDSSSLVKIINMVKPTEIYNLAAQSHVKVSFDLSEYTAEVDAVGTLRILDAIRTCGMEKNVRFYQA # STSELYGKVVETPQNEQTPFYPRSPYACAKMYGFWIVINYREAYNMYACNGILFNHESPRRGENFVTRKITRSVAKIYHKQMEYFELGNLDSKRDWGH # ASDYVEAMWMMLQRESPSDYVIATGETHSVREFVEAAFKHIDREITWKGKGVDEVGVENGTGIVRVRINPKYFRPTEVDLLQGDASKANRELNWTPKV # TFVELVSDMMKADIELMRKNPIA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 115 # W: 115 # end gene g713 # start gene g714 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4977598 4978418 1 + . g714 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4977598 4978418 1 + . g714.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4977598 4977600 . + 0 transcript_id "g714.t1"; gene_id "g714"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4977686 4977747 1 + . transcript_id "g714.t1"; gene_id "g714"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4977598 4977685 1 + 0 transcript_id "g714.t1"; gene_id "g714"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4977748 4978418 1 + 2 transcript_id "g714.t1"; gene_id "g714"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4978416 4978418 . + 0 transcript_id "g714.t1"; gene_id "g714"; # protein sequence = [MTDLIRQGALFLMSEKCYDNYFLYHNFLDVPCFKALLSKGLGLAIIAGSVLVKVPQVLKILNSKSGEGINIVGVVLDL # LAISFHLSYNFMHGYPFSAWGDSTFLAIQTVTIAVLVLFFNGRKAQSGLFLVGYVVLMYVLNSGLTPMSVLFTIQSCNIPILLVGKLSQAYTNYQAGS # TGQLSAATVIMMFAGSVARIFTSIQETGDFMIILTFIASTFANSVILGQLIYYWNKPAGVKVKDSKAKKPKTKKDD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 76 # W: 76 # end gene g714 # start gene g715 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4978566 4979268 1 - . g715 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4978566 4979268 1 - . g715.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4978566 4978568 . - 0 transcript_id "g715.t1"; gene_id "g715"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4978708 4978775 1 - . transcript_id "g715.t1"; gene_id "g715"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4979086 4979144 1 - . transcript_id "g715.t1"; gene_id "g715"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4978566 4978707 1 - 1 transcript_id "g715.t1"; gene_id "g715"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4978776 4979085 1 - 2 transcript_id "g715.t1"; gene_id "g715"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4979145 4979268 1 - 0 transcript_id "g715.t1"; gene_id "g715"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4979266 4979268 . - 0 transcript_id "g715.t1"; gene_id "g715"; # protein sequence = [MSKPITFVTGNAKKLEELVAILGPSFPRTIVSKKIDLPELQGDIDEIAIKKCKEAARQVNGPVLVEDTSLCFNALEGL # PGPYIKWFLEKLQPEGLHRLLHGWENKSAQAICTFGYCDGVDAEPLIFKGITEGVIVEPRGPRDFGWDPVFQPSGYDKTYAELPKSEKNTISHRYRAL # ALLRQHFEKQDKLIN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 55 # W: 55 # end gene g715 # start gene g716 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4979684 4981746 0.92 - . g716 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4979684 4981746 0.92 - . g716.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4979684 4979686 . - 0 transcript_id "g716.t1"; gene_id "g716"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4981197 4981558 0.92 - . transcript_id "g716.t1"; gene_id "g716"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4979684 4981196 0.92 - 1 transcript_id "g716.t1"; gene_id "g716"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4981559 4981746 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g716.t1"; gene_id "g716"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4981744 4981746 . - 0 transcript_id "g716.t1"; gene_id "g716"; # protein sequence = [MSSDGGLVIFWEPFDTESYLDFRPRDAKVFSFAAADSTSAAQRLAQAVLAATPFGAVQVAVRRNNLQSNVMSTTEAPD # ALVEQVREVTACSMDEAKYYLSACANDVSAAVALFFEQAASTSTPSGSSAGAAAESLPVLDDEDEVRAPIAPVREQLILPEDDNFFASGSSSRLSRVT # QRVKVHPLRDFAREGALMEEQLQATGVYADPNRIRRGRAAQMVVAGQAMALNRRSTTDTATSTSRLGDLFRPPTDILYSGSLTAAREFATKRQRWLLV # NVQDENFQSQTLNRDVWSDKELKKLIRRQFTFWQVDNDTSEGRRFVAFYHCATLPYICVIDPRTGEEVWRSAEPKLENILPDLRQFLKEHRDFIQEDA # PGTSKRSATYIDDDEVPDPEASCSSTASSKEMPKKRAKVLELTEEEQLELAIKNSINENGGGGGEGNQKNDSPDGASDNESLEEFDDEELKGVAAASF # ENHLGEAKTELTALKLRLLNAAGTDEMVQLRWPSDTKLQTLRLYISQTHKHIPQDGYKLICAFPRKFLEAEHNDSSLKELGLHPSANLHLTNADDQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 168 # W: 168 # end gene g716 # start gene g717 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4982029 4991611 0.93 + . g717 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4982029 4991611 0.93 + . g717.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4982029 4982031 . + 0 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4982073 4983713 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4983916 4983982 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4984610 4984712 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4985425 4985861 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4985955 4986016 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4987090 4987158 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4987319 4987906 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4988049 4988114 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4988673 4988733 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4988849 4989389 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4989411 4990307 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4990451 4990505 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4990630 4990691 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4990840 4990907 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4991083 4991144 1 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4991263 4991560 0.99 + . transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4982029 4982072 1 + 0 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4983714 4983915 1 + 1 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4983983 4984609 1 + 0 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4984713 4985424 1 + 0 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4985862 4985954 1 + 2 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4986017 4987089 1 + 2 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4987159 4987318 1 + 0 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4987907 4988048 1 + 2 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4988115 4988672 1 + 1 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4988734 4988848 1 + 1 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4989390 4989410 1 + 0 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4990308 4990450 1 + 0 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4990506 4990629 1 + 1 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4990692 4990839 1 + 0 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4990908 4991082 1 + 2 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4991145 4991262 1 + 1 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4991561 4991611 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4991609 4991611 . + 0 transcript_id "g717.t1"; gene_id "g717"; # protein sequence = [MVSLIKNQLLKHLSIYTKNLSSDKINLSTFRGEGELSNLELDERVLTELLELPSWLRLTSAWCNHVSFRISWTKLKSV # PITLTLDEVRITIETCNPTTRDAGGGSGAGGAGSPTAAASAALPQVPQGKYSFIHKVVDGITIVVNTVNVNFVSAAFTASVQMSRIRVESKTPKWANA # DLRLTRLKDAQKGIILIFKELSWQTVRIEASSTQDKSLTPLRLLTNHARCRITIRKRLSDCSLLASRLVLILDDLLWVLTDSQLKAALHFVDSLSGLI # KAATHATQKTKAARKMQTLPEYKAQVEQQQNRLSESAHTTNAQRMFNAFDVRETSYHFFSQRIDLHLCDDEGDGRSSYPDLDKGGALQVSVTAFQVDY # YPYHLAKSDRSHWAKYKEASVAPALWLKESLNAFREAVLNLSQPNRPATHAPLERSTPASPIMLSASMLGSQHGAGSFSNGSSTPTAAGLAAGSGGSA # GSGTASMNSQFSQAAQQRSTLENLAKLMSSCVILRIEDFTLYRVTTSGKKAMPKEFVSGDKDRYSFPAEMPIIHAEYTYFYYPGDFVFPLPPSKVFVH # VNPIQVHFDLSSILWLNSFGLNLHESLLRTSVGSQSTLHPQQQLPRGSIASNGSNGTQMAAVNVEQEPNLMYMDVKVEAIMPRIVMEAALDAPSQKDR # PKTMQIQVSRFALTNIREMGSSRADLAQALHSLQEGSLVFGSGFPSKEGDMCIVTDRILSHVAASDVSMMSPVSPTGQQLPRSASTQYLSRYVMWLEP # RDVWCIKLDPVWVDFLGARSLGPNKSIPFVDAVPITLWLHSGSAQAQLDVGKSGTAGSMESMGMPPLPTLPPLQPCNPFLSDEDVRLAGVASGASPPA # PAPDRTADVHAIAHISNLVSLQIDHYQLLFLLRLAEELNEMSTFLNLDAERILQKQNEQKSIIFGCVVPQIEVTLVMPSPTPGKESSGGDAESVVPDS # ASLGDDLHMNSGNITWPTPPPLDQLKSNTFGSVETPSPVTNEPPFDNGIHISNPNTHGYNVQIQSTPTMASSTASQGSRPDTGISTQSQSQTQSISSA # SKSAKSAAARSGATDTVPSLTKEINSGLLSMKKGFSSFMTSIDSAIKSGTPNDDASDTFSIQSDISSDSDNFANVLGDDKTMDCMDVMFRLNPFTTDN # MKASPVEVASEVYEEQPSSYKTNMSSPSEPSEGSTWRRRDLVSMATFRLTTVELIRQQEGPKSSVRLQVAAVSCDECGAIPWDELQIARQANKTKFGA # RCKAWNLAPYNPEAPPCIRMRLEETLNMPKEIEGIIDRKRIQSWITHHAEIRVKDINMDLSMSTVIGLGDLAEDEVISPPMPLTVNLENVRINLLEDR # PPVNITSPGPIPINLCIGRMRLERDQSGLLNIQPIDTNMSDAQHQALGSALFGAPRERDRELLSMQLVMQQMKLDNDQLRRQLVDSKVNTDNYRHKTK # QEADVLRSYLKAAQDDISILLEEKKALLDTIRSLQVQLTSSNMSRKSDGNR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 17/17 # W: 17 # CDS introns: 16/16 # E: 16 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 20 # E: 16 # RM: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 426 # E: 1 # W: 425 # end gene g717 # start gene g718 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4993173 4994007 0.26 + . g718 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4993173 4994007 0.26 + . g718.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4993173 4993175 . + 0 transcript_id "g718.t1"; gene_id "g718"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4993209 4993833 0.5 + . transcript_id "g718.t1"; gene_id "g718"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4993173 4993208 0.5 + 0 transcript_id "g718.t1"; gene_id "g718"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4993834 4994007 0.54 + 0 transcript_id "g718.t1"; gene_id "g718"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4994005 4994007 . + 0 transcript_id "g718.t1"; gene_id "g718"; # protein sequence = [MQLSDKLHTCTYLIQIGNCVELIRNLFALLRLYNRFLLNFPHYICFLNVSFVKNLKTLGQCLKLLRVVG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 35 # W: 35 # end gene g718 # start gene g719 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4994208 4999306 0.65 - . g719 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4994208 4999306 0.65 - . g719.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4994208 4994210 . - 0 transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4994278 4994338 1 - . transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4994445 4994507 1 - . transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4994717 4994786 1 - . transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4994995 4997113 0.78 - . transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4997261 4999224 0.65 - . transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4994208 4994277 1 - 1 transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4994339 4994444 1 - 2 transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4994508 4994716 1 - 1 transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4994787 4994994 1 - 2 transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4997114 4997260 0.73 - 2 transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4999225 4999306 0.65 - 0 transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 4999304 4999306 . - 0 transcript_id "g719.t1"; gene_id "g719"; # protein sequence = [MAAGLEQLQGLLQSLGELKDLPLNRESYTRKSSPLCIHFGAKLTVFKIHKKMAGGSKRYSRNNSNGNFQPLPERGPVE # SLIYWRDVKKSGIVFGAGLITLAAISSFSVISVFAYLSLLTLFGTVAFRIYKSVTQAVQKTNEGHPFKDYLELDLTLSHEKVQNIAGVAVAHINGFIS # ELRRLFLVEDIIDSIKFGVILWVFTYVGAWFNGMTLVILAFVSLFTLPKVYENNKQSIDTHLDLVRSKLTEITDKIRVAIPIGNKKPEAAAESEKDK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 90.9 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 85 # E: 2 # W: 83 # end gene g719 # start gene g720 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 4999336 5004689 0.42 - . g720 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 4999336 5004689 0.42 - . g720.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 4999336 4999338 . - 0 transcript_id "g720.t1"; gene_id "g720"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 4999386 5000248 0.42 - . transcript_id "g720.t1"; gene_id "g720"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5000324 5004171 0.42 - . transcript_id "g720.t1"; gene_id "g720"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5004208 5004613 1 - . transcript_id "g720.t1"; gene_id "g720"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 4999336 4999385 0.46 - 2 transcript_id "g720.t1"; gene_id "g720"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5000249 5000323 0.42 - 2 transcript_id "g720.t1"; gene_id "g720"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5004172 5004207 1 - 2 transcript_id "g720.t1"; gene_id "g720"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5004614 5004689 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g720.t1"; gene_id "g720"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5004687 5004689 . - 0 transcript_id "g720.t1"; gene_id "g720"; # protein sequence = [MSAFGETGQNGVCKQRPLICSILDPNAWFKPERLHPQESGSRSRSRSRSRKQTRERDHENKIVGRKALVILLKPYILS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 2 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 97 # E: 2 # W: 95 # end gene g720 # start gene g721 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5008158 5009375 0.97 - . g721 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5008158 5009375 0.97 - . g721.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5008158 5008160 . - 0 transcript_id "g721.t1"; gene_id "g721"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5008158 5009375 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g721.t1"; gene_id "g721"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5009373 5009375 . - 0 transcript_id "g721.t1"; gene_id "g721"; # protein sequence = [MDRNFDELKKEAAATNEDIFKQAQRAYEDSALGGDTGNVSGGAQDDNAHTEHYFANEQKKLDFGDAQEFVQRLAADAK # DAKLDLDTKFAQKTDDFEDFLRDAGKEVKQGISGLTTDFMNAERGFSAPLAPFSETVAQAPVIPAQAPAVPDHAPAVPAPVAPAPAVPAPLPVEEDLL # GSFTDQPSAPLQAFQPTAPSTANFYDDEEDDFLGKPTTAAPAAPVAPLTKANQDSDTESPSVSYTPSPAKKPIVDALKDQDNEKFISSEDLASDFKEE # PRSAPTPAPAPAPILDAAPAVAPAPVAVPVSVPVAKPQPVPVAVPVTTALITDLDDEEVVFKPTVQEAPKAPTIAAPVVEPKPEPPKPKVEPAKPKVV # PVAPVESTQPQPKIASVEEIFCKYGLGESSHCK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 120 # E: 1 # W: 119 # end gene g721 # start gene g722 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5009415 5009843 0.87 - . g722 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5009415 5009843 0.87 - . g722.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5009415 5009417 . - 0 transcript_id "g722.t1"; gene_id "g722"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5009630 5009788 0.91 - . transcript_id "g722.t1"; gene_id "g722"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5009415 5009629 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g722.t1"; gene_id "g722"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5009789 5009843 0.88 - 0 transcript_id "g722.t1"; gene_id "g722"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5009841 5009843 . - 0 transcript_id "g722.t1"; gene_id "g722"; # protein sequence = [MAKDAGNIKTLVRNMAVQAQNTANCGLLVTRRHLSRLKKIILISTGKISCSSVPVRVCVGVSCACVRVCVCEVPIRRP # GYSNTSVKISY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 28 # W: 28 # end gene g722 # start gene g723 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5009977 5010432 1 - . g723 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5009977 5010432 1 - . g723.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5009977 5009979 . - 0 transcript_id "g723.t1"; gene_id "g723"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5009977 5010432 1 - 0 transcript_id "g723.t1"; gene_id "g723"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5010430 5010432 . - 0 transcript_id "g723.t1"; gene_id "g723"; # protein sequence = [MTGRESNRIKDAEKKRVLDSTARQRRARKALEALEQDNYHDDPHADLVMSKKLPKFQDSLKTGKEKKGKRKGAEYFLV # KYRKNFQQLLEEDKDKQPNYESAAAPAPQKPLRHFCAVCGNFSLYSCTACGTRYCCVRCLQTHQDTRCLKWTA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 38 # W: 38 # end gene g723 # start gene g724 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5010487 5010766 1 - . g724 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5010487 5010766 1 - . g724.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5010487 5010489 . - 0 transcript_id "g724.t1"; gene_id "g724"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5010674 5010731 1 - . transcript_id "g724.t1"; gene_id "g724"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5010487 5010673 1 - 1 transcript_id "g724.t1"; gene_id "g724"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5010732 5010766 1 - 0 transcript_id "g724.t1"; gene_id "g724"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5010764 5010766 . - 0 transcript_id "g724.t1"; gene_id "g724"; # protein sequence = [MVNVMKGVLVECDPAMKQFLLHLDEKLALGRKFIIQDLDENHLFISTDIVEVLQARVDDLMDRISFPLHDKDA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 21 # W: 21 # end gene g724 # start gene g725 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5011190 5012026 0.76 + . g725 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5011190 5012026 0.76 + . g725.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5011190 5011192 . + 0 transcript_id "g725.t1"; gene_id "g725"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5011336 5011411 1 + . transcript_id "g725.t1"; gene_id "g725"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5011854 5011933 0.76 + . transcript_id "g725.t1"; gene_id "g725"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5011190 5011335 1 + 0 transcript_id "g725.t1"; gene_id "g725"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5011412 5011853 0.99 + 1 transcript_id "g725.t1"; gene_id "g725"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5011934 5012026 0.76 + 0 transcript_id "g725.t1"; gene_id "g725"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5012024 5012026 . + 0 transcript_id "g725.t1"; gene_id "g725"; # protein sequence = [MERLTGRNVALLVLCLCAGYALVFAEGEKEIPVTKFGQNIAPTMTFLYCYSCGYRKAFEDYVGLLGEKYPQIQVNGGN # YDPPGLNYYLSKMIFALKIIIIVSVVSAVSPFTFLGLNTPSWWSHMQANKIYACMMIFFLGNMLEAQLISSGAFEITLNDVPVWSKLQTGRFPSPEVL # FQIIDNHLQFTEKVQENPDFTSISGSEPNLNISSCPDIIHLAVFLFSPQL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 74 # W: 74 # end gene g725 # start gene g726 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5012092 5012461 0.96 + . g726 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5012092 5012461 0.96 + . g726.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5012092 5012094 . + 0 transcript_id "g726.t1"; gene_id "g726"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5012104 5012224 0.96 + . transcript_id "g726.t1"; gene_id "g726"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5012092 5012103 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g726.t1"; gene_id "g726"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5012225 5012461 1 + 0 transcript_id "g726.t1"; gene_id "g726"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5012459 5012461 . + 0 transcript_id "g726.t1"; gene_id "g726"; # protein sequence = [MGYKGHKIYFRCSGGSGYSSRPLFHNSIIIFGMWHMCHMVLVFGVHVIRLHLHGKWHCSVVKVLFVWYSSWGLDRYLV # SWIG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 34 # W: 34 # end gene g726 # start gene g727 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5012511 5027129 1 - . g727 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5012511 5027129 1 - . g727.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5012511 5012513 . - 0 transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5013145 5013211 1 - . transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5013436 5013496 1 - . transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5013612 5013674 1 - . transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5015593 5015690 1 - . transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5018302 5018467 1 - . transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5018513 5018574 1 - . transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5018758 5027036 1 - . transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5012511 5013144 1 - 1 transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5013212 5013435 1 - 0 transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5013497 5013611 1 - 1 transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5013675 5015592 1 - 2 transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5015691 5018301 1 - 0 transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5018468 5018512 1 - 0 transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5018575 5018757 1 - 0 transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5027037 5027129 1 - 0 transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5027127 5027129 . - 0 transcript_id "g727.t1"; gene_id "g727"; # protein sequence = [MLPRDLRHLSGLLGVVYLLGSLVSVTLADGKICNTTLCDCKGIKGRMGAPGPIGVPGLEGPAGDIGPPGRAGPLGEKG # DVGEYGEQGEKGHRGDIGPKGEMGYPGIMGKSGEPGTPGPRGIDGCDGRPGMQGPSGAPGQNGVRGPPGKPGQQGPPGEAGEGGINSKGTKGNRGETG # QPGGVGPPGFDGDRGSKGDTGYAGLTGEKGDPGLPGPKGDTGAVSELPYSLIGPPGAKGEPGDSLSGVLKPDDTLKGYKGYVGLQGDEGPQGPTGEQG # AVGRNGLPGARGEIGGPGERGKPGKDGEPGRFGDKGMKGAPGWTGADGLDGSPGERGEDGFTGMPGVQGGAGPPGIYDPSLTKSLPGPIGSQGDIGPP # GEQGPPGLPGKPGRRGPIGLAGQSGDPGLNGSRGPPGRSERGEAGDYGFIGPPGPQGPPGEAGLPGRYGLHGEPGQNVVGPKGEPGLNGQPGLEGYRG # DRGEVGLPGDKGLPGEGYNIVGPPGSQGPPGFRGLPGDDGYNGLRGLPGEKGLRGDDCPVCNAGPRGPRGQEGDTGYPGSHGNRGAIGLTGPRGVQGL # QGNPGRAGHKGLPGPAGIPGEPGKVGAAGPDGKAIEVGSLRKGEIGDTGDSGHRGDTGDDGEKGRDGSDGSKGERGETGQRGDYGDAGYQGRDGEPGR # DGRDGAPGRNATTPKVYLIGEPGYDGIKGERGDDGDTGFKGVKGEPNPGQIYDNTGEPGEDGYTGPKGVKGAKGEQGAIGLRGEIGDRGPAGEVIPGP # VGAKGYPGPTGDYGQQGAPGLPGRDGEPGLDGGIGYKGQRGVPGQEVIQGEIGPPGRSGIKGFPGDVGAPGQYGLAGRPGPKGVKGEQGPDGAVGQTG # LPGNKGQRGDFLVGPPGPKGQPGRNGRQAPHGAKGQKGEVGSLGQNGQNGAKGSIGFSGRRGLLGNAGLQGLPGSPGIPGLPGMIGEIGERGEIGYNG # RQGDIGPRGPNGEFGPKGLSGDDGPDGYPGANGLPGRKGETGNPGFPGRPGAKGVAAYSGIKGDDGESGLTGPIGYPGAPGAKGQRGPVGDSQPALDG # VAGRKGEVGSPGPNGLPGRHGLKGQRGDRGLPGQQGRPGEPGAKGLGGYPGRNGINGLKGATGFPGPQGPKGPQGESGVVGLDGRNGQIGDQGPRGLI # GEQGEQGEQGDEGEVGIPGRLENLRDRSFYRGFTGDQGLQGERGEQGDMGPIGFIGPPGAKGERGDIGYAGQLGFDGAEGLKGFQGDQGPRGPPGITL # PAEKGDEGVAGLDGRAGRPGHFGQKGAPGPPGENGPNGAIGHRGPQIQGPPGPQGDVGFPGAPGHNGRHGLIGPKGELGDMGRQGERGESGYAIVGRQ # GDIGDIGFQGEPGWDGAKGEQGYPGLPGKNGRVGAPGPRGPTGDAGWGGIDGMDGLVGPKGQPGVTYSYSMARPGDRGEPGLDGFQGEEGDGGAPGLI # GFQGQRGAVGYRGDQGEVGYTGADGPQGQRGDKGYMGLTGAPGLRGLPGPQGEPAPAPPAPKSRGFIFARHSQSVHVPQCPANTNLLWEGYSLSGNVA # ASRAVGQDLGQSGSCMMRFTTMPYMLCDITNVCHFAQNNDDSLWLSTAEPMPMTMTPIQGRDLMKYISRCVVCETTTRIIALHSQSMSIPDCPGGWEE # MWTGYSYFMSTLDNVGGVGQNLVSPGSCLEEFRAQPVIECHGHGRCNYYDALASFWLTVIEEQDQFVQPRQQTLKADFTSKISRCTVCRRRGNSFVAR # TAKSRADASSGFTDGSASSNPSGSLKTDGNYRANWQSGRSSSPGSQSSPGSSSGSWSSGSNAGAYPGSNAGAYSGSNAGAYPGSNAGAYPGSNAAWQS # RTNAGSSWHSGPVAGSVSNPGSYSSWSTGSSPGSNPESNAGSTRSSWITRSRGPSNYLNGRYQQRVHPSNLQAYDEYARHGGNTRQYNRRPREDTTAP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 17 # E: 7 # RM: 10 # incompatible hint groups: 569 # W: 569 # end gene g727 # start gene g728 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5030218 5036969 0.99 + . g728 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5030218 5036969 0.99 + . g728.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5030218 5030220 . + 0 transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5030238 5030741 1 + . transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5030791 5030854 1 + . transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5031803 5031877 1 + . transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5032375 5032499 1 + . transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5033951 5034012 1 + . transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5034982 5035063 1 + . transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5036209 5036476 1 + . transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5036734 5036800 0.99 + . transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5030218 5030237 1 + 0 transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5030742 5030790 1 + 1 transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5030855 5031802 1 + 0 transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5031878 5032374 1 + 0 transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5032500 5033950 1 + 1 transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5034013 5034981 1 + 2 transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5035064 5036208 1 + 2 transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5036477 5036733 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5036801 5036969 1 + 1 transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5036967 5036969 . + 0 transcript_id "g728.t1"; gene_id "g728"; # protein sequence = [MLPFWKRLLYAAVIAGALVGADAQFWKTAGTAGSIQDSVKHYNRNEPKFPIDDSYDIVDSAGVARGDLPPKNCTAGYA # GCVPKCIAEKGNRGLPGPLGPTGLKGEMGFPGMEGPSGDKGQKGDPGPYGQRGDKGERGSPGLHGQAGVPGVQGPAGNPGAPGINGKDGCDGQDGIPG # LEGLSGMPGPRGYAGQLGSKGEKGEPAKENGDYAKGEKGEPGWRGTAGLAGPQGFPGEKGERGDSGPYGAKGPRGEHGLKGEKGASCYGPMKPGAPGI # KGEKGEPASSFPVKPTHTVMGPRGDMGQKGEPGLVGRKGEPGPEGDTGLDGQKGEKGLPGGPGDRGRQGNFGPPGSTGQKGDRGEPGLNGLPGNPGQK # GEPGRAGATGKPGLLGPPGPPGGGRGTPGPPGPKGPRGYVGAPGPQGLNGVDGLPGPQGYNGQKGGAGLPGRPGNEGPPGKKGEKGTAGLNGPKGSIG # PIGHPGPPGPEGQKGDAGLPGYGIQGSKGDAGIPGYPGLKGSKGERGFKGNAGAPGDSKLGRPGTPGAAGAPGQKGDAGRPGTPGQKGDMGIKGDVGG # KCSSCRAGPKGDKGTSGLPGIPGKDGARGPPGERGYPGERGHDGINGQTGPPGEKGEDGRTGLPGATGEPGKPALCDLSLIEPLKGDKGYPGAPGAKG # VQGFKGAEGLPGIPGPKGEFGFKGEKGLSGAPGNDGTPGRAGRDGYPGIPGQSIKGEPGFHGRDGAKGDKGSFGRSGEKGEPGSCALDEIKMPAKGNK # GEPGQTGMPGPPGEDGSPGERGYTGLKGNTGPQGPPGVEGPRGLNGPRGEKGNQGAVGVPGNPGKDGLRGIPGRNGQPGPRGEPGISRPGPMGPPGLN # GLQGEKGDRGPTGPIGFPGADGSVGYPGDRGDAGLPGVSGRPGIVGEKGDVGPIGPAGVAGPPGVPGIDGVRGRDGAKGEPGSPGLVGMPGNKGDRGA # PGNDGPKGFAGVTGAPGKRGPAGIPGVSGAKGDKGATGLTGNDGPVGGRGPPGAPGLMGIKGDQGLAGAPGQQGLDGMPGEKGNQGFPGLDGPPGLPG # DASEKGQKGEPGPSGLRGDTGPAGTPGWPGEKGLPGLAVHGRAGPPGEKGDQGRSGIDGRDGINGEKGEQGLQGVWGQPGEKGSVGAPGIPGAPGMDG # LPGAAGAPGAVGYPGDRGDKGEPGLSGLPGLKGETGPVGLQGFTGAPGPKGERGIRGQPGLPATVPDIRGDKGSQGERGYTGEKGEQGERGLTGPAGV # AGAKGDRGLQGPPGASGLNGIPGAKGDIGPRGEIGYPGVTIKGEKGLPGRPGRNGRQGLIGAPGLIGERGLPGLAGEPGLVGLPGPIGPAGSKGERGL # AGSPGQPGQDGFPGAPGLKGDTGPQGFKGERGLNGFEGQKGDKGDRGLQGPSGLPGLVGQKGDTGYPGLNGNDGPVGAPGERGFTGPKGRDGRDGTPG # LPGQKGEPGMLPPPGPKGEPGQPGRNGPKGEPGRPGERGLIGIQGERGEKGERGLIGETGNVGRPGPKGDRGEPGERGYEGAIGLIGQKGEPGAPAPA # ALDYLTGILITRHSQSETVPACSAGHTELWTGYSLLYVDGNDYAHNQDLGSPGSCVPRFSTLPVLSCGQNNVCNYASRNDKTFWLTTNAAIPMMPVEN # IEIRQYISRCVVCEAPANVIAVHSQTIEVPDCPNGWEGLWIGYSFLMHTAVGNGGGGQALQSPGSCLEDFRATPFIECNGAKGTCHFYETMTSFWMYN # LESSQPFERPQQQTIKAGERQSHVSRCQVCMKNSSLKITNESCAHPHDHNTNTNKQTNTHTHIHTPTNQHCYKFLNLTKKKKKRIHKSKC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 94.1 # CDS exons: 9/9 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 7/8 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 544 # W: 544 # end gene g728 # start gene g729 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5038122 5038757 1 + . g729 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5038122 5038757 1 + . g729.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5038122 5038124 . + 0 transcript_id "g729.t1"; gene_id "g729"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5038122 5038757 1 + 0 transcript_id "g729.t1"; gene_id "g729"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5038755 5038757 . + 0 transcript_id "g729.t1"; gene_id "g729"; # protein sequence = [MIIVLLLLFQSLCLYCQRLVLYVHDRCFPRNVRLLQEVAETVGDRKAPQRLAEQQLEQQKRSQKRRILEPILPLVGGL # NSEACRFCAHSPQGYCRHHFHLQELQLHRQRGSGGEQDFRQIRRIKRELKRTLGQQQQQLQPTRSYRPVRLSASWSSSSLSSGYASLTSVGSQEQEEA # SFDQDIIEDVPLEEEAELQDLPQEDIQQPLLTTYL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 11 # W: 11 # end gene g729 # start gene g730 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5039111 5040060 0.94 + . g730 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5039111 5040060 0.94 + . g730.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5039111 5039113 . + 0 transcript_id "g730.t1"; gene_id "g730"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5039741 5039808 1 + . transcript_id "g730.t1"; gene_id "g730"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5039111 5039740 1 + 0 transcript_id "g730.t1"; gene_id "g730"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5039809 5040060 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g730.t1"; gene_id "g730"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5040058 5040060 . + 0 transcript_id "g730.t1"; gene_id "g730"; # protein sequence = [MSDVEVDPQQAHPHPIAAIAPRRRRPTGRRGGVTGGLSSGSLDASSSTSPPPRFCPLPNGVEDNWTWSKRHRSKEVVL # RGPNSRTVHFHPNWSKGTAGVQGKRSLNNGRHYWELHVSQRVFGTSIMFGIGTKSARLHANAFRNMLGENEHGWGLSHKGVLWHEGVALLYTKRFREN # QPTQIGVLFDGIEGTLTFYKDGKCLGVAFRGLDQIDEPLYPIVCSTAAKTEMTLKCTRREFVNLQDRCRAVIMRRVRSAAQLEKLKLPLPIADYLSEV # IDEKKPLRQVDNYDILCDL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 23 # W: 23 # end gene g730 # start gene g731 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5040882 5042713 0.99 - . g731 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5040882 5042713 0.99 - . g731.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5040882 5040884 . - 0 transcript_id "g731.t1"; gene_id "g731"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5041540 5041688 1 - . transcript_id "g731.t1"; gene_id "g731"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5041837 5042490 1 - . transcript_id "g731.t1"; gene_id "g731"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5040882 5041539 1 - 1 transcript_id "g731.t1"; gene_id "g731"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5041689 5041836 1 - 2 transcript_id "g731.t1"; gene_id "g731"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5042491 5042713 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g731.t1"; gene_id "g731"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5042711 5042713 . - 0 transcript_id "g731.t1"; gene_id "g731"; # protein sequence = [MPRNLPLLPLTLCAVALLAAVGPMPAHGAVANSHKHEKHLSKERVKDGIYAPRDAHHHGEDGEHNVEFDHEAIIGNTK # EAQEFDSLSPDESKRRLLILIKMMDLNKDEFIDRHELKAWILRSFKKLSEEEAADRFEEIDQDADERITWKEYLQDTYAMEDEDFKKETIDYDSYEDE # QKMIKQDKEMFNAADTNKDGVLTLEEFVLFQNPEEHPQMLPILLEHTMQDKDADHDGKINFQEFVGDAASHHDKEWLITEKERFDKDHDSNGDGVLTG # DEVLSWIVPSNTAIANDEVDHLFVSTDEDHDDRLSYLEILNNYDTFVGSEATDYGDHLQNINHLSDEL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 99 # W: 99 # end gene g731 # start gene g732 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5043177 5046344 0.63 + . g732 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5043177 5046344 0.63 + . g732.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5043177 5043179 . + 0 transcript_id "g732.t1"; gene_id "g732"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5043274 5043380 0.63 + . transcript_id "g732.t1"; gene_id "g732"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5043384 5045821 1 + . transcript_id "g732.t1"; gene_id "g732"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5045926 5046146 1 + . transcript_id "g732.t1"; gene_id "g732"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5043177 5043273 0.63 + 0 transcript_id "g732.t1"; gene_id "g732"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5043381 5043383 1 + 2 transcript_id "g732.t1"; gene_id "g732"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5045822 5045925 1 + 2 transcript_id "g732.t1"; gene_id "g732"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5046147 5046344 1 + 0 transcript_id "g732.t1"; gene_id "g732"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5046342 5046344 . + 0 transcript_id "g732.t1"; gene_id "g732"; # protein sequence = [MLAHRFLGLASVQPWCFHALPTLPTLLLTLQQSADDIEQLNKFSCGGYSDESTIVYLVHPCRILSALEILGFRVVASS # STAVKQDYNEYMWTMRKEFDEPEPLEAESVVRENLSNIGREAASLGNYHKVDSPE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 57.1 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 2 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 62 # E: 1 # W: 61 # end gene g732 # start gene g733 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5046568 5046975 0.92 + . g733 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5046568 5046975 0.92 + . g733.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5046568 5046570 . + 0 transcript_id "g733.t1"; gene_id "g733"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5046568 5046975 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g733.t1"; gene_id "g733"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5046973 5046975 . + 0 transcript_id "g733.t1"; gene_id "g733"; # protein sequence = [MSEGAVGLKEPQNLNSEVVSTVVSAASAASLNAATANVPANVVTIPVPILQSEGNFAYVTVKGSLHDYTCTIFGLNQA # EVQALSKRFESGVKACVNGIMVAVPPMVMLNTLAQLSYKVVCSCGEAEICWTMQREV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 42 # W: 42 # end gene g733 # start gene g734 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5047104 5047778 0.92 + . g734 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5047104 5047778 0.92 + . g734.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5047104 5047106 . + 0 transcript_id "g734.t1"; gene_id "g734"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5047207 5047272 1 + . transcript_id "g734.t1"; gene_id "g734"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5047480 5047542 1 + . transcript_id "g734.t1"; gene_id "g734"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5047104 5047206 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g734.t1"; gene_id "g734"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5047273 5047479 1 + 2 transcript_id "g734.t1"; gene_id "g734"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5047543 5047778 1 + 2 transcript_id "g734.t1"; gene_id "g734"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5047776 5047778 . + 0 transcript_id "g734.t1"; gene_id "g734"; # protein sequence = [MDPHSADNCKCHKQTQPAQQTLSDMDFDRGIWNAAIYNEVERVREFIKKGQSMARDDCDYTALHYAARNGNEPICKLL # LDEGKADVNAVTKAGATALHRAAMMGHLEIVKLLVEHKANLLLQDESGQTALHRAVMRGHLEVCRILLAKEPTLKLVKDKKDKIAFEYIMENANDDFK # LLLKP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 52 # W: 52 # end gene g734 # start gene g735 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5047917 5050877 0.96 - . g735 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5047917 5050877 0.96 - . g735.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5047917 5047919 . - 0 transcript_id "g735.t1"; gene_id "g735"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5048146 5048529 0.96 - . transcript_id "g735.t1"; gene_id "g735"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5048720 5048790 1 - . transcript_id "g735.t1"; gene_id "g735"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5050018 5050657 1 - . transcript_id "g735.t1"; gene_id "g735"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5047917 5048145 1 - 1 transcript_id "g735.t1"; gene_id "g735"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5048530 5048719 0.96 - 2 transcript_id "g735.t1"; gene_id "g735"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5048791 5050017 1 - 2 transcript_id "g735.t1"; gene_id "g735"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5050658 5050877 1 - 0 transcript_id "g735.t1"; gene_id "g735"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5050875 5050877 . - 0 transcript_id "g735.t1"; gene_id "g735"; # protein sequence = [MLSYDLNERLLTAVQSGDFEQALGCIMQGAQASYVSPTCGRTAVGTAAILGDAELLELLLQSCEEPELNVFHQSNTDS # LEIERTPEGMEKLEWVDEFENSAENGAGSGEEDSQLYQYYAKTFETTGEFISSQCCVSCREHDPHLYDADVATPLHYAAYWGHEECVRILLEHNAPIN # VLNNDGYAPLHLGAGFAGVTELLIKHGALVNAKTLSDGKTALHMAIESKCAESARLLLQTNININDTDDDGETPLMAAIACSMLDVAEELVKRGARIN # IQDKQNHTALQYAVRGRHTQMAKLLLERGARRLASQHLLHLAVESNVKELVELLLQYGESLSVWNLKNFTPIMLAIHRGRHEMLEYLLNVAEEQRKLG # LYSDVHDEGLVLFAVQQNFWVKEFSRILRVLLAKSPSARNDFYDSCAPTIVCGLIYCHTPLSRAINLHRLEVAEFLIHEGCNLAQICREHVVNELRSN # CTPTRLAFARLLCNAGFQFPHKHRPLPKDWPPARLEFEREMCLLGTQPRSLQSLARLEIRRSLLRCLQTRPEVQERIFTQISHFSKRVPCAHPVGHRV # FTKLLAHFMFTRHVYIVYIEDLNDVCIHYVNLTTQTLRLLFPYTIDLAHNANK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 57.1 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/3 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 64 # W: 64 # end gene g735 # start gene g736 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5051313 5052735 1 - . g736 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5051313 5052735 1 - . g736.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5051313 5051315 . - 0 transcript_id "g736.t1"; gene_id "g736"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5051571 5051636 1 - . transcript_id "g736.t1"; gene_id "g736"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5052315 5052654 1 - . transcript_id "g736.t1"; gene_id "g736"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5051313 5051570 1 - 0 transcript_id "g736.t1"; gene_id "g736"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5051637 5052314 1 - 0 transcript_id "g736.t1"; gene_id "g736"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5052655 5052735 1 - 0 transcript_id "g736.t1"; gene_id "g736"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5052733 5052735 . - 0 transcript_id "g736.t1"; gene_id "g736"; # protein sequence = [MANRANRHAARTEDSDNTINYVQCDGLAVMKMVKHCHEESSNMDLAQGALLGLVVDKCLEITNCFPFPKSGDETMDEE # MYQLTVMRRLRRVNVDHLHVGWYQSSDVGNSLSMALLESQYHYQTSIEESVVVVYDTQKSSRGFLCLKAYRLTPQAIQMYKDGDFTPEAFRTLKVGYE # NLFAEIPIVIKNSPLTNIMMSELNELLPEDKGHNFLDLGTATVLENQMRSLIERVDELYQEAVRYNKYQQVVFKQDTEKHRALAKLAAENAVRTSKGE # PTVPEEEVIKQFRPMTAPNRLTATITSGQINTHAQHIAQFCSQSLAKLFITESLQIAKEAKETK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 99 # W: 99 # end gene g736 # start gene g737 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5053084 5054378 0.97 + . g737 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5053084 5054378 0.97 + . g737.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5053084 5053086 . + 0 transcript_id "g737.t1"; gene_id "g737"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5053169 5053238 1 + . transcript_id "g737.t1"; gene_id "g737"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5053357 5053414 1 + . transcript_id "g737.t1"; gene_id "g737"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5053084 5053168 1 + 0 transcript_id "g737.t1"; gene_id "g737"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5053239 5053356 1 + 2 transcript_id "g737.t1"; gene_id "g737"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5053415 5054378 0.97 + 1 transcript_id "g737.t1"; gene_id "g737"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5054376 5054378 . + 0 transcript_id "g737.t1"; gene_id "g737"; # protein sequence = [MSTNWRELFPTKLTFVIFLLYMSLFIGQGIFVTASQESNNSYGYNTVTVVLLTEVFKLIVSTCLYCRDNNLRSLVRDV # QKDRNVLGLYMVPAFLYCLYNNLAFVNLATFDPTTYYLLLQLRVVVTGILFQIIFKKYLSQRQWISLILLTLGCMMKQVDFGSFYSDANDDSESAAIQ # QQLQSHNKTTSAETHAHGKNMSGFDFSLSAVFILAQTICSCLAGVYNEYLLKDKGADVNIFVQNVFMYLDSIVCNAVILLLRGELLDAFSPQNLGSIM # RFSVLIIIVNNAAIGIVTSFFLKYMNSILKTFASALELLFTAVLCYFLFSIPIYMNTALAIAVVSYAIYLYTQSPVVNLGKVRPLSNLSDATTKSTDK # RKLIDEEAAESDLDMV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 104 # W: 104 # end gene g737 # start gene g738 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5054671 5054952 1 - . g738 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5054671 5054952 1 - . g738.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5054671 5054673 . - 0 transcript_id "g738.t1"; gene_id "g738"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5054671 5054952 1 - 0 transcript_id "g738.t1"; gene_id "g738"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5054950 5054952 . - 0 transcript_id "g738.t1"; gene_id "g738"; # protein sequence = [MSDFEYGICPYDKSHRILLFRMPKHLIKCEKNYCGPPLQTCKYNATHRVQDMEKHLKECDYYLRSIENQAVQIALRSR # IPPKQEDGHDVDTPF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 30 # W: 30 # end gene g738 # start gene g739 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5055259 5055935 1 + . g739 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5055259 5055935 1 + . g739.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5055259 5055261 . + 0 transcript_id "g739.t1"; gene_id "g739"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5055541 5055638 1 + . transcript_id "g739.t1"; gene_id "g739"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5055259 5055540 1 + 0 transcript_id "g739.t1"; gene_id "g739"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5055639 5055935 1 + 0 transcript_id "g739.t1"; gene_id "g739"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5055933 5055935 . + 0 transcript_id "g739.t1"; gene_id "g739"; # protein sequence = [MARTKQTARKSTGGKAPRKQLATKAARKSAPSTGGVKKPHRYRPGTVALREIRRYQKSTELLIRKLPFQRLVREIAQD # FKTDLRFQSAAIGALQRGVPGRSVRGHQSVRHSRQARHHYAQGHPAGQTHPWRAGLNAHDRHLGLEKQWRQNYQPTAVAWRGELGARGGGGEAENQTP # GRSCRRLVLRSIYTYR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 59 # E: 1 # W: 58 # end gene g739 # start gene g740 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5056247 5058046 0.56 - . g740 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5056247 5058046 0.56 - . g740.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5056247 5056249 . - 0 transcript_id "g740.t1"; gene_id "g740"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5056247 5058046 0.56 - 0 transcript_id "g740.t1"; gene_id "g740"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5058044 5058046 . - 0 transcript_id "g740.t1"; gene_id "g740"; # protein sequence = [MKRMLDDMDEKVEPCHNFYNSSQKNLKWHAFATVSDQFQLLFDGIENEVFEKHSFEEKLQRLYKICSTMERPSLLRYF # ELVKPGEDLNWPFLTPRGGKWPKEKFQWMEALARLRRYGFNDIMFGMSIRQDPNSDSGQPIVVFEKKYDSLFRFIESLQNIGLPPKLAKEIAPLDNAI # QEMYKSDMKFEHYARDAAPVKRISLGQLEIYGVSLTKYLEIVFGRPFSPDFVVHVENLYYLRGLQNLMTAVPSQVVANYLTARFSFYIMFTFMKHGDS # CVTTMRQSMEFASNLLFEERILGRKKLRSYQNQAGKIFDAIRQQLNIRLERNVLKLPPAEISLLQKKLNGLSLSIGNLPGKAGHRRFVTRYYKELEFA # DDEELATAHLKVLEHRTRAELSLLDQPNFKDRRYMLHSYPISNFFFETAYEENGNTIYVAYDFLADASFDPDSHDIFKVTPLGIRFGLEMLKSFDLFN # CKHHKVNMLQLFDDNQITTAGDECVSAWTQDNLLSQRDQYLVVLHLVHEAYFAEGSKFSQRQPNFTTMSLRELFFFRFGQSSFGQTLYFGSDFVEGGS # PINSLTRLPVFVRTFNCLAPGEQLTTTQKST] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 27 # W: 27 # end gene g740 # start gene g741 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5058515 5060412 0.21 - . g741 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5058515 5060412 0.21 - . g741.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5058515 5058517 . - 0 transcript_id "g741.t1"; gene_id "g741"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5058677 5058785 1 - . transcript_id "g741.t1"; gene_id "g741"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5059560 5059629 1 - . transcript_id "g741.t1"; gene_id "g741"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5059650 5059702 0.78 - . transcript_id "g741.t1"; gene_id "g741"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5059773 5060409 0.22 - . transcript_id "g741.t1"; gene_id "g741"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5058515 5058676 1 - 0 transcript_id "g741.t1"; gene_id "g741"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5058786 5059559 1 - 0 transcript_id "g741.t1"; gene_id "g741"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5059630 5059649 0.95 - 2 transcript_id "g741.t1"; gene_id "g741"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5059703 5059772 0.71 - 0 transcript_id "g741.t1"; gene_id "g741"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5060410 5060412 0.22 - 0 transcript_id "g741.t1"; gene_id "g741"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5060410 5060412 . - 0 transcript_id "g741.t1"; gene_id "g741"; # protein sequence = [MYYLQFCKIKRDGFVFFVAAFDEEQCLQIPEPHKMDRLLRLGGAMPQAAPPTDAPVVDTAEQVYISSLALLKMLKHGR # AGVPMEVMGLMLGEFVDDYTVQVIDVFAMPQTGTGVSVEAVDPVFQAKMLDMLKQTGRPEMVVGWYHSHPGFGCWLSGVDINTQQSFEALSERAVAVV # VDPIQSVKGKVVIDAFRLINPNMLVLGQEPRQTTSNLGHLQKPSVQALIHGLNRHYYSISINYRKNELEQKMLLNLHKKSWKDGLTLSDYNEHCSINE # DTVAEMLDLAKNYNKSLEDEEKMTPEQLAIKNVGKQDPKRHLEEKVDKVMQNNIVQCLGAMLDTIVFK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 55.6 # CDS exons: 3/5 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 103 # W: 103 # end gene g741 # start gene g742 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5060645 5071261 0.45 + . g742 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5060645 5071261 0.45 + . g742.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5060645 5060647 . + 0 transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5060750 5060980 0.47 + . transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5060991 5062740 0.47 + . transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5063211 5066869 1 + . transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5067250 5067308 1 + . transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5068228 5068295 1 + . transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5068395 5070096 1 + . transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5070300 5070966 0.95 + . transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5071031 5071102 0.99 + . transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5071158 5071226 1 + . transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5060645 5060749 0.47 + 0 transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5060981 5060990 0.47 + 0 transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5062741 5063210 0.47 + 2 transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5066870 5067249 1 + 0 transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5067309 5068227 1 + 1 transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5068296 5068394 1 + 0 transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5070097 5070299 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5070967 5071030 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5071103 5071157 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5071227 5071261 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5071259 5071261 . + 0 transcript_id "g742.t1"; gene_id "g742"; # protein sequence = [MPSKGGTTPHTGYKIQSPKSIRLQHTDYSIFRLALPNSEMMTSLQLETSLPAVEEQVQREKDNDSAEDSHTASTTPTR # IPHPAVARFRRSASLRLRGNPAELGLRAEHCPAGGGGFSSRAKLTAIPSSLETRSHPVHLRRNRSWCNLGHKTEQEPEVEASTEALCNAAQCLSLDKE # ALAPKVGNSSMANGKPRNLSLQLNGGSDISSSGTSSSSSNNKESSPRTTRTPRTPQTPQTPQTPASGVAASVAETPHSCIRQGNCVKANQVKLSTLHE # SKISPRTPPVTPDSPSTYLDDDIDSMYSFATTTSGRSTMSCEHPYVARNGTTFSGRKMKYVVHCSNYAGQVGPDYLTPTQRAQRQIRRLKELLCIARQ # DLEQKDTELLRLTREVVELRLFKASLSSPEERSASSDAVTVREAELKTSQDVSPIVDMVDEGNAKGSPRHLSRQQQQQANHSLQAMQMSAEMQSSYAD # SGHFEDLTMSSVHSKDSQTQSEACGTATPDGEADVGCGAGGDSASNLENYELQRQELISMYEHRIEELIRSQDSATSDLKRSHNDKVEALLQKLAECN # TRYSDMVPDYEQAKQRIRELEKQLEDLQRKLIEHEEKQNKMYLHMYQQGQEAERISRADQALDLAQRQPESKVSINELLHQLQSTQDELENIRTIYRR # LLEAQKNRTHVDPEVTLQFLKSAIFYFLTDKENSQGHLQAIESILEFTDAEKQKISAANRTPKYHACIERRSHFSLFSIFRFRRNTAGESFPCLTHQQ # QQQNGQAHQEGWNRW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 78.9 # CDS exons: 8/10 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/9 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 11 # E: 7 # RM: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 320 # W: 320 # end gene g742 # start gene g743 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5071296 5071755 0.99 + . g743 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5071296 5071755 0.99 + . g743.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5071296 5071298 . + 0 transcript_id "g743.t1"; gene_id "g743"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5071356 5071608 1 + . transcript_id "g743.t1"; gene_id "g743"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5071296 5071355 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g743.t1"; gene_id "g743"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5071609 5071755 1 + 0 transcript_id "g743.t1"; gene_id "g743"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5071753 5071755 . + 0 transcript_id "g743.t1"; gene_id "g743"; # protein sequence = [MVKKMEITQHSKYTCSFCGKDSMKRAVVGIWSCKRCKRTVAGGAWVYSTTAAASVRSAVRRLRETKEQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 20 # W: 20 # end gene g743 # start gene g744 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5071770 5072526 0.91 - . g744 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5071770 5072526 0.91 - . g744.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5071770 5071772 . - 0 transcript_id "g744.t1"; gene_id "g744"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5071937 5072492 0.91 - . transcript_id "g744.t1"; gene_id "g744"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5071770 5071936 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g744.t1"; gene_id "g744"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5072493 5072526 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g744.t1"; gene_id "g744"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5072524 5072526 . - 0 transcript_id "g744.t1"; gene_id "g744"; # protein sequence = [MKQENDPTKQAVFHLNKHHLRILLKVKNIFFYFHMTGTAQTTGKSRCQIKTTGASIAEHSIRWFHH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 26 # W: 26 # end gene g744 # start gene g745 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5073883 5078988 0.93 - . g745 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5073883 5078988 0.93 - . g745.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5073883 5073885 . - 0 transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5074030 5074091 1 - . transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5074326 5074389 1 - . transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5074530 5077076 1 - . transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5077258 5077534 1 - . transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5077713 5077773 1 - . transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5078093 5078233 1 - . transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5078401 5078461 1 - . transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5073883 5074029 1 - 0 transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5074092 5074325 1 - 0 transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5074390 5074529 1 - 2 transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5077077 5077257 1 - 0 transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5077535 5077712 1 - 1 transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5077774 5078092 1 - 2 transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5078234 5078400 1 - 1 transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5078462 5078988 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5078986 5078988 . - 0 transcript_id "g745.t1"; gene_id "g745"; # protein sequence = [MTFSTFTRKMRGRMRSNTCRIVLLTSLVWVIFDFVLIARYSDCIGKDGWRCKRSGEYDVELPNAERLVDDNQLVDDNE # INTEKSLDGESGGALIMGQGFASGGISMTYPSVVLKKWFLAPSVQEAKGKPGEMGKPVKIPADMKDLMKEKFKENQFNLLASDMISLNRSLTDVRHEG # CRRKHYASKLPTTSIVIVFHNEAWTTLLRTVWSVINRSPRALLKEIILVDDASERDFLGKQLEEYVAKLPVKTFVLRTEKRSGLIRARLLGAEHVSGE # VITFLDAHCECTEGWLEPLLARIVQNRRTVVCPIIDVISDETFEYITASDSTWGGFNWKLNFRWYRVPSREMARRNNDRTAPLRTPTMAGGLFSIDKD # YFYEIGSYDEGMDIWGGENLEMSFRIWQCGGILEIIPCSHVGHVFRDKSPYTFPGGVAKIVLHNAARVAEVWLDEWRDFYYSMSTGARKASAGDVSDR # KALRDRLKCKSFRWYLENVYPESLMPLDYYYLGEIRNAETETCLDTMGRKYNEKVGISYCHGLGGNQVFAYTKRQQIMSDDLCLDASSSNGPVNMVRC # HNMGGNQEWVYDAEEKWIRHTNTGQCLQRATRDDANTPLLRPCSYGKGQQWLMESKFKWQAH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 9 # E: 7 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 237 # W: 237 # end gene g745 # start gene g746 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5094007 5095191 1 + . g746 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5094007 5095191 1 + . g746.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5094007 5094009 . + 0 transcript_id "g746.t1"; gene_id "g746"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5094007 5095191 1 + 0 transcript_id "g746.t1"; gene_id "g746"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5095189 5095191 . + 0 transcript_id "g746.t1"; gene_id "g746"; # protein sequence = [MPLVTPAIIKEKLRKTAINSALKIIRLASIRVAMYSSSLLPDPAVYQPDTLDLNTDGKAADYWFNCFRDMVAKFAKVA # AKSQEEDHTATQRAEQFQAAYLQRLEEHQRNVPVNKGKVILGTSELLKLNETLLRRYGFTDPWLRQKRLENASAVARLKQRLQELDALADEDTRWTEL # VRGVLAGNMFDWGAQAISNILEQDSNFGLHSALDRIEKRPWLLDNLDSWLNRLKGEPHKCAVVFVDNSGVDVVLGVLPFVRGLLKRGTKVLLCANSEP # ALNDVTSEELKSLLDDCSRECEVLEQAWSKGQLLVYANGQTGPCLDMRTLPKELCDAIAANETDLLVIEGMGRALHTNLNARFGCETLKLAVIKNKWL # AKYLGGEDMFAVVCKFEPAAPS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 117 # W: 117 # end gene g746 # start gene g747 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5096651 5098384 0.68 + . g747 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5096651 5098384 0.68 + . g747.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5096651 5096653 . + 0 transcript_id "g747.t1"; gene_id "g747"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5096701 5097035 0.84 + . transcript_id "g747.t1"; gene_id "g747"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5097227 5097536 1 + . transcript_id "g747.t1"; gene_id "g747"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5097652 5097709 1 + . transcript_id "g747.t1"; gene_id "g747"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5098035 5098093 1 + . transcript_id "g747.t1"; gene_id "g747"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5096651 5096700 0.8 + 0 transcript_id "g747.t1"; gene_id "g747"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5097036 5097226 0.84 + 1 transcript_id "g747.t1"; gene_id "g747"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5097537 5097651 1 + 2 transcript_id "g747.t1"; gene_id "g747"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5097710 5098034 1 + 1 transcript_id "g747.t1"; gene_id "g747"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5098094 5098384 1 + 0 transcript_id "g747.t1"; gene_id "g747"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5098382 5098384 . + 0 transcript_id "g747.t1"; gene_id "g747"; # protein sequence = [MDILKKMFKSEAAKEPDSSVSASNKDEFRKPQWFEEAETDDELFDDDRKFAFQVFTSPLEMQKHFESQLQRLLESLND # KDDGFERDLKEDFLKPGFESKILKKFEQQKDFSLDTDLDGEIYADQLHSLIQRLNPGENVESGDQVIGNILPSNQHGYRKGVQRAKLTDEEIIMGRIH # GTISADGESQSYARPPRPPRNNKPDIMTPMTPMLPRSGMSPFGGVFDGNYQGPKLFSQSVMTKTVRKPDGSYETTKVTQDSSGHKTTTVTRMKDGRKE # TIVTHDDGAPTVGMGGKQLQQKEEDLAVARGERNIFVTKEGYAMPRNLW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 89 # E: 1 # W: 88 # end gene g747 # start gene g748 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5099602 5100141 1 - . g748 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5099602 5100141 1 - . g748.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5099602 5099604 . - 0 transcript_id "g748.t1"; gene_id "g748"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5099674 5099736 1 - . transcript_id "g748.t1"; gene_id "g748"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5099914 5100009 1 - . transcript_id "g748.t1"; gene_id "g748"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5099602 5099673 1 - 0 transcript_id "g748.t1"; gene_id "g748"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5099737 5099913 1 - 0 transcript_id "g748.t1"; gene_id "g748"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5100010 5100141 1 - 0 transcript_id "g748.t1"; gene_id "g748"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5100139 5100141 . - 0 transcript_id "g748.t1"; gene_id "g748"; # protein sequence = [MASKQLVNNLSKLGLPRQNWMSPLASVRHSSCRGDIEKVTHTGQVFDKEDYRNARFVNAKRYVNENWGIKLIEEVPPK # ECTERVVFCDGGDGPLGHPKVYINLDKPGNHICGYCGLRFVKKDDHHH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 36 # W: 36 # end gene g748 # start gene g749 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5102798 5103637 0.93 + . g749 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5102798 5103637 0.93 + . g749.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5102798 5102800 . + 0 transcript_id "g749.t1"; gene_id "g749"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5102798 5103637 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g749.t1"; gene_id "g749"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5103635 5103637 . + 0 transcript_id "g749.t1"; gene_id "g749"; # protein sequence = [MSGQQPPPYGNGPRGWNPRAHNPASPSPSSFLYRPPSPWTTAPSPPPIISGPRPYGHAMSPAPINQVRGQRGSTNIPH # PRPQWPGGNQSPAPYQQPAPGAGGAYYGGMASSGGASPAPRPYRPAPLQHQNSYGAQPTSSFQLSPTPSPIVCQTPSSDFNYSNRQTPLSHHQYQQQP # PQFYQQQGAPVIPPQPRQHGGQGGHGGHGLAQDQIDFVGVPLEPPQPKSYVIYDDEEEFGPSTAEIIANQSQDYIDEKLAEYQMTILQLQGELRYDMI # LYIRN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 26 # W: 26 # end gene g749 # start gene g750 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5107623 5108763 0.25 - . g750 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5107623 5108763 0.25 - . g750.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5107623 5107625 . - 0 transcript_id "g750.t1"; gene_id "g750"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5107645 5108425 0.25 - . transcript_id "g750.t1"; gene_id "g750"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5107623 5107644 0.25 - 1 transcript_id "g750.t1"; gene_id "g750"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5108426 5108763 0.72 - 0 transcript_id "g750.t1"; gene_id "g750"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5108761 5108763 . - 0 transcript_id "g750.t1"; gene_id "g750"; # protein sequence = [MPTGDYLTQLGKEISISLAILLAVPQKKMREFGGFRCLLLLFQFCLLNIAGYITLLPGDFVAPRFQSAVVESRFDTKP # KPTAVQCATPCPVQKVAREELYSNRSKAQSLCYPIPYGSFY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 20 # W: 20 # end gene g750 # start gene g751 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5109146 5205347 0.35 + . g751 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5109146 5205347 0.35 + . g751.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5109146 5109148 . + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5111022 5117576 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5117639 5121675 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5121949 5122434 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5122602 5122660 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5122938 5123015 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5125623 5125827 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5139016 5139358 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5139674 5139778 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5140922 5141310 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5141518 5141652 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5141891 5142002 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5144786 5146992 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5147299 5148730 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5148883 5154247 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5155218 5155321 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5155535 5155588 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5155850 5158454 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5173257 5173340 0.58 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5179722 5179859 0.64 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5185965 5187606 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5187718 5188116 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5188282 5188341 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5195461 5195978 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5196285 5197866 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5198125 5199342 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5202303 5203115 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5203743 5204462 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5204593 5204835 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5204904 5205103 1 + . transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5109146 5111021 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5117577 5117638 1 + 2 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5121676 5121948 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5122435 5122601 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5122661 5122937 1 + 1 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5123016 5125622 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5125828 5139015 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5139359 5139673 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5139779 5140921 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5141311 5141517 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5141653 5141890 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5142003 5144785 1 + 2 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5146993 5147298 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5148731 5148882 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5154248 5155217 1 + 1 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5155322 5155534 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5155589 5155849 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5158455 5173256 0.58 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5173341 5179721 0.61 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5179860 5185964 0.69 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5187607 5187717 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5188117 5188281 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5188342 5195460 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5195979 5196284 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5197867 5198124 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5199343 5202302 1 + 0 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5203116 5203742 1 + 1 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5204463 5204592 1 + 1 transcript_id "g751.t1"; gene_id "g751"; chr2L 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AEVLRGLELERIRAEQQAAQAVQGRSDLTIQDVVDASAEVAGSIYIPQPDPEPPIKETQQPQPPQLEQYITETSTLLDYSTTQQQEQKPPINYEVPMT # AEEIAATYLQPDPQLYQTMYENVADSGQWGFVTGSTTDPQQQQAPQNYYEQIMQMQQYPIQYQQVAVPPAATTQYQLLAGYYQPVAQTEAYSTVYPAE # PNQIYYAPQATEYSQEFSQQQEQQVEPMLEYQQEAVEQTYLLDPYRAESTLPSTTGNSVLDRVVTTLASIVQQSAEPLTTSTQQIEPLATVVQSEPYY # IEEHVQMLRPVEPQELELDEPRPDITFGQFEVDAIETIPLDEPQAPQTEVETTESQVRTQQTITTTTYVTETSNVSEQTQPTVIMQQTQEVIAIPDTP # EIPTEEPTNVVVHPKPQRRSNQQVRPQDISTGSTYAEVLFGLHHKEHPVFQPSSQQPTPVRLTSSPPLQRKTEQAGPISNTAFTSKTTQPGRQVEKST # TWEHKNDNVDSRNSRSKRVRHEAQPEPLPIKQSTRKDGRTVRKPQSADTNGIASVETKVVVDTPAPSVVVEETSKPEPKPRKSKKSKKTTTDNVVESA # VDISVPSKKDTQSVLPSVGKKETVVEKSVIKKTVEPSVEPVEPVPVPSKREKKHKPVKEKETPQSDEPVLEVSPVAPTRKEKKQVKTVVKNVETTIRN # EPLIEKETSKPADVPKTQVKQTKSVVETVVEKKVLQPVVTEDAELAKSVTPAAPSKKDKKKNKTVVEPEVIKKPTEIVIEKEVVTPTVIETTDVSQVQ # EQPTSPTSSKKEKKQSKKIVETSVIVTENVEPAVQLEAAPPLPTKKDKKRSKKEPKEDIEISLPSEPLVSVQETVESVETLSETIPESKLEGEKVTIQ # YENVFSDSAPKTTNTVTEDLASSIDVPPTNITETIIEGEPTVTTSTNTISTESGTTTITTRTITKHITKRIVKRIVDGKEEIVEEDVIDDLPEENICV # EQYNLPTIETTTNDVPIDVTGFATTQDTIVQQGSITKTVITKTKRILKRITEDGEEIVEEIFEDEPEVERDVTLLPTTVVTSLDVIKDAAHNVVAEVI # KQAEEITQPELQELPAKVESPTEPEVISEVVVEQEQNKPQKPSRKDKKKQKLLENQPETVIETKVVEIVKPQQEITEPQTEITEPLNTTSAITTDNNQ # TVSSEQTTVSDDSGLIKTTVIRTTKIVKKISNNQQESQEMNSSTYSDAPSSLGSYDLAEEAIEPAKIEKSESNSREISDEGVVKTTKTTTTKTIISPK # VEEVQEEPSLQVTSTVSPPIDIESEEGGVIKTTIVRTTKIVKKISNETENISETSSEPEVSLPIVETVIQDAPVVAESVTTESNSDGITKTTTTRTTK # VVAKTVTENEQEILNLPDVPVEPENTTVLGVIETVELPEVPEAPVGVEDKLLVTATSTKLSKANQEKSKILDFISAEQNATDKYIAPGKTVPQIPVIE # ELENSYPIEESTAPEPESSGVGDVVKTTIVRTTKIVKKVTQNTEQSVNVIIDAPEPETEKTEPEEPIEEASGGVTKTTTVRTTKIVKKLNEDGETTTE # ETRTASDPVTVREPSPAFSEVPSDTSTTSSQIDGAIIKTTTIRTMRITKRVSNDGRIHLTESETPSDVIVTSSIEMPDQRPISPLISSRSTSPAVTPS # SELKLDNLGANIQLGLKDSPTGVKVIGIETSTENLPKLSEQQLATSKTNGDINTTDSITTTTTTTRNTILTTTQRRSFETEDGTNVLFVGEGIDGAYP # 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TQDKERKELDKEVTLAKAYFNNVQQDISREAPQNPKESEEQLAALRAHLQTLARTEEQLRQLKERHQNSEVAPSVASSDDDGILEVLALWQKIFQDTF # QEYHRLSTRLARSQNSSEALRLWRQYLQHVQSFLSCAIPEDYSSLREQQQLCAIHQNLLISQQSVLSETPLESELSEQYKALTNLHNETLSRIMQRNG # ELERRVSGWNAYRQQLAALLDWLRQREAERNALQLRYIHLKRVPHLKHRLDAMIQQLDQGEQQSKALQEQQQELARHCDDALATAMRMEQASIGQRIS # NLRAALKTWQGFLQRVTQLSESYEQRVNQLQQEFGAAQKLLDANSESLPTQPAAIEQLLGSLRAQRVQLGAQVSALESLTVTQEELKECISPHDMKTI # RQRNWLLWQQHADLDYQLANLINSIEERLSLLSNYQIRYDRISQWLQRLEQRVEKDADVTAMTNPEQAAKQLEQQVNSELQLRDKEREWLLSTSRELL # TLYSEPEVRSQVQQQSDSLIDRWQRLKYLAKQKATKIGELKMTLLRLEERIALIRAWLFEVESQLDKPLNFESYTPNVIEAKLKEHEQIQRSIEHHSS # NVGEVLNLVEMLLNDADSWRTQVNTSGLAASAQNLEQRWKNVCSQSAERKARILTIWNLLQQLIKLTAEHKNWLGKQESQIAGFERDQKSHSKHKLEE # RQMELRAKLEELESQSVNLRQLEQIYAKLAMSAGVEPENIQKLTLPTKVMVSMWRQLTPRCHALLDAIDKDAKLMREFNNAQLEATNSLNAIQKALEQ # LPSAENQQTSKAEPKAVLQRLESLEKKLQDAQQHVQQADNLAQEAKTRTKQQPQLKQLLELVSAYTTLWQTVQTRIVTLKTTWLTRAAQAAASLPVSE # AANAAVQVNTLSQRKLRQAQQMQRETSITAKDAYIMELQTAITECQNNLDELQRTVVDKTRKPGPQKIAKLLGNAQSSTELVKHLSHLLLTECKADDQ # AAEVDTVAELTLRFDTLQSQWKARQQHDQNASEVGRLTCPLCTQRNWQQIDNDLWRLEQWLQFAESTQKAQSAPPSNIELLEDVTQDHREFLLDLESH # KSIISSLNVVGDHLATHTLDTEKARQLRSRLEADNERWNNVCINATKWQGLLQTALMGNSEFHQTIGELVEWLQRTEQNIKASEPVDLTEERSVLETK # FKKFKDLRAELERCEPRVVSLQDAADQLLRSVEGSEQQSQHTYERLTDLRLRLQSLRRLSGIYIVKLGAVLGYEGDNLGVPLHMLSSELLDNTTLSTS # SMQAAAPNTENANNTDGGDAVDGDVINTTVLARGARFLGRVARASLPIQALMLLLLGVATLVPHGEDYTCMFSNTFARSLEPMLSYPHGPPPT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 96.6 # CDS exons: 30/30 # W: 30 # CDS introns: 27/29 # E: 27 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 60 # E: 27 # RM: 33 # incompatible hint groups: 5455 # E: 11 # RM: 2 # W:5442 # end gene g751 # start gene g752 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5205516 5206193 0.47 + . g752 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5205516 5206193 0.47 + . g752.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5205516 5205518 . + 0 transcript_id "g752.t1"; gene_id "g752"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5205555 5205654 0.64 + . transcript_id "g752.t1"; gene_id "g752"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5205744 5205952 0.94 + . transcript_id "g752.t1"; gene_id "g752"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5205516 5205554 0.58 + 0 transcript_id "g752.t1"; gene_id "g752"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5205655 5205743 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g752.t1"; gene_id "g752"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5205953 5206193 0.84 + 1 transcript_id "g752.t1"; gene_id "g752"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5206191 5206193 . + 0 transcript_id "g752.t1"; gene_id "g752"; # protein sequence = [MLNIEMEELYICVTRQAEHETRKRIKQKNKKKQNELTIQTNDKEILGSRKLRLASCQFRGTFSQDMISSSCCQRWARK # ANEIPRQNHDPHRPIAWRSSWQPMFLVSSASFSQTQGYAVNSGH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 68 # W: 68 # end gene g752 # start gene g753 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5207308 5209219 0.98 + . g753 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5207308 5209219 0.98 + . g753.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5207308 5207310 . + 0 transcript_id "g753.t1"; gene_id "g753"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5207502 5207657 0.99 + . transcript_id "g753.t1"; gene_id "g753"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5207797 5207857 1 + . transcript_id "g753.t1"; gene_id "g753"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5208651 5208720 1 + . transcript_id "g753.t1"; gene_id "g753"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5208994 5209055 1 + . transcript_id "g753.t1"; gene_id "g753"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5207308 5207501 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g753.t1"; gene_id "g753"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5207658 5207796 0.99 + 1 transcript_id "g753.t1"; gene_id "g753"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5207858 5208650 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g753.t1"; gene_id "g753"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5208721 5208993 1 + 2 transcript_id "g753.t1"; gene_id "g753"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5209056 5209219 1 + 2 transcript_id "g753.t1"; gene_id "g753"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5209217 5209219 . + 0 transcript_id "g753.t1"; gene_id "g753"; # protein sequence = [MCPVTTFLVLVLTLLVLVYVFLTWNFNYWRKRGIKTAPTWPFVGSFPSIFTRKRNIAYDIDDIYEKYKDTDNMVGVFT # TRVPQLLVMCPEYIHKIYATDFRSFHNNEWRNFVNKKTDMILGNNPFVLTGDEWKERRSEIMPALSPNRVRNHINHLSNQNSIFEFRKVKAVYPVSQS # VCKKFVEYIRRQQQMATSEGLDAMDLSLCYTTEVVSDCGLGVSAQSFTDTPTPLLKMIKRVFNTSFEFIFYSVVTNLWQKVRKFYSVPFFNKETEVFF # LDIIRRCITLRLEKPEQQRDDFLNYMLQLQEKKGLHTDNILINTMTFILDGFETTALVLAHIMLMLGRNPEEQDKVRKEIGSADLTFDQMSELPHLDA # CIYETLRLFSPQVAARKLVTEPFEFANKNGRTVHLKPGDVVTIPVKALHHDPQYYEDPLTFKPERFLESNGGGMKSYRDRGVYLAFGDGPRHCPGMRF # ALTQLKAALVEILRNFEIKVNPKTRSDNQIDDTFFMATLKGGIYLDFKDL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/5 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 9 # W: 9 # end gene g753 # start gene g754 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5210439 5212379 1 + . g754 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5210439 5212379 1 + . g754.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5210439 5210441 . + 0 transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5210696 5210750 1 + . transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5210890 5210953 1 + . transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5211062 5211190 1 + . transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5211822 5211880 1 + . transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5212151 5212212 1 + . transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5210439 5210695 1 + 0 transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5210751 5210889 1 + 1 transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5210954 5211061 1 + 0 transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5211191 5211821 1 + 0 transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5211881 5212150 1 + 2 transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5212213 5212379 1 + 2 transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5212377 5212379 . + 0 transcript_id "g754.t1"; gene_id "g754"; # protein sequence = [MTAAAQLSSSWFSSALARGCAMCPISTALFVIAAILALIYVFLTWNFSYWKKRGIPTAKSWPFVGSFPSVFTQKRNVV # YDIDEIYEQYKNTDSIVGVFQTRIPQLMVTTPEYAHKIYVSDFRSFHDNEMAKFTDSKTDPILANNPFVLTGEAWKERRAEVTPGLSANRVKAAYPVS # LRVCKKFVEYIRRQSLMAPAQGLNAKDLCLCYTTEVISDCVLGISAQSFTDNPTPMVGMTKRVFEQSFGFIFYTVVANLWPPITKFYSVSLFAKDVAA # FFYDLMQKCIQVRRESPAAQQRDDFLNYMLQLQEKKGLNAAELTSHTMTFLTDGFETTAQVLTHTLLFLARNPKEQMKLREEIGTAELTFEQISELPF # TEACIHETLRIFSPVLAARKVVTEPCELTNKNGVSVKLRPGDVVIIPVNALHHDPQYYEEPQSFKPERFLNINGGAKKYRDQGLFFGFGDGPRICPGM # RFSLTQIKAALVEIVRNFDIKVNPKTRKDNEIDDTYFMPALKGGVWLDFVERN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 143 # W: 143 # end gene g754 # start gene g755 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5212489 5214586 0.26 - . g755 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5212489 5214586 0.26 - . g755.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5212489 5212491 . - 0 transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5212663 5213032 0.73 - . transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5213333 5213387 0.55 - . transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5213641 5213689 1 - . transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5213784 5213836 1 - . transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5214024 5214316 0.99 - . transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5212489 5212662 0.79 - 0 transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5213033 5213332 0.82 - 0 transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5213388 5213640 0.73 - 1 transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5213690 5213783 1 - 2 transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5213837 5214023 1 - 0 transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5214317 5214586 0.8 - 0 transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5214584 5214586 . - 0 transcript_id "g755.t1"; gene_id "g755"; # protein sequence = [MEELQDASIHHMTAKVIAAIKNTKSYEPIYKELQKLVCNPSVDTHDMRNTLEDAIKSAGLETEIRNIVYNLVRTRLSK # TDDKNLANKQGAKPTVSDPLGYLKRAGVLWDRRVRKSLNAMCTELKVPLHGQPRISADREDFMAKWNELSNYNMDLANYRPVYAPKDLLEVLLSLKGP # AKTTENTDQIPQWEFSHIALPVKNLFELRAHYADLLRSDSYLGVPDLTVQCQRILEARHAPMCQQFLKKGCTPAPYRGALWASVLDSKLHDYDIEYWQ # KLRNAVWTTDHIVDKLVFKDIQLTASNDDQYFVFEDVLYQVLLCFSRDTDIGGCVEYETFPVKGKTYEGPPSGVVPFHGICMFAAPFCYLYDSPILGF # DSLEILPLFAIIILSFRKESIMQVASLDSIEAILADLSSIKVLPLVQLALSRD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/6 # CDS introns: 0/5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g755 # start gene g756 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5215700 5216514 0.74 - . g756 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5215700 5216514 0.74 - . g756.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5215700 5215702 . - 0 transcript_id "g756.t1"; gene_id "g756"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5216283 5216334 0.98 - . transcript_id "g756.t1"; gene_id "g756"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5216438 5216486 1 - . transcript_id "g756.t1"; gene_id "g756"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5215700 5216282 0.82 - 1 transcript_id "g756.t1"; gene_id "g756"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5216335 5216437 1 - 2 transcript_id "g756.t1"; gene_id "g756"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5216487 5216514 0.91 - 0 transcript_id "g756.t1"; gene_id "g756"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5216512 5216514 . - 0 transcript_id "g756.t1"; gene_id "g756"; # protein sequence = [MMNNILVLIGFSSVMLVAGLDDMNCFSLQNEICPNANISFWLYTKENQEGTKLSVFELNRFEFYHHKPLKVLIHGFNG # HRDFSPNTQLRPLFLTQDYNLISLDYPKLAYEPCYTEAVHNAKYVARCTAQLLRVLLESGLVKIEDLHLIGLGLGAHVAGFIGQFLPEHKLEHITALD # PAKPFYMVKDPALKLDPTDAKFVDVVHTDVTMLGLLDAVGHVDFYLNMGVSQPNCGPINKS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g756 # start gene g757 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5218135 5218955 0.88 + . g757 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5218135 5218955 0.88 + . g757.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5218135 5218137 . + 0 transcript_id "g757.t1"; gene_id "g757"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5218354 5218446 1 + . transcript_id "g757.t1"; gene_id "g757"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5218865 5218926 1 + . transcript_id "g757.t1"; gene_id "g757"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5218135 5218353 0.9 + 0 transcript_id "g757.t1"; gene_id "g757"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5218447 5218864 1 + 0 transcript_id "g757.t1"; gene_id "g757"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5218927 5218955 0.98 + 2 transcript_id "g757.t1"; gene_id "g757"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5218953 5218955 . + 0 transcript_id "g757.t1"; gene_id "g757"; # protein sequence = [MDGMLCSAAPLPTRCTTLRMSDASTKRNLLFINNDLGQAIGLVRARRPTQLERIGDWNTRSLANCRLANRYKMEDDEK # MDIMRKAFQMFDTQKTGFIETLRLKTILNSMGQMFDDSELQALIDDNDPEDTGKVNFDGFCSIAAHFLEEEDAEAIQKELKEAFRLYDREGNGYITTS # TLKEILAALDDKLSSSDLDGIIAEIDTDGSGTVDFDEFMEMMAGE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 47 # W: 47 # end gene g757 # start gene g758 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5219595 5220060 0.55 + . g758 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5219595 5220060 0.55 + . g758.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5219595 5219597 . + 0 transcript_id "g758.t1"; gene_id "g758"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5219625 5219889 0.55 + . transcript_id "g758.t1"; gene_id "g758"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5219595 5219624 0.55 + 0 transcript_id "g758.t1"; gene_id "g758"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5219890 5220060 0.57 + 0 transcript_id "g758.t1"; gene_id "g758"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5220058 5220060 . + 0 transcript_id "g758.t1"; gene_id "g758"; # protein sequence = [MFYVEAKASGCDGLSNRSIGTSEGSSALLRSRTSNLRLEPNYEFPDKRSELRIQQKLNKNRKLNAT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 48 # W: 48 # end gene g758 # start gene g759 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5220093 5244075 0.48 - . g759 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5220093 5244075 0.48 - . g759.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5220093 5220095 . - 0 transcript_id "g759.t1"; gene_id "g759"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5221401 5221462 1 - . transcript_id "g759.t1"; gene_id "g759"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5221651 5241368 0.98 - . transcript_id "g759.t1"; gene_id "g759"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5241507 5243981 0.51 - . transcript_id "g759.t1"; gene_id "g759"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5220093 5221400 1 - 0 transcript_id "g759.t1"; gene_id "g759"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5221463 5221650 1 - 2 transcript_id "g759.t1"; gene_id "g759"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5241369 5241506 0.6 - 2 transcript_id "g759.t1"; gene_id "g759"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5243982 5244075 0.49 - 0 transcript_id "g759.t1"; gene_id "g759"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5244073 5244075 . - 0 transcript_id "g759.t1"; gene_id "g759"; # protein sequence = [MRLQLVALELQATSGTADGLFEEIALEALTRSEFSANVQPDVEAMAAAALSGMEMGSGPGSEGYEDADNEKSKTVENA # RSLTCYCDGSCPDNVSNGTCETRPGGSCFSAVQQLYDETTGMYEEERTYGCMPPEDNGGFLMCKVAAVPHLHGKNIVCCDKEDFCNRDLYPTYTPKLT # TPAPDLPVSSESLHTLAVFGSIIISLSVFMLIVASLCFTYKRREKLRKQPRLINSMCNSQLSPLSQLVEQSSGSGSGLPLLVQRTIAKQIQMVRLVGK # GRYGEVWLAKWRDERVAVKTFFTTEEASWFRETEIYQTVLMRHDNILGFIAADIKGNGSWTQMLLITDYHEMGSLHDYLSMSVINPQKLQLLAFSLAS # GLAHLHDEIFGTPGKPAIAHRDIKSKNILVKRNGQCAIADFGLAVKYNSELDVIHIAQNPRVGTRRYMAPEVLSQQLDPKQFEEFKRADMYSVGLVLW # EMTRRCYTPVSGTKTTTCEDYALPYHDVVPSDPTFEDMHAVVCVKGFRPPIPSRWQEDDVLATVSKIMQECWHPNPTVRLTALRVKKTLGRLETDCLI # DVPIKIV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 14 # E: 2 # RM: 12 # incompatible hint groups: 371 # E: 2 # W: 369 # end gene g759 # start gene g760 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5250082 5250495 0.52 + . g760 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5250082 5250495 0.52 + . g760.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5250082 5250084 . + 0 transcript_id "g760.t1"; gene_id "g760"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5250082 5250495 0.52 + 0 transcript_id "g760.t1"; gene_id "g760"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5250493 5250495 . + 0 transcript_id "g760.t1"; gene_id "g760"; # protein sequence = [MQQLIAREGTQVQSEVEQCEAAAVAIRTPFGFGGGSSGSLHSSSSSLQRRSPFVLCNAKDAMSSAQMLHLRLTKSVPT # PLAHVEYTKYNTNCGVEHHVLGAPKIQNNKIKKKYYKRMKITITMVLRLEDRPRASWAN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g760 # start gene g761 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5264034 5265796 0.85 + . g761 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5264034 5265796 0.85 + . g761.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5264034 5264036 . + 0 transcript_id "g761.t1"; gene_id "g761"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5264236 5264295 1 + . transcript_id "g761.t1"; gene_id "g761"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5264500 5264557 0.87 + . transcript_id "g761.t1"; gene_id "g761"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5264640 5264695 0.85 + . transcript_id "g761.t1"; gene_id "g761"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5264797 5264855 0.98 + . transcript_id "g761.t1"; gene_id "g761"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5264034 5264235 1 + 0 transcript_id "g761.t1"; gene_id "g761"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5264296 5264499 1 + 2 transcript_id "g761.t1"; gene_id "g761"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5264558 5264639 0.85 + 2 transcript_id "g761.t1"; gene_id "g761"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5264696 5264796 0.85 + 1 transcript_id "g761.t1"; gene_id "g761"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5264856 5265796 1 + 2 transcript_id "g761.t1"; gene_id "g761"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5265794 5265796 . + 0 transcript_id "g761.t1"; gene_id "g761"; # protein sequence = [MWIALLGIPILLAVLTLLLKHINKTYFILSLTKRVRTEDGSPLESKVAIMPGKTRFGNNLDILNFTPASVFNFVREST # AKAKGQNYLWYFLYAPMYNVVRPEEAEEVFQSTKLITKNVVYELIRPFLGDGLLISTDHKWHSRRKALTPAFHFNVLQSFLGIFKEECKKFLNVLEKN # LDAELELNQVIPPFTLNNICETALGVKLDDMSEGNEYRKAIHAIEEVLIQRVCNPLMYYNWYFFVYGDYRKHLQNLRIVHDFSSRIIERKRQQFQQKQ # LGEVDEFGRKQRYAMLDTLLAAEADGQIDHQGICDEVNTFMFEGYDTTSTCLIFTLLMLALHEDVQKKCYEEVENLPEDSDDISMFQFNKLVYLECVI # KESLRMFPSVPFIGRQCVEETVVNGMVMPKDTQISIHIYDIMRDPRHFPKPDLFQPDRFLPENTVNRHPFAYVPFSAGQRNCIGQKFAILEMKVLLAA # VIRNFKLLPATQLEDLTFENGIVLRTQENIKVKLSKRVK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 141 # E: 2 # W: 139 # end gene g761 # start gene g762 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5267141 5268322 0.6 + . g762 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5267141 5268322 0.6 + . g762.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5267141 5267143 . + 0 transcript_id "g762.t1"; gene_id "g762"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5267196 5267378 0.74 + . transcript_id "g762.t1"; gene_id "g762"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5267141 5267195 0.78 + 0 transcript_id "g762.t1"; gene_id "g762"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5267379 5268322 0.65 + 2 transcript_id "g762.t1"; gene_id "g762"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5268320 5268322 . + 0 transcript_id "g762.t1"; gene_id "g762"; # protein sequence = [MELELNQVIPQFTLNNVCETALGVKLDDLSEGIRYRQSIHAIEEVMQQRLCNPFFYNIVYFFLFGDYRKQVNNLKIAH # EFSSNIIEKRRSLFKSNQLGQEDEFGKKQRYAMLDTLLAAEADGQIDHQGICDEVNTFMFEGYDTTSTCLIFTLLMLALHEDVQKKCYEEIKYLPDDS # DDISVFQFNELVYMECVIKESLRLFPSVPFIGRRCVEEGVVNGLIMPKNTQINIHLYEIMRDARHFSNPKMFQPDRFFPENTVNRHPFAFVPFSAGQR # NCIGQKFAILEIKVLLAAVIRNFKILPVTLLDDLTFENGIVLRTKQNIKVKLVHRENK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 32 # E: 2 # W: 30 # end gene g762 # start gene g763 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5268949 5270301 0.66 + . g763 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5268949 5270301 0.66 + . g763.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5268949 5268951 . + 0 transcript_id "g763.t1"; gene_id "g763"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5269004 5269360 0.96 + . transcript_id "g763.t1"; gene_id "g763"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5268949 5269003 0.67 + 0 transcript_id "g763.t1"; gene_id "g763"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5269361 5270301 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g763.t1"; gene_id "g763"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5270299 5270301 . + 0 transcript_id "g763.t1"; gene_id "g763"; # protein sequence = [MSYELIRPFLGDGLLISIETALGVKLDDMSEGNEYRKAIHDFEIVFNQRMCNPLMFFNWYFFLFGDYKKYSRILRTIH # GFSSGIIQRKRQQFKQKQLGQVDEFGKKQRYAMLDTLLAAEAEGKIDHQGICDEVNTFMFGGYDTTSTSLIFTLLLLALHADVQERCYEELQDLPEDI # DEVSMFQFNELIHLECVIKESLRLFPSAPIIGRTCIEESVMNGLVLPKNAQISIHIYDIMRDARHFPKPNQFLPERFLPENSVNRHPFAFVPFSAGPR # NCIGQKFGVLEIKVLLAAVIRNFKLLPATQLEDLTFENGIVLRTQQNIKVKFEARVK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 56 # E: 2 # W: 54 # end gene g763 # start gene g764 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5272678 5278189 0.65 - . g764 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5272678 5278189 0.65 - . g764.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5272678 5272680 . - 0 transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5272929 5272985 1 - . transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5273098 5273160 1 - . transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5273555 5274018 0.65 - . transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5275781 5276511 1 - . transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5276732 5276935 1 - . transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5277181 5277933 1 - . transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5272678 5272928 1 - 2 transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5272986 5273097 1 - 0 transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5273161 5273554 0.65 - 1 transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5274019 5275780 1 - 2 transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5276512 5276731 1 - 0 transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5276936 5277180 1 - 2 transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5277934 5278189 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5278187 5278189 . - 0 transcript_id "g764.t1"; gene_id "g764"; # protein sequence = [MEVSADPYEQKLYQMFRSCETQCGLLDEKSLLKLCSLLELRDQGSALIASLGGSHQLGVSFGQFKEALLNFLGSEFDG # NTSSGFIERSLVITDEPLNNTYIESPPESSDREVSPKLVVGTKKYGRRSRPQQGIYELSVTDSDNTDEDQLQQQQNQRSLNGCDELGVQVQRSSSQSD # LPGSRRLRSVHTSGSKLKRCASLPARRKMNSNTTGATTSPTAAAKLKQLSIQSQAQHSSSVESLDTVTPQQLETISVHSIMEAWELASIPNTRNLLHV # LGFDEEEEVNLQQLTKALEEELRGIDGDHEQSNMLRALAALQATELGNYRLAYRQQHEENLKLRADNKAANQRVALLAVEVDERHASLEDNSKKQVQQ # LEQRHASMVREITLRMTNDRDHWTSMTGKLEAQLKSLEQEEIRLRTELELVRTENTELESEQQKAHIQITELLEQNIKLNQELAQTSSSIGGTPEHSP # LRPRRHSEDKEEEMLQLMEKLAALQMENAQLRDKTDELTIEIESLNVELIRSKTKAKKQEKQEKQEDQESAATATKRRGDSPSKTHLTEESPRLGKQR # KCTEGEQSDASNSGDWLALNSELQRSQSQDEELTSLRQRVAELEEELKAAKEGRSLTPESRSKELETSLEQMQRAYEDCEDYWQTKLSEERQLFEKER # QIYEDEQHESDKKFTELMEKVREYEEQFSKDGRLSPIDERDMLEQQYSELEAEAAQLRSSSIQMLEEKAQEISSLQSEIEDLRQRLGESVEILTGACE # LTSESVAQLSAEAGKSPASSPISYLWLQSTIQEPAKSLADSKDEATASAIELLGGSPSHKTASRTTPFESSQSGPSPTNSGNSNAYGANPGPAPISKP # KRSQSPQQAAASEGEIADCETSSTASGKSFESNSKTSCLSHEKCSSPSALKEELKRLKFFELSLKEQIKDLSLQRDGLVMELQQLQEARPVLEKAYAR # TTHPTLQQRLNQLELRNRHLQNVIKQQQHYTESLMQQSWRQHQVELNDLHSRIETQGVLLADQTQRLQSADILVKDLYVENSHLTATVQRLEQQRARV # NLIHQQQQQQRLVGGGLPGMP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 6 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 306 # E: 2 # W: 304 # end gene g764 # start gene g765 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5279360 5282799 0.98 + . g765 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5279360 5282799 0.98 + . g765.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5279360 5279362 . + 0 transcript_id "g765.t1"; gene_id "g765"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5280272 5280327 1 + . transcript_id "g765.t1"; gene_id "g765"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5281990 5282073 1 + . transcript_id "g765.t1"; gene_id "g765"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5279360 5280271 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g765.t1"; gene_id "g765"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5280328 5281989 1 + 0 transcript_id "g765.t1"; gene_id "g765"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5282074 5282799 1 + 0 transcript_id "g765.t1"; gene_id "g765"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5282797 5282799 . + 0 transcript_id "g765.t1"; gene_id "g765"; # protein sequence = [MAMHSYMRQGSGSGGGAGAVAAGAPPLASPDEMHGFLNDKQAWEHAISLYQGPDPLDHWYNYICWYENHAQSDPELKY # RETLERCLTVYEHNDYYRQDVRLVRLWLKYIAMQTDPLHFYQVLFQRGTGRQVAAFYIGWAAYYESREEYKDAEAVFNLAFQEKAQSTSELQHAHTKF # AYARSLFYQRQQQQQQQQQQHQQHPPQDALQQLTNYAQQQMPQSYNQHRPQPYQQNVYQQYHPQAQAHQAPQPHQPAPQQQLPPEQQVPYQTHYQERP # RYEPHPATQSPTAIPPSQVQQQSHYAPVAESHYAPAQQSQLPPQQTTVPQLHAQQPQQQQNGNGNPPPQQSPPVTNEVAGLRLPRNFHAYGRNNHETW # KPALTLEEPDDPSRVCHYAKQLVYPPGAGVEYSPEEILARKFKQLMDQKAKPSEPPEQEQQTLYDSYETEKSYYMTAVDGALYGQNTSSGQENTGEED # EDNDAEEGEEEEDGGEENEEDDSDEEEEDDEEEEEHSGPYTNGVQFSAQTTFEQENRSIKIKFRKEPSSTYSAYTIENVYQQQQQQQQEQHQIIHQPP # QAVHHPSPDPAPASPIPIQRQRNGSHHHFHPYMLGQTSTPKSEANGYRRARTKVKRSKFQPDLCSNSNSASSVADVASSSVLAGAPGTFNDNANFSFS # SATALDNSNSSLALAVDRLNFRDTSQQQILHPVNKTLQIHNNNNNTSNNNNGTSTMADFSTFQENSYFATQHDTEAQERRLSKAVETIARHMDKEAID # PFNSELCRAFLAKLDFPGNHDAHASYKIVQTPLPKISNTRTLNVLEGVTFSIDKEVGRGSYGSVYKATDSRTGNVVALKYQKPPNTWEIYICDQVLKR # IKEPEVLPGVMDISTAIIAPNASLIATEFSPFGSLLDINNKIRQATTKVMHESLVMHFSAQICNIVDHLHRQHIIHADIKPDNFLLMRVPNVDSPLPS # LRLIDFGCAIDMTLFPDGEKTKFRKVVQTDGFTCIEMQEGRSWSYETDLFCIAATVHVMLFGDYMQPQKKGSSWEIRQKLPRYLKKHVWTKFFGDLLN # MQADKLPALHEMRLIFEEEAYRMDSELQKQIRTLSNILHRR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 294 # RM: 1 # W: 293 # end gene g765 # start gene g766 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5306025 5310091 0.91 + . g766 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5306025 5310091 0.91 + . g766.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5306025 5306027 . + 0 transcript_id "g766.t1"; gene_id "g766"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5306167 5307564 1 + . transcript_id "g766.t1"; gene_id "g766"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5307913 5308020 1 + . transcript_id "g766.t1"; gene_id "g766"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5309717 5309757 0.94 + . transcript_id "g766.t1"; gene_id "g766"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5309893 5309964 0.97 + . transcript_id "g766.t1"; gene_id "g766"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5306025 5306166 1 + 0 transcript_id "g766.t1"; gene_id "g766"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5307565 5307912 1 + 2 transcript_id "g766.t1"; gene_id "g766"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5308021 5309716 0.94 + 2 transcript_id "g766.t1"; gene_id "g766"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5309758 5309892 0.93 + 1 transcript_id "g766.t1"; gene_id "g766"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5309965 5310091 0.97 + 1 transcript_id "g766.t1"; gene_id "g766"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5310089 5310091 . + 0 transcript_id "g766.t1"; gene_id "g766"; # protein sequence = [MSIVCTLEQKVNFFKAAATTKNLLILKNNTDTNYINNYKQDNPSNNKFPRIQAQSNNSHLQHQQQLQQKLAQLHHYSQ # QKLSGSDFPYGPRPPTGGKEEKLLLLAPPGKLYPEASVSTAMPEVLSGTPTNSHNKANIAMMNNVRLSNISPTLSMNGSSNEASNLHPLSMYGGSISP # QSNDSGMSDSLGKYVPGSGYGDGMMAQSPSQGGNGPQSALTAAQKELFSQRKQREFTPDNKKDESYWDRRRRNNEAAKRSREKRRYNDMVLEQRVIEL # TKENHVLKAQLDAIRDKFNISGENLVSVEKILASLPTSEQVLSNTKRAKMSGSGGSSSGSSPSGSGSGEGSPQGGHNGYPVGPPLSPLIYGPNGNARP # EATVKSVHHIHHAGVAPPPTHLQQLVVPQSQTQHLYQPQPQQHQPHQQQQISQPPQQQQQQQEPSPSAGSSSPVISDPHNRPPSTTIANLQVQLQQAL # NRNVRPEDLDSLRKVVAAGALYNAAAVVGAPPPPPSAGLYVPAPSAYKDHLEAAAAWSHNVEAAVSSSAVDAVSSSSVSGSAASVLNLSRRACSPSYE # HMLSSTTSSTLSSASSSGAVSGDDEQEHEPAHMAPLQLQRSSPQQGSDANNCLPLKLRHKSHLGDKDAAATALLSLQHIKQEPNCSRASPPAWNDGGD # NSSDERDSGISIASAEWTAQLQRKLLAPKEANVVTSAERDQMLKSQLERLESEVASIKMILAERIRRESEETEALKGSESGEQSSRWQSREFHGASSS # PGQRSWFKHITLGPGLDHKDLTQDPVARNWPTLICVYVYLSTVLSLVIVNV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 77.8 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 251 # W: 251 # end gene g766 # start gene g767 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5310137 5310352 0.99 - . g767 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5310137 5310352 0.99 - . g767.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5310137 5310139 . - 0 transcript_id "g767.t1"; gene_id "g767"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5310137 5310352 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g767.t1"; gene_id "g767"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5310350 5310352 . - 0 transcript_id "g767.t1"; gene_id "g767"; # protein sequence = [MYNSKYFVTFAYKHNNSLSSPLSLCIRKLGMHKRTITWLVTPMLIAGHQLAMQTNSLCVYNKQVKLEILLG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 22 # W: 22 # end gene g767 # start gene g768 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5312310 5313884 0.91 - . g768 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5312310 5313884 0.91 - . g768.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5312310 5312312 . - 0 transcript_id "g768.t1"; gene_id "g768"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5313092 5313268 0.92 - . transcript_id "g768.t1"; gene_id "g768"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5313325 5313387 1 - . transcript_id "g768.t1"; gene_id "g768"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5312310 5313091 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g768.t1"; gene_id "g768"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5313269 5313324 0.92 - 1 transcript_id "g768.t1"; gene_id "g768"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5313388 5313884 1 - 0 transcript_id "g768.t1"; gene_id "g768"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5313882 5313884 . - 0 transcript_id "g768.t1"; gene_id "g768"; # protein sequence = [MLIRLRYGRRLQTYLKIGACVLVGLCYFAFLFRESLNAYEHRERATAAELEAESEPSKQQLKLKRQQLQRQRILAKQQ # EQGKGIAGGNASAGSSSSQAAAPPPPPPATTLNPVYEYSEELHSRTERELQRRSEHLAAVCDRYKLQEKYPPNPWEFFVSPGHNNLVWCNVFKAASST # WMYYFNILAGYDVKYLQRTETQPLELARKRFPRPELGELMELLPSALSFLFVRDPFERILSAYRNKLEGNKNTFYKALGNKIVHRYRKRNLGGPWPRC # GPTFEEFVRFLIAEHAAGKRFDEHWAPVYSFCTPCSVNFTIIGKTETFQRDSEFIIRQAGLESLLLGLGKLPQRKQRKIGNQARSGVKSEALVERYFA # DLDRSTLDQLLKIYRIDFELFDYDYRRYYDMVHPWSLEQSTAASGGPAVASTSTTPSISSGLAGQSTQGQAT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 14 # W: 14 # end gene g768 # start gene g769 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5315487 5316598 0.98 - . g769 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5315487 5316598 0.98 - . g769.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5315487 5315489 . - 0 transcript_id "g769.t1"; gene_id "g769"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5315663 5316480 0.98 - . transcript_id "g769.t1"; gene_id "g769"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5315487 5315662 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g769.t1"; gene_id "g769"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5316481 5316598 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g769.t1"; gene_id "g769"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5316596 5316598 . - 0 transcript_id "g769.t1"; gene_id "g769"; # protein sequence = [MNTFLALGCPTFKRCAQSKVYKKLIRWIEQIRADHTLTLEPETIIAYHTILWTLFKHFGPTGRTATTTTNCNLQSAIS # PESTENTLMEEEMLYRTYE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 90 # W: 90 # end gene g769 # start gene g770 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5316853 5317077 1 - . g770 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5316853 5317077 1 - . g770.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5316853 5316855 . - 0 transcript_id "g770.t1"; gene_id "g770"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5316853 5317077 1 - 0 transcript_id "g770.t1"; gene_id "g770"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5317075 5317077 . - 0 transcript_id "g770.t1"; gene_id "g770"; # protein sequence = [MLRLIASNITPRHTLSHIHTNTHPYTHTADRRLQAPIYAFVNTLFSAPQSELIRQSPLLIWHCYYSPKKSTHWK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 24 # W: 24 # end gene g770 # start gene g771 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5317210 5325966 0.72 - . g771 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5317210 5325966 0.72 - . g771.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5317210 5317212 . - 0 transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5317758 5317826 0.72 - . transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5317875 5317932 1 - . transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5318437 5318510 1 - . transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5323230 5323346 1 - . transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5324664 5324725 1 - . transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5324910 5325951 1 - . transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5317210 5317757 0.72 - 2 transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5317827 5317874 0.73 - 2 transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5317933 5318436 1 - 2 transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5318511 5323229 1 - 2 transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5323347 5324663 1 - 2 transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5324726 5324909 1 - 0 transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5325952 5325966 1 - 0 transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5325964 5325966 . - 0 transcript_id "g771.t1"; gene_id "g771"; # protein sequence = [MPLKQQLEPSLVRILVSLPWDAAQRLRQLANDGNPELRALNIQSVQFEGDSVINLKVGGQDIKITKDNVNETLEAAGS # LSGNKSGLLATGFDGPSTSKAASAFMQQQQQRILQQPQNDAISLQQRRAAAAGLGLQKMPLHTTQQQQQQQQQQQVAVTPAVFKSPNTVCPMEGKVPL # LLPSPSATRDFPFESMRQARVLQGREAGGLGPPLPPPPPPNVTLKVLKTQQQQAPQNGELTPTTPTSAAPTPPGSKSQFIQPPPPPYPGLGAATASSV # SSPIAIAGVSAKPAIVTAPSQLNHPLGHPPLPTATSTGSNNIAISSPLLVNLLQNDGNGMSNPNQLKSPQQQQQQSPLIGMSPSGAQMMNSPMRSSGP # ATPSDFLMGDVLSPVVPSSPTTPQAAAPPCPPPVVMRNLQQQQQQHQQAMLSPSGNANHLYTQQQQQGPQQQQPQQQQQGPPHRFQQQHQQMSPQAVA # LRQQQLQRQQQMRFMQPQQQLQGQQQPQQQFQPAPDCFNNMGMGPMQQQQIRHQLRPGGLPLAPPPPHPQQQQQQRLMGLSMPQASPQQQFMSGASPL # GPALSPASSHHSMHSPLMSNHQAQQQQQPQMVSPAATPGPTAPSEMAGQLMPANQHVPAAPPPDYNQAAVNSRWPLAGINKPMDSATKSSFQEFTRYQ # MQYNLQQQQQQVSLPGQPQQQQQQPQQQQLPPPALPTQQQQQQQSHVQQPQVAGQTQGQVDSLISLSVLDTLTTNDLDALLPTLNCDLDSTLSLEDKN # ELESLLQDAKDLDLDLIEDNLSAVDMRDALNTLQEAPLEQQQQQQQQQAAMQPQQQTAQMMQMPYQQQPQQQQQMQQQLMMQQQQRQQQLPQMQQRQQ # QHLQRQLQLQQQQQQQQQQQLQIVQRQQQQQQSQLQVQHPQQPQRPPQKQFIINPHTGDMEPMASDDSETEAEEETAQPQFRNSHSGLGSFNFNPAND # MLLPTNLFSEEDSNSAQQHPMGISSDQERSRDSLASNKSATSRARKTPVSKANHSNFSAGDNSPRSSNSSPLIGLNSPQSVNANAGGAPSKKAKPNLL # RGKLQQGVKERKAKDPTAAPKQKRERAKGNVKTKAAEEKIKLRLKLEKVETTPAAGAGYEGQIIINQQQQQTIVVNNHMQQLPMQTQLLALPTQQQQQ # QQQQQQQQQQQMQQPQMQISQQQHQQQQQTSQLQQQPAQLQQQQPQQQQQQPIQQQQQHHPVYSNFQQQQQQQQQQQQNVPGPNEPRVPPLQIRLRGK # NHVVVKNTRKDRKKGQNQEASIDERQLKRSYSDQPPQQLLMDPAESKQAKLTPPPHVNGLPILIQKTTATVASPQLPQQLQGGVATTTKTTTIVAGKN # GLTISAIVEAHKAQAQAQAQSLNDPQLIVGSTNTGTTPTSTTLQQQQLSKIATSLPSSITLSAINSNNNNNNVNSGNNNNRLLTMKNPIKTAATITPI # VGGKPMTKNHKPPPYITAVQQLQLQKQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQRQLAAAVTMLPSATTLKRVEITKVTPQVTAEQAPSINPSPVVVAAAATATL # TTSSTPTTQTTQLICDRKLPVAMPPMTTVNNVVVATVNSSSAALSTLSSVSTASSASIITTSTSTSSPAALPSTLRNSPASNGSGTPGHGNNGGGEDS # GIESMDALSEKSPHQLSSSSPIQVSKAAVTMVQQQQQQTNAIVTITTSAAVIAPVIAPTSTQAGTTPTVAPSLQQQQKQQADDEIEKALAKMEGDFPD # DLEDIVSSMIKETSECASAAGGGFLNSLESSLPAATVATVVSTASTNTSSIGSIKLNGEHHILEHDDLIKKLTESKPPAIKVKLEEMPPLLTIKKEPV # IKPMASGLKVEAKVEVKLEPKVEPKSEEKLQEKPPSESSSASLQPISIEIPAQVDGETPRIRTRASSRLESPLDAQKASPDPTTVTGVSTTAATAANA # STTVKSLSRASSTASPRVVTPTPNHNNNNNKRRRQESECGSSNDGADLGENSIKRPRISSGTTSNNNATETAAEHNAGAGLPKKVEIESSDSDEPLIE # VAGKVRNSKQAQVEAADAAAVGVEKHVTRRNAQQLQPPQNKTAGNHAPSSTPALGTPRSGKAQAPVGATSAANNNHNSSTANNASVVPSSVTTTTMPG # GAVVTTSQVNSGTSVVHATRGATAAAASTTNNNSASSPTDEKIGTRRSVRASAAANKIIYSRSNAAAAAAAAAAAAEPKGTTGKAGAAVGANNAGNVE # SVAEARRKTRSAVIGESMLTEGRRRRTSHDLLELFKDFEQQQQPHQQQQQQLEISSSSFPLAQAQDEDGDEMAEYENLARAAGGYMEEADHLLSYHSS # SSAADVEVDEVLMPELDNATALDCASFVDYDEFNLCLNNILSEEDDSGSARGGGGGVSSMATKHQQSWRDAGDVLNIVQLSNDLGLSFQEFASEATTA # DEQRSASSSSPQLA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 92.3 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 5/6 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 730 # E: 1 # W: 729 # end gene g771 # start gene g772 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5326386 5326595 0.85 - . g772 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5326386 5326595 0.85 - . g772.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5326386 5326388 . - 0 transcript_id "g772.t1"; gene_id "g772"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5326386 5326595 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g772.t1"; gene_id "g772"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5326593 5326595 . - 0 transcript_id "g772.t1"; gene_id "g772"; # protein sequence = [MVEKQARIFRQQSVRLSSARTQSNRVKLSPRKSAARMRENFRVPLNRHYYLASDCEMENSGGPNVFSLP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 22 # W: 22 # end gene g772 # start gene g773 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5326932 5327807 0.98 + . g773 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5326932 5327807 0.98 + . g773.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5326932 5326934 . + 0 transcript_id "g773.t1"; gene_id "g773"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5326935 5327251 0.98 + . transcript_id "g773.t1"; gene_id "g773"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5327287 5327502 1 + . transcript_id "g773.t1"; gene_id "g773"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5327677 5327743 1 + . transcript_id "g773.t1"; gene_id "g773"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5326932 5326934 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g773.t1"; gene_id "g773"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5327252 5327286 1 + 0 transcript_id "g773.t1"; gene_id "g773"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5327503 5327676 1 + 1 transcript_id "g773.t1"; gene_id "g773"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5327744 5327807 1 + 1 transcript_id "g773.t1"; gene_id "g773"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5327805 5327807 . + 0 transcript_id "g773.t1"; gene_id "g773"; # protein sequence = [MVPSLSQILNLQIDMANTPATSSAGPVLRGLHNATIKRNLAVSLGLTAVVTIAYKILVNDPKKAAYADFYSKYDANKS # FERMKAAGRFQSC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 26 # E: 1 # W: 25 # end gene g773 # start gene g774 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5327809 5328633 0.99 - . g774 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5327809 5328633 0.99 - . g774.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5327809 5327811 . - 0 transcript_id "g774.t1"; gene_id "g774"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5327884 5328134 0.99 - . transcript_id "g774.t1"; gene_id "g774"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5328190 5328252 1 - . transcript_id "g774.t1"; gene_id "g774"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5328380 5328569 1 - . transcript_id "g774.t1"; gene_id "g774"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5327809 5327883 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g774.t1"; gene_id "g774"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5328135 5328189 1 - 1 transcript_id "g774.t1"; gene_id "g774"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5328253 5328379 1 - 2 transcript_id "g774.t1"; gene_id "g774"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5328570 5328633 1 - 0 transcript_id "g774.t1"; gene_id "g774"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5328631 5328633 . - 0 transcript_id "g774.t1"; gene_id "g774"; # protein sequence = [MGIPDIRLLVTLDFEVYGHVQGLNLTKDTRDRCTKAGITGWVKNSKQGTIVGKMQGPKEEVDKMITWLSTEGSPGCQI # DRCEFSIQKRNSCSTTSFDLDYLCFGIT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 42 # W: 42 # end gene g774 # start gene g775 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5329890 5330341 1 + . g775 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5329890 5330341 1 + . g775.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5329890 5329892 . + 0 transcript_id "g775.t1"; gene_id "g775"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5329913 5329968 1 + . transcript_id "g775.t1"; gene_id "g775"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5329890 5329912 1 + 0 transcript_id "g775.t1"; gene_id "g775"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5329969 5330341 1 + 1 transcript_id "g775.t1"; gene_id "g775"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5330339 5330341 . + 0 transcript_id "g775.t1"; gene_id "g775"; # protein sequence = [MNPTIYLSCLMVFSVFLLGKVNAENEDEFVTEKQRLFSVYGDSSVDEATKYRNIDSLVTFYDKYFTRLQLKPDLNTRA # HDLLRRYKEENARVVLVDGTPAQGGFWLPLVKLLIVQLGVEIASEGVKRAIES] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 39 # W: 39 # end gene g775 # start gene g776 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5330868 5332414 1 - . g776 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5330868 5332414 1 - . g776.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5330868 5330870 . - 0 transcript_id "g776.t1"; gene_id "g776"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5331200 5331262 1 - . transcript_id "g776.t1"; gene_id "g776"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5331447 5331507 1 - . transcript_id "g776.t1"; gene_id "g776"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5331661 5331721 1 - . transcript_id "g776.t1"; gene_id "g776"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5330868 5331199 1 - 2 transcript_id "g776.t1"; gene_id "g776"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5331263 5331446 1 - 0 transcript_id "g776.t1"; gene_id "g776"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5331508 5331660 1 - 0 transcript_id "g776.t1"; gene_id "g776"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5331722 5332414 1 - 0 transcript_id "g776.t1"; gene_id "g776"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5332412 5332414 . - 0 transcript_id "g776.t1"; gene_id "g776"; # protein sequence = [MLPTDKGSLTAGRPQKSHCHGSVSVSDQQLLQHLHPHTHPRPVHLPPAHATHSPACEKRLEAETPRRDLHELLLELLD # MMMSCLVVAPCVIAYWRGTWELMFVYLFPGSLPLSAMASFLIGGLGHFFFTVTQNFFKEHIHPDRRRLTYYAVSRLYTAVFGIVCVNMWRGAWLLCDW # LTSVDSLIIVSVVTAIALIFLVATRTLRNLGAAPYTVTMDHKSDYFEVDTMFKIPGFHQPGLYILDTLFSVFVIGSLVVIAWRGVWGIFDLLLFPADK # AKSAWGSLLIGYLTVFVTFLIHPLMRYVCRRISGILKLIICDIYYLMTFFGAVNAWRGIWNLLDVYLYPDNKLLSFWLTHIVPFLLLAALKCSNSILV # RGVFIDAEGVGADSVDIPINYVRLHFLRERRKKAGLQATSQPPPPHYYLKPEHVSIGRNAEKDKEAQSSLIEKPHAAVQIV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 133 # W: 133 # end gene g776 # start gene g777 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5339225 5342055 0.88 - . g777 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5339225 5342055 0.88 - . g777.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5339225 5339227 . - 0 transcript_id "g777.t1"; gene_id "g777"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5339483 5339544 1 - . transcript_id "g777.t1"; gene_id "g777"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5340998 5341984 1 - . transcript_id "g777.t1"; gene_id "g777"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5339225 5339482 1 - 0 transcript_id "g777.t1"; gene_id "g777"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5339545 5340997 1 - 1 transcript_id "g777.t1"; gene_id "g777"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5341985 5342055 0.88 - 0 transcript_id "g777.t1"; gene_id "g777"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5342053 5342055 . - 0 transcript_id "g777.t1"; gene_id "g777"; # protein sequence = [MNSKLQTISRYMLRQKCAFNSMRSISTSMPSLISHKHHIGKDPLVYRTIGQQLELSASNFGDVEAIVSCHEGKRYSFK # SLLQEADALAAGFRKLGLQPGDAVGLWAPNYLHWYLGMMGAARAGLTSVGLNPAYQGPEIAYCLNKVNVKAIIAPETFKTQNYYEILRDICPEISDAD # TGKIRSEKFPHLRSVIIDSNDSLKGALRFDDFLDLASKSEREEVAKMQKSILPESACNIQFTSGTTGNPKAACLTHHNFVNNGIHVGNRNELEGERIC # VQVPMFHAFGVIISIMAALTKGATMVLPAAGFSPKDSLQAIVNEKCSVIHGTPTMYVDLVNTQKKLQVPLGRIKKAVTGGAIVSPQLIKDVRQVLNVE # AVHSVYGLTETTAVIFQSLPGDSSDVVLNSVGHLTDHIEAKVVDAEGRCVPFGQPGELCVRGYTTMLGYHDDEEKTKETIGNDRWLRTGDQFVLEANG # YGRIVGRLKEMLIRGGENIFPKEIEDFLNAHPQVIEAHVIGVPDERLGEEVCAYVRLEEGVDPASFTAETLKAYAKGKLAHFKVPRYVIPIDAFPKTT # SGKIQKFKLVEAFKAKETELKAARL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 174 # W: 174 # end gene g777 # start gene g778 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5346858 5365039 0.08 + . g778 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5346858 5365039 0.08 + . g778.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5346858 5346860 . + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5347230 5348436 1 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5348539 5355192 0.57 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5355286 5356181 0.81 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5356396 5356625 0.99 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5356922 5356975 0.97 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5357279 5357336 1 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5358765 5358825 1 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5359363 5359430 1 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5359638 5359711 0.57 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5360406 5360791 0.89 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5360879 5361997 0.86 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5362210 5363655 0.62 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5363785 5364308 0.44 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5364418 5364773 0.8 + . transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5346858 5347229 1 + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5348437 5348538 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5355193 5355285 0.84 + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5356182 5356395 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5356626 5356921 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5356976 5357278 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5357337 5358764 1 + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5358826 5359362 1 + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5359431 5359637 0.57 + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5359712 5360405 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5360792 5360878 0.89 + 2 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5361998 5362209 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5363656 5363784 0.44 + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5364309 5364417 0.87 + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5364774 5365039 0.9 + 2 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5365037 5365039 . + 0 transcript_id "g778.t1"; gene_id "g778"; # protein sequence = [MSQPRGGRGGGRGGGVGRKTPSSLTGPPDESATPSERATPASKADSDPKDDSSSNGDKKDMDLFPAPKPPSAGASIRD # TANKVLGLAMKSEWTPIEAELKKLEKYVANVGEDGNHIPLAGVHDMNTGMTPLMYATKDNKTAIMDRMIELGADVGARNNRGKIPLLLAVESGNQSMC # RELLAAQTAEQLKATTANGDTALHLAARRRDVDMVRILVDYGTNVDTQNGEGQTPLHIAAAEGDEALLKYFYGVRASASIADNQDRTPMHLAAENGHA # HVIEILADKFKASIFERTKDGSTLMHIASLNGHAECATMLFKKGVYLHMPNKDGARSIHTAAAYGHTGIINTLLQKGEKVDVTTNDNYTALHIAVESA # KPAVVETLLGFGADVHVRGGKLRETPLHIAARVKDGDRCALMLLKSGASPNLTTDDCLTPVHVAARHGNLATLMQLLEDEGDPLYKSNTGETPLHMAC # RACHPDIVRHLIETVKEKHGPDKATTYINSVNEDGATALHYTCQITKEEVKIPESDKQIVRMLLENGADVTLQTKTALETAFHYCAVAGNNDVLMEMI # SHMNPTDIQKAMNRQSSVGWTPLLIACHRGHMELVNNLLANHARVDVFDTEGRSALHLAAERGYLHVCDALLTNKAFINSKSRVGRTALHLAAMNGFT # HLVKFLIKDHNAVIDILTLRKQTPLHLAAASGQMEVCQLLLELGANIDATDDLGQKPIHVAAQNNYSEVAKLFLQQHPSLVNATSKDGNTCAHIAAMQ # GSVKVIEELMKFDRSGVISARNKLTDATPLQLAAEGGHADVVKALVRAGASCTEENKAGFTAVHLAAQNGHGQVLDVLKSTNSLRINSKKLGLTPLHV # AAYYGQADTVRELLTSVPATVKSETPTGQSLFGDLGTESGMTPLHLAAFSGNENVVRLLLNSAGVQVDAATIENGYNPLHLACFGGHMSVVGLLLSRS # AELLQSQDRNGRTGLHIAAMHGHIQMVEILLGQGAEINATDRNGWTPLHCAAKAGHLEVVKLLCEAGASPKSETNYGCAAIWFAASEGHNEVLRYLMN # KEHDTYGLMEDKRFVYNLMVVSKNHNNKPIQEFVLVSPAPVDTAAKLSNIYIVLSTKEKERAKDLVAAGKQCEAMATELLALAAGSDSAGKILQATDK # RNVEFLDVLIENEQKEVIAHTVVQRYLQELWHGSLTWASWKILLLLVAFIVCPPVWIGFTFPMGHKFNKVPIIKFMSYLTSHIYLMIHLSIVGITPIY # PVLRLSLVPYWYEVGLLIWLSGLLLFELTNPSDKSGLGSIKVLVLLLGMAGVGVHVSAFLFVSKEYWPTLVYCRNQCFALAFLLACVQILDFLSFHHL # FGPWAIIIGDLLKDLARFLAVLAIFVFGFSMHIVALNQSFANFSPEDLRSFEKKNRNRGYFSDDDMPTPRPPPVENYVDSRFSEFRRKHKDDRPMTPF # LAFERLFFAVFGQTTTLDINPMRHLRPEWTEVLFKFVFGIYLLVSVVVLINLLIAMMSDTYQRIQAQSDIEWKFGLSKLIRNMHRTTTAPSPLNLVTT # WFMWIVEKVKARMKKKKRPSLVQMMGIRQASPRTKAGAKWLSKIKKDSVALSQVHLSPLGSQASFSQANQNRIENVADWEAIAKKYRALVGDEEGGSL # KDSDAESGSQEGSGGQQPPAQVGRRAIKATLADTTK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 3.45 # CDS exons: 0/15 # CDS introns: 1/14 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 10 # E: 1 # RM: 9 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g778 # start gene g779 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5405138 5415894 0.47 + . g779 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5405138 5415894 0.47 + . g779.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5405138 5405140 . + 0 transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5405193 5406910 0.99 + . transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5406999 5407193 0.64 + . transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5407375 5407683 0.99 + . transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5407818 5413011 0.77 + . transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5413298 5413964 1 + . transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5414210 5415353 1 + . transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5405138 5405192 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5406911 5406998 0.97 + 2 transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5407194 5407374 0.64 + 1 transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5407684 5407817 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5413012 5413297 0.79 + 1 transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5413965 5414209 1 + 0 transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5415354 5415894 1 + 1 transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5415892 5415894 . + 0 transcript_id "g779.t1"; gene_id "g779"; # protein sequence = [MARGGNAPSSREPSERSLSPASVERYSGQDADDDVDVDVVDCSDSEMPSNTNNSSNSGNSNTNSKSSSQRGRSAAAVG # AAATPSPPPPPPSQSPEELERLSPEESPAQQPTPKIVGSCNCDDLTPVQCHLETKELWDKFHELGTEMIITKSGRRMFPTVRVSFSGPLRQIQPADRY # AVLLDVVPLDSRRYRYAYHRSSWLVAGKADPPPPSRIYAHPDCPLSPEALRKQVVSFEKVKLTNNEMDKSGQVVLNSMHRYQPRIHLVRLSHGQSIPG # SPKELQDMDHKTFVFPETVFTAVTAYQNQLITKLKIDSNPFAKGFRDSSRLSDFDRDPMDAFFFDQHMRTAPLRFFPDPLMSQLTPQEADAASMALLE # KARQHLQMFGRSPYTEMLLPHLYQRSAAPPPPPPAPHLSAFQLGMWQQQWPQLTAGFLASANQQAALALAAAGANRTPPPSMAVAPPAPATPTSSCGS # ASPDLRARPQLNHYPQRFSPYQVPQHQASPPASNRAESP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 23.1 # CDS exons: 1/7 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 2/6 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 13 # E: 2 # RM: 11 # incompatible hint groups: 4 # RM: 2 # W: 2 # end gene g779 # start gene g780 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5461918 5467255 0.31 + . g780 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5461918 5467255 0.31 + . g780.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5461918 5461920 . + 0 transcript_id "g780.t1"; gene_id "g780"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5462105 5463818 1 + . transcript_id "g780.t1"; gene_id "g780"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5464270 5465219 1 + . transcript_id "g780.t1"; gene_id "g780"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5465506 5465893 1 + . transcript_id "g780.t1"; gene_id "g780"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5466406 5467221 0.31 + . transcript_id "g780.t1"; gene_id "g780"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5461918 5462104 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g780.t1"; gene_id "g780"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5463819 5464269 1 + 2 transcript_id "g780.t1"; gene_id "g780"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5465220 5465505 1 + 1 transcript_id "g780.t1"; gene_id "g780"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5465894 5466405 0.63 + 0 transcript_id "g780.t1"; gene_id "g780"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5467222 5467255 0.42 + 1 transcript_id "g780.t1"; gene_id "g780"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5467253 5467255 . + 0 transcript_id "g780.t1"; gene_id "g780"; # protein sequence = [MLVGSHPYLCNGVPAAPAAPNASGQTTTTASKSAAGSATDFSIAAIMAREDASSRESSIRSASPISVEDEVDVDVVDC # SDAEEPPTKARRLNHHQHHQHHQHHHNNNNNNNNNNVAHKSRNSGGAVAQTASAESQLNTSSTSSQGRCSTPPQSPGTEDSEERLTPEPVQKAPKIVG # SCNCDDLKPVQCHLETKELWDRFHDLGTEMIITKTGRRMFPTVRVSFSGPLRQIQPADRYAVLMDIIPMDSKRYRYAYHRSAWLVAGKADPAPPARLY # AHPDSPFSCEALRKQVISFEKVKLTNNEMDKNGQIVLNSMHRYQPRIHLVRLSHGQSIPSNPKELQDLDHKTYVFPETVFTAVTAYQNQLITKLKIDS # NPFAKGFRDSSRLTDFDRDPMEALLLEQQLRSPLRLFPDPLMQQFAAQGDPSSMALFEKARQHLQMFGGNSPYAQLMMPQMYQAAAAAAGPPPPPPGL # GAFHMFQQHVKLERNSLKN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 3/5 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 3 # RM: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 33 # W: 33 # end gene g780 # start gene g781 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5486897 5487142 0.98 + . g781 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5486897 5487142 0.98 + . g781.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5486897 5486899 . + 0 transcript_id "g781.t1"; gene_id "g781"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5486897 5487142 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g781.t1"; gene_id "g781"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5487140 5487142 . + 0 transcript_id "g781.t1"; gene_id "g781"; # protein sequence = [MTDGWGSGEGVRLLLLCDTSIVITITAQDSPKVTHPQEDTMEGNGQERTGQEDSRTPGLQEWGQEMETSWLVSTRHAV # VTK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g781 # start gene g782 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5514888 5515190 0.88 - . g782 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5514888 5515190 0.88 - . g782.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5514888 5514890 . - 0 transcript_id "g782.t1"; gene_id "g782"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5514888 5515190 0.88 - 0 transcript_id "g782.t1"; gene_id "g782"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5515188 5515190 . - 0 transcript_id "g782.t1"; gene_id "g782"; # protein sequence = [MRIPQTVTPSTGCWNGRKEGKCFPQKLSFLLAPNSPRKSKGSTKRMGYVEVALIFMPGSCLYPRKIPLTTLKWKSVID # VYMSGVFTQGGHRTKDEGWVCW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g782 # start gene g783 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5517842 5518822 1 + . g783 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5517842 5518822 1 + . g783.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5517842 5517844 . + 0 transcript_id "g783.t1"; gene_id "g783"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5517842 5518822 1 + 0 transcript_id "g783.t1"; gene_id "g783"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5518820 5518822 . + 0 transcript_id "g783.t1"; gene_id "g783"; # protein sequence = [MKFIPLHTTNTAIVYKNSLCSFASLLVLAFIALSVMLPVLLVSLLSPYSGISESRVLYEQPNVEFNYEYIFVGTTDQG # EYEEEESLVACSSFSQFNEQMESYTNSCTTTRYWTEDVDYDGVTDRAHFQLELQDVPTRLVSFNLLVFFEAELQHKCDLSPPSVLAHQLQLPLHARLR # NGHVQLKGELQLKQYVEFTCPFPGRNIKTQFRQVQLDTNSTNGNIDQFKMESLLAQVKANPAYFQLAVQETYYRETSARLQPGLIIDLELDVLQVAAR # YHLSIWERLGQFWLYFASFFGISFYIMNKLKDFLFGRHIVRSWEIIPWKKLY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g783 # start gene g784 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5518986 5519812 1 - . g784 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5518986 5519812 1 - . g784.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5518986 5518988 . - 0 transcript_id "g784.t1"; gene_id "g784"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5519157 5519211 1 - . transcript_id "g784.t1"; gene_id "g784"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5519622 5519682 1 - . transcript_id "g784.t1"; gene_id "g784"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5518986 5519156 1 - 0 transcript_id "g784.t1"; gene_id "g784"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5519212 5519621 1 - 2 transcript_id "g784.t1"; gene_id "g784"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5519683 5519812 1 - 0 transcript_id "g784.t1"; gene_id "g784"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5519810 5519812 . - 0 transcript_id "g784.t1"; gene_id "g784"; # protein sequence = [MSRLALLRNLVTQRQNLLPTNFARLKCAAAMHWSPHLRQEASRDGGGSLQRSQDNTQVSTDVRPIGEKIKENTKTASY # TAIIIAGLGVTCVMFFAIFRELFSSESPNNIYADALRRVVEDPRVQDAIGAPIKGFGETSRRGRRQHVAHSSYERNGKPHMRMQFYVQGLRNKATVQL # ESRRSDSGKLEYRYLFVQLDHYPRTTIILEDNRAFDPTPEPASAGSSFGNLALMSNSRDK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 68 # W: 68 # end gene g784 # start gene g785 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5520185 5521289 0.96 + . g785 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5520185 5521289 0.96 + . g785.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5520185 5520187 . + 0 transcript_id "g785.t1"; gene_id "g785"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5520215 5520280 1 + . transcript_id "g785.t1"; gene_id "g785"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5520546 5520618 1 + . transcript_id "g785.t1"; gene_id "g785"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5520701 5521135 1 + . transcript_id "g785.t1"; gene_id "g785"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5520185 5520214 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g785.t1"; gene_id "g785"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5520281 5520545 1 + 0 transcript_id "g785.t1"; gene_id "g785"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5520619 5520700 1 + 2 transcript_id "g785.t1"; gene_id "g785"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5521136 5521289 1 + 1 transcript_id "g785.t1"; gene_id "g785"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5521287 5521289 . + 0 transcript_id "g785.t1"; gene_id "g785"; # protein sequence = [MAMYQCARKLEKSIPLQKPVTPKFAITSLPTLFGRILRRYCAVNTNPSKIMVVTHNVKGYDEFTKKMEELENGDEPVH # VLFSGGKDEKGESWCPYCVKAEPVIHDALKKAPGNSHFVHVDVGERAYWKDLNCPFRKDPNTHLIFLPTLLRWKRPQRLDGERCSNQDLVEMMFEDED] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 49 # W: 49 # end gene g785 # start gene g786 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5521378 5523816 0.98 - . g786 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5521378 5523816 0.98 - . g786.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5521378 5521380 . - 0 transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5522008 5522161 1 - . transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5522283 5522348 1 - . transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5522468 5522523 1 - . transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5522680 5522734 1 - . transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5522951 5523012 1 - . transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5523615 5523671 1 - . transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5521378 5522007 1 - 0 transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5522162 5522282 1 - 1 transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5522349 5522467 1 - 0 transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5522524 5522679 1 - 0 transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5522735 5522950 1 - 0 transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5523013 5523614 1 - 2 transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5523672 5523816 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5523814 5523816 . - 0 transcript_id "g786.t1"; gene_id "g786"; # protein sequence = [MAEVPSPQMTEQLDNEEVREILKNTTDLRQYSRQIEKEFKEVENKSIEDYIAESQNIANLHNQINDCDDVLERMENML # MSFQSVLNNISTEITQLQRKSVSMSLQLTNRQSVKAQLSQFIEDMAVSEEMINIIMETPVTERDFSTQLNVLNHKLSLVKELSFKESKSTSDVSDVLQ # KLRLKAMAKIRSYLLEQIYKFRKPMTNYQIPQNAMLKHKFFFEFILSNERHVAQEICSEYIDTMGKIYYSYFKSYSTRLTSLKFEESCTKDDLMGIED # NASKGLFSKTTSLKHKSTIFTIGKRGDILNQQLEAPIIVPHAQLKNRYTAEALFRSEQYALVDNACREYLFVTEFFMVRGTQAQDLFNQIMGKTLTLM # IKNLETSIHDCFDTIAMFLCIHLIFRYQLMCHKRCVPALDKYWDSLQAVIWPRFELVFRLNIQSIHDCDPTKFNKELGPHYITRRYAEFSAAIVGISE # HFPNELVSRLLLELQNEVECFILRMAAIFPTRKDQLIYLINNYDLVLGVLMEHTRDNSKEAEAFREQLNSRSAEYVEEILAPHFGGIIQFVKECEHFF # EKEQMDELRKQERRSLALVASFSANWKKSLEELNREVLLSFPSLLTGSQLLQLALASLVQYYHRFHKLLTPNARAQLTNIHVVMVEIKKYKSNY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 161 # W: 161 # end gene g786 # start gene g787 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5524410 5525723 1 + . g787 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5524410 5525723 1 + . g787.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5524410 5524412 . + 0 transcript_id "g787.t1"; gene_id "g787"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5524410 5525723 1 + 0 transcript_id "g787.t1"; gene_id "g787"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5525721 5525723 . + 0 transcript_id "g787.t1"; gene_id "g787"; # protein sequence = [MTSFRKRTVQKPIRGTRTSPHTAQVITSSGNPYLDVVIGGGLPMGSICLIEEDRFMTHAKVLAKYFLAEGVISKQEIF # LGSLDDIPAEMLRRLPRPLTDQESMEQSEVQALGDAGAENGLRIAWRYNDLPLVNSEHATAKIGHHFNLMEQMDSMMLYNVKTTLWDDSPKHLDIVID # EEFSKSSSPTTPSLEQQPVEDAPPIPGTETAPQEKMPAQEEENSANNNNNNNNNSSSVTSSTKTGSQDSPLQVFHNPRYKGLLNDIQQLLRNESFVAG # TKNNLCRVCLTSLGSPLWYDEHFGEDLIKFLTLLMASVRNCNSVCLITMPMHLIAKYDASLVPKIRQLVDYAIELESFAGSERETHPAFKEYSGLLHL # HKMSAINTLAVHMPETPDLAFKLRRKKFIIEKFHLPPELQESSAKPDNCISGLLSNSNATASLDF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 132 # W: 132 # end gene g787 # start gene g788 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5525949 5530164 0.34 + . g788 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5525949 5530164 0.34 + . g788.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5525949 5525951 . + 0 transcript_id "g788.t1"; gene_id "g788"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5526655 5527066 0.7 + . transcript_id "g788.t1"; gene_id "g788"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5527793 5528310 0.38 + . transcript_id "g788.t1"; gene_id "g788"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5528447 5528519 1 + . transcript_id "g788.t1"; gene_id "g788"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5525949 5526654 0.77 + 0 transcript_id "g788.t1"; gene_id "g788"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5527067 5527792 0.36 + 2 transcript_id "g788.t1"; gene_id "g788"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5528311 5528446 0.38 + 2 transcript_id "g788.t1"; gene_id "g788"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5528520 5530164 1 + 1 transcript_id "g788.t1"; gene_id "g788"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5530162 5530164 . + 0 transcript_id "g788.t1"; gene_id "g788"; # protein sequence = [MSDFHRIFGDLRVYYEPNVQWVDVEEWLYGEEAEGSVLQQRAEKFWTMAMCLQDGGHQETQLQLLRDLSAIIRAMRDE # NQASYSNTHDNWSNLIGFSPALGYLTYIYSLVSLVVLPEHVQQAAPQQLNENINMQLALNAATTYLLTLTIPGAKIFGVFDEDVIEQVLKVFRLLEMN # NNKSLRASMIWMFFLTICDDLKIVFRYVHFKEHLKTRDRIIRCLLEVLYMNFKMGYQNTYLTMMRSLCALRGQCQQLFRSSIRPQNSVHKSQQFWRMK # STDSPEDAARKLRAKSTLYYITAGGVLIVGLSYAAVPLYSIFCQAYSYGGTTTQGHDAEKVEHMKKIEDRVLKIRFNADIGSSMRWNFKPQQYEIKVA # PGETALAFYTARNPTDKPVIGISTYNVIPFEAGAYFNKIQCFCFEEQQLNPHEEVDMPVFFYIDPEITADPALETCDTITLSYTFFEAKEGLKLNFPS # YAKPHAARQDEEDYQESPTVLIALLVRNKAHILPMFLSYLEQQDYPKERIAIWLRCDHSNDDSIELLRQWLDNSGDLYHSVSYEFKPEEQSFVNGTSP # YEWPASRFKHLIALKEEAFQYGRDIWADYVFFLDADVLLTSKDSLKVLTRLQLPIVAPMLISESLYSNFWCGMTEDYYYRRTDEYKEIYHVKKQGSFP # VPMVHTAVLVNMNHRAVRNLTFDRNKLVELQKSRQQEPLYDGPADDIIVFAISANSSGIPLHICNDITFGYILQPLEPGDTLDHDVQQLVNLKSIMVN # ELGAVPPLLDYYKHLEKKPEKSKLSLDRIFMINLKRRPERREKMERLFDEIGIEAEHFPAVDGKELSTERLLEMGVRFLPGYEDPYHHRAMTMGEIGC # FLSHYNIWVMMVRKQLKEVLILEDDIRFEPYFRQNAVRILNQARNAAQYDLIYFGRKRLKEESEPAVENADNLVHAGYSYWTLGYVISLQGALKLLAA # KPLDKLIPVDEFLPLMFDRHPNKTWTEAFPKRNLVAFSASPLLLYPIYYTGESGYISDTEDSQQISVETSEEGEARLKSDREQVFDHEQEFKLNPELK # LGESLSKSHQEL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 1/3 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 202 # W: 202 # end gene g788 # start gene g789 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5530714 5532147 1 - . g789 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5530714 5532147 1 - . g789.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5530714 5530716 . - 0 transcript_id "g789.t1"; gene_id "g789"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5530714 5532147 1 - 0 transcript_id "g789.t1"; gene_id "g789"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5532145 5532147 . - 0 transcript_id "g789.t1"; gene_id "g789"; # protein sequence = [MLGVLRIQGALASAGQARLLSVRLLASKSTTDMTTNRGESTQSTSTEHFDIIIGGGGLVGTTLAAALAKNSTLADKKV # LLLEGAPEFRGFNPTGPYQNRVSAINHNSIELFKSIDAWKHIESARYKPVKQMQVWESNTDALIQFQHDNFASDVACIIENDLILDAVYALAKESPNV # EILNKARIQCVRLPRDSNSNHSELQLEDGRNFSCDLLIGADGANSVVRKEMNVDVFSLNYDRMGLVATLELGEDACDNSVAWQRFLPNGPVALLPLTD # RLSSLVWSTTNEQAKMLQALPPTEFVDALNEAFCRQYPRVELADKAVQALNSLFGHNGSQHQVQYPPRVCGVLDKSRATFPLGFLHASSYVCNGAALV # GDAAHRVHPLAGQGVNLGFSDVRYLVESLAAGAYAGFKLGDKQHLIKYERKCLAKNVPIMLGVHGLHTLYATQFSPVVLLRSLGLQLTQNLPPVKNLF # MRGAMGQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 144 # W: 144 # end gene g789 # start gene g790 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5532475 5535757 0.53 + . g790 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5532475 5535757 0.53 + . g790.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5532475 5532477 . + 0 transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5532649 5532703 1 + . transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5533523 5533578 1 + . transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5533743 5533802 1 + . transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5534987 5535049 1 + . transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5535304 5535364 1 + . transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5532475 5532648 0.53 + 0 transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5532704 5533522 1 + 0 transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5533579 5533742 1 + 0 transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5533803 5534986 1 + 1 transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5535050 5535303 1 + 2 transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5535365 5535757 1 + 0 transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5535755 5535757 . + 0 transcript_id "g790.t1"; gene_id "g790"; # protein sequence = [MHVYTDSPQMIAYGRRGAMQSGEHISDWFIQLIDKYPDIVNRILHFYIECVVSNPIKAWKSNDEKVAIGYAAKYDRVL # FTKCNKSCADYVLEAVKADDAVGIQIRALDLIEKILLQESEVEWSIFRHEVSDVPREVPLLREVLRCLNDRTLTVRRKACQVLILALRQGSPMTKKIL # QESIRFVQFDDTDVEALAEPSAQQNELRFEKPGIVQYAFSFQGHEQLETEVKNLPQTVYQRFLAADNGLARSAGIALLERLVLVNPLIIYNTNFVKET # SLLAVDRLSSVRKSALETIETLLEAYSNCFALICVYCRIWACLMSDEDVALQKLAISSFDRMVLKNIQPLEYSNEAKHFMPWRIISTLLMTQPRAYLQ # ERFAVLLERETIVTPRLVNVIISHLSTSMATDAWGLLLFLSSRITNNMDALIGIFNGLSSYNMKSNQFLALQLITGCLRNFSKPALNQLFQKLLNALR # TGSIWLGIISSAVNLLNQIHHLSTSQSPTIASEMPYWQLSLLEDLVEGILSSAQNFQEEYARLQCLLGAYTELIVMVPQDVDNRIVSIVFKYLQECTK # LCESEFDSDNERMTNWMIVIAGRLSLRDNHLANSASKLYITILTKNDRPQIINTTLIALNDLGKKHPSILESNFQAILSKLQSKFAMTRVRTFRCVKD # VILSGNIKLKGPILISMLAALVDESAEVAREADAFFTRYKKLYNKMLFDHCLKECPFDLNDQAILRGVRTNGNYKSPLKGSQMAKKRRLLYNHIMSSM # DENVLLLYFGQLKLLAEKTRDQAFINNPDALIVVQDMLFIMRRICYCTKGMGKEKNSRGEGDNIDEGEDASSEPATPPTRPEAGEATSRGRGRKADMS # EEPLKQLERCLRFVEETHRNIVPVMSPELSHNFESFCRAMAMRFPNYIEFAQPAQFWRQFRSSAKAPRASRSKRRRMEEGEVESHEEHESESDSDSEL # PLDRHKTTPTASRLSQRKTSCDMLVTELIFQPPDW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 63.6 # CDS exons: 3/6 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 129 # W: 129 # end gene g790 # start gene g791 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5535933 5536726 0.66 - . g791 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5535933 5536726 0.66 - . g791.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5535933 5535935 . - 0 transcript_id "g791.t1"; gene_id "g791"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5536481 5536557 0.66 - . transcript_id "g791.t1"; gene_id "g791"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5535933 5536480 0.66 - 2 transcript_id "g791.t1"; gene_id "g791"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5536558 5536726 1 - 0 transcript_id "g791.t1"; gene_id "g791"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5536724 5536726 . - 0 transcript_id "g791.t1"; gene_id "g791"; # protein sequence = [MPSPKKRSVDKADGKKGKGQGAGGVKGCCCKRSQCIKNYCDCYQSMAICTKFCRCVEVRELVDPNSVAKNSSAVKRQK # AAAMSAKAAAAAAKAGIDVQGKALQVAASTLALPGKALMTPPKYTLVAGKPPMASSHINPIPISRPIATAATPARAVKQPAEPPMPVNLIIPVRHDDR # RDRNLFVQPVNAALLECMLIQATEAEQLGLNELQVCQLVLEEFMRGYKNILEKICEYSKDYY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g791 # start gene g792 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5537460 5539110 0.61 - . g792 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5537460 5539110 0.61 - . g792.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5537460 5537462 . - 0 transcript_id "g792.t1"; gene_id "g792"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5537733 5537875 0.94 - . transcript_id "g792.t1"; gene_id "g792"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5538030 5538087 0.68 - . transcript_id "g792.t1"; gene_id "g792"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5538684 5538756 1 - . transcript_id "g792.t1"; gene_id "g792"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5537460 5537732 1 - 0 transcript_id "g792.t1"; gene_id "g792"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5537876 5538029 0.89 - 1 transcript_id "g792.t1"; gene_id "g792"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5538088 5538683 0.72 - 0 transcript_id "g792.t1"; gene_id "g792"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5538757 5539110 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g792.t1"; gene_id "g792"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5539108 5539110 . - 0 transcript_id "g792.t1"; gene_id "g792"; # protein sequence = [MLLKKYVKTRRKLKILLLLAIVALLVITIIVLGSSGRNAAIELLLDERFIARAYRPGDQPQVAEKPPPVAVALLQPQR # ENGVIVPEKYDEQKIKERIIQSKIDLMKQQQQRDHEAEQSSRTTLDVVISAVHIFYTAPVPWYKSKKPPPPPAEHPNDVPLTTPRPVRILNTAFYPAL # GLYKPSGSLLAQHFENIRSCGIGVLILSFSGGKPAEAALLHQILELAPQHNLSVTFELSVAGNQSVEFVRQQLQEIATYTSLAGFYKVWSQSRGVSLP # VLYVSNAYKLSDSLGRLLCRSPSLVEPDGLRRILDALFIGHIRLKSHADVLRRLCFDGFYSKLPSNGAVFASTWKNWSYLKSFALSYKMLFVPTYYGV # AWRTAILNHVGFINIASYNNWPDGSQIEEVMPRAGFLDYNPGSRTKYLDLTAHWVGNFLKTRQEAAAAASPASPPNCYELLNGTIC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 14.3 # CDS exons: 1/4 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 11 # W: 11 # end gene g792 # start gene g793 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5539631 5541921 1 - . g793 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5539631 5541921 1 - . g793.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5539631 5539633 . - 0 transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5539645 5539706 1 - . transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5540110 5540168 1 - . transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5540301 5540971 1 - . transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5541091 5541152 1 - . transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5541337 5541432 1 - . transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5541657 5541722 1 - . transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5539631 5539644 1 - 2 transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5539707 5540109 1 - 0 transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5540169 5540300 1 - 0 transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5540972 5541090 1 - 2 transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5541153 5541336 1 - 0 transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5541433 5541656 1 - 2 transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5541723 5541921 1 - 0 transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5541919 5541921 . - 0 transcript_id "g793.t1"; gene_id "g793"; # protein sequence = [MADNDDLLDYEDEEQTETTAVENQEAPKKDVKGTYVSIHSSGFRDFLLKPEILRAIVDCGFEHPSEVQHECIPQAVLG # MDILCQAKSGMGKTAVFVLATLQQLEPSDNNTCHVLVMCHTRELAFQISKEYERFSKYMPTVKVAVFFGGMAIQKDEETLKSGTPHIVVGTPGRILAL # IRNKKLNLKLLKHFVLDECDKMLEQLDMRRDVQEIFRSTPHGKQVMMFSATLSKDIRPVCKKFMQDPMEVYVDDEAKLTLHGLQQHYVNLKENEKNKK # LFELLDVLEFNQVVIFVKSVQRCVALSQLLTEQNFPAIGIHRGMTQEERLNRYQQFKDFQKRILVATNLFGRGMDIERVNIVFNYDMPEDSDTYLHRV # ARAGRFGTKGLAITFVSDENDAKILNEVQDRFDVNISELPEEIDLSTYIEGR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 150 # W: 150 # end gene g793 # start gene g794 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5542309 5545790 0.78 + . g794 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5542309 5545790 0.78 + . g794.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5542309 5542311 . + 0 transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5542370 5542656 0.78 + . transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5542661 5543324 0.88 + . transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5543795 5544037 1 + . transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5544742 5544806 1 + . transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5545505 5545567 1 + . transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5542309 5542369 0.78 + 0 transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5542657 5542660 0.88 + 2 transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5543325 5543794 0.88 + 1 transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5544038 5544741 1 + 2 transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5544807 5545504 1 + 0 transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5545568 5545790 0.99 + 1 transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5545788 5545790 . + 0 transcript_id "g794.t1"; gene_id "g794"; # protein sequence = [MRAEPGDIVKLSIVVHNKSIFSVNMSSKSRRAGTATPQPGNTSTPRPPSAGPQPPPPSTHSQTASSPLSPTRHSRVAE # KVELQNLNDRLATYIDRVRNLETENSRLTIEVQTTRDTVTRETTNIKNIFEAELLETRRLLDDTARDRARAEIDIKRLWEENEELKNKLDKKTKECTT # AEGNVRMYESRANELNNKYNQANADRKKLNEDLNEALKELERLRKQFEETRKNLEQETLSRVDLENTIQSLREELSFKDQIHSQEINESRRIKQTEYS # EIDGRLSSEYDAKLKQSLQELRAQYEEQMQINRDEIQSLYEDKIQRLQEAAARTSNSTHKSIEELRSTRVRIDALNANINELEQANADLNARIRDLER # QLDNDRERHGQEIDLLEKELIRLREEMTQQLKEYQDLMDIKVSLDLEIAAYDKLLVGEEARLNITPATNTATVQSFSQSLRNSTRATPSRRTPSAAVK # RKRAVVDESEDHSVADYYVSASAKGNVEIKEIDPEGKFVRLFNKGSEEVAIGGWQLQRLINEKGPSTTYKFHRSVRIEPNGVITVWSADTKASHEPPS # SLVMKSQKWVSADNTRTILLNSEGEAVANLDRIKRIVSQHTSSSRLSRRRSVTAVDGNEQLYHQQGDPQQSNEKCAIITHEDHNLEPKNTHTEVQRFI # IQLSYFLWPQRQLFNQKHLCRRHPESSFRLYTFVFPFLTNSIVYCFDVFVFPR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 63.6 # CDS exons: 4/6 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/5 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 219 # W: 219 # end gene g794 # start gene g795 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5545848 5546546 0.99 + . g795 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5545848 5546546 0.99 + . g795.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5545848 5545850 . + 0 transcript_id "g795.t1"; gene_id "g795"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5545965 5546198 0.99 + . transcript_id "g795.t1"; gene_id "g795"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5545848 5545964 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g795.t1"; gene_id "g795"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5546199 5546546 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g795.t1"; gene_id "g795"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5546544 5546546 . + 0 transcript_id "g795.t1"; gene_id "g795"; # protein sequence = [MPHRIYVRRSLLVFAAARTLKILQEKQYFRCTYAPPTYLTHAYGSDNQPAIYIFSHGHRVYDPPKRLSPGLDRFLSFL # QTFYRTSNNKNSNNNNSINSNNTNVQQLQKQQRRKTKENGSTRSGSAIRRIFYGWAWSRFTPAKQMQRPHRLLYKN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 70 # W: 70 # end gene g795 # start gene g796 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5547815 5549494 1 + . g796 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5547815 5549494 1 + . g796.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5547815 5547817 . + 0 transcript_id "g796.t1"; gene_id "g796"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5547913 5547972 1 + . transcript_id "g796.t1"; gene_id "g796"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5548101 5548167 1 + . transcript_id "g796.t1"; gene_id "g796"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5548710 5549443 1 + . transcript_id "g796.t1"; gene_id "g796"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5547815 5547912 1 + 0 transcript_id "g796.t1"; gene_id "g796"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5547973 5548100 1 + 1 transcript_id "g796.t1"; gene_id "g796"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5548168 5548709 1 + 2 transcript_id "g796.t1"; gene_id "g796"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5549444 5549494 1 + 0 transcript_id "g796.t1"; gene_id "g796"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5549492 5549494 . + 0 transcript_id "g796.t1"; gene_id "g796"; # protein sequence = [MRLVILETSDSVGKWAAKYVMKRINDFQPSADRYFVLGLPTGSTPLGMYKELIEFHKQGKVSFQYVKTFNMDEYVGLA # RDHHESYHYFMWNNFFKHIDIEPKNVHILDGNAADLVAECNKFEDQIREAGGVELFIGGIGPDGHIAFNEPGSSLVSRTRVKTLAQDTLEANARFFDN # DMSKVPKQALTVGVGTVMDSKEVMILITGAHKAFALYKAIEEGVNHMWTVSAFQQHANTLMICDEDATLELRVKTVKYFKSLMDVHSKLIEQQKTT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 113 # W: 113 # end gene g796 # start gene g797 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5549821 5550807 0.97 - . g797 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5549821 5550807 0.97 - . g797.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5549821 5549823 . - 0 transcript_id "g797.t1"; gene_id "g797"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5549821 5550807 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g797.t1"; gene_id "g797"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5550805 5550807 . - 0 transcript_id "g797.t1"; gene_id "g797"; # protein sequence = [MAQSTNSKKLMMFRTPNEEEALKNQIFIFNSPIDYKDQQLIVYQKPGILTGDKDYGYCVVYKRDHYVLNNPPNFKSPT # KRSFLNECIRQLYLMNGMGHKMYWRTTSAMALSTPGEVWHQVNSCLLPERLTPQKESLKRVKRQLFRDPRADRKNPNPLKGKCWGTQVFCFKSMREKI # GRKYIRRGYLTIARREALQEMIREHLAREMVCTPAACRTVISASDGIFNVNAGVIGDICSYHSHAARHQPVVERRLTAGEARLRNNEACRLTQRAKRL # EAMFIHEQVRRAVQNHQLILEESVRSIYYAKELFRLIEDHEEFVYTDNKILSRI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 11 # W: 11 # end gene g797 # start gene g798 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5552046 5552648 0.7 + . g798 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5552046 5552648 0.7 + . g798.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5552046 5552048 . + 0 transcript_id "g798.t1"; gene_id "g798"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5552046 5552648 0.7 + 0 transcript_id "g798.t1"; gene_id "g798"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5552646 5552648 . + 0 transcript_id "g798.t1"; gene_id "g798"; # protein sequence = [MGNVMDRKVSCSEARATNTTPTPIASEKETEAPLKEQVLEPQEIVPNLSFHLFSYRQQMGSKKHQLMKWATSKLVLTE # ELLKLQRQRLADTNESWTDFASLYADKDDEENREPNGDDTLVQELSNLRNYRMELRGTILEFAQEKMKKREKKKLKRLKRRTLISSKKPSNKNKIDYW # YPHTDIEETVDLDPQDQTEVVVID] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g798 # start gene g799 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5552937 5553715 0.77 - . g799 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5552937 5553715 0.77 - . g799.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5552937 5552939 . - 0 transcript_id "g799.t1"; gene_id "g799"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5553333 5553385 0.78 - . transcript_id "g799.t1"; gene_id "g799"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5552937 5553332 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g799.t1"; gene_id "g799"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5553386 5553715 0.78 - 0 transcript_id "g799.t1"; gene_id "g799"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5553713 5553715 . - 0 transcript_id "g799.t1"; gene_id "g799"; # protein sequence = [MATQGKSVDFSVLEFDNYNDYISSFATVTDHRYLGNQNTIKTIVQLGYRTTKIPYTAEEYEKRVDLALEAIRPKLAHV # GLFSDLLSPTNRDPVLLEFKARELLNLNKILSTIVFTSYIHMDGSEISGYIDLDMSWRNCFREAIKHTDWRGVFQGRSRLKPMPHHLSYSNPRYNVVK # YTDSDNYQVMHDHHFGLMFMHRGDHKMISVGGQFNIYSRNAKRSMVYSPKFGYVVFYDHFVRKKV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g799 # start gene g800 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5553978 5554756 0.79 + . g800 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5553978 5554756 0.79 + . g800.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5553978 5553980 . + 0 transcript_id "g800.t1"; gene_id "g800"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5554305 5554366 0.9 + . transcript_id "g800.t1"; gene_id "g800"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5553978 5554304 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g800.t1"; gene_id "g800"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5554367 5554756 0.82 + 0 transcript_id "g800.t1"; gene_id "g800"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5554754 5554756 . + 0 transcript_id "g800.t1"; gene_id "g800"; # protein sequence = [MEDSQRKHAGSKGFRALENRKQDIAYNHYLNSFVKLEDRRYLPNDNVIHQLVPLRAAVGTIVMTPTQFNEVHFSPLGT # CFYFSENNVPNDPLTMALLEREKLNATKTISTIVFVSTRDSKGFNISGYIDLEHSLRRYKTAGSKSHPWADIFAGRRRLEPNHQDLSFINWSNGRVHS # NDSDNYKVIPDAVKGLCFAHKGDGSMLSIEKYITEEHPLCKFIESPKHGYTVVYDHYIRRKM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g800 # start gene g801 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5555392 5558697 0.44 + . g801 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5555392 5558697 0.44 + . g801.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5555392 5555394 . + 0 transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5555615 5555676 1 + . transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5555740 5555830 1 + . transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5556038 5556091 1 + . transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5556310 5556364 0.99 + . transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5556515 5556569 0.95 + . transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5557007 5557067 1 + . transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5557530 5557781 0.84 + . transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5558213 5558272 0.98 + . transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5555392 5555614 0.66 + 0 transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5555677 5555739 1 + 2 transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5555831 5556037 1 + 2 transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5556092 5556309 1 + 2 transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5556365 5556514 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5556570 5557006 0.95 + 0 transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5557068 5557529 0.8 + 1 transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5557782 5558212 0.87 + 1 transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5558273 5558697 0.98 + 2 transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5558695 5558697 . + 0 transcript_id "g801.t1"; gene_id "g801"; # protein sequence = [MKSQWVGPSINYLVIAIAQRFALEGAIFYENEKEIELSFDQAFREVNNMKFSELRFVTIKRYMPTNDSFLLQQITCEL # ISNGVAAIFGPSSKAASDIVAQIANATGIPHIEYDLKLEATRQEQLNHQMSINVAPSLSVLSRAYFEIIKSNYEWRTFTLIYETPEGLARLQDLMNIQ # ALNSDYVKLRNLADYADDYRILWKETDETFHEQRIILDCEPKTLKELLKVSIDFKLQGPFRNWFLTHLDTHNSGLRDIYNEDFKANITSVRLKVVDAN # PFERKKTRLTKVDQILGNQTMLPILIYDAVVLFASSARNVIAAMQPFHPPNRHCGSSSPWMLGAFIVNEMKTISEDDVEPHFKTENMKLDEYGQRIHF # NLEIYKPTVNEPMMVWTPDNGIKKRLLNLELESAGTTQDFSEQRKVYTVVTHYEEPYFMMKEDHENFRGREKYEGYAVDLISKLSELMEFDYEFMIVN # GNGKYNPETKQWDGIIRKLIDHVGFTRSIVVTPLDICIFYTQHAQIGVCDLTITQMRRSVVDFTVPFMQLGISILHYKSPPEPKNQFAFLEPFAVEVW # IYMIFAQLIMTLAFVFIARGPHMRILTGMWWFFALMMLSTYTANLAAFLTSNKWQSSIKSLQDLIEQDKVHFGSMRGGSTSLFFSESNDTDYQRAWNQ # MKDFNPSAFTSTNKEGVARVRKEKGGYAFLMETTSLTYNIERNCDLTQIGEQIGEKHYGLAVPLGSDYRTNLSVSILQLSERGELQKMKNKWWKNHNV # TCDSYHEVDGDELSIIELGGVFLVLAGGVLIGVILGIFEFLWNVQNVAVEERVTPWQAFKAELIFALKFWVRKKPMRISSSSDKSSSRRSSGSRRSSK # EKSRSKTVS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 58.8 # CDS exons: 6/9 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 4/8 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 4 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 59 # W: 59 # end gene g801 # start gene g802 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5559451 5563397 0.08 + . g802 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5559451 5563397 0.08 + . g802.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5559451 5559453 . + 0 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5559533 5559585 1 + . transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5559733 5559794 0.48 + . transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5559858 5560322 0.48 + . transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5560533 5560646 1 + . transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5560859 5560927 0.95 + . transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5561087 5561371 0.85 + . transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5561653 5561705 0.95 + . transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5561896 5561971 1 + . transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5562292 5562411 0.59 + . transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5562843 5562901 1 + . transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5563162 5563280 0.25 + . transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5559451 5559532 1 + 0 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5559586 5559732 0.98 + 2 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5559795 5559857 0.48 + 2 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5560323 5560532 0.98 + 2 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5560647 5560858 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5560928 5561086 0.86 + 0 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5561372 5561652 0.89 + 0 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5561706 5561895 1 + 1 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5561972 5562291 0.59 + 0 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5562412 5562842 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5562902 5563161 0.64 + 2 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5563281 5563397 0.26 + 0 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5563395 5563397 . + 0 transcript_id "g802.t1"; gene_id "g802"; # protein sequence = [MHGLQFLVLLALAIASGANEDTLVIKIGAIFFDTEMKLADAFSAALEEVNAINPALKLDAIKRYVTVDDSIVLQDISC # DLIGSGVAAIFGPSSKTNSDIVEVLCNMTGIPHLQFDWHPQQSNRERMNHQLTVNVAPMELFLSAAFSDILASKTFDWKSFTIAYERSSHLIRLQHIL # AWKQLHKAGIKMQEFERGDDYRILWKRINNAREKFVLLDCPSDILVDVINASIGYNMTGSFNHLFLTNLDTHLSGIDGFYSRDFTVAVAAVRIRTYVP # PPVHDEIDVFDNSVDTRITPKMVKPPFKTQRLQINADGQREDFNLEVYNPIIDRVTHIWNKEFQLVDFEKLRENSTQALKQKRLQNKEDFSQKPIRYT # VATRVGKPYFSWREEPEGVHYEGNERFEGYAVDLIYMLAQECKFDFNFEPVRDNKYGSYDANTDEWDGIIRQLIDNNAQIGICDLTITQARRSVVDFT # VPFMQLGISILSYKEPPPKADIYAFLNPYNAEVWLFVMIAMMITAFALIFTGRIDQYEWDQPVENVNREMERQNIWHLSNALWLVGLPMRLLTAFWWI # FALLISQTYIAKLAAFITSSKIAGDIGSLHDLVDQNKVQFGTIRGGATSVYFSESNDTDNRMAWNKMLSFKPDAFTKNNEEGVDRVKLSKGTYAFLME # TTNLQYYVQRNCELTQIGESFGEKHYGIAVPLNADFRSNLSVGILRLSERGELFKLRNKWFNSNESTCDSNVPTIDDGQFDMDSVGGLFVVLIVGVVV # GLVIGVAEFLWHVQRISVKEKKTAAHLSPKSGFNFDGLLIAGANYKCFQCEKEKKDQAN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/12 # CDS introns: 0/11 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g802 # start gene g803 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5579725 5580891 0.92 - . g803 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5579725 5580891 0.92 - . g803.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5579725 5579727 . - 0 transcript_id "g803.t1"; gene_id "g803"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5579725 5580891 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g803.t1"; gene_id "g803"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5580889 5580891 . - 0 transcript_id "g803.t1"; gene_id "g803"; # protein sequence = [MAFLGKVNSQGTLIDHELFCMTQPSQQDSDGQAREMGARVLLPRRKGSRTFIKTCDKDSLVRSMGSPSTVRYVGSSES # SSEVNSLDETETSTLRCCSDLSLGTLKSTKTIEGPRVGELGEDIELQTESETVCLHLGSPSSSTSTDRSSCSSRSCPSSRSGNNSSDKDSTTSMCSWE # EAMSRDDSMLAPLELPLSHSLPSLRLGSSVGSPPLTYTRRIEPLHIRRSAGEAYENWLSGKQRQCQYKLQAQQAEREAQRQRTELRQRLAKEKYEQWC # QQKAQQTTSTAKLTKPDRSAQLPPQKNMASVQHHLQEWELHKLRLLEQRRLEQRNAERRRQEEKAARRSQAEEAFSRWMSNVAQRPKPVPSSQGMKSL # RGTVSDIFINPKQWVN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g803 # start gene g804 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5587269 5588177 0.73 - . g804 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5587269 5588177 0.73 - . g804.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5587269 5587271 . - 0 transcript_id "g804.t1"; gene_id "g804"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5587914 5587970 0.99 - . transcript_id "g804.t1"; gene_id "g804"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5587269 5587913 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g804.t1"; gene_id "g804"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5587971 5588177 0.73 - 0 transcript_id "g804.t1"; gene_id "g804"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5588175 5588177 . - 0 transcript_id "g804.t1"; gene_id "g804"; # protein sequence = [MSSPSSLAQNTTRTYFFKDDGGNPSPQSTDNWSLGGLKRSEIQSNLVPSLCLSSQESSLNYLSHCKGIKVDRQPEAAY # QNWYSAKQQQLLEKQRRIKEEQEFKQQRTEERKQLARMCYEQWLKDKARQAANLQLESHIQDAAMKASIALRKNPLESLRKNPVVSSLSGLGSLGSGP # SSSTAPRRIRKVSKDEIRRVVEDWWLKKQSQQQAQREEKRRAMLSKALKEEQRRQLAQDAWSKWMSNVDAKPKPVPLNQGMDSLRGTISQLYVNPTPW # MGPVKQTQM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g804 # start gene g805 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5596939 5598399 1 + . g805 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5596939 5598399 1 + . g805.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5596939 5596941 . + 0 transcript_id "g805.t1"; gene_id "g805"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5596939 5598399 1 + 0 transcript_id "g805.t1"; gene_id "g805"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5598397 5598399 . + 0 transcript_id "g805.t1"; gene_id "g805"; # protein sequence = [MAFVARRSSDGSVVDRQQVSGREKVRPASQSDISDEDSESLLGYTNHTYGAPTVRYVGQGEDREAVEPQLDYEDFGDS # LGDHADNSESETDSILSFCKELDEEEANDALLNGRMSFTDEKAKVEDKANADDVFHRVMNKGDEAAATDTETVMNFDHDVQSLSSLGSCTPTVTQRGE # DVDNLDNISGRTFFKEEKSHSINTRTFCKDNNLDALSGRTFYKQASVKETNQGQISSRTYSLSSSGNNQNHDASSMSTCSWSDMYRGALQSTDGCTGM # PPLSLASVVSDSSTCYKQLEEHKERPGPQAFEDWKARKAAEKQKNLLAAKQEREKREAEAALRQKYAQEHFQEWCRRKEEQQQQQRQKQKKSSTSSSS # LGSVSSSSTAPTRKVSPENTKNRLQKWEQAKREQQQQEKQRLIRLQCNKQKLEEERRQRRQGAWQNWMKQVDKRAKPVPLNQGFDTLRGTISNIYINP # VQWVSNIDPQDSGRSR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g805 # start gene g806 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5599842 5608959 0.06 - . g806 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5599842 5608959 0.06 - . g806.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5599842 5599844 . - 0 transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5599892 5603908 0.33 - . transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5604002 5604715 0.62 - . transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5604869 5605841 0.71 - . transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5605980 5606038 0.71 - . transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5606168 5608790 0.69 - . transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5599842 5599891 0.34 - 2 transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5603909 5604001 0.63 - 2 transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5604716 5604868 0.76 - 2 transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5605842 5605979 0.68 - 2 transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5606039 5606167 0.75 - 2 transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5608791 5608959 0.34 - 0 transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5608957 5608959 . - 0 transcript_id "g806.t1"; gene_id "g806"; # protein sequence = [MAAVPPDILDYPTSTDMVVREGSNVTLKCAATGSPEPTITWRRESGVPIELATGEEVMSIEGTDLVIPNVRRHHMGAY # LCIASNGVPPSVSKRITLVVHFPPMITVQNQLIGAVEGKGVTLDCESEAYPKSINYWTRERGEIVPPGGKYSANVTEIGGYRNSMRLHINPLTQAEFG # SYRCVAKNSLGDTDGTIKLYRKKRTKSSESHHPARAQEHSGEDMENPGKRKGKNVFCRFKPMAKMVP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 9.09 # CDS exons: 0/6 # CDS introns: 1/5 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 10 # E: 1 # RM: 9 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g806 # start gene g807 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5609465 5613026 0.16 - . g807 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5609465 5613026 0.16 - . g807.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5609465 5609467 . - 0 transcript_id "g807.t1"; gene_id "g807"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5609659 5611027 0.43 - . transcript_id "g807.t1"; gene_id "g807"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5611090 5611143 0.62 - . transcript_id "g807.t1"; gene_id "g807"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5611290 5612885 0.8 - . transcript_id "g807.t1"; gene_id "g807"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5609465 5609658 0.43 - 2 transcript_id "g807.t1"; gene_id "g807"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5611028 5611089 0.58 - 1 transcript_id "g807.t1"; gene_id "g807"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5611144 5611289 0.75 - 0 transcript_id "g807.t1"; gene_id "g807"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5612886 5613026 0.44 - 0 transcript_id "g807.t1"; gene_id "g807"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5613024 5613026 . - 0 transcript_id "g807.t1"; gene_id "g807"; # protein sequence = [MMALLTRISFDFITVDPKFSSPIVNMTAPVGRDAFLTCVVQDLGPYKVAWLRVDTQTILTIQNHVITKNQRIGIANSE # HKTWTMRIKDIKESDKGWYMCQINTDPMKSQMGYLDVVEPPPPPNRPTSFLGLQFSRSQANLGHLMTIQWSPASGAQTDSLAAELNKLFVNTSTFFGH # LPTT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g807 # start gene g808 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5621602 5623740 0.68 - . g808 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5621602 5623740 0.68 - . g808.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5621602 5621604 . - 0 transcript_id "g808.t1"; gene_id "g808"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5622045 5622635 1 - . transcript_id "g808.t1"; gene_id "g808"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5622864 5622981 0.91 - . transcript_id "g808.t1"; gene_id "g808"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5623199 5623254 0.85 - . transcript_id "g808.t1"; gene_id "g808"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5621602 5622044 1 - 2 transcript_id "g808.t1"; gene_id "g808"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5622636 5622863 1 - 2 transcript_id "g808.t1"; gene_id "g808"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5622982 5623198 0.91 - 0 transcript_id "g808.t1"; gene_id "g808"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5623255 5623740 0.74 - 0 transcript_id "g808.t1"; gene_id "g808"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5623738 5623740 . - 0 transcript_id "g808.t1"; gene_id "g808"; # protein sequence = [MDFTLLLLTSLLSFLLGYLRYRFTYWELRGIPQLRPHFLFGHFFRLQSVHYSELLQETYDAFRGSAKVAGTYVFLRPM # AVVLDLDLVKAVLIRDFNNFVDRRSFHGDPLTANLFNLQGEEWRNLRTKLSPTFTSGKMKYMFGTVSTVAQQLGGTFDELVGSQGAVLELHDLMARYT # TDVIGSCAFGTECSSLREPQAEFRQVGRRIFRNSNRSIRWRIFKMTYLSSLAKLGLPVRGKGLTMEQMAAQAFVFFVAGFETSSSNMSYALFELAKNQ # DVQQKLRMEINDSIGKHGKLTYEAMMEMPYLDQTITETLRKYPALSSLTRLASEDYEIPSPDGGDPVVLEKGTSVHIPVLAIHYDPEVYPEPHEFRPE # RFAPDACRERHPTAFLGFGDGPRNCIGLRFGRMQVKVGLITLLRRFRFSLPPGSPTQLKVTKRNLILLPSDGVRLQVDPVESRLM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g808 # start gene g809 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5626921 5636956 0.12 - . g809 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5626921 5636956 0.12 - . g809.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5626921 5626923 . - 0 transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5627118 5632036 0.4 - . transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5632313 5632369 1 - . transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5632457 5632927 0.8 - . transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5633078 5634653 1 - . transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5634789 5635655 0.53 - . transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5635785 5636733 1 - . transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5626921 5627117 0.41 - 2 transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5632037 5632312 0.81 - 2 transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5632370 5632456 0.8 - 2 transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5632928 5633077 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5634654 5634788 0.53 - 2 transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5635656 5635784 1 - 2 transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5636734 5636956 0.78 - 0 transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5636954 5636956 . - 0 transcript_id "g809.t1"; gene_id "g809"; # protein sequence = [MPPQNFVSPHTCAHVPWATTTVPPDILDYPTSTDMVIREGSNVTLKCAATGSPTPTITWRREGGELIPLPNGAEAVAY # NGSFLTIAKVNRLNMGAYLCIASNGIPPTVSKRVMLIVHFPPMIWIQNQLVGAALTQNITLECQSEAYPKSINYWMKNDTIIVPGERFVPETFESGYK # ITMRLTIYEVDIQDFGAYRCVAKNSLGDTDGAIKLYHIPQTTTMTTMAPTVSINTVPVVLVKYNKEQRYGSSQNSNTNPYNFNPGNSQQNTKLQRGKS # NSKGSDQSPSGLNNVFVGATSSLWNSQDHHSSSSSSSSASSRGRDHHQQQHHQQQQQNHGSDHGASYRSDGKSPHLTNHDAKSLTDDLDRMQDLKGWA # SRLSPISPILGLSMILGVGYLGPWPG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 30.8 # CDS exons: 1/7 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 3/6 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 10 # E: 3 # RM: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 22 # RM: 2 # W: 20 # end gene g809 # start gene g810 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5640258 5645525 0.42 - . g810 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5640258 5645525 0.42 - . g810.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5640258 5640260 . - 0 transcript_id "g810.t1"; gene_id "g810"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5640349 5640517 1 - . transcript_id "g810.t1"; gene_id "g810"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5640664 5641854 1 - . transcript_id "g810.t1"; gene_id "g810"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5641953 5645455 1 - . transcript_id "g810.t1"; gene_id "g810"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5640258 5640348 0.42 - 1 transcript_id "g810.t1"; gene_id "g810"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5640518 5640663 1 - 0 transcript_id "g810.t1"; gene_id "g810"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5641855 5641952 1 - 2 transcript_id "g810.t1"; gene_id "g810"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5645456 5645525 1 - 0 transcript_id "g810.t1"; gene_id "g810"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5645523 5645525 . - 0 transcript_id "g810.t1"; gene_id "g810"; # protein sequence = [MQNKDELLEDIREDTVVNAIPEKDLPKFGELLQNVTVPVSREAVLQCVVDNLQTYKIAWLRVDTQTILTIQNHVITKN # HRMSITHAEKRAWILRIRDVKESDKGWYMCQINTDPMKSQVGYLDVVGEYSILKVA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 3 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 10 # W: 10 # end gene g810 # start gene g811 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5651584 5651817 0.75 - . g811 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5651584 5651817 0.75 - . g811.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5651584 5651586 . - 0 transcript_id "g811.t1"; gene_id "g811"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5651584 5651817 0.75 - 0 transcript_id "g811.t1"; gene_id "g811"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5651815 5651817 . - 0 transcript_id "g811.t1"; gene_id "g811"; # protein sequence = [MPEISSRLIVATATAAVVSIICLSLALPGCAAQESDDEGELHHLDQMHHQHQDFIIGESEEHDHIAHHLGKKLSSVY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g811 # start gene g812 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5668949 5670679 0.96 + . g812 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5668949 5670679 0.96 + . g812.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5668949 5668951 . + 0 transcript_id "g812.t1"; gene_id "g812"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5668949 5670679 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g812.t1"; gene_id "g812"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5670677 5670679 . + 0 transcript_id "g812.t1"; gene_id "g812"; # protein sequence = [MMRMFRYTNTLQRTAKISHVLWARNYAKDVRFGPEVRAMMLQGVDVLADAVAVTMGPKGRNVIIEQSWGSPKITKDGV # TVAKSIALKDKFQNIGAKLVQDVANNTNEEAGDGTTTATVLARAIAKEGFEKISRGASPVEIRRGVMLAIETVKDNLRRLSRPVNTPEEICQVATISA # NGDKSVGNLISEAIKKVGRDGVITVKDGKTLCDELEVIEGMKFDRGYISPYFINTSKGAKVEFQDALLLFCEKKIKSAPSIVPALELANAQRKPLVII # AEDLEAEALSTLVVNRLKVGLQVCAVKAPGFGDNRKENLMDMAVATGGIVFGDEANMVRLEDIKMSDFGRVGEVVVSKDDTMLLKGKGQKAEVEKRVE # GLREAIKESTSSYEKEKMQERLARLSSGVALLRVGGSSDVEVSEKKDRVIDALNATRAAVEEGIVPGGGTALLRCIQKLNDLKGANEDQNMGIEIIRR # ALRMPCLTIAKNAGVDGAMVVAKVEILDGDYGYDALKGEYGNMIERGIIDPTKVVRTAISDAAGVASLLTTAEAVVTELPLEEAAAAGAAAGLGALGG # MGMGGMGM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 11 # W: 11 # end gene g812 # start gene g813 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5671064 5671321 0.94 - . g813 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5671064 5671321 0.94 - . g813.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5671064 5671066 . - 0 transcript_id "g813.t1"; gene_id "g813"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5671064 5671321 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g813.t1"; gene_id "g813"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5671319 5671321 . - 0 transcript_id "g813.t1"; gene_id "g813"; # protein sequence = [MHESQVAVYYFYPHPVSLAPFPANPAQLEKPESVLHAVPDCFIFHSEMQKRKSPAHDKNCTKWLAQQGNCDKTQQRTC # VKEHFQD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g813 # start gene g814 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5678785 5679150 0.43 + . g814 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5678785 5679150 0.43 + . g814.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5678785 5678787 . + 0 transcript_id "g814.t1"; gene_id "g814"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5678785 5679150 0.43 + 0 transcript_id "g814.t1"; gene_id "g814"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5679148 5679150 . + 0 transcript_id "g814.t1"; gene_id "g814"; # protein sequence = [MNSLSQRSPYSQIGMGAAGGFLTGFVLLKASKIMAVAAGGTILALELAWQAGLVQLDVLKTFSQLEQDQSRGQLEVRE # ISLEPVNLNRVQELGDKARKACATSGRLCVAFLGGFLLGFGWA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g814 # start gene g815 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5712106 5713553 0.77 + . g815 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5712106 5713553 0.77 + . g815.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5712106 5712108 . + 0 transcript_id "g815.t1"; gene_id "g815"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5712150 5712237 0.94 + . transcript_id "g815.t1"; gene_id "g815"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5712425 5712481 1 + . transcript_id "g815.t1"; gene_id "g815"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5713355 5713415 0.93 + . transcript_id "g815.t1"; gene_id "g815"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5712106 5712149 0.82 + 0 transcript_id "g815.t1"; gene_id "g815"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5712238 5712424 0.94 + 1 transcript_id "g815.t1"; gene_id "g815"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5712482 5713354 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g815.t1"; gene_id "g815"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5713416 5713553 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g815.t1"; gene_id "g815"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5713551 5713553 . + 0 transcript_id "g815.t1"; gene_id "g815"; # protein sequence = [MRRANIKRGQCLSLRPQGSSKMDRYEKLSRLGEGSYGVVYKCRDRETGALVAVKRFVESEDDPAIRKIALREIRLLKN # LKHPNLVSLLEVFRRKRRLHLVFEFCELTVLHELERHPQGCPEHLTKQICYQTLLGVAYCHKQGCLHRDIKPENILLTAQGQVKLCDFGFARMLSPGE # NYTDYVATRWYRAPELLVGDTQYGTPVDVWAIGCLFAELVRGEALWPGRSDVDQLYLIRKTLGDLLPRHIQIFGQNEYFKGITLPVPPTLEPLEDKMP # AKSQQNPLTIDFLKKCLDKDPTKRWSCEKLTKHSYFDDYIAKQRELEHVNSLEAANLRQQQLASQQFMLATAAQQLQTGPAQAAAIAAARDKSKTSNT # SLPLLPSTQHHHHPHQDYVKLQPLNKNANLLHRTEHHLPTI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g815 # start gene g816 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5715491 5716072 0.15 - . g816 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5715491 5716072 0.15 - . g816.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5715491 5715493 . - 0 transcript_id "g816.t1"; gene_id "g816"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5715491 5716072 0.15 - 0 transcript_id "g816.t1"; gene_id "g816"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5716070 5716072 . - 0 transcript_id "g816.t1"; gene_id "g816"; # protein sequence = [MLKKQINLGLLIILTLLGCFYICKYSFLVALVTPPRLLSVFVGYNACTCVAMFQIIGLVKSARYCELYGDDPFHPLAM # RSNRSKDSEKPLHVLRMHDMHDTNIDEEKRLSKLGLWPRRQPPVVSVLPVQAAYPQPPLKWWQLQALSTGDDHQPDPSVYRNWHTNELLNGVGGDVQR # KSELNRRYAENQLHRWY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g816 # start gene g817 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5716857 5718067 0.29 + . g817 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5716857 5718067 0.29 + . g817.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5716857 5716859 . + 0 transcript_id "g817.t1"; gene_id "g817"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5717035 5717684 0.33 + . transcript_id "g817.t1"; gene_id "g817"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5716857 5717034 0.43 + 0 transcript_id "g817.t1"; gene_id "g817"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5717685 5718067 0.91 + 2 transcript_id "g817.t1"; gene_id "g817"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5718065 5718067 . + 0 transcript_id "g817.t1"; gene_id "g817"; # protein sequence = [MAGIYHSLARTQMESHRMSSPIGTQMAQLVLGQQHGAHGELFLLCFGTTGCPGHLHRSHLLVAYDTLALIAFVQIMFL # VRSQRYIRLYGPDPLNPVTNGVQSKQMASINPISQQPIIIYVMPKAGQKLWDLPQSKWWQDEKTDDNVPQNINYEESSEFFQRQELLSKVLLRNAIKE # DYLHKERVAI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g817 # start gene g818 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5718401 5719962 1 - . g818 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5718401 5719962 1 - . g818.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5718401 5718403 . - 0 transcript_id "g818.t1"; gene_id "g818"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5718602 5718655 1 - . transcript_id "g818.t1"; gene_id "g818"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5719431 5719510 1 - . transcript_id "g818.t1"; gene_id "g818"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5718401 5718601 1 - 0 transcript_id "g818.t1"; gene_id "g818"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5718656 5719430 1 - 1 transcript_id "g818.t1"; gene_id "g818"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5719511 5719962 1 - 0 transcript_id "g818.t1"; gene_id "g818"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5719960 5719962 . - 0 transcript_id "g818.t1"; gene_id "g818"; # protein sequence = [MATISFCNRKYVRLWPVLILFNVALLLVWRNLQQAQKLAASSNTGGQKSVGLLLSNESNPSRFSANFHLANDQHPKII # RREDSARTKELRSLLKCRDRSLRFERLQHGEFWLLQNLVMGRKSREVGCAESVTYTTNGDFTFFDNLEMVVSRWRAPVSFAIHTPGYDLNTTLDAIRY # VRNCLPESDSIKDWVSFHVYFPNQHMPEYVPYDEAEVLMYPHMCTLANGSLVSPLYTQIPTTDSYKSRANLTYPINVGRNIARLATNTHFIFACDIEL # YPSVGFVDQFLDMVARNHSVLALDPRQRRRVYPLPVFEIETGAKVPVDKDELLALYRKQQAQVFHLKLCPTCHTIPGQEEWLNRTSRADDHLHVFSKA # LRKWKFRAWEPFYVSDNTEPLFDERVTWEGQSNKRIQNYAMCLLDYEYHVLSPAFLVHSPGIKQSSKADSTRLQYAKEMTKFIKNKIEPEYRVLFGKN # SACKT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 102 # W: 102 # end gene g818 # start gene g819 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5721136 5723769 0.99 + . g819 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5721136 5723769 0.99 + . g819.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5721136 5721138 . + 0 transcript_id "g819.t1"; gene_id "g819"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5721245 5721295 1 + . transcript_id "g819.t1"; gene_id "g819"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5723575 5723637 1 + . transcript_id "g819.t1"; gene_id "g819"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5721136 5721244 1 + 0 transcript_id "g819.t1"; gene_id "g819"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5721296 5723574 1 + 2 transcript_id "g819.t1"; gene_id "g819"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5723638 5723769 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g819.t1"; gene_id "g819"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5723767 5723769 . + 0 transcript_id "g819.t1"; gene_id "g819"; # protein sequence = [MSDNDYERFEITDYDLDNEFNINRPRGRQSRHQQIYGIWADDSEEESGGEGGTKRRGRAARKPKDYTMPVNFVAGGIQ # QAGKKKKKALQADDEKGSQKEGAEADQGEESDDSAASGRPAFGQNDPGSSNSSSEEERPTLSRKQPSTTFQHRSHIASERNVGAWEQHTRGIGAKLLL # QMGYEPGKGLGKDLQGISHPVQAHVRKGRGAIGAYGPETAASIGGKTNKSIKVDEDVREAKEFKDQLNKWRKGSAGGAEPMERQGKRYYYKSVEEVIA # KGHTSGHLLSEKLSKKLGNVRVIDMTGPEKRVLSGYHALGQAKITPEETLYDTEATEKGSAPACVFAMPELTHNLQLLVSQCEQQIIAIDNQERECSS # QQAALESEHRKLEEIVQLERNHIRTLEESLERVERLIDNPDLSLPQAERLFRELLVDYAAEFHEFGLADLAAGVIAPLLKRELVQWQPLENPTEPLPL # IKKWRGMLQQGDAAEQQPRNVFDPYSSLIWAGVMPSFRSSAAAWQPKEHPPMASLLDAWAPLLPSWVLDSVLEQLVLPRLVAGVQEWDPLTDTVPIDS # WVLPWHAILGSKLEEAVYPQIRSKLGIALRAWSPHDRSARAMLTPWQKAFPEEEMQEFLQRYIVPKLQATLGELIINPMHQDLELWQQVWEWHELIDP # MYMAQLLDRHFFPRWMQVLVVWLNQSPDYAEISRWYTGWKSMLSEPLLREPSVKEHLRRALEIMHRASDTLLQPTVTPTPPPPVPPAPVIMMDLIHPP # AQLEFKELVSQQCADLGIIFAPLPGRREMGKQIYRVGKLFCYIDRHVCMVSDGSFSNWKPVSLNHLLERSQTGIL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 130 # W: 130 # end gene g819 # start gene g820 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5724788 5726663 0.33 - . g820 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5724788 5726663 0.33 - . g820.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5724788 5724790 . - 0 transcript_id "g820.t1"; gene_id "g820"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5725020 5726577 0.81 - . transcript_id "g820.t1"; gene_id "g820"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5724788 5725019 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g820.t1"; gene_id "g820"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5726578 5726663 0.34 - 0 transcript_id "g820.t1"; gene_id "g820"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5726661 5726663 . - 0 transcript_id "g820.t1"; gene_id "g820"; # protein sequence = [MQMGKKRFDDHVDGGGWAVAGRSDEWAVGCAFIAPPVEFIEFGGEYARTHALTTALANSVGEVQRKSGRSETKDTRFQ # FANSAYRDRSACVLVLQLIVLHYASFS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 45 # E: 1 # W: 44 # end gene g820 # start gene g821 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5727463 5728752 0.87 - . g821 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5727463 5728752 0.87 - . g821.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5727463 5727465 . - 0 transcript_id "g821.t1"; gene_id "g821"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5727463 5728752 0.87 - 0 transcript_id "g821.t1"; gene_id "g821"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5728750 5728752 . - 0 transcript_id "g821.t1"; gene_id "g821"; # protein sequence = [MWAPLLAFVILGLNYAASSFVNWDNVFYEQQATYLRPGEPHIQEGQTLLNMLYVNNQVQVYCQPPTAFSMWNVFQSNR # LRLQIAAGEDYTQYKGATVREVHHAHSQLDECHEGKPLGHSAADEPRIVPMATYEHSCYGIYTSKPFVLTLEVISFDLERVSQFTFGIVLWLSCPLLA # DSLLFFYCSAAALGAHLAGLLAVAATLMASDGERYLRLGTLKVNFKLVLNERPTVITLALVSGAWLLKSASQRCSFLWRCTLFRRLHHRLLKGTSYLL # ILTASDHRGFGMTCLMLLMPWPELLTVIRWLKTLYACYKRGSVKPMVQVEIENQDVPYQDSYLRIVRSEYDNRSSESSGFSRSFSQNKHNMGFYREQE # DQDNALIYESRRPTERNCFNRCHQCTPTRSPRPEPHLTSLYRNLHYSNAKSSSTFMR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g821 # start gene g822 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5734129 5736924 1 - . g822 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5734129 5736924 1 - . g822.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5734129 5734131 . - 0 transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5734341 5734406 1 - . transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5734494 5734557 1 - . transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5734824 5735059 1 - . transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5735247 5735298 1 - . transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5735715 5735770 1 - . transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5736118 5736181 1 - . transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5736276 5736338 1 - . transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5736762 5736820 1 - . transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5734129 5734340 1 - 2 transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5734407 5734493 1 - 2 transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5734558 5734823 1 - 1 transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5735060 5735246 1 - 2 transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5735299 5735714 1 - 1 transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5735771 5736117 1 - 0 transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5736182 5736275 1 - 1 transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5736339 5736761 1 - 1 transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5736821 5736924 1 - 0 transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5736922 5736924 . - 0 transcript_id "g822.t1"; gene_id "g822"; # protein sequence = [MAAVEVRNGYKYYGSKSNPKIVLNQLNMNVMRGSIYGLLGASGCGKTTLLSCIVGQRRLNGGEVVVLGAKPGEPGSGV # PGSRVGFMPQEIALVEEMTVKETIFYFGRIYGLTDERIREKFKLLKELLQLPPARQMIKQCSGGQQRRLSFACAMIHDPELLILDEPTVGLDPMLREK # IWDFLVETTRNSKLAVIITTHYIEEAKQANCIGLMRNGVLLAEDTPTNIMIKFGTQSIEDAFLILSQRQGNEDELAQIMDHNKNQALPAAVLPPEVID # THEPNMPEKQPIPFEEPLNENRKKIFFTTKGRVKALMTKNFVQLFRQPSGIIFMLLFPIIQLTCFYLAIGKTPTNLEIGVYSGEVENYGECFDENLVT # VYKDSDNESCLFNKLSCRYIRVLGDDVATRKYYASEADALNDAKRATTVGYLHFAQNFSDSILSVMEDGIHSSDGAVDHAELSIHIDMTDQQVAYFMQ # RKLRDKFSTFMRSVVKDCNVSTAIVDLPVQFQEPIFGSTDIEFQQYCAPGVVMTMVFFLATLMTAAVFISERMDGIWDRTLLAGVSATEMLWAHLLTQ # LIIMALQSFEVIMYIGLVFDTYNNGDTTTLIGLLTLTAFCGMLFGLFISVFCKSHTEANFVATGAFYPMIILCGLLWPLESMPQFLQDLVMVLPFTIP # SISARNVIEKGWSITHEKVYNGFLVMAGWTIIFFVLCLIGIRRKA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 9/9 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 8/8 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 8 # incompatible hint groups: 206 # E: 1 # W: 205 # end gene g822 # start gene g823 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5740697 5740990 1 - . g823 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5740697 5740990 1 - . g823.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5740697 5740699 . - 0 transcript_id "g823.t1"; gene_id "g823"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5740697 5740990 1 - 0 transcript_id "g823.t1"; gene_id "g823"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5740988 5740990 . - 0 transcript_id "g823.t1"; gene_id "g823"; # protein sequence = [MTGASSQVGPSGAQLSQAGWIELASARSAAWSAQSRNGACKRHLWQAETFSRSDSIRSNPKQPSVKDRRKKNGKSHSS # NRRKAKKKLQHQKRACATR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 29 # E: 1 # W: 28 # end gene g823 # start gene g824 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5746277 5747620 1 + . g824 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5746277 5747620 1 + . g824.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5746277 5746279 . + 0 transcript_id "g824.t1"; gene_id "g824"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5746277 5747620 1 + 0 transcript_id "g824.t1"; gene_id "g824"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5747618 5747620 . + 0 transcript_id "g824.t1"; gene_id "g824"; # protein sequence = [MASITYALCLCSLFILFSPLVSANRRVRRQNRSDRLLADIGVRAQSYDPRVPENGIQQYTDIDQDLRHLFLNTRQTTL # KWALNNIEALSSRGRREGKLQAPVSKKVPFLCPTNNTRSPSPPTSIEHLRPGDIDIIAAFGDSLSAGNGILSNNAIDMINEFRGLTFSGGGLANWRRF # VTLPNILKIFNPKLYGFAVSNSLVINHRSSRLNIAEPMIMSRDLPFQARVLIDLLRRDRHVDMKRHWKLLTVYVGNNDICSDLCHWDTPQSFLDQHAR # DLRQAFRLLRDHVPRLLINLIVVPNIPLVLSTMTKVPLQCFVVHRVGCHCLINDRLNRTEFNERMDTLTRWQQLDMEIARLPEFRRQDFAIVAHPMLT # KLTAPTLPDGSTDWRFFSHDCFHFSQRGHAIISNLLWNSMLLPDDQKPRPSVVPELFERVVCPTAEQPYLVVRPS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 69 # E: 1 # W: 68 # end gene g824 # start gene g825 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5758573 5759810 0.94 + . g825 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5758573 5759810 0.94 + . g825.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5758573 5758575 . + 0 transcript_id "g825.t1"; gene_id "g825"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5758576 5758694 0.94 + . transcript_id "g825.t1"; gene_id "g825"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5759363 5759428 1 + . transcript_id "g825.t1"; gene_id "g825"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5759617 5759676 1 + . transcript_id "g825.t1"; gene_id "g825"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5758573 5758575 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g825.t1"; gene_id "g825"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5758695 5759362 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g825.t1"; gene_id "g825"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5759429 5759616 1 + 1 transcript_id "g825.t1"; gene_id "g825"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5759677 5759810 1 + 2 transcript_id "g825.t1"; gene_id "g825"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5759808 5759810 . + 0 transcript_id "g825.t1"; gene_id "g825"; # protein sequence = [MALDYDCEAQGQDIPQAIQLLGEMNSNVKQVTDLVEGMLQRVKRGELTTEYGLSFLEVKYHMLLDYLINLTYVVLRKC # SGETIEGDPSIERLIEIRTVLEKIRPIDHKLRYQIDKLVKTATTGVSSSTDPILYKPNPDDMMSSAGGAGRDEDDGEDDSDEEDEDDDEEDEDEAGAA # KMPRKAATAGKSGVYVPPRIKPVYYDGDERDADKEKKALDRAKKRAITSSMLQDLKEEYLDAPTEISSGSRAQQMLSQAQKEKQEYEETYLMRLPVTK # AEKHRQRKLTTLGTLGDEILGEISRESALRGDGSKKRKLAKKGKGKKRGGKKRKFH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 95 # E: 1 # W: 94 # end gene g825 # start gene g826 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5762674 5763393 1 - . g826 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5762674 5763393 1 - . g826.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5762674 5762676 . - 0 transcript_id "g826.t1"; gene_id "g826"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5762674 5763393 1 - 0 transcript_id "g826.t1"; gene_id "g826"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5763391 5763393 . - 0 transcript_id "g826.t1"; gene_id "g826"; # protein sequence = [MRDFFVITALGSPECPTPNGRFASGDQCDSYTECQDGTPVEKLCPDGLLFHQRTKATGECTYAPYSTCKERARLQPAN # GTEECPRQFGFYPNGDATKCGVYRNCAHGVASLTKCPEGLAFNEETYQCDWPDLVESCNAEAYLGFNCPAADSADDSAAAAVDVSPEGELRYYRHPQT # CKKYFVCVNGHPRLYNCGKYLAFNSQTKLCDFYNKVPECYALLKEKQRLKAEKQQPQVAQPED] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 50 # E: 1 # W: 49 # end gene g826 # start gene g827 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5763598 5766015 0.98 - . g827 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5763598 5766015 0.98 - . g827.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5763598 5763600 . - 0 transcript_id "g827.t1"; gene_id "g827"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5764272 5765960 1 - . transcript_id "g827.t1"; gene_id "g827"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5763598 5764271 1 - 2 transcript_id "g827.t1"; gene_id "g827"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5765961 5766015 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g827.t1"; gene_id "g827"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5766013 5766015 . - 0 transcript_id "g827.t1"; gene_id "g827"; # protein sequence = [MAKILISALLCVAMFGSMAAAAAGACKEANGTAPVSGSCDAYIECKNGVAEEKLCPDGLLYNEKSTGYPCGYPIDVEC # TQGQARLQAAQPTDECPHQFGYYRMGDASHCGQFMNCAAGRGFVFDCPEGLAWNPATYKCDWPDQVEDCDAEAFLGFRCPAPAPRSELLGEQEADYTF # HPSQDNCQVYFICIEGRPRRIGCGEDQAFNQELNQCDDIENVPNCSSAIREKGAQIKAARLHARKN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 16 # E: 1 # W: 15 # end gene g827 # start gene g828 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5769316 5771202 0.92 - . g828 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5769316 5771202 0.92 - . g828.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5769316 5769318 . - 0 transcript_id "g828.t1"; gene_id "g828"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5769514 5769573 1 - . transcript_id "g828.t1"; gene_id "g828"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5769687 5769747 1 - . transcript_id "g828.t1"; gene_id "g828"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5769945 5770013 1 - . transcript_id "g828.t1"; gene_id "g828"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5770889 5770950 1 - . transcript_id "g828.t1"; gene_id "g828"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5769316 5769513 1 - 0 transcript_id "g828.t1"; gene_id "g828"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5769574 5769686 1 - 2 transcript_id "g828.t1"; gene_id "g828"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5769748 5769944 1 - 1 transcript_id "g828.t1"; gene_id "g828"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5770014 5770888 1 - 0 transcript_id "g828.t1"; gene_id "g828"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5770951 5771202 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g828.t1"; gene_id "g828"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5771200 5771202 . - 0 transcript_id "g828.t1"; gene_id "g828"; # protein sequence = [MRFEPLGQKMFTRRNWLLRCSILINVAVILYIGSQLMIGGGNNFSNGGGFLLQEQQQVSMMQVGSASSAAQVQQQQQP # TPKNQNQVAEIFESEEKQLVNANADPPAAAAQVADGGAGAPQLANDSGAGAAALGDPSQVIGNIGPGGVAEVNNSQSDGGYIVTGDEKELEERVRSLI # NCFDHDYHQQTLQRGDFWVLQNYVRAEHGDIKCHESITYTTHADYTFLDNLVPLLERWNAPVSIAMHAPGTDFQPTLDSIRYLRECLPGSHLVRAYTT # FHIYFGTKHIPKSVPKPHEVFKTGYNCTLPPPYFNVSSGHLYKAQKKLLYPVNVGRNIARDSALTHFILASDIELYPNPGLVKKFLEMIARNEQYLRR # KAPRVFPLAIFEVEENSPVPHDKTELQEFLRTGKAIPFHKRVCASCHGVPKSKEWMSANETDELSVFHIGKRTGYYVHWEPIYIGTHADPHYDERLSW # EGKSDKMPQGYALCVMDYEFHILDNAFLVHKPGIKVLKKDNRRAMLSGKTNQLIRKIIYPELKIMYGMRKGCAI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 149 # W: 149 # end gene g828 # start gene g829 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5784120 5784767 0.74 + . g829 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5784120 5784767 0.74 + . g829.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5784120 5784122 . + 0 transcript_id "g829.t1"; gene_id "g829"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5784120 5784767 0.74 + 0 transcript_id "g829.t1"; gene_id "g829"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5784765 5784767 . + 0 transcript_id "g829.t1"; gene_id "g829"; # protein sequence = [MPTLKLRIGLPSKRTMGSICICGALASISGLAYMRWRLEDRVRQTEFYQLAIQQLRQHSGAVGLLGEPIKESGFNLSN # EKNRCDEDKAQLQFHVQGPKDRGTVYFWASNNQKQGWLIDRLELETRQNPNTRYLLKKPPNYSLVSSDGDPDPPNAESSEETQQPQTPLEPQEQMEME # DKEQEPTVHQHPSIQNNPPQQLHQQQGQEPVPHVHTAEG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g829 # start gene g830 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5800870 5802006 0.79 - . g830 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5800870 5802006 0.79 - . g830.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5800870 5800872 . - 0 transcript_id "g830.t1"; gene_id "g830"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5801609 5801671 1 - . transcript_id "g830.t1"; gene_id "g830"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5800870 5801608 1 - 1 transcript_id "g830.t1"; gene_id "g830"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5801672 5802006 0.79 - 0 transcript_id "g830.t1"; gene_id "g830"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5802004 5802006 . - 0 transcript_id "g830.t1"; gene_id "g830"; # protein sequence = [MVFFGACRAQALLVFPRLVLGHVRKCLDYNDSTKLKLDRNMSGQKHLRLRYYTSLEEAMLLRLWREHLHAIPSYTDNL # PIFREIAHGLQQNGVRLNKQEARRRINSYRNKYLNDRNRVGGNANFAKDWRLYALIDCLFCPAWPSSALFHFRNVLETIRATARVDLPALPPLLYTSP # AQLKFERDSEGCTFLDAQPLVPAVVKTEPLPDEHHQLVNIEYKPTVTQLENAASHYLERATAESVIQRSPLTPANHILPEAEDAPYGGHTNGGQTDAE # RSASKRRRGRRSILPHSGKITMAIVEALRKENSLLEQQNDACLQSLVRKEKQFLDMKHNFLAYMERQEAVLALIKQTTIKLEP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 98 # W: 98 # end gene g830 # start gene g831 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5802405 5803843 0.66 + . g831 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5802405 5803843 0.66 + . g831.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5802405 5802407 . + 0 transcript_id "g831.t1"; gene_id "g831"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5802713 5802771 1 + . transcript_id "g831.t1"; gene_id "g831"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5802405 5802712 0.66 + 0 transcript_id "g831.t1"; gene_id "g831"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5802772 5803843 1 + 1 transcript_id "g831.t1"; gene_id "g831"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5803841 5803843 . + 0 transcript_id "g831.t1"; gene_id "g831"; # protein sequence = [MDYEKLALNAGGSGSGAEQDLGMCGGQELLDGRGKEKARRYWTPSEEERLYEIWGRDNWRLTRTGKNTIFFGRWAEEL # RDRFAVDVKPEEIQMKVNQTRAKFRQVKKQLQADPSSYATRWKKYDIINRILKNLHRPKNADPLPPEALLNNRDMTPPRDDASAEQLQQQPQQQSVQQ # QQQQGLGLASEPSTATYYNSSSNSNHGSSHNNNTSGGVSFNTELFTDQYDEVVKQEYEDDEYRSIPFQEQLQQYSPAEPAQLLELQTPQQQQQLQQQQ # QQQQQFQTNYESQFQQQPAQFNNNSVISTAATSTVNHQPITAVAYINSSNNTISVATNANGGMPAPVPAQVSASVPAAAPVSTTNNAVVGASPVPVPR # KRGRPFGSVNPPHADSLEALYMEEVRRKNQLLYEQTKICRQRLELEERKVDLMQTFFPKCLEQQAQILSHVLQLQKQHQHPTAQRPQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 110 # W: 110 # end gene g831 # start gene g832 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5805479 5808858 0.68 + . g832 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5805479 5808858 0.68 + . g832.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5805479 5805481 . + 0 transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5805666 5806555 0.68 + . transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5806645 5806700 1 + . transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5807618 5807674 1 + . transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5808412 5808472 1 + . transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5808685 5808744 1 + . transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5805479 5805665 0.68 + 0 transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5806556 5806644 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5806701 5807617 1 + 0 transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5807675 5808411 1 + 1 transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5808473 5808684 1 + 2 transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5808745 5808858 1 + 0 transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5808856 5808858 . + 0 transcript_id "g832.t1"; gene_id "g832"; # protein sequence = [MPINPLLITAFGLFITVCPRPSTAAAVIGRVDGAEGNKTAWELTEALYGTSGLRSFNGTWITGTYYTATDRSIHKFNA # ATKTDVIFQNSSFLNNYVGATFSLSPDNTKILIRHNLTEKFRHSYIAQYDVFDIETNTTVQIHKGEKLQYCGWSPLRDRLAYVYLNNVFIHFSESLEI # SITDDGVDGVVYNGVPDWVYEEEVLSSGSAIWWSSDGSRLAVGFFNDTEVETFTYFLYGDGATTFYQYPHEEQLKYPKSGSKNPVVSLRVYDVSDNDP # TMHTIVAPVDIVGDDHILQSVVWSNSTHLLITWMNRRQNLTSIQSCSYEGDCVEVKRLEEPQGWVDISTPKCLSTGKSCIFGYFIDNWHQVWNLDLET # GLNSWQSRGNFTVLSVYGYDEARDKLYYQATLPGDPSVYHVFSNDECLSCGQIDADGAACRSASGTFSKSFSYYTLSCTGPNPSYTRIFEASTKTLQV # DWEPNTAYRKQIEEKLRPSYRFMNVTLADGSIGYAKLALPPNFVETKKYPLIVVVYQGPNSVRVTNGFTLGYEAFVTTSRDTIYAYIDGRGTGNKGKD # LLFSVNNDLGDHEVEDQLFVTRWMQQNLAFVDAERCGIWGWSYGGYMTAKTIEKDDDRVFQCGVSVAPVTSWLYYDTIYTERYMGLPTDDDNLKKYNE # SSVFGNLENFKSHDFLLIHGSGDDNVHYQHSLLLAKLLQRQDIQFEEQTYTDENHGIGNALPHLYHTIDAFWTNCLNLDVYEDSA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 90.9 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 198 # W: 198 # end gene g832 # start gene g833 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5811593 5812096 0.61 + . g833 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5811593 5812096 0.61 + . g833.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5811593 5811595 . + 0 transcript_id "g833.t1"; gene_id "g833"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5811774 5811980 0.61 + . transcript_id "g833.t1"; gene_id "g833"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5811593 5811773 0.64 + 0 transcript_id "g833.t1"; gene_id "g833"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5811981 5812096 0.61 + 2 transcript_id "g833.t1"; gene_id "g833"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5812094 5812096 . + 0 transcript_id "g833.t1"; gene_id "g833"; # protein sequence = [MRILGLALIYFWFGFAESCEKVCAKNFKPMCGYDGQCYTEAVNACYMRNINCVRAAKGKPDHLQSQVTPIGINTEKSK # SLSTKVSCQSHKCQQGPVDE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g833 # start gene g834 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5818048 5818385 0.36 - . g834 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5818048 5818385 0.36 - . g834.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5818048 5818050 . - 0 transcript_id "g834.t1"; gene_id "g834"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5818264 5818370 0.36 - . transcript_id "g834.t1"; gene_id "g834"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5818048 5818263 0.36 - 0 transcript_id "g834.t1"; gene_id "g834"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5818371 5818385 0.72 - 0 transcript_id "g834.t1"; gene_id "g834"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5818383 5818385 . - 0 transcript_id "g834.t1"; gene_id "g834"; # protein sequence = [MPEEKQTFRNVKMACTLALLAPLLFYTLHNNPRKRKYRNFYSTYDPMDAFDRMMSGGYLSSCPPGSGPKKDDKKKK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g834 # start gene g835 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5845352 5856454 0.69 + . g835 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5845352 5856454 0.69 + . g835.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5845352 5845354 . + 0 transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5845953 5848341 0.99 + . transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5848487 5850099 1 + . transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5850260 5850830 1 + . transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5851032 5851475 1 + . transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5851827 5852992 1 + . transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5853259 5856098 1 + . transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5856319 5856403 1 + . transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5845352 5845952 0.7 + 0 transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5848342 5848486 1 + 2 transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5850100 5850259 1 + 1 transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5850831 5851031 1 + 0 transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5851476 5851826 1 + 0 transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5852993 5853258 1 + 0 transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5856099 5856318 1 + 1 transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5856404 5856454 1 + 0 transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5856452 5856454 . + 0 transcript_id "g835.t1"; gene_id "g835"; # protein sequence = [MIMTMMQTVRAWQQESDVEHRKQHKQRWRPDGAHISAAYDLNSDNDDGHHRVVHNQNNGSPNSSPNQSTSAFRQRQPH # HPPTGQQPPRLPCTVTHFSAHWKTLLILLTLLSASTLTASANVTSTISPPINGSSTDYILLYGESTTSLVPALTTGLSGDGSGAVIEDEEDAEKASEY # IFDRTDVRIIFITLYTLVFCCCFFGNLLVILVVTLSRRLRSITNFFLANLAFADFCVGLFCVMQNLSIYLIESWVFGEFLCRMYQFVHSLSYTASIFI # LVVICMERYFAIVHPITCKQILTAARLRMVIVTVWITSAVYSTPKFVFSKTIKNIHTQDGQEEEICVLDREMFNSKLLDMINFVLLYVMPLLVMTVLY # SKIAIALWRSSRGLTPHVVQHQHQQPQQPSCQDIGMGMHNSMYHHHPHHHHHHHQHHQLQSAASSAGVVGVGLGGGGGGGPGPSLASGGSSTTSLSRK # QSSKYEKRGVSITESQVSLEADRPIVSACRKTSFYHHGHAHHQRAGNASVGGGSGGAGAGATHMSHSSSNVLRARRGVVRMLIIFVLTFALCNLPYHA # RKMWQYWSRSYRGDSNFNALLTPLTFLVTYFNSGVNPLLYAFLSRNFRKGMKELLLCSWKKGKGKSSSNSSMHHKRKALQTHSLPTDTTHIGNEQL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 46.7 # CDS exons: 4/8 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/7 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 3 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 14 # RM: 1 # W: 13 # end gene g835 # start gene g836 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5860180 5882172 0.98 - . g836 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5860180 5882172 0.98 - . g836.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5860180 5860182 . - 0 transcript_id "g836.t1"; gene_id "g836"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5861180 5861251 1 - . transcript_id "g836.t1"; gene_id "g836"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5861362 5861424 0.99 - . transcript_id "g836.t1"; gene_id "g836"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5861608 5878987 0.99 - . transcript_id "g836.t1"; gene_id "g836"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5878991 5882082 0.99 - . transcript_id "g836.t1"; gene_id "g836"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5860180 5861179 1 - 1 transcript_id "g836.t1"; gene_id "g836"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5861252 5861361 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g836.t1"; gene_id "g836"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5861425 5861607 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g836.t1"; gene_id "g836"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5878988 5878990 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g836.t1"; gene_id "g836"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5882083 5882172 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g836.t1"; gene_id "g836"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5882170 5882172 . - 0 transcript_id "g836.t1"; gene_id "g836"; # protein sequence = [MDTEANGQPISAALLTELDLYPPIETISFGKMLKHVQISPLRNRSDSVSLRSSSHASSCASSMCGSPEPPAELQRTPS # RASSYSSLNEQLPQTTIKVYTNCLKIDIEYKTLGIQWDTTSKEVIGQLLRRLKMRHRDPRLFYLSMEVAVRRAGVKTILVLDDDTRPAIMQACHPKGE # SRFCLQLKPGGLIRVHTSALQPSSQYKSLVISEETTCDELLHLLLGCYSSPEPVENFSLYEVCPGQECQRKLHPDDLPLRTQMERMKRGEGCHFLVRR # TPNYARRRQLLANLNEAIGQAAEAAEDATSLLELSLESDLSLSEDLRSCSSSEDAEDEDECASSSGSSDNSTECALRRDFYVHTTPAAPAPVVPQVAV # SVSPARVYSPVYNIREIRTASHSFSSLGKDKKLLDIHMNARFASGGVYGRLMPVAETETQDMNGNTSTKLTAEAVNNNPAKGLGHFVYL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 55.6 # CDS exons: 3/5 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 14 # E: 2 # RM: 12 # incompatible hint groups: 75 # W: 75 # end gene g836 # start gene g837 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5886020 5886435 1 + . g837 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5886020 5886435 1 + . g837.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5886020 5886022 . + 0 transcript_id "g837.t1"; gene_id "g837"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5886054 5886118 1 + . transcript_id "g837.t1"; gene_id "g837"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5886020 5886053 1 + 0 transcript_id "g837.t1"; gene_id "g837"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5886119 5886435 1 + 2 transcript_id "g837.t1"; gene_id "g837"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5886433 5886435 . + 0 transcript_id "g837.t1"; gene_id "g837"; # protein sequence = [MKFLTVFAFACVATFVVLHGAYGSPLPEPIPDPSPVADPSPAANPSPVADPKPVAEPSANPGTGTNAEPGPRSKPNPS # PSAPATLLEANKQDNFAVPLLETAPQKLDDVQADPQPA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 3 # RM: 1 # W: 2 # end gene g837 # start gene g838 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5893021 5893728 0.99 - . g838 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5893021 5893728 0.99 - . g838.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5893021 5893023 . - 0 transcript_id "g838.t1"; gene_id "g838"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5893021 5893728 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g838.t1"; gene_id "g838"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5893726 5893728 . - 0 transcript_id "g838.t1"; gene_id "g838"; # protein sequence = [MHLKSDSTKSASLKNVAPKNDETQAKIAKDDVALKDAKKGDYIMDIDISDLPLDDYPINRSKSLKSSSIDLNNIPFNK # GLDDFPAKEKNQGSNQSALKALQQRLLTEQNNSLLLRNHSIYLMKEIEARKTDIIKVRQLNLDLELELNTVNRRLLELNGQLQNTRKSTKPCKKRSSK # DSAPPAANQFQEANVRNTYRNKYLTLLKELSQKINNEIAKVATDVPTETNPSQGNLPTL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 7 # W: 7 # end gene g838 # start gene g839 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5903581 5904661 0.85 - . g839 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5903581 5904661 0.85 - . g839.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5903581 5903583 . - 0 transcript_id "g839.t1"; gene_id "g839"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5904460 5904589 0.91 - . transcript_id "g839.t1"; gene_id "g839"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5903581 5904459 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g839.t1"; gene_id "g839"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5904590 5904661 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g839.t1"; gene_id "g839"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5904659 5904661 . - 0 transcript_id "g839.t1"; gene_id "g839"; # protein sequence = [MHRLVVIFSFCLLLVAGQSVVEPQELSDSTTTYIVDGFPDESQELPGIVAETDEEIEMNAHKINWLPVWEEQEHVRFA # REVTEKPVGTAATAENSTPKDTLDLVLQPKENKECPTNAERGLTNLVRVARPLLPAATLKNILANGVEDPQVQELIKLLRSDNFKTQVQLLKATKQHQ # LLHDYVCRRLKLDPTYYAEYVRVFLDLHISDPPTIKLPNRRPGVRGLLQDLREALPRTALRNMYQQLYSSDSELSSAIRLIRGSEFRRLLRDLRQLKE # YRSLAADLEKSGVPLRQLQQLVANALGWSTVDMAGETVIWSL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g839 # start gene g840 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5908345 5908962 0.97 + . g840 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5908345 5908962 0.97 + . g840.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5908345 5908347 . + 0 transcript_id "g840.t1"; gene_id "g840"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5908636 5908689 1 + . transcript_id "g840.t1"; gene_id "g840"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5908345 5908635 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g840.t1"; gene_id "g840"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5908690 5908962 1 + 0 transcript_id "g840.t1"; gene_id "g840"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5908960 5908962 . + 0 transcript_id "g840.t1"; gene_id "g840"; # protein sequence = [MNVMRKLRGAASAGSVSGSSSGTSTANNSSPGSSRTDAGAPTAANGRNAEEALMDARVQVSLTTLKKLFNEYTHPREP # LSEQERDDKLYEMLPLFCKVFSSCPSNDMSEKFWDVVAFCQQVSRLMVSEIRKRASNQSTEAASIAIVKFLEVETTEETSSGWMLLATLNLLANGDVS # LIQVCFIYKLL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 20 # W: 20 # end gene g840 # start gene g841 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5909048 5910244 0.31 - . g841 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5909048 5910244 0.31 - . g841.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5909048 5909050 . - 0 transcript_id "g841.t1"; gene_id "g841"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5909048 5910244 0.31 - 0 transcript_id "g841.t1"; gene_id "g841"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5910242 5910244 . - 0 transcript_id "g841.t1"; gene_id "g841"; # protein sequence = [MNQVWVFFKLIEVLLGSVCMFFHIRGSSYWPERTPHVILYCATFSSFTALAALGAFRLLLARSTVLSSQLLLTLSAVL # SHYFCGVLIMRTAMLDPHLAFINSTIEYLEHPHFAHCKQQSIAALVTGTMYLMHMFHVFDLLMRMEPGDWKRQATGRKYFEGTESGSTGLFVLSKPVD # DFLCKCCRCYYKLANSQILYFRPNAEVEQPHFIVRMWQFIGDARKKFFSLHQIESDESFLSTPTITTSESDITPVDTEYSVYMEEQANKMRRSASAWR # GSSDSSSLWAKIEDRSTVSLVSTRSSENSEATMKPIQMDRKLARRSSMWADTEKREKSEILLVEQGSSYSRLRTLSNAELVHKPSDAGEKEQQVPDAA # NPNITNEEATNSHIEFSLKPGTEKTS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g841 # start gene g842 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5910420 5921242 0.37 + . g842 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5910420 5921242 0.37 + . g842.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5910420 5910422 . + 0 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5910772 5910830 1 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5911018 5911072 1 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5912399 5912462 1 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5913479 5913535 1 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5914116 5914174 1 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5915368 5915436 1 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5918796 5918851 0.97 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5918956 5919022 1 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5919936 5919993 1 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5920169 5920240 1 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5920448 5920501 1 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5920604 5920661 1 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5920797 5920863 1 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5920979 5921076 0.83 + . transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5910420 5910771 0.61 + 0 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5910831 5911017 1 + 2 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5911073 5912398 1 + 1 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5912463 5913478 1 + 1 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5913536 5914115 0.75 + 2 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5914175 5915367 1 + 1 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5915437 5918795 1 + 2 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5918852 5918955 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5919023 5919935 1 + 1 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5919994 5920168 1 + 0 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5920241 5920447 1 + 2 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5920502 5920603 1 + 2 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5920662 5920796 1 + 2 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5920864 5920978 0.83 + 2 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5921077 5921242 0.83 + 1 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5921240 5921242 . + 0 transcript_id "g842.t1"; gene_id "g842"; # protein sequence = [MTAAAVPSTLVKCLYLFFDLPIVEDDEPSADGGAVSEFNAHERRTLLQKVFVQLLVKLCSYPYPAEELARMDDLTLLF # SAITSPCPIHNIVWRKNAAEILTTISRNGLTDAVVSYIHSKGCMALCVDNMQRLTFGNPLEIVEMFVTVFCFLKDSSQVSQILMDDFRASQGYVFLSD # FLLKFDNNRSQSLEIQAAIRNLVLMISSLCMCGFYELRPPASQFNTAFKLQNFQLPQATSRETCVRNVYAFQVLQNVFLKSTTPALCCTILDAISRVY # HSENANYFILESEQTLSSFAERIHMKSPQIQEKFYDLLEFIVFQLNFVPCKELISLSLLLKHNQSTSCSILCLKTLLNILRHNAVFKDVYREVGILEI # FVGCLTRYAAHVQKITKGDESVVVELENESEEELFDTLGKHVLEALTMLLGGGASNNAQLFREYGGAKCVHELVKFKHCRPQALGIVRELILSAGGDD # DMLHILSLMHSVSPLQVEFKIQILNMLLGCLKDSHRTRTVFRKVGGFVYVTSVFVSLDGSMALPQPDIPQQDLILLLQIVFQTLATAMRFEPANAKFF # HQEISSSSLCDTLRLLGCFGGSSALQDYTGTYEPQQSLLKYYHEIFSGDILSVSFSEDVPYPLSYVCIVFRLLYSIALDNFEAPNLSGIITLFSDPPT # TLRSPSKELAPPVHPSQLNLTQPSPEPRIVHPGVVLCMLQLLPAVEYDMAPLQAVQLQVYLSEIIKSLVRSERNQQIMCDHGLAEKLLKLTRRALAEE # SHPLHVPMQYILERLAAQALQPTELRQFLRLGEPLSCADIDLQQPYKLGGPVPLTRIKTLVSMTTPRDFRAHGSSTLPPFVELDMSAEGFGCLYLPSL # APQATATAGGTIDANSIGGIGAGDRIFPPQTGLTYSTWFCVEKFSDPKTDPHCVRLLTLVRTIHNPREENLACLSILLSARDKAIVVSTQETLVTPRK # SIGDWEPEGSDDGIARIWCPDLLHEGQWHNLVVVLNRAVLKNSSLFLYLDGVPMHTQKLHYIAQHPAAGNASLTSPTQIFGYIGTPPIWRRYSRLCWK # QGVCHLIEDVLTQQTVQTIYQLGPHYMGSLQAPQLGKQSESLAPLVPEDRVLLGLNAKAVSKLTLVKIRKVYSRADNKSIAKQLNMNSHENATPIKIL # HNSAGHLAGAGRSLGGVVVGYLGVRVFSPHPVSAMIDTVGGCNVLLGIIAMAQDVESLYAGVKALTCVVRSNRAAQAEMDRKRCYQTLGMFFKKKKHL # LNSHILHLTFGLVGTVNSGQDMSAIPNVTAFQDLLCDLEIWHNAPNGLLRSLLEHLLELVVESSDKKQNVKIMRDLQLLVKLLHIITQIQDHSTREIL # FSLLETLLGGQPRHTDLLLFGQYVAAKLPHAHSGGLERAVLLPSMKNPAEDQDGGVAQNIYLRNRCLSLLHGLLFTPRNTVNYVICDDISKTLGMDWL # LLFMQPHVHFTTVIIAVRILVVICANESFLVRFRDATHNGGYLRFTEMVSQRKMLGLGAQQLNQRPTNGTGTVIVATPQNTIQHLPTQIAGEVRAAAL # NIPGFQLLEWLMNHHLDVPELYFLITALIMGQPVKVLATEHTKFDLDRVWSFLWGAPVSANTQLPKLNICPEGVCVLLAMVRGIVHGGECAPWLHSHP # ETIIQLLFSLYQNLTDFAPVMMTGDVVTSLVAVLFPLASRPADSEPNSGASTPTDDTGSSFALPPPETLHGAPQPKLTAHPVCNCIIDFLRVIVVDSL # GLNMQGKPTPVIDLVLDAAPESAELPLQVQYQTQIIIALMDHLLAADVLVGEQAALPLVPLLQSQMQYIAPNVFYLTARIVDKLWQGCLARNPHDIFD # FVIKLIVQAKRRSSSLSLEHLHHSLNRSILFLLSRPTDDSRADQMSVLEALHKIIQHRLLIFGAGNHELEFIGCLTYCLLQLTADMKIILEPATSRNT # TWHVNPQTETAEPKDEDLNQLQGRNLIVGAAFRVWEELYVCKKPAIEEVFKVSLTSPPPNSKAPDLQTTREQVMELASKLWFNYVEAERKATYRAPWE # LHTQIQSKIQKVTGGLSRLTSRTKTKKEELVRTRSTLTREAAYESTGIHVQLIKDLLDLRAKQYQQMLQHTQRYVYQDWVQSEMELTRERGLWGPTGS # CSLDKWILDTTEGPHRMRKKTMRNDVFYLHYPYRPELELADNRQLKYKVASSLDSKTYALHGPQQPRILAEAGEHHAMQQQSSLEAVQSHRLETSSST # STPPPMVLPKLVGHGSTPCPQESVDGNAPEDDEEEEDTSMTSDNETFLRLLEEQEKISFMFRCARVQGLDTFEGLLLFGKEHCYIVDGFTLLKNREIR # DIDTLPPGAYEPIIPNSGGTSSTTSRAVSHKLRQCSKFAYEEIREVHKRRYLLQPIALEVFSEDGRNYLLSFPRKVRNKVNQRFLALATALNDNAQQS # VAGQKRTASVEQTAGIFSGLIGETSVTQRWVRGEISNFQYLMHLNTLAGRSYNDLMQYPVFPWILADYDSEELDLTNPKTFRDFSRPMGAQAEERLEQ # FQKRFKEWDDPHGETPPYHYGTHYSSAMIVCSYLVRLEPFSQPFLKLQGGHFDLADRMFHSIKEAWLSASKLNMADVKELIPEFFYLPEFLSNFNNFD # LGTKQNGETLNHVILPPWAKHDPREFIRLHRSALECDYVSQHLHLWIDLIFGCKQQGPAAVDAVNVFHHLFYEGNVDIYNIDDPLKKNATIGFINNFG # QIPKQLFKKAHPAKKMGGSRHSALIDPTSLIQGNSTVLQTDRLFFHNLDNLKPSLQPIKELKGPVGQILQPDKTVFAVEQNKVMMPPSYTKYIAWGFA # DHSLRIGLYDTDRASFVSEASAQNSGEILTCACPNAKMIVTAGTSSVVTIWKFDANRKSLAVKHSLHGHTDAVTCLAASAAYNVIVSGSRDGTAIVWD # MTRFTFVRQLRGHAGVVAAVSINELTGDIATCSATWLHVWSINGDALAMVNTCVGSADRMQQILCVAFSQIREWDQQNVIITGSTDGVVRMWSLEHTQ # VPIDRKLKRGTEVSSQDKPDTVSLEGKDNKDDKMSLMKQIKSLSQSEEEMEIVKSASESSISEASQHSHGSSKSAEAGPKAEVQGERRKSSISGAKSL # HEMKSATVEGQGSSYDPKSNEDEHAIRPSKSDTSLTDGFVVIDNDRHKGDQILRKGFRWQRQLMFRSKLTMHTAYDRKDNAEPASITALTVSKDHKIL # YVGDARGRIFSWSVTEQPGRGVADHWLKDEGADQCVKCHVKFTLYERKHHCRNCGQVFCNKCSRFESEISRLRILKPVRVCQACYSQLRTNSLDN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 89.7 # CDS exons: 13/15 # W: 13 # CDS introns: 13/14 # E: 13 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 13 # E: 13 # incompatible hint groups: 407 # W: 407 # end gene g842 # start gene g843 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5923214 5923471 0.99 - . g843 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5923214 5923471 0.99 - . g843.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5923214 5923216 . - 0 transcript_id "g843.t1"; gene_id "g843"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5923214 5923471 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g843.t1"; gene_id "g843"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5923469 5923471 . - 0 transcript_id "g843.t1"; gene_id "g843"; # protein sequence = [MDGFYSNSNSCSNNGGYCSQGSRSGNCGSCGNCPGGHCPRMEAGGSSYGARGMSQPGCPGGNCCPGGRCSAGKSRFNP # DWQYGGR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g843 # start gene g844 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5935897 5938055 0.6 + . g844 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5935897 5938055 0.6 + . g844.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5935897 5935899 . + 0 transcript_id "g844.t1"; gene_id "g844"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5935968 5936065 0.67 + . transcript_id "g844.t1"; gene_id "g844"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5937477 5937572 1 + . transcript_id "g844.t1"; gene_id "g844"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5935897 5935967 0.67 + 0 transcript_id "g844.t1"; gene_id "g844"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5936066 5937476 0.68 + 1 transcript_id "g844.t1"; gene_id "g844"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5937573 5938055 1 + 0 transcript_id "g844.t1"; gene_id "g844"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5938053 5938055 . + 0 transcript_id "g844.t1"; gene_id "g844"; # protein sequence = [MFLCKPDGFVTCKWQANDLKIDIRYYTCTSYSELLNVFKSQHSFSSPPAVQHERGPRKPKLHPQLHHHHHHAAAAAAA # AHHAAAAHHHHHHHHHAHAAAAHHAAVAAAAASGLHHHHHAMPVSLVTNVSASFNYTQHISTHPPAPAAPPSGFHLTASGAQQGPAPPAGHLHHGGAG # HQHATAFHHPGHGHALPAPHGGVVSNPGGNSSAISGSGPGSTLPFPSHLLHHNLIAEAASKLPGITATAVAAVVSSTSTPYASAAQTSSPSSNNHNYS # SPSPSNSIQSISSIGSRSGGGEEGLSLGSESPRVNVETETPSPSNSPPLSAGSISPAPTLTTSSGSPQHRQMSRHSLSEATTPPSHASLMICASNNNN # NNNNNNNNGEHKQSSYTSGSPTPTTPTPPPPRSGVGSTCNTASSSSGFLELLLSPDKCQELIQYQVQHNTLLFPQQLLDSRLLSWEMLQETTARLLFM # AVRWVKCLMPFQTLSKNDQHLLLQESWKELFLLNLAQWTIPLDLTPILESPLIRERVLQDEATQTEMKTIQEILCRFRQITPDGSEVGCMKAIALFAP # ETAGLCDVQPVEMLQDQAQCILSDHVRLRYPRQATRFGRLLLLLPSLRTIRAATIEALFFKETIGNVPIARLLRDMYTMEPAQVDK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g844 # start gene g845 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5941659 5944064 0.32 + . g845 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5941659 5944064 0.32 + . g845.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5941659 5941661 . + 0 transcript_id "g845.t1"; gene_id "g845"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5941675 5942137 0.75 + . transcript_id "g845.t1"; gene_id "g845"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5942443 5943944 0.46 + . transcript_id "g845.t1"; gene_id "g845"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5941659 5941674 0.8 + 0 transcript_id "g845.t1"; gene_id "g845"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5942138 5942442 0.46 + 2 transcript_id "g845.t1"; gene_id "g845"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5943945 5944064 1 + 0 transcript_id "g845.t1"; gene_id "g845"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5944062 5944064 . + 0 transcript_id "g845.t1"; gene_id "g845"; # protein sequence = [MTGTPASVGADQTRPEIPSQATSITCSFPAFAAINFTGAQQQQPGTGWDAPVELEQPRAQPRQRQATQPPPPGHLTSG # VRRCSRRKRSARGSAHMKVLVRNIAAMAWHVWSANQESVVAAVSTCQFAVQLQLINRAKSRSQVVLSK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 9 # W: 9 # end gene g845 # start gene g846 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5944110 5948063 0.35 + . g846 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5944110 5948063 0.35 + . g846.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5944110 5944112 . + 0 transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5944154 5944267 1 + . transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5944446 5946043 1 + . transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5946251 5946315 1 + . transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5946689 5947017 1 + . transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5947172 5947239 1 + . transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5947333 5947720 0.46 + . transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5947773 5947856 0.57 + . transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5944110 5944153 1 + 0 transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5944268 5944445 1 + 1 transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5946044 5946250 1 + 0 transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5946316 5946688 1 + 0 transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5947018 5947171 1 + 2 transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5947240 5947332 0.49 + 1 transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5947721 5947772 0.57 + 1 transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5947857 5948063 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5948061 5948063 . + 0 transcript_id "g846.t1"; gene_id "g846"; # protein sequence = [MADKVNVCIVGSGNWGSAIAKIVGANAAALPEFEERVTMFVYEELIDGKKLTEIINETHENVKYLKGHKLPPNVVAVP # DLVEAAKNADILIFVVPHQFIPNFCKQLLGKIKPNAIAISLIKGFDKAEGGGIDLISHIITRHLKIPCAVLMGANLANEVAEGNFCETTIGCTDKKYG # KVLRDLFQANHFRVVVVDDADAVEVCGALKNIVACGAGFVDGLKLGDNTKAAVIRLGLMEMIRFVDVFYPGSKLSTFFESCGVADLITTCYGGRNRRV # SEAFVTSGKTIEELEKEMLNGQKLQGPPTAEEVNYMLKNKGLEDKFPLFTAIHKICTNQLKPNDLIDCIRNHPEHIVIRFQSYIQPFISLHPVGYVHH # AVAKTLNCVTPKQDQSMYIVNTIYTRIDQINQSSSPRPIKLALYRYMHKVRKIVPRQLHYFFL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 7/8 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 5/7 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 5 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 144 # E: 1 # W: 143 # end gene g846 # start gene g847 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5948396 5949668 0.73 - . g847 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5948396 5949668 0.73 - . g847.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5948396 5948398 . - 0 transcript_id "g847.t1"; gene_id "g847"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5948525 5949392 0.73 - . transcript_id "g847.t1"; gene_id "g847"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5948396 5948524 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g847.t1"; gene_id "g847"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5949393 5949668 0.73 - 0 transcript_id "g847.t1"; gene_id "g847"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5949666 5949668 . - 0 transcript_id "g847.t1"; gene_id "g847"; # protein sequence = [MYDATVLQNCLRQLPFNIYIVVRLDSIMYPVGRLHYPSSLDLFNQLGRRNIPLAKCKNTFVMPLLLVNLTVTANARHL # DLAMSRCVYFSTISKMESKDSSSWRCAEKIHLFSVVHKNVKNVSASLGDLQILPVK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 56 # E: 1 # W: 55 # end gene g847 # start gene g848 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5949900 5955001 0.96 + . g848 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5949900 5955001 0.96 + . g848.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5949900 5949902 . + 0 transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5949991 5950124 1 + . transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5951820 5951876 1 + . transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5951998 5952055 1 + . transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5952192 5952251 1 + . transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5952385 5952444 1 + . transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5952628 5952988 0.96 + . transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5953058 5953415 0.96 + . transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5954478 5954534 1 + . transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5949900 5949990 1 + 0 transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5950125 5951819 1 + 2 transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5951877 5951997 1 + 2 transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5952056 5952191 1 + 1 transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5952252 5952384 1 + 0 transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5952445 5952627 1 + 2 transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5952989 5953057 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5953416 5954477 1 + 2 transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5954535 5955001 1 + 2 transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5954999 5955001 . + 0 transcript_id "g848.t1"; gene_id "g848"; # protein sequence = [MDPQKITELANLLRQNGDKILSSEFTLTLSGSLLRALNDSFTLIADTEIGTGAGYLQPQSFQVVKPINAKSSVFPDLQ # LVHDFVQKTTLLKLTYFPSEHYFEGAIDIAKFRALRRLEVNKINIGQVVGIQPLRGQLQHLICVKSLTSVDDIITRCGGDNSNGFVWNELKTADFSYN # SLRSVDTALEFAQHLQHLNLRHNKLTSVAAIKWLPHLKTLDLSYNCLTHLPQFHMEACKRLQLLNISNNYVEELLDVAKLDALYNLDLSDNCLLEHSQ # LLPLSALMSLIVLNLQGNPLACNPKHRQATAQYLHKNSATVKFVLDFEPLTKAEKALTGSQKWRYISGLSHRSPRSTSMSINSSSASINTSDGSQFSS # FGSQRSVSIRGKNYTLEDNQSMDTSQSSKRISSCKIRTVDIEESSEINTDAASVSTPNPRSEYEEEPDNSHLETKKKIETLRLTYGNEWLKSGNAELM # LGIETPQPTERERNESRQLFNEYLGELSGFTEAKNDSEHHNISSTPTNNVLLASTFDATITPIKSEANDTSGQTLYETCTEGEETNYESFGNNTTELS # TEERPPDRHEELLRLYASSSNAQDEDPVSDAESDEETYIVYHEQKPSEVLFLTISSNFIREKDTLTERTKAKWSLKILESCERVRSNTLRINFDTMRK # DKQERIYCVENTLCQELEKKLRDILSQRDLTEMNISIYRCVNCLTQFTIEQKSKRYKAKELRCPDCRSVYVAEVTELSSSLSKPSGEVAAEPKLSPAM # IVEESPVEELAAAINKEESNSIVANCRLTTAKITPKLRSLTQATKSSANSLNGSSSCSKITNSQSSFDSNQSVVGSSNTDRDMEFRANESDVDIISNP # SQSSIEVLDPNYVQSASRKTSEERRISQLPHLETIHDEVAKSKSFIEREFGQLLAEQAQPTTPSTAAPLAPAKSAVPSHVPLTESSSSGSVTDSICTT # YEQQATDAPQNLQNSLLTESSNSQVSGSDAESNSRLKSAEDASLLPFASVFQSTNLLMSSSKKLIESEATVFGTQPYKFNYSDFNDIDHRLKLYFYQR # KFKEDGEHFKWLAKGRIYNEQTQSLGEGLVVMSNCKCYLMEAFAEPHDDVAKWLRQVVSVAVNRLVAIDLLPWKLGLSFTLKDWGGFVLLLHDMLRTE # SLLNYLQQIPLPEQCKLNHQPSVTLSHQWETIASEPVKMCSLIPSCQWICDQEKSSFEPSLLLITETHLYISGNGKFSWLSDKVQEKPIQPELSLNQP # LSNLVDVERITDQKYAINFIDETQNRCEIWKLQFETHANAACCLNVIGKGWEQLFGVPFSLSGT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 9/9 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 8/8 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 9 # E: 8 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 370 # E: 1 # W: 369 # end gene g848 # start gene g849 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5955614 5956075 0.85 - . g849 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5955614 5956075 0.85 - . g849.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5955614 5955616 . - 0 transcript_id "g849.t1"; gene_id "g849"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5955724 5955780 1 - . transcript_id "g849.t1"; gene_id "g849"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5955614 5955723 1 - 2 transcript_id "g849.t1"; gene_id "g849"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5955781 5956075 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g849.t1"; gene_id "g849"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5956073 5956075 . - 0 transcript_id "g849.t1"; gene_id "g849"; # protein sequence = [MEKISFLNTARYHSTQDALIIAEYLLFTLALHSTCVYQVGASHIILRNCKLFMASITIYFLLSASQHFWIIYQYRQPP # EEDGHHWPLGLIALSVAQRIMSVFYYYSSKSTALTMADPRFKEEHLDWIADQLGDK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 20 # W: 20 # end gene g849 # start gene g850 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5956512 5956805 0.9 - . g850 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5956512 5956805 0.9 - . g850.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5956512 5956514 . - 0 transcript_id "g850.t1"; gene_id "g850"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5956512 5956805 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g850.t1"; gene_id "g850"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5956803 5956805 . - 0 transcript_id "g850.t1"; gene_id "g850"; # protein sequence = [MAKTMTFWFLVLALVTLNPTWPFWRTGAAEVTSASMFQFLDRHNGEGDHSWSHLLPTNFYSEMNQQYYRRFRRQAGRM # DTFRSGKRQQYPFEYARYV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 20 # W: 20 # end gene g850 # start gene g851 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5957024 5958591 0.77 - . g851 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5957024 5958591 0.77 - . g851.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5957024 5957026 . - 0 transcript_id "g851.t1"; gene_id "g851"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5957622 5958061 0.77 - . transcript_id "g851.t1"; gene_id "g851"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5957024 5957621 0.77 - 1 transcript_id "g851.t1"; gene_id "g851"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5958062 5958591 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g851.t1"; gene_id "g851"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5958589 5958591 . - 0 transcript_id "g851.t1"; gene_id "g851"; # protein sequence = [MWKYLGFFALLAGASSLGQQAGLEASTCGGSTGCLRSLPSRSSAVEPSDAYLNRRRRQQQIVQEVIVENNFGGPGFGG # PGFGGPGFGGPGFGGPGFGGPGFGRPGFGGPGFGGPGFGGPGFGRGKFGFARSYDQDEAQVPVQGTYQQQTTLSEVPSPACPKNYVFSCEAVIKPVPC # GITLFLGSDVKSDSFRSLKFADEGHGVLGHVLGVGTGGSVGLSWGGAGHGLQGGLAAEQVVLGARRRRNGGGCGVSWCGWGRVSWGSGSRVGRSSGCG # VGGSSGCGVGWGSGSRVGLGSGSGWGGVRWGGWGSAVSSVGGTRHTDVLGQRGGDEDALSGLQLDGLRGHGGQGHEAGDEEVTKVECHCGWFLSCLYL # LLK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 114 # W: 114 # end gene g851 # start gene g852 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5958797 5960322 0.4 + . g852 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5958797 5960322 0.4 + . g852.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5958797 5958799 . + 0 transcript_id "g852.t1"; gene_id "g852"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5958926 5959701 0.4 + . transcript_id "g852.t1"; gene_id "g852"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5958797 5958925 0.4 + 0 transcript_id "g852.t1"; gene_id "g852"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5959702 5960322 0.88 + 0 transcript_id "g852.t1"; gene_id "g852"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5960320 5960322 . + 0 transcript_id "g852.t1"; gene_id "g852"; # protein sequence = [MGHWLEGVNPLGGPKSLLGWARKPYEHLKPEGQHIVATAAFRLLFFSDLIAVHIFGYIFCQIHQSLCFSAVGSWSLGD # DRSRSRSRCLVLVAIGLGHVGAVQLLLVLGHAVVGGDVGGHRGGVGAGGSVAGSWSAAWHGGKVGLAAEQVVLGAGRSWDAGAAIAAGAAAVGRLTET # GQVTESLSGHSLQLSVLGGHRGASGAGGRSHVGGRSQSGGGEGDQSDAHEGFHLGCWWLKIELEADGSWLGCW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 60 # W: 60 # end gene g852 # start gene g853 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5961475 5961786 0.9 - . g853 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5961475 5961786 0.9 - . g853.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5961475 5961477 . - 0 transcript_id "g853.t1"; gene_id "g853"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5961475 5961786 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g853.t1"; gene_id "g853"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5961784 5961786 . - 0 transcript_id "g853.t1"; gene_id "g853"; # protein sequence = [MDCKYPFRGPQRFRDDVGNNLCWQKAEISQLVASAAQFSISDSNAMANCKQCAQTSSPMREPGGLKCDNHPVIGAIPS # AMPSHRGHDHDQVKVPATCAHLEVQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g853 # start gene g854 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5963138 5964283 0.84 - . g854 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5963138 5964283 0.84 - . g854.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5963138 5963140 . - 0 transcript_id "g854.t1"; gene_id "g854"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5963138 5964283 0.84 - 0 transcript_id "g854.t1"; gene_id "g854"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5964281 5964283 . - 0 transcript_id "g854.t1"; gene_id "g854"; # protein sequence = [MMMHSRNRSWTLTLLALGVVLATSAEDLPRSNRIAVPGEPLYYLMADAGPVVTPNEALKRTNRSLLKWWDDLFPRNNN # NCCNNNNNNLLYPTAPLLPAPAVPNNCNGLQLQDLDPFKQMKLFKKLPELFPTASPCGQCGGGCGQNNYVAPAPQSPSYGGDGYGVLPNGGYIKPDTE # YNGPGDGDAGYVAPAAPAYEAPAPPAPAYEAPAPPAPAYEAPAPAAPAYEAPAPAAPAYEAPTTDYSAPAPPAPAYEPPASSYTQGYSQPAQPSYVGA # PPAQIVYQPIIYLSTPLASKSSTSQVEYDDQKYVTPTAPPPPPPPAPVYEAPSQNCYQPAAPPAPNYATPSCQTPIRLSLIDQPYRVAPELFEEYNYR # LALASQNIL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 116 # W: 116 # end gene g854 # start gene g855 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5965519 5967498 1 - . g855 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5965519 5967498 1 - . g855.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5965519 5965521 . - 0 transcript_id "g855.t1"; gene_id "g855"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5965519 5967498 1 - 0 transcript_id "g855.t1"; gene_id "g855"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5967496 5967498 . - 0 transcript_id "g855.t1"; gene_id "g855"; # protein sequence = [MDIQPQALKLIFLWACLAIGLTVLPGATASGHEASPASRDLLNRSKRTMTTICVEIRPSSPQDEPYYMCRGANFGGDS # SQQSCVEVRSQGGQGEPFYMCQGAKSTEPAIENQPSMEHMPPFNPQPAEHHDYGHNFPVFPAFEGGSYPQQPVTEDPTRILQVQPAGPTSYQEKPHQQ # PNPQQHQPHAQYGFYGGPMAAPPTAPAAESAGMQEFHHPIVGSPPAAPPGVPAGPSPASTAASYDPAAFARSSSRPNENPVAGNGRHRFTIDEEVLAV # PDVGFRREELQQQYRRPVSQPRPEDQLMWVPLSQTQDPENDPVMKAFYSSLGDERHPTQEAPVSNQDEPMLGQMSPGYSPYNNQYPEAPAPPTLPPPP # PTYSQADVTPSANTYCNGCPPTAPPIQCPVDNGVSYSTTCPSFQPVIISMPCYAQRAPTPYFGLPRAPPALAPAGSFGGGFGLGAQLGSPFGMSPQMG # GQGYDMEHQVGGPFGMGMQLGMGMNPFGPFGALNPFNPFNRVLGAPAPAAPTQNGNFFQRVFKFNQDAASTSTTEAAPTTEVQSERSGKLNFSSSTPA # PPSSEQPDTIVGDDHDSDEAEDSAEDFDKEDDTAMTTPLPASEPDDSADTSGVPAIVSKATELLKPTEKRKRHRQRSSGRSPQKHRYLQQL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 146 # W: 146 # end gene g855 # start gene g856 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5968683 5969690 0.99 + . g856 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5968683 5969690 0.99 + . g856.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5968683 5968685 . + 0 transcript_id "g856.t1"; gene_id "g856"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5968683 5969690 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g856.t1"; gene_id "g856"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5969688 5969690 . + 0 transcript_id "g856.t1"; gene_id "g856"; # protein sequence = [MDKAERDYWHLRSLEIEEEPRFPPTNVADPLTARNLFQLYVNTFIGANLAESCVFPLDVAKTRMQVDGEQAKKTGKAM # PTFRATLTNMIRVEGFKSLYAGFSAMVTRNFIFNSLRVVLYDVFRRPFLYQNERNEEVLKIYMALGCSFTAGCIAQALANPFDIVKVRMQTEGRRRQL # GYDVRVNSMVQAFVDIYRRGGLPSMWKGVGPSCMRACLMTTGDVGSYDISKRTFKRLLDLEEGLPLRFVSSMCAGLTASVLSTPADVIKSRMMNQPVD # ESGKNLYYKNSLDCVRKLVREEGVLTLYKGLMPTWFRLGPFSVLFWLSVEQLRQWEGQSGF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g856 # start gene g857 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5969902 5970984 0.98 + . g857 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5969902 5970984 0.98 + . g857.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5969902 5969904 . + 0 transcript_id "g857.t1"; gene_id "g857"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5970560 5970628 0.99 + . transcript_id "g857.t1"; gene_id "g857"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5969902 5970559 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g857.t1"; gene_id "g857"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5970629 5970984 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g857.t1"; gene_id "g857"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5970982 5970984 . + 0 transcript_id "g857.t1"; gene_id "g857"; # protein sequence = [MGKGVNTVFRPAEWDNSEEKERPKLEYLVTNKKTPPVELYLTAFASACSAEIVGYPFDMCKTRMQIQGEIASRVGQKA # KYRGLLATAMGIVREEGLLKLYGGISAMLFRHSLFSGIKMLTYDYMREKMIVPDEDGRPQLSFLGSCISGVLAGATASVLTNPTELIKIQMQMEGQRR # LRGEPPRIHNVLQALTSIYRTGGVVGLWKGTVPNTWRSALVTIGDVSCYDFCKRFLIAEFDLVDNREVQFVAAMTAGVADAILSLPADVVKSRIMNQP # TDEQGRGIHYKGSLDCLSRLVREEGFLAMYKGFIPYWMRVGPASVVFWMTFEQIRRFRGSEGY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g857 # start gene g858 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5972757 5973432 0.96 + . g858 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5972757 5973432 0.96 + . g858.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5972757 5972759 . + 0 transcript_id "g858.t1"; gene_id "g858"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5973039 5973294 0.96 + . transcript_id "g858.t1"; gene_id "g858"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5972757 5973038 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g858.t1"; gene_id "g858"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5973295 5973432 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g858.t1"; gene_id "g858"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5973430 5973432 . + 0 transcript_id "g858.t1"; gene_id "g858"; # protein sequence = [MLRDIYLYWLLLSISALLLLSVPFASLLPFRSNRNLLSLTSLFLYKTCVWIYVRVYINCIGCVNIAIQKNRSKKCLRC # FALLFSVVNLLIFRFSLFAFFDIFFFFQAYAFLLDPFPLLHTKNRKFFLGRWFFFSHKFKY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 52 # W: 52 # end gene g858 # start gene g859 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5973458 5979522 0.62 - . g859 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5973458 5979522 0.62 - . g859.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5973458 5973460 . - 0 transcript_id "g859.t1"; gene_id "g859"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5973569 5973618 0.64 - . transcript_id "g859.t1"; gene_id "g859"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5973675 5976610 1 - . transcript_id "g859.t1"; gene_id "g859"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5976783 5979411 1 - . transcript_id "g859.t1"; gene_id "g859"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5973458 5973568 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g859.t1"; gene_id "g859"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5973619 5973674 0.64 - 2 transcript_id "g859.t1"; gene_id "g859"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5976611 5976782 1 - 0 transcript_id "g859.t1"; gene_id "g859"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5979412 5979522 1 - 0 transcript_id "g859.t1"; gene_id "g859"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5979520 5979522 . - 0 transcript_id "g859.t1"; gene_id "g859"; # protein sequence = [MSWQDYVDNQLLASQCVTKACIAGHDGNIWAQSSGFEVTKEELSKLISGFDQQDGLTSNGVTLAGQRYIYLSGTDRVV # RAKLGRSGVHCMKTTQAVIVSIYEDPVQPQQAASVINTNTPINHNNNNTHTPTTTTTTTTAATNLIRANRK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 10 # E: 2 # RM: 8 # incompatible hint groups: 46 # W: 46 # end gene g859 # start gene g860 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5979549 5980604 0.28 - . g860 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5979549 5980604 0.28 - . g860.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5979549 5979551 . - 0 transcript_id "g860.t1"; gene_id "g860"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5979705 5979939 1 - . transcript_id "g860.t1"; gene_id "g860"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5980146 5980558 0.32 - . transcript_id "g860.t1"; gene_id "g860"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5979549 5979704 1 - 0 transcript_id "g860.t1"; gene_id "g860"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5979940 5980145 0.51 - 2 transcript_id "g860.t1"; gene_id "g860"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5980559 5980604 0.28 - 0 transcript_id "g860.t1"; gene_id "g860"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5980602 5980604 . - 0 transcript_id "g860.t1"; gene_id "g860"; # protein sequence = [MLTYCGCGAAQHIMILGFLEFKIGLWFCFALIRLLKSASNASKIPSESDVCVELRRTVSVSVCLGLLGLALALGLIPR # ACVCIYLKVSYPKKKSSVLRFFFVSLPISCDPRNESATRRAVKQQRSISRSIYISST] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 1 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 29 # E: 1 # W: 28 # end gene g860 # start gene g861 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5981039 5985170 0.47 + . g861 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5981039 5985170 0.47 + . g861.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5981039 5981041 . + 0 transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5981100 5981813 0.47 + . transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5981836 5983009 0.51 + . transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5983237 5984010 1 + . transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5984625 5984718 1 + . transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5984943 5985025 1 + . transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5981039 5981099 0.47 + 0 transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5981814 5981835 0.51 + 2 transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5983010 5983236 1 + 1 transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5984011 5984624 1 + 2 transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5984719 5984942 1 + 0 transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5985026 5985170 1 + 1 transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5985168 5985170 . + 0 transcript_id "g861.t1"; gene_id "g861"; # protein sequence = [MCAKIRSRYSSQSIVFAICLLPNNFQKMDDRNEIPQDGPASMEPEGVIESTWHEVYDNFDDMNLREELLRGIYGYGFE # KPSAIQQRAIIPCVRGRDVIAQAQSGTGKTATFSIAILQQIDTSIRECQALILAPTRELATQIQRVVMALGEYMKVHSHACIGGTNVREDARILESGC # HVVVGTPGRVYDMINRKVLRTQYIKLFVLDEADEMLSRGFKDQIQDVFKMLPPDVQVILLSATMPPDVLEVSRCFMRDPVSILVKKEELTLEGIKQFY # VNVKQENWKLGTLCDLYDTLSITQSVIFCNTRRKVDQLTQEMSIHNFTVSAMHGDMEQRDREVIMKQFRSGSSRVLITTDLLARGIDVQQVSLVINYD # LPSNRENYIHRIGRGGRFGRKGVAINFITDDDRRILKDIEQFYHTTIEEMPANIADLI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 81.8 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 4 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 134 # W: 134 # end gene g861 # start gene g862 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5985394 5986132 0.64 - . g862 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5985394 5986132 0.64 - . g862.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5985394 5985396 . - 0 transcript_id "g862.t1"; gene_id "g862"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5985601 5986084 0.65 - . transcript_id "g862.t1"; gene_id "g862"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5985394 5985600 1 - 0 transcript_id "g862.t1"; gene_id "g862"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5986085 5986132 0.65 - 0 transcript_id "g862.t1"; gene_id "g862"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5986130 5986132 . - 0 transcript_id "g862.t1"; gene_id "g862"; # protein sequence = [MKLAKKVWVNMRLTQTIDANVVLSFVFFFLYICIYLLLLVDNAVLKLMIHRELNGYRGVPANRQLVVVLLPLPLLLML # LLLRRC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 37 # W: 37 # end gene g862 # start gene g863 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5986495 5988183 0.86 + . g863 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5986495 5988183 0.86 + . g863.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5986495 5986497 . + 0 transcript_id "g863.t1"; gene_id "g863"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5986893 5987615 1 + . transcript_id "g863.t1"; gene_id "g863"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5986495 5986892 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g863.t1"; gene_id "g863"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5987616 5988183 0.93 + 1 transcript_id "g863.t1"; gene_id "g863"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5988181 5988183 . + 0 transcript_id "g863.t1"; gene_id "g863"; # protein sequence = [MGQKVSRTDFEWVYTEEPHASRRKIILEKYPQIKKLFGHDPNFKWVAGAMVLTQILALFVVKDLSWSWLIVAAYCFGG # IINHSLMLAVHEISHNLAFGHSRPMHNRILGFICNLPIGLPMSISFKKYHLEHHRYQGDEAIDTDIPTLLEARLFDTTFGKFLWVCLQPFFYIFRPLI # INPKPPTRLEIINTVVQLTFNALIVYFLGWKPLAYLLIGSILAMGLHPVAGHFISEHYMFAKGFETYSYYGPLNWITFNVGYHNEHHDFPAVPGSRLP # EVKRIAKEFYDTMPQHTSWTRVLYDFIMDPAVGPYARVKRRQRGLAS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 95 # W: 95 # end gene g863 # start gene g864 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5988569 5989065 0.97 - . g864 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5988569 5989065 0.97 - . g864.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5988569 5988571 . - 0 transcript_id "g864.t1"; gene_id "g864"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5988709 5988992 0.97 - . transcript_id "g864.t1"; gene_id "g864"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5988569 5988708 1 - 2 transcript_id "g864.t1"; gene_id "g864"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5988993 5989065 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g864.t1"; gene_id "g864"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5989063 5989065 . - 0 transcript_id "g864.t1"; gene_id "g864"; # protein sequence = [MINPIQLAAKQKNILDLLGAHSPRCNSFKSLSKIVVGCLISGLLSARVAAIRIKIDHTKSCLHINDLKAI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 24 # W: 24 # end gene g864 # start gene g865 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5990642 5996490 1 - . g865 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5990642 5996490 1 - . g865.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5990642 5990644 . - 0 transcript_id "g865.t1"; gene_id "g865"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5992406 5992469 1 - . transcript_id "g865.t1"; gene_id "g865"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5993346 5993471 1 - . transcript_id "g865.t1"; gene_id "g865"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5994887 5995028 1 - . transcript_id "g865.t1"; gene_id "g865"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5990642 5992405 1 - 0 transcript_id "g865.t1"; gene_id "g865"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5992470 5993345 1 - 0 transcript_id "g865.t1"; gene_id "g865"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5993472 5994886 1 - 2 transcript_id "g865.t1"; gene_id "g865"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5995029 5996490 1 - 0 transcript_id "g865.t1"; gene_id "g865"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5996488 5996490 . - 0 transcript_id "g865.t1"; gene_id "g865"; # protein sequence = [MSAKTEADNTTAANSGGGGVGSGTSSGGGASANGTATPARRLRTRNSTGNGTNSGSESVKKSNANDEPSTPVTPAGAT # GSHTHAPPGISPAVMERPMPSVPMNHASSSVSASKKYHNSCPHPTPTPAPTGHKKSVHTQPHSSNKFDQGKNEEFHFDTPPECPVFRPTTEEFKNPLA # YISKIRSIAEKCGIAKILPPATWSPPFAVDVDKLRFVPRVQRLNELEAKTRVKLNFLDQIAKFWELQGSSLKIPMVERKALDLYTLHRIVQEEGGMEQ # TTKDRKWAKVANRMQYPSSKSVGATLKAHYERILHPFEVYTSGKVLGPTPTSSGSGSTPVKLEDGGGTDYKAHEIPTRQQIAPPNETNTRRSKRFGNS # NASCGLSGVTPTTKPSAGVFVKTETKEEFKRDLLSSFNAVNSGGSPLATGTTANTRGASQKKGGEPPALIVDPLMKYICHICNRGDVEESMLLCDGCD # DSYHTFCLLPPLTSIPKGEWLCPRCVVEEVSKPQEAFGFEQAEREYTLQQFGQMADQFKQEYFRKPVHLVPTEMVEREFWRIVSSIDEDVTVEYGADL # HTMDHGSGFPTKSSLYLLPGDQEYAESSWNLNNLPLLEDSILGHINADISGMNAPWMYVGMCFAAFCWHNEDHWSYSINYLHWGEPKTWYGVPGSCAE # QFEETMKQAAPELFSSQPDLLHQLVTIMNPNILMNNRVPVFRTDQHAGEFVITFPRAYHAGFNQGYNFAEAVNFAPADWLKMGRECVNHYSMLRRFCV # FSHDELVCKMALEPAKLTFGIATACYIDMAEMVDTEKKLRKSLLEWGVTRAERRAFELVNDDERHCQECNTTCFLSAVACECNDKLIVCLRHYTVLCG # CAPEKHTLIYRYTLDEMPLMLQKLKVKAHSFERWLSRCRDIVDAHTPTSVTLQELQELCKEAETKKFPSSLLIDRLNAAAVEAEKCVTVIQQLGINKV # RTRSDHNQEAAQYKLTMEELELFVQEIDNLCCIIDEGASVRELLVLGKQFVERSESQLQLSLESLEESELETLINEGSSLRIELQQLDLLQKRLKQCK # WYKRSQGLRETSSKLTYQDVKNLLHIAAADLDPTDPYVDKEMRKLQQIGADIEAWESQAAKYFRRLTQQHELGEIEQFLKSASDINGQVPSHGLLKDA # LRKAREWLRAVEQLQQNNHVTYCHTLEAMIERGLNIPIQLEELSRMQGHLNSAHQWKDNTACAFLKKGTFYTLLEVLMPRSDAINIDSDLKPRFQDDF # LKEKNPAEIVASFKHAEEQELLDMRELRRQNMNKNPMRDMFCLCKSEFRNLMFNCQLCRDWFHEDCVPPPSATNQNGIVNGGSGPGTNRPKWLCPSCV # RSKRPRLETILPLLVQLQQLPIRLPEDEALRCLAERAMNWQDRARKALSSPDVSAAQEAIMAQQQQKRRSEGGAGVGNISSPRKPRRRGSLTKEASGS # TESDADDDDDEDECRLRIVEDNFSNDEDEPRTAPATSTVNSDLLKLLSDSEIENLLDLMMEGDLLEVSLDETQELWRILETMPPTLLQAEAMERVVQY # MQRQRQQHTNPLPTSGAEDSNDSLMVQNSPNSNSNSGGATGSASNSGRNKKRRSNDTGGNSAVPRKKQSTPKQTPGKKGSAAAARKSDAKASPAASTT # PGADADAENKQANGGNTNSSTGSGGGNSATTTPTPGSTHKKRKRTSTTATNNNNNNNNNSTNNSNSSTNLNSNTTSGQGAATGGNNATGGQKKHAQRS # QQAAQEDDEEECRAENCHKPTGREVDWVQCDGGCNEWFHMYCVGLNRSQIKPDDDYICIRCTKTVAIGTQGSGHSMSVASTTTPGKQRAVQSAR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 545 # W: 545 # end gene g865 # start gene g866 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 5999303 5999988 0.75 - . g866 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 5999303 5999988 0.75 - . g866.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5999303 5999305 . - 0 transcript_id "g866.t1"; gene_id "g866"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 5999554 5999978 0.75 - . transcript_id "g866.t1"; gene_id "g866"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5999303 5999553 0.86 - 2 transcript_id "g866.t1"; gene_id "g866"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 5999979 5999988 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g866.t1"; gene_id "g866"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 5999986 5999988 . - 0 transcript_id "g866.t1"; gene_id "g866"; # protein sequence = [MSTGQCCTTRTVAGIFPNFCGADRRFRHFDDGSHWTHVAGKNADIGERNQKSKFALKPPRQCRARWFYGTLISITYRA # CASSNDFL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 24 # W: 24 # end gene g866 # start gene g867 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6000312 6001737 0.98 + . g867 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6000312 6001737 0.98 + . g867.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6000312 6000314 . + 0 transcript_id "g867.t1"; gene_id "g867"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6000600 6000663 1 + . transcript_id "g867.t1"; gene_id "g867"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6000745 6000804 1 + . transcript_id "g867.t1"; gene_id "g867"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6001084 6001476 0.98 + . transcript_id "g867.t1"; gene_id "g867"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6001594 6001668 1 + . transcript_id "g867.t1"; gene_id "g867"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6000312 6000599 1 + 0 transcript_id "g867.t1"; gene_id "g867"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6000664 6000744 1 + 0 transcript_id "g867.t1"; gene_id "g867"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6000805 6001083 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g867.t1"; gene_id "g867"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6001477 6001593 1 + 0 transcript_id "g867.t1"; gene_id "g867"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6001669 6001737 1 + 0 transcript_id "g867.t1"; gene_id "g867"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6001735 6001737 . + 0 transcript_id "g867.t1"; gene_id "g867"; # protein sequence = [MPAAVRKFRRETSEISCCLKYLLFASNVILWLSALLVLSVGIWAWSEKGMFRNIARLHFIALDPAFVLIILGGVTFLL # GFMGSVGALRENTCLLGAYAIFLSVLLIAEIGFCAVAFVLKDKGWIKDQATEGLKAFIRHYREDADQQNLIDWIQEDWLQCCGIDGPKDWDSNNYFNC # SSIAIGSREACGVPFSCCRRRPQEVIKNKQCGYDVRKEGYGMELSKIIYEKGCVQAGEEWMEHNLIIISATVIVVMFFQILGICFAQNLRADIYTQKS # KWH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 2 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 30 # E: 1 # W: 29 # end gene g867 # start gene g868 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6003762 6006689 0.73 - . g868 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6003762 6006689 0.73 - . g868.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6003762 6003764 . - 0 transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6004855 6005005 1 - . transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6005154 6005212 1 - . transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6005553 6005685 1 - . transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6005837 6005903 1 - . transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6006068 6006566 1 - . transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6003762 6004854 1 - 1 transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6005006 6005153 1 - 2 transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6005213 6005552 1 - 0 transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6005686 6005836 1 - 1 transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6005904 6006067 1 - 0 transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6006567 6006689 0.73 - 0 transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6006687 6006689 . - 0 transcript_id "g868.t1"; gene_id "g868"; # protein sequence = [MSGCRRNRKLTMAVSGCLIIAVMALTVGLCVGLSGDTDAPEEQPRFTIDHEANTFMLDGQPFRYVSGSFHYFRAVPES # WRSRLRTMRASGLNALDTYVEWSLHNPHDGEYNWEGIADVVKFLEIAQEEDFYIILRPGPYICAERDNGGLPHWLFTKYPSIKMRTNDPNYISEVGKW # YAELMPRLQHLFVGNGGKIIMVQVENEYGDYACDHDYLNWLRDETEKYVSGKALLFTVDIPNEKMSCGKIENVFATTDFGIDRINEIDKIWAMLRALQ # PTGPLVNSEFYPGWLTHWQEQNQRRDGQEVANALRTILSYNASVNLYMFFGGTNFGFTAGANYNLDGGIGYAADITSYDYDAVMDEAGGVTTKYNLVK # AVIGEFLPLPEITLNPAKRLAYGRVELTPKLTLLSTEGRAALSKGDPVESIKPKTFEELDLYSGLVLYETELPSMDLDPALLKIDQINDRAHVFVDQE # LVGTLSREAQIYSLPLSKGWGSTLQLLVENQGRVNFYISNDTKGIFGEVSLQLHNGGYLPLENWRSTAFPLEQSAVELWRREHTDEKALDPLLARQRI # LRNGPILYTGSLTVTEVGDTYLNMAGWGKGVAYVNGFNLGRYWPVAGPQVTLYVPNEILKVGENSLVILEYQRANKTATGEDLPAVQFDAVAQLDGES # GDVPLK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 192 # W: 192 # end gene g868 # start gene g869 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6007908 6012236 1 - . g869 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6007908 6012236 1 - . g869.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6007908 6007910 . - 0 transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6008038 6008095 1 - . transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6008503 6008754 1 - . transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6009190 6009244 1 - . transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6010241 6010312 1 - . transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6010671 6011554 1 - . transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6011727 6011782 1 - . transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6011936 6011985 1 - . transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6012112 6012178 1 - . transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6007908 6008037 1 - 1 transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6008096 6008502 1 - 0 transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6008755 6009189 1 - 0 transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6009245 6010240 1 - 0 transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6010313 6010670 1 - 1 transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6011555 6011726 1 - 2 transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6011783 6011935 1 - 2 transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6011986 6012111 1 - 2 transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6012179 6012236 1 - 0 transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6012234 6012236 . - 0 transcript_id "g869.t1"; gene_id "g869"; # protein sequence = [MGNTQARQLENRQVPNRRSSILWNFRYSNTVRRREDLAVMVHNSRMSISEWLDLLELQQYEGNLQEFSTVDDVVDITD # KELKQFGVRGAHRQRMVNSLLGVRAKRRQSMNLEAMSSAPRAVPRRKNSCPLVYLGENPQDMAGSGDSGPGVITTKSGKVLKQLTFDETSTIYEELRP # RSKCNSPHWAIEDSRMEGYGSSNATTPLATAQPSPSEQQEAIALKKALEWELSLDARELRSHAWYHGALPRQRAEEIVQREGDFLVRDCASQPDNYVL # SCRSKAAVLHFVLNKLVLQPETVYERVQYQFEEDAFDTVPDLITFYVGSGKPISSASGALIQFPCNRTYPLSFYGHKIVGNQLHTQMLAGLRGLSPLN # SPMGSNGAVGAGMNATFRFEPQQQQQQQLSPMAGSPASPHCSPPRARREVPPPPRLPCKKQQRSQSLTPAQAMLVSNINKLQEQQLQMQELENGNGNG # IMRFQTIARCNPTSEQHLESKFTTHSLPRPNTSAAHALRQQAVARISSLARNCSLDSPSDSRPPSPPPKPRKEPMAAVLAYQASGSDSGNGSGDSALG # DACEASVQRGVIIKNPRFMTTSVSNGTLKSFTEFDVLAAEEELFTMAIEEVKTASKFDFENFVTLLLPSVENKPLDGDALNTFKMMLLETGPKLLAEH # ITRIDIALFLEEPSNEEDYYLSCSGLELLTLPHGKVFREDIIERTQCIKLMVAVTILTCQTDLDRAQLLSKWIQIAVETKTALGNLFGFCAIMLGLCM # QQIQKLDQAWHILRQQYTDSAFTFEAKLRPTLSIMNEASNPQAPNTTVPHVLLYALLIDRPVMDIINHSNIDDRPALYHTCIAPWESKADDFGMTINF # QHLDASRGFLKNLELYRKNAKIILEDASPRLDELLADAFRTEFHVKFLWGSSGATAKAEDRHNKLEKVLTLMADKFCMMAEQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 82.4 # CDS exons: 7/9 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 7/8 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 118 # RM: 1 # W: 117 # end gene g869 # start gene g870 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6013255 6014148 0.48 - . g870 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6013255 6014148 0.48 - . g870.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6013255 6013257 . - 0 transcript_id "g870.t1"; gene_id "g870"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6013498 6013599 1 - . transcript_id "g870.t1"; gene_id "g870"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6013981 6014139 0.48 - . transcript_id "g870.t1"; gene_id "g870"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6013255 6013497 1 - 0 transcript_id "g870.t1"; gene_id "g870"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6013600 6013980 0.65 - 0 transcript_id "g870.t1"; gene_id "g870"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6014140 6014148 0.51 - 0 transcript_id "g870.t1"; gene_id "g870"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6014146 6014148 . - 0 transcript_id "g870.t1"; gene_id "g870"; # protein sequence = [MKEQHKPPPHNSTTASALLAPLHSLTSLQLTQQQQRFLGKTPQQLLDIAPTSPAAAAAATSQNGAHGHGGGNGQGNAS # AGSNGKRKRSWSRAVFSNLQRKGLEIQFQQQKYITKPDRRKLAARLNLTDAQVKVWFQNRRMKWRHTRENLKSGQEKQPSAVPESGGVFKTSTPSGDG # TPQEALDYSSDSCSSVDLSEQADEDDNIEINVVE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # RM: 2 # end gene g870 # start gene g871 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6018639 6019193 0.65 - . g871 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6018639 6019193 0.65 - . g871.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6018639 6018641 . - 0 transcript_id "g871.t1"; gene_id "g871"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6018639 6019193 0.65 - 0 transcript_id "g871.t1"; gene_id "g871"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6019191 6019193 . - 0 transcript_id "g871.t1"; gene_id "g871"; # protein sequence = [MLLHESAASMEQSMPENLSTHMYGECEVNPTLAKCPDPVNVDHELPTKESCASTTIVSTSPTSATSTTKVKLSFSVDR # LLGSEPEESHRQSSSSPSTKSCCDGSILACCSFPHCFSQANAESRRFGHATLPPTFTPTSSHTYPFVGLDKLFPGPYMDYKSVLRPTPIRAAEHGKDA # LYSKGNIL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g871 # start gene g872 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6020850 6021672 0.59 + . g872 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6020850 6021672 0.59 + . g872.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6020850 6020852 . + 0 transcript_id "g872.t1"; gene_id "g872"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6021165 6021216 0.77 + . transcript_id "g872.t1"; gene_id "g872"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6020850 6021164 0.71 + 0 transcript_id "g872.t1"; gene_id "g872"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6021217 6021672 0.77 + 0 transcript_id "g872.t1"; gene_id "g872"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6021670 6021672 . + 0 transcript_id "g872.t1"; gene_id "g872"; # protein sequence = [MESFSASRCSTIPSPLPHSASGMDSPDICEPPQDEQEFCFRYPSYMFPDVEYDKEDVPLPFKASPDSLFNLCAAVVDS # QARTEVFKWSINDVTDWLRNFGYPEYEQTFRENYIDGHKLLNLDAVALVALNVRNFEHIRHLGRGIRALYRKELQTATETKQQSEVYKTFRARTGRRY # EGLRETELLGRMHMIRSVFRDVNDWDLMELHMSRAPVRRYREIVAGSRRYNLYGPSTARREPIITDDVDATPWYNFEDCY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g872 # start gene g873 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6023609 6024464 1 - . g873 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6023609 6024464 1 - . g873.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6023609 6023611 . - 0 transcript_id "g873.t1"; gene_id "g873"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6024385 6024439 1 - . transcript_id "g873.t1"; gene_id "g873"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6023609 6024384 1 - 2 transcript_id "g873.t1"; gene_id "g873"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6024440 6024464 1 - 0 transcript_id "g873.t1"; gene_id "g873"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6024462 6024464 . - 0 transcript_id "g873.t1"; gene_id "g873"; # protein sequence = [MVELEGYVVVPLRTTPKAQHCHSIYMREHFIRLMDPNKPKGRTLFLLNVPPYVTEDSLRTVFGRAGSIEAVEFAAKPG # KEETIKWYEGTGEPFSNTRPPFVFKVAYIVFEKNSSIGKALALKSIDLFNSSGECIVKTGMELWHEEYDCNYLLDAQKTKLQISKYMAGYDKRERAAA # QAAKTGEADADGWVTVGKEGRNAGFEQKASVIGRLEEKVAKGNKTKELKNFYTFQIRESKMQNIVEMRKKFEEEKRKIGLLKQSRRFKPF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 79 # W: 79 # end gene g873 # start gene g874 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6031304 6034323 0.39 - . g874 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6031304 6034323 0.39 - . g874.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6031304 6031306 . - 0 transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6031827 6032323 0.64 - . transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6032478 6032793 0.56 - . transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6032867 6033321 0.54 - . transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6033590 6033738 0.98 - . transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6033876 6033930 1 - . transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6031304 6031826 0.64 - 1 transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6032324 6032477 0.56 - 2 transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6032794 6032866 0.54 - 0 transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6033322 6033589 0.98 - 1 transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6033739 6033875 1 - 0 transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6033931 6034323 1 - 0 transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6034321 6034323 . - 0 transcript_id "g874.t1"; gene_id "g874"; # protein sequence = [MPTRICVLFGLLCLASLCCGSNKPGEVLLVIACPPHPQQARSDCLALSHNVLEQQRALELAGIFPEDFVLKVHVMHEL # FNSWTMLDALPHLRAQARVLGARTEWIIWCQHNTRVSSLRGLLEQLRRQNPRELAFYGHALYDAEATIIHHFSNYKDPQRFPYPMLSAGVVFTGALLR # RLADLVAPSGQNITVHSDFSIDASHELARFIFDNVSPDPHISTPISGGILLKSASYICSTPTSVPNRKLPCLLHAQPEEPLTLGQRRNGCERIPIIER # TWAADARNRRYYSDVADVGIPAIGTGIPNVQTGHCAKTMAILQLSLKDIGKQLDIRWLMLVDDDTLLSVPRVSALLCRHNATELVYLGQRYGYRLHAP # DGFNYHTGGAGIVLSLPLVRLIVQRCSCPSASAPDDMILGYCLQALGVPAIHVAGMHQARPQDYAGELLQLHAPLTFHKFWNTDPEHTYRRWLGGSMV # NRSAPLAAHKEQPAAGPLHMTMGRHSLAAGVGLLQQTGLGKHLDL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/6 # CDS introns: 0/5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g874 # start gene g875 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6034897 6036811 1 - . g875 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6034897 6036811 1 - . g875.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6034897 6034899 . - 0 transcript_id "g875.t1"; gene_id "g875"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6035223 6035277 1 - . transcript_id "g875.t1"; gene_id "g875"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6034897 6035222 1 - 2 transcript_id "g875.t1"; gene_id "g875"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6035278 6036811 1 - 0 transcript_id "g875.t1"; gene_id "g875"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6036809 6036811 . - 0 transcript_id "g875.t1"; gene_id "g875"; # protein sequence = [MDPSASLADKLASKTASSNSLDSSSKSSSLGSKHGGGENGILRDTPFGYLEGEEDQDQKNDVTYVCPYRGPVFGALTI # TNYRLYFRSLPLRDQEPPVVVDVPLGVIARVEKIGGATSRGENSYGIEIFCKDMRNLRFAHKQQNHSRRTVFEKLQANAFPLSYSGRLFAFAHAAANS # VNGNGGWDGWAVYEPLAELRRLGVPNDMWRATKLNESYAICDSYPAVWAVPKAASDDFLRRVAQFRSRCRLPVLSWMNPRTQATITRCSQPLVGVSGK # RNSDDEAYLSFIMEANAQSDKLTIMDARPSANAIANKAKGGGYESEDAYKNVEINFLDIHNIHVMRESLRKVKEACFPTTDDSKWQTAIDNTLWLKHI # RCILAGAVRIVDKVETMSTSVVVHCSDGWDRTAQLTALSMLLLDPHYRTVRGFEVLIEKEWLSFGHKFQQRIGHGDNKHSDADRSPVFLQFIDSVWQV # SQQFNNAFEFNEHFLITIVDHLYSCRFGTFLCNTEAERVAEDLKHKTTSLWTHINSSLDQYLNPLFPSFTHGAELVLRPIASVRSVRLWKGLYCRWNP # GLCAPQHGCQRTRELLSKQDQLFKLVNELRLKSNNRSNSMQTTTRLASPMH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 185 # W: 185 # end gene g875 # start gene g876 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6037129 6037815 1 - . g876 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6037129 6037815 1 - . g876.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6037129 6037131 . - 0 transcript_id "g876.t1"; gene_id "g876"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6037129 6037815 1 - 0 transcript_id "g876.t1"; gene_id "g876"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6037813 6037815 . - 0 transcript_id "g876.t1"; gene_id "g876"; # protein sequence = [MAYTDPAQRNQVTVLQVGYSRQEEGDESAMRANCTCTLVRCRDGTNIIVDTLTAWDGDHLRSLLGQQGLGVDDIHVVV # CSHGHSDHIGCNYLFQKARMHLVGACASHHDLYMDHLGSGNPDEQLALDSNAEVVVRRSPGHTLSCVSVLVENSQLGGRVGITGDLFERREDIDDENI # WMDAGSENEKVQREERSKMAQLCEFIIPGHGPMFSVTQSMRCKLKEDATSNT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 45 # W: 45 # end gene g876 # start gene g877 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6038203 6041131 0.5 + . g877 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6038203 6041131 0.5 + . g877.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6038203 6038205 . + 0 transcript_id "g877.t1"; gene_id "g877"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6039944 6040007 1 + . transcript_id "g877.t1"; gene_id "g877"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6040288 6040338 1 + . transcript_id "g877.t1"; gene_id "g877"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6040614 6040668 0.5 + . transcript_id "g877.t1"; gene_id "g877"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6040865 6040923 1 + . transcript_id "g877.t1"; gene_id "g877"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6038203 6039943 1 + 0 transcript_id "g877.t1"; gene_id "g877"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6040008 6040287 1 + 2 transcript_id "g877.t1"; gene_id "g877"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6040339 6040613 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g877.t1"; gene_id "g877"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6040669 6040864 0.5 + 2 transcript_id "g877.t1"; gene_id "g877"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6040924 6041131 1 + 1 transcript_id "g877.t1"; gene_id "g877"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6041129 6041131 . + 0 transcript_id "g877.t1"; gene_id "g877"; # protein sequence = [MYLNHLPRTQWKYLQYLLRVRQLQLLRRHVNIGAKPPIQTAALLPALGQKLRKHSQLVNGDLQDKFGVPREQDALLTR # LEEAKTGNQILDVLESCDGLQSSHVVMGISLLWNIYHDAEQASKDAITDRVLLNVLPKLAPYVHQLEIDDLSRCYLYLRKMHIPNSEAVVEAVLTRSL # QLIESQVDDEVIPLTSLSRLSVGINLERDFFTPLVCRNFIPHLEHHINWCRSAEQVRLLSTCLFQLHFLIDEELFTRFKLRLTEMMQSGVLSSETPKA # LLKVIHMLNIPVWSQTHTQLIREVMLVLRPCIHQMESADLKSICRTFLHHQEPAALIEPLKKALEKLLQEEGTADALFCAVPFATPLQRDQYLHQFKE # LLYSEEAWQQPNASGHLFSVLRALKVSDIEFCNTYWSGVVKELESCPEKHLHLRFLRHCQRYMNFNNNLGGTYRHLELERKLSRMCMNAIEHDIAGRL # PAKFARLASFVLAYGQTPLAWKKFPNFLLSKMLAMAPQLGIQDCFLLSRGMQIASELRFRQHLPALAGMQLSTMDSILIGCAERHLRDAEKDPLNASE # LSMIVRTLSHRKKLKNTVVYNQALAQYKNLHCNDLNSRVVRDMAYNFNASNFFVPELLESMFAYISEQHDHVSGDTVEKVLTCSYNLGYMPASVEALN # HASEVLLRDFDQMSGLSVVQACLALCFYKSIPEQLINQVFCVKFIQRIEDEIQVCYSKATYPERVLNLVMQLNRTVCLDFPEANVPWFQQNYIEAQIS # KKSLIPSESTTEVKQLLHQLLQNDKHFRCNHTTPYGYQIDFVIHFDRDKNPIPAPPVEATMLDRITKVAILLLKLDSFCENDLTALRGPESLKMRHLE # MMGYKVMQINEHDWNSKYMASSTAKANYLKCLLQISH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 88.9 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 205 # W: 205 # end gene g877 # start gene g878 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6041314 6046763 0.26 - . g878 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6041314 6046763 0.26 - . g878.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6041314 6041316 . - 0 transcript_id "g878.t1"; gene_id "g878"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6042012 6042074 1 - . transcript_id "g878.t1"; gene_id "g878"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6044352 6044427 1 - . transcript_id "g878.t1"; gene_id "g878"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6045527 6045920 0.41 - . transcript_id "g878.t1"; gene_id "g878"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6045948 6046721 0.43 - . transcript_id "g878.t1"; gene_id "g878"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6041314 6042011 1 - 2 transcript_id "g878.t1"; gene_id "g878"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6042075 6044351 1 - 2 transcript_id "g878.t1"; gene_id "g878"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6044428 6045526 0.66 - 0 transcript_id "g878.t1"; gene_id "g878"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6045921 6045947 0.4 - 0 transcript_id "g878.t1"; gene_id "g878"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6046722 6046763 0.44 - 0 transcript_id "g878.t1"; gene_id "g878"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6046761 6046763 . - 0 transcript_id "g878.t1"; gene_id "g878"; # protein sequence = [MQINIYINLKYIVNLRRTCAPLSPHDMVILRYYDVQAHSAAEEESVLRRLREEDGAVVSVRMERCYHLEYSAQAEHSL # ALDELLVWLVKQPLSKGQSLSRQPALQSTGSSQLLLEIGPRFNFSTPYSTNCVNIFQNLGYSEVRRMETSTRYLVTFGEGSKAPEAARFVPLLGDRMT # QCLYTEENTPKASFDEQLPERQANWHFVPVLEEGRAALERINQELGLAFNDYDLDYYHDLFAKELGRNPTTVELFDCAQSNSEHSRHWFFRGRMVIDG # VEQPKSLIRMIMDTQAHTNPNNTIKFSDNSSAMVGFDHQTIVPSSVVAPGAVRLQSVQSDLIFTAETHNMPTAVAPFSGATTGTGGRLRDVQGVGRGG # VPIAGTAGYCVGALHIPGYKQPYEPLDFKYPATFAPPLQVLIEASNGASDYGNKFGEPVISGFALSYGLNSAADASQRDEYVKPIMFSGGLGTMPATM # REKLPPARGQLLAKIGGPVYRIGVGGGAASSVEIQGSGDAELDFNAVQRGDAEMENKLNRVVRACLDLGEQNPILAIHDQGAGGNGNVLKELVEPGFA # GAVIFSKEFQLGDPTITALELWGAEYQENNAILCNADQRELLEKICRRERCPISFVGVVTGDGRVTLLEKPAPKDLEQALNASNRSEVSPFDLELKYV # LGDMPKRTYDLKREQTPLKELSLPKGLLLDEALERVLSLVAVGSKRFLTNKVDRCVGGLIAQQQCVGPLQAPLADYALTTVSHFSHSGIATSIGTQPL # KGLLDPAAMARMCVAEALSNLVFVKISELADVKCSGNWMWAAKLPGEGARMFDACKELCQILEELHIAIDGGKDSLSMAAKVGGETIKSPGTLVISTY # APCPDVRLKVTPDLKGPGAGSKTSLLWINLENSARLGGSALAQAYAQQGKDTPNLTRSDVLGKAFAVTQSLLGDGLIQAGHDVSDGGLLVCVLEMAIG # GLSGLRVDLSEPLAKLKNFDKSVEKLNRPELAVLFAEECGWVVEVLDTDLERVRSTYEKAGVPNYYLGVTEGFGLDSRVVLKNGKSELLDQPLRVLYK # KWERTSYELEKLQANPECAEAEYNSLEYRQAPQYRGPQNVQAELTLKRSSAPVRVAVLREEGVNSEREMMACLLRANFEVHDVTMSDLLQGTASVSQY # RGLIFPGGFSYADTLGSAKGWAANILHNPRLLPQFEAFKRRQDVFSLGICNGCQLMTLIGFVGSAKSEVGADPDVALLHNKSQRFECRWATVKIPSNR # SIMLGSMKDLVLGCWVAHGEGRFAFRDEKLISHLQSEQLVTLQYVDDVGKPTELYPLNPNGSPQGIAGLCSSDGRHLALMPHPERCSSMYQWPYVPSS # FEVSPTQSESPWQIMFNNAYNWCVKSNQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 88.9 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 430 # E: 1 # W: 429 # end gene g878 # start gene g879 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6046822 6047968 0.96 - . g879 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6046822 6047968 0.96 - . g879.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6046822 6046824 . - 0 transcript_id "g879.t1"; gene_id "g879"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6047006 6047056 1 - . transcript_id "g879.t1"; gene_id "g879"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6047824 6047899 0.96 - . transcript_id "g879.t1"; gene_id "g879"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6046822 6047005 1 - 1 transcript_id "g879.t1"; gene_id "g879"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6047057 6047823 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g879.t1"; gene_id "g879"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6047900 6047968 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g879.t1"; gene_id "g879"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6047966 6047968 . - 0 transcript_id "g879.t1"; gene_id "g879"; # protein sequence = [MHWPAIAPSIGATVISSSTARVKLTLPLFNSVPSAPAGSAQPASRLPIKDIKPSPDGDDNGACIMKIWTSEHIFNHPW # ETVTQAAWRKYPNPMTPSIIGTDVVERRVVDGVLHTHRLVQSKWYFPKWTHALIGTAKTCFASERSTVDPERKQMVLKTNNLTFCRNISVDEVLYYEP # HPSDASKTLLKQEATVTVFGVPLSHYMEDLLTSTISTNAGKGRQGLEWVIGLINTEVKGIARGTDELLHNTRRSIDEVTESARKSMDEISAQAAKAAK # AMHITELFRWRAVVVLVQLINRWHDGHGQQHVGQQHLPLFSSHSMHIFYNYYSPSNESTANESCR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 111 # E: 1 # W: 110 # end gene g879 # start gene g880 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6048110 6048643 0.95 - . g880 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6048110 6048643 0.95 - . g880.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6048110 6048112 . - 0 transcript_id "g880.t1"; gene_id "g880"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6048110 6048643 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g880.t1"; gene_id "g880"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6048641 6048643 . - 0 transcript_id "g880.t1"; gene_id "g880"; # protein sequence = [MSYLLTEIALEMLGYKFYDTNGTFHLTNFQNNSTLSETHPDEPSLQEFIEYTNEELKQDAQQQEPHTLAVQEESYLDA # PTIPESRYARRTPAKALAKIMDYESEKIVNQISTRLEGSVSRRAAADSDEQLAEIINEERKLIEADAEVIHNFRELVESRLQRLDKRPYEKYVRTFGP # Q] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 55 # W: 55 # end gene g880 # start gene g881 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6048877 6053258 0.96 + . g881 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6048877 6053258 0.96 + . g881.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6048877 6048879 . + 0 transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6048938 6049010 1 + . transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6049347 6049413 1 + . transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6049633 6050073 1 + . transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6050326 6050917 0.96 + . transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6050922 6051616 1 + . transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6052023 6052079 1 + . transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6052662 6052721 1 + . transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6048877 6048937 1 + 0 transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6049011 6049346 1 + 2 transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6049414 6049632 1 + 2 transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6050074 6050325 1 + 2 transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6050918 6050921 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6051617 6052022 1 + 1 transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6052080 6052661 1 + 0 transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6052722 6053258 1 + 0 transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6053256 6053258 . + 0 transcript_id "g881.t1"; gene_id "g881"; # protein sequence = [MKINEKNLYVFARTPPFDMEGFLNKRGEVNKAFQRRYFVLKGNLLFYFESRLDKEPLGLIIVEGCTIELSNEVDNYCF # EIAFNGNRTYILAAENQDSMETWMKALTCAGYEYKRIILAELKRQLQEMEDARNKMLGSALDGPQNASESAKPRPPPRRTNPFNRPAPPPPDSSLRGG # VVMSPLPFINGYFGSSNARLQQEKLMSKQDANGNGSPSGTPRAQRRPTPAPAIANSVFYPDVRDPGAANNNHSTVNGAERQRRQVKALEEFARNHERF # RRELMPDVSAYRERQELRRAERSRPVQSTIQPSTSEKMSAKRKAGGNGAGPNKRRPKKKESDYEDEFSDESDDDGVQQQAAAANQMEVLIPHDDLDPP # SKLPEDLLATLEKTPGQMLIAGMVTWDLTGKRDRKNVTKVRPNLYSFHRFTEEKYRYVASGPSAAHTILINMDRKALGFGRNPSGQLGLSQDIKLAEK # PTIIPALEQLNIVQAAVGRHHTLFLTDTGTVYACGENKSGQCGVGNTHANIYSPTPINYRGPPIIRIGCGAEFSVILDIKGSLHTFGLPEYGQLGHNT # DAKYFVNANKLSFHFETSPKKVVLYIEKSKEGHVTPVDGVQIVDFACGNNHTVAIDSKKRVYSWGFGGFGRLGHAEPKDEMVPRLMKFFDTQGRGGRS # VFCGSTFSLIVNELGLLFLFGQNKKTGEANMYPKPVQDLSGWNITDIGCANTSIMISADDTLIAWGASPTFGELGIGEFQKSSTVPKEVPKLDNIKIP # QVTMGYSHTVLLVDTTHEATKQKYEKMPEYTIDD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 86.7 # CDS exons: 7/8 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/7 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 6 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 260 # W: 260 # end gene g881 # start gene g882 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6053263 6055486 0.81 - . g882 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6053263 6055486 0.81 - . g882.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6053263 6053265 . - 0 transcript_id "g882.t1"; gene_id "g882"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6053420 6053466 0.98 - . transcript_id "g882.t1"; gene_id "g882"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6053590 6053669 0.98 - . transcript_id "g882.t1"; gene_id "g882"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6053801 6055423 0.85 - . transcript_id "g882.t1"; gene_id "g882"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6053263 6053419 1 - 1 transcript_id "g882.t1"; gene_id "g882"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6053467 6053589 0.98 - 1 transcript_id "g882.t1"; gene_id "g882"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6053670 6053800 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g882.t1"; gene_id "g882"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6055424 6055486 0.83 - 0 transcript_id "g882.t1"; gene_id "g882"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6055484 6055486 . - 0 transcript_id "g882.t1"; gene_id "g882"; # protein sequence = [MKEGRSWIMGHKDVPARRANELQLVLDFSMVYFLYVTYALSSLIYVFCSFVVAFAHSVRNECRILWAAINYKRGTGSG # WNSISYKNKLEFGNIINFFFPFSEIIVYIHFAGFLCLVSLSISSSRVSMISSENFLHGAVLLLAAVNVFAAALGKPHTI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 42.9 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # RM: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 58 # W: 58 # end gene g882 # start gene g883 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6057054 6059010 1 + . g883 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6057054 6059010 1 + . g883.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6057054 6057056 . + 0 transcript_id "g883.t1"; gene_id "g883"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6057507 6057570 1 + . transcript_id "g883.t1"; gene_id "g883"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6058248 6058427 1 + . transcript_id "g883.t1"; gene_id "g883"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6058682 6058756 1 + . transcript_id "g883.t1"; gene_id "g883"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6057054 6057506 1 + 0 transcript_id "g883.t1"; gene_id "g883"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6057571 6058247 1 + 0 transcript_id "g883.t1"; gene_id "g883"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6058428 6058681 1 + 1 transcript_id "g883.t1"; gene_id "g883"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6058757 6059010 1 + 2 transcript_id "g883.t1"; gene_id "g883"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6059008 6059010 . + 0 transcript_id "g883.t1"; gene_id "g883"; # protein sequence = [MNRDNLQQWWENSYRRQHPEPTDDLGLDSAELHLALQEPNQLPADYDYGNFSLGNPYDVDSEHSISPLTLLLLAVSYG # LVVFGGVVGNSTLVLTLCSASSVRLRNPLLLAVCIADLLVTGISAPVTLLNLAMNRRTRSLPLVLCKVIHYVQVMPVSASTISFFMLSLDRYATVKHP # RLAQLRQRRYLHVSLALLSWLASAAISTPFLFAYKIIAKSMVVKGGGAANTTPNPVSISCTSDLGANAMFMSFIIFHTIAVFVLPGIGVLLNHYGVRR # KLCALSLTARAAHGELPLPIPILRRQTHMVIVTGCPNAQQAACGGGTTADDTSNGNGTGTGGGPMAVSPGDIQLHTLQPRQPGSAGSALEPGSYRSSN # PISPRAMREIRAHSQRQRINRAGRGPATPGIPLPQTSTLRSRRHLANMLIASAVIFIACWAPHVFCIFYKNFGNNQQCSQTSVYFSLLLGYFYSAISP # VIYWALNHNSLRQSPCAPIIRLRSMQNFLRSRFRTHTAPPPPSSTNEAALGAFNPKLIKLTPKQYRAQASSHYLY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 28.6 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g883 # start gene g884 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6060544 6060827 0.87 + . g884 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6060544 6060827 0.87 + . g884.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6060544 6060546 . + 0 transcript_id "g884.t1"; gene_id "g884"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6060615 6060667 1 + . transcript_id "g884.t1"; gene_id "g884"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6060544 6060614 0.87 + 0 transcript_id "g884.t1"; gene_id "g884"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6060668 6060827 1 + 1 transcript_id "g884.t1"; gene_id "g884"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6060825 6060827 . + 0 transcript_id "g884.t1"; gene_id "g884"; # protein sequence = [MLYKSLLFCLAAVLFIPAHSDAKEYQFIPARCEEQPGVGQQIGGPLSICSFPPDYAKPDSEDIQAVIKHIKSLKLN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 21 # W: 21 # end gene g884 # start gene g885 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6060937 6062687 1 - . g885 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6060937 6062687 1 - . g885.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6060937 6060939 . - 0 transcript_id "g885.t1"; gene_id "g885"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6061124 6061186 1 - . transcript_id "g885.t1"; gene_id "g885"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6062022 6062078 1 - . transcript_id "g885.t1"; gene_id "g885"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6062436 6062641 1 - . transcript_id "g885.t1"; gene_id "g885"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6060937 6061123 1 - 1 transcript_id "g885.t1"; gene_id "g885"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6061187 6062021 1 - 2 transcript_id "g885.t1"; gene_id "g885"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6062079 6062435 1 - 2 transcript_id "g885.t1"; gene_id "g885"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6062642 6062687 1 - 0 transcript_id "g885.t1"; gene_id "g885"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6062685 6062687 . - 0 transcript_id "g885.t1"; gene_id "g885"; # protein sequence = [MAAIVRFNLLTKPQIVATLPASLHVQRFQSTQAPPPGTPPPQTKTKFGPLADEDRIFTNLYGRHDWRLKGALKRGDWY # KTKEIVLKGADWIVNEIKTSGLRGRGGAGFPSGMKWSFMNKPGDGRPKYLVVNADEGEPGTCKDREIMRHDPHKLVEGCLIAGRAMGAQAAYIYIRGE # FYNEASNMQLAIAEAYQAGLIGKNACGTGYDFDVFMHRGAGAYICGEETALIESLEGKQGKPRLKPPFPADVGVFGCPTTVTNVETVAVAPTICRRGG # VWFASFGRTRNSGTKLFNISGHVNRPCTVEEEMSIPLKELIERHCGGVTGGWDNLLGVIPGGSSTPIIPKNVCDDVIMDFDGLIAAQTSLGTAAIIVM # DKSTDVIKAIARLISFYKHESCGQCTPCREGIGWMNKIMTRFVKGDAQPAEIDMLWEISKQIEGHTICALGDGAAWPVQGLIRHFRPEIEKRMQLHAK # RVSN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 137 # W: 137 # end gene g885 # start gene g886 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6063023 6063566 1 + . g886 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6063023 6063566 1 + . g886.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6063023 6063025 . + 0 transcript_id "g886.t1"; gene_id "g886"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6063231 6063282 1 + . transcript_id "g886.t1"; gene_id "g886"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6063023 6063230 1 + 0 transcript_id "g886.t1"; gene_id "g886"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6063283 6063566 1 + 2 transcript_id "g886.t1"; gene_id "g886"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6063564 6063566 . + 0 transcript_id "g886.t1"; gene_id "g886"; # protein sequence = [MAHKQSTNNETSNGSTTEIIDETDARAQLESGRTTPTLLLRLEHPRNERRVAFHAGIIDNEHLNRKKSKCCCIYKKPL # AFGESSSEDDEDCEHCFGHPEKRQRNAKHNHNHGDKPCTEASHPEGPSTSTQAAHISQPPAEPVESKTDPKPPTPGVDFEQTGSS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 45 # W: 45 # end gene g886 # start gene g887 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6063688 6065765 1 - . g887 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6063688 6065765 1 - . g887.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6063688 6063690 . - 0 transcript_id "g887.t1"; gene_id "g887"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6063772 6063825 1 - . transcript_id "g887.t1"; gene_id "g887"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6065251 6065303 1 - . transcript_id "g887.t1"; gene_id "g887"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6063688 6063771 1 - 0 transcript_id "g887.t1"; gene_id "g887"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6063826 6065250 1 - 0 transcript_id "g887.t1"; gene_id "g887"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6065304 6065765 1 - 0 transcript_id "g887.t1"; gene_id "g887"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6065763 6065765 . - 0 transcript_id "g887.t1"; gene_id "g887"; # protein sequence = [MEVTFKKARLGKERLVEQSEEEERDEGSSGQDLFGWWALPEPALLMIFERLSVPDLLRASRCCVRWHSIAKDDLLWRH # KFQEHFKASPSIPLKPGSESWRAEYKRLSMHIPFVQAQRLEPTVENNHGHTHQVLHVSFAHNGEMFATCSKDGYVIIWNAQHPCSEKYAHNMKQFSWK # YSQYSQFNQSDTLLLVSGVHFGSPQSTSGEIAVFYLGATESHLRCRVVNRPYDIFGTWFSDQYLISGDLHWLAHLVSTSVLWLNKANQEIDSEHVPIM # SQLYKFYNRNASSVRAIMVARCPWLDESNDPLATTADQESHSSVLSPPTGDQGSTSQASGNPVSHAASILRTRSSTPEENYLPDISERRSRARLGDAT # IHYLDEYRTAVATTNESNDDDDEEYDSMDVQEEYDEMENSIPKYLIFSTGSTTFTPHQIGFKRIRNVFFPKKLDPGPSLKERIAAKRAAEQQQQQTPR # TDPDWWDYESVKDRFDKVDKVIDLHGHIIGMALSPDHRYLYVNTRPWPKNYVITNPLEPPPIAQEIDIHVIDLMTLKRVGNMLRAHKAYTPSAECFFI # FLDVCEEYVASGAEDQHAYLWDRYYGISLAKFKHSDVVNSVAFNPRDSEMLVTTSDDYTIKVWRSRAKAKEFNIPINVSESFELKPKN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 135 # W: 135 # end gene g887 # start gene g888 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6066278 6067562 1 + . g888 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6066278 6067562 1 + . g888.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6066278 6066280 . + 0 transcript_id "g888.t1"; gene_id "g888"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6066313 6066368 1 + . transcript_id "g888.t1"; gene_id "g888"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6067236 6067288 1 + . transcript_id "g888.t1"; gene_id "g888"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6066278 6066312 1 + 0 transcript_id "g888.t1"; gene_id "g888"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6066369 6067235 1 + 1 transcript_id "g888.t1"; gene_id "g888"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6067289 6067562 1 + 1 transcript_id "g888.t1"; gene_id "g888"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6067560 6067562 . + 0 transcript_id "g888.t1"; gene_id "g888"; # protein sequence = [MPACLRSLSPRCFQQLLRPLGRHLGSYSKAVVIAAAVRTPSAPFRAEEQRLAGLVVDELVKRTSVPREEYNKLIVCSS # LKTPAPECRERLSSVAQELGLKCETLALQDDVCSISGLQMTLDCLERGEDQCIITGDTRCQVVQPEHGVLSNELMTVQQPQTRKRAGTELATEPELTP # TLGAAALAWTTMQTAQRLNLQPLALLREFAVEQDHEQAMFRLDGREPVTPSDIYTWNMVTGTQKGIPESILGDLHANRLCTHDFKQITASHLLTHLVH # SLPAGGLGCAFMGTTDGRSMAMVLEKLVPSIDQVEGLPLLTLYTREPCPLCDDLVEQLEQGFAGQYRLEKVYIDRKENVRFLRLFRHDIPVLFFNGQF # LCMHRLNEEALRERLEALN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 102 # W: 102 # end gene g888 # start gene g889 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6067872 6069766 0.63 + . g889 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6067872 6069766 0.63 + . g889.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6067872 6067874 . + 0 transcript_id "g889.t1"; gene_id "g889"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6068402 6069129 0.99 + . transcript_id "g889.t1"; gene_id "g889"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6069251 6069346 1 + . transcript_id "g889.t1"; gene_id "g889"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6069490 6069558 1 + . transcript_id "g889.t1"; gene_id "g889"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6067872 6068401 0.63 + 0 transcript_id "g889.t1"; gene_id "g889"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6069130 6069250 0.99 + 1 transcript_id "g889.t1"; gene_id "g889"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6069347 6069489 1 + 0 transcript_id "g889.t1"; gene_id "g889"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6069559 6069766 1 + 1 transcript_id "g889.t1"; gene_id "g889"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6069764 6069766 . + 0 transcript_id "g889.t1"; gene_id "g889"; # protein sequence = [MRRSSQSIHHCVRNVRWFESGHVFDVKMDLFREDVRVHRTRTDASNPDFVRVQLKFLPICLCDGGDGKLGGRIYIERW # QNVDEVEHLMSGYAVDDENVTFATSPFHVIERLAGTPNHAHYVGVYDLLKLLRIARGDQFRLASNASIVQQHVGALQLPFDPVKRALHLIFLGDVAAP # RLPQVLQFSVNSQQSQAICIQSSVKEKLSHKMAQMDIELKKAFTEMQINKLETTKKIHMIDMKCDMVKTGKQKYQLTEKGTSSLADDTRVYQSVGRMF # LLTDVQNMREDLKARQEKCDKAIELLEKKKEFLQKSLKSQEDGLRELVQQRKEADQTAK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 45 # W: 45 # end gene g889 # start gene g890 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6069808 6070589 1 - . g890 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6069808 6070589 1 - . g890.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6069808 6069810 . - 0 transcript_id "g890.t1"; gene_id "g890"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6070179 6070232 1 - . transcript_id "g890.t1"; gene_id "g890"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6070393 6070448 1 - . transcript_id "g890.t1"; gene_id "g890"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6069808 6070178 1 - 2 transcript_id "g890.t1"; gene_id "g890"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6070233 6070392 1 - 0 transcript_id "g890.t1"; gene_id "g890"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6070449 6070589 1 - 0 transcript_id "g890.t1"; gene_id "g890"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6070587 6070589 . - 0 transcript_id "g890.t1"; gene_id "g890"; # protein sequence = [MDDDISLPADTLAILNEFLLERSKREAEEENQIANKTGKDAQFEEDWQLSQFWYSTETKHALRDVVRKLLAERTEDSG # DFSIALLSCPSLYKDIREIHDTVHIFEFDKRFEAYGTDFVHYDLNCVGSNPDYLKEHHQQYDLIVADPPFLSQECIAKTCEIITRLQRNQKESKVILC # SGEVVEPWLTARLPVLKCSFRPEHERNLGNKFVSYANFNLDEYIENK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 56 # W: 56 # end gene g890 # start gene g891 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6072456 6073462 0.85 + . g891 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6072456 6073462 0.85 + . g891.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6072456 6072458 . + 0 transcript_id "g891.t1"; gene_id "g891"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6072677 6072733 1 + . transcript_id "g891.t1"; gene_id "g891"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6072984 6073039 1 + . transcript_id "g891.t1"; gene_id "g891"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6073174 6073236 1 + . transcript_id "g891.t1"; gene_id "g891"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6072456 6072676 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g891.t1"; gene_id "g891"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6072734 6072983 1 + 1 transcript_id "g891.t1"; gene_id "g891"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6073040 6073173 1 + 0 transcript_id "g891.t1"; gene_id "g891"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6073237 6073462 0.89 + 1 transcript_id "g891.t1"; gene_id "g891"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6073460 6073462 . + 0 transcript_id "g891.t1"; gene_id "g891"; # protein sequence = [MSAPTDQPPRSEGAQTNSSERSSQQQEQPQQSQSQNVPAKLLQHFQTNRIDSALWALRLLVIFFTVSYVLPIFTSQQS # AFSKVMLANAAISALRLHQRLPAFAFSREFLARLFAEDSCHYMMYSLIFFNIRPSLLVLIPVLLYSVLHASSYSLKLLDLIGQNSWWGARFIISIVEF # QAANILKATAFCEIFIMPYAIVLAFMNHAGLMTPVIYYHYLVMRYSSRRNPYPRNAFAELRITFEALAARSPPAFAKIIRGGIGFVNRLAPQLQPAAA # QE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 77 # W: 77 # end gene g891 # start gene g892 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6091614 6091820 0.98 + . g892 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6091614 6091820 0.98 + . g892.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6091614 6091616 . + 0 transcript_id "g892.t1"; gene_id "g892"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6091614 6091820 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g892.t1"; gene_id "g892"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6091818 6091820 . + 0 transcript_id "g892.t1"; gene_id "g892"; # protein sequence = [MRMNKGSGQGGQHHQYRNHQHQQQPPQNMQHYQHTYPVQQSKDLKKIIKIIKKNLIKEKITRQMKILV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # E: 2 # end gene g892 # start gene g893 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6093012 6095556 0.82 + . g893 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6093012 6095556 0.82 + . g893.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6093012 6093014 . + 0 transcript_id "g893.t1"; gene_id "g893"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6093708 6093792 1 + . transcript_id "g893.t1"; gene_id "g893"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6095154 6095237 1 + . transcript_id "g893.t1"; gene_id "g893"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6093012 6093707 0.82 + 0 transcript_id "g893.t1"; gene_id "g893"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6093793 6095153 1 + 0 transcript_id "g893.t1"; gene_id "g893"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6095238 6095556 1 + 1 transcript_id "g893.t1"; gene_id "g893"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6095554 6095556 . + 0 transcript_id "g893.t1"; gene_id "g893"; # protein sequence = [MVYYSANQLLIKTEQSSQAQFCLQVPPPLTATTTSVGLGVPPSGGQQEHFELLQTPQQRQMQLQLQDQHQQEQQQFVS # YQLAIQQHQKQQQQQQHESITNAAPTAAPSAQRIKTEPVGGFPASAAVVSQVRKPSASKPQFKCDQCGMTFGSKSAHTSHTKSHSKNQDLSLNGASGA # GVAAPVSTAAIELNDAGLPVGIPKSPTIKPLANVAAGADPYQCNVCQKTFAVPARLIRHYRTHTGERPFECEFCHKLFSVKENLQVHRRIHTKERPYK # CDVCGRAFEHSGKLHRHMRIHTGERPHKCSVCEKTFIQSGQLVIHMRTHTGEKPYKCPEPGCGKGFTCSKQLKVHSRTHTGEKPYHCDICFRDFGYNH # VLKLHRVQHYGSKCYKCTICDETFKNKKEMEAHIKGHANEVPDDEAEAAAASAAASTSAGSSAGSPSLQGVSSNSESSNHSPPSSPPATKKPRQARQP # RVSKTVAATLSIPTSSPLSPSSLSSTYSPSASSMASPPPTSAHYLPVQMEADALSRDSGVSSAQPAHSTYADEEPTDLSMQQVQGQLPESTVDYYQAP # PSLLELQPQPAGLTINPALLEAASIARRHDDNDDQVQDEDVHAAAWQMMQLCRGHGSLPPTEQPAPSHQPQVPTLHVSDLAANYDDTHEATVLIEHFK # RGDLARHGLHKGYAPVPKYESALPNPDVVRRVEAAIGLRSSTESPERSSSPESDSLMMADRNVMTLPLRKRKHYMNKGDDGQVDSEKASGDGTSAAGG # AASVGAGDGPGSKVMRMSSVIQFAKAS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 222 # W: 222 # end gene g893 # start gene g894 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6097168 6098968 0.94 - . g894 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6097168 6098968 0.94 - . g894.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6097168 6097170 . - 0 transcript_id "g894.t1"; gene_id "g894"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6097254 6097310 1 - . transcript_id "g894.t1"; gene_id "g894"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6097474 6097543 1 - . transcript_id "g894.t1"; gene_id "g894"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6098492 6098555 1 - . transcript_id "g894.t1"; gene_id "g894"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6098838 6098932 0.94 - . transcript_id "g894.t1"; gene_id "g894"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6097168 6097253 1 - 2 transcript_id "g894.t1"; gene_id "g894"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6097311 6097473 1 - 0 transcript_id "g894.t1"; gene_id "g894"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6097544 6098491 1 - 0 transcript_id "g894.t1"; gene_id "g894"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6098556 6098837 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g894.t1"; gene_id "g894"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6098933 6098968 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g894.t1"; gene_id "g894"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6098966 6098968 . - 0 transcript_id "g894.t1"; gene_id "g894"; # protein sequence = [MYRYLALPPLFSSVNSRSVPAVDPIRCACPAARADKLESITQPQSLRPQRPVDCDILLIMAHTRRPSDGLLARVNFPL # YAVDMLTSRHILVAGGGGSSKTGVANGFEIYELYHNGSHFCAEEVLRHETGANVVMNFAVRNGGRRGYLCAGQEAHCQMYYVQPRVQSEEDGNGNGVG # VGDGKPAPEERPHENGNVRQRNAHSGVEPVANGHRPPLSTADILRQFRRLHFDIQAADVIQTDFLKGAEPLQRVVRISGNGRLMATGGTDGKLRVWTF # PQMTLAAELAAHSKEIDDLDFSPDSKLIASISKDAQGLVWDLASGQLQHKLQWKTPEGAKYLFKRCRYGTVEAQKDNYRLFTIANPLGKVGKQRGFLQ # HWDCASGQLRQAVAIDESLSSLAVRDDGRFVAVGTMFSGSVSMYIAFSLQRVLHIPHAHSMFVTGLQFLPITNEEGPPISSDTEAAVLSISVDNKVCI # HSLSQRRTIPAWIAIVFLIVMIFAVFVLCSYIGI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 140 # W: 140 # end gene g894 # start gene g895 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6099060 6101769 0.97 + . g895 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6099060 6101769 0.97 + . g895.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6099060 6099062 . + 0 transcript_id "g895.t1"; gene_id "g895"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6099122 6100468 0.97 + . transcript_id "g895.t1"; gene_id "g895"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6100550 6101693 1 + . transcript_id "g895.t1"; gene_id "g895"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6099060 6099121 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g895.t1"; gene_id "g895"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6100469 6100549 1 + 1 transcript_id "g895.t1"; gene_id "g895"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6101694 6101769 1 + 1 transcript_id "g895.t1"; gene_id "g895"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6101767 6101769 . + 0 transcript_id "g895.t1"; gene_id "g895"; # protein sequence = [MGCNVNSWKYQNIHSCSLIDSVQCVYRYLNAIINCTCANLFHWKAIYRALVVIPHLVSVTFLISFESETTEF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 1 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 21 # W: 21 # end gene g895 # start gene g896 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6118758 6120431 0.93 + . g896 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6118758 6120431 0.93 + . g896.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6118758 6118760 . + 0 transcript_id "g896.t1"; gene_id "g896"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6118758 6120431 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g896.t1"; gene_id "g896"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6120429 6120431 . + 0 transcript_id "g896.t1"; gene_id "g896"; # protein sequence = [MAHQMRNPPERHFGHRCENCKISDFQGRRYTCRFCAEYTLCGKCFDANHLPASPQHRYYHPMSVYYAYAEYQLYFGGE # PFCGDHKVAQSYKCALCDVRGLSTAHLFMHLLQEHRDHRDHDAYLSLVNTLYIADNGMEQQVPVPQPSSQTRSTRSRNLASVRPVAGGNTRSEQRTEQ # VFDSALSLALMVVQLDNMDSTAADFPERCYEILQQTETVLMQHRSSRVPDMEAIESFVRVIEDQVVTSMADRRQRLGASSSSLHRLTRIEAISPGTNT # ALAMGMRAAMPVLVDQPTTMVRRQTARRTGEPIGIALQSAVASSSRSGKAGSSSGVAKAQTKTQGDQPTKKVSTVITSPLKDKRFLCSKLVSGNGQKW # ESKLLKATFTEAMFCSMLADEELFQPPIGLPWTANFMLDAVEPSGSVKSNGKLLLYPVKTKELMERFYRGLAEYKTWIGYQTEPTAESKATELPSAST # SSAYFTVLGDIPYADSGSDDLESNASEEMASDLHGEGNSDDLAGLEEDKESGEEENGDEDDGASDSDFSESAISQITDFIDMVIQDE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g896 # start gene g897 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6120916 6123064 0.55 + . g897 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6120916 6123064 0.55 + . g897.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6120916 6120918 . + 0 transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6121233 6121465 0.58 + . transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6121528 6121773 0.58 + . transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6121944 6122004 1 + . transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6122191 6122263 1 + . transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6122411 6122697 1 + . transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6122854 6122977 1 + . transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6120916 6121232 0.55 + 0 transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6121466 6121527 0.58 + 1 transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6121774 6121943 1 + 2 transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6122005 6122190 1 + 0 transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6122264 6122410 1 + 0 transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6122698 6122853 1 + 0 transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6122978 6123064 1 + 0 transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6123062 6123064 . + 0 transcript_id "g897.t1"; gene_id "g897"; # protein sequence = [MYCGQCFDEGRNQHTETHKDDRRIKIIYHRSFLDKFFSGEKLLNGDASKSYNCVFCKKRFSAEELQLHLSEMHSNPAD # ASALTVMLERMRQEDLENRIGEIWQHFGIPFDGFVYKLDNENVKISILATEIRCQEKSRGGLSYEVILAEPAPNVAVPKRPVTPGKNVSVEEIEQKLK # AAEERRISLEAKKMADISTKLAKVEEATRKKDEITNEFITQTKEQLESKMELHVEKREAIISDMKEKLKIHAQDIEKTRETLEQQKANEQKAIEEKLK # IAQSLRDENIKKMLDRLKEHNTIKIAEIKSQNDQLECQKIEEKARIYENKLFAAEQKREKELQKKIEKVQKLERRAELVRQNKAQAQDLDGQQSAIAS # SG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 69.2 # CDS exons: 5/7 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/6 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 4 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 67 # E: 1 # W: 66 # end gene g897 # start gene g898 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6123126 6123761 0.61 - . g898 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6123126 6123761 0.61 - . g898.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6123126 6123128 . - 0 transcript_id "g898.t1"; gene_id "g898"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6123341 6123736 0.63 - . transcript_id "g898.t1"; gene_id "g898"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6123126 6123340 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g898.t1"; gene_id "g898"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6123737 6123761 0.61 - 0 transcript_id "g898.t1"; gene_id "g898"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6123759 6123761 . - 0 transcript_id "g898.t1"; gene_id "g898"; # protein sequence = [MYMYHVVATFISFRFIVAYSCFIIELVRKLAQRYLETLPLPFASFAFIILGNFEKSFSVLRVFLLKYVLVYYAVLLFF # L] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 65 # W: 65 # end gene g898 # start gene g899 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6125249 6125755 0.94 + . g899 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6125249 6125755 0.94 + . g899.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6125249 6125251 . + 0 transcript_id "g899.t1"; gene_id "g899"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6125249 6125755 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g899.t1"; gene_id "g899"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6125753 6125755 . + 0 transcript_id "g899.t1"; gene_id "g899"; # protein sequence = [MAATLKPYLTAVRHSLTAAMCLQDFPSQVVERHNKPEVEICSSKELVLTPVVVSRNEREKVLIEPSINSVRVSIAVKQ # ADEIERILCHKFTRFMMRRAESFVILRRKPIEGYDISFLITNFHTEQMYKHKLVDFVISFMEEIDKEISEMKLAVNARARTCAEEFLKRF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 50 # W: 50 # end gene g899 # start gene g900 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6125932 6127619 0.75 - . g900 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6125932 6127619 0.75 - . g900.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6125932 6125934 . - 0 transcript_id "g900.t1"; gene_id "g900"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6126596 6126654 1 - . transcript_id "g900.t1"; gene_id "g900"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6126844 6126901 1 - . transcript_id "g900.t1"; gene_id "g900"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6127554 6127609 1 - . transcript_id "g900.t1"; gene_id "g900"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6125932 6126595 1 - 1 transcript_id "g900.t1"; gene_id "g900"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6126655 6126843 1 - 1 transcript_id "g900.t1"; gene_id "g900"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6126902 6127553 1 - 2 transcript_id "g900.t1"; gene_id "g900"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6127610 6127619 0.75 - 0 transcript_id "g900.t1"; gene_id "g900"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6127617 6127619 . - 0 transcript_id "g900.t1"; gene_id "g900"; # protein sequence = [MDESVNLSTSMGDVEASMLNHNVSFSSTMVTSNGDLSLPKLSVTLSAEEILKLRSGRPKNAVESPHAGVPMETSLAAE # EEANGDEEEESVRVVDIEDTLELTSNGNEAKPEDQELAIAPVLQYFQGALVELGRRCWTSSTEAQHYTKGCYWSPDGTCLLVPVHLDGMHVIEMPSDL # YSADTVQPARSLTKLQSEVHVPEGGTVYDCVWYPHMNSLQPETCLWLATRQHEPIHMWDAFDGSLRCSYSGYDAVDEVMAAISLAFSHDGEQIYAGYK # RCIKIFDTSRPGRFCDDYPVKFAISCIAQTTAHPHTLTCGNWHGYIQHFDLRCSHKQGPLFTLGGHKGGITQLRYGEFGNGEWHLFSGARKCDKILQW # DMRNYKQPLVELQRHVDTNQRIQFDLASDSNWLASGDTRGFVNVWDLKKYGDPSVLPLHSDCCNGVALNPAMPILATSSGQFHFTDQSAQGDNVTLNG # TETTELPAPADVNQNQKEVLYENAVVMWWCGQTG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 141 # W: 141 # end gene g900 # start gene g901 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6127911 6129884 1 - . g901 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6127911 6129884 1 - . g901.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6127911 6127913 . - 0 transcript_id "g901.t1"; gene_id "g901"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6127911 6129884 1 - 0 transcript_id "g901.t1"; gene_id "g901"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6129882 6129884 . - 0 transcript_id "g901.t1"; gene_id "g901"; # protein sequence = [MKEVLPLVVLCLATYHTHSIKIGISHNYNATISPTASTTTEAPATTGAPSSETVSSISTLPEAEVTTTTPAITFPPRV # QQKPKVAVASPTMSTALPLNSTEVNSTLSVSGDNTFYYCSCDLQAGRCDLNCCCDNDCPLETRQVFNCLPNSLLPQLESRLEDFQYTHGLPTCQINDG # WLCVFRSNTKATKTQPPDMNIDTSQYRKWKDNLEYQESDYAQSRPSAGHYKFGQTLQLWQPETKQLATLELPAAYESPNCQLKQSVWHLQPIRHVCRM # KDSAQLQESIWSLLNQTSNYEILSKPRDLEEPEVNGLIVQVCLRGANKSMRCLERGNDTQLDVIVDHVELQLIHNFTNILEAKLFLEEAKLAEDDNEP # LWLRYNVEFVTLNESLTKPTSGPLGYLSGAPVILSRMLPQNSSEDKQLISYHSLNQNIKEFHWLSLPSRKPRGSSCQRALDHKEALRFGIDLLTRCEL # RHAAPLLQAHANHTEYCQGLQAQIWSLLLPHNCTQLEDVTKVFVSHLGRPQPDKWLPMEVRYPENVHEMPPPVQAVYDEMRQSLSCRNIFLSVGYEFH # VAHLAMVEGRAPHQRVLQHARLVLGQRHDLEFDTSEIEVALPLSISAMFYRMQTKALSNGAAVGIAGHLVLVEMIYLGIIYLGSMQLCL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g901 # start gene g902 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6130036 6130550 0.98 - . g902 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6130036 6130550 0.98 - . g902.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6130036 6130038 . - 0 transcript_id "g902.t1"; gene_id "g902"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6130392 6130462 1 - . transcript_id "g902.t1"; gene_id "g902"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6130036 6130391 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g902.t1"; gene_id "g902"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6130463 6130550 1 - 0 transcript_id "g902.t1"; gene_id "g902"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6130548 6130550 . - 0 transcript_id "g902.t1"; gene_id "g902"; # protein sequence = [MAEVHIIGQILKAVDFAEPHLYCKWSLQSGNAWRLVQGEVQGQSHVASHRLQSSSDFAQPLDIHLSTASVQGWPRLLV # EVYAVNVLQQSWPVGYGFVHVPSTPGTHRLEIGTWKVAPNGLWQSLRERFGGGGAALSKTDLLYSGVER] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g902 # start gene g903 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6131270 6132372 0.72 + . g903 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6131270 6132372 0.72 + . g903.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6131270 6131272 . + 0 transcript_id "g903.t1"; gene_id "g903"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6131689 6131747 1 + . transcript_id "g903.t1"; gene_id "g903"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6132059 6132112 1 + . transcript_id "g903.t1"; gene_id "g903"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6131270 6131688 0.74 + 0 transcript_id "g903.t1"; gene_id "g903"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6131748 6132058 1 + 1 transcript_id "g903.t1"; gene_id "g903"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6132113 6132372 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g903.t1"; gene_id "g903"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6132370 6132372 . + 0 transcript_id "g903.t1"; gene_id "g903"; # protein sequence = [MRFPLVIGASSSQDLVTDQNSGRRQEQKVYTFSDRPPQPKPPAPSGVVPVKADDKSKPQKTILEEHGIILGKVIGTGN # YAKVKIGFSEEYGKRVAVKIISKVKAPSEYTQKFLPREIEAVKGLHHENLITFYQSIETSHRVYLIMQLAENGTLLDYVRERKFLDEPQSRTLFKQLV # SAVEYIHSKGVVHRDIKCENLLLDENWNLKLIDFGFARKDTRTSDNQVILSKTFCGSYAYASPEILKGVAYDPFMSDIWACGVVCYAMVFGRLPYDGS # NVHILLKRINQSLVFPKSPSASSECKHMIMHILAPVKIRYNIPQVKEDPWYSPSK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g903 # start gene g904 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6139549 6144852 0.43 + . g904 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6139549 6144852 0.43 + . g904.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6139549 6139551 . + 0 transcript_id "g904.t1"; gene_id "g904"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6139549 6144852 0.43 + 0 transcript_id "g904.t1"; gene_id "g904"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6144850 6144852 . + 0 transcript_id "g904.t1"; gene_id "g904"; # protein sequence = [MSMQHHNLAAKNYRMETVNRTLNMRARNKNERELIGGLTEVMETKAKTKPKAEATGKRICPPRKNPERKTREERTIEK # FRNIDFFGQRDSNNILTVQNLEFPDVNVKRTELHKRDECGKVVIRARGRDFESSSNSHFRDGIETVKLRKSVCSTTSTAKKSQSDSGQNGGSIRESSE # KEPDSDELVDSMHLPSTRPPHFKGEEWRRPCPASFVAGAPRPRIGRCPKNYEQLAKLTPARQKFFLTQDPRKTHCLVNPVALRHKPLTKEQEFSLISK # LVKHGDNLCASTASETSDTHICEVIDLQNPLRLDFHGMDYKTTYEQDEVEQQNALTFWRVQRYMARRKAKKNTKVNVEAELKEERLAVPQRYNTTIKD # TPIETPSPPPSPRLVHLYRSPDKPANKLKIEEERRRRAARYKDIYLRKKQREEEQLLERRKQEAAIKEIEGRTVAEADLRADVAVIDDAIERSFRKHV # ELKPIIRKRKVFPKTLTETERLKAIMHREDCVRRDKARVTQQFYLERTGKHKYMPDAEQQLACDESIEGSVGSTPSEQSSDDEDYLQVGKIGDKFQLR # GFHFKHGDGLRGKLHRHQIMQGQRTVKGCLTREDWLNQLVPHKEPIKLDVERGIIKVLDPDDPNLDLFPPEPLLVRRRERQSAVREFVHQKLGLHYHR # RLRKNLKIVKPKPAYNVRKFNLIRYVFPEKVLVPDDRIPVEEMEVLDATKVNTTLEYLDMKQQLAKSKRQKKKLARMQLLGLPCIEKEQLRAADPCLE # VEEELDVDWVPTPEPPYNEGEGQSRQEGGCDRPPRGPWKPTQFLVPENARNADLSGSSGLQCATSGQEGTAMERFPGGKESQPSRWRGNMPAPKEREK # TLTIHPRRKRDYAAERVPSAIFNEVLQNSALPLLEQPEPEKLRFANVRTKKRPYTEIFEARHHHDHWAPTQVKNVHVQYQPKTVMPEITKVEKKVKQP # VAKFARAKPPSSKYVNMDLTMPSYDFDKMISEHLAATRTDNKEAAGEKVPDLCRPYDFVFHSRDPEELAKLDFPGRKQYLDLLRETREAIYETKDIEP # GEERLLVDRKAVVAELEEDLKSIENCLSSLTSSECTDLSNDSGSYMVIEDKTKLPLDYIRKPLVPFEEMRRARFHAAVIDVNAEEEDPYRMLPFSGQH # KEQADMLGPKDTFFTFSTRLRNSLRLRLEVEVPDVRKTLLGPGNHKYYGAVITDLDENYIEEMKSRATIKSFKFKTSIQLLKDAMRLKYESLLIQGQM # VRTKIYDRMNERHWVDMKNTKNLYEALFAKWKKKEYNAAMTMVYQVKSYYETTDKLKQEYRELERELMMLNMDIVFIEGHWIRCIMLQNFHYLMGDQD # WRAENDWIHLVSKGTRKSSVKSDADDEQAAEDMEEEDMELEPYDVSIAKRAIVNIRVRDKDDAWAIRAFYYDVYMQKLHPILQVFPDAESFLQGIDSL # KNKTFMLLLEMHFTLSIHTELQGRLETFVDWCTKDLKEKQEYVARKSAKKFFMEDRAREMEQRVHQYLGRPIEETIADEDFNKHRAVLAEVWRRVVPD # SVRGTSDVLPSAADMVAAISDVVMEILSKFEHMDIEKVRSVEATLRKRRRYREKLSYQAYQVERRIDMEMKKVRRNLEPPYQKPKREGRLPRLYLKKK # IIPEEKEVMVISENTKNFVRAFREDGYTGDQITHTSLLTVDNMQEQIVPFYFDHFLKLNGYTPNYNFRTNVDMRDGPEFSRLKVREVLPDVLARLETW # ETMHKKIMEENIQRNPKMYENVI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g904 # start gene g905 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6152446 6153297 0.97 + . g905 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6152446 6153297 0.97 + . g905.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6152446 6152448 . + 0 transcript_id "g905.t1"; gene_id "g905"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6152446 6153297 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g905.t1"; gene_id "g905"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6153295 6153297 . + 0 transcript_id "g905.t1"; gene_id "g905"; # protein sequence = [MCGGNYNLCTTNHNNNNLYTSQRNNHNNLCTNNHYNLCTNNHNNLCTNNHNNLCTNNHNNLCTNNHNNLCTNNHYNLC # TNNHNNLCTNNHYNLCTNNHNNLCTNNHYNLCTNNHNNLCTNNHYNLCTNNHYNLCTNNHNNLCTNNHNNLCTNNHYNLCTNNHNNLCTNNHYNLCTN # NHNNLCTNNHYNLCTNNHNNLCTNNHYNLCTNNHNHVYTRYYNYDMYTSNHNNLCTRDHNKLCIINNDNRMWTRKRSLRIFEGEAIVCESATSETRAP # CRSSRIGNR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g905 # start gene g906 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6160532 6160939 0.35 + . g906 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6160532 6160939 0.35 + . g906.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6160532 6160534 . + 0 transcript_id "g906.t1"; gene_id "g906"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6160532 6160939 0.35 + 0 transcript_id "g906.t1"; gene_id "g906"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6160937 6160939 . + 0 transcript_id "g906.t1"; gene_id "g906"; # protein sequence = [MYHSSGPCRAHFRRSSQRDRLPRLSSSSTMDVAPRFQRIRRGSTCEAERRVAKAAQDANVPPAKLYLRSTSRGLRRVL # EIYMPRFQPDEHLASAEEEQRSEDELGESARTREPQEALPIATNWAVVKWRTSDAVA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g906 # start gene g907 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6174916 6175182 0.74 - . g907 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6174916 6175182 0.74 - . g907.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6174916 6174918 . - 0 transcript_id "g907.t1"; gene_id "g907"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6174916 6175182 0.74 - 0 transcript_id "g907.t1"; gene_id "g907"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6175180 6175182 . - 0 transcript_id "g907.t1"; gene_id "g907"; # protein sequence = [MKAQPGMASMLIRQSRRRCQYLVQDQVIQALTVPSCLLKNHRPEIEHILSILWLALLQHQCNITTSQQWQWQQLKLPS # WILAGIGGLV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g907 # start gene g908 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6176134 6208383 0.81 + . g908 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6176134 6208383 0.81 + . g908.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6176134 6176136 . + 0 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6176180 6179660 0.91 + . transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6179700 6190438 1 + . transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6190697 6192753 0.94 + . transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6192860 6196543 0.97 + . transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6196776 6196848 1 + . transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6196997 6201261 1 + . transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6201442 6203178 1 + . transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6203319 6203410 1 + . transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6203619 6206209 0.99 + . transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6206426 6206634 1 + . transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6206868 6207536 1 + . transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6207676 6207892 1 + . transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6176134 6176179 0.91 + 0 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6179661 6179699 1 + 2 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6190439 6190696 0.95 + 2 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6192754 6192859 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6196544 6196775 0.97 + 1 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6196849 6196996 1 + 0 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6201262 6201441 1 + 2 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6203179 6203318 1 + 2 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6203411 6203618 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6206210 6206425 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6206635 6206867 1 + 2 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6207537 6207675 1 + 0 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6207893 6208383 1 + 2 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6208381 6208383 . + 0 transcript_id "g908.t1"; gene_id "g908"; # protein sequence = [MDGMATGSVLARLEQINAKANSKLLEYLDLTATLESHVAMKHTSPSEATFSSNISMFSRQCLSHLTRSPPTTTPTAAA # PRPPCRAPRWTLCLWTLVIASGCLMLNAPTTMAFDIATCNVPLGMESLLITDAQITASSAHDMAFVGPQHARLKTDNDGGAWCPKHMVSNALKEYLQV # DLLQTHVITAIRTQGRYGKGQGQEYTEAYVLEYWRPGFDKWQRWKNIQGKEILPGNINTYSEVENALQPIIFASKIRIYPYGQYDRTVCLRAEIVGCP # WEEGIVSYSIPKGVQRGMEVDLSDKTYDGNEQGDRYVDGLGQLVDGQKGKDNFRTDIHGFGKGYEWIGWRNDTPGLLGKPVEIVFEFDTVRNFSAIVL # HTNNMFTKDVQVFVHAKVFFSIGGRYFSGEPVQFSYMPDTIMDHARDVTIKLHHRVGKYLKINLYFAVKWIMLSEISFISVPAMGNFTDEQEQRSNSP # SQAQDVHDETNGSEYQANRNKPNGVGGSAGGLGEGVAAAGGDIVGNNKYNNGPQLIAPRPIDQEPNDANFIGVVIVVLTTIIILLVAIILFIVSRTKR # ARGSNVLDAFQYSFNPNTLGGNVDKHRPNGNSIKANVDDNDSIGKNSLYHEPFNVNMYTCGVNGYAAVNDLQCNMTPDYTDVPEGGYAVPHMQDYMPS # SKMGGGAPGGGGYVNVRRTPPPPLSSIFPRPPTVPPPPMEKYYATTAIFKPLKGPGSERSGCSSNTNTVSSGGGKSSHSHSSHCSTGGPDHSGIYDDG # IGTMNSKATAPMINPYSSGNSSSAAAAAAAEFQRARTYNFRSYPDNL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 36 # CDS exons: 3/13 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 6/12 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 30 # E: 6 # RM: 24 # incompatible hint groups: 27 # RM: 3 # W: 24 # end gene g908 # start gene g909 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6208462 6208884 1 + . g909 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6208462 6208884 1 + . g909.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6208462 6208464 . + 0 transcript_id "g909.t1"; gene_id "g909"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6208462 6208884 1 + 0 transcript_id "g909.t1"; gene_id "g909"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6208882 6208884 . + 0 transcript_id "g909.t1"; gene_id "g909"; # protein sequence = [MPKKPQHLSLVASTAGGYGCGTSSKPKYSLTLHNSKLATGGKHLRDGLQQRQHLKAVDGVGLVPVPVTLPVDEVVGVH # LKAGSEAGAATGEASGSVTRQMVESGSSGSGKDGAKCGNDNELGGGVANGVMRTQNNRLWYH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 9 # W: 9 # end gene g909 # start gene g910 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6225079 6226747 0.96 + . g910 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6225079 6226747 0.96 + . g910.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6225079 6225081 . + 0 transcript_id "g910.t1"; gene_id "g910"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6225762 6225816 0.98 + . transcript_id "g910.t1"; gene_id "g910"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6225079 6225761 1 + 0 transcript_id "g910.t1"; gene_id "g910"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6225817 6226747 0.96 + 1 transcript_id "g910.t1"; gene_id "g910"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6226745 6226747 . + 0 transcript_id "g910.t1"; gene_id "g910"; # protein sequence = [MGGISRCLALQIVVLIAGAHGANILGLFTSLSPSHLVIQMSMARILAERGHNVTVVTILKPPSLHKDINHILVPMEED # ILQAFNSVVGGMTKTDNSNAYVSMFRSVRQLSETFSKMGDVMKQPLVKDLYEHPDNKFDLVMVGYFMNCYQLALAHKLKVPLVVALSNPPSFLGYLLG # NPWEVSYVPGMSVSIKGGKPLGFGHRVLNLLGSMAQRLFMFIIELRNARIYREIYGDDPTLPSYEDLHKNISLIFFASHGISEGPIRPNVPAVIEIGG # IQVKEQPERLPQNMEQFLSEAPNGAILLSLGSNLKEDHLKSSTVQKMFNVLSKLQQKVIWKWDDLDNIPGESENILYSKWVPQVDVLAHPNITLFITH # AGKGGLTEAQYHGKPMLALPVFGDQPSNADVMVMHGFGIKQSILTLEEDSFLQGIREVLDNPKYATAVKSFSTLYRDRPLSPRETLIYWVEYVIRYHG # APHIQSPVVHMSYIAANNLDVYAVILGTIVALCFITKLLFGLVVGKLRKNSRKAKVNQKHKLKKKQS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 51 # W: 51 # end gene g910 # start gene g911 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6255876 6256526 0.58 + . g911 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6255876 6256526 0.58 + . g911.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6255876 6255878 . + 0 transcript_id "g911.t1"; gene_id "g911"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6255876 6256526 0.58 + 0 transcript_id "g911.t1"; gene_id "g911"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6256524 6256526 . + 0 transcript_id "g911.t1"; gene_id "g911"; # protein sequence = [MSAITIRAMTIGDYEEVEAFLAVHFFKQEPLMLIPQEDPKQSEVSSAEAELHRSLIPQDLSLVAVDGERIVGVVLAGE # LVPEDLEREYQEAEQKEITCLLDKIHKFLAGIERQANIFKHYGVERALYLYMLGVDVSIRRQRVGTRLVEATIELGRQRGFPVVTSTCSNQNSKRLMT # ALNMECILTKDYADYKDEHGEIVLRASEPHTSASVVAIRL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 9 # W: 9 # end gene g911 # start gene g912 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6263635 6264453 1 - . g912 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6263635 6264453 1 - . g912.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6263635 6263637 . - 0 transcript_id "g912.t1"; gene_id "g912"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6264303 6264359 1 - . transcript_id "g912.t1"; gene_id "g912"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6263635 6264302 1 - 2 transcript_id "g912.t1"; gene_id "g912"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6264360 6264453 1 - 0 transcript_id "g912.t1"; gene_id "g912"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6264451 6264453 . - 0 transcript_id "g912.t1"; gene_id "g912"; # protein sequence = [MRTLSVLILLATLVAFCAAQQASNGKNRKENAFSKIVPRLLWNIKRGDQESHRNSQQPIIIVQQPSSNQESDRHHHHN # PNYPYYPYYPPPPPQNRPPPPFPGMDWNTVGGGPTYLIINPNNMQGIYLPASSNSSNSTSSRRSAFVPTISDLLQGLNLDDLADGSLFEDDSEVVNAA # EDGNAEIPLADGPISQADDDREEDVISEDEIDAMDRQSNRGLSPKHLVSILMQDKRRRRIQEVLAGIYLRNYNLNRK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g912 # start gene g913 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6271200 6271511 0.56 + . g913 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6271200 6271511 0.56 + . g913.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6271200 6271202 . + 0 transcript_id "g913.t1"; gene_id "g913"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6271200 6271511 0.56 + 0 transcript_id "g913.t1"; gene_id "g913"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6271509 6271511 . + 0 transcript_id "g913.t1"; gene_id "g913"; # protein sequence = [MWITRIEAPRKQVVLLRFRHMQIGIRCGNSYRAKNRNFQTAGQTICDSNWSPHHRPAATVAPLQLPREGGGLVGSWGA # AKLALKGRPVAIKTMHDHGGDCDCD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g913 # start gene g914 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6278702 6303347 0.08 + . g914 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6278702 6303347 0.08 + . g914.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6278702 6278704 . + 0 transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6278785 6289764 0.97 + . transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6289997 6290543 1 + . transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6290692 6291005 1 + . transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6291186 6296603 0.76 + . transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6296742 6297023 0.76 + . transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6297236 6297588 1 + . transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6297737 6301153 0.84 + . transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6301683 6302351 0.37 + . transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6302454 6303094 0.54 + . transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6278702 6278784 0.55 + 0 transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6289765 6289996 1 + 1 transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6290544 6290691 1 + 0 transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6291006 6291185 1 + 2 transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6296604 6296741 0.76 + 2 transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6297024 6297235 1 + 2 transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6297589 6297736 1 + 0 transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6301154 6301682 0.63 + 2 transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6302352 6302453 0.38 + 1 transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6303095 6303347 0.68 + 1 transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6303345 6303347 . + 0 transcript_id "g914.t1"; gene_id "g914"; # protein sequence = [MESGAIADFQITASSAHDMGNVGPQHARLKIDNNGGAWCPKHMVSRGLTEYLQVDLLGVHLVSAIRTQGRFGKGQGQE # YTEAYVIEYWRPGLKKWIRWRSLQGKEVLPGNINTYSEVENVLQPSVFASKVRLYPYSQYDRTVCLRAEIVGCAWEEGIVSYSIPKGMQRGMDIDLSD # KTYDGYEEGDHYVNGLGQLVDGQRGKDNFRADINGLGKAPVVGNFTDELANGEKQSVTSEYPLQRDEVGRAISSGGERSQHTTQVISPKPIDHQEPET # SFVGVIITVLGTIIMLLVAFILLIVARNKHVRSRENGLDAFQHNFSPDTLNGNGVLKVVTTMDDNESSIDKNSLYHEPFNANMYTSAASACPMNDLQR # QHVSPDYTDVPDIVCQDYAVPHMQQLLPNAPPCGSGCGTGTGTGPGRGSSPEFVVATGKVTASARNSLNAATLPLPSPPVPPPLEKYYAATPVSSKPM # PVAPPGSQSSGSLSSSTTAATTPTSGVVGVGKPHHYNLDMSANFADINEERANCQVQEFPRQSLVIVEKLGSGVFGELHLCETNVLNFAVGKPQNVLR # IRNIAQPAGKVAQHCGAWHVEWDATLVAVATLRPGANDHLRKEFRSKAKQLAQLSDPNVARLVGACLRDEPICIVQDYSHCLGDLNQFLQEHVAETSG # LMAKKSLR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/10 # CDS introns: 0/9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 19 # RM: 19 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g914 # start gene g915 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6308457 6308702 0.97 - . g915 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6308457 6308702 0.97 - . g915.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6308457 6308459 . - 0 transcript_id "g915.t1"; gene_id "g915"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6308457 6308702 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g915.t1"; gene_id "g915"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6308700 6308702 . - 0 transcript_id "g915.t1"; gene_id "g915"; # protein sequence = [MIPNPIEIVCVHVVQPIIDLLDYILTEVHFVAFIAAVACLGVIIGLILGIVTLVWFKMTRDEETKKTYTGEGMPAEVK # KND] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g915 # start gene g916 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6308867 6309169 0.96 + . g916 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6308867 6309169 0.96 + . g916.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6308867 6308869 . + 0 transcript_id "g916.t1"; gene_id "g916"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6308867 6309169 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g916.t1"; gene_id "g916"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6309167 6309169 . + 0 transcript_id "g916.t1"; gene_id "g916"; # protein sequence = [MEYQHYLQNELTIFHYHLLFDYGAPIQVATCIAFGVVCGWIMSLITFVVYKAAIGLGAKATACDNDDKYDDLDLDMHG # EYGYDRMLSQCQDLSDWLVRTQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g916 # start gene g917 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6320202 6321935 0.42 + . g917 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6320202 6321935 0.42 + . g917.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6320202 6320204 . + 0 transcript_id "g917.t1"; gene_id "g917"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6320391 6321758 0.78 + . transcript_id "g917.t1"; gene_id "g917"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6320202 6320390 0.88 + 0 transcript_id "g917.t1"; gene_id "g917"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6321759 6321935 0.44 + 0 transcript_id "g917.t1"; gene_id "g917"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6321933 6321935 . + 0 transcript_id "g917.t1"; gene_id "g917"; # protein sequence = [MPCAPLPSRSCIIGPELCVKVCSIGTVINRSAYASDYCQLEGFTGRQSQPMPIRWMAWESVLLGKFTTKSDVWSFAVA # LWEILTFAREQPYEHLSDKSVIENIGLIYRDYKMHVSGYRNNY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g917 # start gene g918 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6325268 6330838 1 + . g918 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6325268 6330838 1 + . g918.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6325268 6325270 . + 0 transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6325298 6325356 1 + . transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6325603 6325712 1 + . transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6329488 6329547 1 + . transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6329698 6330122 1 + . transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6330564 6330770 1 + . transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6325268 6325297 1 + 0 transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6325357 6325602 1 + 0 transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6325713 6329487 1 + 0 transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6329548 6329697 1 + 2 transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6330123 6330563 1 + 2 transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6330771 6330838 1 + 2 transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6330836 6330838 . + 0 transcript_id "g918.t1"; gene_id "g918"; # protein sequence = [MDPYHHIRHHYPPTSIAGTGVVVGSSTTINRPELHQKCNRGSHSSDTSSAYSGSDTMASNYASSLEAEEIDLSGLVES # VVDSDEEDLAESMDSLTVRDAVRDCLEKDPAERSEEDVEVLLEFTQGLKAFTNITLAVRRALCSVMVFAVVDKAGTVVMSDGEELDSWSVLINGAVEI # EHANGSREELQMGDSFGILPTMDKLYHRGVMRTKCDDCQFVCITQTDYYRIQHQGEENTRRHEDENGFVVMVTELRSIGGAGTDSAGSGGSATGASAS # LNMKRGHVVIRGTPERLLQQLVEENSMTDPTYVEDFLLTHRIFIQNPQEVTSKLLHWFDLEQVDAHKTQELRDRVTRVVLLWVNNHFTDFEADYEMME # FLEVFEALLERKKLLSQLRLLHIACAAKARMRSCTLTRSSRDEPLNFRIVGGYELRGVAIATGNAAVGIYISHVEPGSKAQDVGLKRGDQIHEVNGQS # LDHVTSKRALEILTGTTHLSISVKSNLLGFKEIMQALEHGGGTAGSGSISAGSGSFKSVRSPRRICANDIAKLHGRSDSTTDELSSVSASNRAHMVRL # SSVDMLLDQPDCAPPQTPPVSGSGNMASNFMQQLLQSVNNSSAKKSGGNSNSDQQDTKGGFMTLAPKRRLQKALAKMNLLNKQNHGSSLNDSSDTLLN # DPKSKLSAVSSCSSSTQSSINGCTVSGGGRLYQSQSNPDLTSLNYDGGSDAGGNGGGRLQVNYLNAHIHRPSAASTLTTNSTQSHLLPDYPDHVLKVY # KADQTCKYVLIYKETTAHEVVMLTLQEFGIHDPSSNFSLCEVSVGDGGMVKQRRLPDQLQNLAERISFAARYYLKLNDSTEPLVPDELALELVRESNV # HFLHLNAYELAIQLTLQDFANFRQIESTEYVDELFELRSRYGVPMLSKFAELVNREMFWVVSEICAEHNIVRRMKIVKQFIKIARHCKECRNFNSMFA # IVSGLGHGAVSRLRQTWEKLPSKYQRLFNDLQDLMDPSRNMSKYRQLVSAELLAQHPIIPFYPIVKKDLTFIHLGNDTRVDGLINFEKLRMLAKEVRL # LTHMCSSPYDLLSILELKGQSPSNALFSLNQMSASQSNAAAGTVIAANAGQATIKRRKKSTAAPNPKKMFEEAQMVRRVKAYLNSLKILSDEDLLHKF # SLECEPAHGSTYSGSISHGNTSHRSGGGGSISGGAGGSSGGGGGGSSSLNAGDQLSIYSHTSSSSAPNSSLSLRKRHPSSPTLSTTSSTSSTSDHQRR # QMHNNGPKFGTASPQAVKKMLSLSESSKIRPHQPFVPRHGSTMAGVIPPLHHMHAAHGFSTPSPGGVVTSPATSAVANVQCTPSPSPCSHRRLASGGN # IIPSRAIHERSHSDTPAPPPPLPSVDLSLESSSVTTFRDLPLRKSVTSGSISSCDSGYVHQQQHYHLQYQQQQQQNSSQHEPSPPVYTAADCRLLQQI # SNNAVTRNLNSPCQSTNTPPSTPTPPPNQPTATIQLSAPPTAAAYMHARSQHQQLQQQQQSLAMPPPPPPPYNVPPLGSIYSHHQGTAGSRHLNHMHG # GPPNFMDSTKCTICPMPPMNQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 456 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # W: 454 # end gene g918 # start gene g919 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6331069 6331347 0.78 + . g919 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6331069 6331347 0.78 + . g919.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6331069 6331071 . + 0 transcript_id "g919.t1"; gene_id "g919"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6331069 6331347 0.78 + 0 transcript_id "g919.t1"; gene_id "g919"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6331345 6331347 . + 0 transcript_id "g919.t1"; gene_id "g919"; # protein sequence = [MVVVSISPAIRNNVSPITFTLYGAAKILLASICIAYLHLVTENLILVRAYHLLFNLAKFFVHTFYPSFTASVEVAFSL # KRKRLQADPLSRPN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 29 # W: 29 # end gene g919 # start gene g920 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6333293 6338142 1 - . g920 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6333293 6338142 1 - . g920.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6333293 6333295 . - 0 transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6333422 6333483 1 - . transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6333808 6333861 1 - . transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6334039 6334105 1 - . transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6334325 6334385 1 - . transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6335254 6335314 1 - . transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6337272 6338057 1 - . transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6333293 6333421 1 - 0 transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6333484 6333807 1 - 0 transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6333862 6334038 1 - 0 transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6334106 6334324 1 - 0 transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6334386 6335253 1 - 1 transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6335315 6337271 1 - 2 transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6338058 6338142 1 - 0 transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6338140 6338142 . - 0 transcript_id "g920.t1"; gene_id "g920"; # protein sequence = [MPLKFLKKCRQYNVTSKSLFVISVHHLLDTSSTVDCTISSESKGQECLDNVCQRLLIQQPEFFGLRYLVKGKDKEDEF # KWIDLERSLSRQLEKYAAGPKIYLRVRHYVTTGVRHLSDEATRFYYFLQLKSDIYEGRIACDIRTAILLALYCRQAEYDSYQGDKQSKDYLKKSLVLP # RNMQGLANDDSMLEGLIVEVLQQQAGIAHLSQSQAEEMYIQCCQQLEGYGEERFAAKDTLGNDLLLGLAINGMVVNADNGRQYFPWKEFHTVTIDKRT # IKIEQNKLDGGGSIVGSFIFSEADTARYFWKLTISQHKFFKRYIDTATPSSLGSGADAESGPLGVDSVGYVDYDYNEAAAAEQLQQHHQQQQHMQQQQ # QIQQQQMISSNISLATSANQMLGQSSSCLDLSNNNLHSSSGMLHHGGSNNNNNNDERERLKAMLPTYRPAPDYETAVQLKYRTPSAEFHNVALAMAAP # GNAYYAGSQPDVHNPGMHNENLLYGHMTAHRYPDVAQPAAALHHHINLYQAQHQPQSHPQPMSPAQAYLELSQRMHMMRHKAPPPYVNRLSSSSTPDL # AVATPRPLQGFRNYVSGSSPDLVSNRTLFNGGQYVALPAGGHAGNIPTSSGATMLHQYQYVSHMGHSQPYLPPHGTFENLNMIEEQPSIMSQLRQSAM # SQAAAAAAGSVVTQSSPTLPPSGYRSSVPPPASSPLPPPVVASSHKSATPAPLQRSLVNGSIEPIYENVPLPQRASGGSSGAANTEAMRQRASSIQSA # PGVVPVPAARNASSNNVVTVTVNSPPDDGNIKKYGADRAASTELLFLEPQAPKRTNRAASAAPDMGATPPPRQHRSTASLNKSSTVDMITPAGDTLQQ # QFSAMNLSANTSASTSSMFNSTLDTTSSSAASKDLKRKKRWNFLSRSKTPDKQKSATLGREKATTAGQHSKLAAKLKLAQDDLNLPNRWSTGVNKPQP # ISGRYSKDKLCQILDQKLSDSQLFMEFERIPKRREHALYECALLEENEPKNHDPNFLPYDDNRVRLTPCRDNRHGYVNASSISATVGTKQRFYIVAQS # PQEPLTMRIFWQCVWEADVYLVVQLTEDMSYIPRNSHQRLEFGQFQVYQEFSQTTDRCTTIKLRLYHVPSRRYRSVWYLQYADWAEQNCPRDVNHFLD # FLEELNSVRLASTQEVPPGHNTNPPVLLHCLEGGGRSGVTLTADLLLYTLDHNEDLDIPRVIGQLRHQRDSIIPSLAQYKFIYNLLITYLKRTRLI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 6 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 340 # W: 340 # end gene g920 # start gene g921 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6338909 6341027 0.79 - . g921 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6338909 6341027 0.79 - . g921.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6338909 6338911 . - 0 transcript_id "g921.t1"; gene_id "g921"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6339085 6340969 0.79 - . transcript_id "g921.t1"; gene_id "g921"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6338909 6339084 0.9 - 2 transcript_id "g921.t1"; gene_id "g921"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6340970 6341027 0.79 - 0 transcript_id "g921.t1"; gene_id "g921"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6341025 6341027 . - 0 transcript_id "g921.t1"; gene_id "g921"; # protein sequence = [MRGICKSTPVSSFSSDFEEDRRRSVDVDVDLCPVSGALPVAAPLSSLADVKALDLNSLYSVTQRGEATILILIRFIR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 31 # E: 1 # W: 30 # end gene g921 # start gene g922 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6341462 6345887 0.94 + . g922 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6341462 6345887 0.94 + . g922.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6341462 6341464 . + 0 transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6341474 6341824 0.94 + . transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6341887 6342157 1 + . transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6342350 6342726 1 + . transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6343070 6344158 1 + . transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6344284 6344343 1 + . transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6344946 6345030 1 + . transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6345680 6345742 1 + . transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6341462 6341473 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6341825 6341886 0.94 + 0 transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6342158 6342349 1 + 1 transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6342727 6343069 1 + 1 transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6344159 6344283 1 + 0 transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6344344 6344945 1 + 1 transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6345031 6345679 1 + 2 transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6345743 6345887 1 + 1 transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6345885 6345887 . + 0 transcript_id "g922.t1"; gene_id "g922"; # protein sequence = [MKGNCSTASDRRSSRSCQCNGNVPSHTRTTMASEQTIDGAAAIPSGGGDEPFLGLLDVALLAVLIGGAAFYFLRSRKK # EEEPTRSYSIQPTTVCTTSASDNSFIKKLKASGRSLVVFYGSQTGTGEEFAGRLAKEGIRYRLKGMVADPEECDMEELLQLKDIDNSLAVFCLATYGE # GDPTDNAMEFYEWITSGDVDLSGLNYAVFGLGNKTYEHYNKVAIYVDKRLEELGANRVFELGLGDDDANIEDDFITWKDRFWPAVCDHFGIEGGGEEV # LIRQYRLLEQPDVQPDRIYTGEIARLHSIQNQRPPFDAKNPFLAPIKVNRELHKGGGRSCMHIELSIEGSKMRYDAGDHVAMFPVNDKSLVEKLGQLC # NADLDTVFSLINTDTDSSKKHPFPCPTTYRTALTHYLEITAIPRTHILKELAEYCTDEKEKELLRSMASISPEGKEKYQSWIQDACRNIVHILEDIKS # CRPPIDHVCELLPRLQPRYYSISSSAKLHPTDVHVTAVLVEYKTPTGRINKGVATTYLKNKQPQGSEEVKVPVFIRKSQFRLPTKPETPIIMVGPGTG # LAPFRGFIQERQFLRDEGKTVGESILYFGCRKRSEDYIYESELEEWVKKGTLNLKAAFSRDQGKKVYVQHLLEQDADLIWNVIGENKGHFYICGDAKN # MAVDVRNILVKILSTKGNMSEADAVQYIKKMEAQKRYSADVWS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 86.7 # CDS exons: 7/8 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/7 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 225 # E: 1 # W: 224 # end gene g922 # start gene g923 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6345940 6348151 0.73 - . g923 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6345940 6348151 0.73 - . g923.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6345940 6345942 . - 0 transcript_id "g923.t1"; gene_id "g923"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6346121 6346743 0.73 - . transcript_id "g923.t1"; gene_id "g923"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6347394 6347459 1 - . transcript_id "g923.t1"; gene_id "g923"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6347629 6347786 1 - . transcript_id "g923.t1"; gene_id "g923"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6345940 6346120 1 - 1 transcript_id "g923.t1"; gene_id "g923"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6346744 6347393 0.73 - 0 transcript_id "g923.t1"; gene_id "g923"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6347460 6347628 1 - 1 transcript_id "g923.t1"; gene_id "g923"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6347787 6348151 1 - 0 transcript_id "g923.t1"; gene_id "g923"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6348149 6348151 . - 0 transcript_id "g923.t1"; gene_id "g923"; # protein sequence = [MCSIVFDADVVAPPSHLDVPFFEEVLETALRTARVQLLSIHIRMGSSTGENYCSQIYRVKVSFKRPDHPEQHMAFIVK # SIPHLDSVEFIDDLQVYLKEKITYYEVLPRLELLMQCNRRFGPKLYHYLKQPENSLVFEDLAEKGFVMASRELGLNEEHCQLVMERLAEFHATSMALA # VVDPHIFDAYGDGMLSPRGLAKDDGLLMQFFSGNGKELHHLVSTWPGFEKIAEKIGKYMQNQRANLERSQAPQEKEVKVLNHGDLWVNNMLFKYDGAQ # RPQDLILIDFQLSVWGSPGIDLNYFFYTSLTLEVLRHRRTQLLRTYHARLAKTLLDLDMGIPVPSYEQILEEVHRRESYGFFASYGIFPTVSQDKAQT # ADNNLENFKDADFAKQKVRQMFHYLIVNLLLRSFHYLDSISVCPIKQSRVKLESITLDIHLIVTHSFVELQHEVPKPKITLT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 113 # W: 113 # end gene g923 # start gene g924 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6349559 6350961 1 - . g924 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6349559 6350961 1 - . g924.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6349559 6349561 . - 0 transcript_id "g924.t1"; gene_id "g924"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6350291 6350354 1 - . transcript_id "g924.t1"; gene_id "g924"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6350524 6350587 1 - . transcript_id "g924.t1"; gene_id "g924"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6349559 6350290 1 - 0 transcript_id "g924.t1"; gene_id "g924"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6350355 6350523 1 - 1 transcript_id "g924.t1"; gene_id "g924"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6350588 6350961 1 - 0 transcript_id "g924.t1"; gene_id "g924"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6350959 6350961 . - 0 transcript_id "g924.t1"; gene_id "g924"; # protein sequence = [MVVIKNEQNISVPEYLNEHFFTETLEEGLRESKVTLKEINFAWGSNPGDNYCSAIYRVGVSFARWADGGESPVTEQLS # LIVKTIPITEATQFLEDVCVFIKEKQTYTDVLPRLDILSRGDTFGAKYYHSVKTPVQTIVFSDLTVEGFKVASREKGLDWNHASLILQQLGKFHATSM # VLAKKDPAIVKQYTRGMLSEDILMKSDTFEQMFGGFLKGLIKSSASWAGYEKISKHLQRLMDNFRNVCADAPRPRKGDRYVVLNHGDLWTNNFMYGYD # NASQPDVPTRAIFVDFQLSFYGSPACDLNFFLNTSIKLQLLQERREELIKVYYASFKDALEYARFEDIPSYEDLQYELRSRETYGLFGMFAFLPMITM # PKELAQDNSIENMQDEAFKQRKMDAIFSQKFLNDHQKWALKRADSLGVFGDY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 124 # W: 124 # end gene g924 # start gene g925 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6352324 6354574 0.57 - . g925 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6352324 6354574 0.57 - . g925.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6352324 6352326 . - 0 transcript_id "g925.t1"; gene_id "g925"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6352638 6352740 0.96 - . transcript_id "g925.t1"; gene_id "g925"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6352984 6353155 0.99 - . transcript_id "g925.t1"; gene_id "g925"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6353289 6353353 0.97 - . transcript_id "g925.t1"; gene_id "g925"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6354412 6354552 0.63 - . transcript_id "g925.t1"; gene_id "g925"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6352324 6352637 0.95 - 2 transcript_id "g925.t1"; gene_id "g925"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6352741 6352983 0.95 - 2 transcript_id "g925.t1"; gene_id "g925"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6353156 6353288 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g925.t1"; gene_id "g925"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6353354 6354411 0.63 - 2 transcript_id "g925.t1"; gene_id "g925"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6354553 6354574 0.63 - 0 transcript_id "g925.t1"; gene_id "g925"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6354572 6354574 . - 0 transcript_id "g925.t1"; gene_id "g925"; # protein sequence = [MTIGCESARIPFTAHGRYKNLAFLATRLSESCADMTLVYFPPSKLQQQQQPSRSSRLAQQLAQSSWQLALRFGKRTTI # HGLDRLLSAKASRWERFVWLCTFVSAFLGAVYVCLILSARYNAAHFQTVVDSTRFPVYRIPFPVITICNRNRLNWQRLAEAKSRFLANGSNSAQQELF # ELIVGTYDDAYFGHFQSFERLRNQPTELLNYVNFSQVVDFMTWRCNELLAECLWRHHAYDCCEIFSKRRSKNGLCWAFNSLETEEGRRMQLLDPMWPW # RTGSAGPMSALSVRVLIQPAKHWPGHRETNAMKGIDVMVTEPFVWHNNPFFVAANTETTMEIEPVIYFYDNDTRGVRSDQRQCVFDDEHNSKDFKSLQ # GYVYMIENCQSECHQEYLVRYCNCTMDLLFPPDLLIYSHNPGEKEFVRNQFQGMSCKCFRNCYSLNYISDVRPAFLPPDVYANNSYVDLDVHFRFETI # MVYRTSLVFGWVDLMVSFGGIAGLFLGCSLISGMELAYFLCIEVPAFGLDGLRRRWKARRQMDLGVTVPTPTLNFQQTTPSQLMENYIMQLKAEKAQQ # QKANFQNWHRITFAQKHVIGK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/5 # CDS introns: 0/4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g925 # start gene g926 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6354956 6356498 0.38 + . g926 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6354956 6356498 0.38 + . g926.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6354956 6354958 . + 0 transcript_id "g926.t1"; gene_id "g926"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6355117 6355208 0.39 + . transcript_id "g926.t1"; gene_id "g926"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6355798 6355895 0.99 + . transcript_id "g926.t1"; gene_id "g926"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6354956 6355116 0.39 + 0 transcript_id "g926.t1"; gene_id "g926"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6355209 6355797 0.91 + 1 transcript_id "g926.t1"; gene_id "g926"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6355896 6356498 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g926.t1"; gene_id "g926"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6356496 6356498 . + 0 transcript_id "g926.t1"; gene_id "g926"; # protein sequence = [MFVRSTEKETRVVADRIRRQDQNPLAPVNTKSEIQRAWTLLIDSYISRSHIHGLVLWALALICACTVLFHVSYLLGDR # YHNKQFQTIVAHAHASIHHIAFPVVIICNKNRLNWSRLPEIKSLYNITPSQDELFDRILTAYDGFSFHKFNAFDSLLGESLDELNHLNFTEIVIQMSW # RCDEILRDCHWQTASRDCCKLFRPRRLPLGYCLAFNELEKRRGTETGINTGLLLRLLLREGQHAPGNSGLKGFWLTVVESSVWFGFPIEVVPHSRTNV # AVTAVYHYFDESTLSLPSSWRHCVMDYEEESEHFRTLEGQKYMLENCQAECQQRYLLRYCNCTVDLFYPPSNYPACRLKDLPCLAAHNHLLQNFEQPG # EHPYVHREESGLVCECLHNCKSLTLLTDMRKSVQQPWLQPNSSAIESMWLNVYFKKPSMLVYKTNLIYTWVDLIGMLL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g926 # start gene g927 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6357251 6358235 0.18 - . g927 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6357251 6358235 0.18 - . g927.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6357251 6357253 . - 0 transcript_id "g927.t1"; gene_id "g927"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6357396 6357486 0.85 - . transcript_id "g927.t1"; gene_id "g927"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6358116 6358223 0.2 - . transcript_id "g927.t1"; gene_id "g927"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6357251 6357395 0.9 - 1 transcript_id "g927.t1"; gene_id "g927"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6357487 6358115 0.42 - 0 transcript_id "g927.t1"; gene_id "g927"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6358224 6358235 0.37 - 0 transcript_id "g927.t1"; gene_id "g927"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6358233 6358235 . - 0 transcript_id "g927.t1"; gene_id "g927"; # protein sequence = [MDSELCYVNKLPFLRNKPELKSLYKLVLALLEENQSNASTENIQKSSSDLNTTGLSGRYPSQCPTYPPAHGIYTVQVL # GLKPFQVSCDAEIAGTGWTVMARRTSNKLNFFRSWAEYKNGFGQLDGDFFIGLDKLHAITKSQPHELYIHLEDFEGQTRYAHYDEIFIESENKFYAMT # KLGEFTGDAGDSMIHNRNQNFSTFDRDNDGWHKNCAEDNLFGIYVKGDEGQYFQWKGIVWHSWRTESYSYKVMQMMVRPKCHCSG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g927 # start gene g928 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6368141 6370099 1 + . g928 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6368141 6370099 1 + . g928.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6368141 6368143 . + 0 transcript_id "g928.t1"; gene_id "g928"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6368141 6370099 1 + 0 transcript_id "g928.t1"; gene_id "g928"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6370097 6370099 . + 0 transcript_id "g928.t1"; gene_id "g928"; # protein sequence = [MVQNLWTALLLLGSATCGSSVPVKANDPEQSCPYLGECNSTINQQHIDTLMSYVDSEKNPCEDFYAYACGKWRAKHGS # HTTATMISESQINRQYEDLFLQLLRNPSAPEYGYPMFAKVLAHYQSCIALEKPDLRRYIELLDRDLLASLNSTHWMHLLAALGRYGYHGHYVQVEVRW # YNATHHMIFLLPHNRHLNLSLTQDIYDALSQDGSSWPPLHQLQEQFRSLEQNLVRLAKPHSADDTFRNYSLDQIRTEVPGLHWDEALRTQLGRSVPGN # HVFQVDDLDAIEGLVEYLNTVDTLLLNRYSLARFLSHLLELPHNPLATWESGQRSRGRNCIRHMRRSVYLPMNYVYERSFYSRRRHADELVIHSVFQQ # LQSQLELRVQHNAFNLSQDLVKSLQAKVHQMRINVGNLPPNVTEQFYWDSDRRWSVGRDFYENHLNSLLYYYTLVADLESSSDQEERDIWYSFNMHTP # EFPDNIDATPYFYCLGNIIFVPYSYVKRPFFDANFWPALLYGDLANTLGHEIMHAFDTDLVDYDAQGNLRNFSDQLGEVELYNGAVGCLNSSAVMLNE # RTSDVSGSRLAMQTYGGDWLTRSGNGRLYFLQFAHFFCGDEGDQYHDSGSQRLNYALGQVPQFAEVFRCHVGSGMTSADQCPFW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 161 # W: 161 # end gene g928 # start gene g929 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6373508 6377164 0.44 + . g929 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6373508 6377164 0.44 + . g929.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6373508 6373510 . + 0 transcript_id "g929.t1"; gene_id "g929"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6375308 6375373 1 + . transcript_id "g929.t1"; gene_id "g929"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6373508 6375307 0.46 + 0 transcript_id "g929.t1"; gene_id "g929"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6375374 6377164 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g929.t1"; gene_id "g929"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6377162 6377164 . + 0 transcript_id "g929.t1"; gene_id "g929"; # protein sequence = [MPESHSYKLKRLTSTTRQQTNTKMVLSNSTPNNQSKHNQMVVDTAAMNSDDLSELLQLNAEIEERRRSSRHGDASTAC # GLLRATMTREELFEISSLDDDRFLTALEYQNSFASPRRVQVTDLDLSSIENLMKYFDEEVPVTPTKTLGTTKAAGNTGKVASTIAKLALQSDPVTPPK # PKVGSGHLKISELKQKYEQLPEMETPRSAYQASRKVSASLPMKVKEMAQLFNSKISQVMRRTEEPQYVQLQNEMSPEVKAQNRLVSPLESPVQGPCLV # AEEVFRELSVKDKALLFNKFIGDMAAKHPKFTAHAADLKEKVNKQVARGEVVAERQASVKHLAQELEAKCILEPGSPPRPGGVSPPKTTESKTETCTS # QLHVSTLTVILKPSPERRAPQPRPRRCLDRQSDEHAREPSQKRNLAAIRTMMPTEAYAPPKKIRRTRQERTGADSQMFFQNEHLETLFYSWLSSENGV # QFDITSVSDGQQTIEIATEEGNLLEQPLLEPSTATLEDVSQKSAVERLLEEAIAKLELDNESKKETQVEEKKEMDTAQDPIVQVTPRRIKRQAPPVPA # PRPSLSQVTSSASSCKQSEAEESESGLSTLPKITSDESQPETPKDDLQTGEFDFAKPQRPPRKKKMRRTLTWKKENSIVEATAITSTDSDSDYKPPLS # GAAKKKSGAICNPLPMPEPSFIELDKSLMRHLNSPRKIKSAYTLTVMSSPSPNADSDQSPSQTPRQSLVQAMRDSFVDQGFETCSNDPMDNSPIRRSS # LGATESKPSGFSTPVKGRHASSPAQQQLFSPILIQERPRRSSLAMQVIREDHPLDLDATSSSPSTPCSEREFFANAPTVEIDNSQDESPTGKAHSMFW # ITSGDFTVSLEIFKNSPERLRLLYEIFTQKSWETRDLAFGIDGHKFIRGAPSSDSVRQSLPERPPSVKGCSHYWFASGDLAVPFSGKLMSSEKIERLF # AFLSGEQSELRFGVDHIEFSSVPEFWPTTQKYSIESSYSILVGLQTGASNGLEGRSKYSWPNSSISANQAIKTSDLDQTEFESDSFGNNSGRLSFSPD # LFSLDYEAVPLDELFAKAPPSAATPAMSVPQMMQTLKQQQSKLRSVEQRIRGYAKPANLADSSLEHCRNTPQYVHKLRSIIRAIDNIGRDDGFRGCSM # EQLESFMYFLSEYADVCLANCSEHMDKILDTLMDRRAVEV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 332 # W: 332 # end gene g929 # start gene g930 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6378840 6381073 0.94 - . g930 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6378840 6381073 0.94 - . g930.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6378840 6378842 . - 0 transcript_id "g930.t1"; gene_id "g930"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6379028 6379109 1 - . transcript_id "g930.t1"; gene_id "g930"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6379281 6380647 1 - . transcript_id "g930.t1"; gene_id "g930"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6380791 6381011 0.94 - . transcript_id "g930.t1"; gene_id "g930"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6378840 6379027 1 - 2 transcript_id "g930.t1"; gene_id "g930"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6379110 6379280 1 - 2 transcript_id "g930.t1"; gene_id "g930"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6380648 6380790 0.94 - 1 transcript_id "g930.t1"; gene_id "g930"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6381012 6381073 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g930.t1"; gene_id "g930"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6381071 6381073 . - 0 transcript_id "g930.t1"; gene_id "g930"; # protein sequence = [MILERTLYPIWWHILQSIKHSTETIPGHPSYKATMRLTITNVQSSDYGNYKCVAKNPRGDMDGNIKLYMSSPPTTQPP # PTTTTLRRTTTTAAEIALDGYINTPLNGNGIGIVGEGPTNSVIASGKSSIKYLSNLNEIDKSKQKLTGSSPKGFDWSKGKSSGSHGNLMASSWPLICC # ILALLTTHSCG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 28.6 # CDS exons: 1/4 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/3 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 4 # W: 4 # end gene g930 # start gene g931 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6381298 6383352 0.98 + . g931 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6381298 6383352 0.98 + . g931.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6381298 6381300 . + 0 transcript_id "g931.t1"; gene_id "g931"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6381298 6383352 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g931.t1"; gene_id "g931"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6383350 6383352 . + 0 transcript_id "g931.t1"; gene_id "g931"; # protein sequence = [MLKLSLVAWLIFSLAWRTTPTACRQTNAPQSVQEMLAEQLQSYMDTKARPCENFYQYACGNWQIQQQEQHSLRDRDWT # RDRQRYQGQMLPTDTLGLIDHSVNRKLELLLRRRNESSFESDSSILEQMRLYYRSCKRLKPYNLKKYLQLLPPSNSTQWPSVGRGWRPERFDWITTLG # RLRLHGLNGVLLREEVLPRWDDSRNYSIYVNKPSRQETQPMGEGAMIELLLDIGQTKRTANALARQVDDFERKLHRLQELEDDEGPREMQLGYLDSYL # PQLRWLSFMRQVRIDSELDLRSTLIIENIPYLRALSDLMESESPDTVCSYIMLKWLAFLKQQGPADISRGECVAALRRAMPLASSWLVGQQFSDPESE # SYVSSLFQRLKVRFGQILAENRMRLSPPLVHILQQKLRAVRLQMGFFQTEEIEDVEQYHVRIDLSGHSFYGNQLVLLRQRVEANHDLLYINVTNFANS # TGSNLSYLSESWEASNSSPLYVRPRNLVLVPHGLLQLPIWHRNISALQQHAVMGFVLAHELAHGFDMLGMDYDAMGNIMGPVEEIGASRQFRQGLQCL # QQQMATGSKWIDEKLADFVALRLAYETFFGVRDKREPRDPLLPQFSQRQLFFITFAQFFCGRTPVLSPRSQSEAHLKHAADELRVMQTLANFEEFSRE # FGCDKKAKMQASQRCRIW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 50 # W: 50 # end gene g931 # start gene g932 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6383545 6385512 0.99 - . g932 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6383545 6385512 0.99 - . g932.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6383545 6383547 . - 0 transcript_id "g932.t1"; gene_id "g932"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6383545 6385512 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g932.t1"; gene_id "g932"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6385510 6385512 . - 0 transcript_id "g932.t1"; gene_id "g932"; # protein sequence = [MWLIACLFIVPICAAPTTQNVEADPNSRLMNNILSYVAEDSSACGTYFQYACGKYAVRHRDDPFTEIIQMLDHKVNGN # LVQLMHELHQRSQSPGFNESSVEAKVLHFYRTCREAPPSTRKMEHYLRLAPPGQALTWPQFMPRGEPWPKAQFKWMKSLGHLYRYGFTNVLVNVLVLR # SSENSNRFRLDISMPSLEGDAQHLGGFLSTLATLQIIGVPTKSILPLVRKIRRLESAIRVLTEVDDDDESETWTLRQWEYKTGYAWQGFVESIVGHSV # SHHYVMQAQNAKYFTGLKRLMDSTDAEVVANYIMTRFVLYLIDDFIDSNEHIDCVTDMRRNMNLASNLLYKERFLDPATLQQYTQEVTKVFEQLRRQF # LLQINENRLGLTSEQNSMVATKAQHVVLNIGNLPRGRDHRSFVSRHYEDLVFPLPDFDYAREHLNLLEFRTRKQVLQLNQSAPTPDEFFYLSDPKTAM # SSGPYYLMRLNIIVVPHGLLQEPFFAADSHDIFKYSLLGFVLAHELMHSVDTVGLYYDRYGNIHEIGPQISSSPRFVAGLQCLNRNSTQYLDERIADI # AGLDLAYSTYFQNSSQMSLTDFTTIPPQQIFFLNLAQFFCGDGDPINFVGHDNDETRLQQMLNGFAPFHEAFGCPAKSNQPEKCQLW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 160 # W: 160 # end gene g932 # start gene g933 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6385680 6395035 0.22 - . g933 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6385680 6395035 0.22 - . g933.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6385680 6385682 . - 0 transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6385835 6385902 0.99 - . transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6386032 6386088 0.43 - . transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6386248 6391127 0.36 - . transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6391345 6394836 1 - . transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6394944 6395022 0.73 - . transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6385680 6385834 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6385903 6386031 0.57 - 2 transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6386089 6386247 0.36 - 2 transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6391128 6391344 1 - 0 transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6394837 6394943 1 - 2 transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6395023 6395035 0.73 - 0 transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6395033 6395035 . - 0 transcript_id "g933.t1"; gene_id "g933"; # protein sequence = [MRSWVISEDPEFTDVIENITVPAGRNVKLACSVKNLGSYKVAWMHFEQSAILTVHNHVITRNPRISVTHDKHDKHRTW # FLHINNVQEEDRGRYMCQINTVTAKTQYGFVKVVVPPNIDDALTSSDIIVREGDNVTLRCKAKGSPEPTIKWKRDDGNKIVINKTLEVHDLETDSLEL # ERISRLHMGAYLCIASNGVPPSVSKRIKVSVDFSPMVWIPHQLVGIPIGFNITLECFIEANPTSLNYWTRENDQMITESSKYK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 18.2 # CDS exons: 1/6 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/5 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 12 # E: 1 # RM: 11 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # W: 2 # end gene g933 # start gene g934 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6395888 6397093 0.79 - . g934 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6395888 6397093 0.79 - . g934.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6395888 6395890 . - 0 transcript_id "g934.t1"; gene_id "g934"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6395888 6397093 0.79 - 0 transcript_id "g934.t1"; gene_id "g934"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6397091 6397093 . - 0 transcript_id "g934.t1"; gene_id "g934"; # protein sequence = [MMIEWWLPWVCLLPLMQADPVAPQLDLGVKDFQLELLRELSDLVQQRIEPSLNDYLDRLGRIPRNANYTEEMSAARAT # PKLQLKVTLIKQLLDVRPHLDTDMEYTIVLRNLVFLNRVRSTLRAAEETSTQEIRMMRMHRLCQQLDRPAPHRGSRLINEQTVGAALGQLNLTKKEVN # STGLDLNEFGAQLYERVKLSGAEIIDNYLHILRSLLQDIIDGDHADLAGSSAKLDKMQQQLDVMLATEDFFEKRQRVYAYLEHHLRTDYEEMRDTSSS # EHITEHLLAQLKTKGLDLFVIFLFSNFEFLDLVHEHWEQLLPQSPSLLYDETARQLYDLQQLYQVFKLDTECEAKYTAYSDALRRLHERTVEQGQRNR # HIFELLHNAAQSVGTVTFNMIRAKCNELR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 121 # W: 121 # end gene g934 # start gene g935 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6412704 6414071 0.67 + . g935 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6412704 6414071 0.67 + . g935.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6412704 6412706 . + 0 transcript_id "g935.t1"; gene_id "g935"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6412859 6413180 1 + . transcript_id "g935.t1"; gene_id "g935"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6413367 6413422 1 + . transcript_id "g935.t1"; gene_id "g935"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6412704 6412858 1 + 0 transcript_id "g935.t1"; gene_id "g935"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6413181 6413366 1 + 1 transcript_id "g935.t1"; gene_id "g935"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6413423 6414071 0.67 + 1 transcript_id "g935.t1"; gene_id "g935"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6414069 6414071 . + 0 transcript_id "g935.t1"; gene_id "g935"; # protein sequence = [MGSCLGSCATAAAAPAHSACTSTSDSTTHSTSSTSSSLTTPPTSWVANSWLWRKNRSAGRQDPEADLLSRTTRQRCQR # NGFIYRILRLKKRQQCPSFLDKYWEQQPSYAKLPTTAMADIQMQNLDAGKLLNAQTTPSRETEMGLGAYQRMANSRASSSLDLEWEHEYSQLRQYQYQ # CQQVPKELPPTPPKPRYASLDQLAAANAMATSQGRHMARQARLSCQRHGGSLTRNSCCSSTQNSWSHISTPESLEWDVDEEREQQRQLRLEDDNLDDR # TLKLLHQIEQLKHHVLQETGDGLSMESAAVEELTEGLQFRATHFAGDSQLEAHVS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 4 # W: 4 # end gene g935 # start gene g936 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6415436 6423803 0.57 - . g936 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6415436 6423803 0.57 - . g936.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6415436 6415438 . - 0 transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6415499 6415556 1 - . transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6417585 6417657 1 - . transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6418618 6418685 1 - . transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6421952 6422259 1 - . transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6422521 6423127 1 - . transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6423173 6423676 0.57 - . transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6415436 6415498 1 - 0 transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6415557 6417584 1 - 0 transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6417658 6418617 1 - 0 transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6418686 6421951 1 - 2 transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6422260 6422520 1 - 2 transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6423128 6423172 0.85 - 2 transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6423677 6423803 0.57 - 0 transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6423801 6423803 . - 0 transcript_id "g936.t1"; gene_id "g936"; # protein sequence = [MADTRVLPIWTEIEPKVTRFAYFYLTALNHLEYPNPCSPLESLLKVLIEFPLKSDKNSHHRMRALGGITLLLAVAICQ # GYETYQRSSFRSSSSSSYGGGQTVPQLNSFASAHFNEVRELANQLKQKFNVLSQGSTNFAYTSPWSASILDLSGKSTLQLDQLSSEISRQLVQDMREG # ITNYHTIAQPNFFEAKAAELLERYSGAESASLQQTVGLGPYQPVDLSGFDEVKNYAYPAEVKVIDGKTYVVHRNCTEATKLSDYGSSGQLNSGFLGHQ # QTSLPLSSTTTTITRKKTIHDWVRENMEPSVVGYNSVVKLDGQLRNSALNQMVPLSPGSNVVIHRFNKTITTNPDGTSSVGGSEWQQRWQDGKLVYDH # QQPFGQSTIPRDEQWKREERERLFWYLTTPQRLDDWQQQQEERLLGVVQRYQVSLPVLKEFHRRELARYEALLGQYQSRVQDTSSWQRQERGRLDWLI # HQNGFTVQDIERWQNENARKLAEAARQHGISQNQLQQFQREELQRLYVHFNQVNESLAPQVPSVPQTTYNYQSSSSLTEDNTKEQQRLEELIRQHNAT # IAALQNSIKTDQQRLKNLSIKYQGDMQSQTQWLRGEVARIGDLIKEQNEQVSKITAWQSSERSRLENILLQHRGSVEEVQQRINMDRNYLQNLATKYQ # VSVEELEKWQKEELERLQVRGQQQLEEHIKDWQISVSSNLRDIATQNKLTIDEFQNYIINDRSHLEEMARLYKVKVEEIEQWIKSELKKFQSEGLLKG # VEQELIQWQQKERERLQAIVQQNSLTVEQLEVRIKNDQDHFFKLADKYKINVEDIQDWLKKELLRLQSEGLVKAETLKEWQQQERAQISLLVQQNKYS # LDEFERKMLADRARLQELSNTYNVKVSEIEQWIKSEGDRLQHEGQLRMESQLNNWQKIERQRLLDLINKNNLSIEEIESKISKDQTHLYSLAQQHQVR # VEEIEQWIRQQIQKLQDQGLIEMQKLKNWQLEWRGNLTNMVQDRDFTVEEFHKWLLKDREQLQSLAMQHNVQIEEIEQFVKKEEQRFIGMGLLKPSEK # LTNWQEVERLHLKNLAQQQYKSTEQLEARLRQDRELLERLARQYSVQVEEIESWMKQELARMRDEGQLQIDNLTSWQLAERERLEALIKQNKQWSAEE # LRAELEKDREHMQTMAFQYHTSVEEIEKWLQSEIERLKQQGKLNIEQLTAWQRTEQQRILSLLQQHSNITLEQFQAKVHNDRRFLMNLAEQHHVHIEE # VDNYVKQVIEDLRKNGQFEIEQLQTWQRVERDYIKSLISEYKNSLSTAEYEEKLLADRAHLKHLADQYRINVEQIEEWMIAELKRLRGSTEETLKSLS # AWQVSELERLQNLVKQQNHLTFVEFEMELNQERDRLQKLANQYSVNVVEIEEWLRQQLINLRTTGQAKVENLSKWQVEEQQRLIEMLLKKQQEMPYEQ # VERELTQDHARLQSLSQTHHVDIDHVDHWLREELRRLQSSGLVQIEQQTQWQQKISNGFNNWLEQQRNGASYQDFVDFLKRDKQRMDGIATDYHVTVE # QVEKWVQKEAARLSLIGVIERPENNLKYEDISNIWVGDQTDSWKNELVTRLRSVTRQRPFTRQEFESYLIRNKPIFEQIARQYHVTIEDIHLWLDQSA # KNEGLVTTEWQAKERLHIDNLINQQLRKQQRWTIEELELRLNNDQKHLQDAVAQYHVTVEELKVWYKDELNRLLEQRRIDRGSGISWQNIESQRIYLA # IVNNPGISRQALENRLFRDVHVRASQYQITVEELRQFILSQLRRFSDMGLIVDNGRQANNWHDQERKRLREVVKGVVITEQELLDFISQDTSFQTQLA # QSYQVGLEQLAPVQRIFIGNLAREQLLEQRRLNHLTTWQQRERDRLYEFIGNQNMTQTELKTWQIQDSKLLAEFAKRYEISVQQLSDWQKKELARINQ # LARYYGMSQSDLQQFREGELRQLAYINHRQLLSAAEAQKWEKRHQWTLSRLQSRYGKFGQELVAWRRTLYLLSQGLIDLPADSGSNGGYVVDAGSTNA # TAVYKPIFSKDRGDQPPHTYDESFVEGDEPGLEGETARPRPPNPAPIVSTPKPPLPYSRGGPSGGFEYRRQDYTFNVPVGSASASASGGPTGSSASAS # ASLGKWNRASGDEPLQQEVDLGQQQQIEELGWNEKLEDLGQQTQVEDTDWNQQAEDLGQQQQVQVEDDLHFDQTQGHSSSSNSRSQPLQQATKVEVEA # TSEPSFWEKLKEKLG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 84.6 # CDS exons: 6/7 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/6 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 616 # W: 616 # end gene g936 # start gene g937 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6424526 6426122 1 + . g937 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6424526 6426122 1 + . g937.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6424526 6424528 . + 0 transcript_id "g937.t1"; gene_id "g937"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6425407 6425465 1 + . transcript_id "g937.t1"; gene_id "g937"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6425670 6425728 1 + . transcript_id "g937.t1"; gene_id "g937"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6424526 6425406 1 + 0 transcript_id "g937.t1"; gene_id "g937"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6425466 6425669 1 + 1 transcript_id "g937.t1"; gene_id "g937"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6425729 6426122 1 + 1 transcript_id "g937.t1"; gene_id "g937"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6426120 6426122 . + 0 transcript_id "g937.t1"; gene_id "g937"; # protein sequence = [MGTEAEQPSPPAQQQDQENPPLCKAQNPKPARLYRFVLIFVAGSLAAWTFHALSSTNLVWKLRQLHHLPTAHYLQTRD # EFALYSVEELNAFKEFYDKSVSDSVGASYTEAEQTNIKEALGALRMAQDLYLAGKDDKAARLFEHALALAPRHPEVLLRYGEFLEHNQRNIVLADQYY # FQALTISPSNSEALANRQRTADVVQSLDERRLESLDSKRDALSAIHESNGALRRAKKEAYFQHIYHSVGIEGNTMTLAQTRSILETRMAVDGKSIDEH # NEILGMDLAMKYINASLVQKIDITIKDILELHRRVLGHVDPIEGGEFRRNQVYVGGHIPPGPGDLALLMQRFERWLNSEHSSTLHPVNYAALAHYKLV # HIHPFVDGNGRTSRLLMNTLLMRAGYPPVIIPKQQRSKYYHFLKLANEGDIRPFVRFIADCTEKTLDLYLWATSDLPQQIPMLIQTESEAGERLAQMQ # SPNVAQRSSILEFYESGSGDLP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 132 # W: 132 # end gene g937 # start gene g938 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6428180 6431608 0.62 + . g938 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6428180 6431608 0.62 + . g938.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6428180 6428182 . + 0 transcript_id "g938.t1"; gene_id "g938"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6428180 6431608 0.62 + 0 transcript_id "g938.t1"; gene_id "g938"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6431606 6431608 . + 0 transcript_id "g938.t1"; gene_id "g938"; # protein sequence = [MMSEKTIQFLKKQSEIILEIRKLEVKPTLTDVENRKLNELQKCFIANHSNLLKIGVVDHEYFNAKQYDLIMMVLEKIK # NKNEKIKGESVENTFPKSNTVPKSNPPPTLNLEMRGHPEKEGIAQNNALKVEQAFRNNVGQFRVYLEDTSKLIDSSPDFLKIRKNKIEFLWHKIDNLI # EQVNSHFESSLFEEEISELEFDKQNILTAINSRLSGTINKAEMSTVVKAEELPTLPKIQIPTFFGDSKEWDLFNELFTELIHVREDLSPSLKFNYLKS # ALKGEARNVVTHLLLGSGENYEATWEFLTKRYENKRNIFSDHMNRLMDMPNLNLESNKQIKTFIDTINESIYIIKLKAQLPEDVDAIFAHIILRKFNK # ESLNLYESHVKKTKEIQALSDVMDFLEQRLNSISSFSQEVKPVKKMINNNKNKNYSDNCAYCKLPGHYLIQCHKFKIMNPAERSDWVRKNGICLRCLR # HPFGKKCISEQLCSTCRKPHHTLLHFAGHNPEKVNTCRTTGQALLATALIQVKSRYGGFEQLRALIDSGSQSTIISEESAQILKLKKFRSHTEISGVS # STGTCISKHKAVISIRNSPKNLEIEAIILPKLMKALPVNTINVDQKKWKNFKLADPDFNKPGRIDLIIGADVYTHILQNGVIKIDGLLGQKTDFGWIV # SGCKKSKGKETIVATTIEIKELDRYWEVEEEEKDDIESEICENKFIKTTKKDSDGRYIVSIPFKEDVTLGDSKKQAIARYMNLEKKLKRNEKLKVDYT # KFMNEYMDLGHMIEVSDEGKYFLPHQAVIRDSSLTTKLRVVFDASAKTTNNKSLNDIMWVGPRVQKDIFDIIIKWRKWEFVVSADIEKMYRQIKIDNN # DQKYQYILWRNSPKEKIKTYKLTTVTYGTASAPYLATRVLVDIADKCKNQVISAIIRNDFYMDDLMTGADSVEEANKLITLIPHELQKVGFNLRKWIS # NNSKILTTVEDTGDNKVLNIIENECVKTLGLKWEPQKDLFKFSVNCNDESKNINKRVVLSTLAKIFDPLGWLAPVTVSGKLFIQKLWINKSEWDQELS # IEDKNYWEKYKENLLLLENIRIPRWINSNSSSVIQIHGFADASEKAYAAVVYAKVGPHVNIIASKSRVNPCKIPNKKTLLVEFL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g938 # start gene g939 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6433187 6435069 0.13 - . g939 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6433187 6435069 0.13 - . g939.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6433187 6433189 . - 0 transcript_id "g939.t1"; gene_id "g939"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6433243 6433304 0.45 - . transcript_id "g939.t1"; gene_id "g939"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6433702 6433905 0.38 - . transcript_id "g939.t1"; gene_id "g939"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6433187 6433242 0.59 - 2 transcript_id "g939.t1"; gene_id "g939"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6433305 6433701 0.21 - 0 transcript_id "g939.t1"; gene_id "g939"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6433906 6435069 0.31 - 0 transcript_id "g939.t1"; gene_id "g939"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6435067 6435069 . - 0 transcript_id "g939.t1"; gene_id "g939"; # protein sequence = [MGNLPKYRVTMTFPFLNTGIDYAGPYYVKCSKNRGQKTFKGYVAVFVCMATKAIHLEMVSDLTSDAFLAALRRFIARR # GKCSNIYSDNGTNFVGAARKLDQELFNAIQENITIAAQLEKDRIDWHFIPPAGPHFGGIWEAGVKSMKYHLKRIIGDTILTYEEMSTLLCQIEACLNS # RPLYTIVSEKDQQEVLTPGHFLIGRPPLEIVEPMEDEKIGNLDRWRLIQKMKKDFWVKWKSEYLHTLQQRNKWKKEIPNIEEGQIVLLKDENCHPARW # PLGKVEKVHKGNDDKVRVAKVKMQEGYITRPITKICPLEGIKSVDKNEADQEPKRRTRATSGMSKIGIIMAMLLFVLSCQVSSALPKDIAPRYSIDKI # NKTSAIYLDPLGDVEISRSRSKRAPFEFMGSLYHILFGIMDEDDREQLEENMKNLLDNQNNLDKLIQKQTSVVDSTSNLLKRTTEDVNSNFRSMQIRI # ENMTEVLKENYYVYKESIKFFMITKQLHSLIEEGEKIQAGIISLLIDINHAESFGEPSNSRKTVRYGT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g939 # start gene g940 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6439381 6443632 0.22 + . g940 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6439381 6443632 0.22 + . g940.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6439381 6439383 . + 0 transcript_id "g940.t1"; gene_id "g940"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6443477 6443549 0.24 + . transcript_id "g940.t1"; gene_id "g940"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6439381 6443476 0.36 + 0 transcript_id "g940.t1"; gene_id "g940"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6443550 6443632 0.24 + 2 transcript_id "g940.t1"; gene_id "g940"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6443630 6443632 . + 0 transcript_id "g940.t1"; gene_id "g940"; # protein sequence = [MISSLKSVKINLSKRQKKDSDGRYIVSIPFKEDVTLGDSKKQAIARYMNLEKKLKRNEKLKVDYTKFMNEYMDLGHMI # EVSDEGKYFLPHQAVIRDSSLTTKLRVVFDASAKTTNNKSLNDIMWVGPRVQKDIFDIIIKWRKWEFVVSADIEKMYRQIKIDNNDQKYQYILWRNSP # KEKIKTYKLTTVTYGTASAPYLATRVLVDIADKCKNQVISAIIRNDFYMDDLMTGADSVEEANKLITLIPHELQKVGFNLRKWISNNSKILTTVEDTG # DNKVLNIIENECVKTLGLKWEPQKDLFKFSVNCNDESKNINKRVVLSTLAKIFDPLGWLAPVTVSGKLFIQKLWINKSEWDQELSIEDKNYWEKYKEN # LLLLENIRIPRWINSNSSSVIQIHGFADASEKAYAAVVYAKVGPHVNIIASKSRVNPIKNRKTIPKLELCAAHLLSELIQRLKGSIDNIMEIYAWSDS # TITLAWINSGQSKIKFIKRRTDDIRKLKNTEWNHVKSEDNPADLASRGVDSNQLINCDFWWKGPKWLADPKELWPRQQSVEEPVLINTVLNDKIDDPI # YELIERYSSIEKLIRIIAYINRFVQMKTRNKAYSSIISVKEIRIAETVVIKKQQEYQFRQEIKCLKIKKEIKTNNKILSLNPFLDKDGVLRVGGRLQN # SNAEFNVKHPIILEKCHLTSLLIKNAHKETLHGGINLMRNYIQRKYWIFGLKNSLKKYLRECVTCARYKQNTAQQIMGNLPKYRVTMTFPFLNTGIDY # AGPYYVKCSKNRGQKTFKGYVAVFVCMATKAIHLEMVSDLTSDAFLAALRRFIARRGKCSNIYSDNGTNFVGAARKLDQELFNAIQENITIAAQLEKD # RIDWHFIPPAGPHFGGIWEAGVKSMKYHLKRIIGDTILTYEEMSTLLCQIEACLNSRPLYTIVSEKDQQEVLTPGHFLIGRPPLEIVEPMEDEKIGNL # DRWRLIQKMKKDFWVKWKSEYLHTLQQRNKWKKEIPNIEEGQIVLLKDENCHPARWPLGKVEKVHKGNDDKVRVAKVKMQEGYITRPITKICPLEGIK # SVDKNEADQEPKRRTRATSGMSKIGIIMAMLLFVLSCQVSSALPKDIAPRYSIDKINKTSAIYLDPLGDVEIVSTSWNLVIYYKMDPYFKMLTKGNAL # IQSMRKVCERLHSFEEQCSLVLDNMQSQLSELEENNKLFMIQSRSRSKRAPFEFMGSLYHILFGIMDEDDREQLEENMKNLLDNQNNLDKLIQKQTSV # VDSTSNLLKRTTEDVNSNFRSMQIRIENMTEVLKENYYVYKESIKFFMITKQLHSLIEEGEKIQAGIISLLIDINHGRLNTNILRPNQLKKEIAKIQQ # SLSENLVIPGKRSVQKCLCLAGIHPNCSGLFRCQFEMKIG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g940 # start gene g941 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6445119 6447961 0.71 - . g941 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6445119 6447961 0.71 - . g941.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6445119 6445121 . - 0 transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6445230 6445286 1 - . transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6445578 6445641 1 - . transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6445797 6445860 1 - . transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6446132 6446195 1 - . transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6446674 6446749 1 - . transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6447241 6447300 1 - . transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6447436 6447606 1 - . transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6447767 6447941 0.71 - . transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6445119 6445229 1 - 0 transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6445287 6445577 1 - 0 transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6445642 6445796 1 - 2 transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6445861 6446131 1 - 0 transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6446196 6446673 1 - 1 transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6446750 6447240 1 - 0 transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6447301 6447435 1 - 0 transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6447607 6447766 0.71 - 1 transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6447942 6447961 0.71 - 0 transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6447959 6447961 . - 0 transcript_id "g941.t1"; gene_id "g941"; # protein sequence = [MVALSTNGRREEKAAANIYDDKRIFPDFRSGPLEEYRERASFCYKRMNVVLEGEDHIRLKHKVWQWMEQHPDYQREPG # SDLERTREMANKRQHLLWEQQFYGVNEYLGTPHLLLAFGQAIFSYDFSTSVKFGLSTGMFPSTLVSNGSGRLGKYVAKIADNRILGAYALTEISHGTN # ALGMRTRATYDVKRQEFIIHTPDFEAAKCWVGNLGKTCTHAIVYAQLYVPDDKHQGLQAFLVPIRDERTLLPFPGVTVGDMGEKIGLNGIDNGFVMFN # QYRIPKANLLSKTGDIDAQGNYTSKIKDERKRLGASLGALSVGRVNITAITYVALSKAVTIATRYAASRRQFGPTNSPAEWPVIEYQSQQYRLIPHLA # TTIALRVATLWIGKENVDLTMKGFTGEDTSQAGMEIHAISSALKPVATWAARDGIQECREACGGHGYLKSSGLGELRNDNDANCTYEGENNTLIQQAS # NWLISLQRNNADFVAVSPLETVSFLKDMDTILQSKGQERTPAEVLDPLNLLNALNWLTVWQLDTTVKRVEEQQREGKDAFETRNNIQVFAAQKLSIIY # GERTIYYVFYKFVIGLPDSAEKKVLQQVLSFYGAHLVTKYSAAFYRGGYFRENSNQLELYEQGILALLPLLKNEAIALVDAIAPTDFILNSPLGMSDG # NVYQHLQRTLVSTPGVYERPHWWRDVTYKDYLKRAKL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 9/9 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 8/8 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 8 # incompatible hint groups: 206 # W: 206 # end gene g941 # start gene g942 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6449852 6455597 0.87 - . g942 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6449852 6455597 0.87 - . g942.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6449852 6449854 . - 0 transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6450133 6450692 1 - . transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6451015 6451617 1 - . transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6451737 6451796 1 - . transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6452056 6452121 1 - . transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6453058 6455534 1 - . transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6449852 6450132 0.88 - 2 transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6450693 6451014 1 - 0 transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6451618 6451736 1 - 2 transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6451797 6452055 1 - 0 transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6452122 6453057 1 - 0 transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6455535 6455597 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6455595 6455597 . - 0 transcript_id "g942.t1"; gene_id "g942"; # protein sequence = [MVQKFQSPVRVYKYPFELVMKAYERRFPTCPQMPIVLDCEVIKDESLEDGAKRNTSRRCKLAVDAPYIFKKLIGVDHV # YFLQHNFLDLANRTLSIEAVNESFSSRIEIFERCRYYAHPDNSEWTCFDQSATLDIKNFFGFEHSMEKMGMKQYTQTTLKGKEIIEFFIGQLREEGIT # HVERWTSPSDATKSPTLDQASDQQHSILLDGDFIARSLGQLSPMQESKLLELRKMLDGVDDLERVPSYQTILRFLAARDWHVSQAYAMLCDSLRWRRE # HRIDALLAEYSKPAVVVEHFPGGWHHLDKDGRPVYILRLGHMDVKGLLKSLGMDGLLRLALHICEEGIQKINESAERLEKPVLNWSLLVDLEGLSMRH # LWRPGIKALLNIIETVERNYPETMGRVLVVRAPRVFPIAWTIVSAFIDEHTRSKFLFYGPDCAHMKDGLAQYLDEEIVPDFLGGPCKTMIHEGGLVPK # TLYKMNSLEDHDDEVTAELPTTAAAQALVPGKRLSANQQHDHRNLYKSVDLKAGFAHELLIRNEDPKSVLTWDFDVMRNDLHFTLYRVTQELPEKNDS # AVSYFDLQDFVEGVNYFREEPTLICRHKESVQGSHVMHHNDSYLMHWFSPSGAQLNVFYEVLSSANYKGSMTSLQSAFSSNSSAASSVQSR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 5 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 187 # W: 187 # end gene g942 # start gene g943 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6455682 6455957 1 - . g943 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6455682 6455957 1 - . g943.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6455682 6455684 . - 0 transcript_id "g943.t1"; gene_id "g943"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6455682 6455957 1 - 0 transcript_id "g943.t1"; gene_id "g943"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6455955 6455957 . - 0 transcript_id "g943.t1"; gene_id "g943"; # protein sequence = [MPPSEKRSHHWRLLIKLGERLSLFSTARRFSRTPTLGANGYQTQLSEINSSGVNCHEQKNKPSSVFQCPSLVTFPAPA # RSLYCNGKAQSEN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 22 # W: 22 # end gene g943 # start gene g944 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6456471 6458585 0.97 + . g944 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6456471 6458585 0.97 + . g944.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6456471 6456473 . + 0 transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6456683 6456743 1 + . transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6456865 6456920 1 + . transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6457114 6457337 1 + . transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6457490 6457539 1 + . transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6457917 6458170 1 + . transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6456471 6456682 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6456744 6456864 1 + 1 transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6456921 6457113 1 + 0 transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6457338 6457489 1 + 2 transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6457540 6457916 1 + 0 transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6458171 6458585 1 + 1 transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6458583 6458585 . + 0 transcript_id "g944.t1"; gene_id "g944"; # protein sequence = [MSIDDVIYVICLLGCIGAGSYVKKIADEGQRKLVSTGLGVLVVVIVSGLHSLHCFVSLALGTAAVLLVHPSKGHLVTF # AVMFGYLVFFRIFDFYFGIPGHTNMIQMILTLKVSGIAFEKTAAWKRLQAHDEQKKNDQRDVHQESPIEITDYDVELQSLSAAEILHYSFNYIGVLTG # PYYRYRTYRDYFEMPFKTYAPTVEATLEKLKYAVFYCALYLATNYMWPLDYALSDEFFNDRSFVYRLLYVWPTFFTFRARIYTGLTLSECVCTMAGFG # AYPDESDPNNGEGPRKRYQHLKRDADKHTYNFTTIVNTRVLEVERCWTFREGMKHWNVCVQYWLAVNVYKLFPSKKYRTGATLLCSAYWHGFRPGHYF # CIMGAPFYVSLEDMWDKLVRKSATGTSRRVIDVIFWIFKWFAFSYLGEAFLLSSFGNIWRFYSSVYHIGYISWAAMTALGFYLTSQRKAAERRKKRAA # EKAAGGDGIAAAIEKEKAQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 137 # W: 137 # end gene g944 # start gene g945 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6459528 6463786 0.52 - . g945 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6459528 6463786 0.52 - . g945.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6459528 6459530 . - 0 transcript_id "g945.t1"; gene_id "g945"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6459648 6459715 0.66 - . transcript_id "g945.t1"; gene_id "g945"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6459995 6460322 1 - . transcript_id "g945.t1"; gene_id "g945"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6460482 6460554 1 - . transcript_id "g945.t1"; gene_id "g945"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6460717 6463261 1 - . transcript_id "g945.t1"; gene_id "g945"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6459528 6459647 0.66 - 0 transcript_id "g945.t1"; gene_id "g945"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6459716 6459994 1 - 0 transcript_id "g945.t1"; gene_id "g945"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6460323 6460481 1 - 0 transcript_id "g945.t1"; gene_id "g945"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6460555 6460716 1 - 0 transcript_id "g945.t1"; gene_id "g945"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6463262 6463786 0.79 - 0 transcript_id "g945.t1"; gene_id "g945"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6463784 6463786 . - 0 transcript_id "g945.t1"; gene_id "g945"; # protein sequence = [MGSGGIDVQIVTNTKEPNQVNLNSSSATTTSAEAALPASLPLAQIAQQPHTHPHPHPNPHLHQQHQLIVTPTTMTGKY # HPAHAKLRRCKSTPSLNCDGMAEPMEEDQLHRFAACSRNPAAEAQQHAQPSCNSSSSSSDGSCNSNKCSSNICGAQPTTPESLRFGCAHYKRRAMFVT # PCCNKFYKCRFCHDENETHHFDRKTLTELICSECNTRQTVREQCLNCGVRFGKYTCLICNLFDDADKQQYHCHGCGICRIGGAENFFHCEVCNMCLPI # QLKIDGHRCVENISRSHCPVCLGDIHTSRIPCHIPDCGHLLHKMCFDQLLASGHYTCPTCQTSLIDMTALWVYLDDQAERMPVPLKYENQRVHIFCND # CHKTSKTKFHFIGLKCVHCGAYNTTQDVKRRLSLVTDEPSSA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 4/5 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 2 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 42 # RM: 1 # W: 41 # end gene g945 # start gene g946 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6466524 6467584 0.86 - . g946 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6466524 6467584 0.86 - . g946.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6466524 6466526 . - 0 transcript_id "g946.t1"; gene_id "g946"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6466765 6466818 1 - . transcript_id "g946.t1"; gene_id "g946"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6467340 6467398 0.87 - . transcript_id "g946.t1"; gene_id "g946"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6466524 6466764 1 - 1 transcript_id "g946.t1"; gene_id "g946"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6466819 6467339 0.87 - 0 transcript_id "g946.t1"; gene_id "g946"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6467399 6467584 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g946.t1"; gene_id "g946"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6467582 6467584 . - 0 transcript_id "g946.t1"; gene_id "g946"; # protein sequence = [MGPTSRLLKQVNYGTNAPAGTHIPVTKALEIGQWEEKLKAAGVEDRKFNVKCIVSHVLKQKFSSVPDSFDQLQLNPGQ # LADFERFLEARCARMPLQHIIGEWDFMDITLKTSPSVFIPRPETEEFMRLVIDDHKNAKHVDLLEVGCGSGAMSLSMLHSLPQVVATAIERSKAATVL # AAENAKMLGLLNRFEVHNHTMEEDKYLPEALKDKKYDLIISNPPYVKTEEFQFLHPEVVVYENLNALDGGSDGLRVARLVFDLACRHLRPGGKLWLEL # GNDHPPMVKTIMNLKYEGRLKFIAGYSDQYQRERFVQIEKV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 66 # W: 66 # end gene g946 # start gene g947 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6468845 6473691 1 - . g947 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6468845 6473691 1 - . g947.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6468845 6468847 . - 0 transcript_id "g947.t1"; gene_id "g947"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6469960 6471327 1 - . transcript_id "g947.t1"; gene_id "g947"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6471715 6473630 1 - . transcript_id "g947.t1"; gene_id "g947"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6468845 6469959 1 - 2 transcript_id "g947.t1"; gene_id "g947"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6471328 6471714 1 - 2 transcript_id "g947.t1"; gene_id "g947"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6473631 6473691 1 - 0 transcript_id "g947.t1"; gene_id "g947"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6473689 6473691 . - 0 transcript_id "g947.t1"; gene_id "g947"; # protein sequence = [MGRSNFSSHHQQTHVRRHRNAGGATSKSPNAAKTSPTMTDYLSLHSRLAQVGQEHLLKFWPELTNDERIDLVRDIEEL # NLDEIKLYFDRATVSMNENGIKLDDRLQPLPEGKLISIARAPLEKLDAYRDEGLLQISNGHVAVLLMAGGQGTRLGFDHPKGMYDVGLQSRKTLFRIQ # AERILKLEELAQEANGKRGHITWYIMTSEHTVQPTYDYFVANNFFGLKAENVLLFEQGSLPCFEYDGRIILDEKHRVARAPDGNGGIYRAMKRQGILD # DMQKRGVLYLHAHSVDNILIKVADPVFIGYCVQEKADCAAKVVEKAAPNEAVGVVAIVDGKYQVVEYSEISAKTAEMRNSDGRLTFSAGNICNHFFSS # NFLQKIGSTYEQELKLHVAKKKIPFVDNAGKRLTPDKPNGIKIEKFVFDVFEFAQKFVAMEVPRDEEFSALKNSDAAGKDCPSTARSDLHRLHKKYIE # GAGGIVHGEVCEISPFVTYAGENLASHVEGKSFTSPVYLRDSRDPLHGHL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 169 # E: 1 # W: 168 # end gene g947 # start gene g948 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6474799 6476745 0.81 - . g948 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6474799 6476745 0.81 - . g948.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6474799 6474801 . - 0 transcript_id "g948.t1"; gene_id "g948"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6475271 6475445 1 - . transcript_id "g948.t1"; gene_id "g948"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6475803 6476221 1 - . transcript_id "g948.t1"; gene_id "g948"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6474799 6475270 1 - 1 transcript_id "g948.t1"; gene_id "g948"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6475446 6475802 1 - 1 transcript_id "g948.t1"; gene_id "g948"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6476222 6476745 0.81 - 0 transcript_id "g948.t1"; gene_id "g948"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6476743 6476745 . - 0 transcript_id "g948.t1"; gene_id "g948"; # protein sequence = [MSAQLARNWPYIWQQLNALLHNTSPVITLICVVTTFGYLLSFSETAILLLSVTPGYILPNGKFWIWTAFTFCFIELHW # WEVAVDVVTVGLCGKMLEPLWGQLEMFKFFALSNFGVSLLTTVYYLFYYMVTKNPTILFEVHIHGLAGYVAGICVAVRQIMPDHLIFKTRYGRLTNRN # VPLTVLIMAIILWAIGLLDGTYPAMFASGSLVSWIYLRFYQHHPNGRGDSSESFTFVSFFPNVSQPFISVLVNPIYNCCLRAGVVKTPTPLRTISTAS # LTSVSVQMPGVDPHDIERRRQIALKALSERLKATDSSRHAQLPKSFPQQQQLQHHHHQHAPHQQQKHHSHGTGHSHSHGAGHSHSHGAGHSHGPGPAQ # MPQPDFLKSTGSASQLPITTSRAEPRMISTMSPIAIPMPAPPPKEGNVPGQGAESSSSGGVEATLINLDDVPTTSSMA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 132 # W: 132 # end gene g948 # start gene g949 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6476833 6477472 0.58 + . g949 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6476833 6477472 0.58 + . g949.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6476833 6476835 . + 0 transcript_id "g949.t1"; gene_id "g949"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6477004 6477418 0.58 + . transcript_id "g949.t1"; gene_id "g949"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6476833 6477003 0.58 + 0 transcript_id "g949.t1"; gene_id "g949"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6477419 6477472 1 + 0 transcript_id "g949.t1"; gene_id "g949"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6477470 6477472 . + 0 transcript_id "g949.t1"; gene_id "g949"; # protein sequence = [MRCGACLPRNSTRSRGLKVVHLLIFTNLLHNYNNKTVIEVERRSYRLSIVSLQRDQTGLSSAFMYASIGWEDEK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 37 # W: 37 # end gene g949 # start gene g950 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6477485 6480789 0.2 - . g950 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6477485 6480789 0.2 - . g950.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6477485 6477487 . - 0 transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6477676 6477734 0.51 - . transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6477898 6477970 1 - . transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6479063 6480019 0.87 - . transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6480102 6480323 1 - . transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6480436 6480785 0.47 - . transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6477485 6477675 0.55 - 2 transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6477735 6477897 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6477971 6479062 1 - 0 transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6480020 6480101 0.87 - 1 transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6480324 6480435 1 - 2 transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6480786 6480789 0.47 - 0 transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6480787 6480789 . - 0 transcript_id "g950.t1"; gene_id "g950"; # protein sequence = [MCVRCAVKSETFYCSRRKCNNQATHSVPRLATQVRQNGNQVPGSYQTVLQYTAGNRKTGAQGVYKTIQFREKVLWTAI # TLFIFLVCCQIPLFGIMSSDSADPFYWIRVILASNRGTLMELGISPIVTSGLIMQLLAGAKIIEVGDTPKDRALFNGAQKLFGMVITIGQAIVYVMTG # MYGDPSEIGAGVCLLIIIQLFAAGLIVLLLDELLQKGYGLGSGISLFIATNICETIVWKAFSPTTVTTGRGTEFEGAVIALFHLMATRNDKVRALREA # FYRQNLPNLMNLLATVLVFAVVIYFQGFRVDLPIKSARYRGQYSSYPIKLFYTSNIPIILQSALVSNLYVISQMLAVKFQGNFFINLLGVWADVGGGG # PARSYPIGGLCYYLSPPESVGHILTDPIHALLYIVFMLGSCAFFSKTWIDVSGSSAKDVAKQLKEQHMVMRGHRENSMIHELNRYIPTAAAFGGLCIG # ALSVMADFLGAIGSGAVRNGRHGHAAVLSSQEDHLRSNQQQLILHHTSHTLAPIKTNLITCFVFFVVCQNNHSKRKL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 63.6 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 2/5 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 2 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 169 # E: 1 # W: 168 # end gene g950 # start gene g951 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6481200 6487109 1 + . g951 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6481200 6487109 1 + . g951.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6481200 6481202 . + 0 transcript_id "g951.t1"; gene_id "g951"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6481251 6481982 1 + . transcript_id "g951.t1"; gene_id "g951"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6486112 6486171 1 + . transcript_id "g951.t1"; gene_id "g951"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6486353 6486490 1 + . transcript_id "g951.t1"; gene_id "g951"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6481200 6481250 1 + 0 transcript_id "g951.t1"; gene_id "g951"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6481983 6486111 1 + 0 transcript_id "g951.t1"; gene_id "g951"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6486172 6486352 1 + 2 transcript_id "g951.t1"; gene_id "g951"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6486491 6487109 1 + 1 transcript_id "g951.t1"; gene_id "g951"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6487107 6487109 . + 0 transcript_id "g951.t1"; gene_id "g951"; # protein sequence = [MSASVICVDLSSESDEESPAKRRRLEDPLRLLTPSGRQSFPAKLLNIPKASLGSAMVVPVAETGPARETPVIVDPLRS # MHIPSGITITKHQKNVLATNGNMNLSLAESNNNNNTTSLNKNVTPKQINVGTGQKVAWSVSSKAPSPNAVITTVPSHQVRVTPFNPIRLAPGSKIIPA # SNAMPAKIQPILGMGQPQQQAQAQQPKAIIVGFPKPNTAVAQMAQHQKPLTLQIHQKLIAGQQQHIASISQLQQVSLQQQQPLRPVSIQLQQQQNQRN # GSLPGKQQKPLECPVPAQQEKLPRGPLPTKPAEPLSGPLPTEPDEPLGGPLPTRPKPPVRSLQQPVNKNTAIGVQIQQSQEPLGGTLPTRQKPLGGQL # LTQQKPPVGSIQQSVKQNTGIGVQIQQIPKVVVGQQPQKVYLNKLQQEQQKIFLGHLQQQQQKTFLGQLQQEQQKILGQLQQQKQQQQQQQKKILGQS # QQQKVPLGQPQPQQKLPQQLNNSLVQLQQQHQQRTSVGQLQQQQPHQSQQKNSMVHVKQQPQQQKKISVGQFQQQPQQQQKTSVAQLQQQPQQQQKIS # VGQLQQQSQQQQKPSVGQLQQQSQQQQTPLVGQLQRQTQQQQKTSAGQFQQQPQQQQKISAGQLQEHSQQQQKTLAGQLQQQAQQQLNTSAGQLQQQQ # KPPKASLAQQAAAQKQGAGLGQQQQFQSQPQQRTSAGLLQQQQMPQKKIVMQPQLPKTSVVLPRPQQLPKNPLLVAQQQSPKTPLVNSVMGPQFPSQQ # PSLPVVNQITHKSMTIQRLPMLQTVQKILPKQIAPQQTPPPAHIVQKQTMPNAAMQNPPFAHRPPIVRPMTVAKISPVPTNNKVCIPMKPQMASYVSP # TDPTMTAARTLPFRSSQRKTSEAPMTSTHVQGFTASATPPQRLLATPPHCAAALNEPLLLNLPPTTSITPQLTPTTTPPPAGPSAAVQQQQLAKAAAI # KLNSLPEASISPVNRSPTASAKRIQPITVLKKSDEEWQRHLEQQQQKKHVQLQSSSMTTIVLVESPPTTPPTDKPEPERGPMTVEKSSIKPMATDKQS # RAIKRPAVMISTKKSGLVVTEIVDLDEIPDIPPEKRGKECFPPIKNAAKAAPSVNAPFTTEYAALLRLCREVDKSTHMERLVKGELTQYYYSAPESFV # MSCGFRNLVTMAMARIRSESYLVYVHLKYVLDELASRRLTKMFPTVRAIPPASQFPLPPASQFPLPPTLTTPKQPAIVKAPGQQTVMAGREQDDEVEE # VTLVNVGTVSCEERRRDERIRHFYRTLHAITKRIKMLEEAEVDLNDEDSSYLQLERFKKRACQIYEKICDLKGESKSVRRQLKKPIHFKDSDYPHFNN # SLSAFVNRMQDFPDYHDVLQILEKCNKEKELGLAKYEMKRIAYDAFNKVGRMLQSRRKNDLYETVTHYTANGKDPASSDPELLAKLKENNKKQTKISD # ILEKYALEQDLNAEERQEARLKEKKLKQVKADEEAAKLAALAEDDDKPCTSAQAAAKAAALAALKRGPAARGNVIRKKRAANGRIFKIADDGDDSEEE # SDSEDDDVEEFVNNFQANSDVSDADSEVEAVTSPKRDALPLAEEEDVIDITRDETGKKNDEGTPNGRLKIMSVSSLNANFVHGQDLHRKPNPMPSAKP # VIADQIIISDEES] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 488 # W: 488 # end gene g951 # start gene g952 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6487597 6488551 1 - . g952 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6487597 6488551 1 - . g952.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6487597 6487599 . - 0 transcript_id "g952.t1"; gene_id "g952"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6488373 6488424 1 - . transcript_id "g952.t1"; gene_id "g952"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6487597 6488372 1 - 2 transcript_id "g952.t1"; gene_id "g952"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6488425 6488551 1 - 0 transcript_id "g952.t1"; gene_id "g952"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6488549 6488551 . - 0 transcript_id "g952.t1"; gene_id "g952"; # protein sequence = [MYNPRCKDLDRDYFPSYHTTRFQDQPEPNLAVLEHFVRVTKQHGRELTEKQGITVDHLRYGEGRQLVDVFYSEKTTNQ # APLFVFVHGGYWQEMDMSMSCSIVGPLVRRGYRVAVMDYNLCPQVTLEQLMTQFTHFLNWIFDYTEMTKVSSLTFAGHSAGAHLLAQILMRPNVITAQ # RSKMVWALIFLCGVYDLRELSNLESVNPKNILGLNERNIESVSPMLWEYTDVTVWNSTKIYVVAAEHDSTTFIEQSRHYADVLRKKGYKASFTLFKGY # DHFDIIEETAIDDSDVSRFLRNIEIE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 36 # W: 36 # end gene g952 # start gene g953 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6489191 6490111 0.99 + . g953 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6489191 6490111 0.99 + . g953.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6489191 6489193 . + 0 transcript_id "g953.t1"; gene_id "g953"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6489191 6490111 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g953.t1"; gene_id "g953"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6490109 6490111 . + 0 transcript_id "g953.t1"; gene_id "g953"; # protein sequence = [MSRQQNEEDTNSVLFDARNEYYIGNFMGSINFVLPEQGTAGPELLSYMYLSYLAIDSGRIVASDIKEGNSTPLQALRL # VHEAFEQPSRTEELLEKLTDKVAGEEDETNIWHLATAIVYCHDGQFENALKILHGSTNLESMALSVQCLLRLQRVDLAKQLVAKMQEISDDATLTQLA # QAWVALAQGTEQMQDAFHIYQEFCEKFKPTPALLNGQAVVHLGLERYEEADSVLRESLLKKHNDYDTLINLMVHAHLTGKPTEAITRNLEQLRQFYPK # SDFVTDLDKKSAEFDRLCLQYDVEGGEKLLAV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 93 # W: 93 # end gene g953 # start gene g954 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6490216 6490757 1 - . g954 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6490216 6490757 1 - . g954.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6490216 6490218 . - 0 transcript_id "g954.t1"; gene_id "g954"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6490223 6490287 1 - . transcript_id "g954.t1"; gene_id "g954"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6490374 6490438 1 - . transcript_id "g954.t1"; gene_id "g954"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6490630 6490705 1 - . transcript_id "g954.t1"; gene_id "g954"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6490216 6490222 1 - 1 transcript_id "g954.t1"; gene_id "g954"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6490288 6490373 1 - 0 transcript_id "g954.t1"; gene_id "g954"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6490439 6490629 1 - 2 transcript_id "g954.t1"; gene_id "g954"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6490706 6490757 1 - 0 transcript_id "g954.t1"; gene_id "g954"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6490755 6490757 . - 0 transcript_id "g954.t1"; gene_id "g954"; # protein sequence = [MAKHHPDLIFCRKQPGVAIGRLCEKDDGKCVICDSYVRPCTLVRICDECNYGSYQGRCVICGGPGVSDAYYCKSCTIQ # EKDRDGCPKIVNLGSSKTDLFYERKKYGFKQNY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 27 # W: 27 # end gene g954 # start gene g955 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6491235 6492981 0.68 + . g955 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6491235 6492981 0.68 + . g955.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6491235 6491237 . + 0 transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6491376 6491434 1 + . transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6491506 6491567 1 + . transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6491608 6491683 1 + . transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6492205 6492259 1 + . transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6492464 6492519 1 + . transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6492857 6492918 0.68 + . transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6491235 6491375 1 + 0 transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6491435 6491505 1 + 0 transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6491568 6491607 1 + 1 transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6491684 6492204 1 + 0 transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6492260 6492463 1 + 1 transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6492520 6492856 0.71 + 1 transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6492919 6492981 0.68 + 0 transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6492979 6492981 . + 0 transcript_id "g955.t1"; gene_id "g955"; # protein sequence = [MSQTASTTQSVTAAPAGGSRRNEVGGVGVIGTTMSARYGETEWEARESQRQRELHEARARAAQMEKTMKWWSDCTANW # REKWSKVRNERNKAREESKQLSLKLDGVMKEAHSLKREKNDLELQITQLKKEMEKVHTLMMKHAGQFHRADTSEDAEANGRDANCSPDISSDGLKNIN # SEDGLVTKLPNDVKDLDIEEFAMKGAMPKHLTELDEAAAAEEKRLIQQLSKDDFDEDYLLQKISMLQLRLDEAQKTLQAERDEKLELHKSIEKLTLEI # QDVRGRQEEMRSAKQEAVRELLTLQEQHRAEMRIVNNSLQEEIAARENLERRLTELRTELEHLQAENASEWGKRERLESEKLAMERDNKKLRAELRDY # QERSDRKCRPMQANDVELRALQQELSERNKEISEVKMSHAKLKKLLAETNTELGHAVRRAEQYEAELISLGKLKDVTAFLAEPNSV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 84.6 # CDS exons: 6/7 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/6 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 101 # E: 1 # W: 100 # end gene g955 # start gene g956 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6493061 6494438 1 - . g956 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6493061 6494438 1 - . g956.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6493061 6493063 . - 0 transcript_id "g956.t1"; gene_id "g956"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6493855 6493972 1 - . transcript_id "g956.t1"; gene_id "g956"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6493061 6493854 1 - 2 transcript_id "g956.t1"; gene_id "g956"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6493973 6494438 1 - 0 transcript_id "g956.t1"; gene_id "g956"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6494436 6494438 . - 0 transcript_id "g956.t1"; gene_id "g956"; # protein sequence = [MIAQSVISKLRPCARRLASTSSKAAAPKFNWQDPLNLESQLTEEEVAIRDAFRGYCQAELQPRVKMANRLETFDKKIM # EEIGSLGVLGCTIKGYGCAGVSSVAYGLLTREVERVDSAYRSAVSVQSSLAMGAIYDFGSEEQKQRYLPSMAEGKLIGAFGLTEPNHGSDPAGMETRA # KYDSKSKTYILNGSKTWITSAPIADVIVVWAKCEDGKVRGFLVDRKISGKGLETPKIEGKFSLRASPTGMILMDEVRVPEEQLLPNVAGFSGPFSCLN # NARYGIAWGALGAAETCVEIARQYTLDRKQFGRPLAANQLIQKKLADAITEIALGLQACLHVGRLKDQKLHTPDMISLLKRNNTGKSLDIARQMRDML # GANGISDEYHVIRHVINLESVNTYEGTHDIHALILGRAITGLAAFAN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 126 # E: 1 # W: 125 # end gene g956 # start gene g957 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6495272 6496065 0.97 + . g957 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6495272 6496065 0.97 + . g957.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6495272 6495274 . + 0 transcript_id "g957.t1"; gene_id "g957"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6495869 6496056 0.99 + . transcript_id "g957.t1"; gene_id "g957"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6495272 6495868 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g957.t1"; gene_id "g957"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6496057 6496065 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g957.t1"; gene_id "g957"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6496063 6496065 . + 0 transcript_id "g957.t1"; gene_id "g957"; # protein sequence = [MGGVQLRNKIAVELPNDCLPNINDLRQIFDDSQAGLRSSHNGSDAAMHHAASVKRSSHTERTLLQQQQSSAAASAAAA # AAAAAAFFDAKPTHLEENIFESKSRNLEFERAKQKFDNPHGQHHHHHQRQRSGNGRYGSAGSSASRANLALPLKGTTNGGSSSVSSKDELNRQLYEKE # QSAGAGYARNSINLDGLKVSDDETP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 19 # E: 1 # W: 18 # end gene g957 # start gene g958 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6497134 6498341 0.93 + . g958 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6497134 6498341 0.93 + . g958.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6497134 6497136 . + 0 transcript_id "g958.t1"; gene_id "g958"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6497724 6497785 1 + . transcript_id "g958.t1"; gene_id "g958"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6497963 6498016 0.95 + . transcript_id "g958.t1"; gene_id "g958"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6497134 6497723 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g958.t1"; gene_id "g958"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6497786 6497962 0.97 + 1 transcript_id "g958.t1"; gene_id "g958"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6498017 6498341 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g958.t1"; gene_id "g958"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6498339 6498341 . + 0 transcript_id "g958.t1"; gene_id "g958"; # protein sequence = [MVSLSRTSKLTVACVGVYTTYVLFIFFLLPMLMPDPVTLQRSLVSYSTSHLGDIRNLTLDAGGQPIRSMLVTFRGSGA # LTLLDNLAHQPGCYQHYAPLIAYESRSIAAKEHHRALDELAALYNCDYNKSAEMIQWGMRSPVFRRFYGAQAKICRSYSQEACWDPETMAAVCKLYPF # INMAVYNLRLNLLASLLERKDLNLNIMLLVRDPRGTIYSRMNNKWCSDERDCEAQELCGDMVSDYQMVETLTQAYPQRFSIIRYEDLFLQPDESIKQV # FDFYGLPLERNRTRIQKMHPRSGYFFQSSRWKELSSQSAFEWISEMMVDDIGAVQDVCGQAMDLWGYRSIQDFNHFSPESFQPIMDKAY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g958 # start gene g959 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6498876 6526014 1 + . g959 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6498876 6526014 1 + . g959.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6498876 6498878 . + 0 transcript_id "g959.t1"; gene_id "g959"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6499820 6525367 1 + . transcript_id "g959.t1"; gene_id "g959"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6525551 6525618 1 + . transcript_id "g959.t1"; gene_id "g959"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6525821 6525882 1 + . transcript_id "g959.t1"; gene_id "g959"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6498876 6499819 1 + 0 transcript_id "g959.t1"; gene_id "g959"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6525368 6525550 1 + 1 transcript_id "g959.t1"; gene_id "g959"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6525619 6525820 1 + 1 transcript_id "g959.t1"; gene_id "g959"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6525883 6526014 1 + 0 transcript_id "g959.t1"; gene_id "g959"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6526012 6526014 . + 0 transcript_id "g959.t1"; gene_id "g959"; # protein sequence = [MSTGIGSSSSSTEEQQHLELSADLEACSLLGPQDPSNVDTGRTRAKQRLSLNGKRRRSRMSRRANLIGICGVSSLCIL # LLIATTQHRPLTTPFNQSAGRDQGASVDGGPSNSLARSAFYDRFQQQLQQQQQSSQTAVYNLTATIVDVLSAQRSRILAEMENFEYPRGGAERLTDMT # PETNGTPVRSVVVTSWRSGSTFLGDILNSIPGNFYHYEPLLDFGIKQIRDPDDQELAVQNLKNLLNCDYADMIDYLNFGKTHTYLFEHNTRLWDVCRE # FPRFCWRPAFLTRFCRLFPIQSMKTVRLRLAQAEKLLEDQSLSSVRIVLLVRDPRGTMQSRRHRVWCGGNEDCEDPRLVCQDLRDDYKTAEVLLLKYP # SRFRTVRYEDLSLSPSEMTQDILQFYGLPFDPAVEEFLDTHTKVNIGGVSSTYRDSRSAPFHWMQDLKPEEIKQIQDVCTEAMDLWGYRRIENFNNFS # TTQQTFDPMVMPPPFT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 16 # E: 3 # RM: 13 # incompatible hint groups: 149 # W: 149 # end gene g959 # start gene g960 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6528010 6535900 0.95 - . g960 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6528010 6535900 0.95 - . g960.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6528010 6528012 . - 0 transcript_id "g960.t1"; gene_id "g960"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6528192 6528267 1 - . transcript_id "g960.t1"; gene_id "g960"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6528513 6528574 1 - . transcript_id "g960.t1"; gene_id "g960"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6530330 6532905 1 - . transcript_id "g960.t1"; gene_id "g960"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6532953 6535828 1 - . transcript_id "g960.t1"; gene_id "g960"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6528010 6528191 1 - 2 transcript_id "g960.t1"; gene_id "g960"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6528268 6528512 1 - 1 transcript_id "g960.t1"; gene_id "g960"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6528575 6530329 1 - 1 transcript_id "g960.t1"; gene_id "g960"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6532906 6532952 1 - 0 transcript_id "g960.t1"; gene_id "g960"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6535829 6535900 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g960.t1"; gene_id "g960"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6535898 6535900 . - 0 transcript_id "g960.t1"; gene_id "g960"; # protein sequence = [MVTLMPYNYAAPRCGLIDKMIEPKVKRPKTDHTDTHERNRLCNLSQQQQQQQPQQQQTHQQQQQQQQQSHQQSHSSTV # LASNGPSSAGAGMGVGVGGGGGSGGGVGGGVGQCSPLGLPPQSQPLQPTIGSLASLSGHYSNGNANPNVNSSSCSLATASSFAQSAGSSFSTYQQAGG # TSGGVSGEDGVVGGATVMSHWTHDGTGSSAAVKSESRSPGQVHASLDNGSVAGSNLYGCSSASNPLDGGAVAVNSSAVAAAAAAVYDGKHDYYYYNSM # QQYTPPPFYSGYGTPYAAATAARQAKMEPGAAAAAAAYLTPSYAASGNNNSQLYSSPYAGYNNFGQQDYGGYYNEQYGNYYSPANYSPYAVSSPSSSA # SHGHGFHVAASSNLSESPTDTHSTTPVHQTTHSPHSPLPISPSTGSGIGPLGNVSAAAAAAALNSSGGSSVGTAGSGGVATSKTTPTGKTGRARGRRH # QQPSPTRSTASDTGNSEAVKPPERVFVWDLDETLIIFHTLLSGSYANRYTKDHSSLMTIAFRMEEMVFNMADTHFFFNEIEECDQVHIDDVSSDDNGQ # DLSAYNFATDGFHTNTPPGAPPNLCLPTGVRGGVDWMRKLAFRYRKIKDIYNSYRGNVGTLLGPGKREAWLQIRSEIEVATDNWATLALKCLSMISQR # ENCVNVLVTSTQLAPALAKVLLFGLGGIFNIENIYSAHKIGHETCYERIVTRFGRKSTYVVIGDGNEEETAAKAMNFPFWRISAHSDIRALYTALDMG # FL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 4 # RM: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 119 # RM: 1 # W: 118 # end gene g960 # start gene g961 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6549496 6549798 0.94 - . g961 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6549496 6549798 0.94 - . g961.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6549496 6549498 . - 0 transcript_id "g961.t1"; gene_id "g961"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6549496 6549798 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g961.t1"; gene_id "g961"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6549796 6549798 . - 0 transcript_id "g961.t1"; gene_id "g961"; # protein sequence = [MCSISEYFKLCLSFSTEQLTPLHPMGEALKTHHLPVLTHPGSWLWALPAGDLLSTGAWAELVGHKLSERRTLCLRIPI # GDQLLLLLQLLLQLTVASSDAK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g961 # start gene g962 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6555811 6557039 0.91 - . g962 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6555811 6557039 0.91 - . g962.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6555811 6555813 . - 0 transcript_id "g962.t1"; gene_id "g962"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6556357 6556412 0.97 - . transcript_id "g962.t1"; gene_id "g962"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6555811 6556356 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g962.t1"; gene_id "g962"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6556413 6557039 0.91 - 0 transcript_id "g962.t1"; gene_id "g962"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6557037 6557039 . - 0 transcript_id "g962.t1"; gene_id "g962"; # protein sequence = [MERLARVKIFVLAGPQDRFTEDEFDVLKHYVEVQGGSLVVLLGEGGEPEFNTNVNFFLEQYGIYINGDTVVRPHYYKN # FHPKECIVGGGVVCESMWRHLLKLDIEKVYYDFSDEKYKIHFQYPYGATLNVSEPANVLLTTGPVVYPFNRPLVGYFTNGKGGKILAVGSGYIWHDKY # LQDKTNDAMFEYLIKLLGGDEITYSHLDFNDVELSDNKHFTDIGFLADMPKACLIDSIGTDMPTDFKQMFDMRLCRLSNRLLKDVMDTYEQLHVKYEP # LKIIKPQFEIPLPNVQLATFPPIFSEPSAPPLELYDLDETFSGARSQLAHMTGQVLQALQSKEPQRRALNQRELENYIKECARITAIVDERQDMAARE # ILNIVARQIISYRPYAED] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g962 # start gene g963 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6557611 6559045 1 + . g963 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6557611 6559045 1 + . g963.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6557611 6557613 . + 0 transcript_id "g963.t1"; gene_id "g963"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6557624 6557783 1 + . transcript_id "g963.t1"; gene_id "g963"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6557985 6558417 1 + . transcript_id "g963.t1"; gene_id "g963"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6558592 6558938 1 + . transcript_id "g963.t1"; gene_id "g963"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6557611 6557623 1 + 0 transcript_id "g963.t1"; gene_id "g963"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6557784 6557984 1 + 2 transcript_id "g963.t1"; gene_id "g963"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6558418 6558591 1 + 2 transcript_id "g963.t1"; gene_id "g963"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6558939 6559045 1 + 2 transcript_id "g963.t1"; gene_id "g963"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6559043 6559045 . + 0 transcript_id "g963.t1"; gene_id "g963"; # protein sequence = [MWYIACGIFSYFTAVTLIHSCVKNYERIFGVHHLRPTEIFAKRTMASICGRMALRAAARQNVAYTPVRFCKMMNDPLE # HATGIEKRELLLKAAGNDNPFDMKVFKRGAGTKENPNLIPSAFDARIVGCICEEDQTYVQWMWLQKGNQKRCECGHWFKLVEKAAV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 41 # W: 41 # end gene g963 # start gene g964 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6559058 6561567 0.27 - . g964 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6559058 6561567 0.27 - . g964.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6559058 6559060 . - 0 transcript_id "g964.t1"; gene_id "g964"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6559172 6560226 0.27 - . transcript_id "g964.t1"; gene_id "g964"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6560517 6560576 1 - . transcript_id "g964.t1"; gene_id "g964"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6559058 6559171 0.43 - 0 transcript_id "g964.t1"; gene_id "g964"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6560227 6560516 0.7 - 2 transcript_id "g964.t1"; gene_id "g964"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6560577 6561567 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g964.t1"; gene_id "g964"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6561565 6561567 . - 0 transcript_id "g964.t1"; gene_id "g964"; # protein sequence = [MATEEDIPRIQLGDYIVIQRQKYTKLQKFGSLDTTATLGKETLELKSLLDQPYGSTFKMCVKETKPGKRGAQRQHTLE # LCSETELRSTREVLGISSSGADNRDIRDDGEAQTLKPEDIAQLREECNDSSKIIEKLVENSKTFHNRTEYSQEKYLLKKEKKYFEFVQIRQPTIRLML # DIFYRQDSEKVMGIRVDTLSQIISYSGVCGFGSYLLYESGTNGLLPAAMLNSIGAGTEGTLVHMHPGNVPQKQALSALKLPLEQQQRCVSVNLYSVLR # EFYQGGDAKATDIPVVEPSENEPQETQLETPTEEQPEAIEPTTKKPKLDESNSGREGAKGPPRWHLENKRATALMHAEFDSLVVAAKEHPSNILQALL # PLVKPSRPVVVFSTCKELLQETFMELKTTGKVTGLHLTSNWLRTYQILPNRTHPEFRFFFFFWVDVCLFGQLSGLTFSLVVVVFLLLIGLLN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 145 # W: 145 # end gene g964 # start gene g965 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6562377 6562644 0.25 - . g965 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6562377 6562644 0.25 - . g965.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6562377 6562379 . - 0 transcript_id "g965.t1"; gene_id "g965"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6562573 6562618 0.25 - . transcript_id "g965.t1"; gene_id "g965"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6562377 6562572 0.25 - 1 transcript_id "g965.t1"; gene_id "g965"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6562619 6562644 0.25 - 0 transcript_id "g965.t1"; gene_id "g965"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6562642 6562644 . - 0 transcript_id "g965.t1"; gene_id "g965"; # protein sequence = [MRATAVIGAYFRGGHKTGRRAGRFDFPCACDSTLISGLGYILVAGGSPGTSGHVETQLQCPKSADYNTDPIKG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 28 # W: 28 # end gene g965 # start gene g966 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6562697 6564073 0.71 + . g966 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6562697 6564073 0.71 + . g966.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6562697 6562699 . + 0 transcript_id "g966.t1"; gene_id "g966"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6562697 6564073 0.71 + 0 transcript_id "g966.t1"; gene_id "g966"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6564071 6564073 . + 0 transcript_id "g966.t1"; gene_id "g966"; # protein sequence = [MAEAKSEKSPFIGKQQAPVTLNPSWESKLPPHDSNGKGSTSVLAKLGLPAPKDKFLIVFFIFLLHGVGTLMPWNMFIT # AKSYFEDFKFGPNNTVATEVSYRTHFMQNMGFASQIPNLVFNWLNIFVNFGGDLTTRIVYSIIFEMVILLVTIILAMLDSSQWPGVFFWTTMVCIVLL # NVCNGIYQNTIYGIVASLPIKYTGAVVLGSNISGCFTTAMALICGEIFSSKRTSAIYYFVTAILVLLLCFDTYFALPLNKFFRHYETISRSSEKKSDS # KAQLNVPYWQIFKKAAPQLFNIFLTFFVTLSVFPAIQSNVHRSDPNFVVGPDYFTLVTCFATFNVFAMLGSLTTSWVQWPGPRFLWVPVVLRLAFIPL # FVMCNYVPPDSVRSLAVFIENDWVYWGIGIAMAYSSGYLSSLGMMYAPQTVHTKYQTTAGMYAAAMLITGIFSGVLFSYLGPFFVV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 139 # W: 139 # end gene g966 # start gene g967 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6565170 6566117 1 - . g967 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6565170 6566117 1 - . g967.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6565170 6565172 . - 0 transcript_id "g967.t1"; gene_id "g967"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6565170 6566117 1 - 0 transcript_id "g967.t1"; gene_id "g967"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6566115 6566117 . - 0 transcript_id "g967.t1"; gene_id "g967"; # protein sequence = [MERLNDDCVCNILEFLPLVEQIKMARLAPRFKELLCLIVWRKPRYRKVSVSDSMLKPLSKEDYIYFFELTSPAMEELY # IWNVHKKAFDSYLGRHLMRPELAFYLRRDYSNLQELCIADENMNNSMISTIAKSCHQLRSLSVSSAYITGKYLTGLSNLKTLVAPECSVELPHLSELL # DQLPLKHLDLTSNRYPVEATILQSEGSKRLERLGLSDAEDFGFPLADSLPQLNTLVVSYHKVSSQEQLSMLEKTRKRVERAARKYPQRLHSILGNVVD # VEVALEQIAGLEKRHPRHTPKFNELLKIVYFLSDPQGGDKK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 66 # W: 66 # end gene g967 # start gene g968 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6572486 6586530 0.46 - . g968 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6572486 6586530 0.46 - . g968.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6572486 6572488 . - 0 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6572543 6574015 1 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6574321 6574397 1 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6575456 6575612 1 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6575728 6575848 1 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6575964 6576040 1 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6576165 6576252 1 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6576367 6576846 0.87 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6577091 6577377 1 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6577590 6577652 1 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6577781 6578904 0.55 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6579000 6579266 1 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6579382 6580414 1 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6580511 6586500 1 - . transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6572486 6572542 1 - 0 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6574016 6574320 1 - 2 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6574398 6575455 1 - 1 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6575613 6575727 1 - 2 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6575849 6575963 1 - 0 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6576041 6576164 1 - 1 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6576253 6576366 1 - 1 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6576847 6577090 0.87 - 2 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6577378 6577589 1 - 1 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6577653 6577780 0.56 - 0 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6578905 6578999 0.97 - 2 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6579267 6579381 1 - 0 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6580415 6580510 1 - 0 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6586501 6586530 1 - 0 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6586528 6586530 . - 0 transcript_id "g968.t1"; gene_id "g968"; # protein sequence = [MPEQDNYDDELVSSNPNQRNWRGILIALLVIIIVLALIVTSVVLLTPPDEGPRVKGQRIKLQDIVDGLFVPQHSNGSW # IDGEEFLYQDHLGRICLLNAANRSERVLMSNVTFKTLSPFTFTISADKRYLLLAQNVVKLFRHSYLAQYTLYDIQTSESIKLRHSPHQDEWPYLHYAR # FTPAGNALVWVQSYDIYYREEVRSASVHRITHDAVPGVVYNGIPDWLYEEEILHANNAIWMSDNGQLMLYATFNDTHVQEQHFAWYGTTGPSAGGAAA # AAAVGAGGAGTGSPGAGGSNPHASLYPEIRSLRYPKPGTQNPTVTLRVADLKDPLKVHITDLHPPQIIANEDHYFSSASWVSHSKIAVVWLNRPQNIS # VVSVCKAPLFQCIETHRVSGDGRGWVDTVAVPLFAANASIYVAISPLRDGLFGYFRHIVHVDIDKNRVLPLTHGPYEVNRLLHWDQLDNWIYFLGTPE # RLPSQQHLYRVSALPARQGQALRSPDCLTCPAVSQWSEGYDEGHTKSPPKLVTAWDDDWEDSEEAEAQPPQPALPVEQQPPGRGQSAPLPPPPSDCLY # HEAKFPISRQAKYVLIDCLGPVVPTSILYGLKSAAADSAKTKRHSTQQEEPPTEGGDEKPGEEPKSQFLELLVIVQNNTRLKEKMAKTAMPQIKTFPV # MISGGYHAQVRLYLPPVLREDEITRYPTILHVYSGPGSQLVTDHWHVDWNTYLSGSKDYIVVEIDGRGSAGQGYQLLHEVYKRLGSVEVSDQLEVSEY # LRDNLHFIDSRRMGVWGWSYGGYTAALALAGQQSIFQCGISVSPVTNWKLYDSTYAERYLSFPNVTDNYKGYEESDLSKYVDNLRDRQFLLVHGTADD # NVHVQQSMVLARSLTSKGVLYKQQIYPDEGHSLSGVKRHLYRSMTAFFEDCFKKLVPPESKAGLGNGGDMQQQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 37 # CDS exons: 2/14 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 8/13 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 20 # E: 8 # RM: 12 # incompatible hint groups: 21 # RM: 1 # W: 20 # end gene g968 # start gene g969 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6594625 6594930 0.75 - . g969 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6594625 6594930 0.75 - . g969.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6594625 6594627 . - 0 transcript_id "g969.t1"; gene_id "g969"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6594625 6594930 0.75 - 0 transcript_id "g969.t1"; gene_id "g969"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6594928 6594930 . - 0 transcript_id "g969.t1"; gene_id "g969"; # protein sequence = [MGTKGYLNSNLNGVLHLSGGNYSLPPGIWKTFRSLALINIIMTRSWENLVPKFTMPFSAKFAIIFSFWELRLREKKCR # ILGAGGSELGVQICFCGTHSYLS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g969 # start gene g970 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6608386 6616513 0.53 + . g970 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6608386 6616513 0.53 + . g970.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6608386 6608388 . + 0 transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6608504 6611209 0.56 + . transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6611269 6612484 1 + . transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6612641 6612780 1 + . transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6613279 6615858 1 + . transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6616153 6616213 1 + . transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6608386 6608503 0.56 + 0 transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6611210 6611268 1 + 2 transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6612485 6612640 1 + 0 transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6612781 6613278 1 + 0 transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6615859 6616152 1 + 0 transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6616214 6616513 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6616511 6616513 . + 0 transcript_id "g970.t1"; gene_id "g970"; # protein sequence = [MKVLIFNVGQGDSEGVGQEQTADFRPKAYLHRLRDVSKLARCTALGDAECRLLSCCINSTPLAHHVFDSGYKFVAHDL # NLISSVVAMFSLQLQQLLRATASGVTSGATKTLCTATASAATKHSSQAKFGDNSSHGSPSHTDGRSHGESESDLESAHGQNFTSHHLARRILQQRSQD # IQRHIHTQSAKGQTSAKSSQQQQHQQTATKFAMSSLAAEPLQSQKSDEITASTGGGDVETPGLGASCHEVAAASASAGKKPCFSSGLGEILQFMELIG # NLKHTKRTGWVLRDVNDCESISGHMYRMSMLTFLLDGSEGLNQIRCMELALVHDLAESLVGDITPFCGISKDDKRAMEFKAMEDICKLIEPRGKRIME # LFEEYEHGQTAESKFVKDLDRLDMVMQAFEYEKRDNCLLKHQEFFDSTEGKFNHPFVKKLVNEIYEQRDVLAKAKGATPPPAIEVPSMERSSKLANGH # DGSS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 81.8 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 12 # E: 4 # RM: 8 # incompatible hint groups: 150 # W: 150 # end gene g970 # start gene g971 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6616737 6618476 0.47 - . g971 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6616737 6618476 0.47 - . g971.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6616737 6616739 . - 0 transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6616809 6617154 0.79 - . transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6617232 6617292 1 - . transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6617365 6617424 1 - . transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6617707 6617759 1 - . transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6618116 6618174 0.95 - . transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6616737 6616808 0.83 - 0 transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6617155 6617231 0.79 - 2 transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6617293 6617364 1 - 2 transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6617425 6617706 1 - 2 transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6617760 6618115 0.95 - 1 transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6618175 6618476 0.69 - 0 transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6618474 6618476 . - 0 transcript_id "g971.t1"; gene_id "g971"; # protein sequence = [MMKAINAKPLGLVPPSSFAADPKFSGPINNSTVPVGRDALLTCVVHDLVSFKVAWLRVDTQTILSIQNHVITKNHRIS # ISHTEHRIWQLKIRDVQESDRGWYMCQINTDPMKSQMGYLDVVVPPDIVDYQTSQDVVRSTGQNVTLTCSATGVPMPTITWRREEATPILISDDGDRE # VFSVEGQNLTLWQVQRSHMGAYLCIASNGVPPTVSKRVMLVVNFAPTIWTRYDTIYVGLGQKLTLECITESQPASVNFWLRDSQLLQGGSYESVSVDH # VFRIVMRITLRPITKRDFGEYICRAKNAMGQTDRIITVHHKAKKHGQHSHQTSSRESQFIVIEEYIANMSDKSCSFQPLWIMFLCFVNKNSIRNFTLN # LEEIELRRRVQQVC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 36.4 # CDS exons: 2/6 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/5 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 29 # W: 29 # end gene g971 # start gene g972 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6623641 6625108 0.14 + . g972 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6623641 6625108 0.14 + . g972.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6623641 6623643 . + 0 transcript_id "g972.t1"; gene_id "g972"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6623832 6624067 0.49 + . transcript_id "g972.t1"; gene_id "g972"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6624531 6624827 0.81 + . transcript_id "g972.t1"; gene_id "g972"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6624967 6625049 0.55 + . transcript_id "g972.t1"; gene_id "g972"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6623641 6623831 0.6 + 0 transcript_id "g972.t1"; gene_id "g972"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6624068 6624530 0.45 + 1 transcript_id "g972.t1"; gene_id "g972"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6624828 6624966 0.51 + 0 transcript_id "g972.t1"; gene_id "g972"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6625050 6625108 0.91 + 2 transcript_id "g972.t1"; gene_id "g972"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6625106 6625108 . + 0 transcript_id "g972.t1"; gene_id "g972"; # protein sequence = [MKQQAIGLFKYFTVDIEEMNKLINRTPHANDMEEALMGMDRIEHFYDLKSSDMAQGLVAGQQLSRLQEGKFKEAIILV # FINNYLPSGSVENLTDCLKELSQDPNNSLVHLRPRKSPTMIEQGCQGKFPPGPQLVCRYNSTTTPFMRIAPLKEEEISRDPLIWLYHDVIYDSEIAQL # TNVTREEMILGTTTNYTTPDRVNRLFHIKVTDDDGGKLDKTLMTDVPVGGTTIFPGAQLAIQPKKGSALFWYNLHNNGDPNLLTRHAVLLVKSMLNYE # QMFKKPCYK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g972 # start gene g973 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6625388 6632318 0.37 - . g973 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6625388 6632318 0.37 - . g973.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6625388 6625390 . - 0 transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6625512 6625580 0.99 - . transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6625770 6625832 1 - . transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6626763 6627500 0.99 - . transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6627604 6628515 0.98 - . transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6628691 6628745 0.99 - . transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6629069 6632083 0.39 - . transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6625388 6625511 0.96 - 1 transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6625581 6625769 1 - 1 transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6625833 6626762 1 - 1 transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6627501 6627603 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6628516 6628690 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6628746 6629068 0.56 - 2 transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6632084 6632318 0.39 - 0 transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6632316 6632318 . - 0 transcript_id "g973.t1"; gene_id "g973"; # protein sequence = [MSEATIELDSSIAVAPKCSNVNNNNSARSSRVGSSISGPDSDAECQRFGWCGWNPAWLQRFCTAKWALFWLCWGGALQ # GLIVNGLINVSISTIERRFGLRSRQMGLVASGYDLASFACLVPVTYYGGRRGASKPRFIAIGLIVMGMGSLVFLLPNFLVGNYRATIAEANVCETTGL # PFNSNSSQSMTACELNAMGEGQSENLTWTVWLFLAAQLLHGAGASPLFTLGVTYIDENVSKKMSSVYLGIYYTMATVGPAIGYVFGGQLLLIYTDWMT # VDPVQLSLTSDSKVWIGAWWLGFIFAAAMCLLIALPIFGYPKLLPGAEKLQLERVSEAHATISEADDSSNVVRGLPRAVLSLLANPTFFFLNLAGATE # GLVIAGFAAFLPKQIENQFSISPMYSALVMGLITVPAGGGGTFLGGYLVKKWNLACRGIIKMCLLATTVAALFTICFLVSCPNPKFAGVTTGYKMQPS # SDSPALVASCNSNCGCSRTNYDPICGVDGVMYYSPCYAGCVQEEHANSLKRYHNCSCIEQVGFVDDGNPSSEAPHFRPDATNRKCDSTCQTLPLFVAL # CFILMVFTFLATMPALSATLRCVQDDQRSFALGLQWIKVRLLGTIPAPLIFGALIDESCILWQESCDKDAGGACLVYDNFYISRYMWLLALICKLGSV # VFFACAWWFYVPPSKPLNANGKEDVN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/7 # CDS introns: 0/6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # RM: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g973 # start gene g974 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6633676 6634005 1 - . g974 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6633676 6634005 1 - . g974.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6633676 6633678 . - 0 transcript_id "g974.t1"; gene_id "g974"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6633824 6633922 1 - . transcript_id "g974.t1"; gene_id "g974"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6633676 6633823 1 - 1 transcript_id "g974.t1"; gene_id "g974"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6633923 6634005 1 - 0 transcript_id "g974.t1"; gene_id "g974"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6634003 6634005 . - 0 transcript_id "g974.t1"; gene_id "g974"; # protein sequence = [MYSAIHYFNFFSLSQLKSKVQTKSVQLNPPAKNENNETEGSLKFNDIVQLIIVHTYFTTQNLTTEMKRKRKQKYPK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 34 # W: 34 # end gene g974 # start gene g975 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6634811 6646668 0.85 - . g975 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6634811 6646668 0.85 - . g975.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6634811 6634813 . - 0 transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6635407 6635652 1 - . transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6637025 6637977 0.86 - . transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6639336 6639396 1 - . transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6640216 6640356 1 - . transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6640676 6640734 1 - . transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6640935 6645971 1 - . transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6634811 6635406 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6635653 6637024 0.88 - 0 transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6637978 6639335 1 - 2 transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6639397 6640215 1 - 2 transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6640357 6640675 1 - 0 transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6640735 6640934 1 - 2 transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6645972 6646668 1 - 0 transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6646666 6646668 . - 0 transcript_id "g975.t1"; gene_id "g975"; # protein sequence = [MLHNNRDIAEPNTTTTAATATPITTTTAAAATTEGNGTEPTIATHLATTSAAAAKTSAGVGETSATAEGQTPATTTTA # AVAERTKLAQTADATAAPIVDATAAAAAATEATAFDAQMRTQQRHKIKIYHDAKQTAVWRTDSLASNPSSTICPDFVSSGSGGVAGGVGGTVAGGGVT # GALGLPPRGIILSTAPSLLQRKSSDSSLTSSIARRVSFPDNQLVTGYLEPANPWKQVYLVKSSSEIVDQYQQSCKKHNTQPLESVVDHLRTLDLNQAR # QPLLPLKAKELTANDCEALEEIFKRIQYTCIDLSECTLDESSLMALFQMIEYYEAANELDISYNKAEMTKRCWELCAYMVERSQELQLLNAESNPITK # LGADSLGRALGSSNLHTLKLEHCGLRGAPLVNLLSFAGRGLYQNKRLKELWVGYNDLDCVDAQHIADMLRYNHSLELIDISNNNIRNEGVMYLVQALI # LQSTELERRMGALKRTRAIEVDECVSPMETEPPEAIPPSTSSTTNQAKDFVDGELPAHEASILETTSEEATSTDPAVGVLVDLENDNDDENTEDTVRT # VRNCNQNGSGQSMLDKLLSMNSESSSEEAPSNISTDTLAACCSEDISEISNEIYEPNAVKQPTAEGEVAPAMISSSPMESESVAVASATMEPLSPAHQ # QQQCSQNERNLCDITPSTEAKTVEPNESCVQNNIINNNNNNNANNSHNNTNNNTIQLPSEAGASAILSVVPPQLDIENIPSGSSPAAIFEVTAEESDC # INGSAVAGAAGSRPLDVNKNAKAGEDFEDTHSTDSAFESASEGDISRHLPDELSRLSVLLESTRLDDMTKEMCGIETATIATESTECLLAAQEAATLT # PTPVVPALEKLENAFPPPKVTIAEECLLKDKELSPSSYPSLSPAPTPPPPSTSPGGASLGLRRTESSCAYLNQSSRNRSQSSDSLCSETSLDGMSSGA # SNNSVSSTASADPKFAEKLTKNDTLSRRQLAEATLEANRSPSGLKALTLWNNNLSKDCAPAVAELLQKTISLELLNIGKNCLSNDFVSTIKDSLTKNT # TLTTLGLQSAHLNAKGIETLASILTFGGNSKLQRIDIRDNKLEVESLNIIAEVLKSNKTLTQIDINDEPKRLTIGSDAHLDYTRVLGTVRSLCSRNEK # RQAQELAEKTANMVGGGSNVGGSLPGIRCRGGYYLGSRKISLTCHSRPIVDAATGTVTATSTATAAATALPTPTALLEVKRGPRLRSPGPSPPTISPS # SSPNRSRFHVSRVAEVASPLISPLAQHPPPHTPRSASSCMSIPTIGSPSGSQNSLNAVGALPTSSSLPAMASVTSSTQTIKRLSVSPRSRFHVSRIYE # DPQVPMANRQMPPITPHTPPIDLPPTPMLKSARKAVLLSEAVEAAAAAVPVSSVVIVESSDNIDAHISTKAVEVTGQKVSPHLTISPTSSHSSSTSPG # SSSSGSSSNCNGSTSTSTDVTDSVASSGPEVPQRICPLAVFGDNDITLTKESAGVVALSAAAAANNTNPVLKSEPESLPPAEPVSNAPQTRARKTSWI # ANPSAVDKLLTIFNIGSSPEPKASQISHVPAANTITNSSQNATAASVVGGDSSTITNSNPILSVARKTAPASWASLTGSNISNASQNTASSTETGSSS # FLDTASRQLRDFSKQVFRQNISFNNSGEQATPSAPPQSELSTGTSASSSTESPSPPECNAAYIPLSLKRQLKENISPEHTINEETLHTLQKLSRAEDV # ALKAEAVTELGDIEIVMHSEVADCVLPEDKQQDQEETVSNVV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 9 # E: 6 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 541 # E: 1 # W: 540 # end gene g975 # start gene g976 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6646942 6649454 0.98 - . g976 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6646942 6649454 0.98 - . g976.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6646942 6646944 . - 0 transcript_id "g976.t1"; gene_id "g976"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6646948 6649029 0.99 - . transcript_id "g976.t1"; gene_id "g976"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6649198 6649343 0.98 - . transcript_id "g976.t1"; gene_id "g976"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6646942 6646947 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g976.t1"; gene_id "g976"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6649030 6649197 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g976.t1"; gene_id "g976"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6649344 6649454 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g976.t1"; gene_id "g976"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6649452 6649454 . - 0 transcript_id "g976.t1"; gene_id "g976"; # protein sequence = [MGSLSAELAFHSCDRTGCAKECCVASEKYRNRKGAFRCECHILCAPDSVVRNNSDIENLEQLVTLARARKLFRQFRGS # IGGNFVNPVTKFECEC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 49 # W: 49 # end gene g976 # start gene g977 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6649533 6654333 1 + . g977 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6649533 6654333 1 + . g977.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6649533 6649535 . + 0 transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6649681 6649786 1 + . transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6651896 6652007 1 + . transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6652445 6652496 1 + . transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6652630 6652752 1 + . transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6653378 6653434 1 + . transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6653537 6653594 1 + . transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6649533 6649680 1 + 0 transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6649787 6651895 1 + 2 transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6652008 6652444 1 + 2 transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6652497 6652629 1 + 0 transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6652753 6653377 1 + 2 transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6653435 6653536 1 + 1 transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6653595 6654333 1 + 1 transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6654331 6654333 . + 0 transcript_id "g977.t1"; gene_id "g977"; # protein sequence = [MRLTNEKATMQPQLSDLALVLGLLICCLPTLTWAATLSDKRLCADPKCEQIISMGIAKITYAIGGEGLISFKINSPIR # VLSKSAGSNMQLWGVDINGRRGYANKDFIMEKKILVRDKDLLYEVPVVGPGSPVQSVETPVQSVETTVQPVLNASESTDDLATTTTSPLEIAVDSIVV # EHDKLQDQQVPDPTAASKAQVQVIEGTELPLEAIAATTEGSIVPETAADPQEATNLDSTVVDTKEPQALNSEAIKLQEEPKAQQPATEAEKPPPLPQA # INAELEDADDFDYGDDETDDDSQQGSQDNESIVEIANDNKSINESIELKPLSVAQLKKTDKVEDSKDETKEKHAEMEVSKQEDSSLPTETLNVTALEE # QIDQKEFPKQVLDAAVELKSSDPLPVEEVTETVAEPPRTIVEDKINEEIVPVSAKIQAKPATVNPTEPIVAQSDAEIKAPSESVISSTTPAPVVEEAP # QKADPVGLPPLFEKKNFENPNNYYKQLQEEQEKQRLVAEAEEQKRLQEEADQQKRLQEEAALNKRLLEEAEQQKRLQEEAEQQKRLQEEAELNKRLLE # EAEKQKRLHEESEQLQRSSEEAEPQLSVQEANMQQLNDSVDSQSNEIVDNNNRQQPEQYQQHHHHTESAFNHPSTASHTTPTPDAESPYAAVQEETTE # ASQTDNHREGVGYVEPVALPATASPVSEVPIKEDAAGFGLFATIVDTVNNFIGKDPQSDPADSSDELHRILYPGRPEVPPSQRKAEDFAPADVDGYCA # RFQAKDEHCHRSISLDNFVEVMADKLVDHSQLLLCVVIAAISSLFFMFAYYCFCNSSQEGALLSKLNHLERSLLASHKENLIIKHDLMTTRTKLASIE # DNSFGSNDMVADLKKQLESELYEKAKLQEQVGSLERDLDNAAEAGLELNKMLSEVLNGQNGDEAFMSTVDELQRQLNDQEKIIIEINNSLAEKSRENS # ELQYTFTEATTRLNSELKTLQEDNYELEMEKSKLQTRLQEIQAETESELAKALEARNYEMQKLQNQIVELTVKWEREHGDLQTSLAKIEALEDCLKAV # GKDAIHNVQELITSAKTRGELNAVHKKLVELQSKVEQEEAHKQRLESQLQQSSQDVEQLKQDFNQSERDKLEAQTRLEVLSGYFREKENDLKKELSLQ # ETKWLQHQGENASTVETQTLMKNEIQTLKSQNDELRAEIEAQIASHKAQMGTLENRAHESWLAARQSERRCEEALAEAASLRRKLTTMASGGGGVGGD # PGVMEAIAANGTSVLGAELKTAPSPLPLPGSPLLNMPNPLPFLAAPFSPFMGLPPPFLPPTGAGGARPPPLGRMRSPPPSSRGDRDRERYSDYSDYDD # YDDDEEDDRGMDRRRRHSGSWGRRHRGSYSHSPRTYRSLSPSDSRYNYNDTETDFSPPPSPPPVPSGRSATSRPYSEV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 416 # E: 1 # W: 415 # end gene g977 # start gene g978 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6654897 6656233 1 - . g978 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6654897 6656233 1 - . g978.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6654897 6654899 . - 0 transcript_id "g978.t1"; gene_id "g978"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6655014 6655069 1 - . transcript_id "g978.t1"; gene_id "g978"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6656142 6656195 1 - . transcript_id "g978.t1"; gene_id "g978"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6654897 6655013 1 - 0 transcript_id "g978.t1"; gene_id "g978"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6655070 6656141 1 - 1 transcript_id "g978.t1"; gene_id "g978"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6656196 6656233 1 - 0 transcript_id "g978.t1"; gene_id "g978"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6656231 6656233 . - 0 transcript_id "g978.t1"; gene_id "g978"; # protein sequence = [MALIENLNDDCVLKIVDYLDLEDQLKLWKSSEPASRLRSLISYIWQRNREYTIDYYTFNDDYELLNEFLQCIRFTVTE # LTLQYLAMDHLERWKGHTFPNMRQLIYLGDETSEIEGDADIAILVDCFPQLEAIRLSGKTTGNHISRWRNIRRLDLQLCWYLSPQGFEDICQNLRLQT # LSIQWQKIEQNAYVRSICMLHELEELELDIVYLNRDNISQLLSLPKLIKLRLHNFYQVDDLLCEIGSIRGQDVLTAAFSNNIWMRPTEVLAKLRNLRC # LTLVDDEGCAAIDFSTITYCFPLLEQLHLENSRIWVNADGIWDVLLACPRLREFSMINHVLYDEFFAFSKSTMNRALNQRTKPLKMHFYKTGKDDLVS # KHFKHPKLNVSFSATSSSYSQLPDECIELEFKRPES] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 89 # W: 89 # end gene g978 # start gene g979 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6656670 6657738 0.84 - . g979 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6656670 6657738 0.84 - . g979.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6656670 6656672 . - 0 transcript_id "g979.t1"; gene_id "g979"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6656934 6657002 1 - . transcript_id "g979.t1"; gene_id "g979"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6657376 6657433 1 - . transcript_id "g979.t1"; gene_id "g979"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6656670 6656933 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g979.t1"; gene_id "g979"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6657003 6657375 1 - 1 transcript_id "g979.t1"; gene_id "g979"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6657434 6657738 0.86 - 0 transcript_id "g979.t1"; gene_id "g979"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6657736 6657738 . - 0 transcript_id "g979.t1"; gene_id "g979"; # protein sequence = [MSSVRPLNAALQEICIRELNELPARMAQDIEALRDWVLKQPHLRACTDDQFLLAFLRGTKFSLERAKEKFDRFYTLQR # SIPEVFNERRLATDPQVLDIVRMGVLLQIPMDADDPGPRVTIIRAGSYDTSKHKFQDIIRVGSMFGEIMMFEDDNATVSGYVEIMDMAGVTGSHLFAL # QPQLLSKFSTYADEAMPTRQKGIHFINVPAAFETGFNSLRSFFPAKIKSRISVSSDPAAIYELVRRKYLPQEYGGTGGNLQDISHTMEAKLSSYGPYF # RESQNFGANDKLREFGDHKRGNHRSSFGAVGSFRKLEID] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 40 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 28 # W: 28 # end gene g979 # start gene g980 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6658592 6661699 1 + . g980 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6658592 6661699 1 + . g980.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6658592 6658594 . + 0 transcript_id "g980.t1"; gene_id "g980"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6659319 6659378 1 + . transcript_id "g980.t1"; gene_id "g980"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6659762 6659827 1 + . transcript_id "g980.t1"; gene_id "g980"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6658592 6659318 1 + 0 transcript_id "g980.t1"; gene_id "g980"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6659379 6659761 1 + 2 transcript_id "g980.t1"; gene_id "g980"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6659828 6661699 1 + 0 transcript_id "g980.t1"; gene_id "g980"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6661697 6661699 . + 0 transcript_id "g980.t1"; gene_id "g980"; # protein sequence = [MTSIEENPFAALLQEGANSDGVPHKLVEEVLLFTLNKASSSAVLCLADVVVETSEEMLSEDLVAHALFERLMLAETSQ # YAAGNASEMAMERRAMRYLKGAFTRCGLIQAERKIDCSKILALILNNASTCMRQPDLFAPQSFGAQWMEMFEQDEDEHDTSTQEFLIRVTCKVMEEVE # PIEALGALKAIFYPVLTELQKNIAKLNLITMKKNTFWILGYFVRDKRAAVLGELLIDYTTPNPRASGSEYMDTLLGSLLCISILPKTQTGKYEFFQEL # SINQTDEALWALLSHHQQSIFLLVKQLLVLSPETKKKTLQWVGNCLDANVPRGHLWSSINASLEQTAHSTSSDAFMTNLTAVLVRLCAPLCMPSLKVL # LVDPTYCAVPNKDRQAKGVSMLRAHAETCLLTSEEGEERLTAEKYNFVTEIFYMTHKCFELSNIPCIERFVRVLRELQNTQMAYGEIVNSDPNSEVAK # NLFRMIRDQIQQVLTIKNTLAEPTNDMYLLKFFEASAIWLTEIAMLPREIYEQCLDKRDFSPQVFRNMELLSDTPPFVAPYMQSVPESIIDNISAFLN # AARKLNGEQYINIYFSAHDAFFKMIILFMGSSALVKNPHLRAKLAEALEFLLPSRIMGSHRKTFVSHVFDNHPDRLKVVRSLLNVFVSIEMTGQSVQF # EQKFNYRRPMYAIMEFLWTKPEHVQCFRDLAVEAEQNMDAIEPPIFLRFINLLINDAIFLLDESLSNLEQIKQLQQAQDNGEWESLPHTEREQHMTNL # QHLGMLARFDNIIGRDTINLLKLLTSKIKSIFCHNSMVDRMAAMLNYFLLNLVGPKKERFKVKDKKEFEFDPAQTVIEISHIYINLSSDESFCLAVSQ # DGRSYSEQLFSYAENILIRIGGGQLIGDMSEFAVKVARMGAQYKEEQELLADAPEEYLDPIISTLMTDPVVLPSSKVTVDRSTIARHLLSDQTDPFNR # EPLTMDKVKSNEALKQEIESWIQGKREAARSNS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 291 # W: 291 # end gene g980 # start gene g981 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6662097 6663438 0.98 - . g981 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6662097 6663438 0.98 - . g981.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6662097 6662099 . - 0 transcript_id "g981.t1"; gene_id "g981"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6663068 6663131 1 - . transcript_id "g981.t1"; gene_id "g981"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6662097 6663067 1 - 2 transcript_id "g981.t1"; gene_id "g981"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6663132 6663438 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g981.t1"; gene_id "g981"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6663436 6663438 . - 0 transcript_id "g981.t1"; gene_id "g981"; # protein sequence = [MVTAGKPPHYRPLIQLPIPSTVAKKIREHVGVEGGYHIIPKSRDGLLKFQPKQDELPNRSMLDSQTTAQVLLETDALL # RQRFVYGRGLLRMGRIIEELDLLAVWICHLHIHLPNLPEGVPLPYTFITMLVDHAHFLQDKFIADADVSLSGHVSYTDNNFMEVTAYVRQSGMLLAKG # IFVVEARDAINNGPAPVNPLVPANELEESLHQEAQKRHQERAKALYRLESQQPTKEEQQLMYELFTRTKGDDGPSPSDMTTLPPNSRWMSTWRRRTLM # HPFPENRNESNTIFGGFIIRKAIEISYMTASLYSNQRCMIRFIADVTFAHSIPVHSYIKLKAYVVFTHENYIQLLTVVNAIDGNSFTELKCNVLHLTY # SCSKAVPEILPRSYHEALWYLTGRRYFNRFRESVSHDMDNGSAVETNGAKKDN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g981 # start gene g982 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6663784 6665800 0.73 + . g982 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6663784 6665800 0.73 + . g982.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6663784 6663786 . + 0 transcript_id "g982.t1"; gene_id "g982"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6663789 6663983 0.88 + . transcript_id "g982.t1"; gene_id "g982"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6664588 6664930 1 + . transcript_id "g982.t1"; gene_id "g982"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6663784 6663788 0.88 + 0 transcript_id "g982.t1"; gene_id "g982"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6663984 6664587 1 + 1 transcript_id "g982.t1"; gene_id "g982"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6664931 6665800 0.82 + 0 transcript_id "g982.t1"; gene_id "g982"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6665798 6665800 . + 0 transcript_id "g982.t1"; gene_id "g982"; # protein sequence = [MSSNEPVLNVISFNFSYISIYLTRSKVLVLSFNQKKNQQLVSMDPMKEEAIELNGHAMQMAEAEQENGAGALKIATNA # GATDRPAHQQLPLPVEDQQDEVLTPAEKGKFEYPPPPPPPTPVQAPLATKATALNASQEHDDDEANSEKWEDPCAPPPPPPLPTSAFLATGLGYLKLP # AFKLKDALEKAITKLEANKRTLKASPESSRSIKNKNVVALEMLPRRSNPETIGDGSMLASTSTAVMLQTKKPAVIVEMERRCKIINLLAKQNQILESI # SGEAIPMHGPSKHLHEDEGLTLQVLSARASTPYTQPSSMLSCTAVSCDLEHDSPRKQVASKEAVPEQQSSQVQQKRPPSTGIHKPGSLRAPKAVRPTT # APVVSSKPVKSYTRSRLMDIRNGMFNALMHRSKESFVMPRIATCDDIELEGRLRRMNIWRTSDGTRFRTRSTTANLNMNNNNNNECMPAFFKNKNKPN # LISDESIIQSQPPQPQTEFQVS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 147 # E: 1 # W: 146 # end gene g982 # start gene g983 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6666351 6667689 1 - . g983 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6666351 6667689 1 - . g983.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6666351 6666353 . - 0 transcript_id "g983.t1"; gene_id "g983"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6667009 6667085 1 - . transcript_id "g983.t1"; gene_id "g983"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6667292 6667360 1 - . transcript_id "g983.t1"; gene_id "g983"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6667531 6667670 1 - . transcript_id "g983.t1"; gene_id "g983"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6666351 6667008 1 - 1 transcript_id "g983.t1"; gene_id "g983"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6667086 6667291 1 - 0 transcript_id "g983.t1"; gene_id "g983"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6667361 6667530 1 - 2 transcript_id "g983.t1"; gene_id "g983"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6667671 6667689 1 - 0 transcript_id "g983.t1"; gene_id "g983"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6667687 6667689 . - 0 transcript_id "g983.t1"; gene_id "g983"; # protein sequence = [MQFVASEHPHRRLNPLNGQWVLVCPHRTQRPWSGQQEKAQKNELPEFDPTNPLCPGVTRPNGIQTPEYESTYVFENDF # PALVEVVPVPPNNDDPLFQIAPARGNCRVMCFHPKSNLTLPTMSAAEIVVVIDEWISQFNELSAKYAWVQIFENKGAAMGCSNPHPHCQIWSCSFLPT # EPQLKQERLRAYYATNERPMLADYVERELQRQERIVIENRDWLVVVPFWATWPFETMLISRNNNKRINDLTAEQRYNLALTIKELTTKYDNLFQCSFP # YSMGWHGAPTGPEHAHASSAHWTLHAIYYPPLLRSASVRKFMVGFELLAMAQRDLTPEQAAQRLREVDGKCHYLEK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 100 # E: 1 # W: 99 # end gene g983 # start gene g984 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6667762 6670527 0.24 + . g984 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6667762 6670527 0.24 + . g984.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6667762 6667764 . + 0 transcript_id "g984.t1"; gene_id "g984"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6667822 6668341 0.68 + . transcript_id "g984.t1"; gene_id "g984"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6668888 6668945 1 + . transcript_id "g984.t1"; gene_id "g984"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6669691 6669763 1 + . transcript_id "g984.t1"; gene_id "g984"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6667762 6667821 0.68 + 0 transcript_id "g984.t1"; gene_id "g984"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6668342 6668887 1 + 0 transcript_id "g984.t1"; gene_id "g984"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6668946 6669690 1 + 0 transcript_id "g984.t1"; gene_id "g984"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6669764 6670527 0.38 + 2 transcript_id "g984.t1"; gene_id "g984"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6670525 6670527 . + 0 transcript_id "g984.t1"; gene_id "g984"; # protein sequence = [MSTCRVAITAPNAADIGVPIDPAIVNQRRIGSGRLNHSKWGYNDEDYHSYHNGKSQHMEEVNSKNSKNMTVLQFFDNG # EISSQPQRRPNTPVMGMSINRSENDTLHSNESSEDLSRANENYVKRVMSGFLVVSKPKSRDVEDRHHRRYRNQNEEPEWFSCGPTSRLDTIELCGFDE # DEEKMLKEGNKNHGLGETERETSKQKMDHKYKWTHAEPMGRSKYMPKHDTNNNHNVENMNNVMATEHQQQKEEKRPGSGRSFQFDKFNQSQQNYESSS # YVNHQQPPQTQPQQMQQQSNTNTNNSKFMSFFANEGNSSSSSLNEFFKQAINQGHGNNPEQPKSLGHIGQMPSVDQLEAKWRRNSLNNVGETANKQTD # NFQKLIGSLSSAKPQSQAVGYDAISNFIMQQQQYQQQQQKQHLIIQQQQQHTAFLASLQLKAILGRADTQLLLLRLTKGEISKHGLLVQLANPRLTDM # DREAITAVLQFTNTQQQQQQHKQQLDMLSSTVIASQLQNLHNLAIVQQTLAARQQPQHNPQTQAPHQLSQEDLQAHANVIMRNAVMKRKIEEQTSKLI # NGGAKHQAQQQYLNRGQQRQARPDANSNALLHALISGGGNNHASGYPMNGQPQKHHSNLRFGDNQNFQSFESNQPHFATQYKQQYQQSQQQHPHQQPQ # QLNSLHQNNAGAVNSFNKAQMQAQSAISMLPNSGGKSF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 211 # E: 2 # W: 209 # end gene g984 # start gene g985 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6671832 6673175 0.65 - . g985 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6671832 6673175 0.65 - . g985.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6671832 6671834 . - 0 transcript_id "g985.t1"; gene_id "g985"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6671832 6673175 0.65 - 0 transcript_id "g985.t1"; gene_id "g985"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6673173 6673175 . - 0 transcript_id "g985.t1"; gene_id "g985"; # protein sequence = [MTKMGGNLAVMLLSLFLSALATGNGNSIPTTTTPQGVFETRTDKLPGGAASVPSGAGIYDDIDTFVPFRSDSHDPFSW # HLLKTVLQNETADKNVIISPFSVKLVLALLAEAAGAGTQTQVELANTQTDIRSQNNVREFYRKTLNSFKKENQLHETLSVRTKLFTDSFIETQQKFTA # TLKHFYDSEVEALDFTNPEAAADAINAWAANITQGRLQQLVAPDNVRSSVMLLTNLIYFNGLWRRQFATTFQGSFFRSKDDQSRAEFMEQTDYFYYTT # SEKLKAQILRLPYKGKNSLFVLLPYALNGIHDLVKNLENDELKSAQWAMEEVKVKVTLPKFHFDYQQNLKETLRSLGVREIFEDSASLPGLTRGADVA # GKVKVSNILQKAGINVNEKGTEAYAATVVEIENKFGGSTAIEEFNVNRPFVFFIEEESTGNILFAGKVHSPTTQN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 136 # E: 1 # W: 135 # end gene g985 # start gene g986 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6674059 6674575 0.49 + . g986 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6674059 6674575 0.49 + . g986.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6674059 6674061 . + 0 transcript_id "g986.t1"; gene_id "g986"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6674203 6674326 0.54 + . transcript_id "g986.t1"; gene_id "g986"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6674059 6674202 0.49 + 0 transcript_id "g986.t1"; gene_id "g986"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6674327 6674575 1 + 0 transcript_id "g986.t1"; gene_id "g986"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6674573 6674575 . + 0 transcript_id "g986.t1"; gene_id "g986"; # protein sequence = [MQIRRPRGVTVPQLMVVTAIGLLGGIYIWQPLILKYKNEKKTEAETPAIRHNDGWSDGHRYWIDCYILHHPSPCHQTL # SSRETTPGSRGQCGVPLPAGGSLPDWRVKTQTERILSQGCQCRHRHLYILIA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 46 # E: 2 # W: 44 # end gene g986 # start gene g987 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6674800 6676538 0.63 - . g987 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6674800 6676538 0.63 - . g987.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6674800 6674802 . - 0 transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6675063 6675121 1 - . transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6675272 6675329 1 - . transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6675702 6675759 1 - . transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6676175 6676239 1 - . transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6676372 6676430 1 - . transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6674800 6675062 0.96 - 2 transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6675122 6675271 1 - 2 transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6675330 6675701 1 - 2 transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6675760 6676174 1 - 0 transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6676240 6676371 1 - 0 transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6676431 6676538 0.66 - 0 transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6676536 6676538 . - 0 transcript_id "g987.t1"; gene_id "g987"; # protein sequence = [MSVCDSPNKNSKLDKKSLTPFKKVRRKNWKQEAAYKSDTSKGQEVSYVGERFIPNRFERENIEFNLKYIGKRKERDIL # ETGVTLTASYWRQSGFISNINRTFGIGERRLFQFSSQQGTRSRVVDNDSADSDWPCNPRARPYAIQNATHEMPGICSPVDYNMMDWSSGGMVAMSSGQ # DVMLWRNLDESTMVFSVESPTSLKYSPDGKHLAIGCMDRNYPVLDLWEVRSPTEFLVSYRKLFFKSMGYISCIEWSHDGKEVICGTQCGVIIVLAMPT # LNTLMQLREHRHTVKKMKFAPTHKYFASSDTDGKIFIFDAVLKVRLLKLDGRSIVFDWHPWTGEDLAVAERSPASIFIFNIPRRQFVASYRRRDDRIV # IKTLTYSKITGELLVNVIRRDDADLAVCEILVLASLNRVVDLMSHQDRGTLFLMWNPDGTKIATGGLDDTFSLWNFFPTYKREAILRKQEQKAKDKCS # SLSLYKGIR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 133 # W: 133 # end gene g987 # start gene g988 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6676841 6677548 1 - . g988 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6676841 6677548 1 - . g988.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6676841 6676843 . - 0 transcript_id "g988.t1"; gene_id "g988"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6676841 6677548 1 - 0 transcript_id "g988.t1"; gene_id "g988"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6677546 6677548 . - 0 transcript_id "g988.t1"; gene_id "g988"; # protein sequence = [MELVKRGFLRACKNHSYLSFELIDDILAPLCANHKTTKPGSKEAIRALVAEINDTISDLGQLLVFIKYPVKAEEYLVY # AKTDATPDSVANTGLTAEECQYFSKLLDKIASEEDCHIAWNDAYNDIVLQASSKPLKKSRMQELLQKWIQMGYFMEVTDRIYLGPRSLVELSFYLSSN # HADNIKNCTLCKCLVLWDIRCGSCNIQYHRGCIQTYLQRRDICPSCGNLWTTPIRRSIG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 72 # W: 72 # end gene g988 # start gene g989 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6678724 6681772 0.8 - . g989 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6678724 6681772 0.8 - . g989.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6678724 6678726 . - 0 transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6678757 6679985 0.8 - . transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6680115 6680174 1 - . transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6680284 6680345 1 - . transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6680543 6680946 1 - . transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6680999 6681064 1 - . transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6681219 6681278 1 - . transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6681391 6681463 1 - . transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6678724 6678756 0.8 - 0 transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6679986 6680114 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6680175 6680283 1 - 1 transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6680346 6680542 1 - 0 transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6680947 6680998 1 - 1 transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6681065 6681218 1 - 2 transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6681279 6681390 1 - 0 transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6681464 6681772 1 - 0 transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6681770 6681772 . - 0 transcript_id "g989.t1"; gene_id "g989"; # protein sequence = [MTKFTRVRDFPLLESALFVLMSYSTFLLAEATELTGVVAVLFCGICQAHYTYNNLSEDSRQRTKQIFELLNFLAENFI # FSYIGVSMFTFPKHHFDAGFIITAFICAAIGRAVNVYPLSWLLNIKRKPKISTNFQHMLFFAGLRGAMSFALAIRNTVSDERQTMLTATSLIVIFTVV # IQGGAANFLLNWLKIPVGVDDETEQLNNYQVHSSDGYLQDVEGGGVNRNKMRLSGGTDTNLDTPVDGTNGSLGGASGGRRRNSHEKAILARIWGNFDT # KYMKPLLTHSRPTLLETLPVCCNPIARLLTTTQQLTQDGSEFRRVDSDSDICIDNDTGNGLSQDGSGAAPGVGRRNSLSRVGGDHRNAYI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 10 # E: 7 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 173 # E: 5 # W: 168 # end gene g989 # start gene g990 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6681886 6684068 0.85 - . g990 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6681886 6684068 0.85 - . g990.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6681886 6681888 . - 0 transcript_id "g990.t1"; gene_id "g990"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6682085 6682140 1 - . transcript_id "g990.t1"; gene_id "g990"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6682431 6682494 1 - . transcript_id "g990.t1"; gene_id "g990"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6682684 6682745 1 - . transcript_id "g990.t1"; gene_id "g990"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6682871 6683725 1 - . transcript_id "g990.t1"; gene_id "g990"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6681886 6682084 1 - 1 transcript_id "g990.t1"; gene_id "g990"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6682141 6682430 1 - 0 transcript_id "g990.t1"; gene_id "g990"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6682495 6682683 1 - 0 transcript_id "g990.t1"; gene_id "g990"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6682746 6682870 1 - 2 transcript_id "g990.t1"; gene_id "g990"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6683726 6684068 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g990.t1"; gene_id "g990"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6684066 6684068 . - 0 transcript_id "g990.t1"; gene_id "g990"; # protein sequence = [MSHGDVDPEVEMTSPHRIHGDAGSHPRSQTFWKLQCWRSSMLLIVGFALCVLAPGCSATDTDIALDAKATLNHRIQSL # DLLVFVFLLALTVLTIWLFKHHRVSWLHETGLAVIYGLIVGAIIRYAGTSATLVHMQVEPQGVPTYSDKLPPDTLWFRYPVNQTNGTKPPEGIKTYAY # VFRGQVHDVDENEIDLKATFDPEVFFNIILPPIIFYAGYSLKKKYFFRNLGAILTFAIVGTTLSAFLIGGFMYGCVKLMPKYLSSSFTFLDSLYFGAL # ISPTDPLTILAIFNDLRVDVNLYALVLGESVLNDAVAIVLSGAIQNYGEHYSNTGEFETTAFLRSLSDFFSIFLLSLMIGAAMGCLTALISFSKINDK # LFYLRAVYM] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 105 # E: 1 # W: 104 # end gene g990 # start gene g991 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6685067 6686494 0.58 - . g991 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6685067 6686494 0.58 - . g991.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6685067 6685069 . - 0 transcript_id "g991.t1"; gene_id "g991"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6685067 6686494 0.58 - 0 transcript_id "g991.t1"; gene_id "g991"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6686492 6686494 . - 0 transcript_id "g991.t1"; gene_id "g991"; # protein sequence = [MASRNVQATPSQEELKRTENNKNVKNSEECQSMENDVDAVVPSSSESELRPRSSGVRPTKIPAPLFLGPSASSRIYSS # LMPERKRRSSMESQQMADDSGINLDCSTDEQQTTLSARPSPMLQPMLDRIPDTSSELELRLAEEQTLKELQRVVAEMEADVAFNNLDMQNLLPDDIDQ # DTQVQYDATDVDTQLQNEASDVENGAESSGLDMEQLTGNDIQQETLPETQPEELIPGNVQMVEKEIAPKGEFPEIKETAVEIESLKEFEIVQHLGEEP # IDEHTEIVQETPQDPTDVESEKSVPESDMEELETLINESSESEEDRLVREQFEKYPETLEPMFHPTADEIVCIDSVPELADHPSLDGSVQNGREMVTL # DELFDPEYNVHLMRQLLQARIEENSEVETAPDLIESEQAEERETLTGPEAEIDMEEETDPDLKQTGKPLSFLRRLVNHRILKLSYPILFCSLAFSLVY # IIRKE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g991 # start gene g992 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6686925 6689062 0.35 - . g992 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6686925 6689062 0.35 - . g992.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6686925 6686927 . - 0 transcript_id "g992.t1"; gene_id "g992"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6686996 6687063 0.57 - . transcript_id "g992.t1"; gene_id "g992"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6687198 6687253 1 - . transcript_id "g992.t1"; gene_id "g992"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6688738 6688795 1 - . transcript_id "g992.t1"; gene_id "g992"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6686925 6686995 0.57 - 2 transcript_id "g992.t1"; gene_id "g992"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6687064 6687197 0.57 - 1 transcript_id "g992.t1"; gene_id "g992"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6687254 6688737 1 - 0 transcript_id "g992.t1"; gene_id "g992"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6688796 6689062 0.62 - 0 transcript_id "g992.t1"; gene_id "g992"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6689060 6689062 . - 0 transcript_id "g992.t1"; gene_id "g992"; # protein sequence = [MGHEVNGTSCRDMNECLLYDPCDELATCTNLSPGFQCSPCPVGFDGTHAHGYFADYYSVDYRRQTCLDVDECRTGFFR # CPEHSTCINEIGSYRCQCHEGYVTNGTYSCLDRSSVFMCPDGTVCDRNAVCLRMDNIRHKCHCNVGWAGNGLICGRDTDVDGWPDQAIGCPELRCQRD # NCPKLPNSGQEDADLDGHGDGCDDDADGDNVQNSQDNCWLAYNTEQLDSDGDKVGDVCDNCVLKYNPRQLDTDEDGLGDECDGDIDNDSIPNALDNCP # LLPNPSQSDVDNDGVGDACDNCPNLPNPDQKDRDMDFVGDACHRDIDGDDDGVPNSLDNCPMVSNSDQLDTDGDGTGDECDDDMDGDGIPNYKDNCPL # AKNPKQDDFNRNGKGDSCEDDEDVDGVPNGMDNCPNNSMIHHTDFRTLQTIPLDPKGLSQADPNWVVHANGTEIVQTLNSDPGLAVGKDAFGGVDFDG # TFYINDDTDDDYAGFVFSYQSSYKYYVVQWKKGTQTYWEPRPFTASAAPGIQIKLVNSTEGPGPMMRNSLWHEGNTDGEARLLWKDPKNIAWKERTSY # RWSLVHRPAIGLIRLQMHEGNRLIFDSGNVFDSTLKGGRLGVFCFSQRMIIWSNLQYKCNNRVKPLIYNDLSDYLKTKVELQD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g992 # start gene g993 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6690051 6703024 0.33 - . g993 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6690051 6703024 0.33 - . g993.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6690051 6690053 . - 0 transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6690140 6690976 1 - . transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6691099 6697009 1 - . transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6697128 6697262 1 - . transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6697458 6699764 1 - . transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6699903 6699986 1 - . transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6700117 6700180 1 - . transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6700497 6700552 1 - . transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6700620 6701749 1 - . transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6701945 6702996 0.33 - . transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6690051 6690139 1 - 2 transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6690977 6691098 1 - 1 transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6697010 6697127 1 - 2 transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6697263 6697457 1 - 2 transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6699765 6699902 1 - 2 transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6699987 6700116 1 - 0 transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6700181 6700496 1 - 1 transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6700553 6700619 1 - 2 transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6701750 6701944 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6702997 6703024 0.33 - 0 transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6703022 6703024 . - 0 transcript_id "g993.t1"; gene_id "g993"; # protein sequence = [MSSWLDGLDSDGKDFGVRRSYPTVHHSRTPIHCFRRSQKTPATTNTMNWTRVLLIGLTALALTFVDVASLSLDPVASA # ELEQFIRKGDVVISTRHIRPRRKLHISIEALFMIDFPMLKHKMSFFLDRKQQRVTLDISANGATESRNFEIPNINETSTIRSLALQFSKNRITLHVDC # KASTHHDIDMNLAKLYTQMDDPVIKLFRERKYPLHFDGDMEHSLQRANCQKGNHRRGNRRMLRNKITEREKNKKRDVRGWYEPTIAREGVVDHRHQEV # PTDVERGDIPVLNGDCEDALARSLSDLLALVKLLREDVAHQRQEIAYLRMLLENCAGCKNPLTTDNQLRIEPDCRSANPCYPGVECLDSAAGPRCGHC # PLGFIGDGKSCKPGVTCAHHMCYPGVQCHDTVNGAQCDSCPAGYEGDGRTCSLRNPCLDTPCPSGNILVPSHNVQHYQRQSQYTARKYSVVTN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 89.5 # CDS exons: 9/10 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 8/9 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 17 # E: 8 # RM: 9 # incompatible hint groups: 104 # E: 1 # W: 103 # end gene g993 # start gene g994 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6711703 6714691 0.6 - . g994 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6711703 6714691 0.6 - . g994.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6711703 6711705 . - 0 transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6711743 6712346 0.6 - . transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6712676 6712739 1 - . transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6713229 6713365 1 - . transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6713466 6713574 1 - . transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6713848 6714554 1 - . transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6711703 6711742 0.6 - 1 transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6712347 6712675 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6712740 6713228 1 - 0 transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6713366 6713465 1 - 1 transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6713575 6713847 1 - 1 transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6714555 6714691 1 - 0 transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6714689 6714691 . - 0 transcript_id "g994.t1"; gene_id "g994"; # protein sequence = [MAKVAEENDHRDLSNWSNVNDTNGTIHLTKDMVFNDGHRLSITVYSILFVISTIGNSTVLYLLTKRRLRGPLRIDIML # MHLAIADLMVTLLLMPMEIVWAWTVQWLSTDLMCRLMSFFRVFGLYLSSYVMVCISLDRYFAILKPLKRSYNRGRIMLACAWLGSVVCSIPQAFLFHL # EEHPAVTGYFQCVIFNSFRSDFDEKLYQAASMCSMYAFPLIMFIYCYGAIYLEIYRKSQRVLKDVIAERFRRSNDDVLSRAKKRTLKMTITIVIVFII # CWTPYYTISMWYWLDKHSAGKINPLLRKALFIFASTNSCMNPLVYGLYNIRGRMNNNNPSVNNRHTSLSNRLDSSNQLMQKQLTNNSLLNGRGQVMAA # AVSATTKLANVVSLKGTANGNGSAAAAGTVPITPPLTVTIAPLATDDEANDDSCLSAVTIRCQDQSPIRQKCGDSIELTSVVK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 212 # E: 1 # W: 211 # end gene g994 # start gene g995 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6717711 6719239 1 + . g995 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6717711 6719239 1 + . g995.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6717711 6717713 . + 0 transcript_id "g995.t1"; gene_id "g995"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6719075 6719136 1 + . transcript_id "g995.t1"; gene_id "g995"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6717711 6719074 1 + 0 transcript_id "g995.t1"; gene_id "g995"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6719137 6719239 1 + 1 transcript_id "g995.t1"; gene_id "g995"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6719237 6719239 . + 0 transcript_id "g995.t1"; gene_id "g995"; # protein sequence = [MLRKSKKQPQTVAEKVSKLLAHPNESDSAEDSDFDVATGPRLVDFEEEEYDLPDARSTDFRKRNVKLLSEQSDRYKGK # ISSRKELDDDEDKDDEQEVSYEESDEDDENLTNFKQKLNAGGAEDSEEETAAGHSESGEESEEIESNLTDFKKKFEAGDFKYDDDEEEDDDSEEEDHS # QESEGDDDDSEDDEAEDDAIKPSDVMSKTNHQAEIQKGLAVQNQLRIWERLLELRINTQKFTSKANQLPAPETLTKLASESDELQSVLNEAQERSSKL # LQQLLSLQSALHQQYSEMKKSVKRKQPTEDSGPAVKKFGSVLQSNFQQMIGYRNEVLLKWDDRTKLLTPGAGVKRKSLQEDYDIIKKIGSALANREAL # VEKSQTPKNSQAEQQENTPVQRLKHIYDDSDFYHQQLRELIEYKASTSSNMSEITKQFVELQKLRQKMKKKVDTRASKGRKLRYVVHNKLINFMAPNE # SSDWTDASKSELYKSLFV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 145 # W: 145 # end gene g995 # start gene g996 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6720559 6720918 0.71 - . g996 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6720559 6720918 0.71 - . g996.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6720559 6720561 . - 0 transcript_id "g996.t1"; gene_id "g996"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6720559 6720918 0.71 - 0 transcript_id "g996.t1"; gene_id "g996"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6720916 6720918 . - 0 transcript_id "g996.t1"; gene_id "g996"; # protein sequence = [MINTTTTSSTTTGSTTSKRYLSNFPTAEAESTLSNVTSIHTQLQSSLYETQNMPQLKALDKHSALLQELHQRQAAPRR # NSASAEAAAAGSGGAKTATILVSKSKTKTGLPLLLKNSINN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 37 # W: 37 # end gene g996 # start gene g997 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6721024 6723197 0.93 - . g997 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6721024 6723197 0.93 - . g997.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6721024 6721026 . - 0 transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6721132 6721187 1 - . transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6721455 6721517 1 - . transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6721597 6721649 1 - . transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6722087 6722141 1 - . transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6722431 6723192 1 - . transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6721024 6721131 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6721188 6721454 1 - 0 transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6721518 6721596 1 - 1 transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6721650 6722086 1 - 0 transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6722142 6722430 1 - 1 transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6723193 6723197 1 - 0 transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6723195 6723197 . - 0 transcript_id "g997.t1"; gene_id "g997"; # protein sequence = [MGEQPIFTCQAHVFHIDPKTKRTWITASMKAVNVSFFYDSSRNLYRIISVEGTKAVINSTITPNMTFTQTSQKFGQWS # DVRANTVYGLGFASEAELTKFVEKFQEVKEATKNAMKSANGSNAVTPTTSANTSPISGRAVGSMQNDNTAIDPHTVEPPNMSNTNTQNANPDSPSHKL # LNTSDVKADIGSATPSPQPTSGVTGGGGVTISSGGSIVGMHTGPGAGATAEQQLKYENERLKMALAQSCANAKKWEIELATLKNNNIRLTSALQESTA # NVDEWKRQLHTYKEENIRLKRDMEQLCVGGGVVAAAGGGATEDELRREVATLKARTEQLQKELMQQELELKSANISLREKSNDQTLAKLSEVNGVFAK # HLSELYGVQKDMESLIQIAKCT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 90.9 # CDS exons: 5/6 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 5 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 108 # E: 1 # W: 107 # end gene g997 # start gene g998 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6724848 6730688 0.96 + . g998 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6724848 6730688 0.96 + . g998.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6724848 6724850 . + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6725097 6725157 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6725260 6725775 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6726130 6726201 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6726304 6726372 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6726541 6726598 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6726719 6727193 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6727335 6727862 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6728781 6728877 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6729504 6729569 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6729773 6729826 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6729935 6730046 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6730367 6730422 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6730540 6730598 1 + . transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6724848 6725096 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6725158 6725259 1 + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6725776 6726129 1 + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6726202 6726303 1 + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6726373 6726540 1 + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6726599 6726718 1 + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6727194 6727334 1 + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6727863 6728780 1 + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6728878 6729503 1 + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6729570 6729772 1 + 1 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6729827 6729934 1 + 2 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6730047 6730366 1 + 2 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6730423 6730539 1 + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6730599 6730688 1 + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6730686 6730688 . + 0 transcript_id "g998.t1"; gene_id "g998"; # protein sequence = [MWNMMCDVMPTISEDSISQRSSQFSGEDANFEQLMVSMLDERDKLMDSLREAQERLNETENKLRDVEKERDSLQRQIN # ANLPQEFATLTKELTQARETLLERDEEIGELKAERNNTRLLLEHLECLVSRHERSLRMTVVKRQAAAQSGVSSEVEVLKALKSLFEHHKALDEKVRER # LRLSIEKNNMMEEELSSAKEELAQYKAGVVPAGVGSGSGAGSAATTAGGGGAENGLKEKMAGVGGSGGVNGEANELNDYAAKTHELQTIIEKQTSELS # QWQRRVSDLNNKISELEENMSRVQKEHCKAQDQCAKLQRDLRENVAQKEDQEERITTLEKRYLNAQRESTSLHDLNEKLEQELRHKEAQLKLHEEKIG # AIEEKLELSEQKLAQHAKLQPDMEEQLKARMEALTKVGNKAQERHGSAEDRIRGLETNLDEKTNEVVRLNQRLKMNEEHNLRLSSTVDKLLSESNERL # QVHLKERMHALDEKNALTQELEKARKVAEELHHEKSEIMKELSKTRLEIENFKRQLLQQEIAYNIQQTEALTRSLSPSSVVDPSGAFSRSNSHASFET # HSLRRQSKQRLSEENALVRSMAEQEWEKLQQAAHAQQQAYELASAADCDDSDVLYAAATDMMSPSGHTDAQTLAMMLQEQLDAINNEIRLIQEEKQST # EARAEELESRVGSLEHVNLLARGRSMDRQSPPMSGRSTPNSPQRDFMQKYHTLNLPVLSSDASREELHGGMSTTGDSSSGGAASPLTARSMRLERVAQ # ALAHSQEELRRRSIGLNPNASVAPNHTGGHMPLSSHSYGLSPLSSRYGSQESLRHYNTMGSMSMLQTPTSGVSREAAAAAVQKKKGIKSSLGRFFSKK # EKVKGVKDTLPDGSPSMMSIGNLSIGLSEVDSNYDAMSMTGGMMPRIASSQGSKISSVDYGRQKKEHDYRNDLLGEAMKAGTPFALWNGPTIVAWLEL # WVGMPAWYVAACRANVKSGAIMSALSDTEIQREIGISNPLHRLKLRLAIQEMVSLTSPSAPQTSRTTLAFGDMNHEWIGNYWLPGLGLPQYRTTFMEC # LVDARMLDHLTKKDLRGQLKMVDSFHRTSLQYGISMLKRLNYDRTELEHRRKMSENGLCDVLVWSNERVIRWVGSIGLKEYANNLLESGVHGGLMALD # EGFDANAMGLALQIPTQNAQARQILDTEFNNLLQIATDRRPENEQRSAS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 14/14 # W: 14 # CDS introns: 13/13 # E: 13 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 13 # E: 13 # incompatible hint groups: 340 # W: 340 # end gene g998 # start gene g999 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6730694 6730954 1 - . g999 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6730694 6730954 1 - . g999.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6730694 6730696 . - 0 transcript_id "g999.t1"; gene_id "g999"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6730694 6730954 1 - 0 transcript_id "g999.t1"; gene_id "g999"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6730952 6730954 . - 0 transcript_id "g999.t1"; gene_id "g999"; # protein sequence = [MWIRRASCWGVSCVASFLLDFLWLSCLLAFSFISSSSACRYGCCCCLGNFAPGLYVIIVVGCLCCLFFVLPPLAGAHS # STEDVGGL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 27 # W: 27 # end gene g999 # start gene g1000 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6733249 6735675 0.79 + . g1000 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6733249 6735675 0.79 + . g1000.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6733249 6733251 . + 0 transcript_id "g1000.t1"; gene_id "g1000"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6734579 6734650 1 + . transcript_id "g1000.t1"; gene_id "g1000"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6735460 6735543 0.91 + . transcript_id "g1000.t1"; gene_id "g1000"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6733249 6734578 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1000.t1"; gene_id "g1000"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6734651 6735459 0.93 + 2 transcript_id "g1000.t1"; gene_id "g1000"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6735544 6735675 0.79 + 0 transcript_id "g1000.t1"; gene_id "g1000"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6735673 6735675 . + 0 transcript_id "g1000.t1"; gene_id "g1000"; # protein sequence = [MTTQNTTPAGFTGNRNRYYNPVSKIQSLIHNLDAELVQLCKQCSVQKPLTSLNNSTSLGSHFSNFGALGGGSGSKTMG # GSSSMGSNNFSPDSIGNLLARVRASTPLPRTVTSSPTAPEAQKRQMRNVYRTRVIDAYRNRRIFTVYGNYHTVRRALMRRGWLEKLPASRHAKLQSMS # EDALLEHARRGNDYEAVVISKMINHFPAFFIWQGKGQRDLCAEVRPFRNRVRRSQFLDFSTKVGLVGCAEQERWYREDGVCGMSYPRFYRLGGNNLEE # RMAFIEDYQQTQARSLLLYVREHQPAELISENGTIFSTTLDFALGKVKKMVRHAEHYSLDDARIKPPTPAEIVENQTFMVQSTDVLKSNAKFKVSEKV # MAEYARLAGLYLDQIESLRPDYRWDGSRNLWILKPGYQSRGIGIVIRSSLDDILQWTSNNQNKKYIVQKYIERPLLIYRTKFDIRQYMLLTITDTKVS # IWTYRDCYLRFSSQEFTMDDLRESIHLTNNSVQKRYKNKTNRDSRLPKNNMWSLDQFKNYLRIMGAPDGSWSKTYNGFKQNLVAVVMASLDETELLQN # AFELYGCDFMLDEHYNPILIEINSTPDLSPSTEITARICPMVLKDCIRVVVDLPKNPTAATGLFELAFEVNYSINKGADGKPLELNGKQMTLFENMPR # MRNSPRTRLLRKILNNVKTSTTKKVEKVVEAPAKNVKNPTAKITKKKKLSASAGSSTAASAQPSTQNLTTKLILNPATRENLALQYTAPK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1000 # start gene g1001 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6736449 6740176 0.77 - . g1001 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6736449 6740176 0.77 - . g1001.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6736449 6736451 . - 0 transcript_id "g1001.t1"; gene_id "g1001"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6738030 6738089 1 - . transcript_id "g1001.t1"; gene_id "g1001"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6738158 6738795 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1001.t1"; gene_id "g1001"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6736449 6738029 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g1001.t1"; gene_id "g1001"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6738090 6738157 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1001.t1"; gene_id "g1001"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6738796 6740176 0.78 - 0 transcript_id "g1001.t1"; gene_id "g1001"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6740174 6740176 . - 0 transcript_id "g1001.t1"; gene_id "g1001"; # protein sequence = [MQTRPSSEPHRSRDQVTDGDRNRDQPQKCASATLAKKPVTPPAAPPPTPSNRVVAPLTVPVIQLTPAQSDSPVKLARP # ATPKETAISVPDHSNKENQPARTPPPSKSCPLGAPTNYVARRTWITTERMNELRRKAQEAAKQNKIFTIRGCFNSVRNALLMRGWVEKLDVHRKVMPA # GQMTYEDLTQRLPKRKAGETRRQYVQKCERNIMSRFLEHMPVDFLWTNRKEKCDYIDQAKNPGMTINKFHRAPFTSKEGLCSQLRDFHWFFEEGTAEM # YFPRCYNVWSPEELGEFIENFKLTACVAFLRAMLCKYHKQGSDAVFSCSGKIPYSAIDFAYKRLVEYIDSCQHNDIDFEDPPKIWEHDWDAFLFQHQQ # LVNEDGRIQHDGGQRLEPMVKSCLSLVDKMKVHWPQYSLDGYQNMWIVKPANKCRGRGIILMDNLKKILGVVNLSIASKSRYVVQKYIERPLILFQTK # FDIRQWFLITNTQPLVVWFYRESYLRFSSQEYSLSNHHESVHLTNYAIQKKYTNGKRDKRLPSENMWDCYSFQAYLRQIGKYNMWLERIFPGMRKAIV # GCMLASQENMDRRPNTFELFGADFMICENFYPWLIEINSSPDLGATTSVTARMCPQCLEDVVKGELKSGKRNPFDVIPFSVVIDRRTDPKAELGNFEL # AYRQVVPPTPAYMGLNLFVKGKQVLQKANHGGGHGHYYYQQQRKERSLATSSVYRQRSAIIHPATSISRIHRAMPTFNATEYMEKYMVEPLSSSRSSL # CSQLPQKSPSAAPALTATPSGATSSYILKQAGRSITQLLSATHKRNTGGSLSGEQVQSTALPPKRQRSCGPRLSSTNPVESTEKKFKILIKNYSSNGN # ENMQDARPEVANSATATAISERKWRSLRNIAATAGGSSNLAARSKGPPLIAPPSLPTRRLTRTKSEIDSTGMHAIGRTFGRKSNGPRLPISISVQALH # RGEPIVAALKQATSELQLSQAQMMSPRTALANKLNGSTLMVPASALPVG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 7 # RM: 2 # W: 5 # end gene g1001 # start gene g1002 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6743916 6745542 0.46 - . g1002 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6743916 6745542 0.46 - . g1002.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6743916 6743918 . - 0 transcript_id "g1002.t1"; gene_id "g1002"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6744165 6744713 0.51 - . transcript_id "g1002.t1"; gene_id "g1002"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6745108 6745162 0.97 - . transcript_id "g1002.t1"; gene_id "g1002"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6743916 6744164 0.48 - 0 transcript_id "g1002.t1"; gene_id "g1002"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6744714 6745107 0.5 - 1 transcript_id "g1002.t1"; gene_id "g1002"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6745163 6745542 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g1002.t1"; gene_id "g1002"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6745540 6745542 . - 0 transcript_id "g1002.t1"; gene_id "g1002"; # protein sequence = [MEHRVELMLEPIVAGKLERRSDNRSNKVEDEEPHLTKQLKKHYGIEAEVLGLLVKLEMRYKEYYNLYKCEMKAQKILV # ERIWLLTQRYLILISSEQSCRYPEVYTLSTEEAIINEYEEKLEVLRASNNKMKNTLLEINQQCKEFYAAYERLDKAQETPFIMGDSHHRSIKYHKIMA # VDIFNYLYATVLKLKCFMHQLDPVNLESVEEYRDLLQNESAMEEFEEYLNNQFVYCKCIYPIPTCPILKLKCSHQNIANLKYQRQQEYLFEDVSRAEL # KRVKCDSVRHKSHPEDGIQKDRRWHLSMQLSCGAHHNEPIEAEEPDRLCPTEMAIRAHLWAAPKVL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1002 # start gene g1003 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6747523 6747843 0.78 - . g1003 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6747523 6747843 0.78 - . g1003.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6747523 6747525 . - 0 transcript_id "g1003.t1"; gene_id "g1003"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6747523 6747843 0.78 - 0 transcript_id "g1003.t1"; gene_id "g1003"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6747841 6747843 . - 0 transcript_id "g1003.t1"; gene_id "g1003"; # protein sequence = [MFPSWHSLLRWKPLKMEGLRRAGDGMKTLETVDLTTDDEERPVLRLLSDRNNGHYLCPICMSLPDHPVATTCGHIFCK # ECLTTALNQLHYCPLCKNFVTSFFRIYT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1003 # start gene g1004 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6751080 6755297 0.76 + . g1004 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6751080 6755297 0.76 + . g1004.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6751080 6751082 . + 0 transcript_id "g1004.t1"; gene_id "g1004"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6751291 6753939 0.81 + . transcript_id "g1004.t1"; gene_id "g1004"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6751080 6751290 0.77 + 0 transcript_id "g1004.t1"; gene_id "g1004"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6753940 6755297 0.91 + 2 transcript_id "g1004.t1"; gene_id "g1004"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6755295 6755297 . + 0 transcript_id "g1004.t1"; gene_id "g1004"; # protein sequence = [METQWQPRRPESGAISVPVCGTPTDNDLPIDVSNAPKVAHGVGRVAKQAGTGTPVAGGDRRPLWMRGRGLEKRSFSFR # LRRSFGDGGSTNSRNSNNNSSTCTNHNNQKRCSTPLTPTSTSTGRLEVPGAASVSRRSSIYKKPDKNDGGQIHLIPDVELPLMTFADQYNIEKTLAEG # CFAKILLCRHRPTNTLVVLKAVHAELTTIKEFQKEFHYNYELSHHHHILSAYAVAFQTMDYYVFAMEHAPYGDLASNIGPNGLHENACKLISEQLSSA # LGFMHSKNLVHRDLKIENILVFTPDFTRVKLCDFGATTKKGLLVHKVKHTWTSCVPPEQLELIKNERFQCLPVSDSWQFGILLYNILTGNPPWQSADW # VKDQSYANFMKYEQRKTTKVPDNFRRFSPRLMRCFRKYLSHDPEDRCKITEVAKYMKDRWVECRISTSKSATLISPTNHDQDSCIYLNQREGRLSGDE # NKLRFKRMMSTYGLDIPIDQAMVRRRVWDWLSTCDANFDPDVESLHALDLLQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 23 # RM: 2 # W: 21 # end gene g1004 # start gene g1005 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6758052 6759401 0.77 - . g1005 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6758052 6759401 0.77 - . g1005.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6758052 6758054 . - 0 transcript_id "g1005.t1"; gene_id "g1005"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6758052 6759401 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g1005.t1"; gene_id "g1005"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6759399 6759401 . - 0 transcript_id "g1005.t1"; gene_id "g1005"; # protein sequence = [MSIQQFSDSSSQSEGDGEEDSNDADDEEYQQPEWTGRKRPPLVYLELGDKIIIVRNEPQPNVKLEDDVQLKTKMHKFL # GLIPSRRKLYNPAVVYDMKPEDIENINCVVNSSHASAEPFTPSAEQPIRPKTMMTSTWSKLNLSNIDEPTPEESQAKSKNDFELWSIAFSFDQCTPDL # HKEPIDLIDLPNEEQLAANCRRHKSSVPCLERHPKFYGFVRSLSPSISLNMCHPLALTYRQNNFKICKVALAKVLFNIFNHAIFHCGLQVPIVWKHAM # HTRCTCQLTVDAHGKRRAKILLLRSIKTTAELIRCLLHEMCHVAAFVFNRELGHGDNCRRWAYQAKMALPEAPTIEDNCIDSFKYTCTMCTRCSYGVA # DLSMQNLRCYYCQFEVSVKNVWKSEMYDWTRSDPTMTPFKCFIWDRYLQLGEQGANTHSTNMALLNEEFMRLNSTMD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1005 # start gene g1006 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6760190 6770644 0.62 - . g1006 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6760190 6770644 0.62 - . g1006.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6760190 6760192 . - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6760226 6760559 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6760729 6760797 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6761170 6761235 0.95 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6761694 6761768 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6762036 6762106 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6765883 6765970 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6766527 6766585 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6767014 6767257 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6767496 6767555 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6768446 6768503 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6768793 6768845 0.69 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6768969 6769397 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6769737 6769952 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6770082 6770133 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6770271 6770334 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6770534 6770590 1 - . transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6760190 6760225 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6760560 6760728 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6760798 6761169 0.95 - 1 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6761236 6761693 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6761769 6762035 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6762107 6765882 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6765971 6766526 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6766586 6767013 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6767258 6767495 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6767556 6768445 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6768504 6768792 0.69 - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6768846 6768968 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6769398 6769736 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6769953 6770081 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6770134 6770270 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6770335 6770533 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6770591 6770644 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6770642 6770644 . - 0 transcript_id "g1006.t1"; gene_id "g1006"; # protein sequence = [MTTHQLLNKNVRTMPSWVMEANDRIGPKPPPTPPNGVAGGLPKAPALPPKAKSTPEPDYEIIEFSSQQYSNEPMKTTV # IRTKTPDNKLKCTLCGSQNPWVTCAECAGQIFCASCDDMFHKHPKRKQHMRKAVEQGTPPIPPKAQAGGGAPPPVAPPRRSKRGLLTPFLGRKDQMLP # PPSPTPSHKSLGGWRGSLGGGATPPVPPIATSSANQMNNRPLPDPPRSEGGGSSRSGTPKSVFDTIQRPPSVQLEKIKSKASATLDRMAILQQRYRQQ # KARQDLSANSEQAAGAQRRQMSTSVFNLNSNPRRPLSEAQNGGAWLANQRIQQAQSLAQLNCAGCQQSQQHPGWAQHPHQALPQHQHPDQWSQFGSQQ # QFNNSNLSLNVGPGYMSQQHHPHYPPPVFMTQRGMMPNVYPGAPGYPMMHPGVMGMPPSAASRAASRSRYAASPTPSRKSMSLRRKRNSYVDDELTDD # EDSDQDDRRSLVSNRSGMTSASRSQHHQNHIQPRQRRLSSASQLIASDELDGDQVHHKMRNRRGSIAKSVQSEWLPERRENEGTLTRNKTATDSARTS # RIYSDLESEGSGARALVQAKIQQKLQEADQHKSSKKAEPKRKPEMKDENTQAAAVVQKVVVPPAHEESASEYEEVVEEVTASESEAEAQTAPDPQEVP # DEIGADDLGPPPSTPDHEWECEFCTFVNEPNIKICSICCKTPSKPPVQPNKAKKTETKPVQKPTTKSQQPSQKSVAALSKTTHTNSTSSSKASPAVNS # KTTSSIPIKTPSKSTLKTSSENESDNSLAKSLLHKESVENIWNTLDESIQAQAEQVLKKAQKVSTACGGTPPREIAAVEMGTSPPPQSISTQTYDALP # FNTKQEEIIPVVPDRFTTPEPNKMERRPHYRSNSQLQQESERYRSANDLRYHDGFGLDPYSAGLVTKRPNFINELRMLQLQVSSPFDMPHETFGVKHE # PARDPETEMHIILKELELYKFTVEELEAALKYCSPETHPIQWLRENWHKLVQTVQSLSTKYGQERGENTIGTVSQNEAREALRNSGGNVWQAVADCIQ # QRQQKYRKLAAKGNFLRDDIVNALTAHQGNVEQALVELNRTQLKPFLMRIWGSPNGVENESGVAIDTKSDIHDFLNTHALDCLQPPLAGQSPSPAQAN # PFDQPRTDESPVKSTYATPSPYQMEDSTLKNLEILIGNMEQNQAKQNQEVLRSIETMLDTFKGKPELEYETDPEIMRILTKSPISTMKPSGPAEDKST # DDVKNFVWQHIQEIVPNLVQQVEQELMEKPEEVAKIEAEQPKEPEPLLEPQPEPTPSVDPAVYIMEEVIKPNLREASIREEVQPSFIYATEIANFKLE # FDRGTERWHEAEWESSDLTDAERIVYKCYMAPNEQPKEDVVDVAVESSVNSLPTAKAQEESAPEVPIEAQKIENTEVTQPETVNEELRQQEKLETPLV # ITSETISETVSQTANESDKQKSIENNLQIKQNVAEVQVQSDDQPSTSRDANRRAKRSQQSRKGRSREQSQKPTNRTKLPNNIDQKVNESKTAAKETEA # VKDKDLSAAASNIQSDVTASDPKTSTPLKILSEGTNSNTLETMENVTSTDINDNVTIEVISNRSEEVPAIQDLGKTKDISEPTANPIEEITSIQNSTT # ISEQSEGPQEPEIPIEVSETTEALQVPREEASIEIVSPPNEEQTKSPTSQEVNIQDTSHIISLPITDVTPTPEIINIAPSTSSISKEQKQSPKRLSKI # PVRTLSSSSLRSESRSSNRTPTANDEIEREETTSQGVPIGETVSSPKSEQLSDNQEVNLVSQETQSKKDTNIVEEPATQPLGLELEEHSPNATAVAVS # PTDSDEVFEDAPEFSGSDGTRPHDETASDAELYSLDSDGQRAETKSPEDEVVILLDEESQMESSIAQSESNASLDSHSSESETSKVVLKEFVPSGDPA # KQNLSELVEDTQRLIKQMRDEISMDEFESTDEDEYSDEYSDEYDEGEEEEWYDSEGEEEGDFDGEEGNTYNEHASYIEEASTGDEGTEIEDIMEEDED # LADDDEPLQSQIPLDIEPVISPALSVTPTNQETDTIAHTEVVSSTGTRLETELPNPAMESILPSQSVQEDIKVEAIPIQSAPPIADSETRPAEQPVEL # VLEIPSEVEPTPVEEPTALPITPAPPIVDSESRPVEPPVETVLEEPKKVTPSMKGKTANSGTASKGPSTSSSTKTNKSTVSKIPKPTNEPTNKSNSTP # LNKKVPLRSKSFSAPMGISSVKRIQEVYLQKQSSSIATSRVPLKSSPVTKKSINDAISRFNSNQADGPSTSGAAAAAAAALLKPRSQPRIPKKKYHET # CFSDDDYETSATEEEQEEPNLAEPQKAEQLKRKMSMPVFRAYPSVQEPVIEDPAILARKYVDQELVTNIAEAQIAATLVSMKFSEDVALWAARECSDL # DQAIAMLQQECELCMNSYPMNQMVSMLKCLHKCCKQCAKSYFTVQITDRSINDCSCPFCKLPELSNEAQHEDEHLEYFSNLDIFLKSILDNDVHELFQ # RKLRDRSLLQDPNFKWCIQCSSGFFARPKQKRLICPDCGSVTCAQCRKPWERQHEGSSCEAYLEWKRENDPELQAQGVQEHLAQNGIDCPKCKFRYSL # ARGGCMHFTCTQCKFEFCYGCARPFMMGAKCTVSTYCAKLGLHAHHPRNCLFYLRDKIPLQLQFLLKEQNVKFDTEPMQIKDESSSSSKARAQARCPI # PLQKETPQGLVDTVCNTEVPDKHAGMCRTHYVEYLAGKVAKAGIDPLPIFDLTDCVQELRRRGIALPERGPWDTDEIYKNMCSEVIKKHIPLKSA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 81.8 # CDS exons: 15/17 # W: 15 # CDS introns: 12/16 # E: 12 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 13 # E: 12 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 410 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # W: 408 # end gene g1006 # start gene g1007 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6774510 6777608 0.35 + . g1007 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6774510 6777608 0.35 + . g1007.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6774510 6774512 . + 0 transcript_id "g1007.t1"; gene_id "g1007"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6774527 6774607 0.73 + . transcript_id "g1007.t1"; gene_id "g1007"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6774888 6775830 0.72 + . transcript_id "g1007.t1"; gene_id "g1007"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6775895 6775964 1 + . transcript_id "g1007.t1"; gene_id "g1007"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6777427 6777499 1 + . transcript_id "g1007.t1"; gene_id "g1007"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6774510 6774526 0.73 + 0 transcript_id "g1007.t1"; gene_id "g1007"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6774608 6774887 0.81 + 1 transcript_id "g1007.t1"; gene_id "g1007"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6775831 6775894 0.72 + 0 transcript_id "g1007.t1"; gene_id "g1007"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6775965 6777426 0.79 + 2 transcript_id "g1007.t1"; gene_id "g1007"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6777500 6777608 0.85 + 1 transcript_id "g1007.t1"; gene_id "g1007"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6777606 6777608 . + 0 transcript_id "g1007.t1"; gene_id "g1007"; # protein sequence = [MFTFTHHKELHHRAAGPLSPNIVLPVDLGQDTISMVDAKPQPPTPGAMPGTGTPPGGFAGERSKIKLFMERTPSIGAL # KSKFLTVLGNSNELLNGISNKLTLSSSSSDSDYCDDDEDIPKFDESIDYTKIDFEGRRVKARRAHEEIISGRYRQPNLAPSKYNTTTNQIIGVLYFNS # FLGPRLEPSRGRHAASKLGAPLRSSSGSSSSSSSSDDSSSVSLPEHMANRSHDVSSTTRSDSIESRHSGGYERARAIAGARRSEMDMQKDVQRIGEVG # DTVPPHIDVQPPTEAGAGSGGRQQWAGGSNSMRLPSRSRASNSSTLTSLRDEPDQLLASPSMESTDWRHFIRSESQNSVPSWASSISLDCRAGEEPVK # EFMKHFTALLFGGSPGAVDLELKSEFGVLLRLEIGRLWFTRFLTEQRHKSKRLDSVTFGSLAQYFALALFECSECEDYGPAAVLMNLCFLFYHEVEVP # GCDPYREYLFSSLRQQPIWQQARFWNAIFHDGMQAEREHRGQSQMRRQKRRQQKQQQRQAAAGAGSGAGTADGPPTKSQRKQGGDSSSSSSHQAAQSG # TPAAQACTGSIPANRRPSKTSLTQAHSLRDQEDIAFRQLGALTCNMHSLGTSQELCLDFLKKNVVAHNLSKGKSI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 22.2 # CDS exons: 1/5 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/4 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 26 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # W: 24 # end gene g1007 # start gene g1008 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6779373 6786414 0.9 - . g1008 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6779373 6786414 0.9 - . g1008.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6779373 6779375 . - 0 transcript_id "g1008.t1"; gene_id "g1008"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6779652 6779711 1 - . transcript_id "g1008.t1"; gene_id "g1008"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6779972 6780031 1 - . transcript_id "g1008.t1"; gene_id "g1008"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6780290 6786281 1 - . transcript_id "g1008.t1"; gene_id "g1008"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6779373 6779651 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g1008.t1"; gene_id "g1008"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6779712 6779971 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1008.t1"; gene_id "g1008"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6780032 6780289 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1008.t1"; gene_id "g1008"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6786282 6786414 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1008.t1"; gene_id "g1008"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6786412 6786414 . - 0 transcript_id "g1008.t1"; gene_id "g1008"; # protein sequence = [MSKNNGKGAKGEFEFPQPAKKQTFSEMIYNPQEGTFFGRTGKSWSQLLLFYTIFYIVLAALFTICMQGLLSTISDTEP # KWKLQDSLIGTNPGLGFRPLSEQTERGSVIAFDGKKPAESDYWIELIDDFLRDYNHTEGRDMKHCGFGQVLEPTDVCVVNTDLFGGCSKANNYGYKTN # QPCIFLKLNKIFGWIPEVYDKEEKDMPDDLKKVINETKTEERQQVWVSCNGHLGKDKENFQNIRYFPSQGFPSYYYPFLNQPGYLSPLVAVQFNSPPK # GQMLDVECRAWAKNIQYSGSVRDRKGSVTFQILLD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 3 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 86 # W: 86 # end gene g1008 # start gene g1009 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6786446 6790344 0.53 - . g1009 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6786446 6790344 0.53 - . g1009.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6786446 6786448 . - 0 transcript_id "g1009.t1"; gene_id "g1009"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6786679 6786743 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1009.t1"; gene_id "g1009"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6786855 6790232 0.59 - . transcript_id "g1009.t1"; gene_id "g1009"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6786446 6786678 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g1009.t1"; gene_id "g1009"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6786744 6786854 0.59 - 2 transcript_id "g1009.t1"; gene_id "g1009"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6790233 6790344 0.75 - 0 transcript_id "g1009.t1"; gene_id "g1009"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6790342 6790344 . - 0 transcript_id "g1009.t1"; gene_id "g1009"; # protein sequence = [MHFTMKVRRKIVKLNHQDGNSMDRMELNQPESRLALTIGDLSPRAQHAARIAIRSRRKQGNQELATTSRGSQPVYQSS # SRGANNCIITRFSKIFKSTASAKINENSVSSLLNHRIYTAQRIHKSVFVAFAPSTSSTKSINQIFESNRILKS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 84 # W: 84 # end gene g1009 # start gene g1010 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6790639 6793369 0.99 - . g1010 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6790639 6793369 0.99 - . g1010.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6790639 6790641 . - 0 transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6790743 6790798 1 - . transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6790968 6791030 1 - . transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6791324 6791517 1 - . transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6791638 6791700 1 - . transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6791842 6793227 1 - . transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6790639 6790742 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6790799 6790967 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6791031 6791323 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6791518 6791637 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6791701 6791841 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6793228 6793369 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6793367 6793369 . - 0 transcript_id "g1010.t1"; gene_id "g1010"; # protein sequence = [MSKPVPMSPSFVDEDLHNLRKPKPFKLGQFLYNTEDGTVMGRDRSSWAKIGIFYVAFYGVLAALVAICMWAFFQTLDP # RIPKWTLDRSLIGTNPGLGFRPLPPVDNVESTLIWYKGTQHENYKHWTDSLDDFLAVYKVPGLTPGRGQNIYNCDYNQPPPKGQVCDVDIKTWSPCTK # ENNYSYHKSAPCIFLKLNKIYGWIPEYYNRSNDLPANMPASLKTYIAEVEKTQPEKLNTIWVSCEGENPADQENIGAVNYLPIRGFPGYFYPYQNSEG # YLSPLVAVHFQRPKRGIIINVECRAWARNIIHDRKERIGSVHYELLID] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 5 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 99 # W: 99 # end gene g1010 # start gene g1011 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6793397 6797074 0.35 - . g1011 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6793397 6797074 0.35 - . g1011.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6793397 6793399 . - 0 transcript_id "g1011.t1"; gene_id "g1011"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6793405 6794492 1 - . transcript_id "g1011.t1"; gene_id "g1011"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6794594 6796173 0.57 - . transcript_id "g1011.t1"; gene_id "g1011"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6796836 6797011 0.61 - . transcript_id "g1011.t1"; gene_id "g1011"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6793397 6793404 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1011.t1"; gene_id "g1011"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6794493 6794593 0.89 - 1 transcript_id "g1011.t1"; gene_id "g1011"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6796174 6796835 0.45 - 0 transcript_id "g1011.t1"; gene_id "g1011"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6797012 6797074 0.61 - 0 transcript_id "g1011.t1"; gene_id "g1011"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6797072 6797074 . - 0 transcript_id "g1011.t1"; gene_id "g1011"; # protein sequence = [MKIVSRAATRVFHDVELELWLIFRHITPGSAWSFFVEFRSVSRGAQRCQLVVCSAYPKCYRVKPSAFPAIDQSQPSLT # RDLHRTAQESSWIHDPPHISIPLHIPISNPVIRKPLPTRSRSRNRLAVELRKRQPKKKPGIMPTITEDCIDGFQQYYSRPPERPKKKSLKQMVYDSED # NSYFGRSMDSWGELEIFHCGLRKPQVLAPVASSRVDSLDKSLTLIKRISFVVALALTADADYRGCGLKLVLSGGITCHGVFVTWSKRVPFANSNLNRV # CGL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 42.9 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/3 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 1 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 65 # W: 65 # end gene g1011 # start gene g1012 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6801606 6801945 0.75 - . g1012 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6801606 6801945 0.75 - . g1012.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6801606 6801608 . - 0 transcript_id "g1012.t1"; gene_id "g1012"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6801651 6801705 1 - . transcript_id "g1012.t1"; gene_id "g1012"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6801606 6801650 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1012.t1"; gene_id "g1012"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6801706 6801945 0.75 - 0 transcript_id "g1012.t1"; gene_id "g1012"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6801943 6801945 . - 0 transcript_id "g1012.t1"; gene_id "g1012"; # protein sequence = [MERRSTRHAQGLCRSQHLEHVLVVTLHVLLQELYAHYADPSTMIACPGLCERRGRIHGPNAVARPQILHDPLTSIRIL # SRVAYKYFLASVSIGS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 6 # W: 6 # end gene g1012 # start gene g1013 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6802090 6802377 0.49 + . g1013 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6802090 6802377 0.49 + . g1013.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6802090 6802092 . + 0 transcript_id "g1013.t1"; gene_id "g1013"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6802090 6802377 0.49 + 0 transcript_id "g1013.t1"; gene_id "g1013"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6802375 6802377 . + 0 transcript_id "g1013.t1"; gene_id "g1013"; # protein sequence = [MPPSGSGGQHMPGAEEQGMGDGAPHGGLCGPQHGRLCEPQHGGLCGPQQGDTLQQQGPHPQQPPATRPPHPAPPFGAP # VAAQRIRLLFTPIIMLA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1013 # start gene g1014 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6802974 6804258 0.47 + . g1014 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6802974 6804258 0.47 + . g1014.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6802974 6802976 . + 0 transcript_id "g1014.t1"; gene_id "g1014"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6803255 6803309 1 + . transcript_id "g1014.t1"; gene_id "g1014"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6803523 6803591 1 + . transcript_id "g1014.t1"; gene_id "g1014"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6803889 6803945 1 + . transcript_id "g1014.t1"; gene_id "g1014"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6802974 6803254 0.47 + 0 transcript_id "g1014.t1"; gene_id "g1014"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6803310 6803522 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1014.t1"; gene_id "g1014"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6803592 6803888 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1014.t1"; gene_id "g1014"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6803946 6804258 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1014.t1"; gene_id "g1014"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6804256 6804258 . + 0 transcript_id "g1014.t1"; gene_id "g1014"; # protein sequence = [MRFAYNSDKRSSFQFIPSSQADRIGAMPNIAVIGAGVNGVASAIKILEHYVNDGKTPIKVTIISEDFTPNTTGDGSAG # LWGPYLLGGTSQAKVYKWSKSMHQFLEKIWLSEDAGEAGVCLLPCIRLSTSTVDTVEDFWRDIVYGAVDLSKEQLAAYNKGRSVKFTSGLSFVTYTSE # PIKLLPYLMKRFTRNGGVVVRKRITDLDAFVADSEYDVIVNCSGLGSKTLLNDDQMYAVRGQVSRVRANWIFSAVLDESDDGNYIIPNTESVVLGGTH # QERDYNTKVCQNDRRMIVDGCQRYIPGLEHTECLFDWVGLRPGRTQLRLEAERRGRKLLIHNYGHGGSGVTLCWGCADDVLNILLAAKNGSKL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 93 # W: 93 # end gene g1014 # start gene g1015 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6804678 6805532 0.28 - . g1015 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6804678 6805532 0.28 - . g1015.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6804678 6804680 . - 0 transcript_id "g1015.t1"; gene_id "g1015"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6805180 6805245 0.78 - . transcript_id "g1015.t1"; gene_id "g1015"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6805360 6805431 0.62 - . transcript_id "g1015.t1"; gene_id "g1015"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6804678 6805179 0.81 - 1 transcript_id "g1015.t1"; gene_id "g1015"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6805246 6805359 0.64 - 1 transcript_id "g1015.t1"; gene_id "g1015"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6805432 6805532 0.3 - 0 transcript_id "g1015.t1"; gene_id "g1015"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6805530 6805532 . - 0 transcript_id "g1015.t1"; gene_id "g1015"; # protein sequence = [MVIEFMWSNSFLKSLVYESLGLFDLPDMKQTYSWYVRHILRNECSVMMISEDETQIRAVGLLEWMTEEWHSWVFFPSS # LPRNLFQQIIMMKKELIDATKANMGISTYDALFVHEIAFPDELYFNRDFLSTIFDVFGFVAQHMHMPRVSFIALSSVDQEAASLIDYEEIGRTIYSIY # KVGNTRPFDILRELDEMYALLFELAVSPVLKYIEMPGFEEFHEALDARLAKEAAEKRHDDDI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1015 # start gene g1016 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6822600 6823136 0.66 + . g1016 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6822600 6823136 0.66 + . g1016.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6822600 6822602 . + 0 transcript_id "g1016.t1"; gene_id "g1016"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6822600 6823136 0.66 + 0 transcript_id "g1016.t1"; gene_id "g1016"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6823134 6823136 . + 0 transcript_id "g1016.t1"; gene_id "g1016"; # protein sequence = [MDVAKMQATSGQHLLHPAAPPAHQHHLPLDYSLGNFKPAIASDFPGPFLTSQQSSSASNSASSSAAATVPLQVRDLSA # LTAMATIPSPTQLLHQRIQMSADAALGHHQQQPAQNPNPNPNHPQPQMPPASTSPHEYAPMSAFKAVLPKKRNSDGKPESLTIFACSIVKALKIRQQL # GF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g1016 # start gene g1017 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6831796 6838158 0.34 + . g1017 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6831796 6838158 0.34 + . g1017.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6831796 6831798 . + 0 transcript_id "g1017.t1"; gene_id "g1017"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6831972 6832151 1 + . transcript_id "g1017.t1"; gene_id "g1017"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6832554 6832780 0.45 + . transcript_id "g1017.t1"; gene_id "g1017"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6833188 6837763 1 + . transcript_id "g1017.t1"; gene_id "g1017"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6831796 6831971 0.78 + 0 transcript_id "g1017.t1"; gene_id "g1017"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6832152 6832553 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1017.t1"; gene_id "g1017"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6832781 6833187 0.45 + 1 transcript_id "g1017.t1"; gene_id "g1017"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6837764 6838158 0.97 + 2 transcript_id "g1017.t1"; gene_id "g1017"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6838156 6838158 . + 0 transcript_id "g1017.t1"; gene_id "g1017"; # protein sequence = [MPFNPLEAMRQGYPPNYDAAMFQRPLFSPALPFFAAVAFHQGQQQQQQQQQQQSGLAAGYHPDSQENLFRLRSLMVPL # QSAGQNNSSAAAAAAAAAAAAVGVGVGVGVGVPPNGGHLGLPHSPHLHHFHHMAAKWPGLHQFSDLYSCMKCEKMFSTPHGLEVHSRRTHHGKKPYAC # ELCNKTFGHEVSLSQHSVFNYFSECNEWSSCLGHFALLNLAKMAGFQPDQMFAFVAVVKTRPLPPLGTYRTLITANARNTPKPKPIPSHHFRAVHNVE # KVFECKQCGKRFKRSSTLSTHLLIHSDTRPYPCNYCGKRFHQKSDMKKHTYIHTGEKPHKCQVCGKAFSQSSNLITHSRKHTGYKPFSCKLCHKAFQR # KVDLRRHKETQHTDLRVHLGKVDFMSAAAAAAASAELSAAAAAAAAAGGSVPGGGPPGSQGANAVGSAPNGAPPMGGLNCQKVSLLA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 42.9 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/3 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 1 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 13 # RM: 3 # W: 10 # end gene g1017 # start gene g1018 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6852422 6853657 1 + . g1018 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6852422 6853657 1 + . g1018.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6852422 6852424 . + 0 transcript_id "g1018.t1"; gene_id "g1018"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6852422 6853657 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1018.t1"; gene_id "g1018"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6853655 6853657 . + 0 transcript_id "g1018.t1"; gene_id "g1018"; # protein sequence = [MSAYYRRAALRKKSPSRGSSFELEMNESGYTSFLALHNSTAETPFLLEDAEGENCRNASNTTTFFRGLNTPSGHQEQD # LYWGKPYPRTQPQKKFSAEEEPFSMTPRLQDEHSLPKRRKKHFQSPHSSPKKSKKLLFPHIEEPPKNRFYGGVEKLDIVAKLAQWQPALQCILRHVGA # HTLDVMTKVSPAWKQAVYRSQRDLERLQNHRLKLNLTKENPHVPKRCSHVPKANHTVPLQTSNHSSLANSAASLMDSGNSSIHLMDVDAGRVLREQTQ # RVKCPRCGRGSRVFISEAAKCGENLLSQTLPIGRTTSTFPCMTGPPLKRFLSLDLDEVRTSPQGPPYNFAECTSVICQFRFCVNCLCKSHPGERCLVT # ELDTPSKLMMPRERLTPPQRAQNRDPKITRKNSLKRLCF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 124 # W: 124 # end gene g1018 # start gene g1019 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6854246 6860772 1 + . g1019 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6854246 6860772 1 + . g1019.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6854246 6854248 . + 0 transcript_id "g1019.t1"; gene_id "g1019"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6855415 6855526 1 + . transcript_id "g1019.t1"; gene_id "g1019"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6855790 6855849 1 + . transcript_id "g1019.t1"; gene_id "g1019"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6859561 6859624 1 + . transcript_id "g1019.t1"; gene_id "g1019"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6854246 6855414 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1019.t1"; gene_id "g1019"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6855527 6855789 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1019.t1"; gene_id "g1019"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6855850 6859560 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1019.t1"; gene_id "g1019"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6859625 6860772 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1019.t1"; gene_id "g1019"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6860770 6860772 . + 0 transcript_id "g1019.t1"; gene_id "g1019"; # protein sequence = [MSTALAQQLQKLAAPQSSVTLADARSRASILFDPKEAATKDRRSIYEIGLTGLQELTDFNPAFKEFQLTLFDEATLTL # ERSVELPEINKMLDAAIAKFLRLLSPYLLLRPAHMAFEWLLRRFQVHEYNRSEVMALILPYHETMIFVQIVKTMRLRSSDGDWYWLRPLQRPGVPLAK # TAIINRAASNPAFLGFICQSTQKAVKELGPRAHQLQAQINFYATVVVGALQTAKPLQDWHITTILESLLRGLISDNIDFMAAAYVIVAQLVSRTKLKS # KVCNALLERVANCPFERLHSESLLLLVCIYGKQQAALPHFKPETILNLVGKKWLISTLSSLAKGNIAIQSICMPLMTGAVAAIRDDDASSNSCKLFLD # NLLSEVPMPKPTAQQLINCFLDTYVETAIDAPEPMETNSNEDDDTIVIDSDDEIETEKTTFQAWYSTYLEKLERRYPEAFDLSVKEALRSKSSTSNRQ # KALKLALGFRLNTTDEKAKHAYEKLYHYSADWRLSAVQKLLQNLNVTKKRERSVKLLQECLPDRINDDSGAVVSTLLSLPTEELAEMLGPLPLAQTLC # HLLYRAQSEKDEEWQPVVPLAVRHLTSALVSGSYDTNLVLLALMPLLFPGEALAEHQHKALRILLGSDFVSKVPFLAELKVSNKFSDFNVGEHRQHFL # DIIASSNQELSSQERALLQSVEDHGGELYIQKASQLTHLLLLLTAYAKRELQPRESLHMLEKIGLYSRRLQFRVVNGSQNTQNCAPLQLYVDFLLTLV # KNTKWTALASTPWNQMTDELRLCLRLLEIICAQVFSEKADQPERQEWTRALQQSLQLILPEAQDRLEVLSNFYVFERLPELWPRDSDYAVFRLQGFII # LEAVLSNPKSQIDCGLVHVLRVANACGSPLQTLRVQAINILQLISNRKLVSHVEQLVRSLLQRKSELSMDHEQYALILYTILEPEKATAKERLVLSKL # KRSVLALASDPKQSPICTASLLAALKHVNDENFLNELLPLGLDSLKTITAGEDNQNIKQLPWPHSEIYKSVIERFEGRVALNVLLRKDLAWKLFEDSF # AQYDTYVQLEQKLQPLPCVLLNSLTPETFEQMHAKHKIALIKLIVESATNSDNDSIFLASHRLLKRCRLDCQPLVPILLEMANTKVEKKQPVKRRSVQ # ATQLDLTSPYWKQGMTLLELLEHKKQLVGAELLIPPLFELLQACLTMEEHSAAEYPKQLILSSLLHCCQTAQSAGVQLVKAMPESSFRIELVVQSLRN # TRNPQTQQHALLFLTHCAGMYPQQVLHKIVEIFTFVGSTVARHDDAFSLHIIHNVVESIIPILLLNTGHNELVIPVLKVFADICTDVPVHRRLPLYAT # LFRVLEPKEHLWQFLCIIFESQVLLEQVPQKVSTDKSRLDFARELTLMFEDPTVAIQTCIRLLDYLAKLPATKSSLSGGSGSSVLSTEQQLFDVRTRT # FKQLRHYKYLIMDFLSGISSCNEWEKKMKRPDPNELLPYYQEFILKTLAYVGVLNGALEAASETPSLEKFWRVLANHAHDVLDNAIGLLAPQHFISVI # TELLKHDHVYVRIKVMDLLVTKLSPSSDYFQQSNAEHFGVLFAPLQEIINGILEGSSNSAQQAKLQQTALHALQLLALRHGRDYIEECRSLLATLTKI # TKRRANVPKAVVGNVVLTLVEICASLKAHALAQLPKFAPQLTELLKEQVHQMASLKQGPDYVCSTLVTALHKLFKALPLFLGPYLVDIIGGLARLSVQ # LENPQLLQDKRTQVLKQKLADVWSAVAQGVEVRILVPSCAKAFSSLLEQQAYDELGHLMQQLLLQSVRHNSAAQLQPVQDPLSELFLQALNFRLQVRG # LGLQRQLVSDVEASITETFVTWILKLSETSFRPMYSRVHKWALESTSRETRLTYFLLTNRIAEALKSLFVLFASDFVEDSSRLLTEHNSIRPEFEVEE # REDDVDLLMAILNTLHHVFLYCSEDFINDHRFNVLMPPLVNQLENDLVLGNESLQQVLSNCIAQFAVATNDVMWKQLNSQVLLKTRTSNPEVRILAFN # SCVAIARKLGESYAALLPETVPFIAELLEDEHQRVEKNTRTGVQELETILGESVQKYL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 540 # W: 540 # end gene g1019 # start gene g1020 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6861034 6864340 0.56 - . g1020 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6861034 6864340 0.56 - . g1020.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6861034 6861036 . - 0 transcript_id "g1020.t1"; gene_id "g1020"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6862315 6862385 1 - . transcript_id "g1020.t1"; gene_id "g1020"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6862559 6862624 1 - . transcript_id "g1020.t1"; gene_id "g1020"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6862880 6863707 1 - . transcript_id "g1020.t1"; gene_id "g1020"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6863817 6864031 1 - . transcript_id "g1020.t1"; gene_id "g1020"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6861034 6862314 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1020.t1"; gene_id "g1020"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6862386 6862558 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1020.t1"; gene_id "g1020"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6862625 6862879 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1020.t1"; gene_id "g1020"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6863708 6863816 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1020.t1"; gene_id "g1020"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6864032 6864340 0.56 - 0 transcript_id "g1020.t1"; gene_id "g1020"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6864338 6864340 . - 0 transcript_id "g1020.t1"; gene_id "g1020"; # protein sequence = [MTATGEPEAREDPSVGGAPATITTPTTIIAPTPIPVPSDVPMPNSNGSGNGAGNHRSTIVIESQPKRRVSIISDPPMI # GGNGGLGTGYDNPAYEQNPRRKISQTSTHSHTDIGPARRKSILKDTAPHDNESDRVSTHSYENYRQNALDVLNAKYNGHQMGHNGGGSSNGGANYVEE # SWMYNFCLKCRGEEPSASWEPPFWQKIFPYPLCPTFRTVSRLISIILIGVLIWVTAFVIIGDSAAPGGQLFGLVVLTVAANFGGYLISLTTLPRLIGM # LLVGILFQNVGWADIDGDFSKVTAHLRKFALTIILTRAGLEMEPEAFKKVYKTILKLGIIPWCVEAVVMAVMSHFLLDLPWIWAFLLGSIIAAVSPAV # VVPCLFRLRTKGYGVAKGIPTLVVAVAGVDDALSVAIFGIISTVMFSDKGLAYQIAQAPVCILGGLGFGVVWGSLARIFPEKGDAYVVPLRTLLLFTG # GLMAIYGSEELGFEGAGPLAVVFSAFVSNLFWCKDGWDVEDNPVSTAFEIFWMIFEPILFGLTGATIKIRELDSHTVSIGAACIFTGAILRILTTAGI # AFGDRLNTKEKFFVGLSWMAKATVQAALGPVALKHLGDDATEEERNWANIVQTICVFSIVLTAPLGAIMISVTGTKLLTKTKQPQDLSGWRRSHRPSI # RDISIIDEEEEREDPEIPEDKETHDNTLNNAHIPSISYTYNT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 192 # W: 192 # end gene g1020 # start gene g1021 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6877048 6877257 0.76 - . g1021 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6877048 6877257 0.76 - . g1021.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6877048 6877050 . - 0 transcript_id "g1021.t1"; gene_id "g1021"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6877048 6877257 0.76 - 0 transcript_id "g1021.t1"; gene_id "g1021"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6877255 6877257 . - 0 transcript_id "g1021.t1"; gene_id "g1021"; # protein sequence = [MRASANVCVYCSVVMRASAIENVGTVIYLDEADHEDKIAKQLLAIINYDSYEQGSPHGPPMNSCDASLL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 22 # W: 22 # end gene g1021 # start gene g1022 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6877408 6882651 0.76 + . g1022 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6877408 6882651 0.76 + . g1022.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6877408 6877410 . + 0 transcript_id "g1022.t1"; gene_id "g1022"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6877408 6882651 0.76 + 0 transcript_id "g1022.t1"; gene_id "g1022"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6882649 6882651 . + 0 transcript_id "g1022.t1"; gene_id "g1022"; # protein sequence = [MSKFDQLVRVQTDRIESLKRLFSNVKKDSSARKTEIYFEKRLNQIDEFNKEFHQAHHTLICMADYEESVYKQQNTISQ # FEDLGMEVYCFVAEEKKRIYPGTVTHNESANSTITTHVEEVRIPLPKLPVPKFSGNCADWPSFHDAFLRLIHNNERLDKIQRFHFLKEALPVGLDNDI # RQIALTEANYEVAWTTLLQRYNNPRIVFASHMNMLYNLPNLSKEKSADIRSMVSTVNVCIAACNTVKAPLQGGDFWLTHYLTTKLPKDTHTAWEHHLG # SKIDVPSYKDLQQFLNDRLVTLDAIESRNACSGMKQSNETSDGTKRVRVHSAHTRSGASASACYHCGNLHILRRCPQFLSMDCYQRKEVASKAKLCLN # CLGKSHTQASCPSNKNCLHCGQRHHTMLHFPATQPTLIPSSTSCQSSAASSDAKPTLQCMSTTTSSMTHRKVLLATARVVLSNTQTGCQATVNALLDQ # GSEATIISEHAVQSLQLSRSTTRTSITGVGQDSGRRCKFIVSCSVQTATNPNFSLKVDDAYVLNTLTSHMPSQSFPAGNWSHIHGLMLADPYYYRSKR # IDIIFGADLMAQLLLPGTKIGLPNEPIAQNTQLGWVLLGNVGNTHITRHIRCNHAIINSEELLKVFCEVESVPERPKLSKEDQWCESFFKQTHQRQPD # GSYQVRLPFKRNFDPSMTLGKSHQIALNRYLQLERRLQRDPDKWIRYCKGIEEYFQLGQITLAETSENSTITTDSYGRHVASCVLPHHAVFKEESLTT # KQRIVFDASARTSNGRSLNDVLCVGPTLQNDLPAVLLNWRQYQFVFTADIQRMYRCINVHPDDTQYQRILWRAADGVIKQHCLTTVTFGTASAPYTAI # RVIHQIAEDTQTKYPMASNVLKNEIYVDDILSGDHSQEAAIRKSLQTMLALKSSGMELRKWASNDQDLMATIPLEHRCKQTSLSWDNADTIKTLGMYW # LPKQDCFTYKLLANTPAGITKREILSTIARLFDPLGLIAPVVISAKIILKEITLAKQYREDGSSTSLDWDEPVPNTIAVKWQQFRQQLMKVKTIKIPR # SVKFTPLFSSEIQLHTFCDGSSSAYAAAVYARTQQSDGTFYTTLIVAKSKISPTKPLTIPRTELCGAVLATKLTKWVLENNRWTNAHISTFYWTDATI # VLHWIKGDITRWKTFVANRVSYILDHTSAAQWHHIDTSENPADCATRGLPPSQIPDIWWHGPSWLCKPHNIWPNTQSQLLNPEERDLEAKSIKIRAFT # TLSDTKDSIIDRFSSYTKLLRVTAYMLRFCHNAHARAQRSHGSLSPDELDEALCCIARLAQSDTFHADIQALKRNKPLPPRSTLSNLTPFLDNNILRI # RGRLKHSNLSFSRKHPIILPHCHLFTDLVIQHSHQLTLHGGAQLTLAHIRYKFWIPRGRQAVRRIIRKCVTCFKVAPVVAKQLMGDLPLHRVNPPTRP # FITTGVDYTGAIELQAARVRGSTTYKGYVAIFICLATKAVHLEAVTGLSTEHFLQAFTRFTGRRGQVQHMYSDNGTNFVGASTSLNQPITCKAALNES # TCQHGTRWHFTPPYSPNFGGIWEANVKAMKHHLKRIVGSHKQTYEELTTVLIRIEACLNSRPLCPLTADPDDLEVLTPAHFLIGDALLAPPQGRPNNK # PLRELFLAQQHMTRQFWSQWSRDWLSHLQTRPKWCQIKDNLNINDLVIIKDDNLPPAKWTIGRVVELHPGSDSLVRVVTLKTKSGIQKRSITKLCPLP # IST] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 519 # W: 519 # end gene g1022 # start gene g1023 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6897701 6905992 0.4 + . g1023 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6897701 6905992 0.4 + . g1023.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6897701 6897703 . + 0 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6898087 6901241 0.68 + . transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6901475 6902246 0.97 + . transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6902604 6902807 0.95 + . transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6903004 6903258 0.99 + . transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6903361 6903424 0.99 + . transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6903621 6903680 1 + . transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6903870 6903930 1 + . transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6904074 6904132 0.79 + . transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6904459 6904519 1 + . transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6904676 6904743 1 + . transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6904906 6904964 1 + . transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6897701 6898086 0.59 + 0 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6901242 6901474 0.68 + 1 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6902247 6902603 0.94 + 2 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6902808 6903003 0.98 + 2 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6903259 6903360 0.99 + 1 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6903425 6903620 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6903681 6903869 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6903931 6904073 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6904133 6904458 0.79 + 1 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6904520 6904675 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6904744 6904905 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6904965 6905992 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6905990 6905992 . + 0 transcript_id "g1023.t1"; gene_id "g1023"; # protein sequence = [MATGICIIRLITLKRFLENSKTEEHNQRRQQSATSAASAAPAGATSPRRRHLHYPGHSAVQPGHPEACALLVLLLLTS # LWPDCCECLHGGSNTVKTKYGLLRGIVVRSSPLVEAFLGIPYASPPVGSLRFMPPITPSTWKTVRSADRFSPVCPQNIPIPPNGPEALLEVPRARLAQ # LRRLLPLLKNQSEDCLYLNIYVPYETRRQRRNTDDTTGEPKTKLSTVVFIHGESYDWNSGNPYDGSELAAHGNVIVVTINFRLGIFGFLKTGGKESAQ # GNFGLMDLVAGLHWLKENLPAFGGDPQSITLLGYGTGAVLANILVVSPVASDLIQRTVLVSGSALSPWAIQKNPLFVKRRVAEQTGCHGDMLYDDLAP # CLRTKSVAELLAVKVDHPRFLVGFAPFVDGTVISPGANPLGSTTLPLGSAIVSTSGIEYANFPKRDLIFCLTSVESYLDLSAQDLEFGFNETRRDRIL # RTFVRNNFHYHLNEIFAVLKNEYTDWEKAIRNPLSSRDATLQFLSDGHTASPLIKLGYMHSLRGGRAYFLHFKHKTIEEEYPQRSGSVRGEDVPFWLG # LPMSPLFPHNYTTQERQIGRLMLRYLSNFAKTGNPNQSTAKSVLPNPNEVLETALHQQKKRSTSLTHPNLSEALNLAVLYNQRRSNAMHEKRSYIRRR # LRSNDAAFTQLGISSERDVGSYDGDELPFWDAYDVVNQLYVELGNKANIQSHYRGHKLSMWLNLIPQLHRHFNINDQSMRHHQFQDDMNNRDLYEGVV # RPQLQTKPAEDDNIIIMQRSRTTTPPPPSKNPSTNATQALNPLGTGTPTTTECGIDGAMSVSELTTTQSPKDNRTGIVRVETQKDLATASTGIIGNLE # LLRRLGGKQFQSYTTALIATVAVGCFLLILNVLIFAGIYHQREKRARDAKTKEELQEGDNSKNSSILKLNALMGGGGACGSGPGDIADAYTLSGSVVD # SKGGVGVVFGEYSCYDEKTKQLKEEKLLVELPPSSSTGQTSLMIDNWGACSTSTLDLLKTKPGDPIEMVTYSALPSVMESTSAMSSKRGSFVDTTLQF # NSPQQFDYAVQSSDQMSFKAIEDAVKAAAGHDSEITRDDDIPEPPPPPRSFLAAQQQQQQQQQQQQTGILRQTGAGGTSTSGSASGSGKKRVHIQEIS # V] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 21.7 # CDS exons: 3/12 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/11 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 2 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 24 # RM: 1 # W: 23 # end gene g1023 # start gene g1024 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6906918 6907777 1 - . g1024 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6906918 6907777 1 - . g1024.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6906918 6906920 . - 0 transcript_id "g1024.t1"; gene_id "g1024"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6907134 6907231 1 - . transcript_id "g1024.t1"; gene_id "g1024"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6906918 6907133 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1024.t1"; gene_id "g1024"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6907232 6907777 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1024.t1"; gene_id "g1024"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6907775 6907777 . - 0 transcript_id "g1024.t1"; gene_id "g1024"; # protein sequence = [MAKILQKYIKFSVKELENYASSPESCVRCITTDMHLAMGPYGMANFKHALHELLIRTKVGFYDSGLDGIVLGIKNIKV # LGQTAGLRADDPTMHLVINADFYVFRPKAGAILSGVVRHISRHHVSAVIYRVFNTSIRFTNQSASREDIAMDQEIKIRIKNFDISNLMPYIEGELLLE # NGEAPKNKSIKFGSPPPEEKEVKKEDPDEMLDALITEIKKEPEFTPRKKTSTKRKNGENGDTTKTKKVKKEIKSEPI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 75 # W: 75 # end gene g1024 # start gene g1025 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6908166 6910892 1 + . g1025 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6908166 6910892 1 + . g1025.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6908166 6908168 . + 0 transcript_id "g1025.t1"; gene_id "g1025"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6908166 6910892 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1025.t1"; gene_id "g1025"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6910890 6910892 . + 0 transcript_id "g1025.t1"; gene_id "g1025"; # protein sequence = [MGVPAFFRWLSRKYPSVIIECNENKQVDADTGRNIYEDPTLPNPNGIEFDNLYLDMNGIIHPCTHPEDKPAPKNEDEM # MVAIFECIDRLFGIVRPRKLLYMAIDGVAPRAKMNQQRSRRFRAAKETTEKRLEIARIREELLSRGCKLPPEKEKGEHFDSNCITPGTPFMDRLSKCL # HYFVHDRQNNNPAWKGIKVILSDANVPGEGEHKIMDYIRKQRAQPDHDPNTQHVLCGADADLIMLGLATHEPNFTIIREEFLPNKPRPCDICNGFGHE # MDKCVGLGATAPTSANFKPDVPIGAEVKFIFVRLSVLREYLKQTLEMPNLPFEYSFERALDDWVFMCFFVGNDFLPHLPSLEIREGAVDRLVELYKKC # VYKTRGYLTDSGDVNLDRVQLIMTDLGNAEDQIFKSRQRREEQFKARDKARKRQERNQDHGSLNQSAFGASAVGPNSQQRSVGNYKEEAAALRNRKRT # SDMANLDDEDEEENNDEVRLWEDGFKDRYYESKFDVAPGNQQFRYAVALQYVRGLCWVLKYYYQGCASWNWYFPYHYAPFASDFVNIQGLSTMFEKGT # KPFNPLEQLMGVFPAASSSHVPEPWAKLMSDPESPIIDFYPEDFKIDLNGKKFAWQGVALLPFVDEKRLFKALVPYYDQLTGEEVKRNKRGDNYLYIS # NQSPHYKKVKKISEKDDESVCKAISFDGMRGTLGKTELNTAISGVLKSPISGLSDINDNITVTTTFRDPEYDEDYIFEAKRLENAVDPPQVLPNEQSG # NKHRPVIGFNSHLTRAYVPDSGHRMLNAGIRNQQGGGGNGGGGGGYGQGGGYGQGIGGNQGQSYQNNSRNYNYNYNNNYNQHQGGGYQNNYNNRQQQQ # YGHNQRFNQDNSNQQQRNFNNYNGPRNNNYQQQGGSRQQNQNYRRF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 274 # W: 274 # end gene g1025 # start gene g1026 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6911701 6913927 0.99 - . g1026 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6911701 6913927 0.99 - . g1026.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6911701 6911703 . - 0 transcript_id "g1026.t1"; gene_id "g1026"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6911853 6911948 1 - . transcript_id "g1026.t1"; gene_id "g1026"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6912083 6912183 1 - . transcript_id "g1026.t1"; gene_id "g1026"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6912889 6912944 1 - . transcript_id "g1026.t1"; gene_id "g1026"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6913282 6913425 1 - . transcript_id "g1026.t1"; gene_id "g1026"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6911701 6911852 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1026.t1"; gene_id "g1026"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6911949 6912082 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1026.t1"; gene_id "g1026"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6912184 6912888 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1026.t1"; gene_id "g1026"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6912945 6913281 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1026.t1"; gene_id "g1026"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6913426 6913927 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1026.t1"; gene_id "g1026"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6913925 6913927 . - 0 transcript_id "g1026.t1"; gene_id "g1026"; # protein sequence = [MAFRQSEHEMSVTSLDSSVELRSRSPSPQVFNPRKLRFADDDFDKDTPEGASPQHPLQQRPKLSSGEEQQLDSKIGKE # GGDGDVSMSPPCQKVRALRLFSTPATPKTILQKSTTQCSNHLSAAAAAVNASRRSDDLFRLSERPRSLPLHNRKLPTQDTANVNPFTPDSLMAHNKKR # CRTQFGRENLNLNVNAMQKYLLSDACDDDVTEEAGDSMREIHQQAPKRLALHDTNISRFKREFMQVNVIGVGEFGVVFQCVNRLDGCIYAIKKSKKPV # AGSSFEKRALNEVWAHAVLGKHDNVVRYYSAWAEDDHMLIQNEFCDGGSLHARIQDHCLGEAELKIVLMHVIEGLRYIHSNDLVHMDLKPENIFSTMN # PNAHKLVEVQPQQTKDDDGMDSVYEELRHSENLVTYKIGDLGHVTSVKEPYVEEGDCRYLPKEILHEDYSNLFKADIFSLGITLFEAAGGGPLPKNGP # EWHNLRDGKVPILPSLSRDFNELIAQMMHPYPDKRPTSQSIFSHPILSAVDSKSKLQLGLELTVEKRKNEILMNKLREAKKQIKLLEQRVNLLAVTNN # PDSLDGQRCLRSFTRRMRTPFSSHGKFDSISDRNKNVITNI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 178 # W: 178 # end gene g1026 # start gene g1027 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6914557 6914822 0.81 + . g1027 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6914557 6914822 0.81 + . g1027.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6914557 6914559 . + 0 transcript_id "g1027.t1"; gene_id "g1027"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6914596 6914660 1 + . transcript_id "g1027.t1"; gene_id "g1027"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6914557 6914595 0.81 + 0 transcript_id "g1027.t1"; gene_id "g1027"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6914661 6914822 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1027.t1"; gene_id "g1027"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6914820 6914822 . + 0 transcript_id "g1027.t1"; gene_id "g1027"; # protein sequence = [MKMVAMLRPLHIRIVNLRLPIHFYILNFLPSNDFPKRSPLFCVCLYLLLCWNIRIPKYANSSSTIN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 27 # W: 27 # end gene g1027 # start gene g1028 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6914903 6915505 0.54 - . g1028 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6914903 6915505 0.54 - . g1028.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6914903 6914905 . - 0 transcript_id "g1028.t1"; gene_id "g1028"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6915037 6915080 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1028.t1"; gene_id "g1028"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6915398 6915497 0.55 - . transcript_id "g1028.t1"; gene_id "g1028"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6914903 6915036 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1028.t1"; gene_id "g1028"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6915081 6915397 0.54 - 1 transcript_id "g1028.t1"; gene_id "g1028"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6915498 6915505 0.86 - 0 transcript_id "g1028.t1"; gene_id "g1028"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6915503 6915505 . - 0 transcript_id "g1028.t1"; gene_id "g1028"; # protein sequence = [MYYNSFSRSRSTSRRRRTRSKSGTRSRSRSAGSVGRRSGRSNGRDENGSASRYSDHERNGSGAVDSPPPPKRRYEDED # DDRVRGSPRSRSRSRSASPAVRRGSPPRRRANGCRRSPTCDDEGRSCNPPMNPARWALHALDSNPHSQKKQPHV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 40 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 51 # E: 1 # W: 50 # end gene g1028 # start gene g1029 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6915683 6916387 0.86 - . g1029 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6915683 6916387 0.86 - . g1029.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6915683 6915685 . - 0 transcript_id "g1029.t1"; gene_id "g1029"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6915683 6916387 0.86 - 0 transcript_id "g1029.t1"; gene_id "g1029"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6916385 6916387 . - 0 transcript_id "g1029.t1"; gene_id "g1029"; # protein sequence = [MHGHFKLLLVLGLLLTYAAAKKKEASSSEEEEGGDKYEKKKFGDEEHKGEHGHKEHKEWEEDEKKHHEVEDHEHHHGD # KGSKKKKHYDEKDEHGEKHEHGAHKKGGKHHHKKKHKKGHKELEYHKKFKKDEYIKEKKFYDDEHKGGHHKKYGKEHHHHAEEHGEHKKGEKHEGGKK # KGHKKHHGHYKKGHHDEDHKKYKKEHKYGDSFEEKKEHGEKGSKKHGHKHYKKKGGKH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g1029 # start gene g1030 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6916898 6918611 1 - . g1030 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6916898 6918611 1 - . g1030.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6916898 6916900 . - 0 transcript_id "g1030.t1"; gene_id "g1030"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6917163 6917340 1 - . transcript_id "g1030.t1"; gene_id "g1030"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6916898 6917162 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1030.t1"; gene_id "g1030"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6917341 6918611 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1030.t1"; gene_id "g1030"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6918609 6918611 . - 0 transcript_id "g1030.t1"; gene_id "g1030"; # protein sequence = [MFVLYETPAGYAIFKLLDEKKLEQVDNLYQEFETPEKANKLLKLKHFEKFNDTTEALAAATAAVEGKVAKPLKKTLKK # LLVDDVQSSLLVADAKLGTAIKDKLSVQCVCNTGVQELMRCIRQQADSLLGGLPKREMTAMALGLAHSLSRYKLKFSPDKIDTMIVQAQCLLDDLDKE # LNNYMMRAREWYGWHFPELGKIITDNIAFVKTIKLVGTRDNMATSDLSDILPEDVEEKVKEAAEISMGTEISEEDVLNIQCLCDEIISINDYRTHLYD # YLKARMMAMAPNLTVLVGDTVGARLIAHAGSLINLAKHPSSTVQILGAEKALFRALKTKKDTPKYGLIYHAQLVGQASQKNKGKMSRSLAAKASLATR # VDAFGEEATFELGAAHKVKLESRLRLLEEGNLRKLSGTGKAKAKFEKYQAKSEVFTYQPEADNTLNVKKKRKHSESEQQTPVKKEEPAEEEAEVKSEK # KKKKKKKQKDEEVEAVEEAAAPEPEDQPTPAKKKKKSKHQE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 154 # E: 1 # W: 153 # end gene g1030 # start gene g1031 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6918643 6919942 0.99 - . g1031 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6918643 6919942 0.99 - . g1031.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6918643 6918645 . - 0 transcript_id "g1031.t1"; gene_id "g1031"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6918761 6919523 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1031.t1"; gene_id "g1031"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6918643 6918760 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g1031.t1"; gene_id "g1031"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6919524 6919942 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1031.t1"; gene_id "g1031"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6919940 6919942 . - 0 transcript_id "g1031.t1"; gene_id "g1031"; # protein sequence = [MSRHPSDRKVYVGDLGNNARKNDLEYVFGAYGSLRSVWIARNPPGFAFVEFESARDAADAVRGLDGRTVCGRRARVEL # STGKYARSGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGLGGRDRGGGGRGDDKCYECGGRGHFARHCRERKARQRRRPKAHVLALHFGFFFYTRHTEKKVKLLLAAESFGGFK # LN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 43 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # W: 41 # end gene g1031 # start gene g1032 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6920008 6920247 0.35 + . g1032 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6920008 6920247 0.35 + . g1032.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6920008 6920010 . + 0 transcript_id "g1032.t1"; gene_id "g1032"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6920008 6920247 0.35 + 0 transcript_id "g1032.t1"; gene_id "g1032"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6920245 6920247 . + 0 transcript_id "g1032.t1"; gene_id "g1032"; # protein sequence = [MGWNHLPPPSWALWSVNRALANTFSHLTRSADANFCVYFLFNAAQNSFYRVANRVTVDRPLKETADSLKIYQKLCSIR # G] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 19 # W: 19 # end gene g1032 # start gene g1033 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6920627 6922811 0.18 + . g1033 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6920627 6922811 0.18 + . g1033.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6920627 6920629 . + 0 transcript_id "g1033.t1"; gene_id "g1033"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6920634 6920773 0.64 + . transcript_id "g1033.t1"; gene_id "g1033"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6920862 6920932 0.45 + . transcript_id "g1033.t1"; gene_id "g1033"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6920994 6922730 0.33 + . transcript_id "g1033.t1"; gene_id "g1033"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6920627 6920633 0.64 + 0 transcript_id "g1033.t1"; gene_id "g1033"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6920774 6920861 0.47 + 2 transcript_id "g1033.t1"; gene_id "g1033"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6920933 6920993 0.33 + 1 transcript_id "g1033.t1"; gene_id "g1033"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6922731 6922811 0.69 + 0 transcript_id "g1033.t1"; gene_id "g1033"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6922809 6922811 . + 0 transcript_id "g1033.t1"; gene_id "g1033"; # protein sequence = [MWTSFLRKKHLNLVNLQCEIFKKPQTNTWHKRLSFPKKTPEYLTQLPLLGVRKVTCERRGFCLIVLKEKRTLATLKPT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 28.6 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 21 # E: 1 # W: 20 # end gene g1033 # start gene g1034 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6923906 6925455 1 + . g1034 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6923906 6925455 1 + . g1034.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6923906 6923908 . + 0 transcript_id "g1034.t1"; gene_id "g1034"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6924401 6924684 1 + . transcript_id "g1034.t1"; gene_id "g1034"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6923906 6924400 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1034.t1"; gene_id "g1034"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6924685 6925455 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1034.t1"; gene_id "g1034"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6925453 6925455 . + 0 transcript_id "g1034.t1"; gene_id "g1034"; # protein sequence = [MEEDERGKLFVGGLSWETTQENLSRYFCRFGDIIDCVVMKNNESGRSRGFGFVTFADPTNVNHVLQNGPHTLDGRTID # PKPCNPRTLQKPKKGGGYKVFLGGLPSNVTETDLRTFFNRYGKVTEVVIMYDQEKKKSRGFGFLSFEEESSVEHVTNERYINLNGKQVEIKKAEPRDG # SGGQNSNNSTVGGAYGKLGNECSHWGPHHAPINMMQGQNGQMGGPPLNMPIGAPNMMPGYQGWGTSPQQQQYGYGNSGPGSYQGWGAPPGPQGPPPQW # SNYAGPQQTQGYGGYDMYNSTSTGAPSGPSGGGSWNSWNMPPNSAGPTGAPGAGAGTATDMYSRAQAWATGGPSTTGPVGGMPRTGPGNSASKSGSEY # DYGGYGSGYDYDYSNYVKQEGASNYGAGPRSAYGNDSSTQPPYATSQAV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 126 # W: 126 # end gene g1034 # start gene g1035 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6925516 6925926 0.63 + . g1035 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6925516 6925926 0.63 + . g1035.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6925516 6925518 . + 0 transcript_id "g1035.t1"; gene_id "g1035"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6925610 6925686 0.63 + . transcript_id "g1035.t1"; gene_id "g1035"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6925737 6925776 1 + . transcript_id "g1035.t1"; gene_id "g1035"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6925516 6925609 0.63 + 0 transcript_id "g1035.t1"; gene_id "g1035"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6925687 6925736 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1035.t1"; gene_id "g1035"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6925777 6925926 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1035.t1"; gene_id "g1035"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6925924 6925926 . + 0 transcript_id "g1035.t1"; gene_id "g1035"; # protein sequence = [MSSSANDEEDRKDGGNCKLKRRLFVFISDQITTSQIHRYTCMFYSSEYTREHYFFHAPHKHHTQQAFSCTPHSPTNQP # TSQDQLTRSSQPTKTRRHL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 42 # W: 42 # end gene g1035 # start gene g1036 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6926359 6926638 1 + . g1036 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6926359 6926638 1 + . g1036.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6926359 6926361 . + 0 transcript_id "g1036.t1"; gene_id "g1036"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6926496 6926541 1 + . transcript_id "g1036.t1"; gene_id "g1036"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6926359 6926495 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1036.t1"; gene_id "g1036"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6926542 6926638 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1036.t1"; gene_id "g1036"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6926636 6926638 . + 0 transcript_id "g1036.t1"; gene_id "g1036"; # protein sequence = [MVEPNRQMFYLVLSAIGRWMGVVWWRNRAVLTWERYVTKLKIYHLKNLINKRTWSFTSKRKLNLKLELYSALDLLFS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 29 # W: 29 # end gene g1036 # start gene g1037 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6926947 6927380 0.99 + . g1037 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6926947 6927380 0.99 + . g1037.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6926947 6926949 . + 0 transcript_id "g1037.t1"; gene_id "g1037"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6927172 6927212 0.99 + . transcript_id "g1037.t1"; gene_id "g1037"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6926947 6927171 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g1037.t1"; gene_id "g1037"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6927213 6927380 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g1037.t1"; gene_id "g1037"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6927378 6927380 . + 0 transcript_id "g1037.t1"; gene_id "g1037"; # protein sequence = [MLRVALHIFFKFSSFAKQTTTSAKKTNNQLEVCTTAKSSVNNKNNTINTHTHSHLTPFSTNNKNSRSEAQRAKRRMKR # KGKERKRRNLIDYEHNIYTYIFNYLYIFTLNYSARSLNKRALCVKQDERKLF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 45 # W: 45 # end gene g1037 # start gene g1038 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6927888 6940918 0.1 - . g1038 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6927888 6940918 0.1 - . g1038.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6927888 6927890 . - 0 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6928224 6932812 0.94 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6933053 6933109 1 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6933338 6933417 1 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6933934 6934046 1 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6934512 6934571 1 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6934743 6934805 0.52 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6934909 6934989 1 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6936698 6937223 1 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6937315 6937935 1 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6938149 6938202 1 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6939206 6939264 1 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6939459 6939524 1 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6939716 6940610 0.3 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6940682 6940736 0.25 - . transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6927888 6928223 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6932813 6933052 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6933110 6933337 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6933418 6933933 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6934047 6934511 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6934572 6934742 0.52 - 0 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6934806 6934908 0.99 - 1 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6934990 6936697 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6937224 6937314 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6937936 6938148 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6938203 6939205 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6939265 6939458 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6939525 6939715 0.56 - 2 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6940611 6940681 0.25 - 1 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6940737 6940918 0.69 - 0 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6940916 6940918 . - 0 transcript_id "g1038.t1"; gene_id "g1038"; # protein sequence = [MHHLYPSLKGDQLCPLGFHPQTRYPTRCKRCFRDYKEHGARRAGEEVAASSPNLSDAQSSRPSSRTWTSTQNLTSANA # TNGNDIELRKRPQSWASTPDIDEPDNVARRPPATASTSRAASSAEDQDVAVTVKLPVPPRRHTTALDIKEVEHAITPPTRVTSSPSKTSSIPDELVIL # STDSLAERVRKMNLLKKQRSLNSRENSRERSVPRREEESESTATPTPVVPDRPERSKSGTSLNQLAQAEQKRAALPPKKVAVASTTTASSSNSSSTSL # KTSNSTSASNEVKVVTSTSSSSTSSSSVRRKEADSVASKEIKRQTVPAASISHSNSTSSTASTASKSQDTNGMQEQMKALKLELETMKTRAEKAEREK # SDILLRRLASMDTASNRTAASEALNLQQKLNEMKEQLDRVTEDKRKLNLRMKELENKGSESELRRKLQAAEQICEELMEENQSAKKEILNLQAEMDEV # QDTFRDDEVKAKTSLQKDLEKATKNCRILSFKLKKSDRKIETLEQERQSSFNAELSNKIKKLEEELRFSNELTRKLQAEAEELRNPGKKKAPMLGVLG # KSTSADAKFTRESLTRGGSQEDPQHLQRELQDSIERETDLKDQLKFAEEEAEHLRKKVTRFEDENESLMMQLKKMATRSRSRKLSPTPHPHRLAPEVH # ADRDEGISDEDDPAELRILLELNEQEASILRLKVEDLEKENAESKKYVRELQAKLRQDSSNGSKSSLLSLGTSSSAAEKKVKTLNEELVQLRRTLTEK # EQTVDSLKNQLSKLDTLETENDKLAKENKRLLALRKASEKTGEVDQKMKESLAQAQRERDELTARLKRMQLEAEDKLPPRTAKRVNDLTPKSHLKKWV # EELEDEISEMRVMLSSSGTDQLKALQSAKGALEEDLRKCKQKLSLAEGDVQRLKLLNGSSSKVSELEQKLKRGDEEAKKLNSKLKDLEDKVKKQEAQL # KLGETSKSTWESQSKREKEKLSSLEKDMEKQAKEKEKLEAKISQLDAELLSAKKSAEKSKSSLEKEIKDLKTKASKSDSKQVQDLKKQVEEVQASLSA # EQKRYEDLNNHWEKLSEETILMRAQLTTEKQSLQAELNASKQKIAEMDTIRIERTDMARKLSEAQKRIADLQAKALKTVNGNGAEYERTVLKNKLAEK # EHEYERLRRENEMNIDLVFQLRKDNDDLNGKLSDYNRIEQAQSSLNGHGARREAEIRELKEQLQSTELQMKSEVATVRLRYEQQVKNLSGELTSMQRQ # CERFKKDRDAFKQMLEVAQKKIGDLKANNTGRQSRGSMHSSDDDDKSKIAYLEQQIGHLEDQLVESRLESSKIKTELVSERSANEIKISEMQSKLNEF # EEERVIGSGSTKLPGMKTKLELSWQKEREDQQRLLQETSTLARDLRQTLFEVERERDKERLESKRKLDQIKRATEEEMEEGRKKIAELQCDLLELRDV # HAKLRTSNEKLRRERERYEKELIKRRMEADGGDRKVGALLQTVDELVKIAPDLKIVGSGGSARSSSSSGYDKNLRPEQPNVRRSRSPSPTLSSSQITS # VLARLAEASEELRKFQRVNEDEQERSRMRRSNLRRAASQENDPHGSTSSVASAAGSQRGGGRLSRNSSNNGSLIRKSLSLDHSIQRDQNIWRQDDGSV # SSMQSIDSELGGLVRDSSLDSRLDSRLSGGSTQSDIPRGPRKKKKGIMGKLRSLTKSSRNSESEISIQGSDSDISVASDMRSSKKDLRGRLSGMFKRS # GSASRSESMERAGSDQRPVAVTVVGHPDGPQPREPPPANSLTPRPIRSVVFVILSQAPLQIQMVLMDPAANFTRNADRNIKLTKVKSISFHTCTSNSF # AFRSAGQLIHPRATPASRRPLADLNVTSATTLTKKKDTYKHNQPRTPLQNDTIKKKKIQIQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 65.5 # CDS exons: 10/15 # W: 10 # CDS introns: 9/14 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 13 # E: 9 # RM: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 325 # E: 1 # W: 324 # end gene g1038 # start gene g1039 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6944049 6945315 0.62 - . g1039 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6944049 6945315 0.62 - . g1039.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6944049 6944051 . - 0 transcript_id "g1039.t1"; gene_id "g1039"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6945070 6945133 1 - . transcript_id "g1039.t1"; gene_id "g1039"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6945164 6945259 0.62 - . transcript_id "g1039.t1"; gene_id "g1039"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6944049 6945069 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1039.t1"; gene_id "g1039"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6945134 6945163 0.64 - 1 transcript_id "g1039.t1"; gene_id "g1039"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6945260 6945315 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g1039.t1"; gene_id "g1039"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6945313 6945315 . - 0 transcript_id "g1039.t1"; gene_id "g1039"; # protein sequence = [MSGVRDLCNIRWRLGFNKLDEAAPYPHRTASSRGPGPRKQYKSKNRNWTELGRMSNLSVGQIIMDAQRMASRVKDLDA # LGTALLEEAENNNRLVESLRQYQDDIESLNRISNNKTNADMVNRIQQQNINSSEILKENRELKIFIEDYERAMELMMQKYREHTVSKVLDSKFSFKEL # YNERMWQVIREQREKINEMAAVMQLAASVDDGVVQRELQTISQLRLENETLRELLQISKQYGSSQRPIRESDHLLEEKAVQTDSTADDSADDLSISGA # SVENMNNNSVIQMYSSPEQPAKVAGTTNSFNTAPVHSQSETQAPSVTLETAPPGEEPLANDNNNGPAVNTTSAPPPATTSNESVEDQATVAPAT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 114 # W: 114 # end gene g1039 # start gene g1040 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6945753 6948413 0.95 - . g1040 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6945753 6948413 0.95 - . g1040.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6945753 6945755 . - 0 transcript_id "g1040.t1"; gene_id "g1040"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6945753 6948413 0.95 - 0 transcript_id "g1040.t1"; gene_id "g1040"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6948411 6948413 . - 0 transcript_id "g1040.t1"; gene_id "g1040"; # protein sequence = [MTLLTSSLLLFSLLTSRLEAIPVLEKSPAHPAHSAHPAHPAHPAHPAHPSPGVRILRAPESLVAPLGDEVVLECETSL # QPERFEWSHRSSRSPGAGFKYLKTGTAKANVSQEAAISRLRVLVRPDTLGEYRCVGWFGPLVVTSTIARLELASTSLVDAQESESPLQWRVSAGNSVL # WSCGQQVQSNPSASWSYYRNGVEIKPEFIGTNGNLFLSNVSSESSGSYSCQATNPASGERIQLPGSLQLQVTPEQRSESKSPHLLRGQPSSQEITIRE # GSSLLLLCPGVGSPPPTVVWSSPDVVGAVKNKRSKVFGHALEISNTRVNDAGTYICFQDNGVRPALEHYIKVHVEQPPQIVRPPWADLTNEGDRLKLE # CKATGVPTPEIYWLLNGHSSIDDSEAELSNNFLILHSVLKRHAGYVQCFARNRLGEHSAGTLLQVNPKQIQEPRESGGTHRPKPNQGSRQKQMYPPTP # PNVTRLSDESVMLRWMVPRNDGLPIVIFKVQYRMVGKRKNWQTTNDNIPYGKPKWNSELGKSFTASVTDLKPQHTYRFRILAVYSNNDNKESNTSAKF # YLQPGAALDPMPVPELLEIEEYSETAVVLHWSLASDADEHLITGYYAYYRPSSSAGEYFKATIEGAHARSFKIAPLETATMYEFKLQSFSAASASEFS # ALKQGRTQRPKTSTTEEPTLQMGDRDTTTPSHNETFNMSPMLTGTIGGGAVLILLLISTCFCVCRRRNSRSRGNNPNKPRMAELRDDFVPLGNCSPTK # QRQRTRHIHITLNPLAQQQQQALEEKNDTDQDAPYYQRPSSYDYDPTLRRMSSSSLRRSQRTLERAGGSNGSNNGNNNNLNQSAEAGSIENPGKPGRV # LMKRPRLSSRSENLSSGSLNSVGV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 158 # RM: 1 # W: 157 # end gene g1040 # start gene g1041 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6949375 6950116 0.98 - . g1041 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6949375 6950116 0.98 - . g1041.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6949375 6949377 . - 0 transcript_id "g1041.t1"; gene_id "g1041"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6949533 6949590 1 - . transcript_id "g1041.t1"; gene_id "g1041"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6949375 6949532 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g1041.t1"; gene_id "g1041"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6949591 6950116 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1041.t1"; gene_id "g1041"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6950114 6950116 . - 0 transcript_id "g1041.t1"; gene_id "g1041"; # protein sequence = [MTDFGGDSGGRLKGVTIVKPIVYGNIARSFGKKREEDGHTHQWKVYLKPYFNEDMSIYVKKVHFKLHESYANPNRIVV # KPPYEITETGWGEFEVIIKIYFNDQSERPVTCYHILKLFQSPVVDGELSSSTTMDTKKGLVSESYEEIVFQEPTQILQHYLLLSEQSANGLLTHDTDF # EEKKTKTLDNIVNVKQKVKGEIVTLKDKLKLARETISKFKAELAKVQKQPA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 66 # W: 66 # end gene g1041 # start gene g1042 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6950539 6954454 0.87 + . g1042 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6950539 6954454 0.87 + . g1042.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6950539 6950541 . + 0 transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6950610 6950672 1 + . transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6950989 6951044 1 + . transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6951219 6951273 1 + . transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6951574 6951626 1 + . transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6952061 6952119 1 + . transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6952956 6953014 1 + . transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6953374 6953433 1 + . transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6953725 6953786 1 + . transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6954328 6954392 1 + . transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6950539 6950609 0.87 + 0 transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6950673 6950988 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6951045 6951218 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6951274 6951573 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6951627 6952060 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6952120 6952955 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6953015 6953373 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6953434 6953724 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6953787 6954327 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6954393 6954454 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6954452 6954454 . + 0 transcript_id "g1042.t1"; gene_id "g1042"; # protein sequence = [MMARRGGKRIRMDDPPPDYEELHSDALNESTSDADSPTKRMTRLRARGGVRDKPPIIDDDEDDFFAPIARKRKTPATR # KGPTERKERVERPRKEPVDKGHHERIDSEREITTDENSLYYIVRHSKNPIASIVDQWIEQYKANRETALVALMQFFINASGCKGKISEDIQYPVDHTS # IIRRMTEEFDEESGEYPLIMSGTQWRKFKNNFCDFVQTLVKQCQYSIIYDQFLMDNVISLLTGLSDSQVRAFRHTATLAAMKLMTALVDVALLVSNNF # DNAAKQFEAERVKSRDRRASDRLDSLMTKRSELEENMDEIKSMLTYMFKSVFVHRYRDSLPDIRAICMAEIGIWMENYPQNFLDDSYLKYIGWTLHDK # IGEVRLRCLQSLLPLYEKDELKGKLELFTSKFKDRIVAMTLDKEFEVSVHAVKLVISILKIHPEILADKDCEIVYELVYSSHRGVAQAAAEFLNVRLF # HLTADMEETKTKRGKVRMPNTPLVRDLVQFFIESELHEHGAYLVDSFIDSNDMVRDWECMTDLLLEEPGPNEEVLDNKQESTLIEIMVSSVKQSATGE # VPVGRASNRKCTLSAKELKAIQDEKAKLTEHFIVTLPSLLEKYQADSEKLANLLAVPQYFDLNLYTTNRQEGNLQALLDRINQVMSMHTGREVLETCA # KTLECLCAEGSATYTRCNIARSNIIESAVNKYKDAIEEWRNLIQGEETPNEDDIYNITITLKVLSILYSSHNLNPWELFKSLFQDVEEAQSKENIDRC # LPNEALVYCIEACYFSISWGLQYVENECESVNVTEVVAELRNNLDTFMGACFELTRDGPTVQIQEAAYQSICDLLIIFSDKLARSEIEHIRGLEYKSR # MDEHLILDNFVQHYVFSLKQDVAQDETRIEELHKKRNFLACYCKLVVYNIIPTMRAASIFKYYVKCYNDYGDIIKATLGKAREINKVNFAMTLLLSLI # TVFKSLQEQSEDGIVSKSSQEFVDLKELAKRFALTFGFDAIKNRESVAAIHRGGIYFAANKEPDDPVRAPTRLLFLEVLNEFNYKLLKQDKKVIMSFL # DKIIPPAMPSSRAEEWQPLILYRNSLLHGETDQAPVASKRAYTRKRRDHDEEEEEEEDEEEHNDPDYRG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 94.7 # CDS exons: 9/10 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 9/9 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 9 # E: 9 # incompatible hint groups: 255 # W: 255 # end gene g1042 # start gene g1043 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6954585 6956872 0.99 - . g1043 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6954585 6956872 0.99 - . g1043.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6954585 6954587 . - 0 transcript_id "g1043.t1"; gene_id "g1043"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6955203 6955256 1 - . transcript_id "g1043.t1"; gene_id "g1043"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6956220 6956617 1 - . transcript_id "g1043.t1"; gene_id "g1043"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6954585 6955202 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1043.t1"; gene_id "g1043"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6955257 6956219 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1043.t1"; gene_id "g1043"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6956618 6956872 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1043.t1"; gene_id "g1043"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6956870 6956872 . - 0 transcript_id "g1043.t1"; gene_id "g1043"; # protein sequence = [MSKKKSNVWQYFYKTSGTVATCLLCNRNYSRRGRGTTCLRNHLKSKHPPEFLSLSGDIKYLDLVKSEISIGSPQHPTA # QLELNLHETDSDPLDTEDISYSKRCDEKLALMLLNHSFEFIEGPGFVNFIRTLQPRYTIQPRSYYEKILCEDIQRKMHQHLKQQVDLLDAISLSTSLW # RGDKGEGLLSLSCSGISRDFQTHRLMLKCEALNYESTSKLACCIRDLVPSLAIEVPKEKIHCVIRDEMTALPGSLPDCSVHRLQMCVRFALQSNELLQ # NLSSKCKQIVDHFASSKMANDHLKFIQEIRLTRDPCTLTPYDPCQWNSAFQMMSSVFRMKDALSLYCEEYSLVQIYPDEWIEIDLCSKVMQPCEETIK # IWSNPSTTTSSVIPLVAALRDSLRTDVHNFVSSVTICSFARKLLEELEMKFAHITSDINFLMATYLDPRYKQAFFTEREEQLVANEVLLQLAGVPEDC # NGQPPLKIIKVSSTSSQKNESKIDSILDSILTTGTTNTQQPNTSMGSQSQIKNLLYLYNSEPRIDRNMDPLIWWRSNIKYISLYGIVRKFLSAPAASV # VSEGLFRKSTHLYFDMQAGLSPESASKMLLMKANFSFSNSEIN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 72 # W: 72 # end gene g1043 # start gene g1044 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6957098 6959039 0.97 + . g1044 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6957098 6959039 0.97 + . g1044.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6957098 6957100 . + 0 transcript_id "g1044.t1"; gene_id "g1044"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6958288 6958345 1 + . transcript_id "g1044.t1"; gene_id "g1044"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6958590 6958655 1 + . transcript_id "g1044.t1"; gene_id "g1044"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6957098 6958287 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g1044.t1"; gene_id "g1044"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6958346 6958589 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1044.t1"; gene_id "g1044"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6958656 6959039 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1044.t1"; gene_id "g1044"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6959037 6959039 . + 0 transcript_id "g1044.t1"; gene_id "g1044"; # protein sequence = [MPCAMELPSTPDELAAQQADSAALKDLLKDPSRWHSIPLLNYTPLHKLKDQTLVRFRGMIQDMMDPEIYLERYEVKSA # DGSKRVQEGKYRDCLKIANGEVIDYNADGNVHGERRTMFVVSVPGLNDWSKEHEKLCCPQIDLASLGQSPSSAKKRTIVGEEEAMDVDVASETTFKRP # CLKEIQKDSEPVGASKSSVLGSDYLINSPLPDRPSMACMVKVYEEFDTYQLNSLVDFVGFLSVDASLDAATLEIDDCENLSELQAAHPSPFLIPRLHA # FGVQVLPHANPLLDKSLRQPTEICEETYPTHLAVHKDLRMLLKLCLFDDDLAAEYLLSHLISTVYSRSEMQSIGKFALNLCNLPKNCEAYATKLYQIL # ELLLPASHYMPMTLVTLNTAAFAPKKDYETNKLVSGVLQLAPHTHLVLDETCMQQGKLEANGVHAVQHLAHLINNQELKCDFQYYQIDYQANIPVLVL # SEGRSMLPSDFVLPINADSKAVELVDESLKAAHHYLQPSRLQQFRKYLTTARTSGFNVSEEHTEMIQQDFVDMRKANVKSNADDLHGLLVLSRLLGIA # RGKDTLDKETWQLATEFEAKRRQRIQSLPKSSAQLRN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 177 # W: 177 # end gene g1044 # start gene g1045 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6959183 6960253 1 - . g1045 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6959183 6960253 1 - . g1045.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6959183 6959185 . - 0 transcript_id "g1045.t1"; gene_id "g1045"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6959183 6960253 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1045.t1"; gene_id "g1045"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6960251 6960253 . - 0 transcript_id "g1045.t1"; gene_id "g1045"; # protein sequence = [MEIAEISAEDEDVFHFETEHLALRGNQCYTNLLRTLAVLQAQRIRVHQQIEELEATQNIYLENPQHMLDKLRNNEPLI # ADNYITTTVLPDLPTLSPNDEEGGTNETPTDASSWTQEANKNRDRSNGRSENFNRLWTNEEQSRLEQLLIQYPPEEVEMRRFGKIAKALGNRTAQQVY # SRVQKYFQKLHDAGMPVPGRIPKHRRPGLSKPKIKLRKSTFFPAHNISLQMPEDDFTFDDLRIPSPASDMLLMPASKIEPKIESEYMDADLNAESKRK # QELCLKLLSAIQDEKREMEDGYEPDLLAAKCAECEEASVTRTQWRCNSCYCYLNLCGDCLASQLIEGRFEHLSHEVVVDQES] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 65 # W: 65 # end gene g1045 # start gene g1046 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6960443 6961473 1 + . g1046 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6960443 6961473 1 + . g1046.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6960443 6960445 . + 0 transcript_id "g1046.t1"; gene_id "g1046"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6960488 6960546 1 + . transcript_id "g1046.t1"; gene_id "g1046"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6960443 6960487 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1046.t1"; gene_id "g1046"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6960547 6961473 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1046.t1"; gene_id "g1046"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6961471 6961473 . + 0 transcript_id "g1046.t1"; gene_id "g1046"; # protein sequence = [MISAPIRSILALTAKRTAVTSAANQVRIVEVGPRDGLQNEPKLLPAATKIELINQLSETGLRTIEATSFVSAKWVPQM # GDNAEVLKGIRKVTGISYPVLTPNLKGFESALEAGAEEVAVFGAASDAFSLKNVNCTAAEAIERFKPVLKAAQKHGVRVRGYVSTVVGCPYEGAVAPS # AVVKVVEALYQMGCYEISLGDTIGVGTPGTMRRMLDEVTKVVPAKDLAVHCHDTYGQALSNILVSLDYGIRVVDSSVSGLGGCPYAKGASGNAATEDV # VYLLHGMGLDTGVNLDKLIQVGRYICTELGRTSESKVNRAWKGPQARVK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 85 # W: 85 # end gene g1046 # start gene g1047 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6961591 6963817 0.99 - . g1047 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6961591 6963817 0.99 - . g1047.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6961591 6961593 . - 0 transcript_id "g1047.t1"; gene_id "g1047"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6961831 6961894 1 - . transcript_id "g1047.t1"; gene_id "g1047"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6963555 6963743 1 - . transcript_id "g1047.t1"; gene_id "g1047"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6961591 6961830 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1047.t1"; gene_id "g1047"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6961895 6963554 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1047.t1"; gene_id "g1047"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6963744 6963817 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1047.t1"; gene_id "g1047"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6963815 6963817 . - 0 transcript_id "g1047.t1"; gene_id "g1047"; # protein sequence = [MSGLKKFQNTEEWRQKLRQFLMTERLPKKPVKMDETKDMRYSLEIDEDLRRPLEARAKKVLAVNSASQRTVNLGEDTM # YEAGDLEHLDDGDDSFSAFERMCDKTGSDPDSTLFQYLHSEDRSQVMARARDHSTDDQKEIDALRRMLEAVGTEDDLLENESPVKGAECTHLEDIEAP # SRFWDNTLAGMDETSSDSGLTPKALTKVSPVKMVGLLRPSTIIEDSELESSDVSSHTSFQSARTLKTNASSSYETATDTSLSGTLLNVDELFYAAIAK # AKPPGMSKGEELELLSDLHGSLRELASLPKDEVEEEEDDIEDTIIELSSSDDEEVQLVPEVKQEDTSRVSSVHGKDHTEQKPAEKSVENKENSLHFND # TMEEMEYMMQKGMEYMAGGAPSVAAVKADCPVLPKTKQSTFVVSPKPEPKSPAVAFLQPSIPLRSSNQPQTVVGSSSTGRKPLNVGLTMEWTKKKFFS # AASGIPQRRQNQIKQPYANIVSPIRTYTQKSGTAPLMSTFRPTSSDMLSTLAISELEQESRLCHPKALFATKDETPKSSEAESLIINGIDSAADLLPK # KAYISSEIKHVVDERTPLPMPKVPQIQKYLNSAVEPTVMRHDGKMKMPGEAVRNPSSSHIPRRANHSLADLSLASGDVSLYTIRDAQKF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 195 # E: 1 # W: 194 # end gene g1047 # start gene g1048 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6964519 6965691 1 + . g1048 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6964519 6965691 1 + . g1048.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6964519 6964521 . + 0 transcript_id "g1048.t1"; gene_id "g1048"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6964519 6965691 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1048.t1"; gene_id "g1048"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6965689 6965691 . + 0 transcript_id "g1048.t1"; gene_id "g1048"; # protein sequence = [MNALRHTISLVSLGTFQLVRRTRGPHARGFLLGTGLGLASFSAVTYAHSAEAVDPKVNGVQMNTSRFMAEPITDSKAL # LGDKENMRHRMEILIMEIQAEFCRALEAEENCGQKFKVDRWERPEGGGGITCVLQDGDVFEKAGVNISVVTGSLPPAAVQQMRARGKNLKEGASLPFF # ASGVSAVIHPRNPHVPTIHFNYRYFEVETAKGEKQWWFGGGTDLTPYYLCEKDASHFHQTLKSACDEHDPTYYPRFKKWCDDYFRIKHRNESRGIGGI # FFDDIDSPNQEAAFNFVSSCARAVIPSYVPLVRKHKNREYGNNERQWQLLRRGRYVEFNLIYDRGTKFGLYTPGARYESILMSLPLHARWEYMHEPKS # QSEEGKLMKVLKNPKDWV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 118 # W: 118 # end gene g1048 # start gene g1049 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6966320 6966985 0.95 + . g1049 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6966320 6966985 0.95 + . g1049.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6966320 6966322 . + 0 transcript_id "g1049.t1"; gene_id "g1049"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6966327 6966785 0.95 + . transcript_id "g1049.t1"; gene_id "g1049"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6966320 6966326 0.95 + 0 transcript_id "g1049.t1"; gene_id "g1049"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6966786 6966985 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1049.t1"; gene_id "g1049"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6966983 6966985 . + 0 transcript_id "g1049.t1"; gene_id "g1049"; # protein sequence = [MNVYKMLYLPFSCLQMFLLFTHTDAFRIYSCTKSIFNRFLGPGLLDSSCCCCCVFAFVVFLVFFSFSF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 18 # W: 18 # end gene g1049 # start gene g1050 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6967028 6969856 0.79 - . g1050 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6967028 6969856 0.79 - . g1050.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6967028 6967030 . - 0 transcript_id "g1050.t1"; gene_id "g1050"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6967386 6967507 1 - . transcript_id "g1050.t1"; gene_id "g1050"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6967579 6969841 0.83 - . transcript_id "g1050.t1"; gene_id "g1050"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6967028 6967385 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1050.t1"; gene_id "g1050"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6967508 6967578 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1050.t1"; gene_id "g1050"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6969842 6969856 0.79 - 0 transcript_id "g1050.t1"; gene_id "g1050"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6969854 6969856 . - 0 transcript_id "g1050.t1"; gene_id "g1050"; # protein sequence = [MNMKTQKQKEAACDKFQLPSASTEFEEISTPGIRRSAKEKKNFFDHLAASTSNQKINMSDEKKGGETEHINLKVLGQD # NAVVQFKIKKHTPLRKLMNAYCDRAGLSMQVVRFRFDGQPINENDTPTSLEMEEGDTIEVYQQQTGGAP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 111 # W: 111 # end gene g1050 # start gene g1051 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6970116 6971399 1 - . g1051 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6970116 6971399 1 - . g1051.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6970116 6970118 . - 0 transcript_id "g1051.t1"; gene_id "g1051"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6970116 6971399 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1051.t1"; gene_id "g1051"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 6971397 6971399 . - 0 transcript_id "g1051.t1"; gene_id "g1051"; # protein sequence = [MPPVDKLPHEKKSRGYLGVAKFMADFEDPKDTPLPKTVETRQERLERRRREKAEQVAYKLEREIALWDPTEIKNATED # PFRTLFIARINYDTSESKLRREFEFYGPIKKIVLIHDQESGKPKGYAFIEYEHERDMHAAYKHADGKKIDSKRVLVDVERARTVKGWLPRRLGGGLGG # TRRGGNDVNIKHSGREDNERERERYRLEREREDREGPGRGGGSNGLDARPGRGFGAERRRSRSRERRDRERDRGRGAVASNGRSRSRSRERRKRRAGS # RERYDEFDRRDRRDRERERDRDREREKKKKRSKSRERESSRERRERKRERRDRERGTGSGGDVKERKPDFRDMDVIKIKEEPVDDGYPTFDYQNATIK # REIDDEDEEKYRPPPAHHNMFSVPPPPILGRGNASTNPNPDNGQQSSGDPSWWRQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 129 # W: 129 # end gene g1051 # start gene g1052 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 6971486 7012972 0.19 - . g1052 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 6971486 7012972 0.19 - . g1052.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 6971486 6971488 . - 0 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6971510 6971588 1 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6971733 6972435 0.41 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6972465 6973573 0.35 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6973685 6973744 1 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6975133 6975730 1 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6975857 6975924 1 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6976301 6976372 1 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6981692 6981759 1 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6983251 6983315 1 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6983519 6983582 1 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6985014 6987118 1 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6987201 6999741 1 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 6999904 7008399 0.83 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7008421 7012935 0.53 - . transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6971486 6971509 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6971589 6971732 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6972436 6972464 0.42 - 2 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6973574 6973684 0.36 - 2 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6973745 6975132 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6975731 6975856 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6975925 6976300 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6976373 6981691 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6981760 6983250 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6983316 6983518 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6983583 6985013 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6987119 6987200 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 6999742 6999903 0.84 - 2 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7008400 7008420 0.81 - 2 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7012936 7012972 0.53 - 0 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7012970 7012972 . - 0 transcript_id "g1052.t1"; gene_id "g1052"; # protein sequence = [MLYIDWKLAFVLAKAAFIRDWQETNALNWALNRAKMKQSTAANSHWLAALLSSLLLLNLLHLIGADEAFSCPNGWELR # GLNCYKYFNIKHSWDKSAELCRRYGAELVAIDSYAENNETLAIARASDPNQRASDKYWLGLASLDDLRTNTLESASGALISQYSGYWSLHQPNAESGE # CVAAAFAGKSQSWDLGTCESLLPFMCRAQACPQGSLHCANGKCINQAFKCDGSDDCGDGTDELDCPAQCHYHMQSGGDVIETPNYPHKYGALSKCKWT # LEGPLGSNIILQFQDFETEKTFDTVQILVGGRTEDKSVSLATLSGKQDLTTQPFVSASNFMIVKFTTDGSVERKGFRATWKTEAKNCGGTLKATLQRQ # ILTSPNYPKQYPGGLECLYVIKAQPGRIISIEVDDLDIADGRDFLMIRDGESPMSRTIAKLTGKTAQNNRVIISTGNALYLYFKSSLGEAGKGFSLRY # IQGCKATITARNGTVTSPAFGLADYPKNQECYFTIRNNARAPLSLKFDKFTVHKSDNVQVFDGSSTSGLRLHSGNGFTGPAAPKLTLTASSGEMLIKF # TSDALHNAAGWSATFSADCPELQPGIGALASSRDTAFGTLVSFTCPIGQEFATGKTRLVTECLRGGNWSVSYIPKCQEVYCGPVPQIDNGFSIGSSNV # TYRGIAMYQCYAGFAFASGAPIEKISCLPDGRWERQPHCMASQCAALPEVAHANVTLLNGGGRSYGTIVQYECEPGYERNGHPVLTCMSNGTWSGDVP # RCTRKRCFEFPTIANGFVVDSTRAYLFGDEARVQCFKGYKLIGSNIMRCSEAQKFEQPPTCEDINECSSSQCDLTTTECQNTNGSFHCQCRTGFTATT # ECRPVGDLGLGNGGIPDDSITTSVSEPGYSKEQLRLNTNGWCGGSSEPGANWILIDLKAPTILRGFRTMSVQRPDGNVAFSSAVRLQYTNDLTDVFKD # YANPDGTAVEFRILEPTLSILNLPLPIEARYIRFRIQDYVGAPCLRMELMGCTRLDCVDINECSKNNGGCDQKCINSPGGFACGCNTGYQLYTSNGTA # GYHIERSESGERDGDTYQRNKTCVPLMCPELEAPENGQLLSDKNDYHFGDVVRFQCHFGYIMSGSSAALCLSSGQWNASVPECNYAKCVSLPDDKLEG # LTVARPDPESVLVPFRDNVTITCGSPGRQLRATASSGFRQCVYDPKPGLPDYWLSGMQPSCPRVDCYSPMPTPGAEYGQFVDTRYQSSFFFGCQNTFK # LAGQTGRHDNVVRCGADGIWDFGDLRCEGPVCEDPGRPADGRQIARSYEQSSEVYFGCNRPGYILINPRPITCIREPECKVIKPLGLSSGRIPDSAIN # ATSERPNYEAKNIRLNSATGWCGKQEAFTYVSVDLGQIYRVKAILVKGVVTNDIVGRPTEIRFFYKQAESENYVVYFPNFNLTMRDPGNYGELAMITL # PKFVQARFVILGIVSYMDNACLKFELMGCEEPKQEPLLGYDYGYSPCVDNEPPIFQNCPQQPIVVRRDENGGVLPVNFTEPTAVDNSGSIARLEIKPQ # NFRTPSYIFKDTVVKYVAFDYDGNVAICEINITVPDVTPPLLQCPQSYVIELVDRQDSYTVNFNDTRKRIKTSDDTGDVRLQFSPESANIKIGNFENV # TVTATDKYNNRAACHFQVSVKASPCVDWELQPPANGAINCLPGDRGIECIATCKPGFRFTDGEPLKTFSCETSRLWRPTSVVPDCVSENTEQAAYHVT # ASITYRANGAVAQSCLGQYQEVLAQHYGGLNQLLSQRCSAVNVNMNVTFVKSVPMLLEENVVKMDFILSILPAVRQPQLYDLCGSTLNLIFDLSVPYA # SAVIDDLLNIANIGNQCPPLRALKSQISRGFNCNVGEVLNMDTSDVPRCLHCPAGTYVSEGQNSCTYCPRGYYQNRDRQGTCLRCPAGTYTKEEGTKS # QADCIPVCGYGTYSPTGLVPCLECPRNSFTAEPPTGGFKDCQACPAQSFTYQPAASNKDLCRAKCAPGTYSATGLAPCSPCPLHHYQGAAGAQSCNEC # PSNMRTDSPASKGREQCKPVVCGEGACQHGGLCVPMGHDIQCFCPAGFSGRRCEQDIDECASQPCYNGGQCKDLPQGYRCECPAGYSGINCQEEASDC # GNDTCPARAMCKNEPGYKNVTCLCRSGYTGDQCDVTIDPCTANGNPCGNGASCQALEQGRYKCECVPGWEGIHCEQNINDCSENPCLLGANCTDLVND # FQCACPPGFTGKRCEQKIDLCLSEPCKHGTCVDRLFDHECVCHPGWTGSACDINIDDCENRPCANEGTCVDLVDGYSCNCEPGYTGKNCQHTIDDCAS # NPCQHGATCVDQLDGFSCKCRPGYVGLSCEAEIDECLSDPCNPVGTERCLDLDNKFECVCRDGFKGPLCATDIDDCEAQPCLNNGICRDRVGGFECGC # EPGWSGMRCEQQVTTCGAQAPCQNDASCIDLFQDYFCVCPSGTDGKNCETAPERCIGDPCMHGGKCQDFGSGLNCSCPADYSGIGCQYEYDACEEHVC # QNGATCVDNGAGYSCQCPPGFTGRNCEQDIVDCKDNSCPPGATCVDLTNGFYCQCPFNMTGDDCRKAIQVDYDLYFSDPSRSTAAQVVPFPTGEANSL # TVAMWVQFAQKDDRGIFFTLYGVQSARMTQQRRMLLQAHSSGVQVSLFEDQPDAFLSFGEYTSVNDGQWHHVAVVWDGISGQLQLITEGLIASKMEYG # AGGSLPGYLWAVLGLPQPYGLSNELAYSDSGFQGTITKAQVWARALDITSEIQKQVRDCRSEPVLYPGLILNWAGYEVTSGGVERNVPSLCGQRKCPV # GYTGANCQQLVVDKEPPVVEHCPGDLWVIAKNGSAVVSWDEPHFSDNIGVTKIYERNGHRSGTTLLWGTYDITYIASDAAGNTASCSFKVSLLTDFCP # ALADPVGGSQVCKDWGAGGQFKVCEIACNAGLRFSEPVPEFYTCGAEGFWRPTREPSMPLVYPSCSPSKPAQRVFRIKMLFPSDVLCNKAGQAVLRQK # VTNSVNGLNRDWNFCSYAIEGTRECKDIQIDVKCDHYRGTQNNRVRRQAKDGGVYVMEAELPVVNDPVVHTSTGERSTVKQLLEKLILEDDQFAVQEI # LPNTVPDPASLELGSEYACPVGQVVMIPDCVPCAIGTFYDSANKTCIACSRGTYQSEAGQLQCSKCPVIAGRPGVTAGPGARSAADCKERCPAGKYFD # AETGLCRSCGHGFYQPNEGSFSCELCGLGQTTRSTEATSRKECRDECSSGQQLGADGRCEPCPRGTYRLQGVQPSCAACPLGRTTPKVGASSVEECTL # PVCSAGTYLNATQNMCIECRKGYYQSESQQTSCLQCPPNHSTKITGATSKSECTNPCEHIAEGKPHCDVNAYCIMVPETSDFKCECKPGFNGTGMACT # DVCDGFCENSGACVKDLKGTPSCRCVGSFTGPHCAERSEFAYIAGGIAGAVIFIIIIVLLIWMICVRSTKRRDPKKMLTPAIDQTGSQVNFYYGAHTP # YAESIAPSHHSTYAHYYDDEEDGWEMPNFYNETYMKDGLHGGKMSTLARSNASLYGTKEDLYDRLKRHAYTGKKDHLDGNPQKQTARGSHLLLKPGEK # LKKIGKILGLHRIILLVLKRSTLDLFLPSGWLFKTRNFRKR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 69 # CDS exons: 10/15 # W: 10 # CDS introns: 10/14 # E: 10 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 22 # E: 10 # RM: 12 # incompatible hint groups: 396 # E: 1 # W: 395 # end gene g1052 # start gene g1053 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7013496 7014645 1 + . g1053 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7013496 7014645 1 + . g1053.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7013496 7013498 . + 0 transcript_id "g1053.t1"; gene_id "g1053"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7013583 7013652 1 + . transcript_id "g1053.t1"; gene_id "g1053"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7013496 7013582 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1053.t1"; gene_id "g1053"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7013653 7014645 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1053.t1"; gene_id "g1053"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7014643 7014645 . + 0 transcript_id "g1053.t1"; gene_id "g1053"; # protein sequence = [MWLAGNLFKGSVAIRFGRLLHLKRKEVYMECFRILGVHESADQNTVRHAYLDLVKRVHPDSGTEEASAERFQQVDEAF # RVLQEKFAKGRRNIQEDEEGAMEFDIKHTAPQHRQYLSNEGIGVGTPFQRQKQYQQVRAMKAQERVLEHRIDKAAAGEKTLMSKGGSHFRKHAIKTKY # GIDRVVEDLIQEAMSKGDFNNLNGSGKPLSSAQSQNPYLDFTTHKLNKIMLDNGFTPEWISLGKDIRDAIAQLKTKLRQERKYYGEWPLQRPDDLAAW # KIFTLNHQDDVKQLNKLIDKYNLIVPILENQFFRLHLDRMAEPIFKDPELQRNVIRPEMKSKPSSNLENQGSASTSLFSLISKLL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 78 # W: 78 # end gene g1053 # start gene g1054 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7015086 7023705 0.43 - . g1054 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7015086 7023705 0.43 - . g1054.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7015086 7015088 . - 0 transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7016375 7016436 1 - . transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7017487 7017544 1 - . transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7017967 7018148 1 - . transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7018375 7018430 1 - . transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7019081 7019134 1 - . transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7019383 7023528 1 - . transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7015086 7016374 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7016437 7017486 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7017545 7017966 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7018149 7018374 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7018431 7019080 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7019135 7019382 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7023529 7023705 0.43 - 0 transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7023703 7023705 . - 0 transcript_id "g1054.t1"; gene_id "g1054"; # protein sequence = [MSHRVLVIGSGGREHAICWKLSQSPKVAQIYALPGSHGIQLVEKCRNLDAKTLDPKDFEAIAKWSKENQIALVVVGPE # DPLALGLGDVLQSAGIPCFGPGKQGAQIEADKKWAKDFMLRHGIPTARYESFTDTEKAKAFIRSAPYPALVVKAAGLAAGKGVVVAANAKEACQAVDE # ILGDLKYGQAGATLVVEELLEGEEVSVLAFTDGKSVRAMLPAQDHKRLGNGDTGPNTGGMGAYCPCPLISQPALELVQKAVLERAVQGLIKERINYQG # VLYAGLMLTRDGPRVLEFNCRFGDPETQVILPLLESDLFDVMEACCSGKLDKIPLQWRNGVSAVGVILASAGYPETSTKGCIISGLPAANTPTQLVFH # SGLAVNAQKEALTNGGRVLIAIALDGSLKEAAAKATKLAGSISFSGSGAQYRTDIAQKAFKIASASTPGLSYKDSGVDIDAGDALVQRIKPLSRGTQR # PGVIGGLGGFGGLFRLKELTYKEPVIAEATQGVGAKIHLALTHELYENVGYDLFALAANDVLEVGAEPVAFLDYIACGKLQVPLAAQLVKGMADGCRD # ARCALVGGETAEMPSLYAPGQHDMAGYCVGIVEQSRILPRFDLYQPGDLLIGLPSSGLHCAGFNEILTQLAASKVNLRERSPVDGGDDGLTLAHVLAT # PTQLYVQQLLPHLQKGDEIKSVAHVTHGLLNDILRLLPDGFETTLDFGAVPVPKIFGWLAGKLKLSAQTILERHNCGIGMVLILPQSSQLWRTSLPGA # KVLGVLQRRSKVSGSPVQVRNFVEQLEKVASPFGGLGDRELPEELKKLPSNSDLSAPREECFENAAGRRLTRIPTHYKDPILILGTDGVGTKLKIAQQ # TNRNTSVGIDLVAMCVNDILCNGAEPISFSSYYACGHWQEQLAKEVHSGVQEGARQANSSFIDSHSAALPLLYEPQVYDLAGFALGIAEHTGILPLLD # EIQPGDVLIGLPSSGVHSNGFSLVHAVLKRVGLGLHDKAPFSDKTLGEELLVPTKIYVKALSTLLSRGKHGIKALAHITGGGLSENIPRVLRKDLAVR # LDANKFQLPPVFAWLAAAGNISSTELQRTYNCGLGMVLVVAPTEVEDVLKELRYPQRAAVVGEVVARKDPKKSQVVVQNFEASLARTQKMLSQRRKRV # AVLISGTGSNLQALIDATRDSAQGIHADVVLVISNKTGVLGLQRATQAGIPSLVISHKDFASREVYDAELTRNLKAARVDLICLAGFMRVLSAPFVRE # WRGRLVNIHPSLLPKYPGLHVQKQALEAGEKESGCTVHFVDEGVDTGAIIVQAAVPILPDDDEDSLTQRIHKAEHWAFPRALAMLVNGTALISPEVSS # Q] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 6 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 432 # W: 432 # end gene g1054 # start gene g1055 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7023785 7026777 0.12 - . g1055 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7023785 7026777 0.12 - . g1055.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7023785 7023787 . - 0 transcript_id "g1055.t1"; gene_id "g1055"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7023873 7025176 0.25 - . transcript_id "g1055.t1"; gene_id "g1055"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7025819 7026156 1 - . transcript_id "g1055.t1"; gene_id "g1055"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7026636 7026723 1 - . transcript_id "g1055.t1"; gene_id "g1055"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7023785 7023872 0.2 - 1 transcript_id "g1055.t1"; gene_id "g1055"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7025177 7025818 0.33 - 1 transcript_id "g1055.t1"; gene_id "g1055"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7026157 7026635 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1055.t1"; gene_id "g1055"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7026724 7026777 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1055.t1"; gene_id "g1055"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7026775 7026777 . - 0 transcript_id "g1055.t1"; gene_id "g1055"; # protein sequence = [MSHGEDVLDNWEEIDEDGLSMTLQTKLQTSDPPVNKMKLLQRPQSVQESSQILSSGDGGGGGGNGGGNPPPRQITIAR # KPQVPPAEVDSSTQQEQQQQPVMMVLHKTTNDYDAATYCTPTSNQTVKILRRPAQAEERRDINGMRPKQPIKTLKQREQEYAEARLRILGAAKNPEDD # KPATPITPAVNSSSVAVSSAAPPVTPPSAISNNNVINNNSSHPGGGMHRSSSAPKMSQVTPMYNNYNSYFPGLHNQPGLNYYYPHNPQHQHQHQQQQQ # QQPSQHFNQRLPPYGGGGSGLGGVGMQAQAPPQSSPNPQQSWSPVVGGSVSAALLRQQSLQSPQQHQQQHQQQHQHQQQHQNHQAQQLGQHPHPFNDL # VLRLPKGPCPNGSIGFQMRRERFDPNSKPNRALNFELRVLFDQHVGAH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 151 # W: 151 # end gene g1055 # start gene g1056 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7027811 7028899 1 + . g1056 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7027811 7028899 1 + . g1056.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7027811 7027813 . + 0 transcript_id "g1056.t1"; gene_id "g1056"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7027928 7027987 1 + . transcript_id "g1056.t1"; gene_id "g1056"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7028421 7028489 1 + . transcript_id "g1056.t1"; gene_id "g1056"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7028667 7028726 1 + . transcript_id "g1056.t1"; gene_id "g1056"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7027811 7027927 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1056.t1"; gene_id "g1056"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7027988 7028420 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1056.t1"; gene_id "g1056"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7028490 7028666 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1056.t1"; gene_id "g1056"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7028727 7028899 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1056.t1"; gene_id "g1056"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7028897 7028899 . + 0 transcript_id "g1056.t1"; gene_id "g1056"; # protein sequence = [MEEVEISTEKKSNPVKSFIAGGVGGMCNVLVGHPLDTIKVRLQTMPTPPPGQPPRYKGVIDCAARTFRYEGFRGFYRG # ISAPLVGVTPIYAVDFAVYAAGKRLFQTDDHIRLTYPQIFAAGALAGVCSALVTVPTDRIKVLLQTQTVSNGPLLYNGTIDTAAKLYRQGGIRSLFKG # TCACILRDSPTGFYFVTYEFLQELARKKSANGKISTTSTILSGGTAGIVFWTLAVPFDVLKSRLQSAPEGTYKHGIRSVFRNLMATEGPKALFRGILP # ILLRAFPSTAAVFFGVELTNDLLKA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 84 # W: 84 # end gene g1056 # start gene g1057 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7029643 7029888 0.78 + . g1057 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7029643 7029888 0.78 + . g1057.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7029643 7029645 . + 0 transcript_id "g1057.t1"; gene_id "g1057"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7029643 7029888 0.78 + 0 transcript_id "g1057.t1"; gene_id "g1057"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7029886 7029888 . + 0 transcript_id "g1057.t1"; gene_id "g1057"; # protein sequence = [MINQLEKYCTKWDIVVDMDRSCIMVFRRGGRLALTEKWFITGKEIKTTSTAEFLDFLLTTTLNTPEILHIIDWKNWMI # RED] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1057 # start gene g1058 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7031434 7032618 0.34 - . g1058 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7031434 7032618 0.34 - . g1058.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7031434 7031436 . - 0 transcript_id "g1058.t1"; gene_id "g1058"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7032178 7032310 1 - . transcript_id "g1058.t1"; gene_id "g1058"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7032380 7032606 0.34 - . transcript_id "g1058.t1"; gene_id "g1058"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7031434 7032177 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1058.t1"; gene_id "g1058"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7032311 7032379 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g1058.t1"; gene_id "g1058"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7032607 7032618 0.34 - 0 transcript_id "g1058.t1"; gene_id "g1058"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7032616 7032618 . - 0 transcript_id "g1058.t1"; gene_id "g1058"; # protein sequence = [MGIDPNKPKNKANSRWPASDRAPGEPQSTHTLAHTQRLKNPKTNPFLATSPMEDYKFLFKIVLVGNAGVGKTCLVRRF # TQGLFPPGQGATIGVDFMIKTVEVEGEKIKLQIWDTAGQERFRSITQSYYRSAHALILVYDISCQPTFDCLPDWLREIQEYANSKVLKILVGNKTDRD # DREIPTQIGEEFAKQHDMYFLETSAKEAENVERLFYEIAAELIGQARSKDGSSSAAAAAAQRQSEGSSIGLGSFSAKAAQSNCCGGLASGGSNSSQGG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 97 # E: 1 # W: 96 # end gene g1058 # start gene g1059 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7032965 7037450 0.98 + . g1059 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7032965 7037450 0.98 + . g1059.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7032965 7032967 . + 0 transcript_id "g1059.t1"; gene_id "g1059"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7033019 7035406 0.98 + . transcript_id "g1059.t1"; gene_id "g1059"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7035562 7035636 1 + . transcript_id "g1059.t1"; gene_id "g1059"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7036036 7036184 1 + . transcript_id "g1059.t1"; gene_id "g1059"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7036723 7036811 1 + . transcript_id "g1059.t1"; gene_id "g1059"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7032965 7033018 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1059.t1"; gene_id "g1059"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7035407 7035561 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g1059.t1"; gene_id "g1059"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7035637 7036035 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1059.t1"; gene_id "g1059"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7036185 7036722 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1059.t1"; gene_id "g1059"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7036812 7037450 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1059.t1"; gene_id "g1059"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7037448 7037450 . + 0 transcript_id "g1059.t1"; gene_id "g1059"; # protein sequence = [MAEDFDVEAMLEAPYMKNNVSAGSGGSGGRKRSGSSPGGGGGHDDDYAENGPRNGSGGGSSHKKQSKRSRSRSGSRDG # KSRRDRGNERSSHRDKDKERDRNRDGGDRDRHRREGGDRDRERERERERDRSRRSRSRDERGGGGRYGDRDKDRRSRDRRGGSKSLQVDRSRDKRRRS # RSRDQQRKRLSPIRERKRSHSRSRDRNSRRRGTNSPRRRSPPNGADRTTPTELSPEERDARTVFCIQLSQRVRARDLEEFFSSVGKVRDVRLITCNKT # KRFKGIAYIEFDDPESVALALGLSGQRLLGVPIMVQHTQAEKNRLQNAAPAFQPKSHTGPMRLYVGSLHFNITEDMLRGIFEPFGKIDAIQLIMDTET # GRSKGYGFITYHNADDAKKALEQLNGFELAGRLMKVGNVTERLDMNTTSLDTDEMDRTGIDLGATGRLQLMFKLAEGAGLAVPQAAANALLATAPQPA # PLQQQEVAPSIATQCFILSNMFDPRTETNPTWDVEIRDDVLEECAKHGGVLHIHVDTISHTGTVYVKCPSTTTAVLAVNALHGRWFAGRVITAAYVPV # INYHTMFPDSINAVDLVTSTRKNTDD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 4 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 303 # E: 4 # W: 299 # end gene g1059 # start gene g1060 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7040606 7042289 0.99 + . g1060 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7040606 7042289 0.99 + . g1060.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7040606 7040608 . + 0 transcript_id "g1060.t1"; gene_id "g1060"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7040781 7040949 1 + . transcript_id "g1060.t1"; gene_id "g1060"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7041160 7042215 0.99 + . transcript_id "g1060.t1"; gene_id "g1060"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7040606 7040780 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1060.t1"; gene_id "g1060"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7040950 7041159 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1060.t1"; gene_id "g1060"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7042216 7042289 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g1060.t1"; gene_id "g1060"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7042287 7042289 . + 0 transcript_id "g1060.t1"; gene_id "g1060"; # protein sequence = [MLSATLGANGGSQPLSPSAQATLSKHLPRLQSKRLLQQTQLQSPAAARPQTCDASCLTELCSSENLPEVEIFSLLEEQ # IPKYKVRNDFLTNFSGYANEDWFVPAPALPIPPEGLGLTKEQTRECLNYFHSRQCCETPAVTAVARHSHKITAT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 2 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 37 # E: 1 # W: 36 # end gene g1060 # start gene g1061 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7046410 7054556 1 + . g1061 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7046410 7054556 1 + . g1061.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7046410 7046412 . + 0 transcript_id "g1061.t1"; gene_id "g1061"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7047215 7051366 1 + . transcript_id "g1061.t1"; gene_id "g1061"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7051646 7051759 1 + . transcript_id "g1061.t1"; gene_id "g1061"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7053366 7053475 1 + . transcript_id "g1061.t1"; gene_id "g1061"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7046410 7047214 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1061.t1"; gene_id "g1061"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7051367 7051645 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1061.t1"; gene_id "g1061"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7051760 7053365 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1061.t1"; gene_id "g1061"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7053476 7054556 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1061.t1"; gene_id "g1061"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7054554 7054556 . + 0 transcript_id "g1061.t1"; gene_id "g1061"; # protein sequence = [MPFLNSATRSKPNHQEPESHHHDIKKLDSLPIIVEQEADDYGQTFEHGNQLNSTFSLDVETGSSSTSLIESKSSSSLW # STANSEDSLNATLITSQPSNSSKHFENTYKLLGQHLDFNCQRSADKLQHLNGSASDFDSLSSCSSMSAIVNGIEPPPTRLELELEAVDRMRCIVQQMK # SGPKSMDPPLGVSAPHLALLHDFASKGQRKVEASVPGTPVPSPITGALEAPHFELPQELLQAASSWEVMYYASKNVDGKNCLKVVRSLLTNKVLCGNR # VSQMTRAYDDIEAVTRLLEEKEKDLELTVQIGKELLTQNNALEARVADLETDLKASNDDRAQLVHELHKKNELISVLTNDADDGTDTDTPTMSKSITL # DLLQRKVNSLLDENKSLKCEATQLAHQTDEVEEHERQLMADISAQLNDANSQYDNLSLELERQREENRLQHEQIVNLTARLAEAEMRLHQLTQDNDEH # LSLLHVTKENQNALALELVEFKQRYEEVLALLHSAQDQLKQQRKRSQPQARSSFLGGLGTSGAGMGGSLFPPDSLHCELMESSLYSENSLDSGISGDS # QRSADRISRMMMHMPSGGMSSSTMGGSVYAGAGNVPPYKRVFDTVRCAGKSGNYMDSGNVSMTQLGAMSMSSSSGPRMASMAYPAGSYYRGGSNQSLG # VKTLSSESLNSQSDDGYPAQPSGVPGAPGAKELEAALKRLTPAEVLARRAMLSYAPAGTYNYDEPMGHGTGNVRNSDLPLGVRTPDSIMSTGSSGMSG # STNHMSASMTHQWRLPEKLQIIKPMEGSQTLHHWSRLATPTLSGLLDERPGVTIRGGRGLDDLGMQIYTLSDVEEDVSDDLPGKQFEAPGCTFTYTNS # MVMHPDDGFVNDLSFLSQSQMSSRMASTSTSRQPSCPATPRAGLSRKNSCSTFSVNLGLAGMLNERGIKAVTPSALNTPAGPNFSPTVTPCNSPEGSP # PRAQSPEPLFGLLSCGADLIRRKIVGDQHQQQQQKQRSSLSKQQQQKIMLSHLERRALRSLNLIEKVESIGLENIISAQRGLGSGIANRSSSPLSSGS # LQSLHTSSNSIVDDIHFDRAQIKGVLHRGLKSPTPATASTSAAAAASGPGISTSSSTSAYNSDDSDDQGLVMKIKPSKSATPTTTGAAQSQPSSATTS # NGTASETRLKQMQRQKSRRQLKNGMANQRPDLGTISGAGGGGRVRPDLGKVADSGSSSKLSTKRSEAKPAEEEEATPQTITQAFVGSVSSLLFGRKGG # WL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 3 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 417 # E: 1 # W: 416 # end gene g1061 # start gene g1062 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7055163 7055677 0.92 + . g1062 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7055163 7055677 0.92 + . g1062.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7055163 7055165 . + 0 transcript_id "g1062.t1"; gene_id "g1062"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7055333 7055397 0.92 + . transcript_id "g1062.t1"; gene_id "g1062"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7055163 7055332 0.92 + 0 transcript_id "g1062.t1"; gene_id "g1062"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7055398 7055677 0.98 + 1 transcript_id "g1062.t1"; gene_id "g1062"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7055675 7055677 . + 0 transcript_id "g1062.t1"; gene_id "g1062"; # protein sequence = [MWLSKEVHIYFFTRVYSLRFSLSTQDTYFVAPLPLSKYCITKIITQNAIALTYILFRPTLGGCSFGYAELQSIASKQS # ALSPRHKNLRALNKCVKKSVLVCSSLGNSIQEPVTNAPWPTNQSSISNKRTHVIQSLAITQKLAVSRILKT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 53 # W: 53 # end gene g1062 # start gene g1063 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7056741 7057254 0.51 + . g1063 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7056741 7057254 0.51 + . g1063.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7056741 7056743 . + 0 transcript_id "g1063.t1"; gene_id "g1063"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7056854 7056931 0.62 + . transcript_id "g1063.t1"; gene_id "g1063"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7057157 7057223 1 + . transcript_id "g1063.t1"; gene_id "g1063"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7056741 7056853 0.67 + 0 transcript_id "g1063.t1"; gene_id "g1063"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7056932 7057156 0.63 + 1 transcript_id "g1063.t1"; gene_id "g1063"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7057224 7057254 0.92 + 1 transcript_id "g1063.t1"; gene_id "g1063"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7057252 7057254 . + 0 transcript_id "g1063.t1"; gene_id "g1063"; # protein sequence = [MLHTHTHMQTHTVAPMQKTSCLAVAVVVAVTAAAANEKAEKKVRQRQKVVCQLVANVAATKWLAVQTAATKTQHLASG # KSRRKYQAHGRIIRSSQKRNTARTGGKGQDILSLGSKSGNIIKA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 44 # E: 1 # W: 43 # end gene g1063 # start gene g1064 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7057407 7061721 0.72 + . g1064 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7057407 7061721 0.72 + . g1064.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7057407 7057409 . + 0 transcript_id "g1064.t1"; gene_id "g1064"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7057675 7057863 1 + . transcript_id "g1064.t1"; gene_id "g1064"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7058326 7058392 1 + . transcript_id "g1064.t1"; gene_id "g1064"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7059199 7060965 1 + . transcript_id "g1064.t1"; gene_id "g1064"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7057407 7057674 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g1064.t1"; gene_id "g1064"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7057864 7058325 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1064.t1"; gene_id "g1064"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7058393 7059198 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1064.t1"; gene_id "g1064"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7060966 7061721 0.76 + 0 transcript_id "g1064.t1"; gene_id "g1064"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7061719 7061721 . + 0 transcript_id "g1064.t1"; gene_id "g1064"; # protein sequence = [MSTITRSASASPMALNGVIDASLFPLKSTADVINLFRRALTSGIEPDLTLLSIVVGYIELSLTTGEAAAQAAQAAAAA # VAAGDISQATTGGNDIIMGNSVPFPVVTHELIAGLYKKFQTILSVVEKPKPHRQATREVIKKVSDVIWNSLIRSSYKDRAHLQNLYSYLSGNKLDCFG # VALAVVAGCQLLGYKDVRLAISEDHAWVVFGQKRVETIEVTWHGKGSEDKRGQDIRPGIESGSWLYLGGLAVVCERGMEVAAICAALNISLTSNSDCV # EVAELQQQLLWLLYDLGHLKRYPMALGTLGELEEIHRTHPSISCEQLYREAIESARTHYRNHHVYPYTYQGNYYNRLLKYRDAFAAWANAADVIRLYT # YQCRDDEEIYKELLDIANELIPYVMKTESSGHSARSILRDSEVFANLLRFYDGICQWEEDSLTPILHIGWAKPLVNNITKFDYDIRSQVVIKLPEDLE # AEQAKAELARAEQEAKEAKESKEAAGSEAMEGNNNRMATKEEKSKNSELPTTLADLTAACGEKILNPDFLLQGGGQPFADQKQQPSGGESDNPELHNN # NNNSNSNNNNNNHNADKKEAAATTTNATTTSNGSGTSVQLPVSSEANNAGQAQSQVQINDQLGKPQHKEAKKEETSDDYDPFEIMLKRPVITLYSQKM # KGLKDLLLAEKLNTHAISLQVTAQSVASRKVRGVEKHSATISATITAISSSSGDSVLSGVGGGGGSGSAVTGGASLASSSLGGDSIAASRPKRTRRE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 218 # W: 218 # end gene g1064 # start gene g1065 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7062814 7064380 0.27 + . g1065 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7062814 7064380 0.27 + . g1065.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7062814 7062816 . + 0 transcript_id "g1065.t1"; gene_id "g1065"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7062824 7063888 0.27 + . transcript_id "g1065.t1"; gene_id "g1065"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7064198 7064252 1 + . transcript_id "g1065.t1"; gene_id "g1065"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7062814 7062823 0.27 + 0 transcript_id "g1065.t1"; gene_id "g1065"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7063889 7064197 0.73 + 2 transcript_id "g1065.t1"; gene_id "g1065"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7064253 7064380 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1065.t1"; gene_id "g1065"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7064378 7064380 . + 0 transcript_id "g1065.t1"; gene_id "g1065"; # protein sequence = [MNESIKLDLTSLSGANGILKVFFPVHLGIFRRYSCGHTIKSDWHHLATKNANSVKNIVLSPLELIKAHKMSAPDKEKE # KEKEETNNKSEDLGLLEEDDEFEEFPAEDFRVGDDEEELNVWEDNWDDDNVEDDFSQQLKAHLESKKMET] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 56 # W: 56 # end gene g1065 # start gene g1066 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7064461 7065765 0.88 - . g1066 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7064461 7065765 0.88 - . g1066.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7064461 7064463 . - 0 transcript_id "g1066.t1"; gene_id "g1066"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7064975 7065031 1 - . transcript_id "g1066.t1"; gene_id "g1066"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7065405 7065464 1 - . transcript_id "g1066.t1"; gene_id "g1066"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7064461 7064974 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1066.t1"; gene_id "g1066"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7065032 7065404 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1066.t1"; gene_id "g1066"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7065465 7065765 0.88 - 0 transcript_id "g1066.t1"; gene_id "g1066"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7065763 7065765 . - 0 transcript_id "g1066.t1"; gene_id "g1066"; # protein sequence = [MALSVEIERVMDQGNCLMPDINICQSDLANPTEPIVTKIMVHYLRSFGFRLEPPYKIGTELGHSSREARVFLIRVCRQ # VERIVQISFPNKTYTYMDIIKPAVKKTLATLSYLFNHLAYYKVFKKKVLGPVEEAIKLKDSLTAEVKAKSQQLEQCSQKTKDCEVAINKLKKDLQDTQ # AKLLPLKKSCSEHENTLELIEQQQGELDKRIGHWEQLVVEDSQVTELREKIKSASSHVESCKTELASKKQVTNEHRRMIENSQHIATALEKATAVLSL # CKVDDYKESFKQLEAVEKQLPTCKVNYQKLLQDAEAKKQELALCAHRYEERNQENDAENHKVQNELKKLQVDVEDRKKRLEDLNNHLIELDQQNLEQD # QLYAILNEQIHEVLGQNWQMNST] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 115 # W: 115 # end gene g1066 # start gene g1067 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7067983 7069498 0.37 + . g1067 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7067983 7069498 0.37 + . g1067.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7067983 7067985 . + 0 transcript_id "g1067.t1"; gene_id "g1067"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7068639 7068719 0.81 + . transcript_id "g1067.t1"; gene_id "g1067"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7069354 7069483 0.49 + . transcript_id "g1067.t1"; gene_id "g1067"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7067983 7068638 0.7 + 0 transcript_id "g1067.t1"; gene_id "g1067"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7068720 7069353 0.73 + 1 transcript_id "g1067.t1"; gene_id "g1067"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7069484 7069498 0.5 + 0 transcript_id "g1067.t1"; gene_id "g1067"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7069496 7069498 . + 0 transcript_id "g1067.t1"; gene_id "g1067"; # protein sequence = [MKRSPISWSLLWMGYTCIFLLADSPAPVESHHILGLFVNVHRSQLMVHLAVCRALLQRGHHLTLVTTLPLEEQEIQGN # VSHIYIPWQQPKEEVSSSDLILRLERMFRRLEHSGDLLDLPEWKMFLRNQPNTPYDLLLLGYHFNDHLLGVAAHFNCPVAIVSTQQPTGFVNSLMGNP # EERWYVPQPYDGQQRSGISAWVFGMWEKFMEILARRVLARIYRFETMRRSVVLALSNHHMISEGPIAPLIPSMVDIGGIVLEQQLDKTPLEISAGNRS # LIIFSLGTRFTWRKSTKELVRTFTKAFAQFPDYDIYWTYDGPNGSAISLDYPHLKVAKWWPQTQMWQSGKVRLFITHGGKGSVSEALFYGVPMLGLPL # IGDQRDNLQRMQSKNWGLTLSTNNLTHWKLAKAITRMLSDSSYGETILKASQLYRDRPFMGS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 7 # W: 7 # end gene g1067 # start gene g1068 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7070161 7083470 0.5 - . g1068 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7070161 7083470 0.5 - . g1068.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7070161 7070163 . - 0 transcript_id "g1068.t1"; gene_id "g1068"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7070312 7070420 1 - . transcript_id "g1068.t1"; gene_id "g1068"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7070947 7074253 1 - . transcript_id "g1068.t1"; gene_id "g1068"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7074357 7083185 0.84 - . transcript_id "g1068.t1"; gene_id "g1068"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7070161 7070311 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1068.t1"; gene_id "g1068"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7070421 7070946 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1068.t1"; gene_id "g1068"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7074254 7074356 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g1068.t1"; gene_id "g1068"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7083186 7083470 0.51 - 0 transcript_id "g1068.t1"; gene_id "g1068"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7083468 7083470 . - 0 transcript_id "g1068.t1"; gene_id "g1068"; # protein sequence = [MTTSHPQTNRPLARYVLPPNELHTADEDEESSDLEPYFEDRAVQRDRSYLIRLIRRRVPRDQAPQQVILQGRSLSGVH # WGQGDDNHLSSDAAVDGSDDYPSDQPGDLTVLKERIAEQNSVEKLRTMKYNNNRTRELKKRVEAHRLMMAKEGICRVPRPEVVHITRETNTFYSPRAT # ILHRCSDKVGCCNAGWTCQMKRNETVDRVFDKVDGRSNEPIVISMENHTECGCVKVETRRKRSPICLCPKHFKDFSWAGSRAQWENEEHLELRLWERR # EQRCRCDCHLSDETCKRLKNGVEGFSVMERRRIQSGEVSPPFCNYGAYDVRNGRCPRPGLPNRNPNLQQRLQSKRQNGKS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 57.1 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 11 # E: 2 # RM: 9 # incompatible hint groups: 16 # W: 16 # end gene g1068 # start gene g1069 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7100093 7145253 0.57 - . g1069 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7100093 7145253 0.57 - . g1069.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7100093 7100095 . - 0 transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7100208 7100277 1 - . transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7100556 7107140 0.58 - . transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7107353 7107418 1 - . transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7107552 7118884 1 - . transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7118924 7145241 0.95 - . transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7100093 7100207 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7100278 7100555 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7107141 7107352 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7107419 7107551 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7118885 7118923 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7145242 7145253 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7145251 7145253 . - 0 transcript_id "g1069.t1"; gene_id "g1069"; # protein sequence = [MWDMVSAAKTLEDNDGHDVENIYARNYVAAKVGQKKEDQLGTPEAVIKARRLHAQKQKSERALAHAHMNQVLKEATCR # IPQKRCQLVQQDPSKIYTPHCTILHRCSEDSGCCPSRSQICAAKSTHNVELHFFVKSSKHRSVIEKRTFVNHTECHCIERSTYNEETAMAHYGQSVVR # ATILSCTCPKSFEKILQDDGQCRCDCSSGNYDCDWLKRGNEHFAMNDRKCIQQGRCKPPTCEFGLYMDKHGRCPKQHEQPSYNAMS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 36.4 # CDS exons: 1/6 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 3/5 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 27 # E: 3 # RM: 24 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # E: 1 # W: 1 # end gene g1069 # start gene g1070 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7145824 7146057 0.7 + . g1070 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7145824 7146057 0.7 + . g1070.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7145824 7145826 . + 0 transcript_id "g1070.t1"; gene_id "g1070"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7145824 7146057 0.7 + 0 transcript_id "g1070.t1"; gene_id "g1070"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7146055 7146057 . + 0 transcript_id "g1070.t1"; gene_id "g1070"; # protein sequence = [MQMQMKAKSKTTDFRARSGVHAVRTEDSRLPGSCKLPRGGHEGHDQQVKKLRGAAEATGITNALSLDKIYIGNREIR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # E: 1 # end gene g1070 # start gene g1071 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7155457 7156665 0.99 - . g1071 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7155457 7156665 0.99 - . g1071.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7155457 7155459 . - 0 transcript_id "g1071.t1"; gene_id "g1071"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7155457 7156665 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1071.t1"; gene_id "g1071"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7156663 7156665 . - 0 transcript_id "g1071.t1"; gene_id "g1071"; # protein sequence = [MHWLVLILVPLVWANSSDLKGAPVMTTVAPTGGHRSPHQQQRLQQLQEAQQLEAHQQHHHHLRHEQHLRAELEGNHQP # PIEDVEKKAFLDPQLPMQQHHLRHHNRHHASWEQRVFPSLRHQQHRLSIGPSTAKNLMTTEAPTTRHHGLISNHSRYFDRDGIFPSWAEPRTTRGPNW # RQEVDSSDSDEDSDEDDEDDYDEYDEDGDTSNGVDEELARQMPRYSLFTQKLPHIDLKDTDYNAYDQSDELDIVSSSNRNSNKYPSVANPHDKSAGKR # NIFDWLFKHDREKEAVKKPHITTTSTTTTTSTTSTVKPTIMRTERPKLQLIDANLKNGGGEEDDSNEDSDSESEEGFSNEQWNKIEHQHHLRQQKHQK # ELLAMREKSRNTPLIRNIENEVSLALRPLF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 9 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # W: 7 # end gene g1071 # start gene g1072 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7182347 7185292 1 + . g1072 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7182347 7185292 1 + . g1072.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7182347 7182349 . + 0 transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7182640 7182706 1 + . transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7182900 7183162 1 + . transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7183323 7183777 1 + . transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7183816 7183871 1 + . transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7183987 7184042 1 + . transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7184204 7184614 1 + . transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7185075 7185137 1 + . transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7182347 7182639 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7182707 7182899 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7183163 7183322 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7183778 7183815 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7183872 7183986 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7184043 7184203 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7184615 7185074 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7185138 7185292 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7185290 7185292 . + 0 transcript_id "g1072.t1"; gene_id "g1072"; # protein sequence = [MSVLRFLVTRQALAALTRPRTLNIIQNPAQIAYASTLCNQNSNHNAKDLTKSSANLSLMQTRGHKRFGHQEEKTPSVT # KYFHMFILSLFLISVMDWGKVKRMLTPKVDADAGQRPSSAADVNGEDKSSESESEDSEDEEAGSDLHLHEGKKIREKVGFRERKIIEYENRIRQFSTP # DKIFRYFATVRLQDATQTIVCMTPEDFLRSIYPGIKQPDGLGLDQYRRYDPKSVGEQLNLHLEKNSIFYKLGSYGLITFSDYIFLLTVLSISRRHFEI # AFRMFDLNGDGDVDCEEFEMVATLVRQQTSMGTRHRDHANTGNTFKGVNSALITYFFGPNMDEKLTIEKFLDFQEQLQREILSLEFERKEPNDEGNIT # EADFAELLLAYAGYPLKKKQKKLKRVKRRFRDHGKGISKQDYLDFFHFLNNINDVDTALTFYHIAGASIDQQTLQHVAKTVAMVNLSDHVVDVVFTIF # DENNDNQLSNKEFISVMKNRVQRGLEKPKDTGFLKMMRSVFKCAKETKPVLLDI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 163 # E: 2 # W: 161 # end gene g1072 # start gene g1073 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7185829 7187636 0.98 - . g1073 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7185829 7187636 0.98 - . g1073.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7185829 7185831 . - 0 transcript_id "g1073.t1"; gene_id "g1073"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7186767 7186831 1 - . transcript_id "g1073.t1"; gene_id "g1073"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7185829 7186766 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1073.t1"; gene_id "g1073"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7186832 7187636 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g1073.t1"; gene_id "g1073"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7187634 7187636 . - 0 transcript_id "g1073.t1"; gene_id "g1073"; # protein sequence = [MELALNKPSSCVDCCKDCTLLPCCSASACCDASCDAACGLIPPDPVRYEYQEPEENFISIDDVKIKSFLWQIGQQQRE # KELEIKRIMEQEKREKREKERREAEKRRDQEVIELDEEEAQSPRGLIISAARSLAHWNSSIRRVTPDIELIPRRVHRVVAEIELSDSDHDEDSEVDED # VSLPSNAVSCVLNEQRQDGSQNPQELVIIVPSDQEDEQKTDNVIKRKSSGSRRLVKRRPGANRRGRHMYECPDCGKKVQSNYNLRRHMMIHTGERPFP # CDLCERRFREFSDLKKHRRRHSHDPQFICMICHLGAPLEQDSTRCADCESKNLMVKPQPEELGEKTTEEHSDEMEGDDDEIEEAALENEKQPQVATQP # SLMVTLIPPIQSPPEKVPSHTQPSRPPLPRSCSSANSSSSLSNDGNIAGKSMSRTRRSYPCPLCHRPFGTRHNLKRHYMIHTGEKPFSCSKCRKPFRE # CSTLKKHMVTHVRDRWYKCLRCPSKFRDYLEYSDHKNNHQDQLSSRKSSIYESDDDGDSSVEDCLECCECQQRFTELDAYTAHLKKHDLELYGMSIDD # VADEEQDDVDVA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 17 # RM: 1 # W: 16 # end gene g1073 # start gene g1074 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7191402 7193363 1 - . g1074 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7191402 7193363 1 - . g1074.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7191402 7191404 . - 0 transcript_id "g1074.t1"; gene_id "g1074"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7192051 7192491 1 - . transcript_id "g1074.t1"; gene_id "g1074"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7191402 7192050 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1074.t1"; gene_id "g1074"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7192492 7193363 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1074.t1"; gene_id "g1074"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7193361 7193363 . - 0 transcript_id "g1074.t1"; gene_id "g1074"; # protein sequence = [MESETKASAEEKQQENPSTVPMDTLDPPPPCGSSKTLKRCLSVPIIRTPPAGKSGKTPMTTRAAAAAALAAKEHEQTP # KKSQQVVDIQMPNAPSIDCFGKNIHIRSQPNSREVSPAPVFNIFTPRARRYSASYSPLTTAANGATLCLTPRVSQLRQEECADLNSREVNHEREVHRE # IQISQSWEDLTLVAENWSCKSDEFSNPLQVSLPPTGTTSCSSPSPTNNRAGMRLPYSPSPTRRTFATRRSMSPIAMRPSQLGPVKRKFELDDNPTQGS # NWSVYSPPPVKKIFTESRGSSPVCQSPSSVCPSPDSGTFDGRLTPKLFISKLCTSNSVSGNGINNNSSSSGCPSPVSASPGGVGSGPNLEAAMCLVSG # GSQSQSIDEGISIPESETHSCRSRTSSIVSTASSSTQVLVNDLVDDATLMDDAKSETSSIGGCSTISIESSSCDSGAKTAATFLNRLVVDSDGGGSPL # AQKSFYINKQGLSGAKKFVVNHERTGAVSKDVPQKL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 150 # W: 150 # end gene g1074 # start gene g1075 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7195556 7196674 0.62 - . g1075 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7195556 7196674 0.62 - . g1075.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7195556 7195558 . - 0 transcript_id "g1075.t1"; gene_id "g1075"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7195641 7195702 1 - . transcript_id "g1075.t1"; gene_id "g1075"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7196053 7196111 1 - . transcript_id "g1075.t1"; gene_id "g1075"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7196236 7196312 1 - . transcript_id "g1075.t1"; gene_id "g1075"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7195556 7195640 0.62 - 1 transcript_id "g1075.t1"; gene_id "g1075"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7195703 7196052 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1075.t1"; gene_id "g1075"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7196112 7196235 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1075.t1"; gene_id "g1075"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7196313 7196674 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1075.t1"; gene_id "g1075"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7196672 7196674 . - 0 transcript_id "g1075.t1"; gene_id "g1075"; # protein sequence = [MSSRSKERVVTAFRKIFHKSSNNNNNNNNNHNNNINNNNNNDKVDGATGSSPNINNNNNNNNNNNNHDGAAAPSSAGG # VAVAGGAVGSSGSSGAAKNAVVRMAAEQAVWDSPGKRRRQDHKVAPTTERQLVAAPDHTIRTRRLMKEYREMERLQAKNDAVFTVELVNDSLFEWHVR # LHVIDPDSPLARDMAEMGVPAILLHLSFPDNFPFAPPFMRVVEPHIEKGYVMEGGAICMELLTPRGWASAYTVEAVIMQFAASVVKGQGRIARKPKST # KEFTRRQAEESFRSLVKTHEKYGWVTPALSDG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 80 # RM: 1 # W: 79 # end gene g1075 # start gene g1076 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7196747 7204272 0.62 - . g1076 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7196747 7204272 0.62 - . g1076.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7196747 7196749 . - 0 transcript_id "g1076.t1"; gene_id "g1076"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7196858 7203938 1 - . transcript_id "g1076.t1"; gene_id "g1076"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7203994 7204075 0.62 - . transcript_id "g1076.t1"; gene_id "g1076"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7196747 7196857 0.68 - 0 transcript_id "g1076.t1"; gene_id "g1076"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7203939 7203993 0.67 - 1 transcript_id "g1076.t1"; gene_id "g1076"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7204076 7204272 0.63 - 0 transcript_id "g1076.t1"; gene_id "g1076"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7204270 7204272 . - 0 transcript_id "g1076.t1"; gene_id "g1076"; # protein sequence = [MPNCYFASLPLSRAKKVQCNEKLVIQCPDQEIIQKSRGNAEPYCFLLALNKRYNCWEELHSRLLLPTNRGKKTEEQRI # AFYTWQIQFPRPHCTRNHLKKKTEQTRPRSTCKLLNQKPPLK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 1 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 40 # E: 1 # W: 39 # end gene g1076 # start gene g1077 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7205519 7205883 1 + . g1077 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7205519 7205883 1 + . g1077.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7205519 7205521 . + 0 transcript_id "g1077.t1"; gene_id "g1077"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7205654 7205793 1 + . transcript_id "g1077.t1"; gene_id "g1077"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7205519 7205653 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1077.t1"; gene_id "g1077"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7205794 7205883 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1077.t1"; gene_id "g1077"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7205881 7205883 . + 0 transcript_id "g1077.t1"; gene_id "g1077"; # protein sequence = [MWICLCVDFGKLEGCVNSGLVPSPAETLFFKFTLSETKCLKLVYILYEFWFSLYHSLDIHEFWCYVLLCIIPFY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 38 # W: 38 # end gene g1077 # start gene g1078 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7205958 7219111 0.24 - . g1078 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7205958 7219111 0.24 - . g1078.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7205958 7205960 . - 0 transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7206294 7206365 0.84 - . transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7208016 7208069 0.27 - . transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7208100 7208188 1 - . transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7208344 7208416 1 - . transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7208582 7209348 1 - . transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7209463 7209522 1 - . transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7209654 7218908 1 - . transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7205958 7206293 0.84 - 0 transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7206366 7208015 0.27 - 0 transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7208070 7208099 0.79 - 0 transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7208189 7208343 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7208417 7208581 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7209349 7209462 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7209523 7209653 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7218909 7219111 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7219109 7219111 . - 0 transcript_id "g1078.t1"; gene_id "g1078"; # protein sequence = [MDWIINDEMGLTVGHVVGWAAASAMVIGGVIPYVPQYIEIKKTQDAEGFSLYVCLALLVANSLRILFWFSSRYELPLL # VQSVVMNVTMFLMIHLCVKVKRVNANNREHALRGDELHLPKVMTDTDTGASISTEAGGSVLKRVRSRHYLNDLDFKYFWNWTDFQSYLDFMLVVWAVG # AAITYLMLSVLWFMESMGFVAVFTEAMLGAPQFLRNFKNKSTYGMSIHMVIMWTLGDMFKTGYFIVRKAPSQFWICGTLQVSLDIAILSQQFAPEEQP # QHIHHHDIHTSHSEEHQLSLPVTVSSSGDDHLLTARADDEHFKVLDFGQCHDNRAFQYHNNNKMLPRPGGSGKSKDDSSMAAALEVVIVHSPASKEPR # LIGAQEESGRCRRKQNNATQTKLEGGSCCCVITTHHHHCHCNHHRHHHHHHHCHYRSTKRRALLHQKRSHHHQKHMPIKQANHKQMLPSNNNNNNKSS # LDSSDEAMHHQAIAIEIDAATMSEDGDENNSSTATSNFPYKVASEGVKPIIMAPLREQHRHRRGSLNSNTTIETDELSRDEDDDDDVRMGSHHLPEDE # TQLTQPAVTNSSSSSTKRGNPASAPARNECVRIKRKRFIAEAGQDYCSSCSSSCSCSSLDEDLEAHHEMTVAAECHQCIPGSRRASLCSCQNSSCCCG # SCSQEDDEEEEADDEDDETTGQRESFCTAADHTITPSQEGEDMHSSTLTPLSTHRSSFMDQDHGDHTMRSDIGGGNITDADASSLSQSAEYFSLSSTA # GGGTSFPTKEEDKMDKLEIKETKDLREKEVEQPSCKHWNRNPHGKHKRGSSPQTIRKSAVLQETPVRRKTTAKRGSGTTGSNDSSTATLTASVVTVAK # FPGTGLVSTVTSLNGCGTTYSYTTTTAAPLNLAASSKKNTKYSPVPNSEAYQCDPLQQSSTEIIL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 86.7 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 5/7 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 10 # E: 5 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 282 # E: 1 # W: 281 # end gene g1078 # start gene g1079 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7219230 7220106 0.41 - . g1079 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7219230 7220106 0.41 - . g1079.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7219230 7219232 . - 0 transcript_id "g1079.t1"; gene_id "g1079"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7219448 7219519 0.41 - . transcript_id "g1079.t1"; gene_id "g1079"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7219677 7220085 0.5 - . transcript_id "g1079.t1"; gene_id "g1079"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7219230 7219447 0.59 - 2 transcript_id "g1079.t1"; gene_id "g1079"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7219520 7219676 0.5 - 0 transcript_id "g1079.t1"; gene_id "g1079"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7220086 7220106 0.64 - 0 transcript_id "g1079.t1"; gene_id "g1079"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7220104 7220106 . - 0 transcript_id "g1079.t1"; gene_id "g1079"; # protein sequence = [MSDALGNRFARLVFSAARKVCAGKSVTIREKRGIENSVKIQYKKNAENENTGKIKRATKMCVCVCAKVEDQSETTKNK # HSNNNTQLTSFLSFLHYTVQQTIVITANDAKSSNYNNDYFQSPAFKLVKKSNQ] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 40 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 78 # W: 78 # end gene g1079 # start gene g1080 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7220533 7222980 1 - . g1080 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7220533 7222980 1 - . g1080.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7220533 7220535 . - 0 transcript_id "g1080.t1"; gene_id "g1080"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7220678 7220741 1 - . transcript_id "g1080.t1"; gene_id "g1080"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7221088 7221140 1 - . transcript_id "g1080.t1"; gene_id "g1080"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7222816 7222908 1 - . transcript_id "g1080.t1"; gene_id "g1080"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7220533 7220677 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1080.t1"; gene_id "g1080"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7220742 7221087 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1080.t1"; gene_id "g1080"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7221141 7222815 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1080.t1"; gene_id "g1080"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7222909 7222980 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1080.t1"; gene_id "g1080"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7222978 7222980 . - 0 transcript_id "g1080.t1"; gene_id "g1080"; # protein sequence = [MSLITRLLTGNNTLRLRALKSLGKAGYSSHAKFSEHKPIERIRNIGISAHIDSGKTTLTERILFYTGRIAEMHEVRGK # DNVGATMDSMELERQRGITIQSAATYTLWKDTNINIIDTPGHVDFTVEVERALRVLDGAVLVLCAVGGVQSQTLTVNRQMKRYNVPCLAFINKLDRLG # SNPYRVLSQMRSKMNHNAAFIQLPIGVESNCKGIVDLVREKAIYFEGEHGMDIRLDEIPQDMRVESLERRQELIEHLSNADETLGELFLEEKPFTEDD # IKAALRRTCINRTFTPVLVGTALKNKGVQPLLDAVLDYLPNPGEVENLGFIEKEGQDPEKVVLNPARDGKDPFVGLAFKLEAGRFGQLTYLRCYQGVL # RKGDNIFNARTNKKVRIARLVRLHSNQMEDVNEVYAGDIFALFGVDCASGDTFTTNPKNNLSMESIFVPEPVVSMAIKPNNTKDRDNFSKAIARFTKE # DPTFHFFFDNDVKETLVSGMGELHLEIYAQRMEREYGCPVTLGKPKVAFRETLVGPCEFDYLHKKQSGGSGQYARIIGVMEPLPPNQNTLLEFVDETV # GTNVPKQFVPGVEKGYREMAEKGMLSGHKLSGIRFRLQDGGHHIVDSSELAFMLAAHGAIKEVFQNGSWQILEPIMLVEVTAPEEFQGAVMGHLSKRH # GIITGTEGTEGWFTVYAEVPLNDMFGYAGELRSSTQGKGEFTMEYSRYSPCLPDVQDQIVRQYQESQGLAQPDKKKKKN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 214 # W: 214 # end gene g1080 # start gene g1081 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7224851 7226197 0.48 - . g1081 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7224851 7226197 0.48 - . g1081.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7224851 7224853 . - 0 transcript_id "g1081.t1"; gene_id "g1081"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7225062 7225605 1 - . transcript_id "g1081.t1"; gene_id "g1081"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7225857 7226185 0.48 - . transcript_id "g1081.t1"; gene_id "g1081"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7224851 7225061 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1081.t1"; gene_id "g1081"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7225606 7225856 0.81 - 0 transcript_id "g1081.t1"; gene_id "g1081"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7226186 7226197 0.6 - 0 transcript_id "g1081.t1"; gene_id "g1081"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7226195 7226197 . - 0 transcript_id "g1081.t1"; gene_id "g1081"; # protein sequence = [MSPRDNHHQHPPGSGAGANYNADKSGPTTIHIPLSGNKTGTKGPTVNIPQEAVNRTAVWQQINKDGNGISEQLIIPVT # LKVRQINGNHAPSSATLSPRLSPMHEADEYSEAPTNSPAHPAGNQQQQQQQINNCKEAAKLDGSCSNNSQISPANITPV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 20 # E: 1 # W: 19 # end gene g1081 # start gene g1082 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7226915 7240210 0.64 - . g1082 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7226915 7240210 0.64 - . g1082.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7226915 7226917 . - 0 transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7227347 7228699 1 - . transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7229013 7229095 1 - . transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7229599 7229652 1 - . transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7230599 7230888 1 - . transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7231127 7231812 1 - . transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7231981 7234526 1 - . transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7234998 7236144 1 - . transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7236352 7237686 1 - . transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7237791 7240181 1 - . transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7226915 7227346 0.64 - 0 transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7228700 7229012 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7229096 7229598 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7229653 7230598 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7230889 7231126 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7231813 7231980 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7234527 7234997 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7236145 7236351 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7237687 7237790 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7240182 7240210 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7240208 7240210 . - 0 transcript_id "g1082.t1"; gene_id "g1082"; # protein sequence = [MAEKNEYIELPWTMNSSSGDDEAPKDPRTGGEDFTQQFTENDFEGHRAHTVYVGVHVPGGRRHSQRRRKHHHSGPGGG # GGGGGGGGSIGGSGSVGGGAGKDNVSEKQQEVERPVTPPAQRVQFILGEDVDDGTHVSHPLFSEMGMLVKEGDEIEWKETARWIKFEEDVEEGGNRWS # KPHVATLSLHSLFELRRLLVNGSVMLDMEAQNLEVMADLVCDHMVSAGTLPPGVKDKVKDALLRRHRHQHEYAKKTRLPIIRSLADMRNHSSSKIEEH # SASILGATTPISLTASEPGPPGSNGNSNLSTAAGAMGRFLTVPSGKPSNRTLEDMVKSPSNQSMARPGSGTELSEQQHKGNTHFMRKIPPGAEASNIL # VGEVDFLERTLSCFIRLSQAVVLGDLTEVPVPTRFVFILLGPPGSQSNFHEIGRAMATLMSDEIFHEVAYRARKRDHLLSGVDEFLDAVTVLPPGEWD # PTIRIEPPAAIPSQEVRKRPPELPKEEVDEEEEEARLREENGLSRTGRLFGGLINDIKRKAPWYISDYKDALSMQCVASWIFLYFACLSPIITFGGLL # AEATGKHMAAMESLVSGFVCGMGYGFFSGQPLTILGSTGPVLVFESIIYEFCLKMGWDYMTFRFWIGMWVAGICIVLTAIDASALVCYITRFTEENFA # TLIAFIFIYKAIENVMVIGKNFPVNQGIYDCVCTPPIGSNASVIDYAKYNWDSCESYNGTLVGGDCGTPPTENVFLMSVVLCAGTFLISTVLKEFKNA # LFFPSIVRQYISDFSVLIAIFAMSFFDYSLGVPTQKLEVPNELKPTLSTRGWLIPPFVEKNPWWSAIIAVFPALLGTILIFMDQQITAVIVNRKENKL # KKGCGYHLDLFILSILIAICSMMGLPWFVAATVLSINHVNSLKLESECSAPGEKPQFLGVREQRVTHILIFLTIGVSVLLTPLLGNIPMPVLFGVFLY # MGVASLKGLQFFDRILIMFMPAKYQPDYMFLRQVPIKRVHLFTMIQLACLIILWLIKSFSQTSILFPLMLVVMIGIRKALDLVFTRRELKILDDIMPE # MTKRAAADDLHKLDAEVGLLARIFPWGKGSRSRVVTKPPGLDDGIVGSGGAVGAGLITCTTSNANEKEFEAQSSLLKK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 10/10 # W: 10 # CDS introns: 9/9 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 14 # E: 9 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 405 # E: 2 # W: 403 # end gene g1082 # start gene g1083 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7250719 7253080 0.48 - . g1083 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7250719 7253080 0.48 - . g1083.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7250719 7250721 . - 0 transcript_id "g1083.t1"; gene_id "g1083"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7251375 7251443 0.97 - . transcript_id "g1083.t1"; gene_id "g1083"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7251555 7251612 0.61 - . transcript_id "g1083.t1"; gene_id "g1083"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7252629 7252689 1 - . transcript_id "g1083.t1"; gene_id "g1083"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7252857 7253068 1 - . transcript_id "g1083.t1"; gene_id "g1083"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7250719 7251374 0.97 - 2 transcript_id "g1083.t1"; gene_id "g1083"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7251444 7251554 0.66 - 2 transcript_id "g1083.t1"; gene_id "g1083"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7251613 7252628 0.69 - 1 transcript_id "g1083.t1"; gene_id "g1083"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7252690 7252856 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1083.t1"; gene_id "g1083"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7253069 7253080 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1083.t1"; gene_id "g1083"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7253078 7253080 . - 0 transcript_id "g1083.t1"; gene_id "g1083"; # protein sequence = [MNVVKVRVQRTASDRYVNSTKAKCRSGWGNISMETIDPNTRIMMMLPLLWVLFVGPSVFGSPLEMQLLDMMLREAEDY # PSNGRDQRDISVLPTAPIGCDDSGDAQDPFSHIFDEYEESKEECMDFLPPCEPTFPEGLPIEHPCFVRLLLLRTPLLKQDPCANFTLVTERPSTTVKP # KTKKCDPKRKASKSAARNELLALPNNGTINSTTSTPLSSTTETTTDSKIIKIRKLVPKTKTNTTTSTTTTTLETTTIEESTSPAETSTSEVAPETTTE # EETTATPTTTSTTQPPFTDNQLKRLRALRNRGKNSRAKSPKVPDPPQIKLDNASQPSEVIQVIMTTEPAELKLQPEVNTTTTTIVPPTTVSTSTSYPE # ITTSESCDEEEKSTTVPEFSGCDDDEDFEVSENGATSTTEEPCEDTEEQDTNLCPQFMPTQGPSASPIPPPSYRFRKPVKNYVEPILYERDFAKPLQR # MTPVGPQQRDYFVSNKQIVPRPRPKYRKRIPPSIYMNNIVRGLDCSDEVGQNPPRSPNPPKRFWGVTPVGFLPRNQIRQKPERNMKSFAPVPIKRKPI # YQRNSAEMVERQYMMERDPEPRPQYHHYPEDEVFHEDVPLASPTPSLDPCQQEHDHVLFRQRSQHQQTDHHVNYPLPPISSHFFT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/5 # CDS introns: 0/4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g1083 # start gene g1084 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7256004 7257271 0.82 - . g1084 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7256004 7257271 0.82 - . g1084.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7256004 7256006 . - 0 transcript_id "g1084.t1"; gene_id "g1084"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7256247 7256459 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1084.t1"; gene_id "g1084"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7256688 7256761 1 - . transcript_id "g1084.t1"; gene_id "g1084"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7256004 7256246 0.89 - 0 transcript_id "g1084.t1"; gene_id "g1084"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7256460 7256687 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1084.t1"; gene_id "g1084"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7256762 7257271 0.91 - 0 transcript_id "g1084.t1"; gene_id "g1084"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7257269 7257271 . - 0 transcript_id "g1084.t1"; gene_id "g1084"; # protein sequence = [MSASEHFISEHTVMAVFTSQGQVGGPCRYMPATRRQNHQCRKETGLPGTLSEARRLATTHCEEQFRYDRWNCSIETRG # KRNIFKKLYKETAFVHALTAAAMTHSIARACAEGRMTKCSCGPKKHNREAQDFQWGGCNDNLKHGKRVTRSFLDLRGGDGDEVSEILRHDSEVGIEAV # SSQMMDKCKCHGVSGSCSMKTCWKKMADFNATATLLRQKYNEAIRKAPNQRSMRQVSSSRMKKPKQRRKKPQQSQYTTLYYLETSPSYCAVTKDRQCL # HPDNCGTLCCGRGYTTQVVKQVEKCRCRFNNGRCCQLICDYCQRLENKYFCK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 40 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 10 # W: 10 # end gene g1084 # start gene g1085 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7275356 7276009 0.92 - . g1085 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7275356 7276009 0.92 - . g1085.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7275356 7275358 . - 0 transcript_id "g1085.t1"; gene_id "g1085"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7275356 7276009 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g1085.t1"; gene_id "g1085"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7276007 7276009 . - 0 transcript_id "g1085.t1"; gene_id "g1085"; # protein sequence = [MPSPTGVFVLMILTHLSFGLGQVRNEDQLLMVGQNGDLDSSNPAIHHQQHQQHQQHQQHQQHQSNHNLNNGNMNSTIL # NTLMGNNAGQVVNSSPGGGGSMINQLGSSTSSVPSVIGGGVGSVGNPWHSAVGLGVPGNGMGLPSSHGLGGNMGSHPHGHALAGLAKLGIIVPGGQGL # PGNLGYGGTMLNGGGVGGAAGMGLGIGSNTNNMDMQQGLYK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g1085 # start gene g1086 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7283224 7283430 0.71 + . g1086 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7283224 7283430 0.71 + . g1086.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7283224 7283226 . + 0 transcript_id "g1086.t1"; gene_id "g1086"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7283224 7283430 0.71 + 0 transcript_id "g1086.t1"; gene_id "g1086"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7283428 7283430 . + 0 transcript_id "g1086.t1"; gene_id "g1086"; # protein sequence = [MNFALNAALADWLFAPKAIADELAGPPCPIHLPTSTSPTLLIHHNPNSLSSATFPQKLLNCLRDVLTK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1086 # start gene g1087 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7296651 7296956 0.77 - . g1087 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7296651 7296956 0.77 - . g1087.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7296651 7296653 . - 0 transcript_id "g1087.t1"; gene_id "g1087"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7296651 7296956 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g1087.t1"; gene_id "g1087"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7296954 7296956 . - 0 transcript_id "g1087.t1"; gene_id "g1087"; # protein sequence = [MASRSEKMFLDDERATCGANRLKNICNCAIGSFFGYFWATLKDLKDVPTKGTNCSSHTLKMKRKGPMDRRTEAFVCQQ # LTAKEWAKILVDKEAGSSGAHPL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1087 # start gene g1088 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7307592 7315186 0.91 + . g1088 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7307592 7315186 0.91 + . g1088.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7307592 7307594 . + 0 transcript_id "g1088.t1"; gene_id "g1088"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7307708 7309385 1 + . transcript_id "g1088.t1"; gene_id "g1088"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7309637 7312837 0.99 + . transcript_id "g1088.t1"; gene_id "g1088"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7313140 7314317 0.97 + . transcript_id "g1088.t1"; gene_id "g1088"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7314749 7314879 1 + . transcript_id "g1088.t1"; gene_id "g1088"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7307592 7307707 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g1088.t1"; gene_id "g1088"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7309386 7309636 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1088.t1"; gene_id "g1088"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7312838 7313139 0.98 + 2 transcript_id "g1088.t1"; gene_id "g1088"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7314318 7314748 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g1088.t1"; gene_id "g1088"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7314880 7315186 0.96 + 1 transcript_id "g1088.t1"; gene_id "g1088"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7315184 7315186 . + 0 transcript_id "g1088.t1"; gene_id "g1088"; # protein sequence = [MDISYIFVICLMALCSGGSSLSQVEGKQKSGRGRGSMWWGIAKVGEPNNITPIMYMDPAIHSTLRRKQRRLVRDNPGV # LGALVKGANLAISECQHQFRNRRWNCSTRNFSRGKNLFGKIVDRGCRETSFIYAITSAAVTHSIARACSEGTIESCTCDYSHQSRSPQANHQAGSVAG # VRDWEWGGCSDNIGFGFKFSREFVDTGERGRNLREKMNLHNNEAGRAHVQAEMRQECKCHGMSGSCTVKTCWMRLANFRVIGDNLKARFDGATRVQVT # NSLRATNALAPVSPNAAGSNSVGSNGLIIPQSGLVYGEEEERMLNDHMPDILLENSHPISKIHHPNMPSPNSLPQAGQRGGRNGRRQGRKHNRYHFQL # NPHNPEHKPPGSKDLVYLEPSPSFCEKNLRQGILGTHGRQCNETSLGVDGCGLMCCGRGYRRDEVVVVERCACTFHWCCEVKCKLCRTKKVIYTCL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/5 # CDS introns: 0/4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1088 # start gene g1089 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7335083 7352280 0.12 + . g1089 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7335083 7352280 0.12 + . g1089.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7335083 7335085 . + 0 transcript_id "g1089.t1"; gene_id "g1089"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7335106 7342836 0.22 + . transcript_id "g1089.t1"; gene_id "g1089"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7343061 7351182 0.34 + . transcript_id "g1089.t1"; gene_id "g1089"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7351698 7351818 1 + . transcript_id "g1089.t1"; gene_id "g1089"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7335083 7335105 0.15 + 0 transcript_id "g1089.t1"; gene_id "g1089"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7342837 7343060 0.27 + 1 transcript_id "g1089.t1"; gene_id "g1089"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7351183 7351697 0.57 + 2 transcript_id "g1089.t1"; gene_id "g1089"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7351819 7352280 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1089.t1"; gene_id "g1089"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7352278 7352280 . + 0 transcript_id "g1089.t1"; gene_id "g1089"; # protein sequence = [MPMTGFGWAEGTNILLDPNLMCKKTRRLRGKLAEICRHDSALLKEIIINGINLGFRECEFQFRNRRWNCTVLRKSMRK # ILMRDSRETGFVNAITAAGVTYAVTKACTMGQLVECSCDKAHMRRNGGQPQMVTAATAEAALERQQQAAMLRQQMPLQDQHPSQRLSRMNNASTMTDI # APVEHRGGRNRRPGGRRGRRKFWDNIKFPEGQWEWGGCSDNVNFGLRHSRVFLDAKQRQRRSDLGTLVKFHNNNAGRLAIRDAMRLECKCHGLSGSCT # VKTCWLKMPPFREVAGRLRDRYDSARKVTLRNDGNSFMPESPHARPANKYQLVFADDSPDFCTPNSKTGALGTQGRECNVTSSGSDRCDRLCCNRGHT # RRIVEEQTNCKCVFKWCCEVTCEKCLEHRAVNTCL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 28.6 # CDS exons: 1/4 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/3 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 1 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 4 # E: 1 # W: 3 # end gene g1089 # start gene g1090 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7369540 7370792 0.2 + . g1090 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7369540 7370792 0.2 + . g1090.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7369540 7369542 . + 0 transcript_id "g1090.t1"; gene_id "g1090"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7369581 7369961 0.63 + . transcript_id "g1090.t1"; gene_id "g1090"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7370110 7370687 0.26 + . transcript_id "g1090.t1"; gene_id "g1090"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7369540 7369580 0.63 + 0 transcript_id "g1090.t1"; gene_id "g1090"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7369962 7370109 0.43 + 1 transcript_id "g1090.t1"; gene_id "g1090"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7370688 7370792 0.26 + 0 transcript_id "g1090.t1"; gene_id "g1090"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7370790 7370792 . + 0 transcript_id "g1090.t1"; gene_id "g1090"; # protein sequence = [MAQQFDEKDLRQTWLYGLPDGRATCRSVPGLTKDQVELCYKASDVTAAALEGLDMAIRECQIQRRRLVKQTMSEAINR # RIIRHDMTQKPQQQHNPSF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1090 # start gene g1091 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7374762 7377259 0.12 + . g1091 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7374762 7377259 0.12 + . g1091.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7374762 7374764 . + 0 transcript_id "g1091.t1"; gene_id "g1091"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7375239 7375359 1 + . transcript_id "g1091.t1"; gene_id "g1091"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7375820 7377071 0.18 + . transcript_id "g1091.t1"; gene_id "g1091"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7374762 7375238 0.79 + 0 transcript_id "g1091.t1"; gene_id "g1091"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7375360 7375819 0.64 + 0 transcript_id "g1091.t1"; gene_id "g1091"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7377072 7377259 0.26 + 2 transcript_id "g1091.t1"; gene_id "g1091"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7377257 7377259 . + 0 transcript_id "g1091.t1"; gene_id "g1091"; # protein sequence = [MIPRGRTCTQSSHFDTIPKMLHLIALLLSVLGYRESAFAFAISAAGVAHSVARACSQGRLMSCGCDPTINRKTLNKNL # RQSLDKEKKQFLQYLETNQILTPEEEKKYERSKIASRWKWGGCSHNMDFGVEYSKLFLDCREKAGDIQSKINLHNNHAGRIAVSNNMEFRCKCHGMSG # SCQLKTCWKSAPDFHIVGKVLKHQFRKAILVDQSNLGNGEPVVVLKRARNKKSNGGSGSGSTSPDLDSTDASGGHDDGGTGDSETRRHDELGVERGTR # QPSADKNAARMARKLETSLFYYQRSPNFCERDLGADIQGTVGRKCNRNTTTSDGCTSLCCGRGHSQVIQRRAERCHCKFQWCCNVECEECHVEEWISI # CN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1091 # start gene g1092 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7378401 7382339 0.69 + . g1092 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7378401 7382339 0.69 + . g1092.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7378401 7378403 . + 0 transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7378689 7378783 1 + . transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7379648 7379705 1 + . transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7380644 7380711 1 + . transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7381005 7381063 1 + . transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7381336 7381402 1 + . transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7381690 7381755 1 + . transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7381906 7381960 1 + . transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7382059 7382121 1 + . transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7378401 7378688 0.78 + 0 transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7378784 7379647 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7379706 7380643 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7380712 7381004 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7381064 7381335 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7381403 7381689 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7381756 7381905 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7381961 7382058 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7382122 7382339 0.89 + 2 transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7382337 7382339 . + 0 transcript_id "g1092.t1"; gene_id "g1092"; # protein sequence = [MMYLPYAQLPDPTDKFEIYEEIAQGVNAKVFRAKELDNDRIVALKIQHYDEEHQVSIEEEYRTLRDYCDHPNLPEFYG # VYKLSKPNGPDEIWFVMEYCAGGTAVDMVNKLLKLDRRMREEHIAYIIRETCRAAIELNRNHVLHRDIRGDNILLTKNGRVKLCDFGLSRQVDSTLGK # RGTCIGSPCWMAPEVVSAMESREPDITVRADVWALGITTIELADGKPPFADMHPTRAMFQIIRNPPPTLMRPTNWSQQINDFISESLEKNAENRPMMV # EMVEHPFLTELIENEDEMRSDIAEMLELSRDVKTLYKEPELFVDRGYVKRFDEKPEKMYPEDLAALENPVDENIIESLRHRILMGESYSFIGDILLSL # NSNEIKQEFPQEFHAKYRFKSRSENQPHIFSVADIAYQDMLHHKEPQHIVLSGESYSGKSTNARLLIKHLCYLGDGNRGATGRVESSIKAILMLVNAG # TPVNNDSTRCVLQYCLTFGKTGKMSGAVFNMYMLEKLRVATTDGTQHNFHIFYYFYDFINQQNQLKEYNLKADRNYRYLRVPPEVPPSKLKYRRDDPE # GNVERYREFENILRDIDFNHKQLETVRKVLAAILNIGNIRFRQNGKYAEVENTDIVSRIAELLRVDEKKFMWSLTNFIMVKGGIAERRQYTTEEARDA # RDAVASTLYSRLVDFIINRINMNMSFPRAVFGDTNAIIIHDMFGFECFNRNGLEQLMINTLNEQMQYHYNQRIFISEMLEMEAEDIDTINLNFYDNKT # ALDNLLTKPDGLFYIIDDASRSCQDQDLIMDRVSEKHSQFVKKHTATEISVAHYTGRIIYDTRAFTDINRDFVPPEMIETFRSSLDESIMLMFTNQLT # KAGNLTMPFEAVQHKDESERKSYALNTLSAGCISQVNNLRTLAANFRFTCLTLLKMLSQNANLGVHFVRCIRADLEYKPRSFHSDVVQQQMKALGVLD # TVIARQKGFSSRLPFDEFLRRYQFLAFDFDEPVEMTKDNCRLLFLRLKMEGWALGKTKVFLRYYNDEFLARLYELQVKKVIKVQSMMRALLARKRVKG # GKVFKLGKKGPEHHDVAASKIQKGKKTQVDRLREYDEEHIDISETPSEAEEMFLEARMDEALAAVRIAKIEQASAEE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 9/9 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 8/8 # E: 8 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 8 # incompatible hint groups: 324 # E: 1 # W: 323 # end gene g1092 # start gene g1093 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7382493 7384187 0.84 + . g1093 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7382493 7384187 0.84 + . g1093.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7382493 7382495 . + 0 transcript_id "g1093.t1"; gene_id "g1093"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7382527 7382757 0.85 + . transcript_id "g1093.t1"; gene_id "g1093"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7382946 7383010 1 + . transcript_id "g1093.t1"; gene_id "g1093"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7383427 7383478 1 + . transcript_id "g1093.t1"; gene_id "g1093"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7383756 7383806 1 + . transcript_id "g1093.t1"; gene_id "g1093"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7382493 7382526 0.89 + 0 transcript_id "g1093.t1"; gene_id "g1093"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7382758 7382945 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g1093.t1"; gene_id "g1093"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7383011 7383426 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1093.t1"; gene_id "g1093"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7383479 7383755 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1093.t1"; gene_id "g1093"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7383807 7384187 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g1093.t1"; gene_id "g1093"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7384185 7384187 . + 0 transcript_id "g1093.t1"; gene_id "g1093"; # protein sequence = [MWIPSHPIPLGAFRGFRDRVRLPPLVNEKSGQLNENTADFIRPFAKKWREKSIFQVLLHYRAARFQDFVNLSQQVHIY # NQRMVAGLNKCTRAVPFERINMREVNSSQLGPLPVPIKKMPFRLDQIPFYDTQYMVDPANSISRQAFPNQLLTQHMEDDEPWDSPLQRNPSMTSCALT # YNAYKKEQACQTNWDRMGESDNIYNQGYFRDPQQLRRNQMQMNMNAYNNAYNSYNSNYNNQNWGVHRSGSRRNSLKGYAAPPPPPPPMPSSNYYRNNP # NQQQRNYQQRSSYPPSDPVRELQNMARNEGDNSEDPPFNFKAMLRKTNYPRGSETNTYDFNNRRGSDSGDQHTFQPPKLRSTGRRYQDDEGYNSSSGN # YGVSRKFGQQQRAPTLRQSPASVGRSFEDSNARSFEEAGSYVEEEIAPGITLSGYAVDI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 88.9 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 98 # E: 2 # W: 96 # end gene g1093 # start gene g1094 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7384887 7388103 0.9 - . g1094 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7384887 7388103 0.9 - . g1094.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7384887 7384889 . - 0 transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7384992 7385049 1 - . transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7385141 7385259 1 - . transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7385367 7385430 1 - . transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7385805 7385866 1 - . transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7386183 7386423 1 - . transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7386649 7387974 1 - . transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7384887 7384991 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7385050 7385140 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7385260 7385366 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7385431 7385804 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7385867 7386182 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7386424 7386648 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7387975 7388103 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7388101 7388103 . - 0 transcript_id "g1094.t1"; gene_id "g1094"; # protein sequence = [MGNASGKRETDNLYNSEELRMLESAYKNASGGALEKLTQDRLVETWSQTIERSLAESTAQYLFTPTKPGQQCVNLQLK # KFGEPYYIMERGTIDQKMQMLLGSMERSGNDTFNSKQLEQYIYSVIKSYVHLESTAKNSGIKEWHDLGFNTTERSAATFAKGLMRNLGKELEHTMPND # ALERWLHVTPQFLQIWREVFSQLYCRHGGSKRNIIKEMEIPILPALCDAPQNSHYRPIIELPHVLYINAQLPREHRHKWRFLFSSKINGESFSTMLGK # VLDKGPTLFFIEDEDQYIFGGYASETWSVKPQFGGDDSSLLYTLSPAMRCFSATTYNNHYQYLNLNQQTMPNGLGMGGQFDFWGLWIDCSFGDGQSVE # SCTTYRDYVQLSKRKQFKIRNMEVWAVGDLPVKEEDEEGDGHKRSVLDGNLEDRAMLEIAGKKMHSDGLREPNMDD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 129 # W: 129 # end gene g1094 # start gene g1095 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7388676 7390828 1 + . g1095 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7388676 7390828 1 + . g1095.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7388676 7388678 . + 0 transcript_id "g1095.t1"; gene_id "g1095"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7389293 7389374 1 + . transcript_id "g1095.t1"; gene_id "g1095"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7390627 7390687 1 + . transcript_id "g1095.t1"; gene_id "g1095"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7388676 7389292 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1095.t1"; gene_id "g1095"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7389375 7390626 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1095.t1"; gene_id "g1095"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7390688 7390828 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1095.t1"; gene_id "g1095"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7390826 7390828 . + 0 transcript_id "g1095.t1"; gene_id "g1095"; # protein sequence = [MIGTSSGTSHNRSRKKKEQCGSCPNRFSKDKRQVAAEDSDTTEVESSTDEEERWKEVARAAEIPADYYNIQKLVKYIK # AGNQTATIVSLCCLKDYDLSTQINQFAISDIGGLDVLVNILECSDTKCCLGALKVLSDITLNIDIRKTIVDLDGIPLIVDILNSSMKDLKTMAAETLA # NVCKVRLARKYVRTCGGIPKLVDLIDIKLSILKTPRDQLSPDDLESLDMTRAGARALFTLADSKHNMEQMRKSGIVPLMAQLLKSCHIDVVIPIMGTV # RKCSSEPKFQLAITTEGMIPDIVSHLSSENTELKMEGSTAIYKCAFDGTTRDLVREAGGLEPLVTIIKDKNVRENKPLLRGATGAIWMCAVTDANVKV # LDQLRTVNHLVALLNDECDEVLTNVTGAISECVRFQSNREQLRQAGGLPAMVSLLNSSHAPLLENLAKGLKECAEDPDSMRILEDLDAVRLIWSLLKN # PTTRVQAHAAYAICPCVRNANDSAELVRSLVGAMELVVGLLKSKDIMVLSAVCAAIATIAQDQTNLAILTDLKVIYKLADLVQTTDDLLRMNLAAAVA # ACACFGNNTEELGRLRTVTPIVTYMTSDNPLVHRSTAMALEKLSMDPQNCITMHQSGVVPFLLECIGSTNKELQLAAAGCLRNIRELALRAEEYLLKI # DDD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1095 # start gene g1096 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7391075 7392869 0.38 - . g1096 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7391075 7392869 0.38 - . g1096.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7391075 7391077 . - 0 transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7391504 7391645 1 - . transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7391799 7391860 1 - . transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7392020 7392075 0.98 - . transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7392213 7392273 1 - . transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7392405 7392858 0.38 - . transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7391075 7391503 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7391646 7391798 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7391861 7392019 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7392076 7392212 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7392274 7392404 0.8 - 1 transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7392859 7392869 0.42 - 0 transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7392867 7392869 . - 0 transcript_id "g1096.t1"; gene_id "g1096"; # protein sequence = [MRQRQLPLLSAMNATSPKSSLVKLGLHTNKQKTLKVMVLGQSGVGKTAMVVRFITRRFIGEYDPNLEKIYTCQTTLDK # EQIQFDILDATGQLQELDGVSLESNIRWADAFILMYSITDKCSFDECSRLKFLINYNKRRRKLGSASKEYALDIPVILVGNKTDQPGDRMVSLEEGQR # RFRELSCSCFHEISVRESVDQVQNVFRDVFRFWRVFSKFPKLKRSTSDVANTDGILTPDSGSCSFYDASSLGVGRHSFLVIGSACLEESNGDHTESTD # EITSSSLSSSRSDIDAPFRSRASTDGTLLSRPRRWRYPPPGCLLPHTNRVERRMSISTRGSNASY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 18.2 # CDS exons: 0/6 # CDS introns: 2/5 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1096 # start gene g1097 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7393070 7404364 0.07 + . g1097 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7393070 7404364 0.07 + . g1097.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7393070 7393072 . + 0 transcript_id "g1097.t1"; gene_id "g1097"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7393081 7401421 0.07 + . transcript_id "g1097.t1"; gene_id "g1097"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7401439 7403228 0.68 + . transcript_id "g1097.t1"; gene_id "g1097"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7403362 7403541 1 + . transcript_id "g1097.t1"; gene_id "g1097"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7404164 7404229 1 + . transcript_id "g1097.t1"; gene_id "g1097"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7393070 7393080 0.07 + 0 transcript_id "g1097.t1"; gene_id "g1097"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7401422 7401438 0.42 + 1 transcript_id "g1097.t1"; gene_id "g1097"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7403229 7403361 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1097.t1"; gene_id "g1097"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7403542 7404163 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1097.t1"; gene_id "g1097"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7404230 7404364 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1097.t1"; gene_id "g1097"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7404362 7404364 . + 0 transcript_id "g1097.t1"; gene_id "g1097"; # protein sequence = [MLDLAIRWKMKSIVFLLALLLNATRSYREIVKMPEKQVAPVISNLEDFANNLPGYLISESPVAVLLDYDGTLAPIADN # PAKTKMPVELEAILHKIAKHPKVFLAVISGRGLKDVQKQVNIDGITYAGNHGLEIEYPDGSRHDYELPTEIQKNYTQMVRELKEKVEKNGAWVEDKKV # SLTYHYRDTPAALKDQQKQLASEICTKFGFRANQAHEAIEAKPPVNWNKGEAAVYILKQKFGDNWSQKVSVVFAGDDTTDEDAMRVLRGLGRSFRISA # DAQIQTYADFRLPKQAVMTDLLKWIANVYVS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 3/5 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 3 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 103 # E: 1 # W: 102 # end gene g1097 # start gene g1098 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7405318 7408399 1 + . g1098 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7405318 7408399 1 + . g1098.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7405318 7405320 . + 0 transcript_id "g1098.t1"; gene_id "g1098"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7405383 7405447 1 + . transcript_id "g1098.t1"; gene_id "g1098"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7405773 7405999 1 + . transcript_id "g1098.t1"; gene_id "g1098"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7406187 7408145 1 + . transcript_id "g1098.t1"; gene_id "g1098"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7405318 7405382 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1098.t1"; gene_id "g1098"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7405448 7405772 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1098.t1"; gene_id "g1098"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7406000 7406186 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1098.t1"; gene_id "g1098"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7408146 7408399 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1098.t1"; gene_id "g1098"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7408397 7408399 . + 0 transcript_id "g1098.t1"; gene_id "g1098"; # protein sequence = [MAEQKKAPLLKKEEDYVKALEGFINPETDQVALLLDYDGTLAPLTEELSVMPKDTEINIKKLAANEKIFMVVFSGREL # SEIKNHLKFPNVTYAGNHGLEVEYPSGKKFKIEMPEELLEKHNKLVSELKEKVVCSGAWVEDKKISVTYHYKGVTDKLKAKLIAEAKGLIQAHGFQLI # ETPYALEGKPRVNWDKGEGAKMILEKQFDADWAKNLKIVYVGDDTTDEDAIKVLHGIGKTFRVSELPTLKTYANYQIKTVEEVGYLLKAVQAYYEKKK # KA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 79 # W: 79 # end gene g1098 # start gene g1099 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7409027 7409704 1 - . g1099 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7409027 7409704 1 - . g1099.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7409027 7409029 . - 0 transcript_id "g1099.t1"; gene_id "g1099"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7409510 7409572 1 - . transcript_id "g1099.t1"; gene_id "g1099"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7409027 7409509 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1099.t1"; gene_id "g1099"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7409573 7409704 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1099.t1"; gene_id "g1099"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7409702 7409704 . - 0 transcript_id "g1099.t1"; gene_id "g1099"; # protein sequence = [MYNVECIPIKDIKPGLKNINVIFIVLEVGVATVTKENREVRNFKVGDPTACINVSIWDEPGKLIAPGDIVRLTKGYAS # IWRHCLTLYSGKNGEVFKIGEYCMVFNESVNMSEPKRAEQQAVANPAATPAGLPAGGGAPGLPAKGGATGIPQPAVAAAPGAPATQSAVTTAPAAAPA # IAPQTTTKPGTRGGRGGGGRGGLKGERR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 60 # W: 60 # end gene g1099 # start gene g1100 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7410955 7411806 1 + . g1100 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7410955 7411806 1 + . g1100.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7410955 7410957 . + 0 transcript_id "g1100.t1"; gene_id "g1100"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7410955 7411806 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1100.t1"; gene_id "g1100"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7411804 7411806 . + 0 transcript_id "g1100.t1"; gene_id "g1100"; # protein sequence = [MFSSTRIILCAFLLLYPYGSLIEAQEGRRYVCLLSDPPNQCSEYCVSALQPVIDHLSKEQQDWGACEVKLNGSVAKLD # KIEDQLTATQIQIEAQQAFLVNNISKAIKTEDLEQKLKDIEGNQTALSNQLKDGQKRTENQLTAIQKTLSDIERKLVLQRYQQIGSRYFYIEHNLQVN # WRTAEQRCIEMGGHLAAFQNAEEYNAIVGQLNKANYWLGVNDLAKQGEFISLASGKRATYFKWRKNEPKYNNPTQHCAYVFGHENIMIVLSCTTDVMH # FICQSDSDV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 78 # W: 78 # end gene g1100 # start gene g1101 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7412507 7421960 0.98 + . g1101 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7412507 7421960 0.98 + . g1101.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7412507 7412509 . + 0 transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7413309 7413381 1 + . transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7414008 7414073 1 + . transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7414232 7414291 1 + . transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7414665 7417372 1 + . transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7417479 7421456 1 + . transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7421615 7421688 1 + . transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7421785 7421843 1 + . transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7412507 7413308 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7413382 7414007 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7414074 7414231 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7414292 7414664 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7417373 7417478 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7421457 7421614 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7421689 7421784 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7421844 7421960 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7421958 7421960 . + 0 transcript_id "g1101.t1"; gene_id "g1101"; # protein sequence = [MALESGSSSSESGSSSTSGSTSSETGSSSDTDSSSATPEEKPSTNSSAKSQTQTQQQTNSGNAQRRKPVPAASEDKPK # PSVAPSSKKVNNPPKSKLSSDDDEYEDSAPPAKKNSRAMGSSTVTAAAAASAARRKPPASVNKPSNPANKPSNPTQRSANNNTNRSLENGEGKRPSLS # SSSNSTDDSMKIVKNGRKVPLKMASTVRPKQIRGKLPPAKKNGGGPVISSDGSSGSESGSNSGDESSSGSESEGSDSSNSYSSQPVKGGAKGKRSGPT # KIQNSDSEEERKDKANPMRKLTRSLSMRRTKQQPKQETDSESDGDLEDDKIMISKSPAKKPAPSNLNASKSKVKREPIGISSGVLSSIKSRPVSPITQ # TEKKCPIEGCDSSGHLSGNLDKHFLPEACPIYHNMSASECKERANERKLRNEQRLKMPVNIVTAPGNQNTNLKTLSPEQREFLAKIRESRANFKPANN # NFLDSKVKLEKDVTDEDREPNLAGLVPDYDLQLFREAQAQASERIEDELKDLPVGKGIKYISMGKYKMKVWYQSPYPDDAARLPKMYICEFCLRYQKS # ETGIKRHAEKCVWRHPPGDEIYRKGKLQVWQVDGKRYKQYCQHLCLLAKFFLDHKTLYYDVEPFLFYIMTLADVDGCHIVGYFSKHIPFLQEKNSFYN # VSCILTLPPYQRKGYGRLLIDFSYLLTRVEGKIGSPEKPLSDLGLISYRSYWKDVLLDYLCNRSGNTIAIKDVSQETAIYSYDIVSTLQALGMMKYWK # GKHIVLKKQDVLDEYEERVKRRGTFPKIDDSCLRWQPFINIQPSSSP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 14 # E: 7 # RM: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 219 # W: 219 # end gene g1101 # start gene g1102 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7427201 7429872 0.99 + . g1102 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7427201 7429872 0.99 + . g1102.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7427201 7427203 . + 0 transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7427362 7428046 1 + . transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7428217 7428280 1 + . transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7428680 7428877 1 + . transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7429105 7429166 1 + . transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7429516 7429581 1 + . transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7429685 7429742 1 + . transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7427201 7427361 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7428047 7428216 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7428281 7428679 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7428878 7429104 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7429167 7429515 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7429582 7429684 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7429743 7429872 0.99 + 1 transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7429870 7429872 . + 0 transcript_id "g1102.t1"; gene_id "g1102"; # protein sequence = [MLRSLATTRNELGALRSVLLRSNNATYVRRSTGNVVVRALSSQLINSRKLQSIRSKLNTSQSPVTWSYNFARAYANLP # EHIRVPLPALSPTMERGSIVSWEKKEGDKLNEGDLLCEIETDKATMGFETPEEGFLAKILIQGGTKDVPVGQLLCIIVPDQGSVAAFANFKDDGAAAA # PAAPAAAPAPAPAAAAAPPPPPPPAAAPAAAAPPPAPAAAPAAAGTGRVYASPMAKRLAEAQQLRLQGKGSGVHGSIKSGDLAGQKAAAKPAAAAPAK # APRAAGARYEDIPVTNMRAVIAKRLLESKTQLPHYYVTVQCQVDKLLKFRAKVNKKYEKQGARVSVNDFIIKAVAIASLKVPEANSAWMDTVIRKYDD # VDVSVAVSTDKGLITPIVFNADRKGVLEISKDVKALAAKARDNKLQPHEFQGGTISVSNLGMFGVNQFAAVINPPQSCILAIGTTTKQLVADPDSLKG # FKEVNMLTVTLSADHRVVDGAVAARWLQHFRDYMEDPSNMVL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 159 # W: 159 # end gene g1102 # start gene g1103 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7430673 7433176 1 - . g1103 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7430673 7433176 1 - . g1103.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7430673 7430675 . - 0 transcript_id "g1103.t1"; gene_id "g1103"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7430856 7431078 1 - . transcript_id "g1103.t1"; gene_id "g1103"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7431541 7432936 1 - . transcript_id "g1103.t1"; gene_id "g1103"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7430673 7430855 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1103.t1"; gene_id "g1103"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7431079 7431540 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1103.t1"; gene_id "g1103"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7432937 7433176 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1103.t1"; gene_id "g1103"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7433174 7433176 . - 0 transcript_id "g1103.t1"; gene_id "g1103"; # protein sequence = [MAATDIAEEAFHLRLGYLKPETVEIARVELRETEEVKAEAIIKLRELLKATPELNYKDDDAFLTVFLRACHFYPEGAL # EKMKTTASFRKEYASLVRGLLVEQVKEKFVKGSVINVLKNCDQKGRRVLIVNCGKLWDPSDITSDEMFRMLYMVHLAAQLEEETQVRGVVCIMDFEGL # SMKQVKALSPSFSKRLLTFIQEAMPLRMKEVHFVKQPFIFNMVWSLFKPFVKQKLNNRMHFHGSDMKSLQKFLDPSVLPANYKGTLPAIDYGGVEWFP # ALEQQAQYVEEWSQLGPAQW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 88 # W: 88 # end gene g1103 # start gene g1104 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7437491 7437838 0.76 - . g1104 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7437491 7437838 0.76 - . g1104.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7437491 7437493 . - 0 transcript_id "g1104.t1"; gene_id "g1104"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7437491 7437838 0.76 - 0 transcript_id "g1104.t1"; gene_id "g1104"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7437836 7437838 . - 0 transcript_id "g1104.t1"; gene_id "g1104"; # protein sequence = [MAKMCFLWSIMLLTQLTAKIHTKLHASNGTEIFNFFVFVFFFFCKGKFKDFTFHCWQTFAIGQKRQRKRRRRWSCWGV # DFRFSYADRTRNIRCEYWRNKCVKCGDVQMATRSKQL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 27 # E: 1 # W: 26 # end gene g1104 # start gene g1105 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7443646 7444973 0.98 + . g1105 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7443646 7444973 0.98 + . g1105.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7443646 7443648 . + 0 transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7443833 7443893 1 + . transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7443986 7444059 1 + . transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7444214 7444272 1 + . transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7444399 7444464 1 + . transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7444644 7444708 1 + . transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7444860 7444926 1 + . transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7443646 7443832 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7443894 7443985 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7444060 7444213 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7444273 7444398 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7444465 7444643 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7444709 7444859 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7444927 7444973 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7444971 7444973 . + 0 transcript_id "g1105.t1"; gene_id "g1105"; # protein sequence = [MGKAECISYDEHKLPYIDLGSAQIRMEKEQAPEWALKKAQDELREVPGVKEQAIKELRELIQNEKYLNLPLDDEYMMM # FLRPTHYYPESALKRLKNFYHMKLKYGAACENIIPSKLRNVFEANILNLLPQRDQHGRRLLVLEAGKKWKPSQVPLVDLFRGIQLTVLGSMVEPYSQI # CGSVVIIDMEGLPLSHITQFTPSFAAMLLDYIQECICMRLKAVHIVNNSYIFNMLFAVFKPFIREKLRKRIFFHGKDYKSLISHIEAKALPPKYGGSA # TWELPHGKVLGEFFECYSKDYELADSYGYTEGYKMKK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 7/7 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 6/6 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 82 # W: 82 # end gene g1105 # start gene g1106 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7445629 7447626 0.69 - . g1106 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7445629 7447626 0.69 - . g1106.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7445629 7445631 . - 0 transcript_id "g1106.t1"; gene_id "g1106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7446354 7446415 1 - . transcript_id "g1106.t1"; gene_id "g1106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7446936 7446995 1 - . transcript_id "g1106.t1"; gene_id "g1106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7447302 7447506 1 - . transcript_id "g1106.t1"; gene_id "g1106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7445629 7446353 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1106.t1"; gene_id "g1106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7446416 7446935 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1106.t1"; gene_id "g1106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7446996 7447301 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1106.t1"; gene_id "g1106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7447507 7447626 0.69 - 0 transcript_id "g1106.t1"; gene_id "g1106"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7447624 7447626 . - 0 transcript_id "g1106.t1"; gene_id "g1106"; # protein sequence = [MWGQKSNRKLIIGIFGFCLGLFGILCGMFWVDLFDWIMHKEMALAPDTRVYENWKSPPIDLSLDIYLYNWTNPEDFGN # LSTKPILEQVGPYRFIERPDKVDIHWHPENASVTYRRRSLFYFDAAGSNGSLDDEITTLNAVALSAAATAKYWPPVKRSLVDVGLKMYGAEMSVQKSI # DELLFTGYNDAMIDVAMAMPIFGDEVKVPFDKFGWFYTRNGSADLTGVFNVFTGADQLAKLGQMHSWNYQENTGFFDSYCGMTNGSAGEFQPQHLKPG # DSVGLFTPDMCRTIPLDYVETVDIEGLEGYKFSGGPRSVDNGTQYPENLCFCGGQCVPSGVMNISSCRFGSPVFMSYPHFFNADPYYPDQVEGLSPNQ # KDHEFYMVVQPSTGIPLEVAARFQVNMLVEPIQGISLYTGIPRIFFPLVWFEQKVRITPDMADQLKVLPIVMLSGHIFAGICLIVGITLLCWTPVQIL # LASCRNRRYDLRTKTKTNGQYKSRSQFSSAEELKSKASTLVCEKSVKGSPDSSPLLEKGRKPTIIKSQTGESVATASTAISDNKQD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 3 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 136 # W: 136 # end gene g1106 # start gene g1107 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7452711 7454169 0.43 - . g1107 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7452711 7454169 0.43 - . g1107.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7452711 7452713 . - 0 transcript_id "g1107.t1"; gene_id "g1107"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7453323 7453539 0.63 - . transcript_id "g1107.t1"; gene_id "g1107"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7452711 7453322 0.53 - 0 transcript_id "g1107.t1"; gene_id "g1107"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7453540 7454169 0.6 - 0 transcript_id "g1107.t1"; gene_id "g1107"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7454167 7454169 . - 0 transcript_id "g1107.t1"; gene_id "g1107"; # protein sequence = [MAFKLWERFSQADNVFQALRPLTFISLLGLAPFRLNLNPRKEVQTSKFSFFAGIVHFLFFVLCFGISVKEGDSIIGYF # FQTNITRFSDGTLRLTGILAMSTIFGFAMFKRQRLVSIIQNNIVVDEIFVRLGMKLDYRRILLSSFLISLGMLLFNVIYLCVSYSLLVSATISPSFVT # FTTFALPHINISLMVFKFLCTTDLARSRFSMLNEILQDILDAHIEQLSALELSPMHSVVNHRRYSHRLRNLISTPMKRYSVTSVIRLNPEYAIKQVSN # IHNLLCDICQTIEEYFTYPLLGIIAISFLFILFDDFYILEAILNPKRLDVFEADEFFAFFLMQLIWYIVIIVLIVEGSSRTILHSSYTAAIVHKILNI # TDDPELRDRLFRLSLQLSHRKVLFTAAGLFRLDRTLIFTVN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1107 # start gene g1108 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7455042 7458754 0.2 - . g1108 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7455042 7458754 0.2 - . g1108.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7455042 7455044 . - 0 transcript_id "g1108.t1"; gene_id "g1108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7455137 7455235 0.49 - . transcript_id "g1108.t1"; gene_id "g1108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7455762 7458031 0.41 - . transcript_id "g1108.t1"; gene_id "g1108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7455042 7455136 0.47 - 2 transcript_id "g1108.t1"; gene_id "g1108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7455236 7455761 0.49 - 0 transcript_id "g1108.t1"; gene_id "g1108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7458032 7458754 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g1108.t1"; gene_id "g1108"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7458752 7458754 . - 0 transcript_id "g1108.t1"; gene_id "g1108"; # protein sequence = [MDIEMAKEPVNPTDTPDIEVTPGLCQPLRRRFRRFVTAKQLYECLRPVFHVTYIHGLTSFYISCDTKTGKKAIKKTIF # GYINGIMHIAMFVFAYSLTIYNNCESVASYFFRSRITYFGDLMQIVSGFIGVTVIYLTAFVPNHRLERCLQKFHTMDVQLQTVGVKIMYSKVLRFSYM # VLISMFLVNVLFTGGTFSVLYSSEVAPTMALHFTFLIQHTVIAIAIALFSCFTYLVEMRLVMVNKVLKNLAHQWDTRSLKAVNQKQRSLQCLDSFSMY # TIVTKDPAEIIQESMEIHHLICEAAATANKYFTYQLLTIISIAFLIIVFDAYYVLETLLGKSKRESKFKTVEFVTFFSCQMILYLIAIISIVEGSNRA # IKKSEKTGGIVHSLLNKTKSAEVKEKLQQFSMQLMHLKINFTAADQRGLDHLSHHLAAVHIQFPEQWLWEWQLLL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1108 # start gene g1109 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7461543 7462247 0.86 - . g1109 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7461543 7462247 0.86 - . g1109.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7461543 7461545 . - 0 transcript_id "g1109.t1"; gene_id "g1109"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7461543 7462247 0.86 - 0 transcript_id "g1109.t1"; gene_id "g1109"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7462245 7462247 . - 0 transcript_id "g1109.t1"; gene_id "g1109"; # protein sequence = [MIRCGLDIFRGCRGRFRYWLSARDCYDSISLMVAIAFALGITPFLVRRNALGENSLEQSWYGFLNAIFRWLLLAYCYS # YINLRNESLIGYFMRNHVSQISTRVHDVGGIIAAVFTFILPLLLRKYFLKSVKNMVQVDTQLERLRSPVNFNTVVGQVVLVILAVVLLDTVLLTTGLV # CLAKMEVYASWQLTFIFVYELLAISITICMFCLMTRTVQRRITCLHKVSNEKITILLY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1109 # start gene g1110 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7471546 7472205 0.74 + . g1110 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7471546 7472205 0.74 + . g1110.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7471546 7471548 . + 0 transcript_id "g1110.t1"; gene_id "g1110"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7471546 7472205 0.74 + 0 transcript_id "g1110.t1"; gene_id "g1110"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7472203 7472205 . + 0 transcript_id "g1110.t1"; gene_id "g1110"; # protein sequence = [MSVLRALMFLAFGATVALAQRRLALPDPRSCANRVRHASYRDARGVSHSYFFSWEHAPTRSLEVDWLDARNICRRHCM # DAVSLETPQENDFVKQRIARGNVRYIWTSGRKCNFAGCDRPDLQPPNENGWFWSGSGAKIGPTSQRNTGDWSSTGGYQQPQPDNREAAQGNDESCLSI # LNNFYNDGIKWHDVACHHIKPFVCEDSDELLNFVRSRNPNVRL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 14 # W: 14 # end gene g1110 # start gene g1111 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7473646 7474855 0.47 - . g1111 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7473646 7474855 0.47 - . g1111.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7473646 7473648 . - 0 transcript_id "g1111.t1"; gene_id "g1111"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7473890 7473947 1 - . transcript_id "g1111.t1"; gene_id "g1111"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7474237 7474294 1 - . transcript_id "g1111.t1"; gene_id "g1111"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7474506 7474771 0.47 - . transcript_id "g1111.t1"; gene_id "g1111"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7473646 7473889 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1111.t1"; gene_id "g1111"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7473948 7474236 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1111.t1"; gene_id "g1111"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7474295 7474505 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1111.t1"; gene_id "g1111"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7474772 7474855 0.47 - 0 transcript_id "g1111.t1"; gene_id "g1111"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7474853 7474855 . - 0 transcript_id "g1111.t1"; gene_id "g1111"; # protein sequence = [MNLWFVPKEGTRSLQNFGYFCGSSVRIVVKVDELDAKLAYIQVTHVIPFFSKDELDQRLNEFEQNHDVDTFMYETPFT # KSGAARGSVEEQWKRKTVIKTQYSFPYVLKRIPVKSREIIELSPIEVAIDEMQSKVSELEEIILPPADVKKLQLRLQGSVAVTVNAGPLAYAHAFLDA # KVVNNFSMDRVGDLKDVFRDFIVVCQKALFLNERIISADQKEYHHVLKENYEKLCQALSELLDDESFQPLGDDADSINQRNSMALFNAISGASHNSST # A] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 2 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 66 # E: 1 # W: 65 # end gene g1111 # start gene g1112 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7474907 7476839 0.26 + . g1112 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7474907 7476839 0.26 + . g1112.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7474907 7474909 . + 0 transcript_id "g1112.t1"; gene_id "g1112"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7475872 7475931 0.7 + . transcript_id "g1112.t1"; gene_id "g1112"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7476445 7476578 0.86 + . transcript_id "g1112.t1"; gene_id "g1112"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7476712 7476773 0.41 + . transcript_id "g1112.t1"; gene_id "g1112"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7474907 7475871 0.67 + 0 transcript_id "g1112.t1"; gene_id "g1112"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7475932 7476444 0.65 + 1 transcript_id "g1112.t1"; gene_id "g1112"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7476579 7476711 0.44 + 1 transcript_id "g1112.t1"; gene_id "g1112"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7476774 7476839 0.41 + 0 transcript_id "g1112.t1"; gene_id "g1112"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7476837 7476839 . + 0 transcript_id "g1112.t1"; gene_id "g1112"; # protein sequence = [MEQLFEFPARAMGLGLVQMPQMQIPIPCRREYSLNPNAVEFVPSFRQKSEPPSPSTKTEATSTTTLLRPEVVGDAVNR # VENGIFLERQIFDTLSQLGDEQMPLEEIAVGVLPGGQGLSMTFTTKEHDQMQPLDRNTLVNHSKQCLQLAVGDQAKLANRPETVLIAQFLIRVNDLLN # EKYEYGGDGSVCPRCTLCSNRSYTELEIENQIECIKAFEKFFTFTESTRYQDIVSHKAFKELCHRLGLIVSRDQIQVNRPSTVVPPPTAQSSSITLCM # SKNEMESNVEAKAYRGDDESSFNGCELTANGGQHPSISNEYLRGKLYRYEDSQGCQLVNELSENQQKIEAMEVDEFELDLPSTTKPKTVVTTSVPTTF # PRVYKTAKAKCSARGAGSSGQQSGYNNRAVRSMMQPSKGSPTTSHFRTIAVGCHHQAGSAAPRKLQMDSCPTGAARKQNRLTEAKSKIYQPSGSSQRL # STGRDTKLGKSGTNVQKPKLNHICKSGKMSTASRIAMSNPKQTNGNPQRMMPRSTNASMMRQSEVKRRMSLMRADSDSDLLYNEYLFK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 14.3 # CDS exons: 1/4 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 7 # E: 1 # W: 6 # end gene g1112 # start gene g1113 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7476882 7495608 0.74 - . g1113 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7476882 7495608 0.74 - . g1113.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7476882 7476884 . - 0 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7476906 7476978 0.97 - . transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7477126 7477181 1 - . transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7478793 7478850 1 - . transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7480324 7480560 1 - . transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7480897 7480951 1 - . transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7481585 7481642 1 - . transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7482465 7482527 1 - . transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7482832 7482892 1 - . transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7483429 7483510 1 - . transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7483628 7495512 1 - . transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7476882 7476905 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7476979 7477125 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7477182 7478792 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7478851 7480323 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7480561 7480896 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7480952 7481584 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7481643 7482464 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7482528 7482831 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7482893 7483428 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7483511 7483627 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7495513 7495608 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7495606 7495608 . - 0 transcript_id "g1113.t1"; gene_id "g1113"; # protein sequence = [MERKFTRGLNKLGSAVQMRENVSQLVRESAVLNKPLVVEPIDFEAFIAKNKTVIQNDPQRELLIYPTDDVSEIIMPRK # QRTNAKSVADRFDPPNEAIVCPLHGPSMITNGNGHSQVSRQGSIQSNGSHHNGNGNGHTSSSSSSSLNNSNGHGQLSRKSSQCSNGSSSQKDSSYESA # LSSITLRSNLAQPEEVDEFADDGNAEDLVDGQPHGSRAECTRFTRQALYTYRAKNHLIHYKYNAYGGNCHDLPSISPAEELVEEIYEIDADQDRIDEQ # MTRSQADTITKQGYLLKGPDSASDRMFANIGNKSFKRRYCYLRQEIDGTYILELHKDEKQGEAKATIVMDFCTDVVQNPKRGRFCFELRMTTGHKSFT # LAAENEQDFKDWLSKISSVLAQNRAQEEKRNASLERHPSIGSNPSPQLQPPAMDPPTFGTLKGLDQSLHPQLMKYGRETDHSIALARREQRRRLFACY # QSPVKGSGSDNVEQYREHFGTRLLLTCHNLRFRLQCIPQDESSAGGVEQQVEPYITSLALFDAKANRKLSENFYFNVNEQWAAQLLPNTPVPSSVAGC # GVPRKSAEGDERSTACQAPHSLFDGVSAELLRSNRQQFQQLRQCLLSVTAPHADIYLVVRIEKILQSGIAQVTEPYLKAGKDPKLGQKVYKAAKSYAQ # HIGHYRQPFAWAARPLFKQYSHELDVDPKREFEFSPIYRQEIPKLKDEELLKLLVDYRKPEKLSKLTIIPGSLKMQMQFLDQTTPCGLSKSLAPLSTF # SPSSKQSPTVEVAEFQSQSERDAHPYTSFCNHLYVYPLSLQFDSQKLFSRARNITVVVELRDGDGEYSKPLKCIYGRPGQDLLVSQIACPVLHHNVTP # TWYEEIKLRLPLGLFPEHHLLFSFYHVSCNLSKKRDANAAFETPIGYAWLPLLQKNRICLEEQQLPVAATLPVGYLSIQPLGWGKGNCGPDIQWIDNQ # RNLYTVGLRLDSTVLTADQHLHNFFGHCERLLEGGKTGAVPAETETCKILKAAHAIDMKSLINYLPTVLNELFTLLVHTQSEEIGLNVIRLITNIIHL # ISDQAKRSDLLGAYVKYVFHAPYYSQQTARQRTVHGELCRHLPYLLNPSNPDFLIVNKFMRYSSIFFDLIIKSMAQHLLATGRIRMLRNERFPKEYGD # RVEQLIKALMPYITTRFEDLSEETHLLNRSLAKFVRQCLSYMDRGFVFRLIRCYMGEFSPGNPRILHEYKFNFLQEICQHEHYVPLNLPFVLNPKNRP # PEMMQHFTLSEQFCRQHFLSGLLLQELKSSLNEVGHVRRHALGIFKDLLAKHELDNRYQQKGQLSRIALLYVPWLGVVMDNIHRIDDLSESGACTPNG # HVYADSASYTKRLSCSSSYVFSKDSSTFGSLTSTPRSKNRLTMHCDQASPYRTSVHMKEHNYLAAIAGQPISNGISNLSLNSNTDSGHSQDTTTIGAY # TNGDTDVALRNGHNRSVSVTHAQILSRCDKFSSVESKDLLLGFLFIIKHLSQEQMIGWWQNCNESETLQFLSILDLCLLQFRYVGKKSVVITTETRQG # RLAKANTLPARTQPPTGLENGSQEQQPSSGTLNQTREHLLEDIDTLARNQLALYESNLATEVGMIILDCLGLYVLQFRQLLADSLVLPKVARVYLRFL # QLGQSERLSKHVFAALRAFINNYAVALFKGNAMLCGQMVYELLKACDSRLVEIRHESCAVLYLLMRSNFEFSGRKALTRVHLQVIISVSQMIGNVIGL # NNARFQESLSIINSYANSDKAMKGTGFPMEVKDLTRRVRTVLMATAQMQAHHMDPERLLELQYSLANSYASTPELRHTWLVTMARNHEQNGNLSEAAC # CHLHIAALMCEYLRLKGGCTLSWSSTAFGKISTNIPLDEQGLKLDAGAQDSQYTEQMLLEQLKLCADFLDRAERFECLGELYKLILPMYERDRSYQDL # AHCYEHLTQAYNKIVEVNRSGKRMLGRFYRVVFYGLMYFEEDHAIEFVYKEPKLTSLSEISERLAKQYKEKFGADVVKMIMDSSPVFLDWKN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 90.5 # CDS exons: 10/11 # W: 10 # CDS introns: 9/10 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 17 # E: 9 # RM: 8 # incompatible hint groups: 378 # E: 1 # W: 377 # end gene g1113 # start gene g1114 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7496898 7497329 1 - . g1114 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7496898 7497329 1 - . g1114.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7496898 7496900 . - 0 transcript_id "g1114.t1"; gene_id "g1114"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7496898 7497329 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1114.t1"; gene_id "g1114"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7497327 7497329 . - 0 transcript_id "g1114.t1"; gene_id "g1114"; # protein sequence = [MQSTPIILVAIVLLGAALVRAFDEKEALAKLMESAESCMPEVGATDADLQEMVKKQPASTYAGKCLRACVMKNIGILD # ANGKLDTEAGHEKAKQYTGNDPAKLKIALEIGDTCAAITVPDDHCEAAEAYGTCFRGEAKKHGLL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 44 # W: 44 # end gene g1114 # start gene g1115 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7499025 7529396 1 - . g1115 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7499025 7529396 1 - . g1115.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7499025 7499027 . - 0 transcript_id "g1115.t1"; gene_id "g1115"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7499181 7499265 1 - . transcript_id "g1115.t1"; gene_id "g1115"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7499755 7499812 1 - . transcript_id "g1115.t1"; gene_id "g1115"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7501526 7529201 1 - . transcript_id "g1115.t1"; gene_id "g1115"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7499025 7499180 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1115.t1"; gene_id "g1115"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7499266 7499754 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1115.t1"; gene_id "g1115"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7499813 7501525 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1115.t1"; gene_id "g1115"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7529202 7529396 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1115.t1"; gene_id "g1115"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7529394 7529396 . - 0 transcript_id "g1115.t1"; gene_id "g1115"; # protein sequence = [MGVLRWRDSPGSRISGSIGNSSGNSNNNHHHSSNSNSSSGNNNAHQQQHNNNHINNNMNNNNNRENHHRGSNASEERV # PQPHSPHDSHAHPHNGGLQHSGSRATLRHSMNHSSSSTVSGSACSSTPASPQLSGVVSASGCQLLSNGHHYQSQSSVSSNSSIVSAIPASQRLLEEAL # AKPAPYPMILLPLHGGYWMDGTEHECGYDARGNPLLPQTTWMAKFETDDTAKCYRRFYAAREHSNLIGLDEQLGPILLSIKTENVANQEHMRILMRLR # TGTMHELLPVSCLLPQPSPAKMAHTLNENITVEHFMPILCPKASQLISVYDEHVLVSHFKFGVLYQRYGQTTEEELFGNQQTSPAFDEFLDVLGQRIR # LKDHKGYRGGLDIQNGHTGDTAVYEVFKEREIMFHVSTLLPHTEGDPQQLQRKRHIGNDIVAIVFQETNTPFSPDMIASHFLHAFIVVQPIEPNTPHT # RYKVSVTARDDVPFFGPTLPNPAVFRKGQEFKEFILTKLINAENACYKAEKFAKLEQRTRTSLLQNLCEELREKTRDFLGTDLSQTSAGSPTPETPKA # ESGSGGNAGSRFIDTVKKALIMRVRSQSVDTGNGHGPGQTDKFSVNTKLGTLNSKKETHPEMQTPNLNTCSRTASKSSSKSKSSNESTSSSPDITSRQ # ANNNNTNSIGGHLPQNGTGGGVVAAAVSAAQNGVVAVATMSETSDDSSLNSVDLDPMMAHLDGGATYIDSDTGLESMSSAEATTKACSLCLDGVQSTI # MGSSPSNETIVKIENLRQEVTRLKCDKLDLLRQNVTCQRDIKRLRERELSLQGDLSAAGREILRLRDLLKEYMPDTASAPLSISPI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 23 # E: 3 # RM: 20 # incompatible hint groups: 267 # E: 1 # W: 266 # end gene g1115 # start gene g1116 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7539055 7539258 0.64 + . g1116 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7539055 7539258 0.64 + . g1116.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7539055 7539057 . + 0 transcript_id "g1116.t1"; gene_id "g1116"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7539055 7539258 0.64 + 0 transcript_id "g1116.t1"; gene_id "g1116"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7539256 7539258 . + 0 transcript_id "g1116.t1"; gene_id "g1116"; # protein sequence = [MSNVKEIKSQRTKGHTETHSCISQLIMGQANWKLEHSQIASQLEKSGEMAGRMGEMGERQGAMHSLR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1116 # start gene g1117 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7552098 7552328 0.63 + . g1117 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7552098 7552328 0.63 + . g1117.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7552098 7552100 . + 0 transcript_id "g1117.t1"; gene_id "g1117"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7552098 7552328 0.63 + 0 transcript_id "g1117.t1"; gene_id "g1117"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7552326 7552328 . + 0 transcript_id "g1117.t1"; gene_id "g1117"; # protein sequence = [MYSDDAGEIQLLDFPPAARKANNEIILAIFPREDARRETSSPKAKMEKFLEKEMHRVLQRQMVYLENGFQEKVGSD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1117 # start gene g1118 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7568331 7568818 0.69 - . g1118 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7568331 7568818 0.69 - . g1118.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7568331 7568333 . - 0 transcript_id "g1118.t1"; gene_id "g1118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7568485 7568573 0.75 - . transcript_id "g1118.t1"; gene_id "g1118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7568331 7568484 0.75 - 1 transcript_id "g1118.t1"; gene_id "g1118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7568574 7568818 0.75 - 0 transcript_id "g1118.t1"; gene_id "g1118"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7568816 7568818 . - 0 transcript_id "g1118.t1"; gene_id "g1118"; # protein sequence = [MLKIHMLEQVVNTENVCENAQELSPKRKLAGQGQVGGGSSSSNGGTPTVSATSSPHHQPTPPQRHIHTGGGKSASQGS # SPAGKIDWELKKVMKKEYITFELLILILHIPLRNNSQFPGFRLIVTAGSQSVSL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 14 # W: 14 # end gene g1118 # start gene g1119 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7582124 7583045 0.14 + . g1119 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7582124 7583045 0.14 + . g1119.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7582124 7582126 . + 0 transcript_id "g1119.t1"; gene_id "g1119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7582847 7582898 0.88 + . transcript_id "g1119.t1"; gene_id "g1119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7582124 7582846 0.21 + 0 transcript_id "g1119.t1"; gene_id "g1119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7582899 7583045 0.53 + 0 transcript_id "g1119.t1"; gene_id "g1119"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7583043 7583045 . + 0 transcript_id "g1119.t1"; gene_id "g1119"; # protein sequence = [MSMVYMASGGKTFEELRNVLKFSENKTLVANNYRSLLSDLKRRETFIILHMANRIYVNKKYCLVPEFNQLARKAFKAK # AKSIRLDDPVSASAIVNSWILNRTRGMIRNIVLPKDFNSDTSAFLVNAIYFKGQWLYNFKADQTHIADFYVSANEIIPVKMMTLSASLLSGYIDDIDA # KIIELPYWNSTLSMRIILPNSVDGLRKLKEKVGFIDYHLEKKSVNVKLPKFKIESKAQLKGIFENLGILDVFKPSADLNGLVLESGAKIDKIVQKAFL # KIDEKGGEASAATGE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1119 # start gene g1120 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7605682 7607498 0.79 + . g1120 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7605682 7607498 0.79 + . g1120.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7605682 7605684 . + 0 transcript_id "g1120.t1"; gene_id "g1120"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7605845 7605947 1 + . transcript_id "g1120.t1"; gene_id "g1120"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7606335 7606779 0.81 + . transcript_id "g1120.t1"; gene_id "g1120"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7605682 7605844 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g1120.t1"; gene_id "g1120"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7605948 7606334 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1120.t1"; gene_id "g1120"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7606780 7607498 0.87 + 2 transcript_id "g1120.t1"; gene_id "g1120"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7607496 7607498 . + 0 transcript_id "g1120.t1"; gene_id "g1120"; # protein sequence = [MWILLGIAVLIMTLVWDNSRKQWRVNTFEKSRILGPFTIPIVGNGLQALTLRPENFIQRFGDYFNKYGKTFRLWILGE # CLIYTKDLKYFESILSSSTLLKKAHLYRFLRDFLGDGLLLSTGNKWTSRRKVLAPAFHFKCLENFVEIMDRNSGIMVEKLKNYADGKTCVDLFKFVSL # EALDVTTVMGDDDIGGKAKMTLLDILLQATIDNKPLSDVDIREEVDVFIFAGDDTTTSGVSHALHAISRHPKVQECIYEELVSVLGPDPDASVTQTKL # LELKYLDCVIKETMRLHPPVPILGRYIPEDLKIGEITIPGNTSILLMPYYVYRDPEYFPDPLVFKPERWMDMKTTSNTPPLAYIPFSSGPKNCIGQKF # ANLQMKALISKVIRHYELLPLGADLKATYTFILSSSTGNNVGLKPRTRVK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 58 # RM: 1 # W: 57 # end gene g1120 # start gene g1121 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7613405 7616331 0.92 + . g1121 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7613405 7616331 0.92 + . g1121.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7613405 7613407 . + 0 transcript_id "g1121.t1"; gene_id "g1121"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7614200 7614325 1 + . transcript_id "g1121.t1"; gene_id "g1121"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7614696 7614842 1 + . transcript_id "g1121.t1"; gene_id "g1121"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7615440 7615575 0.98 + . transcript_id "g1121.t1"; gene_id "g1121"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7615968 7616178 0.98 + . transcript_id "g1121.t1"; gene_id "g1121"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7613405 7614199 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1121.t1"; gene_id "g1121"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7614326 7614695 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1121.t1"; gene_id "g1121"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7614843 7615439 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1121.t1"; gene_id "g1121"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7615576 7615967 0.94 + 2 transcript_id "g1121.t1"; gene_id "g1121"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7616179 7616331 0.98 + 0 transcript_id "g1121.t1"; gene_id "g1121"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7616329 7616331 . + 0 transcript_id "g1121.t1"; gene_id "g1121"; # protein sequence = [MAEQKQLEAIANETSSVTGLRRQPTKYPHGLNITVQTIDDDNEGSPKDHSDYTRASGDSCWSKTQKYHIGMLGSPETL # AELQVRRYKYPLTANYYLNSKLERPEKPTPWMLLGYARSVCRWKYLRWPIIFVASVLLFFGLITYCLWLHDVSVARAKFLQRRYEATLTSTSSSSNEV # WDEETTSSTERSPQETTRLEDMDDSDESTELPEIAFGDDGDPEAGGEDGDGDYDDTLLPADSIRFTSGHQNSFGVPIEQDKRMLQLLKELLHKPQATP # AGNEPTLTRVSPTLPPPLSASGRPTEAMALTTPSTTNSGCQSTMLPMCQGVLDYDLTFNREGAAPRDAVSMAAYDSLIRANCSVRAAEFICGALEPEC # RPLHIGQLPPCRRICKAILEACSIPIYNSDVLGELFDCNLYPDAHESHKCEDPTRRRDYCYGNEFQCHDGSCIPQNWQCDKIKDCQGGEDEDEQCLVC # EPDEFRCRSNEKCLVEKYRCDQNIDCMDGSDEQDCDEYGSGDLAPFDESELNAFPRVFTYASFLSPNETNDKVYTYITATTDEDAGTETKFQIHQVAA # PAPPVNSSAEEGAGGPKGFVNFRDSKEIMMTSDSETKFKYSQRANRTSVKFSVSAPTTPAARTSSAIPSSALVQQRERTTSTTTTSTTTSTTTSSITS # TPSITSTTLIPINAATSEPNPYEVVTSLGGCPPQELRCVSGKCITVSQLCDKEAPHLDHCTTHNIIGTTRDKHCNNNHGSVEQYKAFVEDHAQSKSKA # QVLE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 22.2 # CDS exons: 2/5 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 32 # RM: 1 # W: 31 # end gene g1121 # start gene g1122 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7643527 7645997 0.67 - . g1122 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7643527 7645997 0.67 - . g1122.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7643527 7643529 . - 0 transcript_id "g1122.t1"; gene_id "g1122"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7644775 7644923 0.67 - . transcript_id "g1122.t1"; gene_id "g1122"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7643527 7644774 0.67 - 0 transcript_id "g1122.t1"; gene_id "g1122"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7644924 7645997 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1122.t1"; gene_id "g1122"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7645995 7645997 . - 0 transcript_id "g1122.t1"; gene_id "g1122"; # protein sequence = [MDSFDISSDSEEGLLEEIVVGGSCHRQHLLRLQQWHSAHSYVHSYASESPIHYCDPAAVYSDDNSQEPGQDPQPPTIR # CSTSSQSNLDVLLAEGAADEVYEEQEEEGFEQEEEASGSSGTQRLQAPACTSSAAGASFNHQLTADMCNYKNSKSRRLEYSLKCLKYGRSNPSQDSAF # GSLTDNDLSIGSSSIRLSSFQSISSPIDEGVEDVIIATTTGGNETCLELATIPRSMVSQDSAISSPCRESSPNNFLHIDDAMSGTGSTSSGSNCGSFG # NIRPQQFPVSLSPKILVTATSNSSNSSLASSSNAGQGQAQLHGQGHPQQQFDPPKILVNDQNSIYTTSPSKRSGMIEVFSQKYRVSSFEDMSPKRTSD # KQHLKHVNRLAFRSLEEERRIDNAFLPMADRTHSDNRVNMQSEKYKKLTHASFRISKGQGQDSPTATPTSQTSPGQPGNCIEMQRTGRQTLWRDSKFY # RKNRIAKSNDSLMENNPSPRISPCSLRDNQYESRSSSQASRRSLSGSQQMLSVTTSFCGNGSASRNSARYCSSKSEDLGESSDYLRVMDARKSYSERH # LVRLKQTAINNTHSEDDMSFNDDNNQTVSSQGQGLRQCGIQYNQKEHHQKHYQGGRWSSSCSIGGHLKTTNIKTTSLSAQSSQSNLVATSATASYRTP # SKSLDQSIATIAIPSIHATNQNNTAQNSTTKGSSTTSSDSSSSTTSSVDESPSRHTLSGADLSRIFVMDMDDAPGSTCSEEKTPLLDSVEMSPMSPTD # PEEPDLDKL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 18 # RM: 2 # W: 16 # end gene g1122 # start gene g1123 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7647227 7662101 0.73 - . g1123 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7647227 7662101 0.73 - . g1123.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7647227 7647229 . - 0 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7647267 7648746 1 - . transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7648890 7648957 1 - . transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7649084 7649303 1 - . transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7649515 7650970 1 - . transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7651153 7651237 1 - . transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7651475 7651535 1 - . transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7651744 7655053 1 - . transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7655222 7655544 1 - . transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7655665 7655999 1 - . transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7656464 7661697 1 - . transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7661775 7662022 0.73 - . transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7647227 7647266 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7648747 7648889 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7648958 7649083 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7649304 7649514 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7650971 7651152 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7651238 7651474 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7651536 7651743 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7655054 7655221 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7655545 7655664 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7656000 7656463 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7661698 7661774 0.76 - 2 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7662023 7662101 0.73 - 0 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7662099 7662101 . - 0 transcript_id "g1123.t1"; gene_id "g1123"; # protein sequence = [MPTAIDISGCKIDDPPPNLMPSLGLAYPLLVCLRWFDIGWNCCNFILDKTMQDTCSEVNVPAASHPEPELIISCHRDQ # RDQCHRNNLQRESKVITRSQSSASTARHAPVHQLKQQQSLPTPLTQQPSHNSHHNPQTPKSVSILVYKTLNTVFKSSRKIIVRVCEVASAKKSFTMFK # FNKAAQQQRIDNRNSAVTGHDPFVRPPVPEKKVRNIMKKLHKANGLKRSNSAIEFDVSALTAANRRQIYSSNRSASSEQDNSDLSEHSEKSPLVSARL # DNLARLFFSKSMPAETGSRDTIDSVLTTRPNIKYQYSALDSGNGIVERSPRERAQREKALNATQEWIQGANGRYEVIAHLDEIGSRHGKNWFLVTDAS # VRTDRLQTLLPLPPDCVAFEDLPPNECAREILMELLGSLHHPYIYPVLDLGFLRNSSYNYACLVTPFNSRGSLKDLIYKAQWNEPWARKYTRKPNGLP # VSQVQRLGRQILEALLFLKERGFPLHGHLHSGNVILQNGAARLSGLENGLLGLSSRINAVMWSRSVTEIENVDIVCFGHLLYEMCTGQELTTPKPSMR # VLEMELQHYPQIGQILEILGLIFEPPSGVCPSVEDLVLCDLFRSIDLRELRGPCFSTIKPSLSRSTLNLLQAVKKRQCASLGHSLSEANSPCTPPSTP # HDRRTGVLPAPYEVFRMY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 87 # CDS exons: 10/12 # W: 10 # CDS introns: 10/11 # E: 10 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 18 # E: 10 # RM: 8 # incompatible hint groups: 179 # E: 2 # W: 177 # end gene g1123 # start gene g1124 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7678897 7689415 0.29 + . g1124 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7678897 7689415 0.29 + . g1124.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7678897 7678899 . + 0 transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7678921 7680607 1 + . transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7680872 7680935 1 + . transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7682058 7682112 1 + . transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7682629 7682729 1 + . transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7683750 7685762 0.32 + . transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7685973 7686026 0.43 + . transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7686326 7686387 1 + . transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7687924 7687973 0.95 + . transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7688098 7688164 0.95 + . transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7678897 7678920 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7680608 7680871 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7680936 7682057 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7682113 7682628 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7682730 7683749 0.32 + 0 transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7685763 7685972 0.44 + 0 transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7686027 7686325 0.43 + 0 transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7686388 7687923 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7687974 7688097 0.95 + 1 transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7688165 7689415 0.95 + 0 transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7689413 7689415 . + 0 transcript_id "g1124.t1"; gene_id "g1124"; # protein sequence = [MSEFVRQHGEYVWVKPQNTTSEFAVPFGARIVRTEKTQTLVCDDRNKQFWVPAGDVLKAMHITSQEDVEDMITLGDLQ # EYTILRNLQNRYAKQLIYTYTGSMLVAINPYQILPIYTNREIQLYRNKSLAELPPHIFAISDNAFQRLQRLKENQCVVISGESGAGKTESTKLILQYL # AAISGKHSWIEQQIIEANPIMEAFGNAKTVRNDNSSRFGKYIEIRFTPQGAIQGARIQQYLLEKSRIVFQSRDERNYHIFYCMLAGLSTAERERLKLQ # EQSPSQYHYLAQGGCFTLPGRGDAKDFADIRAAMKVLSFKPEEVWSILSLLAAILHLGNLRFTATEVANLATAEIDDTPNLQRVAQLLGIPISALNAA # LTQRTIFVHGEHVTTSLSKEAAIEGRDAFVKSLYDGIFVRIVRRINETINKQVDQPMNSIGVLDIFGFENFDNNSFEQLCINYANENLQQFFVGHIFK # MEQDEYQNEHINWQHIEFQDNQQILDLIGMKPMNLMSLIDEESKFPKGTDQTLLEKLHVQHGNRSIYVKGKTTQTSLFGIRHYAGVVMYNPLGFLEKN # RDSFSGDLRTLVQRSTNKYLVDIFPHEMPMDTAKKQPTLCVKFRNSLDMLMRTLSQAHPYFIRCIKPNEYKEPKNFDKELCVRQLRYSGMMETARIRR # AGYPIRHAYRAFVERYRLLVPPVGPLEQCDCRKLARQICEVALPADSDRQYGKTKLFLRDEDDASLELQRSQLMLKSIVTIQRGIRRVLFRRYMKRYR # EAIITVQRYWRGRLQRRKYQVMRQGFHRLGACIAAQQLTTKFTMVRCRTIKLQALSRGYLVRKDFQKKLLERRKQNQLKKEELLKLAKMKEAEELLRL # QQLKEQKEREQREQQEKRLQEEQRLKAEAAARNALAMAAVQQKRRTKPVKQEAPKAPTLQARNSLPPPPTTLIVAAPLPTRPASAVTRINTIPESPGT # IDVESSKQMVDDVFRFLNDEPDAALRKLNNISSGDTIRLPKSVPNNIDTSDFSYLKYAATYFGGGATAQHERKPLKKSLLKHEHPIDEMASKAIWLTI # LRFMGDLPDVVSSPTLHVFDNENLMSDLASLLNTSDSYKPRLFVRQSQRRIPKPLASGEKEAQEFYQHWLNVPTSHLEKIHFIIGHGIIKNSLRDEIL # AQICKQLYLNPSRSSYSRGWLLLSLCLSCFPPSKEFEPHLRSFMKQGTAQLQATPSLQRLERTLVNGPRCQPPSLFELHAIRGRHPLRLDIHLMDGQQ # RRLQVDAASTAREAVNQLCQGMGLTDTFGFGLVMSLNGKLMPLGAGQEHVLDAISECEQRQLDAPWKLYIRKEMFATWYDPSMDPKATQLIYKQILNG # LKCGEYRCRSEKDIAMVCALACFVEYGPGEILRLKPSEITAFVPSDLLAPGERAIENWSRLIAATYEKSSYVKEEQNDLLLEAQKRAKEDICLFAHLS # WPMRHSRLFEVVRKEGPKLQSDELMLGINSAGLFLIDETEQVLASCCFSEVLKVHVESDDKLHVMTFQHVNFVLQCSSAQDANEVINYMLDNLRQRSS # YGVALDPVVEGDLEDCLVLNPGDLIEFEAGVTGAQLMAGNAQDCYRGCVNGQWGQFLAGNVRVLATLTKPSEKLQDILREGRFQEPPKPTPRANYSRR # RQHNISQLAESHFREPLDSDKAPLSKFSPEPLKAPLLKAVVKVPPLFQQALVMHHHILKYMGDIARSNLPVNTDLIFQPALQHPLLCDELYCQLMKQL # SDNPSSESEKRGWDLLYLATGLVAPSVLVMRELIILLRMRADALADACLKRLKRSLAQGQRKKAPHLIEVEGIQQRCLHIYHKIYFPDDTVEAFEIES # HTRGAELIADIAQRLELKSPVGYSIFLKTGDRVYAMPEEEFVFDFITQLIYWLRQQRTIRSISDGQYQLHFMRKLWLNNHPGEDLNGDMIFSYPQELH # KYLKGYYPIDCEQASRLAILVYSADHDVSLQRLPEVLTRLIPEDLIPLQTVAEWRQQILPKVHRDHLTEDHAKILFLQELSHFACFGSTFFVVKQQND # DALPETLLIAINSTGFHMLDPTTKEILRSYEYSQLGIWSSGKNHFHIRFGNMIGASKLLCSTTQGYKMDDLLASYVKYFNEHE] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 57.9 # CDS exons: 6/10 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/9 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 5 # E: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 200 # E: 1 # W: 199 # end gene g1124 # start gene g1125 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7689447 7691043 1 - . g1125 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7689447 7691043 1 - . g1125.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7689447 7689449 . - 0 transcript_id "g1125.t1"; gene_id "g1125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7689641 7689719 1 - . transcript_id "g1125.t1"; gene_id "g1125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7690108 7690171 1 - . transcript_id "g1125.t1"; gene_id "g1125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7690557 7690682 1 - . transcript_id "g1125.t1"; gene_id "g1125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7690820 7690878 1 - . transcript_id "g1125.t1"; gene_id "g1125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7689447 7689640 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1125.t1"; gene_id "g1125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7689720 7690107 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1125.t1"; gene_id "g1125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7690172 7690556 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1125.t1"; gene_id "g1125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7690683 7690819 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1125.t1"; gene_id "g1125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7690879 7691043 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1125.t1"; gene_id "g1125"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7691041 7691043 . - 0 transcript_id "g1125.t1"; gene_id "g1125"; # protein sequence = [MRLLWLLATLVALTSAGILKDSPKERYDNFRVYKLTIQNKIQLAAIEKIGELTKKYNIWKEYDERSRQIDIMVSPGEL # NHFQELLKFNNISSELMIENVQERIDEEQVTPTADSATFGWTKYYELEEIEAWLDEILNAYPSVTEEFIVGKSYEGRTIRGIKISHKAGNPGIFIESN # IHAREWITSASATWFINQLLTSEDADVRSLADNYDWHIIPVFNVDGFEYSHKKDRMWRKTRQPHATNACIGADANRNFDSYWLQNNGASDNPCSETFA # GDNPESEPEAKALVEYLTKIQDQISVYISFHSYGQYLLSPYGHTNEEFPENYNDILTIGKAFADAIEALPYGTVYQYGSTADVLYVATGTSVDWVFNE # LGKKIGYTIEYRDKGRYGFILPPVQIIPNCEELMVGMLALIEKTKELGYL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 115 # W: 115 # end gene g1125 # start gene g1126 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7691155 7692669 1 - . g1126 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7691155 7692669 1 - . g1126.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7691155 7691157 . - 0 transcript_id "g1126.t1"; gene_id "g1126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7691367 7691425 1 - . transcript_id "g1126.t1"; gene_id "g1126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7691814 7691869 1 - . transcript_id "g1126.t1"; gene_id "g1126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7692261 7692319 1 - . transcript_id "g1126.t1"; gene_id "g1126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7692448 7692498 1 - . transcript_id "g1126.t1"; gene_id "g1126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7691155 7691366 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1126.t1"; gene_id "g1126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7691426 7691813 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1126.t1"; gene_id "g1126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7691870 7692260 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1126.t1"; gene_id "g1126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7692320 7692447 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1126.t1"; gene_id "g1126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7692499 7692669 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1126.t1"; gene_id "g1126"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7692667 7692669 . - 0 transcript_id "g1126.t1"; gene_id "g1126"; # protein sequence = [MALNSLPIVLALVVLAQGASFGQDERLRYDNYSVYKVKFETQAQRSILRKLAEDRENFRLWHEAKDELHLMLSPGAFG # ELETEIQKTNVTAELFISNVQELIDSEEAANLKASRDGTFGWTKYNSLAEIYAWLDDILAAYPTITESFIVGQSYEGRTIRGIKISYKSNNPGVLIES # NIHAREWITSATATWLINEFLTSTDELVRDLAENHDWYIVPVLNVDGFVYTHEKDRMWRKTRQPSEISSCIGADPNRNYDSHWMENEGASSNPCAEDY # GGPKPFSEPEIQAMSEFVISIKDKINVLLAFHSYSQLLLSPYGHTKEEFPPNFDDMMEVAKAYGDAVESLPYGTVYRYGSAAGILYPASGATIDWAYN # EQGVEISYTIEFRDTGRYGFILPPVHIIPNAEEALIGIAALLEKCKDLGYLGLKSAL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 73 # W: 73 # end gene g1126 # start gene g1127 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7693908 7701421 0.87 - . g1127 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7693908 7701421 0.87 - . g1127.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7693908 7693910 . - 0 transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7694997 7695072 1 - . transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7695972 7696027 1 - . transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7696207 7696593 0.89 - . transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7696808 7698724 0.87 - . transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7698993 7699054 1 - . transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7699317 7699378 1 - . transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7700669 7701359 1 - . transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7693908 7694996 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7695073 7695971 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7696028 7696206 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7696594 7696807 0.89 - 2 transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7698725 7698992 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7699055 7699316 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7699379 7700668 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7701360 7701421 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7701419 7701421 . - 0 transcript_id "g1127.t1"; gene_id "g1127"; # protein sequence = [MFRIFLTGIILQYALLVNATGIYSVVGPGTLRSNSKYNVVVSVHKADGPSQIKVSLNGPSYNETKQIELPPMSTQNVE # FEVPKLATGNYNLSAEGVSGVVFKNSTKLNYADKKPSVFVQTDKATYKPADLVQFRILFLDENTRPAKIEKPISVIIIDGAQNRIKQLSDVKLTKGVF # SGELQLSEQPVLGTWKISVSVDGDNRETKSFEVDKYVLPKFEVIVDTPKAVVIADKVIKATIRAKYTYGKPVKGKATVSMERSYGYFGDLNANGNKQE # KTIDVDGKGHVEFDIIHWAQRGQYLPPIKLFAVVTEELTGNKQNATATVVLHQQRYSIEPYERPEHFEANKSFIYQVVVKNVDGSPVTNSAKNVKIGF # DKSYSYFHEPSPKTRINFEAPVNENGIATFNVRLPDSDSRYYRIFASFDGSENTIGSISKFEPTPMSREPLKIQVNTKKPRLGEQVSFDVVSIEDLPY # FVYTIVARGNVILSDYVDVPDGQKTYTVKFTPTFSMVPKATIYVYYVVNNDLQFEEKTIDFEKEFSNSIDVSAPTNAKPSEEVKLRIKTDADSFVGLL # GVDQSVLLLKSGNDLSQDDIFNSLNIYQTSTPWMNGYGRYPGQTSGLVTLTNANYPYNTGPLVMSYVFEGSRHPWITRPRYRVGIRGDSGDRISFLSQ # SLNDRNLKEILLKQTPQRTTIRKEFPETWFFENVGEEEFTLTKKIPDTITSWVVTGFSLNPTSGIALTKNPSKIRVFQPFFVSTNLPYSVKRGEVIAI # PVVIFNYLDKTLDADVVMDNSDQEYEFTEATNEVLEKAIDEVRRVKRVTIPANSGKSVSFMIRPKNVGFTTLKITATSALAGDAIHQKLKVEPEGVTL # FENRAVFINLKDQPEMSQSLDADIPNEVVPQSEFIEFSVVGDLLGPTLQNLDNLVRMPYGCGEQNMVNFVPNILVLKYLEVTGRKLPSVESKARKFLE # IGYQRELTYKHDDGSYSAFGKSDASGSTWLTAYVMRSFHQAGTYTDIDPKVITAGLDFLVSKQKESGEFPEVGKLFDNANQNPLALTSFVLLAFFENH # ELIPKYQSAIKKAVRYVAEEADKTDDQYSLAIAAVALQLAKHPQSEKVIAKLESVARKENDRMWWSKATESTGEDGRVFHWKPRSNDVEITSYVLLAL # LEKDPAEKALPIIKWLISQRNSNGGFSSTQDTVIGLQALTKFAYKTGSGSGTMDIEFSSAGESKNTIKVNPENSLVLQTHDLPKSTRKVDFTAKGTGS # AMVQLSYRYNLAEKEKKPSFKVTPTVKDTPNQLLIVDVCAEYVPLEDADKDKDSNMAVMEIALPSGFVGDSTSLGKIQAVDRVKRVETKNSDSTVVVY # FDSLTPGDVRCLPLEASKAHAVAKQKPASVSLYDYYDTERKATEYYQVKSSLCDICEGADCGEGCKKD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 8/8 # W: 8 # CDS introns: 7/7 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 7 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 482 # E: 5 # W: 477 # end gene g1127 # start gene g1128 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7703147 7710514 0.96 + . g1128 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7703147 7710514 0.96 + . g1128.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7703147 7703149 . + 0 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7703233 7705401 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7705580 7705640 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7706120 7706180 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7706512 7706566 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7706851 7706912 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7707025 7707087 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7707235 7707290 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7707967 7708027 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7708160 7708221 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7708641 7708709 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7709058 7709110 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7709289 7709345 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7709702 7709761 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7710219 7710287 1 + . transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7703147 7703232 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7705402 7705579 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7705641 7706119 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7706181 7706511 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7706567 7706850 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7706913 7707024 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7707088 7707234 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7707291 7707966 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7708028 7708159 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7708222 7708640 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7708710 7709057 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7709111 7709288 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7709346 7709701 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7709762 7710218 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7710288 7710514 0.99 + 2 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7710512 7710514 . + 0 transcript_id "g1128.t1"; gene_id "g1128"; # protein sequence = [MRLQGADMGAIPVLILVTACLLCQTSAQGLYSIIAPNTLRPNSQFHVAVSLHNAPESATFKVGILGSSYTDFKTVELR # PFSTQLLHFEIPALRTDRYRLTAEGLGGVQFTNETQLHFESKQHTVLVQTDKSIYKPGDLVHYRVLILDANLKPARGYGRVHVDIKDSGDNIIRSYKD # IRLTNSIYSNELRLSDSPRFGTWSIVVDVSDQEHTQTFEILDHILPKFVVDIDTPKHAIYKDGKIAATVRAHYAFGQPIVGEATLSIYPTFFGSLQPF # VNDLITRKVVPIDGNAYFEFDIENELHLKQDYERQYLLDALVEEKSTGSVQNYSTVLTLHLNHYRVEAVKVPSYYIPGVPFEATARIARNDGGQLRDF # NPQITAYLTNVYGSSEMYNRTAYSLDASGEIKMKFTVPIGDRDEFHSIIVDYQGVISEVGKIPSKHLHSKNYITAKVLNDRPTVNQEISVVVRSFAPI # KYFMYQVVGRGDIILSRNVDVAPGTFHTIKFLASFAMMPRANLLVYTVIDGEFVYDEQVIQLEENLLNAVQVDAPIRAPPGQDIDIGISTKPYSYVGL # MLVDQNANDLRSGHDLTHKRLMDALRSYELSDVNTPMGSPGKESGVITMSNTDYFIEKEAESNPALDREVSTGPEEDKLTTVRKTDIGPAHKIEVNTL # PPGKGRYAFSYTPKPFWHNPRVHVMRDPADTWLFLNISASSDGRNSIHRRIPSEMTSWVVSAFALDPVNGLGLSPPNGKLEAYKEFYISTELPYSIKR # DELIAIPFVVHNNRDSDLNVEVTFYNSALDFDFPQLDPKATNQPKVELYRRRSLQVPGRSARSVSFIVTPKRVGPLLVKAMAASSQAGDTVEQNLLVE # HPGAMERINRGFLFELNSNAQNRRNVTIAVPRNAIPESTRIEVSAVGDLIGSLVGNLDSLILLPTGCGEQTMVNFVPNLIVLRYLGRLRQLTPEVELR # ATNNLAIGYQRILYYRHENGAFSAFGLDIKRSSTWLTAYVARSLRQAAPFTQVDSNVLQKALTYLGSVQSANGGFEERGDVFERFGDDGISLTAFVTL # ALMENVDLYPEYRNNINKALDFITRGLDGSSNLHAMAIGTYVLSRANHNAKAAFLQRLDSMATNKDGLKWWNKTAPAGEQQSPWYNATRSVNIEISAY # AALALLENNLVGDALPVLNWLMDQRNPKGGFVASQDTVVGLQALLMFAERFSSQGNNLQIGFHYGEGAETIINVNAENSLALQTVELPNNLKNLSVSA # TGRGMALAQVSYTYNTNVTSAWPRFVLDPTVNRNSHADYLHLSACASFVSVVGENEQRSNMAVMEVHLPSGFVVDRDTLPTLESSERIKKVETQNRNT # KVVIYFDYLDRREVCPTLHAYKTVKVTKHRPVAVVMYDYYDSARRARQFYRAPKSNICDICEHANCGDLCEKAEKRESKRPDDYTAIAGHSSGSRHTA # IPLASVVMVLSMLLKTLSC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 96.6 # CDS exons: 14/15 # W: 14 # CDS introns: 14/14 # E: 14 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 15 # E: 14 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 262 # W: 262 # end gene g1128 # start gene g1129 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7711026 7713076 0.14 + . g1129 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7711026 7713076 0.14 + . g1129.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7711026 7711028 . + 0 transcript_id "g1129.t1"; gene_id "g1129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7711204 7711870 1 + . transcript_id "g1129.t1"; gene_id "g1129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7712128 7712182 0.9 + . transcript_id "g1129.t1"; gene_id "g1129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7712239 7712303 1 + . transcript_id "g1129.t1"; gene_id "g1129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7712428 7712482 0.86 + . transcript_id "g1129.t1"; gene_id "g1129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7711026 7711203 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1129.t1"; gene_id "g1129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7711871 7712127 0.9 + 2 transcript_id "g1129.t1"; gene_id "g1129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7712183 7712238 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1129.t1"; gene_id "g1129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7712304 7712427 0.86 + 1 transcript_id "g1129.t1"; gene_id "g1129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7712483 7713076 0.19 + 0 transcript_id "g1129.t1"; gene_id "g1129"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7713074 7713076 . + 0 transcript_id "g1129.t1"; gene_id "g1129"; # protein sequence = [MANNQPPTTNATRKDKRIERDENRGQWKSKSEFILSLLGYAIGIGNVWRFPYLCYRSGGAGIPLFYMEILIGQFSSTG # CTGMFRMTPLLKGTGIAQVVVNAYCVCYYSVIISYPIRMIFYCFFKKVPWEDCSNSWNTDDCVTASDMGKQNSSDVFKTSADEFFHLEVLRISTDISD # LGGMVWEQLTALIITWIIIYFCLMRGIKSVGKVVYFTVPFPYLLLFILLIRGATLPGAWKGIKFYLYPEWHRLLDLKVWADAAVQMFFGIGPGWGGIV # NMASFSSFRNNAKCDSVLIVSINVFTSLLAGFVVFSVLGFLSGKNLLFVCSQLRLLSGRLFKEKSGIPVESVATGGAGLAFVTYPEAIALLPVPQLWA # LMFFFMLFLLGIDSVVSSVLQISMNFMRFS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 22.2 # CDS exons: 0/5 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 2 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1129 # start gene g1130 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7714097 7715333 0.88 - . g1130 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7714097 7715333 0.88 - . g1130.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7714097 7714099 . - 0 transcript_id "g1130.t1"; gene_id "g1130"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7714379 7714702 0.91 - . transcript_id "g1130.t1"; gene_id "g1130"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7714832 7714894 1 - . transcript_id "g1130.t1"; gene_id "g1130"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7715044 7715131 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1130.t1"; gene_id "g1130"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7714097 7714378 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g1130.t1"; gene_id "g1130"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7714703 7714831 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1130.t1"; gene_id "g1130"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7714895 7715043 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g1130.t1"; gene_id "g1130"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7715132 7715333 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g1130.t1"; gene_id "g1130"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7715331 7715333 . - 0 transcript_id "g1130.t1"; gene_id "g1130"; # protein sequence = [MALQAFGAGWGSVIALSSFNGFKTDIMSYSWIISFGQIFIYIMFGLVSFMLEQYYKGKADFLLFHHINISDTIVFHRI # MNFWVLFLSSASALNTLGWPNLWTFIYYSMLLLASLTVIATQLFTVLQSLFDEFEKLKERKQEVTFGIICGLAICSFFFCTEILGIIECIRVHFFFKE # VFLVLGIILVVLPFLAIPGYGFYYLRQSPGTFLERLKRSCRPTDWYPVEMKHRQHYGDRVGNIEMTDHLFNGIEEVN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 28.6 # CDS exons: 1/4 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/3 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 16 # W: 16 # end gene g1130 # start gene g1131 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7716026 7716553 0.97 - . g1131 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7716026 7716553 0.97 - . g1131.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7716026 7716028 . - 0 transcript_id "g1131.t1"; gene_id "g1131"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7716217 7716390 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1131.t1"; gene_id "g1131"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7716026 7716216 0.98 - 2 transcript_id "g1131.t1"; gene_id "g1131"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7716391 7716553 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g1131.t1"; gene_id "g1131"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7716551 7716553 . - 0 transcript_id "g1131.t1"; gene_id "g1131"; # protein sequence = [MVYETSYASGTKPFSPDPKRGKWEKPTDYLFACFGLALKLDIFEVSYWFFFNIGFVGMLPYFLYMVIYLVPILVVHSF # MGQFSSSGFIAAFRLAPLFKGIQKKKKTDYNFIKIKSQT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1131 # start gene g1132 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7717052 7719390 0.29 - . g1132 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7717052 7719390 0.29 - . g1132.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7717052 7717054 . - 0 transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7717322 7717387 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7717595 7717851 0.53 - . transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7718001 7718056 0.94 - . transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7718518 7718588 1 - . transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7718690 7718753 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7718918 7718977 1 - . transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7719110 7719251 0.62 - . transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7717052 7717321 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7717388 7717594 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7717852 7718000 0.94 - 2 transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7718057 7718517 0.98 - 1 transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7718589 7718689 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7718754 7718917 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7718978 7719109 0.62 - 2 transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7719252 7719390 0.62 - 0 transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7719388 7719390 . - 0 transcript_id "g1132.t1"; gene_id "g1132"; # protein sequence = [MASKPFSPDLNRGNWEKPTDYIFACFGLALKLDIFVASFWFFFNTGIFGMVPYLMYMVIYLVPIMVIHSYMGQFSSSG # FISAFRLSPLFKGMGYVSLFLTITLLIYYTIFAAVPLLFVLNSFRPTLPWSCEGFKSWQNDTIAKWSICNATIAEEVAKETENDTYFYITNIHVPSVL # YFKSHFESFQNDSELNDYEISWHLSGLFALVWATIAFIFYKFSEPAKFGKCIRYMVIGTVALLLVCFVRFLFLPGAHLGLKNYMTPSIEEFVVGTSST # FIMALQAFGAGWGSVITLSSFNGFKTNIMSYSWIISFGQIFIYIMFGMVSFMLEHYFLGLPKPLFETQVINHWVLFLSSASALSSLGWPNLWTFIYYT # MLLMAALIVIHGVLYFAILSIDAIFSQTLLHLLLLLVVLWVYGRDRFQKDIKFMLGQPFASWKVFILRFVAPPTLVICLVLEIKMCLEEHSYSSSVLH # FMAIILVGLPILAIPAYGFYYIHQRPGSISELFRATDWYPVEMEYRQQYGELVQKSEMTHQLFDRTEEVN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 26.7 # CDS exons: 2/8 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/7 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 8 # E: 1 # W: 7 # end gene g1132 # start gene g1133 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7719908 7722645 0.2 - . g1133 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7719908 7722645 0.2 - . g1133.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7719908 7719910 . - 0 transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7720135 7720234 0.5 - . transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7720446 7720539 1 - . transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7720669 7720825 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7720975 7721115 1 - . transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7721586 7721772 1 - . transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7721874 7721929 0.75 - . transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7722094 7722148 1 - . transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7722281 7722482 0.46 - . transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7719908 7720134 0.65 - 2 transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7720235 7720445 0.5 - 0 transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7720540 7720668 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7720826 7720974 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7721116 7721585 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7721773 7721873 0.75 - 0 transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7721930 7722093 0.75 - 2 transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7722149 7722280 0.48 - 2 transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7722483 7722645 0.51 - 0 transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7722643 7722645 . - 0 transcript_id "g1133.t1"; gene_id "g1133"; # protein sequence = [MIYETSYDSGHKPFSPDLKRGKWDKPTDYIFACFGLALKLDIFVASYWFFFDMGIFGMLPYLVYMVIYLVPIMVIHSF # MGQFSSSGFISAFRLSPFFKGMGYVSVFLTISMLIYYSIFAAVPLLFMINSFRPTLPWSCEGFKSWYNESDGKMTTCNMTISEDLTDNSDNNTDFHRP # HFHVPSVLYFLKHFESVQEENYSDLRQDYDLSWRFVSLFVLVWAMVAFIFYKFSETAMFGKFIRYMVIGTLILLLVCFGRFLFLPGALLGLRKYVTPS # PDEIAMGIGSTFVMVLHAFGAGWGSVIALSSFNGFKTDIMSYSWIISFGQIFIFTMFGLVSYMLDHYYNEGIEGSFDKQVLTHWALYLSSATALSSLG # WPNLWTFIYYTMLLMAALIVITTQIFTVLQSLFDEFEVLRVRKQEVTFGLIGGIAVCSFYFCTNHGITFFSALALDAIFSHSLLHLLLLLVVLWIYGR # ERFQRDIEFMLGQPFASWKVYILRFIAPIILIICLVAIVLGMSIILVILPILAIPGYGIYYIYRSTGSFCERFKRTCRPTDWYPVEMEHRQQYEEAVS # NTDMTQQLTAGPN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 58.8 # CDS exons: 7/9 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 3/8 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 38 # E: 1 # W: 37 # end gene g1133 # start gene g1134 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7723556 7726095 0.99 - . g1134 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7723556 7726095 0.99 - . g1134.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7723556 7723558 . - 0 transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7723838 7723896 1 - . transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7724104 7724172 1 - . transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7724302 7724368 1 - . transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7724518 7724574 1 - . transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7725045 7725160 1 - . transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7725250 7725309 1 - . transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7725474 7725534 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7725667 7725932 1 - . transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7723556 7723837 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7723897 7724103 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7724173 7724301 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7724369 7724517 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7724575 7725044 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7725161 7725249 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7725310 7725473 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7725535 7725666 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7725933 7726095 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7726093 7726095 . - 0 transcript_id "g1134.t1"; gene_id "g1134"; # protein sequence = [MVYETSYDTGHKPFSPDLNRGKWDKPTDFMFACFGLALKLDVFVASFWMFFDMGILGILPYFVYMSIYLVPIMVIHSF # MGQFSSSGFISAFRLSPFFKGMGYVSGFLTISMLIYYSIFAAVPLLFIINSFRPTLPWSCEGLSSWHNGSATLSSSCNKTLILEDFSEYNRSHQLLHV # PSVLYFQNHYDSMQQDAVPDWYKDYELSWHFVGLFAIIWVVIAFIFYKFSETAKFGKLIRYMVIVTLVLLLVCFVRFLFLPGALNGLHRYVTPKASDM # AMGVVSTFIMVLHAFGAGWGSVITLSSFNGFKTDIMSYSWIISFGQIFIYIMFGMVSFMLEHYFNELSDVDDNGHVLSHWLLYLSSASALSTMAWPNL # WTFIYYSMLLIAALIVMTTQIFTVLQSLFDEFEVLRVRKQEVTFGLIGGIALCSFYFCTNHGIIFFSALGLDAIFSHSLLHLLLLLVVLWIYGRERFQ # RDIEFMLGQPFASWKVFILRFIAPIILVICLLAGIALSISEHSYSTTVVFVMSIVLVVLPILAIPGYGFYYLYQSTGTFCERFKRTCRPTDWYPVEME # HRQQYEEAVDNTEMTHQLFEVTEEVN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 94.1 # CDS exons: 9/9 # W: 9 # CDS introns: 7/8 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 7 # incompatible hint groups: 125 # RM: 1 # W: 124 # end gene g1134 # start gene g1135 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7727497 7730558 0.87 - . g1135 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7727497 7730558 0.87 - . g1135.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7727497 7727499 . - 0 transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7727758 7727828 1 - . transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7728036 7728095 1 - . transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7728225 7728284 1 - . transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7728443 7728506 1 - . transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7728847 7728903 1 - . transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7729025 7729084 1 - . transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7729126 7729179 1 - . transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7729356 7729418 1 - . transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7729551 7730197 1 - . transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7727497 7727757 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7727829 7728035 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7728096 7728224 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7728285 7728442 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7728507 7728846 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7728904 7729024 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7729085 7729125 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7729180 7729355 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7729419 7729550 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7730198 7730558 0.87 - 0 transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7730556 7730558 . - 0 transcript_id "g1135.t1"; gene_id "g1135"; # protein sequence = [MKGICGEQLNNCMLLGDCENSEHGTELPGDFIGEPVETESGGGMGGSLALAARRIRSRQVHSMAVRTGSAYDTLERPY # RHDKCRGRWAKSADFYFASCTHAFSSLIFSELSTFGILHGGWLLFIIAYLMGMLFYSLPIFLIQAFLGQFSSSGTISAFRVAPIFKGIGYAILLLNLG # TLTYYSIAAVVPLIYTVNSIHPVIPWMSCNNSWNTQECSLHENYDVDDYRVDPHSTVEFFRSMIASTAKGSTSMSISWSMLIGVLSIWLVVLALLLKP # VAFIGKVLRCSCVLMFGFFVAVFLYLLIHEQVTFDTLHYYWMPQLDSFDSILATARTALLMAGGALGPGWGSIITLSSYNNFRRDAERLSIWVCLTHI # TIGLMGLLCCNVAHDHFEDHVGMMPLHVDEKHHMQFLYLCFSYLFGRFTTTPNLWAFLFFGMIFLSELCALIIQMMSVITALFDEFETLRSRRILVIS # SLVFCLTASSVYFCTQLGFSQLTQLPNLAVFTHLLISGILVLMTTWVYGRVRFQCDLQFMLGKTISSFKIFFIRFATPIFLGLCLFQLTYLFTRDRIH # DVLIYVSQGLILLTAISYMVYKVCRTNGDWRQRLQQCLAPHDWHPVDADNRRFYEEIMGISEMLVIDANANTT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 78.9 # CDS exons: 6/10 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 9/9 # E: 9 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 9 # E: 9 # incompatible hint groups: 93 # E: 1 # W: 92 # end gene g1135 # start gene g1136 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7734444 7736698 0.47 - . g1136 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7734444 7736698 0.47 - . g1136.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7734444 7734446 . - 0 transcript_id "g1136.t1"; gene_id "g1136"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7734543 7734819 0.51 - . transcript_id "g1136.t1"; gene_id "g1136"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7735207 7735319 1 - . transcript_id "g1136.t1"; gene_id "g1136"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7735496 7735558 1 - . transcript_id "g1136.t1"; gene_id "g1136"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7735691 7736337 1 - . transcript_id "g1136.t1"; gene_id "g1136"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7734444 7734542 0.51 - 0 transcript_id "g1136.t1"; gene_id "g1136"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7734820 7735206 0.65 - 0 transcript_id "g1136.t1"; gene_id "g1136"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7735320 7735495 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1136.t1"; gene_id "g1136"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7735559 7735690 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1136.t1"; gene_id "g1136"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7736338 7736698 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g1136.t1"; gene_id "g1136"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7736696 7736698 . - 0 transcript_id "g1136.t1"; gene_id "g1136"; # protein sequence = [MKGICGEQLNNCMLLGDCENSEHGTELPGDFIGEPVETESGGGMGGSLALAARRIRSRQVHSMAVRTGSAYDTLERPY # RHDKCRGRWAKSADFYFASCTHAFSSLIFSELSTFGILHGGWLLFIIAYLMGMLFYSLPIFLIQAFLGQFSSSGTISAFRVAPIFKGIGYAILLLNLG # TLTYYSIAAVVPLIYTVNSIHPVIPWMSCNNSWNTQECSLHENYDVDFAVAVIFTLALAMGVQSSVIPLLSQVAGHGLSYTAVSGPAVVASPWAVPAA # HWPAAVNVASWPPAAIHAAAPAVLAAPAPAVVAAHAPSVVVAPVAHSGVYTAQTRGAIHTAPLAGHILHQCRSRTRNLHTFSKHPVKKPSQVFFERNA # KCILEGNACTST] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 22.2 # CDS exons: 0/5 # CDS introns: 2/4 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # E: 2 # end gene g1136 # start gene g1137 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7740956 7741481 0.98 - . g1137 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7740956 7741481 0.98 - . g1137.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7740956 7740958 . - 0 transcript_id "g1137.t1"; gene_id "g1137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7741358 7741475 0.98 - . transcript_id "g1137.t1"; gene_id "g1137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7740956 7741357 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g1137.t1"; gene_id "g1137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7741476 7741481 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g1137.t1"; gene_id "g1137"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7741479 7741481 . - 0 transcript_id "g1137.t1"; gene_id "g1137"; # protein sequence = [MKFAVAVIFTLALAMGVQSSVIPLLSQVAGHGLSYTAVSGPAVVASPWAVPAAHWPAAVNVASWPPAAIHAAAPAVLA # APAPAVVAAHAPSVVVAPVAHSGVYTAQTRGAIHTAPLAGHIQSVASINAAPAPGTL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1137 # start gene g1138 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7744208 7744753 0.99 - . g1138 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7744208 7744753 0.99 - . g1138.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7744208 7744210 . - 0 transcript_id "g1138.t1"; gene_id "g1138"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7744631 7744747 1 - . transcript_id "g1138.t1"; gene_id "g1138"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7744208 7744630 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1138.t1"; gene_id "g1138"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7744748 7744753 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1138.t1"; gene_id "g1138"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7744751 7744753 . - 0 transcript_id "g1138.t1"; gene_id "g1138"; # protein sequence = [MKFAVAVVMFVCALAGAHASWAQIAPGVSYVSPVAHGAGLWNGAWNGAWNGAWNGAWNGAPWGAPAAVAVHASAAPWG # LTGAGWHGAAVPGINLAQGPGLAAGHGHEGVYVAKTRGAIHTAPLAGHINSATSVNVAPAPGTL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g1138 # start gene g1139 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7747476 7747757 0.96 + . g1139 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7747476 7747757 0.96 + . g1139.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7747476 7747478 . + 0 transcript_id "g1139.t1"; gene_id "g1139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7747476 7747757 0.96 + 0 transcript_id "g1139.t1"; gene_id "g1139"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7747755 7747757 . + 0 transcript_id "g1139.t1"; gene_id "g1139"; # protein sequence = [MIVAARPQLDEFWKYAKVELSPPLPADFQKLKQTAESAKLASKKDMKGQLKKSGLSQVTVAEAWLNVLVTVEVITWFY # MGEVIGRRHLVGYKV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1139 # start gene g1140 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7752431 7753155 0.57 - . g1140 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7752431 7753155 0.57 - . g1140.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7752431 7752433 . - 0 transcript_id "g1140.t1"; gene_id "g1140"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7752815 7753101 1 - . transcript_id "g1140.t1"; gene_id "g1140"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7752431 7752814 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1140.t1"; gene_id "g1140"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7753102 7753155 0.57 - 0 transcript_id "g1140.t1"; gene_id "g1140"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7753153 7753155 . - 0 transcript_id "g1140.t1"; gene_id "g1140"; # protein sequence = [MSVSFVSSVTEITKANMKFAVVVVLFALAWGVNSSVVPLLTSAHGLVVGSPAVAGSVAIQASAVPAAVPLSLSPAGPV # LIQSGPAVVAAPVPAAVVAAHAPAVVAVAAPEASYVAKTRGAVHVAPLPGHVQSAASVNLEPAPGTW] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 33 # W: 33 # end gene g1140 # start gene g1141 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7756332 7756934 0.65 + . g1141 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7756332 7756934 0.65 + . g1141.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7756332 7756334 . + 0 transcript_id "g1141.t1"; gene_id "g1141"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7756332 7756934 0.65 + 0 transcript_id "g1141.t1"; gene_id "g1141"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7756932 7756934 . + 0 transcript_id "g1141.t1"; gene_id "g1141"; # protein sequence = [MKSDAAGIGVVGVGGTVALSDSREWAPPPPGNRCATVTMLLAQRIARNACWSVDEEPSYSANKMNVWQTLEYLSGLSL # RKKYNYEGFSDTQNVIRTLTPSWRRDSFAEKAKAEELTGGAAASTVKYTDERSSSAPIIVIQDPGISTSFQSSDNVALGVRSRAKSPSGLRRKHRSRK # RNTPQLDPEYALSPEDLQDLVKCK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1141 # start gene g1142 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7759155 7765366 0.34 + . g1142 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7759155 7765366 0.34 + . g1142.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7759155 7759157 . + 0 transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7759232 7761905 0.53 + . transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7762036 7763309 0.96 + . transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7763445 7763505 1 + . transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7763697 7764486 0.93 + . transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7764688 7764754 0.97 + . transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7765155 7765213 1 + . transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7759155 7759231 0.57 + 0 transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7761906 7762035 0.54 + 1 transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7763310 7763444 0.97 + 0 transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7763506 7763696 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7764487 7764687 0.93 + 1 transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7764755 7765154 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7765214 7765366 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7765364 7765366 . + 0 transcript_id "g1142.t1"; gene_id "g1142"; # protein sequence = [MPMMKINVEDDFLIDFVQCTLEPEESARLERLMGTNVVKLTDRSYMKELRERIDEDYRKQLLSRIRARELKEVERERM # LIIEGKSDVIPDELANDPIFMVNKDANMEIQKERSKLKTAREKNAERLKLQGVKWERERLQHAAKEAELLAKKRERHRQQKLLVEQYRTEDAERGMDL # LREFASEWRLMKGKLPHFSSIDNEDWRECEKSLKEFLEQERAKMKERSLRISQPYSSDPQDIQNIVRARQKFRETELRIRNQLEDKLKDVKLAVTTQQ # LTELIEDAHRSSGEIIMPQEPSMEDDDFQGGAVNSKYLDDATDVSEETVISEDAISLTLAKQQYAEELEAEMEDEFNRGLLISKQQYDQLRFEDEKIV # ALRNAKDIRELYQLAEEIIMGENYVEAPEECEEEAVVEEPEQDISSDHEAQEPAKA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/7 # CDS introns: 0/6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g1142 # start gene g1143 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7765685 7774396 0.37 + . g1143 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7765685 7774396 0.37 + . g1143.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7765685 7765687 . + 0 transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7765729 7767684 0.37 + . transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7767718 7771261 0.97 + . transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7771606 7773068 1 + . transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7773251 7773464 1 + . transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7773659 7774224 1 + . transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7765685 7765728 0.37 + 0 transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7767685 7767717 0.7 + 1 transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7771262 7771605 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7773069 7773250 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7773465 7773658 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7774225 7774396 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7774394 7774396 . + 0 transcript_id "g1143.t1"; gene_id "g1143"; # protein sequence = [MTTKIKRPKNPKTNANSNGFQEYILKDIHIANDPRTNPELIRRGCMNMKPDILALCILATTILCSRTRHVAGFLTAQS # TASGGAGGANGAKVGDHQGVASVPQRLHLPVLAVGGGPVRQGPALPGDVLDAQERAVYDPGDELLRAQELGLAVVPQGPDYADAVYNELELASKFEVL # KKMEEDLRAEQELVDKSALLMKMLEDPSLETLPLVYVEEEEPEAVIPSGGAEDYADLENAVQDLVLGQSKSKRSRYYRRYPWKRHNKNRGNYEPELRY # ACTPSKEDIFKLLVNLHENRKGNHSKTVNFCNRKRPAKAVFTNIRFLG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 63.6 # CDS exons: 3/6 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 4/5 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 4 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 19 # W: 19 # end gene g1143 # start gene g1144 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7775895 7777985 0.87 - . g1144 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7775895 7777985 0.87 - . g1144.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7775895 7775897 . - 0 transcript_id "g1144.t1"; gene_id "g1144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7775895 7777985 0.87 - 0 transcript_id "g1144.t1"; gene_id "g1144"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7777983 7777985 . - 0 transcript_id "g1144.t1"; gene_id "g1144"; # protein sequence = [MELPIVLLLVLSVIPFEAQGAVHDELPQCGLHGVYRQRQSLVESPNYPDNYPVNTCWDYVVRSPYRCPTKFHIQFLDF # KLELSENCSRDYLAIGLNNDGDDMEVLCGQVLGIKKYHTPDGVLRLRFLSDDSPWTTNGGFRLLITRLACEREDLVARGLDDDEEDVDGDTVQVSAKS # PPKKLLTQHHHHHLPQQSHQPQLEPAFNYTQPNRLGFNLGLQPGLGYPGGLYPPPAGLPPQYTPPCAPQQQQLLQQQQEQHRFLQQQQLQLQILQQQR # LQQQVLQQQQLQQQVQVQHPQQLQLSQQQQQLQQELPLISDQYQTTSFQPHAVTLKDYDAQTLQQFGGQLDLCCASSFNQNHFYLSSPGFPRTVLNYL # LPNQQRDCVFYIEKSSPNVCRLRIQFKFFDFGQNSGGSIGGSFGDGFGGGVSGGLGGGHSGGFGGQHNCNGDFLELDGQRYCGCRSGYVHKSHWDQGR # KALRMRIGQSSSTTSNGFLLEIFQDQDSDGCRQDAGQGFGLGLQPQQPQRGLGLWPQGLQPQLGLQPQLGLQPQLGLPPQTAQMWPLQPGYPGYISGY # PLPFSATPYRTARRISYARGIDAQQPSRVVETNSTRKEFYYFDGDEAFARSAVDDEDEDKAHLGVTTQPQSSSQSIVKPESPLVTKAFEQSSCSFDYM # EVLKLSVDTLWLTKPLCFSPLRSWFPNIFG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # RM: 1 # end gene g1144 # start gene g1145 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7780118 7781245 0.99 + . g1145 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7780118 7781245 0.99 + . g1145.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7780118 7780120 . + 0 transcript_id "g1145.t1"; gene_id "g1145"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7780692 7780760 1 + . transcript_id "g1145.t1"; gene_id "g1145"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7780118 7780691 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g1145.t1"; gene_id "g1145"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7780761 7781245 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1145.t1"; gene_id "g1145"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7781243 7781245 . + 0 transcript_id "g1145.t1"; gene_id "g1145"; # protein sequence = [MFATPLRQPAAANHQTPKNSAGMDEHGKPYQYEITDHGYGKDAVKVLHVSRNGPVHAIQEFEVGTHLKLYSKKDYYQG # NNSDIVATDSQKNTVYLLAKKHGIESPEKFALLLARHFINKYSHVEEAHVHVEAYPWQRVCQEETRTNVNGKCENGVQGNCDFSSIDNRSLHNHAFIF # TPTALHYCDVVIRRTDPKQTVITGIKGLRVLKTTQSSFVNFVNDEFRSLPDQYDRIFSTVVDCSWEYSDTENLDFLRAWQTVKNIIIRNFAGDPQVGV # SSPSVQHTLYLSERQVLDVLPQVSVISMTMPNKHYFNFDTKPFQKIAPGDNNEVFIPVDKPHGTIYAQLARKNINSHL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 105 # W: 105 # end gene g1145 # start gene g1146 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7781635 7782540 1 + . g1146 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7781635 7782540 1 + . g1146.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7781635 7781637 . + 0 transcript_id "g1146.t1"; gene_id "g1146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7781852 7781911 1 + . transcript_id "g1146.t1"; gene_id "g1146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7781635 7781851 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1146.t1"; gene_id "g1146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7781912 7782540 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1146.t1"; gene_id "g1146"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7782538 7782540 . + 0 transcript_id "g1146.t1"; gene_id "g1146"; # protein sequence = [MTNRLALHHILTTQLRRDWEQEESAKTRLSQLSRRDRIKASLRSSQLPGRYLLPDTRKTYDNMVANIHSTMKSVRAPR # RPRPTGPLPTSGTPNPVPVVAPPLPSKLVSKQPQRKSAGRIKGGGNSSKADSGHGIAIKSLAKVKACINQKQKRSRGFEQHNRIREVIQQKKVLETML # QQHKKLQSDRHTIAMDIQRMRADLDRIRNKLDTSLQSLNSTRTLFSAANKASLRKSTALQKPTQNMVTSTNRRSGGKRKARTVAIPMNRQSVLTNKAP # ILKRKVR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1146 # start gene g1147 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7782991 7785939 1 + . g1147 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7782991 7785939 1 + . g1147.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7782991 7782993 . + 0 transcript_id "g1147.t1"; gene_id "g1147"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7783049 7783298 1 + . transcript_id "g1147.t1"; gene_id "g1147"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7783922 7783974 1 + . transcript_id "g1147.t1"; gene_id "g1147"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7785641 7785700 1 + . transcript_id "g1147.t1"; gene_id "g1147"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7782991 7783048 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1147.t1"; gene_id "g1147"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7783299 7783921 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1147.t1"; gene_id "g1147"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7783975 7785640 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1147.t1"; gene_id "g1147"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7785701 7785939 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1147.t1"; gene_id "g1147"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7785937 7785939 . + 0 transcript_id "g1147.t1"; gene_id "g1147"; # protein sequence = [MGSSKKHKKNKSERREKYEEYSQHQDPAQLQRGLKLILKVGSNATPEYSANSPMVDGGPPTAAEAMMSPVPEELQDHQ # GHRERHKKSKKKKKKKDREKKHKHHKEKRHRSRDRHRDAGSDEDMMAGADDAACSGFAPSSVAPPAADPDSSQDGFSFMDDDQSQPLPENILFFAGIT # TDNSPSNCPVTKPIAPRKLDDILMGSSPNSSSLQSSSLGLIGSSPTKPLPDLLIPSPSTPGGANSLNALTPKALEAPKTPSSSSESGREPRSCVLKLK # QQKSPLNKLLEHLLRFLEKRDPHQFFAWPVTDDMAPGYSSIISRPMDFSTMRQKIDDHEYTALTEFTDDFKLMCENAIKYNHVDTVYNKAAKRLLQVG # MKHLQPENLMRSLKPLSGYMRELTARELGFELSSNDMSRENNDSADEGASTGAEEPRTPAQLEEEERKRTLRLENAPKTHFEPYVDDLTGEEILAQVQ # NAAQQAKQRVNAKKNAHKMGFLRQMKDGTTTLNLVIKEENEGPERVVTIGDLVGKLQKGSAQLQTRQVDKRNAVRTVKSLNYGAFASFAPTFDSRFST # LSAEETQLVLRTYGDASSAEYAESILQFTKDSNYGTTIANGLLDILTNGEHSKSLDELYNMQLHSYEQREIEKCFEQEEETSSQQETTAQIEQEYEKY # KNTHVDFKGLQSLGELGIDVSFLDGMEAEMKSYELNRRMHEHLSQNLTLIEKLRVAQHDRLSQPLPNHLGLVQPAGQEEIQTAQQLTQQISDLAKKLP # PSAIADPYALRKAMGMSYAGLPPPRPVSPRVQLPELLQQPVALPQLQPVAMEIDESDEQHGGGDLENELREFLESGSGLHSANPADDNSIVAQLLLN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 249 # W: 249 # end gene g1147 # start gene g1148 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7786338 7790078 0.93 - . g1148 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7786338 7790078 0.93 - . g1148.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7786338 7786340 . - 0 transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7786425 7786989 1 - . transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7787032 7787094 1 - . transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7787305 7787371 1 - . transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7787553 7787612 1 - . transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7787768 7787833 1 - . transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7788091 7788150 1 - . transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7788338 7788398 1 - . transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7788468 7790021 0.94 - . transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7786338 7786424 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7786990 7787031 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7787095 7787304 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7787372 7787552 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7787613 7787767 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7787834 7788090 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7788151 7788337 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7788399 7788467 0.94 - 0 transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7790022 7790078 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7790076 7790078 . - 0 transcript_id "g1148.t1"; gene_id "g1148"; # protein sequence = [MGCMRYLSEAHLRGFERYKYSSIDTSFLSVYVMHPFWNYCVKFVPKWLAPNVLTFVGFLMTVVNFILIAYYDWGFEAA # NSETGNTVPAWVWTVAAINILIYYNLDGMDGKQARRTGTSGPLGELFDHGLDSYSAALIPIYLFSLFGTHDLPPIRMFFVIWNVFLNFYLTHVEKYNT # GVMFLPWGYDFTMWGVSGMLFVATVFGPEMYRFSIYGFTMANMFEFVLIGSGMVSSHPIIARNIYLSYKNKTGKMRPMWEMLRPFFAFVWLFVITVVW # SFFSRNDVINKEPRILWILYGTIFSNIACRLIVAQMSDTRCDAFNVLMWPLAATVGVCCFPYYQQVFDSDLTSDTERWILYGLTIFSTLAHWHYGYGV # VSEMCDHFHIRCFKITKQTVAAEEELQDVVEDAKPTENVEEV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 82.4 # CDS exons: 7/9 # W: 7 # CDS introns: 7/8 # E: 7 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 7 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 123 # W: 123 # end gene g1148 # start gene g1149 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7791758 7795834 0.81 - . g1149 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7791758 7795834 0.81 - . g1149.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7791758 7791760 . - 0 transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7791877 7791938 1 - . transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7792116 7792174 1 - . transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7793331 7793508 1 - . transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7794084 7794147 1 - . transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7794527 7794591 1 - . transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7794769 7795509 1 - . transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7795654 7795774 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7791758 7791876 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7791939 7792115 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7792175 7793330 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7793509 7794083 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7794148 7794526 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7794592 7794768 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7795510 7795653 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7795775 7795834 0.81 - 0 transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7795832 7795834 . - 0 transcript_id "g1149.t1"; gene_id "g1149"; # protein sequence = [MWRVIQLRATIAHPFTRQRHSRVIAIRREDQSVWERRAPFGPTHVQKLVKQNVKVIVQPSNRRAYPMQAYMQAGAHIQ # EDISDASVIFGVKQVPIDALIPGKTYCFFSHTIKAQESNMPLLDAILEKKIRLIDYERIIDERGARQVAFGKYAGVAGMVNILHGIGLRLLALGHHTP # FMHIGPAHNYRNSSMARQAIRDCGYEISLGMMPKSIGPLTFVFTGSGNVSQGAQEVFSELPIEYVPPEMLRKVAEHGNQNKLYGCEVSRSDHLERREG # GGFDAKEYDEFPERYISTFSTKIAPYASVIVNGIYWAVGSPKLISIPDAKNLLRPANTPWLPTSKGSPALPHRMLAICDISADPGGSIEFMNECTTID # TPFCLYDADRNKDTKSFKGPGVLVCSIDNMPTQLPRESTDLFGELLAPHVHDIIKSDAKKPLAEENFSYPIQSAIIASNGQLTEGFQYIQELRESQSH # RSRHKMEGSSESDKKVLVLGAGMVSAPLVEWLHREKDVSITVCSQVKEEADRLAQQYAGVDSVYLDVNESTGHLQELCGRADVVVSLLPYSLHGMVAR # YCVAEGTHMVTASYLNDEISGLHEEAKAKGVTIMNEVGLDPGIDHLLALECIHEVQDKGAVVESFVSYCGGLPAPEHSNNALRYKFSWSPRGVLLNTL # SAAKYLSQGQIVEISGGGELMSSPRSLDFLPGFALEGFPNRDSTKYGNLYGLGRDVHTLLRGTIRYKGFSESIKPMQLLGLIDPEPHALLHPSGPDVT # WRQLVIHLMGMSDSTIFYENLKQKLTERIGDVDGIESLGLLDDTPVVKLNTPLDTLSHYLSKRLAFERDERDLVVLRHEVGIRWPDGRREERGINFVV # YGQPQGHSAMAMTVGKPAAIAAKMILDGEIQERGVLLPFTPDIYRPMLQRLRSEGLTATETSRWLN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 6/8 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 6/7 # E: 6 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 6 # incompatible hint groups: 138 # W: 138 # end gene g1149 # start gene g1150 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7796930 7799512 0.99 - . g1150 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7796930 7799512 0.99 - . g1150.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7796930 7796932 . - 0 transcript_id "g1150.t1"; gene_id "g1150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7797327 7797396 1 - . transcript_id "g1150.t1"; gene_id "g1150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7797733 7798162 1 - . transcript_id "g1150.t1"; gene_id "g1150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7798624 7799308 1 - . transcript_id "g1150.t1"; gene_id "g1150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7796930 7797326 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1150.t1"; gene_id "g1150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7797397 7797732 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1150.t1"; gene_id "g1150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7798163 7798623 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1150.t1"; gene_id "g1150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7799309 7799512 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1150.t1"; gene_id "g1150"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7799510 7799512 . - 0 transcript_id "g1150.t1"; gene_id "g1150"; # protein sequence = [MEENAAPPAAATAAGCDAATRQKNPETSVRLLIKSSNQQYEDLNVDSDLCWTVQRLKKHLSLIYPGKPLIQDQKLIYS # GKLLDDSQKISEVIRSYKDVYQQHHIFHLVCASKQVIRPAAKAPTVPQKDAVPAGPEVTGNANELRQRHAPHQQQAQQGNAGPHVTGDIGLANPWTHF # WQQSQGAAPAANASASPHALFQQQALIYNAWMQQAYAQYMQQLTLRSTLPGSNQSGLPPPTQPLLPSVPLIAGRNFGEVQQVAGAAAAPAAQVPADPQ # INGAPQNRNFPNIQEEPEMHDWLDSFFSFTRLAIFVTVLYFNSSALRCLLVVLIAGAIYLYHIGVLRRRRERNNNNINRNNNAGDAAAFAAVQQIQRM # MDAAVQRENNDPQAANEPGAVPAAGPAAAGEQDAIDAPPAGAPVAPASAANPEPTDVSAEAVEPPNANNSVISVVRTFVITFFTSLLPEAPAL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 137 # W: 137 # end gene g1150 # start gene g1151 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7800220 7801511 0.8 + . g1151 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7800220 7801511 0.8 + . g1151.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7800220 7800222 . + 0 transcript_id "g1151.t1"; gene_id "g1151"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7800253 7800418 0.8 + . transcript_id "g1151.t1"; gene_id "g1151"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7800648 7800720 1 + . transcript_id "g1151.t1"; gene_id "g1151"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7800220 7800252 0.8 + 0 transcript_id "g1151.t1"; gene_id "g1151"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7800419 7800647 0.82 + 0 transcript_id "g1151.t1"; gene_id "g1151"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7800721 7801511 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1151.t1"; gene_id "g1151"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7801509 7801511 . + 0 transcript_id "g1151.t1"; gene_id "g1151"; # protein sequence = [MHLLLSKKVKKCFRYFINYIYGYILLNVSTSDVPFPLELMDNKSAVSALQEFCARTQINLPTYSFIPGEDGGYVCKVE # LLEIEALGNGRSKRDAKHLAASNILRKIQLLPGIHGLMKDSTVGDLDEELTNLNRDMVKELRDYCVRREMPLPCIEVVQQSGTPSAPEFVACCSVASI # VRYGKSDKKKDARQRAAIEMLALISSNSDNLRPDQMQVASTSKLKVVDMEESMEELEALRRKKFTTYWELKEAGSVDHTGMRLCDRHNYFKNFYPTLK # KEAIEAINSDEYESSKDKAMDVMSSLKITPKISEVESSSLVPLLSVELNCAFDVVLMAKETDIYDHIIDYFRTMLI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 97 # W: 97 # end gene g1151 # start gene g1152 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7802487 7807044 1 - . g1152 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7802487 7807044 1 - . g1152.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7802487 7802489 . - 0 transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7803577 7804570 1 - . transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7804916 7805059 1 - . transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7805789 7805852 1 - . transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7806524 7806656 1 - . transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7806923 7806989 1 - . transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7802487 7803576 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7804571 7804915 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7805060 7805788 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7805853 7806523 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7806657 7806922 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7806990 7807044 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7807042 7807044 . - 0 transcript_id "g1152.t1"; gene_id "g1152"; # protein sequence = [MLDDDNSDLLVCASEMQEDRLYFVAFKKNIKPKNTVNTHYFSVDEEFIYENFYNDFGPLNICMLYRYCMKLNTKLNAK # CHANKKIVHYTSMNPAKRLNAAYLIGSYAIIYLNKTPQEAYRPLVAGEIPAYTRFCDASYGPSNFKISLLDCLNAVHKGLQAGFFNFNDFDAEEYEYF # ERVENGDFNWIVPQKFIAFCGPHQKSKTLPNGYPCHAPERYFSYFRDNNVTTVIRLNAKVYHASSFENAGFDHKDLFFIDGSTPSDAIMKKFLSICET # TKGAIAVHCKAGLGRTGSLIGAYIMKHYGFTALEAIAWLRLCRPGSVIGHQQQWMEDKQSWLWSEGERMRRRTSLPILQHTYGINSLELKKKLASAAA # DSTEHVDLLLTRVKGISQRVDTMHLNDQDNLDAACTDQTDEELSEQLRLERDERALYQSVEDPNCNNSDDNDTDTISAPADPPPTSSYTISTRRRKSP # SGANKPTVIATSLRRLVNPNANRSGLSTASGVYPTPELASCTEKKLRKPSANVFEAARHTIASTVRMTQTALEKKQAQTQGDKLNQIKALRRHHSRSV # NVNSNSEQESNVRHTRARSQPFRNNNNGVGGNTAMAALKPTSSCLPTGTGTAALLANNLNNNNDCGIGTSGSSNNNHNNNNNNSNLSNSLNNYNNNNN # TTNNILASSGSSRTRSLALYSKRMELKHLRKAEQQQQQQVQQEQPLLPVEKQLLRQYATINESKIPVVSGGGGGAGSSATIPPTRGSAARTSHHHMTL # RGRSRIRYQRPNAGETAPAAAQTQPCTVATARYYRDVSAIPTIGVFGGGPGGSSSTSASFNIATRSASATLDLNSNPLPKTTKLTSLNNNPTTTPPPS # SNPADTSRLSGRGSAELQAIIEHGLVAGSAKRNKRSLSSTRLDKDKSDEYNTKLLRKTAAAAAAAATAASAVANSTSINATHATNASTTSSMNNNCKY # NSCSSSNSGSFKLSRRLFGESGSSASTSASNSGIPTPTAPPSSSQWQQHLVRGVSRASSEKDRDRERQQQQQQQSLDHQQSNLKLRKKISY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 5 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 280 # E: 1 # W: 279 # end gene g1152 # start gene g1153 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7814948 7820390 0.99 + . g1153 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7814948 7820390 0.99 + . g1153.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7814948 7814950 . + 0 transcript_id "g1153.t1"; gene_id "g1153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7817657 7817732 1 + . transcript_id "g1153.t1"; gene_id "g1153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7814948 7817656 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g1153.t1"; gene_id "g1153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7817733 7820390 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1153.t1"; gene_id "g1153"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7820388 7820390 . + 0 transcript_id "g1153.t1"; gene_id "g1153"; # protein sequence = [MLELRLIVVIVLALLSWQWDPVDSQRPPQHGRRDRPKYPPNKFIKTHPCERSSCYPATGNLLIGRENRLTASSTCGLH # SPERFCILSHLQDKKCFLCDTREETKHDPYKNHRIGQIIYKTKPGTNIPTWWQSENGKENATIQLDLEAEFHFTHLIITFTTFRPAAMYIERSFDFGQ # TWHIYRYFAYDCKESFPGVPTVLENITDVMCTSRYSNVEPSRNGEVIFRVLPPNINVTDPYAEHVQNQLKMTNLRIQMTKLHKLGDNLLDSRLENEEK # YYYGISNMVVRGSCSCYGHASQCLPLDPAFSQADNEDGMVHGRCECTHNTKGMNCEECEDFFNDLPWKPAFGKKTNACKKCECNDHAVSCHFDEAVFT # ASGFVSGGVCDNCLHNTRGQHCEECMPYFYRDPEQDITSERVCQPCDCDPQGSSDDGICDSLNELEEGAVAGACHCKAFVTGRRCNQCKDGYWNLQSD # NPEGCEPCTCNPLGTLNNSGCVMRTGECKCKKYVTGKDCNQCMPETYGLSESPEGCSLCNCDAGGSYDNYCDVISGQCRCRPHMTGRSCSQPKQNYFI # PLLPEVHEAEVVDECISYGANGNCSLVAETPDGSFTGIGFTRVPENSELVFTVGDIPRSMPYDAVIRYQSTSRGDWENAFITLVRPDQVDPEGGCGEL # AAATSSETRIPFSLPDRSRQVVALNEVCLEAGKVYKFRIYFERKRHDVDSPTATILVDSLTLIPRIDVTPIFQGSVLADIRKKDYEKYNCKSSLYDMN # YKSDPKCQNLDNILSVFVHDGASMCNCNPTGSLSKVCESNGGYCQCKPNVVGRQCDQCAPGTYGFGPEGCKACDCNSIGSKDKYCDLITGQCQCVPNT # YGRECNQCQPGYWNFPECRVCQCNGHAATCDPIQGTCIDCQDSTTGYSCDSCLDGYYGNPLFGSEIGCRPCRCPETVASGLAHADGCSLDTRNNNMLC # HCQEGYSGSRCEICADNFFGNPDNGGTCSKCECSNNVDLYDTGNCDRQTGACLKCLYQTTGDHCELCKDGFFGDALQQNCQQCECDFLGTNNTIAHCD # RFTGQCPCLPNVQGVRCDQCAENHWKIASGEGCESCNCDPIGALHEQCNSYTGQCQCKPGFGGRACNQCQAHYWGNPNEKCQPCECDQFGAADFQCDR # ETGNCVCHEGIGGYKCNECARGYIGQFPHCSPCGECFNNWDLILSALEDATTATILRAKEIKQVGATGAYTSEFSELDKKLQHIRNLLQNTSVSLVDI # EKLDYETQSLRDQLQASHGRLSETEQNLDDIYNSLSLSGVELESLQNHSRLVQQLSKELKENGIQLQESNIEGALNLTRHAYERVSNLSTLKDEANEL # ASNTDRNCKRVENLSNKIQAEADDLANNNKLIEDYRAELTSLTSQIPELNNQVCGKPGDPCDSLCGGAGCGHCGGFLSCEHGAKTHSEEALKVAKDAE # TAITSKKDQADQTIRALTQAKLNASEAYEKAKRGFEQSERYLNQTNANIKLAENLFIALNNFQENKTASPSESKELAQKTLDLDLKLEPEEIETLGDQ # INRAVSSLKNVEAIIYRTKPDLDRVNNLQSIANATKEKADKILDSANSVVESLAAADESQGKAKDAIQQANSNIELAGQDLEKIDEETYSAEAPANNT # AQQVEKLAKKVQKLQNNIMKNDRDAKEITKEAGSVKLEAMRARGEANNLQSATSATNQTLTDRASRSENARERAKQLLQRASKLTVDTNAKLKDLNDL # QTVYLNKNQQLLRLQAEIGPLNKELNEHLIHIKERGSHYRQCYT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 526 # W: 526 # end gene g1153 # start gene g1154 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7821823 7822089 0.92 - . g1154 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7821823 7822089 0.92 - . g1154.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7821823 7821825 . - 0 transcript_id "g1154.t1"; gene_id "g1154"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7821823 7822089 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g1154.t1"; gene_id "g1154"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7822087 7822089 . - 0 transcript_id "g1154.t1"; gene_id "g1154"; # protein sequence = [MKNPVHLGKTYSGGKALEAARQMSFYFAFVLIFLFSEFSTAADVPVILVYRPSPFLFAVSLFSALTNALLSLARRLSL # ALYFRMFFLF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 25 # E: 2 # W: 23 # end gene g1154 # start gene g1155 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7822724 7824883 0.98 + . g1155 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7822724 7824883 0.98 + . g1155.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7822724 7822726 . + 0 transcript_id "g1155.t1"; gene_id "g1155"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7823101 7823451 1 + . transcript_id "g1155.t1"; gene_id "g1155"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7824029 7824087 1 + . transcript_id "g1155.t1"; gene_id "g1155"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7824352 7824427 1 + . transcript_id "g1155.t1"; gene_id "g1155"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7824481 7824579 1 + . transcript_id "g1155.t1"; gene_id "g1155"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7822724 7823100 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1155.t1"; gene_id "g1155"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7823452 7824028 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1155.t1"; gene_id "g1155"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7824088 7824351 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1155.t1"; gene_id "g1155"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7824428 7824480 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1155.t1"; gene_id "g1155"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7824580 7824883 0.98 + 1 transcript_id "g1155.t1"; gene_id "g1155"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7824881 7824883 . + 0 transcript_id "g1155.t1"; gene_id "g1155"; # protein sequence = [MDDELEDKVFYQTYVSHMKILSKFAVGFSSINSPLAYIWKLCRLYVLRPEVIFCGLILFVLLLYLQAVDVWSRSILGR # IQATLGRQKAVKMMELSASAGDHQSWEEMKQQSSAFAVLGRRPRMEDRFIIEENINNNTGISFFAVFDGHGGEFAADFAKDVLVKNIYNKIIEMSKLL # KTEGNSGDYDKSPYLARKQSRKDANKENTEPTAGVMRKDSLRKAHSTTADCSAIKQKTTEASIADIYTVQLNSAMRASGNLGAAKDSFLNNNNNGQNG # AANAPPPNYEAKCYIEHGRINFGKLITDEIMSADYKLVEQAKRATNIAGTTALIAIVQGSKLIVANVGDSRGVMYDWRGIAIPLSFDHKPQQVRERKR # IHDAGGFIAFRGVWRVAGVLATSRALGDYPLKDKNLVIATPDILTFELNDHKPHFLILASDGLWDTFSNEEACTFALEHLKEPDFGAKSLAMESYKRG # SVDNITVLVIVFKNDVYKIGSSAGKAGEESLKVPAKSQPVAPAVVQRSNSIKTK] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 4/4 # E: 4 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 4 # E: 4 # incompatible hint groups: 149 # W: 149 # end gene g1155 # start gene g1156 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7825701 7827169 1 - . g1156 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7825701 7827169 1 - . g1156.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7825701 7825703 . - 0 transcript_id "g1156.t1"; gene_id "g1156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7826337 7826769 1 - . transcript_id "g1156.t1"; gene_id "g1156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7826982 7827060 1 - . transcript_id "g1156.t1"; gene_id "g1156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7825701 7826336 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1156.t1"; gene_id "g1156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7826770 7826981 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1156.t1"; gene_id "g1156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7827061 7827169 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1156.t1"; gene_id "g1156"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7827167 7827169 . - 0 transcript_id "g1156.t1"; gene_id "g1156"; # protein sequence = [MSETLQLRGTLIGHNGWVTQIATNPKDPDTIISASRDKTLIVWKLTRDEDTNYGYPQKRLYGHSHFISDVVLSSDGNY # ALSGSWDQTLRLWDLAAGKTTRRFEGHTKDVLSVAFSADNRQIVSGSRDKTIKLWNTLAECKFTIQEDGHTDWVSCVRFSPNHSNPIIVSCGWDRTVK # VWNLANCKLKNNHHGHNGYLNTVTVSPDGSLCTSGGKDSKALLWDLNDGKNLYTLEHNDIINALCFSPNRYWLCVAYGPSIKIWDLACKKTVEELRPE # VVSPTSKADQPQCLSLAWSTDGQTLFAGYSDNTIRVWQVSVSAH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/2 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 94 # W: 94 # end gene g1156 # start gene g1157 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7827781 7828184 0.8 - . g1157 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7827781 7828184 0.8 - . g1157.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7827781 7827783 . - 0 transcript_id "g1157.t1"; gene_id "g1157"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7828079 7828122 0.92 - . transcript_id "g1157.t1"; gene_id "g1157"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7827781 7828078 0.93 - 1 transcript_id "g1157.t1"; gene_id "g1157"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7828123 7828184 0.8 - 0 transcript_id "g1157.t1"; gene_id "g1157"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7828182 7828184 . - 0 transcript_id "g1157.t1"; gene_id "g1157"; # protein sequence = [MGKMGKDRALPCRRGCELVSLSFVVALSSIAVVVEEKVSSIFVDSILTAFIITQGCRKISNYCCVRLPTAYSLVYLHT # IANRINSIWAIFFVFFVHKRDDDTIYEGKDCPRCDRLPRNA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 35 # E: 1 # W: 34 # end gene g1157 # start gene g1158 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7829791 7831806 0.6 + . g1158 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7829791 7831806 0.6 + . g1158.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7829791 7829793 . + 0 transcript_id "g1158.t1"; gene_id "g1158"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7829875 7830461 0.6 + . transcript_id "g1158.t1"; gene_id "g1158"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7831026 7831468 1 + . transcript_id "g1158.t1"; gene_id "g1158"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7831660 7831733 1 + . transcript_id "g1158.t1"; gene_id "g1158"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7829791 7829874 0.61 + 0 transcript_id "g1158.t1"; gene_id "g1158"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7830462 7831025 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1158.t1"; gene_id "g1158"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7831469 7831659 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1158.t1"; gene_id "g1158"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7831734 7831806 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1158.t1"; gene_id "g1158"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7831804 7831806 . + 0 transcript_id "g1158.t1"; gene_id "g1158"; # protein sequence = [MRITFGFLSTFCFADILSCHSPFTELWQAKEILSKESNVQEVKCPVTVCGDVHGQFHDLMELFRIGGKSPDTNYLFMG # DYVDRGYYSVETVTLLVALKVRYRERITILRGNHESRQITQVYGFYDECLRKYGNANVWKYFTDLFDYLPLTALVDGQIFCLHGGLSPSIDSLDHIRA # LDRLQEVPHEGPMCDLLWSDPDDRGGWGISPRGAGYTFGQDISETFNNTNGLTLVSRAHQLVMEGYNWCHDRNVVTIFSAPNYCYRCGNQAALMELDD # SLKFSFLQFDPAPRRGEPHVTRRTPDYFL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 79 # E: 1 # W: 78 # end gene g1158 # start gene g1159 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7831929 7832332 1 + . g1159 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7831929 7832332 1 + . g1159.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7831929 7831931 . + 0 transcript_id "g1159.t1"; gene_id "g1159"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7832008 7832102 1 + . transcript_id "g1159.t1"; gene_id "g1159"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7831929 7832007 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1159.t1"; gene_id "g1159"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7832103 7832332 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1159.t1"; gene_id "g1159"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7832330 7832332 . + 0 transcript_id "g1159.t1"; gene_id "g1159"; # protein sequence = [MASAVEKKTTIKNNPKLKTSMHLFCGVIVVGHSLKEKEKTGNVASGGGRQKIYIKDKGEEQKEKQYTEMIQSNRTYQP # TQKPSNKTASNKKNYNYLAKFVNL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 41 # W: 41 # end gene g1159 # start gene g1160 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7832393 7832614 1 - . g1160 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7832393 7832614 1 - . g1160.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7832393 7832395 . - 0 transcript_id "g1160.t1"; gene_id "g1160"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7832393 7832614 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1160.t1"; gene_id "g1160"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7832612 7832614 . - 0 transcript_id "g1160.t1"; gene_id "g1160"; # protein sequence = [MAFAAAPATYCSYFFAAASSLSSCFVGRGSSASASAAATAAACLCCYVLAFVLSSRLVLCQPLPPTHTSRHNP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 23 # W: 23 # end gene g1160 # start gene g1161 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7833497 7833799 0.66 + . g1161 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7833497 7833799 0.66 + . g1161.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7833497 7833499 . + 0 transcript_id "g1161.t1"; gene_id "g1161"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7833497 7833799 0.66 + 0 transcript_id "g1161.t1"; gene_id "g1161"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7833797 7833799 . + 0 transcript_id "g1161.t1"; gene_id "g1161"; # protein sequence = [MDYSEISSSCTASWHCIHMSFGLDENLNLRTCWIEDGDSQVPKNLASKQPYPYVHLPRLVIYHAPTNPKPEQELHRML # GGGNCRPGCCGEAMELGLDFQL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1161 # start gene g1162 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7839874 7840239 0.85 - . g1162 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7839874 7840239 0.85 - . g1162.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7839874 7839876 . - 0 transcript_id "g1162.t1"; gene_id "g1162"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7839874 7840239 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g1162.t1"; gene_id "g1162"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7840237 7840239 . - 0 transcript_id "g1162.t1"; gene_id "g1162"; # protein sequence = [MATFKLPEVLDSSEDLEAASRMRMDFFFSFFDRHNYFKNFDPLLKEAAFKVIHSDEYHSSQQKAMSLLSALNIRPTIT # TLKSKSKEPLMCFELNCVIDVVLVAQESKIYDDVIQYFTTMLV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1162 # start gene g1163 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7840623 7841150 0.78 + . g1163 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7840623 7841150 0.78 + . g1163.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7840623 7840625 . + 0 transcript_id "g1163.t1"; gene_id "g1163"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7840623 7841150 0.78 + 0 transcript_id "g1163.t1"; gene_id "g1163"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7841148 7841150 . + 0 transcript_id "g1163.t1"; gene_id "g1163"; # protein sequence = [MLPEEHPFAMVACVVVGFSAVFGLLRVIFASGQPEECQQLRDITSGVLELAPLPLANMDFYMQSTGLSPIALGHAFFV # LPLFCDLGCSLAKDRRDCAFSDSLRNLTVLGNIVSLGFLAYVERNFLYLRMVLVMIVVKYGVVLVDSIKEDAGEDLQVCGTALFMHLLGKAVVSSTT] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1163 # start gene g1164 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7846818 7853301 0.57 - . g1164 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7846818 7853301 0.57 - . g1164.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7846818 7846820 . - 0 transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7847665 7847804 1 - . transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7848850 7848998 1 - . transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7849590 7850305 1 - . transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7850871 7851362 0.86 - . transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7851741 7852956 0.92 - . transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7846818 7847664 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7847805 7848849 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7848999 7849589 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7850306 7850870 0.91 - 0 transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7851363 7851740 0.85 - 0 transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7852957 7853301 0.69 - 0 transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7853299 7853301 . - 0 transcript_id "g1164.t1"; gene_id "g1164"; # protein sequence = [MATTSTSNMSRNGGFCGALQRAPPPMPPTLIRRLSSRECYGVGKVKVMLRVADRDRNSGGTEPDFMALDKKKRQVTLT # DPRTACPPPQAAQERAPMVAAPKMFAFDNLFTGEDKQSDVCASALSEVIPAVLEGSDGCLLAMGYPATGQAQTVLGELGGGSGSGSASGSGVACSLGA # APCAIAWLYKGIQERRQKSGARFSVRVSAVGVSATKPDALSQDLLISHAAGKHMADRRGLWPGSGMPAGRIAGRINGSAVCGCRGRGIMLPLGQTMMM # MTGAGRGRNWPNLNKLNLGSSSDTNPTFLSSTEQHPHLIPVEYGVYSHIKPNALFIHSPLLFFWSQYWNSGSDYGYTESDDSPGIYLRDDFLGGPTEL # RAPTAERAALFLDSALAGRLKSSGSTASGSSGCAAPLESALIFTLHVYQYSLSRKGGVAGGRSRLHIIDLGGCANRNGGLPLSGIGNILLAILSGQRH # PPHKDHPLTPLLKDCLAPITCHVAIVAHVRPEQSYQDALSTIQIASRIHRLRRRKHRVPMPLAVGLAQGLGGNGSSAGSGADPSSSEISADTVIYMGP # NDDATDGEHPPVYLPSLTAGDNRGVMSKALKGSGLEKPPSKSASNSPMMMKKAMAAEKAKKLPGSHTGSLKRQAGAGACSSPMIPHEQPQIQAMGSPI # PIPRHMVSKGSMVPSPKGSPMRRAHPGAALEQLEAGMRKITEEQWIDGPRVSRAKVAEARHLMREVNHVKQCETWVDGPKSQSCRSLTACNLPAAGGS # QTQGYGFMDAHKKTMIRQWVENQTTQVFQSTVSASNSPTALHWKLSQLKQKSLDLPDRPAFNPEPSLDLNQPCFESLPLLDPAPPDGDEDEDSGPSEV # PPALPLLDDPLGSRDISQDNLHRMLSRHVSREQLHEAELVASRASSSHHPSQRSIDCGLQVTEEEIARTMSRDRDHDPSAHPLSALSHCDNISFVSSF # NMACESFSECGERARQQFDQLARLHEIFTSQLAMAEVTPSAALFRTDIGSVFSEPVYHFNVGQSSVCSEPAYRLTPSPPKQPSHSPSQGSLPSLNGIM # EIAGMDDYALLRQPDGASDPNLQKGEKRFTPQHDDICELDEKSMAAAVGKGNSLEDAQHKLNEITNILPLAAQSRLPLLPLNTSSEAYDSGHDSNSTP # RTSKHSGISRRAESGYHSVATVRDSDESSFASGMSKGQRHRITVSGTGAVTSAGIGNYQRQCHKKRHRQDQAGNNKGLCNWLLTPFSCTYPETEGEIS # DF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 9.09 # CDS exons: 1/6 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 8 # RM: 1 # W: 7 # end gene g1164 # start gene g1165 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7856084 7857878 0.45 + . g1165 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7856084 7857878 0.45 + . g1165.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7856084 7856086 . + 0 transcript_id "g1165.t1"; gene_id "g1165"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7856113 7857052 0.49 + . transcript_id "g1165.t1"; gene_id "g1165"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7856084 7856112 0.45 + 0 transcript_id "g1165.t1"; gene_id "g1165"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7857053 7857878 0.93 + 1 transcript_id "g1165.t1"; gene_id "g1165"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7857876 7857878 . + 0 transcript_id "g1165.t1"; gene_id "g1165"; # protein sequence = [MMGLFVDGDGLQHRNSHLVHYKRSSKEVQFAKHVPAESSPILRNYRNSYKCITFRMRGDRSCRSLEALMPLIGHIAQH # QEQWKTCKLQEIQAQQRDIEKEIESQKTSLTESWKKIIAEDIENRTNRSELKMEGQLSDLQEALTSITTSLKNMSAKINILHRFKRIGSRYLHIEDIV # QQNWTSALSACQKMGGNLASIINEADFNAIVSQLSKDNTYMIGISDLAEKGVFISVSSGKRAPFLKWNPGEPLYEHVDQRCVSIHNGGMWVASCTSDF # KYICEANENV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 76 # W: 76 # end gene g1165 # start gene g1166 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7858570 7860700 0.9 - . g1166 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7858570 7860700 0.9 - . g1166.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7858570 7858572 . - 0 transcript_id "g1166.t1"; gene_id "g1166"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7858925 7860380 1 - . transcript_id "g1166.t1"; gene_id "g1166"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7860602 7860682 0.9 - . transcript_id "g1166.t1"; gene_id "g1166"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7858570 7858924 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1166.t1"; gene_id "g1166"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7860381 7860601 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g1166.t1"; gene_id "g1166"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7860683 7860700 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g1166.t1"; gene_id "g1166"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7860698 7860700 . - 0 transcript_id "g1166.t1"; gene_id "g1166"; # protein sequence = [MHSSCVLVVLMALAALVAARPEPPRDSYSAPPSSSYQPSGPSGGYGAPAPQYGPPQQAPVIHKHVYVHVPPPEPEYQA # PRKPLYVPPPQKHYKIVFIKAPSPPVPTAPVIPQFPQNEEKTLVYVLVKKPEEQPEIIIPTPAPTQPSKPEVYFIRYKTQKEETGPYPNSVAPPAPEY # GAPAAPPAPSAPSSSYGAPSH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 17 # W: 17 # end gene g1166 # start gene g1167 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7865904 7872200 0.4 - . g1167 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7865904 7872200 0.4 - . g1167.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7865904 7865906 . - 0 transcript_id "g1167.t1"; gene_id "g1167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7866150 7870266 1 - . transcript_id "g1167.t1"; gene_id "g1167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7870474 7871170 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1167.t1"; gene_id "g1167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7871243 7872137 0.67 - . transcript_id "g1167.t1"; gene_id "g1167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7865904 7866149 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1167.t1"; gene_id "g1167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7870267 7870473 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1167.t1"; gene_id "g1167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7871171 7871242 0.98 - 0 transcript_id "g1167.t1"; gene_id "g1167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7872138 7872200 0.4 - 0 transcript_id "g1167.t1"; gene_id "g1167"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7872198 7872200 . - 0 transcript_id "g1167.t1"; gene_id "g1167"; # protein sequence = [MSTIAAMTTAVPTATTNSNSADGILSHPLAPGQLRNLKLHRKTQTPGATPPTRTTMGVPRSHGTGIGCGSGHRWLLVW # MTVLLLVVPPHLVDGRYLPTRSHGDDLDKLRELMLQILELSNEDPQQQQQQQQQQQHPQLRLHNEATGGSSSSSNINNPRVSNGNSNAAWLQKLSAMG # ALDELGGDGARFGPNYGRY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 7 # E: 2 # RM: 5 # incompatible hint groups: 44 # W: 44 # end gene g1167 # start gene g1168 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7873805 7876144 0.73 - . g1168 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7873805 7876144 0.73 - . g1168.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7873805 7873807 . - 0 transcript_id "g1168.t1"; gene_id "g1168"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7873962 7874031 1 - . transcript_id "g1168.t1"; gene_id "g1168"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7874512 7875212 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1168.t1"; gene_id "g1168"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7875338 7876030 1 - . transcript_id "g1168.t1"; gene_id "g1168"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7873805 7873961 0.86 - 1 transcript_id "g1168.t1"; gene_id "g1168"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7874032 7874511 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1168.t1"; gene_id "g1168"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7875213 7875337 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1168.t1"; gene_id "g1168"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7876031 7876144 0.84 - 0 transcript_id "g1168.t1"; gene_id "g1168"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7876142 7876144 . - 0 transcript_id "g1168.t1"; gene_id "g1168"; # protein sequence = [MPTVTPIQGPIYLKNGTVPVVPLFSYPKLNNGSFLQIPIWWTALSVALGLDVRGDVIKGVPCIKRYHQLFCPTAGNSY # PIDKIERFIDDNKALMRRMYGDFEMNMEGPGGGGGRQQGKVRKRRFIDEPDIFIPPGAFAANAGETVEAGDSYFGQLRKKRQAAAGGSRNRGGSAGGS # GNGNTNANRQPGNKNGSSGTGRLDACESKIEIVTPYWASNSAGKIRAIVNTQHFEQAIHQEVCSNTQTPRCEGECGCEQKYKWHRLLAYDPDNDCKGI # FMDWFLFPSCCVCRCNP] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 57.1 # CDS exons: 2/4 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 16 # W: 16 # end gene g1168 # start gene g1169 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7878172 7879146 0.75 - . g1169 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7878172 7879146 0.75 - . g1169.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7878172 7878174 . - 0 transcript_id "g1169.t1"; gene_id "g1169"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7878172 7879146 0.75 - 0 transcript_id "g1169.t1"; gene_id "g1169"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7879144 7879146 . - 0 transcript_id "g1169.t1"; gene_id "g1169"; # protein sequence = [MALTNFSLPFGALGQPWGVTIAPLHPIHQLASNTNNLLYSPADHQQQTPAEAAADPEYFKNNPYAPPQSGGYQYQNTA # GRRKQSNAYLPPTAPNAVRNSVYHIQQVQQTQQQQTQQQHQQQDQHENSVSFQSSSSRSSSSSTTGQSSIQLTQTHASGRGPAEGSYSRYPGQQAQPP # QQQQPQQKQYFNAHGSASATFTKNSGSFSITSFGSRQQQQQPPQPQQPPPSQQQQPPPAPPPQRSRQAKPEAQPAQTYGVAPPENYPERAPGFTRVQA # GQGSRTQVHAVLDYDVEEGEEDEEEDGEEEGQFYEGQENGEYPTGYFTIR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 18 # RM: 2 # W: 16 # end gene g1169 # start gene g1170 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7883537 7884449 0.6 - . g1170 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7883537 7884449 0.6 - . g1170.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7883537 7883539 . - 0 transcript_id "g1170.t1"; gene_id "g1170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7883829 7883910 1 - . transcript_id "g1170.t1"; gene_id "g1170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7883537 7883828 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1170.t1"; gene_id "g1170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7883911 7884449 0.6 - 0 transcript_id "g1170.t1"; gene_id "g1170"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7884447 7884449 . - 0 transcript_id "g1170.t1"; gene_id "g1170"; # protein sequence = [MGHVRLLLIDSQVFAEEVEPTGAVPMELSLERYRYAALHANKMMDNDKRLQPRLAVAVNMFPGSQILKNDNLALQTVL # NNWVGVGKQSWRLVFRASTHGYDSGAFHRYCDGVAPCMVIGLGSHGEISGGYTDVAWAKTSRKGGYVQSERAFLFALNPANGEQPVKFDIVKKPYAIC # YHPDCGPIFGAGADLLISSNCNTNMDSYSNLPHSYDGTNAAHLTLFGDYNFTITDYEVYTLSSPAGSSNSGANHSNNQNLNHSTNGQAPGVPTKAKYD # RY] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 66.7 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 10 # W: 10 # end gene g1170 # start gene g1171 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7885059 7885343 1 - . g1171 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7885059 7885343 1 - . g1171.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7885059 7885061 . - 0 transcript_id "g1171.t1"; gene_id "g1171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7885059 7885343 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1171.t1"; gene_id "g1171"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7885341 7885343 . - 0 transcript_id "g1171.t1"; gene_id "g1171"; # protein sequence = [MSFKGNPKVQKVMVQPINLIFRYLQNRSRVQVWLYENISLRIEGHIVGFDEYMNLVLDDAEEVYVKTRQRRNLGRIML # KGDNITLIQNVSPTKD] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 30 # W: 30 # end gene g1171 # start gene g1172 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7885440 7885975 0.78 + . g1172 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7885440 7885975 0.78 + . g1172.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7885440 7885442 . + 0 transcript_id "g1172.t1"; gene_id "g1172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7885512 7885627 0.91 + . transcript_id "g1172.t1"; gene_id "g1172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7885805 7885876 1 + . transcript_id "g1172.t1"; gene_id "g1172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7885440 7885511 0.85 + 0 transcript_id "g1172.t1"; gene_id "g1172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7885628 7885804 0.91 + 0 transcript_id "g1172.t1"; gene_id "g1172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7885877 7885975 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1172.t1"; gene_id "g1172"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7885973 7885975 . + 0 transcript_id "g1172.t1"; gene_id "g1172"; # protein sequence = [MAQHRWSHIIAAYRTIDQPKDTKMFIKKTKQMAMANVDKGELMDQVKQQIAVANAQELLTQMTEKCFKKCVNKPGTSL # DSSEQKCISMCMDRFMDSWNLISRVYGQRIQREQSKF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 33 # W: 33 # end gene g1172 # start gene g1173 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7886303 7887052 0.83 - . g1173 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7886303 7887052 0.83 - . g1173.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7886303 7886305 . - 0 transcript_id "g1173.t1"; gene_id "g1173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7886471 7886534 0.91 - . transcript_id "g1173.t1"; gene_id "g1173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7886698 7886927 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1173.t1"; gene_id "g1173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7886303 7886470 0.9 - 0 transcript_id "g1173.t1"; gene_id "g1173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7886535 7886697 0.98 - 1 transcript_id "g1173.t1"; gene_id "g1173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7886928 7887052 0.93 - 0 transcript_id "g1173.t1"; gene_id "g1173"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7887050 7887052 . - 0 transcript_id "g1173.t1"; gene_id "g1173"; # protein sequence = [MSLPQLIEDLQRLSEDQDSADVVFICGRDERIYAHRLMLMARCKSFKTAKRGEVCRIPGCTVSPAAPGASTPTTIRLP # HVNPELFRQFILYVYTAKLVLQDSQVFQMMILAQDIGVVELRTACEDHVISTLSVDNACTFLTAVMDIHEKAG] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/3 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1173 # start gene g1174 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7887791 7890692 0.35 - . g1174 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7887791 7890692 0.35 - . g1174.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7887791 7887793 . - 0 transcript_id "g1174.t1"; gene_id "g1174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7887901 7887987 0.57 - . transcript_id "g1174.t1"; gene_id "g1174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7888976 7889774 0.82 - . transcript_id "g1174.t1"; gene_id "g1174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7890569 7890661 0.77 - . transcript_id "g1174.t1"; gene_id "g1174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7887791 7887900 0.57 - 2 transcript_id "g1174.t1"; gene_id "g1174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7887988 7888975 0.42 - 0 transcript_id "g1174.t1"; gene_id "g1174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7889775 7890568 0.71 - 2 transcript_id "g1174.t1"; gene_id "g1174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7890662 7890692 0.88 - 0 transcript_id "g1174.t1"; gene_id "g1174"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7890690 7890692 . - 0 transcript_id "g1174.t1"; gene_id "g1174"; # protein sequence = [MQGNNKIKYLVLGKFKLNLLELVMDKAESNFIASPLCIEIGISMILMGAKGTTAEELRSVLDLPVDVTEMAKKYERIM # SNFQKHNGLRFTNWLYVNETYEVRQDYNTLMKSTFMAEGKDPLSQRKASNSISFSIHRKSHKGMRTISNDHNLQINESAVLVNTVYYSGAWKTRFSKK # DTKLKVFHGDHNKKVYVRMMSHVGRFRIADHSYGQIIEMPFDNSDLSMIIGLPLHNTYLSSIEKILRTLSESLVENNVHVELPKFKIKYQTELVESLK # KDNKQYNIIASPLCVEIGMSMILMGADGNTANELRTALNLPEDKKNVATIYDKLLTKLERGKKVAILHLANRLFVNETIGVNKRYNKLVNKHFRAEAE # AIKLADRLKAAWAINDWVLDQTLDNVKDIIIPSDLTPDESAVMINAAFFKGYWKTRFDKMNTKPKVFYVSKSYQVNVNMMSQVGRFKMRTSTIDQIIE # LPFAYSNLSMVIVLPKDNGSLTQAEATIESYPQIVLTEMDVHVQLPKFKIDFRMELVETLKSVSRFCSPYLIYYMFLNLQMGIQDLFNSSSDISVLLN # QSGTRISQVVHKAFIEIDEEGGSAGSASASPIRGLSVNSPFVFMIRDDDNIYFRGRVVDPLKKSNPIDRITI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1174 # start gene g1175 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7894085 7896748 0.83 - . g1175 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7894085 7896748 0.83 - . g1175.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7894085 7894087 . - 0 transcript_id "g1175.t1"; gene_id "g1175"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7894085 7896748 0.83 - 0 transcript_id "g1175.t1"; gene_id "g1175"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7896746 7896748 . - 0 transcript_id "g1175.t1"; gene_id "g1175"; # protein sequence = [MLMDDGMLGSGPVLGLAGHPHGLVGALAPPPPPPMKQPQMDIPSGKKQLQQLKGATVAASALEYQYQVMYAHCVQKER # EREREHLPHSHPLPRQHRAVLVATTPYPHLPQYPTPPTLNSSSAFRPWGPDTTKAFLHAYGATLSSLPYACQEPPELQNPERVVRSTDKRYAERTYQP # NVALAPRKSILSKERDKDRERMEREVMERQRLREKETDHQVVHIKQERSQTPTPPTASPPDGVVLPLDVVEPPHPSSSGSNSPLPAHLPAAPATAPPN # AGGAPPTPTNLRNMRSPEEFSAGGSNEITSSTSPHHQQSSHHQVVQPTAGAPPPSQHIIATVNQHAKLLPSSSSLPNGNGSSSLAATNNEPSRIRINK # NLMSQQPVVAVSGMTPHHHQHHPTHMHHFSHGYYKSQASSPTQSSSAGLNLSTHSSNVVSSPHHATQPKTHHSSVGSGNHGLQNGKPHLGSEFELSTD # TDDTDSLNGEPDSSAMLPPWEQAVESLRETRPKDRERVLLILQRLLQENDQYRYNNIQLSELLHKQDAHIADLTEQLQRYRRQFEEQVCKVDLRKMPF # KHQTRLENVVEAGRGEAEEDEELEEDEMEDRANNNNQQELSPLIKAPANGLRRSVTPPNCCASEGGDCEKPDEPESKRIKLQVGEKAEDKQVENEESP # SNGTESHDLEKLEKNDDKTDPTNNPKSPQPSQISSDDEMEEDDEDEDEEDEDEEVQVEAPHSSALATPPTATTPLSPDSAATAGQLFDSSNSSDESSM # KKAQMSACHALEKMSSNVGSDENNQRLAEESQEDEAEEDPEEEDSDDDEMPLQQRQQQQRQRVAPQNVLSGPSVAGHHPAPAHPPMATKASKKQTPPA # PPTAAATTTASATTNCELQIKKEIA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 172 # RM: 2 # W: 170 # end gene g1175 # start gene g1176 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7948507 7948713 1 - . g1176 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7948507 7948713 1 - . g1176.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7948507 7948509 . - 0 transcript_id "g1176.t1"; gene_id "g1176"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7948507 7948713 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1176.t1"; gene_id "g1176"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7948711 7948713 . - 0 transcript_id "g1176.t1"; gene_id "g1176"; # protein sequence = [MPNQEMLVLDYPAIHLAIFYVLLTDQPESGAHVNFGLSTAFKWPRNMALLVHRRWSTEKNGKIELTEI] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 2 # E: 2 # end gene g1176 # start gene g1177 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7975174 7976190 0.99 - . g1177 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7975174 7976190 0.99 - . g1177.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7975174 7975176 . - 0 transcript_id "g1177.t1"; gene_id "g1177"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7975174 7976190 0.99 - 0 transcript_id "g1177.t1"; gene_id "g1177"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7976188 7976190 . - 0 transcript_id "g1177.t1"; gene_id "g1177"; # protein sequence = [MTEYVTPMISTVLKKYQTSATKSLQGPGHALTTAGVLDIVTNGRSESPGLNGKCQASPPVVALIKKEILSSPEPQDLH # HHECSTRGTPPQIYSPATPPRELSQPILSVADAGCGELYETKLEGKTIGCFSVGGEMRLCLPQFLNNVLNDFSLEQINRIFDELGIYCSQCTHDQLVE # FKAAKILPSDVKASGLITRTDAERLCAALLHRSDRNSYVPIESLAKGALSFHVYHKCFGKCEGICTPDMYSYQKPTCIKCLECDGWFSPQKFVGHVHR # KFENHTCHWGFDSRNWHDYLHVALDVENREKYQIILDQLKEVELKEMHKAQRELEHKKRKVRWV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 1/1 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/0 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 94 # E: 3 # W: 91 # end gene g1177 # start gene g1178 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7984768 7986705 1 + . g1178 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7984768 7986705 1 + . g1178.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7984768 7984770 . + 0 transcript_id "g1178.t1"; gene_id "g1178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7984811 7985552 1 + . transcript_id "g1178.t1"; gene_id "g1178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7985769 7985833 1 + . transcript_id "g1178.t1"; gene_id "g1178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7986076 7986138 1 + . transcript_id "g1178.t1"; gene_id "g1178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7984768 7984810 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1178.t1"; gene_id "g1178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7985553 7985768 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1178.t1"; gene_id "g1178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7985834 7986075 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1178.t1"; gene_id "g1178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7986139 7986705 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1178.t1"; gene_id "g1178"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7986703 7986705 . + 0 transcript_id "g1178.t1"; gene_id "g1178"; # protein sequence = [MDSKITFLLTTLLFVLVAKINGSALNASNYQYQVVVEQTAPDDSQIEYIFLKQSDMMKVWGTNLTAITWAHAVNSQQL # LDEVLTETSGIDFIEADIVLGKLNGDGEDMPIMAHPPANVSDLTLSEFLNQIINFNRDHEDQKKGVKLDFKSIEVFEGSLDILDVNIPNPTTYPVWIN # ADILSGPVEQNRTVPVDADRFFAGCMRYKQAVLSIGWTTNWGADFRDGEYTQQQCDDMLETLSENNVLSTGQAITFPVRAGIAANSEEQLHRLVAAVN # ETNESTLTIWSSAGDYVDVDKLRKLIFSFGLDRVYLDVPEELASQLNLDNPGNGASTFKSLFGFSFMSLCFWALSSWMQRL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 116 # E: 1 # W: 115 # end gene g1178 # start gene g1179 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7987603 7991582 0.87 - . g1179 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7987603 7991582 0.87 - . g1179.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7987603 7987605 . - 0 transcript_id "g1179.t1"; gene_id "g1179"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7987753 7987885 0.87 - . transcript_id "g1179.t1"; gene_id "g1179"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7988328 7988392 1 - . transcript_id "g1179.t1"; gene_id "g1179"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7989178 7989242 1 - . transcript_id "g1179.t1"; gene_id "g1179"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7989552 7991357 1 - . transcript_id "g1179.t1"; gene_id "g1179"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7987603 7987752 0.88 - 0 transcript_id "g1179.t1"; gene_id "g1179"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7987886 7988327 0.88 - 1 transcript_id "g1179.t1"; gene_id "g1179"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7988393 7989177 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1179.t1"; gene_id "g1179"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7989243 7989551 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1179.t1"; gene_id "g1179"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7991358 7991582 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1179.t1"; gene_id "g1179"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7991580 7991582 . - 0 transcript_id "g1179.t1"; gene_id "g1179"; # protein sequence = [MLSAQQEIDRGRRPANKEHQFTAPPPRLRRSSTKMTSRTRHCARLGIVLLGICCIASGIYLFRNWIDMFTRMRGQEMA # LSPNSRSFEGWKVSPLPLDFDIYLFNWTNPDDFYVGSNKKPHFEQLGPYRFREKPDKVDIEWHNHNASVSFHKKSWFYFDAAGSNGSLWDKVTTVNSV # AHSAARRAAVDWFARTGVNIANKLYRQGVTITKTVDEMLFKGYEHPFISVGKLLRPQDVPYKRIGYHYPRNGSSEFDGDINMFTGADDIAKMGQIHTW # NNLTHTGAFEGTCGQVHGSMGEFFPPNLGTKDTVYMYMPKMCRAIPLDYVETVTVHGVTAYKFSGTRHAVDNGTLYPDTRCYCVGGKCMPSGVINIGP # CSFNASVYMSFPHFYMADPSYLEAIEGLRPEREKHEFFMALEPNAGVPMDVGGGFQANYYMEPIPGITLYENVPTVMIPMMWCEERVRVSEEIAADIA # LVPLIVLLGQIVTGILLAGGLICTCWYPTRQVTHFCHSDPKAKASVLRPLNAFGVNSSAATAPVAQLFRNNISSSGNERVGVRLLDYNRDSGIRLESG # TMESSHRERLISEDSPDVVALRGWTKLLIEDVVPIHVTYHHITYHACPNRIRSSLNTSARFADSERDL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 88.9 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 199 # W: 199 # end gene g1179 # start gene g1180 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7993559 7994237 0.56 + . g1180 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7993559 7994237 0.56 + . g1180.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7993559 7993561 . + 0 transcript_id "g1180.t1"; gene_id "g1180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7993582 7994041 0.57 + . transcript_id "g1180.t1"; gene_id "g1180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7993559 7993581 0.57 + 0 transcript_id "g1180.t1"; gene_id "g1180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7994042 7994237 0.97 + 1 transcript_id "g1180.t1"; gene_id "g1180"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7994235 7994237 . + 0 transcript_id "g1180.t1"; gene_id "g1180"; # protein sequence = [MCQQNIHITRLFLAIGRLASTCRVSGGGYAPLIVDLELTRAIKSERVRAALRLRLNKYFPKSRHQQQLSILR] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 33.3 # CDS exons: 1/2 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 41 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # W: 39 # end gene g1180 # start gene g1181 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7995007 7996752 0.96 - . g1181 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7995007 7996752 0.96 - . g1181.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7995007 7995009 . - 0 transcript_id "g1181.t1"; gene_id "g1181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7995347 7995411 1 - . transcript_id "g1181.t1"; gene_id "g1181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7995692 7995755 1 - . transcript_id "g1181.t1"; gene_id "g1181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7996054 7996113 1 - . transcript_id "g1181.t1"; gene_id "g1181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7995007 7995346 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1181.t1"; gene_id "g1181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7995412 7995691 1 - 2 transcript_id "g1181.t1"; gene_id "g1181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7995756 7996053 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1181.t1"; gene_id "g1181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7996114 7996752 0.96 - 0 transcript_id "g1181.t1"; gene_id "g1181"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7996750 7996752 . - 0 transcript_id "g1181.t1"; gene_id "g1181"; # protein sequence = [MIGKQRIWQTSVLGLLLASFSLFSVLYMEQIERWMLEWFMVLRPGTMISSLWQSPAMDINVDLYIFNWTNSEKFSDPT # VKPRFEELGPYRFTERMQKVNVEWHDENSTVSYRRRSRFDFDPKLSVGRPTDPIVAPNLLIVGLYQKMVMWSPMLRSLMLLALNIYGKEQAMIRPASD # WMFDGFDTPMIKMSKMVPPSLVPEMKFPYEKIGYAYPRNGSMEIYGHHNVYTGRDEFQKLGQIARWRYNNVTEASPRCKLKGSAGEFHPIPLVKGRPI # SYFLPDLCRELQVDYSGTTIFEGIDAFVYRGSARNMANGTDNPDNSCYCQDNCQEVRSGLLNISSCWYGTPVFASYPHFFKADPYYGEQVEGMKPDKD # RHEMVIMLEPKTGMVLEIKARIMANLLVEPKTHLIYRTARRTFFPLIWADYNVRITDDLLVYVKLMPILEFVGKICGILGVVLGLLMVFWYPHQMIWQ # KSLMHKIEISSIETNSSLEPVKNNDVEDSPLLKGLQYAAAKDGAGNGN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 85.7 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 71 # W: 71 # end gene g1181 # start gene g1182 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7999113 7999550 1 + . g1182 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7999113 7999550 1 + . g1182.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 7999113 7999115 . + 0 transcript_id "g1182.t1"; gene_id "g1182"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 7999168 7999248 1 + . transcript_id "g1182.t1"; gene_id "g1182"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7999113 7999167 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1182.t1"; gene_id "g1182"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7999249 7999550 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1182.t1"; gene_id "g1182"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7999548 7999550 . + 0 transcript_id "g1182.t1"; gene_id "g1182"; # protein sequence = [MQSVTRQTARVLPQMGKQVSYLSTSGAWRATASGGDMVVEIKEPKTRTEKLMAFQKKLRAKTPLGKLDEFSRHPYQEK # EPLKPWPNQTNPYTGEIGGPAGPEPTRYGDWERKGRVSDF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 1 # RM: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 35 # W: 35 # end gene g1182 # start gene g1183 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 7999844 8004188 1 - . g1183 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 7999844 8004188 1 - . g1183.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 7999844 7999846 . - 0 transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8000033 8000107 1 - . transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8000237 8000303 1 - . transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8000434 8003283 1 - . transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8003464 8003524 1 - . transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8004035 8004096 1 - . transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 7999844 8000032 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8000108 8000236 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8000304 8000433 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8003284 8003463 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8003525 8004034 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8004097 8004188 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 8004186 8004188 . - 0 transcript_id "g1183.t1"; gene_id "g1183"; # protein sequence = [MIALPDTDSEDELPPGWEERATDDGTVCYVNQQGKTSQWTHPRTGRSKRITGELPLGWEKYYDEQGKRFMFLNKETQQ # RTNVDPRLAFAVEEPTQNVAQVRQRFDSCSTALQVLHGKDLHGRTALITGANCGIGYETARSLAHHGCEIIFACRNRSSAEAAIERIAQERPAARSRC # RFAALDLSSLRSVQRFVEEIKQSVSHIDYLILNAGVFALPYTRTVDGLETTFQVSHLSHFYLTLQLETLFDYKTRIIVLSSESHRFANLPVENLAVHH # LSPPPEKYWSMMAYNNAKLCNVLFAQELAQRWKQRGISVFSLHPGNMVSSDLSRNYWFYRLLFAIVRPFTKSLQQAAATSIYCATANELTGLSGLYFN # NCFFCEPSKLSKSAALQQQLWKLSENLIAELVEQEQH] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 6/6 # W: 6 # CDS introns: 5/5 # E: 5 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 8 # E: 5 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 106 # W: 106 # end gene g1183 # start gene g1184 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 8004651 8007132 0.97 - . g1184 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 8004651 8007132 0.97 - . g1184.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 8004651 8004653 . - 0 transcript_id "g1184.t1"; gene_id "g1184"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8005561 8006431 1 - . transcript_id "g1184.t1"; gene_id "g1184"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8004651 8005560 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1184.t1"; gene_id "g1184"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8006432 8007132 0.97 - 0 transcript_id "g1184.t1"; gene_id "g1184"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 8007130 8007132 . - 0 transcript_id "g1184.t1"; gene_id "g1184"; # protein sequence = [MWRLLLALLLVSSVCCESELFRDDLRTPETMAYINGLMQRRHQMQQEAQQHIQAIPPAVPLQSPGLVNGLGNQNDPAL # NRISGTSVKPSNLPAAYSNGYVDLATSDRIANSVLNFANILGQHLANGKTQIYSPLSIVHSLALLLLGAKGRSYEELSTVFDIPDTSRLHEQFGLMLQ # DLQQPTREAISAGRPLTDWRASSAMRSNRRAQRPGAHEVHLANGLFTQTGYTLNPDYRRVIVEVYASDLQIQDFEGSPATARYNINAYVAQHTKNHIE # NIIASDIPQTTRMILANALYFKAFWETDFIESATRPDNFYPNGEGTEPVMRVQMMATGGAYPYHEDHELGCKIIGLPYRGNLSTMYIIQPFKSSVREL # MALQKRLTADKIESMISRMYRRAALVAFPKMHLTESVNLKTVMQRMGLGGIFSAVQNDLSLIATNEATRTNALGGNSLQNLEAQRRAGTGGARSDLVV # DDIVHKVDFTVNEQGTEAAASSVTYLKKSGPDVLFRGDTPFMVLVRHDPTKLVLFYGLINEPPAAA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 2/2 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/1 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 143 # W: 143 # end gene g1184 # start gene g1185 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 8008442 8009459 0.92 - . g1185 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 8008442 8009459 0.92 - . g1185.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 8008442 8008444 . - 0 transcript_id "g1185.t1"; gene_id "g1185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8008653 8008717 1 - . transcript_id "g1185.t1"; gene_id "g1185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8008892 8008947 1 - . transcript_id "g1185.t1"; gene_id "g1185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8009196 8009255 1 - . transcript_id "g1185.t1"; gene_id "g1185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8008442 8008652 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1185.t1"; gene_id "g1185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8008718 8008891 1 - 1 transcript_id "g1185.t1"; gene_id "g1185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8008948 8009195 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1185.t1"; gene_id "g1185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8009256 8009459 0.92 - 0 transcript_id "g1185.t1"; gene_id "g1185"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 8009457 8009459 . - 0 transcript_id "g1185.t1"; gene_id "g1185"; # protein sequence = [MSTENSLVEIPRGEWTKLRDLYVARDTDPQGYPCINNFIKWVEIDPQLKVNFLSLNGDWQSDGTFVLTLRSDTHMNHI # YFNTLSENLDRVTKALECLKSIENEYDFFGFSTRLKPVVEYIGNKYYANKKLHTVDTVWYAASKELVDTFNIQVPPGLSLQHLTIEDAEIINENWPHN # KPGSIDFVRSLIKYNINLGAYDDKGKLVAWCLRLPIGSLGLLQVLESHKRLGLGSLLVKSMAKKISAAGDQVLAPVVTKNTPSRSMFEKLGFRAIDNT # YWAA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 64 # W: 64 # end gene g1185 # start gene g1186 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 8009625 8010349 0.66 - . g1186 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 8009625 8010349 0.66 - . g1186.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 8009625 8009627 . - 0 transcript_id "g1186.t1"; gene_id "g1186"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8009851 8009904 0.88 - . transcript_id "g1186.t1"; gene_id "g1186"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8010079 8010134 0.95 - . transcript_id "g1186.t1"; gene_id "g1186"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8009625 8009850 0.89 - 1 transcript_id "g1186.t1"; gene_id "g1186"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8009905 8010078 0.94 - 1 transcript_id "g1186.t1"; gene_id "g1186"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8010135 8010349 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g1186.t1"; gene_id "g1186"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 8010347 8010349 . - 0 transcript_id "g1186.t1"; gene_id "g1186"; # protein sequence = [MNTIKGTPEDLGKLLNSLKLKVFHLICGYEERFKPLVEAYWLNLGQDLINLEHQGAIVYHLPSTEIPSWKPSLSTSCK # VAYITSNHAELVDKHWAYRSADSITMIRGFMENNLAVGVFDNQGEPLAWCLRSPHGSLSNLHVLSSHRRMGLGSLAVRFMANEIKLKGSEVLATVVPE # NEGSQKMFEKLGFNNINKLYWAVIPCTL] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 20 # CDS exons: 1/3 # W: 1 # CDS introns: 0/2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 1 # W: 1 # end gene g1186 # start gene g1187 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 8014101 8026772 0.62 + . g1187 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 8014101 8026772 0.62 + . g1187.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 8014101 8014103 . + 0 transcript_id "g1187.t1"; gene_id "g1187"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8017276 8024516 0.74 + . transcript_id "g1187.t1"; gene_id "g1187"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8026484 8026547 1 + . transcript_id "g1187.t1"; gene_id "g1187"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8014101 8017275 0.71 + 0 transcript_id "g1187.t1"; gene_id "g1187"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8024517 8026483 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1187.t1"; gene_id "g1187"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8026548 8026772 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1187.t1"; gene_id "g1187"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 8026770 8026772 . + 0 transcript_id "g1187.t1"; gene_id "g1187"; # protein sequence = [MDKAKRNIKPFDGEKYAIWKFRIRALLAEQDVLKVVDGLMPNEVDDSWKKAERCAKSTIIEYLSDSFLNFATSDITAR # QILENLDAVYERKSLASQLALRKRLLSLKLSSEMSLLSHFHIFDELISELLAAGAKIEEMDKISHLLITLPSCYDGIITAIETLSEENLTLAFVKNRL # LDQEIKIKNDHNDTSKKVMNAIVHNNNNTYKNNLFKNRVTKPKKIFKGNSKYKVKCHHCGREGHIKKDCFHYKRILNNKNKENEKQVQTATSHGIAFM # VKEVNNTSVMDNCGFVLDSGASDHLINDESLYTDSVEVVPPLKIAVAKQGEFIYATKRGIVRLRNDHEITLEDVLFCKEAAGNLMSVKRLQEAGMSIE # FDKSGVTISKNGLMVVKNSGMLNNVPVINFQAYSINAKHKNNFRLWHERFGHISDGKLLEIKRKNMFSDQSLLNNLELSCEICEPCLNGKQARLPFKQ # LKDKTHIKRPLFVVHSDVCGPITPVTLDDKNYFVIFVDQFTHYCVTYLIKYKSDVFSMFQDFVAKSEAHFNLKVVYLYIDNGREYLSNEMRQFCVKKG # ISYHLTVPHTPQLNGVSERMIRTITEKARTMVSGAKLDKSFWGEAVLTATYLINRIPSRALVDSSKTPYEMWHNKKPYLKHLRVFGATVYVHIKNKQG # KFDDKSFKSIFVGYEPNGFKLWDAVNEKFIVARDVVVDETNMVNSRAVKFETVFLKDSKESENKNFPNDSRKIIQTEFPNESKECDNIQFLKDSKESE # NKNFPNDSRKIIQTEFPNESKECDNIQFLKDSKESNKYFLNESKKRKRDDHLNESKGSGNPNESRESETAEHLKEIGIDNPTKNDGIEIINRRSERLK # TKPQISYNEEDNSLNKVVLNAHTIFNDVPNSFDEIQYRDDKSSWEEAINTELNAHKINNTWTITKRPENKNIVDSRWVFSVKYNELGNPIRYKARLVA # RGFTQKYQIDYEETFAPVARISSFRFILSLVIQYNLKVHQMDVKTAFLNGTLKEEIYMRLPQGISCNSDNVCKLNKAIYGLKQAARCWFEVFEQALKE # YGASSAVLGVLKVDLCLEDNHEEHHTSHFYAAAAKEALVVRRGEPFRLKIHFNRDYSPSKDAISFIFTVADDTKPSPGHGTLNALVPHDGIDYLGDTL # EWGAGIESHEGQTLTVLIKPPSTCPVTEWKLDIDTKLLGDGSRSYPLPLPIYVLFNPWCPDDQVYLEDRDQRKEYVMHDTTLIWRGSYNRLRPSVWKI # GQFERHVLECSLKVLGTVGRIPPAYRGDPVRVARALSALVNSVDDDGVLLGNWSEDFSGGVAPTKWTGSVEILQQFYKTQKSVKFAQCWNFSGVLTTI # ARSLGIPSRIITCYSSAHDTQASLTVDVFIDANNKKLDAETTDSIWNYHVWNELWMQRPDLGVGEHGTFDGWQVVDATPQEASDNMYRVGPASVAAVK # NGDILRPFDGGFVFAEVNADKLYWRYNGPSQPLKLLRKDTLAIGHLISTKAVLKWEREDITDTYKHAERSEEERSTMLKALKQSRHAFSRYYLNDNFN # DIEFDMELKDDIKIGQSFSVVLKVSNKSESRTHMATGQISCDAVLYTGVGAVEVKTLGFELELEPKSSDYVRMEVIFEEYYDKLSSQAAFQISAAAKV # KDTDYDYYAQDDFRVRKPDIKFQLGEAAIVAQKELDVILRLENPLPIPLHKGVFTVEGPGIEQPLKFKIAEIPVGGTAAATFKYTPPYAGRGTMLAKF # TSKELDDVDGYRHYEIEPRPEDLLQPNGSHRSSNIIRRRTDVIA] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 80 # CDS exons: 3/3 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 1 # RM: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 173 # E: 3 # W: 170 # end gene g1187 # start gene g1188 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 8027009 8028379 0.53 - . g1188 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 8027009 8028379 0.53 - . g1188.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 8027009 8027011 . - 0 transcript_id "g1188.t1"; gene_id "g1188"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8027242 8027307 0.99 - . transcript_id "g1188.t1"; gene_id "g1188"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8027940 8028013 0.76 - . transcript_id "g1188.t1"; gene_id "g1188"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8028177 8028237 0.69 - . transcript_id "g1188.t1"; gene_id "g1188"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8027009 8027241 0.99 - 2 transcript_id "g1188.t1"; gene_id "g1188"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8027308 8027939 0.75 - 1 transcript_id "g1188.t1"; gene_id "g1188"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8028014 8028176 0.78 - 2 transcript_id "g1188.t1"; gene_id "g1188"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8028238 8028379 0.69 - 0 transcript_id "g1188.t1"; gene_id "g1188"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 8028377 8028379 . - 0 transcript_id "g1188.t1"; gene_id "g1188"; # protein sequence = [MSSNALACICNVINPCRNEVSTTFVVVQWLITGFAALAQVVRPVLLLFGIRGEVALNQEDYNKTWIYMPNGQGKPEVA # YLVEPPPENRINLPQLIKFELYGSDSSSSADFWIDENNFEFPQRHKRDTWQEMAEKFNPELDTKILVHGWKSSTMSNSIQSIRGAYIERGQVNVFAIN # WKDQADNIYYLTPARYTVQVGRAVAKLIDLLVEEKDADPNRIHLIGHSLGAHIMGYAGSYTKYRVNRITGLDPARPAFEDCIGPENHLDDTDANFVDV # IHSCAGYLGFRKPIGMVDFYPNGGGPPQPGCKELSQIFTGCSHGRSYEYYAESINSPKGFYGVPCSGLDELKGKNCTGGKILMGDPVPREARGIFFVK # TANKPSYALGIDDLWSN] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 0 # CDS exons: 0/4 # CDS introns: 0/3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 0 # incompatible hint groups: 0 # end gene g1188 # start gene g1189 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 8028980 8030066 0.93 + . g1189 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 8028980 8030066 0.93 + . g1189.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 8028980 8028982 . + 0 transcript_id "g1189.t1"; gene_id "g1189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8028987 8029559 0.93 + . transcript_id "g1189.t1"; gene_id "g1189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8029734 8029815 1 + . transcript_id "g1189.t1"; gene_id "g1189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8028980 8028986 0.93 + 0 transcript_id "g1189.t1"; gene_id "g1189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8029560 8029733 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1189.t1"; gene_id "g1189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8029816 8030066 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1189.t1"; gene_id "g1189"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 8030064 8030066 . + 0 transcript_id "g1189.t1"; gene_id "g1189"; # protein sequence = [MFAKHWNFATCSSKANYKHVGHIAETQELRCGANGQQVGDGTGRNWGNPRWTLEGRWIRYGLHRFGTVSGAEKGRGAV # QGLDEGGVPRQLQTGIRLLQLSQRLVRGVLVRGGHTSHPSNSIKRNLLKASANHFYSQSTKVAQC] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 60 # CDS exons: 2/3 # W: 2 # CDS introns: 1/2 # E: 1 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 1 # E: 1 # incompatible hint groups: 44 # W: 44 # end gene g1189 # start gene g1190 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 8032258 8038201 0.96 + . g1190 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 8032258 8038201 0.96 + . g1190.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 8032258 8032260 . + 0 transcript_id "g1190.t1"; gene_id "g1190"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8032642 8035820 1 + . transcript_id "g1190.t1"; gene_id "g1190"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8036299 8036357 0.96 + . transcript_id "g1190.t1"; gene_id "g1190"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8036577 8037089 1 + . transcript_id "g1190.t1"; gene_id "g1190"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8032258 8032641 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1190.t1"; gene_id "g1190"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8035821 8036298 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1190.t1"; gene_id "g1190"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8036358 8036576 0.96 + 2 transcript_id "g1190.t1"; gene_id "g1190"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8037090 8038201 1 + 2 transcript_id "g1190.t1"; gene_id "g1190"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 8038199 8038201 . + 0 transcript_id "g1190.t1"; gene_id "g1190"; # protein sequence = [MGTNSGATAGINNKPVGGATGAGVLVGGGVGGANSSIGGVLSNSLGGGGSGGLSISGLNAGGQNANVGGMGNVGGDDG # GNGMVGGGVNNQQATTPQYTIPGILHFIQHEWSRFELERSQWDVDRAELQARIAMLLGERKCLESLKSDLTRRIKMLEYALRQERAKFYRLKYGTDPP # QLNEFKPSNEDAGLAGEVATDSEVPYSSVSNTTWRQGRQMLRQYLAEIGYTDNIIDVRSNRVRSILGLNNNAEHDGSGGGLGGGLGGGTGGENLSPNI # NGNESNKRASETEGRHTPAKKVQQSIDEIIVDTEAAVMANFEFLGATEMSDDDEISDDLEMVATDNDDTDVKLAKRAKSGKDMLTEEVDGSLGLGELA # QLTVNNESDGAYDANSKDGTGGSAGGAGYRKTWNAKYTLRSHFDGVRSLIFHPEEPVLITASEDHTLKLWNLQKTVQAKKSASLDVEPLYTFRAHTGP # VLCLGMSSSGETCYSGGLDGNIECWQLPSPNIDPYDCYDPNVHSGTLEGHTDAVWGLTTMQSNIVSCSADGTVKLWSPYNKEPLLRTYTASEAEGVPS # SVDFVRNEVDHIVVAYNSAHCIVYDTETGKQVVRLEAAQEMSGNTGKFINKVVSHPTLPITITAHEDRHIRFWDNTSGTLVHSMVAHLEPVTSLAVDA # HGLYLLSGSHDCSIRLWNLDNKTCVQEITAHRKKFDESIFDVAFHATKPYIASAGADGLAKVFV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 100 # CDS exons: 4/4 # W: 4 # CDS introns: 3/3 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 6 # E: 3 # RM: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 219 # E: 1 # W: 218 # end gene g1190 # start gene g1191 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 8041149 8041978 0.94 + . g1191 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 8041149 8041978 0.94 + . g1191.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 8041149 8041151 . + 0 transcript_id "g1191.t1"; gene_id "g1191"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8041194 8041252 1 + . transcript_id "g1191.t1"; gene_id "g1191"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8041699 8041758 0.94 + . transcript_id "g1191.t1"; gene_id "g1191"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8041795 8041890 0.94 + . transcript_id "g1191.t1"; gene_id "g1191"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8041149 8041193 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1191.t1"; gene_id "g1191"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8041253 8041698 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1191.t1"; gene_id "g1191"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8041759 8041794 0.94 + 1 transcript_id "g1191.t1"; gene_id "g1191"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8041891 8041978 1 + 1 transcript_id "g1191.t1"; gene_id "g1191"; chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 8041976 8041978 . + 0 transcript_id "g1191.t1"; gene_id "g1191"; # protein sequence = [MDATAAITGNVDKTQIPPLNQKRILAFVNHFLVSTCTFLNEFALGCETKFVEMERQLQKTEAALIILEAKLASIPTEH # HVATEATEAPAISNQQRNEEASMVDTTEPPTTENPTEPELPPESVGVRACEDQRYRKFFKMVQVGVPAPAVKQKMQSEGLEPRILDTPDLILADGQRD # LFCFICRRAATRKQHKTTSLAKKGFLMV] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 66 # W: 66 # end gene g1191 # start gene g1192 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 8041988 8043186 0.77 - . g1192 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 8041988 8043186 0.77 - . g1192.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS stop_codon 8041988 8041990 . - 0 transcript_id "g1192.t1"; gene_id "g1192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8042126 8042439 1 - . transcript_id "g1192.t1"; gene_id "g1192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8042614 8042822 1 - . transcript_id "g1192.t1"; gene_id "g1192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8042894 8043158 0.77 - . transcript_id "g1192.t1"; gene_id "g1192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8041988 8042125 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1192.t1"; gene_id "g1192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8042440 8042613 1 - 0 transcript_id "g1192.t1"; gene_id "g1192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8042823 8042893 0.97 - 2 transcript_id "g1192.t1"; gene_id "g1192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8043159 8043186 0.77 - 0 transcript_id "g1192.t1"; gene_id "g1192"; chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 8043184 8043186 . - 0 transcript_id "g1192.t1"; gene_id "g1192"; # protein sequence = [MWGKNVLYVAHGLTARCHRYVISFFFRLHEIKMVNVPKQRRTFCKKCKVHKLHKVTQYKKSKERKGAQGRRRYDRKQQ # GFGGQTKPIFRKKAKTTKKIVLRMECTECKYRKQTPLKRCKHFELGGDKKRKGQMIQF] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 71.4 # CDS exons: 3/4 # W: 3 # CDS introns: 2/3 # E: 2 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 2 # E: 2 # incompatible hint groups: 34 # W: 34 # end gene g1192 # start gene g1193 chr2L AUGUSTUS gene 8043715 8050000 0.85 + . g1193 chr2L AUGUSTUS transcript 8043715 8050000 0.85 + . g1193.t1 chr2L AUGUSTUS start_codon 8043715 8043717 . + 0 transcript_id "g1193.t1"; gene_id "g1193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8044072 8044361 1 + . transcript_id "g1193.t1"; gene_id "g1193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8044779 8044846 1 + . transcript_id "g1193.t1"; gene_id "g1193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8046770 8046823 0.99 + . transcript_id "g1193.t1"; gene_id "g1193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS intron 8049218 8049279 1 + . transcript_id "g1193.t1"; gene_id "g1193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8043715 8044071 0.86 + 0 transcript_id "g1193.t1"; gene_id "g1193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8044362 8044778 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1193.t1"; gene_id "g1193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8044847 8046769 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1193.t1"; gene_id "g1193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8046824 8049217 0.99 + 0 transcript_id "g1193.t1"; gene_id "g1193"; chr2L AUGUSTUS CDS 8049280 8050000 1 + 0 transcript_id "g1193.t1"; gene_id "g1193"; # protein sequence = [MYALLATLTFWTLVLQTEQAHPSTSPSAPCDRSRKVFTEPYGEISDGPSGFNYTQDSHCEWLIKARNDSQYITLTFHS # MGTECSYDYIYVYDGDSFNSTLLGSFSGRTQPQRLVARSGSMLILMYSDTNYVLDGFRASYYISNCLNNCHNHGKCVGHQCVCHGEWVGPDCEDEACP # QRCGESQGRGRCQKSICHCSRGYSGRLCDLSDHPAGSSWRWLATDAEGMTARAAHSAVYMEDEDALYVFGGYDLNNVISTLQIYRFSTSQWEDEWGIA # LQSRRHFYHPQKIDHTLLKAVLQHKNEDEAKLWGLNSDVSFFRNILYTLAESNLHQRRTRSSLPLTIVNANSTDEELNEYLEDILEEVTDHKPHGRYG # HAADSVPGGFVIYGGKHANGSFYSDLWQYNNTESGGKWKQMAIRSAVKPPALARHTLNTAGSYLYIFGGSLETGEFSSSVYRIPLPLSEDSQWELVQP # RGGKTLDVRLAAHSTVYYKATNSLIVFGGIMTSLARFSKLSDRIYAFQLDQMHWTEILYPRTALRDTNIPRERAFHTATISGNYMVVFGGYTHRHNKD # EICYDNQMYWYHLSCHIWINQVVSADDSLYPKPQGVFAHAAALRRNHTLLIVGGYHGNVNADLFAYELPQVLRVENTLYNPEISCRLHSSHTACLSNP # ECGWCSADSSCYGRTIGANCTTNLQTTRCPGICPSLGDCHSCLVHGSQWGKSSGNKAAFSVASKLGLNECTWCVQNAKCHHRDDNYGICGDSSGWWGD # KGTEIRRPSLCTSTDRRPGLTYIKYHFPINYTMPDYVGIVNATMVDFASPPFTTYFEHKLEGEMLARLVGFVRPQHQWNNSAIQVCTSYSSAVLRAGL # GLNLDELVNVTTQSSNQSYCSNVQLPTTEQPFTIDFQTRRRIGGNGIYNAYQKTKMELQHLHNGQLNAFTFEYLEPYYSGKCTQYSNCLHCLTDASCA # WCPLTNICHLRSVNETEVCKMETLDTFHWSYLISQPSQCSNCTNYVSCEACARSGECEWWTEDARCGRIGKTNSSVRAVEHCPRSCRERHGCQECLGE # RGRCVWCEASAQCFSFSVYTSEYQFGMCREWVDQVVSRQTQEIADHKPQQTPHFLQQQCKSCEQHRNCSSCLRTLSCGWCFDRDNPIEGICMQGDFSY # SAGNCSLALNSSSHHDAEWAYAQCPDVDECGLGLHDCHKEAKCTNTQGSYNCHCRRGYIGDGKFSCVRTCYELCQNGNCSGPPDYTCRCALGWTGADC # GLSCGCNNHSTCNERLGKCDQCQDWSEGEKCERCRQGSYGNATAPHGCLPCECNGHGNQDLGVCNVSNGECYCKDNTQGLNCELCAPGYYGDPRGGGK # CYYQCESRGILTNIGKSAIGSYQSYRSPWGASLEVKECLWILQPKTLQAEKSLLQLEFQWQSLAMDCDENAVYIYDSLPDLTGATQQNQLLAVVCAPY # SSPRIIEARSSHVTVHYKQGSERRHFGFNALYSVMNCVAGSCISPHICDAQQRCVCPAGYVGASCEIEICPSNCNAKRMQGFCDTEYGRCICSNANYA # GADCGTLVQRNHLVMTELFNTQLLSESLEHLRKTIPRFGHSVNADRRGSLWMFGGYSPNHGPLNDFRQFDTKNSTWLQVTVESSTPEDRMPLGRYFHA # SEIYVKKQIIYIYGGIGANSQLLNDFWMFSIQNQRWSQIKVEVEPPEADYEVDVPPPLAGHTLTHIRYQEHESLILLGGLSLNKSRPLELWEFNLDTG # RWQQLAAVGARMPVLYGHTSVYHQETNSVYLFGGYSTEPQSNLYALDLQKLSWTELPSFRELNSPASLLPRARYFHSAVTTEHYMILYGGRTQPFNGT # DVLIAYVYACNQWVRLTEDVELIGRVPASSYAEDMAIDPDTGAIYVIGGWDGSSTHSHVTKITLPDDICQLWSNGKYQCRHYMGCSYCTIQNTYS] # Evidence for and against this transcript: # % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 88.9 # CDS exons: 5/5 # W: 5 # CDS introns: 3/4 # E: 3 # 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0 # hint groups fully obeyed: 3 # E: 3 # incompatible hint groups: 388 # W: 388 # end gene g1193