bpp-core  2.2.0
bpp-core Documentation
This library contains Bio++ core interfaces, classes and functions. It provides a general interface called bpp::Clonable, which allows dynamic copy of objects. Wrapper classes for numbers, strings and vectors that implement this interface are provided, and called respectively bpp::Number, bpp::BppString and bpp::BppVector.
The bpp::Exception class is the most general exception class used in Bio++, and provides only a single text information. Several more specialized exception classes are also provided, like
This library also includes several submodules:
  • The Text module contains: functions to deal with character strings (bpp::StringTokenizer and the bpp::TextTools static class), like pattern matching, concatenation, number conversion, etc.
  • The Graphics module provides support for graphical output. This includes the general bpp::GraphicDevice interface, with currently three implementations for XFig (bpp::XFigGraphicDevice), SVG (bpp::SVGGraphicDevice) and PGF (bpp::PGFGraphicDevice) formats. Classes to deal with colors and fonts were created (see bpp::RGBColor, bpp::ColorSet, bpp::ColorTools and bpp::Font).
  • The App module contains classes and tools that provide powerful methods to parse command-line options and more.
  • The Numeric module is quite large and provides interfaces, classes and functions for numerical calculus. The tools included are general enough to be useful beyond biology. The originality of this module, unless many existing libraries, is to be fully object-oriented. Available methods include: