============ Installation ============ Quickstart ---------- The easiest way to install cutadapt is to use ``pip`` on the command line:: pip install --user --upgrade cutadapt This will download the software from `PyPI (the Python packaging index) `_, and install the cutadapt binary into ``$HOME/.local/bin``. If an old version of cutadapt exists on your system, the ``--upgrade`` parameter is required in order to install a newer version. You can then run the program like this:: ~/.local/bin/cutadapt --help If you want to avoid typing the full path, add the directory ``$HOME/.local/bin`` to your ``$PATH`` environment variable. If the above does not work, keep reading. Dependencies ------------ Cutadapt requires this software to be installed: * One of Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 or 3.4. Python 2.7 is a bit faster than the other versions. * A C compiler. Under Ubuntu, you may need to install the packages ``build-essential`` and ``python-dev``. Installation ------------ If you have already downloaded and unpacked the ``.tar.gz`` file, then installation is done like this (replace "python" with "python3" to install the Python 3 version):: python setup.py install --user If you get an error message:: error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 Then check the entire error message. If it says something about a missing ``Python.h`` file, then you need to install the Python development packages. The appropriate package is called ``python-dev`` in Ubuntu (or ``python3-dev`` for Python 3). System-wide installation ------------------------ If you have root access, then you can install cutadapt system-wide by running:: sudo pip install cutadapt This installs cutadapt into `/usr/local/bin`. If you want to upgrade from an older version, use this command instead:: sudo pip install --upgrade cutadapt Use without installation ------------------------ Build the C extension module (you can try to skip this step -- a compiled version of the module for Linux x86\_64 is already included):: python setup.py build_ext -i Then simply run the script from where it is, similar to this:: bin/cutadapt --help If you get any errors, first try to explicitly request a specific Python version by running cutadapt like this:: python2.7 bin/cutadapt --help