FastME is a distance based phylogeny reconstruction program that works on distance matrices and, as of v2.0, sequence data. SYNOPSIS fastme [-i input data file] [-u input user tree file] [-o output tree file] [-O output matrix file] [-I output information file] [-B output bootstrap trees file] [-a] [-m method] [ -D[model] | -P[model] ] [-r] [-e] [-g[alpha]] [-n[NNI]] [-s] [-w branch] [-d datasets] [-b replicates] [-z seed] [-c] [-f precision] [-T number of threads] [-v] [-V] [-h] You can use fastme with no arguments, in this case change the value of a parameter by typing its corresponding character as shown on screen. OPTIONS -i input data file, --input_data=input data file The input data file contains sequence alignment(s) or a distance matrix(ces). -u input user tree file, --user_tree=input user tree file FastME may use an existing topology available in the input user tree file which corresponds to the input dataset. -o output tree file, --output_tree=output tree file FastME will write the infered tree into the output tree file. -O output matrix file, --output_matrix=output matrix file Use this option if you want FastME to write the distances matrix computed from the input alignment in the output matrix file. -I output information file, --output_info=output information file Use this option if you want FastME to write information about its execution in the output information file. -B output bootstrap trees file, --output_boot=output bootstrap trees file Use this option if you want FastME to write bootstrap trees in the bootstrap trees file. -a, --append Use this option to append results to existing output files (if any). By default output files will be overwritten. -m method, --method=method FastME computes a tree using a distance algorithm. You may choose this method from: TaxAdd_(B)alME, TaxAdd_(O)LSME, B(I)ONJ (default), (N)J or (U)NJ. -d[model], --dna=[model] Use this option if your input data file contains DNA sequences alignment(s). You may also indicate the evolutionary [model] which can be choosen from: (p)-distance, R(Y) symmetric, (R)Y, (J)C69, (K)2P, F8(1), F8(4) (default), (T)N93, (L)ogDet. -p[model], --protein=[model] Use this option if your input data file contains protein sequences alignment(s). You may also indicate the evolutionary [model] which can be choosen from: (p)-distance, (F)81 like, (L)G (default), (W)AG, (J)TT, Day(h)off, (D)CMut, (C)pRev, (M)tREV, (R)tREV, HIV(b), H(I)Vw or FL(U). -r, --remove_gap Use this option to completely remove any site which has a gap in any sequence. By default, FastME is doing pairwise deletion of gaps. -e, --equilibrium The equilibrium frequencies for DNA are always estimated by counting the occurence of the nucleotides in the input alignment. For amino-acid sequences, the equilibrium frequencies are estimated using the frequencies defined by the substitution model. Use this option if you whish to estimate the amino-acid frequencies by counting their occurence in the input alignment. -g[alpha], --gamma=[alpha] Use this option if you wish to have gamma distributed rates across sites. By default, FastME runs with no gamma variation. If running FastME with gamma distributed rates across sites, the [alpha] default value is 1.0. Only helpful when the input data file contains sequences alignment(s). -n[NNI], --nni=[NNI] Use this option to do [NNI] tree topology improvement. You may choose the [NNI] type from: NNI_(B)alME (default) or NNI_(O)LS. -s, --spr Use this option to do SPR tree topology improvement. -w branch, --branch_length=branch Use this option to indicate the branch length to assign to the tree. You may choose the branch length from: (B)alLS (default), (O)LS or (n)one. (n)one is only available with BIONJ, NJ or UNJ. Only helpful when not improving the tree topology (no NNI nor SPR). -D datasets, --datasets=datasets Use this option to indicate the number of datasets in your input data file. Default value is 1. -b replicates, --bootstrap=replicates Use this option to indicate the number of replicates FastME will do for bootstrapping. Default value is 0. Only helpful when the input data file contains sequences alignment(s). -z seed, --seed=seed Use this option to initialize randomization with seed value. Only helpful when bootstrapping. -c Use this option if you want FastME only to compute distance matrix. Only helpful when the input data file contains sequences alignment(s). -f precision, --precision=number of digits after dot Use this option to set the number of digits after the dot to use on output. Default precision is 12. -T number of threads, --nb_threads=number of threads Use this option to set the number of threads to use. Default number of threads is 4. -v value, --verbose=value Sets the verbose level to value [0-3]. Default value is 0. -V, --version Prints the FastME version. -h, --help Display this usage.