12.7. Python library interface
As described previously, the Python interface to LAMMPS consists of a Python “lammps” module, the source code for which is in python/lammps.py, which creates a “lammps” object, with a set of methods that can be invoked on that object. The sample Python code below assumes you have first imported the “lammps” module in your Python script, as follows:
from lammps import lammps
These are the methods defined by the lammps module. If you look at the files src/library.cpp and src/library.h you will see they correspond one-to-one with calls you can make to the LAMMPS library from a C++ or C or Fortran program, and which are described on the Howto library doc page.
The python/examples directory has Python scripts which show how Python can run LAMMPS, grab data, change it, and put it back into LAMMPS.
lmp = lammps() # create a LAMMPS object using the default liblammps.so library
# 4 optional args are allowed: name, cmdargs, ptr, comm
lmp = lammps(ptr=lmpptr) # use lmpptr as previously created LAMMPS object
lmp = lammps(comm=split) # create a LAMMPS object with a custom communicator, requires mpi4py 2.0.0 or later
lmp = lammps(name="g++") # create a LAMMPS object using the liblammps_g++.so library
lmp = lammps(name="g++",cmdargs=list) # add LAMMPS command-line args, e.g. list = ["-echo","screen"]
lmp.close() # destroy a LAMMPS object
version = lmp.version() # return the numerical version id, e.g. LAMMPS 2 Sep 2015 -> 20150902
lmp.file(file) # run an entire input script, file = "in.lj"
lmp.command(cmd) # invoke a single LAMMPS command, cmd = "run 100"
lmp.commands_list(cmdlist) # invoke commands in cmdlist = **"run 10", "run 20"**
lmp.commands_string(multicmd) # invoke commands in multicmd = "run 10\nrun 20"
size = lmp.extract_setting(name) # return data type info
xlo = lmp.extract_global(name,type) # extract a global quantity
# name = "boxxlo", "nlocal", etc
# type = 0 = int
# 1 = double
boxlo,boxhi,xy,yz,xz,periodicity,box_change = lmp.extract_box() # extract box info
coords = lmp.extract_atom(name,type) # extract a per-atom quantity
# name = "x", "type", etc
# type = 0 = vector of ints
# 1 = array of ints
# 2 = vector of doubles
# 3 = array of doubles
eng = lmp.extract_compute(id,style,type) # extract value(s) from a compute
v3 = lmp.extract_fix(id,style,type,i,j) # extract value(s) from a fix
# id = ID of compute or fix
# style = 0 = global data
# 1 = per-atom data
# 2 = local data
# type = 0 = scalar
# 1 = vector
# 2 = array
# i,j = indices of value in global vector or array
var = lmp.extract_variable(name,group,flag) # extract value(s) from a variable
# name = name of variable
# group = group ID (ignored for equal-style variables)
# flag = 0 = equal-style variable
# 1 = atom-style variable
value = lmp.get_thermo(name) # return current value of a thermo keyword
natoms = lmp.get_natoms() # total # of atoms as int
flag = lmp.set_variable(name,value) # set existing named string-style variable to value, flag = 0 if successful
lmp.reset_box(boxlo,boxhi,xy,yz,xz) # reset the simulation box size
data = lmp.gather_atoms(name,type,count) # return per-atom property of all atoms gathered into data, ordered by atom ID
# name = "x", "charge", "type", etc
data = lmp.gather_atoms_concat(name,type,count) # ditto, but concatenated atom values from each proc (unordered)
data = lmp.gather_atoms_subset(name,type,count,ndata,ids) # ditto, but for subset of Ndata atoms with IDs
lmp.scatter_atoms(name,type,count,data) # scatter per-atom property to all atoms from data, ordered by atom ID
# name = "x", "charge", "type", etc
# count = # of per-atom values, 1 or 3, etc
lmp.scatter_atoms_subset(name,type,count,ndata,ids,data) # ditto, but for subset of Ndata atoms with IDs
lmp.create_atoms(n,ids,types,x,v,image,shrinkexceed) # create N atoms with IDs, types, x, v, and image flags
The lines
from lammps import lammps
lmp = lammps()
create an instance of LAMMPS, wrapped in a Python class by the lammps Python module, and return an instance of the Python class as lmp. It is used to make all subsequent calls to the LAMMPS library.
Additional arguments to lammps() can be used to tell Python the name of the shared library to load or to pass arguments to the LAMMPS instance, the same as if LAMMPS were launched from a command-line prompt.
If the ptr argument is set like this:
lmp = lammps(ptr=lmpptr)
then lmpptr must be an argument passed to Python via the LAMMPS python command, when it is used to define a Python function that is invoked by the LAMMPS input script. This mode of calling Python from LAMMPS is described in the Python call doc page. The variable lmpptr refers to the instance of LAMMPS that called the embedded Python interpreter. Using it as an argument to lammps() allows the returned Python class instance “lmp” to make calls to that instance of LAMMPS. See the python command doc page for examples using this syntax.
Note that you can create multiple LAMMPS objects in your Python script, and coordinate and run multiple simulations, e.g.
from lammps import lammps
lmp1 = lammps()
lmp2 = lammps()
The file(), command(), commands_list(), commands_string() methods allow an input script, a single command, or multiple commands to be invoked.
The extract_setting(), extract_global(), extract_box(), extract_atom(), extract_compute(), extract_fix(), and extract_variable() methods return values or pointers to data structures internal to LAMMPS.
For extract_global() see the src/library.cpp file for the list of valid names. New names could easily be added. A double or integer is returned. You need to specify the appropriate data type via the type argument.
For extract_atom(), a pointer to internal LAMMPS atom-based data is returned, which you can use via normal Python subscripting. See the extract() method in the src/atom.cpp file for a list of valid names. Again, new names could easily be added if the property you want is not listed. A pointer to a vector of doubles or integers, or a pointer to an array of doubles (double **) or integers (int **) is returned. You need to specify the appropriate data type via the type argument.
For extract_compute() and extract_fix(), the global, per-atom, or local data calculated by the compute or fix can be accessed. What is returned depends on whether the compute or fix calculates a scalar or vector or array. For a scalar, a single double value is returned. If the compute or fix calculates a vector or array, a pointer to the internal LAMMPS data is returned, which you can use via normal Python subscripting. The one exception is that for a fix that calculates a global vector or array, a single double value from the vector or array is returned, indexed by I (vector) or I and J (array). I,J are zero-based indices. The I,J arguments can be left out if not needed. See the Howto output doc page for a discussion of global, per-atom, and local data, and of scalar, vector, and array data types. See the doc pages for individual computes and fixes for a description of what they calculate and store.
For extract_variable(), an equal-style or atom-style variable is evaluated and its result returned.
For equal-style variables a single double value is returned and the group argument is ignored. For atom-style variables, a vector of doubles is returned, one value per atom, which you can use via normal Python subscripting. The values will be zero for atoms not in the specified group.
The get_thermo() method returns the current value of a thermo keyword as a float.
The get_natoms() method returns the total number of atoms in the simulation, as an int.
The set_variable() method sets an existing string-style variable to a new string value, so that subsequent LAMMPS commands can access the variable.
The reset_box() method resets the size and shape of the simulation box, e.g. as part of restoring a previously extracted and saved state of a simulation.
The gather methods collect peratom info of the requested type (atom coords, atom types, forces, etc) from all processors, and returns the same vector of values to each calling processor. The scatter functions do the inverse. They distribute a vector of peratom values, passed by all calling processors, to individual atoms, which may be owned by different processors.
Note that the data returned by the gather methods, e.g. gather_atoms(“x”), is different from the data structure returned by extract_atom(“x”) in four ways. (1) Gather_atoms() returns a vector which you index as x[i]; extract_atom() returns an array which you index as x[i][j]. (2) Gather_atoms() orders the atoms by atom ID while extract_atom() does not. (3) Gather_atoms() returns a list of all atoms in the simulation; extract_atoms() returns just the atoms local to each processor. (4) Finally, the gather_atoms() data structure is a copy of the atom coords stored internally in LAMMPS, whereas extract_atom() returns an array that effectively points directly to the internal data. This means you can change values inside LAMMPS from Python by assigning a new values to the extract_atom() array. To do this with the gather_atoms() vector, you need to change values in the vector, then invoke the scatter_atoms() method.
For the scatter methods, the array of coordinates passed to must be a ctypes vector of ints or doubles, allocated and initialized something like this:
from ctypes import \*
natoms = lmp.get_natoms()
n3 = 3\*natoms
x = (n3\*c_double)()
x[0] = x coord of atom with ID 1
x[1] = y coord of atom with ID 1
x[2] = z coord of atom with ID 1
x[3] = x coord of atom with ID 2
x[n3-1] = z coord of atom with ID natoms
Alternatively, you can just change values in the vector returned by the gather methods, since they are also ctypes vectors.
As noted above, these Python class methods correspond one-to-one with the functions in the LAMMPS library interface in src/library.cpp and library.h. This means you can extend the Python wrapper via the following steps:
Add a new interface function to src/library.cpp and src/library.h.
Rebuild LAMMPS as a shared library.
Add a wrapper method to python/lammps.py for this interface function.
You should now be able to invoke the new interface function from a Python script.
(name='', cmdargs=None, ptr=None, comm=None) -
(computeid, request=0) Find neighbor list index of compute neighbor list
- Parameters
computeid (string) – name of compute
request (int, optional) – index of neighbor list request, in case there are more than one, defaults to 0
- Returns
neighbor list index if found, otherwise -1
- Return type
(fixid, request=0) Find neighbor list index of fix neighbor list
- Parameters
fixid (string) – name of fix
request (int, optional) – index of neighbor list request, in case there are more than one, defaults to 0
- Returns
neighbor list index if found, otherwise -1
- Return type
(style, exact=True, nsub=0, request=0) Find neighbor list index of pair style neighbor list
Try finding pair instance that matches style. If exact is set, the pair must match style exactly. If exact is 0, style must only be contained. If pair is of style pair/hybrid, style is instead matched the nsub-th hybrid sub-style.
Once the pair instance has been identified, multiple neighbor list requests may be found. Every neighbor list is uniquely identified by its request index. Thus, providing this request index ensures that the correct neighbor list index is returned.
- Parameters
style (string) – name of pair style that should be searched for
exact (bool, optional) – controls whether style should match exactly or only must be contained in pair style name, defaults to True
nsub (int, optional) – match nsub-th hybrid sub-style, defaults to 0
request (int, optional) – index of neighbor list request, in case there are more than one, defaults to 0
- Returns
neighbor list index if found, otherwise -1
- Return type
(idx) Returns an instance of
which wraps access to the neighbor list with the given index
(idx, element) Return data of neighbor list entry
- Parameters
element (int) – neighbor list index
element – neighbor list element index
- Returns
tuple with atom local index, number of neighbors and array of neighbor local atom indices
- Return type
(int, int, numpy.array)
(idx) Return the number of elements in neighbor list with the given index
- Parameters
idx (int) – neighbor list index
- Returns
number of elements in neighbor list with index idx
- Return type
Return whether the LAMMPS shared library was compiled with C++ exceptions handling enabled
(lmp, idx) This is a wrapper class that exposes the contents of a neighbor list
It can be used like a regular Python list.
Internally it uses the lower-level LAMMPS C-library interface.
(element) - Returns
tuple with atom local index, number of neighbors and array of neighbor local atom indices
- Return type
(int, int, numpy.array)
- Returns
number of elements in neighbor list