Source code for macsypy.config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# MacSyFinder - Detection of macromolecular systems in protein datasets        #
#               using systems modelling and similarity search.                 #
# Authors: Sophie Abby, Bertrand Néron                                         #
# Copyright © 2014  Institut Pasteur (Paris) and CNRS.                         #
# See the COPYRIGHT file for details                                           #
#                                                                              #
# MacsyFinder is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License #
# (GPLv3). See the COPYING file for details.                                   #

import os
import sys
import inspect
from time import strftime
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError

_prefix_path = '$PREFIX'
_prefix_conf = '$PREFIXCONF'
_prefix_data = '$PREFIXDATA'
if 'MACSY_HOME' in os.environ and os.environ['MACSY_HOME']:
    _prefix_path = os.environ['MACSY_HOME']
    _prefix_conf = os.path.join(os.environ['MACSY_HOME'], 'etc')
    _prefix_data = os.path.join(os.environ['MACSY_HOME'], 'data')

import logging

[docs]class Config(object): """ Parse configuration files and handle the configuration according to the following file location precedence: /etc/macsyfinder/macsyfinder.conf < ~/.macsyfinder/macsyfinder.conf < .macsyfinder.conf If a configuration file is given on the command-line, this file will be used. *In fine* the arguments passed on the command-line have the highest priority. """ # if a new option is added think to add it also (if needed) in save options = ('cfg_file', 'previous_run', 'sequence_db', 'db_type', 'replicon_topology', 'topology_file', 'inter_gene_max_space', 'min_mandatory_genes_required', 'min_genes_required', 'max_nb_genes', 'multi_loci', 'hmmer_exe', 'index_db_exe', 'e_value_res', 'i_evalue_sel', 'coverage_profile', 'def_dir', 'res_search_dir', 'res_search_suffix', 'profile_dir', 'profile_suffix', 'res_extract_suffix', 'out_dir', 'log_level', 'log_file', 'worker_nb', 'config_file', 'build_indexes')
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg_file="", sequence_db=None, db_type=None, replicon_topology=None, topology_file=None, inter_gene_max_space=None, min_mandatory_genes_required=None, min_genes_required=None, max_nb_genes=None, multi_loci=None, hmmer_exe=None, index_db_exe=None, e_value_res=None, i_evalue_sel=None, coverage_profile=None, def_dir=None , res_search_dir=None, res_search_suffix=None, profile_dir=None, profile_suffix=None, res_extract_suffix=None, out_dir=None, log_level=None, log_file=None, worker_nb=None, config_file=None, previous_run=None, build_indexes=None ): """ :param cfg_file: the path to the MacSyFinder configuration file to use :type cfg_file: string :param previous_run: the path to the results directory of a previous run :type previous_run: string :param sequence_db: the path to the sequence input dataset (fasta format) :type sequence_db: string :param db_type: the type of dataset to deal with. \"unordered_replicon\" corresponds to a non-assembled genome, \"unordered\" to a metagenomic dataset, \"ordered_replicon\" to an assembled genome, and \"gembase\" to a set of replicons where sequence identifiers follow this convention \">RepliconName_SequenceID\"." :type db_type: string :param replicon_topology: the topology ('linear' or 'circular') of the replicons. This option is meaningful only if the db_type is 'ordered_replicon' or 'gembase' :type replicon_topology: string :param topology_file: a tabular file of mapping between replicon names and the corresponding topology (e.g. \"RepliconA linear\") :type topology_file: string :param inter_gene_max_space: :type inter_gene_max_space: list of list of 2 elements [[ string system, integer space] , ...] :param min_mandatory_genes_required: :type min_mandatory_genes_required: list of list of 2 elements [[ string system, integer ] , ...] :param min_genes_required: :type min_genes_required: list of list of 2 elements [[ string system, integer ] , ...] :param max_nb_genes: :type max_nb_genes: list of list of 2 elements [[ string system, integer ] , ...] :param multi_loci: :type multi_loci: string :param hmmer_exe: the Hmmer \"hmmsearch\" executable :type hmmer_exe: string :param index_db_exe: the indexer executable (\"makeblastdb\" or \"formatdb\") :type index_db_exe: string :param e_value_res: maximal e-value for hits to be reported during Hmmer search :type e_value_res: float :param i_evalue_sel: maximal independent e-value for Hmmer hits to be selected for system detection :type i_evalue_sel: float :param coverage_profile: minimal profile coverage required in the hit alignment to allow the hit selection for system detection :type coverage_profile: float :param def_dir: the path to the directory containing systems definition files (.xml) :type def_dir: string :param res_search_dir: the path to the directory where to store MacSyFinder search results directories. :type res_search_dir: string :param out_dir: The results are written in a directory. By default the directory is named macsyfinder-{date}, but this option allow to override this behavior. If out-dir option is set out-dir will be created if outdir already exists it must be empty. If out-dir and res-search-dir are sets res-search-dir will be ignore. :type out_dir: string :param res_search_suffix: the suffix to give to Hmmer raw output files :type res_search_suffix: string :param res_extract_suffix: the suffix to give to filtered hits output files :type res_extract_suffix: string :param profile_dir: path to the profiles directory :type profile_dir: string :param profile_suffix: the suffix of profile files. For each 'Gene' element, the corresponding profile is searched in the 'profile_dir', in a file which name is based on the Gene name + the profile suffix. :type profile_suffix: string :param log_level: the level of log output :type log_level: int :param log_file: the path to the directory to write MacSyFinder log files :type log_file: string :param worker_nb: maximal number of processes to be used in parallel (multi-thread run, 0 use all cores available) :type worker_nb: int :param build_indexes: build the indexes from the sequence dataset in fasta format :type build_indexes: boolean """ self._new_cfg_name = "macsyfinder.conf" if previous_run: prev_config = os.path.join(previous_run, self._new_cfg_name) if not os.path.exists(prev_config): raise ValueError("No config file found in dir {}".format(previous_run)) config_files = [prev_config] elif cfg_file: config_files = [cfg_file] else: config_files = [os.path.join(_prefix_conf, 'macsyfinder.conf'), os.path.expanduser('~/.macsyfinder/macsyfinder.conf'), 'macsyfinder.conf'] self._defaults = {'replicon_topology': 'circular', 'hmmer_exe': 'hmmsearch', 'index_db_exe': 'makeblastdb', 'e_value_res': "1", 'i_evalue_sel': "0.001", 'coverage_profile': "0.5", 'def_dir': os.path.join(_prefix_data, 'DEF'), 'res_search_dir': os.getcwd(), 'res_search_suffix': '.search_hmm.out', 'res_extract_suffix': '.res_hmm_extract', 'profile_dir': os.path.join(_prefix_data, 'profiles'), 'profile_suffix': '.hmm', 'log_level': logging.WARNING, 'worker_nb': '1' } self.parser = SafeConfigParser(defaults=self._defaults) used_files = frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) cmde_line_opt = {} for arg in args: if arg in self.options and values[arg] is not None: # the option in ConfigParser are store as string # so in save method I dump some options only if # they are != than the default values in ConfigParser cmde_line_opt[arg] = str(values[arg]) self.options = self._validate(cmde_line_opt, values)
[docs] def _validate(self, cmde_line_opt, cmde_line_values): """ Get all configuration values and check the validity of their values. Create the working directory :param cmde_line_opt: the options from the command line :type cmde_line_opt: dict, all values are cast in string :param cmde_line_values: the options from the command line :type cmde_line_values: dict, values are not cast :return: all the options for this execution :rtype: dictionary """ options = {} if 'sequence_db' in cmde_line_opt: cmde_line_opt['file'] = cmde_line_opt['sequence_db'] # All results and intermediate files are stored in a directory # this directory is specify by out_dir option # for compliance if out_dir option is not specified # the output_dir will be the concatenation of research_dir and "macsyfinder-" + strftime("%Y%m%d_%H-%M-%S") try: options['out_dir'] = self.parser.get('directories', 'out_dir', vars=cmde_line_opt) working_dir = options['out_dir'] except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): if 'out_dir' in cmde_line_opt: options['out_dir'] = cmde_line_opt['out_dir'] working_dir = options['out_dir'] else: try: options['res_search_dir'] = self.parser.get('directories', 'res_search_dir', vars=cmde_line_opt) except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): if 'res_search_dir' in cmde_line_opt: options['res_search_dir'] = cmde_line_opt['res_search_dir'] else: options['res_search_dir'] = self._defaults['res_search_dir'] working_dir = os.path.join(options['res_search_dir'], "macsyfinder-" + strftime("%Y%m%d_%H-%M-%S")) if os.path.exists(working_dir) and os.listdir(working_dir): raise ValueError("{0}: This results directory already exists and is not empty".format(working_dir)) elif not os.path.exists(working_dir): try: os.mkdir(working_dir) except OSError as err: raise ValueError("cannot create MacSyFinder working directory {0} : {1}".format(working_dir, err)) options['working_dir'] = working_dir hmmer_path = os.path.join(working_dir, self.hmmer_dir) try: os.mkdir(hmmer_path) except OSError as err: raise ValueError("cannot create MacSyFinder hmmer directory {0} : {1}".format(hmmer_path, err)) try: log_level = self.parser.get('general', 'log_level', vars=cmde_line_opt) except (AttributeError, NoSectionError): log_level = self._defaults['log_level'] else: try: log_level = int(log_level) except ValueError: try: log_level = getattr(logging, log_level.upper()) except AttributeError: log_level = logging.ERROR options['log_level'] = log_level log_error = [] try: log_file = self.parser.get('general', 'log_file', vars=cmde_line_opt) log_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) options['log_file'] = log_file except Exception as err: if not isinstance(err, (NoOptionError, NoSectionError)): log_error.append(err) try: log_file = os.path.join(options['working_dir'], 'macsyfinder.log') log_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) options['log_file'] = log_file except Exception as err: log_error.append(err) log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) options['log_file'] = '' handler_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)-8s : %(filename)-10s : L %(lineno)d : %(asctime)s : %(message)s") log_handler.setFormatter(handler_formatter) log_handler.setLevel(log_level) root = logging.getLogger() root.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) logger = logging.getLogger('macsyfinder') logger.setLevel(log_level) logger.addHandler(log_handler) f_out_log_handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(working_dir, 'macsyfinder.out')) f_out_handler_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") f_out_log_handler.setFormatter(f_out_handler_formatter) f_out_log_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) c_out_log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) c_out_handler_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") c_out_log_handler.setFormatter(c_out_handler_formatter) c_out_log_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) out_logger = logging.getLogger('macsyfinder.out') out_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) out_logger.addHandler(f_out_log_handler) out_logger.addHandler(c_out_log_handler) self._log = logging.getLogger('macsyfinder.config') for error in log_error: self._log.warn(error) try: if cmde_line_opt.get('previous_run', None): if os.path.exists(cmde_line_opt['previous_run']): options['previous_run'] = cmde_line_opt['previous_run'] else: raise ValueError("previous run directory '{0}' was not found".format(cmde_line_opt['previous_run'])) try: options['sequence_db'] = self.parser.get('base', 'file', vars=cmde_line_opt) except NoSectionError: sequence_db = cmde_line_opt.get('sequence_db', None) if sequence_db is None: raise ValueError("No input sequence file specified") else: options['sequence_db'] = sequence_db if not os.path.exists(options['sequence_db']): raise ValueError("{0}: The input sequence file does not exist ".format(options['sequence_db'])) options['sequence_db'] = os.path.abspath(options['sequence_db']) val_4_db_type = ('unordered_replicon', 'ordered_replicon', 'gembase', 'unordered') if 'db_type' in cmde_line_opt: options['db_type'] = cmde_line_opt['db_type'] else: try: options['db_type'] = self.parser.get('base', 'type') except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): raise ValueError("You must specify the type of the input dataset ({0}).".format(', '.join(val_4_db_type))) if options['db_type'] not in val_4_db_type: raise ValueError("Allowed values for the input dataset are : {0}".format(', '.join(val_4_db_type))) val_4_replicon_topology = ('linear', 'circular') if 'replicon_topology' in cmde_line_opt: options['replicon_topology'] = cmde_line_opt['replicon_topology'] else: try: options['replicon_topology'] = self.parser.get('base', 'replicon_topology') except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): options['replicon_topology'] = self._defaults['replicon_topology'] if options['replicon_topology'] not in val_4_replicon_topology: raise ValueError("Allowed values for dataset replicon_topology are : {0}".format(', '.join(val_4_replicon_topology))) if options['replicon_topology'] == 'circular' and options['db_type'] in ('unordered_replicon', 'unordered'): self._log.warning("As the input dataset type 'db_type' is set to {0},\ the replicon_topology file was ignored".format(options['db_type'])) if 'topology_file' in cmde_line_opt: options['topology_file'] = cmde_line_opt['topology_file'] else: try: options['topology_file'] = self.parser.get('base', 'topology_file') except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError): options['topology_file'] = None if options['topology_file'] is not None: if not os.path.exists(options['topology_file']): raise ValueError('topology_file cannot access {}: No such file'.format(options['topology_file'])) elif not os.path.isfile(options['topology_file']): raise ValueError('topology_file {} is not a regular file'.format(options['topology_file'])) if self.parser.has_option("system", "inter_gene_max_space"): options['inter_gene_max_space'] = {} inter_gene_max_space = self.parser.get("system", "inter_gene_max_space") inter_gene_max_space = inter_gene_max_space.split() it = iter(inter_gene_max_space) try: for system in it: interval = try: interval = int(interval) options['inter_gene_max_space'][system] = interval except ValueError: raise ValueError("The 'inter_gene_max_space for system {0} must be an integer,\ but you provided {} in the configuration file".format(system, interval)) except StopIteration: raise ValueError( "Invalid syntax for 'inter_gene_max_space': you must have a list of\ systems and corresponding 'inter_gene_max_space' separated by spaces") if 'inter_gene_max_space' in cmde_line_values and cmde_line_values['inter_gene_max_space'] is not None: if 'inter_gene_max_space' not in options: options['inter_gene_max_space'] = {} for item in cmde_line_values['inter_gene_max_space']: system, interval = item try: interval = int(interval) options['inter_gene_max_space'][system] = interval except ValueError: raise ValueError("The 'inter_gene_max_space for system {0} must be an integer,\ but you provided {1} on command line".format(system, interval)) if self.parser.has_option("system", "min_mandatory_genes_required"): options['min_mandatory_genes_required'] = {} min_mandatory_genes_required = self.parser.get("system", "min_mandatory_genes_required") min_mandatory_genes_required = min_mandatory_genes_required.split() it = iter(min_mandatory_genes_required) try: for system in it: quorum_mandatory_genes = try: quorum_mandatory_genes = int(quorum_mandatory_genes) options['min_mandatory_genes_required'][system] = quorum_mandatory_genes except ValueError: raise ValueError("The value for 'min_mandatory_genes_required' option for system {0}\ must be an integer, but you provided {1} in the configuration file".format(system, quorum_mandatory_genes)) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("Invalid syntax for 'min_mandatory_genes_required': you must have a list of\ systems and corresponding 'min_mandatory_genes_required' separated by spaces") if 'min_mandatory_genes_required' in cmde_line_values and \ cmde_line_values['min_mandatory_genes_required'] is not None: if 'min_mandatory_genes_required' not in options: options['min_mandatory_genes_required'] = {} for item in cmde_line_values['min_mandatory_genes_required']: system, quorum_mandatory_genes = item try: quorum_mandatory_genes = int(quorum_mandatory_genes) options['min_mandatory_genes_required'][system] = quorum_mandatory_genes except ValueError: raise ValueError("The value for 'min_mandatory_genes_required' option for system {0} must be an\ integer, but you provided {1} on command line".format(system, quorum_mandatory_genes)) if self.parser.has_option("system", "min_genes_required"): options['min_genes_required'] = {} min_genes_required = self.parser.get("system", "min_genes_required") min_genes_required = min_genes_required.split() it = iter(min_genes_required) try: for system in it: quorum_genes = try: quorum_genes = int(quorum_genes) options['min_genes_required'][system] = quorum_genes except ValueError: raise ValueError("The value for 'min_genes_required' option for system {0} must be an\ integer, but you provided {1} in the configuration file".format(system, quorum_genes)) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("Invalid syntax for 'min_genes_required': you must have a list of systems and\ corresponding 'min_mandatory_genes_required' separated by spaces") if 'min_genes_required' in cmde_line_values and cmde_line_values['min_genes_required'] is not None: if 'min_genes_required' not in options: options['min_genes_required'] = {} for item in cmde_line_values['min_genes_required']: system, quorum_genes = item try: quorum_genes = int(quorum_genes) options['min_genes_required'][system] = quorum_genes except ValueError: raise ValueError("The value for 'min_genes_required' option for system {0} must be an integer,\ but you provided {1} on command line".format(system, quorum_genes)) if self.parser.has_option("system", "max_nb_genes"): options['max_nb_genes'] = {} max_nb_genes = self.parser.get("system", "max_nb_genes") max_nb_genes = max_nb_genes.split() it = iter(max_nb_genes) try: for system in it: max_genes = try: max_genes = int(max_genes) options['max_nb_genes'][system] = max_genes except ValueError: raise ValueError("The value for 'max_nb_genes' option for system {0} must be an integer,\ but you provided {1} in the configuration file".format(system, max_genes)) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("Invalid syntax for 'max_nb_genes': you must have a list of systems and\ corresponding 'max_nb_genes' separated by spaces") if 'max_nb_genes' in cmde_line_values and cmde_line_values['max_nb_genes'] is not None: if 'max_nb_genes' not in options: options['max_nb_genes'] = {} for item in cmde_line_values['max_nb_genes']: system, max_genes = item try: max_genes = int(max_genes) options['max_nb_genes'][system] = max_genes except ValueError: raise ValueError("The value for 'max_nb_genes' option for system {0} must be an integer, \ but you provided {1} on command line".format(system, max_genes)) if self.parser.has_option("system", "multi_loci"): options['multi_loci'] = self.parser.get("system", "multi_loci").split(',') else: options['multi_loci'] = [] if 'multi_loci' in cmde_line_values and cmde_line_values['multi_loci'] is not None: if 'min_genes_required' not in options: options['multi_loci'] = [] for item in cmde_line_values['multi_loci'].split(','): options['multi_loci'].append(item) try: options['hmmer_exe'] = self.parser.get('hmmer', 'hmmer_exe', vars=cmde_line_opt) except NoSectionError: if 'hmmer_exe' in cmde_line_opt: options['hmmer_exe'] = cmde_line_opt['hmmer_exe'] else: options['hmmer_exe'] = self._defaults['hmmer_exe'] try: options['index_db_exe'] = self.parser.get('base', 'index_db_exe', vars=cmde_line_opt) except NoSectionError: if 'index_db_exe' in cmde_line_opt: options['index_db_exe'] = cmde_line_opt['index_db_exe'] else: options['index_db_exe'] = self._defaults['index_db_exe'] try: e_value_res = self.parser.get('hmmer', 'e_value_res', vars=cmde_line_opt) options['e_value_res'] = float(e_value_res) except ValueError: msg = "Invalid value for hmmer e_value_res :{0}: (float expected)".format(e_value_res) raise ValueError(msg) except NoSectionError: if 'e_value_res' in cmde_line_opt: options['e_value_res'] = float(cmde_line_opt['e_value_res']) else: options['e_value_res'] = float(self._defaults['e_value_res']) try: i_evalue_sel = self.parser.get('hmmer', 'i_evalue_sel', vars=cmde_line_opt) options['i_evalue_sel'] = float(i_evalue_sel) except ValueError: msg = "Invalid value for hmmer i_evalue_sel :{0}: (float expected)".format(i_evalue_sel) raise ValueError(msg) except NoSectionError: if 'i_evalue_sel' in cmde_line_opt: options['i_evalue_sel'] = float(cmde_line_opt['i_evalue_sel']) else: options['i_evalue_sel'] = float(self._defaults['i_evalue_sel']) if options['i_evalue_sel'] > options['e_value_res']: raise ValueError("i_evalue_sel ({:f}) must be lower or equal than e_value_res ({:f})".format(options['i_evalue_sel'], options['e_value_res'])) try: coverage_profile = self.parser.get('hmmer', 'coverage_profile', vars=cmde_line_opt) options['coverage_profile'] = float(coverage_profile) except ValueError: msg = "Invalid value for hmmer coverage_profile :{0}: (float expected)".format(coverage_profile) raise ValueError(msg) except NoSectionError: if 'coverage_profile' in cmde_line_opt: options['coverage_profile'] = float(cmde_line_opt['coverage_profile']) else: options['coverage_profile'] = float(self._defaults['coverage_profile']) try: options['def_dir'] = self.parser.get('directories', 'def_dir', vars=cmde_line_opt) except NoSectionError: if 'def_dir' in cmde_line_opt: options['def_dir'] = cmde_line_opt['def_dir'] else: options['def_dir'] = self._defaults['def_dir'] if not os.path.exists(options['def_dir']): raise ValueError("{0}: No such definition directory".format(options['def_dir'])) try: options['profile_dir'] = self.parser.get('directories', 'profile_dir', vars=cmde_line_opt) except NoSectionError: if 'profile_dir' in cmde_line_opt: options['profile_dir'] = cmde_line_opt['profile_dir'] else: options['profile_dir'] = self._defaults['profile_dir'] if not os.path.exists(options['profile_dir']): raise ValueError("{0}: No such profile directory".format(options['profile_dir'])) try: options['res_search_suffix'] = self.parser.get('directories', 'res_search_suffix', vars=cmde_line_opt) except NoSectionError: if 'res_search_suffix' in cmde_line_opt: options['res_search_suffix'] = cmde_line_opt['res_search_suffix'] else: options['res_search_suffix'] = self._defaults['res_search_suffix'] try: options['res_extract_suffix'] = self.parser.get('directories', 'res_extract_suffix', vars=cmde_line_opt) except NoSectionError: if 'res_extract_suffix' in cmde_line_opt: options['res_extract_suffix'] = cmde_line_opt['res_extract_suffix'] else: options['res_extract_suffix'] = self._defaults['res_extract_suffix'] try: options['profile_suffix'] = self.parser.get('directories', 'profile_suffix', vars=cmde_line_opt) except NoSectionError: if 'profile_suffix' in cmde_line_opt: options['profile_suffix'] = cmde_line_opt['profile_suffix'] else: options['profile_suffix'] = self._defaults['profile_suffix'] try: worker_nb = self.parser.get('general', 'worker_nb', vars=cmde_line_opt) except NoSectionError: if 'worker_nb' in cmde_line_opt: worker_nb = cmde_line_opt['worker_nb'] else: worker_nb = self._defaults['worker_nb'] try: worker_nb = int(worker_nb) if worker_nb >= 0: options['worker_nb'] = worker_nb except ValueError: msg = "the number of worker must be an integer" raise ValueError(msg) except ValueError as err: self._log.error(str(err), exc_info=True) logging.shutdown() if working_dir: import shutil try: shutil.rmtree(working_dir) except: pass raise err # build_indexes is not meaningfull in configuration file options['build_indexes'] = cmde_line_values['build_indexes'] return options
[docs] def save(self, dir_path): """ save the configuration used for this run in the ini format file """ parser = SafeConfigParser() parser.add_section('base') parser.set('base', 'file', str(self.options['sequence_db'])) parser.set('base', 'type', str(self.options['db_type']).lower()) cfg_opts = [('base', ('replicon_topology', 'topology_file', 'index_db_exe',)), ('system', ('inter_gene_max_space', 'min_mandatory_genes_required', 'min_genes_required', 'max_nb_genes', 'multi_loci')), ('hmmer', ('hmmer_exe', 'e_value_res', 'i_evalue_sel', 'coverage_profile')), ('directories', ('def_dir', 'res_search_dir', 'res_search_suffix', 'profile_dir', 'profile_suffix', 'res_extract_suffix')), ('general', ('log_level', 'log_file', 'worker_nb')) ] for section, directives in cfg_opts: if not parser.has_section(section): parser.add_section(section) for directive in directives: try: if self.options[directive] is not None: if directive in ('inter_gene_max_space', 'min_mandatory_genes_required', 'min_genes_required', 'max_nb_genes'): s = '' for system, space in self.options[directive].items(): s += " {0} {1}".format(system, space) parser.set(section, directive, s) elif directive != 'log_file' or self.options[directive] != os.path.join(self.options['working_dir'], 'macsyfinder.log'): parser.set(section, directive, str(self.options[directive])) except KeyError: pass with open(os.path.join(dir_path, self._new_cfg_name), 'w') as new_cfg: parser.write(new_cfg)
@property def sequence_db(self): """ :return: the path to the input sequence dataset (in fasta format) :rtype: string """ return self.options['sequence_db'] @property def db_type(self): """ :return: the type of the input sequence data set. The allowed values are : * 'unordered_replicon', * 'ordered_replicon', * 'gembase', * 'unordered' :rtype: string """ return self.options['db_type'] @property def build_indexes(self): """ :return: True if the indexes must be rebuilt, False otherwise :rtype: boolean """ return self.options['build_indexes'] @property def replicon_topology(self): """ :return: the topology of the replicons. Two values are supported 'linear' (default) and circular. Only relevant for 'ordered' datasets :rtype: string """ return self.options['replicon_topology'] @property def topology_file(self): """ :return: the path to the file of replicons topology. :rtype: string """ return self.options['topology_file']
[docs] def inter_gene_max_space(self, system): """ :param system: the name of a system :type system: string :return: the maximum number of components with no match allowed between two genes with a match to consider them contiguous (at the system level) :rtype: integer """ try: return self.options['inter_gene_max_space'][system] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def min_mandatory_genes_required(self, system): """ :param system: the name of a system :type system: string :return: the mandatory genes quorum to assess the system presence :rtype: integer """ try: return self.options['min_mandatory_genes_required'][system] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def min_genes_required(self, system): """ :param system: the name of a system :type system: string :return: the genes (mandatory+accessory) quorum to assess the system presence :rtype: integer """ try: return self.options['min_genes_required'][system] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def max_nb_genes(self, system): """ :param system: the name of a system :type system: string :return: the maximum number of genes to assess the system presence :rtype: integer """ try: return self.options['max_nb_genes'][system] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def multi_loci(self, system): """ :param system: the name of a system :type system: string :return: the genes (mandatory+accessory) quorum to assess the system presence :rtype: boolean """ try: return system in self.options['multi_loci'] except KeyError: return False
@property def hmmer_exe(self): """ :return: the name of the binary to execute for homology search from HMM protein profiles (Hmmer) :rtype: string """ return self.options['hmmer_exe'] @property def index_db_exe(self): """ :return: the name of the binary to index the input sequences dataset for Hmmer :rtype: string """ return self.options['index_db_exe'] @property def e_value_res(self): """ :return: The e_value threshold used by Hmmer to report hits in the Hmmer raw output file :rtype: float """ return self.options['e_value_res'] @property def i_evalue_sel(self): """ :return: the i_evalue threshold used to select a hit for systems detection and for the Hmmer report (filtered hits) :rtype: float """ return self.options['i_evalue_sel'] @property def coverage_profile(self): """ :return: the coverage threshold used to select a hit for systems detection and for the Hmmer report (filtered hits) :rtype: float """ return self.options['coverage_profile'] @property def def_dir(self): """ :return: the path to the directory where are stored definitions of secretion systems (.xml files) :rtype: string """ return self.options['def_dir'] @property def res_search_dir(self): """ :return the path to the directory to store results of MacSyFinder runs :rtype: string """ return self.options['res_search_dir'] @property def working_dir(self): """ :return: the path to the working directory to use for this run :rtpe: string """ return self.options['working_dir'] @property def res_search_suffix(self): """ :return: the suffix for Hmmer raw output files :rtype: string """ return self.options['res_search_suffix'] @property def profile_dir(self): """ :return: the path to the directory where are the HMM protein profiles which corresponds to Gene :rtype: string """ return self.options['profile_dir'] @property def profile_suffix(self): """ :return: the suffix for profile files :rtype: string """ return self.options['profile_suffix'] @property def res_extract_suffix(self): """ :return: the suffix of extract files (tabulated files after HMM output parsing and filtering of hits) :rtype: string """ return self.options['res_extract_suffix'] @property def worker_nb(self): """ :return: the maximum number of parallel jobs :rtype: int """ return self.options.get('worker_nb', None) @property def previous_run(self): """ :return: the path to the previous run directory to use (to recover Hmmer raw output) :rtype: string """ return self.options.get('previous_run', None) @property def hmmer_dir(self): """ :return: the name of the directory where the hmmer results are stored :rtype: string """ return "hmmer_results"