Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# MacSyFinder - Detection of macromolecular systems in protein datasets        #
#               using systems modelling and similarity search.                 #
# Authors: Sophie Abby, Bertrand Néron                                         #
# Copyright © 2014  Institut Pasteur (Paris) and CNRS.                                   #
# See the COPYRIGHT file for details                                           #
#                                                                              #
# MacsyFinder is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License #
# (GPLv3). See the COPYING file for details.                                   #

import os
import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('macsyfinder.' + __name__)

import abc
from threading import Lock
from itertools import groupby
from .database import Indexes, RepliconDB

[docs]class HMMReport(object): """ Handle the results from the HMM search. Extract a synthetic report from the raw hmmer output, after having applied a hit filtering. This class is an **abstract class**. There are two implementations of this abstract class depending on whether the input sequence dataset is "ordered" ("gembase" or "ordered_replicon" db_type) or not ("unordered" or "unordered_replicon" db_type). """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
[docs] def __init__(self, gene, hmmer_output, cfg): """ :param gene: the gene corresponding to the profile search reported here :type gene: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object :param hmmer_output: The path to the raw Hmmer output file :type hmmer_output: string :param cfg: the configuration object :type cfg: :class:`macsypy.config.Config` object """ self.gene = gene self._hmmer_raw_out = hmmer_output self._extract_out = None self.hits = [] self.cfg = cfg self._lock = Lock()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def extract(self): """ Parse the raw Hmmer output file and produce a new synthetic report file by applying a filter on hits. Contain selected and sorted hits ( **this abstract method is implemented in inherited classes** ) """ pass
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Print information on filtered hits """ s = """# gene: {gene_name} extract from {hmmer_out} hmm output # profile length= {profile_len:d} # i_evalue threshold= {i_evalue:.3f} # coverage threshold= {coverage:.3f} # hit_id replicon_name position_hit hit_sequence_length gene_name gene_system i_eval score profile_coverage sequence_coverage begin end """.format(, hmmer_out=self._hmmer_raw_out, profile_len=len(self.gene.profile), i_evalue=self.cfg.i_evalue_sel, coverage=self.cfg.coverage_profile) for h in self.hits: s += str(h) return s
[docs] def save_extract(self): """ Write the string representation of the extract report in a file. The name of this file is the concatenation of the gene name and of the "res_extract_suffix" from the config object """ with self._lock: extract_out_name = + self.cfg.res_extract_suffix self._extract_out = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir, self.cfg.hmmer_dir, extract_out_name) with open(self._extract_out, 'w') as _file: _file.write(str(self))
[docs] def best_hit(self): """ Return the best hit among multiple hits """ try: return self.hits[0] except IndexError: return None
[docs] def _hit_start(self, line): """ :param line: the line to parse :type line: string :return: True if it's the beginning of a new hit in Hmmer raw output files. False otherwise :rtype: boolean. """ return line.startswith(">>")
[docs] def _build_my_db(self, hmm_output): """ Build the keys of a dictionary object to store sequence identifiers of hits. :param hmm_output: the path to the hmmsearch output to parse. :type hmm_output: string :return: a dictionary containing a key for each sequence id of the hits :rtype: dict """ d = {} with open(hmm_output) as hmm_file: hits = (x[1] for x in groupby(hmm_file, self._hit_start) if x[0]) for h in hits: d[self._parse_hmm_header(h)] = None return d
[docs] def _fill_my_db(self, macsyfinder_idx, db): """ Fill the dictionary with information on the matched sequences :param macsyfinder_idx: the path the macsyfinder index corresponding to the dataset :type macsyfinder_idx: string :param db: the database containing all sequence id of the hits. :type db: dict """ with open(macsyfinder_idx, 'r') as idx: for l in idx: seqid, length, rank = l.split(';') if seqid in db: db[seqid] = (int(length), int(rank))
[docs] def _parse_hmm_header(self, h_grp): """ :param h_grp: the sequence of string return by groupby function representing the header of a hit :type h_grp: sequence of string :returns: the sequence identifier from a set of lines that corresponds to a single hit :rtype: string """ for line in h_grp: hit_id = line.split()[1] return hit_id
[docs] def _parse_hmm_body(self, hit_id, gene_profile_lg, seq_lg, coverage_treshold, replicon_name, position_hit, i_evalue_sel, b_grp): """ Parse the raw Hmmer output to extract the hits, and filter them with threshold criteria selected ("coverage_profile" and "i_evalue_select" command-line parameters) :param hit_id: the sequence identifier :type hit_id: string :param gene_profile_lg: the length of the profile matched :type gene_profile_lg: integer :param seq_lg: the length of the sequence :type seq_lg: integer :param coverage_treshold: the minimal coverage of the profile to be reached in the Hmmer alignment for hit selection :type coverage_treshold: float :param replicon_name: the identifier of the replicon :type replicon_name: string :param position_hit: the rank of the sequence matched in the input dataset file :type position_hit: integer :param i_evalue_sel: the maximal i-evalue (independent evalue) for hit selection :type i_evalue_sel: float :param b_grp: the Hmmer output lines to deal with (grouped by hit) :type b_grp: list of list of strings :returns: a set of hits :rtype: list of :class:`` objects """ first_line = if not first_line.startswith(' # score'): return [] else: hits = [] for line in b_grp: if line[0] == '\n': return hits elif line.startswith(" --- ------ ----- --------"): pass else: fields = line.split() try: if len(fields) > 1 and float(fields[5]) <= i_evalue_sel: cov_profile = (float(fields[7]) - float(fields[6]) + 1) / gene_profile_lg begin = int(fields[9]) end = int(fields[10]) cov_gene = (float(end) - float(begin) + 1) / seq_lg # To be added in Gene: sequence_length if cov_profile >= coverage_treshold: i_eval = float(fields[5]) score = float(fields[2]) hits.append(Hit(self.gene, self.gene.system, hit_id, seq_lg, replicon_name, position_hit, i_eval, score, cov_profile, cov_gene, begin, end)) except ValueError as err: msg = "Invalid line to parse :{0}:{1}".format(line, err) _log.debug(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class GeneralHMMReport(HMMReport): """ Handle HMM report. Extract a synthetic report from the raw hmmer output. Dedicated to any type of 'unordered' datasets. """
[docs] def extract(self): """ Parse the output file of hmmer compute from an unordered genes base and produced a new synthetic report file. """ with self._lock: # so the extract of a given HMM output is executed only once per run # if this method is called several times the first call induce the parsing of HMM out # the other calls do nothing if self.hits: return idx = Indexes(self.cfg) macsyfinder_idx = idx.find_my_indexes() my_db = self._build_my_db(self._hmmer_raw_out) self._fill_my_db(macsyfinder_idx, my_db) with open(self._hmmer_raw_out, 'r') as hmm_out: i_evalue_sel = self.cfg.i_evalue_sel coverage_threshold = self.cfg.coverage_profile gene_profile_lg = len(self.gene.profile) hmm_hits = (x[1] for x in groupby(hmm_out, self._hit_start)) # drop summary for hmm_hit in hmm_hits: hit_id = self._parse_hmm_header(hmm_hit) seq_lg, position_hit = my_db[hit_id] # replicon_name = self.cfg. # Define a variable in further devt replicon_name = "Unordered" body = h = self._parse_hmm_body(hit_id, gene_profile_lg, seq_lg, coverage_threshold, replicon_name, position_hit, i_evalue_sel, body) self.hits += h self.hits.sort() return self.hits
[docs]class OrderedHMMReport(HMMReport): """ Handle HMM report. Extract a synthetic report from the raw hmmer output. Dedicated to 'ordered_replicon' datasets. """
[docs] def extract(self): """ Parse the output file of Hmmer obtained from a search in an ordered set of sequences and produce a new synthetic report file. """ with self._lock: # so the extract of a given HMM output is executed only once per run # if this method is called several times the first call induce the parsing of HMM out # the other calls do nothing if self.hits: return idx = Indexes(self.cfg) macsyfinder_idx = idx.find_my_indexes() my_db = self._build_my_db(self._hmmer_raw_out) self._fill_my_db(macsyfinder_idx, my_db) with open(self._hmmer_raw_out, 'r') as hmm_out: i_evalue_sel = self.cfg.i_evalue_sel coverage_threshold = self.cfg.coverage_profile gene_profile_lg = len(self.gene.profile) hmm_hits = (x[1] for x in groupby(hmm_out, self._hit_start)) # drop summary for hmm_hit in hmm_hits: hit_id = self._parse_hmm_header(hmm_hit) seq_lg, position_hit = my_db[hit_id] replicon_name = RepliconDB.ordered_replicon_name body = h = self._parse_hmm_body(hit_id, gene_profile_lg, seq_lg, coverage_threshold, replicon_name, position_hit, i_evalue_sel, body) self.hits += h self.hits.sort() return self.hits
[docs]class GembaseHMMReport(HMMReport): """ Handle HMM report. Extract a synthetic report from the raw hmmer output. Dedicated to 'gembase' format datasets. """
[docs] def extract(self): """ Parse the output file of Hmmer obtained from a search in a 'gembase' set of sequences and produce a new synthetic report file. """ with self._lock: # so the extract of a given HMM output is executed only once per run # if this method is called several times the first call induce the parsing of HMM out # the other calls do nothing if self.hits: return idx = Indexes(self.cfg) macsyfinder_idx = idx.find_my_indexes() my_db = self._build_my_db(self._hmmer_raw_out) self._fill_my_db(macsyfinder_idx, my_db) with open(self._hmmer_raw_out, 'r') as hmm_out: i_evalue_sel = self.cfg.i_evalue_sel coverage_threshold = self.cfg.coverage_profile gene_profile_lg = len(self.gene.profile) hmm_hits = (x[1] for x in groupby(hmm_out, self._hit_start)) # drop summary for hmm_hit in hmm_hits: hit_id = self._parse_hmm_header(hmm_hit) seq_lg, position_hit = my_db[hit_id] replicon_name = "_".join(hit_id.split('_')[:-1]) body = h = self._parse_hmm_body(hit_id, gene_profile_lg, seq_lg, coverage_threshold, replicon_name, position_hit, i_evalue_sel, body) self.hits += h self.hits.sort() return self.hits
[docs]class Hit(object): """ Handle the hits filtered from the Hmmer search. The hits are instanciated by :py:meth:`HMMReport.extract` method """
[docs] def __init__(self, gene, system, hit_id, hit_seq_length, replicon_name, position_hit, i_eval, score, profile_coverage, sequence_coverage, begin_match, end_match): """ :param gene: the gene corresponding to this profile :type gene: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object :param system: the system to which this gene belongs :type system: :class:`macsypy.system.System` object :param hit_id: the identifier of the hit :type hit_id: string :param hit_seq_length: the length of the hit sequence :type hit_seq_length: integer :param replicon_name: the name of the replicon :type replicon_name: string :param position_hit: the rank of the sequence matched in the input dataset file :type position_hit: integer :param i_eval: the best-domain evalue (i-evalue, "independent evalue") :type i_eval: float :param score: the score of the hit :type score: float :param profile_coverage: percentage of the profile that matches the hit sequence :type profile_coverage: float :param sequence_coverage: percentage of the hit sequence that matches the profile :type sequence_coverage: float :param begin_match: where the hit with the profile starts in the sequence :type begin_match: integer :param end_match: where the hit with the profile ends in the sequence :type end_match: integer """ self.gene = gene self.system = system = hit_id self.seq_length = hit_seq_length self.replicon_name = replicon_name self.position = position_hit self.i_eval = i_eval self.score = score self.profile_coverage = profile_coverage self.sequence_coverage = sequence_coverage self.begin_match = begin_match self.end_match = end_match
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Print useful information on the Hit: regarding Hmmer statistics, and sequence information """ return "{id}\t{replicon_name}\t{position:d}\t{seq_len:d}\t{gene_name}\t{system_name}\t{i_evalue:.3e}\t{score:.3f}\ \t{profil_cov:.3f}\t{seq_cov:.3f}\t{begin_match:d}\t{end_match:d}\n".format(, replicon_name=self.replicon_name, position=self.position, seq_len=self.seq_length,,, i_evalue=self.i_eval, score=self.score, profil_cov=self.profile_coverage, seq_cov=self.sequence_coverage, begin_match=self.begin_match, end_match=self.end_match)
[docs] def __cmp__(self, other): """ Compare two Hits. If the sequence identifier is the same, do the comparison on the score. Otherwise, do it on alphabetical comparison of the sequence identifier. :param other: the hit to compare to the current object :type other: :class:`` object :return: the result of the comparison """ if == if not self.gene.is_homolog(other.gene): _log.warning("Non homologs match: {g_name} ({sys_name}) {other_g_name} ({other_sys_name}) for {id}".format(\,,,, return cmp(self.score, other.score) else: return cmp(,
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Return True if two hits are totally equivalent, False otherwise. :param other: the hit to compare to the current object :type other: :class:`` object :return: the result of the comparison :rtype: boolean """ return ( == and == and == and self.seq_length == other.seq_length and self.replicon_name == other.replicon_name and self.position == other.position and self.i_eval == other.i_eval and self.score == other.score and self.profile_coverage == other.profile_coverage and self.sequence_coverage == other.sequence_coverage and self.begin_match == other.begin_match and self.end_match == other.end_match )
[docs] def get_position(self): """ :returns: the position of the hit (rank in the input dataset file) :rtype: integer """ return self.position
[docs] def get_syst_inter_gene_max_space(self): """ :returns: the 'inter_gene_max_space' parameter defined for the gene of the hit :rtype: integer """ return self.gene.system.inter_gene_max_space