This module classes and functions which a given set of hits and a model compute if this set satisfy the model or not
The object which check the compliance of hits to a model is MatchMaker which have 2 sub-classes for ordered and unordered replicons
MatchMaker.match method link hit to a model (macsypy.hit.ValidHit
and then check if these valid hit satisfy the quorum constraints defined
in the model. According this it instanciate a macsypy.system.System
or macsypy.system.RejectedCandidate
for ordered replicons
or macsypy.system.LikelySystem
or macsypy.system.UnlikelySystem
for unordered replicons
below the inheritance diagram:
The abstract class macsypy.system.AbstractSetOfHits
is controlled by the metaclass
which inject on the fly several private attributes and
public properties (see more in macsypy.system.MetaSetOfHits