Output format

MacSyFinder provides different types of output files. At each run, MacSyFinder creates a new folder, whose name is based on a fixed prefix and a random suffix, for instance “macsyfinder-20130128_08-57-46”. MacSyFinder output files are stored in this run-specific folder.

There are three types of output files:
  1. The main output files for the systems’ search. They differ with the search mode (ordered or unordered).

  2. The HMMER output files (search of each systems’ components), located in the hmmer_results folder.

  3. The internal configuration and log files.


Each tabular output file contains a header line describing each column in the output.

Output files for the “ordered replicon(s)” search modes

These output files are provided when MacSyFinder search proceeds on a set of proteins that are deemed to follow the order of their genes on replicons. This corresponds to the two search modes gembase and ordered_replicon.

Systems detection results

Different types of output files are provided, human-readable files “.txt”, and tabulated files “.tsv”. For the latter, headers are provided with the content of the lines in the file.

  • best_solution.tsv - This file contains the best solution found by MacSyFinder in terms of systems detected, under the form of a per-component, tabulated report file. A solution consists in a set of compatible systems (no components’ overlap allowed). If multiple solutions showed a maximal score, a ranking is established.

    To see potential other best solutions (in case several obtained the same highest score), see file all_best_solutions.tsv.

    To see all possible, candidate systems without further processing, see files all_systems.txt and all_systems.tsv.

    The best_solution.tsv file is the most similar to former V1 file macsyfinder.report.

  • best_solution_loners.tsv and best_solution_multisystems.tsv report hits which have been identified as loners or multi-systems which means that the corresponding gene is tagged as a ‘loner’ or ‘multi-system’ in the model definition and the hit is lot located in a cluster.

  • best_solution_summary.tsv is a summary of the best_solution.tsv file, containing the number of systems detected in each replicon analysed.

  • all_systems.txt - This file describes the search process of all possible candidate systems given the definitions in systems’ models - without processing of the potential overlaps between candidate systems. This set of possible candidate systems are also given under the form of a tabulated file in all_systems.tsv.

  • rejected_candidates.tsv and rejected_candidates.txt - This file lists candidate clusters (or a combination of clusters) components that were rejected by MacSyFinder during the search process, and were thus not assigned to a candidate system. This set of clusters are also given under the form of tabulated file rejected_candidates.tsv.

  • all_best_solutions.tsv - This file contains all possible best solutions under the form of a per-component, tabulated report file. To retrieve a single best solution as proposed by MacSyFinder, see file best_solution.tsv.

  • all_systems.tsv - This file contains all possible candidate systems given the definitions - without processing of the potential overlaps between candidate systems, under the form of a per-component, tabulated report file. It corresponds to the tabulated version of the all_systems.txt file.


The file starts with some comments:

  • the version of MacSyFinder used

  • the name of model package and version used

  • the command line used to produce this file

Then for each replicon, the systems detected are listed along with their description:

  • system_id - the unique identifier of a system

  • model - the model assigned to this system

  • replicon - the name of the replicon harbouring the system

  • clusters - the clusters composition of this system

    • each clusters is a list of tuple

    • each tuple is composed of:

      • the name of the matching gene(s) in the replicon

      • the name of the corresponding gene profile(s)

      • the position of the corresponding sequence(s) along the replicon

  • occurrence - the average number of occurrences of each components of the system (as a potential proxy to estimate whether there’s the genetic potential for multiple systems in one)

  • wholeness - the percentage of the model’s components that were found in this system

  • loci nb - the number of different loci constituting this system

  • score - the score of the system. See here for more details

  • systems components - the number of occurrences of each model components in parenthesis the name of the matching profile in square brackets the name of other putative systems that would involve this gene

Here is an example of the all_systems.txt file:

# macsyfinder 20200217.dev
# models: TFF-SF_final-0.1
# macsyfinder --sequence-db DATA_TEST/sequences.prt --db-type=gembase --models-dir data/models/ --models TFF-SF_final all -w 4
# Systems found:

system id = VICH001.B.00001.C001_MSH_1
model = TFF-SF_final/MSH
replicon = VICH001.B.00001.C001
clusters = [('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00406', 'MSH_mshI', 366), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00407', 'MSH_mshJ', 367), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00408', 'MSH_mshK', 368), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00409', '
MSH_mshL', 369), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00410', 'MSH_mshM', 370), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00411', 'MSH_mshN', 371), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00412', 'MSH_mshE', 372), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_0041
3', 'MSH_mshG', 373), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00414', 'MSH_mshF', 374), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00415', 'MSH_mshB', 375), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00416', 'MSH_mshA', 376), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001
_00417', 'MSH_mshC', 377), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00418', 'MSH_mshD', 378), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00419', 'MSH_mshO', 379), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00420', 'MSH_mshP', 380), ('VICH001.B.00001
.C001_00421', 'MSH_mshQ', 381)]
occ = 1
wholeness = 0.941
loci nb = 1
score = 10.500

mandatory genes:
        - MSH_mshA: 1 (MSH_mshA)
        - MSH_mshE: 1 (MSH_mshE)
        - MSH_mshG: 1 (MSH_mshG)
        - MSH_mshL: 1 (MSH_mshL)
        - MSH_mshM: 1 (MSH_mshM)

accessory genes:
        - MSH_mshB: 1 (MSH_mshB)
        - MSH_mshC: 1 (MSH_mshC)
        - MSH_mshD: 1 (MSH_mshD)
        - MSH_mshF: 1 (MSH_mshF)
        - MSH_mshI: 1 (MSH_mshI)
        - MSH_mshI2: 0 ()
        - MSH_mshJ: 1 (MSH_mshJ)
        - MSH_mshK: 1 (MSH_mshK)
        - MSH_mshN: 1 (MSH_mshN)
        - MSH_mshO: 1 (MSH_mshO)
        - MSH_mshQ: 1 (MSH_mshQ)
        - MSH_mshP: 1 (MSH_mshP)

neutral genes:

system id = VICH001.B.00001.C001_T4P_14
model = TFF-SF_final/T4P
replicon = VICH001.B.00001.C001
clusters = [('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00476', 'T4P_pilT', 427), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00477', 'T4P_pilU', 428)], [('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00847', 'T4P_pilO', 778), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00850',
 'T4P_pilE', 781), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00851', 'T4P_fimT', 782), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00852', 'T4P_pilW', 783), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00853', 'T4P_pilX', 784), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_00
854', 'T4P_pilV', 785)], [('VICH001.B.00001.C001_02305', 'T4P_pilA', 2202), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_02306', 'T4P_pilB', 2203), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_02307', 'T4P_pilC', 2204), ('VICH001.B.000
01.C001_02308', 'T4P_pilD', 2205)], [('VICH001.B.00001.C001_02502', 'MSH_mshM', 2391), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_02505', 'T4P_pilQ', 2394), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_02506', 'T4P_pilP', 2395), ('VI
CH001.B.00001.C001_02507', 'T4P_pilO', 2396), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_02508', 'T4P_pilN', 2397), ('VICH001.B.00001.C001_02509', 'T4P_pilM', 2398)]
occ = 1
wholeness = 0.944
loci nb = 4
score = 12.000

mandatory genes:
        - T4P_pilE: 1 (T4P_pilE)
        - T4P_pilB: 1 (T4P_pilB)
        - T4P_pilC: 1 (T4P_pilC)
        - T4P_pilO: 2 (T4P_pilO, T4P_pilO)
        - T4P_pilQ: 1 (T4P_pilQ)
        - T4P_pilN: 1 (T4P_pilN)
        - T4P_pilT: 1 (T4P_pilT)
        - T4P_pilD: 1 (T4P_pilD [VICH001.B.00001.C001_T2SS_4])

accessory genes:
        - T4P_pilA: 1 (T4P_pilA)
        - T4P_pilV: 1 (T4P_pilV)
        - T4P_pilY: 0 ()
        - T4P_pilW: 1 (T4P_pilW)
        - T4P_pilX: 1 (T4P_pilX)
        - T4P_fimT: 1 (T4P_fimT)
        - T4P_pilM: 1 (T4P_pilM)
        - T4P_pilP: 1 (T4P_pilP)
        - T4P_pilU: 1 (T4P_pilU)
        - MSH_mshM: 1 (MSH_mshM)

neutral genes:


This corresponds to the tabulated version of the systems listed in all_systems.txt. Each line corresponds to a “hit” that has been assigned to a detected system. It includes:

  • replicon - the name of the replicon it belongs to

  • hit_id - the unique identifier of the hit

  • gene_name - the name of the component identified by the hit

  • hit_pos - the position of the sequence in the replicon

  • model_fqn - the model fully-qualified name

  • sys_id - the unique identifier attributed to the detected system

  • sys_loci - the number of loci

  • locus_num - the number of the locus where is located this gene. Loners gene have a negative locus_num

  • sys_wholeness - the wholeness of the system

  • sys_score - the system score

  • sys_occ - the estimated number of system occurrences that could be potentially “filled” with this system’s occurrence, based on the average number of each component found. A proxy for the genetic potential ton encode several systems from the set of components found in this one occurrence.

  • hit_gene_ref - the gene in the model whose this hit plays the role of

  • hit_status - the status of the component in the assigned system’s definition

  • hit_seq_len - the length of the protein sequence matched by this hit

  • hit_i_eval - Hmmer statistics, the independent-evalue

  • hit_score - Hmmer score

  • hit_profile_cov - the percentage of the profile covered by the alignment with the sequence

  • hit_seq_cov - the percentage of the sequence covered by the alignment with the profile

  • hit_begin_match - the position in the sequence where the profile match begins

  • hit_end_match - the position in the sequence where the profile match ends

  • counterpart - the hit id of some other hit which are equivalent. Only loners and multi-systems hits have counterparts

  • used_in - whether the hit could be used in another system’s occurrence

This file can be easily parsed using the Python pandas library.

import pandas as pd

systems = pd.read_csv("path/to/systems.tsv", sep='\t', comment='#')


Each system reported is separated from the others with a blank line to ease human reading. These lines are ignored during the parsing with pandas.

# macsyfinder 20220121.dev
# models : functional-0.0b2
# /home/bneron/Projects/GEM/MacSyFinder/MacSyFinder/py39/bin/macsyfinder --db-type=gembase --models-dir=tests/data//models/ --models TFF-SF Archaeal-T4P ComM MSH T2SS T4bP T4P Tad --relative-path --sequence-db tests/data/base/gembase.fasta -w 12
# Systems found:
replicon	hit_id	gene_name	hit_pos	model_fqn	sys_id	sys_loci	locus_num	sys_wholeness	sys_score	sys_occ	hit_gene_ref	hit_status	hit_seq_len	hit_i_eval	hit_score	hit_profile_cov	hit_seq_cov	hit_begin_match	hit_end_match	counterpart	used_in
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_000970	T4P_pilC	97	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_14	3	1	0.556	7.260	1	T4P_pilC	mandatory	400	2.2e-105	353.100	0.991	0.830	62	393		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_000980	T4P_pilB	98	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_14	3	1	0.556	7.260	1	T4P_pilB	mandatory	461	8.9e-152	506.100	0.948	0.850	62	453		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_000990	T4P_pilA	99	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_14	3	1	0.556	7.260	1	T4P_pilA	accessory	146	1.1e-19	71.200	0.859	0.473	5	73		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_025680	T4P_pilW	2568	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_14	3	2	0.556	7.260	1	T4P_pilW	accessory	187	3.3e-08	34.500	0.625	0.401	6	80		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_025690	T4P_fimT	2569	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_14	3	2	0.556	7.260	1	T4P_fimT	accessory	156	2.5e-06	28.500	0.939	0.397	5	66		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_030590	T4P_pilQ	3059	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_14	3	3	0.556	7.260	1	T4P_pilQ	mandatory	412	5.9e-51	173.100	0.919	0.408	244	411		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_030620	T4P_pilN	3062	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_14	3	3	0.556	7.260	1	T4P_pilN	mandatory	179	3.8e-09	37.500	0.986	0.765	5	141		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_030630	T4P_pilM	3063	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_14	3	3	0.556	7.260	1	T4P_pilM	accessory	259	1.1e-09	39.300	0.988	0.598	8	162		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_026740	T4P_pilT	2674	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_14	3	-1	0.556	7.260	1	T4P_pilT	mandatory	326	1.1e-117	393.600	0.944	0.979	3	321		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_026930	T2SS_gspO	2693	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_14	3	-2	0.556	7.260	1	T4P_pilD	mandatory	269	1.3e-87	294.000	1.000	0.859	30	260	GCF_000005845_030080	GCF_000005845_T2SS_2


If a loner component is not clustered with other genes, it will not be considered as part of a locus. Thus, its locus number will be a negative value (numbered from -1) and will not be counted in the variable sys_loci (number of loci for a system). See above lines for more details.

GCF_000005845   GCF_000005845_026740    T4P_pilT        2674    TFF-SF/T4P      GCF_000005845_T4P_25    3       -1      0.556   7.800
GCF_000005845   GCF_000005845_026930    T2SS_gspO       2693    TFF-SF/T4P      GCF_000005845_T4P_25    3       -2      0.556   7.800

best_solution.tsv and all_best_solutions.tsv

Since MacSyFinder 2.0, a combinatorial exploration of solutions using sets of systems found is performed. We call best solution, the combination of systems offering the highest score.

The best_solution.tsv and all_best_solutions.tsv files have the same structure as the file all_systems.tsv, except that there is an extra column sol_id which is a solution identifier added to the file all_best_solutions.tsv. The systems that have the same “sol_id” belong to a same solution.

As the files have the same structure as all_systems.tsv, they can also be parsed with pandas as shown above.

For the description of the fields of best_solution.tsv, see above those of the all_systems.tsv file.

For the all_best_solutions.tsv, each line corresponds to a “hit” that has been assigned to a detected system. It includes:

  • sol_id - the name of the solution it is part of (only in all_best_solutions.tsv files)

  • replicon - the name of the replicon it belongs to

  • hit_id - the unique identifier of the hit

  • gene_name - the name of the component identified by the hit

  • hit_pos - the position of the sequence in the replicon

  • model_fqn - the model fully-qualified name

  • sys_id - the unique identifier attributed to the detected system

  • sys_loci - the number of loci

  • locus_num - the number of the locus where is located this gene. Loners gene have negative locus_num

  • sys_wholeness - the wholeness of the system

  • sys_score - the system score

  • sys_occ - the estimated number of system occurrences that could be potentially “filled” with this system’s occurrence, based on the average number of each component found. A proxy for the genetic potential ton encode several systems from the set of components found in this one occurrence.

  • hit_gene_ref - the gene in the model whose this hit plays the role of

  • hit_status - the status of the component in the assigned system’s definition

  • hit_seq_len - the length of the protein sequence matched by this hit

  • hit_i_eval - Hmmer statistics, the independent-evalue

  • hit_score - Hmmer score

  • hit_profile_cov - the percentage of the profile covered by the alignment with the sequence

  • hit_seq_cov - the percentage of the sequence covered by the alignment with the profile

  • hit_begin_match - the position in the sequence where the profile match begins

  • hit_end_match - the position in the sequence where the profile match ends

  • counterpart - the hit id of some other hit which are equivalent. Only loners and multi-systems hits have counterparts

  • used_in - whether the hit could be used in another system’s occurrence


Each system reported is separated from the others with a blank line to ease human reading. These lines are ignored during the parsing with pandas.

Example of best_solution.tsv files

# macsyfinder 20220121.dev
# models : functional-0.0b2
# /home/bneron/Projects/GEM/MacSyFinder/MacSyFinder/py39/bin/macsyfinder --db-type=gembase --models-dir=tests/data//models/ --models TFF-SF Archaeal-T4P ComM MSH T2SS T4bP T4P Tad --relative-path --sequence-db tests/data/base/gembase.fasta -w 12
# Systems found:
replicon	hit_id	gene_name	hit_pos	model_fqn	sys_id	sys_loci	locus_num	sys_wholeness	sys_score	sys_occ	hit_gene_ref	hit_status	hit_seq_len	hit_i_eval	hit_score	hit_profile_cov	hit_seq_cov	hit_begin_match	hit_end_match	counterpart	used_in
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_000970	T4P_pilC	97	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_9	1	1	0.278	3.760	1	T4P_pilC	mandatory	400	2.2e-105	353.100	0.991	0.830	62	393		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_000980	T4P_pilB	98	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_9	1	1	0.278	3.760	1	T4P_pilB	mandatory	461	8.9e-152	506.100	0.948	0.850	62	453		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_000990	T4P_pilA	99	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_9	1	1	0.278	3.760	1	T4P_pilA	accessory	146	1.1e-19	71.200	0.859	0.473	5	73		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_026740	T4P_pilT	2674	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_9	1	-1	0.278	3.760	1	T4P_pilT	mandatory	326	1.1e-117	393.600	0.944	0.979	3	321		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_026930	T2SS_gspO	2693	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_9	1	-2	0.278	3.760	1	T4P_pilD	mandatory	269	1.3e-87	294.000	1.000	0.859	30	260	GCF_000005845_030080	GCF_000005845_T2SS_2

GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_025680	T4P_pilW	2568	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_13	2	1	0.389	4.760	1	T4P_pilW	accessory	187	3.3e-08	34.500	0.625	0.401	6	80		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_025690	T4P_fimT	2569	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_13	2	1	0.389	4.760	1	T4P_fimT	accessory	156	2.5e-06	28.500	0.939	0.397	5	66		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_030590	T4P_pilQ	3059	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_13	2	2	0.389	4.760	1	T4P_pilQ	mandatory	412	5.9e-51	173.100	0.919	0.408	244	411		
GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_030620	T4P_pilN	3062	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_13	2	2	0.389	4.760	1	T4P_pilN	mandatory	179	3.8e-09	37.500	0.986	0.765	5	141		

Example of all_best_solutions.tsv files

# macsyfinder 20220121.dev
# models : functional-0.0b2
# /home/bneron/Projects/GEM/MacSyFinder/MacSyFinder/py39/bin/macsyfinder --db-type=gembase --models-dir=tests/data//models/ --models TFF-SF Archaeal-T4P ComM MSH T2SS T4bP T4P Tad --relative-path --sequence-db tests/data/base/gembase.fasta -w 12
# Systems found:
sol_id	replicon	hit_id	gene_name	hit_pos	model_fqn	sys_id	sys_loci	locus_num	sys_wholeness	sys_score	sys_occ	hit_gene_ref	hit_status	hit_seq_len	hit_i_eval	hit_score	hit_profile_cov	hit_seq_cov	hit_begin_match	hit_end_match	counterpart	used_in
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_000970	T4P_pilC	97	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_9	1	1	0.278	3.760	1	T4P_pilC	mandatory	400	2.2e-105	353.100	0.991	0.830	62	393		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_000980	T4P_pilB	98	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_9	1	1	0.278	3.760	1	T4P_pilB	mandatory	461	8.9e-152	506.100	0.948	0.850	62	453		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_000990	T4P_pilA	99	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_9	1	1	0.278	3.760	1	T4P_pilA	accessory	146	1.1e-19	71.200	0.859	0.473	5	73		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_026740	T4P_pilT	2674	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_9	1	-1	0.278	3.760	1	T4P_pilT	mandatory	326	1.1e-117	393.600	0.944	0.979	3	321		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_026930	T2SS_gspO	2693	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_9	1	-2	0.278	3.760	1	T4P_pilD	mandatory	269	1.3e-87	294.000	1.000	0.859	30	260	GCF_000005845_030080	GCF_000005845_T2SS_2

1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_025680	T4P_pilW	2568	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_13	2	1	0.389	4.760	1	T4P_pilW	accessory	187	3.3e-08	34.500	0.625	0.401	6	80		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_025690	T4P_fimT	2569	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_13	2	1	0.389	4.760	1	T4P_fimT	accessory	156	2.5e-06	28.500	0.939	0.397	5	66		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_030590	T4P_pilQ	3059	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_13	2	2	0.389	4.760	1	T4P_pilQ	mandatory	412	5.9e-51	173.100	0.919	0.408	244	411		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_030620	T4P_pilN	3062	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_13	2	2	0.389	4.760	1	T4P_pilN	mandatory	179	3.8e-09	37.500	0.986	0.765	5	141		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_030630	T4P_pilM	3063	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_13	2	2	0.389	4.760	1	T4P_pilM	accessory	259	1.1e-09	39.300	0.988	0.598	8	162		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_026740	T4P_pilT	2674	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_13	2	-1	0.389	4.760	1	T4P_pilT	mandatory	326	1.1e-117	393.600	0.944	0.979	3	321		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_026930	T2SS_gspO	2693	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_13	2	-2	0.389	4.760	1	T4P_pilD	mandatory	269	1.3e-87	294.000	1.000	0.859	30	260	GCF_000005845_030080	GCF_000005845_T2SS_2

1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_029970	T2SS_gspC	2997	TFF-SF/T2SS	GCF_000005845_T2SS_1	1	1	0.857	9.000	1	T2SS_gspC	mandatory	271	2.3e-19	70.400	0.897	0.358	47	143		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_030050	T2SS_gspK	3005	TFF-SF/T2SS	GCF_000005845_T2SS_1	1	1	0.857	9.000	1	T2SS_gspK	accessory	327	1e-16	61.500	1.000	0.180	6	64		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_030060	T2SS_gspL	3006	TFF-SF/T2SS	GCF_000005845_T2SS_1	1	1	0.857	9.000	1	T2SS_gspL	accessory	387	1.5e-37	129.300	1.000	0.351	6	141		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_030070	T2SS_gspM	3007	TFF-SF/T2SS	GCF_000005845_T2SS_1	1	1	0.857	9.000	1	T2SS_gspM	accessory	153	2.8e-29	102.900	0.985	0.804	13	135		
1	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_030080	T2SS_gspO	3008	TFF-SF/T2SS	GCF_000005845_T2SS_1	1	1	0.857	9.000	1	T2SS_gspO	mandatory	225	4e-65	220.400	0.978	0.840	26	214		

# WARNING Loner: there is only 1 occurrence(s) of loner 'T4P_pilT' and 2 potential systems [GCF_000005845_T4P_9, GCF_000005845_T4P_13]

2	GCF_000005845	GCF_000005845_000970	T4P_pilC	97	TFF-SF/T4P	GCF_000005845_T4P_11	2	1	0.389	4.760	1	T4P_pilC	mandatory	400	2.2e-105	353.100	0.991	0.830	62	393		


If a loner component is not clustered with other genes, it will not be considered as part of a locus. Thus, its locus number will be a negative value (numbered from -1) and will not be counted in the variable sys_loci (number of loci for a system). See above lines for more details.


If several systems from same model use a loner (same gene) msf check that there is at least one occurrence of this hit for each system. If there are fewer hits than systems occurrence a warning is displayed in best_solution.tsv or all_best_solution.tsv as comment. So the file can be parsed with pandas without problem.

1       GCF_000005845   GCF_000005845_030080    T2SS_gspO       3008    TFF-SF/T2SS     GCF_000005845_T2SS_1    1       1       0.857   9.000   1       T2SS_gspO       mandatory       225     4e-65   220.400 0.978   0.840   26      214

# WARNING Loner: there is only 1 occurrence(s) of loner 'T4P_pilT' and 2 potential systems [GCF_000005845_T4P_9, GCF_000005845_T4P_13]

2       GCF_000005845   GCF_000005845_000970    T4P_pilC        97      TFF-SF/T4P      GCF_000005845_T4P_11    2       1       0.389   4.760   1       T4P_pilC        mandatory       400     2.2e-105        353.100 0.991   0.830   62      393


In case multiple solutions have the exact same score, a sorting is performed among the best solutions, and the solution ranked 1st is reported in the best_solution.tsv and best_solution.txt files. The ranking is performed as follow:

  1. by the number of systems’ components (hits) constituting the solution (most components first)

  2. by the number of systems (most systems in first)

  3. by the average of systems’ wholeness

  4. by hits position. This criterion is mostly introduced to produce reproducible results between two runs.


This file is a concise view of which systems have been found in your replicons and how many per replicon. It is based on best_solution.tsv. The first two lines are comments that indicate the version of MacSyFinder and the command line used to generate the results. Then a table represented by tabulated text to separate columns, with the searched models in columns and the replicons scanned for the models in row.

# macsyfinder 20220121.dev
# models : functional-0.0b2
# /home/bneron/Projects/GEM/MacSyFinder/MacSyFinder/py39/bin/macsyfinder --db-type=gembase --models-dir=tests/data//models/ --models TFF-SF Archaeal-T4P ComM MSH T2SS T4bP T4P Tad --relative-path --sequence-db tests/data/base/gembase.fasta -w 12
GCF_000005845	0	1	2	0	0	0	0
GCF_000006725	0	1	2	0	0	0	0
GCF_000006745	1	1	2	1	0	0	0
GCF_000006765	0	3	1	0	1	0	0
GCF_000006845	0	0	1	0	0	0	0
GCF_000006905	0	1	0	0	1	0	0
GCF_000006925	0	0	1	0	0	0	0
GCF_000006945	0	0	2	0	0	0	0

as a tsv file it can be parsed easily using pandas:

import pandas as pd
solution = pd.read_csv('path to best_solution_summary.tsv', sep='\t', comment='#', index_col=0)


If you want to do the same operation but based on the all_best_solutions.tsv file, you can do it with the few lines of pandas below:

import pandas as pd

all_best_sol = '<macsyfinder_results_dir>/all_best_solutions.tsv'

# read data from best_solution file
data = pd.read_csv(all_best_sol, sep='\t', comment='#')

# remove useless columns
selection = data[['sol_id', 'replicon', 'sys_id', 'model_fqn']]

# keep only one row per replicon, sys_id
dropped = selection.drop_duplicates(subset=['sol_id', 'replicon', 'sys_id'])

# count for each replicon which models have been detected and their occurrences
summary = pd.crosstab(index=[dropped.sol_id, dropped.replicon], columns=dropped['model_fqn'])

if you are not fluent in pandas, we provide you a tiny script msf_summary.py based on few lines above to do the job

msf_summary.py .

Then you can run the script

python msf_summary.py <path_to_all_best_solutions.tsv>

below an example of summary of all_best_solutions.tsv

sol_id	replicon	TFF-SF/MSH	TFF-SF/T2SS	TFF-SF/T4P	TFF-SF/T4bP	TFF-SF/Tad
1	GCF_000005845	0	1	1	0	0
2	GCF_000006725	0	1	1	0	0
3	GCF_000006725	0	1	1	0	0
4	GCF_000006745	1	1	2	1	0
5	GCF_000006745	1	1	2	1	0
6	GCF_000006745	1	1	1	1	0
7	GCF_000006765	0	3	1	0	1
8	GCF_000006845	0	0	1	0	0
9	GCF_000006905	0	1	0	0	1
10	GCF_000006925	0	0	1	0	0
11	GCF_000006945	0	0	1	0	0


This file give an overview of all hits identified as Loner in the best_solution

# macsyfinder 20220121.dev
# models : functional-0.0b2
# /home/bneron/Projects/GEM/MacSyFinder/MacSyFinder/py39/bin/macsyfinder --db-type=gembase --models-dir=tests/data//models/ --models TFF-SF Archaeal-T4P ComM MSH T2SS T4bP T4P Tad --relative-path --sequence-db tests/data/base/gembase.fasta -w 12
# Loners found:
replicon	model_fqn	function	gene_name	hit_id	hit_pos	hit_status	hit_seq_len	hit_i_eval	hit_score	hit_profile_cov	hit_seq_cov	hit_begin_match	hit_end_match
GCF_000005845	TFF-SF/T4P	T4P_pilT	T4P_pilT	GCF_000005845_026740	2674	mandatory	326	1.100e-117	393.600	0.944	0.979	3	321
GCF_000005845	TFF-SF/T4P	T4P_pilD	T2SS_gspO	GCF_000005845_026930	2693	mandatory	269	1.300e-87	294.000	1.000	0.859	30	260
GCF_000005845	TFF-SF/T4P	T4P_pilD	T2SS_gspO	GCF_000005845_030080	3008	mandatory	225	4.000e-65	220.400	0.978	0.840	26	214
GCF_000006725	TFF-SF/T4P	T4P_pilT	T4P_pilT	GCF_000006725_000270	4269	mandatory	344	1.800e-172	573.700	0.994	0.985	2	340
GCF_000006725	TFF-SF/T4P	T4P_pilA	T4P_pilA	GCF_000006725_003680	4610	accessory	187	9.000e-10	39.500	0.667	0.278	6	57
GCF_000006725	TFF-SF/T2SS	T2SS_gspO	T4P_pilD	GCF_000006725_014570	5699	mandatory	287	7.400e-77	258.600	1.000	0.836	28	267
GCF_000006725	TFF-SF/T2SS	T2SS_gspE	T2SS_gspE	GCF_000006725_018700	6112	mandatory	566	1.800e-171	571.000	0.936	0.701	165	561
GCF_000006725	TFF-SF/T4P	T4P_pilA	T4P_pilA	GCF_000006725_022640	6506	accessory	178	2.000e-10	41.600	0.603	0.264	5	51
GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/T2SS	T2SS_gspO	T4P_pilD	GCF_000006745_021980	8766	mandatory	291	3.100e-88	295.800	1.000	0.832	28	269
GCF_000006765	TFF-SF/T2SS	T2SS_gspO	T4P_pilD	GCF_000006765_044730	14545	mandatory	290	1.100e-88	297.200	1.000	0.828	31	270
GCF_000006925	TFF-SF/T4P	T4P_pilT	T4P_pilT	GCF_000006925_026070	23874	mandatory	341	6.600e-118	394.300	0.950	0.941	18	338
GCF_000006945	TFF-SF/T4P	T4P_pilT	T4P_pilT	GCF_000006945_030160	28596	mandatory	326	3.400e-113	378.800	0.933	0.966	3	317
GCF_000006945	TFF-SF/T4P	T4P_pilD	T2SS_gspO	GCF_000006945_033450	28925	mandatory	155	2.900e-35	122.700	0.588	0.871	9	143


This file give an overview of all hits identified as multi-systems in the best_solution

# macsyfinder 20220121.dev
# models : functional-0.0b2
# /home/bneron/Projects/GEM/MacSyFinder/MacSyFinder/py39/bin/macsyfinder --db-type ordered_replicon --replicon-topology linear --models-dir tests/data/models/ -m functional T12SS-multisystem --relative-path --sequence-db tests/data/base/test_13.fasta -w 15
# Multisystems found:
replicon	model_fqn	function	gene_name	hit_id	hit_pos	hit_status	hit_seq_len	hit_i_eval	hit_score	hit_profile_cov	hit_seq_cov	hit_begin_match	hit_end_match
UserReplicon	functional/T12SS-multisystem	T1SS_omf	T1SS_omf	VICH001.B.00001.C001_01360	20	mandatory	484	3.200e-28	90.000	0.985	0.820	80	476
UserReplicon	functional/T12SS-multisystem	T1SS_omf	T1SS_omf	VICH001.B.00001.C001_01506	35	mandatory	419	9.100e-35	111.500	0.998	0.912	25	406


This file records all clusters or cluster combinations (if the “multi_loci” search mode is on) which have been discarded and the reason why they were not selected as systems.

The header is composed of the MacSyFinder version and the command line used followed by the description of the cluster(s). The list of the hits composing the cluster is presented at the end of the cluster or clusters’ combination, followed by the reason why it has been discarded.


This file is in human readable format. If you need to parse the information about rejected candidates, use the tsv formatted file rejected_candidates.tsv

# macsyfinder 20200511.dev
# models : TFF-SF-0.1b
# macsyfinder --sequence-db data/base/GCF_000006745.fasta --models TFF-SF all --models-dir data/models/ --db-type gembase -w 4
# Rejected candidates:

    - model: T4P
    - hits: (GCF_000005845_025680, T4P_pilW, 2568), (GCF_000005845_025690, T4P_fimT, 2569)
    - model: T4P
    - hits: (GCF_000005845_026930, T2SS_gspO, 2693)
    - model: T4P
    - hits: (GCF_000005845_030080, T2SS_gspO, 3008)
This candidate has been rejected because:
The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 1
The quorum of genes required (5) is not reached: 3
    - model: Archaeal-T4P
    - hits: (GCF_000005845_019260, Archaeal-T4P_arCOG00589, 1926), (GCF_000005845_019310, Archaeal-T4P_arCOG02900, 1931)
This candidate has been rejected because:
The quorum of mandatory genes required (3) is not reached: 0
The quorum of genes required (3) is not reached: 2


This file contains same information as rejected_candidates.txt but in tsv format, so it’s more convenient to parse it. for instance with python and pandas library.:

import pandas as pd
pd.read_csv("path/to/rejected_candidates.tsv", sep-'\t', comment='#')

As other file the first lines are comments and provides informations to indicate how this file has been produced.

  • the macsyfinder version

  • the model package and version used

  • the command line used

then the following information separated by ‘tabulation’ character ‘t’

  • candidate_id - An unique identifier of the candidate (for this run)

  • replicon - The name of the replicon

  • model_fqn - The model fully-qualified name

  • cluster_id - An unique identifier for the cluster constituting the candidate

  • hit_id - The identifier of the hit (as indicate in hmmer output)

  • hit_pos - The position of the sequence in the replicon

  • gene_name - The name of the component identified by the hit

  • function - The name of the gene for which it it fulfill the function.

  • reasons - The reasons why this cluster has been discarded. ther can be several reasons, in this case each reason are separated by ‘/’.


A rejected candidate can be constituted of

  • clusters (can have several clusters if the model is multi loci),

  • loners

Example of rejected_candidates.tsv

# macsyfinder 20220805.dev
# models : TFF-SF-None
# /home/bneron/Projects/GEM/MacSyFinder/MacSyFinder/py39/bin/macsyfinder --sequence-db data/base/GCF_000006745.fasta --models TFF-SF all --models-dir data/models/ --db-type gembase -w 15
# Rejected candidates found:
candidate_id	replicon	model_fqn	cluster_id	hit_id	hit_pos	gene_name	function	reasons
GCF_000006745_Archaeal-T4P_1	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/Archaeal-T4P	c3	GCF_000006745_018740	1874	Archaeal-T4P_arCOG00589	Archaeal-T4P_arCOG00589	The quorum of mandatory genes required (3) is not reached: 0/The quorum of genes required (3) is not reached: 1
GCF_000006745_Archaeal-T4P_1	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/Archaeal-T4P	c3	GCF_000006745_018800	1880	Archaeal-T4P_arCOG00589	Archaeal-T4P_arCOG00589	The quorum of mandatory genes required (3) is not reached: 0/The quorum of genes required (3) is not reached: 1

GCF_000006745_Archaeal-T4P_2	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/Archaeal-T4P	c4	GCF_000006745_026670	2667	Archaeal-T4P_arCOG02900	Archaeal-T4P_arCOG02900	The quorum of mandatory genes required (3) is not reached: 0/The quorum of genes required (3) is not reached: 1
GCF_000006745_Archaeal-T4P_2	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/Archaeal-T4P	c4	GCF_000006745_026680	2668	Archaeal-T4P_arCOG02900	Archaeal-T4P_arCOG02900	The quorum of mandatory genes required (3) is not reached: 0/The quorum of genes required (3) is not reached: 1

GCF_000006745_ComM_4	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/ComM	c11	GCF_000006745_017080	1708	ComM_comEC	ComM_comEC	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 1/The quorum of genes required (4) is not reached: 1

GCF_000006745_ComM_5	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/ComM	c12	GCF_000006745_032430	3243	ComM_comEB	ComM_comEB	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 1/The quorum of genes required (4) is not reached: 2
GCF_000006745_ComM_5	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/ComM	c13	GCF_000006745_017080	1708	ComM_comEC	ComM_comEC	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 1/The quorum of genes required (4) is not reached: 2

GCF_000006745_ComM_3	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/ComM	c10	GCF_000006745_032430	3243	ComM_comEB	ComM_comEB	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 0/The quorum of genes required (4) is not reached: 1

GCF_000006745_MSH_6	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/MSH	c18	GCF_000006745_004600	460	MSH_mshA	MSH_mshA	The quorum of mandatory genes required (3) is not reached: 1/The quorum of genes required (4) is not reached: 1

GCF_000006745_T2SS_7	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/T2SS	c25	GCF_000006745_021980	2198	T4P_pilD	T2SS_gspO	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 1/The quorum of genes required (6) is not reached: 1

GCF_000006745_T4P_8	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/T4P	c30	GCF_000006745_004240	424	T4P_pilT	T4P_pilT	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 1/The quorum of genes required (5) is not reached: 2
GCF_000006745_T4P_8	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/T4P	c30	GCF_000006745_004250	425	T4P_pilU	T4P_pilU	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 1/The quorum of genes required (5) is not reached: 2

GCF_000006745_T4P_12	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/T4P	c34	GCF_000006745_004240	424	T4P_pilT	T4P_pilT	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 2
GCF_000006745_T4P_12	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/T4P	c34	GCF_000006745_004250	425	T4P_pilU	T4P_pilU	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 2
GCF_000006745_T4P_12	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/T4P	c35	GCF_000006745_007820	782	T4P_pilE	T4P_pilE	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 2
GCF_000006745_T4P_12	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/T4P	c35	GCF_000006745_007830	783	T4P_fimT	T4P_fimT	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 2
GCF_000006745_T4P_12	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/T4P	c35	GCF_000006745_007840	784	T4P_pilW	T4P_pilW	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 2
GCF_000006745_T4P_12	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/T4P	c35	GCF_000006745_007850	785	T4P_pilX	T4P_pilX	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 2
GCF_000006745_T4P_12	GCF_000006745	TFF-SF/T4P	c35	GCF_000006745_007860	786	T4P_pilV	T4P_pilV	The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 2


If a timeout is set to limit the time spent in best solution resolution. This timeout is applied per replicon. If the best solution resolution reach the timeout for a replicon, a WARNING is raised in macysfinder.log The warning is also report in the following files:

for instance

# macsyfinder 20230113.dev
# models : TXSScan-1.1.1
# macsyfinder --sequence-db tests/data/base/gembase.fasta --db-type gembase --models TXSScan -w 15 --timeout 1s
# WARNING: The replicon 'GCF_000006765' has been SKIPPED. Cannot be solved before timeout.
replicon  hit_id ...

Output files for the “unordered replicon” search mode

Systems detection results

As for ordered replicons, several output files are provided.

  • all_systems.txt - This file contains the description of candidate systems found.

  • all_systems.tsv - The same information as in all_systems.txt but in the tabulated tsv format.

  • uncomplete_systems.txt - This file contains occurrences for systems that did not complete models’ definitions and that were therefore not kept as candidate systems.


In this unordered search mode, there is no notion of order or distance of the components along the replicon. The clustering step is skipped by MacSyFinder, and it is therefore “only” checked for each type of system being searched whether there is the genetic potential to fulfil its model definition.


This file contains potential systems for unordered replicon in human readable format.

In this file, for each component of each searched system’s model, we report the number of hits found. For the description of the fields, see above.


In this mode the forbidden genes are reported here to the user. As we do not know if they co-localize (cluster) with the other genes they could be present in the replicon, yet far away - or very close on the contrary - to the potential system.

# macsyfinder 20201028.dev
# models : TFF-SF-0.1b
# macsyfinder --sequence-db tests/data/base/one_replicon.fasta --db-type unordered --models-dir tests/data/models -m TFF-SF T4P_single_locus
# Systems found:

This replicon contains genetic materials needed for system TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus

system id = Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1
model = TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus
replicon = Unordered
hits = [('GCF_000006845_000250', 'T4P_pilY', 25), ('GCF_000006845_000700', 'T4P_pilY', 70), ('GCF_000006845_001030', 'T4P_pilQ', 103), ('GCF_000006845_001040', 'T4P_pilP', 104), ('GCF_000006845_001050', 'T4P_pilO', 105), ('GCF_000006845_001060', 'T4P_pilN', 106), ('GCF_000006845_001070', 'T4P_pilM', 107), ('GCF_000006845_003200', 'T4P_pilU', 320), ('GCF_000006845_004190', 'T4P_fimT', 419), ('GCF_000006845_004200', 'T4P_pilV', 420), ('GCF_000006845_004210', 'T4P_pilW', 421), ('GCF_000006845_004220', 'T4P_pilX', 422), ('GCF_000006845_004230', 'T4P_pilA', 423), ('GCF_000006845_010160', 'T4P_pilA', 1016), ('GCF_000006845_012440', 'T4P_pilA', 1244), ('GCF_000006845_014270', 'T4P_pilC', 1427), ('GCF_000006845_014280', 'T4P_pilD', 1428), ('GCF_000006845_014310', 'T4P_pilB', 1431), ('GCF_000006845_016430', 'T4P_pilT', 1643), ('GCF_000006845_016440', 'T4P_pilU', 1644)]
wholeness = 0.889

mandatory genes:
    - T4P_pilE: 0 ()
    - T4P_pilB: 1 (T4P_pilB)
    - T4P_pilC: 1 (T4P_pilC)
    - T4P_pilO: 1 (T4P_pilO)
    - T4P_pilQ: 1 (T4P_pilQ)
    - T4P_pilN: 1 (T4P_pilN)
    - T4P_pilT: 1 (T4P_pilT)
    - T4P_pilD: 1 (T4P_pilD)

accessory genes:
    - T4P_pilA: 3 (T4P_pilA, T4P_pilA, T4P_pilA)
    - T4P_pilV: 1 (T4P_pilV)
    - T4P_pilY: 2 (T4P_pilY, T4P_pilY)
    - T4P_pilW: 1 (T4P_pilW)
    - T4P_pilX: 1 (T4P_pilX)
    - T4P_fimT: 1 (T4P_fimT)
    - T4P_pilM: 1 (T4P_pilM)
    - T4P_pilP: 1 (T4P_pilP)
    - T4P_pilU: 2 (T4P_pilU, T4P_pilU)
    - MSH_mshM: 0 ()

neutral genes:

forbidden genes:

Use ordered replicon to have better prediction.


This file contains the same information as in all_systems.txt but in tsv format. For the description of the fields, see above.


This file can be easily parsed with pandas:

import pandas as pd
pot_systems = pd.read_csv('all_systems.tsv', sep='\t', comment='#')
# macsyfinder 20201028.dev
# models : TFF-SF-0.1b
# macsyfinder --sequence-db tests/data/base/one_replicon.fasta --db-type unordered --models-dir tests/data/models -m TFF-SF T4P_single_locus
# Likely Systems found:

replicon    hit_id  gene_name       hit_pos model_fqn       sys_id  sys_wholeness   hit_gene_ref    hit_status      hit_seq_len     hit_i_eval      hit_score       hit_profile_cov hit_seq_cov     hit_begin_match hit_end_match   used_in
Unordered   GCF_000006845_014310    T4P_pilB        1431    TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilB        mandatory       558     3.8e-178        589.000 0.964   0.731   146     553
Unordered   GCF_000006845_014270    T4P_pilC        1427    TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilC        mandatory       410     1.9e-131        434.800 0.997   0.817   72      406
Unordered   GCF_000006845_014280    T4P_pilD        1428    TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilD        mandatory       286     2.8e-82 272.300 1.000   0.829   28      264
Unordered   GCF_000006845_001060    T4P_pilN        106     TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilN        mandatory       199     2.3e-33 112.200 0.986   0.714   7       148
Unordered   GCF_000006845_001050    T4P_pilO        105     TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilO        mandatory       215     2.9e-37 124.800 0.980   0.693   23      171
Unordered   GCF_000006845_001030    T4P_pilQ        103     TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilQ        mandatory       723     1.9e-62 206.600 0.935   0.238   548     719
Unordered   GCF_000006845_016430    T4P_pilT        1643    TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilT        mandatory       347     6.9e-167        551.400 0.997   0.983   2       342
Unordered   GCF_000006845_004190    T4P_fimT        419     TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_fimT        accessory       221     2.7e-23 78.900  0.985   0.294   7       71
Unordered   GCF_000006845_004230    T4P_pilA        423     TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilA        accessory       162     8.6e-20 67.800  0.744   0.389   9       71
Unordered   GCF_000006845_010160    T4P_pilA        1016    TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilA        accessory       149     1.3e-15 54.300  0.821   0.430   5       68
Unordered   GCF_000006845_012440    T4P_pilA        1244    TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilA        accessory       129     1.5e-19 67.000  0.859   0.519   6       72
Unordered   GCF_000006845_001070    T4P_pilM        107     TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilM        accessory       371     3.3e-43 144.300 0.988   0.429   30      188
Unordered   GCF_000006845_001040    T4P_pilP        104     TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilP        accessory       181     2.7e-34 115.600 1.000   0.735   13      145
Unordered   GCF_000006845_003200    T4P_pilU        320     TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilU        accessory       376     2.2e-170        562.600 0.985   0.896   16      352
Unordered   GCF_000006845_016440    T4P_pilU        1644    TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilU        accessory       408     1.5e-127        421.800 0.994   0.833   40      379
Unordered   GCF_000006845_004200    T4P_pilV        420     TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilV        accessory       203     9.6e-16 54.600  1.000   0.276   14      69
Unordered   GCF_000006845_004210    T4P_pilW        421     TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilW        accessory       326     1.7e-10 38.000  0.517   0.190   17      78
Unordered   GCF_000006845_004220    T4P_pilX        422     TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilX        accessory       203     2.8e-18 62.600  0.983   0.286   17      74
Unordered   GCF_000006845_000250    T4P_pilY        25      TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilY        accessory       1006    2.2e-57 191.700 0.728   0.389   463     853
Unordered   GCF_000006845_000700    T4P_pilY        70      TFF-SF/T4P_single_locus Unordered_T4P_single_locus_1    0.889   T4P_pilY        accessory       1047    1.9e-57 191.900 0.721   0.362   516     894


This file is created when a search is performed in the unordered replicon mode. This file list models that probably do not have not full systems in the replicon(s). For each model, the reason why it is not fulfilled is reported, followed by the model description and the components found.

# macsyfinder 20201113.dev
# models : TFF-SF-0.1b
# macsyfinder --sequence-db tests/data/base/one_replicon.fasta --db-type unordered --models-dir tests/data/models -m TFF-SF all
# Unlikely Systems found:

This replicon probably not contains a system TFF-SF/T2SS:
The quorum of mandatory genes required (4) is not reached: 1
The quorum of genes required (6) is not reached: 2

system id = Unordered_T2SS_3
model = TFF-SF/T2SS
replicon = Unordered
hits = [('GCF_000006845_002600', 'Tad_tadD', 260), ('GCF_000006845_014280', 'T4P_pilD', 1428), ('GCF_000006845_016430', 'T4P_pilT', 1643)]
wholeness = 0.143

mandatory genes:
        - T2SS_gspD: 0 ()
        - T2SS_gspE: 0 ()
        - T2SS_gspF: 0 ()
        - T2SS_gspG: 0 ()
        - T2SS_gspC: 0 ()
        - T2SS_gspO: 1 (T4P_pilD)

accessory genes:
        - T2SS_gspM: 0 ()
        - T2SS_gspH: 0 ()
        - T2SS_gspI: 0 ()
        - T2SS_gspJ: 0 ()
        - T2SS_gspK: 0 ()
        - T2SS_gspN: 0 ()
        - T2SS_gspL: 0 ()
        - Tad_tadD: 1 (Tad_tadD)

neutral genes:

forbidden genes:
        - T4P_pilT: 1 (T4P_pilT)

Use ordered replicon to have better prediction.


Hmmer results’ output files

Raw Hmmer outputs are provided, as long with processed tabular outputs that include hits filtered as specified by the user. For instance, the Hmmer search for SctC homologs with the corresponding profile will result in the creation of two output files: “sctC.search_hmm.out” for the raw HMMER output file and “sctC.res_hmm_extract” for the output file after processing/filtering of the HMMER results by MacSyFinder.

The processed output file “sctC.res_hmm_extract” recalls on the first lines the parameters used for hits filtering and relevant information on the matches, as in this example:

# gene: sctC extract from /Users/bob/macsyfinder_results/
      macsyfinder-20130128_08-57-46/sctC.search_hmm.out hmm output
# profile length= 544
# i_evalue threshold= 0.001000
# coverage threshold= 0.500000
# hit_id replicon_name position_hit hit_sequence_length gene_name gene_system i_eval score
      profile_coverage sequence_coverage begin end
PSAE001c01_006940       PSAE001c01      3450    803     sctC    T3SS    1.1e-41 141.6
      0.588235  0.419676        395     731
PSAE001c01_018920       PSAE001c01      4634    776     sctC    T3SS    9.2e-48 161.7
      0.976103  0.724227        35      596
PSAE001c01_031420       PSAE001c01      5870    658     sctC    T3SS    2.7e-52 176.7
      0.963235  0.844985        49      604
PSAE001c01_051090       PSAE001c01      7801    714     sctC    T3SS    1.9e-46 157.4
      0.571691  0.463585        374     704

Logs and configuration files

Three specific output files are systematically built, whatever the search mode, to store information on MacSyFinder’s execution:

  • macsyfinder.conf - contains the configuration information of the run. It is useful to recover all the parameters used for the run.

  • macsyfinder.log - the log file, contains raw information on the run. Please send it to us with any bug report.