##################################################################### ## FILE: Makefile.am # AUTHOR: William Stafford Noble, Charles E. Grant # CREATE DATE: 2003 # PROJECT: Meta-MEME # COPYRIGHT: 2003, UW ##################################################################### ## Automake uses this file to generate a Makefile ##################################################################### # This is the Makefile for the documentation directory. ##################################################################### SUBDIRS = examples images css js copyright.html: copyright.html.in ../COPYING Makefile $(SED) -e "/INSERT_COPYING_FILE/r ../COPYING" -e "/INSERT_COPYING_FILE/d" $< > copyright.html SOURCE_HTML_FILES = \ download.html.in \ general-faq.html.in \ install.html.in \ scripting.html.in BUILT_HTML_FILES = \ download.html \ general-faq.html \ install.html \ scripting.html # Files Included in distribution and installed. NORMAL_FILES = \ ../etc/prior30.plib \ alphabets.html \ alphabet-format.html \ alphtype.html \ ama.html \ ama-qvalues.html \ ame.html \ ame-output-format.html \ ame-tutorial.html \ authors.html \ beadstring.html \ beeml2meme.html \ bfile-format.html \ centrimo.html \ centrimo-output-format.html \ centrimo-tutorial.html \ tgene.html \ tgene-tutorial.html \ ceqlogo.html \ chen2meme.html \ tgene-output-format.html \ cite.html \ clustalw2fasta.html \ clustalw2phylip.html \ clustalw-format.html \ compute-prior-dist.html \ compute-uniform-priors.html \ copyright.html \ create-priors.html \ dmix-format.html \ draw-mhmm.html \ dreme.html \ dreme-tutorial.html \ dust.html \ elm2meme.html \ fasta-center.html \ fasta-dinucleotide-shuffle.html \ fasta-fetch.html \ fasta-format.html \ fasta-get-markov.html \ fasta-grep.html \ fasta-hamming-enrich.html \ fasta-io.html \ fasta-make-index.html \ fasta-most.html \ fasta-shuffle-letters.html \ fasta-subsample.html \ fasta-unique-names.html \ fimo.html \ fimo-output-format.html \ fimo-tutorial.html \ fisher_exact.html \ fitevd.html \ gendb.html \ getsize.html \ glam2.html \ glam2format.html \ glam2mask.html \ glam2scan.html \ glam2_alphabet.html \ glam2_tut.html \ GLAM2_method.pdf \ godag-format.html \ gomo.html \ gomo-output-format.html \ gomo_highlight.html \ iupac.html \ iupac2meme.html \ jaspar2meme.html \ log-hmm.html \ mast.html \ matrix2meme.html \ mcast.html \ mcast-output-format.html \ meme.html \ meme2alph.html \ meme-chip.html \ meme-chip-output-format.html \ meme-format.html \ meme-get-motif.html \ meme-rename.html \ meme2images.html \ meme2meme.html \ mhmme.html \ mhmm.html \ mhmm2html.html \ mhmm-format.html \ mhmmscan.html \ mhmmscan-format.html \ mhmms.html \ momo.html \ momo-output-format.html \ motif-shuffle-columns.html \ motif-consensus.html \ motif_conversion.html \ motiph.html \ nmica2meme.html \ overview.html \ pmp_bf.html \ priority2meme.html \ psm-format.html \ psp-format.html \ psp-gen.html \ purge.html \ qvalue.html \ reconcile-tree-alignment.html \ reduce-alignment.html \ release-notes.html \ remove-alignment-gaps.html \ rna2meme.html \ scpd2meme.html \ shadow.html \ sites2meme.html \ spamo.html \ spamo-output-format.html \ taipale2meme.html \ tamo2meme.html \ tomtom.html \ tomtom-output-format.html \ transfac2meme.html \ transfac-format.html \ uniprobe2meme.html \ update-sequence-db.html \ ismb94.pdf SED_URLS = -e 's%\@SOURCE_URL\@%$(SOURCE_URL)%g' -e 's%\@SITE_URL\@%$(URL)%g' -e 's%\@DEV_CONTACT\@%$(DEV_CONTACT)%g' %.html: %.html.in $(SED) $(SED_URLS) $< > $@ memedocdir = ${datadir}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-${PACKAGE_VERSION}/doc export memedocdir memedoc_DATA = $(NORMAL_FILES) $(BUILT_HTML_FILES) # force the generation of copyright.html when making a website BUILT_SOURCES = copyright.html CLEANFILES = $(BUILT_HTML_FILES) copyright.html EXTRA_DIST = copyright.html.in $(NORMAL_FILES) $(SOURCE_HTML_FILES)