Date: Thu Nov 3 14:54:27 EST 2005 Name: Jonathan Foley Email: Remote Host: Subject: mfold RNAml and RNAMLVIEW error When I try to open a mfold generated rnaml structure file with rnamlview I get the following error: a base-pair with the base n4 at the 5' side for the helix n infinity 1 is not found in the base-pair list of your RnaML file M. Zuker replies: Thank you for reporting this problem. I have been aware for a while that rnaml files were not being parsed properly by web browsers. I looked into the file at the University of Montreal and found an error in it. We are working to resolve the problem. November 18, 2005: There is no error in the rnaml.dtd file. The rnaml files from my web site are properly formatted and are parsed correctly if renamed to have the suffix "xml". It's a matter of browser settings. This has nothing to do with your problem. It turns out that "rnamlview" is not intelligent enough to read our rnaml files that contain all of the necessary information. I will contact the author of the rnamlview program as well as the Major group at the University of Montreal. When we specify a helix, we do not specify the individual base pairs as well. They are implied by the helix. I will pursue this problem until it is resolved, but I cannot promise a quick solution.