classify ======== .. code-block:: console usage: micca classify [-h] -i FILE -o FILE [-m {cons,rdp,otuid}] [-r FILE] [-x FILE] [--cons-id CONS_ID] [--cons-maxhits CONS_MAXHITS] [--cons-minfrac CONS_MINFRAC] [--cons-mincov CONS_MINCOV] [--cons-strand {both,plus}] [--cons-threads THREADS] [--rdp-gene {16srrna,fungallsu,fungalits_warcup,fungalits_unite}] [--rdp-maxmem GB] [--rdp-minconf RDP_MINCONF] micca classify assigns taxonomy for each sequence in the input file and provides three methods for classification: * VSEARCH-based consensus classifier (cons): input sequences are searched in the reference database with VSEARCH ( For each query sequence the method retrives up to 'cons-maxhits' hits (i.e. identity >= 'cons-id'). Then, the most specific taxonomic label that is associated with at least 'cons-minfrac' of the hits is assigned. The method is similar to the UCLUST-based consensus taxonomy assigner presented in doi: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.934v2 and available in QIIME. * RDP classifier (rdp): only RDP classifier version >= 2.8 is supported (doi:10.1128/AEM.00062-07). In order to use this classifier RDP must be installed (download at and the RDPPATH environment variable setted. The available databases (--rdp-gene) are: - 16S (16srrna) - Fungal LSU (28S) (fungallsu) - Warcup ITS (fungalits_warcup, doi: 10.3852/14-293) - UNITE ITS (fungalits_unite) For more information about the RDP classifier go to * OTU ID classifier (otuid): simply perform a sequence ID matching with the reference taxonomy file. Recommended strategy when the closed reference clustering (--method closedref in micca-otu) was performed. OTU ID classifier requires a tab-delimited file where the first column contains the current OTU ids and the second column the reference taxonomy ids (see otuids.txt in micca-otu), e.g.: REF1[TAB]1110191 REF2[TAB]1104777 REF3[TAB]1078527 ... The input reference taxonomy file (--ref-tax) should be a tab-delimited file where rows are either in the form: 1. SEQID[TAB]k__Bacteria;p__Firmicutes;c__Clostridia;o__Clostridiales;f__;g__; 2. SEQID[TAB]Bacteria;Firmicutes;Clostridia;Clostridiales;;; 3. SEQID[TAB]Bacteria;Firmicutes;Clostridia;Clostridiales 4. SEQID[TAB]D_0__Bacteria;D_1__Firmicutes;D_2__Clostridia;D_3__Clostridiales;D_4__;D_5__; Compatible reference database are Greengenes (, QIIME-formatted SILVA ( and UNITE ( The output file is a tab-delimited file where each row is in the format: SEQID[TAB]Bacteria;Firmicutes;Clostridia;Clostridiales optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit arguments: -i FILE, --input FILE input FASTA file (for 'cons' and 'rdp') or a tab- delimited OTU ids file (for 'otuid') (required). -o FILE, --output FILE output taxonomy file (required). -m {cons,rdp,otuid}, --method {cons,rdp,otuid} classification method (default cons) -r FILE, --ref FILE reference sequences in FASTA format, required for 'cons' classifier. -x FILE, --ref-tax FILE tab-separated reference taxonomy file, required for 'cons' and 'otuid' classifiers. VSEARCH-based consensus classifierspecific options: --cons-id CONS_ID sequence identity threshold (0.0 to 1.0, default 0.9). --cons-maxhits CONS_MAXHITS number of hits to consider (>=1, default 3). --cons-minfrac CONS_MINFRAC for each taxonomic rank, a specific taxa will be assigned if it is present in at least MINFRAC of the hits (0.0 to 1.0, default 0.5). --cons-mincov CONS_MINCOV reject sequence if the fraction of alignment to the reference sequence is lower than MINCOV. This parameter prevents low-coverage alignments at the end of the sequences (default 0.75). --cons-strand {both,plus} search both strands or the plus strand only (default both). --cons-threads THREADS number of threads to use (1 to 256, default 1). RDP Classifier/Database specific options: --rdp-gene {16srrna,fungallsu,fungalits_warcup,fungalits_unite} marker gene/region --rdp-maxmem GB maximum memory size for the java virtual machine in GB (default 2) --rdp-minconf RDP_MINCONF minimum confidence value to assign taxonomy to a sequence (default 0.8) Examples Classification of 16S sequences using the consensus classifier and Greengenes: micca classify -m cons -i input.fasta -o tax.txt \ --ref greengenes_2013_05/rep_set/97_otus.fasta \ --ref-tax greengenes_2013_05/taxonomy/97_otu_taxonomy.txt Classification of ITS sequences using the RDP classifier and the UNITE database: micca classify -m rdp --rdp-gene fungalits_unite -i input.fasta \ -o tax.txt OTU ID matching after the closed reference OTU picking protocol: micca classify -m otuid -i otuids.txt -o tax.txt \ --ref-tax greengenes_2013_05/taxonomy/97_otu_taxonomy.txt