mergepairs ========== .. code-block:: console usage: micca mergepairs [-h] -i FILE [FILE ...] -o FILE [-r FILE] [-l MINOVLEN] [-d MAXDIFFS] [-p PATTERN] [-e REPL] [-s SEP] [-n] [--notmerged-fwd FILE] [--notmerged-rev FILE] [-t THREADS] micca mergepairs merges paired-end sequence reads into one sequence. A single merging of a pair of FASTQ files can be simply performed using both -i/--input and -r/--reverse options. When the option -r/--reverse is not specified: 1. you can indicate several forward files (with the option -i/--input); 2. the reverse file name will be constructed by replacing the string '_R1' in the forward file name with '_R2' (typical in Illumina file names, see options -p/--pattern and -e/--repl); 3. after the merging of the paired reads, different samples will be merged in a single file and sample names will be appended to the sequence identifier (e.g. >SEQID;sample=SAMPLENAME), as in 'micca merge' and 'micca split'. Sample names are defined as the leftmost part of the file name splitted by the first occurence of '_' (-s/--sep option). Whitespace characters in names will be replaced with a single character underscore ('_'). micca mergepairs wraps VSEARCH ( Statistical testing of significance is performed in a way similar to PEAR (doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt593). The quality of merged bases is computed as in USEARCH (doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btv401). By default staggered read pairs (staggered pairs are pairs where the 3' end of the reverse read has an overhang to the left of the 5’ end of the forward read) will be merged. To override this feature (and therefore to discard staggered alignments) set the -n/--nostagger option. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit arguments: -i FILE [FILE ...], --input FILE [FILE ...] forward FASTQ file(s), Sanger/Illumina 1.8+ format (phred+33) (required). -o FILE, --output FILE output FASTQ file (required). -r FILE, --reverse FILE reverse FASTQ file, Sanger/Illumina 1.8+ format (phred+33). -l MINOVLEN, --minovlen MINOVLEN minimum overlap length (default 32). -d MAXDIFFS, --maxdiffs MAXDIFFS maximum number of allowed mismatches in the overlap region (default 8). -p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN when the reverse filename is not specified, it will be constructed by replacing 'PATTERN' in the forward file name with 'REPL' (default _R1). -e REPL, --repl REPL when the reverse filename is not specified, it will be constructed by replacing 'PATTERN' in the forward file name with 'REPL' (default _R2). -s SEP, --sep SEP when the reverse file name is not specified, sample names are appended to the sequence identifier (e.g. >SEQID;sample=SAMPLENAME). Sample names are defined as the leftmost part of the file name splitted by the first occurence of 'SEP' (default _) -n, --nostagger forbid the merging of staggered read pairs. Without this option the command will merge staggered read pairs and the 3' overhang of the reverse read will be not included in the merged sequence. --notmerged-fwd FILE write not merged forward reads. --notmerged-rev FILE write not merged reverse reads. -t THREADS, --threads THREADS number of threads to use (1 to 256, default 1). Examples Merge reads with a minimum overlap length of 50 and maximum number of allowed mismatches of 3: micca mergepairs -i reads1.fastq -r reads2.fastq -o merged.fastq \ -l 50 -d 3 Merge several illumina paired reads (typically named *_R1*.fastq and *_R2*.fastq): micca mergepairs -i *_R1*.fastq -o merged.fastq --notmerged-fwd \ notmerged_fwd.fastq --notmerged-rev notmerged_rev.fastq