tablerare ========= .. code-block:: console usage: micca tablerare [-h] -i FILE -o FILE -d DEPTH [-r] [-s SEED] Rarefy an OTU table by subsampling, with or without replacement. Samples that have fewer counts then the depth are omitted from the output table. OTUs that are not present in at least one sample are omitted from the output table. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit arguments: -i FILE, --input FILE input OTU table file (required). -o FILE, --output FILE output rarefied OTU table file (required). -d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH sample depth (>0, required). -r, --replace subsample with replacement. -s SEED, --seed SEED random seed (default 0). Examples Rarefy an OTU table at a depth of 1000 sequences/sample: micca tablerare -i otutable.txt -o otutable_rare.txt -d 1000