Install ======= Using Docker (that is, on MS Windows, Mac OS X and Linux!) ---------------------------------------------------------- The easiest way to run micca is through `Docker `_. Docker works similarly to a virtual machine image, providing a container in which all the software has already been installed, configured and tested. #. Install Docker for `Linux `_, `Mac OS X `_ or `Windows `_. #. Run the ``Docker Quickstart Terminal`` (Mac OS X, Windows) or the ``docker`` daemon (Linux, ``sudo service docker start``). #. Download the latest version: .. code-block:: sh docker pull compmetagen/micca #. Run an instance of the image, mounting the host working directory (e.g. ``/Users/davide/micca``) on to the container working directory ``/micca``: .. code-block:: sh docker run --rm -t -i -v /Users/davide/micca:/micca -w /micca compmetagen/micca /bin/bash You need to write something like ``-v //c/Users/davide/micca:/micca`` if you are in Windows or ``-v /home/davide/micca:/micca`` in Linux. The ``--rm`` option automatically removes the container when it exits. #. Now you can use micca: .. code-block:: sh root@68f6784e1101:/micca# micca -h .. note:: The RDP classifier is preinstalled in the Docker image, so you can check the software version by typing ``echo $RDPPATH`` Using pip --------- At the moment, only Python 2.7 is supported. On Ubuntu >= 12.04 and Debian >=7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We suggest to install the following packages through the package manager: .. code-block:: sh sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential python-numpy gcc gfortran python-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev cython pkg-config libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev libpng-dev Then, upgrade pip and install setuptools: .. code-block:: sh pip install --upgrade pip pip install 'setuptools >=14.0' Finally, install micca: .. code-block:: sh sudo pip install micca On Mac OS X ^^^^^^^^^^^ In Mac OS X, we recommend to install Python from `Homebrew `_: #. Install `Xcode `_; #. Install `Homebrew `_; #. Make sure the environment variable ``PATH`` is properly setted in your ``~/.bash_profile`` or ``~/.bashrc``:: .. code-block:: sh export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH #. Install Python: .. code-block:: sh brew update brew install python Install the GNU Fortran and the NumPy package: .. code-block:: sh brew install gcc pip install numpy Finally, install micca: .. code-block:: sh sudo pip install micca Installation problems ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * BIOM fatal error: 'numpy/arrayobject.h'. If the installation process returns a message like this: .. code-block:: sh biom/_filter.c:258:10: fatal error: 'numpy/arrayobject.h' file not found #include "numpy/arrayobject.h" ^ 1 error generated. error: command 'clang' failed with exit status 1 then you need to run: .. code-block:: sh pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-I/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/" biom-format After that you can install the micca package. Install micca from source ------------------------- In order to install micca from sources (with the standard procedure ``python install``), in addition to Python (>=2.7) and NumPy (>=1.8.0), the following Python packages must be installed: * SciPy >=0.13.0 * Pandas >=0.17.0 * matplotlib >=1.3.0 * Biopython >=1.50 * cutadapt >=1.9 * biom-format >=1.3.1 The easiest way to install these packages is to is using pip: .. code-block:: sh sudo pip install 'scipy >=0.13.0' 'pandas >=0.17.0' 'matplotlib >=1.3.0' 'biopython >= 1.50' 'cutadapt >=1.9' 'biom-format >=1.3.1' Download the latest version from and complete the installation: .. code-block:: sh tar -zxvf micca-X.Y.Z.tar.gz sudo python install If you don’t have root access ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install micca in a local directory by specifying the ``--prefix`` argument. Then you need to set the environment variable ``PYTHONPATH``: .. code-block:: sh python install --prefix=/path/to/modules export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/modules/lib/python{version}/site-packages .. note:: In order to export the variable permanently add the command at the bottom of your ``~/.bash_profile`` or ``~/.bashrc`` file. Testing the installation ------------------------ .. code-block:: sh micca -h Install RDP classifier (optional) --------------------------------- The RDP Classifier is a naive bayesian classifier for taxonomic assignments ( The RDP classifier can be used in the :doc:`/commands/classify` command (option ``-m/--method rdp``). .. warning:: Only RDP Classifier version >2.8 is supported. Install the standard Java or Java compatible runtime (``sudo apt-get install default-jre`` in Ubuntu/Debian or go to the `Oracle Java homepage `_ for OS X) Download and unzip the file (RDP classifier 2.11 2015-09-14): .. code-block:: sh wget unzip Now you must set the environment variable ``RDPPATH`` by typing: .. code-block:: sh $ export RDPPATH=/path-to-rdp-classifier/rdp_classifier_2.11/ e.g. ``export RDPPATH=/Users/David/rdp_classifier_2.11``. .. note:: In order to export the variable permanently add the latest command at the bottom of your ``.bashrc`` file.