Single-end sequencing ===================== This tutorial describes a standard micca pipeline for the analysis of **single-end** amplicon data. This pipeline is intended for different platforms, such as **Roche 454**, **Illumina MiSeq/HiSeq** and **Ion Torrent**. Although this tutorial explains how to apply the pipeline to **16S rRNA** amplicons, it can be adapted to others markers gene/spacers, e.g. **Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS)**, **18S** or **28S**. .. contents:: Table of Contents :local: Dataset download ---------------- The dataset used in this tutorial is taken from the Barelli et al. paper *Habitat fragmentation is associated to gut microbiota diversity of an endangered primate: implications for conservation* ( The dataset contains only a subset of the entire study (Mwanihana samples only) for a total of **15 samples** (in FASTQ format) and **235179 16S rRNA amplicon reads** (V1-V3 hypervariable regions, 27F 5'-AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG, 533R 5'-TTACCGCGGCTGCTGGCAC). The 454 pyrosequencing was carried out on the GS FLX+ system using the XL+ chemistry. Open a terminal, download the data and prepare the working directory: .. code-block:: sh wget tar -zxvf mwanihana.tar.gz cd mwanihana Merge files ----------- Now the FASTQ files must be merged in a single file. This operation can be performed with the :doc:`/commands/merge` command. Sample names will be included into the sequence indentifiers. .. code-block:: sh micca merge -i fastq/*.fastq -o merged.fastq .. Note:: The :doc:`/commands/merge` command works with FASTQ or FASTA files. If your sequences are in a different format (e.g. SFF or FASTA+QUAL) use :doc:`/commands/convert` to convert them. .. Warning:: In the case of multiplexed reads (with 5' barcode sequences) use :doc:`/commands/split` instead of :doc:`/commands/merge`. This command will perform demultiplexing and merging at the same time. .. Note:: In the case of overlapping paired-end reads go to :doc:`/pairedend_97` or :doc:`/denoising_illumina`. .. _singleend-primer_trimming: Primer trimming --------------- Segments which match PCR primers should be now removed. Typical Roche 454 reads start with a sequence key (e.g. TCAG) followed by the barcode (if it was not previously removed) and the forward primer. For these types of data (and in general, for single-end sequencing) we recommend to **trim both forward reverse primers and discard reads that do not contain the forward primer**. Moreover, sequence preceding (for the forward) or succeding (for the reverse, if found) primers should be removed: .. image:: /images/read454.png :align: center :scale: 50% These operations can be performed with the :doc:`/commands/trim` command: .. code-block:: sh micca trim -i merged.fastq -o trimmed.fastq -w AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG -r GTGCCAGCAGCCGCGGTAA -W The option ``-W/--duforward`` ensures that reads that do not contain the forward primer will be discarded. .. Warning:: Do not use the ``-R/--dureverse`` with single-end reads. .. Note:: The :doc:`/commands/trim` command supports `IUPAC `_ nucleotide codes and multiple primers. With the option ``-c/--searchrc`` the command searches reverse complement primers too. :doc:`/commands/trim` works with FASTQ or FASTA files. .. _singleend-quality_filtering: Quality filtering ----------------- Producing high-quality OTUs requires high-quality reads. The :doc:`/commands/filter` command filters sequences according to the maximum allowed expected error (EE) rate %. We recommend values <=1%. Moreover, to obtain good results in clustering (see :doc:`/commands/otu`), reads should be **truncated at the same length** when they cover partial amplicons or if quality deteriorates towards the end (common when you have long amplicons in 454 or Illumina single-end sequencing). .. Warning:: Parameters for the :doc:`/commands/filter` command should be chosen using the command :doc:`/commands/filterstats`. Choosing parameters for filtering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The command :doc:`/commands/filterstats` reports the fraction of reads that would pass for each specified maximum expected error (EE) rate %: .. code-block:: sh micca filterstats -i trimmed.fastq -o filterstats Open the PNG file ``filterstats/stats_plot.png``: .. image:: /images/filterstats454.png :align: center :scale: 50% In this case we are interested in the plot below (minimum length filtering + truncation). A truncation length of **350** and a maximum error rate of **0.5%** seems to be a good compromise between read read length, expected error rate and number of reads remaining. Inspecting the file ``filterstats/trunclen_stats.txt``, you can see that more than **92%** reads will pass the filter:: L 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 ... 349 78.905 92.472 97.425 99.135 99.705 99.897 350 78.639 92.385 97.389 99.126 99.704 99.896 351 78.369 92.300 97.357 99.116 99.700 99.892 ... .. Note:: To obtain general sequencing statistics, run :doc:`/commands/stats`. Filter sequences ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now we can run the :doc:`/commands/filter` command with the selected parameters: .. code-block:: sh micca filter -i trimmed.fastq -o filtered.fasta -e 0.5 -m 350 -t .. Note:: The maximum number of allowed Ns after truncation can be also specified in :doc:`/commands/filterstats` and in :doc:`/commands/filter`. .. _singleend-otu_picking: OTU picking ----------- To characterize the taxonomic structure of the samples, the sequences are now organized into `Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) `_ at varying levels of identity. An identity of **97%** represent the common working definition of bacterial species. The :doc:`/commands/otu` command implements several state-of-the-art approaches for OTU clustering, but in this tutorial we will focus on the **de novo greedy clustering** (see :doc:`/otu`): .. code-block:: sh micca otu -i filtered.fasta -o denovo_greedy_otus -d 0.97 -c -t 4 The :doc:`/commands/otu` command returns several files in the output directory, including the **OTU table** (``otutable.txt``) and a FASTA file containing the **representative sequences** (``otus.fasta``). Further steps ------------- * :ref:`pairedend_97-taxonomy` * :ref:`pairedend_97-tree` * :ref:`pairedend_97-biom` * :doc:`/phyloseq` * :doc:`/table`