.. _installation: Installation ======================= Dependencies ----------------------- A compiler that supports C++11 is needed to build nanopolish. Development of the code is performed using `gcc-4.8 `_. By default, nanopolish will download and compile all of its required dependencies. Some users however may want to use system-wide versions of the libraries. To turn off the automatic installation of dependencies set `HDF5=noinstall`, `EIGEN=noinstall` or `HTS=noinstall` parameters when running `make` as appropriate. The current versions and compile options for the dependencies are: * `libhdf5-1.8.14 `_ compiled with multi-threading support ``--enable-threadsafe`` * `eigen-3.2.5 `_ * `htslib-1.4 `_ Additionally the helper `scripts` require `biopython `_ and `pysam `_. Installing the latest code from github (recommended) ------------------------------------------------------ You can download and compile the latest code from github as follows :: git clone --recursive https://github.com/jts/nanopolish.git cd nanopolish make Installing a particular release ------------------------------------------------------ When major features have been added or bugs fixed, we will tag and release a new version of nanopolish. If you wish to use a particular version, you can checkout the tagged version before compiling :: git clone --recursive https://github.com/jts/nanopolish.git cd nanopolish git checkout v0.7.1 make To run using docker ------------------- First build the image from the dockerfile: :: docker build . Note the uuid given upon successful build. Then you can run nanopolish from the image: :: docker run -v /path/to/local/data/data/:/data/ -it :image_id ./nanopolish eventalign -r /data/reads.fa -b /data/alignments.sorted.bam -g /data/ref.fa