phase_common [formerly known as SHAPEIT4]

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Tool to phase common variant sites, typically SNP array data (i.e. prephasing). This tool is also used as the first step for phasing large WES/WGS datasets. This is an improved version of SHAPEIT4 and should serve as a replacement.

Usage1: phasing unrelated samples

Go in the test folder and run:

phase_common --input array/target.unrelated.bcf --region 1 --map info/chr1.gmap.gz --output target.phased.bcf --thread 8

The program phases data in the input (unphased) file (--input array/target.unrelated.bcf): - using 8 threads (--thread 8) - data located on chromosome 1 (--region 1) - using a specific genetic map (--input info/chr1.gmap.gz) - saving the phased haplotypes in output file (--output target.phased.bcf).

If no genetic map is specified, a recombination rate of 1 cM/Mb is assumed by default.

Go in the test folder and run:

phase_common --input array/ --pedigree info/ --region 1 --map info/chr1.gmap.gz --output target.phased.bcf --thread 8

The family relationships (parent-offspring relationships, duos/trios) are specified in the file info/ This file contains one line per sample having parent(s) in the dataset and three columns (kidID fatherID and motherID), separated by TABs for spaces. Use NAs for unknown parents (in the case of duos). In output file, the first offspring haplotype is transmitted by the father, the second by the mother.

This tools uses family data to fix the phase of offspring heterozygous genotypes when possible, that is when: - There is no Mendel inconsistency, - At least one parent is homozygous. In other words, it builds a scaffold of haplotypes for offsprings from the parental genomes.

Usage3: phasing chromosome X data

Go in the test folder and run:

phase_common --input array/target.haploid.bcf --haploids info/target.haploid.txt --region 1 --map info/chr1.gmap.gz --output target.phased.bcf --thread 8

The list of samples being haploid (e.g. males for chromosome X) is specified in the file info/target.haploid.fam. This file contains one line per sample.

For convenience, haploid samples are encoded either internally or in input/output as fully homozgote diploid samples. In practice, this tool sets to missing any heterozygous genotype in input and re-impute them as REF/REF or ALT/ALT. For all samples not listed in the haploid file, the tool proceeds with standard phasing.

Usage4: phasing using a reference panel

Go in the test folder and run:

phase_common --input array/target.unrelated.bcf --reference array/reference.bcf --region 1 --map info/chr1.gmap.gz --output target.phased.bcf --thread 8

The tool uses the haplotypes specified in the BCF/VCF file array/reference.bcf as a reference panel to phase all the data in input file. Any input site not in the reference panel is not considered in the phasing.

Usage5: phasing using a scaffold

Go in the test folder and run:

phase_common --input array/target.unrelated.bcf --scaffold array/target.scaffold.bcf --region 1 --map info/chr1.gmap.gz --output target.phased.bcf --thread 8

The tool uses the haplotypes specified in the BCF/VCF file array/target.scaffold.bcf as a scaffold to phase all the data in input file. The scaffold can contain data for a subset of samples at a subset of variant sites. Data in the scaffold needs to be non-missing and phased.

Command line options

Basic options

Option name Argument Default Description
--help NA NA Produces help message
--seed INT 15052011 Seed of the random number generator
-T [ --thread ] INT 1 Number of thread used

Input files

Option name Argument Default Description
-I [--input ] STRING NA Genotypes to be phased in VCF/BCF/XCF format
-H [--reference ] STRING NA Reference panel of haplotypes in VCF/BCF/XCF format
-S [--scaffold ] STRING NA Scaffold of haplotypes in VCF/BCF/XCF format
-M [--map ] STRING NA Genetic map
--pedigree STRING NA Pedigree information (offspring father mother triplets)
--haploids STRING NA List of samples that are haploids (e.g. males for chrX)
-R [--region ] STRING NA Target region

Filter parameters

Option name Argument Default Description
--filter-snp NA NA If specified, the program only consider SNPs
--filter-maf FLOAT 0 [Expert option] Only consider variants with MAF above the specifed value. It requires AC/AN tags in VCF/BCF file.

MCMC parameters [Expert]

Option name Argument Default Description
--mcmc-iterations STRING 5b,1p,1b,1p,1b,1p,5m Iteration scheme of the MCMC (burnin=b, pruning=p, main=m)
--mcmc-prune FLOAT 0.999 Pruning threshold for genotype graphs (internal memory structures)
--mcmc-noinit NA NA If specified, phasing initialization by PBWT sweep is disabled

PBWT parameters [Expert]

Option name Argument Default Description
--pbwt-modulo FLOAT 0.1 Storage frequency of PBWT indexes in cM
--pbwt-depth INT 4 Depth of PBWT indexes to condition on
--pbwt-mac INT 5 Minimal Minor Allele Count at which PBWT is evaluated
--pbwt-mdr FLOAT 0.1 Maximal Missing Data Rate at which PBWT is evaluated
--pbwt-window INT 4 Run PBWT selection in windows of this size

HMM parameters [Expert]

Option name Argument Default Description
--hmm-window INT 4 Minimal size of the phasing window in cM
--hmm-ne INT 15000 Effective size of the population

Output files

Option name Argument Default Description
-O [--output ] STRING NA Phased haplotypes in VCF/BCF/XCF format
--output-format STRING bcf File format for the output ([bcf] standard VCF/BCF format / [graph] graph format that intergrates phasing uncertainty / [bh] XCF binary format for fast loading in Impute5)
--log STRING NA Log file