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5.3 @chapter: Chapter Structuring

@chapter identifies a chapter in the document–the highest level of the normal document structuring hierarchy. Write the command at the beginning of a line and follow it on the same line by the title of the chapter. The chapter is numbered automatically, starting from 1.

For example, the present chapter in this manual is entitled “@chapter: Chapter Structuring”; the @chapter line looks like this:

@chapter @code{@@chapter}: Chapter Structuring

In TeX, the @chapter command produces a chapter heading in the document.

In Info and plain text output, the @chapter command causes the title to appear on a line by itself, with a line of asterisks inserted underneath. So, the above example produces the following output:

5 Chapter Structuring

In HTML, the @chapter command produces an <h2>-level header by default (controlled by the CHAPTER_HEADER_LEVEL customization variable, see Other Customization Variables).

In the XML and Docbook output, a <chapter> element is produced that includes all the following sections, up to the next chapter.