fix mscg command
fix ID group-ID mscg N keyword args ...
ID, group-ID are documented in fix command
mscg = style name of this fix command
N = envoke this fix every this many timesteps
zero or more keyword/value pairs may be appended
keyword = range or name or max
range arg = on or off on = range finding functionality is performed off = force matching functionality is performed name args = name1 ... nameN name1,...,nameN = string names for each atom type (1-Ntype) max args = maxb maxa maxd maxb,maxa,maxd = maximum bonds/angles/dihedrals per atom
fix 1 all mscg 1
fix 1 all mscg 1 range name A B
fix 1 all mscg 1 max 4 8 20
This fix applies the Multi-Scale Coarse-Graining (MSCG) method to snapshots from a dump file to generate potentials for coarse-grained simulations from all-atom simulations, using a force-matching technique (Izvekov, Noid).
It makes use of the MS-CG library, written and maintained by Greg Voth’s group at the University of Chicago, which is freely available on their MS-CG GitHub site. See instructions on obtaining and installing the MS-CG library in the src/MSCG/README file, which must be done before you build LAMMPS with this fix command and use the command in a LAMMPS input script.
An example script using this fix is provided the examples/mscg directory.
The general workflow for using LAMMPS in conjunction with the MS-CG library to create a coarse-grained model and run coarse-grained simulations is as follows:
Perform all-atom simulations on the system to be coarse grained.
Generate a trajectory mapped to the coarse-grained model.
Create input files for the MS-CG library.
Run the range finder functionality of the MS-CG library.
Run the force matching functionality of the MS-CG library.
Check the results of the force matching.
Run coarse-grained simulations using the new coarse-grained potentials.
This fix can perform the range finding and force matching steps 4 and 5 of the above workflow when used in conjunction with the rerun command. It does not perform steps 1-3 and 6-7.
Step 2 can be performed using a Python script (what is the name?) provided with the MS-CG library which defines the coarse-grained model and converts a standard LAMMPS dump file for an all-atom simulation (step 1) into a LAMMPS dump file which has the positions of and forces on the coarse-grained beads.
In step 3, an input file named “” is needed by the MS-CG library which sets parameters for the range finding and force matching functionalities. See the examples/mscg/ file as an example. And see the documentation provided with the MS-CG library for more info on this file.
When this fix is used to perform steps 4 and 5, the MS-CG library also produces additional output files. The range finder functionality (step 4) outputs files defining pair and bonded interaction ranges. The force matching functionality (step 5) outputs tabulated force files for every interaction in the system. Other diagnostic files can also be output depending on the parameters in the MS-CG library input script. Again, see the documentation provided with the MS-CG library for more info.
The range keyword specifies which MS-CG library functionality should be invoked. If on, the step 4 range finder functionality is invoked. off, the step 5 force matching functionality is invoked.
If the name keyword is used, string names are defined to associate with the integer atom types in LAMMPS. Ntype names must be provided, one for each atom type (1-Ntype).
The max keyword specifies the maximum number of bonds, angles, and dihedrals a bead can have in the coarse-grained model.
This fix is part of the MSCG package. It is only enabled if LAMMPS was built with that package. See the Build package doc page for more info.
The MS-CG library uses C++11, which may not be supported by older compilers. The MS-CG library also has some additional numeric library dependencies, which are described in its documentation.
Currently, the MS-CG library is not setup to run in parallel with MPI, so this fix can only be used in a serial LAMMPS build and run on a single processor.
Related commands: none
The default keyword settings are range off, max 4 12 36.
(Izvekov) Izvekov, Voth, J Chem Phys 123, 134105 (2005).
(Noid) Noid, Chu, Ayton, Krishna, Izvekov, Voth, Das, Andersen, J Chem Phys 128, 134105 (2008).