fix temp/rescale/eff command
fix ID group-ID temp/rescale/eff N Tstart Tstop window fraction
ID, group-ID are documented in fix command
temp/rescale/eff = style name of this fix command
N = perform rescaling every N steps
Tstart,Tstop = desired temperature at start/end of run (temperature units)
window = only rescale if temperature is outside this window (temperature units)
fraction = rescale to target temperature by this fraction
fix 3 flow temp/rescale/eff 10 1.0 100.0 0.02 1.0
Reset the temperature of a group of nuclei and electrons in the electron force field model by explicitly rescaling their velocities.
The operation of this fix is exactly like that described by the fix temp/rescale command, except that the rescaling is also applied to the radial electron velocity for electron particles.
Restart, fix_modify, output, run start/stop, minimize info:
No information about this fix is written to binary restart files.
The fix_modify temp option is supported by this fix. You can use it to assign a temperature compute you have defined to this fix which will be used in its thermostatting procedure, as described above. For consistency, the group used by this fix and by the compute should be the same.
The fix_modify energy option is supported by this fix to add the energy change implied by a velocity rescaling to the system’s potential energy as part of thermodynamic output.
This fix computes a global scalar which can be accessed by various output commands. The scalar is the cumulative energy change due to this fix. The scalar value calculated by this fix is “extensive”.
This fix can ramp its target temperature over multiple runs, using the start and stop keywords of the run command. See the run command for details of how to do this.
This fix is not invoked during energy minimization.
This fix is part of the USER-EFF package. It is only enabled if LAMMPS was built with that package. See the Build package doc page for more info.