bpp-phyl  2.2.0
bpp Namespace Reference


class  AAExteriorSubstitutionRegister
 Indexes only substitutions between amino-acids. Groups are distinguished by their direction. More...
class  AAInteriorSubstitutionRegister
 Indexes only intra amino-acid substitutions. Every group represents a substitutions for the same amino acid. Met and Trp are not taken into account due their non-degenerescence. More...
class  AbstractAgglomerativeDistanceMethod
 Partial implementation of the AgglomerativeDistanceMethod interface. More...
class  AbstractBiblioMixedSubstitutionModel
 Abstract class for mixture models based on the bibliography. More...
class  AbstractBiblioSubstitutionModel
 Partial implementation of the SubstitutionModel interface for models that are set for matching the bibliography, and are only defined through a link to a "real" model. More...
class  AbstractCodonDistanceSubstitutionModel
 Abstract class for modelling of non-synonymous abd synonymous substitution rates in codon models. More...
class  AbstractCodonFitnessSubstitutionModel
 Abstract class for modelling of ratios of substitution rates between codons, whatever they are synonymous or not. More...
class  AbstractCodonFrequenciesSubstitutionModel
 Abstract Class for substitution models on codons parametrized by frequencies. More...
class  AbstractCodonPhaseFrequenciesSubstitutionModel
 Abstract Class for substitution models on codons parametrized by a frequency. More...
class  AbstractCodonSubstitutionModel
 Abstract class for substitution models on codons. More...
class  AbstractDendrogramPlot
 Basic implementation of dendrogram plots. More...
class  AbstractDiscreteRatesAcrossSitesTreeLikelihood
 Partial implementation of the DiscreteRatesAcrossSitesTreeLikelihood interface. More...
class  AbstractFrequenciesSet
 Basic implementation of the FrequenciesSet interface. More...
class  AbstractHomogeneousTreeLikelihood
 Partial implementation for homogeneous model of the TreeLikelihood interface. More...
class  AbstractIDistanceMatrix
 Partial implementation of the IDistanceMatrix interface. More...
class  AbstractIMultiTree
 Partial implementation of the IMultiTree interface. More...
class  AbstractITree
 Partial implementation of the ITree interface. More...
class  AbstractMapping
 Partial implementation of the mapping interface. More...
class  AbstractMixedSubstitutionModel
 Partial implementation for Mixed Substitution models, defined as a mixture of "simple" substitution models. Each model has a specific probability and rate, with the constraint that the expectation (on the distribution of the models) of the rate of all the models equals one. More...
class  AbstractMutationProcess
 Partial implmentation of the MutationProcess interface. More...
class  AbstractNonHomogeneousTreeLikelihood
 Partial implementation for branch non-homogeneous models of the TreeLikelihood interface. More...
class  AbstractODistanceMatrix
 Partial implementation of the ODistanceMatrix interface. More...
class  AbstractOMultiTree
 Partial implementation of the OTree interface. More...
class  AbstractOTree
 Partial implementation of the OTree interface. More...
class  AbstractReversibleSubstitutionModel
 Partial implementation of the ReversibleSubstitutionModel interface. More...
class  AbstractReward
 Basic implementation of the the Reward interface. More...
class  AbstractRewardMapping
 Partial implementation of the reward mapping interface. More...
class  AbstractStateMap
 A convenience partial implementation of the StateMap interface. More...
class  AbstractSubstitutionCount
 Basic implementation of the the SubstitutionCount interface. More...
class  AbstractSubstitutionMapping
 Partial implementation of the substitution mapping interface. More...
class  AbstractSubstitutionModel
 Partial implementation of the SubstitutionModel interface. More...
class  AbstractSubstitutionRegister
class  AbstractTreeDrawing
 Partial implementation of the TreeDrawing interface. More...
class  AbstractTreeLikelihood
 Partial implementation of the TreeLikelihood interface. More...
class  AbstractTreeLikelihoodData
 Partial implementation of the TreeLikelihoodData interface. More...
class  AbstractTreeParsimonyData
 Partial implementation of the TreeParsimonyData interface. More...
class  AbstractTreeParsimonyScore
 Partial implementation of the TreeParsimonyScore interface. More...
class  AbstractWeightedSubstitutionCount
 Partial implementation of the WeightedSubstitutionCount interface. More...
class  AbstractWordFrequenciesSet
class  AbstractWordSubstitutionModel
 Abstract Basal class for words of substitution models. More...
class  AgglomerativeDistanceMethod
 Interface for agglomerative distance methods. More...
class  AncestralStateReconstruction
 Interface for ancestral states reconstruction methods. More...
class  BasicTreeDrawingDisplayControler
 Easy tune of tree drawings display, a basic implementation: More...
class  BinarySubstitutionModel
 The Model on two states. More...
class  BioNJ
 The BioNJ distance method. More...
class  BipartitionList
 This class deals with the bipartitions defined by trees. More...
class  BipartitionTools
 This class provides tools related to the BipartitionList class. More...
class  BootstrapValuesTreeDrawingListener
 A TreeDrawingListener implementation that write the bootstrap values of inner nodes. More...
class  BppOFrequenciesSetFormat
 Frequencies set I/O in BppO format. More...
class  BppORateDistributionFormat
 Rate Distribution I/O in BppO format. More...
class  BppOSubstitutionModelFormat
 Substitution model I/O in BppO format. More...
class  BranchLengthsTreeDrawingListener
 A TreeDrawingListener implementation that write the branch lengths of inner nodes. More...
class  BranchLikelihood
 Compute likelihood for a 4-tree. More...
class  CanonicalStateMap
 This class implements a state map where all resolved states are modeled. More...
class  CategorySubstitutionRegister
 Gather states into defined categories, and count the changes between categories. More...
class  CladogramDrawBranchEvent
class  CladogramPlot
 Cladogram representation of trees. More...
class  ClockTreeLikelihood
 Interface for likelihood computation with a global clock. More...
class  ClusterInfos
class  Coala
 The Coala branch-heterogeneous amino-acid substitution model. More...
class  CoalaCore
 This class is the core class inherited by the Coala class. COaLA is a branch-heterogeneous amino-acid substitution model. More...
class  CodonDistanceFitnessPhaseFrequenciesSubstitutionModel
 Class for asynonymous and synonymous substitution models on codons with parameterized equilibrium frequencies and nucleotidic basic models. More...
class  CodonDistanceFrequenciesSubstitutionModel
 Class for asynonymous substitution models on codons with parameterized equilibrium frequencies and nucleotidic models. More...
class  CodonDistancePhaseFrequenciesSubstitutionModel
 Class for asynonymous substitution models on codons with parameterized equilibrium frequencies and nucleotidic basic models. More...
class  CodonDistanceSubstitutionModel
 Class for substitution models of codons with non-synonymous/synonymous ratios of substitution rates defined through a distance between amino-acids. More...
class  CodonFrequenciesSet
 Parametrize a set of state frequencies for codons. More...
class  CodonFromIndependentFrequenciesSet
 the Frequencies in codons are the product of Independent Frequencies in letters with the frequencies of stop codons set to zero. More...
class  CodonFromUniqueFrequenciesSet
 the Frequencies in codons are the product of the frequencies for a unique FrequenciesSet in letters, with the frequencies of stop codons set to zero. More...
class  CodonRateFrequenciesSubstitutionModel
 Class for substitution models on non stop codons, with different parametrized rates on the models, depending on their phase and defined through a specific equilibrium distribution. More...
class  CodonRateSubstitutionModel
 Class for substitution models on non stop codons, with different rates on the models, depending on their phase. More...
class  CodonSubstitutionModel
 Abstract class for codon models. More...
class  CompleteSubstitutionRegister
 Completion of a given substitution register to consider all substitutions. The new substitutions are considered in an additional type. More...
class  ComprehensiveSubstitutionRegister
 Distinguishes all types of substitutions. More...
class  ConstantRateDistribution
class  Cursor
 Data structure describing a plotting direction. More...
class  DecompositionReward
 Analytical reward using the eigen decomposition method. More...
class  DecompositionSubstitutionCount
 Analytical substitution count using the eigen decomposition method. More...
class  DetailedSiteSimulator
 This interface adds the dSimulate method to the SiteSimulator interface. More...
class  DiscreteRatesAcrossSitesClockTreeLikelihood
 Interface for likelihood computation with a global clock and rate across sites variation. More...
class  DiscreteRatesAcrossSitesTreeLikelihood
 Interface for rate across sites (RAS) implementation. More...
class  DistanceEstimation
 Estimate a distance matrix from sequence data, according to a given model. More...
class  DistanceMethod
 General interface for distance-based phylogenetic reconstruction methods. More...
class  DnDsSubstitutionRegister
 Distinguishes synonymous from non-synonymous substitutions. More...
class  DRASDRTreeLikelihoodData
 Likelihood data structure for rate across sites models, using a double-recursive algorithm. More...
class  DRASDRTreeLikelihoodLeafData
 Likelihood data structure for a leaf. More...
class  DRASDRTreeLikelihoodNodeData
 Likelihood data structure for a node. More...
class  DRASRTreeLikelihoodData
 discrete Rate Across Sites, (simple) Recursive likelihood data structure. More...
class  DRASRTreeLikelihoodNodeData
 Likelihood data structure for a node. More...
class  DrawBranchEvent
 Event class used by TreeDrawing classes. More...
class  DrawIBranchEvent
 Event class that uses INode object (more efficient than relying on nodes id, but less generic). More...
class  DrawINodeEvent
 Event class that uses INode object (more efficient than relying on nodes id, but less generic). More...
class  DrawNodeEvent
 Event class used by TreeDrawing classes. More...
class  DrawTreeEvent
 Event class used by TreeDrawing classes. More...
class  DRHomogeneousMixedTreeLikelihood
 A class to compute the average of several DRHomogeneousTreeLikelihood defined from a Mixed Substitution Model. More...
class  DRHomogeneousTreeLikelihood
 This class implements the likelihood computation for a tree using the double-recursive algorithm. More...
class  DRNonHomogeneousTreeLikelihood
 This class implements the likelihood computation for a tree using the double-recursive algorithm, allowing for non-homogeneous models of substitutions. More...
class  DRTreeLikelihood
 Interface for double-recursive (DR) implementation of the likelihood computation. More...
class  DRTreeLikelihoodTools
 Utilitary methods dealing with objects implementing the DRTreeLikelihood interface. More...
class  DRTreeParsimonyData
 Parsimony data structure for double-recursive (DR) algorithm. More...
class  DRTreeParsimonyLeafData
 Parsimony data structure for a leaf. More...
class  DRTreeParsimonyNodeData
 Parsimony data structure for a node. More...
class  DRTreeParsimonyScore
 Double recursive implementation of interface TreeParsimonyScore. More...
class  DSO78
 The Dayhoff, Schwartz and Orcutt substitution model for proteins. More...
class  ExponentialDiscreteRateDistribution
class  F84
 The Felsenstein (1984) substitution model for nucleotides. More...
class  FixedCodonFrequenciesSet
 FrequenciesSet useful for homogeneous and stationary models, codon implementation. More...
class  FixedFrequenciesSet
 FrequenciesSet useful for homogeneous and stationary models. More...
class  FixedNucleotideFrequenciesSet
 FrequenciesSet useful for homogeneous and stationary models, nucleotide implementation. More...
class  FixedProteinFrequenciesSet
 FrequenciesSet useful for homogeneous and stationary models, protein implementation. More...
class  FrequenciesSet
 Parametrize a set of state frequencies. More...
class  FullCodonFrequenciesSet
 A generic FrequenciesSet for Full Codon alphabets. More...
class  FullFrequenciesSet
 A generic FrequenciesSet allowing for the estimation of all frequencies. More...
class  FullNucleotideFrequenciesSet
 Nucleotide FrequenciesSet using three independent parameters (theta, theta1, theta2) to modelize the four frequencies: More...
class  FullPerAACodonFrequenciesSet
 FrequenciesSet integrating ProteinFrequenciesSet inside CodonFrequenciesSet. In this case, FrequencieSet defined inside each amino acid is parametrized as a FullFrequenciesSet. Hence there are 61-20=41 parameters in addition of the parameters of the ProteinFrequenciesSet. More...
class  FullProteinFrequenciesSet
 Protein FrequenciesSet using 19 independent parameters to model the 20 frequencies. More...
class  G2001
 Galtier's 2001 covarion model. More...
class  GammaDiscreteRateDistribution
class  GaussianDiscreteRateDistribution
class  gBGC
 gBGC model. More...
class  GCFrequenciesSet
 Nucleotide FrequenciesSet using only one parameter, the GC content. More...
class  GCSubstitutionRegister
 Distinguishes AT<->GC from GC<->AT. More...
class  GCSynonymousSubstitutionRegister
 Distinguishes AT->GC vs GC->AT inside synonymous substitutions on third codon position. More...
class  GeneralSubstitutionRegister
 Sets a Register based on a matrix of integers. If M is the matrix, M[i,j] is the number of the substitution type from i to j, or 0 if there is no substitution type from i to j. More...
class  GlobalClockTreeLikelihoodFunctionWrapper
class  GTR
 The General Time-Reversible substitution model for nucleotides. More...
class  GY94
 The Goldman and Yang (1994) substitution model for codons. More...
class  HierarchicalClustering
 Hierarchical clustering. More...
class  HKY85
 The Hasegawa M, Kishino H and Yano T (1985) substitution model for nucleotides. More...
class  HomogeneousSequenceSimulator
 Site and sequences simulation under homogeneous models. More...
class  HomogeneousTreeLikelihood
 Specialization of the TreeLikelihood interface for the Homogeneous case. More...
class  IDistanceMatrix
 General interface for distance matrix readers. More...
class  IFrequenciesSet
 General interface for distance matrix readers. More...
class  IMultiTree
 General interface for multiple trees readers. More...
class  IODistanceMatrix
 General interface for distance matrix I/O. More...
class  IODistanceMatrixFactory
 Utilitary class for creating distance matrix readers and writers. More...
class  IoFrequenciesSet
 General interface for model I/O. More...
class  IOFrequenciesSetFactory
 Utilitary class for creating frequencies set readers and writers. More...
class  IOPairedSiteLikelihoods
 Base class for I/O on paired-site likelihoods. More...
class  IOPhymlPairedSiteLikelihoods
 This class provides input for the Phyml paired-site likelihoods format. More...
class  IoSubstitutionModel
 General interface for model I/O. More...
class  IOSubstitutionModelFactory
 Utilitary class for creating substitution model readers and writers. More...
class  IOTree
 General interface for tree I/O. More...
class  IOTreeFactory
 Utilitary class for creating tree readers and writers. More...
class  IOTreepuzzlePairedSiteLikelihoods
 This class provides I/O for the Tree-Puzzle/RAxML (phylip-like) paired-site likelihoods format. More...
class  ISubstitutionModel
 General interface for distance matrix readers. More...
class  ITree
 General interface for tree readers. More...
class  JCnuc
 The Jukes-Cantor substitution model for nucleotides. More...
class  JCprot
 The Jukes-Cantor substitution model for proteins. More...
class  JTT92
 The Jones, Taylor and Thornton substitution model for proteins. More...
class  K80
 The Kimura 2-rates substitution model for nucleotides. More...
class  L95
 The no-strand bias substitution model for nucleotides, from Lobry 1995. The point of this model is that the substitution rate from a nucleotide N towards another M is the same as the rate from the complement of N towards the complement of M. Note that this model is not reversible. More...
class  LabelCollapsedNodesTreeDrawingListener
 A TreeDrawingListener implementation that label the collapsed nodes. More...
class  LabelInnerNodesTreeDrawingListener
 A TreeDrawingListener implementation that write the names of inner nodes. More...
class  LabelSubstitutionCount
 Labelling substitution count. More...
class  LaplaceSubstitutionCount
 Laplace estimate of the substitution count. More...
class  LeafNamesTreeDrawingListener
 A TreeDrawingListener implementation that write leaf names. More...
class  LG08
 The Le and Gascuel substitution model for proteins. More...
class  LG10_EX_EHO
 The Le and Gascuel (2010) EX_EHO substitution model for proteins. More...
class  LGL08_CAT
 The Le et al (2008) CAT substitution model for proteins. More...
class  LLG08_EHO
 The Le et al (2008) EH0 substitution model for proteins. More...
class  LLG08_EX2
 The Le et al (2008) EX2 substitution model for proteins. More...
class  LLG08_EX3
 The Le et al (2008) EX3 substitution model for proteins. More...
class  LLG08_UL2
 The Le et al (2008) UL2 substitution model for proteins. More...
class  LLG08_UL3
 The Le et al (2008) UL3 substitution model for proteins. More...
class  Mapping
 General interface for storing mapping data. More...
class  MarginalAncestralStateReconstruction
 Likelihood ancestral states reconstruction: marginal method. More...
class  MarkovModulatedFrequenciesSet
 FrequenciesSet to be used with a Markov-modulated substitution model. More...
class  MarkovModulatedStateMap
 This class implements a state map for Markov modulated models. More...
class  MarkovModulatedSubstitutionModel
 Partial implementation of the Markov-modulated class of substitution models. More...
class  MG94
 The Muse and Gaut (1994) substitution model for codons. More...
class  MixedSubstitutionModel
 Interface for Substitution models, defined as a mixture of "simple" substitution models. More...
class  MixedSubstitutionModelSet
 Substitution models manager for Mixed Substitution Models. This class inherits from SubstitutionModelSet. More...
class  MixtureOfASubstitutionModel
 Substitution models defined as a mixture of nested substitution models. More...
class  MixtureOfSubstitutionModels
 Substitution models defined as a mixture of several substitution models. More...
class  MutationPath
 This class is used by MutationProcess to store detailed results of simulations. More...
class  MutationProcess
 Interface for simulations. More...
class  MvaFrequenciesSet
 A frequencies set used to estimate frequencies at the root with the COaLA model. Frequencies at the root are optimized in the same way than the equlibrium frequencies on branches. Hyperparameters are used, which represent positions along the principal axes obtained from a preliminary Correspondence Analysis. From the optimized positions, the 20 frequencies are calculated. More...
class  NaiveSubstitutionCount
 Naive substitution count. More...
class  NaNListener
 A listener which capture NaN function values and throw an exception in case this happens. More...
class  NeighborJoining
 The neighbor joining distance method. More...
class  Newick
 The so-called 'newick' parenthetic format. More...
class  NexusIOTree
 a simple parser for reading trees from a Nexus file. More...
class  Nhx
 The so-called 'Nhx - New Hampshire eXtended' parenthetic format. More...
class  NNIHomogeneousTreeLikelihood
 This class adds support for NNI topology estimation to the DRHomogeneousTreeLikelihood class. More...
class  NNISearchable
 Interface for Nearest Neighbor Interchanges algorithms. More...
class  NNITopologyListener
 Listener used internally by the optimizeTreeNNI method. More...
class  NNITopologyListener2
 Listener used internally by the optimizeTreeNNI2 method. More...
class  NNITopologySearch
 NNI topology search method. More...
class  Node
 The phylogenetic node class. More...
class  NodeException
 General exception thrown when something is wrong with a particular node. More...
class  NodeNotFoundException
 Exception thrown when something is wrong with a particular node. More...
class  NodePException
 General exception thrown when something is wrong with a particular node. More...
class  NodesIdTreeDrawingListener
 A TreeDrawingListener implementation that writes nodes id. More...
class  NodeTemplate
 The NodeTemplate class. More...
class  NonHomogeneousSequenceSimulator
 Site and sequences simulation under non-homogeneous models. More...
class  NonHomogeneousTreeLikelihood
 Specialization of the TreeLikelihood interface for the branch non-homogeneous and non-stationary models. More...
class  NucleotideFrequenciesSet
 Parametrize a set of state frequencies for nucleotides. More...
class  NucleotideSubstitutionModel
 Specialisation interface for nucleotide substitution model. More...
class  ODistanceMatrix
 General interface for distance matrix writers. More...
class  OFrequenciesSet
 General interface for distance matrix writers. More...
class  OMultiTree
 General interface for tree writers. More...
class  OneJumpSubstitutionCount
 Computes the probability that at least one jump occured on a branch, given the initial and final state. More...
class  OptimizationTools
 Optimization methods for phylogenetic inference. More...
class  OSubstitutionModel
 General interface for distance matrix writers. More...
class  OTree
 General interface for tree writers. More...
class  PairedSiteLikelihoods
 A container for paired-site likelihoods (likelihoods over the same sites for different models, especially topologies). An instance of this class is, roughly, a list of models, each of them having a name (stored in the modelNames attribute) and a set of site likelihoods (stored in the logLikelihoods attribute). More...
class  PatternTools
 Utilitary methods to compute site patterns. More...
class  PGMA
 Compute WPGMA and UPGMA trees from a distance matrix. More...
struct  PGMAInfos
 Inner data structure for WPGMA and UPGMA distance methods. More...
class  PhylipDistanceMatrixFormat
 Distance matrix I/O in Phylip format. More...
class  PhylogeneticsApplicationTools
 This class provides some common tools for applications. More...
class  PhylogramDrawBranchEvent
class  PhylogramPlot
 Phylogram representation of trees. More...
class  PhyloStatistics
 Compute several quantities on a tree simulateously, optimizing the recursions on the tree. More...
class  ProbabilisticRewardMapping
 Data storage class for probabilistic rewards mappings. More...
class  ProbabilisticSubstitutionMapping
 Data storage class for probabilistic substitution mappings. More...
class  PropertyNotFoundException
 General exception thrown if a property could not be found. More...
class  ProteinFrequenciesSet
 Parametrize a set of state frequencies for proteins. More...
class  ProteinSubstitutionModel
 Specialized interface for protein substitution model. More...
class  PseudoNewtonOptimizer
 This Optimizer implements Newton's algorithm for finding a minimum of a function. This is in fact a modified version of the algorithm, as suggested by Nicolas Galtier, for the purpose of optimizing phylogenetic likelihoods. More...
class  RASiteSimulationResult
 Data structure to store the result of a DetailedSiteSimulator. More...
class  RASTools
 Tools to deal with Rates Across Sites (RAS) models. More...
class  RateDistributionFactory
 Utilitary class for creating rate distributions. More...
class  RE08
 The Rivas-Eddy substitution model with gap characters. More...
class  ReversibleSubstitutionModel
 Interface for reversible substitution models. More...
class  Reward
 The Reward interface. More...
class  RewardMapping
 General interface for storing reward mapping data. More...
class  RewardMappingTools
 Provide methods to compute reward mappings. More...
class  RHomogeneousClockTreeLikelihood
 Likelihood computation with a global clock. More...
class  RHomogeneousMixedTreeLikelihood
class  RHomogeneousTreeLikelihood
 This class implement the 'traditional' way of computing likelihood for a tree. More...
class  RN95
 The model described by Rhetsky & Nei, where the only hypothesis is that the transversion rates are only dependent of the target nucleotide. This model is not reversible. More...
class  RN95s
 Intersection of models RN95 and L95. More...
class  RNonHomogeneousMixedTreeLikelihood
class  RNonHomogeneousTreeLikelihood
 This class implement the 'traditional' way of computing likelihood for a tree, allowing for non-homogeneous models of substitutions. More...
class  SelectedSubstitutionRegister
 Class inheriting from GeneralSubstitutionRegister, this one uses a special constructor which allows it to build a substitution matrix from string input specifying a desired substitutions. More...
class  SelfMutationProcess
 This class is mainly for testing purpose. It allow "self" mutation of the kind i->i;. More...
class  SequenceSimulationTools
 Tools for sites and sequences simulation. More...
class  SequenceSimulator
 The SequenceSimulator interface. SequenceSimulator classes can simulate whole datasets. More...
class  SimData
class  SimpleMutationProcess
 Generally used mutation process model. More...
class  SitePartitionHomogeneousTreeLikelihood
 Specialization of the TreeLikelihood interface for partition models, homogeneous case. More...
class  SitePatterns
 Data structure for site patterns. More...
class  SiteSimulationResult
 Data structure to store the result of a DetailedSiteSimulator. More...
class  SiteSimulator
 The SiteSimulator interface. SiteSimulator classes can simulate single sites. More...
class  SSR
 The Strand Symmetric Reversible substitution model for nucleotides. More...
class  StateMap
 Map the states of a given alphabet which have a model state. More...
class  SubstitutionCount
 The SubstitutionsCount interface. More...
class  SubstitutionMapping
 General interface for storing mapping data. More...
class  SubstitutionMappingTools
 Provide methods to compute substitution mappings. More...
class  SubstitutionModel
 Interface for all substitution models. More...
class  SubstitutionModelException
 Exception that may be thrown by susbstitution models. More...
class  SubstitutionModelFactory
 Utilitary class for creating substitution models. More...
class  SubstitutionModelSet
 Substitution models manager for non-homogeneous / non-reversible models of evolution. More...
class  SubstitutionModelSetTools
 Tools for automatically creating SubstitutionModelSet objects. More...
class  SubstitutionRegister
 The SubstitutionRegister interface. More...
class  T92
 The Tamura (1992) substitution model for nucleotides. More...
class  TN93
 The Tamura and Nei (1993) substitution model for nucleotides. More...
class  TopologyChangeEvent
 Class for notifying new toplogy change events. More...
class  TopologyListener
 Implement this interface to be notified when the topology of a tree has changed during topology search. More...
class  TopologySearch
 Interface for topology search methods. More...
class  TotalSubstitutionRegister
 Count all substitutions. More...
class  Tree
 Interface for phylogenetic tree objects. More...
class  TreeDrawing
 Basal interface for tree drawing classes. More...
class  TreeDrawingDisplayControler
 Easy tune of tree drawings display. More...
class  TreeDrawingListener
 Interface allowing to capture drawing events. More...
class  TreeDrawingListenerAdapter
 An empty implementation of the TreeDrawingListener interface. More...
class  TreeDrawingNodeInfo
class  TreeDrawingSettings
 A set of options to tune the display of a TreeDrawing object. More...
class  TreeException
 General exception thrown when something wrong happened in a tree. More...
class  TreeLikelihood
 The TreeLikelihood interface. More...
class  TreeLikelihoodData
 TreeLikelihood data structure. More...
class  TreeLikelihoodNodeData
 TreeLikelihood partial data structure. More...
class  TreeLikelihoodTools
 Utilitary methods that work with TreeLikelihood objects. More...
class  TreeParsimonyData
 TreeParsimonyScore data structure. More...
class  TreeParsimonyNodeData
 TreeParsimonyScore node data structure. More...
class  TreeParsimonyScore
 Compute a parsimony score. More...
class  TreeTemplate
 The phylogenetic tree class. More...
class  TreeTemplateTools
 Utilitary methods working with TreeTemplate and Node objects. More...
class  TreeTools
 Generic utilitary methods dealing with trees. More...
class  TripletSubstitutionModel
 Class for neutral substitution models on triplets, which correspond to codons that do not have any significance (whether they are STOP or functional). More...
class  TS98
 Tuffley and Steel's 1998 covarion model. More...
class  TsTvSubstitutionRegister
 Distinguishes transitions from transversions. More...
class  TwoTreeLikelihood
 This class is a simplified version of DRHomogeneousTreeLikelihood for 2-Trees. More...
class  UniformizationSubstitutionCount
 Analytical (weighted) substitution count using the uniformization method. More...
class  UnrootedTreeException
 Exception thrown when a tree is expected to be rooted. More...
class  UserProteinSubstitutionModel
 Build an empirical protein substitution model from a file. More...
class  WAG01
 The Whelan and Goldman substitution model for proteins. More...
class  WeightedSubstitutionCount
 Interface allowing for weighting of substitution counts according to state properties. More...
class  WordFrequenciesSet
 Frequencies in words computed from the frequencies on letters. The parameters are the parameters of the Frequencies on letters. The WordFrequenciesSet owns the FrequenciesSet* it is built on. Interface class. More...
class  WordFromIndependentFrequenciesSet
 the Frequencies in words are the product of Independent Frequencies in letters More...
class  WordFromUniqueFrequenciesSet
class  WordSubstitutionModel
 Basal class for words of reversible substitution models. More...
class  YN98
 The Yang and Nielsen (1998) substitution model for codons. More...
class  YNGKP_M1
 The Yang et al (2000) M1 substitution model for codons, with the more realistic modification in Wong & al (2004). More...
class  YNGKP_M2
 The Yang et al (2000) M2 substitution model for codons, with the more realistic modification in Wong & al (2004). More...
class  YNGKP_M3
 The Yang et al (2000) M3 substitution model for codons. More...
class  YNGKP_M7
 The Yang et al (2000) M7 substitution model for codons. More...
class  YNGKP_M8
 The Yang et al (2000) M8 substitution model for codons. More...
class  YpR
 YpR model. More...
class  YpR_Gen
 General YpR model. More...
class  YpR_Sym
 symetrical YpR model. More...


typedef NodeTemplate< TreeDrawingNodeInfoINode
typedef std::bitset< 21 > Bitset
typedef NodeTemplate< SimDataSNode

Typedef Documentation

◆ Bitset

typedef std::bitset<21> bpp::Bitset

Definition at line 55 of file DRTreeParsimonyData.h.

◆ INode

Definition at line 78 of file AbstractTreeDrawing.h.

◆ SNode

Definition at line 88 of file NonHomogeneousSequenceSimulator.h.